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Question about Modding for Buisiness owner Style Preferences

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I am in the process of tinkering with my first attempt at a wholly homegrown mod and I have a brief question about this aspect, which is something that i really have never bothered to mess with before.


One of the promotions I am working one that I want to have kind of a Southern Claifornia PWG, Coastal Zone feel to it, but on a little larger more mainstream scale. It will be the third largest promotion in the United States and I of course want it to implement elements of Modern as well some entertainment & comedy and even a little bit of Lucha Libre. The problem is, when I am maybe just a little bit confused on what the owner's style preference should be.


Obviously I know most of them, for instance


Sports Entertainment is obviously similar to WWE and TNA


Pure Entertainment is even more emphasis on entertainment over wrestling


Traditional is more old school


MMA influenced would be like super realistic and Hybrid


High Spot Wrestling is like obviously that he likes crazy daredevil stuff


Cult Hardcore is similar to the original ECW


Garbage means he likes staple guns and light tubes type of thing


Realistic Wrestling means he prefers it to be more realistic looking


Wrestling as a sport would be that he prefers to present it in a very serious athletic competition type of way.


Attitude Era is obvious


MTV to me suggests something like Wrestling Society X where there is little in

the way of ring psychology, just a flashy spot filled show.



I guess the two that I really have a hard time wrapping my head totally around are Smart Mark Entertainment and Cutting Edge. I look at both at them and have trouble differentiating. For both I think of examples of Indy type in-ring action and gimmicks like Curry Man and wrestlers doing comedy spots that many in the IWC seem to like, but Mainstream fans seem to hate, and it seems to me that I can't quite separate these two in my mind.

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I guess the two that I really have a hard time wrapping my head totally around are Smart Mark Entertainment and Cutting Edge. I look at both at them and have trouble differentiating. For both I think of examples of Indy type in-ring action and gimmicks like Curry Man and wrestlers doing comedy spots that many in the IWC seem to like, but Mainstream fans seem to hate, and it seems to me that I can't quite separate these two in my mind.


Generally speaking, the difference between the two is that Smart Mark Entertainment will tend to have more Cult than Cutting Edge which will have more Modern. Easiest way to test this, I believe, is to set up two promotions with everything at none (including minimum values, with all maximum values at 'Key Feature'). Give one promotion an owner with Smart Mark Entertainment and the other an owner with Cutting Edge (give them both 'bold' personalities). Auto advance five years then look at each promotion's product. You'll notice what I said above (generally, but it's not an 'always' type of thing. Took me around 15 tests to notice the correlation/pattern).

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Generally speaking, the difference between the two is that Smart Mark Entertainment will tend to have more Cult than Cutting Edge which will have more Modern. Easiest way to test this, I believe, is to set up two promotions with everything at none (including minimum values, with all maximum values at 'Key Feature'). Give one promotion an owner with Smart Mark Entertainment and the other an owner with Cutting Edge (give them both 'bold' personalities). Auto advance five years then look at each promotion's product. You'll notice what I said above (generally, but it's not an 'always' type of thing. Took me around 15 tests to notice the correlation/pattern).


Awesome, thanks for the tip. I will try that out and see which one comes up with the product that is closest to what I have in mind.

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