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How do I shot Danmaku? (a 9000-verse Beta Touhou Diary)

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One day Yukari woke up from a long winter full of sleep.

“ *yawn* What a nightmare. I dreamt about being sucked into another dimension without any possibility to turn back. That was really…wait, where am I? RAN!”

“Yes, Yukari-sama?”

“Where are we? What happened?”

“I’m very sorry Yukari-sama, but during your sleep you opened a gap which…well, sucked us in and brought us to another dimension, it seems.”

“WHAT? That’s impossible, that was just a dream!…..Ran, I can’t open a gap, what’s the meaning of this?”

“I don’t know myself, but I also lost my magic abilities, so did Chen.”

“That’s horrible, how are we supposed to get back?”

“I have found a letter, maybe this will help us.”

“Let’s see…”

“Dear Reader,

I am glad that you found this letter. It appears that all inhabitants of Gensokyo have been sucked into this dimension. I don’t know what exactly happened or how you can get back, but I think it’s the best right now to meet up and discuss the whole disaster. Please come to my house within the next 3 days. If you don’t appear, I will assume you landed somewhere too far away. The adress is (adress). I look forward to meeting you.




“Who is ZUN?”

“I don’t know, but he wrote this letter yesterday, so we have enough time to meet up with him.”

“I guess we have no choice but to do so…aw man, I can’t even freaking FLY! Ran, carry me to our destination!”

“*sigh* Yes, Yukari-sama.”


So, it turned out that Yukari accidentaly threw all of Gensokyo (aka the Touhou universe) into the 9000-verse, where they lost their magical abilities. For some unexplainable reason ZUN, the creator of Touhou, appeared there as well.


Reimu: “So, what are we going to do now?”

“Well, it looks like we have to do what everybody in this universe does…wrestling.”

“That does not make sense at all.”

“It does! Because…er…shut up, I created you!”

“That seems to be your excuse for everything.”

“It is. And you can’t do anything about it.”

Marisa: “Well, I like the idea. It’s not that different from Danmaku (the bullet-shooting from the games). We fight without killing each other.”

Rumia: “I’d rather kill somebody…”

“You won’t. But we will have a great time making our shows. All we need is somebody who actually knows anything about wrestling.”

“You don’t even KNOW anything about wrestling? What kind of idiot ARE you?”

“Well, Miss Know-it-all, do YOU have a better idea?”

“ *sigh* Sadly I don’t. But that’s still better than yours.”


After ZUN “convinced” everybody that starting a wrestling company will somehow help them get back to Gensokyo, he managed to find somebody who not only knows how to book a wrestling company (at least he said so), but is also a fan of the Touhou games.


“Hello, Fat Otaku speaking”

“Yes, hello Mr. Otaku. This is ZUN.”

“Oh, hey, I was awaiting your call. I’ll do the job.”

“Thank you, I was…you’re doing it?”

“Of course, I can’t wait to see all those kawaii girls in reality, hehehe…”

“Er…okay. That was fast. And you really know how to book a wrestling company?”

“Of course I do. I’m a wizard in Raw vs. Smackdown. And I know exactly what those cuties need, hehehe…”

“Eww, just come here and do the booking.”

“Aw, okay. But…can I at least…”

“NO! *hangs up*”



Before you get all „hooray“ or „awesome“ on me, let me tell you about this first of all.

This will be a diary for the 9000-verse beta, I’ll be booking the Touhou Project. As I am a horrible fanfic writer, I will do this as a (more or less) straight wrestling diary. This means, the girls will be robbed of their ability to shoot pretty bullets for the purpose of this diary. I will try to give this a reasonable backstory, which will be all the fan fiction I’m able to throw out or my sleeves. Please don’t kill me.

I will try to keep the roster “clean”, which means no non-Touhou workers (at least not for now). Maybe I will throw somebody else in at a later date. I may also cheat to not let somebody else steal my workers, maybe I’ll even use it as a plot device, who knows.

If you think you have an awesome idea for stories or character development or anything regarding this specific diary, feel free to send me a private message. I may or may not use your idea. If I don’t, please don’t kill me.

Oh, and I won’t use such pretty graphics as crayon, because I suck at that. Please don’t kill me.

Now, if the urge to kill hasn’t risen yet, enjoy the diary.

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Now, due to this completely made up events, the following Touhou characters have met ZUN and will participate in his awesome plan to form a wrestling company:


One of the better known Touhou characters, she will start out as an Upper Midcard Face. The only thing holding her back from the top of the company is herself, as she rarely uses her full power. She does not want to lose while going all out, which would scar her for life. Still she is able to have a great match and lead her opponents to a good match too.

Entrance Theme: Metallica – Master Of Puppets


Starting as a Main Event Heel she will portray ZUNs personal favourite, a role many think is not an act. The hate for stealing the spotlight that some fans have towards her should be great fuel into her performance.

Entrance Theme: Iron Maiden – Aces High


Rans personal shikigami (despite being a shikigami herself; shikigami = more or less a summoned spirit) and cat demon, Chen will start out as a Face Opener. Her power is not up to those of other fighters within the company and she will need to prove, that she can be a tough opponent without the help of her mother figure. Due to her kind and childish nature, she is a good person to have around backstage.

Entrance Theme: The Offspring – You’re Gonna Go Far Kid


What can be said that hasn’t already been said about Cirno? The Main Event Heel has started out as a very minor character but has become a cult favourite among Touhou fans. With a little help of the Team (9) stable she leads and an unhealthy portion of luck she managed to become one of the top draws of the company. A reason might be her over-average mic skills.

Entrance Theme: Vanilla Ice – Ice Ice Baby


Leading the medical team in the background, Eirin is a Lower Midcard Heel. This is less because of her power but for her loyality to Kaguya. She is able to draw anyone to a watchable match and is rumored to be a potential breakout star, should she ever decide to set her powers free. Her helpfullness makes her an important backstage figure.

Entrance Theme: Robert Palmer – Bad Case Of Loving You


Fat Otaku

The bookers avatar who we hopefully won’t see in the shows.


Being an Upper Midcard Heel, the only thing keeping her from the top is her unstable mind. While she may have awesome matches, she could probably injure her co-workers if she ever fades away during a fight. Will she be controllable, now that her most scary powers are gone?

Entrance Theme: Metallica – Welcome Home (Sanitarium)


The eternal (literally) enemy of Kaguya, Mokou has been cursed with immortality after drinking from the Hourai Elixir. Her hatred of the moon princess is endless, but is her life too after being sucked into another dimension? Only time may tell. And many fires will burn until that. She’s a Midcard Face by the way.

Entrance Theme: Metallica – Fight Fire With Fire


Due to her immense knowledge of past events, she is the perfect person for the job of the Colour Commentator. She will provide the viewers with any needed background information to enjoy the action.


As Upper Midcard Face, Hong Meiling has a cult following only beaten by Cirno. Hailing from China, she is one of the few foreign workers in the Touhou Project. While getting a lot of support from the fans, she has yet to prove that she can headline an event.

Entrance Theme: Johhny Thunders & The Heartbreakers – Chinese Rocks


The former moon princess and nowadays Midcard Heel Kaguya is known for her manipulative ways. That way one of the bloodiest feuds in history got its start between her and Mokou. The problem is, she’s also manipulative in real life. Thankfully Eirin has an eye over her, being her bodyguard storylinewise.

Entrance Theme: Cool & Crerate – Help me Erin!


The Goddess of the Moriya Shrine Kanako will be a Midcard Heel and acts as a parental figure for lil Sanae. This may make her cross swords with Suwako on occasions, who also thinks of herself as a mother figure. While Kanako can perform good matches with pretty much everybody and steal the show with the right opponent, she is also not bad at the mic. She may be a future Main Eventer if handled right.

Entrance Theme: Rage Against The Machine – Snakecharmer


Working as a Midcard Face is the former history teacher Keine. Known and feared for her transformation at full moon, she is a very caring person when normal. While she loves to “cave” people in her hakutaku (basically a bull demon) form, she protects the weak in her human form. She also has an awesome hat.

Entrance Theme: Ozzy Osbourne – Bark At The Moon


“IT’S SPRING!” is what you will hear a lot if the season has arrived. Touhou’s Announcer has spread the fans in lovers and haters, but there is no doubt that she is doing her job pretty well. Her cheery personality is a blessing for every locker room.


Known for stealing precious things and opponent’s trademark maneuvers, the Main Event Face is one of the few workers within Touhou without a natural blessing in abilities. Still she managed to skyrocket to be the most marketable person in the entire promotion. Her character is close to late real life superstar Eddie Guerrero, as her motto is “Lie, Cheat & Steal”. She is also a very good mic worker and loved by her co-workers.

Entrance Theme: Michael Jackson – Smooth Criminal


As a Heel Opener, Mystia is more confident than healthy for her, which can cause some backstage heat if not handled correctly. She may be used as a 9000-verse version of Jillian Hall, but her voice is literally unhealthy for the human ears. And you better not ask her about her illiteracy.

Entrance Theme: Nightwish – The Siren


Due to her incredibly bad health, Patchy has been forced to be a Heel Manager and stay out of the squared circle. She is not unable to compete though and may enter the ring from time to time if the situation allows it. If she manages to grab a good day, she can produce a 5-star match.

Entrance Theme: The Police – Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic


A Midcard Heel in a unique situation (for a wrestler that is). While she is Yukaris subordinate she is also the master of Chen, who works as a face. Despite this unusually interesting constellation, Ran is considered to be a very reliable in-ring performer, helping others as much as she can. She is the good soul of the locker room.

Entrance Theme: The Sweet – Fox On The Run


The face and most loyal worker of the company is of course working as Main Event Face. The Touhou-equivalent of Hulk Hogan or John Cena is as loved as she is hated by smart marks for being portrayed as unbeatable superma…woman. She makes up for it with her nice real life personality and her sexy armpits.

Entrance Theme: Iron Maiden – Iron Maiden


While Reimu may be the face of Touhou, this Upper Midcard Face is the “wet T–shirt” of the company. While she has been featured in many advertisements (you know, sex sells), she is also a skilled fighter. She has been trained from a young age on and was a member of the Lunarian Army (that’s right, the army of the Moon). It should also be noted, that Reisen is able to keep her sanity in all this madness that is Touhou (ironically she can cause madness in others).

Entrance Theme: Iron Maiden – Can I Play With Madness


The vampire brat Remilia is an Upper Midcard Heel and very vulnerable to daylight (due to being a vampire). Unlike her sister Flandre, who is a girl of actions, Remilia likes to talk a lot (which she is good at by the way). Her gothic themed Scarlet Devil Mansion stable may have been broken up, nonetheless she is still accompanied by her loyal housemaid Sakuya. Her arrogant personality does not make her the most loved person backstage.

Entrance Theme: Gerard McMann – Cry Little Sister


The male Referee of the all-girly Touhou federation. If the crowd should ever get “too exited”, he can always be turned into MANnosuke to immediatly cool down the crowds pants.


This Heel Opener is without a doubt the most idiotic character you can encounter in this company. As part of Team (9) she is the one to make Cirno feel intellectual supreme. Her incredible powers over darkness are more dangerous to herself than to her opponents, which has kept her away from reaching any heights yet. It is rumoured though that once she lays off her ribbon she may become a second Flandre (which cannot be good for anybody around).

Entrance Theme: Iron Maiden – Fear Of The Dark


This Midcard Heel is a big fan of Dio Brando, who heavily influenced her own style (and maybe caused her obsession with vampires). While she keeps her private life out of the medias as much as she can, she is known to be one of the best workers Touhou has ever seen and many even see the future of the company in her.

Entrance Theme: Prince – Sign O The Times


A member of the Moriya clan, Sanae has yet to get away from being an Enhancement Talent Face. While she is still searching for the perfect character for herself, she is linked to Midcarders Suwako and Kanako, which may give her the chance to shine.

Entrance Theme: Scorpions – Rock You Like A Hurricane


While being a talented performer in her own rights, Shiki prefers to work as a Referee. Her former job as judge above the deceased heavily influenced this decision. While she is absolutely fair in her judgment, she can also annoy people with pointing out every single mistake made by an individual. This may or may not lead to a match involving her.

Entrance Theme: Metallica - …And Justice For All


A party animal in the ring and backstage, this Midcard Face is known to be a heavy drinker. Yet, her alcoholism has not ruined her talent at all and is even part of her gimmick. She is known to be a very stiff fighter and used as a punisher by the powers of the company.

Entrance Theme: Flogging Molly – Drunken Lullabies


Maybe the best worker in all Touhou, Suwako has taken a step back to let her younger co-workers claim the top and is now a Midcard Face. She loves to help others get over and is still loved by the fans. Her iconic hat is one of the best-selling merchandise articles of the company, just because it’s so cool.

Entrance Theme: The Doors – Peace Frog


This Lower Midcard Heel tries to get heat from the crowd by escaping punishment for her actions constantly. She especially loves to blame Reisen for her own crimes and gets others in trouble as much as she can. She claims to not mean it this way but the fans don’t believe her.

Entrance Theme: The Offspring – Original Prankster


Notourious for her androgynous appearance, this Heel Enhancement Talent is one of Cirnos fellow Team (9) members. She has a very hard time to live up to her comrades expectations though and does taste some punishment every now and then.

Entrance Theme: The Beatles – Help


Despite being mistaken for her grandfather, the Road Agent of Touhou is actually Youmus dad. His age and knowledge makes him a very respected man, even though he IS a man.


This promising young talent is currently a Lower Midcard Face. Her involvement with Yuyuko, her relation to Youki and her comical talent regarding her ghost half could make her a future star though. From being afraid of ghosts (despite being half a ghost herself) to tasteless sperm jokes about her ghost half, she is able to pull of any kind of angles. She is also a good wrestler, a positive backstage influence and a big Sakuya fan.

Entrance Theme: Slayer – Die by The Sword


The reason for all this mess and Main Event Heel. While being very talented and experienced, she is able to portray both, face and heel, in a very believable manner. She is a skilled mic worker and highly respected backstage, despite her fauxpas throwing everybody into a different universe. Her sheer amount of powers is making everybody wet their bloomers, once they are unleashed.

Entrance Theme: Pink Floyd – Another Brick In The Wall Part 2


The friendly ghost with a big heart…and appetite. This Lower Midcard Face is known to get along with about everybody and is expected to be a top draw within Touhou in the future. She is currently working with Youmu, who she works some comedy angles with. Her abilities are scary, but she heavily watches out to harm nobody with them (she is able to kill people with mere thaughts alone).

Entrance Theme: Nightwish – Ghost Love Score


The drunkard who created all that cute girls and for some reason has been brought to the 9000-verse as well. He is portraying the evil boss and favourites Aya over all other workers. Rumours about the two being a couple have been around for a while, but nobody knows the truth.

Entrance Theme: Reel Big Fish – Beer


The tag teams:


Aria of Forbidden Magic

Marisa Kirisame & Alice Margatroid (Occasional)


BounDary SM

Yukari Yakumo & Ran Yakumo (Regular)


Illusionary Borders

Reimu hakurei & Yukari Yakumo (Occasional)


Netherworld Dwellers

Yuyuko Saigyouji & Youmu Konpaku (Regular)


Red n Black Attack

Reimu Hakurei & Marisa Kirisame (Occasional)


Seek and Cave!!!

Keine Kamishirasawa & Fujiwara no Mokou (Regular)


The Scarlet Devils

Remilia Scarlet & Flandre Scarlet (Occasional)


The Shikigami Two

Ran Yakumo & Chen (Occasional)


Visionary Scarlet Devil

Remilia Scarlet & Sakuya Izayoi (Regular)




Team (9)

Cirno (Leader)

Mystia Lorelei


Wriggle Nightbug

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Sweet! Been lookin forward to this since you mentioned it awhile ago :)


As far as that kayfabe breaker image being screwed up, I'm guessing it's because it's converting a transparent .png file to hmm i dunno, something else altogether during the hotlinking. I'll whip you up a non transparent one in and expedite it to you asap

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Highly Responsive to Prayers 2008


The first Touhou event, (hopefully) live on pay-per-view). Order today!




Marisa Kirisame vs. Cirno



Hong Meiling vs. Sakuya Izayoi



Seek & Cave!!! vs. BounDary SM



Chen vs. Flandre Scarlet



A 15-women Battle Royal for the Gensokyo Championship!

Don't miss it!

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Monday, Week 1, December 2008

Information slipped to the medias today that the Touhou Project has contacted WOWOW for a PPV-deal. Since Highly Responsive to Prayers, the first event of the company, will be held this Sunday, rumours are that negotiations will be done before weekend.


Tuesday, Week 1, December 2008

The Japanese local promotion Dead or Alive is rumoured to be interested in signing two workers from the Touhou Project, namely Reisen Udongein Inaba and road agent Youki Konpaku. It seems as if the company wants to draw new fans to their shows with popular guest stars and better matches.

ZUN seems to expect Fat Otaku to do his job good. He has been quoted to say, that if the promotion does not fall in size or get overhauled in the global rankings, he will be satisfied.


Saturday, Week 1, December 2008

In an interview with a local newspaper, Touhou wrestler Mystia Lorelei was talking about the company. Interestingly she claimed to be held back from the top by backstage politics and that she will break out in the near future to headline the promotion.


Sunday, Week 1, December 2008

Reisen Udongein Inaba was presented as the newest member of the DOA roster this morning. She has signed a contract with the company and will help out gaining popularity for the small fed. Her priorities are lying within Touhou nontheless.

Now it is official. Although Highly Responsive to Prayers could be ordered since last week, only this morning it was officially announced that Touhou and WOWOW have signed a contract for the next 12 months. This should help Touhous buyrates a lot, since WOWOW is one of the biggest Pay-TV channels in Japan.

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Highly Responsive to Prayers 2008

Salaryman’s Despair, Shikoku (5,000 - SOLD OUT)


Dark Match


Sanae Kochiya vs. Kaguya Houraisan

In an okay match, Kaguya dominated the fight and eventually finished victorious after a Mysterium.

Winner: Kaguya Houraisan by Pinfall (6:01)

Rating: 46




The show opens with some flashy music and lights, the commentators welcome us to this historic event. ZUNs music starts to play and he comes out to the ring.

“Welcome ladies & gentlemen to Highly Responsive to Prayers. Tonight you will witness the crowning of a new champion, when Aya will become the first ever Gensokyo Champion. You know it will happen. It doesn’t matter if she has to throw fourteen other people over the top rope or if she has to put forty people through a table. The only reason this match is even held is so that she can prove to anybody who doubts her that she IS the best performer, the best entertainer and the best in all the rest. I personally designed this belt to suit her appearance. Gentlemen, please open the briefcase.”

Some people in suits open a briefcase and reveal the belt. It has a golden eagle engraved who has the globus in its claws.

“Isn’t it beautiful? You know what…I’ll just give her the title right away. Aya, please come out so I can give you the belt.”

Instead of Aya, Reimu Hakurei appears at the entrance.

“Do you think you’re funny? Or are you actually serious? I hope you’re not, because later tonight I will show everyone what your precious Aya really is. Nothing but a loudmouth. And I will NOT accept any cheap tricks you may have planned out to cheat her to victory. Do you understand?”

“Oh, I understand very well. You actually think you are better than her, right?”

“That’s not what I believe, that’s what the truth looks like.”

“Allright, you are as brave as you are stupid. I have an idea. How about you prove your words right in a match, one on one?”

“I have no problem with that. I will beat her in a singles match and I will beat her in the battle royal.”

“Fine, try if you want. But you will fail horribly. And THAT is a fact my dear.”

Rating: 60


Tag Team Match


Netherworld Dwellers vs. Mystia Lorelei & Rumia

The crowd really seemed to hate Cirnos lackeys so much it sounded like X-Pax heat. With the usual tricks they tried to separate their opponents, but Yuyuko eventually made the hot tag. Youmu destroyed her opponents and finally hit the Bullet-severing Spirit-eye to pin Mystia.

Winners: Netherworld Dwellers by Pinfall (7:54)

Rating: 40




Suwako is coming out of Sanaes locker room and is immediately stopped by Kanako.

“What are you doing here?”

“I was just talking with Sanae about her match earlier tonight, cheering her up a bit.”

“Oh great, that’s exactly what she needs. Somebody telling her it’s okay to lose. You know what she really needs? Somebody who tells her the turth. Somebody who tells her to get her ass up and do something.”

“Oh no, you are completely wrong. Sanae is a sensitive girl. She can’t be trained like a dog. You’re destroying her.”

“Oh, do I?”

Suddenly Kanako slaps Suwako in the face.

“Why don’t we talk about that…in the ring?”

Kanako leaves while Suwako looks after her, rubbing her cheek, still a bit shocked.

“We will…”

Rating: 50


Singles Match


Hong Meiling vs. Sakuya Izayoi

From the beginning Sakuya dominated the match, but China managed to fight back and avoid an early decision. During the match Remilia was sitting at the commentary table and commented on the match. When Sakuya still hadn’t beaten her opponent after 15 minutes, Remilia left her chair and the ring in disappointment. A confused Sakuya lost track and got hit bei Meilings Vivid Color Downpour to lose the bout.

Winner: Hong Meiling by Pinfall (18:27)

Rating: 52




Remilia meets Patchouli Knowledge backstage.

“Hey, Patchy. Glad that I see you. You know about my sisters match later tonight?”

“Yes, I heard about that.”

“I would like to ask you a favor if that isn’t too much for you.”

“No problem, go on.”

“You see, she is still a bit…unused to so many people watching her fight. She may not know how to behave in the ring. Would you be so kind to have an eye on her?”

“Of course. I already knew you would ask me that. I will accompany her and watch out she doesn’t do something unnecessary.”

“You are an angel Patchy.”

While Patchouli leaves Sakuya shows up.

“Oh, Sakuya. That wasn’t good at all.”

“I’m sorry Remilia-sama. That will not happen again, I promise.”

“It better won’t.. You remember what our plan was for the battle royal, right?”

“Yes, yes I do.”

“Fine. It better WORKS. Understood?”

“Loud and clear Remilia-sama.”

While Remilia leaves, Sakuya has a strange look on her face, a mixture between anger and disappointment.

“I will not let you down again.”

Rating: 56


Singles Match


Chen vs. Flandre Scarlet

Chen did not stand a chance against Flandre. The monster toyed around with her, torturing her instead of ending the match. When Patchouli told her to finally put an end to this, Flandre quickly pinned Chen after her Forbidden Games.

Winner: Flandre Scarlet by Pinfall (7:58)

Rating: 33




The match is over, Chen is lying on the ground. Flandre looks at her beaten opponent and suddenly her expression changes. She forms her mouth to a devilish grin and is about to rip her apart. Patchouli enters the ring and holds her back, whispering something in her ear. The demonic expression slowly vanishes and Flandre calms down. Patchouli takes her hand and leads her backstage.

Rating: 35




Team (9) enters the squared circle. Cirno is carrying a title belt, but it is not the Gensokyo Championship.

Cirno: “Attention please, the strongest in Touhou is talking to you.”

She holds up her belt for everybody to see.

“This, ladies and gentlemen, is the (9) Championship. This is not the Birdie Championship. This is for Mystia to win later.”

Mystia: “But I’m not in the…”

“Aaaaaaanyway. This belt is far more important than the other one. Because it is called the (9) Championship.”

Rumia: “Awesome! But…why (9)?”

Wriggle: “Because we’re Team (9) of course.”

Cirno smacks Wriggle on her head.

“No way. I would never name a belt for such a stupid reason. It is called (9) Championship because…because…I am NINE TIME STRONGER THAN ANYBODY ELSE!”

Cirnos minions applaud her for such a great idea.

“And for this reason…Rumia, you can stop clapping now…for this reason, I will not compete in the battle royal. I don’t care about some stupid bird.”


“No, I don’t. This is all I need. And I will defend this title in my match later tonight against Medusa.”


“Right, against Melissa. Look forward to it!”

“But the match is now.”

“I know. Ring the bell!”

Rating: 32


(9) Championship Match


Cirno© vs. Marisa Kirisame

Marisa had to fight back outside interferences throughout the whole match. Just before Cirno could land the final blow, the referee saw Wriggle attacking Marisa and called for a disqualification. Team (9) still celebrated this as a victory, while an exhausted Marisa left.

Winner: Marisa Kirisame by Disqualification (17:58)

Rating: 55


Singles Match


Suwako Moriya vs. Kanako Yasaka

In a balanced fight, both workers showed what they are capable of and had a nice match. In the end, Kanako used a chair on Suwako, while the referee was down after a collision with Kanako. She hit the Omiwatari God Crosses and landed a pinfall victory.

Winner: Kanako Yasaka by Pinfall (8:04)

Rating: 67




After the match Sanae comes to the ring and takes care of Suwako. Kanako screams at her before leaving. With teary eyes Sanae watches her leave.

Rating: 36




Backstage we see Marisa with a barrette, opening a locker room. She goes inside and after a few seconds, she comes out again. With a big grin she looks at the (9) Championship belt and leaves.

Rating: 70


Tag Team Match


Seek and Cave!!! vs. BounDary SM

Keine and Mokou managed to make this an equal fight with their good team work, while Yukari mainly coordinated Ran around. Before they could land a deciding attack though, Kaguya Houraisan appeared at ringside, provoking Mokou. Mokou attacked her nemesis and the two brawled back into the backstage area. Without a chance against two opponents, Keine had to take a Laplace’s Demon from Yukari and got pinned.

Winners: BounDary SM by Pinfall (18:19)

Rating: 62




Mokou and Kaguya are still brawling backstage. They hit each other with a lot of stuff that’s lying around until Mokou manages to throw Kaguya into a huge trash can. Satisfied, she leaves while Kaguya screams in disgust.

Rating: 49


Singles Match


Reimu Hakurei vs. Aya Shameimaru

Reimu started in the offense, but after she got countered out once, Aya prevailed. She could not land a pinfall though, and eventually a top-rope maneuver went wrong and Reimu found back into the match. As Reimu announced to the fans that this match is about to be over, ZUN grabed her leg as she went into the ropes, which gave Aya the chance to attack her from behind. After the Daymare in the Night, the match was over.

Winner: Aya Shameimaru by Pinfall (18:10)

Rating: 54




Cirno and her companions are on their way to their locker room.

“Celebrating with ice-cream is the best!”

They enter to see the title belt missing.

“What? The belt ran away!”

“That’s impossible, somebody most have stolen it.”

“So you admit it?”

“What? Hell no!”

Suddenly the door closes and somebody locks it from the outside. Team (9) yells, punches and kicks at the door, but it won’t open. On the other side, we see a smiling Marisa, leaving with the belt around her waist.

Rating: 60


15-women Touhou Gensokyo Championship Battle Royal


Alice Margatroid vs. Aya Shameimaru vs. Eirin Yagokoro vs. Hong Meiling vs. Keine Kamishirasawa vs. Marisa Kirisame vs. Reimu Hakurei vs. Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Remilia Scarlet vs. Sakuya Izayoi vs. Suika Ibuki vs. Tewi Inaba vs. Youmu Konpaku vs. Yukari Yakumo vs. Yuyuko Saigyouji

After the bell rang, a huge chaos broke out. Everyone was attacking everybody. Reimu went for Aya immediately, while Sakuya was fighting off everyone who tried to attack Remilia. Remilia barely participated, mostly standing in the corner and letting Sakuya do the dirty work. The first two eliminations occurred when the Netherworld Dwellers worked together to throw out Tewi but got attacked from behind by Eirin, who threw out Yuyuko. Yukari eliminated Suika shortly afterwards. When Eirin and Youmu were fighting near the ropes, Marisa took the chance to throw them both out. Ten girls remained. Keine was the next elimination, being thrown out by Sakuya. Shortly afterwards Yukari managed to get rid of Reisen and threw her out. When Aya and Reimu stopped beating each other for a moment, they eliminated Yukari and Alice from the battle royal, just to get back to each other directly afterwards. The remaining six girls fought for a good while without any eliminations. Then Remilia ordered Sakuya to throw out Hong Meiling. While Sakuya attacked the Chinese girl, Marisa sneaked up behind Remilia. While screaming for her servant, Remilia was eliminated. Sakuya meanwhile managed to throw out Meiling, just to turn around and realise her mistress was gone as well. Looking at Remilia lying on the outside in complete shock, Marisa threw out Sakuya. She was pulled out under the ropes immediately and attacked by Sakuya, tasting a chair and a monitor from the commentary table in the process. Reimu and Aya continued their match from earlier tonight and had a very good fight in the ring. Shortly after the match past the half hour mark, Reimu managed to get out of the way as Aya launched a running attack on her, turning around to throw Aya out. Shocked and in anger, both ZUN and Aya threw insults at Reimu, who mocked them a bit. Meanwhile Marisa got back into the ring to throw Reimu over the top rope and celebrating her victory. Reimu though did hold on to the ropes, kicking at Aya, who was trying to pull her out. She managed to kick her away just when Marisa realised that Reimu was still in the match. Going to end it, Marisa went for Reimu, who suddenly caught Marisas head between her legs and hurricanranad her out. Reimu rolled herself back into the ring and got the title belt from the referee. With a celebrating Reimu in the ring and an enraged ZUN on the outside, the show ends.

Winner: Reimu Hakurei - NEW CHAMPION (33:09)

Rating: 72


Final rating: 61

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The first event is over and I don't know what to think about it. It was a good show, but it could have been a lot better. There were two big problems. First was that Chen and Flandre had an awful chemistry, which dragged the rating down a lot and also the rating of the following angle. The other problem is Team (9). While I personally really like that stable and their angles, the crowd seems to really hate them. Mystia, Wriggle and Rumia lower the ratings of those angles a lot. Even Cirnos great micwork can't help that. I have to think about a way around this. The first matches had mediocore ratings, but that was to be expected. All in all it can be said, that the fans embrace some of the stories I told them. Suwako and Knako work really well together (as expected) and the feud comes out pretty hot for a midcard one. The announcers are also helping. I was surprised how good Remilia worked as a commentator. I might use her again in that position. And I'm a bit surprised that Aya's mood went up after the event. Maybe her win over Reimu was kind of a gift for her, even though it was unclean. It may take some more events to experiment what works and what doesn't, but I'm positive I can do some better ratings out of the Touhou shows. And I have to think about a way to use the rest of the midcard. I was happy to get everybody on the show, but it won't be that easy in the future.

Well, I hope you still liked Highly Responsive to Prayers, look forward to Story of Eastern Wonderland.


Oh, and btw: Conratz to crayon for a 100% quote on the outcomes. ;)

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Wow, I was pretty curious as to how Touhou would work in a wrestling fashion, and I'm glad to see that it translated really well (imo, I am a mark though). Boo to the crowd, because the Team(9) segments were the best :) Maybe it's best to focus the angles on Cirno and keep her lackeys in the background, not rated, at least until they raise up their skills (if it makes sense for the angle anyway)?


Also really liked the Zun/Aya stuff as well as Patchy/Flandre.

Battle Royale nearly killed me with all the text, but I managed to get through it :)


Can't wait for the next one

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Wow, I was pretty curious as to how Touhou would work in a wrestling fashion, and I'm glad to see that it translated really well (imo, I am a mark though). Boo to the crowd, because the Team(9) segments were the best :) Maybe it's best to focus the angles on Cirno and keep her lackeys in the background, not rated, at least until they raise up their skills (if it makes sense for the angle anyway)?


Also really liked the Zun/Aya stuff as well as Patchy/Flandre.

Battle Royale nearly killed me with all the text, but I managed to get through it :)


Can't wait for the next one


I'm glad you liked it. :) Maybe somebody else out there secretly enjoyed it too and is just too shy to post. :D Or Touhou is just too niche. Who knows.


I think I will do Team (9) angles with Cirno alone in the future. For the final angle I just used her and Marisa while I added the rest of the stable for the text version only. Rating was LOT better. I know, it's cheating, but I am willing to screw around a bit if it helps (and the porpuse of a diary is more on the text entertainment than the ratings anyway).


Yes, the battle royale was text heavy, but I really wanted to "show" every elimination, so it got quite big. I'm a big battle royal fan and I HATE it when people get eliminated "by the way" during a break or while showing another part of the ring.


It may take a while before the next show gets posted, I will be very busy for the rest of the week. I am already working on the show in my head though. :)

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I think I will do Team (9) angles with Cirno alone in the future. For the final angle I just used her and Marisa while I added the rest of the stable for the text version only. Rating was LOT better. I know, it's cheating, but I am willing to screw around a bit if it helps (and the porpuse of a diary is more on the text entertainment than the ratings anyway).


Well, you may want to consider having them in the angle but in not-rated roles (if need be, you can just pretend that what they're saying isn't actually that relevent to the audience's impression of the angle). I could be wrong, but I'm thinking that that way they'd still be able to get some Cirno rub (and possibly a chance at improving their skills?)

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Well, you may want to consider having them in the angle but in not-rated roles (if need be, you can just pretend that what they're saying isn't actually that relevent to the audience's impression of the angle). I could be wrong, but I'm thinking that that way they'd still be able to get some Cirno rub (and possibly a chance at improving their skills?)


Hm, sounds kinda logical. Well, we'll see how big of a role they may play in the next events, I haven't decided on that matter yet. Maybe (but just maybe) I can put up a first line-up for the show today or Sunday (I will be away the next 2 days). The show will very likely take at least till Tuesday to be ready, more likely one or two days longer.

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Story of Eastern Wonderland 2008

Once again, live on PPV. Order on WOWOW today, get a suppository for free!




Aria of Forbidden Magic vs. BounDary SM



Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Sakuya Izayoi



Keine Kamishirasawa vs. Flandre Scarlet



Eientei Street Fight

Fujiwara no Mokou vs. Kaguya Houraisan



Netherworld Dwellers vs. Kanako Yasaka & Sanae Kochiya



Chen vs. Tewi Inaba



Who will be the No. 1 Contender for the Gensokyo Championship?

Will Cirno get her title belt back?

Where in the world is China on the card? (Fanboy Outrage)

Don't miss it!


(Wow, I'm a Fastpoke today :3)

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Monday, Week 2, December 2008

Due to technical issues WOWOW could not release the buyrate for Highly Responsive to Prayers. The technical director apologized for this and promised everybody ordering Story of Eastern Wonderland this week a free suppository.


Thursday, Week 3 , December 2008

It looks like Youki Konpaku has made a name for himself. While the negotiations with DOA seem to have gone nowhere, another Japanese local promotion has entered the race: Eastern Digital.

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Hmm, tougher picks this time aroun


Aria of Forbidden Magic vs. BounDary SM

Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Sakuya Izayoi

Keine Kamishirasawa vs. Flandre Scarlet

Fujiwara no Mokou vs. Kaguya Houraisan

Netherworld Dwellers vs. Kanako Yasaka & Sanae Kochiya

Chen vs. Tewi Inaba

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Hmm, tougher picks this time aroun


Aria of Forbidden Magic vs. BounDary SM

Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Sakuya Izayoi

Keine Kamishirasawa vs. Flandre Scarlet

Fujiwara no Mokou vs. Kaguya Houraisan

Netherworld Dwellers vs. Kanako Yasaka & Sanae Kochiya

Chen vs. Tewi Inaba


Of course, I wouldn't want to be too predictable. :D

Let's see if you hit the 100% again. ;)

I'm about to leave for the weekend, but it looks like I may post the event on Monday. The booking is done, all that is left is the writing. :)

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Story of Eastern Wonderland 2008

Salaryman’s Despair, Shikoku (5,000 – SOLD OUT)


Dark Match


Suika Ibuki vs. Rumia

In a solid match, Suika was able to beat Rumia quite easily after a Destruction in three Steps.

Winner: Suika Ibuki by pinfall (6:01)

Rating: 41




The show opens and the fans are greeted by the commentators. To the sound of Smooth Criminal, Marisa walks towards the ring, showing of the (9) championship belt.

“Well, Highly Responsive to Prayers didn’t turn out exactly as planned. I intended to come out here as the new Gensokyo Champion. However, Reimu manged to outdo me. Congratulations for that, it’s a rare thing to happen. But I’m not disappointed, not at all. Because I still have a titl belt to show off.”

She presents the belt to the crowd.

“You might say, I didn’t win it. That’s technically correct. But what I did, was earning it. I was declared the winner, although it was a mere disqualification. I feel that the rules have not done me justice. Therefore I took matters into my own hands and took what I deserve. However, I am not…”

She stops as she sees Wriggle Nightbug storming into the ring, coming through the crowd. As she storms towards Marisa, the witch dodges the attack and smacks her microphone against Wriggles head. She takes Cirnos comrade and carries out the Master Spark. Wriggle rolls out of the ring, going backstage with a headache and some insults thrown at Marisa. She picks up the mic again.

“Boy, somebody needs to call the exterminator. The bugs in this place are kinda huge. Now where was I? Oh, I remember. I just wanted to talk about Team (9). See, I knew that this would happen. Unlike you, I am not an idiot. I will not let this belt out of my sight. If you want it back Cirno, ask me for a rematch. Maybe I will give you a chance. Or you can go on, sending out attacks and achieve nothing. The choice is yours, Baby.”

Rating: 70


Singles Match


Chen vs. Tewi Inaba

Tewi din’t have much trouble with Chen and landed a pinfall victory after a Vulneary of Ohnamuji-sama (what kind of name is that for a finisher?).

Winner: Tewi Inaba by Pinfall (8:15)

Rating: 37




Yukari Yakumo enters her locker room. As she grabs in her bag, she finds a note in it.

“Nobody wants to see an old hag like you. A home for old people would be more fitting than a wrestling ring.

Signed, R.U.I.”

Yukaris face is expressionless as she reads it, but her eyes are throwing lightnings.

“R.U.I….Reisen Udongein Inaba!”

She scrunches the note up and leaves.

Rating: 64




In another part of the backstage area, we see Remilia and Sakuya, talking about the next match.

Remilia: “I will not tolerate something like last week again. You failed to beat China. You cost me the Gensokyo Championship. I think I don’t need to tell you how angry I am at you.”

Sakuya: “I am very sorry, Remilia-sama. I understand how you must feel. I will do everything I can to make you proud of me again.”

“You better do. I am sick and tired of hanging around with losers.”

“I will not lose, I promise.”

“Fine, then put your money where your mouth is. I will watch you.”

“Thank you, Remilia-sama. You can count on me.”

Rating: 55


Singles Match


Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Sakuya Izayoi

Sakuya had some trouble with her opponent, trying to impress her mistress. Remilia was watching from the commentators table again and didn’t have many good things to say about Sakuyas performance. Finally being fed up with her, Remilia stands up and shouts at her servant, irritating her further. That made things only worse and after a loud and angry argument, Reisen was able to hit a Viewing the Circle Moon and beat a distracted Sakuya.

Winner: Reisen Udongein Inaba by Pinfall (18:21)

Rating: 61




While Sakuya and Remilia are still heavily arguing on the outside, the camera switches back into the ring aprubtly. Reisen, who was still celebrating, has been strucked down by Yukari Yakumo. She continues to attack the moon rabbit and gives her a good beating. After her work is down, she looks at her “opponent”, still in anger, and gives her one final Laplace’s Demon, before she leaves the ring.

Rating: 59




Meanwhile backstage, Fujiwara no Mokou prepares for her match later tonight. Keine is with her.

Keine: “This will be a very brutal match. Don’t get youself into any danger.”

Mokou: “Are you kidding me? Accepting to participate in this match is the biggest danger I could possible get in. I am not a fool, I know exactly what I agreed to.”

“I’m just worried about you, that is all.”

“Thank you, Keine. But you should be worried about your own match. You’re facing one hell of an opponent.”

“Don’t worry about that, I’ll be fine.”

Mokou looks at Keine and has to smile.


“I was just thinking about how we suddenly switched roles within seconds.”

“Don’t make fun of me. I have to go now, please take care.”

“Don’t worry, I told you it’ll be allright.”

Rating: 52




Kanako and Sanae are preparing as well. Sanae doesn’t look too excited though.

Kanako: “Are you ready to kick some ass?”

Sanae: “I don’t know, our opponents are pretty strong.”

“Did I just hear what I think I heard? Stop being a crybaby already! We will destroy them and you will finally be a winner.”

“I’m not sure…”

“I don’t care if you are sure! We will be successful. And now get you ass moving, we are next.”


Rating: 32


Tag Team Match


Netherworld Dwellers vs. Kanako Yasaka & Sanae Kochiya

Sanae tried her best, was no match for her opponents. Kanako tried to win the match (and her performance was really great tonight), but in the end Yuyuko hit the Sense of Cherry Blossom and Sanae got pinned.

Winner: Netherworld Dwellers by Pinfall (7:50)

Rating: 41




Kanako is less than happy with Sanaes performance. She picks her up in a rough manner and starts insulting her. Sanae tries to defend herself but gets screamed at so angry, that she starts to cry. Having seen enough of this, Suwako Moriya makes a run-in. She pulls Kanako away from Sanae and starts screaming back. Sanae is not happy about this scene either and tries to stop them. Unsuccessful, she leaves the ring, heavily crying. Suwako follows her, trying to calm her down and escorting her to the back. Kanako still looks pissed, but leaves as well.

Rating: 28




ZUN makes his way to the ring, looking unpleased.

“As you may have seen, three weeks ago, we crowned a new champion. The problem is, the person who SHOULD have become champion, did not. Well, it was a battle royal, luck is an important part if you want to win such a competition. And Aya had a long and hard match shortly before the battle royal. I am absolutely sure, she would have won, if it wasn’t for several circumstances. Therefore, I am positive you will love to hear, that I hereby declare Aya Shameimaru to be the No.1 contender for the Gensokyo Championship.”

ZUN looks pleased to have granted the fans such a good decision, pretending not to realize the fans booing at him. The fans get happier instantly as ZUNs face loses his fake smile when Reimus music starts playing.

“Hold it right there. I can’t believe what I just heard. After your oh so precious Aya managed to land a pinfall after your interference, while I clearly dominated her. After I threw her out single-handedly in the battle royal. After I managed to hold on to the ropes as you two tried to eliminate me directly afterwards. After all these events, after everybody saw how much of a pushover Aya really is. After all, you have the nerve to declare her the No.1 contender for the Gensokyo Championship. But, I am not coward. I will not hide behind the fact, that she doesn’t deserve this one bit. I am okay with that. Because I know that Aya couldn’t even beat a toddler, let alone me.”

“Are you kidding me? She has beaten you at Highly Responsive to Prayers. If that match was held a little later, you wouldn’t have that title belt anymore. Hell, you wouldn’t even have won it.”

“That’s what you may think, but the facts are the facts. And fact is, I am the champion.”

“So, you are. But if you think Aya couldn’t beat you again, you’re dead wrong, my dear. She can beat anybody at any time.”

“I highly doubt that.”

“Oh, you do? Fine, give me a name and Aya will prove you wrong. Tonight, in this very ring.”

“That’s a great idea. I doubt she could bear five minutes with Lilly White, but I don’t want to humilate her. So, how about…Suwako Moriya?”

“Fine, so be it. But, if you’re really not a coward, you will wrestle an opponent tonight that I will chose for you.”

“Go ahead, surprise me. I’m ready.”

“Tonight, you will fight against…Cirno. Scared Reimu?”

“Are you stupid? I’m not scared at all. In fact, I am so confident that I will put my title on the line. Because even Cirno is a worthier challenger for it than Aya ever will be.”

Rating: 55


Singles Match


Keine Kamishirasawa vs. Flandre Scarlet

Once again Flandre played with her opponent. Keine was able to fight back though, but in the end Flandre hit the Forbidden Games to end the match.

Winner: Flandre Scarlet by Pinfall (18:09)

Rating: 45




Just like last time, Flandre is about to lose her mind after the match is over. She sees her beaten opponent and is about to make things worse, when Patchouli jumps into the ring to stop her. With some softly spoken words and a little hugging, Flandres anger disappears and the two leave the ring without any further incidents.

Rating: 43


Singles Match


Suwako Moriya vs. Aya Shameimaru

Suwako was indeed a hard opponent for Aya, but ZUNs personal favourite proved her point and eventually succeeded after a Daymare in the Night.

Winner: Aya Shameimaru by Pinfall (7:44)

Rating: 58




Back in the locker rooms, we see Kaguya Houraisan, preparing for her match, just like Mokou did. She is accompanied by Eirin.

Eirin: “I hope after tonight, all this hatred will finally be over. It’s pretty exhausting to pick up all the pieces afterwards.”

Kaguya: “Oh Eirin, you try it all the time. You know better than anybody, that this will never be over. Mokous hatred is all that keeps me alive. I would not want to live in a world without this hate.”

“I can understand that, but…”

“No, you can’t. And that is why I have to do this.”

“Fine. Just don’t complain to me when I have to patch you up again.”

“Aw, come on. Don’t be a party pooper.”

Rating: 45


Eientei Street Fight


Fujiwara no Mokou vs. Kaguya Houraisan

It didn’t take long for the fight to be held outside of the ring and through the crowd into the backstage area. Many food and merchandising stands were destroyed, and the crowd really liked when Mokou picked up a can of Pepsi and emptied it all over Kaguyas well-groomed hair. The two fought into the backstage area, where many objects were used on each other. After getting a cut when hit by a monitor, Kaguya eventually managed to close a door…with Mokous head in between. She executed a Mysterium and landed a pinfall victory, throwing an unconscious Mokou into a trash can, just like she was last time.

Winner: Kaguya Houraisan by Pinfall (14:32)





We once again go backstage. Cirno is preparing for her title match later, but she does not look too happy. Mystia enters the room.

Mystia: “You called for me?”

Cirno: “Yes, I want you to get me back my (9) belt.”

“But you can win the Gensokyo Championship tonight. Isn’t that even better?”

“No, it’s not! I don’t like birds!”

“That’s not fair…”


“Cause, you know, I AM a bird?”

“Oh, I forgot about that. Anyway, I want my old title back.”

“But Marisa is really hard to trick. What shoul I do?”

“Do what she would never expect. Try to steal the title during her match later tonight.”

“But that’s EXACTLY what she expects. Wriggle already got her beating earlier.”

“Bah, don’t be a chicken, just do it.”

“But I am…ah, just forget it.”

“Hey, one more thing. Do you want something from KFC? I was about to order…”


Slamming the door shut, Mystia leaves.

“Geez, what’s up with her today? Does she have her period or something?”

Rating: 66


Tag Team Match


Aria of Forbidden Magic vs. BounDary SM

With four very talented workers in the ring, this match really excited the crowd. Of course, Mystia tried to steal the (9) Championship back from Marisa, but was man-handled by her. In the end, Ran tried to knock Alice out with a chair, but Alice kicked it in her opponents face and landed the pinfall.

Winner: Aria of Forbidden Magic by Pinfall (17:36)

Rating: 70




Before the last match is about to start, we see Sakuya Izayoi leaving the arena with her bag. She stops at a TV. Some backstage workers are watching a Chinese talkshow (actually the biggest talkshow in China), where Hong Meiling is talking about her career. Sakuya does not look pleased at all, and after they show footage from Highly Responsive to Prayers, she finally snaps. She picks up the TV and throws it against a nearby wall. The shocked workers try to calm her down, but that is not a good idea. She beats them up, one after the other, screaming in anger. With everything within her reach destroyed, she picks up her bag, enters her car and drives away (almost driving over some old lady).

Rating: 51


Gensokyo Championship Match


Reimu Hakurei© vs. Cirno

With all of her minions out of action, Cirno was on her own this time. But she isn’t a Main Eventer for nothing and had some tricks up her sleeves to make Reimus life a lot harder. Still, the ice fairy ran out of ideas and was eventually beaten by the champ after the Most Evil Surprise Miko Orbs.

Winner: Reimu Hakurei by Pinfall (32:59)

Rating: 53




The final bell has just rang when Aya storms into the ring to attack Reimu. The champion counters Ayas attacks, but the exhausting fight she just had is too much. She has to take a Daymare in the Night on the title belt and get knocked out. Aya poses with the championship under a rain of trash thrown into the ring as the show ends.

Rating: 57


Final Rating: 51

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Wow, the ratings are even worse than last time. Chen once again had an opponent she had no chemistry at all with. And the fans did not seem to like how much screentime Sanae gets. Kaguya & Mokou on the other hand have great chemistry, as do Patchy & Flan. I think positive about the future of the company though. I already realized that I had to figure out some more things the fans don't wanna see or do wanna see. The Main Eventers need more screentime. Alice needs a new character by the way. Just as I wanted to start a story with her. Oh well, can't break records every day. I hope you still liked the show at least a bit. I promise better ratings in the future.

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Cirno is gold (at least out of the ring) and nice rating for Aria of Forbidden Magic vs BounDary SM; shame it couldn't have been the main event to bring up the rating eh :)


Good show nonetheless though, keep it up


Thank you. ^^


She is, but she won't headline a show so soon again. :D

The rest of the Main Event is thankfully good for the ratings.

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Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream 2009

Live on PPV!

This time they finally clash:


Gensokyo Championship Match


Reimu Hakurei vs. Aya Shameimaru





Marisa Kirisame & Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. BounDary SM



Alice Margatroid vs. Flandre Scarlet



Suwako Moriya vs. Cirno



Keine Kamishirasawa vs. Kaguya Houraisan



Order or I shoot you!

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Some big match ups this event. I'm calling...


Reimu Hakurei vs. Aya Shameimaru

Marisa Kirisame & Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. BounDary SM

Alice Margatroid vs. Flandre Scarlet

Suwako Moriya vs. Cirno (punishment for her main event :D)

Keine Kamishirasawa vs. Kaguya Houraisan

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Monday, Week 1, January 2009

The problems with the buyrates are still there. WOWOW has hired some experts to get a hold of this problem (looks like the contract starts in January, although I don’t know why).

Reisen Udongein Inaba is rumoured to have impressed the officials of Touhou at the last event. Some say she might be the new face of the promotion. She has just started a programm with Yukari Yakumo and has arrived in the Main Event scene. Not so happy will be Cirno. Her performance was said to be underwhelming. She may face a depush over the next months.

Event of the year 2008 was MDC2s Coming Storm. Match of the year is also from this event, The Flashs victory over Spider-Man.


Sunday, Week 2, January 2009

Touhou has offered Yuyuko Saigyouji a new contract. The company has high hopes and definitely wants to keep her. We will inform you as soon as a decision is made.


Tuesday, Week 3, January 2009

DOA have once again offered a contract to a Touhou worker, this time Sakuya Izayoi is their target. The fight for more viewers seems to get serious.


Thursday, Week 3, January 2009

Now it’s official. Yuyuko Saigyouji will stay for nine more months within Touhou. The contract is said to be a mere extention and no big difference in payment.


Saturday, Week 3, January 2009

The contract between DOA and Sakuya Izayoi has been signed. Just like Reisen, her priorities lie within Touhou, but she will surely help the promotion gaining some fans.

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