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[- SWF -]: "The Incessant Need for Supremacy"

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Greg Black vs. Squeeky McClean


So I was wrong with the losing streak angle for Black and I'll probably be wrong again but I don't think you gave Black a reasonably big win over the veteran McClean to have him drop a match back, unless you really are going to have an extended feud between these two.


Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Samoan Wildboyz


Valiant & Giedroyc continue to legitimize themselves as a Tag Team by retaining the belts here. At this point in time they may as well stick together, because they would likely get lost in the shuffle as singles.


Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts


Gilmore has all the credentials to be a main eventer but just appears to have not had the breaks yet to reach the very top, Roberts is simply there these days to put others over and make them look good.


Steve Frehley vs. Vengeance


Frehley one of those guys whose momentum seems to have stalled in recent years....I'd say he continues to get little traction going as he falls to SWF's resident psychotic monster heel.


Brandon James © vs. Joe Sexy


Sexy can't help thinking inside of his pants and once again that will cost him the victory here.


Christian Faith vs. Marat Khoklov


Sometime down the road Faith will get the big heroic win over the Russian Monster, but it won't be happening here.


Eric Eisen © vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money


Bruce and Money's inability to work together to take Eisen out of the equation means that to the disgust and frustration of the SWF fans, Eisen will hold onto the World Title.


I'm going with Tigerkinney on this one

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Random ‘Supreme Superstar’ Review…







Angry Gilmore




2010 Win/Loss Record:

US Popularity:

Current Momentum:

‘Man on a Mission’

Gimmick Momentum:

Finisher/Signature Move(s):
“Anger Management” [Forceful twisting neckbreaker], “Sky High Elbow” [High arch, top rope, elbow drop]

Currently Feuding with:
Enforcer Roberts

Angry Gilmore is exactly that; Angry all the time. There is this consistent level of irritability within his every mannerism; much like you would expect from a psychologically jaded individual. To some, Gilmore is considered to be a consummate recluse, a man hell-bent on doing things his way regardless of others input; however, in reality, the respected competitor is more so motivated by a strong emotional engine; one that often overloads leading to extreme psychological outbursts. To say the least, Angry Gilmore is an emotionally intense firecracker on the verge of exploding at every turn.


This combustible approach, both personally and professionally, has both been a powerful tool of success and a hindrance. It’s this ’emotionally charged’ mentality that often forces Gilmore into predicaments that are not entirely beneficial to his overall health. In a way, he seems to be purely motivated by his first initial thought; sadly for him that first thought is often shrouded in aggression. With that said, Gilmore often comes across as someone whose always on the verge of a fight; both verbally and physically.


He’s an uncontrollable firecracker, a raging river, and a tornado-like wind, all in one. A man fixated on aggression. A competitor hell-bent on absolute perfection.


How could that
drive someone ‘Angry’?





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”When Hell Freezes Over” Prediction Guide:


Greg Black vs. Squeeky McClean

Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Samoan Wildboyz

Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

Steve Frehley vs. Vengeance

Brandon James © vs. Joe Sexy

Christian Faith vs. Marat Khoklov

Eric Eisen © vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

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“I want you to continue to put the focus on Eric. The fans hate him with a passion; which will only lead to bigger buy-rates as everyone pines for him to lose the title. I expect for you to keep this going; at all costs.”


My father isn’t one to hold a lengthy conversation with anyone; even his own family. Realistically, This is the most I’ll probably speak to him in the next 2 weeks. It’s not that he doesn’t care, actually quite the opposite really, it’s just that his time is often best served in another direction. When I first joined the Supreme ranks people would often question me as it pertains to his shortness; wondering why I looked upon him with so much glory despite his obvious sternness to all? In reality, I was, and still am, quite use to it.


Throughout my youth, my Father was never really present. The SWF was his responsibility; not raising children.


Whenever I had the chance to actually speak to him it was often rather short in nature. A quick response here, a somewhat cold gesture there, was what I could expect from our father/son relationship. While some would cry out, tear down their perception of the man before them due to their inevitable need for ‘love’, I wasn’t one of those types. I could, and still can, see the importance behind being self-sufficient; something my father inadvertently taught me through out the years.


When he told you to do something, it was done. It didn’t matter who you were as even an ‘Eisen’ needed to eventually fall-in-line. So, in this case, I have received my orders and will continue forward; focused on delivering upon his request. In the end, if we truly want to grow to a powerful Global-Juggernaut, a cohesive mindset would have to be employed. Even if that cohesion was more like a one-sided thought process.


From a booking standpoint, the idea is ‘golden’ as Eric has quickly become one of THE most hated individuals in SWF history. Years of character development has come to a point; the moment where my younger brother was actually capable of carrying the company upon his back. Is he the greatest in-ring competitor we’ve ever seen? That certainly is not the case; however, with the SWF, that’s not all that important. Characters, personas, storylines… that is what’s important.


As we grow closer to the final hour, “When Hell Freezes Over”, one thought lingers above all…


This was the very night, the collective moment in time, where the SWF takes a grand step toward becoming a Global-powerhouse.


Riding firmly upon the backs of two men my Father has designated as of the utmost importance…


Eric Eisen…




Marat Khoklov…


Let the ‘freezing of Hell’ commence.





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”When Hell Freezes Over” Prediction Guide:


Greg Black vs. Squeeky McClean

Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Samoan Wildboyz

Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

Steve Frehley vs. Vengeance

Brandon James © vs. Joe Sexy

Christian Faith vs. Marat Khoklov

Eric Eisen © vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

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"When Hell Freezes Over" will be up sometime this weekend (Friday - Sunday). I'm only 5 segments away from finishing and expect to have it all done at some point in the near future. It's been a challenge, to be honest, to get through the entire thing as it really calls for a lot of writing (and creative development). So, with that in mind, I hope that it really jumps off the screen; as that's been a goal of mine with every SWF show (or PPV). The overall rating could have been a little higher but I'm not really complaining. At this point, It's going to take a month or two to A) get in the flow of booking the SWF and B) to get the people over who I want over. All in all, just wanted to relay a 'heads up' as to when to expect the results.





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Greg Black vs. Squeeky McClean

Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Samoan Wildboyz

Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

Steve Frehley vs. Vengeance

Brandon James © vs. Joe Sexy

Christian Faith vs. Marat Khoklov

Eric Eisen © vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

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Greg Black vs. Squeeky McClean

Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Samoan Wildboyz

Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

Steve Frehley vs. Vengeance

Brandon James © vs. Joe Sexy

Christian Faith vs. Marat Khoklov

Eric Eisen © vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

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Date of Event: Thursday, 2nd week of January 2010

Show Length: 2 ½ hours

Location: “Mississippi Bowl” (South East)

Airs: on PPV via J-Remote, North America Prime Select, Seleccion Mexico.






Christian Faith, Eric Eisen ©, Jack Bruce, Marat Khoklov, Remo, Rich Money, Steve Frehley, Vengeance

… Opening Hype Video; setting the tone …


[The first SWF Pay-Per-View of 2010 opens with a hair-raising hype video highlighting the torturous main event seen on Supreme TV just a few short days ago. Delivered in a darkened tone, we all relive the deadly chaos that entrapped the “The Dust Bowl” as four-sides of steel became a theoretical grave-yard for a number of the most beloved figures in SWF history. With that said, the disturbing images shown reignite the notion that the babyfaces have a ‘large mountain to climb’; as it pertains to the severely destructive hands of the temporary heel faction. All in all, the ‘blood-soaked’ opening video masterfully sets the tone for tonight’s event as a whole: The notion that victory may be impossible when faced with sizeable negative odds; especially when those ‘sizeable odds’ carry a sense of great violence within the fray.]


[As the video comes to a close, we are treated to the sight of a towering entrance display; one suited toward the ‘Hellacious Freeze’ that comes with the events name. Grand icebergs, frozen demons, and shooting balls of fire, encompass the event’s entrance area as the SWF’s beautifully constructed $500,000 special stage truly conveys the image of “Hell Freezing Over”. No matter where you turn it appears that the company has gone to extreme lengths in which to deliver an overall ‘big picture’ mentality; all the way down to the guardrails being ‘glazed’ with realistic looking ice. Needless to say, with a roaring crowd slammed within the Mississippi Bowl, their appears to be an air of Hollywood-esque grandeur to tonight’s PPV broadcast.]


Grade: B+


Duane Fry: Hello everyone and welcome to the Supreme Wrestling Federation’s most frigid Pay-Per-View event of the year; “When Hell Freezes Over”! We’ve gone one hell of a show planned for you here tonight filled with monsters, wrestling Legends, death-defying action, and an SWF Championship match that will, almost certainly, tear the Mississippi Bowl apart from the inside out! I can’t wait…

Ana Garcia: That’s right, Duane. We have 2 ½ hours of jaw-dropping, mind-blowing, in-your-face, action that cannot be rivaled by any other company on the planet! To say the least, we are peerless… and tonight… we’ll show you exactly why!

Duane Fry: Enough from us, though. You didn’t pay close to $60 in which to hear us speak. [Laughs] Let’s get straight into the action with our opening match-up of the night… [Commotion is heard] Wait a minute… [Commotion is heard again; Duane appears to be talking to someone off camera] I have just received word that SWF Champion, Eric Eisen, is meeting with a collection of medical experts backstage! It seems that we may have an update about Mr. Eisen’s health following the heinous mystery attack that was forced upon him last week on Supreme TV! Let’s go backstage to check this out…




Eric Eisen ©

… Learns of his Father’s prognosis …


[A somber mood encompasses the scene as a small huddle of medical experts, trusted company officials, law enforcement agents, and the SWF Champion himself, Eric Eisen, stand within an undisclosed room backstage. A look of general anxiety resonates from the youngest Eisen’s face as it’s obvious that something appears to be ‘eating’ at him. Meanwhile, with the golden plate of his championship title gleaming in the lights positioned above, Eric gently slides the fingers from his right hand across his face; possibly wiping away a heartfelt tear. More or less, it looks like “Silver Spoon Superstar” looks to be struggling with his Father’s current condition.]


[seconds later, an unnamed doctor, in lab coat and all, is seen stepping forward; standing as the first one to embrace the youngest Eisen within the group of experts.]


Doctor: There’s no easy way to relay this to you, Eric. Honestly, this is the part of the job that I dislike the most. [shakes his head] Your fathers injuries are quite substantial; there’s a chance that he could suffer from lingering setbacks for the rest of his life. [sighs; seems emotionally invested.] The truth is, due to the immense force of trauma to your Father’s head, he’s currently suffering from what we typically call Amnesia. It’s a degeneration of the brain; one that can limit another’s memories both in the short, and long, term. [sighs again] So far, you’re father appears to be struggling with remembering even the smallest of details… his name, where he grew up, even… What the SWF is all together. [Pauses] We can hope that he will continue to progress for the better; however, at this point, little is known whether or not that is possible. His case is pretty bad… You may need to come to grips with the fact that… well… Your Father may never come back to form. [stares Eric in the eyes] He may never remember who he is, who you are, or what any of this really means.


[Eric looks to be heartbroken; his body language sinking downward as if he had just heard of his Father’s death. Then again, to lose your memories is, what some believe to be, death in general. Either way, the doctor looks to tear up as well; extending his hand outward and placing it atop Eisen’s shoulder. While a comforting gesture, it’s obvious that the SWF Champion is in a state of shock over the news.]


Eric Eisen: He will get better… He has to…


[The doctor continues to look Eric in the eye; as if to comfort the SWF champion in his time of uncertainty.]


Doctor: We will do the best that we can to speed up the process; however, we can’t say for sure that he’ll come back to form. Your father is one hell of a man, a great fighter if there ever was one, so we expect that this situation won’t be any different. [Pauses] Sadly though, sometimes it’s impossible for the brain to recover following such a devastating sense of trauma. That’s just the truth…


[Eric continues to look like he’s in shock. Meanwhile, an unnamed Police Officer steps forward in which to join in on the conversation; adding another perspective of the story at hand.]


Police Officer: We’re currently working through a few leads but were unable to really move forward with anything as the security cameras were destroyed before the assault. Even with that; however, we promise to have the culprit in our custody as soon as possible. Your Father is a great, and powerful man, and we’ll see to it that justice is served on his behalf.


[Eric exchanges a handshake with the police officer; nodding his head in approval of his statement. Meanwhile, with a slight tear forming in his eyes, he attempts to address the situation as best as he can.]


Eric Eisen: I don’t know who the hell did this, or why they would have done it in the first place, but with GOD as my witness… I will see to it that my Father has his revenge; even if I’m the one who has to deliver it. [Eric becomes a little more fiery; enraged by the moment.] You never mess with an Eisen. Even as my Father lays in a hospital bed, struggling to remember who he is, I know that there’s part of him, deep down in his psyche, that’s plotting his comeback. For the time being, I will do ‘his dirty work’… I’ll see to it that the Eisen legacy remains intact.



Rich Money

… Placing a rock-solid bet …


[Just then, as Eric stands as a roman warrior on the verge of battle, the familiar tone of an all-around smug ‘Money Man’ enters from off camera.]


Rich Money: How much would you be willing to bet…


[The camera quickly pans out to see the man recently dubbed as a ‘lone wolf’, Rich Money, stepping ever so closer to the SWF Champion. At the tail end of his phrase, he now stands within a step or two from the furious champion.]


Rich Money:… that you’ll fail?


[The smattering of local law enforcement, sensing an issue at hand, quickly moves in to separate the two competitors; fearing the worst case scenario may be on the verge of taking place. Meanwhile, Money continues to carry the same smug look upon his face; smirking as if he had just ‘dropped the bomb’ on Eric Eisen. As expected, Eric doesn’t seem to be very happy with Money’s presence; growing with an emotional-laced intensity only seen by men rooted in all-encompassing revenge.]


Eric Eisen: Arrest this man… It was him!! I know it!! He attacked my father!! Arrest him now!!!


[The law enforcement agents look at eachother as if to say “what should we do” but, in the end, no arrest is made. Instead, they do their best to keep between the two warring competitors; even trying to talk them down in the process.]


Rich Money: Me? Attack your pops? [Continues to raise his lip; generating a smug look upon his face] I have better things to do then to kick around that old bag of money. [slight chuckle; staring upon Eric with extreme confidence] The only thing I care about is that beautiful piece of gold sitting on your shoulder… [smirks as Eric looks down upon his SWF Championship; still enraged] Do you remember what you told me after you screwed me over in December? Huh? You said, ‘It’s not personal, Rich. It’s just business’. [Pauses] At first, It was hard to accept, but with time, I came to understand the truth behind what you said. This is business; every last drop, every last moment, is nothing more than a business. So, me taking that title from you here tonight is… [smirks] ‘Nothing personal, Eric. It’s just business.”



Jack Bruce

… Three’s a crowd …


[A coy sense of laughter comes from the ever suave ‘Money Man’ as such a statement only riles the SWF Champion up more. However, just as you think the scenario is already at a feverish pitch, another competitor decides to rear his head into the action. Again, his voice peering over all from off camera.]


Jack Bruce: Wait a minute, did I hear you say you were going to uphold the ‘Eisen legacy’ now that you’re dad is gone? [Laughter follows] You? Eric Eisen? The only thing you can uphold is a silver spoon in your mouth; and even that seems to be in question right now…


[The camera man zooms out even more to see Jack Bruce walking onto the scene; a definite swagger to each and every step as he lazily shuffles forward. Again, the sight of another competitor draws the local law enforcement to fan out even more; generating an even crazier environment as they attempt to keep these embattled foes from one another. As expected, again, Eric is becoming increasingly enraged by the sight of his opponents for tonight; acting in a, borderline, irrational manner in the process.]


Eric Eisen: Are you going to arrest anyone here??? [Looking to the law enforcement as if to say ‘come on!’] You have two prime suspects in your grasp and you’re doing nothing??? This is ridiculous!! Give me your badge numbers… I’ll personally report you as aiding to the release of potential culprits!


[The law enforcement stands their ground, not wanting to break free from holding everyone back; meanwhile, Jack and Rich have locked eyes as well.]


Jack Bruce: Let me guess… wagering a bet? [smirks] Or have you found new material since 2002?


Rich Money: You should talk. Hair band metal? Does anyone actually listen to your music anymore or are you just like the 80’s… well past it’s prime…


[An aggressive tone forms between Money and Bruce as it’s obvious that they don’t really care for eachother very much either. Meanwhile, Eric Eisen continues to watch on with the shocking sight of a small smirk forming upon his face. With that said, as Money and Bruce come to a close, turning their attention back toward the Champ, Eric is seen quickly resorting back to his ‘hurt family member mode’; growing with intensity.]


Eric Eisen: If none of you are going to do your job then I’m forced to take care of this myself… Get your hands off of me!!


[Eric aggressively shoves his way through the room; storming off much like a pouting youngster would when in the middle of being disciplined. Meanwhile, with Eric now out of the room, Jack Bruce and Rich Money exclusively turn their attention toward each other. Overall, there is this air of unpredictability hovering around the main event as everyone appears to be potentially in-line for a major victory. With that said, the segment slowly comes to a close with the zoomed in shot of Money and Bruce staring eachother down from afar; mounds of police officers standing in their way in which to maintain peace…. For now.]


Grade: A


Duane Fry: What did he mean… ‘take care of it by himself’? What is Eric Eisen planning for tonight?

Ana Garcia: I’m not sure, Duane; however, it’s not uncommon for Eric to have something up his sleeve.

Duane Fry: The consummate opportunist, Eric Eisen is, arguably, the most conniving champion this company has ever seen! Now, with a sense of revenge on his brain, I’m sure that dubious mind of his is speeding toward a possible outcome; one that will gain his family retribution while also maintaining his hold on the SWF Championship.

Ana Garcia: The thing is, though, who says that Rich Money and Jack Bruce were the ones behind Richard Eisen’s violent assault? There’s nothing pointing in that direction right now; outside of the fact that they are all vying for the ‘top prize’ in the SWF.

Duane Fry: I don’t think that means much to Eric. He looks like he’s hellbent on gaining revenge for his Father’s demise… It seems funny though. Especially since… well.. I don’t know…

Ana Garcia: What?

Duane Fry: It’s just that, so far, it seems like Eric has the most upside to his Father being assaulted as he was. It was Eric who was reprimanded by his dad. It was Eric who seemingly has ‘taken the reigns of the company’ ceremoniously since his Father’s demise. Doesn’t that place the potential blame more so in his corner?

Ana Garcia: One would think? Something does feel very fishy about this all…




”The Aerial Ambassador“ Greg Black vs. Squeeky McClean

Singles Match


It’s pretty obvious that Squeeky McClean has a way with the crowd. Not in that ‘oh, we love you’ kind of manner but more so in the ‘god, you’re so annoying’ kind of way. This evident by the resounding chorus of mean-spirited boos projected his way as the former SWF North American Champion enters into the Mississippi Bowl. While such a response may hinder the confidence of some, it does nothing to the, already, raging ego that resides within the notoriously polarizing McClean. In a way, it seems like McClean doesn’t even realize what’s going on; living in his own little world where, in his mind, he’s being cheered by the fans instead of what’s actually happening. With that said, as you can expect, the response for the young “Aerial Ambassador”, Greg Black, is deafening by comparison. The newest ‘flavor of the week’, Black is seemingly gaining a lot of momentum form the SWF faithful; cheering him on as if he were a member of their respective families. What I mean by that is that Greg carries this lovable ‘go-getter’ mentality that tends to resonate with almost everyone in attendance. Easily, he’s become a force to be reckoned with as his popularity is slowly building; giving him a slight edge over the competition lately as the SWF brass attempt to capitalize on his surging climb.


The match itself starts off rather slow as both men attempt to ‘feel the other out’. As expected, such an approach favors the more technically educated McClean; keeping Greg’s explosive offense as bay as he quickly rides a wave of momentum. At every turn, it looks like Greg is a ‘caged animal’, looking to explode free from Squeeky’s oppressive confines; however, to no avail. Early on, there are given moments where it appears that Black may be on a surge but, with time, those feelings are sadly broken due to a cheap strike by the veteran McClean. In reality, SWF official, Darren Smith, should be limiting such cheap maneuvers; however, it always seems to happen as he’s unable to see the action in depth. With this in mind, Squeeky does a good job of continually gaining the upperhand; constantly finding ways to ‘cheat his way’ toward a potential victory. At one point, it looks as if Squeeky may even win by such dubious means, using a nearby ring rope as leverage for a pinfall attempt; however, luckily for Black (and the SWF fans as a whole), Mr. Smith is able to recognize the cheating ways of one, Mr. McClean.


As time continues to grow on, a more ‘open’ mentality begins to take form as Greg Black finds his own ‘stride’ within the action. As expected, the sudden rise of Black’s offense is starting to creep under McClean’s skin; pushing him to act more out of frustration than anything else. Strikes become a little more heavier, a snarl even starts to take form, as it’s obvious that McClean is NOT going to allow a second loss to the former “High Concept” member. With that said, everything appears to be shifting in Greg’s corner as his, more, explosive offense is beginning to dictate the flow of the match. No matter what Squeeky does, It seems that he’s unable to really keep up with Greg’s accelerated approach; even slamming his fists on the canvas in a fit of rage following a high-impact drop-kick from the speedy Black.


As frustration continues to take hold, Squeeky is then seen stepping back into his typical routine of breaking his opponent’s momentum through cheap maneuvers.


Shortly following an unseen low-blow by Squeeky upon Black, McClean capitalizes by whipping his younger opponent into a nearby turnbuckle. From there, standing in the very opposite end, McClean ceremoniously celebrates as if he were about to end everything with this single, anticipated, blow. Meanwhile, Greg Black suffers to stay upright in the corner; struggling after feeling the effects of McClean’s dubious low blow strike.


With that, Squeeky speeds in Greg’s direction…


However, something seems a little off…


Greg Black was playing possum!!!!!


Black quickly meets his opponent in the middle of the ring, speedily lunging in the process…




“Fade to Black”!!!!!! (Running Superkick)


Squeeky had no idea that his opponent was playing possum; paying the price for trusting in the scenario at hand. Upon impact, McClean’s body is seen going completely limp; his legs buckling under his bodies weight in the process. After a thunderous crash to the canvas below, Black dramatically drops upon his opponent; attempting a three-count after a shocking turn of events!


With the crowd cheering mightily in the background, a three count is delivered in favor of the “Aerial Ambassador”; marking a 2-0 record over the sneaky Vet. As you can expect, due to their general hatred of Squeeky McClean, the SWF faithful quickly shower the former “High Concept” member with a response fit for a king. While it may seem rather small in nature, winning the opening match of a PPV event, this exact moment will go down as the true start to Greg Black’s rise within the “Land of Surpeme”. This fact even resonates within the youngster as he’s seen sporting an overwhelmed sense of happiness upon his face; climbing a nearby turnbuckle in which to celebrate his accomplishment with the fans.


Greg Black defeats Squeeky McClean in 14:07 via a “Fade to Black” (Running Superkick).

Grade: B-


Duane Fry: GREG BLACK!! What a victory for the “Aerial Ambassador”!

Ana Garcia: Who saw that one coming? [Laughs] One second, it looks like Squeeky is well on his way toward victory and then… Bam!...

Duane Fry: That’s the beauty of the “Fade to Black”! It comes out of nowhere and it packs quite a ‘punch’…

Ana Garcia: With that move, Greg Black may just go far here in “The Land of Supreme”!




Eric Eisen ©

… Fearing for his own safety ….


[We open our next sequence with the sight of an ‘on-edge’ SWF Champion, Eric Eisen, standing before an unknown man in an undisclosed backstage hallway of the Mississippi Bowl. While this is the first image we’ve seen of such an interaction, it’s obvious to see that these two are in the middle of a heated conversation; their body language reeks of an emotionally-laced argument. With that said, “The Supremacist” slowly leans forward, bringing his chin closer to the scrawny man before him, relaying a statement that leaves said unknown man in an awkward position.]


Eric Eisen: You’ve mistaken me for someone who cares. [Pauses] You say it’s suicide to go in there? Huh? Well, it’ll be career suicide if you don’t. [Pauses; stares into the unknown man’s eyes] Incase you haven’t noticed, I’m the last Eisen left standing here in the SWF. Do you know what that means? What I say goes. So, if you won’t comply with my demands then I’ll see to it that you’ll be personally escorted from the arena tonight. Then, you’ll have to go home and tell your family that ‘Daddy lost his job because he’s a coward’. Do you want that? To see your children’s water-filled eyes looking up at you… their biggest fears coming to life: Their dad is nothing more than a fearful loser.


[The scrawny 30-something before him slowly starts to grab for the door handle; knowing that he really doesn’t have a choice in the matter. For, when an Eisen tells you to do something… You pretty much comply or risk being run out of the industry all together. With that said, as the scenario continues to unfold, a smug little smirk begins to form upon “The Silver Spoon Superstar’s” face.]


[With the camera man now following the two men into a darkened room, there appears to be a hesitancy in the unknown male’s step as he leads the way inward. With that said, Eric doesn’t share the same awkward fear. Instead, storming his way into the room as if he owned the place itself (in a way, he does as an Eisen). As the mystery continues to climb, the unknown male begins to speak in a foreign language; Russian. It only takes a few seconds following the proclamation of their arrival that a towering behemoth is seen standing in the far corner of the room. There, like a mountainous boulder, stands none other than the “Russian War Machine”, Marat Khoklov.]



Marat Khoklov

… ‘Life Insurance’ …


[With the sight of Marat now in full view, the SWF Champion’s confident swagger appears to go MIA; obviously fearful of the towering monster before him. With that said; however, he came into this scenario with a purpose in mind. So, attempting to calm himself down, “The Supremacist” is seen shoving the back corner of the unknown man’s back; symbolizing, as we can expect, to translate Eric’s every word into a language that Marat can actually understand. Ultimately using the poor translator as a buffer between he and Khoklov; a move that can be seen as sheepish, while also intelligent as the Russian monster is obviously unpredictable in nature.]


Eric Eisen: I just need a moment of your time, Marat. Then you can go back to… to… what ever it is that you do.


[Marat tilts his head sideways much like a dog would when trying to comprehend what is being projected before him. With that, Eric, again, slams the back of his fist upon the translators back; forcing him to relay his message in Russian. Upon such a translation, the SWF Champion continues forward with his offer; knowing that it could be a ‘shot in the dark’; however, at this point, he’ll take anything.]


Eric Eisen: When my father first signed you to the SWF, he practically ‘broke the bank’ in which to prove his investment in you and your career. Honestly, there were many ‘naysayers’ within the bunch; however, he saw something in you; that raw, unadulterated, power that only comes to those who truly possess a gift; a gift of domination. He placed his reputation, and this very company, on your shoulders at that given moment; proudly proclaiming you as ‘the unmovable force’ that would go onto revolutionize the SWF world-wide for years to come. [Pauses; looks straight at Marat] He did that for you… and now… He needs you to do the same for him.


[The Russian translator does his best to convey Eric’s overall message as the SWF Champion stands back, watching from a far, sporting an arrogant smirk upon his face during the whole process.]


Eric Eisen: Well, really… The family needs you, Marat. You see, the heinous attack on my Father last week has finally proved something to us all: that, as an Eisen, we are a ‘hunted’ bunch. I’m not safe; even in my Father’s company. So, with that, I need to find protection. Call it a ‘Life Insurance’ if you will. [Pauses; smirks] That’s why I’ve come to you as I would like for you… to be my ‘Insurance Policy’.


[A devilish smirk forms upon Eric’s face as it’s obvious that this proposal carries a selfish undertone within it all. Meanwhile, Marat appears to be interested in some manner as he hasn’t already taken Eric’s head off.]


Eric Eisen: I know, I know… Your allegiance to my Father is not enough to keep you on board. That’s why I’ve decided to offer you the one thing you cannot gain on your own accord: Power. Yes, we all know that you can steamroll through opponents at will. Hell, most of the SWF fears you. However, that’s just ‘natural power’. What you need to succeed in this industry is ‘corporate power’. This isn’t like your homeland, Marat. You can’t simply ‘rise to the top’ through brute force; ohh no. You need to have a backer; a sponsor in which to ‘get you’ to that point. That’s where I come in. [Evil smirk] I can give you that ‘power’ that you need; I’m an Eisen.


[Eric continues to sport his arrogant, and somewhat unsettling, smirk; knowing full well that, even Marat, can’t turn down ‘corporate power’. Despite their language differences money, fame, and power travel universally.]


Eric Eisen: Easy enough, You ‘scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours’. Sound good?


[Eric waits for the Russian translator to finish his latest translation before he nods his head as if to ‘agree’ with the message. Meanwhile, upon hearing the proposal, Marat slowly returns the favorable nod; actually smirking for the first time in SWF history. Again, while they don’t speak the same language naturally; the offer of power unites them both. With that said, knowing that he now has Marat Khoklov in his corner, Eric attempts to fight back his overwhelming sense of joyful laughter; knowing EXACTLY what this tentative alliance means for the SWF Champion. All in all, through such a formation, Eric only grows with confidence; letting his guard down slightly as he appears to be happy with the outcome of his meeting.]


Eric Eisen: Perfect. You start tonight…


[With that, the segment comes to a close with the sight of Eric Eisen grinning like a little school-girl; an evil, conniving, school-girl at that. In a true ‘hail mary’ kind of scenario, the SWF Champion has seemingly cemented his own place atop the SWF with the supposed help of the “Russian War Machine”. What he means by ‘starting tonight’ has yet to be seen; however, it’s expected to be in favor of Mr. Eisen; as all of his master plans do.]


Grade: B+


Duane Fry: He’ll start tonight? What does that mean? What does Eric Eisen have up his sleeve this time?

Ana Garcia: I’m not sure, but seeing how tonight’s main event is a No DQ match; I’m guessing all of this has something to do with the SWF Championship match tonight!

Duane Fry: That’s true. Is Eric employing his own ‘truth-finder’? Will he find his Father’s attacker through the force of Marat Khoklov? Or is this simply his plan to stay in control of the SWF Championship in times of uncertainty? They don’t call him controversial for nothing, ladies and gentlemen…




Jack Giedroyc & Valiant © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Samoan Wildboyz

Three-way Tag Team Match

SWF Tag Team Championships Match



The sweeping narrative of uncertainty continues forth with our 2nd match of the night as the unproven SWF Tag Team Champions, Valiant and Jack Giedroyc, look to accomplish the, seemingly, impossible: overcome two powerhouse Supreme Tag Teams in route toward validation of their own cause. While both Jack and Valiant are equally understood as ‘great singles competitors’, the counter-opposite resonates as it pertains to their ability to work as one. It’s true that they currently covet the top tandem prize in the “Land of Supreme”; however, whispers have arose; questioning their ability to defeat the top tag teams the company has to offer. With that said, tonight’s three-way tag match brings that very same line of questioning to the forefront; giving the newly established duo the opportunity to either A) Silence the critics or B) succumb to their own ‘greenness’ as an ‘infant tandem’.


With that said, as I do with most matches that house a larger amount of people, I’ve decided to break this down in the form of what narratives took hold during competition. Without further ado, I give to you the action that unfolded during the first championship match of the night:


1) The Samoan Wildboys are ‘insane’: They truly are ‘intensity’ personified; as it pertains to SWF tag teams with an aggressive tone. From the very start, exploding out of the backstage area with ‘evil intent’ on their mind, the Samoan brothers look to be on the verge of a hellacious war based on conquering all that stands before them. Their antics are rather forceful, their mindset obviously focused as a warrior would, and their physical arsenal appears much like a savage beast’s attempt at combat. More or less, the Wildboyz are exactly that… Wild and extremely unpredictable. While not unique to them exclusively, this approach bodes well for the youngster duo as they truly project this ‘animalistic’ vibe that tends to be plastered upon most Samoan competitors. While some see this as stereotypical, they play the characters rather well; ultimately bringing in a sense of believability to their craft.


2) The Amazing Bumfholes are exactly that… Amazing: There’s no questioning WHY these two are, quite possibly, the most beloved tandem in SWF history. Their in-ring approach best resembles a comet speeding toward earth; accelerating at speeds unknown as they ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ spectators with an array of jaw-dropping, seamless, action. To say the least, their modern approach appears to really resonate with the SWF faithful as they are a perfect change of pace to the big bruisers of the “Land of Supreme”. The downside; however, is that their offense tends to mirror a ‘pinball’ mentality at points; bouncing around randomly as they almost ask for their opponents to take advantage of the ‘high risk’ approach laid before them. In the end, while ‘hot and flashy’, the Bumfhole brothers only seem to deliver in spurts. Why? Their speedy, and borderline reckless, approach plays well into the Samoan’s hands; flooring the accelerated tandem on various occasions with a slew of power-based reversals. While this is true, there’s always that thought in the back of your mind that the Bumfholes may pull one out this time; as they are often one high risk move away from a victory at all points. (Then again, the same can be said in reverse; “They are often one high risk move gone wrong away from a blazing loss.)


3) Valiant and Jack Giedroyc are rusty: While SWF tag team champions, Valiant and Jack Giedroyc look exactly as they should: A team desperately trying to ‘learn on the job’ as they attempt to hang onto their beloved gold. It’s true that they do a pretty damn good job of making it seem ‘easy’; however, there are dreadful points where it’s obvious that the two of them have a long way to go before they’ll ever be seen as the TOP Tag Team in SWF history. Either way, they aren’t all that shabby from the start. Sure, they do have their down-moments through it all; but, it’s pretty easy to see that they have a level of ‘raw talent’ as a tandem.


4)Just as the storyline has been… These three teams are locked in craziness: The storyline leading up to the PPV has been one cemented in continuous craziness. At one point, it seemed like Valiant and Jack Giedroyc were on the verge of only feuding with the beloved Bumfholes; however, following a recent Supreme TV event, the Samoan Wildboyz reared their ugly heads with a deadly assault centered on both teams. This very same narrative continues forth in this sanctioned altercation as it still carries the feeling that the Bumfholes are the TRUE challengers; while the Samoan Wildboyz are simply there to raise hell the entire way through. With that said, there’s a combative mentality that begins to take place within the squared circle: one centered on the fact that ‘there isn’t enough room for these three teams within the ring’. This narrative is constantly relayed by the SWF announcers as the overall goal is to make the match-up seem frantic in nature.


As the match nears it’s highly combustible end, all chaos appears to be taking effect. Bodies are flying everywhere, people are constantly being thrown in, and out of, the ring, and a general sense of elevated desperation begins to take hold. To most wrestling fans, It’s quite evident that the end is coming very soon as this kind of exchange often ends in a triumphant final blow.


And that’s exactly what happens…


As everyone is being tossed all around the ringside area, the windows opens up for Akima Brave to quickly slide back into the ring; standing as the legal man of his tandem. With Valiant’s back turned to Akima, focused on potentially slinging himself over the top rope and onto the action below, the Wild Samoan brutally slams into the back of the unsuspecting SWF tag champion. The blow, extremely forceful in nature, almost shoves Valiant Square out of the ring; however, Akima has enough sense in which to catch his falling frame. From there, Akima quickly sets up Valiant for a reverse DDT and goes to execute the maneuver…






Jack Giedroyc is seen sliding back into the ring, hitting Akima from behind with his own closeline, just in the nick-of-time. The strike forces Akima to break his hold of Valiant, turning his attention toward Jack in which to land a fiery punch of his own. However, in doing so, he opens up his body to a resurging Valiant.


With Akima’s back now turned, Valiant quickly executes his signature, “Patriot Missle” (Side-belly-to-back Release Suplex), to much fanfare! Within seconds, and without anyone there to break the pinfall attempt, Valiant picks up the standard three count from Darren Smith; all the while as his tag partner stands guard.


In one victory, the SWF Tag Champions easily look like a force to be reckoned with. Not only did they defeat two of the top SWF tag teams currently on the roster; but, they did so in a cohesive fashion. None the less, hopefully silencing their critics in the process, Valiant and Jack Giedroyc quickly obtain control of their championship belts; standing within the squared circle as a ‘new found powerhouse amongst the other Supreme Superstars”.


Valiant and Jack Giedroyc retain the SWF Tag Team Championship in 8:19 by defeating The Samoan Wildboyz and the Amazing Bumfholes. The victory came when Valiant executed his signature “Patriot Missile” (Side belly-to-back Release Suplex) upon an unsuspecting Akima Brave. This marks Valiant and Jack Giedroyc’s 1st title defense as the SWF World Tag Team Champions.

Grade: D+


Ana Garcia: Put the critics to bed, SWF-Nation, Valiant and Jack Giedroyc have done it!

Duane Fry: I still don’t know if I can trust in them 100% as a team, but, tonight’s win does a lot to sway my opinion. They looked like an experienced team out there! Great work.

Ana Garcia: I honestly though that the Samoan Wildboyz had that one at the end there… wow! We were seconds from new champs and then… out of nowhere… Jack Giedroyc changes the outcome in a matter of seconds!

Duane Fry: Instead of questioning where we go from here, I’m going to give it up to these two; allow them to bask in the glory for one night. Congratulations Valiant and Giedroyc! You’re well on your way!




Angry Gilmore

… Pre-match promo …


[We slowly transition from the sight of the SWF Tag Champions standing gloriously in the middle of the ring to see the SWF’s resident ‘ornery instigator’, Angry Gilmore, standing before the camera lens; backstage. His mannerisms, like always, reek of pent-up-aggression as it’s widely known that Gilmore is a little too intense; even for his own good. With a heavy vein starting to show upon his forehead, jetting out as if it were about to take part in the promo as well, the severely agitated Supreme Superstar begins to speak; leveling his signature, almost uncomfortable, intense tone as the camera man zooms in for a tight shot.]


Angry Gilmore: I’m sick and tired of being told that “my time is coming”. For years now, I’ve been force-fed the same bull: “It’s only a matter of time Gilmore. Just you wait… You’ll get your chance really soon.” [Pauses; snarls] I’ve waited my turn and to be honest… I’m sick of hanging on the sidelines. [Crowd pop’s in the background as Gilmore pauses again] Now, with Mr. Eisen hung up in a hospital bed somewhere, my chance has finally come; the single greatest moment in my career as I, no longer, have an unmovable force holding me down. It’s true, Mr. Eisen has oppressed a lot of us; however, I don’t really care about joining in on any pity parades. Instead, this is my time to take that giant step forward; rightfully accepting my place as one of the TOP Supreme Superstars this company has ever seen!


[The crowd loudly pops again, in the background, as Angry Gilmore has now grabbed the camera lens with his own bare hands. Pulling the camera closer to his face, Gilmore continues forward with his intensely piercing promo; physically showing signs of his internal rage through out.]


Angry Gilmore: It’ll take a lot of heart, and quite possibly my entire body, to get to that point but that’s a war I’m ready to wage. No Longer!!! [Growing with more intensity; shaking has he speaks] will I have to break my body for nothing; destroy my career as I idle in the background. No Longer…


[Just then, Gilmore’s focus appears to shift; his eyes appearing as if he were a territorial Lion on the verge of ripping apart it’s prey. Slowly, he subsides his ‘iron grip’ of the camera before him, slowly stepping forward as the camera man, himself, attempts to refocus quickly enough to give us all a vision of what he’s seeing. In time, as the focus comes back full-force, we now witness the sight of Angry Gilmore standing nose-to-nose with an equally intense foe, Remo.]




… Surprise interruption …


[The crowd, watching this on the large video screen at ringside, quickly showers the impeding Remo with a hefty chorus of boos; a sentiment that Angry Gilmore seems to share as it’s quite obvious that he isn’t happy to see him. For a brief second, both men are seen staring silently; however, entrenched in a combative narrative as either man looks as if they could strike at any second now. With time, Angry Gilmore is heard verbally addressing the massive-framed brawler; still holding the same intense nature that he projected during his promo.]


Angry Gilmore: What the hell do you want?


[Remo continues to stare forward; somewhat calm in his demeanor as he simply doesn’t budge (not even vocally). Meanwhile, in contrast, Angry Gilmore looks as if he could literally explode; his body raging over the scenario before him (being interrupted; especially during a promo that was suppose to be about him taking control of his destiny). While he would have liked a response, Remo continues to stare forward silently; however, with an intense undertone to his gaze.]


Angry Gilmore: Others may fear you but I sure as hell don’t, Remo. [stares intensely] You’re just another punk in need of an ‘Attitude Adjustment.”


[A slight smirk forms upon Remo’s face as the personally stoek, and professionally intense, fighter appears to internally laugh off Gilmore’s aggressive message. With a heavy-display of arrogance surging through his veins, the big-man finally responds to Gilmore’s verbal onslaught; still keeping everything rather short as what’s custom with his persona.]


Remo: This is your time? [Pauses; stares calmly in Gilmore’s face] We’ll see about that….


[With that, Remo strongly walks past Angry Gilmore; slamming his shoulder into his as he exits the scene. As expected, such a strike only infuriates the much smaller Gilmore even more; raising his aggressive nature to a feverish pitch. As the scene comes to a close, the camera man quickly zooms in on the upper body of the slighted ‘Angry One’; watching on as he peers intensely in the same direction that Remo had just walked.]


Grade: B


Duane Fry: I have a feeling that this isn’t the last time these two will ‘lock horns’…

Ana Garcia: There’s no doubt in my mind about that one, Duane. Did you see the fire forming between the two of them? Honestly, I thought someone, if not both of them, were seconds from a hospital visit to be honest.

Duane Fry: We’ll have to keep a close eye on this one, Ladies and Gentlemen. We could have just witnessed the beginning of something very combustible between these two.




Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

Singles Match


Do you know what it looks like to watch two masterful bull-fighters square off in a competition of wits, determination, and skill? This is, in a sense, the very same feeling that surrounds part II of the Gilmore/Roberts epic. Two men, known for their iconic understanding of the technical trade, stare eachother down from opposite sides of the squared circle; intently focused upon the other as they mentally construct their opening scenario within. With that said, it seems that these two competitors are somewhat of equals; ‘butting-heads’ aggressively in the opening minutes as both attempt their hard-headed approach to their predesigned gameplan. Blocks, reversals, broken holds; this is exactly what’s seen as both, Gilmore and Roberts, are unable to really implement their desired approach. As you can expect, this drives both to take a step back for a second; redesigning their focus as the SWF faithful shower the two embattled competitors with a resounding wave of ‘love’.


Despite the outpour, it seems as if Gilmore and Roberts are unaware to the praise; locked in their ‘own world’ as they find themselves locked within the zone. For the most part, It seems like neither man is really aware of anything outside of the action at hand; zeroing in on their opponent like a surgeon would survey an injured body. Their focus is so severe, so dead-on, that it actually drives both men to turn rather obsessive. With every passing mistake, or every maneuver the other opponent is able to administer, the other competitor has a look of annoyance eating away at them. In a sense, it looks like either man is so dedicated to a victory, and a dominating one at that, that every passing moment that isn’t helping their cause causes them to grow with intensity.


Most would expect such an approach to slowly derail the action, bringing the matches end a lot sooner than normal; however, in this case, both men don’t appear to be slowing down in the slightest. As everything continues to drag on, it appears that the ‘openness’ of their action continues to take hold; generating a highly competitive nature between the two of them. In a way, it feels as if these two think that it’s ‘Supreme Challenge’; putting their bodies, and minds, on the line in which to come away with one single victory. While it’s rather trying, neither man looks as if they are willing to give up on their need for a win.


As the minutes continue to climb, it seems that the outcome could go either way; truthfully. While Angry Gilmore is, arguably, the bigger Supreme Superstar in this altercation, Enforcer Roberts shows that he’s no slouch in the slightest. In reality, the battle-tested veteran looks as sharp as ever; motivated by his own internal desire to not simply ‘fade away’ within the “Land of Supreme”.


After what feels like forever, with both men giving it their absolute all in remarkable fashion, the intense altercation comes to it’s eventful end. With both men still very much so entangled in the notion of a victory, both push hard; hoping to potentially come away with the win. In the end, that ‘win’ would come by the hands of a wrenching submission hold.


As Enforcer Roberts attempts to lift Angry Gilmore over his head, looking to execute a standard Suplex maneuver, Gilmore is aware enough in which to slip out of the hold; coming over the back of the unsuspecting Roberts. With Gilmore now in a great position, standing behind a staggered Roberts, the ‘Angry One’ quickly executes a snap Russian-leg-sweep-front-face; slamming Robert’s face directly into the canvas. Now, with Roberts struggling to regain his composure, Gilmore quickly maneuvers his body in which to lock in a simple cross-face submission hold.


Roberts fights…


And fights…


And fights some more…


But, it’s just too much for him at this point. After 45 seconds of being subjected to such a deadly maneuver, Roberts has finally decided to call it quits; slamming his free hand down upon the canvas. The very second that the bell is rung, signaling Gilmore’s triumphant victory, Angry is seen instantly subsiding his submission attempt. While he’s the lucky one to walk away with the win tonight, you never would have thought so. The ornery, somewhat jaded, Gilmore is seen forcibly pulling his arm away from the referee as he goes to celebrate such a victory. Either way, while the move looks rather heelish to some, the crowd continues to shower the newly developed babyface Gilmore; in-love with his truly aggressive, always ornery, demeanor.


Angry Gilmore defeats Enforcer Roberts in 20:26 via a cross-face submission hold.

Grade: B


Ana Garcia: Does it look like Angry Gilmore isn’t happy with the win? After all of that, after all of the intensity he poured into this one, he looks like he lost the match.

Duane Fry: That’s just Gilmore. Never happy. Always grumpy about something or someone.

Ana Garcia: I know, but really? You would have thought he was challenging for the SWF Championship with how he put his body into that one and yet… He looks like he is truly pissed about something.

Duane Fry: This is only a thought but do you think it could be due to what happened with Remo earlier? I mean, Angry Gilmore is notorious for always being a bad mood but what happened earlier really seemed to get under his skin; more than normal even.

Ana Garcia: You may be onto something there, Duane. I guess we’ll have to wait and see…





… ‘Hell’ witnesses Pure Evil …


[The Mississippi Bowl shakes with the vibrations of a robust low note (much like a sonar message sent outward) as the massive collection of lights from above begin to flicker as if a power-outage was inevitable. With that, the ‘awe-inspiring’, special ‘frozen hell’ set visibly begins to rumble at the thought of HIS entrance; fire, once though to be frozen, explodes outward in a wonderful depiction of Evil’s arrival as the SWF faithful watch on in horror. All in all, there’s a hefty level of grandeur to the whole experience; truly conveying Vengeance as a supernatural-like being.]


[With that, as the lights continue to flicker like mad, Vengeance’s heavy-metal goth theme begins to blare over the SWF sound system; creating a level of fear unknown to most in attendance. While balls of fire explode around the entrance rampway, Vengeance is finally seen slowly shuffling outward; his giant frame casting a temporary shadow whenever the lights do flicker back on (and then off again).]


[in an uncomfortable state of calm, not really indicative of such an arrival, Vengeance slowly shuffles his way down the rampway and into the ring; a plume of smoke following him the entire way there. While it’s somewhat ‘over-the-top’, that’s exactly what the SWF is all about: creating an powerful experience that only THEY can offer. With that in mind, Vengeance is seen slowly climbing into the ring; his menacing white mask catching the light occasionally as he extends his arms outward in a flexing, and somewhat warrior-like, gesture. With that, the lights slowly come back to normal as we are now able to see the ‘monster’ clearly for the first time; creating an epic horror-like narrative as he towers on high.]


Grade: B+


Duane Fry: I would hate to be Steve Frehley right now…

Ana Garcia: I think most would agree that Frehley is one hell of a bad-ass but come on… This guy simply walks out and the entire arena turns into a topsy-turvy hellzone! Did you see the flames? The smoke? The lights flickering? This… this… thing is not of this world.

Duane Fry: I think you’re right about that one. The second he showed up, it felt like the arena rose in temperature like 30 degrees. It’s like a sauna in here now…

Ana Garcia: It’s been said that that’s due to the intense heat that radiates from the depths at which he’s come. Creepy, huh?

Duane Fry: Very…




Steve Frehley vs. Vengeance

Singles Match


The Mississippi Bowl is at a fearful standstill as practically everyone wonders how Steve Frehley can come out of this one alive. While he’s easily one of the toughest men the SWF has ever seen, this match-up is a totally different scenario; one that is uniquely deadly due to the violent outbursts set forth by the supernatural entity before him. Even with this as a reality, you would have thought “The Dark Destroyer” was gearing up for a typical brawl; bum-rushing his opponent with fists of fury straight out of the gate. While his aggressive, and overtly brutal, approach will typically push even the most versed fighters backward on their heels, Vengeance is not your ‘typical fighter’. After taking Frehley’s best, and not even flinching in the process, the towering monster simply shoves his opponent aside as if he were an annoying fly. From there, Frehley would, once again, come at the big-man straight away; however, this time, his strikes don’t even seem to subdue the beast before him. Instead, after taking a few shots, Vengeance breaks his fists of fury; lifting him square off the matt and slamming him down with a thunderous Chokeslam. While the impact is so great that it forces Frehley’s body to literally bounce off the unforgiving canvas, much like a car-wreck victim, there appears to be no lingering injuries sustained.


There in lies the glaring problem with this match-up though as both men show little regard for the others offense. The act of ‘selling’ is often there to help the viewer really buy into what’s being done within the ring. If it’s done well then you may have a potential ‘stand-out’ scenario on your hands. However, if done poorly, like this match, the crowd is often pulled out of the realism of their altercation; feeling as if there’s little truth behind every blow. Realistically, such a feeling tends to follow Vengeance around like the ‘plague’; however, in most cases it’s due to the way he’s portrayed: A violent, uncontrollable, supernatural-based, monster with vile intent. Even with this in mind; however, both men don’t really appear to go out of their way to make the other look good. Instead, an intensely stiff brawl takes place; one where neither man is really willing to give an inch.


Despite their general lack of realism, Vengeance continues to portray the narrative that he is completely ‘not of this world’. Literally, one hefty punch from the supernatural big-man sends Steve Frehley toppling to the canvas on numerous occasions. In a way, it seems as if he possesses this un-godly amount of strength; one rooted in his mysterious tie with another, unexplained, force. This trait only furthers the menacing perception that Vengeance is a true, unadulterated, personification of pure evil; utilizing said ‘evil’ to power his onslaught.


In the end, after an intense 8 minutes of action, the stiff altercation comes to a close with the sight of Vengeance transforming into an all-out weapon of destruction. At first, he’s seen chokeslamming Darren Smith viciously to the canvas for no real reason. Then, following such a shocking outburst, Vengeance is seen lifting a staggering Steve Frehley off the canvas with both of his hands wrapped around his opponents neck; squeezing the life out of him in the process (the first part of his signature combination called “Six Feet Under” – ie: A raised Double-handed choke into a double-handed Chokeslam). There, as the hardened street fighter attempts to break free, Vengeance sadistically holds him on high; forcing the young fighter to struggle for his every collapsing breath.


As Vengeance is seen slamming Frehley down with the second part of his signature “Six Feet Under”, Darren Smith slowly regains his composure; calling for the bell as he continues to lay upon the canvas. As the bell is rung, officially calling this altercation in favor of Frehley due to a DQ,, Vengeance is seen slowly returning to his feet; standing over the carnage he has just delivered upon. Meanwhile, in an intelligent move, Darren Smith slowly rolls out of the ring; gliding under the bottom rope. In a sense, by removing himself from the action there’s a better chance that the carnage will not continue. All in all, while it looked like Vengeance was on the verge of a victory, the tides quickly turned on the menacing powerhouse. Then again, it’s not like he didn’t do something in which to bring on such an outcome. Then again, as we’ve come to know from his character, winning isn’t always his main focus. Rather, absolute destruction appears to be his true motivation. In reality, a victory isn’t always needed in which to administer such violence as what we have just witnessed tonight.


Steve Frehely defeats Vengeance via DQ after Vengeance assaulted SWF referee, Darren Smith.

Grade: B-


Duane Fry: Good God!! I think Steve Frehley may need medical attention… He’s not moving. Oh my… I hope he’s okay. He’s simply not moving…

Ana Garcia: Who ever would have thought we’d see the day where Steve Frehley would be manhandled in such a fashion? I agree though… Someone may need to come out here and check on him. That choke/Chokeslam combo is truly a sadistic sight….

Duane Fry: “Six Feet Under” is one of those moves that makes you fear for the safety of his opponents. I mean, you literally are being choked by a 7 foot monster. Then, after you’ve gone unconscious most likely, you’re then slammed violently down upon the canvas. There’s no catching yourself, no way of prepping for the fall, as you’re 100% out cold. In a way, if the choke-out doesn’t get you… The concussion from the lengthy fall will.

Ana Garcia: I guess, the silver-lining is that Steve Frehley came away with a victory tonight…

Duane Fry: Let’s just hope he’ll recover to know that…

Ana Garcia:{/B] Yea, my guess is, if he does, we haven’t seen the last of this war…

Duane Fry: Sadly, for Steve’s health, I fear that’s true…




Angry Gilmore

… Laid out; a victim of violence …


[in, what feels like, a hectic change of pace, we’re quickly ushered backstage in which to witness live footage of Angry Gilmore face down, motionless, on the cement floor of a crowded hallway. EMT’s quickly scatter around the scene, frantically doing their best to stabilize the Supreme Superstar, as it appears that Gilmore has been subjected to a heinous assault.]


[As said EMT’s do their best to adhere to Gilmore’s potential injuries, Angry Gilmore seems hell-bent on returning to his feet. The sight of a staggering, and slightly bloody, ‘Angry One’ sends shockwaves throughout the “Land of Supreme” as Gilmore struggles to stay upright. Despite his hard-headed approach, he quickly crashes back downward upon the cement floor; obviously in a lot of pain. With that said, the EMT’s quickly circle the former North American Champion; doing their best to subdue him even though Gilmore wants nothing to do with their help.]


[in the end, the segment comes to a close with the sight of Angry Gilmore bloodied, bruised, and potentially suffering from debilitating injuries. To say the least, a state of shock quickly encompasses all as the SWF faithful confusingly watch on in horror. Unaware of what may have just happened; however, knowing that, whatever it was, truly rocked their beloved ‘Angry One’.]


Grade: B-


Ana Garcia: What the hell is going on? First, Richard Eisen is violently assaulted on Supreme TV, resulting in a case of amnesia due to his injuries. Now, Angry Gilmore has been drastically assaulted by an unknown assailant. I wonder if there’s a connection in the two attacks?

Duane Fry: It’s possible? I guess we can’t rule it out at this point…

Ana Garcia: It has to be Remo. I’m not sure if he was the one who attacked Mr. Eisen but he certainly must be the one who assaulted Angry Gilmore. I mean, just a little while ago, these two were practically on the verge of a violent altercation. Now, Angry Gilmore is mysteriously assaulted backstage? It’s Remo. It has to be.

Duane Fry: It’s an easy jump to make. I mean, these two did have a moment earlier on that could have inspired such an attack. Either way, I guess we’ll have to wait and see how Angry Gilmore responds. If he goes after Remo then we know who jumped him. If not, we could possibly be looking at a second assault from the mysterious attacker who leveled Mr. Eisen!




“Big Money“ Brandon James © w/ Emma Chase vs. Joe Sexy

Singles Match

SWF North American Championship Match



Ever heard the phrase: “The vices that destroyed you yesterday will always be waiting in the wings to destroy you again”? I know it’s rather dark, and overtly melancholy, but this is exactly what Joe Sexy finds himself entangled within. Even as the challenger makes his way out of the back, sporting a ‘dirty sexyness’ to each step, there are already signs that he’s truly unable to break free from his sexual vices. How can we see this? His entrance appears to take much longer than normal as he practically stops in front of every female fan standing alongside the ringside guardrail; posing, playing with their hair, and ultimately toying with the beautiful, every-day, women before him. At one point, adding a high level of comedy to his schtick, Sexy is seen wooing, what appears to be, a 90 year old grandmother whose made it to the show. While it’s a huge hit with the fans, cheering loudly as the elderly woman turns red with all the attention shown to her, it’s another sign that Joe Sexy is truly unable to be something he is not. He will never be a serious, hard-headed, competitor. Instead, this is how he rose to fame, being an all-around sexual being, so there really doesn’t appear to be any want for a change.


Now when you add the fact that Emma Chase is drop-dead-gorgeous, this just adds an extra level of danger for the always smitten-Sexy. From the very second that she appears, Sexy looks to be in a sense of a trance; lovingly staring upon her with that very same ‘dirty sexyness’ that never seems to subside. Meanwhile, Chase and her client, the SWF North American Champion, “Big Money” Brandon James, are shown to be the EXACT opposites in character. Their stride toward the ring completely ignores everyone around; instead, locked in a stern coldness that an only be described as one’s projecting a ‘pure business’ mentality. The teams collective mindset appears to be ready and focused; knowing that tonight’s title-match is important. There in lies the difference between these two competitors, James appears to ‘get it’. However, Joe Sexy looks as if he’s more interested in ‘having a good time’ versus really coming away as a legit threat to anything; or anyone for that matter.


The match-up itself carries the very same tone as “Big Money” instantly gets to work; firmly pounding his way through the comical sexy man. To say the least, the crowd appears to absolutely hate the fact that their beloved Joe Sexy is simply being destroyed by the North American Champion. Despite this, nothing really seems to subside within the action. Even with the crowd chanting for his name in the background, Sexy is unable to really defend himself; showing to be ‘light-years’ away from being able to catch back up. With that said, in-time, Sexy IS able to even the playing field; however, even that feels a little tentative. Plus, whenever Sexy does gain the upperhand it’s almost always toned down by his incessant need to ‘please’. Whether it’s celebrating in a promiscuous manner, taking his attention away from his opponent in the process, or it’s attempting to woo beautiful women around the ringside area, Emma Chase included, his approach almost always unravels. This is even more deadly when going up against someone like Brandon James as his ultra-nose-to-the-grind mentality poses as the ultimate counteraction to Sexy’s wandering mind.


At one point, It looks like Joe Sexy may even have the winds of change going in his direction following a big-time bulldog off the second rope. The SWF North American Champion looks to be struggling to regain his composure, his larger frame making it harder to really ‘snap back’; however, again, the ugly head of his vices begins to show true.


After locating Emma Chase around the ringside area, Sexy is seen, in a stalking manner almost, exiting the ring and going after his ‘forbidden fruit’. With time, after Chase looks to escape, Sexy is able to finally grab ahold of the beautiful business woman’; pulling her in with a ‘dirty grin’ upon his face. All the while, Chase looks as if she’s trying to fend off Sexy; knowing well what is probably coming next. With the crowd cheering in the background, calling for it all to happen, Sexy goes in for the kiss; a fact that Chase still continues to fight against as she attempts to break free. Luckily for Chase, Sexy wasn’t aware of the fact that Brandon James is now standing on the outside as well… Slamming his club of an arm square against the back of Sexy’s head. Again, despite having a great opportunity to pick up a victory, Sexy focuses his mind on something other than the actual match. This fact brought him nothing but a lost opportunity and most likely a ringing sensation in the back of his head.


With time, Sexy’s unfocused demeanor truly stacks the deck against him. While staggering around the ring, the recipient of a powerful onslaught by the North American Champion, Joe Sexy finally finds his final moments (in this match) within the hands of his opponent; slamming him downward with his signature “Big Money Move” (Chokeslam). Upon impact, Sexy’s body goes completely limp… Drained of life. Drained of his need for ‘sex’.


It only takes a few seconds for Darren Smith to administer a standard three count in favor of James; who arrogantly pins his opponent while standing (only using one foot in the process). The crowd instantly boos with fervor as they would have loved to see Joe Sexy win; however, aware that he probably ‘screwed himself’ in this scenario. Either way, Chase slowly enters the ring in which to take her client’s side. Both of them standing above Sexy in an act of simple, stern, celebration.


Brandon James retains the SWF North American Championship by defeating Joe Sexy in 12:24 via a “Big Money Move” (Chokeslam). This marks Brandon James’ x defense as the SWF North American Champion.

Grade: B


Duane Fry: And another one bites the dust. [Pauses] I think it’s impossible for Joe Sexy to take anything seriously. Don’t you?

Ana Garcia: He’s just so… Sexy…

Duane Fry: Ana… [Commotion is heard] Ana?

Ana Garcia: Ana isn’t here right now, She’s tending to her primal wants and needs…

Duane Fry: Uh… I guess he does have a way with the women? [slight chuckle] Even when unconscious and laying on his back.

Ana Garcia: I wish I was unconscious and on my…

Duane Fry: Whoa… Whoa… What?




Christian Faith

… A promo/hype video …


[The scene opens with the sight of a rugged, physically imposing, individual speeding down a seemingly deserted desert road. The sun beats down like an oppressive militia leader looking to destroy everything in it’s path; meanwhile, the unknown figure continues to speed at a reckless pace; creating the narrative that this man, this unknown person, is one who moves at the beat of his own drum. As a plum of sand-smoke follows the backend of his steel hog, we now come to realize that the figure is none other than SWF Legend, and all-around “Ironman”, Christian Faith.]


[As the sound of an electrifying metal band blares in the background, the bruised, and battered, Faith appears to be roaring his way into the middle of nowhere. His sunglasses standing as the final stand for hundreds of unsuspecting bugs, and his leather jacket soaking up every last inch of the sun’s rays, the SWF Legend appears to be in top form; his typical, never-dying, rebellious self.]


[As we witness the sight of Faith driving deep into the deserted landscape, his voice is heard peering over the top of the segment; adding an extra level of entertainment.]


Christian Faith: You can break my body but it won’t keep me from extracting my revenge. I am the force that cannot be extinguished. The warrior who will not rest. I’ve taken your worst, been told by doctors that I won’t ever compete again, and yet… here I am. I am your measuring stick. Your ‘enemy #1’ as you attempt to make a name for yourself… Yet… I still stand above the rest. I am the “Ironman”… No matter how hard you try… You cannot break me.


[With that Faith roars past the camera man; creating a nostalgic 80’s moment as Faith normally does. Either way, as this vision comes to a fading close, we now witness Christian Faith standing next to his steel ride; off in the middle of the same deserted desert road we just witnessed him speeding upon. With the sight of the incessant sun beating down upon his back, Faith looks straight into the camera and delivers a promo for the ages. One deeply rooted in the very same tone that often comes with his promos: “There’s no need to hype me. I’ll do it for myself.”]


Christian Faith: When the world has a monster ravaging the landscape, destroying everything in it’s path, I’m the man they look to; the one they call upon to end his reign of terror. Marat Khoklov is no different than anyone who has come before him. He snarls, he drools, he feeds off of your fear of him. Before him, there was Vengeance. Before that, there was Runaway Train. Are you sensing a pattern here? [Pauses; still holding the same stern demeanor upon his face] These men were once seen as ‘mosnters’; beings that were seemingly unstoppable. Now, they’re seen as flawed; beatable. Their reign of terror looked impossible to break… That is, until they came to me. [Pauses] Khoklov, you may have floored me last week; but tonight, I will take something even more important from you: the aura that you can’t be beaten. [Pauses] Some think that beating you would call for ‘Hell Freezing Over’; if that’s the case then so be it. Prepare for a violent, winter-storm, because the very thing that can cause such a shift is Faith… In this case, Christian Faith.


[With that, the overpowering sound of a metal band blares in the background once again; meanwhile, the SWF Legend stands before the lens as sternly confident as ever. Slowly, and in a dramatic fashion, the camera slowly begins to fade into an absolute blur; creating a surreal vibe. Much like the one that surrounds this match-up as most believe, for Faith to beat Khoklov, such a surreal scenario will have to take place. Even with the aura of being a legitimate ‘Giant Killer’, many wonder how long someone can continue to topple the biggest of the bigs of our industry? While it was possible at an earlier part of his career, does Christian Faith still have enough left in the tank to do it again? If anyone could, the “Iron Man” would be your best choice.]


Grade: B+


Ana Garcia: I know he’s done it before but I’m starting to worry about tonight’s match. I mean, Christian Faith is truly an “Iron Man”, and seemingly unbreakable, but can he continue to overcome these kind of odds? Khoklov is an absolute beast of a man! What if…

Duane Fry: He’ll be okay.

Ana Garcia: How can we be so sure though, Duane?

Duane Fry: What I’ve come to learn is, whenever you think it’s impossible… Christian Faith is the man to overcome it.

Ana Garcia: but…

Duane Fry: Just you wait and see, Ana. Faith will ‘tame the beast’ that is Marat Khoklov. I’m not going to lie, it will be tough but Faith just has this ‘moxy’ to him; something that only he possesses.

Ana Garcia: I hope you’re right….




Christian Faith vs. Marat Khoklov

Singles Match


Marat Khoklov stands across the squared circle much like a raging bull would; snarling, huffing, and aggressively taking his stance in which to topple anything in his path. Typically, such a menacing sight would send anyone speeding the opposite way, afraid of what may come; however, Christian Faith is not your ‘typical’ competitor. Dubbed as the “Giant Killer”, after years of conquering the mountainous challenge of overcoming the ‘monsters of the world; Faith often does the very opposite: Actually walking into danger versus straying away from it. Either way, with this in mind, the stage has been set. Two men with a brewing rivalry; one looking to do the unthinkable as the other simply looks to destroy everything in his path.


In an epic moment of defiance, Christian Faith is seen meeting Khoklov in the center of the ring; both men staring eachother down in a challenging kind of manner. As the SWF faithful rage with excitement, the action comes to a thunderous opening as Khoklov is seen yelling outward in a purely primal fashion; slamming the back of his fist upon Faiths’ head. The strike, while rather simple, actually floors Christian Faith to the canvas; however, seconds later, Faith is back on his feet; almost begging for more. This act inspires the Mississippi Bowl to explode into a fit of excitement! Granted, seconds later, the roaring SWF faithful find themselves, again, booing like crazy as Christian Faith is floored by a powerful running shoulder block by the much bigger Comrade.


As the match continues to move forward, the overall narrative of Khoklov being unstoppable begins to grow with strength. There are moments where Faith looks like he may able to accomplish the impossible; however, that fact quick fizzles as, no matter what he does, NOTHING keeps Khoklov down for long enough. In reality, it took close to 6 minutes to actually knock Marat off of his feet in the first place. As expected, once Khoklov actually collapses upon the canvas following a simplified big-boot from Faith, the crowd roars again with excitement. Sadly, for those in Faith’s corner, Khoklov’s moment of weakness is exactly that: only a moment. Within seconds, Marat is back on his feet and thoroughly enraged over being knocked over.


Regardless of Faiths’ attempts, nothing seems to keep Marat at bay. At one point, Faith is actually able to execute upon his signature “Leap of Faith”, a purely nostalgic finisher, and as expected… Marat still stands. After such an impact, Faith looks somewhat confused as to why his maneuver didn’t take. Again, he would attempt the very same move and again… Nothing. Marat still stands.


Sensing that his “Leap of Faith” maneuver will have no effect on the much bigger, much stronger, Khoklov, Faith turns to his secondary finisher, “The Test of Faith” (Sleeper Hold), for support. Again, a seemingly more nostalgic submission by nature, the “Test of Faith” has little to no luck as well as Khoklov is actually able to flip Faith over his head and onto the canvas. The entire crowd gasps with horror as Khoklov stands over his fallen victim; meanwhile, Faith does his best to return to his feet, obviously showing signs of a weakened back due to the throw. Given the circumstances, at this point, it seems as if the narrative is actually true: That Marat Khoklov is actually an unstoppable force. Faith has tried everything, three different finishing maneuvers, and all have failed.


With time, Faith returns to his feet; however, what awaits him is a snarling powerhouse. Understanding the severity of the situation, Faith quickly goes for the first thing he knows to do… Throw a heavy-handed punch. While it’s a good thought, and most likely second-nature at this point of his career to just keep going, the strike doesn’t do much to subdue the beast before him. Instead, it only enrages him more; exploding emotionally at this point as he growls to the heavens.


As Faith attempts to keep the unstoppable monster at bay, Khoklov brings the heated altercation to a close with a ring-shaking “Moscow Lariat” (Powerhouse closeline). The impact of such a strike actually bends Faith’s body awkwardly as if he were in a sickening car wreck. Twisting, and turning, Faith slams violently into the canvas below; unconscious as he finally lands. Without the ability to really, once again, rise to his feet, Khoklov slowly picks up the victory as Darren Smith even seems afraid to make the count; not to end the fight but rather to be that close to Khoklov following such an outburst. Either way, despite being known as a legendary ‘Giant Killer’, Faith is unable to defy the beast; becoming, yet another, victim of his destructive wrath.


Marat Khoklov defeats Christian Faith in 10:10 via a “Moscow Lariat” (Powerhouse closeline).

Grade: B-


Ana Garcia: He didn’t do it…. He didn’t beat Marat Khoklov… [in disbelief]

Duane Fry: No matter what he tried… “Test of Faith”… “Leap of Faith”… none of it worked. I mean, did you see how Faith just bounced right off of him? It’s almost as if Khoklov was super-human or something.

Ana Garcia: If Faith can’t stop him… who can?

Duane Fry: I’m afraid that nobody can, Ana…




Marat Khoklov

… Menacing Celebration …


[With Christian Faith still laying motionless on the canvas below, Marat Khoklov is seen extending his arms outward, growling toward the heavens, much like a grizzly bear entrenched in a violent war. His veins appear to be physically attempting to escape his body as he flexes; meanwhile, his snarling mug shakes with pure intensity. More or less, Khoklov is projected as a sub-human powerhouse; one who, quite possibly, cannot be beaten.]


[As the crowd boos like crazy, showing their hatred for the ‘Russian War Machine’, Marat still inflicts a level of fear upon all that surround the ringside area. Darren Smith, sensing that it’s best for him to leave the ringside area, quickly dives out of the ring and back peddles up the rampway as he does his best to preserve his own health. Also, other various ring officials are seen on ‘high alert’; aware that Khoklov could erupt at any moment. All in all, with such a powerful victory for Khoklov, the overall feeling is that this monster is truly a destructive force all by himself.]


Grade: B+


Ana Garcia: I’m lost for words….

Duane Fry: May god have mercy on us…




Eric Eisen ©, Jack Bruce, and Rich Money

… Walking to the ring; backstage …


[seconds before the Main Event, all three competitors are seen individually walking toward the ringside area; utilizing random backstage hallways as their pathway ‘toward a frozen hell’. Meanwhile, as each competitor is shown, the crowd reacts accordingly; continuing the narrative for each competitor in the process. All in all, while a rather simple, and short, segment, it’s used to give a quick glimpse of each Supreme Superstar, especially when either one of the three could walk away with the top prize in the SWF… The SWF World Heavyweight Championship.]


Grade: B+


Duane Fry: Who will it be? Eric Eisen? Rich Money? Or Jack Bruce? Who will walk away with the SWF World Heavyweight Championship in tonight’s Main Event?

Ana Garcia: My first inkling would be to bet on Jack Bruce in this one; however, Rich Money is one hell of a competitor as well. I would LOVE to see Eric Eisen drop the title but, from what we’ve seen tonight, it looks like he may have Marat Khoklov in his corner for added insurance.

Duane Fry: With NO DQ’s available, we’ll most likely see Khoklov in the process… The ultimate equalizer if there ever was one. Eisen could retain just simply by having him as an ally.

Ana Garcia: I thought he enlisted the help of Khoklov for protection… Not as a ‘Hired Hand’?

Duane Fry: That’s true but I doubt, knowing Eric Eisen, that that’s all he’ll be around for. Eisen went after Khoklov as a tool in which to keep the SWF World Heavyweight title around his waist. It’s as plain and simple as that.




Eric Eisen © vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

Triple Threat Match

No Disqualifications Rule-set

SWF Championship Match



The Mississippi Bowl is raving over tonight’s main event; collectively on the edge of their seats as they anticipate a hellacious altercation between three bitter enemies. After months of back-stabbing, manipulation, mysterious bounty’s, shady referee endings, and heated words, the moment has finally come for all three individuals to step into the squared circle; competing for the very thing that drives them to act, and react, as they do… The coveted SWF World Heavyweight Championship.


Their entrances are quite indicative of their typical routine; only amped up in which to be ‘pay-per-view’ worthy. Bruce shoots through a wall of pyro, Rich Money shuffles toward the ring as hundreds of fake dollar bills drop from the sky, and Eric Eisen receives the ‘Silver Spoon’ treatment through the form of a gripping lightshow. All in all, it’s easy to see that the SWF is pulling out no-stops what so ever as it pertains to projecting their Main Event into the stratosphere.


With such a ‘heavy-toned feeling’ to the match itself, it would actually shock you that the actual action starts off rather slow. Instead of shooting straight out of the gate with an ‘in your face’ approach, these three Supreme Superstars do their best to play up to the crowd; hyping the reasons why they are either loved, or hated, in the process. Eric is often seen ducking out of the ring, evading any sense of action, as he, at one point, even calls for his Championship to be returned to him; threatening to walk out of the match all together. While it’s a rather d*ck’ish thing to do, He’s an Eisen; that’s their mantra. Also, simply walking away actually wouldn’t bring the match to an end anyways as, with NO DQ, anything is possible (expect for any sort of official stoppages outside of a pinfall or submission). Meanwhile, Jack Bruce plays up his ‘rock star’ persona to a “T”; coming into the action with a larger-than-life approach to everything. Celebrations are many, smirking is essential, as it’s obvious that Bruce is totally on another planet as everyone else in the SWF. He’s finally come to that point where, much like a Sam Strong, he’s more of a commodity than he is an actual competitor anymore. Either way, as expected, the crowd is firmly in his corner as they appear as if they are pinning for the former Champion to, once again, regain his coveted prize for a 3rd time.


As Bruce and Eisen play the opposite sides of the babyface/heel spectrum, Rich Money appears to be more in-line with a ‘tweener’ kind of mentality; exchanging rights with both of his opponents through out. Also, on top of that, Money continues to toy with the crowd as he easily could go either way; the only sense of consistency coming from the fact that he’s out for himself. At one point, as a symbol of this very nature, Money shows himself to be the first person to grab a weapon; wielding a steel chair and striking both of his opponents with said chair early on. While the attack is rather forceful, it doesn’t end in a successful pinfall attempt; sadly for Money. With that said, though, the always coy ‘Money Man’ continues to play his odds; coming at his opponents in calculating scenarios as he appears to be formulating a well-versed plan from within.


As the match continues to unfold, the usage of weapons slowly makes its presence known. At first, it seems that these foreign objects are mostly being used as supplemental strikes; however, with time, and more desperation, these deadly objects become more prevalent. Tables, Chairs, Ladders, and even a STOP sign make their rounds into the action at given moments of the match; their impact is quite invaluable as each and every use brings the match closer to its end. At one point, Jack Bruce is showered with a heavy show of ‘love’ after dropping Eric Eisen through a table; using a superplex as his culprit of violence. While the move is rather powerful, and actually seems to put Eisen out, the pinfall attempt following isn’t successful… Why? Some think it took too long for Bruce to pin his opponent… However, in reality… It’s because of HIM




A collective gasp can be heard as the 7 foot monster rages toward the ringside area. As Bruce is finally able to attempt a pinfall, the count only makes it to two as Khoklov is seen pulling Bruce out of the ring ; under the bottom rope. Now, outside of the ring, Khoklov inflicts a level of violence unseen to this point; physically manhandling the former SWF Champion from pillar to post. The assault consists of heavy-Irish whips into the steel guardrail, power moves planting Bruce upon the cement floor below, and even a catapult throw of the beloved Bruce into a nearby ring post. After all of this, truly destructive in nature, Jack Bruce is seen laying motionless on the cement floor outside of the ring. Minutes before it looked as if he was on the verge of winning the title back; however, at this point, he looks like a coma patient clinging to life.


Rich Money, now coming too following a short recovery from previous brawling, attempts to take on the Big Man and does pretty well at first; however, also falls victim in time. As the ‘Money Man’ tries to lay into the much bigger Khoklov with a steel chair, Marat is seen simply shrugging of his attempt. In the end, Money receives a ‘sick bump’ for his reward as he’s powerbombed through an announcer’s table at ringside. The impact is so thunderous that TV prompters, and various knick-knacks from the desk, go flying in the air as if a bomb had just exploded. All in all, despite their attempts to subdue the beast, both Money and Bruce fall just as Faith did earlier on.


In the end, with both of his opponents reeling from their injuries, Eric Eisen is seen motioning for Khoklov to throw Jack Bruce back into the ring. Seconds later, it’s done. Now, with an unconscious, and motionless, Jack Bruce laying in the corner of the ring, Eric Eisen dramatically drops upon him as if he had done the work himself; something that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Despite the cheap victory, at least by reality’s standards, Eric quickly ascends to his feet as if he had just won in a triumphant manner. With time, the SWF World Heavyweight Championship is handed back over to it’s controversial holder; a truth that appears to enrage those in attendance quite heavily. Either way, even with a dubious ending, Eric Eisen can still call himself the Champ. However, everyone knows that it wasn’t his own actions that allowed him to retain; but rather, the violent hand of one… Marat Khoklov; his new “Insurance Policy”.


Eric Eisen retains the SWF World Heavyweight Championship by defeating Jack Bruce and Rich Money in 21:22 via interference from Marat Khoklov. This marks Eric’s 1st title defense as the SWF World Heavyweight Champion.

Grade: B


Duane Fry: Are you kidding me? When will this stop? I mean… Come on!! He’s tainting the SWF World Heavyweight Championship with each and every passing second. You know, damn well, that if it were up to skill., Jack Bruce would be the SWF Champion right now! Not the cheating bastard that is ‘The Silver Spoon Superstar’.

Ana Garcia: It’s ridiculous! This is why his Father was trying to ‘steer him in another direction’. For too long, Eric Eisen has had a free pass in the SWF. Now, after he’s finally won the top prize in the SWF, he still continues to pull the same sophomoric crap that he’s pulled since day one. There’s no change to this guy; none at all! I hope it feels great to be ‘the Champ’ Eric because you’ve pretty much sold your soul to keep it around your waist!

Duane Fry: This is a travesty! A damn shame!




Eric Eisen © and Marat Khoklov

… The great, Russian , Insurance Policy …


[The Mississippi Bowl is locked within a state of absolute annoyance; pissed off at the notion that “The Supremacist” Eric Eisen was able to walk away unscaved as the Champion. When you factor that with the notion that Eisen’s retention of the SWF World Heavyweight Championship was based solely upon the oppressive hand of one, Marat Khoklov, there’s an even stronger sense of negativity flowing within the arena. Truly, it’s no secret that the youngest Eisen was hated; however, at this point, along with his “Insurance Policy”, these two men are easily THE most hated individuals the company has possibly ever seen.]


[All in all, “When Hell Freezes Over” ends with the sight of Eric Eisen back peddling up the rampway; the beloved championship slung over his right shoulder as he smirks in a “I got away with it” kind of manner. Meanwhile, the culprit himself, Marat Khoklov stands within the ring; flexing like a mad-man as the fans shower him with a momentous wave of hatred. While they are, now, combined, It’s obvious that Marat and Eric’s ‘relationship’ is built solely upon business. Why else would they be celebrating in two different areas after such a major ending? Either way, as the event comes to a close, we receive one last vision of Eric Eisen standing atop the rampway; holding the SWF World Championship on high as he carries a truly smug look upon his face.]


Grade: B+


Duane Fry: He can celebrate all he wants but everyone knows he didn’t win cleanly. If it weren’t for Marat Khoklov we would have a new World Champion!

Ana Garcia: Now, without his Father physically present, how will anyone stand up to the youngest Eisen? He can flex his families power all he wants seeing how Mr. Eisen was assaulted before stripping his son of his ‘silver spoon privileges’. I’m afraid that the Championship may stay around his waist for quite some time; especially seeing how Marat is now, pretty much, his ‘hired gun’. Eisen can be defeated… But, Marat’s influence makes him almost impossible to overcome.

Duane Fry: He’ll get his… Someday… Sometime… Eric Eisen will reap the hell that he’s developed.








Overall Show Grade: B

Final Attendance #: 38,777

PPV Buy Rate: 3.88


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”When Hell Freezes Over” Quick Results:


Greg Black defeated Squeeky McClean via pinfall.

Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © defeated The Amazing Bumfholes and The Samoan Wildboyz via pinfall.

Angry Gilmore defeated Enforcer Roberts via submission.

Steve Frehley defeated Vengeance via DQ.

Brandon James © defeated Joe Sexy via pinfall.

Marat Khoklov defeated Christian Faith via pinfall.

Eric Eisen © defeated Jack Bruce and Rich Money via pinfall.

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Will YOU make an
'Awesome Impact'


Here in lies the overall point records for those who have predicted thus far (since "When Hell Freezes Over"). This challenge will stretch until days before the March SWF PPV, "Awesome Impact", and will grant the winner the ability to mold an entire Supreme Event. Overall, when that final deadline comes (some 10 odd shows away at this point) the winner will be sent a PM with a list of difference scenarios; all cemented based his/or her choice. With that said, keep your predictions up if you're looking to via for such an opportunity. In the end, who will it be... Who will make an 'Awesome Impact' upon the "Land of Supreme"?


T1. Kluge – 6 points

T1. Tigerkinney – 6 points

T1. Arogue – 6 points

T1. Apupunchau@optonline – 6 points

T5. ChrisKid – 5 points

T5. Mikemelling – 5 points

T5. Totti – 5 points

T5. Liamo – 5 points

T5. Huntman – 5 points

T5. LiquidSwords – 5 points

T5. SeanMcFly – 5 points

T5. 20Legend – 5 points

T5. Jtnlange – 5 points

T12. Lo-Drew – 4 points

T12. FlameSnoopy – 4 points

T12. Sonfaro – 4 points

T12. Smurphy1014 – 4 points

T12. The Oracle – 4 points

T12. BigPapa42 – 4 points

T12. BHK1978 – 4 points

T19. Sebsplex – 2 points




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Dammmmmnnn that was a good show ;)


Excellent as Always EV, cannot wait for the next show!


Also, 6/7 FTW :D


Thank you, McFly! :D It took a lot to put this show together; however, I'm really happy with how it all came together. Some storylines found more depth, others first started, and some appear to be on the verge of their end. So, overall, the show did exactly what it was suppose to do! That said, I would have loved to had a higher grade than a "B" but I'm happy with everything overall!

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Sweet show, please (if a little surprised) Greg Blacks win, as one of my favourite character, I hope this is the start of a good push for 'The Aerial Ambassador' (which is an awesome nickname.


While he's somewhat bland at this point, Greg Black has a lot ahead of him in the SWF for 2010. That doesn't mean he'll get a god push by any means; but, he will certainly see a strong singles push as Jerry continues to leave his own stamp on the SWF.


Also, thanks on the 'Aerial Ambassador' nod! :D As time goes on, the gimmick will take ahold a little more as he continues to get 'fleshed out'; character wise.

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Amnesia strips Richard Eisen of his reality

A man without his thoughts, and memories, is a theoretical foreigner within his own frame. This is the troubling reality encompassing SWF owner, Richard Eisen , at this very moment. The victim of a recent, truly brutal, assault, Mr. Eisen now finds himself struggling with his own mind. At this point, little is known as to how severe the situation has become; however, his doctors made the shocking announcement of his prognosis this past Thursday night. Within their statement to Eric, it was relayed that the proud SWF owner may never truly recover; always living in a state of complete confusion as he no longer relates with the life he once held.


What does this mean for the future SWF?


Will we EVER find his attacker?


Will he ever recover from his crippling Amnesia?


These lingering questions still reside as the “Land of Supreme” desperately searches for answers. Either way, as more information becomes present, we will certainly pass it along. At this point, while still somewhat mysterious, it seems that Eric Eisen has positioned himself in which to ‘take over’ his Father’s business during his absence. Without anyone to deny him of this, and no legal power in which to limit his rise, will Eric Eisen tear down the Empire his father worked hard to develop? – OR – Will the youngest Eisen find a softer side within; taking his father’s advice, a few weeks back, and steering back toward the ‘straight and narrow’ professionally? Sadly, after witnessing what was done at the PPV, it’s expected that Eric is quickly shifting toward the first scenario.



Marat Khoklov... Unstoppable?

Is it possible to stop Marat Khoklov? After “When Hell Freezes Over”, this question is dramatically front-and-center as the ‘Russian War Machine’ was able to withstand 3 separate finisher attempts from the SWF Legend, and all-around Icon, Christian Faith. Known as the “Giant Killer” himself, Faith was unable to subdue the raging Comrade on numerous occasions; utilizing two “Leap of Faith’s” and one “Test of Faith” in the process. Shockingly enough, while the maneuvers have worked in his favor for almost 30 years, on Thursday Night… They we as effective as a tennis racket looking to catch water.


Move by move, strike by strike, Marat Khoklov looked unstoppable as the match came to a close; something that was expected, however, still shocking to say the least. In the end, if the branded “Giant Killer” is unable to overcome the roaring behemoth…. Who can the SWF turn too? Is the “Land of Supreme”, now, just a hellacious playground for the overpowering giant? – OR – Is there someone out there, amongst us, who can pick up the fallen pieces left by Christian Faith?


May we all hope there is….



Angry Gilmore is assaulted backstage at "When Hell Freezes Over":

It was an uncomfortable sight backstage at “When Hell Freezes Over” as the former SWF North American Champion, Angry Gilmore, was the apparent victim of a mysterious assault. Bloodied, bruised, and somewhat delirious, Gilmore looked as if he were maliciously ‘gunned down’ from behind; the evidence relying in the fact that he was found face down upon the cement. While little is known about the assault at this point, the name that continually surfaces as to WHO may have done this terrible deed is none other than
. Earlier on in the night, the two men were drawn together in a heated verbal altercation as the ‘Angry One’ was attempting to address his fortunes within the SWF thus far. With that said, It seems as if Remo took offense to Gilmore’s claim that NOW was his moment in the sun. All in all, with so much evidence stacked in Remo’s direction, it wouldn’t be surprising to find out that it was him who laid out Angry Gilmore backstage.


At this point, Angry Gilmore’s prognosis is unknown; however, many feel he may need some time away in which to heal. Even with this in mind, knowing Gilmore, he’ll be present at Supreme TV; focused on extracting his revenge!



Eric Eisen retains the SWF World Heavyweight Championship (with help from Marat Khoklov):

In what’s become quite typical for the controversial “Supremacist”, Eric Eisen has, once again, manipulated the scenario at hand; walking away with the SWF World Heavyweight Championship still fastened around his waist. While many will cry fowl, pleading for SWF officials to ‘hardline’ against the polarizing cheapness of the youngest Eisen, the truth of the matter is this: Eric Eisen is, and will for the foreseeable future, be the SWF World Heavyweight Champion. How can we be so confident? As we all witnessed at “When Hell Freezes Over”, after fearing for his own health following his father’s dramatic assault, the ‘Silver Spoon Superstar’ enlisted in the service of, what he calls, “Professional Life Insurance”. While such a decision would normally be applauded by any sensible adult, the truth of the matter behind such an acquisition has left many complaining about Eisen’s manipulative ways. In a move many have labeled as an absolute ‘power-play’, using his family name in which to offer the same ‘preferential treatment’ to another, Eric has found himself a new ‘hired gun’… err… “Life Insurance” agent; out of Marat Khoklov.


With a raging, extremely violent, beast at his side, will ANYONE have the ability to overcome the SWF Champion? If “When Hell Freezes Over” is our first example of their dreaded pairing then it’s seemingly obvious that NO ONE stands a chance. Even with his Father struggling with a bout of Amnesia, and a potential attacker still waiting in the wings to assault him next, it’s best not to bet against “The Supremacist” at this point.


The ugly truth is, whether you hate him or not, Eric Eisen truly knows how to come out best in all scenarios. He may be cheap, untrustworthy, and an all-around punk, but, so far, these traits have worked for him greatly.






The inside scoop to “The Land of Supreme”.

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Killer show Eisen-verse. It really had me glued to the screen from start to finish. It took me awhile to get through it all but it was worth it. The best moment for me was the hint of an Angry Gilmore vs. Remo feud. They are two of my favorite SWF wrestlers so it would be awesome to see these two duke it out. Plus you writing it would make for something really interesting.
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Killer show Eisen-verse. It really had me glued to the screen from start to finish. It took me awhile to get through it all but it was worth it. The best moment for me was the hint of an Angry Gilmore vs. Remo feud. They are two of my favorite SWF wrestlers so it would be awesome to see these two duke it out. Plus you writing it would make for something really interesting.


Thank you, Oracle!


It took almost a week to craft; however, I'm pretty happy with how it all came out. Again, I would have liked a better overall grade for the show but meh... You get what you get. :D With so much work that went into it, I'm taking a few days before I put up the next card as I can have a few days 'off'. That said, I will probably have some Jerry Eisen posts coming at some point this weekend. Then, the next card will be up sometime late this weekend or early next week.


As for Gilmore/Remo... You'll just have to wait and see what happens there... ;)

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5:34 AM.


Sleep is nuisance. While some bask in hours, upon hours, of laziness, sleeping all hours of the day and night, I believe that the act is rather self-destructive. Why waste 8 hours of your day in which to cut yourself off from thought? To some, this may be a comforting endeavor; however, to me, it’s simply a necessity of the weak.


“When Hell Freezes Over” came to it’s triumphant close only 7 hours ago; a moderate success within the typical ‘Supreme’ fray. Most would take this moment to revel in one’s greatness, celebrating such an accomplishment with days of professional ‘coat-tailing’; however, that’s not how I function. I’m an Eisen; I will not accept anything less than perfection. My Father didn’t put me in this position in which to simply coast. At a time where the economy, and all-around wrestling industry, is dwindling in negativity, he turned to me as his most trusted administrator in which to guide this great Empire toward the peerless claim as the first ever global promotion.


The response to our recent PPV event was consistently positive; however, there were some naysayers within the bunch. These critics, most declaring themselves as ‘smarks’, have littered the internet with passionate hatred for what was booked. Realistically, I’m not here to simply abide by the ‘smarks mentality’ of HOW such a show should be booked. While they are a small pocket of the SWF-Nation, my patience is rather low for those who believe they can do a ‘better job’ despite never having any experience in the craft what so ever. Not to mention, we (the SWF) aren’t here to simply be everyone’s favorite ‘wrestling hub’. Sure, we value talented individuals; however, we are more so based upon absolute entertainment than legit competition.


Pure Entertainment; that’s my focus. So, to me, the ‘smarks’ are nothing more than pesky little nats swirling around my head.


With my black executive jacket in my hand, I swiftly exit my hotel room; fixated on a new day… a new challenge. To take a moment, even an hour, to rest would only limit our chance of surpassing the rest of our competition. Sure, we’ve been trouncing TCW in the ratings as of late; but, all it takes is one sweeping storyline for everything to change. With that in mind, I must always be on my toes; ready to push the SWF Empire one step closer to global immortality.


frozen over’. Now, as the world waits for our arrival, we truly have ‘Nothing to loose’…. Everything to gain.






<hr color="black">

In-game Information:


* The Backstage rating spiked from a 66% to a 71.2% following the 'sucess' of "When Hell Freezes Over"!


* Character Note: Jerry Eisen's booking profile says he's a fan of 'pure entertainment'. This is why he often speaks negatively about 'smarks' as he's not really wrapped up in the wrestling aspect as much as the entertainment side of things.


* "Nothing to Lose" is the next PPV and the main focus of the next storyline push. While big moments will still happen on, almost, each and every show... PPV's are often the 'gold standard' for major storyline movements. From a company perspective, the TV shows are used to give each storyline depth where as the PPV is used to cultivate major moments of these storylines.

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Date of Event:
Tuesday, 3rd week of January 2010


Show Length:
90 minutes

Minnesota Coliseum, Mid West

Tuesday, LIVE in Primetime on C.A.N.N.




Program Synopsis

SupremeTV is the epitome of Pro Wrestling entertainment; Hands down.


Since it’s inception the flagship program for Supreme Wrestling Federation has consistently garnered an unrivaled sense of success; mostly due to Richard Eisen’s masterful vision as it pertains to developing a company-wide brand rooted in a ‘larger than life’ mentality. The formula, while quite simple, is to litter their 90 minute telecast with as much ‘entertainment’ as possible; utilizing break-out matches and storylines as it’s tone-setting agent. More or less, with a roster filled of immense talent, popular house-hold names, and eager trend-setters, within the ranks, It’s easy to see WHY Eisen’s “A-Brand”, weekly, broadcast has become a HUGE success! While others attempt to follow in their path, and in some cases blatantly ‘steal’ the SWF’s approach all together, NO ONE can truly stand toe-to-toe with SupremeTV. It has, and will continue to be, the ‘gold standard’ as it pertains to weekly Pro Wrestling Entertainment.






Squeeky McClean vs. Steve Frehley

Singles Match


While their outcomes were different at “When Hell Freezes Over”, they do share one ugly comparison from this past Thursday: Their nights came to a close while motionless in the middle of the ring. With this in mind, both men are shown to have little time to recoup; forced back into the limelight, right away, as they open this week’s episode of Supreme TV in action against one another. One man, looking to desperately overturn a debilitating win/loss slide, will do his best in which to deter the devastating fall into professional obscurity. While, at the same time, another looks to capitalize upon a gigantic, yet questionable, victory at “When Hell Freezes Over”; also attempting to forge off any sense of injury following the PPV’s post-match attack. Either way, which Supreme Superstar will open this weeks’ episode with a momentum-building victory? Such a scenario could eventually change everything… or will it?



<hr color="black">
Lingering Question:
Which Supreme Superstar can rebound from “When Hell Freezes Over”? (Frehley’s post-match assault by Vengeance and Squeeky’s second loss to Greg Black)

Match Details:
Singles Match, Standard Rules.







The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia and ???????

Tag Team Match


In recent weeks, SWF officials have shown a true investment in the, once-dwindling, tag team division by promoting divisional tandems more frequently on Supreme TV. Sensing a potential for advancing up the ‘corporate ladder’, Frederique Antonio Garcia quickly proclaimed the fact that HE was adding his name into the rich tradition of duo combat. While that’s certainly his right, most are quite confused as Frederique has YET to unveil his newest tag partner (since his days of ‘Flex and Pecs’); simply laughing off the question at all turns. At this point, it seems we have come to a ‘put up or shutup’ moment for Frederique as he’ll either A) need to find a partner or B) be subjected to a dangerous 2 on 1 altercation. If a partner does shockingly debut at his side one thing is for certain: They will have to be AS fabulous as Frederique.


On the other side of the ring stands the wounded, but not broken, Amazing Bumfholes. The speedy, high energy, uber-fan-favorites have recently seen a downward trend as they were unable to obtain the SWF Tag Team Championships; graced by the ability to, once again, challenge for the titles; however, showing an inability to defeat the current surging champions, Valiant and Jack Giedroyc. Now, on the other side of an unsuccessful string culminating at “When Hell Freezes Over”, can the extremely talented brothers get back on ‘the good foot’ by defeating an aspiring new tandem?


Regardless of the outcome, it’s expected that this match-up will carry a ‘larger-than-life’ tone throughout…



<hr color="black">
Lingering Question:
Who, if anyone, will join Garcia’s side as his newest tag partner?

Match Details:
Tag Team Match, Standard Rules.







Captain Atomic vs. Greg Black vs. Joe Sexy vs. Lobster Warrior vs. Marc DuBois vs. Runaway Train

Six-way Battle Royal

”Supreme Dream” match = The Winner is the new #1 Contender to the SWF North American Championship


The true testament of a competitor is whether or not they can rise to the occasion while facing extreme adversity. It’s a simple perspective; however, one that is universally accepted across all sports; expected in all forms of entertainment. In the SWF, it’s no different.


Six men, all combined by an opportunity, will wage in a chaotic battle and risk potential injury in which to compete for a ‘shot’; an opportunity for Championship gold. The winner will be the last man standing within the ring; watching, and administering, eliminations by throwing a number of opponents over the top rope and crashing to the ringside area. That person, that final Supreme Superstar within the squared circle, will then be given the career-shifting chance to via for Brandon James’ SWF North American Championship at a later date.


With so much on the line, which competitor will rise above the rest; on their way toward fulfilling… “The Supreme Dream”?



<hr color="black">
Lingering Question:
Who, if anyone, will join Garcia’s side as his newest tag partner?

Match Details:
Six-way Match, Elimination rule-set (over the top rope), the winner is the NEW #1 Contender to the SWF North American Championship.







Jack Bruce & Rich Money vs. Marat Khoklov

2 on 1 Handicap Match

Eric Eisen © as a special guest commentator


When Marat Khoklov accepted Eric Eisen’s dubious proposal of being his personal “Life Insurance”, I’m sure this isn’t what he had in mind. Two men, extremely pissed off at the ‘Russian War Machine’, joining as one in which to extract a level of revenge; hoping to not only subdue the beast but pummel him all together. With that said, with Mr. Eisen suffering from a crippling bout of amnesia, the victim of a recent heinous assault, one would expect for the youngest Eisen to ‘pull some strings’ in favor of his new-found ally. However, that certainly doesn’t seem to be the case. Instead, the menacing behemoth finds himself ‘thrown to the wolves’; something that, most likely, won’t frighten him in the slightest.


Why wouldn’t it scare him; going up against two of the biggest Supreme Superstars in the SWF today? Well, look no further than what happened this past Thursday at “When Hell Freezes Over”. When faced with the supposed ‘Giant Killer’, the “Iron Man” Christian Faith, Khoklov was able to withstand 3 different finisher attempts from the wrestling legend. In the end, despite the powerful showing by Faith, it was obvious that Khoklov was simply… unstoppable.


Will this still be the case when forced to compete against two men at once? It’s possible. Especially seeing how Money and Bruce aren’t necessarily the most cohesive tandem in SWF history. To say the least, with so much brewing hatred forming from within, this could end up as a three-way-dance before it’s all said and done. All the while, the conniving SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Eric Eisen, watches on with an arrogant smirk upon his face; well aware of the carnage he’s orchestrated.


Maybe this is Eric’s plan all along? With his Father unable to truly govern, the youngest Eisen has seemingly taken the reigns of the company; spewing forth directives at every turn. Could this be Eric’s way of softening the competition? If that’s the case, will Marat Khoklov be comfortable with the orders set forth by his newfound boss? I guess we’ll find out… This week… On Supreme TV.



<hr color="black">
Lingering Question:
Can Rich Money and Jack Bruce work as one in which to stop the uncontrollable beast that is Marat Khoklov?

Match Details:
Singles Match, Standard Rules, Special guest commentator in Eric Eisen.







Angry Gilmore
be at Supreme TV!!!


Also, will Angry Gilmore address the vicious assault he suffered at “When Hell Freezes Over” from the hand of a mysterious attacker? Little is known as of right now; however, the rumor is that ‘The Angry One’ will be present this Tuesday; even if he is still slowed down by injuries sustained this past Thursday night.




Your weekly home for, unrivaled, Supreme Action.







<hr color="black">

Supreme TV Prediction Guide:


Squeeky McClean vs. Steve Frehley

The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia & ?????

Captain Atomic vs. Greg Black vs. Joe Sexy vs. Lobster Warrior vs. Marc DuBois vs. Runaway Train

Jack Bruce & Rich Money vs. Marat Khoklov

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Squeeky McClean vs. Steve Frehley


Frehley may have been laid out at the PPV, but the fact is he still 'won' and that hints to me you want to keep him relatively strong. McLean with two straight losses to Greg Black appears to be destined for midcard wheel spinning.


The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia & ?????


Unless FAG's partner is somone more amazing than the Bumfholes, I'll go for the regular team to win here.


Captain Atomic vs. Greg Black vs. Joe Sexy vs. Lobster Warrior vs. Marc DuBois vs. Runaway Train


Captain Atomic (not ready yet), Joe Sexy (been there done it, time to move on for now), Lobster Warrior (distracted by Eric Tyler), Runaway Train (a heel and I don't see much benefit in him holding this belt anyway). So that leaves two rising stars in DuBois and Black and as DuBois is a heel...that really only leaves Greg Black as the most likely choice.


Jack Bruce & Rich Money vs. Marat Khoklov


Despite Bruce & Money both being main eventers, I have no problem with Khoklov going over here. You are presenting Khoklov as 'unstoppable' and Bruce & Money's own dislike for each other will mean that they wil be unable to work as a team to bring down the Russian War Machine.

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Great story so far Eisen-Verse, it's very well written and it has inspired me to maybe try to do a dynasty on my own someday in the future. :)


I will now join in on this one.


Squeeky McClean vs. Steve Frehley

This is mostly because I like Frehley more than I like Squeeky

The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia & ?????

I think Frederique will find a partner that can help him get a win here.

Captain Atomic vs. Greg Black vs. Joe Sexy vs. Lobster Warrior vs. Marc DuBois vs. Runaway Train

Greg Black is one of my personal favorite wrestlers in the Cornellverse, so I predict a win for him based on that and he's on a roll after two wins against Squeeky.

Jack Bruce & Rich Money vs. Marat Khoklov

Khoklov is a monster and he has Eric Eisen in his corner.

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Squeeky McClean vs. Steve Frehley


I have a feeling Vengence will get involved. Greg Black is in a match later on so I'm not sure he'll have a need to get involved in this match. Vengence to cost Steve Frehley? It was a toss up between that and a DQ win for Steve.


The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia & ?????


This I'm not so sure about. I always tend to go for the established over the newly created, and to be honest I'm not sure who Garcia's partner would be. There is a seemingly long list of guys who aren't involved in the show that could be slotted into this role... Or maybe someone new?


Captain Atomic vs. Greg Black vs. Joe Sexy vs. Lobster Warrior vs. Marc DuBois vs. Runaway Train


One show does not a fued make... Joe Sexy/Emma Chase/"Big Money" has legs and has to roll on. I could see, maybe, someone else winning the match and Sexy somehow getting around Emma and into the match but him winning outright gives him leverage. Warrior and Dubois have their own issues and as for Captain Atomic and Runaway Train? I just don't see either of them challanging for the gold.


Jack Bruce & Rich Money vs. Marat Khoklov


This match is the reason I didn't go for a DQ in the opener. I see a DQ victory for Bruce and Money with Eric Eisen getting involved somehow. I like Khoklov's menace and power but I just can't see Bruce AND Money getting beaten by Khoklov. What I can see is Bruce and Money getting the upper hand only for Eisen to interject himself somehow.

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Squeeky McClean vs. Steve Frehley

The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia & ?????

Hope you've signed Handsome Stranger to reunite Flex & Pecs, doubt it though


Captain Atomic vs. Greg Black vs. Joe Sexy vs. Lobster Warrior vs. Marc DuBois vs. Runaway Train

Jack Bruce & Rich Money vs. Marat Khoklov

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Great story so far Eisen-Verse, it's very well written and it has inspired me to maybe try to do a dynasty on my own someday in the future. :)


I will now join in on this one.


First off, thank you for joining in on the 'SWF experience' (Yes, sounds stupid I know but hey.. I'm booking an SE company, bare with me. ha). I, just like most other writers on these boards, truly value those who read/predict/give feedback; especially with this project as it's been a lot of fun to craft my version of the SWF thus far. So, I guess I'm saying in a lengthy way, thank you for coming aboard.


As it pertains to a diary, You should def. look into it! Sure, it does take a lot of time to craft; however, I don't think I could ever go back to playing a game without a diary. It just lacks character without being able to flesh everything out, in a show format/and backstories, for everyone here to read. If you ever need someone to bounce ideas off of then don't hesitate to PM me. I was fortunate to have some great voices in my ear when I first started out, so, I understand the importance of having someone there as a 'sound board'.






Hope you've signed Handsome Stranger to reunite Flex & Pecs, doubt it though


I normally wouldn't give any insight in this way, as I don't want to give away any information before a show; however, you are 20LEgend so I think I can make an exception for you. :D


I didn't hire Handsome Stranger to a contract so it, sadly, won't be him. However, thanks to jhd1's masterful abilities, his new partner will make 'flex and pecks' look like 'child's play'. ha. I kid you not, It will be a GREAT tandem in SWF history.

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First off, thank you for joining in on the 'SWF experience' (Yes, sounds stupid I know but hey.. I'm booking an SE company, bare with me. ha). I, just like most other writers on these boards, truly value those who read/predict/give feedback; especially with this project as it's been a lot of fun to craft my version of the SWF thus far. So, I guess I'm saying in a lengthy way, thank you for coming aboard.


As it pertains to a diary, You should def. look into it! Sure, it does take a lot of time to craft; however, I don't think I could ever go back to playing a game without a diary. It just lacks character without being able to flesh everything out, in a show format/and backstories, for everyone here to read. If you ever need someone to bounce ideas off of then don't hesitate to PM me. I was fortunate to have some great voices in my ear when I first started out, so, I understand the importance of having someone there as a 'sound board'.








I normally wouldn't give any insight in this way, as I don't want to give away any information before a show; however, you are 20LEgend so I think I can make an exception for you. :D


I didn't hire Handsome Stranger to a contract so it, sadly, won't be him. However, thanks to jhd1's masterful abilities, his new partner will make 'flex and pecks' look like 'child's play'. ha. I kid you not, It will be a GREAT tandem in SWF history.


Is the partner "Devine" or "Platinum"? ;)

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