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The Johhny Heizenger Story

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The envelope landed heavily on Rip’s desk, the contents just peeking out. My name ran across the front in big, bold letters, and my stomach couldn’t help from turning when I Rip produce it from his desk. A stern look was set on his face as he stared across at me, and I found myself doing my best to avoid his gaze. Finally, he broke the awkward silence between us.

“This is unacceptable.”


“Rip, I-”


“No, you don’t get to talk right now. Let me tell you something, kid: we didn’t do these tests just to protect our image, we did ‘em to help everyone in that locker room. If this keeps up, there’s a laundry list of bad crap that can happen to you. I ain’t even gonna get into the money problems, but just look at me. My liver’s shot to ****, and my heart shoulda gave out on me years ago. That’s steroids, kids. You wanna wind up like me? Go ahead. Take ‘em. But I sure as hell don’t want that for you.”


I had nothing to say. What could I, really? Sorry, Rip? It won’t happen again? That was understood. It didn’t need to be verbalized.

“We’re testing you again in a few months. It’s gonna be randomly, so you can’t prepare for it and try and cycle off. And your pay’s docked twenty-percent until you retest. Now get out of my office."


I stood up without a word, turned, and walked out of his office. My head hung low, and I sulked around for the remainder of the evening. Lisa asked me if anything was wrong, and I told her no. Everything was fine. I didn’t tell her a thing.






Ant-Man and El Mitico vs. Rob Wright and Trent Schafer

Cam Jones and Miller Fforde vs. Bad Company

Young Canadian League vs. The Awesomeness

Eddie Cornell vs. Citizen X

The Pilgrim vs. Casey Valentine

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Ford Gumble

Remmy Skye and Steve Flash vs. Atlas and Jay Chord

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  • Replies 675
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I'll be honest here, Cameron Vessey's 'firing' from The Succession came off as a little 'flat' to me and I would have thought something such as this would have happened on a bigger show and would have been more of a deal than....


Vessey: I want my title shot


Emily: You can't have your title shot


Vessey: I can have my title shot


Emily: No you can't you're fired....


And then that's it. :p


Despite that 'complaint' however, I am still on board as a reader. In general I think you've got some good stories/angles plugging along and I like the slow build you are putting into them.


I won't lie, I did kind of rush through the writing on that last show. For some reason, I keep on looking ahead to what I'm trying to build to, and, as a result, I think the current stuff comes off, as you put it, a little flat. The fact that I have a great writer like you reading and giving input helps keep my head up, though. :p

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Ant-Man and El Mitico vs. Rob Wright and Trent Schafer

Cam Jones and Miller Fforde vs. Bad Company

Young Canadian League vs. The Awesomeness

Eddie Cornell vs. Citizen X

The Pilgrim vs. Casey Valentine

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Ford Gumble

Remmy Skye and Steve Flash vs. Atlas and Jay Chord

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Update on the show:


It's a slow one writing, through no fault of my own. I got hooked on Six Feet Under, and I'm now burning through the seasons, which is taking up the little free time I have. Most of the matches are done, but, as usual, it's the (admittedly sub-par) angles that I'm laboring over. Oh, and just a heads up, this is probably going to be the last show for a few weeks. I fly home to Texas on leave for two weeks starting the 28th, so I'll be away from all this getting fat. But then again, I may be able to squeeze one more show in before then, so who knows? :p

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I thought I had missed predictions here, but it appears I have a reprieve :)



Ant-Man and El Mitico vs. Rob Wright and Trent Schafer


I was slightly surprised to see Rob and Schafer pick up the win last time, as I was expecting the still green Wright to do the job, however I think this will an even back and forth feud and for me Ant-Man and El Mitico are the strongest out of the Alliance of Honor.


Cam Jones and Miller Fforde vs. Bad Company


Bad Company have a team name and are more established, simple midcarders over jobbers logic here.


Young Canadian League vs. The Awesomeness


You've admitted yourself that YCL are pure jobbers and that you don't see them rising up the ranks anytime soon.


Eddie Cornell vs. Citizen X


Even though there's the possibility New York Doll could (accidently) cost Citizen X the match, I don't think you'll be pulling the trigger on that scenario just yet and I have to back the guy who has some direction over the aimless midcarder.


The Pilgrim vs. Casey Valentine


Another squash


“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Ford Gumble


Gumble's not a jobber but Cattley's still higher up the card and I don't see that changing anytime soon.


Remmy Skye and Steve Flash vs. Atlas and Jay Chord


Remmy making his case for a world title shot on the last show has planted a seed of doubt in my mind, because if that is going to go somewhere then he needs to build himself as a title threat, and that could start here but at the end of the day I'm still going to back the world champion and his fellow representative from the dominant heel stable.

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Friday Week 2, November 2011

1,846 fans are in attendance in North Carolina’s Biker Museum!




El Mitico Jr. and Ant-Man w/ Dharma Gregg vs. Rob Wright and Trent Schafer





A nice little opener for the evening. Both teams have been having problems with one another in the past month, starting with Wright, Schafer, and Amazing’s beat down Mitico one month ago. Mitico looked to gain a measure of revenge here, and that ended up costing his team the match. When he tackled Wright from the ring, it left his partner Ant-Man all alone, and the distracted Ant-Man fell quickly to a lightning quick Thunder Roll (Rolling Liger Kick) from Schafer.

Schafer and Wright win, 57.









A knock came at the door of Miss Emily’s office, and Remmy Skye filed in shortly after. Emily glanced at the rainbow-haired star and stood to greet him.


“Ah, Remmy, it’s good to see you,” she said.


“Likewise, ma’am,” Remmy said.


“I’m going to be honest, Remmy, I’m not used to speaking to challengers for my title so, well, amicably. It’s a little refreshing.”


“If there’s one thing we’re taught down in Georgia, it’s how to talk to a lady. But, Miss Emily, I’d be lying through my teeth if I were to tell ya that I’m gonna treat your client with the same respect I’m affording you. I’m gonna do whatever it takes to get that belt.”


“Oh, of that I have no doubt. I saw what you did to beat Ford Gumble, and I’m impressed. In fact, for once, I’m actually a little worried. You’re willing to take some shots to dish some of your own out, and that might just be what it takes to best my monster, and take my title. Remmy, you might be the man for the job. And I want you to know that if you are, you’ve got a spot on team Emily.”


Remmy smiled. “Well, Miss Emily, I appreciate the kind words and the invitation, but that won’t be necessary. Frankly, ma’am, I know I can beat Atlas, and I can’t in good conscience work with you. Much as I treat you like a lady, I know that you’ve got the mind and tongue of a snake, and that, well, that ain’t even the worst of your qualities. Is that about all you called me in to talk about?”


Emily’s lips pursed and her cheeks reddened. “Yes, it is. Well, Remmy, I’m sorry that you feel that way. My client will see you in the ring later tonight, and we’ll see if your confidence has any sort of grounding.”





Cam Jones and Miller Fforde vs. Bad Company





Despite a loss two weeks ago, Bad Company remained competitive with the champs, and Cam and Miller just weren’t up to that level of competition. As a result, Bad Company steamrolled their competition and finished the match easily when the masked Rudo locked a Texas Cloverleaf on Fforde for the win.

Bad Company win, 51







“Howdy everyone, this is Duke Hazard, an’ I’m standin’ by with Raphael and Justin Sensitive, The Heartbreakers.”

“Right you are, Cowboy man,” Raphael said. “And believe me when I say this, but it’s a travesty that we’re being forced to watch a couple of thugs like Death Row and some boring no ones like Bad Company fight over those beautiful golden belts.”


“That’s right,” Sensitive added. “The fact is, this company needs a pair of beautiful, sexy champions to match those exquisite looking belts. They’re the ultimate accessories for the ultimate chick magnets, The Heartbreakers!”


“Correct-o, Justin. Death Row may have gotten lucky and beaten us a couple of times, sure. Who cares. The fact is, The Heartbreakers are the best tag team in MAW, and we could beat them and Bad Company all at once, blindfolded!”


“Easy money.”


“Yup! That, Duke, is something you can bank on!”





YCL vs. The Awesomeness





The Awesomeness were solidly in control of this match, beating on the northerners when Lisa Bowen’s music hit, and the Young Canadians got a reprieve.


“You look good in there, boys,” she said. “But, and I hate to say it, it’s time for me to knock your confidence down a bit. I’m a mean girl at heart, and I just can’t see you do well for yourselves. That said, it truly hurts me to do this to you. You ready, men?”


Lisa snapped her fingers, and two massive men hopped the ring barriers and stormed the ring. They first attacked YCL, demolishing the young duo before turning on The Awesomeness, who did their best to fight back. Unfortunately, their best was not enough, and the duo fell to a series of brutal power moves that left them laying still on their backs. The two assailants stood towering over them, not even breathing hard after their assault.

“Boys, let me introduce you to Behemoth and Gargantuan…”




“The Mountains of Madness!”



No Contest, 50






Eddie Cornell vs. Citizen X w/ The New York Doll





Cornell hasn’t seen much success yet in MAW, but he’s always put on a good show against top competition, which is what he met here in Citizen X. The two men tore into one another from the get go, but as the match wore on, Citizen X took a clear lead due to a series of underhanded tactics. These wound up backfiring on him though, when The New York Doll stood on the apron to distract Jay Fair, and Cornell contered by whipping X right into his partner, and quickly rolled him him up to score the win.

Eddie Cornell wins, 55


As Cornell left, celebrating, X and Doll remained in the ring, where X was shouting at Doll. Finally, clearly frustrated, X pushed Doll into the ropes, and on the rebound, Doll came back with a thunderous right hand that knocked X right off of his feet! Stunned, X stayed on the mat, rubbing his jaw as he stared up at Doll, who turned and left, his head held high.





“Two times now they’ve gotten the upper hand on us,” Ant-Man said, frustrated. “Two times!”


“Dos veces too many,” Mitico added.


“It’s embarrassing, is what it is,” Apollo chimed in.


Fire Fly nodded his head in agreement.


“Are you guys serious?” Dharma asked. “You’re going to let those guys get to you like this?”


“We’re not letting anyone get to us!” Ant-Man said, his voice rising.


“Oh really, because that’s what it looks like you’re doing. They’ve gotten in your head, and, frankly, that’s what’s embarrassing. You four are some of the most exciting, talented young talents in all of professional wrestling. This is beneath you.”


“What do you suggest we do then, amiga?” Mitico asked.


“We set a precedent. Ant-Man, at Proving Ground, you’re going to make them prove their worth. You’re going to issue an open challenge to anyone in their little group, and you’re going to beat them, easily, like I know you can.”


“Ok,” Ant-Man said, a smile spreading on his face. “I like it. That sounds good.”





The Pilgrim vs. Casey Valentine





Valentine continues to look impressive here as he absolutely dominates the newcomer Pilgrim, ending the match with a merciful Valentine’s Kiss (Legdrop to the back of the head) from the top rope. After the win, Valentine played to the crowd, blowing kisses to his (few) fans.

Valentine wins, 42






“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Ford Gumble





Both of these guys are very strong competitors, and going back about a year, were actually partners. Together, they put on a very entertaining match up. Gumble teased the Quick Draw Kick throughout the match, but, like the veteran he is, Cattley was able to avoid and recognize the threat. Accordingly, he quickly mounted a focused assault on the leg of Gumble, and, after locking a heel hook in very deep, forced the Texas Hitman to tap out.


Cattley wins, 62





Before Cattley even had time to celebrate, though, he was blindsided by “Black Flag” American Patriot, who launched a viscous assault on the technician. Smiling, he lifted him up and nailed Cattley with an American Suplex before laughing his way to the back. Cattley, barely conscious, managed to drag himself to the ropes and fixed his gaze on his retreating foe.







Remmy Skye and Steve Flash vs. Atlas and Jay Chord





Both teams were exhibited a very tenacious fighting style here, as this match carried on at a breakneck pace, even when the massive Atlas found his way into the ring. Remmy lived up to his reputation, proving that he was indeed willing to take a shot in the mouth to deliver his own, and proved that he was able to hang with the upper echelon in MAW. Following a huge plancha that took both himself and Atlas out, though, the match came down to Steve Flash and Jay Chord. But when Flash cornered Chord and began to rain down shot after shot, the match came to a quick end, as Flash refused to obey Jez MacArthur’s instructions to get off of Chord at the count of five.


Jay Chord and Atlas win by DQ, 62


Despite the match being over, Flash refused to let up, and Atlas quickly climbed back into the ring to pull him off of Chord. Remmy quickly followed, and the two continued to brawl, before the lights suddenly cut out. When they came back on, Ota was revealed to be standing in the ring, He began firing shot after shot at Atas, dazing the big man and driving him into the corner. Remmy, wanting to get his licks in, pulled Ota off and started delivering his own attacks. Ota, upset, pulled him off and returned to work, but was soon interrupted by Skye again. This time, though, Ota fired a shot off at Skye, and the two began to brawl all around the ring.


“Ok, ok, you two idiots can stop.”


It was Miss Emily, standing on the stage. “After seeing this, it’s clear to me what I have to do. Both of you want shots, and since I don’t have any time for a number one contender match, we’re going to have ourselves a good old triple threat match for the title. At Proving Ground, it’s going to be Atlas defending my title against both Remmy Skye and The Lame Ota!”

Total: 56

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  • 2 weeks later...
No need to worry, the diary's not dead! That said, I wont update until the 16th at the earliest. I'm typing this on my phone, as that's the only internet access I have right now. Currently, I'm enjoying the beautiful south Texas wilderness, and will be for some time. Just wanted my faithful readers to know that I will be back with johnny and the gang!
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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, The Johnny Heizenger Story is back! After a lengthy vacation where I was left reading diaries every few days or so, I found myself really wanting to get right back into this one. Enjoy!





The test results were kept secret as Rip didn’t want the information getting out. He was scared that it would negatively affect the company’s image, and he was right. A small company like MAW would have a hard time surviving the negative PR this would generate. And, as bad as I felt for bringing this on him, I was glad that he was keeping this internal. I didn’t want anyone else on the roster knowing about this. Rip assured me that it was between him, Jean, and myself. But somehow, I knew that wasn’t true.


At the time, I thought I was just being paranoid. But there was something about the way Jay was looking at me again, with that ****y smirk on his face that just said, “I don’t like you, and I’m going to make life hell for you!” What’s more, he had found himself what was probably his first new friend since Brett left almost two years ago, and both of them enjoyed spending their time sitting together, speaking in hushed voiced and turning toward me periodically and snickering. Guess who this kid was. I’ll give you a hint: he’s a pudgy idiot from upstate New York with a bad haircut. Yeah.


Lisa tried to get me to ignore them, but she didn’t know what I was going through. I had been off the juice for 24 days now, and I was more than a little stressed out. I had stopped before the results came in, because, let’s face it, I knew what they would say, and I was feeling weak and sluggish. Every time I looked in the mirror, all I could see was a tiny, out of shape average guy, and I hated it. Every little thing started to get to me, and my mood was swinging from depressed to irritable to all out pissed off, and, I hate to say it, but I took it out on Lisa a few times. I never physically abused her, but I did flip out over the tiniest things and just lay into her for it, which is just as bad as far as I’m concerned.


Getting ready for Proving Ground, something was off with me, and I just knew that I wasn’t the only that could tell.






Ant-Man © vs. Trent Schaffer, Mr. Amazing, or Rob Wright for the MAW Traditional title

The New York Doll vs. Roderick Remus

Cam Jones and Miller Fforde vs. The Mountains of Madness

Death Row © vs. Bad Company vs. The Heartbreakers for the MAW Tag Team titles

Findlay vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord

Remmy Skye vs. The Great Ota vs. Atlas © for the MAW Heavyweight Title

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Ant-Man © vs. Trent Schaffer, Mr. Amazing, or Rob Wright for the MAW Traditional title

The New York Doll vs. Roderick Remus

Cam Jones and Miller Fforde vs. The Mountains of Madness

Death Row © vs. Bad Company vs. The Heartbreakers for the MAW Tag Team titles

Findlay vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord

Remmy Skye vs. The Great Ota vs. Atlas © for the MAW Heavyweight Title

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Ant-Man © vs. Trent Schaffer, Mr. Amazing, or Rob Wright for the MAW Traditional title


Whoever Ant-Man faces he will retain the belt


The New York Doll vs. Roderick Remus


NYD now doing his own thing, will start off his independence with a win.


Cam Jones and Miller Fforde vs. The Mountains of Madness


Unsure who the Mountains are but I know that Jones and Fforde are jobbers.


Death Row © vs. Bad Company vs. The Heartbreakers for the MAW Tag Team titles


Death Row retain


Findlay vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot


Black Flag's a main eventer, Findlay isn't and isn't going to be anytime soon.


Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord


Crazy Steve Flash goes and gets himself DQ'd.


Remmy Skye vs. The Great Ota vs. Atlas © for the MAW Heavyweight Title


Atlas sucks as champ :p but I don't think either of these two will be the one to dethrone him

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Ant-Man © vs. Trent Schaffer, Mr. Amazing, or Rob Wright for the MAW Traditional title

The New York Doll vs. Roderick Remus

Cam Jones and Miller Fforde vs. The Mountains of Madness

Death Row © vs. Bad Company vs. The Heartbreakers for the MAW Tag Team titles

Findlay vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord

Remmy Skye vs. The Great Ota vs. Atlas © for the MAW Heavyweight Title

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Friday Week 4, November 2011

In front of 1,442 wild fans in the Biker Museum!




Fan favorite Ant-Man and Dharma Gregg kicked off the evening as they made their way to the ring. While Ant-Man bounced around, hyping himself up, Dharma grabbed a mic.


“Schaffer, Amazing, Wright: tonight, Ant-Man’s going to prove to you that you can’t match up to the Alliance of Honor. Tonight, he puts the gold on the line against any of you, and it doesn’t matter who. The result’s gonna be the same no matter who he faces, and that’s a victory for us. So why don’t three come on out and let us know exactly who we’re facing here.”




Schaffer’s music hit, and he made his way to the ring, flanked by Rob Wright and Mr. Amazing. On his face, he wore a ****y smirk that oozed confidence.

“You should really work on your contractual skills, Dharma. I saw the loophole in that thing on the first glance,” he said. “It says that Rob, Amazing, or myself get a title shot, and that’s fine and dandy, but it doesn’t say what type of match it is. Specifically,” he said, as Wright and Amazing stepped up next to him, “it doesn’t state whether this match is a one-on-one affair. As such, Miss Gregg, we’ve each signed this piece of paper, and all of us will be competing in tonight’s match.”


The three of them broke into laughter as Ant-Man stared them down, motioning Dharma to exit the ring.



Ant-Man © w/Dharma Gregg vs. Trent Schaffer vs. Rob Wright vs. Mr. Amazing for the Mid Atlantic Traditional Title





The three bad guys here descended on Ant-Man like a pack of wolves. The tenacious young fighter did his best to fight them off, but his strength was no match for that of three men. As the beating wore on, Schaffer took a step back, fighting the urge to exert himself unnecessarily, barking orders at the others. This gave Ant-Man the opening he needed, as he was better suited to fight back and fire off at two men, rather than three. The crowd erupted as Ant came back, hitting powerful shots and dropping both Amazing and Wright with viscous Raid-Lines (Lariats). Fired up, he played to the fans, ready to turn his attentions on Schaffer. When he did, however, a lighting quick Thunder Roll (Rolling Liger Kick) from Schaffer saw Ant-Man fall to the ground unconscious. Schaffer lazily dropped down over Ant-Man, as Robbie Sanchez hesitantly counted the three count.


Trent Schaffer becomes the new MAW Traditional champion, 58


Holding the belt high in the air, Schaffer was joined in his celebration by Wrght and Amazing, who were rubbing their sore necks after nearly getting their heads knocked off. The pain didn’t stop them from gloating, however, as they pointed and laughed at Dharma Gregg as she checked on Ant-Man.






The New York Doll vs. Roderick Remus




Remus has certainly improved during his absence, but Doll also showed quite an improvement during his near-year long tutelage under Citizen X. The two traded moves early on, but eventually the mohawked grappler took advantage of a few of Remus’s mistakes and foud himself with his hand held eye following a New York Minute (Piledriver).

The New York Doll wins, 44.


As Jay Fair held his hand up, though, Doll was viciously hit from behind by a steel chair-wielding Citizen X. The angry anarchist brought the chair down on the back of Doll multiple times before tossing it the side. Staring down at his former pupil, X seethed as he delivered a kick to his ribs before leaving as suddenly as he appeared.







Leading Behemoth and Gargantuan to the ring, Lisa Bowen grabbed a mic.


“I’ve got unfortunate news for everyone,” she said, feigning sadness. “As we all know by now, Cannonball and Stardust took a viscous beating at Showcase. Their injuries were so severe that they couldn’t make it the show tonight.”


The crowd booed.

“I know! It’s a shame. Really, it is. But cheer up everyone! In what I believe to be a more than suitable replacement, you get to watch the Mountains of Madness in action tonight! Yay!” she exclaimed, clapping her hands together.



Cam Jones and Miller Fforde vs. The Mountains of Madness




Jones and Fforde could someday be great competitors, but unfortunately for them, tonight they were just being fed to the wolves. Or grizzly bears, if you will. Behemoth and Gargantuan lived up to their hype and absolutely demolished the much smaller pairing. The Mountains gave no mercy, either, hitting move after move that left Jones and Fforde writhing in pain. Finally, Behemoth finished the match as he lifted Jones up for a power bomb and ran across the ring, slamming the young fighter down into the opposite turnbuckle. As they stared down at the destruction the created, Behemoth and Gargantuan let a crazed look spread across their face. From a distance, Lisa congratulated them on their win.


The Mountains of Madness win, 41.






“What is going on here?” Miss Emily demanded as she barged into the Succession’s locker room.


Jay Chord, with noise-cancelling headphones on, didn’t even notice her, while Casey Valentine, pulling on an expensive looking jacket, turned to reply.


“What do you mean?” he asked.

“What I mean is you two are just messing around back here wheen you need to be getting ready. Take the suit off, and get ready.”

“Ma’am, Jay is getting ready. He’s in his quiet place. He does this before all of his matches. You know that.”


“His match? I don’t give a damn about his match! What he needs to be ready for is helping to make sure Atlas walks out with that championship belt tonight. If he doesn't, then he can be pretty sure he won't have any more matches Now, you need to take that suit off, and join him.”


Casey took the time to check the cut of his suit before speaking. “With all due respect, ma’am, I don’t have a match tonight. That means that I’m off tonight, and that I have no real business being here. Now,” he said, striding toward the door, “I have a party to get to.”


And with that Valentine was gone through the door, leaving Emily seething behind him. Suddenly, she screamed before stomping off and leaving the room. Jay meanwhile, continued to nod his head, eyes closed, oblivious to the situation.







“Findlay, I need you to be perfect tonight,” Cattley said, speaking to Findlay backstage.


Findlay cracked his massive knuckles. “That won’t be a problem, Jean. Patriot may say that he’s still fighting for the spirit of MAW, but jumping you from behind ain’t in line with that. Tonight, I’m going to make him pay.”


Jean smiled and clapped the big man on the shoulder. “Good, kid, that’s good.






Death Row © w/ Cat Jemson vs. Bad Company vs. The Heartbreakers for the Mid Atlantic Tag titles





With three men (legally) in the ring at all times, this match proved to be very chaotic. That can be attributed to the fast paced action, but it was mainly due to referee Robbie Sanchez’s inability to keep track of just who the legal men were. The Heartbreakers, who just months ago were strong contenders for the titles, seemed to survive only through underhanded tactics, while the champions and Bad Company looked to be on equal footing throughout. Accordingly, the result hinged on the fate of The Heartbreakers, who eventually fell when Justin Sensitive was hit with a Hunts Point Bomb, allowing the champs to retain. Following the match, Bad Company approached the champs, staring them down. After a tense moment, they extended their hands. Death Row, however, refused to shake hands. Instead, they extended their fists, and the four men bumped fists before the challengers left the champs to celebrate.


Death Row retain, 58






Findlay vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot




The titans certainly clashed in this hard-hitting affair. Findlay was out for revenge on his friends behalf and was doing his best to destroy Patriot, but Black Flag hit back with all he could. The big men traded massive shots all through this one, but Patriot was able to hit the biggest, drilling Findlay with an American Suplex (Backdrop Driver) for the win. As he celebrated after the match, he shouted obscenities to Mean Jean in the back.


Patriot wins, 49







In the pitch-black of the boiler room, The Great Ota sat silently. All that could be seen was the stark white kanji painted on his face. Following a short creak, a bright beam of light ejected itself into the room, and a figure entered. When the camera adjusted, it was revealed to be Remmy Skye.



“Hey, Ota,” he said to no reply.


“Hey,” he repeated, reaching his hand out, but it found no one to touch. Wordlessly, Ota rose to his feet, and, in the dark, seemed to float right past Skye. Skye watched the ninja pass him by, and then shook his head.







Alone in the Succession’s locker room, Jay Chord warmed up, his head phones still on. As he punched at the air, he was surprised by a tap on his shoulder. Spinning around, he was surprised to find crazy Steve Flash grinning wildly right in face. Faced with his enemy, Jay froze as Flash ripped the head phones (Beats by Dr. Dre!) off of his head and locked him in a headlock, dragging him out of the room.



Crazy Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord




The match took quite a while to begin, as the two of them took their time to reach the ring once they burst out of the back. Fists flew the entire time, and this one seemed to be more a straight fight rather than a wrestling match. Chord appeared to be on the losing the end, for the most part, but was able to fire back at Flash with enough shots to keep in this one. Despite the beating he took, Chord was able to come out of this one with a win. It wasn’t the way he wanted though, and Steve Flash was Dqed when, right in front of the ref, he pulled out a roll of quarters and decked Chord right on the jaw. Jay Fair was forced to call the DQ as Flash lorded over Chord’s unconscious body, cackling.


Chord wins by DQ, 67





Remmy Skye vs. The Great Ota vs. Atlas © for the Mid Atlantic Heavyweight title





This match was just as great as the last, as these four men did battle in every possible combination they could. Despite a number of double team maneuvers being done to him, Atlas was weathering the smaller men’s efforts wonderfully, and fought back with tenacity. Skye spent the majority of the match exerting his aerial edge over his opponents, but the combined efforts of Ota’s odd, eclectic style and Atlas’ brute strength were enough to hold the speedy southerner down long enough to inflict considerable damage.


With Atlas recovering in the corner from a double thrust kick from his opponents, Ota was gaining a lead over Skye, and looked to win the match. Whipping Remmy into the corner, Ota scrambled on to him, locking Skye in his painful rope-hung Boston crab. Skye immediately began screaming in pain as his back arched sickeningly, but his cries were quickly cut short. Atlas had latched both meaty paws around Skye’s throat, and, simultaneously, delivered a powerful boot to Ota’s gut, sending the ninja crashing to ringside, landing uncomfortably on his upper back/neck area.


With Ota gone, Atlas lifted Skye straight into the air, spun around and leveled him with a brutal World Bomb (Double handed choke bomb). Laying a lazy across Remmy’s chest, Atlas covered the first-time challenger to retain his title belt.


Atlas wins, 67


As Atlas trudged to the back, his attention was piqued by something he saw on the big screen, and turned back to watch what was going on in the ring.


As Remmy slowly made his way to his feet, he was being stalked by The Darkness Warrior, who’s smeared face paint revealed a seething face. When Remmy made it to his feet, he turned to find a knee planting itself right in his jaw. Ota stood over his fallen opponent, who lay unconscious, having found himself the victim of a World Bomb and Ninja Strike in a very short time period.




Total: 60



I feel good about this show. I think the angle writing came across well, which is where I really seem to struggle most of all.

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Thanks for the kind words. I try to say that I write mostly for myself, but I really am grateful for my readers and any feedback they provide.
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We had the traditional “passing of the belt” ceremony after the show, and I tried to put my best face on so as to not ruin Trent’s moment, but I couldn’t help but think…

“Is everything ok?” It was Lisa.


“Huh? Oh, yeah. Yeah,” I muttered.


“Really?” She put her hands on her hips like she did when she decided to act motherly. “Because you’ve been sitting alone over here in the corner since you handed the belt to Trent, and that was almost an hour ago. John, you haven’t even taken your boots off yet.”


“What?” I looked down. Sure enough, I was still wearing my trunks, knee pads, elbow pads, and my boots were still laced up tight. Glancing at the clock, I noticed the time, almost eleven. “I’m just thinking about things.”


“Do you wanna talk about it?”


“Not really.”


“John, I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me about things.”


“I know.”


“I’m serious, John. It’s really important to…”


I already knew everything she was telling me. I told her that. Why did she keep pushing? God, it was like her voice was turning into a nail and driving itself into my ear. I wasn’t even listening to her, just trying to stay calm…


“I told you I didn’t want to talk about!” I exploded. At once, I could feel every set of eyes in the room weighing down on me. Quickly, I grabbed my bag, threw on my jacket, and rushed out, right past Lisa, who was frozen in place, her eyes wide.






Culture Shock vs. Mr. Amazing and Rob Wright

Team America vs. Mountains of Madness

Eddie Cornell vs. Ford Gumble

Findlay, “Mean” Jean Cattley and New York Doll vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot, Citizen X and Roderick Remus

Steve Flash and two partners of his choice vs. Jay Chord and two partner’s of his choice

Remmy Skye vs. The Great Ota

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Culture Shock vs. Mr. Amazing and Rob Wright

Team America vs. Mountains of Madness

Eddie Cornell vs. Ford Gumble

Findlay, “Mean” Jean Cattley and New York Doll vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot, Citizen X and Roderick Remus

Steve Flash and two partners of his choice vs. Jay Chord and two partner’s of his choice

Remmy Skye vs. The Great Ota


Johnny, you keep acting like such a dick and Imma send some thugs down there to straight your act. :p

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Culture Shock vs. Mr. Amazing and Rob Wright

Team America vs. Mountains of Madness

Eddie Cornell vs. Ford Gumble

Findlay, “Mean” Jean Cattley and New York Doll vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot, Citizen X and Roderick Remus

Steve Flash and two partners of his choice vs. Jay Chord and two partner’s of his choice

Remmy Skye vs. The Great Ota

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Johnny, you keep acting like such a dick and Imma send some thugs down there to straight your act. :p


How dare you! Johnny's going through reverse roid rage!

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Friday Week 2, December 2011

In front of a crowd of 1,822 at the Biker Museum




Atlas’s music hit the speakers, and the champ was escorted to the ring by Miss Emily, who grabbed a microphone.

“That’s right folks, Atlas is still your Mid Atlantic champion! And he did it as any champ should, alone. It turns out that he didn’t need the backup of his associates.”


Atlas grunted.

“So, Atlas, as a gesture of good faith, I’d like to apologize. I underestimated you. It won’ happen again. With that said, however, we do have a bit of a problem. In two weeks, MAW’s flagship show, Night of Champions takes place, and Atlas is left without a challenger! The only two men that were even close to the title picture conveniently decided to tear into one another instead. As such, I’ve decided to take a page out of the book of MAW’s lesser title belt, and issue out an open challenge to anyone on the roster. At Night of Champions, anyone that wants a shot, you got it. There’s just one rule: you have to be a contracted wrestler here. We won’t just accept some Joe Schmo walking out of the crowd. No, Atlas is the best, and he’ll only compete with the best here in MAW.”


“So step on up! Atlas’ll fight anyone from the Paratroopers to “Mean” Jean, and he will make it look easy.”







Trent Schaffer led Rob Wright and Mr. Amazing to the ring prior to their match. Taking a moment to admire his new title belt, he addressed the fans.

“It’s easy to say that I don’t deserve this belt. It's easy to say that the contractually-agreed upon four way match at Proving Ground was essentially a handicap match. It's easy to say that Ant-Man should still be champ.” Trent smirked. “You know what’s even easier to say than all of that? That Trent Schaffer is the newly crowned Mid Atlantic Traditional champion! And, since I’m handsome enough to not have to wear a mask to the ring, I compliment this belt perfectly.”


“Now, since the so-called Alliance of Honor doesn’t seem to agree with me, Rob, Amazing, and myself are going to show them the error of their ways, starting tonight when we swat down that Fly and drown the Puerto Rican rat! And in two weeks, if the Ant wants his belt back, I’ll be more than happy to spray some more Raid on him.”



Culture Shock vs. Rob Wright and Mr. Amazing w/ Trent Schaffer




Looking to avenge their fearless leader, Culture shock pushed the match to a frenetic pace that Wright and Amazing had trouble matching. Looking to slow the pace, Amazing was quick to fall against the ropes as Fire Fly attempted a springboard move, leaving the young star down on the canvas and allowing Wright to tag in and take control. The charismatic villain used every underhanded trick he knew to make sure Apollo remained out of the match, but when Fire Fly hit him with a spinning wheel kick, Fire Fly was able to crawl to his corner and get the tag. Apollo came in on fire, cleaning house. Knocking Wright out of the ring (who had just managed to tag in his partner), Apollo turned his attention to Amazing, and, after a short exchange, managed to nail him with an Apollo Driver (Pumphandle Driver), at which point Fire Fly came flying out of no where with a Sky High Splash (450 splash) leading to a Culture Shock. As the winners celebrated and Wright and Amazing tried to recover, Schaffer just shook his head at his partner’s ineptitude.


Culture Shock win, 60







Jay Chord was backstage, and he addressed the camera. Behind him, Casey Valentine wore an expensive looking suit, which he checked regularly throughout Jay’s spiel.


“Flash, you crazy old bastard,” Jay began, “I’ve got a couple things for you. First: behind me, you see Casey Valentine. He’s one of my partner’s tonight. The other, well, you’ll find out later. Next, I’ve got news about our match at Night of Champions that you might actually like. I know I sure do. You see, I got a little tired of this disqualification crap we’ve been going through the past couple of months, so I decided to go to Miss Emily and see if she could spice things up a little. Turns out she can. So, Steve, at Night of Champions, you and me fight again in a leather strap match! Don’t get too excited, though, you crazy *******. You’ve still gotta get through tonight, which I doubt you will.”






Team America vs. The Mountains of Madness




This isn’t the first time Team America’s done battle with Bowen’s minions, as they were among the first contenders to The Awesomeness’s tag titles when she managed them. Unfortunately for them, Bowen seems to have upgraded her talent, and the once strong contenders easily fell at the feet of Behemoth and Gargantuan. The massive men steamrolled through the young fighters on their way to an easy win here.


Mountains win, 45.


Following the match up, Lisa congratulated her fighters from a distance, but the celebration was cut short, as Cannonball and Stardust burst out of the crowd, wielding a pair of steel chairs. Catching the beasts by surprise, they delivered shot after shot with the chairs, staggering the Mountains and forcing them out of the ring. While Lisa held them back from getting in the ring, Stardust grabbed a mic.

“You think you can do what you did to us and get away with it? Not a chance! The Awesome Express is out for revenge, and at Night of Champions we’re going to make a pit stop on our way back to the titles and put you oversized monkeys down!”







Mitico, Fire Fly, Apollo and Dharma all stood around Ant-Man, who was moping about following his loss at Proving Ground.


“Amigo, this no es bueno!” Mitico exclaimed.

“Agreed,” Apollo said, shaking his head. “Look, man, you gotta get up and fight! Shaffer insulted us all, and he issued a direct challenge to you!”


“They’re right,” Dharma said. “Ant, you’ve gotta fight him. You’ve got to get the belt off of that prima donna.”

Ant finally looked up at them. “Is that what you all want?”


The group collectively shook their heads.


“Fine. If you all want me to go out there and embarrass myself again, then I will. Thanks,” Ant said. Wit that, he turned and left the room, leaving the others with a particularly awkward silence.






Eddie Cornell vs. Ford Gumble




This was a purely exhibition match, and an entertaining one at that. Gumble and Cornell both fought a straight forward battle that saw Gumble teasing the Quick Draw Kick throughout. Cornell fought him off the best he could, hitting back with some stiff offense that saw the veteran reeling. Unfortunately for Cornell, though, the Quick Draw Kick landing was an inevitability, and Gumble fired off with it and leveled the Brit for the win.


Gumble wins, 59.


In a rare occurrence, Gumble actually took time following the match to play to the crowd, celebrating a well-earned victory. Meanwhile, Cornell had recovered and approached the Texas Hitman from behind. Gumble’s initial reaction upon feeling Cornell’s hand on his shoulder was to spin around, lifting his leg for another Quick Draw Kick. He pulled short, though, when he realized what was happening. Cornell had extended his hand to the Texan. Ford took a moment to consider, and finally extended his own hand out and shook with Cornell.






Findlay, “Mean” Jean Cattley and New York Doll vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot, Citizen X, and Roderick Remus




Cattley and Patriot let the younger fighters take the spotlight here, and Remus, Doll, and Findlay showed a lot of potential in doing so. Citizen X, however, spent the majority of the match stalking around in the corner, eyeing New York Doll maliciously. When he did get in the ring with Findlay, however, it was clear that he wasn’t focused on the task at hand, as the big man bulldozed through the anarchist. As the match wore down, it came down to Doll and Remus as the legal men. With the other competitors occupied with one another outside the ring, Black Flag decided to use this opportunity to insert himself into the equation. Cattley, seeing his partner Doll in trouble, intervened, clothes lining Patriot right out of the ring. This gave Doll the opportunity he needed, and he hoisted Remus up and drove him down with a New York Minute (Piledriver) for the win.


Findlay, Cattley, and Doll win, 59


Outside the ring, Patriot was seething. Angrily, he rushed to the announce table where he snatched a microphone out of Remmington Remus’s hand.


“Cattley!” he shouted. “This is it! I’m done playing with you! At Night of Champions, we finish this. I’m going to put you out of my misery and finally end one of the biggest cogs in Rip Chord’s MAW machine! MAW will become what it’s meant to be, and you’re going to become a casualty of that process!”







“This is Duke Hazard, an’ I’m standin’ by with Remmy Skye, who took a lickin’ at the hands of Ota two weeks ago. Remmy, whaddaya got to say?”


“It’s simple, Duke,” Remmy said. “I’m gonna go out there tonight, and I’m gonna tan that spittin’ freaks hide. Man’s crazier than a cat in water, and I’m gonna put him out of his misery.”


With that, Remmy walked off, apparently toward the ring.


“Well, folks, there ya have it!”








Steve Flash waited as patiently as a constantly moving, babbling psychotic could when Jay Chord and Casey Valentine finally made their entrance.

“No partner’s, Steve?” Jay asked. “That’s too bad. You’re almost making me feel bad for what’s about to happen. Almost. You see, I don’t just have Casey here backing me up. No, I’ve got someone very familiar to the people in the crowd. This man’s a former MAW wrestler, a true star, unlike yourself, and my old friend…”





“…Brett Starr!”


Starr strutted out of the back, a microphone in hand. The crowd showered him in boos.


“Oh, God yes, I am back! For the past two years, I've traveled the world, giving the gift of my talents to those less fortunate, and now I'm here to do the same for MAW, and savie it from all the amateurs such as that pathetic old has been in the ring. Using everything I learned up North in the big leagues, I’m here to lend MAW my own personal brand of, shall I say, “supremacy.” Now, boys, shall we?”


With that, the three men advanced on the ring, but stopped suddenly when the familiar music of Death Row thumped into the air.




Shady K and Knuckles walked out from the back, and the Succession found themselves sandwiched between the tag champs and Flash.


Steve Flash and Death Row vs. The Succession




As Death Row advanced, the pressed the villains up toward the ring. At that point, Steve Flash ran the ropes and leapt over them, crashing down on the Succession, and the match was officially under way. Everyone in this match could be identified as one thing: a brawler. And that’s what this match essentially was. A very entertaining, hard hitting, hate filled, and especially violent brawl. Returning worker Brett Starr received a very rude welcome as a stiff kick from Knuckles left his nose bloodied, and the charismatic prima donna rushed to his corner to tag in Casey Valentine. Valentine may be a prima donna himself, but he didn’t let that stop him from trading big shots with the other team. That may have been his undoing, however, as once he found himself alone in the ring with Steve Flash, the veteran quickly began to beat on the young. With Jay Fair’s attention centered on Flash and Valentine, he was unable to spot Knuckles and Shady undoing the turnbuckle padding, so when Flash hit a Flash Bang (Standing hotshot) into the corner, Valentine was left unconscious. Death Row quickly entered the ring to intercept Chord and Starr, and Flash covered Valentine for the win.


Flash and Death Row win, 63.






Remmy Skye vs. The Great Ota




The normally jovial Skye wore a grim expression tonight as he focused all of his energy on the Darkness Warrior, Ota. Together, they put on a battle that harkened back to Ota’s days as master of TCW’s All-Action division, and they wowed the crowd with moves and sequences not normally seen in this portion of the country. Most fans around here are used to old school brawling and technical work, and even though they’ve really warmed up to Remmy, they just weren’t sure what to think of the frenetic action that was taking place in the ring. As the match wore on, Remmy slowly began to build a lead for himself. After knocking down Ota, he slowly began to ascend the turnbuckle, intending to leap down on his foe. Ota had other plans, though, and just as Remmy reached the top, The Darkness Warrior leapt forward and spewed the vicious black mist into the eyes of Skye.


Holding his position at the top of the turnbuckles, Remmy clutched at his eyes in agony, unable to see Ota get a running start to scale the corner and drop Skye with a Ninja Strike. The blow sent The southerner toppling to the arena floor, where he lay still. With Ota standing in the ring, Robbie Sanchez counted a slow cout, but Remmy was unable to get back in the ring, forcing Sanchez to call the match in Ota’s favor.


The Great Ota wins, 56.




“You don't get off like that, Ota!” Rip Chord exclaimed, standing up from the announce table. The enigmatic star ****ed his head in Rip's direction.


“This is still my company, and I’m going to run it how I want to run it. That match is a perfect example of how I do not operate. That ending was bull ****, Ota, and at Night of Champions, we’re going to fix that. It’s going to be you and Remmy Skye, one more time. And this time, Ota, there won’t be any black mist for you to use. I guess Robbie Sanchez is too blind to see that crap, but it’s illegal, so I’m going to have two refs in there with you next time to make sure that it doesn’t happen again.”


Though the news of a rematch would usually incite some sort of reaction in a normal wrestler, Ota had none, and simply turned and left, striding past the medical team rushing to assist Remmy Skye.




Total: 52

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I just shook my head as I read the article. How did this guy even still have a job?


TEW.com presents…

The Smart Mark

By Mark Smart




Once again, I’ve drawn the unlucky number, and have to report on MAW’s biggest (LOL) event of the year, Night of Champions. Rip Chord continues to stroke his ego and Jean Cattley keeps on plugging along with ****ty booking decisions. So strap in, everyone, and prepare to watch as the short bus rolls up The Biker Museum, because on the last Friday of December, quality entertainment gets thrown out the window!


I just wanna get one thing off my chest before I start, though. Last year, I got a lot of negative feedback for “biased journalism” and having “no integrity.” I just wanna tell all you haters out there that I am NOT bitter. I wasn’t fired from this **** hole, I left because I didn’t wanna waste valuable years of my career there. I mean seriously, I worked for USPW before I even turned 20. I think I know a thing or two. So screw off Rip, you suck.


Back on the (****ty) topic, one of the first matches of the night should be The Mountains of Madness vs. The Awesomess. This makes no sense to me. If Lisa Bowen can get two huge dudes that can absolutely dominate the tag division, why is she even wasting her time on these two losers. Again, Cattley shows us that he has absolutely no idea what to do with the two most valuable wrestlers in the company. He should take a page from Peter Michaels book and give them the titles NOW. All of them. Why does anyone even care about Bowen anyway? She’s like, a 6 at best. I’ve dated waaaayyyy hotter.


Speaking of the tag titles, they are being defended tonight, even though there was absolutely no proper build up to the match. Death Row are gonna have to defend against Brett Star and Casey Valentine, just because they were in a six way last week. Seriously, that’s all the build up they gave it. This is supposed to be the biggest night of the year, and that’s all you give us? It’s no wonder your company rarely makes any money, Rip. By the way, gangsters are not to be looked up to, so tell Cattley to turn Death Row heel or something. Totally irresponsible.


In a rarity, the next match actually received a proper amount of build up (crazy, I know.) The Great Ota has to fight Remmy Skye again, but this might just be the world’s first dual-referee match. If you ask me, that’s just gonna bring the match quality down. Fan’s don’t care about Robbie Sanchez or Jez McArthur, but apparently Rip wants these two losers of the wrestling to get a little bit of spotlight, for some reason. Either way, Skye and Ota need to get out of MAW stat. They’re actually good wrestlers, and have no business being there.


Oh look, Citizen X has a match too, fighting New York Doll, who I guess isn’t an anarchist anymore. Was he ever, though? He never did anything. Whatever. Anyway, it looks like everyone X ever teams with turns on him, so this is just repeat booking, therefore I don’t care. Lazy booking FTW.


Here’s something good, Ant-Man no longer has a title belt! The tiny not-so-strong man is fighting for it again, though, which does suck, which means this match will too. I can’t believe they actually wanted to push this guy over ME. Oh well, I’m onto bigger and better things now, and he looks like he’s headed to the dreaded career killing emo gimmick. Last laugh, bitch!


Oh yay, we get Jay Chord and Steve Flash one more time! And this time, they’re tied to each other! Sweet! Oh, wait. I was thinking about Big Smack Scott vs. Kurt Laramee. You know, an actual good feud. Newsflash, Jay Chord sucks balls and Steve Flash is older than Rip Chord.


And for another beautiful example of lazy booking, American Patriot (Black flag’s a stupid name, and he should be ashamed of using it) fights Cattley again. I’m praying that what he said last week is true, and that this really is their last match. I don’t think I could live through another one.


And finally, we have the MAW trademark: the open challenge! This time, they’re using it for the biggest title in the company. Who ever said that needed any sort of build up, especially for the biggest night of the year. Sadly, I think Atlas might actually lose here, which is a shame, since he’s the best thing about this company right now. Book Atlas with the Mountains of Madness NOW.


And there you have it. A perfect example of why the little leagues are the little leagues, and why none of these guys are ever going to have careers that actually go anywhere other than their mom’s laptops. So if you feel like encouraging these idiots a bit more and giving Rip Chord that much more money to buy booze with (6 years sober my ass! I took at least 8 shots with him, drank him under the table too) then buy this show. Otherwise, stay the hell away, and watch some actual good wrestling. Like me.




The Awesomeness vs. The Mountains of Madness

Death Row © vs. Casey Valentine and Bret Starr for the Tag Titles

Remmy Skye vs. The Great Ota

New York Doll vs. Citizen X

Ant-Man vs. Trent Schafer © for the Traditional title

Crazy Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord in a strap match

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

???? vs. Atlas © for the Mid Atlantic Title

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The Awesomeness vs. The Mountains of Madness

Death Row © vs. Casey Valentine and Bret Starr for the Tag Titles

Remmy Skye vs. The Great Ota

New York Doll vs. Citizen X

Ant-Man vs. Trent Schafer © for the Traditional title

Crazy Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord in a strap match

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

???? vs. Atlas © for the Mid Atlantic Title - wth, I'll go with the mystery person this time

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The Awesomeness vs. The Mountains of Madness Bowen has the momentum here.

Death Row © vs. Casey Valentine and Bret Starr for the Tag Titles

Remmy Skye vs. The Great Ota

New York Doll vs. Citizen X

Ant-Man vs. Trent Schafer © for the Traditional title

Crazy Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord in a strap match

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

???? vs. Atlas © for the Mid Atlantic Title This is a tough one to call. Atlas has all the reason to keep it, but I have no clue who the surprise is. I call that this one is a step to something bigger. Also, I am going to throw out a guess that the ???? is Mainstream Hernandez.

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The Awesomeness vs. The Mountains of Madness

Death Row © vs. Casey Valentine and Bret Starr for the Tag Titles

Remmy Skye vs. The Great Ota

New York Doll vs. Citizen X

Ant-Man vs. Trent Schafer © for the Traditional title

Crazy Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord in a strap match

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

???? vs. Atlas © for the Mid Atlantic Title


Atlas's mystery opponent will be Cam Vessey and he'll take the title.

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