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How do I shot Danmaku? (a 9000-verse Beta Touhou Diary)

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Honestly, I'm not too certain how TEW calculates all that stuff. Is Shikoku your highest rated region (or in line with everything else)?


I'm no rocket scientist but I'm pretty sure as long as you're getting a positive result from your shows you should be gaining popularity in that region, plus spill over into other regions. It could be a matter of the workers needing to grow in popularity alongside the popularity of the show (been a long time since I looked at the promotion, but iirc, the main eventers were around 5-10 points more popular than the promotion's pop, and it sort of trickled on down from there).


Dare I say it, but mayhaps Touhou needs to bring in some girl/s from outside the Touhou realm? Either someone without the popularity but the talent to help your less skilled workers improve, or someone who's simply more over and can boost the main event happenings? (sorry that I haven't yet been able to add more touhou people to the mod who could fill those roles)

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Honestly, I'm not too certain how TEW calculates all that stuff. Is Shikoku your highest rated region (or in line with everything else)?


I'm no rocket scientist but I'm pretty sure as long as you're getting a positive result from your shows you should be gaining popularity in that region, plus spill over into other regions. It could be a matter of the workers needing to grow in popularity alongside the popularity of the show (been a long time since I looked at the promotion, but iirc, the main eventers were around 5-10 points more popular than the promotion's pop, and it sort of trickled on down from there).


Dare I say it, but mayhaps Touhou needs to bring in some girl/s from outside the Touhou realm? Either someone without the popularity but the talent to help your less skilled workers improve, or someone who's simply more over and can boost the main event happenings? (sorry that I haven't yet been able to add more touhou people to the mod who could fill those roles)


I just looked at the track progress again and I actually DID gain popularity in all other regions of Japan (1 point), so the spillover works, as well as the shows being watchable on tv or ppv. Currently I have 62 in Shikoku, 51 in Tohoku and 46 everywhere else (in Japan).

My main eventers popularity in Japan goes from 39 to 47. Their popularity in Shikoku goes from 50 to 60. So they are a bit less then the company's popularity.


My finances look awful, I'll try to get some tv revenue when the negotiation period starts in May. Signing a top name may be a bit tough to do before I can make some more money. Maybe I should start to get rid of some workers before, though I wanted to not do it when I started this. I'm not a good boss, I hate to fire people. ;) I'll keep this in mind for a later date.

Cult surely is "hard" version in TEW. :D

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Just as long as tv won't end up costing you more, given the cost/profits split.


I suppose the other thing to do for finances--although at detriment to the speed of gaining popularity--is to cut back and only do less shows month, since you'll still get the same amount of sponsorship money either way (depends on the amount of writtens vs ppa agreements you have of course). Cult definitely is tough though.


This is also a pretty good way for me to know what may need tweaking when I get back to the mod (not back to it yet.. working on something which may make diary writing easier/quicker for me, if not lots of people)

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Just as long as tv won't end up costing you more, given the cost/profits split.


I suppose the other thing to do for finances--although at detriment to the speed of gaining popularity--is to cut back and only do less shows month, since you'll still get the same amount of sponsorship money either way (depends on the amount of writtens vs ppa agreements you have of course). Cult definitely is tough though.


This is also a pretty good way for me to know what may need tweaking when I get back to the mod (not back to it yet.. working on something which may make diary writing easier/quicker for me, if not lots of people)


I'm gonna see what'll happen for now.

Something to make diary writing easier? Sounds interesting.

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Touhou Hijack #8

Tokiwadai Middle School Gym, Shikoku (2,000 – SOLD OUT)


Dark Match


Sanae Kochiya vs. Ran Yakumo

Ran seemed to be on a roll after her victory last night and had almost no problems with her opponent. Suwako was with Sanae and after the match, she and Ran stared at each other.

Winner: Ran Yakumo by Pinfall (5:49)

Rating: 49




As the show starts, the new champion makes her way to the ring, presenting the belt she won yesterday.

“I can’t believe it. Man, I have actually done it, I am the Gensokyo Champion. Hell yeah! Justice really does exist. All your shortways, all your upsucking, it did not work, Yukari. All the beautiful plans you had to cheat me or Aya out of victory, it backfired. You got what you deserve, which is…nothing. I’m sorry if my voice may give up while I’m talking, I didn’t close an eye all night as you can guess. Anyway, this is a dream coming true and I just wanted to tell you how happy this makes me.”

Rating: 67




She gets interrupted by the person she won the title from, Aya Shameimaru.

“Congratulations, Reisen. You have done it indeed. You are the new champion. I never thaught I’d lose it at Perfect Cherry Blsoom, but here I stand without the belt. You probably are a worthy champion, but there is one tiny little thing bugging me. The reason you are standing here now as the new champion is ZUN. I know that you have nothing to do with what he did to me yesterday, but…you still took advantage of it. Don’t get me wrong, I would have done the exact same thing, that’s for sure. But I am not just gonna accept it and go on as if nothing ever happened. Therefore, I think it’s not too much to ask for, I want a chance to get the title back. Just a match between you and me and we will see who’s the better woman.”

“You are absolutely right, that isn’t too much to ask for. In fact, it would be my responsibility to give you the fair chance you deserve. I don’t want to be remembered for cheating my way to the title. The sooner I prove myself one-on-one against you, the better. Hell, why don’t we do it tonight?”

“So be it, just the two of us, tonight. And I promise you this: If you leave this arena still the champion…you will have earned it.”

Rating: 63


Singles Match


Suika Ibuki vs. Flandre Scarlet

Although Suika tried hard to beat her opponent, Flandre was as powerful as ever and got the win in this match-up after the Forbidden Games.

Winner: Flandre Scarlet by Pinfall (7:28)

Rating: 47




While Flandre still celebrates her win, Marisa comes rushing to the ring. She attacks Flandre from behind and beats her good. After giving her a really mean look, she leaves again.

Rating: 42




Not only Reisen has won a title yesterday, so did Hong Meiling. And she’s in the ring now to tell us about it.

“Hell yeah, nothing goes over a good title win, don’t you think. Cirno, you seem to have forgotten one thing: If you want to trick somebody, you have to be smarter than her. And most importantly, the same trick won’t work twice. Oops, looks like my advice comes a little late for you. But you know what they say, harm set, harm get. I gotta admit one thing though. You created this belt, right? It looks really pretty on me.”

Rating: 53




We now see Reimu Hakurei, who is treated by a doctor (at least we hope he is one). She gets told, that her ankle will be fully healed by the end of the week and that she should just rest for today. She mumbles, but accepts it.

Rating: 43




Another person who had a match last night wants to talk to us, Kanako Yasaka.

“Last night, Keine wanted to prove something to me. She did prove something, that she is a lousy little cheater. Yeah, you heard me right. She surrounded the ring with her friends. Not only did they distract me, which would be bad enough by itself. No, they also attacked me. That’s right, they stopped me from getting a moment of rest, which you need from time to time. You know, to think about your strategy, catch a breath, all that stuff. What Keine proved last night, was that she is a coward.”

Somebody seems to disagree with that, which is Suika.

“Listen, butthead. How pitiful exactly are you, ranting about cheating now. If I remember correctly, you thought of Keine as nothing but a joke. Well, if she’s such an easy target for you, how come you even NEED a break to begin with? This is wrestling, not basketball. There’s no time-out.”

“You see, I would really love to argue with you all night, but I have a match now, so would you please just get the hell out of here, pretty please?”

“Sure, I don’t think it would make any sense to talk further since you don’t have any arguments anyway.”

Rating: 49


Tag Team Match


Seek & Cave!!! vs. Kanako Yasaka & Kaguya Houraisan

The ending to this match was similar to that of last night. Mokou and Kaguya were brawling outside, Keine and Kanako in the ring. This time Keine managed to pin her opponent without any help whatsoever.

Winner: Seek & Cave!!! by Pinfall (7:04)

Rating: 50




After the victory of the reformed Seek & Cave team, they have something to say.

Mokou: “Allright, looks like Seek & Cave are back on top again. And since we are back to old glory, what better place to continue than where we left off.”

“That’s right, we have some unfinished business. Last time we stood in the ring together was in the tag team title tournament. And as far as I remember, we were in the finals of it.”

“And we were THIS close to winning the belts.”

“Absolutely. That means, we should get a second chance, don’t you think?”

“We should. How about it, Remilia, Sakuya? Since you are so unbeatable and…hooo, scary.”

“We want a match against you and we want to get your titles.”

“And if you think you can handle the fire, I got news for you.”

Rating: 53




We see another duo backstage, that seemingly overcame their problems, the Netherworld Dwellers.

Youmu: “I’m proud of you, Yuyuko. You have made the first step towards freedom. You are on your way out of your addiction.”

“I don’t know, I still regret it a bit.”

“What are you talking about? You don’t need the candy, you are strong enough to overcome your weakness.”

“But I really, really want some candy right now.”

“That’s what the candy wants you to think.”

“What are YOU talking about?”

“I don’t know, but I know somebody who DOES know. It’s time we seek some professional help.”

“Oh no, I think YOU need some help.”

“Come on, don’t get off the train now. We can do it, YOU can do it. Let’s go.”

“I don’t know, it’s not like I’m SNORTING it…”

Rating: 34




Alice Margatroid is in the ring and will probably explain her actions to us before her match starts.

“Some of you might be asking why I did what I did last night. Did I sell my soul to the devil? Well, maybe I did. The fact is, that I still haven’t given up hope about Flandre. She is a nice girl and she needs some help. I’ve told you this already, no big news here. But after I had to watch her getting treated like the very last piece of trash over and over and over again, week after week, I decided to no longer take it. I tried to convince you all, but nobody wanted to listen. It’s not so much the ignorant people I am disappointed of, nor those who just don’t know any better. I completely expected Reimu to shut her ears and eyes and deny the truth. But what really hurt me was you, Marisa. Out of all the people in the world, I expected you to be the last person to stab me in the back. You see, when I forfeited my match against Reimu, I expected something from you. I expected a reaction. I don’t know what exactly I wanted, but what I got was nothing. You just accepted it. That opened my eyes, Marisa. I realized that you neither need my help nor do you want it. The only person who really needs me is Flandre. And yes, maybe I sold my soul to the devil, but it was totally worth it. From now on, all I care about is myself and Flandre. I don’t care what you think, if you call me a traitor or whatever. I just want you to know, that I have never been more satisfied than I am now.”

Rating: 46


Singles Match


Suwako Moriya vs. Alice Margatroid

In a solid match, Suwako once again tried to stay true to her hardcore image and tried to knock down Alice with a chair. The referee didn’t like that and tried to stop Suwako from using it, giving Alice enough time to kick her opponent’s face against the chair and knock her out.

Winner: Alice Margatroid by Pinfall (13:04)

Rating: 59




The third participant of last nights main event, Yukari Yakumo, as well as her manager ZUN want to talk about yesterday’s match too.

ZUN: “What happened yesterday was a shame. Everybody saw how Reisen stole the title away from Yukari. She did not deserve the win and certainly not to be the champion.”

“That was MY big moment and you just took it away from me. You do this all the time, but now you went too far. I will not let this slip through, believe me, I will get you for this.”

“You better prepare, because Yukari is really pissed right now. You haven’t seen her like that, I swear.”

“I will get you and it will be sooner than you think. Prepare to be destroyed, little rabbit!”

Rating: 59




Somebody we haven’t heard from yet is Cirno. Apparently she is not in the building tonight, as we see her in a nearby record store.

“Goddammit stupid little bi…hey clerk, where’s the new Vanilla Ice album?”

“Sorry, we don’t have any.”

“Crap, I knew it would be sold out fast. Well, let’s see what else we got here. Motörhead? Too feminine. Bon Jovi? Too masculine. Hey, Guns n Roses, I like that band. Didn’t know they still existed. Let’s see what they called their new release.”

Her smile freezes as she reads the title.


She throws the cd through the store and starts kicking the shelves. She takes an umbrella somebody has left at the entrance and destroys the whole shop. The clerk watches her, visibly frightened.

“I knew they would suck without Slash…”

Rating: 58


Gensokyo Championship Match


Reisen Udongein Inaba© vs. Aya Shameimaru

Not at all as entertaining and good as the match from yesterday, Aya and Reisen still did kinda okay. They shared an equal amount of time controlling the match, before Yukari ultimately interfered and attacked Reisen, leading to a disqualification.

Winner: Reisen Udongein Inaba by DQ (18:54)

Rating: 53




Yukari keeps on attacking the champion, but she gets attacked herself by Aya, who doesn’t take it too well to get her rematch disturbed like that. While Yukari escapes Aya’s punishment, she runs into Reisen, who’s back on her feet and executes a Circle Moon on the intruder. Yukari has had enough and gets lost. Aya and Reisen are left in the ring and stare at each other. They shake hands briefly as the show ends.

Rating: 60


TV Rating: 0.36

Final Rating: 50

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Wow, just look at the number. Standing there, mocking me. :(

The main event was pretty bad. 53? Hell, even Dark Matches come close to that. But that's how it works, you never know how a match-up turns out until you had it. I never thought those two were that lousy without a good opponent.

I switched the gimmicks of four people in total. While Suika's was succesful and the changes for Meiling and Yukari were decent as well, Ran didn't turn out that good. She's pretty displeased now. Which is very sad, since she was pleased after last nights big victory.

Another unpleased worker is Tewi. I guess it's because I didn't use her much over the last shows, but I never had a spot for her.

In writing, I think this is one of my better shows, but in numbers, it really blew. But turning good ideas into bad segments...doesn't that make me a candidate for a booking job at TNA? :D

Oh, and by the way: The next show might take until next week, depending on how long my visitor will stay.

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My visitor has left, work can continue. :D


Sunday, Week 4, April 2009

Good news for fans of Reimu Hakurei: She has gotten the final okay from the doctors today. Her injury is fully healed and she will step into the ring more actively again.


Monday, Week 1, May 2009

Negotiations between the Touhou Project and TNC are about to begin for another season of Touhou Hijack. Although the show is not a hit format, the company hopes for a better financial outcome than the previous contract offered.

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Touhou Hijack #9

Tokiwadai Middle School Gym, Shikoku (2,000 – SOLD OUT)


Dark Match


Kero Destiny vs. Gensokyo Blondes

While Suwako and Sanae have worked together before, Alice and Flandre were just a bit too much to handle for them. Flandre finished off Sanae to land the pinfall victory.

Winner: Gensokyo Blondes by Pinfall (5:42)

Rating: 42




Last week’s “victim” Aya Shameimaru comes out to open the show and has something to say.

“It shouldn’t be a surprise that I am really, really angry right now. I was cheated out of my victory yet again. Reisen, I am positive, that if it weren’t for that obnoxious hag to attack me, I would now be a two time Gensokyo Champion. Sadly I cannot prove this fact as long as somebody keeps me from having a fair match.”

Reisen interrupts to add something on this matter.

“Aya, I know how fed up you must be right now. Except for the fact that I was about to win anyway, I completely agree with you. There will be no real rematch between us until Yukari is taken care of. I do not appreciate these interferences, even though I benefit from them. I’d rather prove myself…BY myself.”

“So we are on the same side here. I agree with you, somebody has to take care of Yukari. Therefore I will face her tonight, one on one. And whoever wins shall be your opponent at Immaterial and Missing Power. How does that sound?”

“I say let’s do it!”

Rating: 66




Suwako is backstage and manages to catch Shikieiki, as she has something to talk about.

“Hey, hey ref. I need to talk with you.”

“Oh, hey Miss Moriya, what’s the problem?”

“You see, I have been driving on the losing street a bit lately. That’s mainly because you and your peers are constantly stopping me from using weapons.”

“Well, that is our job, the use of foreign objects is strictly forbidden, as you should know.”

“Yeah, well, technically you are right, but…you know, I’m hardcore.”


“So? How can I live up to my image if you don’t let me?”

“Look, if you don’t have hardcore stipulations in your matches, then you are not allowed to use objects.”

“You don’t understand. I guess I’m waisting my time here. I’ll think of something.”

Rating: 43


(9) Championship Match


Hong Meiling© vs. Eirin Yagokoro

The champion was able to show off some of her skills to the crowd as she rather easily won this match.

Winner: Hong Meiling by Pinfall (7:10)

Rating: 53




We now see Yuyuko and Youmu in the waiting room of a psychiatrist.

Yuyuko: “Do I really have to do this?”

“Listen, it’s only for your best. You have decided to fight your inner demon and now there is no turning back.”

“But I’d really like to…”

“Stop it! You’ve come all this way, you can’t give up now. Just let a professional help you on your last meters.”

The receptionist appears.


“You’re next, let’s go.”

Rating: 44




Marisa is coming to the ring, accompanied by a microphone.

“To say that I am disappointed would be the understatement of the year. I don’t know why you choose Flandre over your true friends, but I know this much: You’re wrong Alice. Your feelings have played a trick on you. You sold your soul because you feel cheated by us, your friends. That’s just the wrong way. We DO care for you, I care for you. Somebody once told me a story. A story about a shepard. I forgot how it exactly went, but the morale was, that God loves his lost sheep the most or something. I’m not a religious person, but I think I begin to understand it now. You are that lost sheep, Alice. And nobody will stop me from getting you back into sanity.”

Reimu’s music plays and the corresponding person appears at the entrance.

“I think I begin to understand as well. I think I know now what Remila ment when she said that Alice was just the beginning. She’s trying to make us all go nuts, just like Alice did. Well, I am not falling for that. Unfortunately, it looks like you are. You sound exactly like Alice when she talks about Flandre. Listen to me, Marisa. Listen very carefully. If you try to do anything stupid, I will personally stop you. May God be my witness, I’ll break your every bone if I have to. You will NOT become like Alice, I swear.”

“You see, THAT is what she is trying to do. To play us off against each other. We have to stick together now, more than ever before. We have to…”

“You heard me. I mean it, don’t try anything funny or you will regret it.”

Reimu turns around and leaves.

Rating: 52




Keine and Mokou drop by at Suika’s locker, as she is about to go out for her match.

Mokou: “Hey Suika, good luck.”

Suika: “Thanks, but I won’t need it.”

Keine: “You sure? That’s a dirty player you’re facing.”

“Don’t worry, she won’t fool me. Gotta go now, see ya later.”

Rating: 49


Singles Match


Suika Ibuki vs. Kanako Yasaka

Suika was controlling the match when Kanako went for one of the most basic tricks in the world. She rolled up her opponent and put her feet on the ropes to win.

Winner: Kanako Yasaka by Pinfall (7:05)

Rating: 42




Yukari and ZUN are backstage, ready to talk about tonight’s main event.

ZUN: “You guys are pretty funny, actually thinking you could outsmart us. Neither Aya, nor the soon to be former champion are a threat for this woman. She is perfect in every sense of the word. The fact that she does not have the belt is a series of unfortunate circumstances. But those will soon be corrected.”

“That’s right. I’ll start by beating you in the middle of the ring tonight, Aya. That’s what should have happened at Perfect Cherry Blossom after all. And when I’m done with her, I’ll be coming for you, Reisen. Your reign will be over in thirteen days. You better enjoy them, time goes by faster than you think.”

Rating: 60




We cut to a zoo, where Cirno is trying to get her mind clear. She walks around, looking at the animals and mumbles about how much she hates Meiling.

“Stupid girl, thinks she’s better than me, she’s just like those monkeys, throwing their feces at each other. Actually that was pretty funny. Hey, what’s that animal over there? Looks like a dirty polar bear. Let’s see what this sign says. Th…the giant pee…panda or just panda is a bi…bear native to cee…central-western and sa…south western…….RAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!”

Cirno snaps and jumps over the fence into the bear enclosure. We hear some fighting noise while the camera pulls over to a child watching.

“Look Mommy, it’s Kung Fu Panda!”

Rating: 53


Singles Match


Keine Kamishirasawa vs. Sakuya Izayoi

Sakuya proved to be a hard opponent and interferences by Patchouli didn’t help Keine either. Nonetheless she overpowered Sakuya, using her rage just the way she did as EX-Keine and won this match eventually.

Winner: Keine Kamishirasawa by Pinfall (12:54)

Rating: 59




After the match is over, Keine gets attacked from behind by Remilia and Patchouli. Sakuya joins the beating until Mokou comes down to the ring to clean house.

Rating: 48




After being chased away from the ring, Remilia gets hold of a microphone.

“Can you already feel the flames of purgatory coming after you? But it is not the fire of salvation. This is my own personal torture before you enter the real hell. There will be no deliverance for you. Those who are foolish enough to challenge the devil a second time shall be punished in a very unpleasant manner. Show up at Immaterial and Missing Power and you will feel an indeed very present power, the power of darkness. No mortal shall get away with disrespect for the devil. What’s puzzling you is the nature of my game. And I never lost at it.”

Rating: 54




We cut back to Youmu and Yuyuko at the psychiatrist. Yuyuko comes back into the waiting room.

Youmu: “So, how was it?”



“Yeah, he suggested to compensate my lust for candy with something else.”

“Huh, wouldn’t have expected that. What exactly did he tell you to eat instead?”

“He gave me a box of meat. He didn’t tell me what it is, but according to the taste I’d say it’s chicken. I like chicken.”

“Let me see…yeah, tastes good.”

As the two leave, we get to see the psychiatrist’s name on the door: Dr. Lecter.

Rating: 43




Before we get to the main event, the champ is backstage to tell us who she’d rather fight at Immaterial and Missing Power.

“If you ask me, who deserves the match more, there’s no doubt that it should be Aya winning this match. But if destiny wants me to meet Yukari once more, I will take that challenge as well. In fact, that would give me the chance to make those two clowns shut up once and for all. They have annoyed the fans long enough, it’s time somebody puts an end to this. I hope that Aya can do so tonight, but if she doesn’t…well, it would be a pleasure for me to do it personally.”

Rating: 73


No. 1 Contender’s Match


Aya Shameimaru vs. Yukari Yakumo

As expected, Yukari depended on the help of her manager, as Aya struggled against more or less two opponents. Since Yukari is not a main eventer for nothing, she took her chance and hit the Laplace’s Demon on Aya to pin her and get the title shot.

Winner: Yukari Yakumo by Pinfall (18:40)

Rating: 58




As Yukari poses over a defeated opponent, Reisen appears through the crowd and attacks her challenger at Immaterial and Missing Power from behind. ZUN also gets some and the show ends with a celebrating champion in the middle of the ring.

Rating: 66


TV Rating: 0.34

Final Rating: 52

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I guess I'll never understand how the final rating is calculated. 52? Come on, there were few segments below that. You gotta be kidding me. :mad:

But on the positive side, we had a 73 rating for Reisen's interview. Wow. Just...wow. If I remember correctly, that's the best segment ever. Even 70+ matches are very rare.

As you may have noticed, I created two new tag teams. Kero Destiny (Suwako & Sanae) have teamed up a few times already, so I am probably even late making a team out of them. The Gensokyo Blondes (stupid name, I know, but I like the Hollywood Blondes so much) may or may not be used regularly in the future, but I just wanted to be sure and make them an official occasional team.

Suika and Kanako did not work well together, which is not good. Better change some plans for them.

I know that crayon loves the candyman, so do I. But I just couldn't really put him anywhere on the card over the last two shows. He's not too pleased about that. I gotta think of something, it would be a waste of talent.

Yukari on the other hand is happy about her current portrayal. She had a good interview and a nice match and has really earned her title shot at IaMP.

And last but not least, Kaguya provoked Sanae backstage. I hoped we were through with this behaviour and I really hope it's just a one time occurence.

Many things work, some don't, the rating gives me a headache, I hope for a better tv deal and look forward to the next shows. :)

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Be interesting if you can replicate that kind of rating with another solo reisen promo? Cirno's hate of China continues to be entertaining, as is the latest turn with Yuyuko's candy addiction (dr lector, lolwut!). Also liking the current happenings with Alice/Flandre and Marisa/Reisen. Immaterial and Missing Power is shaping up pretty nicely I gotta say.
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Be interesting if you can replicate that kind of rating with another solo reisen promo? Cirno's hate of China continues to be entertaining, as is the latest turn with Yuyuko's candy addiction (dr lector, lolwut!). Also liking the current happenings with Alice/Flandre and Marisa/Reisen. Immaterial and Missing Power is shaping up pretty nicely I gotta say.


Nobody changes the channel when a bunnygirl is shown. :D

I enjoy writing the Alice/Flandre/Reimu/Marisa/etc angles, the whole story mutated on its own, it's almost as if it were alive. :eek:

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Saturday, Week 1, May 2009

“We are not entirely happy, but it could have went worse”, so far the statement of a Touhou official to the contract extension with TNC. The expectations of a better financial outcome weren’t met, on the other hand the contract runs for two seasons, which should give the company a bit more safety in planning.

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Touhou Hijack # 10

Tokiwadai Middle School Gym, Shikoku (2,000 – SOLD OUT)


Dark Match


Suika Ibuki vs. Tewi Inaba

Suika had no real problems and defeated her opponent with a Destruction in three Steps.

Winner: Suika Ibuki by Pinfall (5:46)

Rating: 44




The show begins with a smiling ZUN in the middle of the ring.

“Is there anybody in this building, who SERIOUSLY doubted, that my client, the incredible Yukari Yakumo, would win the match last week and NOT face Reisen at Immaterial and Missing Power? Yeah, exactly, that’s what I thought. You see Reisen, all your clever little tactics, that you keep making up to demoralize Yukari, they don’t work. You are just jealous, because SHE is the face of the company, while you are living a dream that only came true by accident. But that will be fixed this Sunday, when you will bow to the most powerful woman in all Touhou. To give you a first impression of how ready she is to take that gold, that rightfully belongs to her, you and your little sidekick Aya will face BounDary SM tonight. The clock is ticking and it’s ticking against you.”

Rating: 61




Before we start off with our first match, we take a look backstage, where Team (9) is discussing the latest actions of their leader.

Wriggle: “I don’t think she’s in any condition to fight right now. She may come out of the hospital soon, but she is certifiably insane.”

Mystia: “How can you talk about her like that? Have you forgotten what she did for us?”

“What exactly DID she do, huh? She promised to bring us to the top and now she’s losing focus even on herself.”

Rumia: “All worry and no play makes Rumia a dull girl.”

TecDax: “Girls, girls, relax. She just needs a little time-out to regenerate her strength, that’s all.”

“Yeah, right, and I am Santa Claus.”

“You are? Uuuuuhhhhh, what do I get for Christmas this year?”

“Shut up, Rumia.”

Suddenly the door opens and Cirno comes in, having a facial expression like a maniac.

“I found enlightment. Time for me to get my title back. And then we go to Disneyland. Maybe we get to see Bugs Bunny.”

As sudden as she came, she goes again. Everybody looks confused.

Rating: 38


Non-Title Match


Visionary Scarlet Devil vs. Kero Destiny

The champions dominated their opponents throughout the match. While Suwako could land some attacks, she still couldn’t turn the tide. At one point, Suwako accidentally landed on her head after a bump and was not able to move. Sakuya pinned Sanae to take it home while the medical team took Suwako backstage with a stretcher.

Winner: Visionary Scarlet Devil by Pinfall (6:52)

Rating: 52




Remilia grabs a microphone to threaten her opponents one last time.

“Only six days are left. Six days until two new graves will be occupied on my private victim cemetery. The devil is waiting for you in pleasant anticipation. My hunger for your blood is rising, day by day, hour by hour. Just thinking about what we will do to you at Immaterial and Missing Power sends a shiver down my spine.”

While she continues talking, flames start to rise around the ring.

“After this Sunday, you will be no more. I will not show you the mercy of making you part of the darkness. You shall forever be trapped in the eternal fire of hell. On the seventh day, you may not rest and certainly, you will not find any peace after I dragged you into desperation, a desperation without an exit, hahaha…”

As Remilia laughes, a loud bang lets the fire and the lights in the hall go out. After the lights go back on, the ring is empty, except for Alice.

Rating: 52




“One last thing. Reimu, Marisa, you two seem to have completely different opinions on what’s wrong. Who is the one responsible for your misery? Is it Flandre…or is it me? There is only one way to find out. Destroy what’s destroying you. Marisa, you see Flandre as the root to all evil happing to you. Therefore, you shall face her at Immaterial and Missing Power. Find out if what you think is true and if so, if you can handle to solve your problems. And Reimu…you never trusted me to begin with. You saw something in me before I even saw it myself. Maybe you are right and it is actually MY fault. On top of that, I don’t like you. So you will be my opponent this Sunday. Tonight, I want to see how much you two still trust each other. Me and Flan, we will see you later on in a tag team match. I’m eager to find out.”

Rating: 47




It’s backstage promo time with Aya and Reisen.

Reisen: “This Sunday we will find out who shall be the one to wear the Gensokyo Championship belt, me or you, Yukari. I’m surprised you managed to beat Aya, but Sunday, oh boy, it’ll be a whole different story.”

“Whaddaya mean by that? Anyway, I’m embarassed to have fallen for your tricks once again, ZUN. But that shall never happen again, especially not when it’s for the championship. You may have plans for Sunday, and I’m sure you have, but none of that will happen. I will be there and I will keep an eye on you. And if you dare try to get the title with some of your dirty tricks, I will make you pay for it.”

Rating: 59


(9) Championship Match


Hong Meiling© vs. Kaguya Houraisan

Meiling wrestled this as a standard title defense, not getting into too much trouble. That is until Cirno came out of nowhere and attacked her. This of course caused a disqualification victory.

Winner: Hong Meiling by DQ (7:08)

Rating: 58




After Cirno ended the match by herself, she takes a look at the title belt she once owned. After a nostalgic glance at it, she grabs a microphone.

“This belt does not belong to you, it’s mine. I created it, it is supposed to be mine forever. How dare you break us up. Don’t worry belty, Mommy’s getting you back. I want a rematch this Sunday. I can’t stand to be without it any longer.”

Rating: 52




Before Cirno bursts out into tears, Meiling responses.

“Stop it, my God. This is absurd. You act like an infant, you know that? It hurts to even look at you in this state. If you love this title that much, then fine, try to win it back, you pathetic piece of crap. I give you another match this Sunday so PLEASE stop this at once. Oh, one more thing. If you think I’ll just give it to you, you’re wrong. If you really want it back, earn it.”

Rating: 51




One more time, we take a look at Yuyuko and Youmu at the psychatrist. This time we get to take a look in the session, where an Anthony Hopkins lookalike is talking to Yuyuko (while Youmu observes).

Dr. Lecter: “Now it’s time to clear your mind from everything that is left of your addiction. Speak after me: I don’t need candy.”

Yuyuko: “I need…don’t need candy.”

“Candy tastes horrible.”

“Candy tastes adorable…HORRIBLE, horrible.”

“I prefer meat.”

“I prefer meat.”

“And flava beans and a nice chianti.”

The doc slurps like in the movie.


Youmu: “Stop teaching her such things.”

“Okay, I think we’re done.”

Yuyuko gets up and leaves with Youmu. On the way out, Yuyuko tries to make a sound like the doc, but can’t.

“Stop it!”

Rating: 43


Tag Team Match


Red n Black Attack vs. Gensokyo Blondes

The pairings for Sunday were the ones mostly fighting each other in this match. While Marisa and Flandre were busy with each other, Reimu hit the Miko Orbs to beat Alice and make a statement.

Winner: Red n Black Attack by Pinfall (13:16)

Rating: 48




Suwako is looking for Ran backstage and finds her (this segment was recorded earlier, so she is still pretty healthy).

Suwako: “Hey Ran, I have an offer to make.”

“And you think I want to hear it?”

“Of course. You see, when we had our first match, we had hardcore rules. I won.”

“I know that, what do you want?”

“Relax, let me finish. When we had our second match, we had no special rules and you won. So what I came up with is the following. We fight a third time, but this time…under different rules.”

“Different rules?”

“Exactly. You will fight under hardcore rules. You can use any kind of objects, you won’t be disqualified or counted out. I on the other hand will obey to the normal rules. No objects, DQ and count-outs will count for me.”

“That’s the by far the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. But I’ll accept. If you want to give me such an advantage, fine.”

“Thanks a lot. We’ll see if that was stupid.”

Rating: 51




We now have Suika in the ring.

“I’m sorry to keep you away from the main event for a minute, I’m sure y’all wanna see that. Me too. But there’s one thing I got to take care of first. So let’s make this as quick and simple as possible, allright? If I calculated correctly, there is one match spot still open for Immaterial and Missing Power. Therefore, I want to use this opportunity to challenge Kanako to a rematch this Sunday. You can trick me once, but it will not work a second time. So, do you accept? Come on out, I won’t bite.”

Rating: 42




Kanako appears at the entrance.

“I’m sure you don’t bite, you bark way to loud for that. But I can assure you that I do bite. And when I bite, I inflict you with poison, my dear. Trust me. But if you want to make it quick, here’s your quick answer: yes. I don’t have a problem to fight you one more time. I know what I am capable of and I will be glad to prove it once more this Sunday.”

Rating: 47




Before we finally get to the main event, BounDary SM and ZUN are ready for a final promo.

Yukari: “I can’t wait to lay my fingers on you two wannabe champions. I am the only one in Touhou worthy of that belt and Sunday at Immaterial and Missing Power, I will take it and I will beat you so badly, that you will crawl home to your mommies and ask them why you were even born.”

ZUN: “And if you think you can do ANYTHING against this, Aya, you have lost your senses. This is Yukari’s big hour and neither you nor Reisen will stop her from becoming the new Gensokyo Champion. Believe it!”

Rating: 61


Tag Team Match


Reisen Udongein Inaba & Aya Shameimaru vs. BounDary SM

The match went back and forth. Everytime Reisen and Aya were getting the upperhand in this fight, ZUN interfered, slightly enough to not get his team disqualified. A classic heel win occurred when the referee was with Aya, who was mad at all the evildoing and ZUN took the chance to hit Reisen from behind with a shoe. An obligatory Laplace’s Demon later, BDSM won. With the celebrating heels, the show ends.

Winner: BounDary SM by Pinfall (19:27)

Rating: 60


TV Rating: 0.38

Final Rating: 52

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First of all, I want to reassure you that Suwako did not get hurt as badly as it looked like. Unfortunately though, she won't be able to step into the ring at IaMP. Best wishes from me and all her friends from the company. Get well soon. :)

But now for the bare facts.

Kaguya missed a meeting again. I was fed up with that crap and fined her. This probably got to her as she apologized and her happiness even rose.

Mokou's fell a little, as she had no on-camera role this week. Well, can't put everybody on camera all the time. The hype for the tag match was pretty minor, I'll admit that. But not every match can be made to look epic I'm afraid.

A little sidenote at the end. Eirin makes a good manager.

I'm not 100% sure the PPV will be posted this year since I have a small vacation between Christmas and New Year. It'll be awesome anyway. :p:D

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Immaterial and Missing Power 2009

more like missing limbs lol


Gensokyo Championship Match


Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Yukari Yakumo


(9) Championship Match


Hong Meiling vs. Cirno


Tag Team Championship Match


Visionary Scarlet Devil vs. Seek and Cave!!!



Suika Ibuki vs. Kanako Yasaka




Two Duels of Hatred and Distrust



Reimu Hakurei vs. Alice Margatroid



Marisa Kirisame vs. Flandre Scarlet


If you miss it, Santa will miss you out too!




Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Yukari Yakumo

Hong Meiling vs. Cirno

Visionary Scarlet Devil vs. Seek & Cave!!!

Suika Ibuki vs. Kanako Yasaka

Reimu Hakurei vs. Alice Margatroid

Marisa Kirisame vs. Flandre Scarlet

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Suwako vs Ran sounds like an awesome match idea. Surprising how it's possible from a character I was originally oblivious to.


Wow, that was fast. Did somebody put some Ayas in your food? :D

I'm actually a bit proud to have come up with a match like that, I don't remember anybody doing something like this before. Too bad it won't happen. :( But postponed doesn't mean droped. ;)

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Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Yukari Yakumo

Reisen just won the title so she isn´t losing it yet


Hong Meiling vs. Cirno

Too early for a title change and Cirno won´t get it back anyway


Visionary Scarlet Devil vs. Seek & Cave!!!

Another too early for a change match


Suika Ibuki vs. Kanako Yasaka

Just personal preference as this one could go either way


Reimu Hakurei vs. Alice Margatroid

If I remember right Reimu is main eventer while Alice is midcarder so I have to go with Reimu here though I hope Alice takes this one.


Marisa Kirisame vs. Flandre Scarlet

Somekind of heelish win happens here in order to make these two bouts go 1-1.

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Reisen Udongein Inaba vs. Yukari Yakumo

Flipped a coin, came out Yukari


Hong Meiling vs. Cirno

Not sure how long Cirno can go without it, but something is going on with team(9)


Visionary Scarlet Devil vs. Seek & Cave!!!

Agree with Zergon on this


Suika Ibuki vs. Kanako Yasaka

Same as Zergon, but Suika is my preference


Reimu Hakurei vs. Alice Margatroid

Takes Alice out the picture...


Marisa Kirisame vs. Flandre Scarlet

... and causes some disruption in this match :p

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I'm only about halfway through reading, but I wished to offer commentary before I start forgetting things. >_>


-You've managed to get me interested in some characters that don't normally interest me. I started out just marking for people I like (why is Cirno not champ yet, anyway?) but you've got me reading to follow things like Aya's storyline and Yukari now, too.

-As much as I like Suwako and her innocent character, the steel pipe was AWESOME.

-Also a big fan of the Flandre/Patchy/Alice bit.

-Needs more Cirno, but that is going to be a complaint even if you push her to HoI. <_<

-I do like the way that you're able to weave storylines together. EVERYBODY has an angle going into their match, and that's pretty cool. It's something I really like, but have never quite managed to duplicate in my own games.

-I am pretty bummed that Chen and Team (9) aren't doing so well for you. :\

-I was dreading TecDaz when he first showed up, but now that you're taking the innocent route, I love him.

-I kinda need this mod, now that I am aware of it. I kinda need it badly.

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