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HGC: The TOTAL Makeover

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HGC Hollyweird TV

Tuesday of Week 1, February 1997

Evanovich Riverside (Tri State)

Attendance: 9,252




A flashy pyrotechnic display opens the show with a bang and the camera proceeds to scan the audience who are cheering as though their lives depended on it. A couple of signs made by audience members are focussed on before we are directed towards the broadcast booth where we see Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes.



Azaria: “Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to HGC Hollyweird TV. Just two nights ago we held our inaugural pay-per-view Malice in Wonderland and what a show it was.”


Rhodes: “You said it Azaria, We have now crowned a World Heavyweight and World Tag Team champions. Rip Chord had a match for the ages against long time foe, Sam Strong and was able to come out on the winning end with the World Heavyweight title.”


Azaria: “The Blazing Flames turned back the clock and showed the world that they are still one of the greatest tag teams today when they beat the Tag Team Specialists in a hotly contested affair.”


Rhodes: “It certainly was a memorable night and it is only onwards and upwards from here!”


Azaria: “I’m just getting word that our new HGC World Heavyweight Champion, Rip Chord has demanded some camera time. Let’s head to the ring to see what he has to say.”








Rip Chord is standing in the centre of the ring with the World Heavyweight title around his waist. He slowly removes it, raises it to eye level and stares at his own reflection in the gold.


Chord: “Last night I cemented myself as the greatest professional wrestler of all time. I beat the so called legendary Sam Strong and I barely broke a sweat in the process........You see Sam Strong may be a great wrestler, but for all of his merits he has one fatal flaw........he cares about you people!............I couldn’t give a damn about what any of you think, what any of you have to say, nothing......... I wouldn’t p*** on you if you were on fire...................That’s the difference between a great wrestler and the best of all time; and ladies and gentleman believe me when I say you are looking at the best..........This belt, this ten pounds of gold was made for a champion of my calibre. Nobody on this roster deserves to even be in this ring with me.


The crowd are booing loudly.


Chord: “Oh, you don’t like it?.............. Well you better get used to it, because I am going to be around for a long, long time and this belt right here, this isn’t going anywhere but around my waist.”


Chord raises the belt high in the air and smiles arrogantly before leaving the ring with the belt over his shoulder.





Azaria: “Rip Chord has never been one to mince his words and tonight wasn’t any different. He certainly did well to win the title on Sunday, but to say he didn’t break a sweat is highly inaccurate.”


Rhodes: “That’s what success does to some people.........It gives them an inflated sense of self worth.”


Azaria: “But usually it comes back to bite the individual shortly thereafter........Coming up next we have our opening match of the evening between Cowboy Ricky Dale and Brent Hill verses Paul Steadyfast and Giant Redwood. It will be interesting to see which team has recovered quicker from last Sunday’s matches. I would have to say that Brent Hill and Cowboy Ricky Dale should be in better condition as their opponents for tonight competed in a hardcore match and you know that takes a toll on the body.”


Rhodes: “You may be right Azaria. Guess we will find out now.”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/BrentHill_alt22.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/PaulSteadyfast.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/GiantRedwood_alt2.jpg


Cowboy Ricky Dale & Brent Hill vs Paul Steadyfast and Giant Redwood


A good albeit short match saw Giant Redwood do much of the work for his team whilst his tag team partner yelled encouragement from the corner. Hill and Dale used good, fluent tag team work to grind down the big man. The end of the match came when Steadyfast was accidently struck by a big boot from Redwood which damn near took his head off. Brent Hill capitalised on this and hit a low dropkick to the knee of the big man and another to the head which sent him tumbling out of the ring. Ricky Dale hooked the leg of the still incapacitated Steadyfast for the one-two-three. After the bout Steadyfast began to scream blue murder at Giant Redwood and shoved him in the chest. Redwood looked down, snarled and started to pace towards Paul. Steadyfast began to panic and produced another wad of cash which Redwood slapped clean out of his hand into the front row. Steadyfast turned tail and began to sprint backstage with Redwood in hot pursuit.





Azaria: “It looks as though things have gone from bad to worse for Paul Steadyfast. I don’t envy him at all.”


Rhodes: “Redwood is going to beat the holy hell out of him......Nobody shoves Giant Redwood!”


Azaria: “At least nobody gets away with it that is...........Up next we have another tag team contest between Savage Fury and The Vessey Brothers.”


Rhodes: “There has certainly been no rest for Bryan and Larry who just came off a really tough bout against The Demons Of Rage. Savage Fury is built very much in the same mould as Anger and Spite so we could be in for another wild brawl.”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/Java.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/TribalWarrior.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/BryanVessey.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/LarryVessey.jpg


Savage Fury vs The Vessey Brothers


Bryan and Larry Vessey decided to go back to their pure grappling roots against Java and Tribal Warrior who really didn’t stand much of a chance when The Vesseys got rolling. Savage Fury did begin to get the better of Bryan but any success they had was short lived. Larry managed to tag in and hit Java with the Sick Cycle for the pinfall finish. The Vesseys continue their roll.





Azaria: “It looks as though Bryan and Larry are rolling towards a tag team title shot. With performances like this The Blazing Flames could be facing a big challenge right off the bat.”


Rhodes: “Well there are no easy tag teams in HGC. Anybody can win in professional wrestling. After all, it only takes three seconds.”


Azaria: “Truer words have never been spoken and that is what makes this sport so special!.......................It looks as though Dread has something to say because he has snatched a microphone and is standing in the middle of the ring.”








Dread has his sunglasses on and is standing stoic in the centre of the ring.


Dread: “You know what makes me different from everybody that has ever stepped foot in a squared circle?..........No?.........Well let me explain..........Nobody possesses animalistic aggression like I do. When I put my mind to something you better believe I will get it done by whatever means necessary..............Take Monty Walker as an example...........He stuck is nose in my business and cost me MY shot at the HGC World Heavyweight title!.................He thought he could get away with it..........He was wrong....dead wrong..........You see I decided that beating Walker wouldn’t be bad enough, I wanted to take his career. Make sure that he could never wrestle, hell......never WALK again!.........Malice In Wonderland served as Monty Walker’s burial ground and now that he is well and truly out of the picture I am left to wonder what my next move will be................I can strike any HGC competitor at any time because I just don’t care about the consequences.............Even when you don’t see me, I will be there watching.......waiting. When I see my moment.....I will strike like a freight train!.......Consider this as a warning to the entire HGC locker room...............You could be next!”






Azaria: “The HGC roster has just been put on notice.........Dread is on a warpath!”


Rhodes: “The scary thing is that there is no way of knowing where or when he will strike next.”


Azaria: “Coming up next we have a singles match between BLZ Bubb and Dusty Streets. We can only wonder what kind of mental frame of mind BLZ Bubb is in tonight. Dusty Streets will have to be very cautious and handle with care.”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/TysonBaine.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/DustyStreets.jpg


BLZ Bubb vs Dusty Streets


A wild brawl ensued between these two heavy hitters which went from the ring to the entraneway and even briefly into the front row of the crowd. It has to be said that the referee showed a great deal of lenience and really just observed as the match got more and more chaotic. Dusty Streets threw a chair into the ring but as he went to slide himself back in he was cut short by BLZ Bubb. Bubb proceeded to pick Dusty Streets up and hit a devastating Hades Bomb onto the steel chair. Streets didn’t stand a chance and subsequently couldn’t kick out of the ensuing pinfall. Following the contest, Bubb picked up the steel chair and just stared at it blankly before laughing and exiting the ring with the chair still in his grasp.





Azaria: “It doesn’t appear as though Bubb is getting any better with these episodes.”


Rhodes: “In his defence, he didn’t rock back and forth this time like he has in the past.”


Azaria: “I suppose so......................Our next bout of the evening sees Craig Prince square off against Liberty. Let’s head back to ringside.”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/CraigPrince.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/Liberty.jpg


Craig Prince vs Liberty


A really entertaining contest that proved Craig Prince can hang with some of the bigger names in HGC. The contest was back and forth for the most part but we did see Craig Prince target Liberty’s knee and wear him down for a few minutes which allowed him to grow in confidence. Confidence soon morphed into arrogance and this proved costly. Liberty fought his way back into the contest and finished the bout off with a Liberation Slam. The three count followed soon thereafter. Upon winning Liberty requested the microphone so he could send a little message.



Liberty: “I would like to dedicate this win to my lovely little lady.........you know who you are.”





Azaria: “Who do you suppose that was meant for?”


Rhodes: “My guess would be Karen Killer.......you know.....the ‘little lady’ he has been harassing for weeks!?”


Azaria: “Oh, I thought he might have been talking about you........”


Rhodes: “Very funny Azaria......don’t quit your day job!”


Azaria: “I’m just getting word that BLZ Bubb is in the basement of the building and our camera crew are there to see exactly what he is doing.”








Bubb is sitting in a slightly darkened room. He is still holding the chair that he used to defeat Dusty Streets. The dent in the chair is visible.



Bubb: “By the hand of God, everybody....man, woman and child shall be judged. Nobody is exempt from the wrath, from the fiery abyss that waits for those who have done wrong................You think you are special, different from all the others, but you are not. I have seen what is needed to be done................Yes.........it will be over soon.....................Instructed by the greatest power, his work shall be carried out!................And I will be acting in his name.”


Bubb begins to hit himself in the head with the chair until a trickle of blood is seen running down his face.





Azaria: “The guy is insane! What the hell is he talking about?”


Rhodes: “Your guess is as good as mine Azaria. But from what I heard, it doesn’t sound like a picnic in the park.”









Karen Killer walks into the locker room and spots who she is looking for. She walks right up to the HGC World Heavyweight Champion, Rip Chord who is sitting with his belt on his lap.


Killer: “Rip I really have to talk to you.”


Chord: “Whatever it is, make it quick. I’m a very busy man.”


Killer: “Did you see what just happened out there?”


Chord: “What?”


Killer: “Liberty is stalking me and I am getting sick and tired of it.”


Chord: “So.......What does that have to do with me? Get BLZ Bubb to sort him out.”


Killer: “I have tried, but I can’t seem to get through to him right now. He is losing his mind!”


Chord: “So you thought you would come to me and ask for help?”


Killer: “Well you are the World Heavyweight champion after all. Who better to ask for help than you.”


Chord: “You do make an exceptional point........................What do I get out of this?”


Killer: “Anything you want.....................”


Chord smiles


Chord: “I see..................Fine, I will help you with Liberty.”


Killer: “Excellent..............see you around.”


They exchange one last glance before Karen Killer leaves the room and Rip Chord returns his gaze to his title belt.





Azaria: “Karen Killer has got herself a new........client in Rip Chord, or so it would appear.”


Rhodes: “Well she can’t really rely on BLZ Bubb right now with how unpredictable he has been as of late.”


Azaria: “Sam Strong goes one-on-one against Peter Valentine next! Let’s join the action at ringside!”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/SamStrong.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/PeterValentine.jpg


Sam Strong vs Peter Valentine


Strong and Valentine participated in a very even contest with no man getting an advantage for too long. Valentine did hit a Heartbreaker on Strong but it wasn’t enough to put him away for a three count. Likewise, Strong could not put Valentine away with the Strong Arm Tactic the first time of asking. In fact it took two of Sam Strong’s patented finishers to finally put this match to bed. The referee’s three count followed shortly thereafter. Sam Strong begins to celebrate with his fans when the arena lights go out................The lights remain off for about 20 seconds before returning. Sam Strong is face first down on the canvas with no attacker to be seen.





Azaria: “I don’t know what just happened? Who attacked Strong?................He looks like he might be seriously hurt!”


Rhodes: “It takes one hell of a wrestler to be able to leave Sam Strong in such a helpless state! I don’t think I have ever seen him like this.”


Azaria: “Strong is being helped to the back by officials as we speak so I guess all that’s left is the main event. Rip Chord squares off against Mr Lucha in a non title match.”


Rhodes: “This will be his first match since winning the World title at Malice In Wonderland so expect to see him put on one hell of a strong performance.”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RipChord.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/MrLuchaIII.jpg


Rip Chord vs Mr Lucha


A surprisingly even contest saw Mr Lucha use his quick and graceful aerial attacks to keep Rip Chord from settling into any real rhythm. This was truly a battle between distinctive styles. The crowd ate it up which no doubt encouraged the usually lower card worker and kept him in the contest for a while longer than anybody was expecting. However, momentum could only take the luchador so far and he eventually succumbed to Rip Chord and his brutal DDT. Chord looking rather annoyed, followed up with the winning pinfall immediately after it landed.






Azaria: “The World Heavyweight Champion looked impressive tonight in this victory and he sure had to dig deep against his opponent, Mr Lucha.”


Rhodes: “I think the Mexican high flier caught him a little off guard tonight. I don’t think Rip expected that much out of him. But regardless of this, a win is a win and Chord looked good in doing so.”


Azaria: “Well folks, that’s all we have time for tonight. Be sure to tune in next week for more HGC Hollyweird TV! Goodnight!”



We are left with the image of Rip Chord holding the World title high above his head having just pushed his fallen opponent out of the ring via the bottom rope like he was trash. The screen fades to black.

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Guest cmdrsam
Very nice. I love the BLZ Bubb segments. Dread I like as well. Wonder what your main event grade was with Mr. Lucha. If he were younger I probably would push him more than I do. Like what you are doing here bub so keep it up.
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Prediction Results


Jaded: 3/5 - I would just like to start off by saying that I forgot to put down BLZ Bubb vs Dusty Streets on the prediction key, so I apologise for that. Good score Jaded!


Truth: 4/5 - Welcome to the diary and congratulations on a great first score!


BHK1978: 4/5 - Great predicting as usual BHK1978. Its interesting that so far nobody saw Liberty beating Craig Prince.........


Stennick: 5/5 - .........until you sir. Absolutely fantastic work. You have won this round!



Round Result

Congratulations Stennick, you have won this round!





1st: Stennick = 4


2nd: BHK1978 = 3


3rd: Jingo = 1


3rd: Boltinho = 1


3rd: Jaded = 1


3rd: Teh_Showtime = 1


4th: Truth = 0



Hope you guys all enjoyed the show.

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Very nice. I love the BLZ Bubb segments. Dread I like as well. Wonder what your main event grade was with Mr. Lucha. If he were younger I probably would push him more than I do. Like what you are doing here bub so keep it up.


Thanks sir. I'm glad you are enjoying it. The Rip Chord/Mr Lucha match pulled an 84. I was pretty darn happy with the number to be honest.

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HGC Hollyweird TC (Tuesday of Week 2, February 1997)


Full Card


Rip Chord vs Dusty Streets (Non Title)


Liberty vs Peter Valentine


Paul Steadyfast vs Sam Strong


The Blazing Flames vs The Vessey Brothers (Non Title)


BLZ Bubb vs Dark EAGLE


Savage Fury vs The Tag Team Specialists


Jack Bruce vs Human Arsenal

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Rip Chord vs Dusty Streets (Non Title)


Liberty vs Peter Valentine


Paul Steadyfast vs Sam Strong


The Blazing Flames vs The Vessey Brothers (Non Title)


BLZ Bubb vs Dark EAGLE


Savage Fury vs The Tag Team Specialists


Jack Bruce vs Human Arsenal

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Rip Chord vs Dusty Streets (Non Title)


Liberty vs Peter Valentine


Paul Steadyfast vs Sam Strong


The Blazing Flames vs The Vessey Brothers (Non Title)


BLZ Bubb vs Dark EAGLE


Savage Fury vs The Tag Team Specialists


As I have said before I hate the Savage Jobbers. And Robert Oxford is one of my favorite C-Verse characters so yeah the Jobbers might win but I am going with who I like.


Jack Bruce vs Human Arsenal

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I'm glad I returned to form to get my second ever 100 percent :) This weeks show is going to come down to the tag team match I believe. Whoever wins between Fury and TTS is going to be the one that separates who wins this round and who doesn't. I like the build into The War to Settle the Score keep it up.



Rip Chord vs Dusty Streets (Non Title)


Liberty vs Peter Valentine


Paul Steadyfast vs Sam Strong


The Blazing Flames vs The Vessey Brothers (Non Title)


BLZ Bubb vs Dark EAGLE


Savage Fury vs The Tag Team Specialists


Jack Bruce vs Human Arsenal

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Rip Chord vs Dusty Streets (Non Title)

Not falling for the non-title dummy


Liberty vs Peter Valentine


Paul Steadyfast vs Sam Strong


The Blazing Flames vs The Vessey Brothers (Non Title)


BLZ Bubb vs Dark EAGLE


Savage Fury vs The Tag Team Specialists


Jack Bruce vs Human Arsenal

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Rip Chord vs Dusty Streets (Non Title)

Rip needs momentum to realy establish the HGC Title, so I expect him to win for a while yet.


Liberty vs Peter Valentine

Liberty is entertaining as hell, and Peter Valentine still realy sucks.


Paul Steadyfast vs Sam Strong

Paul seems to be on a loosing streak, and Sam needs the win after the loss to Rip. I suspect Redwood may get involved somewhere though.


The Blazing Flames vs The Vessey Brothers (Non Title)

A Vessey win to set up the title match. Obvious, but it works.


BLZ Bubb vs Dark EAGLE

Shortish match with Eagle bumping like a maniac for Bubb.


Savage Fury vs The Tag Team Specialists

The Furys are always the first firings I do in HGC (along with Valentine). As long as they are employed, they should loose consistantly and quickly.


Jack Bruce vs Human Arsenal

Nice to see the other future Machine in HGC. This could go either way, so just to be different, I'll go with Anderson.

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HGC Hollyweird TV

Tuesday of Week 2, February 1997

Connecticut Symphony Hall (New England)

Attendance: 8,171




A flashy pyrotechnic display opens the show with a bang and the camera proceeds to scan the audience who are cheering as though their lives depended on it. A couple of signs made by audience members are focussed on before we are directed towards the broadcast booth where we see Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes.



Azaria: “Hello everybody and welcome to another edition of HGC Hollyweird TV. We have an action packed show lined up and the fans here in New England cannot wait for things to get underway.”


Rhodes: “We have a great main event tonight that will see the World Heavyweight champion, Rip Chord go one-on-one with Dusty Streets in non title action. Having made some form of working agreement with Karen Killer last week, maybe we will find out what exactly it is that Rip Chord wants out of this arrangement.”


Azaria: “HGC is currently under threat from two rampaging monsters. Dread has announced that he can and will attack any member of the HGC roster whenever he sees fit and BLZ Bubb, well..........God only know what he is going to do, what with this psychological meltdown he is experiencing, your guess would be as good as mine.”


Rhodes: “Also on the card tonight, we have a blockbuster tag team affair between The World Tag Team Champions, The Blazing Flames and The Vessey Brothers. This would appear to be a preview of what we will see at The War To Settle the Score which is HGC’s upcoming pay-per-view! It will certainly be interesting to see who will get the upper hand. As we all know, momentum is key and the winners of this contest will be carrying a lot of it.”


Azaria: “We do have a lot to look forward to so let’s get this show started with our first bout of the night. Jack Bruce goes one-on-one against Human Arsenal.”





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JackBruce.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/HumanArsenal.jpg


Jack Bruce vs Human Arsenal


A well paced bout saw both participants perform at their best. Human Arsenal looked to physically dissect the flamboyant Bruce by targeting his right shoulder. Shoulder blocks, arm wringers and wrist clutch bodyslams all played their part in this match and Bruce looked to be suffering. However, the New Yorker had the crowd 100% behind him and their support helped Bruce fight his way back into the match. As Human Arsenal went to drive the point of his elbow into the shoulder of his opponent, Bruce slipped out of the way and hit a dropkick which sent Arsenal flying into the corner chest first. As he stumbled back, Bruce went to capitalise with a schoolboy roll-up only to see Arsenal kick out at two. As both men returned to their feet, Jack Bruce narrowly avoided Human Arsenal’s attempt at a German Suplex and countered with a New York Minute. The one, two, three was academic.





Azaria: “A great match by both participants! Human Arsenal controlled most of the match, but Jack Bruce weathered the storm and emerged as the victor.”


Rhodes: “The crowd can’t get enough of Jack Bruce, they absolutely love him.”


Azaria: “He just has that IT factor. It is very hard to explain, but you can tell there is something special about him!”


Rhodes: “For sure.......It looks like we are ready for our next bout of the night. This will be a tag team contest between Savage Fury and The Tag Team Specialists. Neither of these team are what you would call ‘fan friendly’ so it will be intriguing to see who the crowd gets behind.”


Azaria: “Let’s head to ringside to find out!”







http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/Java.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/TribalWarrior.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RobertOxford_alt5.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JoelBryant.jpg


Savage Fury vs The Tag Team Specialists


The TTS appeared to be getting the better reaction from the crowd, but that could solely be down to how inept the Fury are in the ring. Bryant and Oxford used fluid tag team wrestling combined with underhanded tactics, which on this occasion got a welcome response from the crowd based on who the recipients were and just generally outperformed Java and Tribal Warrior. Savage Fury were able to muster some offence when they managed to get the better of the younger member of the TTS; that being Joel Bryant. However, Bryant used a swift thumb in the eye of Tribal Warrior and allowed his partner Oxford to hit the Flying Knee Drop on the downed Tribal Warrior for the pinfall victory.





Azaria: “It has to be said, I am not accustomed to hearing Bryant and Oxford being the favourites in a match.”


Rhodes: “I wouldn’t expect to hear cheers for them in the future. I think tonight was a one off.”


Azaria: “I would imagine that to be the case................................We have a one-on-one bout between BLZ Bubb and Dark EAGLE and that match is coming up now!”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/TysonBaine.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/DarkEagle.jpg


BLZ Bubb vs Dark EAGLE


Not much to really say about this match other than the fact that it was a one sided beatdown with EAGLE being on the wrong end of the outcome. EAGLE did hit a couple of manoeuvres but for whatever reason BLZ Bubb completely no sold them and responded in kind with a spinebuster and a clothesline on two different occasions. The end came when after hitting EAGLE with two chokeslams, BLZ Bubb pulled him up by the mask and hit a brutal Hades Bomb that enabled him to pick up the pinfall victory. BLZ Bubb is kneeling next to the fallen Dark EAGLE following the bout and proceeds to mime the Christian cross before closing EAGLE’s eyes with two fingers symbolising the decimation of his opponent. Bubb then rolls out of the ring, begins to laugh and walk backstage.





Azaria: “What must be going through the mind of the disturbed BLZ Bubb...............His behaviour gets stranger by the week.”


Rhodes: “Believe it or not, but I think this is the quiet before the storm. BLZ Bubb will eventually snap. At the moment he appears to be fighting within himself and his conscious is torn.”


Azaria: “You mean that he has a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other?”


Rhodes: “Precisely.........it’s just a case of whether good or evil will prevail.”








Rip Chord and Karen Killer are talking in a backstage corridor as our cameras catch up with them.


Chord: “You know, Karen, ever since last week when you asked for my help I have been thinking about how you can return the favour.............Now, while there are several things I can think of for you to do, one stuck out more than all the others.”


Karen Killer looks like she has an inkling as to what is one Rip’s mind.


Killer: “Oh really....”


Killer moves in closer to Chord


Chord: “Really.................”


Killer prepares to kiss Chord


Chord: “I want you to make BLZ Bubb keep Sam Strong away from my title!”


Killer looks a bit taken back by the request.


Killer: “Oh.........ummmmm.........sure.........I can do that.”


Chord: “Good. That will make my life much easier.”




BLZ Bubb walks up to Chord and Killer with a vacant look on his face having just finished his match. His appearance makes Chord jump slightly.


Chord: “Hey there big man.”


Bubb remains unresponsive.


Chord: “You sure you fulfil your end of the deal?”


Killer: “Don’t worry. BLZ Bubb will decimate Strong.................You don’t have anything to be concerned about.”


Strong: “Good.........I will see you later on.”


Chord leaves but walks past Bubb very cautiously in doing so.


Killer: “You did well out there BLZ......I am very impressed. You hear what Chord wants?”


BLZ Bubb nods slowly.


Killer: “So you know what needs to be done?”


Bubb turns his vacant stare to Karen Killer with sudden clarity and nods once again. Killer looks relieved and leaves. BLZ Bubb smiles in a sinister manner.









Killer is shown entering the locker room. She begins looking around her bags for something.


Killer: “Has anybody seen my wristbands?”


A hand enters the camera shot holding Killer’s wristbands. Killer doesn’t look but does put out her hand and takes them.


Killer: “Thanks.”


Killer looks to see who passed them to her. Liberty is standing there with a beaming smile on his face. Karen jumps in surprise.




Killer: “Jesus!”


Liberty: “Not quite, although I have been called the miracle man before.”


Killer: “Liberty, get the hell away from me right now!”


Liberty: “I heard you talking with Chord.................You really felt the need to get the World Champion to restrain you from having your way with me?”


Killer: “You need to get this through your bleach blonde stained head............LEAVE ME ALONE!................I mean you even dedicated your last win to me.”


Liberty: “I don’t remember doing that.”


Killer: “Yes you did!”


Liberty: “I did dedicate the win to somebody, but I never said it was you.”


Killer: “What.......well who is it?”


Liberty: “Jealous are we?.............Not everything revolves around Karen Killer you know?!...............Anyway I have other things I need to do.......people to see and all that stuff. See you later Karen.”


Killer looks perplexed and slightly insulted simultaneously.






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JoeyFlame.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/TeddyFlame.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/BryanVessey.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/LarryVessey.jpg


The Blazing Flames vs The Vessey Brothers


A hotly contested affair between two very talented tag teams saw all four men get in a good amount of offence with no team holding the advantage for too long. After fifteen minutes of back and forth action, just as the bout looked as though it may be coming to a close, The Demons of Rage ran down into the ring and attacked all four competitors leaving them down and out. The emphasis being made when the Double Demon Down is hit on Teddy Flame leaving him absolutely incapacitated. The Demons of Rage pick up the World Tag Team titles and hold them high in the air before dropping them on the canvas and heading backstage. The match is subsequently called a draw.






Azaria: “The Demons of Rage have ruined what was an excellent match to that point.”


Rhodes: “Well it appears to me as though The Demons feel slighted at not being allowed to compete for the tag titles and are making a point by taking out all four men.”


Azaria: “Message received!”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/PaulSteadyfast.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/SamStrong.jpg


Paul Steadyfast vs Sam Strong


A fairly entertaining bout saw Sam Strong dictate the pace of the contest although he did have to contend with Steadyfast’s continual attempts at underhanded tactics. Strong did however manage to remain cool and calm and fought through the adversity. Strong ended the bout when he used the Strong Arm Tactic on Paul Steadyfast and damn near took his head off. The pinfall followed shortly thereafter. As Sam Strong begins to celebrate with his fans we see BLZ Bubb standing in the rafters staring down at the ring. Strong notices this and invites Bubb down to the ring. BLZ shakes his head and disappears through the crowd. Strong shakes off the momentary distraction and continues his celebration with his supporters.





Azaria: “Strong will need to be very wary........BLZ Bubb has set his sights.”


Rhodes: “The look in Bubb’s eyes is truly eerie. The lights are on but is anybody there?”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/Liberty.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/PeterValentine.jpg


Liberty vs Peter Valentine


A solid match saw Liberty compete with surprising vigour and zest as he continually enraged the always serious Peter Valentine with his swagger after hitting even the simplest of moves. Valentine did however; manage to slow Liberty down with a swift kick to the gut that doubled him over. The following few minutes saw Valentine grind down Liberty much to the chagrin of the audience with thudding slams and limb tearing holds. Liberty, not willing to lie down, battled on and secured the pinfall victory following a Liberation Slam.





Azaria: “Liberty has just staked his claim as a potential challenger to Rip Chord’s crown and with the Chord/Killer/Bubb alliance we could well see this match sooner rather than later.”


Rhodes: “You could be right Azaria and that would be a great match.”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RipChord.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/KarenKiller_alt.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/DustyStreets.jpg


Rip Chord w/ Karen Killer vs Dusty Streets


The main event of the evening stole the show as we saw Dusty Streets take everything Rip Chord had to offer and kept coming back for more. Streets took the early advantage with thudding offence that had Chord rocking and reeling. Dusty not known for having the best cardio did slow down fairly quickly and this allowed Rip Chord to take the initiative. Chord avoided a big boot in the corner which caused Dusty to straddle the ropes in a very uncomfortable version. Rip Chord secured his arm around his opponent’s neck and using the ropes, hit his patented DDT. The referee dropped to the floor and counted the one-two-three.




Rip Chord takes a microphone and stands in the middle of the ring with Karen Killer...


Chord: “I have a little bit of business that I need to take care of...........Liberty!.............Get your hippy ass out here now!”


Liberty makes his way to the top of the entranceway.




Liberty: “How can I help you Rip?”


Chord: “Funny you should ask that Liberty, you see my manager has requested that I keep you from sexually harassing her so I plan on teaching you a lesson in manners!”


Liberty: “Is that so?..............You care to make it interesting?”


Chord: “What do you have in mind?”


Liberty: “Well I don’t know if you have noticed but I have been on somewhat of a winning streak as of late and I think it is only fair that I be considered the number one contender for your HGC World Heavyweight title.........(addressing the crowd) What do you guys think?”


The crowd cheer loudly.


Chord: “(addressing the crowd) Is that what you guys want?”


The crowd continue to cheer.


Chord: Abruptly interrupting “Well I don’t give a rat’s furry ass about what you cretins want!”


The crowd’s cheers quickly turn to a chorus of boos.


Chord: “You did get one thing right though Liberty.........This belt is MY World Heavyweight title so it is my rules and my rules alone.........You think you deserve a title opportunity?.......................Well I don’t!”


Liberty: “Scared are we Rip?...........Worried that you won’t win?”


Chord: “You obviously forgot what happened when we faced off in the tournament quarter finals last month.........Who won that match again?”


Liberty: “You’re right Rip.....You won..............but I am a changed man. Look what I have done since then. If you are half the champion you say you are you will accept my challenge.”


After a long pause Rip Chord responds.


Chord: “.......................If you want me to beat you again so badly...........fine! I accept the terms!”


The crowd erupts.




Liberty and Rip Chord begin a staredown whilst Killer gives words of encouragement to her charge. The screen fades to black.

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Prediction Results


Jaded: 5/7 - Very nice score Jaded. Could be a winning round for you.


BHK1978: 6/7 - Your absolute distain of Savage Fury paid off for you this round. Great looking score.


Stennick: 6/7 - You were right about the tag team match being the difference maker, however, it was not the one that you had forecast. Great score.


Boltinho: 6/7 - Another good round and you did well not to fall for the dummy :p


Truth: 5/7 - Sound logic helped you earn a good score however your faith in the debuting Arsenal cost you a share of the lead. Great predicting otherwise.


toeachtheirown: 5/7 -Welcome to the diary. Great debut score. Hopefully you can go one better in future rounds and pick up a win.




Round Result

Congratulations BHK1978, Stennick and Boltinho, you have won this round!





1st: Stennick = 5


2nd: BHK1978 = 4


3rd: Boltinho = 2


4th: Jingo = 1


4th: Jaded = 1


4th: Teh_Showtime = 1


5th: Truth = 0


5th: toeachtheirown = 0



Hope you all enjoyed the show.

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HGC Hollyweird TV (Tuesday of Week 3, February 1997)


Rip Chord & BLZ Bubb vs Liberty & Sam Strong


Dread vs Mr Lucha


Joey Flame vs Bryan Vessey


Dusty Streets vs Craig Prince


The Demons Of Rage vs Cowboy Ricky Dale & Brent Hill


Super Joshuya vs Jack Bruce


Paul Steadyfast vs ???

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Rip Chord & BLZ Bubb vs Liberty & Sam Strong


This is very though here. I am leaning to some sort of non-finish. However, I think I shall go with Rip and BLZ.


Dread vs Mr Lucha


Vader should win this match.


Joey Flame vs Bryan Vessey


Dusty Streets vs Craig Prince


Dusty is in need of a win ASAP.


The Demons Of Rage vs Cowboy Ricky Dale & Brent Hill


Super Joshuya vs Jack Bruce


Paul Steadyfast vs ???

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Rip Chord & BLZ Bubb vs Liberty & Sam Strong

If I were you I would still be in pushing Rip as the champion mode and that means another win after Strong. If Strong takes this title at Hollyweird its going to mean more if its his first victory over Strong.


Dread vs Mr Lucha


Joey Flame vs Bryan Vessey

This one is a toss up but again the Vessey's lost last week so I figured its time for them to get their heat back.


Dusty Streets vs Craig Prince

I'm going to go with Dusty here but again I feel as if this match is the difference maker this week. You really like Craig Prince but are you really willing to put him over Dusty this early on?


The Demons Of Rage vs Cowboy Ricky Dale & Brent Hill

You really like RDJ and BH as a team so I'm going to go with them since the Vessey's owe the Demons.


Super Joshuya vs Jack Bruce

This one should be over in a New York Minute.


Paul Steadyfast vs ???

Paul runs his mouth, surprise opponent and bam end of the line or Paul.

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Rip Chord & BLZ Bubb vs Liberty & Sam Strong - The fun is still in the face chasing, and it's too soon for Strong to get a win over Chord, even in a tag match.


Dread vs Mr Lucha - I love Mr Lucha, but against Dread? He's screwed.


Joey Flame vs Bryan Vessey - In tag action, I think I'd always go for the Flames. In singles, Bryan just about has it.


Dusty Streets vs Craig Prince - Prince is awesome, but Dusty needs this one.


The Demons Of Rage vs Cowboy Ricky Dale & Brent Hill - Demons don't job to teams who've been together less than 5 years.


Super Joshuya vs Jack Bruce - Jesus push FTW!


Paul Steadyfast vs ??? - A wise man once said "If the mystery guy could draw money, he wouldn't BE a mystery guy" but I'll say he beats Rock Steady anyway.


Still a fantastic read, KUTGW!

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Rip Chord & BLZ Bubb vs Liberty & Sam Strong - The fun is still in the face chasing, and it's too soon for Strong to get a win over Chord, even in a tag match.


Dread vs Mr Lucha - I love Mr Lucha, but against Dread? He's screwed.


Joey Flame vs Bryan Vessey - In tag action, I think I'd always go for the Flames. In singles, Bryan just about has it.


Dusty Streets vs Craig Prince - Prince is awesome, but Dusty needs this one.


The Demons Of Rage vs Cowboy Ricky Dale & Brent Hill - Demons don't job to teams who've been together less than 5 years.


Super Joshuya vs Jack Bruce - Jesus push FTW!


Paul Steadyfast vs ??? - A wise man once said "If the mystery guy could draw money, he wouldn't BE a mystery guy" but I'll say he beats Rock Steady anyway.


Still a fantastic read, KUTGW!


Thanks Jaded for the words of encouragement. I plan on posting the show tomorrow at some stage but it really depends on my dog's operation and what time I need to pick her up etc. Thanks for reading and predicting everybody, It makes writing the shows worth it.


p.s. I never said that Jack Bruce was getting a Jesus push.......just something to chew on....

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HGC Hollyweird TV

Tuesday of Week 3, February 1997

The Theatre Of Dreams (North West)

Attendance: 6,106




A flashy pyrotechnic display opens the show with a bang and the camera proceeds to scan the audience who are cheering as though their lives depended on it. A couple of signs made by audience members are focussed on before we are directed towards the broadcast booth where we see Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes.



Azaria: “Welcome ladies and gentlemen to HGC Hollyweird TV. We are live at the Theatre of Dreams and we have one hell of a stacked show coming up for you all!........In fact......I’m just getting word that we have to go backstage. Let’s see what is going on.”







We see a pair of tanned long legs that seem to stretch on forever. The camera begins its ascent and we slowly begin to see more of the women. The male members of the audience begin to loudly cheer and wolf whistle. The camera finally reaches the top and we see the back of her head. The hair is worn in the form of a bun and is light brown in colour. She begins to turn around.............Emma Chase is looking right into the camera.





Chase: “Hi there. Now you may not know me so please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Emma Chase and I am here to take people to the top of HGC. After much deliberation I decided upon who I wanted to make my first Saint......or client if you will. The HGC has a very talented roster so my decision was not an easy one by any stretch of the imagination.........I thought long and hard about whom I felt could achieve the most under my supervision, a man who would benefit from my managerial know how..........That man is here with me now.


The camera pans to the right and we see Jack Bruce standing proud.


Chase: “Care to say anything Jack?”




Bruce: “Thank you Emma yes. I would just like to say that it is an honour to hear that you have instilled so much faith in me and I just want to let you know that I will not let you down. I came here to HGC to compete with the best and to prove that I am not just one to keep an eye on; I am here to make an impact right now. The future is coming......... and its name is Jack!”


Chase is seen smiling for the duration of Jack’s speech.


Chase: “That isn’t to say that my managerial services end here; far from it in fact. I still have my eye out for talent so don’t be surprised to see further competitors becoming a part of my sainted coalition.


After a brief pause where Emma Chase looks upon her new charge her gaze returns to the camera as she shoots the lens a wink.


Chase: “See you around!”






Azaria: “HGC has a new manager on the scene and she is looking for talent!”


Rhodes: “You mean she was talking...........I got a little distracted.”


Azaria: “Oh come on, Emma Chase is a great manager and is far more than mere eye candy!”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/PaulSteadyfast.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JackAvatar.jpg


Paul Steadyfast vs The Hype


Paul Steadyfast welcomed the debuting Hype to HGC in the opening contest that really allowed the newcomer to show what he was made of. The Hype took the early advantage with his quick paced offence that rendered Steadyfast dizzy. Dropkick combinations appearing to be a particular favourite of the youngster. The crowd really began to get behind The Hype and no doubt this inflated his ego as he began to pose for the crowd after every combination of moves. After one too many poses, Steadyfast countered with a well timed spin powerslam and followed up with a slingshot suplex for the pinfall victory.





Azaria: “The Hype showed that he is more than what his name would suggest. The kid can really go.”


Rhodes: “I don’t think I have seen that many kick combinations before. It was something to behold. However, Steadyfast proved why he has been on the roster since day one with this win. He took what his opponent had to offer and still came out victorious.”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/SuperJoshuya.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JackBruce.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/EmmaChase.jpg


Super Joshuya vs Jack Bruce w/ Emma Chase


An entertaining bout saw Jack Bruce compete with a new edge that had previously been lacking from his repertoire. Joshuya only saw brief glimpses of success with his fast paced, aerial offence which included headscissors and hurricanranas. Jack Bruce took back control of the match when a top rope attack from Super Joshuya was countered with a standing dropkick to the midsection. With his now winded opponent, Bruce picked Joshuya up clasped his hands around his neck and connected with a New York Minute. The following pinfall was academic. After the bell sounded, Emma Chase entered the ring and raised the hand of her client who proceeded to celebrate with the crowd who were very happy with the outcome.





Azaria: “Emma Chase seems to be rubbing off on Bruce already. He seemed very focused in this match and the results speak for themselves.”


Rhodes: “I wonder if Chase will be watching the rest of the matches tonight; after all she did say she still had her eye on some talent.”


Azaria: “I don’t doubt that she will. But right now she has to be happy with what Jack Bruce has done.”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/DemonAnger.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/DemonSpite.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/BrentHill_alt22.jpg


The Demons Of Rage vs Cowboy Ricky Dale & Brent Hill


This match saw cracks begin to develop between Ricky Dale and Brent Hill with several cases of miscommunication between the two. The Demons Of Rage didn’t need to wait for a second invitation to capitalise. After seeing Ricky Dale hit a blind tag to enter the match, Hill, who looked not the least bit pleased, shoved Cowboy in the chest things began to unravel quickly. Anger kicked Brent Hill in the ribs which caused him to go over the top rope and all the way to the floor. Anger and Spite began their assault on Ricky Dale and beat him into the canvas for about five minutes. Brent Hill who had by now returned to the apron looked extremely annoyed and continually rubbed his chest. Ricky Dale reversed a suplex attack from Spite and thwarted a clothesline from Anger who he in turn dropped with a modified spinebuster. Slowly but surely he made his way to his corner and tagged in Hill. Brent jumped into the ring and quickly headed for Spite and with about four foot in between the two he stopped. For a few seconds he just stared at Spite who was now egging him on to do something. Hill went to strike Spite but instead cracked Ricky Dale in the side of the head having spun around to alter his target. Hill picked Ricky Dale up and looked into his eyes before striking him one more time with the difference being this strike hit somewhere south of the beltline. Brent Hill having done the damage left the ring and walked back up the entranceway without once looking back. The Demons Of Rage who looked confused by how events unfolded finished the match off when Anger pinned Ricky Dale following a Double Demon Down.





Rhodes: “Azaria, it looks as though your new favourite tag team has just disintegrated before our eyes!”


Azaria: “What the hell did Hill do that for?!”


Rhodes: “The Demons took full advantage of Cowboy Ricky Dale’s predicament and finished him off. When Brent Hill delivered that low blow he never really stood a chance.”


Azaria: “Ricky Dale will want an explanation for what just transpired and I am being told that we will get the explanation next week.”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/DustyStreets.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/CraigPrince.jpg


Dusty Streets vs Craig Prince


Craig Prince fought this bout with a great amount of swagger that bordered on arrogance as he clearly felt that with how Dusty Streets had fared in his last few outings he would undoubtedly emerge victorious. However, this was a gross oversight by Prince as Dusty tore him apart for the majority of the match. Streets hit multiple slams and big right hands that knocked Prince into lalaland. A powerbomb followed by The Dust-Off was more than enough to put Craig Prince away and in doing so, Dusty retuned to winning ways.





Azaria: “That was ugly. Dusty really put a hurting on his opponent tonight!”


Rhodes: “You said it Azaria, Prince never got himself into the match.”


Azaria: “Just when people began to doubt the big man’s ability he puts on a display like that.”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JoeyFlame.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/BryanVessey.jpg


Joey Flame vs Bryan Vessey


A great bout which had the crowd entertained for the duration saw two primarily tag team competitors go at it in singles action. Joey Flame employed a more rugged, no frills style of brawling and in contrast, Vessey went back to wrestling 101 and countered much of Flames’ wild attacks. The momentum went back and forth with both men displaying their trademark moves. The end came when Joey grapped a rear waistlock on Bryan and looked to run him into the turnbuckle. Vessey who was aware of this, quickly slipped behind and connected with a wicked german suplex. Joey attempted to jump to his feet as soon as he landed but was obviously not completely with it. This allowed Bryan to capitalise and connect with a Vessey Driver that saw Joey Flame down for the three count.






Azaria: “A wonderful match between Bryan Vessey and Joey Flame. A little taste of what we might see at The War To Settle The Score.”


Rhodes: “If that is what we have in store at the PPV we will be in for one hell of a tag team title match!”





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/Dread_alt1.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/MrLuchaIII.jpg


Dread vs Mr Lucha


Dread displayed his ferocity and sheer power in this bout and threw Mr Lucha clear across the ring on more than one occasion. That isn’t to say we saw one-way traffic, Mr Lucha actually dropped the big man with a dropkick to the knee, followed by a tornado DDT to the kneeling monster. Mr Lucha went to the top rope and landed a nice frog splash but unfortunately Dread managed to power out of the pin attempt at the two count. Mr Lucha once again ascended to the top rope and went to hit another frog splash but was caught by the big man in mid air around the throat. Dread hit a chokeslam on his helpless opponent into the turnbuckle. The impact of which looked eerily similar to the powerbomb he hit on Monty Walker. Dread dragged Mr Lucha to the centre of the ring and made the cover. The three count followed shortly thereafter.




Azaria: “Dread continues to rampage through his opponents. His devastating power combined with his malicious mind spells danger to those he faces.”


Rhodes: “And don’t forget Azaria, Dread has said that he can strike anybody at anytime!”


Azaria: “Let’s just hope that the HGC roster has this in the back of their mind when in the ring. Dread is watching!”








Rip Chord is hunching over the seated BLZ Bubb in the backstage area and looks to be in a deep, albeit one-sided conversation.


Chord: “Are you ready for tonight?”


No response


Chord: “Is that a yes?........”


Still no response


Chord: “Listen Bubb, Karen Killer assured me that you would be ready for the match tonight and right now you are showing me nothing!”


Bubb’s expression suddenly morphed into one of raw anger. BLZ Bubb stands up and punches a hole in a nearby wall before walking out of shot. Chord looks a little intimidated.



Chord: “I guess you are ready then........”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RipChord.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/TysonBaine.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/KarenKiller_alt.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/Liberty.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/SamStrong.jpg


Rip Chord & BLZ Bubb w/ Karen Killer vs Liberty & Sam Strong


A ppv worthy main event had the crowd enthralled. Strong and Liberty got treated like rock stars and where loudly cheered throughout. Chord did the majority of the work for his side and likewise, Liberty carried out the work for his side. The two were very evenly matched which should give a great indication of how close their world title match at The War To Settle The Score should be. When Bubb was tagged in he went straight for Strong and knocked him of the apron with a left hand. Liberty and Bubb proceeded to brawl for a while, continuing their bout from Malice In Wonderland before Liberty managed to tag his partner into the contest. Strong had both Bubb and Chord reeling from right hand after right hand and just when things were looking bleakest for Chord, the lights in the arena went out. After several moments the lights returned. Chord and Liberty were lying outside the ring, Bubb was nowhere to be seen and Sam Strong was laying face first in the middle of the ring, slightly bleeding from a laceration that was now present on the back of his head. A sinister laugh rings out throughout the arena.





Azaria: “Sam Strong is down again! Do you think BLZ BUbb had anything to do with it?”


Rhodes: “Well the evidence would certainly suggest that that is the case. The maniacal laughter we just heard.......Killer asking Bubb to keep Strong away from Chord..........and now BLZ BUbb is nowhere to be seen.”


Azaria: “Unfortunately folks that is all we have time for tonight. Be sure to tune in next week............What the hell is going on?!”

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Prediction Results


BHK1978: 4/7 - Not the best score this round which in a way pleases me. Means that I am keeping everybody on their toes. Hopefully not in the Vince Russo way :p.


Stennick: 4/7 - Exactly what I said to BHK1978 applies here too. I think the main event outcome meant that the chase is still on.


Jingo: 5/7 - Great score Jingo. The Demons may have won you this round.


Boltinho: 5/7 - Another backer of The Demons sees you tie for the lead thus far.


Jaded: 5/7 - Good score Jaded. Surprised to see that nobody called Steadyfast for the win but I suppose I did say never back against the ??? But you see.....I LIE!!!!!.....I CHEAT........I STEAL ese'!!!



Round Result

Congratulations Jingo, Boltinho and Jaded, you have won this round!





1st: Stennick = 5


2nd: BHK1978 = 4


3rd: Boltinho = 3


4th: Jingo = 2


4th: Jaded = 2


5th: Teh_Showtime = 1


6th: Truth = 0


6th: toeachtheirown = 0



Hope you guys enjoyed the show.

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HGC Hollyweird TV (Tuesday of Week 4, February 1997)


After last weeks tag team outing which saw the implosion of Brent Hill and Ricky Dale, The Demons were able to pick up the pieces and for that matter the win as well. This week we see Anger and Spite in tag team action once again against the high flying team of Mucha Lucha. The high fliers fell short the last time these two teams competed. Will history repeat itself?


Speaking of Brent Hill, he has promised to explain his actions to the man he attacked, Ricky Dale. We will see how the Cowboy will respond.


Will Emma Chase add another member to her clientele? Did anybody on the HGC roster impress, or will the search continue?


One thing is for sure, we will see Emma Chase at ringside during the scheduled singles match between her charge, Jack Bruce and Paul Steadyfast. Both men are coming of victories so it will be interesting to see who will keep their momentum.


After his impressive debut last week, The Hype looks this time to go one better and pick up the victory. His opponent...........BLZ Bubb....may God have mercy on his soul.


Dread has once again laid down his open challenge. Who, if anyone will answer and face this intimidating monster?


Last week saw Joey Flame go one-on-one against Bryan Vessey and now we will see the other two members of the respective tag teams do battle. Larry Vessey will be in singles action against Teddy Flame. Currently The Vesseys hold the advantage even if they do not hold the tag team titles themselves. If Teddy Flame can win, they will even the singles score at one apiece wheras if he should lose, The Vesseys will be rolling into The War To Settle The Score with momentum entirely in their corner.


The main event of the evening will see the HGC World Heavyweight Champion in non title action against the man who he defeated to win that very belt; Rip Chord takes on Sam Strong. Will Sam Strong still be suffering from the effects of last weeks mysterious assault? Will Liberty make his presence felt? All in all this should be one hell of a show.


Prediction Key


Rip Chord w/Karen Killer vs Sam Strong (non-title)


Larry Vessey vs Teddy Flame


Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase vs Paul Steadyfast


Dread's Open Challenge

Dread vs ???


The Hype vs BLZ Bubb


The Demons Of Rage vs Mucha Lucha

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