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HGC: The TOTAL Makeover

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Great show! (Not just saying that because of the predictions win, honest.)


Rip Chord w/Karen Killer vs Sam Strong (non-title) - too soon to job the champ.


Larry Vessey vs Teddy Flame - Even this one up.


Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase vs Paul Steadyfast - Advantage Emma.


Dread's Open Challenge

Dread vs ??? - Unless ??? is someone like Bruce the Giant.


The Hype vs BLZ Bubb - I don't wanna back against the Hype here, but I can't see him beating Bubb.


The Demons Of Rage vs Mucha Lucha - I'm loving the Demons push.

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Rip Chord w/Karen Killer vs Sam Strong (non-title)


I could be wrong and this could be one of those Ric Flair loses in the non-title match to add to the feud.


Larry Vessey vs Teddy Flame


Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase vs Paul Steadyfast


To me Jack has too much potential to lose here.


Dread's Open Challenge

Dread vs ???


It's Time, It's Time, It's Vader Time!


The Hype vs BLZ Bubb


Please The Hype is a jobber!:D


The Demons Of Rage vs Mucha Lucha

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really liked the show


Rip Chord w/Karen Killer vs Sam Strong (non-title)

Just think Strong needs a boost. And he is SAM STRONG


Larry Vessey vs Teddy Flame

Flames singles luck continues


Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase vs Paul Steadyfast

I hate Steadyfast


Dread's Open Challenge

Dread vs ???

What a monster


The Hype vs BLZ Bubb

And another one. Is this USPW?


The Demons Of Rage vs Mucha Lucha

ML are not going places

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Rip Chord w/Karen Killer vs Sam Strong (non-title)

This is where Sam starts to get his heat back headed into The War to Settle the Score


Larry Vessey vs Teddy Flame

Every month you seem to have one match up that is between me and a perfect score (we won't discuss last shows debacle). You mentioned wrestling 101 in your match between their partners. Well wrestling 101 also mentions "getting your heat back" and if your buidling to a match between these two it only makes sense to make them seem as equal as they would be. Hyping them as the two greatest teams on the planet etc. For that to happen The Flames need a win.


Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase vs Paul Steadyfast

You said your not God pushing Bruce or atlesat you were coy with it. Honestly you've been doing Steadyfast justice and I see him getting the win here.


Dread's Open Challenge

Dread vs ???

Dread will not lose, its not physically possibly in our realm of reality.


The Hype vs BLZ Bubb

there is a lot of hype around whether or not BLZ can phsyically squash this guy or just in wrestling terms squash this guy.


The Demons Of Rage vs Mucha Lucha

Mucha Luch are not long for the tag team scene I wouldn't think.

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Rip Chord w/Karen Killer vs Sam Strong (non-title)

Strong wins here to continue the interest in him chasing the strap.

Larry Vessey vs Teddy Flame

A Flame wins to even up the score.

Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase vs Paul Steadyfast

Tough choice here both have looked good but time for Jack Bruce is now methinks

Dread's Open Challenge

Dread vs ???

Never back against Mr. ??? right!? ... No wait Dread doesn't lose ...

The Hype vs BLZ Bubb

I like The Hype but he isn't winning his first match here.

The Demons Of Rage vs Mucha Lucha

No brainer ... I think!<!-- / message -->

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HGC Hollyweird TV

Tuesday of Week 4, February 1997

Missouri State Armoury (Mid West)

Attendance: 5,000 (SELL OUT!)




A flashy pyrotechnic display opens the show with a bang and the camera proceeds to scan the audience who are cheering as though their lives depended on it. A couple of signs made by audience members are focussed on before we are directed towards the broadcast booth where we see Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes.



Azaria: “Hello everybody and welcome once again to HGC TV. We are less than one week away from our PPV, The War To Settle The Score and tonight the final pieces of the puzzle will fall into place.”


Rhodes: “I cannot wait for the show to get underway!”


Azaria: “Ask and you shall receive..............A certain Miss Emma Chase is backstage and she has something to say. Let’s head back there right now.”







Emma Chase is standing in front of a plain white wall with her head slightly tilted to one side. She is smiling coyly at the camera before she begins to speak.


Chase: “Hi again. Last week you may recall that I said I still had my eye out for talent to add to my clientele. Now while Jack did great work last week I was equally impressed by something...or someone that I saw during that same show.”


Chase begins to walk to her left and the camera follows.


Chase: “After the show went off the air last week I tracked this individual down and we had a few words. I proposed that he become a part of my sainted stable and in return I would do everything in my power to take him to the top.”


Chase stops in front of one of the locker rooms before continuing.


Chase: “The offer that I placed on the table was accepted...........Now my client has requested that I don’t reveal their identity just yet and I feel that it is only fair that I respect his decision........Watch this space.”


Emma Chase knocks on the locker room door and waits for a response. The door is opened from the inside but the man who does so cannot be seen.





Azaria: “Chase seems to be recruiting at quite a high rate. I wonder who it is that has signed on.”


Rhodes: “Maybe we will find out later tonight. There must be a reason why this individual doesn’t want it to be known who they are just yet.”





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/DemonAnger.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/DemonSpite.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/MrLuchaIII.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/Elctrico.jpg


The Demons Of Rage vs Mucha Lucha


A much more even contest than their first encounter saw Electrico and Mr Lucha take down Anger early on with a drop toe hold, basement dropkick combo. After a few swift kicks and springboard attacks momentum suddenly swung the way of the Demons when a springboard crossbody was caught by Anger and turned into a fallaway slam on Electrico. The thunderous offence that followed from the Demons of Rage was something to behold as they began to really lay into their luchador opponents. The end came when Anger made the cover on Electrico following the Double Demon Down for the threecount.




Azaria: “The Demons once again show why they are one of the most dominant tag teams in wrestling today.”


Rhodes: “They said last month that they were the best tag team in the world but they have not yet had the opportunity to compete for the HGC World Tag Team titles.”


Azaria: “If this match is anything to go by, they may not have to wait much longer!”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JackAvatar.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/TysonBaine.jpg


The Hype vs BLZ Bubb


This match just went to show how aggressive BLZ Bubb can be. Every time Hype went to throw a kick, Bubb just walked right through it and connected with a clubbing right hand. Bubb threw his smaller opponent into the corner and followed up with a running avalanche that damn near crushed The Hype. BLZ dragged the incapacitated Hype into the centre of the ring and picked him up for not one, but two Hades bombs before making the winning cover. The Hype never really got into the contest. Following the bell, BLZ Bubb was kneeling next to his fallen opponent, moved his hand to symbolise the Christian cross before closing The Hype’s eyes with two fingers. The camera picks up on Bubb saying the words, “Soon enough your time will come, this is what awaits you!” Once again, Bubb signalled the destruction of his opponent. The now customary maniacal laughter followed and Bubb slowly made his way backstage.




Rhodes: “If indeed it was BLZ Bubb who attacked Sam Strong it looks as though the fan favourite could be in some serious trouble. Bubb is a dangerous man who over recent weeks seems to be slipping further and further into madness.”


Azaria: “We don’t know for sure that Bubb attacked Strong.”


Rhodes: “Oh come on Azaria, look at the evidence. It’s as plain as the nose on your face.”








Cowboy Ricky Dale has made his way to the ring with a microphone in hand. He looks extremely aggravated.


Dale: “I am here tonight for one reason and one reason alone......Brent Hill get your cowardly ass out here right now!”




Brent Hill emerges at the top of the ramp and slowly makes his way ringside.


Dale: “There you are you cheating son of a b****. What the hell did you think you were doing last week? You left me out there for Anger and Spite to finish of the dirty work that you started when you hit me with a cheap-shot like a punk.......Now being from Texas one of the things that matters most to me is loyalty and what you did has p***** me off. You don’t turn your back on a friend, not in my book. You have a problem with someone; you say it to their face!”


Hill: “You’re right Ricky, you are. What I did last week was reprehensible. There is no excuse for my actions........I got angry and I lashed out.”


Brent Hill enters the ring.


Hill: “We had a good thing going with this tag team.....and maybe I expected too much.............Listen, what I am trying to say is.....well........I’m sorry.”


Hill extends his hand to Ricky Dale. About 20 seconds pass before the action is returned from the Cowboy. They shake hands.


Hill: “Oh, and before I forget............”


Hill blasts Cowboy Ricky Dale with a boot right in the nether region.


Hill: “You see ‘partner’ I don’t care about the team, I never did. I only went along with the tag team because we were winning. Quite frankly I was surprised that you didn’t screw up sooner............When I realised that nothing more could be achieved I cut all ties. I am deserving of a better partner than you Ricky and don’t you forget that!”


Brent Hill kicks Cowboy Ricky Dale in the face and then throws the microphone into his stomach.



Azaria: “Excuse me ladies and gentlemen; I have just received a message from the HGC owner who has recently made a big decision that involves the two of you in the ring right now.........................Mr Stallings has decided to create a new championship here in HGC and that title will be called the HGC International championship. He has paid very close attention to the goings on in the company and has examined the entire HGC roster. Mr Stalling believed that up until last week Mr Hill and Mr Dale showed excellent teamwork and had tentatively placed you as the top two guys to compete for this newly instated belt. After seeing the events of last week he is now 100% positive that at The War To Settle The Score, it will be Brent Hill going one-on-one against Cowboy Ricky Dale for the HGC International title!”


Brent Hill who is at this point standing near the entranceway nods with approval. Meanwhile Cowboy Ricky Dale is just regaining his senses and is pulling himself up with the aid of the ropes. He is glaring a hole through Brent Hill.





Azaria: “We now have another match confirmed for the upcoming PPV. There is bad blood in this match and things could turn ugly quickly.”


Rhodes: “I don’t doubt it Azaria. I don’t doubt it.”







Dread is standing in the centre of the ring looking as menacing as ever with a microphone at the ready.


Dread: “It’s the moment you have all been waiting for. That’s right, it is time for MY open challenge..............If anybody in the back has the balls to come out and fight me then I suggest you first get you affairs in order, because it will be the last dumb thing you ever do...................I dare you to come out..............COME ON...........ANYBODY!!!”


With that Dread throws the microphone out of the ring and readies himself for battle.


After a brief pause, a new face to HGC emerges through the curtain. Jack Giedroyc is standing looking a little hesitant to make his way to the ring. Dread laughs at the rookie as he enters the ring before striking the first blow....



http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/Dread_alt1.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JackGiedroyc.jpg


Dread vs Jack Giedroyc


.....which is swiftly ducked by the young Englishmen. Jack starts to throw stinging rights and lefts that although making the big man cover up do little damage otherwise. Giedroyc turned to hit the ropes, but upon rebounding, ran straight into a clothesline that turned him inside out. Dread, who now looked infuriated, dropped his tree trunk like leg across his opponent’s throat. Giedroyc never really got back into the match as any attempts he made to stagger his larger opponent was thwarted. For the most part he was swatted away like a fly. Dread picked Giedroyc up by the hair and slowly but surely pulled his right arm back with his clenched fist. Dread unleashed a wicked forearm smash that connected right on the point of Giedroyc’s jaw that reverberated around his entire upper body. He fell to the floor seemingly unconscious. Dread followed up with a cover and the subsequent threecount ended the match.




Rhodes: “Welcome to HGC rookie!”


Azaria: “Give credit to Jack Giedroyc, he stood up to the plate like Monty Walker before him.”


Rhodes: “And look what happened to Monty Walker........”





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JackBruce.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/EmmaChase.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/PaulSteadyfast.jpg


Jack Bruce w/ Emma Chase vs Paul Steadyfast


Emma Chase once again accompanied her charge Jack Bruce to the ring and offered a few words of encouragement before Steadyfast emerged. The ensuing match was quite the entertaining affair and both men looked good when all was said and done. Steadyfast took the lead when he caught Jack Bruce in the side of the knee with a wicked chopblock. He continued the assault on the knee with stomps and elbow drops as well as trying to tweak it with an expertly applied kneebar. Bruce fought out of the predicament with wild strikes that forced Steadyfast to loosen his grip. Multiple clotheslines followed that dropped Steadyfast time and time again, Bruce was turning this match around. Steadyfast jumped out of the ring and jumped behind Emma Chase in an attempt to use her as a shield. Jack Bruce used this opportunity to briefly distract the referee which allowed Chase to connect with a low blow and a slap that echoed around the building. Bruce pulled the staggered Paul Steadyfast back into the ring and hit the New York Minute for the pinfall victory.




Azaria: “Steadyfast’s underhanded tactics came back to bite him in the butt.”


Rhodes: “Emma Chase interfered in the match which allowed Bruce to win.”


Azaria: “Oh come on, Steadyfast was using her as a human shield!”






Emma Chase returns to the locker room following her client’s match where she is confronted by Karen Killer.


Killer: “Just who in the hell do you think you are?”


Chase: “Excuse me?”


Killer: “You think that I haven’t seen what you are up to? Do you think that I’m stupid?”


Chase: “I have no idea what you are talking about Karen.”


Killer: “Don’t play dumb with me. You walk around here backstage and you act like you are the alpha female in this company. Well you’re not. That role has been filled since day one by me! If I catch you doing anything else that doesn’t sit right with me I will come after you and take you out of HGC myself!”


Chase chuckles to herself.


Chase: “Oh I am sorry that I am stealing some of your spotlight Karen, really I am, but it sounds to me like you are intimidated by my presence. Now before you say anything that you might regret, turn your gothic corpse around and walk yourself out of my sight. I have slapped one b**** tonight and I am more than prepared to slap another.”


Liberty is seen sitting in the corner of the room smiling.




Liberty: “Hey there.”


Killer: “I swear to God Liberty, leave me alone!”


Liberty: “Who said I was here to see you?...........In fact I wanted to have a few quick words with my new manger if you don’t mind.”


Killer: “You mean.......”


Liberty: “That’s right. I told you Karen.....Not everything is about you. Now if you will excuse us. We have some business to discuss.”


Killer stands there motionless as Liberty and Emma Chase leave together.





Azaria: “Now we know who Emma Chase’s second Saint is. None other than No1 Contender for the HGC World Heavyweight title, Liberty.


Rhodes: “I can honestly say that I didn’t expect it to be him. Did you hear the words exchanged by Killer and Chase? We may have the two of them brawling outside of the ring during the main event at the PPV!”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/LarryVessey.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/TeddyFlame.jpg


Larry Vessey vs Teddy Flame


A very enjoyable match that fell only slightly short of their partner’s singles encounter the week prior. Teddy and Larry employed fairly similar approaches to the match and subsequently we saw a very evenly matched affair. Larry Vessey began to wear down his opponent with a combination of three german suplexes that led to a close pinfall attempt. Larry Vessey went to apply an ankle lock submission but found the move countered by a summersault that sent Larry head first into the turnbuckle. Vessey who was woozy from the impact stumbled back into the waiting arms of Teddy Flame who connected with Flame On. Teddy rolled into the cover and the match came to its conclusion.


Azaria: “That ties the singles action up at one apiece. We are all square going into The War To........hey, wait a minute!”


The Demons of Rage run down to the ring and wipe out both Larry and Teddy. Bryan and Joey come in as the cavalry but met the same sticky end that their partners did. Anger and Spite stand over all four competitors. Spite snatches a microphone to address the crowd.




Spite: “What you have just witnessed is The Demons Of Rage officially entering ourselves into the World Tag Team Title match at The War To Settle The Score!”


Anger and Spite leave the ring and head backstage.




Azaria: “So now it will be a triple threat tag team match with the World Tag Team titles on the line? Well that has certainly thrown a spanner into the works.”


Rhodes: “You got that right Azaria!”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RipChord.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/KarenKiller_alt.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/SamStrong.jpg


Rip Chord w/ Karen Killer vs Sam Strong


An absolutely fantastic match between the two veterans had the crowd on their feet for the majority of the bout. Chord looked to try and surgically dissect Strong’s left leg but instead found that his own arm was more of a target for his heavyweight opponent. Strong began to focus all of his offence on the left arm of Chord and appeared to be nearing a win over the champion. Chord was breathing heavily against the turnbuckle and the referee checked to see if he was able to continue. Strong not waiting to hear the response charged at Chord like a freight train. Quick thinking allowed Chord to pull the referee in the way whilst simultaneously diving out of harm. The referee fell to the mat. Strong checked to see if he was OK before returning his attention to Chord. The lights in the arena went out. When they returned Rip Chord is sitting in the same corner he was when the lights went out but Strong is once again lying out cold in the middle of the ring. Just as the referee begins to regain his senses, Chord scrambles across the ring and makes the cover. The one, two, three drew an end to the contest. Chord had won the match via the help of a mysterious assailant. Karen Killer helps Chord leave the ring and back up the ramp. Maniacal laughter is heard over the arena speakers.




Azaria: “For the third week this month, Strong finds himself out cold in the middle of the ring. This is getting ridiculous!”


Rhodes: “Well we know he will be facing BLZ Bubb on Sunday at the PPV. Will Bubb admit that he is the man behind these assaults?”


Azaria: “I guess only time will tell......... Ladies and gentlemen be sure to buy this PPV. Scores will be settled and wars will be waged. We will see you Sunday! Goodnight!”



The image of Sam Strong sprawled on the canvas is shown as the screen fades to black.

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London this is your best show yet man no lie I loved it. Also if memory serves the only match I lost was the Steadyfast one. I like Bruce but I hope he runs into some growing pains soon or atleast gets more mic time to give him some character for me to want him to win ya know.
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Prediction Results


Jaded: 6/6 - A perfect score for you sir. I bet you really enjoyed this show! :p


BHK1978: 6/6 - Awesome predicting sir. You have guaranteed yourself a win this round. Keep up the good work.


Boltinho: 4/6 - A solid score that may have won you the round had others not performed so well. Better luck next round.


Stennick: 4/6 - Hate to break it to you sir, but you also called the main event wrong. Not a bad round by any means though. No doubt you will bounce back.


Jingo: 5/6 - So close to a perfect score. Your faith in Sam Strong unfortunately cost you a share of the win. Any other round and this would have been the winning score. Nice predicting.



Round Result

Congratulations Jaded and BHK1978, you have won this round.





1st: Stennick = 5


1st: BHK1978 = 5


2nd: Boltinho = 3


2nd: Jaded = 3


3rd: Jingo = 2


4th: Teh_Showtime = 1


5th: Truth = 0


5th: toeachtheirown = 0



Hope you all enjoyed the show.

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London this is your best show yet man no lie I loved it. Also if memory serves the only match I lost was the Steadyfast one. I like Bruce but I hope he runs into some growing pains soon or atleast gets more mic time to give him some character for me to want him to win ya know.


Glad to hear that you loved the show, it means a lot to me. Don't worry, Jack Bruce will get some microphone time in the future. I can't have all that charisma going to waste now can I?

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The War To Settle The Score (Sunday of Week 4, February 1997)


Kicking off HGC's second ever PPV will be a nice little three way bout between THe Hype, Electrico and Bryan Holmes. This match is sure to be a fast paced, all out battle with any of the three competitors involved having a good shot at winning.


Speaking of fast paced action, this theme will likely continue in the following one-on-one bout between the high flying Mr Lucha and the solid technician Craig Prince. With the HGC International championship being crowned later in the evening, the outcome of this match could go a long way in determining who will get a future title opportunity.


The always fearsome Dread will once again lay down the gauntlet to anybody in the HGC locker room to come and provide him with a challenge. After the beatdown that he has inflicted on his recent opponents, will anybody be willing to answer the call?


Emma Chase has organised a rematch for her charge Jack Bruce against the man that beat him at Malice In Wonderland, Peter Valentine. With a new found edge and with Chase by his side, will Bruce be able to topple the veteran or will we see another PPV win for his opponent?


The first ever HGC International champion will be decided tonight when Brent Hill squares off against new found rival, Cowboy Ricky Dale. After two vicious attacks by Hill, Rickly Dale will certainly be looking to extract some measure of revenge and what better way to do it than becoming the inaugural International champion? However, Brent Hill will certainly have other ideas in mind for his former short time tag team partner.


The second championship match of the evening sees the HGC World Tag Team titles up for grabs in a triple threat tag team encounter. The defending Blazing Flames will face off against The Vessey Brothers and The Demons Of Rage. After feeling slighted that they were overlooked for the originally scheduled match, Anger and Spite took it upon themselves to interject themselves into the equation by assaulting the four men involved. This was enough for the two wildmen to be included in the title match and now the contest has been blown wide open.


When discussing wildmen, one has to look no further than BLZ Bubb. The sinister individual who has snapped what little metal equilibrium he had left and has been on a rampage ever since. With his mysterious and confusing monologues that talk of the end coming for one individual, he is a real danger to whomever opposes him. Sam Strong has been the target for several sneak attacks with the assailant nowhere to be found, but many believe the attacker to be BLZ Bubb who was ordered to keep Strong away from Rip Chord's HGC World Heavyweight title. Regardless of who wins this match, will we be any wiser on the attacker's identity? This has all the makings of one ugly, ugly brawl.


This will lead to our main event of the evening. The HGC World Heavyweight championship will be on the line when defending champion, Rip Chord takes on Liberty. Karen Killer and Emma Chase will be in the corner of their respective clients and this as much as anything could lead to big trouble. Chord will be looking to make his first successful defence whilst Liberty will be looking to avenge his quarter final round defeat and in doing so take the symbol that means you are the top guy in the company. This is set to be one action packed night so hold on to your seats and prepare yourself for The War To Settle The Score.




Prediction Key


HGC World Heavyweight Championship

Rip Chord © w/Karen Killer vs Liberty w/Emma Chase


BLZ Bubb vs Sam Strong


HGC World Tag Team Championship

The Blazing Flames © vs The Vessey Brothers vs The Demons Of Rage


HGC International Championship

Cowboy Ricky Dale vs Brent Hill


Peter Valentine vs Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase


Dread's Open Challenge

Dread vs ???


Mr Lucha vs Craig Prince


The Hype vs Electrico vs Bryan Holmes

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HGC World Heavyweight Championship

Rip Chord © w/Karen Killer vs Liberty w/Emma Chase

Much as I love your take on the Dude - hes not beating Chord


BLZ Bubb vs Sam Strong

Strong has to bounce back


HGC World Tag Team Championship

The Blazing Flames © vs The Vessey Brothers vs The Demons Of Rage

Answering the age-old 'what do I do with the Vesseys' dilemna


HGC International Championship

Cowboy Ricky Dale vs Brent Hill


Peter Valentine vs Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase


Dread's Open Challenge

Dread vs ???


Mr Lucha vs Craig Prince


The Hype vs Electrico vs Bryan Holmes

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Guest cmdrsam
Sorry London, I just dont play that many pickem games. But I did want to tell you I am still following what you are doing here. And I very much like what you have been posting. Emma Chase and Liberty, wow. You can go a couple of different ways with that pairing.
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HGC World Heavyweight Championship

Rip Chord © w/Karen Killer vs Liberty w/Emma Chase


BLZ Bubb vs Sam Strong - Strong vs Chord next PPV


HGC World Tag Team Championship

The Blazing Flames © vs The Vessey Brothers vs The Demons Of Rage - Flames and Vesseys are both so good they don't particularly need the belts, which could help the DOR.


HGC International Championship

Cowboy Ricky Dale vs Brent Hill - Yee-haw!


Peter Valentine vs Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase - Can't back against my man Pete.


Dread's Open Challenge

Dread vs ??? - It's DREAD!


Mr Lucha vs Craig Prince - Lucha sucks.


The Hype vs Electrico vs Bryan Holmes - Do believe the Hype!

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HGC World Heavyweight Championship

Rip Chord © w/Karen Killer vs Liberty w/Emma Chase

Sorry Liberty but you aint winning here ...

BLZ Bubb vs Sam Strong

Tough call but i'm calling shenanigans, thought about going draw but i'll stick with Sam maybe by dq.

HGC World Tag Team Championship

The Blazing Flames © vs The Vessey Brothers vs The Demons Of Rage

I want to pick the Demons but think its not right for a Title change yet.

HGC International Championship

Cowboy Ricky Dale vs Brent Hill

Let the fans go home happy

Peter Valentine vs Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase

Dread's Open Challenge

Dread vs ???

Time for Dread to bite off more than he can chew and when better than on PPV!

Mr Lucha vs Craig Prince

The Hype vs Electrico vs Bryan Holmes

Both need a win sometime, why not here!?

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HGC World Heavyweight Championship

Rip Chord © w/Karen Killer vs Liberty w/Emma Chase


BLZ Bubb vs Sam Strong


HGC World Tag Team Championship

The Blazing Flames © vs The Vessey Brothers vs The Demons Of Rage


HGC International Championship

Cowboy Ricky Dale vs Brent Hill


Peter Valentine vs Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase


I wonder if Eric Clapton and Ginger Baker will be in the crowd?


Dread's Open Challenge

Dread vs ???


Mr Lucha vs Craig Prince


What Jaded said...


The Hype vs Electrico vs Bryan Holmes


Both are jobbers compared to the greatness of Bryan Holmes!

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Sorry London, I just dont play that many pickem games. But I did want to tell you I am still following what you are doing here. And I very much like what you have been posting. Emma Chase and Liberty, wow. You can go a couple of different ways with that pairing.


Comments are just as welcome as predictions. Words of encouragement go a long way. :)


Now back to writing up the ppv.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>HGC World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Rip Chord ©</strong> w/Karen Killer vs Liberty w/Emma Chase</p><p>

Rip should keep the title for a good long run. I expect the two ladies to get involved and extend the feud.</p><p> </p><p>

BLZ Bubb vs <strong>Sam Strong</strong></p><p>

Sam should win the battle but loose the war with a win followed by a big post match beat down.</p><p> </p><p>

HGC World Tag Team Championship</p><p>

The Blazing Flames © vs The Vessey Brothers vs <strong>The Demons Of Rage</strong></p><p>

This one could go in any direction with three great teams. I'll go with the Demons. They've been on a roll, and the two face teams can chase them.</p><p> </p><p>

HGC International Championship</p><p>

<strong>Cowboy Ricky Dale</strong> vs Brent Hill</p><p>

RDJ is a perfect guy to put the title on first, and I suspect Brent will end up with Anderson before long.</p><p> </p><p>

Peter Valentine vs <strong>Jack Bruce </strong>w/Emma Chase</p><p>

Jack is great and Valentine is worthless. Also backing up BHK. If we don't get Baker and Clapton, I riot!</p><p> </p><p>

Dread's Open Challenge</p><p>

<strong>Dread</strong> vs ???</p><p>

This is a great opperatunity for someone debuting to make a mark. A win for the newcommer is very possibly, depending on who they are, but I suspect they will look good in defeat, pushing Dread further than anyone else.</p><p> </p><p>

Mr Lucha vs <strong>Craig Prince</strong></p><p>

Good clean win to boost Prince.</p><p> </p><p>

The Hype vs Electrico vs <strong>Bryan Holmes</strong></p><p>

Holmes is a great talent, while Electro has a celing on how far he will go, and Hype is a fatality waiting to happen.</p>

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HGC The War To Settle The Score

Sunday of Week 4, February 1997

Illinois State Park (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 15,000 (SELL OUT!)

Pay-Per-View: 1.74




An extended pyrotechnic display welcomes the viewers and those in attendance to The War To Settle The Score. The sold out Illinois State Park is positively rocking with excitement. The camera pans around the audience, only briefly stopping to focus on certain signs or particular individuals in the crowd who are dressed in rather unique attire. We are now taken to the broadcast booth where Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes are ready to get proceedings underway.



Azaria: “Hello everybody and welcome to The War To Settle The Score. We are here live in Illinois State Park in front of a packed out crowd who are positively raucous and ready to watch the best wrestling action the world has to offer.”


Rhodes: “You’re right Azaria. We have an awesome card with every match full of excitement





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JackAvatar.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/Elctrico.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/BryanHolmes.jpg


The Hype vs Electrico vs Bryan Holmes


A nicely paced opener that saw the meshing of styles entertain the crowd if not bringing them to their feet. The Hype and Electrico exchanged some fluid aerial exchanges whilst Bryan Holmes remained out of harm’s way for the duration. Electrico looked to take advantage of an opening that Hype had left him when he hit a running hurricanrana that sent Hype stumbling into Bryan Holmes. Holmes, without hesitation used The Hype’s momentum to lift him up in the air and bring him crashing down with a vicious backbreaker. Electrico gave Homes no time to rest when he came charging across the ring only to be caught by a drop toe hold that caused him to snap his throat over the middle rope. After seeing one of his opponents hit the ground whilst struggling to breathe, Holmes took full advantage and picked up the pinfall victory.




Azaria: “A very nice showing from Bryan Holmes there. He used his opponent’s strengths against them and managed to pull out the victory.”


Rhodes: “You have to give credit to The Hype and Electrico. Both men put on good performances it just wasn’t their night.”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/MrLuchaIII.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/CraigPrince.jpg


Mr Lucha vs Craig Prince


A very solid contest that could have easily headlined a smaller show. Mr Lucha kept the tempo high in the early stages of the match by using a combination of snapmares, dropkicks and headscissor takedowns. Prince kept himself in the contest by cutting Lucha off at the pass on more than one occasion. Prince looked to ground his opponent and did so by hitting a version of a piledriver that looked to have completely knocked Mr Lucha out. After a fair amount of arrogant celebrating, Craig Prince went to pick Lucha of the canvas only to find himself pulled into a small package from which he could not escape. Mr Lucha managed to pull out the quick pinfall victory.




Rhodes: “Shocking! Craig Prince was robbed!”


Azaria: “Don’t be stupid. Mr Lucha won that match fair and square.”


Rhodes: “Prince had things going his way. I think he was the real victor here tonight.”


Azaria: “I hate to have to cut you off partner, but Dread has made his way to the ring.”







Dread is standing in the middle of the ring with a microphone in hand.


Dread: “It is once again time for Dread’s open challenge!...........I don’t care who you are, I don’t care what you’ve done; Anybody in the locker room who thinks they can present me with a worthwhile challenge is free to come down here now to prove their metal..................Does anybody have the guts?.................C’mon, the longer you make me wait, the angrier I become.............C’MON!!!”


Dread is visibly breathing heavily having worked himself up into a state of frenzy. There is a long pause where everybody in attendance is looking back towards the entranceway. After the anticipation reached its pinnacle a familiar face emerged from behind the curtains.................Monty Walker is staring down at Dread who cannot hide his stunned expression.


Rhodes: “You have got to be kidding me!..................Monty Walker just keeps on coming back for more.”


Azaria: “It has been a month since we saw Dread destroy Monty Walker at Malice In Wonderland and now this gutsy kid has come back and he certainly looks like he means business!”


Rhodes: “How dumb is this guy? Dread will tear him apart once again!”


Monty Walker quickly makes his way down to the apron and throws a chair into the ring. The match is declared as being anything goes.





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/Dread_alt1.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/MontyWalker.jpg


Dread vs Monty Walker


Dread was still in a state of shock as the match began and Monty Walker took full advantage of this. Walker began to chop the giant of a man down to size with swift kicks to the legs and multiple dropkicks upstairs. Dread was reeling. In fact for a large part of the match Monty seemed to be taking the initiative. A particularly impressive highspot from the match saw Monty set up a chair in the middle of the ring. Using the chair as a springboard, Walker leapt into the air and hit a missile dropkick on Dread that sent the big man crashing through a table that had previously been set up against a turnbuckle. Unfortunately for Walker however, all the momentum and success he had for the duration of the contest could not save him from losing one more tim against his opponent. Dread picked up a chair and after hitting Walker in the midsection with it, followed up by dropping Walker on the same chair with a Dread Bomb. The following three count was academic.




Azaria: “Dread took more damage in that match then all of his previous encounters in HGC combined!”


Rhodes: “.....and he still emerged victorious.”


Azaria: “Walker’s heart and determination can never be questioned again. He showed just how good he is and he really took Dread to the limit.”


Dread almost appears to nod at Walker before he leaves the ring as a sign of begrudging respect.





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/PeterValentine.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JackBruce.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/EmmaChase.jpg


Peter Valentine vs Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase


Like their last encounter at Mailce In Wonderland, the match proved to be very even for its duration. The key difference in this one being Emma Chase in the corner of Jack Bruce. Now whilst she never made a physical impact on the match, the fact that she was present played on the mind of Valentine and this ultimately may have cost him the bout. Valentine set Bruce up for the Heartbreaker but found the move countered into a superkick. Unable to regain his senses in time, Valentine could not prevent the following New York Minute. The pinfall followed shortly thereafter.




Azaria: “Solid win for Jack Bruce. It looks as though Emma Chase is doing wonders for him and tonight it showed.”


Rhodes: “He did well, no question.”


Azaria: “Well up next we will be crowning HGC’s first ever International champion. Cowboy Ricky Dale will be going one-on-one against Brent Hill.”


Rhodes: “With what has happened in the past month between these two we can certainly expect fireworks!”






HGC International Championship


http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/BrentHill_alt22.jpg


Cowboy Ricky Dale vs Brent Hill


You could cut the tension with a knife in this one. There were no good intentions whatsoever. Cowboy Ricky Dale pushed the early pace with clubbing offence that kept Hill from implementing his game plan as he would have liked. Heavy lariats and powerful shoulder tackles led to many near fall scenarios. Hill eventually managed to work his way back into the contest when a bodyslam attempt was reversed into a reverse DDT backbreaker. The next few minutes saw Hill take charge as he continued to work on the Cowboy’s neck. At one point it looked as though Hill was attempting to lock in a version of a dragon sleeper. Not willing to be ensnared, Cowboy used his power to lift Hill off the ground and turned the predicament into a running powerslam. Hill just managed to kick out from the ensuing pinfall attempt. Dale, realising what he had to do, connected with Southern Justice allowing him to secure the referee’s threecount. The inaugural HGC International Champion was crowned. Cowboy Ricky Dale proudly displays the International title around his waist and celebrates with his fans following the belt presentation.





Azaria: “We have just witnessed history folks; our first ever International champion has just been crowned!”


Rhodes: “And what a great match it was. It really could have gone either way.”


Azaria: “I don’t doubt that we will see Brent Hill challenging for the title again. He has nothing to feel ashamed about.”


Rhodes: “But at the end of the day he won’t be the man able to say that he was the first ever International champion.”






HGC World Tag Team Championship


http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JoeyFlame.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/TeddyFlame.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/DemonAnger.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/DemonSpite.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/BryanVessey.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/LarryVessey.jpg


The Blazing Flames © vs The Demons Of Rage vs The Vessey Brothers


This match broke down into a free for all very quickly as just ten minutes had passed before the referee had all six men in the ring at the same time to contend with. It appeared as though the Vesseys and the Flames would put aside their differences and try and eliminate the Demons from the match before they could duke it out themselves to see who the better team was. Try as they might, the Demons would not be so easily brushed aside. After having sent both Bryan and Larry outside, Anger and Spite military pressed Teddy and Joey respectively high into the air before launching them over the top rope onto the Vesseys. Although the Demons are by no means crowd favourites, this did draw a very positive response. Their success was short lived however and as they went to connect with a Double Demon Down on Bryan Vessey, they were met with stereo dropkicks from the Flames that caused them to tumble out of the ring. Bryan uncharacteristically, ran towards the ropes and dived between them to connect with a crossbody that meant he and the Demons thudded into the ringside barrier. The Flames were left in the ring with Larry Vessey who really didn’t stand much of a chance by himself and after being hit with the Blaze of Glory from Joey he could not muster enough energy to kick out of the following cover.




Azaria: “the Flames have made their first successful defence of the Tag Team Championship in a very entertaining match.”


Rhodes: “It looked for a while as though the Demons were going to pick up the win but four men will more often than not stand better chances when they go against two and that is what happened tonight. It took the Vesseys and The Flames to take them out of the contest.”


Azaria: “Up next we will see BLZ Bubb go against Sam Strong in one-on-one action. Will Bubb admit to being the attacker of Sam Strong or will this saga continue?”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/TysonBaine.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/SamStrong.jpg


BLZ Bubb vs Sam Strong


A bowling shoe ugly brawl between two larger than life individuals saw the majority of the punishment doled out by Bubb with malicious yet calculated precision. Bubb looked to connect with the Hades Bomb on Strong but found the move countered into a big backdrop. Strong looked to fight back with clubbing right hands but was cut off by a big boot from Bubb that dropped him. Bubb continued his onslaught on Strong and appeared to grow more vicious by the minute. This could have cost him in the long run. Bubb became clumsy and a sloppy chokeslam was countered with a sharp kick to the knee. The Strong Arm Tactic followed shortly thereafter as did the threecount. Strong emerged victorious albeit a little worse for wear.


Strong picks up a microphone after composing himself and addresses Bubb who is by now halfway back up the ramp.


Strong: “Wait a second Bubb!”


Bubb halts in his tracks but doesn’t turn to face the ring.


Strong: “I want to know if you had anything to do with those attacks on me this month. Act like a man and tell me the truth. Are you the man who has been jumping me!?”


Bubb smirks slightly as he slowly turns around to face his accuser. After a few seconds Bubb shakes his head before heading backstage.




Azaria: “And so the mystery continues. Bubb has signalled that he isn’t the individual behind the attacks.”


Rhodes: “And you believe that monster?!”


Azaria: “Why would Bubb lie? He has nothing to gain from not telling the truth.”


Rhodes: “You make a fair point Azaria.”






HGC World Heavyweight Championship


http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RipChord.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/KarenKiller_alt.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/Liberty.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/EmmaChase.jpg


Rip Chord © w/Karen Killer vs Liberty w/Emma Chase


There appeared to be as much tension outside the ring as in it during the main event’s proceedings. It is no secret that there are hostile feelings between Killer and Chase and this was even more prominent during their frequent staring clashes from across the ring. This only helped add drama to the main event which saw a clinic from both men. Chord used his superior technical grappling to frustrate his opponent whilst Liberty opened up with sporadic flurries of offense that caused Chord to roll to the outside on more than one occasion to discuss tactics with Killer. Liberty kept momentum on his side as he straddled the defending champion on the top turnbuckle. He signalled to the crowd that a big move was soon to follow and he was right, although not the way he had imagined it. As Liberty went to hit a superplex on Chord he was struck with a vicious blow to the side of the head that allowed Rip to take advantage with a top rope DDT. The impact of which caused the crowd to recoil in anguish. Liberty had no chance of kicking out from the following pinfall.




Azaria: “What a move by Rip Chord and it has enabled him to retain the HGC World Heavyweight championship!”


Rhodes: “That’s the mark of a true champion right there. You may question his morals, you may not like him, but he pulls out all the stops to win and tonight was no different. Liberty gave it his all but tonight was not to be his night.”



The camera returns to the ring where Rip Chord is celebrating the successful defence of his World title with Killer when the lights go out. After a few seconds they return and we see a wary Chord quickly looking from left to right to see if there is anybody about to jump him..................There is nobody in sight. An eerie laughter is heard echoing around the arena via the stage speakers which only further spooks the champ.



Azaria: “Was that a signal of intent by this mystery attacker. Is the HGC World Champion his next target?”


Rhodes: “Who’s to say that this is even the same individual? For all we know it could be somebody else.”


Azaria: “Things appear to be getting stranger by the week so God only knows what is going to happen next week on Hollyweird TV!......................Ladies and gentlemen, this wraps up our PPV. Be sure to tune in next week for Hollyweird TV. You won’t want to miss it!”



We are left with the image of Rip Chord and Karen Killer looking panicked in the ring with Chord clutching at his championship like it was a pacifier.

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Sorry for the long wait folks. Hopefully the PPV made up for it :). Anyway on to the prediction results.


Boltinho: 6/8 -Top notch score there sir. This will be tough to beat!


Jaded: 4/8 - Not a bad score by any means but unfortunately it isn't enough to win this round.


Jingo: 6/8 - Awesome predicting! You share a tie of the lead.


BHK1978: 7/8 - And just when it looks like there will be multiple winners BHK1978 swoops in and ruins the party. Great stuff sir!


Truth: 6/8 - Another good score for the round that on any other show would have earned you a win. Better luck next round.



Round Result

Congratulations BHK1978, you have won this round!





1st: BHK1978 = 6


2nd: Stennick = 5


3rd: Boltinho = 3


3rd: Jaded = 3


4th: Jingo = 2


5th: Teh_Showtime = 1


6th: Truth = 0


6th: toeachtheirown = 0



Hope you all enjoyed the show.

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HGC Hollyweird TV (Tuesday of Week 1, March 1997)


After coming off an impressive win over Craig Prince at The War To Settle The Score, Mr Lucha will be in singles action again against HGC newcomer Human Arsenal. Can the luchador keep momentum rolling or will the technical Arsenal bring him back down to earth with a bump?


An HGC new signing will be debuting against the always entertaining Hype. If rumour has it, The Hype will be severly outsized in this bout but nobody can confirm or deny this theory until the mystery grappler makes their appearance.


New HGC International champion, Cowboy Ricky Dale will be in tag team action when he teams up with one of Emma Chase's Saints, Jack Bruce to take on Craig Prince and the man who Dale defeated at the PPV for said title, Brent Hill. Both Hill and Prince have something to prove after having lost their respective matches on Sunday and Dale will no doubt want to prove that he will be a long term champion by pulling out the victory one more time against his foe. Having defeated Peter Valentine at The War To Settle The Score, Jack Bruce will be bringing a level of confidence into the match that may help his team on the night.


The Tag Team Specialists will be going against The Vessey Brothers in a match that could be a good indication as to who will be facing the champs in the future. Both teams have fallen victim to the Flames in the past and will be looking to get some momentum should they face them again anytime soon.


Sam Strong has requested time to address the individual who has been attacking him for the last month and he wants answers immediately. Will he get them?


It has also recently been announced that there will be a number one contenders match between former championship contender Liberty and the menacing monster known as BLZ Bubb. Rip Chord requested that Bubb be included in the match in the hope that he can face an ally for the title at the next PPV, Bound By Blood. After seeing Bubb's impressive display on Sunday, the request was accepted.


Speaking of the HGC World Heavyweight Champion, Rip Chord will be in singles action against Japanese competitor, Dark EAGLE.




Prediction Key


The Hype vs ???


Mr Lucha vs Human Arsenal


Cowboy Ricky Dale & Jack Bruce w/ Emma Chase vs Craig Prince & Brent Hill


The Vessey Brothers vs The Tag Team Specialists


Rip Chord vs Dark EAGLE (non title)


Liberty vs BLZ Bubb

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