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How do I shot Danmaku? (a 9000-verse Beta Touhou Diary)

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Ow, harsh ratings. 59 and 60 for the near-end stuff doesn't seem too bad, but I guess it pales in comparison to that 70 tag match rating :p


Aya getting the win surprised me -- almost as much as Monsieur TecDax's pervertedness. Hope we don't lose Cirno, that'd suck bigtime


He's not a pervert, he's just nice to children. :D

I'm not gonna let this happen, CIrno is essential to this promotion, it can't exist without her.

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Touhou Hijack #2

Tokiwadai Middle School Gym, Shikoku (2,000 – SOLD OUT)


Dark Match


Chen vs. Kanako Yasaka

Certainly better than most of Chen’s matches before, she still couldn’t beat her opponent and got pinned after the Omiwatari God Crosses.

Winner: Kanako Yasaka by Pinfall (5:53)

Rating: 43




The first Hijack after Mystic Square starts, but not the champion comes out first to talk about yesterday, the loser of the main event, Reimu Hakurei, does.

“Last night…was probably the darkest night in my entire career. After I got cheated out of the championship, I finally got the fair chance that I always demanded. And I screwed up. For weeks, hell, for MONTHS I have been preparing for that one big moment. This was all that mattered to me. The belt was my sole focus. And yet…I screwed up. But I’m not here to cry about the fact that I lost and I’m not here to beg for another chance. I got it and I missed the opportunity.”

She pauses for a bit, walking around uneasy.

“You see…I had a dream. I don’t want to get all emotional here. I wanted to be champion. Well, I WAS champion, but I lost the title. It doesn’t matter how, but I lost it. That really hurt. So I concentrated all my strength to make my dream come true again and for good. But it didn’t work out, it just didn’t work out. Aya, everything I said about you came from the bottom of my heart and I don’t want to take it back or say I’m sorry or some bull**** like that, no. But I want to say one thing and I want you to believe it: Last night, you proved, that you are the better woman and…you are the true champion. CURRENTLY that is. Because I will never give up my dream as long as I breath. I am not able to be on top at the moment and that really hurts. But I will never lose hope. And one more thing, Aya. You stood your ground last night. Why didn’t you do it before? Why are you hiding behind ZUN? What can he give you that you can’t achieve on your own? Think about it. I look forward to fight you again, one day.”

Rating: 46




Yuyuko seems to be looking for Mystia, as she is seen searching for something backstage, looking very hungry. She finds Monsieur TecDax’s van in the parking deck. Curious, she opens the door. To her (and probably our) surprise, she sees Team (9)’s manager sitting in the middle of something that resembles a candy shop. Smiling bright he offers her some candy.

Rating: 37


Tag Team Title Tournament Quarter Final


Seek and Cave!!! vs. Cirno & Wriggle Nightbug

Cirno didn’t really feel much like participating and let Wriggle do pretty much everything. Therefore Keine was able to pin poor Wriggle.

Winner: Seek and Cave!!! by Pinfall (7:21)

Rating: 51




Mokou wants to take the chance to greet her old friend Kaguya.

“Kaguya, I don’t care what you say. Whatever you made up in that weird little world of yours, it’s crap and you know it. I have better things to do than listening to your lame excuses for being inferior to me. I’m busy winning the tag team gold. How about you achieve something? No? Thought so.”

Rating: 45




Hong Meiling comes to the ring.

“I’m sorry if I may annoy you, but I am fed up waiting. I want an answer tonight. I want to get my revenge. Sakuya, Remilia, I know you hear me, you’re watching me. I want you out here.”

She waits a bit, but nobody comes out.

“Fine, be that way. But I will not leave this very ring until I get an answer. How about we pass the time with some smalltalk? Do you want to know why Remilia needs a faithful servant like Sakuya? There are several reasons for that. First of all, it’s because she is a weakling. That is obvious though. But more interesting is, that she…”

Rating: 44




Before she can speak any further, Remilia finally appears.

“So, you want to be childish, huh? You really know that I don’t like that, don’t you? But there’s no reason for me to ruin my nerves because of you. My, indeed, faithful servant Sakuya here will have no problems tearing you apart as she did multiple times before.”

“Great, exactly what I expected. You’re too proud to say no to such an offer. I’ll gladly accept your challenge. I may fight Sakuya tonight.”

Visibly annoyed by Meiling’s behaviour, Remilia leaves.

Rating: 50




Backstage, we see a droopy Alice who is talked to by Marisa.

Marisa: “Alice, it wasn’t your fault we lost. I know you wanted to win this tournament as much as I did. You even tried to continue after all that happened to you. Don’t blame yourself for that match.”

“Thank you for trying, but it IS my fault, for I have tried to make a friend with somebody whom I maybe should have stayed away from.”

“Don’t gimme that. Listen, it was NOT your fault. And trying to become Flandres friend is probably the sweetest thing somebody ever did for her. So stop accusing yourself of what happened.”

“Thanks, Marisa, you’re a true friend. But I need some time to think right now.”

“That’s okay. Don’t you worry, I’ll win this match for you.”

Giving Alice a hug, Marisa makes her way to the ring for the following match.

Rating: 54


Singles Match


Marisa Kirisame vs. Tewi Inaba

Although the two opponents didn’t seem to click, the match was solid. After her victory, Marisa dedicated it to Alice.

Winner: Marisa Kirisame by Pinfall (7:09)

Rating: 43




As Marisa is celebrating, Patchouli makes an appearance.

“Hey Marisa, I have to interrupt you. I want your firned Alice to know something. Flandre will not be here tonight, so she shouldn’t bother looking for her. She’s in a safe place where her evil influence won’t reach her. I want her to know that Flandre is suffering because of her. Tell her to never ever get near her again. It could be the last thing she does in her life.”

Rating: 44




It’s time for Kaguya to take her regular shot at Mokou.

“So, you’re too busy with winning the tag team titles, yes? That’s pretty funny. So far you haven’t done much besides watching your companion do the work for you. As far as I’m concerned, I win matches by myself. And I would have…”

She gets interrupted by Suika, who appears at the entrance.

“That’s kinda interesting, the stuff you are saying there. The problem is, you are telling us the same thing over and over and over again. I think I speak for everyone if I simply ask you to shut the hell up. I’m getting a headache from this.”

“Excuse me for not entertaining you much, but WHAT THE HELL does this have to do with you?”

“Until now, it doesn’t. You see, I’m here to have a good time and the fans here probably attend for the same reason. Seeing you talking about all the same subject every time is not what I call a good time.”

“Then how about you just get back into the hole you came from and leave me alone?”

“That’s not an option. I’d rather make you shut up by force.”

“Well, try to if you dare.”

Suika accepts the invitation and makes her way to the ring.

Rating: 58


Singles Match


Suika Ibuki vs. Kaguya Houraisan

Kaguya gave her opponent a tough time, but in the end, Suika outpowered her and hit the Destruction in three Steps for the pin.

Winner: Suika Ibuki by Pinfall (12:35)

Rating: 47




Kaguya is not pleased about the outcome and jumps Suika from behind, beating her down into the canvas. Majorly pissed, she leaves afterwards.

Rating: 42




Backstage, Suwako is walking over the floor and about to enter the locker room, as she is stopped by Ran Yakumo.

Ran: “Whoa, not so fast.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“You can’t enter now.”


“Because Yukari is in there.”

“I know that she’s in there, but what exactly is the problem?”

“It’s time for her beauty sleep. I can’t let anyone intrude.”

“Are you kidding me? That’s also my locker room. Get out of my way.”

Suwako wants to push Ran away, but Ran does not let this happen.

“As I said, you can not enter.”

“Are you…what the…I…you know what? I’m not going to lose my temper over this. I’m not that kind of person. May she have her sleep.”

Surprisingly calm, Suwako leaves.

Rating: 44




Meanwhile, Reisen has come to the ring.

“To be honest, I am a bit shocked. Yes, I am shocked about what Yukari said at Mystic Square. Apparently, whatever happened to her has left a huge impact on her. That’s sad to hear. But the problem is, as I have already told you multiple times, that I am NOT the reason for all this. But it doesn’t look like I can convince you with words. I tried to, but you just don’t want to listen. And also, I have no intentions of being falsely accused anymore. If you don’t want to hear the truth, maybe I need to beat it into you. So yes, I accept your challenge, Yukari. I hope you will finally shut the hell up when I’m done with you. And if you can’t sleep at night…well, I’ll help you with that too.”

Rating: 64




Before we get to see the main event, the champion finally makes an appearance, although only backstage.

ZUN: “Ah, there’s my champion. How does it feel to have destroyed that Reimu once and for all?”

“Good, good…I guess.”

“What do you mean, I guess? That was your greatest night ever.”

“I know and I’m really proud of it, but…”

“But what? What’s the matter, champ?”

“It just doesn’t feel right. I have won the match and all, but I’m thinking about what she said earlier.”

“Seriously, she’s just jealous of you. She knows that she can’t compare to you. You have proven this often enough.”

“You see, that’s the thing that’s bugging me. I have proven this exactly once. Everything else was just a charade.”

“What is wrong with you? You have the belt, that is all that matters. Stop worrying about a false honor and pride.”

Aya gives ZUN a serious look.

“Maybe she was right. Maybe I really don’t need your help after all.”

With the same serious face, she leaves a stunned ZUN behind.

“Oh no, you DO need me. Yeah, you need me…”

Rating: 58


Singles Match


Hong Meiling vs. Sakuya Izayoi

This time, Meiling was the one to be motivated in this confrontation and so she dominated the beginning of this match-up. Remilia was once again sitting at the commentary table and had nothing nice to say about her servant’s opponent. Sakuya managed to fight back, but it was futile as Meiling hit the Vivid Color Downpour to win the match. As an enraged Remilia tries to storm the ring and attack her, China left it and celebrated on the entrance ramp as the show ends.

Winner: Hong Meiling by Pinfall (18:39)

Rating: 54


TV Rating: 0.34

Final Rating: 47



Current Card for "Embodiement of Scarlet Devil":


Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Yukari Yakumo

Tag Team Title Tournament Final

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Wow, that rating is by far the worst ever. Which surprises me, since the main event and the segment before got pretty okay ratings. The Undercard did not do to well, yes, but that was the case in all other shows as well. I have no idea what's going on. :confused:

Guess who had problems with the fans again? The longer this game runs, the darker her future in my company gets.

As mentioned, Marisa and Tewi did not work well together. Too bad, the grade could have probably hit the 50-mark. Would also have helped a bit with the overall rating I guess.

Suwako needs something to refresh her character. This probably comes at a good time, since I plan to have a feud focusing on her. Gives me more possibilities to work it out.

While Suika and Meiling are happy about their segments this week, Yukari is not. Which is not surprising since she didn't appear. I know, as a main event worker she should be in front of the camera, but I had no idea how to get her on the card this week. It looked so much better without her (no offense Yukari ;) ). She'll be back onscreen next show, I promise.

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Tuesday, Week 2, March 2009

Mystia Lorelei was once again caught in an argument with fans outside of the arena. This has happened several times before and the officials of Touhou are very unpleased about this situation. She may even be on the brink of unemplyoment, acoording to some insiders.

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Mystia again!

And TecDax the candy man, lol what is this I don't even

Bummer about the rating... I wonder if TV naturally gets lower ratings? Never really understood TEW enough to know how things work on that side of things.


Alice, Patchy, and Flandre continues to intrigue me. Aya and ZUN look to be going interesting places. And I was also very surprised at the win Suika had over Kaguya.

And curious, will Keine's EX transformation have any more storyline impact?


Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Yukari Yakumo

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Told you, he's a nice guy. :D


I have a very interesting stable idea and Aya might eventually become part of it. It may take a while to work it out though, so don't expect it to happen soon.

For the Flandre story, I have several ideas which way it could be going, I hope I don't mess up by turning it around too much.

Suika and Kaguya both have nice momentum and I felt like giving Suika the win as she did not get so many possibilities to shine yet.

Keine's transformation was merely something I did to give the feud a new push and balance out both sides. I haven't decided yet wether I'll turn her back (and keep the alter ego for special circumstances) or run with it.

And for Mystia annoying me, I'm gonna eat some chicken today. :p

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Touhou Hijack #3

Tokiwadai Middle School Gym, Shikoku (2,000 – SOLD OUT)


Dark Match


Fujiwara no Mokou vs. Rumia

Luckily, Rumia is not nearly as unpopular as her teammates (except Cirno) and did a good job. Though her job is jobbing, Mokou won this match.

Winner: Fujiwara no Mokou by Pinfall (5:47)

Rating: 39




The show begins with the champion, Aya Shameimaru, in the ring, with a microphone in her hand.

“Last week, my former opponent, Reimu Hakurei, has said a lot of things about herself, the match we had and about me. I am used to hearing people talking about me. After all, I’m the champion. But this was the first time that somebody spoke about me…without calling me names or threatening me. Reimu talked about me in a way that sounded…respectful. It’s funny somehow, because respect is something I wanted to get when I started wrestling. I wanted to be respected as a good wrestler, who deserved what she got. Over time, this changed. I didn’t care about other people’s opinions anymore. I decided to rather take whatever I can get and don’t look back, by all means necessary. That brought me everything. Main events, title belts and many jealous haters. But now I got respected. I have to say, this is a very strange feeling. But it is a feeling…that I like.”

Rating: 63




ZUN’s music interrupts the champion’s monologue.

“I have heard enough. Do you know what you sound like right now? Like a loser. Like somebody who has respect…and nothing else. Earning respect never won you titles before and it still doesn’t. Have you forgotten who made you what you are today? If it weren’t for me, than you would not stand there with that championship belt. In fact, I doubt anybody would even listen to what you have to say. But let’s talk about that later. Since Reimu got her last chance at Mystic Square, you will need to face somebody else at Embodiement of Scarlet Devil. Therefore I have decided to have a No.1 Contender’s Fatal-4-Way Match next week between Marisa Kirisame, Hong Meiling, Flandre Scarlet and Alice Margatroid. Not very scary opponents right? If you actually remembered that I am in your corner you would know, that NOBODY is a scary opponent. With me by your side, nothing’s gonna stop you. And you better remember that.”

Rating: 56


Tag Team Title Tournament Quarter Final


Suwako Moriya & Sanae Kochiya vs. BounDary SM

Despite what happened last week, Suwako did not seem to hold a grudge against Ran or Yukari. That didn’t help much though, as Ran was able to land a pinfall victory over Sanae and advance to the semi-finals.

Winner: BounDary SM by Pinfall (6:33)

Rating: 57




Youmu is seen backstage as Yuyuko comes into the locker room pretty excited.

“Hey Youmu!”

“What’s the matter?”

“Guess what I found? A candystore!”

“So what? I’m pretty sure there are many candystores in this area.”

“Noooo, you don’t understand. Right here. In the parking area.”

“Why would there be a candystore?”

“I don’t know, but isn’t that awesome?”

“Well, good for you. But don’t forget about our match later on. This is pretty important, you know.”

“Yes, I know. I just go get some more.”

“No, you will ruin your stomach.”

“Oh maaaaaaaan…”

Rating: 43




Hong Meiling, who was succesful last week, appears in the ring.

“Last week, I completed step one. I kicked the dog and made it shut up. Now it’s time to lay my hands upon the owner. Unfortunately, Remilia will be busy today, trying to reach the tag team finals. That’s fine, I can wait. And since I am going to become the new No.1 Contender next week, we will have to wait until Embodiement of Scarlet Devil is over. By the way…what did you do to get a PPV named after you? Oh, wait a moment. It must be named after your sister. If it were named after you it would be called Embodiement of Scarlet Coward. Anyway, what I want to tell you, is that I won’t forget to take care of you. When I’m done with Aya and win the championship, I know exactly who I want to get the first shot at it.”

Rating: 48




Backstage, Reimu is in Alice’s locker room for yet unknown reasons.

“Hey Alice, whatcha doin?”

“Well…nothing important actually. Why?”

“I have seen you having trouble with Flandre over the last few weeks. Since I have the time now, I decided to help you out in this matter.”

“Well…that’s nice of you but…I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that, I love trouble. I requested a match against her for tonight and got it. I’m gonna “convince” her to stop hurting those who care for her.”

“No, don’t do that. That’s completely unnessecary.”

“Oh, it is, trust me. Some people only realize their faults when they get to feel the consequences.”

“No, no, Reimu…listen to me…Reimu!”

But Reimu already left the room and Alice in even more despair than before.

Rating: 52


Singles Match


EX-Keine vs. Kaguya Houraisan

Since these two had a history, the match was pretty brutal. Kaguya seemed to outsmart the wild but headless Keine, but then Suika interfered from out of nowhere, giving Keine the chance to cave Kaguya and win.

Winner: EX-Keine by Pinfall (7:05)

Rating: 44




It’s time for Yukari Yakumo to speak to us.

“This is a very great day. In fact, yesterday was a very good day too. As was the rest of the week. I never slept so well in a long time. My nightmares have vanished. I can finally look into the mirror again. My life shines in all colors of the rainbow. I have to thank you for this, Reisen. Yes, I really want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Last week, you agreed to step into the ring with me and give me the chance to destroy you and your pityful existence once and for all. I am really thankful for this. But unfortunately…unfortunately, you and me, we won’t have a match at EoSD. Yes, I know, I demanded that match and you were really looking forward to it and blablabla…but as you could see earlier tonight, I am merely one match away from the tag team title tournament final. Oh, it’s not what you think. Of course I could have two matches that night, yes. But even I have my limits, as unreal as it may sound. Therefore, if I WOULD fight you, I would have to hold back in our match and humilate you. I would need to humilate you by defeating you without any effort whatsoever. And because I owe you one, I want this match to be cancelled. Thank you for your understanding.”

Rating: 58




Alice is walking around backstage, when she meets Patchouli.

“Patchouli, good that I meet you here.”

“That’s not exactly how I feel about it.”

“Look, we don’t get along very well, I know. But this is important.”

“It better is.”

“You see, Flandre will be facing Reimu later on.”

“I know about that. What do you want?”

“I want you to keep Flandre from the ring. I don’t think Reimu will go lightly on her. In fact, she is planning on punishing her.”

“And you think that I actually care?”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me right. Flandre is incredibly strong, you know that. Why would we back out of such a match?”

“I know she’s strong, but listen…”

“No, I don’t want waste anymore time with you. Get out of my way.”

As Patchouli leaves, Alice looks frustrated.

Rating: 49


Tag Team Title Tournament Semi Final


Netherworld Dwellers vs. Visionary Scarlet Devil

The Netherworlders happened to be surprisingly tough opponents for VSD. Sakuya had to make the save a couple of times, as Yuyuko and Youmu showed how a team should work together. Sheer power was victorious in the end though, as Remilia finished off Yuyuko.

Winner: Visionary Scarlet Devil by Pinfall (12:52)

Rating: 60




Remilia does not go home without answering to Meiling.

“Don’t think that I didn’t hear what you said earlier, Meiling. I am fully aware of the fact, that you were able to beat Sakuya.”

She stares over to her subordinate, who looks away in shame.

“But don’t think that you have achieved something. The worst is yet to come. You will get your match, don’t worry. Although I doubt you will be champion by then. And when we meet, China, I can guarantee you one thing…you will get to know why my sister and me are called…the Scarlet Devils.”

Rating: 63




Cirno is talking to her new friend, Monsieur TecDax.

Cirno: “Have you seen that ghost girl sneaking around here? What’s up with that?”

TecDax (imagine French accent): “She’s completely crazy for my candy.”

“What? She ate your candy?”

“Yes, she found the van last week. She almost ate all I had.”

“Whoa, cool. Hey, maybe I should recruit her for Team (9), what do you think?”

“Are you sure? She’s nice and everything, but…”

“I’ll ask her anyway. And if she doesn’t want to, we can always bait her with some candy.”

Licking some icecream, she leaves.

Rating: 43




Now it’s time for another participant of the No. 1 Contender’s Match, Marisa Kirisame, to speak about her opportunity.

“I certainly am the luckiest girl in the world. Within four months, I get a shot at every belt in this promotion. Somebody up there must really like me and I don’t mean ZUN. This is the biggest chance of them all. I have some tough opponents I’ll have to defeat. But I will grab this last chance and never ever let it go again. Both, the (9) championship and the Tag Team Championship, were robbed from me. It’s sad but true. First, I had to deal with a quintet of people who seemed to come right from their latest lobotomy. Then my tag team partner got attacked by a psychopath and we were out of the tournament. Now I have to beat three other people to get a match against the champion. It’s getting harder and harder, but the reward is huge. I absolutely want that championship. And, no offense to the others, I’m gonna go for it with all might. There will be no friends when I’m going for the gold.”

Rating: 56




A scene similar to what we saw last week happens. Suwako wants to enter the locker room she once again shares with Yukari. And like last week, Ran stops her from entering.

Suwako: “Same procedure as last week, huh?”

“That’s right. Yukari has been pretty excited lately and needs a lot of rest.”

“Oh, I understand. Well, how about I give her a present. You know, to ease her soul a bit?”

“Well…I think I can give it to her when she wakes up.”

“Fine, I’ll be right back.”

Suwako leaves, as a curious Ran thinks about what she might want to bring. The question is answered some moments later, as Suwako returns by hitting Ran over the head with a steel pipe.

“Be sure to tell her who brought it.”

She leaves as a knocked out Ran lies there helpless.

Rating: 50


Singles Match


Reimu Hakurei vs. Flandre Scarlet

Reimu had to fight off the pure brutality of her opponent in the beginning, which she used to defeat all her other victims with. Reimu plays in a different league than the others before her though. Flandre got less and less enthusiastic as the match went on and not even Patchouli was able to help her. She appeared like a normal wrestler in the end and got pinned after the Surprise Miko Orbs.

Winner: Reimu Hakurei by Pinfall (18:32)

Rating: 46




After Reimu celebrates her victory, she turns back to her opponent. Flandre got back up and now looks at Reimu, scared and confused. Reimu seems to think that this is merely a deception and is ready to pay back. Patchouli jumps on the apron, but backs off after a serious look from Reimu. Before anythng can happen, Alice makes the save for Flandre and stops this thing. Reimu wants to break free, but Alice doesn’t let her. This results in Alice punching Reimu right into the face. While Flandre and Patchouli get lost as fast as possible, Reimu and Alice stare at each other until Reimu leaves the ring in anger and the show ends.

Rating: 52


TV Rating: 0.34

Final Rating: 52




Current Card for "Embodiement of Scarlet Devil":


Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Yukari Yakumon (?)

Tag Team Title Tournament Final:

Visionary Scarlet Devil vs. TBD

Gensokyo Championship Match:

Aya Shameimaru© vs. TBD


Next week on Touhou Hijack:

Gensokyo Championship No. 1 Contender's Fatal-4-Way Match:

Marisa Kirisame vs. Hong Meiling vs. Flandre Scarlet vs. Alice Margatroid

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So, the rating went up again, thank god. It still isn't reason enough to celebrate, but I guess I can live with that. Unfortunately, Reimu and Flandre don't work together very well, otherwise it could have been even better.

The TV ratings are pretty constant, which is a good thing I guess.

This time Reisen was the one to stay off camera, I'm sorry for that. Next week they'll both be on, I promise. :D

Lily White and Tewi Inaba share a hobby: classic music. That's pretty funny. :D

Not much else to say this time. One more Hijack and then the PPV, hooray.

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Congrats on the better rating! I know TEW doesn't take real life into account, but regardless of what the audiences' feel, I've found the storylines getting better each show (probably because we're at the stage where depth and history is happening between the characters)


- Suwako cold ****ing Ran with the lead pipe for a "present" surprised the hell out of me, and also happened to be the baddest assed thing anyone's done in Touhou so far--which was another surprise, since I've never been much of a fan of her.


- Nice to see Rumia do a good job, literally


- It wasn't how I originally would have interpreted Monsieur TecDax if I booked him, but now I can't imagine him as anything other than a french man of candy. Great job :) Hope he's picking up the language ;)


- The Alice and Flandre storyline gets even more complicated with Remilia. I've got an idea of how I'd like things to turn out, but I won't say as I'm happy to see where things go





Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Yukari Yakumon (?) No Contest

Visionary Scarlet Devil vs. TBD

Aya Shameimaru© vs. TBD


Marisa Kirisame vs. Hong Meiling vs. Flandre Scarlet vs. Alice Margatroid

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To be honest, I was a bit surprised by how I booked Suwako as well. :D

I was thinking hard what I could possibly to with her. And then came the message she needs some character refreshment. That was the opportunity I needed to use her.

The Alice/Flandre thing is getting extremely complicated, I hope I can find a logical ending to this.

It was harder than I thought to change from "only PPVs" to "TV Shows to hype big card PPVs". I should know how to do it, since I'm a regular WWE watcher, but it's easier said than done. :D

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Touhou Hijack #4

Tokiwadai Middle School Gym, Shikoku (2,000 – SOLD OUT)


Dark Match


Sanae Kochiya vs. Tewi Inaba

Suwako continued to give Sanae instructions throughout the match. It showed in her performance, but it wasn’t enough, therefore Tewi gained the win.

Winner: Tewi Inaba by Pinfall (5:56)

Rating: 38




The last Hijack before Embodiement of Scarlet Devil starts out with the champion, talking about the No.1 Contender’s Match.

“I don’t want to deny the participants of the Fatal-4-Way their talent. In fact, I believe that all of them are very talented performers. But I can’t accept the fact, that ZUN has taken some random midcarders and let’s them duel it out to face me. I am sick of being called a coward, I want to face a real opponent. I have no problem defending the belt against anybody who wants a shot at it. But I do not accept a half-worthy opponent at a PPV. That’s not how I want to be remembered.”

Rating: 66




She gets interrupted by Marisa’s music. The participant of the 4-Way can’t accept these words.

“So you think that you are several levels above us, is that it? That neither of us is worthy facing you at a PPV? Well, I can’t speak for the others, but in my case, you are dead wrong. If it weren’t for outside interferences, I would be (9) champion right now. If it weren’t for outside interferences, I would probably be in the tag team tournament final. And if I win this match later tonight, which I very likely will, I will take this belt from you at Embodiement of Scarlet Devil. So you better watch your words, because what goes around, comes around.”

As she is about to leave, Aya has to comment on this.

“Wait a second. This is exactly what I was talking about. I don’t want to face just anybody, I want an opponent just like you. This confidence, this determination, that was what I was hoping to see in one of the participants. And you passed this test, Marisa. You are the one I want to step into the ring with. And you better put your money where your mouth is, because I won’t accept a defeat of yours later on.”

Rating: 55


Singles Match


Youmu Konpaku vs. Kanako Yasaka

This time trying it on her own, Youmu had a hard time with Kanako. The experienced snake was too much for her to handle alone. The God Crosses ended this match.

Winner: Kanako Yasaka by Pinfall (7:25)

Rating: 54




Reimu Hakurei, seemingly in a bad mood, enters the ring.

“Imagine this as an anonymous post on some internet message board. Dear anonymous, I have a serious problem. One of my closest friends gets violated by someone over and over again. She thinks of her punisher as anice person, just not good with people. I tried to help her getting out of that vicious circle, but I got deceived by her in return. I don’t know what to do. What would you do? Besides the obvious answers like “do a barrell roll” and so on, what serious response would you think this post gets? Leave her alone, she’s not worth it. That’s what your sense is telling you. But people that give such an answer obviously never had a situation like this happening to them. How could I give up a dear friend? Somebody I trusted and who trusted me. That’s not how I will handle this. Instead, I want to cause an aircleaning thunderstorm, right now. Alice, this is your cue. Get your ass down here.”

Alice does so.

“Before we go any further, please let me tell you that I am sorry. I know, that is a lame excuse, but I really am. But the fact remains, that you are taking care of business you should not touch. I know what I have to do to help Flandre out of her misery, but headless actions like yours only make it worse.”

“So, you’re telling me to shut up and mind my own business?”

“See, that’s your problem. You only hear what you want to hear. Take off your blinders and come back to reality. This is so unnessecary.”

“But I know what IS necessary and that is…”

Rating: 55




Before she can finish, Flandre has entered the ring, coming through the audience. She attacks Reimu from behind and starts destroying her, as she is used to. Alice has to save Reimu, but unlike other times, when Flan was out of her mind, she does not focus her anger on Alice, but calms down. As Alice takes her backstage, the medics are looking after Reimu, who suffered a laceration and is bleeding heavily.

Rating: 48




Behind the scenes, Reisen meets Suwako.

Reisen: “Oh, hey, I was kinda looking for you. Where do you wanna go with that baseball bat?”

“Er…nowhere specific, why?”

“Because I have an idea, but I need your help for it. It goes a little something like this…”

While they start discussing the subject, they leave.

Rating: 62




Remilia Scarlet, followed by Sakuya, has something to say before her and Sakuyas opponents for Sunday will be decided.

“On Sunday, two helpless souls will enter hell, when they will meet us in the championship final. This event is named Embodiement of Scarlet Devil for a reason. It’s the day when the scarlet devil will reign supreme and the ring will be drenched in blood, the blood of our opponents. Make no mistake, you are looking at the new, the first and the last tag team champions in Touhou history. And it doesn’t matter who wins the following match, because me and Sakuya, we are prepared. We are prepared to create a massacre of epic proportions. Don’t let your kids watch the event on Sunday. They will be scarred for life. And about you, Hong Meiling,…you are going to feel real pain pretty soon. You picked your own poison by challenging me and now you will have to deal with the outcome. I will make sure that you get the most ostentatious grave on the whole national cemetery of Beijing.”

Rating: 57


Tag Team Title Tournament Semi Final


Seek and Cave!!! vs. BounDary SM

As expected, this match was full of determination from both sides. Ever since becoming EX, Keine is an unstoppable force, piercing through her opponents. With two on one though, BDSM managed to isolate her and gain the upper-hand. The hot tag was made, but after a short while, the heels were back on top. That is until Reisen showed up to force Yukaris attention away from the ring. With the referee distracted as well, Suwako entered the ring from the other side and layed out Ran. All Keine had to do now was caving and pinning her victim.

Winner: Seek and Cave!!! by Pinfall (12:48)

Rating: 57




Yukari is in rage about the incident.

“You think you’re smart? You think that, huh? Guess what, you ain’t so smart. You just did the worst mistake of your life. You will have your match on Sunday. And I will break your every bone. I swear to god, I rip off your goddamn ears and stick them up your ass you little piece of…”

Rating: 53




Ran takes the microphone out of Yukaris hand, leaving her surprised.

“I’m sorry, Yukari, but this is also getting personal to me. If you get your chance to smash that rabbit, I want to lay my hands upon the frog. That’s right, I want you this Sunday, Suwako. And I want it to be a No DQ-Match. I’ll give you a present you’ll never forget.”

Rating: 39


(9) Championship Match


Cirno© vs. Suika Ibuki

Suika was a tough opponent, as expected. But when Kaguya showed up to watch the match from ringside, Suika was distracted enough to get schoolgirled by the champ and lose.

Winner: Cirno by Pinfall (7:16)

Rating: 50




Suika grabs a microphone.

“So, since everybody wants to get revenge on somebody this Sunday, I will join in and ask you for…no, I challenge…dammit, I DEMAND a match with you, Kaguya. It looks like someone of us has to put a plug on this and I really hope it will be me…na, just kidding. I will rearrange your face, little princess. I don’t know what your problem is, but I’ll help you solve it, that’s for sure. And by solve I mean beat you up.”

Kaguya answers this right away.

“My problem? I don’t have a problem. I just don’t like you. You were standing in my way when I needed to vent my anger. And I really don’t like you. Your attitude, your clothes, the way you speak, your little drinking problem. I don’t like it. I don’t like your hair, I don’t like your theme, I don’t like you. You are the perfect punching back and I will love to blow my stack again this Sunday.”

Rating: 50




Backstage, Yuyuko is almost tripping over something. It’s candy! And it forms a track! Totally not being oblivious of the obvious, she follows it and enters Monsieur TecDax’s van. The doors get closed and off they go.

Rating: 35




Reisen and Suwako appear to answer their respective challenges.

Reisen: “I thank Suwako very much for playing along. So much for our cooperation, but now we must both face our enemies alone. For myself, I can say that I’m really happy about my match with you, Yukari. If you didn’t act like a wussy, maybe you would be champion soon. But whatever prevented that, it’s all your own fault, never forget that.”

“First of all, I’m sorry for not making Reisen come out of my hat, but this is serious business. Ran, if you really want to get this match without disqualifications, then I’ll make your theme song reality and make you run for your life. I’m not all fun and games and you should know that by now. But if you’re slow on the uptake, I’ll grant you a second round. Or maybe you have a headache fetish, I don’t know. But what I know is, that you will certainly need a nurse fetish, because you see a lot of them in the near future.”

“So, the answer is yes and yes. We’ll see you on Sunday. By the way, the hat thing, that would make a nice t-shirt.”

“For sure, we gotta work that out at the next opportunity.”

Rating: 59


No.1 Contender Fatal-4-Way Match


Alice Margatroid vs. Marisa Kirisame vs. Flandre Scarlet vs. Hong Meiling

Alice and Flandre losely worked together in this bout. It went back and forth, as expected. In the end, Meiling took out Alice with a top rope maneuver to the outside. Flandre left the ring to look after her, while Marisa took the chance to land the Master Spark on Hong to win the match and the championship opportunity.

Winner: Marisa Kirisame by Pinfall (16:55)

Rating: 56




Flandre is looking after Alice and helps her up, as Reimu appears at the entrance, bandaged around her head.

“You two…versus me. Sunday. Be there.”

Looking extremely serious, she just decided on another match for Embodiement of Scarlet Devil on her own, obviously not accepting a no. The show ends with Reimu and Flandre staring at each other, while Alice is still a bit groggy.

Rating: 51


TV Rating: 0.34

Final Rating: 52

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Well, I have accepted the ratings by now, but they weren't what I was aiming for anyway. This time Hijack was all hyping Embodiement of Scarlet Devil and making the last matches for it. I think it was not bad though.

I have another person needing some refreshment in character, this time it's Yukari. Well, shouldn't give me too much headache, she doesn't have much of a gimmicky character at the moment.

Suwako seems to be a good manager/valet (she does so for Suwako), so I know what she'll be doing once her active career is over.

China and Marisa like musicals, who would have thought. :D

The PPV card will be posted in a few minutes.

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Embodiement of Scarlet Devil

Get ready to wet your bed!


Gensokyo Championship Match


Aya Shameimaru vs. Marisa Kirisame


Tag Team Championship Tournament Final


Seek and Cave!!! vs. Visionary Scarlet Devil



Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Yukari Yakumo


Handicap Match


Reimu Hakurei vs. Alice Margatroid & Flandre Scarlet


No DQ Match


Suwako Moriya vs. Ran Yakumo



Suika Ibuki vs. Kaguya Houraisan


Be afraid (of missing it)!




Aya Shameimaru vs. Marisa Kirisame

Seek and Cave!!! vs. Visionary Scarlet Devil

Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Yukari Yakumo

Reimu Hakurei vs. Alice Margatroid & Flandre Scarlet

Suwako Moriya vs. Ran Yakumo

Suika Ibuki vs. Kaguya Houraisan

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I really like the graphics and layout you used. Esp the verses image you are using, really nice and crisp. I am a fan of clean and to the point.

With being a full time artist the awesome manga cuts you are using just add to my markdom.

I am totally addicted now.


Just a question, as I am totally new to the game..


What is a 9000-verse exactly? Does it just mean an alternate dimension? Kind of like Earth-1 and Earth-2 in the DC universe? Like if I took the Queen's Blade characters, gave them states and threw them into a game - that would be a 9000-verse game?


By the by...Seek should go solo and take over. :p

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Gensokyo Championship Match

Aya Shameimaru vs. Marisa Kirisame

Too early for a title change so Marisa falls short once again


Tag Team Championship Tournament Final

Seek and Cave!!! vs. Visionary Scarlet Devil

Hong Meiling will likely cost Remilia this match so Seek and Cave gets the titles.


Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Yukari Yakumo

Complete guess


Handicap Match

Reimu Hakurei vs. Alice Margatroid & Flandre Scarlet

Reimu is main eventer so he she should go over and Alice and Flandre likely won´t work well together anyway. It´s also quesetionable if Alice is willing to fight against Reimu at all.


No DQ Match

Suwako Moriya vs. Ran Yakumo

Ran is just a henchman, or girl but you get the idea, so she isn´t winning here.


Suika Ibuki vs. Kaguya Houraisan

Suika won their last match so if this feud will continue further tehn Kaguya needs to win here.

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I really like the graphics and layout you used. Esp the verses image you are using, really nice and crisp. I am a fan of clean and to the point.

With being a full time artist the awesome manga cuts you are using just add to my markdom.

I am totally addicted now.


Just a question, as I am totally new to the game..


What is a 9000-verse exactly? Does it just mean an alternate dimension? Kind of like Earth-1 and Earth-2 in the DC universe? Like if I took the Queen's Blade characters, gave them states and threw them into a game - that would be a 9000-verse game?


By the by...Seek should go solo and take over. :p


Thanks, but the graphics are all crayons doing, so you should thank him. :)


The 9000-verse is a fantasy databank, created by crayon. It's full of Anime-, Comic- and Video Game-characters (Marvel/DC is a big promotion). The version for TEW 2010 is in development, but maybe crayon will give you the beta if you ask nicely.


I edited the quick picks in, totally forgot about them. Sorry Zergon, too late for you apparently. :o

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Aya Shameimaru vs. Marisa Kirisame

(I always like picking the underdog/upset win)


Seek and Cave!!! vs. Visionary Scarlet Devil

(Seek is my favorite character, visually, on the roster so she gets my vote no matter what she is doing.)


Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Yukari Yakumo

(Guessing at this one)


Reimu Hakurei vs. Alice Margatroid & Flandre Scarlet

(I think this is a match to further story then anything else, but it may be a push match to help give Reimu more momentum)


Suwako Moriya vs. Ran Yakumo

(Going with the more established character here, plus never bet against someone with a pimp frog hat)


Suika Ibuki vs. Kaguya Houraisan

(I see this becoming something of an ongoing feud that after a few tag matches/botched finished/dusty finishes ends a in rubber match - so I go with Kaguya winning this one)

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Saturday, Week 4, March 2009

Touhou star Cirno is facing a contract renewal soon, as her old one is running out in April. Although she does not feature all the aspects in-ring that ZUN wants to see from his workers, she is too important for the company to let go.


I forgot to tell you, that Mokou and Keine are very happy to have reached the finals. Meiling is also happy, though she was the one pinned at the Fatal-4-Way. That's the kind of worker everybody wants on their roster. :D

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Show is booked, run and written. I'm just waiting for crayon to make his suggestions. :) Since he's the person who made me start this diary in the first place, I feel like I should do so.

And I can say this much, EoSD is worth reading. ;)

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Whoops, a few days late on read. Better now than never!


Aya Shameimaru vs. Marisa Kirisame

  • Marisa will look good but Aya will survive to fight another day methinks


Seek and Cave!!! vs. Visionary Scarlet Devil

  • VSD seems like they've proven themselves more, but I'll echo whoever expects a Hong Meiling/China run-in


Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Yukari Yakumo

  • No idea on this one... half expect some kind of surprise to come out of this or Ran's fight so I'll go with Yukari here


Reimu Hakurei vs. Alice Margatroid & Flandre Scarlet

  • Things will continue to get more complicated - I love how crazy Flandre looks in her picture :p


Suwako Moriya vs. Ran Yakumo

  • Suwako is on a roll baby


Suika Ibuki vs. Kaguya Houraisan

  • Throwing a bone to Kaguya, although Suika is more interesting to me atm

I also predict some candy van happenings courtesy of one friendly frenchman


Bring it on!

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Embodiement of Scarlet Devil 2009

Salaryman’s Despair, Shikoku (5,000 – SOLD OUT)


Dark Match


Youmu Konmpaku vs. Kanako Yasaka

In a rematch from Monday, Youmu seemed to have learned fast. The usually tag team worker looked better this time and was able to get the win.

Winner: Youmu Konpaku by Pinfall (6:26)

Rating: 52


Singles Match


Suika Ibuki vs. Kaguya Houraisan

Kaguya had some problems with Suika trying to end this fast, but managed to keep alive. Suika still had the upperhand and when it looked like Kaguya was going to lose, Eirin interfered behind the referees back and gave Kaguya the opportunity she needed to roll Suika up for the three count.

Winner: Kaguya Houraisan by Pinfall (8:23)

Rating: 43




The (9) champion, Cirno, is making her way to the ring to tell us something. Of course, her lackeys and manager are with her.

“I pity the fool who ordered this lame PPV. There is absolutely no reason to watch an event, where the (9) champion is not on the card. I don’t even know how this building was sold out. Most likely you got free tickets. But I am not a monster, I give you what you really want, which is me. Unfortunately, nobody back there has the balls to face me in a match tonight.”

Wriggle: “Uh…when did you stop attending school?”

“When I became too smart for it, why?”

“Er…just asking.”

“Huh, weirdo. Anyway, since there is nobody willing to fight me…”

A familiar music plays and Hong Meiling slowly gets out to the ring.

“What a coincidence. I don’t have a match tonight either. Say, why don’t we give the fans what they want and have a match right now?”

Despite the fans obviously liking this idea, Cirno suddenly backpaddles.

“What a shame, I just made a meeting with somebody since I wasn’t booked for a match. I’m sorry.”

“Well, too bad for you. I just got the information that our match has been booked this afternoon. Didn’t anybody tell you?”

Cirno turns her head to Mystia.

“You were supposed to check my e-mails today.”

“Well, you know I can’t read…”

“You can’t rely on anybody these days. Fine, you get your match.”

Rating: 62


(9) Championship Match


Cirno© vs. Hong Meiling

Unfortunately neither of the participants was a ring psychology expert, so this match tended to be a bit awkward at times. Meiling was about to beat the champion and make the belt finally change its owner, when Cirno decided she had seen enough and just left.

Winner: Hong Meiling by Count-out (18:10)

Rating: 42




Suwako is talking about her upcoming match.

“Some people have asked me: Suwako, why did you do this? That’s not you, you are a nice, calm person. That’s right, I am. But you should know, that the nice people are the worst once they explode.”

She puts on her hat, which is wrapped in barbed wire from the outside.

“And being treated like a nobody is something that set my fuse on fire. Ran, I promise you some horrible pain, because…”

She takes a sip out of a water bottle, wrapped in barbed wire as well.

“…I’m hardcore.”

Rating: 46


No DQ Match


Suwako Moriya vs. Ran Yakumo

Lots of objects were used, although the match wasn’t very long. Tables, chairs, even the barb wire bottle. At the end, Suwako turned her “hardcore hat” inside out…above Rans head! Being tortured by barb wire in her face, she got rolled up and pinned.

Winner: Suwako Moriya by Pinfall (8:06)

Rating: 60




Backstage, Remilia is ready for the match, as Patchouli enters the locker room.

Remilia: “Ah, there you are. Have a seat.”

“So, what’s the problem.”

“I wanted to tell you, that I am very disappointed that you seem to have lost all control over Flandre.”

“No, wait, I haven’t. It just got a bit more tricky and…”

“But I am willing to forgive you. You just need to prove that you are worthy of my mercy. You know what I mean, don’t you?”

“I guess so…fine. I’ll prove it.”

Rating: 48


Tag Team Championship Tournament Final


Seek and Cave!!! vs. Visionary Scarlet Devil

Remilia and Sakuya were able to separate Mokou and weaken her, but the hot tag was made and Keine caved her way through her opponents. Patchouli then showed us what she was supposed to do and knocked Keine out with a chair while Sakuya distracted the referee. That was too much, even for her. All that was left, was for Remilia to do the cover.

Winner: Visionary Scarlet Devil by Pinfall – NEW CHAMPIONS (17:54)

Rating: 66




As the bell rings, VSD are announced the winners and take the belts, the light dims. Remilia takes a microphone.

“Ladies and gentlemen, you have just witnessed the birth of a new era. All you have seen up to now was nothing but a warm-up. The Scarlet Devil Mansion once collapsed back upon itself. But out of its ashes, a new palace of darkness arised. In a place were sunlight is a mere memory of the past, the sky turned red and brought forth a force with unthinkable power and cruelty. I declare the Age of Darkness initiated. The time has come for us to bring eternal darkness to everyone stupid enough to come close.”

Some hooded figures bring a casket to the ring, where a still unconscious Keine is being placed inside. The coffin gets rolled back to the entrance, which is full of fire and smoke (boy, this has to be expensive). After it is out of sight, a flash flame appears and the light goes out completely. With the echo of Remilias laughter, the lights slowly turn back on and everybody has vanished from the ring. Eat your heart out, Undertaker!

Rating: 66




It’s time for a Reimu promo.

“Betrayal is the worst crime you can commit. Alice, you are charged with treason and I am the judge. I still don’t want to believe that this is true, so I give you a last chance of proving your innocence. I still believe in you. But should you get convicted…pray to god that you can run faster than me. And about Flandre…she is a monster, she has always been a monster and she always will be a monster. I’ll slay the monster like I’m supposed to. And don’t you dare get in my way, Alice.”

Rating: 47


Handicap Match


Reimu Hakurei vs. Alice Margatroid & Flandre Scarlet

While Reimu and Alice were still arguing, Flandre didn’t waste any time and attacked Reimu. Everytime Reimu was gaining the upperhand, her other opponent attacked her from behind. After a slightly botched landing from the ropes, Reimu seemd to be in a bit of pain, but continued the match. This went on for a bit until both, Alice and Flandre were close to losing. Reimu was about to finish Alice off, as Flandre pulled her away and actually offered herself as sacrifice. Reimu finished her off and got the three count.

Winner: Reimu Hakurei by Pinfall (8:20)

Rating: 44




Backstage, Marisa is ready for an interview.

“This may be my last chance for a long time to win myself a championship in this company. And I do have a very strong opponent. In fact, ever since Aya got rid of ZUN, she became even more dangerous than before. But the match isn’t over until the referee says so and I will do everything to win this. This is what I have dreamed of since I was a little girl. And lightning shall struck me if I don’t give it all out there. If it doesn’t work out…well, I at least tried. But don’t think, that I have any doubt about my victory tonight. I know that I can defeat you, Aya, and I will.”

Rating: 62




A video recaps the feud between Reisen and Yukari to the music of “Old Folks” by A.

Rating: 60


Singles Match


Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Yukari Yakumo

The two opponents had a very good match and it went back and forth multiple times. After countering out Yukaris finisher, Reisen managed to hit the Circle Moon and won, much to the fans’ delight.

Winner: Reisen Udongein Inaba by Pinfall (18:18)

Rating: 64




Next is Aya talking about the last match yet to come.

“I’m very happy that it was you, Marisa, who won the match on Monday. Just as expected, you are a woman worthy of being my opponent tonight. You are promising me to go all out? Well, I can give this promise back to you. Nobody…”

Aya looks to the side, the camera zooms out and we see ZUN standing next to her, looking pissed.

“Oh, hey. Looking forward to see my match?”

“If I’m looking forward? Hell no. You changed, Aya. You aren’t the woman I once knew.”

“The times they are a-changin, dude. I told you before and I’ll say it again. I’m thankful for your help in the past, but it’s time for me to be succesful on my own.”

“You abandoned me, nothing else. You used me to get where you are now. But I’m going to prove that you need me.”

ZUN leaves, looking determined.

Rating: 60




Before the match starts, we take a look at Youmu Konpaku. She knocks on Monsieur TecDax’s door.

“Ma oui?”

“Er, hi there. Say, have you seen Yuyuko somewhere? I haven’t seen her in a while.”

“No, I’m sorry, I have no idea where she may be.”

“I thought maybe she were here, she talked about candy and stuff and I think you had some…”

“No, not at all. Never seen her. Goodbye.”

He shuts the door.

“O…kay. Damn, where did she go?”

Rating: 41


Gensokyo Championship Match


Aya Shameimaru© vs. Marisa Kirisame

The two made their promises come true and had one of the best matches in the (to be honest, quite young) history of Touhou. ZUN came to the ring while the match was already running, but didn’t do anything…yet. His moment came when the referee got knocked out. He attacked Marisa and gave Aya a chair. She was supposed to demonstrate her loyalty to ZUN, but she was unwilling to do so. Far from it, as she hit ZUN with the chair. The crowd loved it. Both, Marisa and the ref got back up and Aya explained what happened. Marisa agreed to continue instead of winning by disqualification, so the referee let the match go on. After some more nice action, Aya managed to hit the Daymare and retained her title.

Winner: Aya Shameimaru by Pinfall (28:21)

Rating: 69




Aya celebrates her victory and maybe her breakup with ZUN. As Marisa gets up again, Aya walks over to her and offers her hand. Marisa thinks about it for a second, but takes it eventually. A small shakehand, not too respectful, but friendly. Marisa leaves and Aya celebrates a bit more until the show ends.

Rating: 58


Buyrate: 0.30

Final Rating: 61

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As you can guess, I'm in tears of joy about the rating. :D I never would have thought it'll turn out this good and it's awesome to read something like "this show has increased our popularity".

Some of your predictions were right, some dead wrong. Especially the wins of Reisen and Visionary Scarlet Devil weren't expected it seems. Well, I have a lot of plans in my head for the upper half of the roster, therefore I booked the matches in a specific way.

Unfortunately, Reimu has sustained an ankle injury. :( Since she wants to work through it, I will keep my plans for her, just rearranging them to have her work less in the ring.

Kaguya has missed a meeting with the road agent and got a slap on the wrist for that. Shee seemed to be insigthful and worked a (for her) exhausting match without any further rebellion. She was even happy about it afterwards. Whoa, did I make her a better person? :D

Reimu, Reisen and Youmu were also happy about their victories. The only one not so happy is Rumia. She apparently wanted a match as well. Sorry Rumia, but this isn't your time yet. Maybe some other day. ;)

Aya has now turned face for good. The fans accepted it and her match with Marisa was surprisingly good. No segment really sucked at all, four matches were in the 60s. I'm really happy now. :D

Next show may take a bit longer than my recent speed, I'll be working out the stories up to the next PPV. The shows will probably be posted with fewer time between them as it was the case in the beginning. At least I hope so.

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Seek lost, boo.


Other than that, good show. I have to say Suwako made me lol a bit with her hardcore attitude being 'just wrap things in barbwire', including a water bottle. Like the ending to that match as well, using her hat inside out was shocking and really inventive. Also could use the, 'I promise you some horrible pain' as one of her catch phrases.


I think I need to start thinking about the results and long term booking instead of just 'mark' choosing who I want to win. :)


Like to see where Seek is going as well as Suwako. I think they should form a tag team where they gimmick is like Suwako has done, just cover everything in barbwire - bottles, bras, shoes - everything. :p Kidding


Nice show.

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Lol, thanks. :D


Well, long term booking isn't always the case, I'll surely book some "1 PPV" feuds to fill up the card, but this time it just turned out this way. Not that I'm unhappy with it, not at all. ;)

The whole Suwako "hardcore" thing somehow created itself. I changed her gimmick from "Comic Relief" to "Comical Badass" and it just went that way. The hat "finisher" would definately provoke some "HOLY SH*T!" chants in real life, it sounded very painful. :D

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lol Suwako hardcore waterbottle turn! Need I say more?


Great ratings and I enjoyed the show to boot. VSD, Suwako, and Reimu have all become more interesting in my eyes. Surprisingly, Reisen and Yukari have kind of fallen off my radar in spite of their card position. Hopefully future shows will change this, but if not, there's always Cirno's antics as well as the mysterious Monsieur TecDax to keep me engaged :)


With a month or two of booking in your pocket, I'm curious as to how's the worker's progress going?

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