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TNA Wrestling 2006

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Charlie Haas vs Austin Aries

Shouldn't lose his debut match.


NWA TNA World Tag Team Titles

Americas Most Wanted© vs Team 3D vs The Naturals

No reason to drop the belts here.


Samoa Joe vs Christopher Daniels

An undefeated Samoan Submission Machine is best.


Christian Cage vs Sting

Youth 4TW.

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TNA iMPACT Week Three


Pre Show

Jeff Hardy and Chris Sabin defeated Raven and Sonjay Dutt and Rhino and Roderick Strong and A.J Styles and Alex Shelley




Main Show

The show opens up showing highlight clips from Final Resolution.



Charlie Haas vs Austin Aries

Haas was very impressive in his debut wearing Aries down with a variety of suplexes, Aries got back into the match but the damage had already been done, Aries missed a missile dropkick off the top turnbuckle as Haas sidestepped out the way. Haas then picked up Aries and nailed him with a Tiger Bomb to get the victory.

Winner: Charlie Haas



Camera cuts to the announce table were Mike Tenay and Don West announce that tonight we will see Christian Cage and Sting go one on one with the winner becoming the number one contender for the NWA TNA World Heavyweight Title at Against All Odds.



NWA TNA World Tag Team Titles

Americas Most Wanted © vs Team 3D vs The Naturals

Both members of AMW refused to let themselves get tagged into the ring, letting Team 3D and The Naturals slug it out in the ring, good back and forth action between the two teams, Team 3D took control when Ray threw Douglas from the ring, he then tagged in Devon and they nailed a 3D on Stevens. Harris leaned over and tagged himself in, he entered the ring and clotheslined Ray over the top rope, Devon then charged at Harris but he ducked and got clotheslined by Storm. Harris then made the cover.

Winners and Still NWA TNA World Tag Team Champions: Americas Most Wanted



The camera then cuts to the backstage area showing Christian Cage, he cuts a promo on Sting stating that nothing is going to stop him in his goal of becoming World champion.



Samoa Joe vs Christopher Daniels

Another fantastic match between these two, Daniels was wearing bandages from his ladder match at Final Resolution but that didn’t stop him from taking it to Joe at the start of the match, Daniels hit Joe with quick left and rights sending Joe onto one knee, Daniels then nailed Joe with an enziguiri knocking him to the floor. Daniels climbed up the top rope and nailed a BME but Joe managed to kick out after the two. Daniels continued on the offence by hitting a running dropkick to Joes face. Daniels climbed back up to the turnbuckle and went for another BME but this time Joe moved out the way, Daniels crashed into the mat hard, Joe picked him straight back up and threw him to the outside, Daniels slowly got back to his feet as Joe dove threw the middle rope nailing a flying forearm knocking Daniels flying over the guard rail into the crowd. Both men eventually get back into the ring, Daniels blocks a right hand and leaps in the air for a hurricanrana but Joe catches him and nails Daniels with a Styles Clash sending a message to A.J Styles. Joe then gets the cover.

Winner: Samoa Joe



A video then plays showing Sting in the rafters, he doesn’t say anything he just stares into the camera and then motions around his waist the World title.



Main Event

Christian Cage vs Sting

Fantastic back and forth action between both men that the crowd were fully behind. The match started out a brawl until Cage got the upper hand and clotheslined Sting and himself over the top rope to the outside, Sting reversed a kick and spun Cage around before nailing him with a ddt onto the outside mats. Both men ended up back in the ring, Cage got the upperhand and set Sting up on the top turnbuckle before nailing him with a superplex, Cage got back up and headed back to the top turnbuckle before leaping off and hitting a frog splash for a 2 count. Cage picked Sting up and nailed him with chops but Sting just stood there and took it, Sting screamed at Cage and then nailed Cage with some chops of his own sending Cage retreating, Sting grabbed Cage from behind and hit a Scorpion Death Drop, 1……….2…….Kickout. Sting can not believe it, Sting gets back to his feet and drags Cage in the middle of the ring, Sting then applies the Scorpion Death Lock, Cage is shouting out in pain, suddenly the fans begin to boo, Vader and Jeff Jarrett with his guitar in hand and his title belt around his waist make their way down to the ring, Sting sees them and released the hold, he makes his way to the ropes and tells Jarrett and Vader to bring it. The fans are going crazy wanting it to happen when all of a sudden Cage rolls Sting up and gets the 3 count.

Winner: Christian Cage



After the match Sting gets quickly to his feet as Cage apologizes, Sting turns around and gets a guitar smashed over his head, Sting falls to the floor but Vader picks him up as Jarrett lays the boots into Cage. Vader nails Sting with a Vader Bomb but he isn’t finished he picks the limp Sting back to his feet and nails him with another Vader Bomb before kicking him out of the ring. The fans begin pelting the ring with rubbish and booing, Jarrett picks Sting up and hits him with The Stroke, Vader has got a table from under the ring and set it up in the middle of the ring, Vader climbs the top rope and sits down, Jarrett picks the limp Cage up and places him on Vaders shoulders, Vader stands up and jumps off hitting a sit down Powerbomb through the table. The fans are booing like crazy, Jarrett pulls something out of his pocket, it’s lighter fluid!! Jarrett empties the contents onto Cage, Vader then hands Jarrett a match, Jarrett lights it but before he can set Cage alight a whole load of security, referees and road agents hit the ring and stop anything from happening. The scene ends with Cage and Sting being loaded onto stretchers.

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TNA iMPACT Week Four Card


A.J Styles vs Samoa Joe


NWA TNA World Tag Team Titles

Americas Most Wanted © vs The Naturals


Vader vs Christian Cage


Jeff Hardy and Rhino vs Raven and Abyss


Main Event

NWA TNA World Heavyweight Title

Jeff Jarrett © vs Sting

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A.J Styles vs Samoa Joe


NWA TNA World Tag Team Titles

Americas Most Wanted © vs The Naturals

Looking forward to an eventual AMW vs Team Canada feud. Beer! vs! Money!


Vader vs Christian Cage

Nice momentum for the upcoming title victory.


Jeff Hardy and Rhino vs Raven and Abyss



Main Event

NWA TNA World Heavyweight Title

Jeff Jarrett © vs Sting

Kind of weird for this to be a title match, given Christian just beat Sting. Shouldn't that have made Sting the #2 contender for the title? Anyways, Jeff retains so that Sting can face Vader at the ppv.

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Main Event

NWA TNA World Heavyweight Title

Jeff Jarrett © vs Sting

Kind of weird for this to be a title match, given Christian just beat Sting. Shouldn't that have made Sting the #2 contender for the title? Anyways, Jeff retains so that Sting can face Vader at the ppv.


Yeah it is a little weird but this match gets made during the show and i didn't want people to miss out on predicting the outcome of it.


Thanks for your predictions, show will be up by the end of the day or tomorrow.

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A.J Styles vs Samoa Joe


NWA TNA World Tag Team Titles

Americas Most Wanted © vs The Naturals


Vader vs Christian Cage


Jeff Hardy and Rhino vs Raven and Abyss


Main Event

NWA TNA World Heavyweight Title

Jeff Jarrett © vs Sting

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TNA iMPACT Week Four


Pre Show

A promotional video plays to the crowd in attendance showing the most popular stars in TNA.


Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal drew against Austin Aries and Roderick Strong after the ten minute time limit ran out.




Main Show

The show opens up with Christian Cage standing in the backstage area, he is bandaged up and looks bruised from his brutal attack last week, he cuts a promo on what happened last week saying that Jarrett and Vader think they now run TNA and he is going to put a stop to it. Just then Vader charges Cage backstage and knocks him to the floor with a clothesline, he then scoops him up over his shoulder and throws him into the wall, Cage collapses on the floor as security hit the backstage area and take Vader away as paramedics attend to Cage.



Samoa Joe vs A.J Styles

Brilliant opening match for TNA continuing this X-Division feud. Very back and forth action, after being thrown to the outside A.J climbed the turnbuckle and nailed a shooting star plancha to the outside connecting with Joe. Joe got to his feet and leaned against the guard rail to catch a breath, A.J charged at him but Joe flipped A.J over his back and sent him flying into the crowd knocking numerous fans off their chairs causing a TNA chant to break out, Joe picked A.J up and rolled him back into the ring, Joe got him up for a Muscle Buster but A.J reversed it into a DDT and got a close 2 count, A.J got Joe up and attempted a Styles Clash but he couldn’t get Joe off his feet, Joe flips A.J over his shoulders again and then picks him up and nails a Muscle Buster for the 3 count.


Winner: Samoa Joe



After the match Joe stands over A.Js fallen body and raises his X-Division title high in the air, from behind though comes Christopher Daniels and he has a steel chair in hand, Joe turns around and gets nailed with a shot to the head, A.J slowly gets to his feet and he turns into a chair shot to the skull. Daniels drops the chair and picks up the title belt, he stares at it slowly before dropping it back to the floor.



Americas Most Wanted come down to the ring for their match, they grab a microphone and state that they are the greatest tag team in the world today and they will prove it when they make another successful defence right now.



NWA TNA World Tag Team Titles

Americas Most Wanted© vs The Naturals

The Naturals hit the ring but before the bell was rang AMW nailed both Stevens and Douglas with title shots to the head, AMW then demanded the bell be rung before making the easy pinfall.


Winners and Still NWA TNA World Tag Team Champions: Americas Most Wanted



The match is over and the fans are booing, Harris and Storm stand on the turnbuckles holding their belts for all to see, suddenly cheers emerge from the crowd as Douglas and Stevens get back to their feet, they are in no state to fight though, Harris and Storm drop down in the ring and nail them both with simultaneous title shots to the head again.



Christian Cage vs Vader

Cage makes his way down to the ring battered and bruises, his ribs still heavily taped up in bandages. As soon as Cage climbs through the ropes Vader begins nailing him with stiff left and right hands, Cage gets backed into a corner and Vader charges forwards with a splash but at the last second Cage moves out of the way and Vader meets nothing but turnbuckle, Cage as quick as he can climbs the top rope and leaps off with a dropkick knocking Vader to the floor, Cage seems to have hurt himself more though as he rolls around holding his ribs, Vader is first to his feet with Cage slowly following, Cage has to use the ropes to get to his feet. Cage turns to face Vader and gets clotheslined over the top rope to the outside, Vader follows and picks Cage up in bearhug before running forwards slamming his back into the guard rail, Vader rolls Cage into the ring and signals for the end, he picks up Cage for a Vader Bomb but Cage slides down his back and hooks him in a small package,1.2.3.


Winner: Christian Cage



Vader can not believe he has lost, he begins stomping Cage to boos, Jarrett then hits the ring and the two men begin double teaming, Vader climbs the top rope and Jarrett hands Cage to him but before any damage can be done Sting hits the ring with his bat in hand, he smashes Jarrett in the ribs causing him to hit the ring and roll to the outside, Vader drops Cage and jumps down only to be hit in the head with the baseball bat causing him to be knocked to the outside. Sting grabs a microphone and announces that what happened during his number one contenders match last week was bullsh** so he demands Jarrett put the belt on the line right now and the winner faces Christian Cage at Against All Odds. Vader jumps Sting from behind and quickly hits a Vader Bomb. Jarrett laughs from the outside and shouts you’re on.



Rhino and Jeff Hardy vs Raven and Abyss

Evenly matched bout between the two teams, Raven tended to stick to brawling with Jeff and Abyss stuck to brawling with Rhino. Towards the end the referee lost control as all four men where in the ring brawling, Jeff hit Raven with the Twist of Fate, Abyss then hit Jeff with the chokeslam, Rhino then attempted a Gore but Abyss side-stepped and hit a black hole slam for the 3 count.


Winners: Raven and Abyss



NWA TNA World Heavyweight Title

Jeff Jarrett© vs Sting

The crowd were fully into this match from the opening bell, Jarrett and Sting tore into each other with everything they had, Sting got the upper hand and nailed a Stinger Splash on Jarrett in the corner, he then nailed him with a Scorpion Death Drop but Jarrett kicked out after 2. Sting attempted a Scorpion Death Lock but Jarrett kicked him into the turnbuckle, Sting turned around and got hit with The Stroke for the 1…2….Sting kicked out at the last second as the fans went crazy, Jarrett couldn’t believe it. Jarrett got back to his feet and attempted another Stroke but Sting tripped Jarrett up and locked in the Scorpion Death Lock, after what seemed like an eternity Jarrett managed to reach the ropes, knowing the damage had been done Sting dragged Jarrett back and locked it in again but as he bent down Jarrett hooked him in a small package and held onto the ropes for the 3 count.


Winner and Still NWA TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Jeff Jarrett



After the match Jarrett bailed out of the ring holding his lower back, he grabbed his title and held it up in the air as Sting couldn’t believe what had happened.

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TNA iMPACT Week Five Card


Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match

Team 3D vs The Naturals vs Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal vs Austin Aries and Roderick Strong


Sting vs Petey Williams


A.J Styles vs Alex Shelley


Samoa Joe and Chris Sabin vs Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper


Main Event

Jeff Jarrett vs Jeff Hardy

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TNA iMPACT Week Five Card


Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match

Team 3D vs The Naturals vs Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal vs Austin Aries and Roderick Strong

They're the ones who are over enough for the match with AMW to be solid.


Sting vs Petey Williams

Squash city.


A.J Styles vs Alex Shelley

Building the mo for the big match with Joe!


Samoa Joe and Chris Sabin vs Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper

Woo Triple X! And plus with Sabin being there means Daniels can gain some momentum without Joe having to take a loss. Poor MCMG. They both get to job here ;_;


Main Event

Jeff Jarrett vs Jeff Hardy

Either way, I bet Jeff will win this match.

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