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Canadian Charisma Championship Combat: Cage Rage 2010


Live From: Windsor Arena Hall, Windsor, Ontario




The ‘Cage Rage’ show opens up with a little bit of fast-paced action as TJ Bailey and Nathaniel Ca$ino go head-to-head for which is most probably the first time ever. Starting off strong, Ca$ino manages to back Bailey into the corner with several palm strikes and several kicks before sending him across the ring and ducking down in an attempt to go for a big back body drop. However Bailey is smart enough to counter with a sunset flip for a two count. Bailey and Nathaniel get back to their feet as Bailey throws away his tennis cap and starts nailing his opponent with some right hands which aren’t received well by the crowd who tear him apart for his weak offence, but nonetheless he continues and manages to back Ca$ino into a corner where he puts him on the top rope and attempts to go for a superplex. Ca$ino manages to block the attempt and push Bailey to the floor before attempting his
Double Or Nothing
(shooting star press) he manages to go for the move, but eats nothing but the canvas as Bailey moved out the way. One springboard DDT later, Bailey was back in control and setting up for the
Frog Splash
which connected for the three count.



Lightning Lomas and Jason Thunder were looking to add a win to their not-so-impressive record in 4C, however it was going to be tough as they were against Eric Blackley and the monster Canadian Crusher. The match begins with Lomas and Crusher in the ring as Lomas tries his best to ground the ex-bodybuilder to no avail. In fact Crusher just throws him across the ring before flexin’ his pecs to the crowd to a negative reaction. Crusher once again taunts but gets blindsided by a knee clip as Lomas starts becoming a mat-wizard, tying Crusher in knots and locking in various rest-holds. The last rest-hold he is able to apply in the chinlock, and that is broken up due to Crusher just breaking out of it with his pure power. Lomas and Crusher get back to a vertical base as the Lightning half of the duo Thunder and Lightning tries kicking Crusher in the mid-section; it is blocked as Crusher grabs his foot and starts taunting before getting an enziguri upside his head. Crusher scrambles to Eric Blackley, making the tag as he comes in at the same time Jason Thunder comes in.


Both men meet in the middle of the ring – exchanging blows. That is until Blackley hits a massive snap suplex, holding on and picking up Jason for another one and another one. Blackley immediately heads to his home—the top rope—in an attempt to hit his first big move of the match. However he is intercepted by Jason Thunder who has immediately recovered from the series of snap suplexes. Eric is thrown off the top rope and Thunder calls out Lightning and both men pick up Eric. The tag team pick up the young cruiserweight and slam him down with some sort of slam as Thunder goes for the pinfall, scoring a two as Crusher breaks up the pinfall. The rulebook is thrown out the window there as all four men are brawling, but Eric Blackley and Canadian Crusher manage to make a tag due to Crusher being kicked to the apron. Crusher recovers quickly and comes in, flooring Jason and Lomas with clotheslines before lifting up Jason and locking him in the
Crusher Rack
(torture rack) for the submission victory.



The camera pans out to see the ‘White Angel’, Frankie Dee. Dressed in a t-shirt and jeans and the 4C Championship firmly affixed to his shoulder, he has a smirk on his face.


Frankie Dee: “I guess this is two-thousand and ten. And what a way to start…Cage Rage. Tonight eight men will clash inside one of the most hellacious matches in 4C’s recent history…”


Dee takes a long pause and then starts speaking again…


Frankie Dee: “…War Games is that hellacious match. Team Jett, consisting of my enemy Jacob Jett, Duberry Excess and those hockey stick wielding punks The Gilbert Brothers against my well-seasoned team of Sayeed Ali, Slim V, Davis Wayne Newton and of course: me.”


Another long pause…


Frankie Dee: “The stipulation is this: if Team Jett wins, Jacob and Duberry get a shot at my title. My ****in’ title. The title I worked my ass off to get. The title I bled for. I ain’t letting those two men get a shot at my title, I mean for one I’ve beaten both of them. For two, I deserve a better challenge. Listen, Jacob and Duberry with all do respect your great wrestlers – but your not good enough for me.”


Dee leaves the camera’s sight as we return inside the hall…


Hardcore Rules; 4C Hardcore Title Match


It is a case of the underdog taking on the veteran as Veccio was looking to prove that he’s deserving of the title. Hardcore Killah was the one to kickstart the match in brutal fashion, taking a Singapore cane and smashing it against his opponent’s back. There was no remorse in the assault as Killah kept on slamming the cane against the back of Veccio until it split. Once it did split, Killah lifted Antonio and dropped him with a sloppy scoop slam before making the first pinfall attempt of the match…it only earned him a two-count. Killah pulls Antonio to his feet, but the firey Italian won’t give up just yet as he rakes the eyes of the 187 member and knocks him down with a jumping knee to the face. Immediately Joy DeWitt hands him a weapon which is a cookie sheet and Del Veccio starts swinging for the fences once Killah gets to his feet. There are several dents left in the sheet as the Hardcore Champion hits a facebuster and goes for the pinfall. He only gets a two and both men are up to their feet once again, but Killah is the one that comes out on top, nailing several right hands and left hands before dumping Veccio on the outside with a bundled gorilla press.


Antonio hits the concrete flooring of the Windsor Arena Hall hard and Killah follows him to the outside. The Hardcore Champion found himself flying into several guard rails as Killah demonstrated his experience in this type of match. He continued to use his surroundings to beat up Del Veccio and went for a pinfall after dropping Antonio throat first on the guard rail for yet another two. Deciding he wants to stop playing around, Killah takes out a steel folding chair from the crowd and attempts to smash it against the head of a now kneeling Antonio. Joy DeWitt intervenes to Antonio’s relief, stealing the steel chair from Killah and tossing it away. This doesn’t go down too well with Killah who grabs her by the throat, and these Canadians are cheering like they want to see some man-on-woman violence. But that isn’t so as Veccio comes from behind with another steel chair, smashing it against the back of Killah and he hits a
Italian Necktie
(straight-jacket neckbreaker) for a one as Killah kicked out almost instantaneously.


The two re-entered the ring and with Antonio carrying a steel chair, it was only a matter of time before he put this match away. As Killah stirred, Antonio was lifting the steel chair above his head. Killah stood onto his own two feet and saw the steel chair shot coming, he ducked and Antonio’s chairshot missed and he turned around only to get the chair booted in his face. As the chair dropped onto the canvas, Antonio walked into Killah who immediately hit the
Detroit Drop
(death valley driver) on the steel chair. Killah went for the pinfall attempt only to get another two as the underdog for this match somehow managed to kickout. Killah called for another
Detroit Drop
but as he scooped Antonio on his shoulders, Del Veccio dropped down behind him and quickly turned him around…Kick! Wham!
Italian DDT
! The DDT connected and Veccio made the pinfall attempt and got the three for the victory!


05 – ‘The Graduate’ CHRIS FLYNN versus RAJAH

The ‘rapstar’ Rajah was about to perform his monthly freestyle, but ‘The Graduate’ Chris Flynn put a stop to that as he came charging down to the ring. As Rajah dropped his microphone, he was on the receiving end of a clothesline which floored him in the middle of the ring. Flynn used the momentum from the clothesline to bounce off the ropes and nail a splash to make the first pinfall of the match, however Rajah kicked out immediately to his disappointment. Flynn prevented the rapper from getting to his feet by locking in a chinlock, but Rajah performed a ‘switcharoo!’ by getting to his feet and coming up behind Flynn and locking him in a chinlock of his own. Flynn started flailing as the crowd started getting behind him. Drawing the energy from his fans, Flynn managed to break out of the chinlock and he started dropping Rajah with hip tosses and back body drops. His run of high impact moves were cut short as Rajah saw another back body drop coming and just kicked ‘The Graduate’ in the face. Following the momentum change, Rajah was now in control. After a bone crunching backbreaker, he took to the top rope. He came down on Flynn with a moonsault for a two, but didn’t expect ‘The Graduate’ to come back. In fact, he didn’t expect it at all as Flynn started chopping away at Rajah.
The Graduation
(side effect) was imminent as Flynn had his arms clasped around the throat of Rajah, however Rajah managed to break out of it and nail the
V.I.P. Pass
(Lethal Combination) which was followed by the wicked
Rajah Press
(corkscrew moonsault) for the rapper to pick up the victory.



We once again return backstage as we see Jacob Jett in front of the camera. Dressed in a t-shirt and his wrestling tights, Jett stares at the camera…


Jacob Jett: “Well tonight, is the first step that Jacob Jett takes to gain his rematch against that cheating son of a bitch: Frankie Dee. Dee, all you have been doing for the past few months is runnin’ your mouth about how you beat me. How you beat THE GREATEST man in 4C’s history. But you see, all your braggin’ and all your cheatin’ has lead you to this place. This place where you have no escape. There’s no cheatin’ and there’s no stealin’. You are in a whole world of trouble kid, because when Team Jett runs over Team Dee, this man will earn his title shot and then TAKE BACK the title that he was cheated out of. This man will CHANGE the direction of 4C. And this man will MAKE SURE your punk—what the hell do you want?”


The camera pans out to see Duberry Excess standing beside Jett, shaking his head…


Duberry Excess: “Well, erm, this man your speaking of…Are his initials D.E? Just wondering because you seem to forget that if ‘Team Jett’ wins, it will be both of us getting a title shot – not just you, you self-centred punk. And when we do win, well let’s just say I’ll be getting the title back after having it wrongfully handed back to Dee on the grounds of a false call by the referee. I’ll be changing the direction of 4C and will make sure not only that Frankie Dee will never touch the title but you won’t either…And that’s all I have to say. Now let’s win tonight so we can see who the best man is out of the both of us next month…”


Duberry leaves the scene leaving Jett saying: “Who the hell does he think he is” as we return back to the hall…


07 – ‘Too Hot’ JASON EVANS versus ‘Super Ninja’ FUMIHIRO OTA

The special attraction match started off with both men locking up in the middle of the ring as Ota immediately used his superior technical skill to floor Evans as ‘Too Hot’ then found himself in a kneebar. Finding his way to the ropes quickly, Evans managed to grab onto the bottom rope forcing a break in the submission. Fumihiro Ota broke the hold as asked too by the referee and stood up, dragging Evans back into the middle of the ring. ‘Super Ninja’ started kicking at the knee as his whole strategy was to work over the right leg of ‘Too Hot’ so he couldn’t make any of his trademark high flying dives. As Evans soon found himself in a single leg crab, the crowd started rallying behind him in an attempt to have him mount an early comeback, and it’s seemingly working as Evans breaks out of the single leg crab and drops Ota with a dropkick, followed by another and another and he’s on fire! As Ota rises to his feet a fourth time, Evans blindsides him with an outside crescent kick and goes for a pinfall to get a two. Both rise to a vertical base and it is Evans who is quick off the blocks, hitting an arm drag sending Ota across the ring. Ota returns the favour with a Japanese variant of the arm drag to Evans who performs a kip up to his feet and immediately goes back on the offence, knocking Ota down with a shoulder block. ‘Too Hot’ runs to the ropes and bounces back, looking to hit something big here and does with a senton splash!


Evans points to the southwest corner of the ring as he stands and walks over, hopping onto the top turnbuckle in one jump. He points towards the fallen Fumihiro in the middle of the ring and then playing to the crowd. Taking advantage of this pure time-wasting, ‘Super Ninja’ reached his feet, and much like his nickname suggests, he stealthily made his way to the southwest corner of the ring to hop on the second rope and throw Evans off the top rope with a wicked superplex. Both men came crashing down on the canvas and Ota made the pinfall attempt for a two. Ota rose to his feet and called for his finisher as Evans stood up onto his feet, not knowing where he was at all and presumably still rocked from the superplex; it was at that moment Ota made his move…
Ninja Strike
! The 540 degree roundhouse kick caught Evans in the face as he dropped to the canvas, Ota tried going for a pinfall but Evans had enough juice left to get him in a small package for a two. Ota kicked out and rolled to the outside to regroup but Jason—despite being still dazed from the superplex—gave him no time to get his act together. In fact he hopped onto his feet and performed a front flip dive onto Ota to the crowd’s delight.


The match slowed down once it got back inside the ring, with Ota becoming more technical. He went back to the right knee, clipping it with several kicks. Evans responded with punches, but was soon on the receiving end of a circular external sweep, leaving him on his back. As Evans grabbed his knee in pain, Ota immediately locked in a figure four leglock. He tightened the hold to increase the pain but Evans battled out of it and both men were once again at a vertical base, but the quick Evans made the first move, irish whipping Ota across the ring. Upon rebound, Ota performed a cartwheel followed by a back handspring but his attempts of hitting his trademark flying elbow didn’t work as Evans grabbed him from behind and dropped him with the
Heat Seeker
(forward Russian legsweep) for a two. Evans had sensed that it was time, and everybody else had too as he once again went to the southwest corner of the ring and climbed to the top rope, despite still feeling the effects of the figure four leglock. He leaped off looking for the
Heat Seeking Missile
(450 splash), but found himself landing on nothing but the canvas as Fumihiro had moved and ‘Super Ninja’ was already lining up ‘Too Hot’. Evans reached his feet and met a
Ninja Strike
and dropped down to the canvas as Ota went for the pinfall and got a three…


WarGames Match


The main event of ‘Cage Rage’ was underway as inside the fifteen foot high steel structure were the first participants of the match: Joe Gilbert and Slim V. Both these men were about to do battle for five full minutes until somebody from either team comes out to uneven the odds, and from there on, every two minutes somebody fresh from either team will enter. We were reminded by the referee that the match can only end by pinfall when all eight men are inside the steel cage. And once that reminder was said, the bell was rung and the five minutes between Slim V and Joe Gilbert had begun. Gilbert immediately played it smart, using his speed to outrun the much bigger 187 member. But his running couldn’t go on for a full five minutes as Gilbert decided it was time to get in a bit of offence. He tried kicking the left leg of Slim V, only to be rocked with a huge right hand followed by another and another before finding his back against the cage. V grabbed the head of Joe and threw him into the east wall of the cage, causing the steel structure to shake violently and causing Joe to roll around on the canvas. It was basically two minutes of Slim just throwing Joe around before Joe managed to go downstairs with a low blow to take advantage of the match. Joe managed to get little offence in with moves such as a DDT, but Slim mounted and slammed down the hockey loving wrestler with a scoop slam just at the end of the five minute period…


The crowd were wondering who could be the third man in the steel cage and it didn’t look too good for Joe Gilbert as
Sayeed Ali
stepped through the curtain and ran down the small walkway and got inside the steel cage as he helped his fellow 187 member Slim V continue in dominating Joe Gilbert. The two just started to physically assault the wrestler with dangerous haymakers and punches, at one point they had backed Gilbert into a corner and he was on the receiving end of several stomps and kicks. As the ‘gang-like’ violence continued, Gilbert’s condition had worsened and he had found himself bloody after being tossed recklessly into the cage as if he was a battering ram by both Ali and V. But the two minutes of hell were up for Gilbert as he had help in the form of his brother
Jesse Gilbert
. And Jesse came charging down in a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey and he was carrying a ice hockey stick. He entered the cage and started swinging for the fences, catching Ali in the ribs with a brutal shot and cracking the stick over the skull of V. The crowd were going wild as the odds had evened up and the fact that the Gilbert Brothers were tearing things up. Jesse exited the ring for a second to pull out a second ice hockey stick, and he threw it to Joe as Jesse had re-entered the ring. With Ali now on his knees, he didn’t see what was coming…
Maple Leaf Massacre
! The double ice hockey stick shot connected with Ali’s head as he dropped onto the canvas, knocked out. As both of the Gilberts started taunting, their two minutes of fame were over as the bloody Joe Gilbert paused at the sound of the claxon and stared horrified at the entrance…


The reigning 4C Champion—who is trying to prevent Jacob Jett and Duberry Excess taking him on for his title, by trying to win this match—
Frankie Dee
ran down the walkway with nothing but jeans and a t-shirt. He threw down the belt on his way to the cage and picked up a steel cage as he slid inside the steel cage and performed an incredible steel chair shot to the cranium of the already bloody Joe Gilbert. The hockey loving 4C Tag Team Champion just fell to the bloodstained mat as his brother engaged in a duel with Dee. It was the hockey stick versus the steel chair and the two were swinging wildly. As the hockey stick and the steel chair clashed numerous times, Jesse was too busy to realise that Slim V and Sayeed Ali were back on their feet as they blindsided him with a double clothesline. As Jesse dropped onto his knees in pain, Sayeed and V held him by his arms as Dee raised the steel chair above his head. He slammed down the steel chair (with authority!) with a shot which left a huge dent on the seat of the chair. As Jesse dropped onto his back, Dee threw away the steel chair as his team was reigning supreme, but not for long as the match was once again about to get evened up in the form of former 4C Champion
Jacob Jett
! Jett rushed down to the ring and started taking on the three Team Dee members. A right hand for Dee, a left hand for V and a
Jett Engine
(superkick) for Sayeed Ali! With one out of three down, Jett continued his frightening domination as he took Slim V by the head and tossed him head first into the steel mesh of the steel cage, and that opened him up.


…It was just down to Dee and Jett for another one and a half minutes, and Dee was looking to put Jett away early to make it easier for him and his team. Jett, still angry at how he lost his 4C Championship collided with Dee in the middle of the ring as the two traded blows. The fans booed the blows from Dee and cheered the blows from Jett as the wrestler who calls himself ‘Amazing’ took control and nailed a wonderful brainbuster on Dee. ‘White Angel’ returned fire on his nemesis however by hitting a neckbreaker before locking in his deadly
Dragon Sleeper
. Frankie was cranking it up and Jett was flailing, and with twenty seconds to go until the final Team Dee member entered, it looked like Team Jett was doomed. But a bloody Joe Gilbert managed to save Jett by breaking up the submission hold and nailing Dee with the
Slap Shot
(reverse STO). Though when it connected, the final member for Team Dee was already on his way out.
Davis Wayne Newton
, was on his way out. ‘The Triple Threat’ was carrying a table as he slid it inside the ring before getting in. Joe Gilbert immediately went on the attack and tried for a
Slap Shot
but was pushed into the cage before meeting a
Fisherman Suplex


‘The Triple Threat’ started scaling the steel cage and as he reached the top, everybody inside the ring was up onto their feet. With all of the six men standing up in the ring oblivious to Newton’s whereabouts, a massive brawl had started amongst them. As the punches and kicks were being traded, Newton was prepping himself for arguably the biggest move of the match so far…MOONSAULT OFF THE CAGE ONTO EVERYBODY! Davis Wayne Newton was the bowling ball, and the other six were the pins. The crowd was going crazy as they started chanting “That was awesome!” over and over again, Newton stood up onto his feet and just stared at the wreckage that he had caused, noticing that Jacob Jett was stirring, he started to stalk him to his feet. When Jacob reached his feet, he was hit with a
Fisherman Suplex
and then locked into a
Triple Threat Lock
(STF). Jacob was screaming out in pain as Newton was applying more pressure to the hold, but ‘The Triple Threat’ was in for the shock of his life…The claxon sounded…
Duberry Excess
was on his way out! And the match can officially end by pinfalls or submissions! Duberry rolled into the ring and aimed a kick straight to the face of Newton before performing a ‘ground and pound’ type move on him. As Excess was pounding on Newton, the match slowly came back to life. Slim V was tossing a bloody Joe Gilbert into the steel cage on one side of the ring whilst Slim V was getting his ass handed to him by Jesse Gilbert and his hockey stick on the other side and finally Jacob Jett and Frankie Dee were trying to finish eachother to end the match…


The pace of the match slowed for the final time as it was finishers galore. Frankie Dee got hit with the
Jett Take Off
(flapjack into a Codebreaker) then Jett got hit with a
Murder One
(Jackhammer) from Slim V. Slim V was taken out by a
Slap Shot
from Joe Gilbert who then found himself getting a
G.B.H Driver
(verterbreaker) from Sayeed Ali. Jesse Gilbert caught him from behind with the
Biscuit in the Basket
(reverse DDT) before getting struck off by Davis Wayne Newton’s dangerous
Fisherman Suplex
. But Newton forgot there was one man left in the sequence, and Duberry Excess made him pay for that mistake by nailing him with a German suplex and then locking in the
Excess Force
(straight-jacket choke). D.W.N was moments from tapping out as nobody was there to help him, however Frankie Dee recovered from the
Jett Take Off
and broke up the Excess Force before hitting a backdrop driver on Duberry. Dee then focused his attention on a table inside the ring, and to the delight of the crowd and the horror of everybody else in the ring – he set it up. He then picked up Duberry and laid him over the table before scaling the cage. He found himself sitting at the top as he was about to leap off, but Jacob Jett pushed Duberry off the table and started to scale the cage. He started to punch away at the seated Frankie Dee but Dee retaliated at trying to kick Jett off the steel cage. Jett hit a thunderous palm strike, knocking Dee senseless before climbing right to the very top…HURRICANRANA FROM THE TOP OF THE CAGE THROUGH THE TABLE! The table exploded upon the impact of the ‘White Angel’ as he was sprawled out on the canvas. With everybody still down in the ring, Jett slowly crawled towards Dee and placed his arm across his chest: One! Two! Three! Jacob Jett and Duberry Excess get their title shot next month at ‘Hostile Takeover’!


Quick Results:

- T.J. Bailey def. Nathaniel Ca$ino (Grade: E)

- Eric Blackley and Canadian Crusher def. Thunder & Lightning (Grade: E-)

- Antonio Del Veccio def. Hardcore Killah to retain the 4C Hardcore Title (Grade: D-)

- Rajah def. Chris Flynn (Grade: E+)

- Fumihiro Ota def. Jason Evans (Grade: D)

- Team Jett def. Team Dee (Grade: C)





Erm yeah, I stole the style from Split Second...But it's awesome and easy to use so I thank you for bringing this style to my attention :p

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The Main Cast…




‘The Triple Threat’ DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON

‘The Triple Threat’ Davis Wayne Newton is a young wrestler who is loaded with potential. A naturally gifted athlete who could excel at any sport, he brings a superb all-round game to the table, being able to brawl, counter wrestle, or take to the air. Other than injuries, there doesn't seem to be much that can stop the blue chipper from Toronto becoming a major player. He made his pro debut in May 2007, working for 4C, having been trained in America by the legendary Rip Chord.




Dutch ‘Duberry Excess’ Simms is a technical wrestler from Boston, noted for his slick chain wrestling. Making his pro debut at the age of 18 in 2004, he began by wrestling his rookie year on the East Coast under the name of Jorge Wilkes. Treating it primarily as an exercise in gaining experience, he would head North toward the end of 2005, where he would become one of the cornerstones of the 4C in Canada - one of the most popular and reliable workers, Excess was the first man in the history of the promotion to complete the 4C "triple crown". Toward the end of 2007 he made his lucha libre debut, working for SOTBPW under a mask as his self-created character "Demon Seed", and he has become a solid member of their roster too.



4C Champion


Frankie Dee is a young wrestler who is Canadian by birth, but has strong Asian roots. He debuted in 2004, and was quick to learn how to incorporate his excellent martial arts skills into his ring work. By the end of 2006, feeling he now had the experience to express himself fully, he reinvented himself. Dying his hair white, and displaying several prominent (fake) tattoos, he began calling himself the ‘White Angel’, and carrying himself as an ultra-serious and honourable fighter. Just a few months later he was signed by 4C.



‘Super Ninja’ FUMIHIRO OTA

‘Super Ninja’ Fumihiro Ota is a Japanese born fighter, who moved with his family to California when he was still young. He first came to people's attention on the West Coast independent scene, and that caused TCW to sign him to headline their cruiserweight division in 1999. He went on to become hugely over, winning the Cruiserweight championship five times, and the tag titles three times (with Kazuma Narato). Unfortunately, the division was cut in 2005, and that led to him being released. He resurfaced in 4C recently…



‘Amazing’ JACOB JETT

‘Amazing’ Jacob Jett is one of the most exciting prospects in the entire of North America. At the age of just 19, he burst onto the scene with Canadian Charisma Championship Combat, and soon had fans buzzing with his blend of charisma and stunning daredevil antics. They bestowed the nickname ‘Amazing’ on him, and they certainly weren't wrong, as very few people can pull out so many incredible moments in a match. Jett could be a huge star in the making.



‘The East Side Assassin’ SAYEED ALI

Known as ‘The East Side Assassin’, Sayeed Ali used to work under the name Leroy, and was looked at as a very hot prospect, mixing raw street fighting with a hard-hitting Japanese style of work to create a very unique attack. In September 2006 he made a spectacular debut for 4C in Canada, aligning himself with the Thug Life tag team to commit a violent assault on their world champion Barry Kingman. He has since been riding a huge wave of momentum with the promotion, a wave that took him to the world title in late 2007 when he pinned Jacob Jett in a bloody match.


The Other Starring Members…

- Antonio Del Veccio4C Hardcore Champion – with Joy DeWitt

- Canadian Crusher

- ‘The Graduate’ Chris Flynn

- Eric Blackley

- Hardcore Killah

- ‘Too Hot’ Jason Evans

- Jason Thunder

- Jesse Gilbert4C Tag Team Champion

- Joe Gilbert4C Tag Team Champion

- Leftie Wilkes

- Lightning Lomas

- Nathaniel Ca$ino

- Rajah

- Slim V

- T.J. Bailey

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28562" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy146/JMPunkX/4C-1.jpg?t=1279283513</span><p> <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Canadian Charisma Championship Combat:</span></strong><strong> Hostile Takeover</strong></p><p> <em>Preview</em></p><p> <strong>Venue:</strong> Concordia Hall, Montreal, Quebec</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy146/JMPunkX/th_FrankieDee.jpg?t=1279320409</span><span>http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy146/JMPunkX/th_JacobJett.jpg?t=1279319820</span><span>http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy146/JMPunkX/th_DuberryExcess.jpg?t=1279319820</span></p><p> <em>4C Championship Title Match</em></p><p> <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">‘White Angel’ FRANKIE DEE©</span></strong><strong> versus </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">‘Amazing’ JACOB JETT</span></strong><strong> versus </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">DUBERRY EXCESS</span></strong></p><p> The WarGames match last month at ‘Cage Rage’ had a stipulation, that stipulation was: If Team Jett won, both Jacob Jett and Duberry Excess would gain a title shot against Frankie Dee—the 4C Champion—the following month. And after an epic WarGames match, Team Jett emerged victorious – leaving the ‘White Angel’ to face these two men in a match in which he doesn’t have to be pinned to lose the 4C title. Though bear in mind, Dee will use some dirty tricks to retain his title and that may give him the edge over the two men who would rather get the job done without cheating. Meanwhile, the technical wizardry of Duberry Excess may play a major part in this match as seen in his matches against Frankie Dee (where he ‘won’ the title, but it was a false call by the referee because Dee had his foot on the bottom rope) and Jacob Jett. Though Jacob Jett’s unpredictability may play an even bigger part in the match. But I’m just saying this, will anybody have the edge over anyone come ‘Hostile Takeover’?</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy146/JMPunkX/th_SayeedAli.jpg?t=1279320229</span><span>http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy146/JMPunkX/th_TJBailey.jpg?t=1279320776</span></p><p> <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">‘The East Side Assassin’ SAYEED ALI</span></strong><strong> versus </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">T.J. BAILEY</span></strong></p><p> Last month, Sayeed Ali took part in the WarGames match. But he was on the losing side, however he was a dominant force in the match and contributed the most to Team Dee than anyone on the team. Meanwhile in the opening match, T.J. Bailey was able to defeat Nathaniel Ca$ino in a fast paced match. These two come head to head after two very different results, but what will happen when they collide? </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy146/JMPunkX/th_AntonioDelVeccio-1.jpg?t=1279320409</span><span>http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy146/JMPunkX/th_CanadianCrusher.jpg?t=1279320570</span></p><p> <em>4C Hardcore Title Match</em></p><p> <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">ANTONIO DEL VECCIO©</span></strong><strong> versus </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">CANADIAN CRUSHER</span></strong></p><p> In recent months, Canadian Crusher has been more than impressive. Disposing of all comers with his dangerous Crusher Rack or the even more dangerous Crusher Bomb. Meanwhile, Antonio Del Veccio (who has been named the ‘underdog of 4C’) has been winning matches despite the odds been stacked against him. And now Veccio has greater odds stacked against him when he goes against the much bigger and much stronger Canadian Crusher. Who will come out on top? The former bodybuilder Canadian Crusher or the reigning Hardcore Champion?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>PLUS</strong></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy146/JMPunkX/th_JasonThunder.jpg?t=1279320683</span><span>http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy146/JMPunkX/th_LightningLomas.jpg?t=1279320776</span><span>http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy146/JMPunkX/th_HardcoreKillah.jpg?t=1279320570</span><span>http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy146/JMPunkX/th_SlimV.jpg?t=1279320776</span></p><p> <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">THUNDER & LIGHTNING</span></strong><strong> versus </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">THUG LIFE</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy146/JMPunkX/th_LeftieWilkes.jpg?t=1279320776</span><span>http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy146/JMPunkX/th_NathanielCaino.jpg?t=1279320776</span></p><p> <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">LEFTIE WILKES</span></strong><strong> versus </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">NATHANIEL CA$INO</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> __________________________________</p><p> </p><p> <strong>4C Hostile Takeover</strong></p><p> <em>Concordia Hall, Montreal, Quebec</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>4C Championship Title Match</strong></p><p> Frankie Dee© versus Jacob Jett versus Duberry Excess</p><p> </p><p> Sayeed Ali versus T.J. Bailey</p><p> </p><p> <strong>4C Hardcore Title Match</strong></p><p> Antonio Del Veccio© versus Canadian Crusher</p><p> </p><p> Thunder & Lightning versus Thug Life</p><p> </p><p> Lefite Wilkes versus Nathaniel Ca$ino</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> ...</p>
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<p>4C Championship Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Frankie Dee©</strong> versus Jacob Jett versus Duberry Excess</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sayeed Ali</strong> versus T.J. Bailey</p><p> </p><p>

4C Hardcore Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Antonio Del Veccio©</strong> versus Canadian Crusher</p><p> </p><p>

Thunder & Lightning versus <strong>Thug Life</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lefite Wilkes</strong> versus Nathaniel Ca$ino</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy146/JMPunkX/4C-1.jpg?t=1279283513</span><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Canadian Charisma Championship Combat:</span></strong><strong> Hostile Takeover</strong></p><p>


<strong>Live From:</strong> Concordia Hall, Montreal, Quebec</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">01 – LEFTIE WILKES versus NATHANIEL CA$INO</span></strong></p><p>

</p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">The show started off with Leftie Wilkes taking on Nathaniel Ca$ino; and after last month, Ca$ino was looking to get back on track. Starting off with a basic Greco-roman knuckle lock, Wilkes quickly slipped behind Ca$ino and applied a waistlock before being thrown over with a snapmare and locked into a chinlock. The resthold tightens before it is broken by Wilkes who gets to work quickly with a nice snap suplex. He follows up with a trip to the top rope and a wonderful flying elbow drop for a two. Ca$ino struggles to find a way to come back but eventually does, countering a powerbomb attempt by Wilkes and turning it into a hurricanrana. The move sent Wilkes across the ring but he got straight to his feet and ran at Ca$ino; only to receive a monkey flip. The tables have turned and it’s doing Ca$ino a whole world of good as he is back in control but Wilkes manages to scupper Ca$ino’s chances of hitting a </div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Double or Nothing</strong></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"> by getting to his feet. Nonetheless, that didn’t stop Nathaniel from jumping from the top rope…He went for a cross body instead but was caught by Wilkes who was about to go for a </div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Left Turn At Albuquerque</strong></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"> (spinning sidewalk slam), but Ca$ino battled out of it and got back to a vertical base where he was able to hit the </div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Hard Eight</strong></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"> (dragonrana) for the victory.</div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">02 – THUNDER & LIGHTNING versus THUG LIFE</span></strong></p><p>

</p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">Following disappointment last month, both Jason Thunder and Lightning Lomas were looking to avenge a loss but they were against two men who were looking to avenge a loss too…and something had to give. Hardcore Killah and Jason Thunder started off the match as Thunder—as always—used his technical ability to floor his opponent. After several seconds of switching positions, he was able to lock on a grounded sleeper hold. Killah started to flail but managed to get to his feet and break out of the hold before going to where he is comfortable…nailing people with massive punch combinations. Thunder couldn’t defend himself from the right and left hooks and he couldn’t even defend himself from the vicious haymaker, that was been thrown in his direction by Detroit’s own. Eventually, Jason found himself in the hands of Slim V; and from there it didn’t bode well for him. Thunder found himself getting slammed with various scoop slams and powerslams, but he managed to slip out of a scoop slam to make a much needed tag to Lightning Lomas. </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

Lomas came in and had a promising start, immediately knocking Slim V down with a dropkick and then trying to go for the </div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Lightning Hold</strong></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"> (sharpshooter) but Slim V got out of it just in time. V got back to his feet to meet a stiff chop, which stunned him for a second or two before he nearly knocked out Lomas with a brutal forearm to the head. Lomas was then sent to the ropes before being slammed down with authority by a spinebuster which gained V a two. V decided that play time was over. He picked up Lomas by his hair and set him up for the </div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Murder One</strong></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"> but before he could lift Lomas up, Thunder entered the ring and started punching away at V. V let go of Lomas and was sent to the ropes where he was then irish whipped to the opposite set of ropes. He ran back into a double dropkick from both Lightning and Thunder who were now on fire…but the flames were doused out by one Hardcore Killah who threw Jason Thunder out of the ring and nailed Lightning Lomas with a </div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Detroit Drop</strong></div><div style="margin-left:25px;">. Lomas’ pain wasn’t over when V picked him up and finally hit the </div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Murder One</strong></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"> to give Thug Life the win.</div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">03 – THE 187</span></strong></p><p>

Following their successful victory, Hardcore Killah and Slim V don’t celebrate. In fact, they do their version of a ‘celebration’ which involves a brutal beatdown of the opposition. Both Killah and Slim start to kick the downed body of Lightning Lomas. As the shots continued, the crowd booed. Jason Thunder tried to save his partner, but was thrown out of the ring by Slim and he landed hard on the hardwood floor of the Concordia Hall. Eventually, they both tired of the beat down and Slim grabbed a microphone…</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Slim V:</strong> “This is to all my niggaz in the tag team division. THUG LIFE IS COMIN’ FO’ YOU NIGGA! THUG LIFE IS COMIN’!”</p><p> </p><p>

Slim drops the microphone and Thug Life’s theme of “Cobra Clutch” by Ghostface Killah comes on as both men leave the ring and leave their victims laid out in the ring and on the ringside area.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Hardcore Rules; 4C Hardcore Title Match</em></p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">04 – ANTONIO DEL VECCIO© versus CANADIAN CRUSHER</span></strong></p><p>

</p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">With his title on the line, Del Veccio was facing another test. And the odds were against him as the bigger and much stronger Canadian Crusher didn’t look like he came to give him an easy time. The match started with Antonio quickly going on the attack, punching and kicking away at Crusher. But Crusher just shoves him away and charges at him with a brutal clothesline. As Veccio hits the ground hard, Crusher leaves the ring and decides to get the weapon shots started early. Looking underneath the ring, Crusher pulls out a steel chair and also a baseball bat before throwing it inside the ring and rolling back in. Veccio—cheered on by Joy DeWitt—manages to get back to his feet, and he starts to get some offence in. Throwing punches and kicks, Antonio manages to drop Crusher with a nice snap suplex before heading to the baseball bat brought in by Crusher. As Crusher neared his feet, Antonio Del Veccio picked up the bat and tightened his grip on the bat and once Crusher got to his feet, Veccio swung and caught him in the stomach. Crusher goes down to one knee as he is cracked over the head with the baseball bat and he just falls to the canvas. Veccio makes the cover and gets a two before being thrown skywards by the powerful Crusher.</div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

With both men back to a vertical base, Veccio tried to get Crusher down on the canvas once again but was ‘crushed’ by the Crusher who sent him across the ring and hit an body splash. Veccio falls like a bowling pin and Crusher arrogantly turns him over before placing his foot on his chest. It only got a one as Veccio moved the shoulder. Crusher grabbed Veccio by his head and lifted him to his feet before cracking him over the head with the steel chair. As Veccio went back down on the canvas, he soon found the steel chair digging into his ribs as Crusher was indeed going to town on his ribcage area. Veccio starts to flail wildly and the crowd look on as an angry Crusher now goes for the baseball bat. He continuously cracks it off the ribcage until eventually he’s had enough fun with it. Crusher tries lifting him back to his feet, but Antonio rolls him up with the bridge! The three count isn’t to be as the underdog only gets a measly one. Canadian Crusher was the one who got to his feet and he looked pissed. Picking up Veccio—who is totally out of it—Crusher lifts him steadily onto his shoulders and locks in the </div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Crusher Rack</strong></div><div style="margin-left:25px;">! Applying more and more pressure to his hold, Crusher eventually forces Veccio to submit and we have a new 4C Hardcore Champion.</div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">05 – SAYEED ALI versus T.J. BAILEY</span></strong></p><p>

</p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">Bailey was arguably the crowd favourite as everyone started to boo Sayeed Ali – Ali blew them off with the one finger salute. The bell rings and Bailey is quick out of the blocks, slipping past Ali numerous times before hitting an arm drag but he holds on for an armbar. Ali managed to get to his feet and throw Bailey over with a snapmare before nailing him with a stiff kick to the back which left Bailey rolling around on the canvas. Ali lifts Bailey to his feet and sends him to the ropes, he ducks down hoping for a back body drop but Bailey hops over him and runs to the next set of ropes. He rebounds back and knocks Ali down with a bulldog for a two. Bailey keeps up the pace by nailing a huge splash on Ali for another two. Bailey once again keeps up his very fast pace, running to the ropes and performing a cartwheel but is caught in mid motion by Ali who tosses him overhead with a German suplex. From there on, Bailey was on the receiving end of Ali’s now uncontrolled assault. Stiff chops and kicks came from the ‘East Side Assassin’ and eventually he started throwing Bailey around. After one huge powerslam, Ali took the time to acknowledge the Montreal fans by telling them he had the match in the bag. Bailey however didn’t give up and rolled up Ali for a close two, leading to the ass-kicking of his life. Ali just started to pound on Bailey continuously. The clubbing blows to the small of the back and the kicks to the stomach were all but too much for Bailey as he soon found himself planted on the canvas with a </div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>G.B.H. Driver</strong></div><div style="margin-left:25px;">, giving Ali the three count.</div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">06 – CHAMPION, FOR THE LAST TIME?</span></strong></p><p>

With his upcoming three-way dance just a few minutes away, Frankie Dee was backstage applying tape to his fists and adjusting his knee pads. With his knee pads adjusted, he got into the face of the camera…</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Frankie Dee:</strong> “Oh, they say tonight is the night. Tonight is the night Frankie Dee gives up his 4C title. They also say, Dee’s chances are very slim. Those voices. Those voices are the voice of those who simply do not believe. Simply do not believe in the ‘White Angel’. I come out tonight to do one thing, one thing only. Silence those voices. You know why I’m doing that one thing? Because I’m sick and tired of hearing those voice doubt me; hearing those voices try to put me off track. Emerging victorious, is how to silence those voices…And I will enjoy doing so.”</p><p> </p><p>

<em>4C Championship Title Match; Three Way Dance</em></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>07 – FRANKIE DEE© versus JACOB JETT versus DUBERRY EXCESS</strong></span></p><p>

</p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">The bell rings and the 300 people packed into the Concordia Hall start to cheer loudly as all three men engage in a lock up. Duberry Excess breaks up the hold but is sent to the ropes by Jett and Dee. Excess bounced off the ropes and managed to catch both men with a jumping clothesline before going for the first cover of the main event; getting a one on Dee. Jett manages to stand back on his feet and pull Duberry to his feet, taking him over with a wonderful headlock takeover. An attempt to choke out Duberry with the headlock is made by ‘Amazing’ Jacob Jett who tightens the hold, though he soon finds himself in the same position as Dee makes it a double headlock by locking in the aforementioned rest hold on Jett. The technical wizard of the whole match manages to break free of the headlock, just leaving Jett in a headlock. Jett’s arms start flailing as Duberry breaks up the hold by delivering a shoulder block to Dee, sending him flying across the ring – almost immediately after that, Duberry goes to work on the neck of the ‘White Angel’, locking in a headlock and twisting it viciously from left to right. Dee lets out a little scream to express his discomfort. But Jacob Jett comes to his aid, breaking up the headlock. Jett started to punch away at Excess as he then sent him across the ring, Excess comes back and meets a wicked spinning heel kick. He rolls out the ring in an attempt to recuperate from the pain inflicted; though Jett has other ideas as he ran to the ropes. Rebounding back Jett was heading for the opposite set of ropes before being intercepted by Dee who knocks him down with a clothesline. Jett immediately gets back up, but is stunned and walks into a lifting sitout spinebuster which gains the defending champion a two.</div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

Excess rolls back inside the ring and wraps his arms around the waist of a now-standing Frankie Dee. The ‘White Angel’ is in a spot of bother now and struggles to break out of the waistlock. As Dee struggled, Jett was getting himself ready to stand on his two feet. When he did he smacked Dee in the face with a </div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Jett Engine</strong></div><div style="margin-left:25px;">, allowing Excess to throw him over with a German suplex whilst applying the bridge. Excess got a two as Jett broke up the pinfall with an axe kick to break up the bridge pinfall; with that axe kick, Jett had assumed control of the match. Picking up Dee by his hair, Jett took the time to shout out what he was going for, and the move he was going for was the </div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Jett Take Off</strong></div><div style="margin-left:25px;">. He irish whipped Frankie across the ring as he ducked down to prepare for the flapjack lift portion of the move; however Frankie leaps over Jett and rolls him up with a sunset flip but Jett rolls through that onto his feet and delivers a nice dropkick to the face of Dee. Before he could even make an attempt to gain a pinfall, Jacob was taken out by a chop block from Duberry Excess. Excess then went back to work on Frankie Dee, kicking away at his neck before attempting a </div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Excess Force</strong></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"> to no avail. Dee rolled out of the ring to avoid the dangerous submission. Though that didn’t stop Excess from locking it in on the ‘Amazing’ Jacob Jett as he succeeded in doing so. Cranking up the pressure in the hold, Duberry was sure to win the 4C title but Dee broke it up with a double axe handle.</div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

Pulling Excess up to his feet, Dee executed a series of devastating kicks before nailing him with a exploder suplex across the ring for a two-count. Once again, the ‘White Angel’ pulled Excess to his feet and nailed another exploder suplex but for another near fall. Sensing the sequence, Excess countered a third exploder suplex into an armbar, immediately transitioning into the </div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Excess Force</strong></div><div style="margin-left:25px;">! With his arms wrapped around his neck, Dee was in a position from which he could not free himself and with Jett down for the few seconds, he couldn’t even rely on his nemesis to break up the submission. Dee was asked by the referee numerous times whether he wanted to submit or not, but Dee chose not to. But it was the wrong answer for Duberry who cranked up the pressure in his signature submission hold. Jacob Jett meanwhile was starting to come around after suffering the same submission Dee was locked in. Eventually he stood on his feet and broke it up, before sending Excess crashing to the outside. He done the same thing with Frankie Dee, and with both men on the outside; it was time for some good ol’ fashioned diving. Collecting speed, Jett started bouncing back and forth off the ropes as on the outside Excess and Dee were now standing. Though they didn’t realize Jett in the ring. Instead they started to brawl but then got wiped out by a brilliant corkscrew plancha by Jett! </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

Everyone is down on the outside and Jett is the first one to stand to a round of applause from the fans. Surveying the destruction, he elects to pick up Duberry and throw him inside the ring. He goes for the cover and the referee gets down on his knees to count the pinfall: One…Two…Three! It’s over…No it isn’t! Frankie Dee pulled the referee from the ring and threw him into the guard rail. And now there’s a chorus of boos coming from the crowd as Dee just leans against the guard rail—relieved—before making his way to the other side of the ring, out of sight from Jett. While Jacob Jett doesn’t know what’s going on, he stands up to see the referee on the hardwood floor of the ringside area. Confused, Jacob Jett leans over and shouts at the referee but doesn’t see Frankie Dee slide inside the ring with a steel chair. Dee lines up Jett and when Jett turns around he charges, but walks straight into a </div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Jett Engine</strong></div><div style="margin-left:25px;">! Kicking the steel chair right in the face of Frankie Dee. The defending 4C Champion drops the chair and stumbles into the ropes, before walking straight into a </div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Jett Take Off</strong></div><div style="margin-left:25px;">! As Jacob Jett makes the cover, a second referee runs down and slides inside the ring: One…Two…Duberry Excess breaks up the pinfall! As Excess rolls onto his back, the crowd cheer loudly as the match is allowed to continue. Excess sits up and looks over at both Dee and Jett. He drags Dee to his feet and places him between his legs as if he was going for a powerbomb; but Duberry is thrown overhead by a still very alert Dee. ‘White Angel’ seizes the steel chair that was kicked into his face moments ago and nails Duberry Excess with a jumping chairshot! Excess drops to the canvas and Dee throws the steel chair outside the ring. The impact of the steel chair connecting with Excess’ skull leaves the technical wizard busted open.</div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

Dee drags his opponent into the middle of the ring, hooking the leg and this may be it. This may be the pinfall that silences the voices (the crowd) from doubting him. The second referee kneels down: One…Two…Jett breaks up the pinfall! As Dee is lifted off Duberry, he is sent to the ropes in what seems like another attempt for a </div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Jett Take Off</strong></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"> by ‘Amazing’ Jacob Jett, but this time Dee holds onto the ropes. Jett however makes the mistake of running towards the ‘White Angel’, running straight into a </div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Shinanju Kick</strong></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"> (bicycle kick). As Jett eats boot, Dee hooks the leg: One…Two…Duberry stirs, but it’s too late…Three! Frankie Dee retains the 4C Championship!</div><p></p>

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Canadian Charisma Championship Combat: The Wrestling Classic


Venue: Twin Elm Park, Toronto, Ontario


This Saturday, Canadian Charisma Championship Combat will try to bring you our best wrestling show to date as we are going to put on ‘The Wrestling Classic’. After a one month break, the show—which will be held in Toronto—will feature old faces and new faces, in an attempt to put on the finest 4C show in recent memory. Ladies and gentlemen, this is what we have to offer this Saturday inside the Twin Elm Park!



4C Championship Title Match


Last month, Frankie Dee managed to retain the 4C title. Though on his route to retaining the title, he clocked Duberry Excess with a steel chair shot. Now that steel chair shot put Excess out of the match; therefore out of contention of winning the title or even saving Jacob Jett from the match winning Shinanju Kick. After making a complaint towards the management, Duberry Excess was able to get a title shot…which would compensate for what happened during the three way dance last month. It’s the technical wizardry of Duberry Excess taking on the controlled frenzy of Frankie Dee as both men look to score a victory.



Remarkable versus Amazing

‘Remarkable’ STEVE FLASH versus ‘Amazing’ JACOB JETT

One of many debuts on the ‘Wrestling Classic’ and also a first-time ever. ‘Remarkable’ Steve Flash is indeed a remarkable worker, he returns to Canada for the first time in nearly a decade to take on his ‘Amazing’ opponent: Jacob Jett. It has been considered a dream match by many 4C fans and the dream comes true at ‘The Wrestling Classic’ as we will all see both Flash and Jett give it their all to impress the crowd. Can Steve Flash overcome the ‘Amazing’ Jacob Jett or will Jett pull out a ‘remarkable’ victory?




You wanted him, and you’ve gotten him. Mainstream Hernandez returns to home soil in Toronto to take on the man who has been tearing up 4C ever since his debut: ‘The Triple Threat’ Davis Wayne Newton. Newton, who was last seen participating inside the brutal WarGames match, is looking to regain momentum after being on the losing side. Meanwhile, Mainstream Hernandez is just looking to make an impression in his debut.



4C Tag Team Title Match


The final set of debuts come in the form of ‘Rockin’ Ryan Turner and Stan ‘The Man’ Manna as the two are possibly one of the hottest tag teams on the independent scene right now. Boasting a positive attitude and great wrestling skill, they prove that their ‘rockstar’ looks isn’t all they’ve got going for them. And in their debut in the company, they are taking on Joe and Jesse Gilbert for the 4C Tag Team titles. It’s clearly obvious that The Gilberts are looking to make another successful defense of the titles, and they will try to do it with their fluid tag team wrestling. Who will come out on top?





RAJAH versus ‘Too Hot’ JASON EVANS







4C The Wrestling Classic

Twin Elm Park, Toronto, Ontario


4C Championship Title Match

Frankie Dee© versus Duberry Excess


Remarkable versus Amazing

Steve Flash versus Jacob Jett


Chris Flynn versus Eric Blackley


Davis Wayne Newton versus Mainstream Hernandez


Rajah versus Jason Evans


4C Tag Team Title Match

The Gilberts© versus The Rock City Stars


Predictions are welcomed.

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Canadian Charisma Championship Combat: The Wrestling Classic


Live From: Twin Elm Park, Toronto, Ontario

Saturday, Week One, April 2010


4C Tag Team Title Match


Kickstarting the night with the first of two title matches, The Gilberts looked to take on The Rock City Stars. ‘Rockin’ Ryan Turner—who came out with his electric guitar (playing it in front of the packed Twin Elm Park, before being booed heavily)—locked up with Joe Gilbert in the first hurdle of the match. Immediately Turner took down Joe with a nice headlock takeover, applying the headlock immediately after. Joe manages to break free, and manages to lock in his own headlock. Turner manages to stand at the disapproval of the crowd before sending Joe to the east set of ropes, ducking down as he rebounded back. The hockey-loving Joe stops in his tracks and delivers a kick to the face of Turner. Turner staggers backwards before being tagged out by Stan ‘The Man’ Manna. Manna entered the ring and asked for Jesse Gilbert to be tagged in. Joe done as Stan said, tagging in his twin brother Jesse. The two met in the middle of the ring, opting for a test of strength as Stan cheaply ends the sequence with a kick to the gut. Following up from the kick to the gut, Stan throws Jesse onto the canvas with a snapmare before aiming a kick to the small of the back. “I’m gonna kick him again!” he shouted, and the crowd let out a huge “You suck!” chant towards Stan. He kicked him again, but only
as his aim was way off. Deciding to make up for the mistake, he lifted Jesse to his feet and tried to dump him with a back suplex…And he made a bundled attempt of that. Nonetheless, he made the pinfall attempt and got a two.


Jesse managed to get back into the match as he countered Stan’s attempt for a
Rockin’ Roller
(flip neckbreaker) and hit a neckbreaker of his own. Both men eventually made tags to their respective partners. Joe and Turner met in the middle of the ring and once again were facing eachother. Joe strikes Turner with a right hand and then nails a DDT, planting the guitar-playing member of the Rock City Stars on the canvas. The match from there on just breaks down and all four men are inside the ring. Ryan Turner nearly hits the
Six String Shooter
(missile dropkick) on Joe but he sidesteps the move. It all goes downhill from there for the Rock City Stars as they becoming on the receiving end of the beating and eventually their beating comes to an end when The Gilberts nail Turner
Drop Pass
(double flapjack) for the victory. Unsurprisingly, the 4C fans were unimpressed by Turner and Manna’s performances and started chanting: “Don’t come back”.




Eric Blackley got the match off to a quick start as Chris Flynn was making his entrance. Jumping from the ring to the outside, Blackley nailed Flynn with a phenomenal plancha. He got back on his feet and threw ‘The Graduate’ into the ring before scrambling inside himself to make a pinfall attempt. Blackley got a two count as Flynn was able to get the shoulder up to the crowd’s relief. Blackley sat Flynn up before locking in a surfboard stretch. Placing his knee right in the middle of the spine and just wrenching back on the arms to apply pressure to Flynn’s back. The crowd start getting behind ‘The Graduate’ as he starts to feed off their chants and he manages to stand, effectively breaking the submission. Flynn lights up Blackley with a stiff chop to his chest, Blackley returns the favour with an open palm slap to the chest of ‘The Graduate’ which hardly effects him at all. Flynn shoves Blackley into the southwest corner of the ring and starts to tee off on Blackley with a series of rapid stiff chops. As the color of Blackley’s chest went from white to red to a dark shade of purple, the crowd were loving Chris’ domination of Blackley in the opening minutes of the match. Blackley managed to fight back however. After being sent to the ropes with an irish whip, Blackley leapt onto the middle rope and springboarded off catching Flynn with a tornado DDT on his way down. Though that does not prevent Flynn from getting back in the match as ‘The Graduate’ soon manages to get back on top after a devastating shoulder block, followed by a spin out back suplex. Eventually Chris Flynn finishes the match with
The Graduation
for the three count.



Once Chris Flynn and Eric Blackley had left the ring, everyone’s least favourite rapper in 4C headed out. Rajah, wearing black and gold tights with matching boots and elbow pads along with Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses made his way down to the ring. He slid inside the ring and grabbed hold of a microphone as the crowd prepared themselves…


Rajah: “Yo, yo, yo! Rajah is here once again to kick this show to life. Two months ago, y’all never heard what I had to say. You thought your boy Flynn came to save the day. He calls himself a graduate, but the only thing he graduated from was an ass kicking. Tonight I take on Jason Evans, easy pickings. He calls himself ‘Too Hot’. And I think he’s not—“


Before his glorious rap could continue, ‘Too Hot’ Jason Evans charges down to the ring, sliding inside and immediately taking it to Rajah. The rapstar finds himself irish whipped across the ring, but manages to slide out to the outside as the referee calls for the bell…



‘Too Hot’ looks on at the rapstar Rajah on the outside as he starts to walk in circles, recovering from his early beating. As the referee counts away the ring-out count. Rajah eventually slides inside the ring and offers Evans a handshake. Evans however offers him an arm drag, sending Rajah across the ring. Rajah responds with an arm drag of his own, and once Evans got to his feet the rapstar charged at him. He ran straight into the Japanese version of the arm drag. Evans stood to his feet and started stomping on Rajah on his way back to his feet, Rajah shoved Evans away and Evans wanted more action. ‘Too Hot’ however was the recipient of the eye poke as Rajah applied a headlock. He tightened his grip of Evans’ neck before being sent across the ring by ‘Too Hot’, Rajah bounced back and clocked him with a clothesline. The first pinfall of the match was made and Evans managed to kick out at two. The rapstar drags Evans to his feet and pushes him into the corner. He sits him up on the top turnbuckle, climbing up himself as well and it looks like he’s going for a superplex. But Jason Evans puts a stop to that, shoving Rajah off the middle rope – sending him crashing down onto the canvas. Evans stands from the seated position on the top turnbuckle and leaps off with an elbow drop, driving his elbow directly on the sternum of Rajah. And ‘Too Hot’ stands straight up, feeling it hot! Rajah stands onto his feet, still groggy from the fall and the elbow drop and walks straight into a right hand which floors him. He stands back up and walks into a left hand which also floors him. Rajah gets to his feet once more and this time gets nailed with the
Heat Seeker
. Evans points to the northeast corner of the ring and makes his way over, hopping onto the top rope in one leap before leaping off with the
Heat Seeking Missile
, but Rajah has the knees up! Evans lands hard on the knees of Rajah, who gets to his feet and lifts him up
V.I.P. Pass
! And Rajah gets the three count, and that’s all she wrote!



Unlike the other debut at the start of the show, Mainstream Hernandez did not get booed. In fact everyone started to cheer the hometown hero as he was up against the ‘Triple Threat’ Davis Wayne Newton. Newton before the match took a microphone and warned Hernandez that he has superior brawling skill compared to Hernandez, superior wrestling skill and superior aerial skill and offered Hernandez a chance to get out of the ring. Hernandez replied by shaking his head. The bell rung and both men locked up in the middle of the ring and Hernandez slips behind Newton, applying a waistlock but Newton breaks out of it by running to the ropes and bouncing chest first into it, causing Hernandez to let go and perform a backwards roll onto his feet. Both men lock up again with Davis taking the arm of Hernandez and applying an arm wringer, but Hernandez rolls through and applies his own arm wringer to the delight of the crowd. Hernandez starts to twist Newton’s arm and eventually Newton breaks out of the hold and applies a headlock, but that is broken up by Hernandez who sends him to the ropes and meets him with a dropkick. Newton flies to the canvas and then gets crushed by a standing moonsault from Hernandez. Hernandez picks up a two and the crowd start to chant “Hernandez! Hernandez! Hernandez!” over and over again as he was able to lift Newton to his feet. Newton grabs the foot of Mainstream as he attempted to kick him in the midsection and sends him to the canvas with a dragon screw, but Newton holds on and lifts Hernandez directly onto his one foot before once again taking him down to the canvas with another dragon screw. Newton stands with Hernandez’s right leg still in his grip, and he turns over with the single leg crab.


Hernandez feels the pain shoot through his right leg as Davis Wayne Newton applies pressure to the submission, and it’s a smart strategy by Newton as he is trying to prevent Mainstream Hernandez from taking to the sky like he’s famed for. The man who dubs himself the ‘Triple Threat’ is forced to break up the hold as Hernandez reaches the bottom rope on the south side of the ring. Newton drags Mainstream back to the middle of the ring and tries for another single leg crab, but gets kicked away by Hernandez who stands onto his feet. Managing to get some offense, Hernandez is able to hit a sit out powerbomb for a two and that is followed by a short arm clothesline for another two. Davis Wayne Newton retaliates with an STO before going back to the right leg. He starts to pound away on it before driving his knee into the leg, all in an attempt to ground Hernandez. Newton backs off, allowing Hernandez to stand and it seems that Mainstream is having problems walking. Taking advantage of the signs, like a shark that smells blood, Newton starts to deliver some leg kicks in an attempt to take Hernandez’s leg from underneath him. However, Hernandez is able to avoid being taken down to the canvas and is able to take Newton down to the canvas instead with a snap suplex. Both men get to their feet as Hernandez out of almost nowhere hits the
Pontiac To Home
(jumping cutter) for a two as Newton places his leg on the ropes.


Both men get back to their feet and start trading blows, but Davis Wayne Newton is able to nail his signature
Fisherman Suplex
before going back to the right leg. Eventually he drags Hernandez to the northeast corner of the ring before leaving the ring and dragging him to the turnbuckle post. Newton, who is being counted out, grabs Hernandez’s right leg and drags it closer towards him before smashing it against the turnbuckle post many times. Eventually, he rolls back inside the ring and tries for the
Triple Threat Lock
but Hernandez puts up a fight before kicking Newton in the face and slowly but surely getting to his feet. Hernandez is able to walk, but he isn’t able to keep up the pace he did earlier however he floors Newton with a hurricanrana before climbing to the top rope. He steadies himself for a moonsault, but Newton comes from behind and takes his legs out causing Mainstream to crotch himself. Mainstream falls back into a tree of woe position as Newton starts to punch away at his right leg continuously, and he eventually gets him out of the tree of woe before dragging him to the middle of the ring and locking in the
Triple Threat Lock
. As Hernandez’s right leg is crushed n the process of locking in the STF, he screams aloud but he screams even louder when Newton starts to choke him due to him cranking up the pressure on his neck. Sensing no way out, Hernandez taps out giving Davis Wayne Newton the victory…



Backstage, Jacob Jett is standing in the car park. Dressed in street clothes, he’s minutes away from his encounter with ‘Remarkable’ Steve Flash as he stares at the camera and tells the cameraman to come closer…


Jacob Jett: “Well, around about a month ago – I tried taking back the 4C title. I failed in doing so, but you know what? It’s a good thing I failed. Because I wouldn’t be here. I wouldn’t be here tonight, doing what may of never happened if I won the title. Incase you are wondering what I am talking about…Tonight, it’s the battle of the ‘Amazing’ versus the ‘Remarkable’. Steve Flash. A wrestler who is arguably one of the greatest of all time. A wrestler who has put on great matches with people all-over the world. And he finally returns to Canada, to take on me. Jacob Jett.”


Jett smiles…


Jacob Jett: “…And I assure you. Whilst me and Flash tear it up on the ground, on our feet and in the air – I assure you, I assure you all that I will come out on top. Why? Because I am just that damn good…And we all know that.”



Both men engage in a staredown before shaking hands with eachother as the match is official when the referee rings the bell. Jett and Flash lock up as Flash gets the upper hand, applying a headlock. Jett switches it up and manages to break out and lock in a headlock of his own before sending Flash down to the canvas with a headlock takeover. Flash manages to wrap his legs around the neck of Jett which forced Jett to let go of the headlock. Both men got to a vertical base, and it was Flash who was seemingly quicker out of the blocks, immediately taking Jett down with an arm drag – holding on for the armbar. Jett manages to stand, forcing Flash to convert it into a hammerlock but the ‘Amazing’ Jacob Jett throws him over with a snapmare and applies a surfboard stretch. Flash manages to break out of it and locks in another headlock, but is sent to the ropes by Jett and comes back to an elbow to the face. Flash backs into the northeast corner, Jacob Jett immediately runs in the same direction and crushes Flash with a clothesline, causing him to drop to the canvas. The pinfall follows but Flash kicks out at one. Jett lifts Flash to his feet and slams him down with a body slam before heading to the ropes. He bounces back and gets some airtime and nails a massive elbow drop, right across the sternum of ‘Remarkable’ Steve Flash. Another pinfall is made with Jett neglecting the hooking of either of Flash’s legs. Flash kicked out at two. With Jett seemingly in control of the match thus far, he lifts Flash to his feet and sends him across the ring waiting for him to come back for a
Jett Take Off
but Flash hangs onto the ropes and Jett charges at him, only to get thrown over the top rope.


…As Jett crashes down on the ringside area, Flash takes some time to get himself back on track before running to the ropes and coming back…to dive on Jacob Jett with an awesome elbow suicidá, knocking him straight into the guard rail, almost causing it to topple over. Jett is now laid out on the floor and Steve Flash is just slapping the hands of fans at ringside, before throwing Jett back inside the ring and hooking the leg. He only gets a two, to his disappointment but realizes he has more work to do. Eventually, Flash gets back to work. He hits a suplex, a powerslam and a DDT; all in quick succession but it doesn’t keep Jett down. Instead Jett starts fighting back. He manages to catch Steve with a wicked palm strike before hopping to the top rope and knocking him down with a cross body, though Steve rolls through and stands on his feet with Jett still in his arms and throws him back with the fallaway slam. Jett hits the canvas hard and Steve Flash immediately heads to the top rope and he leaps off with a moonsault, which misses! Jett rolled out of the way and now both men are down. A round of applause is made as both men start nearing their feet, and a stiff chop from Jett lights up Flash and Flash nails Jett with an open palm chop to his chest. Both men start trading chops and eventually Flash mixes it up with a forearm to the skull of Jett, leaving him groggy for a brief second but he retaliates with a stiff kick to the chest of Flash before nailing a neckbreaker, driving Flash down to the canvas…


Flash struggles to reach his feet, but when he does Jacob Jett is making strides across the ring to hit the
Jett Engine
, but Flash ducks and goes for the backslide; only getting a one before Jett rolls onto his feet and tries once again for the
Jett Engine
but yet again Flash ducks, but this time he comes from behind to nail a German suplex with a bridge. Flash only gets a two as Jett manages to somehow kick out from the bridge pinfall, but Steve knows he’s got the ‘Amazing’ Jacob Jett where he wants him. As ‘Remarkable’ lifts Jett to his feet, he places him between his legs and pulls back…
Flash Bang
! The powerbomb into a facebuster connects and Jacob Jett is seemingly out of it, and Flash hooks the leg: One…Two…No! Jett gets the shoulder up and Flash is understandably pissed. He waits for Jett to get to his feet as he starts stalking him from across the ring, but when he runs at him he gets hit with the
Jett Take Off
! The knees connect with the jaw and Jett quickly hooks the leg, only getting a two to his disappointment. Jett lays on the canvas from exhaustion and he is clearly still feeling the effects of the
Flash Bang
. He starts to rise at the same time Flash does, and Flash quickly kicks him in the gut and looks for the
Flash Bang
once more, but Jett spins out of it and kicks Flash in the gut. He screams for his finisher and attempts to irish whip Flash, but Flash doesn’t budge and instead sends Jett across the ring. Jett comes back to a massive spinebuster, planting him in the middle of the ring and he seems like he’s done…


Steve Flash points to the top turnbuckle of the southeast corner of the ring and the crowd start going wild as he decides to climb it. He soon finds himself sitting on the top rope, preparing himself for something but Jacob Jett immediately kips up onto his feet and charges at Flash, stunning him with a palm strike. Jett makes his way to the top rope and looks like he’s going for something big, but Flash headbutts him and starts to stand on the top rope, looking like he’s going to try a
Flash Bang
from his current location. But Jett doesn’t let that happen and keeps on fighting, before climbing to the top rope himself…
Emergency Landing
! It hits, it hits! The one-man Spanish fly hits and Steve Flash finds himself in a pinning predicament: One…Two…Three! It’s over, the ‘Amazing’ beats the ‘Remarkable’ in a brilliant match!


4C Championship Title Match


Excess made his intentions clear before the match begun, he wasn’t going to take no bull**** from Frankie Dee and when the match begun it was clear. Dee offered his hand in a show of respect, but Excess saw right through the attempt of a ‘handshake’ which was clearly going to lead to something else. Duberry just delivered a hard slap to Dee, before performing a snapmare and performing a chin lock as the match officially begun. Dee broke out of the resthold, but found himself in another as Duberry locked in a headlock. Dee managed to throw Excess over and apply his own headlock, but both men got to a vertical base and eventually Excess broke out of it. The two begun trading shots as Dee ended up getting upper hand after delivering a dangerous headkick which caused Excess to back into the corner. ‘White Angel’ started to stomp a mudhole in Duberry as he struggled to comeback and eventually Duberry was slumped down in that very corner; Dee just looked at the crowd before placing his foot on the throat of Excess, pretty much choking him. The referee warned Dee of the five count as Dee let go at the count of four. He lifted Excess to his feet and struck him with a right hand followed by a roundhouse kick to the temple, which twisted the head of Duberry Excess. Excess went down and Dee like a shark that senses blood in the water went for the
Submission of the Angels
(dragon sleeper) and managed to lock it in. Excess was trapped and he let out several screams of pain, but managed to turn in his position and hit a northern lights suplex and shortly after he made the cover for a two.


Excess—before he stood on his feet—placed his hand on his neck and grimaced. He lifted Dee to his feet and threw him overhead with a nice snap suplex, and once again on his way to his feet he grimaced. It seemed the kicks that Duberry had been a victim of may have hurt his neck, but nonetheless he carried on. Duberry propped Dee up in the corner and lit him up with an open palm slap to his chest before sending him to the canvas with a DDT. He followed up by locking in a Boston crab. The move which was invented to put pressure on the back was doing what it was invented for, Excess let out a roar as he managed to make the move an ‘elevated’ version, thus applying more pressure on the back. The 4C Champion screamed out in agony as he made the desperate crawl to the ropes. With Duberry wrenching back harder, Dee was stopped in his tracks for several seconds but eventually made it to the ropes to the crowd’s disappointment. Dee holds on for dear life to the bottom and middle rope as he soon finds Excess trying to drag him away, but he eventually lets go and is dragged to the middle of the ring. But he manages to kick Duberry away and pop back up onto his feet before drilling Duberry with a discus forearm smash effectively rocking the technical wizard. Going back to the neck, Dee nails a DDT, making sure that Excess’ head is driven directly down on the canvas which leaves Excess in a headstand for a few seconds before he drops down. Dee doesn’t give Excess a chance to recover from the DDT, picking him up and locking in a front facelock. He throws Excess’ right arm over his shoulder and pulls up, lifting Excess into the air. He looks like he’s going for a brainbuster, but Excess slips down behind and goes for the rolling clutch pin, but Dee rolls through and hits a backdrop driver!


Excess lands on his neck and it seems like he’s having trouble standing now. The referee seems worried and asks him whether he wants to stop, but before Excess could even answer he gets kicked in the face by Dee who roughly pulls him up and sends him to the ropes. Excess bounces but collapses due to his neck snapping back on the ropes. Duberry is in great pain, but Dee sees it as an easy route to winning and so picks him up once again. He stuffs him between his legs and lifts him skywards, before dropping him with a bone-crunching piledriver. Duberry is folded like an accordion as Dee takes great pleasure in causing more punishment to his opponent. Eventually, Dee ****ily starts to taunt a downed Duberry Excess, who surprisingly comes and takes him out from behind with a leg trip. Immediately Excess locks in the
Excess Force
, and it can all be over as Dee looks like he’s got nowhere to go. The crowd go crazy as everyone expects Duberry Excess to pick up the shock victory, but Frankie Dee rolls him onto his back and with Excess’ shoulders on the mat the referee counts: One…Two…Duberry let’s go of the hold, breaking up the pin. Both men (barely) manage to stand on their feet, Excess tries making the first move but feels his neck snapped back due to a
Shinanju Kick
. Duberry drops to his knees before falling victim to a shining wizard, once again his neck is snapped back. But it isn’t over for him as Dee locks in the
Submission of the Angels
. He starts recklessly pulling back on the neck as Duberry starts to flail, and eventually Duberry (in consideration of his health) taps out, giving Frankie Dee the victory.

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