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Championship Golden Combat - Title Bout Wrestling

Wednesday, Week Two, January 2010





Marty Papin - Hello Again ladies and gents of our Television Audience, and welcome to Championship Golden Combat's Title Bout Wrestling! As Always, my broadcast partner, Adrian Garcia. Adrian, any thoughts on tonights show?

Adrian Garcia - Thanks Marty, well, as always, I'm certain my boys of the Elite Clan will prevail in tonight's main event. And I don't care about the other two...

Marty Papin - Adrian Garcia everybody, always unbiased. Without further ado, let's get to the matches.





Jack DeColt - Ladies and Gentlemen in attendance... Last week, I defeated my opponent, Joey Poison... for YOU! Because Canada, I'm Not Golden, Alex isn't Golden... Ricky's not golden... Canada... YOU! ARE! GOLDEN!


The Crowd jumps out of their seat to cheer for their hero...


Jack DeColt - Now... I have something else to say. Eddie Chandler... I want you to come out here right now. Because what YOU did to ME last week, was UNACCEPTABLE! I want you to get your butt out here right now!


Chandler's Music Hits, and Jack rushes to the ropes and looks straight at the entrance ramp. But Chandler comes from under the ring and sneaks up behind DeColt...




Eddie Chandler - Jack... Jack... Jack... I think Joey was right last week... you ARE too stupid for words to describe. And you... sent him to the HOSPITAL! That's right, your hero, Jack DeColt, sent Joey Poison, to the hospital last week, and now, poor Joey can't even make it to tonight's show!


Jack DeColt - You know damn well that I wasn't responsible for his injuries. He got up after our match and he was fine, he went backstage and he was fine. If anybody caused his injuries it was...


Eddie Chandler - It was who Jack?


Eddie Gives Jack a Cold Stare...


Jack DeColt - You and Your Elite Team of Bastards!


The Crowd Cheers as Jack points straight at Eddie and gives him an even colder stare...


Eddie Chandler - Please... You know damn well that I couldn't of done it, because I was in this ring kicking your ass all over the place last week... Well then Jack. It seems I'm going to have to do what Joey failed to do last week... Put you to sleep... FOR GOOD!


Eddie drops the microphone and leaves the ring, leaving Jack to watch him walk up the entrance way...



http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/RyanPowell-1.jpg vs http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/EdMonton-1.jpg

Ryan Powell vs Ed Monton


Ed Monton rushes forward, as does Powell, but Powell starts on the offense with some solid right jabs. Powell hits a couple of them before hitting a quick arm drag, sending Monton on his back. Monton jumps to his feet, but gets put in a solid Wrist Lock from Powell. Powell tries to leap over with a Rolling Wheel Kick from that position, but Monton ducks it, and plants him with a High Backdrop. The veteran Monton starts now stomping on the downed Powell, but as Powell gets up, he gets dropped with a shot to the back. Monton starts working him on the ground, using Stomps and Elbow Drops. However, he gets too comfortable, and following the next elbow drop, Powell finds himself on his feet with Monton on the ground. Powell plants him with a Knee to the head, and picks him up, and sends him into the ropes. This time, the rolling wheel kick hits, and Monton finds himself back on the ground. Powell circles around Monton, motioning for his finisher. Monton gets up, and walks right into the Star Treatment (Jumping Reverse STO). Powell goes for the cover and gets the three.


Ryan Powell defeats Ed Monton with a Star Treatment

Rating - C-





Jack DeColt - Alright boys, all I want us to do tonight, is promise, that whatever the outcome, we stick together... no matter what. Agreed?


The Backstage Area is shown as the three DeColts are huddled together, talking strategy and thoughts on the match later on...


Alex DeColt - Ricky. We need you to start off tonight. They'll probably put DaLay in first, which means that if you can move around quickly enough, you should be able to chop him down. Focus on that knee, he has a very bad knee from last week, and we need to capitalize on that.


Ricky DeColt - Got'cha Bro. Alright guys, let's bring the hands in... Alex... Jack...


All Three - WE! ARE! GOLDEN!



http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/ShaneNelson-1.jpg vs http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/BobbyThomas-1.jpg

Shane Nelson vs Bobby Thomas


Bobby and Shane lock up in the center of the ring, but Bobby quickly takes the offense, with a solid Knee to the stomach of Shane Nelson. Bobby pushes him off, and hits a Sucker Punch, knocking Shane right down to the canvas. Bobby begins working on the legs of the high flyer, using knee locks and stomps, before going for a Surfboard. Shane reaches the ropes, and causes Bobby to release the hold. Bobby throws a back kick, but gets nothing but air, as Shane hits some nice jabs that keep Bobby at bay. Powerful jumping Clothesline from Nelson that puts Bobby on the ground. Bobby gets caught in a Rear Chinlock that keeps him on the ground. Shane works some knee drops, and puts Bobby in an Arm-Bar. Bobby pushes to his feet, and hits a wicked Snap Suplex. Shane sits up on the canvas, Bobby runs to the ropes, and he hits a ruthless punt to the chest of Nelson. Bobby hoists him to his feet and hits an Irish Whip, followed by a Hip Toss. Bobby steps on to the apron, and hits a Slingshot Splash, and goes for the cover. He only gets a one count, and Shane kicks to his feet. Bobby goes for a Dropkick to the knee, but Shane ducks out of the way and continues to run towards the ropes. Bobby gets up and walks right into a Clothesline. Shane waits as Thomas stands up, and starts working some kicks, before missing a dropkick, which allows Bobby to take advantage. Shane avoids a kick and goes up to the top rope. Shane goes for a Flying Body Press. But just as he does, he meets a big Dropkick from Bobby Thomas, who again goes for the cover. He again only gets a one count. German Suplex from Bobby, and Shane kicks out at two this time. Bobby lifts his right hand in the air, as Shane gets to his feet. Bobby locks on to his head... Specialist Touch (Single Arm DDT)! Bobby goes for the cover, and gets the three count.


Bobby Thomas defeats Shane Nelson with a Specialist Touch

Rating - C



http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/EddieChandler-1.jpghttp://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/DanDaLay-1.jpghttp://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/ShooterSeanDeeley-1.jpg vs http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/RickyDeColt-1.jpghttp://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/JackDeColt-1.jpghttp://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/AlexDeColt-1.jpg

The Elite Clan (Eddie Chandler, Dan DaLay & Shooter Sean Deeley) vs Ricky, Jack & Alex DeColt


The match starts off as usual, but instead of Dan DaLay starting in the ring, it's Eddie Chandler. As Eddie takes a sprint towards Ricky, Ricky tags out to Jack DeColt, who plants Eddie with the DeColt Thrust. Jack begins to stomp on the head of Eddie Chandler. Jack tags out to Alex now, and just before exiting the ring, Jack slingshots him into the corner, where Alex blasts him with European Uppercut. Alex hops into the ring, and starts working on Eddie Chandler. Eddie avoids an Elbow from Alex. Eddie goes for a Suplex, but Alex hits an Uppercut that drops Eddie to the canvas. Eddie manages to pull himself to his corner, and tags out to Dan DaLay. Alex tries to tag out to Ricky DeColt, but DaLay stops him, turning him around towards his own corner, and hitting an Atomic Drop, sending Alex straight to the corner. Eddie and Sean hold on to him, and DaLay places his Boot straight on to the chest of DeColt, pushing him into the corner. Dan hits an Irish Whip, sending him rebounding off the ropes. Alex comes back, but winds up face first on the canvas following a boot to the knee. DaLay hoists Alex up by the neck, and hits a Powerful Bodyslam. DaLay tags out to Sean Deeley, and Sean immediately goes to work, as he goes for a Magistral Cradle, but only gets a one count. Deeley uses some Chain Wrestling to use Submission holds such as Knee Bars, Body Scissors, Arm Bars and Boston Crabs. Alex gets to his feet, but winds up back on his back following a Judo Sweep. Deeley gives a shout to the crowd, but Alex gets up and hits a flurry of punches and kicks that sends Deeley back into his corner. Alex hits a DeColt Thrust and tags out to Jack DeColt. Big Clothesline from Jack DeColt, which sends Deeley to the ground. Deeley avoids a leg lock, and crawls to the corner to tag out to Dan DaLay. Dan tosses Jack to the corner, and hits a nice boot to the stomach. DaLay hits an Irish Whip and a nice Shoulder block that sends DeColt to the canvas. DaLay mounts DeColt and starts to pound away with punches. DeColt gets away from him and goes for a Flying Forearm, but DaLay catches him, turns him around and hits a Full Nelson Butt Bomb. DaLay goes for the pin and gets a two count. DaLay, satisfied, tags out to Eddie Chandler. Chandler goes to work, hitting the Elitist Plex (Sustained Face First Suplex). Hotstuff Marie runs down to the ring, and Dan DaLay takes her away, however, that gives Jack time to tag out to Ricky DeColt. Ricky climbs to the top rope. Ricky jumps into the ring... Eddie catches him... Neckbreaker! Eddie applies the Fabulous Stretch (Takedown Double Arm-Bar) and causes Ricky to tap out. Elite take this match, and the series is one to one.


The Elite Clan defeat The DeColts with a Fabulous Stretch

Rating - B-


The match ends with all 6 men entering the ring and brawling as the show fades out...


Final Rating - B-/72

This Show should've increased our Popularity

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ProWrestlingHits.com Presents...


The Weekly 'Eh?'


Hey again everybody, this is Daryl Daman, the Canadian Wrestling Reporter here at PWHits.com, and on this week's inaugural segment of 'The Weekly Eh?' We'll be looking at recent happenings in Canada, the ratings war in the 'Wednesday Night Wars' and more news. So check it out.


CGC Title Bout Wrestling vs NOTBPW Canadian Wrestling

The latest episode of the Wednesday Night Wars was last night, so let's give them a quick run-down.


Championship Golden Combat pulled a B- Show in my opinion, with the star performance going to Dan DaLay, who was involved in the match of the night with Shooter Sean Deeley & Eddie Chandler against The DeColts.


North of the Border Pro Wrestling pulled a B Show in my opinion, the star performance again going to Sean McFly. However, the match of the night was the Main Event between Steve DeColt and Dan Stone Jr for the NOTBPW Canadian Championship.





CGC Pulled 2,000 Fans to their show last night, while NOTBPW got 5,000.





Championship Golden Combat managed to pull a 0.85 Rating last night, while North of the Border Pro Wrestling managed a 1.01.





So this week it seems that NOTBPW won the war with a clean sweep. Good luck next week CGC.


Canadian Match of the Week

The Canadian Match of the week was at CGC, with The DeColts versus The Elite Clan. Congratulations boys, you did Canada Proud this week.


Extra News & Rumours

Apparently a couple new wrestlers are set to join the CGC ranks sometime next week. We look forward to seeing them.


Joey Poison is still out, with an unknown injury. We hope he can return sometime soon.


Independant Wrestler Jon Jetson is set to retire sometime within the next month or so. We wish him the best in future endeavors. Jetson is a 3 Time former CGC Tag Team Champion, twice with Ed Monton, once with Steve Flash.


The Poll for today is...


Who is the best Canadian Independant Wrestler out there, who is yet to find work?


A) Nomad

B) Rockin' Ryan Turner

C) Thomas Morgan

D) Bob Casey

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Miscellaneous/PWHits.jpg</span><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>New Card for CGC's Title Bout Wrestling</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

CGC has officially announced the new card for Title Bout Wrestling. Not much to report this week, so stay tuned for the Weekly Eh? for news.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>Alex DeColt vs Dan DaLay</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>Two of the most dangerous stars on the CGC roster come to a head. What will happen tonight? What will happen at Elimination?</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>Ricky DeColt vs Nate Johnson</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>Bobby Thomas proved his abilities last week, but how will Nate Johnson fare against the DeColt's youngest son.</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>The Soldiers of Fortune vs Whippy The Clown and Thrill Seeker</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>Who will win this Tag Team Number One Contendership match?</em></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

A New poll has come up, and today's is:</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>Who would make a good tag team in CGC?</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

A) Whippy & Thrill Seeker</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

B) Brett Fraser & Gargantuan</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

C) Grimm Quibble & Christian Price</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

D) Nathan Black & Philippe LaGrenier</span></p></div><p></p>

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<p><strong>Alex DeColt </strong>vs Dan DaLay</p><p>

<strong>Ricky DeColt</strong> vs Nate Johnson</p><p>

<strong>The Soldiers of Fortune</strong> vs Whippy The Clown and Thrill Seeker</p><p> </p><p>

D) Nathan Black & Philippe LaGrenier</p>

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Alex DeColt vs Dan DaLay

Two of the most dangerous stars on the CGC roster come to a head. What will happen tonight? What will happen at Elimination?


Ricky DeColt vs Nate Johnson

Bobby Thomas proved his abilities last week, but how will Nate Johnson fare against the DeColt's youngest son.


The Soldiers of Fortune vs Whippy The Clown and Thrill Seeker

Who will win this Tag Team Number One Contendership match?



Assmuming no chemistry issues, Whippy and Thrill Seeker would probably make a good team. The Clown Daredevils.

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<p>Alex DeColt vs Dan DaLay</p><p>

Draw.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ricky DeColt</strong> vs Nate Johnson</p><p>

No, Nate will not beat a DeColt</p><p> </p><p>

The Soldiers of Fortune vs <strong>Whippy The Clown and Thrill Seeker</strong></p><p>

It's not going to be the Olders of Fortune.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

D) Nathan Black and Philippe LaGrenier, I think I ran them as a tag and wasn't too disappointed.</p>

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Alex DeColt vs Dan DaLay

Two of the most dangerous stars on the CGC roster come to a head. What will happen tonight? What will happen at Elimination?


Ricky DeColt vs Nate Johnson

Bobby Thomas proved his abilities last week, but how will Nate Johnson fare against the DeColt's youngest son.


The Soldiers of Fortune vs Whippy The Clown and Thrill Seeker

Who will win this Tag Team Number One Contendership match?


C) Quibble and Price. They have youth on their side and I hate Phillipe.

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Championship Golden Combat - Title Bout Wrestling

Wednesday, Week Three, January 2010




Marty Papin - Hello again everybody, this is Marty Papin and this is my broadcast partner Adrian Garcia. Adrian, thoughts on tonight's show?

Adrian Garcia - Do you even need to ask? DaLay, Johnson, Soldiers of Fortune. Guaranteed.

Marty Papin - And unfortunately, Joey Poison is still Missing in Action. Joey was last seen two weeks ago, wrestling Jack DeColt. He left the arena in fine condition, but nobody has seen much of him in the past two weeks.

Adrian Garcia - Hold up... hold up a second Marty. I'm seeing something on my monitor. There's... there's something up in the rafters...?

Marty Papin - Don't worry Adrian, you're just seeing things, we just need to get to the matches.



http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/WhippyTheClown.jpghttp://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/ThrillSeeker.jpg vs http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/TheInsaneHeat.jpghttp://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/Fate.jpg

Whippy The Clown & Thrill Seeker vs The Soldiers of Fortune


Thrill Seeker and Fate start in the ring, with Thrill Seeker jumping up and tossing Fate into his corner with a Monkey Flip, where Whippy clocks him with a Right hand, sending him crashing into a Neckbreaker. Excellent chemistry is being displayed by Seeker and Whippy, and Seeker stands in the center of the ring and yells 'E.C.P!' Nobody in the crowd really understands it, but as soon as Thrill Seeker hits a Fist Drop and the crowd begins to cheer again. Seeker tries to toss Fate into the corner, but Fate reverses him. Seeker avoids a boot choke and goes for a Roll Up, but Fate stays stable and falls on top, but only gets a one count. Fate hits a nice shoulder block and applies a choke to the grounded Thrill Seeker. Seeker gets up and attempts an Enziguiri kick, but Fate moves out of the way. Fate goes for a Clothesline, but Seeker hits a nice Knife Edge Chop but, Fate just continues to attack hitting a Headbutt. Thrill Seeker avoids a stomp and hits a Rolling Wheel Kick as he gets up, and instantly goes for the tag to Whippy The Clown. Whippy applies a Rear Chinlock and drags Fate to his feet, before pushing him away and hitting a snap kick to the stomach. Whippy rebounds off the ropes and hits a flying forearm, before rebounding off the ropes once more and hits a Basement Dropkick to the back of Fate. Whippy climbs to the top rope, and hits the Joke's On You (Top Rope Flying Butt Press) and goes for the three count, and gets it.


Whippy the Clown & Thrill Seeker defeat The Soldiers of Fortune with a Joke's On You

Rating - D+


Whippy The Clown - We Are... The EXTREME... CLOWN... POSSE!


Whippy drops his microphone as he and Thrill Seeker exit the ring... with Destiny giving Fate a growl and a sneer as he exits the ring as well, with Fate on his knees and frustrated...





Eddie Chandler is seen backstage, pacing around, with a deadly look in his eyes, as he turns to the camera...


Eddie Chandler - I defeated the DeColts last week, and I was the most dangerous man in CGC. And now... this week... I'm not even booked. I guess Alex was scared I'd defeat his other brother... or even worse, him. So now, he's facing the big man, Dan DaLay. DaLay is going to destroy him. And I truly hope... that he does. Don't be surprised if you see me by that ring tonight... friend.



http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/RickyDeColt-1.jpg vs http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/NateJohnson.jpg

Ricky DeColt vs Nate Johnson


Ricky steps forward into Johnson's corner and instantly throws a punch, before locking grips with Nate. Ricky goes for an Irish Whip, but Nate tosses him the other way, and blasts him with a Clothesline on the way back. Nate lifts him up, and applies a Front Headlock, Nate hits a kick to the gut, and begins to reign down punches and kicks which causes DeColt to fall to the ground where Nate continues the Onslaught. Ricky manages to get to his feet, before shoving Nate away from him, and then applying a headlock of his own, and throwing Nate across the ring with a Snap Suplex. DeColt hit a big DDT as Nate got up. Ricky sets up in the corner, and hits a Handspring Moonsault. Ricky hits some powerful stomps, and Nate gets up, but gets planted with an Uppercut. Ricky Goes up to the top rope, but Nate gets up and tries to push him off, Ricky kicks him away and he goes up and hits a Legdrop. Ricky sprints to the side of the ring and jumps from halfway across the ring and hits a Springboard Moonsault and hits Nate flat with it. DeColt raises him up, and hits the DeColt 45 (Roll Inverted DDT) and gets the cover.


Ricky DeColt defeats Nate Johnson with a DeColt 45

Rating - C+


Post match, Shooter Sean Deeley and Bobby Thomas storm the ring and beatdown on the two in the ring, DeColt and Johnson. The argument becomes a brawl, and officials are forced to get involved and seperate them.



http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/DanDaLay-1.jpg vs http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/AlexDeColt-1.jpg

Dan DaLay vs Alex DeColt


DaLay instantly tosses Alex DeColt into one corner, before sending him right into the opposing one. DaLay sprints into the corner and hits a brutal Avalanche. DaLay raises Alex to the top turnbuckle, but Alex kicks him away and hits a Double Axe Handle which stuns DaLay. DeColt hits a DeColt Thrust (Double Hand Throat Thrust) which again stuns DaLay. DaLay, dazed, tries to run at DeColt, who hits a Drop Toe Hold. Alex applies a Nerve Pinch, but DaLay reaches the ropes. DaLay tosses Alex out of the ring, but Alex grabs a Chair on his way back in. Alex has a Chair in his hands and takes a swing at DaLay, but DaLay grabs it, and tosses it away, but it stays in the ring. DaLay drops DeColt with a big right hand, before leaving the ring and grabbing another Chair. DaLay hits an Elbow Drop, following the Clothesline he hit on his way back into the ring. But just as he prepares to hit a Chairshot to the downed DeColt... Jack DeColt storms the ring, but Eddie Chandler follows him... In comes Ricky DeColt and Shooter Sean Deeley, the whole ring becomes a battleground, and the referee has lost control of the match, calling it a double draw. The bell rings and no victor has been declared.


Double Draw

Rating - B-




Jack DeColt - Eddie... you and your Elite Bastards always try to get involved in our matches, but one thing you don't understand is... we are the DeColts! We Are Golden! and WE! STICK! TOGETHER! That's one thing you people will never understand, because as soon as one of you three do something wrong, you implode with anger, and soon enough... The Elitists... will be Defeated... For Good!


Final Rating - B-/72

This Show should've increased our Popularity

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ProWrestlingHits.com Presents...


The Weekly 'Eh?'


Hey there wrestling fans, this is Daryl Daman, the Canadian Wrestling Reporter here at PWHits.com, and on this week's segment of 'The Weekly Eh?' We'll be looking at recent happenings in Canada, the ratings war in the 'Wednesday Night Wars' and more news. So check it out.


CGC Title Bout Wrestling vs NOTBPW Canadian Wrestling

The latest episode of the Wednesday Night Wars was last night, so let's give them a quick run-down.


Championship Golden Combat pulled a B- Show in my opinion, with the star performance going to Jack DeColt, who although was not involved in any match, was involved in one of the most crowd popping promos in Company history. The match of the night went to Alex DeColt & Dan DaLay.


North of the Border Pro Wrestling pulled a B- Show in my opinion, the star performance again going to Sean McFly. However, the match of the night was R.K. Hayes vs Jeremy Stone.





CGC Pulled 5,000 Fans to their show last night, while NOTBPW got 1,924.





Championship Golden Combat managed to pull a 0.87 Rating last night, while North of the Border Pro Wrestling managed a 0.99.





So this week it seems that CGC won the war. Congratulations, and we hope for another stellar performance next week.


Canadian Match of the Week

The Canadian Match of the week was between Jeremy Stone and R.K. Hayes, congratulations fellows, but we'd like to give special congratulations to ACPW's Mario Da Silva & El Diablo, who fought for the ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship.


Extra News & Rumours

NOTBPW Showed Big City Brawl last week, with the match of the night going to Johnny Bloodstone and Jeremy Stone. The show pulled a B rating in my opinion.


CGC's Elimination is tomorrow, the hype article will be up tonight, so stay tuned folks.


No news about Joey Poison yet, but we'll try to keep you updated.


The poll of the day for today is not so much a poll, but a question...


Who Will Win the CGC Elimination Match (Battle Royale) ?



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http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/EddieChandler-1.jpg vs http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/JackDeColt-1.jpg

Eddie Chandler vs Jack DeColt ©

Two / Three Falls Match for the CGC World Championship


These two have gone at it physically, mentally, and behind each other's back for the past three weeks. Now it all comes to a head in the Main Event of CGC's Elimination. It all started Three Weeks ago when Jack DeColt went through a grueling match against Joey Poison, when Eddie Chandler, came running down the entrance way, and began to beat down on the exhausted DeColt. This was followed by Dan DaLay and Shooter Sean Deeley adding to the ambush, until the other two DeColts came running down to turn it into a drag'em out brawl. Two weeks ago, Jack DeColt opened the show, calling out Eddie Chandler. Eddie stated that it would be Jack going to sleep in the main event, but alas, it was Ricky who was forced to tap out to the Fabulous Stretch. This angered the DeColts, who jumped the ropes and attacked Elite, turning it into yet another Drag'em out Brawl. The final meeting came with seperate promos between Jack DeColt and Eddie Chandler, following by another brawl in the ring last wednesday. Who will take this match, tune in to CGC's Elimination Tomorrow!


The Elimination Match



Brett Fraser - Former 3 Time 4C Hardcore Champion

Christian Price - 2005 Graduate of the DeColt Power House

Destiny - Former CGC Tag Team Champion, 2 Time XFW World Champion

Ed Monton - Former CGC Canadian Champion, 3 Time CGC World Champion, 2 Time CGC Tag Team Champion

Fate - Former 6 Time CGC Tag Team Champion

Gargantuan - The Ruthless Monster of CGC

Grease Hogg - 2005 Graduate of the Supreme University

Grimm Quibble - Former CGC Tag Team Champion

Lead Belly - 2005 Graduate of the Supreme University

Nathan Black - Former Tag Team Champion

Ozzie Golden - Former 2 Time MAW Tag Team Champion

Philippe LaGrenier - Former Tag Team Champion, 2007 Graduate of the DeColt Power House

Stevie Grayson - Current CGC Tag Team Champion, Former 2 Time TCW Cruiserweight Champion

Thrill Seeker - Former 3 Time CGC Tag Team Champion

Trent Shaffer - Former CGC Canadian Champion

Vin Tanner - Former 2 Time DaVE Brass Knuckles Champion, 2 Time DaVE Extreme Champion

Warren Technique - Former 2 Time 4C Champion

Whippy The Clown - Former CGC Tag Team Champion

Zeus Maximillion - Former CGC Canadian Champion, Current CGC Tag Team Champion

??? - Mystery Contestant


Who will be the Cinderella Man this year in this Star-Studded ELIMINATION match.


Also On The Card


http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/AlexDeColt-1.jpg vs http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/DanDaLay-1.jpg

Alex DeColt vs Dan DaLay


http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/RickyDeColt-1.jpg vs http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/ShooterSeanDeeley-1.jpg

Ricky DeColt vs Shooter Sean Deeley


Quick Picks

Jack DeColt vs Eddie Chandler


Elimination Match

Brett Fraser, Christian Price, Destiny, Ed Monton, Fate, Gargantuan, Grease Hogg, Grimm Quibble, Lead Belly, Nathan Black, Ozzie Golden, Philippe LaGrenier, Stevie Grayson, Thrill Seeker, Trent Shaffer, Vin Tanner, Warren Technique, Whippy The Clown, Zeus Maximillion & ???


Alex DeColt vs Dan DaLay


Ricky DeColt vs Shooter Sean Deeley

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Jack DeColt vs Eddie Chandler


Elimination Match

Brett Fraser, Christian Price, Destiny, Ed Monton, Fate, Gargantuan, Grease Hogg, Grimm Quibble, Lead Belly, Nathan Black, Ozzie Golden, Philippe LaGrenier, Stevie Grayson, Thrill Seeker, Trent Shaffer, Vin Tanner, Warren Technique, Whippy The Clown, Zeus Maximillion & ???

Alex DeColt vs Dan DaLay


Ricky DeColt vs Shooter Sean Deeley

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Jack DeColt vs Eddie Chandler


Elimination Match

Brett Fraser, Christian Price, Destiny, Ed Monton, Fate, Gargantuan, Grease Hogg, Grimm Quibble, Lead Belly, Nathan Black, Ozzie Golden, Philippe LaGrenier, Stevie Grayson, Thrill Seeker, Trent Shaffer, Vin Tanner, Warren Technique, Whippy The Clown, Zeus Maximillion & ???


Alex DeColt vs Dan DaLay


Ricky DeColt vs Shooter Sean Deeley

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Jack DeColt vs Eddie Chandler


Elimination Match

Brett Fraser, Christian Price, Destiny, Ed Monton, Fate, Gargantuan, Grease Hogg, Grimm Quibble, Lead Belly, Nathan Black, Ozzie Golden, Philippe LaGrenier, Stevie Grayson, Thrill Seeker, Trent Shaffer, Vin Tanner, Warren Technique, Whippy The Clown, Zeus Maximillion & ???


Alex DeColt vs Dan DaLay


Ricky DeColt vs Shooter Sean Deeley


Who Rules DeColt Rules

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