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'The Minor Annoyance' Rebel Yell presents Real American Wrestling

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RY-RAW Presents...


Keeping It Real, Sunday Week 2, May 2010


El Medico vs Rex Reeves


Reeves hasn’t been used for a while, but he doesn’t do enough here to give himself too much chance of a recall, especially as I’m currently looking at a couple of rookies. Squash win for El Med in a dire match.


El Médico defeated Rex Reeves in 6:05 by pinfall. (25)



Nigel Svensson vs Nomad


Nigel looks good here, Nomad is refreshingly happy to job to the unknown Swede, although Nomad’s so high that he’ll barely remember the result by tomorrow. Still, one of our better matches.


Nigel Svensson defeated Nomad in 11:43 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock. (46)



Amber and Ant Man vs Paratroopers


Even in a squash against the Paras, Amber looks good. She single-handedly beats the two guys here as Ant Man stands on the apron and taunts the crowd. We may not have faces and heels technically, but he’s definitely number one on all twelve of them’s most hated list. Paradigm, on the other hand, is top of MY most hated list because the match comes close to falling apart when he’s in the ring.


Amber and Ant Man defeated Paratroopers in 5:52 when Amber Allen defeated Paradigm by pinfall with a Northern Lights Suplex. (35)



Ashley Grover vs Syd Collier


It’s a debut for the MAW trained Collier here, and as you’d expect, he’s just there to get beaten easily by Ash. Still, he looks good while doing it, and I think I’ve just found a regular roster member to replaced Reeves.


Ashley Grover defeated Syd Collier in 7:50 by pinfall with a Chicago Hope. (37)



Ant Man vs Connie Morris


Not sure whether it’s because he’s jobbing, or he’s tired after the tag match, but Ant Man looks poor by his standards here, pretty much going through the motions. The result is a disappointing brawl.


Connie Morris defeated Ant-Man in 9:25 by pinfall with a Missouri Plough. (37)



Amber Allen vs Regular Joe


This maybe doesn’t quite reach the heights of Amber vs Ashley last month, but it’s still one of our best ever matches, as the pair trade holds for 12 minutes before Amber finally gets the duke with the reliable Northern Lights Suplex.


Amber Allen defeated Regular Joe in 11:38 by pinfall with a Northern Lights Suplex. (53)



Overall rating 48.


Attendance 12.


Popularity in Mid-South 1.7 -> 2.5



With Amber Allen’s popularity skyrocketing I decide it’s probably a good plan to offer her a significant contract extension, as she only has about 6 months left. Incredibly, she takes a pay cut, dropping to $100 a card – gotta love that ultra-low wrestling industy. Now, do I risk it with the $400 crew?


Incredibly, it works with Nomad, who signs up for $350 a month, and Davis Ditterich, who does likewise – saving us another $150 a show! Unfortunately, an attempt to do the same thing with El Medico leaves him feeling annoyed, so far as anyone can judge when he insists on wearing that damn mask all the time. Oh, well.



Predictions standing and June card up soon...

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Hugely impressive predictions debut for TheEffect, who gets our first ever perfect score!


Prediction Standings:


BHK1978 15/23 (65%)

Boltinho 12/17 (71%)

Eayragt 7/12 (58%)

TheEffect 6/6 (100%)

Jingo 6/12 (50%)

Stennick 5/6 (83%)

Timber 4/6 (67%)

1PWFan 4/6 (67%)



Coming up in June…


Amber Allen is in action twice, as she goes up against the Amazing Fire Fly and then the impressive Connie Morris, who’s recently beaten both Nomad and Amber’s occasional tag partner Ant Man. Nigel Svensson is on a roll – but can he get past the debuting Tamara McFly? And in our first ladder match for a few months, Ashley Grover takes on El Medico!



RY-RAW Presents…


Keeping It Real, Sunday Week 2, May 2010


Ladder match: Ashley Grover vs El Medico

Amber Allen vs Connie Morris

Tamara McFly vs Nigel Svensson

Rex Reeves vs Paranoia

Regular Joe vs The Minor Annoyance

Amber Allen vs Amazing Fire Fly

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WOOOO! 100%


Ladder match: Ashley Grover vs El Medico

Amber Allen vs Connie Morris

Tamara McFly vs Nigel Svensson

Rex Reeves vs Paranoia

Regular Joe vs The Minor Annoyance

Amber Allen vs Amazing Fire Fly

OOC: Wanted to say Amazing Fire Fly, as he is awesome but seriously what is with the huge Amber push?

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Remi's product is insanely great. Close to idiot-proof. (At least one card will show it's not COMPLETELY idiot-proof, admittedly...)


And I'm digging the attendances. Nearly gave all the fans names and had them making comments, but it would probably have cluttered things up a bit.



Just wondering was is the product?


Ashley Grover vs El Medico

Amber Allen vs Connie Morris

Tamara McFly vs Nigel Svennson

Rex Reeves vs Paranoia

Regular Joe vs The Minor Annoyance

Amber Allen vs Amazing Fire Fly


Peace Out



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Just wondering was is the product?



Traditional - Key Feature

Mainstream - Very Low

Comedy - Low

Modern - Key Feature

Realism - Medium

Hardcore - Very Low

Lucha Libre - Medium

Daredevil - Low


Match Danger - 70%

Match Intensity - 70%


everything else is 'None'.


Should've posted that at the start, thinking about it - I'll edit it in later.


Card up momentarily, thanks for all predictions.

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OOC: Wanted to say Amazing Fire Fly, as he is awesome but seriously what is with the huge Amber push?


She's insanely good and insanely cheap and insanely nice. The last two are the two things I look for, the first one's a bonus.



btw do i get a prize for getting 100% :D


Heh - I wish! If I'd thought of it I'd have done some sort of prize like letting people pick title challengers (yes, there WILL be a Big Gold Belt eventually) but I'm well over a year ahead of the diary in game.



RY-RAW Presents…


Keeping It Real, Sunday Week 2, June 2010


Amber Allen vs Amazing Fire Fly


This is meant to be a warm-up for Amber’s semi-main event against Connie, but it’s looking like we screwed up the card placement, as the debuting Fire Fly makes the always impressive Allen look even better than normal. A great little all-out high flying contest, which ends the usual way for Double A.

Amber Allen defeated Amazing Fire Fly in 5:55 by pinfall with a Northern Lights Suplex. (51)



Regular Joe vs The Minor Annoyance


Ouch… I gave myself the month off last time, and think I should have done here as well. Totally my fault, not sure what went wrong.

Regular Joe defeated The Minor Annoyance in 6:04 by pinfall with a Joe And Behold. (19)



Rex Reeves vs Paranoia


Well, these guys made me feel better about my match, at least. Paranoia is booked to win a 6 minute squash here, and I’m regretting giving them even 6 minutes, as both guys look awful.


Paranoia defeated Rex Reeves in 6:03 by pinfall with a Freak Out. (17)



Tamara McFly vs Nigel Svensson


And, just like that, everything’s okay again. The debuting Tamara McFly looks nearly as good as her brother – certainly compared to most of our roster – and Svensson hangs in there with her for nearly the entire match, until the McFly roll gets her the win. I don’t normally like giving people the duke on their debut, but she’s too good a talent to job out yet.


Tamara McFly defeated Nigel Svensson in 11:57 by pinfall with a McFly Roll. (54)



Amber Allen vs Connie Morris


I have no idea how she does it, but despite going up against an opponent who in theory doesn’t suit her, Amber pulls off a better match than her awesome opener. Full marks to Connie, whose performance is light years better than her last couple, and it’s she who gets the victory.


Connie Morris defeated Amber Allen in 9:22 by pinfall with a Missouri Plough. (56)



Ashley Grover vs El Medico


And just like that, a fantastic show comes screeching to a halt. Is 11 minutes really too much to ask for from these two? It’s little more than a spot fest as they practically take it in turns to use the ladder, with the low point being a horrific spot when El Medico starts climbing, realises she’s too far away to stop him, and has to ‘accidentally’ fall off, making himself look like an idiot, and the guy who put him in the main event look like a bigger one.


Ashley Grover defeated El Médico in a Ladder match in 11:04 when Ashley Grover retrieved the cash. (26)


Overall rating: 33


Attendance: 11.


Popularity in Mid-South 2.5 -> 2.9


It seems like a major blow to have our first show which failed to improve on the previous one, but as Chloe points out, if I’d gone with a different main event then people would have been going home much happier. Note to self – check your main event. If Amber Allen isn’t involved, scrap it!


Predictions standings up shortly.

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Prediction Standings:


BHK1978 17/29 (59%)

Boltinho 12/17 (71%)

Eayragt 11/18 (61%)

TheEffect 9/12 (75%)

Jingo 7/18 (39%)

Stennick 5/6 (83%)

Timber 4/6 (67%)

1PWFan 4/6 (67%)

CJAlex 2/6 (33%)


Also, we’re taking a month off due to slight financial trouble – nothing to worry about, but halfway through the year seems like a good point for a break to take stock of things.


I'll post the line-up for the next card later on today, but here's a round-up of the current roster. Anyone people particularly like? (It will make NO difference to my booking; as I said I'm nearly at the end of 2011, but it'd be interesting to know.)


Mid-year report


Main eventers (W-L record, average rating)


Amber Allen (8-2, 45). The MVP, without a doubt, and working for an insanely small amount of money. Her losses to Ashley Grover and Connie Morris were two of the best three matches in our history, and her 8 wins have all been extremely good to watch. Popularity has risen from 8 to 24 in the Mid-South in the past 6 months and her skills are improving incredibly quickly given how poor our roster is overall. Her stamina’s up to 80, and we’re taking full advantage of this – she pulls double duty on pretty much every show.



Ashley Grover (3-1-1, 35). Probably the best known of our original roster back in January apart from Connie Morris, Ashley has had a fair bit of success after an indifferent start, especially since she ended Amber Allen’s win streak. That said, her grasp of psychology is awful and doesn’t look like improving, which is limiting the use we have for her. Popularity’s up from 18 to 23.



Connie Morris (4-1, 38). After debuting in a terrible match against Mad Dog Mortimer, Connie’s become a valuable member of the roster, not least because she works as our road agent for all matches she doesn’t wrestle in. Popularity is up from 19 to 29.



Regular Joe (2-3, 36). Joe never seems to get the matches we expect from him, at least not unless he’s in the ring with Amber. On the other hand, he’s steady, good to have backstage, and works as a road agent for Connie’s matches. Popularity’s risen from 12 to 25.



Tamara McFly (1-0, 54). BSC’s Queen of the Ring made an immediate impact with a stunning match against Nigel Svensson on her debut. Having signed an 18 month deal on comparatively low wages, due to the state of the industry, I’m making big plans for her. Popularity up from 23 to 26 after one match.



Upper Midcarders


Ant-Man (7-1, 32) Other than Amber, the only member of our roster who can wrestle twice in a night, which makes him valuable. Unfortunately, he’s nowhere near as good in the ring as she is, and he’s being pushed down by the quartet of women at the top and some of our other upper midcarders. Popularity’s up from 5 to 19.



El Medico (1-3, 32) This doctor may not be in the house for much longer – his terrible grasp of psychology is a major drawback, and he’s not good enough in the ring or nice enough backstage to justify holding onto him at this rate.



Nigel Svensson (2-2, 46) The British-based Swede was a superb signing for us, as he consistently puts on decent matches, even dragging me to a reasonably good one. He’s also getting over with the fans quickly. Popularity up from 0 to 18.



Nomad (2-2, 38). If he ever turned up looking like he wanted to wrestle, I’d get behind this guy. As it is, stepping in the ring always looks like a slightly inconvenient way to raise funds for more pot. A major disappointment. Popularity up from 11 to 13.



Paradigm (0-4, 35). Against all the odds, the crowd are getting behind Amber and Ant Man’s personal job-boy, which probably says more about just how damn good they are at heeling than about him. Somehow up from 5 to 14 popularity despite being awful.



Paranoia (2-3, 24) Yeah… about saying Paradigm was awful. Not compared to his tag partner, who’s had what I’m fairly sure are the three worst matches in our short history. Popularity up from 5 to 13.



Rex Reeves (0-2-1, 23). An even bigger disappointment than Nomad, it’s clear that Reeves no longer has any sort of bright future ahead of him. Popularity stationary at 6.



Syd Collier (0-1, 37) On the other hand, this guy DOES seem to have a decent future, given his debut against Ashley Grover. Popularity up from 3 to 6 in one match.






Amazing Fire Fly (0-1, 51) Okay, he debuted against Amber Allen, and anyone can look good against Amber – but they don’t all look THIS good. We can see why the Mexicans like him, and this kid has got a big push waiting for him. Popularity up from 0 to 3 in one match.



Mad Dog Mortimer (0-2, 16) Beyond awful. Popularity stationary at 6.



‘The Minor Annoyance’ Rebel Yell (0-4, 28) Okay, I may not have had the best of years so far. But I don’t have to pay myself, I never whine at myself about jobbing, and I honestly think I’m gonna improve! Popularity up from 0 to 4.

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Is it possible for you to put like an in game character of me on your roster? :D

I would feel very privileged to wrestle against the minor one :D


Heh - like I said, a bit difficult because they wouldn't show up until 2012 or so given how far ahead I am - sorry!


Show preview for our August comeback...



Coming up in August… our two most dominant women not to have the initials AA collide in a massive main event as Connie Morris takes on Tamara McFly! Speaking of AA, Amber’s in action trying to get revenge for her first loss in the fed back in April, against Ashley Grover! And the ever-impressive Ant Man will go up against a man who seems to be losing his way in RY-RAW, Nomad.

RY-RAW Presents…


Keeping It Real, Sunday Week 2, August 2010


Connie Morris vs Tamara McFly

Amber Allen vs Ashley Grover

Amazing Fire Fly vs El Medico

Ant Man vs Nomad

Amber Allen and Ant Man vs Paratroopers

Rex Reeves vs The Minor Annoyance

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Connie Morris vs Tamara McFly

Amber Allen vs Ashley Grover

Amazing Fire Fly vs El Medico

Ant Man vs Nomad

Amber Allen and Ant Man vs Paratroopers

Rex Reeves vs The Minor Annoyance


Yes, I didn't mis-click with that last prediction. But I may be going senile.

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Connie Morris vs Tamara McFly

Interesting match between two of your top workers--I'll go with the steady Morris over the newcomer McFly.

Amber Allen vs Ashley Grover

Amber's the ace of your promotion--she gets her revenge on Ashley.

Amazing Fire Fly vs El Medico

One of these two is on his way up while the other may be on his way out.

Ant Man vs Nomad

The Annoyance has made his annoyance with Nomad clear--Mr. Unreliable won't be in line for any kind of a push any time soon.

Amber Allen and Ant Man vs Paratroopers

The Paratroopers will be out for revenge against their nemeses, Ant Man and Amber. Unfortunately for them, it's not going to happen.

Rex Reeves vs The Minor Annoyance

This one looks set to be a classic. C'mon Annoyance, it's time to get off the schneid and get a tick in the win column--I'm pulling for you.

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Thanks again for predictions, everyone - and great to see some insight there, Lt L!



RY-RAW Presents…


Keeping It Real, Sunday Week 2, August 2010


Prior to the show, I turn up to find that Chloe Dean has everyone spellbound telling road stories. Thankfully, when Mad Dog Mortimer – who’s not even booked, just there because he has nowhere else to go – tries to turn this into “Hey, did I ever mention the time Bruce the Giant got me a beer and it turned out it was really something else…”, he gets told to shut up.


In a nice way, obviously. It’s not like our locker room has poopyheads.



Rex Reeves vs The Minor Annoyance


I decided to finally give myself the big win here. I thought I did okay, but the fans didn’t really seem into it. That damn Reeves!


The Minor Annoyance defeated Rex Reeves in 7:59 by pinfall. (12)



Amber Allen and Ant Man vs Paratroopers


This is our main tag match, but there’s a reason for that. Amber and Ant Man work fairly well together, the Paratroopers sell reasonably convincingly, and it helps build up the AA/AM team before their solo bouts. The inevitable finish.


Amber and Ant Man defeated Paratroopers in 7:42 when Amber Allen defeated Paradigm by pinfall with a Northern Lights Suplex. (38)



Ant Man vs Nomad


Nomad is even more baked than usual here, and Ant Man doesn’t look happy at all. Because of Nomad’s state, Ant Man limits himself to moves which he doesn’t need much, or any, cooperation with, and it gets Nomad through without killing him but doesn’t do much for the crowd.


Ant-Man defeated Nomad in 9:48 by pinfall with an Antidote. (27)



Amazing Fire Fly vs El Medico


Spot-fest here which actually seems to go too long at just 8 minutes. AFF gets a showcase, as we move El Medico closer and closer to the exit door.


Amazing Fire Fly defeated El Médico in 8:06 by pinfall with a Sky High Fire Fly. (28)



Amber Allen vs Ashley Grover


This is put together to give Amber her win back from April, and I don’t think anyone will complain if they wrestle soon one more time. Amber sneaks this one, but it’s a really close match and very entertaining.


Amber Allen defeated Ashley Grover in 7:45 by pinfall with a Northern Lights Suplex. (53)



Connie Morris vs Tamara McFly


Well, I said last month that Amber should be in every main event, and these two prove it. Good contest, but not up to that previous match.


Tamara McFly defeated Connie Morris in 10:57 by pinfall with a McFly Roll. (43)



Final rating 43.


Attendance 10.


Popularity in Mid-South 2.9 -> 3.7


Standings/next card to follow.

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Prediction Standings:


BHK1978 22/35 (63%)

Eayragt 16/24 (67%)

TheEffect 13/18 (72%)

Boltinho 12/17 (71%)

Jingo 12/24 (50%)

MattQ2607 5/6 (83%)

Lt. Lucrativo 5/6 (83%)

Stennick 5/6 (83%)

Timber 4/6 (67%)

1PWFan 4/6 (67%)

CJAlex 2/6 (33%)


With several people’s contracts close to an end, I start renegotiating. Incredibly, Ant Man takes a pay cut to $100 a show, meaning that the two people I use for two matches on most shows, and can rely on to get me decent ratings, are now working for a COMBINED $200. Crazy, but who am I to complain? Regular Joe also takes a $50 pay cut, although he’s still on $350.



Coming up in September


Amber Allen has claimed she’s too good for anyone in the federation to beat, and has issued an open challenge to anybody OUTSIDE of RY-RAW – and it’s been answered by the much-hyped rookie Remmy Honeyman! In another debut, Barbadian Barbarian Donte Dunn, fresh from the DeColt Power House, takes on Dan Stone’s daughter-in-law Tamara McFly! It’s almost like CGC vs NOTBPW! Honestly. And Ant Man gets a rematch against the only person to have beaten him in RY-RAW, Connie Morris!


RY-RAW Presents


Keeping It Real, Sunday Week 2 September 2010


Amber Allen vs Remmy Honeyman

Ant Man vs Connie Morris

Regular Joe vs El Medico

Amber Allen and Ant Man vs Syd Collier and The Minor Annoyance

Tamara McFly vs Donte Dunn

Nigel Svensson vs Paradigm

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Hey man do you have msn, it would be awesome to chat to you and I have an idea for a Dynasty that I would like to run by you if that's okay?


Amber Allen vs Remmy Honeyman Give the newb a push!

Ant Man vs Connie Morris

Regular Joe vs El Medico

Amber Allen and Ant Man vs Syd Collier and The Minor Annoyance

Tamara McFly vs Donte Dunn

Nigel Svensson vs Paradigm

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Amber Allen vs Remmy Honeyman

Although Honeyman's someone you should really look at pushing, AA's pretty much your franchise player


Ant Man vs Connie Morris

I find Connie delivers for me a lot more at NYCW


Regular Joe vs El Medico

You're not fond of Medico, and whilst I'm no great fan of Joe he's a solid hand


Amber Allen and Ant Man vs Syd Collier and The Minor Annoyance

Collier's not someone I've ever worked with, but AA and Ant-Man are pretty good


Tamara McFly vs Donte Dunn

Again, I've never used Dunn, but there's a reason Tamara's held my womens' title for over a year


Nigel Svensson vs Paradigm

Never been much impressed by the Para's, and Nigel's a good worker

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God damned it Connie you let me down!


Amber Allen vs Remmy Honeyman

Ant Man vs Connie Morris


That's what you get for costing me a clean sweep


Regular Joe vs El Medico

Amber Allen and Ant Man vs Syd Collier and The Minor Annoyance

Tamara McFly vs Donte Dunn

Nigel Svensson vs Paradigm

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