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[- SWF -]: "The Incessant Need for Supremacy"

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How many shows ahd you run. Just run the shows the same way again if it wasn't too many. I know how you feel though I got a new laptop for Christmas and it got stolen after the July Wrestling show I was on. But Scott reset my license and I'm back up and running and so can you. Plus I like all the SWF Competition.
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Disappointing, but things happen. I'm personally hoping you come back to it if possible, as I was enjoying your vision of the SWF. If you go with another project, I'm certain it will be entertaining and a fun ride.


Thank you everyone. Honestly, I think, with everything coming together as it did, I'm not sure if my heart is in the idea of going back to the SWF. I've come to realize what my 'strong points' are as a writer; what I do best, how I do it, and what it gives me as a writer. The SWF really does give me a lot of opportunity; however, it seems like a continous mountain of effort that I don't know if it's there (especially seeing how I would have to edit things straight through seeing how I had things laid out the way I wanted them from the start).


Call me the 'Brett Favre' of the GDS world but I do have an idea already in mind as to what would replace this effort. It's more in-line with what you've come to expect for me (If not MORE crazy). If it comes together, then it will be something you've never seen on the GDS boards before (from what I know of thus far; much like my PSW story was). If I lose some readers because it's not the SWF, or if they feel like I'm a little 'crazed', then I understand; It's the nature of the beast. However, with that said, I've come to realize that I'm more of a cult guy... more of a controversy guy... more of a 'this sh*t is weird' kind of guy. haha.


Does that make sense?


We'll see, I guess. I reloaded my old laptop (the one before this one) and totally forgot that I did have TEW 2010 bought on that laptop as well (as it was the first computer that I bought the game on). With that said, I may try to give the new project a run-through or not. That said, this computer is a little more 'ratty' at best. So, everything moves a little slower than my one that just hit the bucket.


As a writer, I am who I am; I guess. I've said before, I'm actually dedicated to the idea of writing a book in the next decade of my life (it's a personal goal of mine). So, I don't think I could ever really walk away from this board (at least until then) as it keeps me 'fresh'. That's why you can almost always expect a lengthy writeup for everything that I do; as my mind works best on a creative level.


All in all, Thank you for your insight everyone. I hope that, even if this does come to a close, that you will continue to atleast look at me positively as a writer. You may not want to come on board with the next crazy ride; but, for those who do, I can promise that you'll get more of a 'legit me'. Much like PSW, this new project will be more in-line with that 'world' than anything else. In a sense, I guess you could say that I'm going back 'to my roots' and that's something that excites me.



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