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CGC - Road To The Gold

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Jack DeColt vs Eddie Chandler


Elimination Match

Brett Fraser, Christian Price, Destiny, Ed Monton, Fate, Gargantuan, Grease Hogg, Grimm Quibble, Lead Belly, Nathan Black, Ozzie Golden, Philippe LaGrenier, Stevie Grayson, Thrill Seeker, Trent Shaffer, Vin Tanner, Warren Technique, Whippy The Clown, Zeus Maximillion & ???


Alex DeColt vs Dan DaLay


Ricky DeColt vs Shooter Sean Deeley


I wanted to bet against the mystery man, but couldn't.

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Jack DeColt is seen looking straight at the camera, in front of a golden background used for all wrestlers...

Jack DeColt - This isn't about glory, it's about honor.

Eddie Chandler turns his back at the camera, with a sneer on his face...

Eddie Chandler - It's not about beating your opponents... it's about seizing a moment.

Alex DeColt is seen raising his hands in front of the camera...

Alex DeColt - It's about grasping that opportunity.

Dan DaLay stares down at the camera and gives it a glare...

Dan DaLay - And owning the spotlight...

Ricky DeColt is seen jumping up and down, smiling at the camera...

Ricky DeColt - No matter how big, nor how small you are...

Sean Deeley paces back and forth, and shadowboxes for the camera...

Sean Deeley - To earn your golden moment.

Ed Monton looks towards the camera...

Ed Monton - And to show people what you are made of.

Ryan Powell clenches his fists...

Ryan Powell - And showing what you're capable of.

Trent Shaffer - This is My...

Zeus Maximillion - This is My...

Grimm Quibble - This is My...

Whippy the Clown - This is My...

Thrill Seeker - This is My...

Brett Fraser - This is My...

Gargantuan - THIS IS MY...

Christian Price - This is My...

Ozzie Golden - This is My...

A Man in a hooded cloak approches the camera...

Cloaked Man - I am the Eliminator... and this is MY TIME!


And Now... Championship Golden Combat and Beaver Buzz Canada present... CGC's ELIMINATION VIII!



Championship Golden Combat - ELIMINATION VIII

Friday, Week Three, January 2010



<object width="30" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F11JqLUBCfY&hl=en_GB&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F11JqLUBCfY&hl=en_GB&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="30" height="25"></embed></object>




Marty Papin - Hello everybody, and welcome to the begininning of the Road to the DeColt WrestleFestival. Tonight, one man will make their dream come true by earning themselves a spot in the Main Event of one of the DeColt WrestleFestival days. My brodcast partner as usual is Adrian Garcia. Adrian, top three picks for this years Elimination Match?

Adrian Garcia - Trent Shaffer, Gargantuan or Zeus Maximillion. Trent's a star in the making, Gargantuan's huge and Zeus has the abilities to break away from the Tag Team picture.

Marty Papin - Nobody doubts the size advantage of Gargantuan, but what about the mystery contestant. We have no time to talk however, as we are starting. It's sure to be a fantastic evening.



http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/RickyDeColt-1.jpg vs http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/ShooterSeanDeeley-1.jpg

Ricky DeColt vs Shooter Sean Deeley


Sean and Ricky meet in the center of the ring, tentative, but that's to be expected due to the fact that they know each other very well. Sean makes the first move, ducking a punch from Ricky and locking on a Top Wrist Lock. Sean Drags him into a headlock, and takes him down using it, before engaging a Rear Chinlock. Excellent technical skill on display from Deeley, who hoists Ricky to his feet and hits an Irish Whip, and as Ricky rebounds, Sean hits a hip toss. Sean goes for a Twisting Kneelock, looking to finish the match early, but Ricky gets out and rebounds off the ropes, taking Sean down with a Running Clothesline. Ricky tries to get Technical with Sean, but Sean escapes a sloppy Rear Chinlock and takes Ricky for a ride with an Arm Drag. Sean applies an Arm-Bar, and turns it into a Keylock. Ricky manages to get to his feet, but Sean puts him back down with an Amateur Wrestling Takedown. Ricky scrambles to his feet, but Sean continues to pick up momentum, hitting a few Knife Edge Chops and hitting Ricky with a Spear. Sean goes for the pin, but only gets a count of one. Big Snap Suplex as Ricky gets up, and Sean goes for another cover, again, only achieving a one count. Ricky gets up and walks into a Fireman's Carry Takedown, and Sean applies the Knee-Bar he's been looking for. Ricky reaches for the ropes and Sean holds on until the count of four.


Ricky gets up and hits a powerful right, but Sean latches onto a Russian Legsweep type position, but rolls forward and goes for a toe-hold. Sean is neutralizing Ricky's high-flying abilities by going for the leg locks, and Ricky isn't enjoying it at all. Ricky pulls out of it, and Sean goes for a Magistral Cradle, but Ricky breaks it, and gets up. Ricky pushes Sean back with a Thrust Kick to the gut, and lights him up with a few Knife Edge Chops. Ricky rushes him with a Running Clothesline, but Sean has none of it, using his momentum and flipping him over with a Gutwrench Suplex. Sean applies a Bow and Arrow lock, but as Ricky struggles to get out, switches to a Single Leg Boston Crab, but Ricky has none of it, kicking him off and continuing on. Sean's submission game seems to have no effect on Ricky's flying abilities however, as Ricky hits a dropkick. But Ricky's fatal mistake once more is going for an Arm-Bar, as Sean rolls through and kicks Ricky's legs out from under him. Sean attempts to hoist Ricky up once more, but Ricky hits him in the gut a couple times before hitting a wicked Running Clothesline. But Ricky is too stubborn to avoid going for the Arm-Bar, as Sean gets to his feet and applies a Front Facelock. Sean twists, and hits the Twisting Neckbreaker, before going for another cover. Only a one count once more, and Sean is visibly getting frustrated.


Ricky takes Sean down to the ground with a Drop Toe Hold, but Sean takes him down with a Drop Toe Hold... Sean Deeley applies the STF! Will Ricky tap out! Ricky tries to pull himself to the ropes, but Sean gets up and tries to pull him back... Ricky kicks away and avoids the loss. Sean gets near Ricky but Ricky rolls him up with a School Boy. One count and Sean kicks out. Triple Kick Combo from Ricky, and Ricky misses the Elbow Drop afterwards. Sean misses a Thrust Kick, but Ricky goes for the DeColt 45 (Roll Inverted DDT) but Sean avoids it and applies the Seated Stretch Arm-Bar and Ricky is in a bad situation. He's in the center of the ring and he is in horrible condition. Ricky, with no other option, taps out, giving Sean Deeley the victory.


Shooter Sean Deeley defeats Ricky DeColt with a Seated Stretch Arm-Bar

Rating - B


Following the match, Ricky gets up, holding his arm in pain, as Sean Deeley positions himself on the top rope to raise his arms and flaunt his victory to the fans. Deeley gets off the ropes and faces off with Ricky DeColt. Ricky, grabs his arm and offers Deeley a hand-shake, but just as Deeley goes for it, Ricky takes his arm and slaps Deeley across the face with it, before leaving the ring. Deeley stands in the center of the ring, just as his music hits once more, as he leaves the ring as well...



Ryan Powell comes down to the ring and says that due to the fact that he has no match scheduled tonight, he is calling out Shane Nelson. Nelson comes down to the ring and is raring to go, as this match gets underway...


http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/RyanPowell-1.jpg vs http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/ShaneNelson-1.jpg

Ryan Powell vs Shane Nelson


Ryan Powell and Shane Nelson instantly rush to the center of the ring, with Powell throwing kicks and punches, trying to keep Nelson at bay. Nelson jumps right towards Ryan, but winds up on the canvas following a Dropkick at the same time. Shane Nelson tries to kip-up, but Powell blasts him with a Basement Dropkick this time. Powell goes to work with some ground and pound, but is kicked away by Shane Nelson, who gets up and a couple body blows, but takes a thrust kick right to the face. Powell hits some stomps before hitting a small legdrop. Nelson stumbles to his feet, and walks into a Thesz Press and blasts him with a couple of punches. Nelson, dazed, gets up, and walks right into a Star Treatment (Jumping Reverse STO) as Powell gets the cover and the pin.


Ryan Powell defeats Shane Nelson with a Star Treatment

Rating - C


Ryan Powell - If that doesn't deserve a Title Shot then I don't know WHAT does!


Ryan drops his microphone and leaves the ring, short but sweet...



http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/DanDaLay-1.jpg vs http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/AlexDeColt-1.jpg

Dan DaLay vs Alex DeColt

Falls Count Anywhere Match


Just shortly before this match was set to happen, head booker Phil Vibert named it a Falls Count Anywhere to excite the fans. Dan DaLay locks grips with DeColt, and blasts him with a backhand slap to the face. DeColt backs up, and gives DaLay a glare, before rushing him and getting blasted by a clothesline. DaLay, already leaves the ring, and grabs a chair. As he returns to the ring, he lays the chair down... Power Bodyslam onto a Steel Chair. That's got to hurt DeColt. A few stomps from DaLay as he waits for DeColt to stand up, and just as he does, he hits a big shoulder block that puts him right back down. DeColt slowly, gets back to his feet and meets with another DaLay Bodyslam onto a chair. This is just pure dominance from DaLay, who leaves the ring once more to grab a Table. DaLay gets back in and Tosses Alex into the corner and hits a few shoulder rams, looking to set up a SuperPlex through the table, but Alex resists and gets out of the corner. DaLay goes for a Full Nelson Butt Bomb, but Alex slips away and hits the DeColt Thrust (Double Handed Throat Thrust)! Alex goes for a headbutt, but DaLay just takes it and plants him on a chair with a DDT. DaLay sets up a chair under DeColt's head, and he mounts him, landing some brutal ground and pound to the head of the visibly injured DeColt. Alex's head is just rebounding off the chair, and he's in too much of a bad situation to escape it.


DaLay gets off, and turns around and climbs to the top rope, turning his back on DeColt, as he raises his hands to the crowd. DeColt stumbles towards him, and hits a low blow, putting him back first on the canvas. DaLay gets up and takes a European Uppercut. DeColt goes for a Clothesline, but winds up on his back again via a Samoan Drop onto a chair. DaLay goes for a Chairshot from above, but he misses and and the rebounding effect causes him to hit himself in the head with his own chair. DeColt gets up, and hits a kick to the gut of DaLay. He goes for a punch, but swings too wildly and misses. DaLay turns around and walks into a Flying Knee from Alex. Alex raises him up, but DaLay pushes him off and applies a Full Nelson Butt Bomb, and he hits it. And a huge chairshot from above puts Alex out cold. DaLay goes for the pin, but Alex kicks out at one and a half. DaLay waits as DeColt stands and goes for a Three Point Stance, but Alex lifts a knee and hits a Kitchen Sink, sending DaLay flipping over his leg. Alex goes for a pin and only gets a one count. DaLay gets up and hits a kick to the gut, pulling DeColt in for a Powerbomb. He hits it, and goes for the pin, but gets a two count this time.


DaLay raises DeColt to his feet, and tosses him to the corner. DaLay hits a clothesline and hits a DaLay Bulldog through a Table! DaLay continues to hit powerful right hooks to a downed Alex DeColt. DaLay tries to raise Alex to the top turnbuckle. Alex kicks him away and tries to go for a Double Axe Handle, but DaLay catches him and tosses him out of the ring. DaLay exits the ring and blasts him with more right hooks before Raising him up... DaLay Down (Inverted Piledriver). The referee exits the ring and goes for the count outside, and DaLay gets the three. So far it's 2-0 for Elite, and a third is definitely possible.


Dan DaLay defeats Alex DeColt with a DaLay Down

Rating - C+



Marty Papin - Ladies and Gentlemen... it's time... for the Championship Golden Combat ELIMINATION Match! In this match, Two contestants will start in the ring, with another joining every two minutes. A competitor is eliminated once they touch the ground with both feet, and the lat man in the ring will be declared the winner, and earn himself a DeColt WRESTLEFESTIVAL Title Match!



Entrant #1 - Christian Price

Entrant #2 - Zeus Maximillion


Zeus and Christian start by circling each other, with Zeus Flexing his muscles in some way, shape or form every step of the way. Christian gives Zeus a grin, and Zeus steps right forward and shoves him and flexes once more. Christian slaps him in the face and goes for a takedown, but Zeus knees him once in the face and pops him with a hammerfist to the back of the head that sends him face first to the canvas. Zeus begins to plant some knees and stomps into the head of Christian Price, and Zeus hoists him up to flaunt some more. Zeus gets a little too confident, as Christien gets a punch to the stomach in and goes to work using punches and kicks. Zeus goes for a wild uppercut, but Christian pulls away and hits a punt to the face of Zeus that almost sends him over the top rope. But Zeus hangs on and tries to reverse it on Christian with a High Backdrop, but he avoids it, and allows Zeus to get back in the ring as he's escaping. The crowd begins to count down from ten as the next contestant sets up to enter the ring.



Entrant #3 - Destiny


Destiny comes running down to the ring and gets right into the match, lighting up both Christian Price and Zeus Maximillion with Knife Edge Chops. Destiny hits a nice Suplex to Christian Price, and just as he stumbles to his feet, Zeus tries to Clothesline him over the top rope, but Christian Price resists by hanging on to the top rope, and avoiding possible elimination. Christian fights back firing off lefts and rights to his two opponents, who seemingly want him out first. Destiny takes one right in the head, and Maximillion gets hit in the gut. Christian tries to go high on both with a clothesline, but Destiny and Zeus both hit a Drop toe hold on him at the same time. Maximillion goes for a right hand to Destiny as he's getting up, but Destiny hits an Irish Whip, but before he can strike, Christian rolls him up and Zeus hits a Splash on both. Just as he does, the timer goes down again as the next man is set to enter.



Entrant #4 - Lead Belly


Out comes Lead Belly who swashbuckles down to the ring like a true biker would. As he gets near the ring, he jumps on the apron, and goes straight to the top rope. With Price, Maximillion and Destiny all bunched up, Belly takes a leap from the top rope and crumbles them all on the canvas. Belly picks Price out of the three, and hoists him over his shoulders. Lead Belly positions him for a Powerbomb, and he hits the RPM Bomb (Jackknife Powerbomb) and Sends Price crashing to the ground below, eliminating him from the match.


Christian Price Eliminated


The match continues with all three men exchanging punches, Zeus, Destiny and Belly, all going at it with ruthless aggression. Lead Belly ducks a punch from Destiny and takes him to the ground with a Thesz Press. Zeus gets in on the dogpile as well. All three men beating on each other in a good old fashioned brawl, just as the countdown timer begins.



Entrant #5 - Trent Shaffer


Out Comes Trent Shaffer, sprinting down to the ring and hitting some brutal stomps and brutal kicks. Trent Shaffer begins to roll with attacks, and gains a lot of momentum. Just as Zeus gets up, Trent hits him with a dropkick, just as Belly gets up, Trent blasts him with an Enziguiri, and Just as Destiny gets up, Trent hits a Flying Forearm. Destiny hits a nice stiff kick to the legs of Zeus Maximillion as they're getting up, and as Lead Belly gets up again, Trent hits a brutal head kick that floors Lead Belly, and he's now down for the count. Trent tries to roll him out of the ring, but he's unable to push that much weight on his own. Zeus Maximillion tries to get in on it, but Destiny continues to work on his legs, which makes him unable to move. Destiny, seeing an opportunity to further himself in the match, rushes to the aid of Trent Shaffer, but Lead Belly has gotten his wits about him once more, and gets back to his feet. Belly, in a bad situation, attempts to fight his way out with punches. But it's no good, as he gets floored again, luckily, in the center of the ring, courtesy of a hip toss from Destiny. The countdown begins again, as the next contestant prepares to enter the ring.



Entrant #6 - Philippe LaGrenier


Philippe LaGrenier slowly paces down to the ring, knowing he's in no rush. Philippe slowly continues down, as the mayhem continues in the ring. Lead Belly clotheslines Zeus Maximillion, but winds up getting Flapjacked over the top rope by Destiny. Lead Belly just manages to hang on though, and he avoids the elimination once more, just by the skin of his teeth. Philippe LaGrenier finally gets in the ring, and begins to lay waste to those around him, giving punches to anybody in sight. First Shaffer, then Destiny, Then Maximillion then Lead Belly, as soon as he got back in the ring. Philippe's run of dominance however soon came to an end, as he found himself hoisted over the top rope by Destiny and Zeus Maximillion. Zeus wraps his legs in a body scissors clutch, before latching onto a Standing Variation of the Olympian Clutch (Camel Clutch)! Philippe is tapping out, and Zeus lets go, falling into a Rope Backbreaker, sending Philippe flying to the outside, eliminating him.


Philippe LaGrenier is Eliminated


The match rolls on as the four men left in the ring continue to battle it out. Trent Shaffer bounces off the ropes to the left of Zeus Maximillion and hits a nice Springboard Dropkick to his back. Lead Belly and Destiny continue to brawl in the center of the ring. Just as the fight reaches the corner, the timer begins to count down.


Dark Music begins to play, as a Cloaked Man enters down the ramp...


Adrian Garcia - Oh my god... is that... is that?



Entrant #7 - Joey Poison




Down comes Joey Poison, who many thought was injured, and he begins to tear everybody in the ring to shreds, instantly attacking Lead Belly, then Trent Shaffer, then Zeus Maximillion, and then Destiny. Poison hits a new finisher he calls Tainted System (Jumping Cutter) to Lead Belly and sends him flying out of the ring with a Clothesline as he gets up.


Lead Belly is Eliminated


Joey Poison continues to lay waste to everybody in the ring, giving Tainted Systems all around. One for Shaffer, one for Zeus and one for Destiny. Poison lets out a yell, and gives everybody in the ring a sneer and a Grim look. Poison punts Maximillion right in the stomach, and sends him rolling into the corner. Poison moves right over towards Trent Shaffer and hits a Leg Drop to the back of his head, before positioning himself in the corner opposing Destiny. As Destiny gets up, Poison sprints towards him and hits another new finisher called The Wasting (Spear) and sends Destiny crashing to the canvas. Poison waits next to the front ropes, and awaits as the next contestant prepares for their entrance.



Entrant #8 - Vin Tanner


Out comes the Most Vicious Man in CGC, Vin Tanner. Tanner rushes down to the ring with a Baseball Bat and stares Joey Poison in the eyes, and goes to hit him in the leg, Joey avoids it, and hits another Tainted System. With everybody down, Joey attempts to get somebody out of the ring, he goes for Destiny. But Zeus Maximillion jumps him from behind and tries to hit his Thunder Bolt (Sit Out Powerbomb), But as soon as Joey goes up, he comes right back down with a Hurricanrana, sending Zeus Maximillion to the same ropes that Destiny is near. Vin Tanner slowly gets to his feet, and he and Joey Poison sprint to the opposing ropes and hit double dropkicks, one sending Zeus Maximillion out of the ring, and Sending Destiny nearly out of the ring, but he has just enough energy to stay in the ring. Just as Zeus is eliminated, the countdown timer begins to go down.


Zeus Maximillion is Eliminated



Entrant #9 - Ozzie Golden


Ozzie Golden comes running down to the ring, and he is met with a furious clothesline from Vin Tanner, who begins to destroy the downed Golden with punches. Trent Shaffer gets up following the Tainted System he received earlier, and takes a run at Destiny and hits a knee to his head. Destiny grimaces in pain, and tries to huddle himself next to the corner post. Ozzie Golden tries to get back up, but he's promptly beaten down by Joey Poison, Trent Shaffer and Vin Tanner. Tanner hoists him to his feet, and Irish Whip and Shaffer and Poison hit dropkicks to the knees of Ozzie, who somersaults to the ropes, almost to the outside of the ring. Destiny tries to get back to his feet, and plants a boot right in the face of Vin Tanner. Joey Poison gets turned on by Trent Shaffer, who hits a Leg Lariat that puts him on his back. Just as this is going on, the timer counts down once more and the next contestant is on his way.



Entrant #10 - Gargantuan


The halfway point of this match is as big as a SuperBowl halftime show, as the humongous Gargantuan begins to make his way down the entry ramp. The whole ring cowers in fear on the opposing side of the ring. Trent Shaffer, Joey Poison, Vin Tanner, Destiny and Ozzie Golden all set themselves up on the other side of the ring as Gargantuan climbs into the ring. Like a pack of wolves, they swarm Gargantuan, trying to eliminate him. Gargantuan hits a powerful right hand and knocks both Joey Poison and Trent Shaffer into the other side of the corner. Destiny takes a kick to the gut, and gets tossed across the ring aswell. Vin Tanner takes a shove to the chest and goes flying, and Gargantuan finishes off the job, hitting a variation of the Ultimate Backbreaker (Chokelift Backbreaker) by hitting the Chokelift Backbreaker first, and then hitting a gigantic chokeslam to Ozzie, sending him out of the ring and promptly eliminating him, just as the next man is coming in.


Ozzie Golden is Eliminated



Entrant #11 - Fate


The other Soldier of Fortune, Fate, comes rushing down to the ring to the aid of his partner. Fate slides into the ring and puts Gargantuan into a tight sleeper hold. Gargantuan begins to stumble around the ring, and Destiny takes a leap in the air, and hits a dropkick to the head of the titan. With Gargantuan on the ground, everybody swarms him and begin to beat down on him. Trent Shaffer goes climbing to the top rope, and assaults him with an Aerial attack, a Legdrop to the downed Gargantuan. Destiny, thinking the same, climbs the opposing turnbuckle. However, he is not met with the same 'Fate', no pun intended. As Destiny climbed the turnbuckles, his partner, seemingly holding Gargantuan down, Fate hits a nasty Super Kick to the head of his partner, who goes crashing down to the ground.


Destiny is Eliminated


The countdown timer begins again, as the next contestant makes his way down.



Entrant #12 - Whippy The Clown


Whippy The Clown is next to enter the match, as he begins to attack the remaining men in the ring. But with eight men left to enter this match, it'll be shocking if any of these men win. As Whippy enters the ring, Joey Poison is first to welcome him, attempting yet another Tainted System but instead, takes a Bodyslam style move, where Whippy caught Joey in mid air and sent him right to the ground. Whippy, Vin Tanner and Fate beat down on the man that's caused them so much trouble in this match, as Trent Shaffer is continuing to beatdown on the downed Gargantuan. However, one is not enough, as Gargantuan gets up, and shoves Trent Shaffer right into the corner. Gargantuan goes towards the group of men beating up Joey Poison, and tosses Vin Tanner away, then Fate, then Whippy the Clown, before focusing his aggression on Joey Poison, as the next man gets ready to enter the ring.



Entrant #13 - Brett Fraser


Brett Fraser comes running down the ramp, and goes straight for Gargantuan. He actually manages to put Gargantuan down, and plants him with a few punches. Brett Fraser hits a nasty Elbow drop to the head of the downed beast. Joey Poison manages to get back in the action, despite the previous beatings he's taken. Trent Shaffer, Fate and Whippy the Clown soon get involved, but Brett Fraser thinks too many people have gotten in his spotlight, so he grabs a hold on Vin Tanner, and tosses him right out of the ring.


Vin Tanner is Eliminated


The match continues on as Brett Fraser lays a beating on anybody who steps in his spotlight, first focusing his attack on the already beaten down Joey Poison. Poison gets hit by Brett's trademark Double Arm DDT and hits the ground hard. Trent Shaffer attempts to stop him, but he winds up getting Chokeslammed to the ground. Gargantuan, suddenly moving, attempts to get back to his feet, but Brett attempts to put him back down with a Boot to the Face. Gargantuan catches the boot, and tosses him over the top rope, but Brett hangs on, as the next man gets ready to enter.



Entrant #14 - Grimm Quibble


Grimm Quibble, the fun loving little guy of CGC comes running down the ramps, and he instantly goes after Gargantuan, but it's probably not the best idea, as he finds himself getting an Ultimate Backbreaker from the big man. Grimm, now on his back, rolls toward the corner to find a safe spot. Fate rushes after Brett Fraser, who is still on the outside of the ring, but Brett ducks and Fate takes himself out of the match.


Fate is Eliminated


The match continues on with Trent Shaffer positioning himself in the opposing corner, and taking a Running Dropkick at Grimm Quibble, who's still on the ground in the corner. Joey Poison gets back in the match and attacks Brett Fraser, who's just gotten back on the inside. Poison hits a couple nice right hands before hitting an Irish Whip. As Brett rebounds, Joey hits a nice Drop Toe Hold and tries to push him out of the ring. But Brett resists and kicks him away. Gargantuan gets back in the mix, attacking Whippy The Clown with a chokeslam, as the next man sets up to enter the ring.



Entrant #15 - Stevie Grayson


Stevie Grayson comes down to the ring, but with his tag team partner eliminated, it's rather unlikely that he'll be the one to earn a victory tonight. However, Stevie Grayson and Brett Fraser strike up an alliance mid-match, with Brett Fraser getting on all fours in the corner where Grimm Quibble is located, and Grayson takes a run and leaps off of Fraser's back and plants his hip in Quibble's face. Gargantuan, however, decides that he wants in too, and takes a run from the corner, just as Brett Fraser sees him coming, he moves out of the way, and Gargantuan Splashes into Stevie Grayson and Grimm Quibble in the corner. Gargantuan takes a moment and flaunts, but then Brett Fraser, Joey Poison, Trent Shaffer and Whippy The Clown all attack him and attempt to eliminate him from the match. Stevie Grayson and Grimm Quibble get their wits about them and also get involved, and they all manage to hoist Gargantuan over the top rope and out of the match. Just at that time, the countdown timer comes down, as the next man gets ready to enter the ring.



Entrant #16 - Nathan Black


Nathan Black comes running into the ring, and hits a Black Dog Down (Frontflip Bulldog) on Stevie Grayson just as he enters the ring. Nathan tries to toss Stevie out, but Grimm Quibble flies over him, hitting a nice Sunset Flip. Grimm goes for a pin however, not realizing that it's still a Battle Royale, and winds up getting booted off and almost thrown out of the ring by Trent Shaffer. Trent Shaffer then focuses his attack on Whippy The Clown, and then Joey Poison. Trent hits a Heart Burn (Jumping Double Knee Gutbuster) and Sends Joey Poison almost to the outside. Trent rebounds off the ropes perpendicular to the position Poison is in, and hits a Drive By Yakuza kick that sends Poison to the canvas.


Joey Poison is Eliminated


The match continues on with Trent Shaffer and Nathan Black hitting a Slingshot Clothesline to Grimm Quibble, and then a Double Suplex to Stevie Grayson, only for Nathan Black to turn on Trent Shaffer, and hit him with a Black Dog Down as the next competitor gets set to get in the ring.



Entrant #17 - Warren Technique


Warren Technique walks down to the ring, and slowly gets in the ring and instantly starts applying submission holds on Nathan Black. Technique hits a Gator Roll that sends Nathan Black to the ropes. Grimm Quibble takes a leap off the top rope, into a Powerslam from Technique, who attempts to roll him out of the ring. Warren Technique then takes a lethal punt to the stomach from Whippy The Clown, who is then takes a Madman Clothesline from Brett Fraser, eliminating them both from the match.


Brett Fraser & Whippy The Clown are Eliminated


Warren Technique escapes the attack of Stevie Grayson, a clothesline, and counters it with a Back Suplex. Stevie Grayson manages to roll back to his feet, but takes an Irish Whip from Trent Shaffer which sends him to the outside of the ring as the next man enters the ring.



Entrant #18 - Thrill Seeker


Thrill Seeker rushes down to the ring and instantly climbs the top turnbuckle. He hits his Thrilla Killa (Diving Superman Punch) and knocks Stevie Grayson out of the match.


Stevie Grayson is Eliminated


Thrill Seeker starts handing out kicks to everybody, before getting a headlock on Nathan Black and hitting a Neckbreaker. Thrill Seeker begins an assault of chops and kicks to Trent Shaffer now, and then attacking Grimm Quibble, who he and Shaffer toss out of the ring with a Double Hip Toss.


Grimm Quibble is Eliminated


Warren Technique gets back up and begins to attack Thrill Seeker with punches and kicks now, and Trent Shaffer hits a nice Low Dropkick to Nathan Black. The nineteenth contestant gets ready to enter the ring, just as Trent Shaffer hits a nice Enziguiri kick to Thrill Seeker and Warren Technique.



Entrant #19 - Grease Hogg


Grease Hogg comes running to the ring and hits a powerful lariat to Trent Shaffer. Warren Technique tries to trip Grease Hogg, but he just shakes him off. Thrill Seeker hits a high knee to Grease Hogg, to stop his attack, and Trent Shaffer manages to slowly get to his feet, hitting a chop block to the big man. Nathan Black also tries to get involved, but Warren Technique interrupts him, hitting a jumping Chop to the head of Nathan Black. Thrill Seeker hops back in gear, with some side kicks, and hitting a nasty thrust kick that sends Nathan Black out of the match.


Nathan Black is Eliminated


The final contestant sets up as he gets ready to come down to the ring.



Entrant #20 - Ed Monton


It's Ed Monton who comes down to the ring. Grease Hogg waits as he gets in the ring, and goes for another Lariat, but the crafty Ed Monton dodges it and kicks Hogg's knee out from under him. But, just as he gets back up, he gets a high low from Thrill Seeker and Trent Shaffer. Trent Shaffer works on Ed's legs, but Warren Technique gets involved again, and attacks Trent with a gut kick. Trent counters it with a nasty Heart Burn and rolls Warren out of the ring.


Warren Technique is Eliminated


Only four remain now, Thrill Seeker, Grease Hogg, Ed Monton and Trent Shaffer. Shaffer begins working on Ed Monton, as Thrill Seeker continues to brawl with Grease Hogg, who's now back on his feet. Hogg smacks Thrill Seeker right in the head, and sends him to the ropes. Seeker avoids a boot, and trips Hogg, but Ed Monton gets away from Trent Shaffer and attempts to make his presence known by eliminating Thrill Seeker. But Thrill Seeker ducks him, and Ed winds up on the outside, at risk of Elimination, but Hogg, wanting to make a name for himself, tries to eliminate him, but Ed, using his experience, hits a high backdrop and sends Hogg out of the match.


Grease Hogg is Eliminated


Trent Shaffer, Thrill Seeker and Ed Monton, the three left who have a chance of making their dream come true. A World Championship. Ed has already held the title, so Thrill Seeker and Trent Shaffer both put their focus on him. Trent went for a dropkick, trying to quickly rid himself of Ed, but Ed dodges it. Thrill Seeker goes for a running Thrilla Killa but Ed avoids it again, Ed tries to re-enter the ring, but winds up getting double clotheslined right back out, and out of the match.


Ed Monton is Eliminated


Thrill Seeker and Trent Shaffer stalk each other around the ring. Thrill Seeker is first to make a move, going for a clothesline, but Trent leapfrogs over him and avoids it, hitting a Pele Kick to send him back into the ropes. Trent tries to get back up, but he's too exhausted. Thrill Seeker tries to take advantage, hoisting Trent to his feet, and trying to finish him with a running variation of the Thrilla Killa, but Trent reverses it with a Heart Burn and sends him flying out of the ring to win the match!


Trent Shaffer wins by last eliminating Thrill Seeker

Rating - C


Trent Shaffer is in the ring celebrating, when Jack DeColt comes down to congratulate him. The two shake hands, and Jack awaits Eddie Chandler for their match.



http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/EddieChandler-1.jpg vs http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/JackDeColt-1.jpg

Eddie Chandler vs Jack DeColt ©

CGC World Championship


Eddie tries to start quickly, hitting a nice forearm shot, and locks him in a Front Facelock. Jack takes a few punches in the facelock position. Eddie brings Jack to the ground, and works on the legs of the World Champion. Jack breaks a leg lock, and gets behind Eddie Chandler, and hits a nice Atomic Drop. Jack keeps moving with a nice leg kick combination, following it up with a nice short arm knee lift. Eddie avoids a Chop, and hits him with a knee to the stomach, before hopping up and hitting a nice crossbody going instantly for the first pin. He gets a one count but Jack regains some momentum after hitting a kick to the stomach. Jack applies a Side Headlock, and turns it into an Arm-Bar. Eddie pushes himself back to his feet, and pulls himself out of the arm-bar. Jack gets in his face and shoves him off, but takes a clothesline in return from Eddie. Eddie begins to stomp away at the downed DeColt, and DeColt is struggling for position. Eddie continues to attack, hitting a nasty elbow, and driving it into the head of DeColt. DeColt manages to get space and get back to his feet, but not for long, as Eddie Chandler is right back in his face, and hits a Snap Suplex.


Eddie Chandler continued his assault on Jack DeColt, hitting some nasty stomps and kicks before allowing Jack to get back to his feet. Eddie hits a powerful right hand that sends Jack back to the ropes, rebounding back to Eddie. Eddie, setting up for a big boot to the face, telegraphs it, and allows Jack to counter with a Step-Over Wheel Kick. Jack decides to get some energy back, and waits in the corner. As Eddie gets back to his feet, Jack hits a sweet Running Neckbreaker. With Eddie motionless on the ground, Jack goes for a pin, but only gets a two count. Jack continues his offense with some nice elbows to the head of Chandler, who takes it and attempts to get back to his feet. Jack, noticing those attempts, shoves him back to the canvas, and keeps him there with a Mounted DeColt Thrust (Mounted Double Handed Throat Thrust). Jack goes for another pin, but again only gets a two count. Eddie manages to get to his feet, and hits the Elitist Plex (Sustained Face-First Suplex) and goes for the cover, and gets the first fall in this 2/3 falls match.


First Fall - Eddie Chandler


Jack stays lifeless on the ground, hoping that Eddie would get near him. Sure enough, Eddie tries for another cover, but Jack rolls him up in a Small Package but only gets a one count. Eddie hops up and steps to the outside of the ring, to catch his breath after that first fall. Jack follows him around the ring, and Eddie rushes back in. Jack fakes entering, and Eddie goes for a clothesline, but Jack shoves him off and enters the ring. Jack, sensing an opportunity, hits a rush of kicks to the left leg of Eddie Chandler, sending him to the mat, clutching his left knee in pain. Jack applies an Arm-Bar, but transitions to a mounted position and throws some punches that threaten to knock his opponent out. Eddie manages to pull himself to his feet, but Jack DeColt wants no part of Eddie's potential offense. Jack tosses him to the outside, and awaits as he gets up. As Eddie picks himself up, Jack leaps over the ropes with an Suicide Plancha Dive over the top rope. With no need to touch them, all the momentum falls on Eddie Chandler, and takes him right to the floor below. Jack hits a nasty combination of punches to the downed Eddie Chandler, and raises his arms to the crowd.


Jack brings Eddie back into the ring, and hits a headbutt as he gets up. Eddie however gets some offense in, hitting an Arm-Drag, sending Jack to the ground. Jack however gets up shortly thereafter, and gets back on offense, hitting a nasty Discus Clothesline. A big fist drop from Jack sends Eddie into the corner, where Jack goes up high. Jack hits a Body Press from the top rope, and goes for the cover shortly thereafter, but only gets a count of one and a half. Jack continues the offense with a kick, but Eddie gets up rather quickly following the kick, and blasts Jack with a Clothesline. Eddie tries to apply the Fabulous Stretch (Double Arm-Bar) but Jack pulls his way out of it, tossing Eddie back into the corner. Jack raises him to the top turnbuckle, and goes up with him. Jack, sensing a big risk, big reward opportunity, hits the MDK Powerbomb, flipping over his opponent and dragging Eddie to the ground with the momentum. Jack falls into a pinning situation, and gets the three count, making it one to one.


Second Fall - Jack DeColt


Both Men are physically exhausted, and in pain. Jack is first back to his feet, stumbling to the corner opposite to him, to rest a bit. Eddie also attempts to get to his feet, and uses the turnbuckles to pull himself up. Jack rushes towards Eddie, but doesn't have the energy, stumbling to the ground. Eddie tries to take advantage, but also stumbles to the ground. It's an emotional moment, with both men on their knees, exchanging slaps and punches. Neither giving the other an inch, but it doesn't last very long, as Eddie misses a shot, and gives Jack the edge, allowing him to land a nasty uppercut that sends Eddie back to his back. Jack slowly gets to his feet again, and rests in the corner. With Eddie on his stomach, Jack senses the opportunity. Jack goes down, and he locks in the End of Days (Inverted Bow and Arrow Sleeper)! Eddie struggles to get to the ropes, and he tries to move forward, but Jack's hold is too tight. Eddie keeps crawling, struggling, anything to get himself closer to those ropes. With the ropes within his reach... he struggles... he tries to reach his arm over to it...


He taps.


Final Fall - Jack DeColt


Jack DeColt defeats Eddie Chandler Two Falls to One with an End of Days marking the Final Fall

Rating - B+


Jack DeColt - Canada... Everybody in attendance... I AM GOLDEN! THIS IS MY CHAMPIONSHIP! NOBODY IS GOING TO TAKE IT... AWAY... FROM... ME!


The Show fades to black with Jack DeColt's brothers Alex and Ricky joining him in an emotional moment in the center of the ring...


Final Rating - B-/72

This Show should've increased our Popularity

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Joey Poison



Trent Shaffer



Thanks for the comments mate, all alts are made by myself, so If you're to use them in a Mod or Dynasty all I ask is for credit where credit is due :).


The Eh? will be up in just a short while

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ProWrestlingHits.com Presents...


The Pay-Per-'Eh?'


Hey there wrestling fans, this is Daryl Daman, the Canadian Wrestling Reporter here at PWHits.com. This is the first edition of the Pay-Per-Eh?, and now we'll be reviewing Pay-Per-Views and other miscellaneous Canadian News. We'll also feature some other miscellaneous news.


CGC Elimination vs NOTBPW Big City Brawl

Both Pay-Per-Views have taken place, which was the better buy?


Championship Golden Combat pulled a B- Show in my opinion, with the star performance going to Trent Shaffer, who went through 20 Men that night to be the first Eliminator. Match of the night went to Jack DeColt and Eddie Chandler.


North of the Border Pro Wrestling pulled a B Show in my opinion, the star performance going to Owen Love, who moved up to Main Event to show that he has the skills to make it there. However, the match of the night was Johnny Bloodstone vs Jeremy Stone.





CGC Pulled 15,000 Fans to their show last night, while NOTBPW got 10,000.





Championship Golden Combat managed to pull a 0.13 Buyrate last night, while North of the Border Pro Wrestling managed a 0.37.





So the first Pay-Per-Eh? award goes to NOTBPW. Congrats guys, keep it up next month. CGC was very close, but next month I expect they can win it.


Canadian Match on Pay-Per-View

This one has to go to NOTBPW, who pulled an 'A' Match with Johnny Bloodstone and Jeremy Stone. At the end of the month, we will show you who has the Pay-Per-View match of the month, to include on our ProWrestlingHits Best Of 2010 DVD.


Miscellaneous News in Wrestling

Golden Canvas Grappling is now considered a cult promotion, like NOTBPW and CGC. Congratulations to the bookers at GCG.


SWF and USPW both signed Pay-Per-View contracts recently, USPW with PPV-4-U and SWF with United Kingdom Choice.


CGC is apparently having backstage problems, as Eddie Chandler has recently been taking shots at Gargantuan, Eddie even going as far as saying he never wants to work a match with him. Even calling him an Untalented, Uncoordinated, Dumb Beast. Gargantuan has seemingly ignored the insults, allowing Eddie to make himself look dumb. CGC has apparently taken some level of action for Eddie's comments, and they should be back on the right track soon... hopefully.


SWF's When Hell Freezes Over pulled a B+ rating, with the Main Event being Eric Eisen going over Christian Faith to retain the World Championship.


Speaking of SWF, they've recently signed Roger Cage and called up Bear Bekowski. Many are concerned that Bear is not ready for the big leagues, and could seriously injure somebody in a match. Only time will tell however.


5SSW is now considered a Regional Promotion. Congratulations to the bookers, who are making Women's Wrestling a good part of Japan now.


Apparently CGC has almost closed a deal with two new wrestlers, who should be making their debut at the next show.


The original ending to CGC's Elimination was that Joey Poison was to win the Elimination match, but was changed at the last minute to aid a new storyline that will soon take place.


The Question for this week is...


Who were You Pulling for in CGC's Elimination Match?

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New Card for CGC's Title Bout Wrestling

The fallout from CGC's Elimination should be quite exciting, as Trent Shaffer will address his victory, Jack DeColt will celebrate his title defense, and Elite should definitely be up to shenanigans. Chek it out this week, on CGC's Title Bout Wrestling.


Dan DaLay vs Alex DeColt vs Eddie Chandler

Only one match has been confirmed for this week, and it's a Doozy. It's a Number One Contenders match, who will take this one, and determine the new contender to Jack DeColt's championship.


A New poll has come up, and today's is:


Who is the next big thing in CGC?


A) Christian Price

B) Nathan Black

C) Ozzie Golden

D) Warren Technique

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Miscellaneous/TitleBout.jpg</span><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong><em>Championship Golden Combat - Title Bout Wrestling</em></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong><em>

Wednesday, Week Four, January 2010</em></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>_________________________________</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span>http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/MartyPapin.jpg</span><span>http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/AdrianGarcia.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:Arial;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Marty Papin</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"> - Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, last friday, we held CGC's Elimination, and boy was it a show. Adrian and I were lucky enough to sit ringside for this great show, and we witnessed one of the greatest feats in wrestling history, Trent Shaffer outlasting 20 other contestants to be come 'The Eliminator'! Jack DeColt also defended his title...</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><span style="color:#8B0000;"><strong>Adrian Garcia</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><span style="color:#8B0000;"> - But My boys, the Elite Clan, dominated Alex DeColt and Ricky DeColt. Remind me why Alex is getting a Number One Contendership opportunity?</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Marty Papin</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"> - Because he's a DeColt, and DeColts always provide exciting and difficult match-ups for everybody. I've also received word that a new tag team will be making their debut tonight, and it should be a difficult encounter for the team of Christian Price and Grimm Quibble. They call themselves 'The Misfits' and here they are, making their ways down the entrance ramp.</span></span></p><p> </p><p>


</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/TheWolverine-1.jpg</span><span>http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/PrimalRage-1.jpg</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"> vs </span><span>http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/GrimmQuibble.jpg</span><span>http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/ChristianPrice.jpg</span><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>The Misfits (Dave Rayge & Animal Rayge) vs Grimm Quibble & Christian Price</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

Quibble and Dave Rayge start in the ring, and Quibble instantly intimidated by his opponent, slowly moves in and attempts to hit a flurry of kicks and punches. He hits some, but Rayge catches one of them, and hits a lethal headbutt that sends Quibble to the ground fast. Rayge applies the Nerve Pinch, and drags Quibble to the corner where he tags out to Animal Rayge. Animal clubs Quibble in the back, which sends him right back down to the canvas. Rayge hoists Quibble back to his feet, and sends him to the ground again with a Belly to Back Suplex. Grimm flops back to his corner and tags out to Christian Price, who attempts to hit a tackle, but misses. Rayge hits a backbreaker and tags back out to Dave. Dave Rayge enters the ring again. Dave hits a nasty kick to the stomach, and latches onto Christian Price and hits an Old-School Piledriver. Christian Price gets hoisted up once more, and gets planted again with a DDT. Dave tags back out to his partner, and Animal rushes in and applies the </span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>Red With Rayge (STF-Rear Naked Choke)</em></span><span style="font-family:Arial;">. He latches on tight, and Christian Price starts going red, the referee calls for the bell, as Dave Rayge gets rid of Grimm Quibble. The Misfits win their debut.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>The Misfits defeat Quibble & Price with a Red With Rayge</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>

Rating - D-</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

<hr></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/WhippyTheClown.jpg</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"> vs </span><span>http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/TrentShaffer.jpg</span><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>Whippy The Clown vs Trent Shaffer</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

Whippy and Trent instantly stare each other down. Trent offers a hand shake, but Whippy hits an Irish Whip that sends him into the ropes. As Trent Rebounds, Whippy goes for a High Backdrop, but Trent counters it with a nasty knee to the face. Trent starts going to work with punches to a downed Whippy the Clown, but he gets kicked away, and the referee seperates them. Trent rushes back, but Whippy hits a drop toe hold that sends Trent into the ropes. Trent, slumped between the second and third ropes, stays there, and is unable to escape the precarious position. Whippy takes a run, goes over the ropes, and hits a hot shot as he goes to the ground below. With Trent still between the ropes, Whippy hits a throat thrust that rolls him back towards the center. Whippy re-enters the ring, but gets caught with a kick to the gut. Trent regains offensive positioning, and applies an arm-lock to a downed Whippy the Clown. But out comes...</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/JoeyPoison_alt.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

Joey Poison comes down the entrance ramp, and Trent Shaffer gives him a look. Just as he turns around, Whippy hits a Double Knee Backbreaker, and climbs to the top turnbuckle and hits the </span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>Joke's On You (Flying Butt Press)</em></span><span style="font-family:Arial;"> and gets the three count.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>Whippy the Clown defeats Trent Shaffer with a Joke's On You after an Interference from Joey Poison</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>

Rating - C</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>Post-Match, Joey Poison gets closer to the ring, before raising his arms, and forcing them back down. Just as he does... </em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em> </em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>

</em></span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/TheWolverine_alt.jpg</span><span>http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/PrimalRage-1.jpg</span><span>http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/VinTanner.jpg</span><span>http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/ThrillSeeker.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em> </em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>

Out come Dave Rayge, wearing a Jean Jacket and his partner Animal Rayge. Thrill Seeker and Vin Tanner also appear from the crowd. Trent Shaffer is now stuck in the ring, with Whippy The Clown and Joey Poison also surrounding him. Trent Shaffer, with a now scared look on his face, tries to escape the ring, but they all swarm him, and beat down on the weakened Trent Shaffer. Vin Tanner hits a V For Victory (Spinning Face First Suplex) and Animal Rayge applies the Red With Rayge (STF-Rear Naked Choke). After he lets it go, Whippy the Clown goes up high and hits the Joke's On You (Flying Butt Press) once more, as Dave Rayge tells his partners to hoist Trent to his feet. Dave stalks Trent, and hits a Primal Rayge (Mafia Kick). Thrill Seeker sets up for a Thrilla Killa (Diving Superman Punch) from the top rope, and hits it as Trent Stumbles back to his feet. Joey Poison now stalks the man who eliminated him from the Elimination match, and waits as he stands again... Tainted System (Jumping Cutter) that flattens Trent out. Joey Poison tosses Trent out of the ring, and grabs a microphone...</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><span style="color:#4B0082;"><strong>Joey Poison</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><span style="color:#4B0082;"> - Ladies and Gentlemen, we are the rejects of our societies, we are the Misfits of our respective groups, and we are the last picked men for team sports. We are the first cut on sports try-outs, and we are the ones who are not selected at auditions. We are the ones who are unable to be loved, and unwanted by others. Jack DeColt didn't injure me in our match, four weeks ago. In fact, he tried to congratulate me after our match. But I could not ACCEPT his FALSE generosity... Trying to make me FEEL good about MYSELF! All he wanted was for me to join up with him and the DeColts and fight Elite. The same way Elite wanted me to fight the DeColts...</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"><span style="color:#4B0082;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"><span style="color:#4B0082;">

So now...</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"><span style="color:#4B0082;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"><span style="color:#4B0082;">

Now I have my TRIBE OF MISFITS! Now is the perfect time... and I will not REST until CGC is a fair, playing field for every MISFIT who has felt what WE HAVE FELT!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>Joey drops his microphone, and signals his tribe to go backstage once more...</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

<hr></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/DanDaLay-1.jpg</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"> vs </span><span>http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/AlexDeColt-1.jpg</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"> vs </span><span>http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/EddieChandler-1.jpg</span><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>Dan DaLay vs Alex DeColt vs Eddie Chandler</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>Number One Contendership Match</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

Eddie, Alex and Dan circle the ring, not wanting to make the first move. Eddie is the first to make a notable move, stepping forward and swinging wildly at Alex DeColt. Eddie and Dan look at each other, and then look at Alex. Alex, knowing what comes next, exits the ring and tries to grab a weapon. Alex finds a chair, and stays on the outside, avoiding the ambush that he would've been a part of, should he have entered the ring. Dan DaLay exits the ring to attack Alex, so Alex swings his chair at him. DaLay catches it, and tosses the chair away and throws Alex back into the ring. Eddie starts a swarm of punches and slaps that hurt DeColt. DaLay, still on the outside, is obvlivious to Eddie Chandler going for a pin, but he gets in at the two count and shoves him off. Alex DeColt rolls away, as Dan and Eddie stare at each other. Dan shoves him away, and hits a clothesline to the now shocked Eddie Chandler. Alex gets back in the ring, and hits a turning Dan DaLay with a </span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>DeColt Thrust (Double Handed Throat Thrust)</em></span><span style="font-family:Arial;">. Alex goes for a cover, but Eddie Chandler interrupts it. Alex attacks Eddie Chandler, but Dan DaLay hits him with a Back Suplex that puts him back on the canvas. DaLay starts stomping on Alex, but Eddie Chandler gets involved, jumping onto Dan's back and applying a Sleeper Hold. Alex, in the meantime, climbs the top turnbuckle, and hits a Flying Dropkick that sends Eddie and Dan to the ground. Eddie receives the worst of it, with Dan falling on top of him. The referee starts counting, but Alex interrupts it at one. DaLay gets up, and Eddie pulls himself to his feet. Alex hits a single knee backbreaker, and Eddie tries to go for the </span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>Elitist Plex (Sustained Face First Suplex)</em></span><span style="font-family:Arial;"> but he's unable to hoist Dan up. Eddie lets go, and clutches his shoulders in pain. In the meantime, Alex rushes a Dan and knocks him to the ground and pushes him out of the ring, and hits the </span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>DeColt Driver (Seated Straight Jacket Drop)</em></span><span style="font-family:Arial;"> and gets the cover before DaLay can interrupt it.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>Alex DeColt defeats Eddie Chandler & Dan DaLay with a DeColt Driver</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>

Rating - B</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>Jack DeColt comes down to the ring, and shakes Alex's hand. The two are now set to wrestle at CGC's Luck of the Draw, and both brothers look excited. Alex has a look in his eyes though, and as Jack spots it, Alex levels him with a Clothesline.</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Alex DeColt</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> - I'M THE BETTER BROTHER... YOU HEAR ME!? I'M THE BETTER BROTHER!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>Alex leaves the ring as the show fades out...</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>Final Rating - C+/69</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>

This Show should've increased our Popularity</strong></span></p></div><p></p>

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<p>So here are the new alts as in the latest show. As always, just give credit where Credit is due if you decide to use these in a dynasty or mod <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Animal Rayge</strong></p><p>

<span>http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Alts/PrimalRage_alt.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dave Rayge</strong></p><p>


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ProWrestlingHits.com Presents...


The Weekly 'Eh?'


Hey guys, this is Daryl Daman, the Canadian Wrestling Reporter here at PWHits.com, and on this week's segment of 'The Weekly Eh?' We'll be looking at recent happenings in Canada, the ratings war in the 'Wednesday Night Wars' and more news. So let's get started


CGC Title Bout Wrestling vs NOTBPW Canadian Wrestling

The latest episode of the Wednesday Night Wars was last night, so let's give them a quick run-down.


Championship Golden Combat pulled a C+ Show in my opinion, with the star performance going to Joey Poison, who although was not involved in any match, was involved in a great angle with his new tribe of misfits. The match of the night went to Alex DeColt, Eddie Chandler and Dan DaLay.


North of the Border Pro Wrestling pulled a B Show in my opinion, the star performance again going to Sean McFly. He was involved in the match of the night against The Natural.





CGC Pulled 5,000 Fans to their show last night, while NOTBPW got 2,000.





Championship Golden Combat managed to pull a 0.92 Rating last night, while North of the Border Pro Wrestling managed a 1.19.





So this week it seems that NOTBPW won the war. Congratulations, next week can't come fast enough.


Canadian Match of the Week

Sean McFly & The Natural took the Canadian Match of the week. Congratulations to The Natural, who earns his first Canadian Match of the Week.


Extra News & Rumours

Greg Gauge was injured last night in Japan, with a Bruised Tail Bone, however, he'll be able to wrestle again, as he's working through the pain.


The poll of the day for today is...


Who is the better brother?


A) Alex DeColt

B) Jack DeColt

C) Ricky DeColt

D) Steve DeColt

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Rumoured Card for 'Championship Golden Combat?'


So this week's episode of CGC Title Bout Wrestling is sure to shock at least a few people, as Alex's shocking turn on his brother Jack has brought the ratings of the last CGC episode way up. Let's check out the next card.


Ryan Powell vs Bobby Thomas

Both men are looking for Championship Gold sometime in the near future, so who will be the next big thing here in CGC?


Trent Shaffer vs Brett Fraser

Trent Shaffer was brutally beaten by the Tribe last week, how will he react to this week's match. Will the Tribe show up again?


And the question of the week is...


Who is your favourite member of the Tribe?

A) Joey Poison

B) Whippy the Clown

C) Thrill Seeker

D) The Rayges (Dave & Animal)

E) Vin Tanner

F) The Tribe Sucks, DeColts Are Golden

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Ryan Powell vs Bobby Thomas


Trent Shaffer vs Brett Fraser


Who is your favourite member of the Tribe?

A) Joey Poison

B) Whippy the Clown

C) Thrill Seeker

D) The Rayges (Dave & Animal)

E) Vin Tanner

F) The Tribe Sucks, DeColts Are Golden




Who is the better brother?


A) Alex DeColt

B) Jack DeColt

C) Ricky DeColt

D) Steve DeColt

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Championship Golden Combat – Title Bout Wrestling

Wednesday, Week One, February 2010<o></o>






Marty Papin – Hello again ladies and gentlemen in attendance, and to our television audience. It’s the lovely month of February, and what a way to start off this week’s show, than with a review of what happened last week, <st1:city><st1>Adrian</st1></st1:city>?<o></o>

Adrian Garcia – Well, last week, My boys from the Elite, Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler, took on Alex DeColt. Now, I expected the Elite guys to outnumber the ‘Golden Guy’. But, what blew me away was the fact that the Elite Boys turned on each other! Alex really cashed in on the opportunity, hitting a DeColt Driver on Eddie Chandler and got himself a number one contender’s opportunity.

Marty Papin – But the true story was what happened after the match, when Alex DeColt laid his brother Jack out and yelled in his face that, and I quote ‘I am the better brother’. Now, what role Ricky DeColt will play in this feud is interesting, and what will happen to a watching Steve and George DeColt. Another story that was interesting was ‘The Tribe’.

Adrian Garcia – Umm… I’d rather not talk about that one Marty. Those guys kind of scare me. Especially those Rayges. Yeesh, I don’t want to meet those two in a dark alley. Anyways, let’s kick things off here tonight with a match between the ‘Eliminator’ Trent Shaffer, who’ll be taking on a man who was involved in that very match where <st1:city><st1>Trent</st1></st1:city> made a name for himself, Brett Fraser.<o></o>



http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/TrentShaffer.jpg vs http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/BrettFraser.jpg<o></o>

Trent Shaffer vs Brett Fraser<o></o>



Brett Fraser storms forward towards Trent Shaffer and hits him with a Lethal combination of right and left hooks. Trent Shaffer slumps back into the corner and tries to raise himself up. However, Brett doesn’t allow it, rushing him with a few Shoulder Rams, before tossing him out and whipping him to the ropes. As <st1:city><st1></st1></st1:city><st1:city><st1>Trent</st1> </st1:city>rebounds, Brett tries to hit a Shoulder Block, but<st1:city></st1:city> ducks under and gets behind Fraser. <st1:city><st1>Trent</st1></st1:city> jumps on Fraser’s back and applies a dangerously tight Sleeper Hold. Brett tries to throw him over his shoulder, but <st1:city><st1>Trent</st1></st1:city> drags him back and applies a Sleeper Slam to a falling Brett Fraser. <st1:city><st1>Trent</st1></st1:city> starts stomping on the legs of Brett Fraser, attempting to prevent the big man from regaining his footing. <st1:city><st1>Trent</st1></st1:city> hits a nasty knee drop to the head of Brett Fraser, and goes for a cover. Brett literally tosses him right off and gets back to his feet, albeit slowly. Brett goes for a clothesline, but <st1:city><st1>Trent</st1></st1:city> ducks it again, and hits a Falling Single Knee Backbreaker. Brett stumbles around the ring, and as <st1:city><st1>Trent </st1></st1:city>rebounds off the ropes, and gets back in Brett’s line of sight, he hits a groggy Brett Fraser with a Heart Burn (Jumping Double Knee Gutbuster) and gets the three count.<o>



Trent Shaffer defeats Brett Fraser with a Heart Burn<o></o>

Rating – C



Trent Shaffer – After my match last week, I was jumped… I repeat, JUMPED by the Tribe… I can’t explain to you, how much it pains me to be here tonight… Ladies and Gentlemen in attendance, let me ask you something. Have you ever… EVER lived in fear about something that had previously happened to you, just due to the FACT that it just might happen again… just might? That’s how I felt tonight. I didn’t want to be here tonight, because I was… I… I was… I was scared.<o></o>


A Little Girl in the Crowd is shown holding a ‘Trent Shaffer Rules’ sign…


Trent Shaffer – I was scared, that the same thing would happen again tonight. I didn’t want to be beaten up again, I could barely get up, out of my bed last week. My Own Bed! I was almost, a vegetable. I could barely move, I could barely talk. I never answered the door, I had to keep the phone next to me at all times because I was afraid of missing an important call from the guys here at CGC….<o></o>


Jack DeColt’s music hits and he begins to make his way down to the ring…<o></o>


Jack DeColt – You think I wasn’t scared too? You were jumped by a gang of misfits, rejects and the like. Okay, I can sympathize. But I was attacked by my own… my own BROTHER! My father was in tears, my brother at NOTBPW, Steve, called me the next day and told me it made him sick to his stomach. And my little brother Ricky… poor little guy, had a nervous breakdown because of my brother’s SELFISH ACTIONS! My dad’s probably regretting everything he’s ever given my brother. My Brother’s running this promotion with Mr. Phil Vibert and he’s attacking his own family members? I bet you that bastard Phil Vibert put him up to this too.<o></o>


Trent Shaffer – Jack… Jack… hold up bro. I feel your pain, but either way, you know who I’m pulling for, because I don’t want to face the cowards at the DeColt WrestleFestival… I don’t want to face the guys who wait until they have a chance to slip in a cheap shot, at the DeColt WrestleFestival… I want to face the best. And in CGC, Jack DeColt… You are the Best. Not Eddie Chandler, Not Dan DaLay, not Alex DeColt, nobody else, just you. You are the one guy I want… no… that I NEED a victory over to make my career worthwhile. So I know that you’re going to beat Alex DeColt at CGC’s Luck of the Draw… And that’s a fact.<o></o>


The Two men shake hands in the ring, and Trent Shaffer pats him on the back before leaving…<o></o>



http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/BobbyThomas-1.jpg vs http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/RyanPowell-1.jpg<o></o>

Bobby Thomas vs Ryan Powell<o></o>



Bobby Thomas and Ryan Powell start with a lock of grips on each other’s shoulders. Ryan Powell, the quicker of the two, tries to drop for an Arm Drag, but Bobby Thomas stuffs it and pushes him off. Bobby chases him down to the ground and tries to cover him right away, but misses his chance when he’s kicked off before the one count. Ryan kicks back to his feet, and starts throwing some solid kicks to the legs of Thomas, who counters one of them with a lethal backhand slap to the chest of Ryan Powell. Bobby follows him down to the canvas, after hitting a nice knee lift that sent Ryan down in the first place. Bobby then hits a couple punches from an Arm-Triangle position. Ryan squirms his way out of Bobby’s control, and gets to his feet. Ryan rushes the ‘Specialist’ and hits him with a nice jumping knee to the head. Ryan plants his opponent with a powerful spinning back kick which sends him to the canvas. Ryan Powell, now rolling on offense, hits a springboard body press and goes for the cover. He only gets a two count, and Bobby Thomas springs back to his feet. Ryan goes for a combination of chops, but is then planted on the canvas with a clothesline. Bobby goes in for the kill, but Ryan plays possum and puts him in a small package. Ryan only gets a two count, but it’s enough of a momentum change for him to get up and prepare himself to hit the Star Treatment (Jumping Reverse STO) and gets the cover.<o></o>


Ryan Powell defeats Bobby Thomas with a Star Treatment<o></o>

Rating – C<o></o>







Jack DeColt and Alex DeColt bump in to each other backstage. A few choice words are exchanged, and they’re enough to cause Alex to spring forward towards Jack. A few of the men that are in the backstage area, such as The Dirty White Boys and Ricky DeColt jump in to stop the fight from even starting…


Ricky DeColt – Okay… this has gone FAR ENOUGH. Alex, bro, why are you doing this? Why did you have to attack Jack last week? Couldn’t this have just been some good brotherly competition? Yeah, it could’ve, but you had to change things up. You know what the worst part is… Dad was sitting front row last week, he saw you attack your own brother. Can you even FATHOM how he felt last week? He watched one of his sons, jump the other. How do you expect him to choose who the better brother is? You’re fighting with rage, and that doesn’t make any of us happy, especially dad… Look, Alex, I’m not going to ask much… but please, for the sake of our FAMILY… find it in your heart, to stop these beat downs, stop these cowardly attacks and just be brothers again.<o></o>


Alex DeColt – Ricky… If you can beat me tonight, in the main event, I’ll stop this. But if you can’t prove to me that I have something worth saving, then I have no reason to stop this. I hope, Jack, Dad and even Steve are watching this, because they’re going to see who is the greatest, Canadian wrestler to ever live.<o></o>


Alex leaves the backstage area…


Jack DeColt – Well… it’s a start.<o></o>


Jack puts his hand on Ricky’s shoulder, and consoles him, before accompanying him down to the ring…<o></o>



http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/AlexDeColt-1.jpg vs http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/RickyDeColt-1.jpg<o></o>

Alex DeColt vs Ricky DeColt<o></o>



Alex and Ricky circle the ring slowly, each feinting moves, just to try and make the other react. Ricky fakes a leap, but Alex doesn’t even flinch, instead just glaring at his youngest brother, before rushing at him with a lethal clothesline. Ricky ducks under it, and lights Alex up with slaps and backhands. Alex catches one, and throws Ricky over the top rope and to the floor below. Alex steps out of the ring, and Irish Whips Ricky into the ring post, causing Ricky’s shoulder to ricochet off of the ring post and send him down onto the steel steps. As the referee counts, Alex gets back into the ring, trying to finish this early with a Count out, but Ricky manages to get back into the ring after a count of six. Alex hits some solid jabs to the head of Ricky DeColt, who goes down after a boot to the face. Alex starts to stomp on the hands of his brother, which will eventually cause him to be unable to hit his finisher. Alex goes down and yells in his brother’s face, saying that ‘I am the Better Brother, Respect Me!’ and then promptly slapping him in the face. Ricky pulls himself to the ropes and sits up, giving Alex a sad look, almost as if to say he’s almost in tears. Alex look straight down at him, and helps him to his feet. Alex gives him his hand, as to ask for a hand shake, but just as Ricky goes for it, Alex tosses him to the ropes and as Ricky rebounds, he hits him with a DeColt Thrust (Double Handed Throat Thrust). Alex goes down and goes for the cover, getting a two count and getting more frustrated as well. Alex begins to slap himself in the face, which gives Ricky the opportunity to hit a DeColt Thrust of his own! Ricky goes for the pin, and gets a count of two and a half, but Alex manages to kick out either way, which makes him even more frustrated. Alex gets up, and stares Ricky down, before applying a Straight Jacket clutch, and hitting the DeColt Driver (Seated Straight Jacket Drop). Alex goes for the cover and gets the three count.<o></o>


Alex DeColt defeats Ricky DeColt with a DeColt Driver<o></o>

Rating – C+<o></o>



Post match, Alex leaves the ring, going straight backstage with an evil grin on his face. Just as he does, Ricky tries to get back to his feet, and out from the crowd comes Shooter Sean Deeley, who jumps on the injured ‘Golden Boy’ hitting him with kicks and punches as the show fades out.<o></o>


Final Rating - C+/69

This Show should've increased our Popularity<o></o>

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ProWrestlingHits.com Presents...


The Weekly 'Eh?'


Hey wrestling aficionados, this is Daryl Daman, the Canadian Wrestling Reporter here at PWHits.com, and on this week's segment of 'The Weekly Eh?' We'll be looking at recent happenings in Canada, the ratings war in the 'Wednesday Night Wars' and more news. So let's get started


CGC Title Bout Wrestling vs NOTBPW Canadian Wrestling

The latest episode of the Wednesday Night Wars was last night, so let's give them a quick run-down.


Championship Golden Combat pulled a C+ Show in my opinion, with the star performance going to Ricky DeColt, who was involved in the Match of the Night, and the Main Event against Alex DeColt.


North of the Border Pro Wrestling pulled a A Show in my opinion, the star performance Johnny Bloodstone. He was involved in the match of the night against Jeremy Stone.





CGC Pulled 2,000 Fans to their show last night, while NOTBPW also got 2,000.





Championship Golden Combat managed to pull a 0.82 Rating last night, while North of the Border Pro Wrestling managed a 1.29.





So this week it seems that NOTBPW won the war again. Congratulations, and I can't wait until next week


Canadian Match of the Week

Jeremy Stone & Johnny Bloodstone took the Canadian Match of the week.


Extra News & Rumours

The Idaho Punisher released a book last year called 'PUNISHMENT - My 25 Years in Wrestling' and it was just announced today that it has sold out it's entire first print run.


It's also been announced that CGC DeColt Powerhouse Graduate Donte Dunn has been signed to a contract by CGC. We await the dynaminc youngster's future debut.


The poll of the day for today is...


What Kind of Match should Alex DeColt & Jack DeColt compete in at CGC's Luck of the Draw


A) Hardcore Match

B) TLC Match

C) Ladder Match

D) Steel Cage Match

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Next Card for 'Championship Golden Combat?'


More issues in the DeColt Family arose last week when Alex DeColt pinned his little brother Ricky in the center of the ring with the DeColt Driver. Will there be a Backlash at this week's Title Bout Wrestling? Tune in to find out!


Eddie Chandler vs Whippy The Clown

Eddie Chandler tries to assert his dominance by taking on Misfit Tribemate Whippy The Clown in the main event of this week's Title Bout Wrestling. An appearence from the rest of the Tribe is certain.


Maximillion & Grayson © vs The Dirty White Boys

CGC World Tag Team Championships

First Defense, and a tough one for Maximillion and Grayson, how will they handle the Dirty White Boys?


Donte Dunn vs Trent Shaffer vs Ed Monton vs Philippe LaGrenier

Trent Shaffer tries to show that he's the man, and it'll be difficult to prove that against three other tough guys from the CGC roster.


And the Poll is the same from the Weekly Eh?


What Kind of Match should Alex DeColt & Jack DeColt compete in at CGC's Luck of the Draw


A) Hardcore Match

B) TLC Match

C) Ladder Match

D) Steel Cage Match

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Eddie Chandler vs Whippy The Clown



Maximillion & Grayson © vs The Dirty White Boys

CGC World Tag Team Championships



Donte Dunn vs Trent Shaffer vs Ed Monton vs Philippe LaGrenier



What Kind of Match should Alex DeColt & Jack DeColt compete in at CGC's Luck of the Draw


A) Hardcore Match

B) TLC Match

C) Ladder Match

D) Steel Cage Match

E) None of the above, singles match and a Cage rematch next month.

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PWHits Explains...


The 'Luck of the Draw' Concept


To those who are planning on attending CGC's Luck of the Draw, it's time for me to explain to you the concept of the event. The Luck of the Draw concept, involves a Lottery Barrel being placed at the top of the entry way. The scheduled referee for the next scheduled match will randomly roll the barrel, where four balls roll inside. One of the balls will escape the barrel. The referee will then take said ball, and open it up, and read out the match stipulations for the scheduled match. In order to make the event a more exciting one for the fans in attendance, match types will include TLC, Ladder, Steel Cage, Tables, Hardcore, I Quit, and Submission Matches and much much more.


The Championship Golden Combat Forums have been lit up since the announcement of the concept:


DeColtRulz says: About time Alex starts getting some mainstream stuff into his 'Mainstream' Promotion...


TaintedSystemFTW says: DeColtRulz wtf r u talkn bout, alex is as mainstream as it gets. alex is doin a gret job and boking way beter then his dad was.


STONEcoldfox says: TaintedSystem, learn to spell. I love NOTBPW and all, but I'm really excited for this concept. It's cool that Alex is allowing Phil to rub off on him by bringing some hardcore stuff into this promotion. Apparently at Chamber of Horrors they're doing a 6 Way Chamber match too.


GoldStandard says: IMO, the promotion is going to enter a huge boom and bust. I'm going to create a thread just to hype this up!


As usual, we'll keep you guys updated as we can!

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Just caught up with this and it's awesome! Love the Joey Poison character, the alt is great and the Tribe of Misfits looks like a really cool stable. And the Alex DeColt heel turn - fantastic stuff!

Thank You kind sir, your stuff is quite good as well. Hope to see around this neck of the woods more often :)

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Eddie Chandler vs Whippy The Clown - Through Tribe int.



Maximillion & Grayson © vs The Dirty White Boys - DWB's are possibly my favourite team in the game.

CGC World Tag Team Championships



Donte Dunn vs Trent Shaffer vs Ed Monton vs Philippe LaGrenier - Shaffer's getting the big rub, it seems.



What Kind of Match should Alex DeColt & Jack DeColt compete in at CGC's Luck of the Draw


A) Hardcore Match

B) TLC Match

C) Ladder Match

D) Steel Cage Match

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