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USPW – American Wrestling

Authority Restored?

Live From The Huntsfield Fairground

Attendance: 5,000 – SELL OUT!





Mitch: Welcome to another Edition of USPW American Wrestling! With Vibert and co. running riot, who knows what to expect on tonight's show, they are demanding order and respect from the locker room, whether they will get it, who knows?

Sneer: This is Shane Sneer and Mitch Naess, lets join the action with Robbie Retro and Art Reed.



Art Reed vs Robbie Retro

http://i38.tinypic.com/f0ayig.jpg vs http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t112/thetramp_photos/ArtReed_FINisher1.jpg



Robbie Retro controlled the pace of the match and looked strong throughout the match using and number of strong strikes and throws and limiting Art Reed to very few opening, playing around with Art until 11:02 and after a MOTD he picked up a win



Winner: Robbie Retro



[We cut backstage where Rick Law and Shawn Gonzalez are shoeing in Chris Caulfield. A new look (and named) AJ Jackson step between them,


he is heard pleading ' just wait, you got the match against us.' Rick and Shawn walk away with a pair of parting kicks to Chris]



Alicia Strong vs Belle Bryden

http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/USPW/USPW%20Key%20Figures/AliciaStrong.jpg vs http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/USPW/USPW%20Wrestlers/BelleBryden.jpg

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Alicia Strong defeated Belle Bryden in 7:47 by pinfall with a Strong Arm Tactic.



Winner: Alicia Strong



[Phil Vibert appears on the tron]

<style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> Phil: As new commissioner of USPW I have had to make changes, as you all know, one of which regards the National and the Television Championships, you see, I do not feel there is a great deal of diversity between these belt and therefore at the forthcoming pay-per-view Thanksgiving Thunder, the titles will be unified into a single United States Championship, The match will be contested in a triangle elimination rules match and will be between Andre Jones, The Force and an as of yet unconfirmed challenger expect more at a later date. Thank You.



Mitch: Wow, a huge match announced for Thanksgiving Thunder and we'll see and new champion. Speaking of champions coming up next is Tyson Baine vs Chance Fortune, making his USPW Television debut.



Non-Title Match

Tyson Baine vs Chance Fortune

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChanceFortune.jpg vs http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TysonBaine.jpg


Chance gave a plucky underdog performance and his speed did surprise, Tyson Baine at times but his strength proved too much and Baine ended it with a Hades Bomb at 7:24



Winner: Tyson Baine



[Chris Caulfield is in the backstage interviewing area]


Chris: Vibert, Law, Gonzalez, I hope your listening, because for weeks I had been, beaten, screwed, attacked and humiliated, by a sick little numbers game, but tonight the numbers start to even up when I and AJ Jackson, get in that ring we are going beat the hell, out of Rick Law and then either me or AJ, I really don't mind, will pin you 1, 2, 3 and your little clique will be dissolved and I can focus my attention on Henry Lee. You see Law, I've promised Jackson he will leave tonight with his arm raised high and guess what, I am a man of my word.



Enygma vs Nicky Champion

http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/jtlant/Enygma.jpg vs http://i37.tinypic.com/33pc4ty.jpg


Big encounter of two of USPW finest, was not a pretty one, neither wanting to back down, the moves weren't clicking as the pairs contrasting styles blurred into a mess, and it wasn't until a missed Stronger Arm Tactic and a distraction from Bruce, that Enygma took advantage and locked in the Variation and made Champion tap out at 15:39



Winner: Enygma





Main Event – Shawn Gonzalez & 'Enforcer' Rick Law vs Chris Caulfield & AJ Jackson

http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/J%20Silver/RickLaw_alt1.jpg & http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc315/BeezerWrestling/DAVE/ShawnGonzalez.jpg vs http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/USPW/USPW%20Wrestlers/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg & http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd99/chuck_jaywalk/The%20Blueprint/JumboJackson_Tomko2.jpg


The matched started slowly and the team of Gonzalez and Law kept Caulfield on the ground while they made quick tags but Caulfield after minutes of torment hit a bulldog to Rick Law, he crawled to his corner and went to hot tag Jackson, but he just jumped of the apron leaving a deflated Caulfield on the second rope, he then uppercutted Caulfield which lifted him onto his feet only to be met by the Long Arm of The Law by The Enforcer at 13:52 for the victory.


Winners: Rick Law & Shawn Gonzalez





USPW- American Wrestling © 2010 Sport America


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TT Poll




This is the first weekly poll where we want the fans to tell us what they want to see using the poll below, happy voting:


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*If Tyson Baine Selected it is his choice*

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Due to technical problems any votes made before 7 minutes ago will not count if you had voted, the vote has been discount, feel free (if you still want to) to re-vote. Although according to the previous site nobody had (even though I casted my vote for the person with the most popularity in game.)
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Card for American Wrestling




Info on tonight USPW American Wrestling


http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd99/chuck_jaywalk/USPW/AliciaStrong.jpg vs http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/jtlant/CherryBomb_alt2.jpg vs http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/USPW/USPW%20Wrestlers/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpg

<style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> This three way match will determine the no.1 contender, this month Alicia has been on a role winning both matches since losing at the PPV can she keep this run going or will one of USPW's women snatch no.1 contendership from Sam's daughters grasp.


http://i37.tinypic.com/149b1jb.jpg& http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/HandsomeStranger.jpg vs http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/CaptainUSA.jpg & http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/jtlant/JimForce_alt1jt.jpg


<style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> With the tag team division being torn apart in recent weeks, USPW announced a no.1 contendership match for any two teams to meet, the two teams that accepted the challenge will face of tonight and then face the champions Java & Tribal Warrior, the teams that answered the challenge was, The Force of America and the unlikely team of Handsome Stranger & Mick Muscles.


http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/jtlant/Enygma.jpg vs http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t112/thetramp_photos/HenryLeeALTY.jpg

<style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> The mysterious Enygma takes on Henry Lee who wants to prove 'he's still got it' as many say if he comes up in the ring against Caulfield he will be dominated, so he has set out to prove he's got what it takes by challenging on of USPW's best, but has he still go it?



<style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> Robbie Retro's insolence last week in coming to the aid of Chris Caulfield during a post match attack, Phil Vibert has promised to teach him a lesson by giving him a special surprise. Only Vibert knows what's in store and this means Retro has no time to prepare he is defiantly an underdog.


http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd99/chuck_jaywalk/USPW/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg vs http://i37.tinypic.com/33pc4ty.jpg

The two top contenders in USPW over the last month square of in this no.1 contenders match to face USPW World Champion Tyson Baine at Thanksgiving Thunder, with Caulfield being the veteran in the match that could give him the edge, however, with a new found vigour and all the momentum can Nicky Champion be the one to Challenge Tyson Baine.


Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb vs Raven Robinson

The Forces of America vs Mick Muscles & Handsome Stranger

Enygma vs Henry Lee

Robbie Retro vs Phil Vibert's Surprise

Chris Caulfield vs Nicky Champion

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Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb vs Raven Robinson

The Forces of America vs Mick Muscles & Handsome Stranger

Enygma vs Henry Lee

Robbie Retro vs Phil Vibert's Surprise

Chris Caulfield vs Nicky Champion




As to polls, they really should be open for at least two or three days just to give time for people to see them. Not everyone haunts these boards 24/7 ;)

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USPW: American Wrestling



USPW – American Wrestling

The Contenders

Live From The McGaw Arena

Attendance: 5,000 – SELL OUT!



[We start with a match and the commentators welcome during the match]



Women's No.1 Contenders Match

Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb vs Raven Robinson



In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Alicia Strong defeated Cherry Bomb and Raven Robinson in 6:14 when Alicia Strong defeated Cherry Bomb by pinfall with a Strong Arm Tactic.



Winner (and new No.1 Contender): Alicia Strong



[Phil Vibert comes to the ring, not really getting the heel heat is usually get, since we are in the Tri-State]



Vibert: Robbie Retro get out here now.

[Retro comes out]

Who the hell do you think you are? Last week we were trying to teach someone respect and you come out and disrespected the Authority in USPW, and anybody who shows this disregard for our rules must be punish, so Robbie, tonight respect will be beaten into you in No Disqualification rules, but if anyone from the back interferes in the match, they will be fired!

Oh and your opponent, sorry opponents, Shawn Gonzalez and The Enforcer. You will learn your lesson.



Tag Team No.1 Contenders Match

The Forces of America vs Handsome Stranger & Mick Muscles



The tag teams inexperience showed but Muscles and Stranger, show their abilities and managed to destroy Captain USA with quick strong movement and The Force barely featured and after 8:47 Mick Muscles pinned Captain USA with a Bulldozer Powerbomb.



Winners (and new No.1 Contenders):Handsome Stranger & Mick Muscles



[The Force is walking backstage alone with his belt. When he turns a corner he sees his PPV opponent Andre Jones]



Jones: You enjoying that belt, Jim because at the PPV view it dissolves and I become the first ever USPW United States Champion.



The Force: I know not of this Jim to which you are referring, but if you are talking about this Gold I hold, then I feel you are mistaken my child for when I step in that ring I intend to crush you and our opponent into oblivion and become the undisputed champion of America, for when I am finished you will not know in which time zone you reside and you will feel the Force.



Jones: You seem worried Jim, you not your sel...






Engyma vs Henry Lee



Henry Lee's USPW in-ring debut didn't go quite as he planned as he was battered pillar to post by Enygma's array of submission holds and suplexs but the veteran had a trick up his sleeve and that is where Tyson Baine came in and tried to clothesline Enygma who ducked and gave Baine, a spray of a black mist into his face which caused a blinded Baine to start blindly swinging, he did connect one punch but it was to Henry Lee, knocking him down and letting Enygma lock in The Variation, but the referee called for the bell as he was out by 10:27



Winner: Enygma



[When Baine recovers he jumps on Enygma and beats him down, he then begins choking Enygma, by now Lee has also recovered and the pair are beating down Engyma when T-Rex comes down with a chair, it looks as though he is helping Engyma but then he tosses the chair to Henry Lee, the crowd begin to boo but T-Rex boots the chair into Lee's face, so Baine lunges at him, but Rex ducks and plants a right hook to Baine jaw, the heelish duo retreat as Rex attends to Enygma.]



Robbie Retro vs Vibert's surprise



The surprise was Shawn Gonzalez AND Rick Law who dominated Retro giving him no chance at any form of attack they savagely beat him beyond necessary force to teach him a lesson and when they'd had enough they finished him with Law hit a squad car slam and Gonzalez made him quit after a Latino

Crab, whilst Law kicked him



Winner(s): Law & Gonzalez



[After the match the pair beat-down Retro until Caulfield ran down and they ran away through the crowd and fled]



Main Event: No.1 Contenders Match, Under No DQ rules

Nicky Champion vs Chris Caulfield



These two really clicked in the ring and the crowd where equal in their love for Caulfield (this is the Tri-State we are in) and their hatred of Champion. The pair shared an even match with a few hardcore spots including a cool looking top rope Powerbomb by Nicky Champion through a table on Chris Caulfield, but AJ Jackson came to the ringside seeing this Bruce The Great came and they started a brawl with each other, when the two went out to deal with their rivals the referee began a ten count and after their rivals getting the better of them, they were both counted outwittingly.



Winner: N/A - Draw via Double count out



[Mitch remarks about their now being no number one contender]

[in the heat of the argument neither notice Tyson Baine in the ring, Champion manages to slip out but Chris get a huge Hades Bomb and is KO'd, Henry Lee then 'talks trash' to Caulfield who is unresponsive as the show ends.]


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USPW: American Wrestling card




With the PPV nearly upon us expect a very storyline progressive based show with Champion and Caulfield taking each other on again this time in tag team action, Chance Fortune takes on the currently yet to win Art Reed and Henry Lee attempt to answer his critics who have been calling him a 'has been'. (including alot of us here at TEW) We will see if he can prove his critics wrong against Captain USA. With the TV title becoming defunct as of the PPV, The Force takes his last match of holding the belt in a non-title match with AJ Jackson, who has been associating himself with Phil Vibert as of late, as well as ex-tag partners test their ability when World Champion Tyson Baine takes on T-Rex.

Quick Card:


Art Reed vs Chance Fortune

Captain USA vs Henry Lee

AJ Jackson vs The Force

T-Rex vs Tyson Baine (Non-Title)

Chris Caulfield & Robbie Retro vs Nicky Champion & Shawn Gonzalez



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USPW: American Wrestling




USPW – American Wrestling

Calm before the Storm?

Live From The Laurent Ballroom

Attendance: 5,000 – SELL OUT!


Mitch: Hello everybody and welcome to the final USPW American Wrestling before Thanksgiving Thunder storms into the Louisiana Auditorium this weekend, but we seem to have someone in the ring so this is Mitch and Shane Sneer cutting it short.



[Chance fortune is in the ring]



Fortune: As one of the littler guys I don't usually get my say but I am sick of the crap going on in this promotion, I've been here for about a month now and all I've seen is sneak attacks, betrayal and screwy finishes to matches and I'll tell you now, I am already sick of this!



And the worst of all is Phil Vibert's little enforcer, Rick Law, he imitates the police, there's places you can get arrested for that although I suppose he just let himself off with a warning, because this wrestler, a term I use loosely, actually believes it and since he's yet unbooked for the Pay-per-view, I'd like to personally challenge him to a handcuff match, I'll play him at his own game.



Chance Fortune vs Art Reed



Two evenly matched workers fought out a even battle with was a high flying based match for the most part and Fortune took his chance when Art Reed missed a flip senton, Chance went to the top and hit a Shooting Star Splash, he then hit his Stroke of Luck finisher to pick up the win.



Winner: Chance Fortune





Mitch: Well, I'll take that as challenge accepted,

Sneer: And you would be right to think that because Rick doesn't let little punks like that little Fortune cookie speak to him like that.



Captain USA vs Henry Lee



Henry brutalised The Captain with some dirty more including eye gouges, eye pokes and low blows but truly dominated Captain USA for the entirety of this short match and after an Asylum Buster at 7:44 it was over.



Winner: Henry Lee





Henry Lee: For those who doubted my return to the big time, there is your undeniable, indisputable and conclusive proof I still got it and if anyone on the planet disagrees then at Thanksgiving Thunder, I'm announcing an open challenge,so if you want to face Henry Lee in a No Disqualification match, this is your chance. Because I feel I can talk allI want, but it performances like that against Captain USA that prove me as the worlds best brawler so if anyone's up for a fight come on down to the Louisiana Auditorium this Saturday and get a beating from 'The Icon.'



And Chris, we haven't forgotten you boy.






AJ Jackson w/ Andre Jones (scouting) vs The Force



An energetic brawl as ever from The Force who was holding back seemingly not risking it all for the P-P-V but he still gave a good show and seemed to have it won until Jones distracted him and gave AJ the chance to Avalanche him for the pin.



Winner: AJ Jackson



[We cut to Phil Vibert's office where Nicky Champion has just walked in.]



Phil: Listen, Listen I know but you didn't win the number one contenders match, Nick.

Nicky: I know but I didn't lose and I am carrying a neck injury!

Phil: If your necks that bad then I better send you home, I'll cross your name off the...

Nicky: No, no I'm fine now I just mean he's had it easy the last few weeks you know...

[Overhearing Caulfield walks in]

Caulfield: I've had it easy? In one month, I've been victim of multiple attacks, took on Tyson Baine twice! And been in a tag match and a singles match with Shawn Gonzalez, and I've had a damaged freakin' eye socket.

Phil: Do you want to be taken off?

Caulfield: Phil shut up and listen for once, that way you would still have your own promotion and I woul...

Phil: Listen, don't you ever mention DA (pauses) them ever again or I fire you right here... right how does this sound, at Thanksgiving Thunder we will have a three way match?

[Henry Lee walks in]

Ah, Henry just the man I needed. Tell Baine he got these two in a three way at Thanksgiving Thu...

Henry: No he doesn't he wants to take on Enygma and a little CC, says well, he got the match so Nick, I'm sorry but you know business is busi...

Phil: Actual, the way this is going lets have a good old double jeopardy match all 4 get a shot then. Caulfield vs Baine, Champ vs Enygma, winner stays on. Thanks guys, great idea.




T-Rex vs Tyson Baine



Two big guys in a slow and slugging match, the two took a lot of power moves from the other opponent and it was a gruelling match that took until 9:54 and a Hades Bomb to be concluded.



Winner: Tyson Baine



[The announcers with the help of a pretty graphic put over the Main Event of USPW Thankgiving Thunder: Caulfield vs Baine / Champion vs Enygma in a double jepordy match.]



Main Event: Shawn Gonzalez & Nicky Champion vs Robbie Retro & Chris Caulfield



Robbie looked lost in this match and the way he was beaten down so quickly made it feel like a handicap match and Caulfield was dominated for large spells he did however with the help of the top rope meeting Champion's balls, mounting a small comeback and then hot tagging Retro only for Robbie to be met with Champion's Elbow and a Stronger Arm Tactic at 14:16 when Nicky got the win.



Winner: Nicky Champion & Shawn Gonzalez


USPW- American Wrestling © 2010 Sport America




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USPW: Thanksgiving Thunder Card


Thankgiving Thunder Card


USPW Tag Titles-Savage Fury vs Mick Muscle and Handsome Stranger

USPW Womens Title- Raven Robinson vs Alicia Strong

USPW US Championship (Unification of TV & National)

Andre Jones vs The Force vs ??? member of the roster

Henry Lee vs anyone on the roster

Chance Fortune vs Rick Law

Robbie Retro vs Shawn Gonzalez

USPW World Title- Double Jeopardy- Chris Caulfield vs Tyson Baine © / Nicky Champion vs Enygma

Enventual Winner:

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  • 3 months later...

I stopped this Diary nearly 4 months ago and in this Save I am in August 2014 in it.

Since I've just done 3 segments in my ELITE Diary I want to do a were are they now, if anyone wants to request anyone specific feel free, but I'm bored so I'll do a couple whilst I am having a break from writing my 2nd show for my ELITE Diary.


First up is a Tag Team I formed.

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Chance of a Dance?




Date: August, Week 3, 2014

Debuted: Robbie: Week 3 October 2011

Chance: Week 1 November 2011

As a team: Formed Week 2 December 2011, Match: Week 4 December 2011


After Chance Fortune surprisingly rised up the ranks upon his USPW debut and was the first man to stand up to the Vibert/Law regime. This led to him enduring months of pain from Rick Law including an epic grudge match which was on of USPW's best at that time. During this couple of months he was repeatedly jumped, held hostage and even starved by the villian. This is infact what brought the team together after Vibert's henchman AJ Jackson was shockingly beaten by Retro. Vibert, Law and Jackson all beat Robbie into the ground until Chance Fortune came down to make the save. After this the pair began to team up. Winning their first ever match against the tag champs they then were sidetracked by the re kindled feud with Law, Bruce, Gonzalez, Jackson and Vibert they were constantly outnumbered and Chance began teaming with Human Arsenal and Caulfield against Vibert and the team only reunited in April 2012 when they again beat The New Flex and Pecs earning a title shot at the PPV.


Opening up the show Chance Fortune pinned Mick 'Pecs' Muscles for the pinfall victory after the tag finisher No Lucking Back winning the USPW Tag Titles in the process. This was the match theu official became Chance of a Dance. This then became the main focus as they tried to stay away from the Vibert vs. USPW and made their first defenses against the former champions. After losing a non-title match the team beat AJ Jackson and Shawn Gonzalez as their feud with Vibert showed signs of heating up yet again. And they repeated beat the two teams above whilst losing to Vibert's Elite. Notably they infact scored a clean vistory of Bruce The Great and Christian Faith in a non-title match towards the end of their reign. They made their last defense of the title against The McWade Brothers before losing it to The Keith Boys. The team have remained strong despite many failed attempts to regain the Gold but have most recently been trying to prise it from The Amazing Awesomes, with no luck. They do remain a solid, fun unit.


Honours: 1 time USPW Tag Team Champions

USPW Record: As a team: 27 wins 2 draws and 25 loses.

Retro: 37 wins 2 draws and 52 loses.

Fortune: 44 wins 2 draws and 58 loses.

Current Pushes: Midcard

Highest Pushes: Robbie: Upper Midcard, Chance: Main Event.

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