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Can't Find Save Game

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I'm using Windows 7 and I'm trying to move one save game folder on a different computer to this one. The saves do not get saved to the saves folder in the Bowl Bound Root. When I run a Test1 league, it gets placed in the following folder:


C:\Users\myname\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\GDS\Bowl Bound College Football\Saves


I can't seem to find anything that says AppData when looking in the C root. Anyone have any ideas?


I could start over but I really do not want to do so.

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The game just looks for the Saves folder in the main game folder with the app. I'm not as familiar with Windows 7, but it looks like it placing the game under your profile in the program files folder.


I would do a search for bb2005.exe and once it finds that, the saves folder will be in that location.

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Thanks for the reply. The game got installed in the program files (x86) root (the default in windows 7) as opposed to the general program files folder. When I uninstalled the game and reinstalled in the general program files folder, everything then worked fine.


Thanks for the reply.

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Even though it has already been sorted out I thought should post what is most likely happening here.


You should be fine running the game out of the (x86) folder, every program I have runs out of there fine. On Tew several of my files saved into the same folder (or a very similar one, I can't check since I'm not on my pc ATM) and it was due to not running in Admin mode.


I will download the demo of this game tomorrow to see if it is the same problem, but if it is you're fine copying the files over from that location to the proper one in the (x86) folder and just remembering to run in admin mode in the future. (although I wouldn't try this until I can confirm this and/or someone else confirms it is fine)


I will post again tomorrow after testing it.

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This is definately due to not running in admin mode, when I run in admin mode it gets saved -


C:\Program Files (x86)\GDS\Bowl Bound College Football\saves


The proper place where it should be saved, but when I dont run in admin mode it gets saved


C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\GDS\Bowl Bound College Football\saves


Which is where, technically, it shouldnt save. You can copy the data across from one folder to another and the game will still work (without the knowledge of how the program works I cant say whether anything gets messed up in this process, but it loads ok (I could send over the saves from both methods if you want to analyse them)). The games when saved in admin mode can only be played when in admin mode, and vice versa.


Hope this helps for if anyone else has this problem. :)

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