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How do I shot Danmaku? (a 9000-verse Beta Touhou Diary)

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Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream 2009

Salaryman’s Despair, Shikoku (5,000 - SOLD OUT)


Dark Match


Netherworld Dwellers vs. Eirin Yagokoro & Tewi Inaba

Once again the Netherworld Dwellers reigned supreme. Yuyuko was the won to hit Tewi with her finisher and pin her for the win.

Winner: Netherworld Dwellers by Pinfall (6:01)

Rating: 42




As usual, the intro music plays, but suddenly a voice can be heard through a microphone.


Sakuya walks out to the ring, a mic in her hand.

“Before anybody does anything I have something to say. Hong Meiling, I know that you’re watching somewhere. I want you to listen what I have to say. Ever since I stepped into the ring with you, I have been humilated again and again. All I ever wanted to do was please Remilia-sama. But you put a stop sign in the middle of the road. You made me look like a fool in front of my mistress. You distracted me from protecting her. You destroyed the relationship we have built for so many years. But I will no longer tolerate this. I will clear my name from this shame that you brought us. I will reclaim Remilia-samas pride. And what do I have to do? That’s not hard to guess. I want a rematch. No wait, that’s not quite right. I DEMAND a rematch. No, no, no. That’s still not correct. We WILL have a rematch. You will face me again tonight, if you want it or not. And I will beat you, I will humilate you, I will destroy you. And after I am done with you, Remilia-sama will finally acknowledge me again as a worthy servant. And don’t even think about not appearing. I will find you wherever you may go. I will NOT stop until I finally lay my hands on you. This will come to an end, TONIGHT!”

Rating: 58


Singles Match


Suwako Moriya vs. Cirno

Cirno seemed to have some problems fighting this match without any involvements on her behalf. She managed to get the upper hand though and hit a Minus K for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Cirno by Pinfall (7:49)

Rating: 53




Cirno grabs a microphone.

“Hey Marisa. I…”

Her cell phone rings and she picks up.

“What? What do you mean, you can’t find the belt? Her house is all messed up? You…what? You can’t even find out again? Well, do something.”

She throws the phone away in anger.

“Allright, it looks like I have no choice. Marisa, I want a match with you. Let’s have this match. If you win, you can keep the belt. You will be acknowledged as the real (9) champion. But if I win…you will give it back to me. You can’t trick me. I’m way to smart to step into your traps. You will pay for what you did to me. I am the real champ. You know it, I know it, the belt knows it. Can’t you feel it crying when you carry it around? I hear it screaming my name every night. I want it back again!”

Her voice turns a bit teary as she yells the last sentence. She throws away the microphone and crosses her arms and leaves in a huff.

Rating: 62




Backstage we see Patchouli looking for Flandre, who she wants to take a look on before her match. She opens a door just to find Flan sitting on the lap of her opponent, Alice Margatroid. Alice is reading a children’s book to her, which seems to make the little devil happy.

Alice: “And then Bob and Charlie…oh, Patchouli.”

Patchouli: “What in the world are you trying to do?”

“I was just reading Flandre a story, why?”

“Are you out of your mind? Flandre, get back to your locker room, you need to prepare.”

Flandre: “But aunt Patchy, the story isn’t over yet.”

“I’ll read you a better story later. Now get going.”

“Aw man…”

Flandre leaves and Patchouli stares into Alices eyes.

“You are a sick person.”

“Hold on a minute. I am sick? What about you? Flandre is the cutest little girl I have ever met. What did you do to turn her into a monster?”

“You seem to misunderstand something, Alice. Flandre IS a monster. And that’s why I’m telling you, in your own best interest, stay out of her way, or you will regret it.”

“Well, I have a match with her tonight.”

“Then you will see what I am talking about.”

As Patchouli leaves, Alice looks a bit sad. She does not seem to believe that this nice young lady is truly a dangerous beast.

Rating: 52




Coming to the ring for her match is Keine Kamishirasawa. Upon entering, she grabs a mic.

“Kaguya, I saw your match last week. I saw what you did to my precious friend. You are a cruel, heartless bitch. Everything you do is for your own entertainment. You break hearts, you injure people, you make fun of them. All you live for is the hatred of others. I don’t know what happened to you that you came here, but I’m sure you somehow landed on your head. Now it’s time to get what you deserve. Come on, I’m ready.”

Rating: 49


Singles Match


Keine Kamishirasawa vs. Kaguya Houraisan

Keine was beginning very brisk and attacked Kaguya like a beast. The moon princess was clever enough to wait for her chance and turned the tide to her favour. Keine fought bravely but Kaguya hit the Mysterium in the end to win the match. Both participants seemed exhausted and this fact didn’t go well with the crowd.

Winner: Kaguya Houraisan by Pinfall (17:53)

Rating: 42




After the match is over, Kaguya continues to attack the beaten Keine. Eirin joins the fun, but suddenly Mokou runs down to the ring to chase away the evildoers and help her friend back up.

Rating: 41




Once again ZUN makes his way to the ring.

“First of all, I am impressed by Sakuyas confidence she showed earlier tonight. Therefore I agree, that there must be a rematch tonight. Second , I want to talk about the Championship match later on. Reimu didn’t want to listen. She could have had it so much easier by just giving the title to Aya. But no, she is positive to come out on top. But! Just a normal match, that doesn’t seem right to me. So I would like to call out Reimu right now to make an offer.”

Reimu does come out but has something to say on her own.

“So, you want to make me an offer right? That’s interesting. After all your babbling last week and Ayas really courageous attack. Well, let’s hear what you have to offer.”

“Thank you. I want to challenge you to a time duel. You and Aya will both have a match prior to yours. And whoever wins faster can assign any stipulation they want for this match. What do you say?”

“That’s indeed a very interesting offer. I should say no. I just know that there is some weird trap you thought about letting me run into. But, as I already told you, I am not a coward. I accept.”

“Fine, then we will see Aya taking on Suika Ibuki…and Reimu against Kanako Yasaka.”

“I can live with that. But remember one thing. If you try anything funny, you will highly regret it.”

“Oh, and one more thing. Your match is NOW!”

Rating: 52


Singles Match


Reimu Hakurei vs. Kanako Yasaka

Kanako did her best to Stopp Reimu from getting a fast victory, but Reimu still managed executed the Most Evil Surprise Miko Orbs after some minutes to win the fight.

Winner: Reimu Hakurei by Pinfall (7:51)

Rating: 62




Kanako is on her way to the locker room where she is stopped by Suwako.

Suwako: “Well, that wasn’t too good, huh?”

Kanako: “Ah, shut the hell up, you weren’t too successful either.”

“That’s right, but that’s not what I wanted. It’s about Sanae.”

“What’s with her?”

“She said she wants to quit.”


“You heard me. Your mistreatment was too much to handle for her.”

“That’s bull****! If you didn’t make a sissy out of her this wouldn’t have happened.”

“Your always looking for excuses. You know the truth.”


“Looks like you only know one language. We will talk about that in the ring again next time.”


Kanako leaves angrily.

Rating: 47


Singles Match


Alice Margatroid vs. Flandre Scarlet

This was a very weird match. Flandre did not seem to realize, that she was having a match. Alice was hesitant to attack her opponent as well. Somehow the match still started, but both participants tried to not hurt each other more than necessary. Patchouli angrily gave commands to Flandre and the match heated up a bit. But before it started to get really good, Flandre stopped and left the ring, unwilling to hurt her “friend” anymore.

Winner: Alice Margatroid by Count Out (18:07)

Rating: 55




After the match, Patchouli is pretty pissed about all this and gets into the ring. She starts arguing with Alice and of course, they end up brawling. Flandre, who was almost backstage, sees this and storms back into the ring. She fiercely attacks Patchy and knocks her out. Alice looks shocked while Flan turns to her. With her best Undertaker expression, Flandre seems to look into Alices soul. She attacks her too and destroys her as she did with Patchouli. With both of them down and out, Flandre looks at her work, an evilish grin on her face. It slowly vanishes though and Flandre falls on her knees screaming, shocked about what she has done. She seems to have a mental breakdown and has to be carried away by the medical workers, who were actually called to help Patchouli and Alice.

Rating: 50


Singles Match


Suika Ibuki vs. Aya Shameimaru

Aya tried to finish the match early, but it became quite clear, that Suika was a tough opponent. While nervously looking at his wrist watch, ZUN shouted like a madman at Aya to end the match. As only about a minute was left, he decided to interfere (while Aya distracted the ref) and attacked Suika. Aya was then able to land a pinfall after the Daymare in the Night.

Winner: Aya Shameimaru by Pinfall (7:02)

Rating: 57




Aya arrogantly celebrates her victory, that was faster than Reimus. She grabs a microphone.

“There you have it Reimu. I did it, I beat you. And I get to decide the stipulation for our match. And I have a surprise for you. It will be a completely normal match. No cages, no ladders, no dancing clowns as lumberjacks. This will be as fair as it can be. Oh, except maybe for one thing. This match will have a special referee.”

Heavily smiling she points at ZUN, who starts laughing.

Rating: 58




Meanwhile, Marisa and Reisen talk about their upcoming match.

Reisen: “Yukari seems to have a problem with me. I just don’t know why.”

Marisa: “Don’t worry, maybe she’s just getting senile and mistook you for somebody else.”

“No, that’s not it. Something happened and I have no idea what.”

“You think to much. We should get going now.”

“Maybe you’re right. By the way, what will you do about Cirno?”

“No idea. I’ll think about that later. First we have a match to win.”

Rating: 65


Tag Team Match


Marisa Kirisame & Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. BounDary SM

The match went pretty fast and everybody was able to show off some nice moves. After the heels isolated Reisen for a while, she managed to get the hot tag and have Marisa clearing the ring. She had some minutes of good wrestling with Yukari until she tagged in Ran. She immediately went for Reisen on the outside and gave her a beating. Meanwhile Marisa used the Master Spark to end the match and pin Ran.

Winner: Marisa Kirisame & Reisen Udongein Inaba by Pinfall (18:34)

Rating: 65




Marisa grabs a mic.

“Phew, that felt great. But let’s get back to business. Cirno, I heard what you were saying earlier tonight. And I’m shocked. Not so much about your sudden sense of fairness or anything. I knew you would have to drawback sooner or later…well, rather sooner than later. But I’m shocked about how low your self esteem is. I almost feel bad now, Cirno. I feel like I stole a childs favourite toy. You are one screwed up individual. But fine. You want a match? You can have it. Oh, and one more thing. If you get disqualified or counted out…I still win the championship. That’s the deal.”

Rating: 72




Reisen meanwhile climbs back into the ring and takes the mic out of a surprised Marisas hand.

“Yukari! You may be gone already, but I want you to hear this. What is your problem? Why are you doing this? Hell, what have I done to deserve this? I want answers, you hear me? ANSWERS!”

With a little headache she leaves.

Rating: 67


Singles Match


Hong Meiling vs. Sakuya Izayoi

Unfortunately, Hong Meiling did not have the best day today, so the match didn’t turn out as good as it should be. Sakuya was very aggressive in this rematch and more focussed. While China did counter some of Sakuya actions as she did in their first match, Sakuya was much cleverer than last time. Remilia did not make an appearance at the commentary table this time. She seemed to be fed up for real with Sakuya. In the end, Sakuya countered a top rope maneuver into the Light Speed C. Ricochet and pinned her nemesis.

Winner: Sakuya Izayoi by Pinfall (18:17)

Rating: 51




Sakuya seems to not been done yet. She takes China out of the ring to hurt her further with everything she can grab. Remilia comes out to the ring. Awestruck Sakuya stops. Remilia walks up to hear with a serious face. They look into each others eyes before Remilia hugs her head-maid. Then, they both give China some punishment before leaving together.

Rating: 53


Gensokyo Championship Match (with ZUN as Special Referee)


Reimu Hakurei© vs. Aya Shameimaru

Of course, Reimu had to deal with all dirty tricks in the book by her opponents. From Aya not being scolded for using foreign objects to ZUN having pain in his should when Reimu tried to pin the challenger in his best Nick Patrick impression. This went on for a while until Reimu was fed up with his actions and punched him. He was about to disqualify her, but Aya reminded him, that this would not bring her the title belt. Reimu realised this and started using chairs and the like too on Aya. ZUN tried to take it away from her, but Reimu held on. Aya meanwhile used this for a schoolboy (or girl?) and put her legs on the ropes. ZUN counted as fast as humanly possible and made Aya the new champion. They grabbed the belt and left pretty fast. On the ramp they finally stopped for some celebration while a screwed Reimu watched them from the ring in deep anger.

Winner: Aya Shameimaru by Pinfall – NEW CHAMPION (33:20)

Rating: 56


Final Rating: 56

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First of all, I'm a big idiot. I found out what the problem was with the buyrates. I declared the events as Big...not as PPV. Boy, that really sucks. But back to business.

The rating got up again, thankfully. Sakuya is pleased now as well, she seems to be a nice person to work with. Not so nice was Mystia, who has an argument with a fan. Sanae was irritated too for not being involved with the show. This will be something to give me headaches in the future.

Some more things didn't turn out good. Although Chen is only accompanieing Ran to the ring she was used too much. Pffff. Kaguya can't wrestle very long. Which surprises me, since she had a match as long as this at the last show as well. And one more thing to annoy me: Flandre has grown stale in character. Boy, that storyline is doomed. :(

One GOOD thing is, that the fans seem to like Alices new gimmick (I gave her the Cheeky gimmick).

Well, things could go better, but it's all doable. I'm not as unpleased as I may sound. :)

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Good to hear you sorted out the buyrates issues. I'm lovin' Zun and Aya; I couldn't help but crack a smile on two different occassions due to their scheming.


Sad to hear about Flandre's character.. although you can't kill that storyline yet because it's just got awesome with the mix of Alice and Patchy (must be something not too different Flandre can be switched to without offscreen time tho?).


I wonder if Kaguya's worn out from the last show she did? May explain the stamina thing?


All this has reminded me that I need to get my ass into gear and have another event for BNSC up sometime soon :p

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Good to hear you sorted out the buyrates issues. I'm lovin' Zun and Aya; I couldn't help but crack a smile on two different occassions due to their scheming.


Sad to hear about Flandre's character.. although you can't kill that storyline yet because it's just got awesome with the mix of Alice and Patchy (must be something not too different Flandre can be switched to without offscreen time tho?).


I wonder if Kaguya's worn out from the last show she did? May explain the stamina thing?


All this has reminded me that I need to get my ass into gear and have another event for BNSC up sometime soon :p


Yeah, that was stupid, but I just keep pretending the ppv-company is to blame. ;) The championship story is fun and easy to book, it's not revolutionary but it's a classic. :)


I sure as hell won't abort that story, it's one of my favourites. If nothing else works I'll have to write Flandre out of it for a short time (maybe being brought to a sanitarium? :D ).


Hm, maybe Street Fights aren't as exhausting. Which would make no sense so I'd pick your explanation.


Yay, do it! ;)

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Lotus Land Story 2009

Live on PPV! (This time for real)

This time it's all or nothing:


(9) Championship Match


Cirno vs. Marisa Kirisame





Suwako Moriya vs. Kanako Yasaka



Seek & Cave!!! vs. Kaguya Houraisan & Eirin Yagokoro



Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Ran Yakumo



Netherworld Dwellers vs. Visionary Scarlet Devil


Don't miss it and be cool at school!

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<p>I need to tell you, before reading, that these news may contain spoilers, as news do in real life. So read on your own risk. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Monday, Week 4, January 2009</strong></p><p>

Last night Touhou held its event Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream. Mystia Lorelei was not part of the show but appeared in the arena as well. She seemed to not be very pleased, as reports have been spread across the internet, that she and a fan had a heated argument. Security was able to stop this before a fight could break out. It is unknown if she will face any punishment for her actions or if the officials will overlook this.</p><p>

Touhou has apparently made a contract offer to Monsieur TecDax. What role he is going to fill out, should he sign for the company is unknown as of yet.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Saturday, Week 4, January 2009</strong></p><p>

Today it was made official when Touhou and Monsieur TecDax signed a contract with each other, which is rumoured to go for at least 9 months. Writers have confirmed that he will work as Manager, though it is not yet clear who he will accompany.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Monday, Week 1, February 2009</strong></p><p>

Negotiations for TV shows starting in April 2009 have begun and Touhou has made a move to get a regular TV show. The favourited network is said to be Nitere G+, a sports channel. More infos about this subject are expeted this week.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Friday, Week 1, February 2009</strong></p><p>

Nitere G+ and Touhou were not able to agree upon a contract with each other. The company is still looking for a TV show slot though. Rumours are that now TNC Sports are the target.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Wednesday, Week 2, February 2009</strong></p><p>

Touhou and TNC Sports have signed a contract for a TV show starting in April. It will run for 1 season and be named “Touhou Hijack!”. The show will air Mondays at late evening and have a runtime of 90 minutes.</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;">Lotus Land Story 2009</span></p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;">Salaryman’s Despair, Shikoku (5,000 – SOLD OUT)</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;">Dark Match</span></p><p>


<span style="font-size:14px;">Sanae Kochiya vs. Tewi Inaba</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Still being irritated about her general situation, Sanae stands no chance against her opponent.</p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong>: Tewi Inaba by Pinfall (5:48)</p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 37</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>

<span>http://images2.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081002501446.jpg</span><span>http://images2.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081002325874.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The show opens with a very bright grinning ZUN making his way to the ring.</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“Yes, yes, yes, I know. I know what you want to say. You want to tell me how unfair Reimu lost her title. But I’ll scotch this right away.”</span></p><p>

He takes a bottle of scotch and takes a big mouthful of it.</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“Do you know why there are different laws in every country of the world? Obviously not, but I’m going to tell you. Because whoever is in charge of the law IS the law. And in that match three weeks ago…you guessed it. I was the law. And it wasn’t even hard to obey them. But Reimu tried to outsmart the law. What happened then, was the conscequence of breaking the law: Punishment!”</span></p><p>

Before he can say much more, Suikas music interrupts him. She appears at the entrance with a bottle of bourbon, drinking out of it.</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“First of all, you have no taste. Who the hell can drink that crap you have there? And second…how funny you are talking about punishment. I remember somebody else breaking the law three weeks ago. Sadly, those protecting the law did not catch the culprit. Do you know what happens in such a case?”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“What, does BATMAN come after me?”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“That’s a nice idea, sadly he’s not under contract with Touhou. No, the answer is…SUIKA will come after you.”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“Is that a threat?”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“No, that’s a promise. Aya was unable to defeat me without breaking the rules. Now that she is the champion, it is only fair that I’ll get my shot at that belt.”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“You’re thinking pretty high of yourself. You want a title shot? You don’t deserve it.”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“Too bad Aya is such a chicken.”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“She is NOT a chicken.”</span></p><p>

Suika starts making chicken noises.</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“Stop it, that’s so pathetic. Are you in kindergarten?”</span></p><p>

She does not stop and some fans start as well.</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“STOP IT! FINE! Get your match! See what will happen!”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“See, didn’t hurt, did it? See ya later, chicken farmer.”</span></p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 55</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://images2.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081002437355.jpg</span><span>http://images2.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081002254518.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Sakuya and her mistress are backstage, ready for their upcoming match.</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">Remilia: “Sakuya, I am very proud of you. You have proven to be worthy of my grace. That good-for-nothing Chinese got her well deserved beating. Are you ready to make me proud again tonight?”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#808080;">Sakuya: “I have never been more ready my entire life, Remilia-sama.”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“That’s good. Now, let’s head off.”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#808080;">“Yes ma’am.”</span></p><p>

With a happy smile on her face, Sakuya follows Remilia into the arena.</p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 57</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:14px;">Tag Team Match</span></p><p>


<span style="font-size:14px;">Netherworld Dwellers vs. Visionary Scarlet Devil</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Sakuya was the most dominating part of this match, untill she got attacked by Hong Meiling. With them brawling on the outside, Remilia was more or less on her own. Still she was able to pin Youmu in the end.</p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong>: Visionary Scarlet Devil by Pinfall (7:47)</p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 56</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://images2.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081002546553.jpg</span><span>http://images3.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081001895618.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Patchouli is seen backstage, looking for something. Ironically, she bumps into Alice.</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">Alice: “Oh, Patchouli, what a surprise.”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">Patchouli: “Don’t give me that, puppet pooper.”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“What the hell is your problem, book…er…bitch?”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“I lost Flandre, she is gone nuts. Remilia will kill me if she runs around freely. And that is all your fault.”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“I can’t hear that crap anymore. I did nothing wrong, if that ever goes into your head. I would love to beat it into you, but luckily for you, I don’t beat up cripples.”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“Say…that…AGAIN!”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“Oh, I’m so scared. Do you wanna read me to death?”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“No, but I will kick your ass royally. Step into the ring with me Alice, and I will show you what a cripple I am.”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“…if you insist. But you will regret it when whatever is left of you will be stored in the morgue.”</span></p><p>

After a very hateful staredown, Patchouli leaves to look for Flandre.</p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 53</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:14px;">Singles Match</span></p><p>


<span style="font-size:14px;">Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Ran Yakumo</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Ran was very motivated, since she was fighting her master’s enemy. Reisen had some tough time but was succesful in the end with a Viewing the Circle Moon.</p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong>: Reisen Udongein Inaba by Pinfall (17:47)</p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 66</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://images2.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081002600761.jpg</span><span>http://images2.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081002703202.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

While Reisen is still celebrating, Yukari makes her way to the ring, mockingly applauding her.</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“Very impressive, little rabbit. You must be sooooo proud of yourself. The fans love you, you have just beaten a very tough opponent and…man, you are one sexy little thing. Unlike that old hag right in front of you, huh?”</span></p><p>

Yukaris friendly expression changes into anger.</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“You may think you are the big thing, but when you were still running around topless cause you had nothing to hide…”</span></p><p>

The fans are booing, though some do laugh.</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“…I was already making men faint all around the world with this body of mine. And even yesterday I got a phone call from Hugh Heffner.”</span></p><p>

Reisen grabs the mic from Yukari.</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Are you an idiot? I never said anything about your looks. In fact, I think you do look very good for your age.”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“For…my…age? Are you telling me, that I have a nice body…for a goddamn GRANDMOTHER?”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Well, not like THAT…”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF00FF;">“Enough. Why don’t we let the fans decide. You and me, in front of all these people. In…</span>(looks at her pocket watch)<span style="color:#FF00FF;">…one and a half hours, we come back here and present our goods. What do you say?”</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“I say, you are not getting what I tell you. But if that is what you want, fine.”</span></p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 65</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:14px;">Singles Match</span></p><p>


<span style="font-size:14px;">Reimu Hakurei vs. Mystia Lorelei</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

The crowd gave Mystia lots of X-Pac heat. Therefore Reimu tried to end this match as soon as possible and won after the Most Evil Surprise Miko Orbs.</p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong>: Reimu Hakurei by Pinfall (7:48)</p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 42</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://images2.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081002995220.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

After the match, Reimu grabs a mic.</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“I am very disappointed. But don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about how I got screwed and lost my title. No, that’s not it. I am disappointed about myself. I let this happen. I did not watch out enough. This round definitely belongs to you, Aya. But I’m not ready yet to give up. I will not acknowledge you as the real champion untill you have proven it. All your victories up to now have been cheap. You have not beaten a single person without ZUNs help. I said it once and I’ll say it again: You are a coward. Or rather…a chicken. I want to face you one more time, Aya. One more time, without anybody interfering. Without anybody else’s help. Just you and me…in a steel cage. If you truly are a champion, you will have no choice but to accept.”</span></p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 49</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://images3.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081001111829.jpg</span><span>http://images3.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10100518458584.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Mokou enters without her tag team partner, but with a microphone in her hand.</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“What you two, Eirin and Kaguya, what you two did to my friend was unforgiveable. She was telling me that she is sorry to have let me down. I told her, it’s okay, no big deal. But she was not happy with that. She wanted to be alone for a while. I have known Keine for a long, long time now. I know how the humilation eats her inside. I knew that when I see her again, she won’t be the same as before. Kaguya, Eirin, you have created a monster. And I’m not sure what she may do to you tonight.”</span></p><p>

To the sound of Ozzy Osbourne, EX-Keine enters the arena, ready to lay punishment upon those who attacked her at Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream.</p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 52</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:14px;">Tag Team Match</span></p><p>


<span style="font-size:14px;">Seek and Cave!!! Vs. Kaguya Houraisan & Eirin Yagokoro</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Keine was destroying her opponents as if she did that all her life. The fans were not too thrilled with the match, as it was simply too long. Keine got her revenge in the end when she pinned Eirin.</p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong>: Seek and Cave!!! By Pinfall (17:49)</p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 44</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://images3.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081001956731.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Kanako Yasaka is backstage talking about her match later on.</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Tonight I will finally be able to make Suwako shut up. Week after week she is telling me how I did this wrong, how I did that wrong and how everything she does is completely right. But the difference between us is another one. I want to do everything that is needed to make Sanae stronger. I do what has to be done to make her better. All you do is making yourself look better in front of her. As long as you are treating her like a child, she will never be able to stand on her own two feet. Tonight I will prove, that medicine has to taste bitter to work and that all you do is a placebo.”</span></p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 45</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:14px;">Singles Match</span></p><p>


<span style="font-size:14px;">Alice Margatroid vs. Patchouli Knowledge</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Patchoulis bad health was really showing. She tried her best but was not able to compete at a high level. As she was taking a breath outside , she was dragged under the ring. A condused Alice was then grabbed by a hand coming out of the canvas and disappeared as well. The referee was even more confused. A few seconds later, Flandre climbed out of the hole, covered in blood and laughing like a maniac.</p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong>: No Contest (7:46)</p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 43</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://images3.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10100519375263.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Monsieur TecDax, the newly signed dude, is seen sitting in the front row. Nobody really cares though, as he has no visible breast. This is basically done to give the ring workers time to rearrange the ring.</p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 4</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:14px;">(9) Championship Match</span></p><p>


<span style="font-size:14px;">Cirno© vs. Marisa Kirisame</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Cirno had major problems against her strong opponent, but her minions interfered often enough for her to not lose. After Marisa knocked out all three of Cirnos friends, she was about to finish the match. TecDax jumped over the barrier to attack Marisa- Cirno used this chance to hit the Minus K and win.</p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong>: Cirno by Pinfall (17:55)</p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 57</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://images3.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081001345212.jpg</span><span>http://images2.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081002900871.jpg</span><span>http://images2.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081002498303.jpg</span><span>http://images2.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081002638448.jpg</span><span>http://images3.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10100519375263.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

After the match is over, Cirno is full of joy and celebrates her victory like there’s no tomorrow. Her buddies come to the ring, Mystia and Wriggle taking her on their shoulders, while Rumia shoots some confetti into the air. TecDax stands outside the ring and applaudes the champion. Marisa just shakes her head and leaves, clearly fed up with this over the top scenario.</p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 59</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:14px;">Singles Match</span></p><p>


<span style="font-size:14px;">Suwako Moriya vs. Kanako Yasaka</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

After a (too) long and hard battle, Suwako managed to execute the Divine Battle and bring in the victory.</p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong>: Suwako Moriya by Pinfall (18:30)</p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 62</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://images2.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081002951885.jpg</span><span>http://images2.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081002192759.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Sanae comes to the ring, where she looks at Suwako with teary eyes but eventually flings her arms around her neck. Together they celebrate the victory and leave.</p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 29</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://images3.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081001557309.jpg</span><span>http://images2.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081002600761.jpg</span><span>http://images2.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081002703202.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Hieda no Akyuu is at the entrance ramp and welcomes us to the upcoming contest, where Yukari Yakumo and Reisen Udongein Inaba will try to impress the audience with the sexiest outfit they could get hold of. Yukari is the first contender and appears in extremely sexy lingerie, which makes part of the crowd go wild, while other boo at her (she’s a heel after all). It’s Reisens turn now and the crowd explodes as she appears in a bikini that barely covers anything. Some guys have to be reanimated. Therefore Reisen is declared the winner.</p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 63</p><p> </p><p>

Being very pissed about this, Yukari attacks her opponent and gives her a good beating. Unfortunately, nothing drops out.</p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 62</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:14px;">Gensokyo Championship Match</span></p><p>


<span style="font-size:14px;">Aya Shameimaru© vs. Suika Ibuki</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Aya used a lot of dirty tricks, but Suika was able to counter most of them. When she went after ZUN, she got hit from behind by Aya, who ended this match in the ring with a pinfall victory.</p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong>: Aya Shameimaru by Pinfall (32:33)</p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 58</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://images3.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081001958911.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

After the match, Aya grabs a mic to answer Reimus challenge.</p><p>

<span style="color:#A0522D;">“You seem to misunderstand something, Reimu. Those who win the championship, no matter what, those are the real champions. Saying you don’t accept me as the champ, because you don’t like how I came to be it, that’s pretty stupid.”</span></p><p>

The crowd starts making chicken noises again.</p><p>

<span style="color:#A0522D;">“Oh, you won’t get me with that. I’m not a coward, I’m just smarter than her.”</span></p><p>

The noises get louder.</p><p>

<span style="color:#A0522D;">“Would you please shut up already.”</span></p><p>

They of course don’t. Aya becomes angry, ZUN tries to calm her down.</p><p>

<span style="color:#A0522D;">“You know what? You get your rematch. I am not a goddamn chicken, I can beat you wherever you want whenever you want in whatever match you want.”</span></p><p>

ZUN looks shocked and wants to talk her out of that decision, but Aya just leaves, looking annoyed but confident. With ZUN ranting and hopping around like a jumping bean, the show goes off-air.</p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 70</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Buyrate</strong>: 0.13</p><p>

<strong>Final Rating</strong>: 54</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://images3.bilder-speicher.de/show-image_org-10081015250843.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The ratings still aren't that great. I had problems with some matches being simply too long. I am currently thinking about having a PPV outside of Shikoku. Dunno if that would be a good idea or not.</p><p>

Funny how the fans hate Mystia after her heated argument with somebody at the last show. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

Chen's contract is running out soon. Normally I wouldn't even negotiate with her, since she gave me nothing but headache. But I'll do it anyway. It would just be plain wrong to let her go.</p><p>

Kaguya was exhausted, even though she had a Tag Match. Man, that girl is in bad shape. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

Marisa is very unpleased about her loss against Cirno. That's not good. I hope the plans I have for her will make her happier again. Cirno, TecDax and Suwako on the other hand are happy about how I used them.</p><p>

If the buyrate is a good number...I don't know, the future will show me.</p>

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Mystic Square 2009

Live on PPV!

The final decision! No Interference! No Escape! No Mercy!


Gensokyo Championship Steel Cage Match


Aya Shameimaru vs. Reimu Hakurei


Also Starring:



Hong Meiling vs. Yukari Yakumo


(9) Championship Match


Cirno vs. EX-Keine



Suika Ibuki vs. Kanako Yasaka



Sanae Kochiya vs. Flandre Scarlet


And a big announcement!

Order today, be cool tomorrow!

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Oops, I made a horrible calculation error.

The tv show is already starting in March. WHich means there will be a tv show before the next PPV. This is not what I was aiming for. How could I make such a mistake? Well, gotta throw around my plans now. :mad:

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Thursday, Week 3, February 2009

Despite the officials not being too happy about her recent performances, Chens contract with Touhou may be extended in the next days. Apparently, not everybody has lost faith in her.


Wednesday, Week 4, February 2009

Chen and Touhou have extended their contract for another 9 months. ZUN is said to not be very pleased about this, since Chen does not show the amount of ring psychology he is looking for in his workers.

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Touhou Hijack! #1

Tokiwadai Middle School Gym, Shikoku (2,000 – SOLD OUT)


Dark Match


Suwako Moriya vs. Wriggle Nightbug

The fans really didn’t like Wriggle. Suwako made quick work of her and won this match.

Winner: Suwako Moriya by Pinfall (5:55)

Rating: 46




The show starts with ZUN, visibly proud of bringing Touhou on national TV.

“Allllright! Touhou Hijack is finally on air. And I feel like I earned my place in history now. Generations from now, people will remember me as a pioneer, a man like Neil Armstrong, Michael Jorden or Rick Astley. But enough about that. I have announced a big announcment for Mystic Square. But I tell you what…I’ll reveal it tonight. To celebrate the first episode of the future longest running show on television worldwide, I decided to create an additional championship. Over the last months, we have seen some nice tag team action. Therefore I decided to run a tag team tournament, to crown the first ever Touhou World Tag Team Champions. The tournament will start with the first two quarterfinals at Mystic Square, when Aria of Forbidden Magic will face off against Visionary Scarlet Devil. Also, the Netherworld Dwellers will have a match against a Team 9 team. I give them free choice in their formation. Unfortunately, the current Gensokyo champion is not here tonight, as she is still recovering from her hard fight two weeks ago. She needs all her strength for the match this Sunday. But, we will see her opponent at Mystic Square, Reimu Hakurei. She will have a match later on against Kanako Yasaka. So, have fun everybody, this is Touhou Hijack.”

Rating: 57




Before the first match starts, we see Alice Margatroid backstage, still full of bruises from her encounter with Flandre. She runs into Hong Meiling.

Alice: “Hey Meiling, funny I meet you. You have been around Flandre for a while, don’t you?”

“That’s right. Why you ask?”

“Well, I’ve had some troubles with her recently.”

“Oh, I heard about that. She’s a bit playful at the moment.”

“You call that playful?”

“Well, yes. She doesn’t mean it, but she sees destroying everything as some kind of game.”

“But that’s terrible. How did that happen?”

“You know, she has been locked away for a while by her sister.”

“What a horrible thing to do. You know what, I’m gonna help her. There must be a way out of her misery.”

“Good luck, Alice, you’ll need it.”

Meiling leaves, as Alice looks sorrowful.

Rating: 56


Tag Team Match


Aria of Forbidden Magic vs. Rumia & Mystia Lorelei

The Team (9) team had no chance against their opponents. Marisa eventually pinned Mystia for the victory.

Winner: Aria of Forbidden Magic by Pinfall (7:04)

Rating: 51




After the match, Marisa has something to say.

“This is perfect. With the tag team belts in front of me, I don’t have to deal with those meddling kids. I can still get me some gold. And best of all, I can share it with my friend.”

She grabs Alice and lays an arm around her neck, which makes her blush.

“I can’t wait to win this tournament.”

Rating: 62




We’re backstage again and see Reisen looking for someone. She opens a locker room door, apparently having found whom she was looking for.

Reisen: “There you are.”

Tewi: “What’s up doc?”

She grabs Tewi by the scruff of her neck.

“I don’t know what exactly you did, but I know that this is all your fault.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, you do. Yukari is mad about something and I’m positive that you started this.”

“I don’t remember, I put you on the hook so many times…”

“Exactly. I want you in that ring tonight. I want to beat some sense into you.”

“Oh, but it’s just fun.”

“DO I LOOK AMUSED? See you later…DOC.”

Rating: 55


Singles Match


Sanae Kochiya vs. Kaguya Houraisan

Despite Suwako giving her some tipps throughout the match, Sanae was not able to win and instead got hit by the Mysterium and pinned.

Winner: Kaguya Houraisan by Pinfall (6:44)

Rating: 42




Kaguya has some words for Mokou left as well.

“That’s pretty pathetic of you, Mokou. You get your ass handed to you, and what is your reaction? Going home crying, asking your friend for help. That’s not only cowardly, it’s unfair as well. I never asked Eirin for help when I was fighting you. But this is not over yet. You’ll get your payment sooner or later.”

Rating: 59




We then get to see a training sequence of Reimu. She is seen in a different part of this gym, training hard and seriously.

Rating: 48




In another part of this building, a camera is directed at a dark corner. Suddenly, a voice starts speaking.

“Everybody wants to play with me…this is so much fun…I want them to play with me forever…I hope they won’t break…say…do you want to play with me too?”

The cameraman doesn’t realize, that he is the one asked until it is to late and Flandre grabs him. With the man screaming and the camera showing snow, we leave the scene.

Rating: 59


Singles Match


Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Tewi Inaba

Reisen dominated the match, but it took some time to get Tewi down for good, as she used every possibility to escape punishment. Before she could be hit with Reisens finisher, Tewi decided to rather punch the referee and get lost.

Winner: Reisen Udongein Inaba by DQ (13:14)

Rating: 60




On the way back, Reisen is stopped by Eirin.

“I’m not going to tolerate this vigilantism of yours. Beating up little rabbits is not something that’s in your area of responsibility. In fact, it’s in mine. So, for you to remember that, we two are gonna have a match this Sunday.”

Rating: 46




In Yukaris locker room, we see her standing in front of a mirror, examining her body.

“How can they reject such a sexbomb? They must have lost every sense of taste. Stupid youth. Hey, who let you in here?”

She yells at the camera und slams the door shut.

Rating: 62




Team (9) is on its way to the ring, accompanied by its newest member, who wants to introduce himself to the world.

TecDax: “Bonjour madames et monsieurs, (some French stuff nobody understands).”

Cirno translates this for us.

“Mister Ted Ax said, that he is proud to be a member of Team (9). As a Frenchman he likes little girls and can not see them in trouble. What a nice person this man is, don’t you agree?”

“(French bla bla).”

“He also wants to tell you, that I am the strongest.”

Wriggle: “Do you really speak French?”

“Wee, je do.”

“I didn’t know you could do that.”

“I am able of lots of things you don’t know, hahaha!”

“(French again). Au revoir.”

“Allright everybody. Follow him to his van. There’s a lot of candy eaiting for us.”

Rating: 48




Just like before with Reimu, we now see a training sequence of Aya. She looks very concentrated. A door opens and someone starts talking, but Aya immediately tells him to get lost and that she’s busy.

Rating: 62




In another room, Remilia and Sakuya are talking.

Remilia: “So, our opponents are pretty strong ones.”

Sakuya: “That shall be no problem. I’ll make them regret stepping into the ring with us.”

“That is very nice to hear. And don’t let your guard down. Who knows what that China girl is up to.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she won’t interfere.”

“That’s my Sakuya.”

Rating: 58


Singles Match


Reimu Hakurei vs. Kanako Yasaka

Kanako proved to be a tough opponent, just as ZUN was hoping for. Reimu still got the pinfall win in the end, but she had to give more than she should with the big match in front of her this Sunday.

Winner: Reimu Hakurei by Pinfall (19: 01)

Rating: 61




After the match, Ayas music starts to play. She comes out at the entrance and watches her opponent of Sunday. Reimu realizes this and stares back. Therefore, a staredown occurs. With Aya raising the championship belt above her head, the show ends.

Rating: 59


TV Rating: 0,37

Final Rating: 55

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Mystic Square 2009

Updated Card:


Gensokyo Championship Steel Cage Match


Aya Shameimaru vs. Reimu Hakurei


Tag Team Tournament - Quarterfinal #1


Aria of Forbidden Magic vs. Visionary Scarlet Devil


Tag Team Tournament - Quarterfinal #2


Netherworld Dwellers vs. Team (9)



Hong Meiling vs. Yukari Yakumo


(9) Championship Match


Cirno vs. EX-Keine



Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Eirin Yagokoro



Suika Ibuki vs. Kanako Yasaka



Sanae Kochiya vs. Flandre Scarlet


Don't miz it!!

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Aya Shameimaru vs. Reimu Hakurei

Hong Meiling vs. Yukari Yakumo

Cirno vs. EX-Keine - I love EX-Keine, but Cirno can't be beaten with new manager in tow

Suika Ibuki vs. Kanako Yasaka

Sanae Kochiya vs. Flandre Scarlet


I'm predicting a show for the heels that night :)


Oh my God, I have the terrible need to sign someone specific just to make an awesome pun. I have no idea what to do with him afterwards.

Should I do it?


Do eet!

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Just wanted to post and say that I´m reading and enjoying this one:). No idea who any of these girls are so my predictions are probably wayy off.


Aya Shameimaru vs. Reimu Hakurei

Too early for a title change


Aria of Forbidden Magic vs. Visionary Scarlet Devil

Just picking the team that I like more


Netherworld Dwellers vs. Team (9)

Team 9 doesn´t have good win/loss record


Hong Meiling vs. Yukari Yakumo

I think Yukari has been a little bit more important so far.


(9) Championship Match

Cirno vs. EX-Keine

Champ retains for now.


Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Eirin Yagokoro

As much as I would like to pick Eirin I have to suspect that Reisen is more important.


Suika Ibuki vs. Kanako Yasaka

Another I don´t know so I pick the one who I like more


Sanae Kochiya vs. Flandre Scarlet

Flandre have his fun

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I'm happy to hear that more than one person enjoys this diary. :D

And I'm even happier about the fact, that you like it though you don't know the girls. Makes me feel like I'm doing a good job here. :)

Now that I have a tv show I will probably cut down the PPV time, as I don't need to get everybody on the card anymore (starting with the next one).



Okay, I'll do it. But don't tell me you didn't like the joke afterwards. ;)

I probably DO have an idea for further usage (at least a bit).

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Hey Zergon, nice to see someone else in here! :p


Oh just as a request TecDax, would you be able to post the upcoming matches in a QuickPicks format for the future shows? Keep how you've been doing everything, but at the end just have a simple summary of the planned matches


Makes it easier to do a copy and paste for predictions :D


Oh yeah, how did I miss this one?

Netherworld Dwellers vs. Team (9)


They really shouldn't win... but, but I dunno... Fingers crossed heh

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Oh just as a request TecDax, would you be able to post the upcoming matches in a QuickPicks format for the future shows? Keep how you've been doing everything, but at the end just have a simple summary of the planned matches


Makes it easier to do a copy and paste for predictions :D


That's in fact a good idea. I'll keep this in mind. :)

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Show should go up this weekend.


Tuesday, Week 1, March 2009

After changing her to EX-Keine, Touhou seems to have further plans with her, as she got a new contract offer by the company.


Saturday, Week 1, March 2009

As expected, Keine Kamishirasawa and Touhou extended their contract this morning. Keine will be with the promotion for 9 more months.

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Mystic Square 2009

Salaryman’s Despair, Shikoku (5,000 – SOLD OUT)


Dark Match


Chen vs. Kaguya Houraisan

As expected, Kaguya makes short work of Chen and beats her.

Winner: Kaguya Houraisan by Pinfall (5:45)

Rating: 41


Singles Match


Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Eirin Yagokoro

Eirin tried to punish Reisen, but the moon rabbit was too much to handle and got the win in the end.

Winner: Reisen Udongein Inaba by Pinfall (8:27)

Rating: 60




Team 9 seems to be discussing their strategy in the locker room.

Cirno: “Who were we fighting again?”

Rumia: “The ghosteez.”

“Oh, right. Well…I don’t feel like having two matches tonight. Rumia and Mystia, you weren’t that bad on Monday.”

“But we lost.”

Mystia: “Yeah and I really don’t want to fight Yuyuko…”

”Aw, come on. What could probably happen? I give you half of my candy okay?”

“…fine. But I want a candystick then.”

TecDax enters the room, overhearing the conversation obviously. He speaks in broken English, but at least in English (or rather Japanese?).

“There is enough candystick for all little girls. I have lots of stick for you.”

“See. Don’t worry, it’ll work out just fine. Let’s go get some sweets.”

They leave the room, while TecDax closes the door behind them with a big smile on his face.

Rating: 40


Singles Match


Hong Meiling vs. Yukari Yakumo

Both participants tried their best to win the match, until Sakuya came to the ring. In a moment when Yukari distracted the referee with a fake injury, Sakuya took her chance and attacked Meiling with a chair very violently. The pinfall afterwards was mere formality.

Winner: Yukari Yakumo by Pinfall (18:13)

Rating: 50




Yukari grabs a microphone.

“Not that I needed your help, but thanks anyway. Now, back to the important stuff. It’s been a while now since Reisen stepped into my life. I didn’t ask for that, but she did it. I was not pleased, as you may have noticed. But I would have been okay with a simple excuse or an explanation. None of those happened. At first I was a bit angry. Then I stopped and thaught: Yukari, you are a clever girl, why do you make such a ruckus? Reisen is nowhere near your level. Just prove it and she’ll vanish. So I tried that, but for reasons that are beyond me, it failed. My life was ruined. I didn’t sleep at night. I couldn’t eat. When I was in the ring, I couldn’t concentrate much. Too long, didn’t listen: Reisen, I want a match with you. I want this to end. I don’t care abou your motives anymore. I just want you gone. I don’t want to see your face anymore when I’m lying in my bed. I want to erase you from history. You may have fooled these people, but your foul play will end. I know you have already left the building, but I await a response tomorrow.”

Rating: 64




Backstage, we get to learn why Mystia fears Yuyuko so much.

Yuyuko: “So, who are our opponents, did you get to learn about that?”

“I think Rumia and…(mumble)…”

“Rumia and who?”

“I’m not entirely sure but it could be…(cough) (cough) (cough) Mystia (cough) cough).”

“Did you just say Mystia?”

“…could be.”

“Oh, that’s FANTASTIC!”

“No way, don’t even think about it.”

“Tasty, tasty little sparrow…”

“No, seriously, you…are you drooling?”

“So hungry…”

“I don’t believe it. Pull yourself together woman, we have a match to wrestle.”

“Oh…okay. But let’s hurry, I’m really, really hungry now.”

Rating: 42


Tag Team Title Tournament Quarter Final


Netherworld Dwellers vs. Rumia & Mystia Lorelei

The main element of this match was Mystia not wanting to fight Yuyuko. Of course she ended up in the ring with her and was pinned. She fled at the speed of light afterwards.

Winner: Netherworld Dwellers by Pinfall (7:44)

Rating: 38




Backstage Aya is getting interviewed.

“Over the last months, I have faced Reimu many times. And everytime, I came out on top. I gave back the faith that ZUN has had in me. Of course, those ignorants, who call themselves fans, they didn’t acknowledge a thing I achieved. But that is fine with me. They aren’t known to be very good at this anyway. But back in the locker room, nobody cared about my victories too. That made me sad. But ZUN told me, I don’t have to care, as long as I know what I am worth. And he was right. But there comes a time when somebody’s limits are reached. My limit was reached when I was called a coward, or as you like to formulate it, a chicken. This is where I draw the line. You see, I don’t have to prove anything to anybody. I don’t have to step into that cage with you, Reimu. But I want to. I will make everybody choke on their words when I beat you through the cage and leave it, STILL the Gensokyo Champion.”

Rating: 58


Tag Team Title Tournament Quarter Final


Aria of Forbidden Magic vs. Visionary Scarlet Devil

Especially Marisa was motivated to win this bout. AoFM dominated the match over a long time, but evetually Flandre showed up to attack Alice (why don’t the referees ever see this?). She battled with her through the crowd and back. Being left alone Marisa had a hard time. Alice did come back into this match though, but only to get pinned by Remilia.

Winner: Visionary Scalet Devil by Pinfall (18:10)

Rating: 70




Remilia has just returned backstage and meets Patchouli there.

Remilia: “What the hell are you doing?”

“What do you mean?”

“Didn’t I ask you to look after my sister? She just went nuts out there.”

“I’m sorry, this is all Alice’s fault. She manipulated her into this behaviour.”

“Whatever, I just don’t want her to run amok. It was okay this time, but you know that she could take out somebody else next time. Me for example.”

“I know, I know. I’m gonna think about something.”

“You better think fast. I should have never let her out of the basement…”

Rating: 54


Singles Match


Sanae Kochiya vs. Flandre Scarlet

Still out at the ring, Flandre enters it to fight her opponent. Sanae is no match for her of course, but it takes a few minutes, as Flandre toys around with her.

Winner: Flandre Scarlet by Pinfall (8:02)

Rating: 35




Suwako tries to save Sanae from further damage but gets taken out by Flandre as well. Patchouli appears to stop her, but she also feels the wrath of the Scarlet Devil. Happy about the destruction she caused, Flandre leaves.

Rating: 42


Singles Match


Suika Ibuki vs. Kanako Yasaka

In a match with two good workers, who don’t work together well, Suika had the better end and won.

Winner: Suika Ibuki by Pinfall (17:53)

Rating: 42




Reimu also gets her interview time.

“If there is one thing I don’t like, it’s getting screwed. And I got that a lot in the recent past. But tonight, this won’t happen. This time me and Aya will meet in a steel cage. No ZUN or anybody else will be interfering. Of course, we have seen a lot of interferences in the past in these matches. But I guarantee you, if you even think about entering the cage, ZUN, I will be there waiting for you. And I don’t think you want to step into the cage with me. I want a fair and square match, I want to have a clear score at the end. If I should lose, then it’s fine with me. But at least I know, that I made your life a living hell for the time we were out there together, Aya. I still don’t believe, that you can achieve anything on your own. You didn’t do it up to now, and you won’t be able to beat me this time. I will take the belt back to where it belongs, which is my waiste.”

Rating: 57


(9) Championship Match


Cirno© vs. EX-Keine

Keine was a big threat for the champion, but her new companion helped her throughout this fight and made her win in the end.

Winner: Cirno by Pinfall (17:34)

Rating: 53




Still in the ring, Mokou grabs a mic (I got to think of a different way to say this, it’s getting repetetive).

“Hey Cirno. I got good news and bad news for you. The good news is, your Team (9) is getting a second chance in the tag team tournament, which means you will team up with Wriggle. The bad news…well, there are actually bad news, worse news and extremely worse news. The bad news: You will compete tomorrow. The worse news: your opponents already know about this match and are prepared. And the very, very bad news for you: It’s us! I can’t wait to light a fire when I get you. You love fire, don’t you?”

Being an ice fairy, Cirno is of course horrified and leaves screaming.

Rating: 50




A badly hurt Hong Meiling makes her way to the ring, not listening to the doctors telling her to cool it down.

“This is it. Sakuya, I’m fed up with you. It’s not like I don’t know why you’re doing it. I know that you are merely Remilia’s pet dog. But the dog’s owner is only second. First of all, if a dog bites, it gets euthanized. And you know what? I have some very delicious recipes for fried dogs. But in your case, I would be happy to eat you alive, Sakuya. You will pay for your actions. And when I’m done with you, I will penalize the owner.”

Rating: 49




Prior to the main event, we see a video, recapping the feud between the two participants to the sound of Iron Maiden’s “Be quick or be dead”.

Rating: 55


Gensokyo Championship Steel Cage Match


Aya Shameimaru© vs. Reimu Hakurei

Before the match even started, Reimu left the cage and “welcomed” her opponent with vicious attacks. ZUN also got some and the two continued to hurt each other around the ring. Aya tried to escape into the cage by climbing it, but Reimu directly went after her. On top of it, they punched each other again until Aya lost her hold and fell right through the announce table. Reimu could have won easily now, but Aya never entered the ring, so it didn’t count yet. After a few minutes of the road agents checking on her, Aya was able to enter the structure and the match officialy started. Reimu dominated in the beginning, but eventually Aya came back and it became a back and forth. They stopped each other from escaping multiple times. In the end, they both climbed the cage, but Aya was able to throw Reimu off and back into the ring. Instead of escaping, she decided on a highspot move and pinned her, winning completely clean this time.

Winner: Aya Shameimaru by Pinfall (30:33)

Rating: 59 (are you kidding me???)




As the match is over and the cage is lifted up, Aya celebrates her victory, marked by the exhausting match and barely able to stand on her feet. Although the fans mainly boo her, some people applaude her for her performance. ZUN comes into the ring, visibly proud. The two hug, celebrate and eventually leave.

Rating: 60




Shortly after they left, Reimu gets back up. She realizes that she lost and is swearing loudly. With a mixture between disapointment and acceptance on her face, she slowly leaves the arena, with the cheers of the fans accompanieing her. As she leaves the arena, the show ends.

Rating: 45


Buyrate: 0.25

Final Rating: 52 (I raged)

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I know, it's my own fault for risking an angle like that to be the "main event", but still I think it deserved better ratings. Well, this'll hopefully change once I cut down the PPV time and have fewer jobbers on the card.

Mystia once again argued with a fan. I dunno if I should get rid of her once her contract ends. Maybe I should.

TecDax had major language problems. I forgot about that, but it didn't happen last time. Weird.

Flan and Sanae work together well, but their match was still too long, since Sanae is still an Enhancement Talent.

Aya needs a gimmick change. This is a good point of time to complete the character changes I had already written on her.

Remilia is pleased, maybe because she was allowed to win in a 70-rating match.

Another major story is over, some others will soon end. This is a critical point in my head booker-beeing. As already mentioned, I think shorter PPVs will help the ratings grow.

One thing leaves me in horror though: Cirno's contract is expiring soon, and she does not meet the owner goals at all. No chance in hell I let her go. I'm scared. :(

Anyway, I hope you liked the show, I think it's one of the best I did (although the rating is horrible). :)

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Ow, harsh ratings. 59 and 60 for the near-end stuff doesn't seem too bad, but I guess it pales in comparison to that 70 tag match rating :p


Aya getting the win surprised me -- almost as much as Monsieur TecDax's pervertedness. Hope we don't lose Cirno, that'd suck bigtime

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