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The Johhny Heizenger Story

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Dark Match

Rayne Man vs. Mark Smart


Main Card

Team America vs. The Awesomeness © for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles.

Findlay O’Farraday vs. Roderick Remus

The Succession (Vessey, Valentine, and Chord) vs. Remmy Skye, Steve Flash, and ???

Ant-Man vs. Raphael

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Jean Cattley

American Patriot vs. Ford Gumble

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Friday Week 4, March 2010

In front of a sold-out crowd of 300!



Rayne Man kicked off the show this month by defeating Mark Smart in a rather one-sided affair, ending it with a high-flying Rayne Fall to score the 3 count. In a much better match, The Atlantic Connection scored a victory over Ace Youngblood and Max Mayhem in their return to MAW.






Jay Chord and Casey Valentine were having a heated discussion in The Succession’s locker room while Cameron Vessey lounged on an incredibly-comfortable looking couch.

“This is bull ****!” Jay shouted. “You didn’t do anything to try and keep Brett around.”

“I’m sorry, but I have more important things to spend my time on,” Casey replied.

“What, like self tanning?”


“My appearance is very important to me! You know that…”

“Why don’t you both shut up,” Vessey said, stretching as he stood up from the couch. “Casey’s right, anyway. We’re The Succession. We’re the best wrestlers this company’s ever seen, and we don’t need him dragging us down. If you run away tucking your tail after one little chair shot, I definitely don’t want you around.”


“But…” Jay said.


“But nothing. Now, we’ve got a match tonight Flash and Skye and whoever they find that’s dumb enough to help them out, so you two had better get ready, because it’s not gonna be an easy one.”






Team America vs. The Awesomeness © w/ Lisa Bowen for the Mid Atlantic Tag titles





Team America came out on fire, with Hocking doing some high flying and Cool doing his best to tie Cannonball’s arms and legs up in knots. Using this early momentum to separate Cannonball from Stardust, Team America began to lay a steady pounding on Cannonball. Cannonball did his best throughout the match to get back to Stardust, going for a number of eye pokes, low blows, and even the classic nose pull, but Team America were unrelenting in their attempt to gain the titles. It wasn’t until he began fighting back with actual wrestling maneuvers that he was able to finally tag in Stardust. From here, the match quickly dissolved into chaos. Seeing The Awesomeness attempt to double team Hocking, Joe Cool ran in to even the score, taking Cannonball from the ring. Left alone with Hocking, Stardust began to take a beating, and it looked like he would soon be title-less. Stardust thought otherwise, though, and hit a Rocker Dropper on Hocking out of nowhere to score the victory.


The Awesomeness retain, 33


Joe Cool was checking on his partner when Lisa Bowen got on the mic.


“See? I told you there was no way you could beat us!”


Cool grabbed a mic. “Is that what you think, lady?”


Laughing, Bowen replied, “Oh yeah, that’s what I think.”


“Then if you’re so confident that ‘your boys’ can beat us any day of the week, how about one more match, next month, at Americana!”


“Another match? You’re really starting to bore me, you know? My boys are ready to move on to greener pastures now. They’re ready to fight teams a little more challenging than you jokes.”


“No, this isn’t just another match. At Americana, we want you in a ladder match!”


Cannonball and Stardust, who were previously beaming from ear to ear following their win, suddenly developed looks of horror on their faces, and shook their heads no.

“A ladder match, hmm? You’ve piqued my interests, boys, and I think you can expect to get that match.”





Findlay vs. Roderick Remus


http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/FindlayOFarraday.jpg http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/vs.jpghttp://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/RoderickRemus.jpg


MAW’s own loveable giant thundered down to the ring where Roderick Remus awaited him. Unlike Mark Smart last month, Remus didn’t back down, and used his considerable speed advantage to pick his shots, dealing out damage slowly but steadily. It was only a matter of time before Findlay got a hold of the cruiserweight, though, and when he did, the match ended quickly. A power slam and Atomic Spinebuster later, and Findlay was declared the winner by referee Jay Fair.


Findlay wins, 38







Backstage, Remmy Skye and Steve Flash are discussing who they should recruit for their team tonight.


“Whoo-ee, never once did I think it would be this hard for Remmy Skye and the great Steve Flash to find a tag team partner!” Remmy said. “Almost everyone I’d pick already has a match lined up tonight.”


Flash sat silently, thinking. “Have you tried Mark Smart?”

“Steve, not only has he already fought tonight, but he looked like a one legged man in an arm wrestling match.”


Flash looked at Skye, obviously puzzled. “I think you mean ass-kicking contest.”


“Whatever, man. Point is, boy’s about as useful as a back pocket on your shirt.”

“Well, who else is there?”


As if on cue, the door to the room was kicked in, and Citizen X walked in.


“Don’t tell me-no, not you,” Skye said, shaking his head.

“That’s right, I want on your team,” X said.


“I’m not going to turn you away, but I’ve got to ask, why?” Flash questioned.


“It’s no secret that I despise the order that’s been established in MAW thus far, this I won’t deny. But The Succession aims to establish their own, new order. They aim to oppress everyone in MAW. Trading one establishment for another will not work. This is not chaos. This is not anarchy.”


“Uhh, alright then. I guess you’re in.”





“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Miss Dharma Gregg,” Raphael said, strutting up to a pretty blonde, who tried her best to ignore him. “Word around the locker room is you’re here to find a client to take straight to the top.”


Raphael reached toward her and stroked her cheek, causing her to jerk away in disgust. “Why don’t you come along with me, and we can see if you can ‘manage’ me, if you know what I mean.”


“I’ve got a better idea,” Gregg said. “How about I don’t. You see, I’ve already found a client.”


The camera panned out, and the diminutive wonder, Ant-Man was standing silently behind Raphael.




“This guy? Are you serious?” Raphael burst out laughing. “I’ll see you in the ring, bud.”


Raphael patted Ant-Man on the shoulder and pushed past him, laughing his way down the hallway. Gregg took up her place beside her client and the two of them watched Raphael walk away.





Steve Flash, Remmy Skye, Citizen X vs. The Succession






Both teams were absolutely packed with talent, and when all of that comes together, you know the match is going to be a good one. This one was just that. While the Succession based their offensive on their considerable brawling skills, the other team focused on their specialties, high flying and good old technical wrestling. The clash of styles made this one great, as we saw a little bit of everything. With Cameron Vessey alone with Citizen X in the ring and everyone else fighting it out at ringside, it seemed like only a matter of time until the match was over. When Casey Valentine slid into the ring and they hit the double Vessey Plex on X, it was all but done, and Vessey covered him for the easy pin. At ringside, Skye and Flash looked down as the Succession celebrated over the fallen Citizen X.


The Succession win, 54.







Mainstream Hernandez was in the parking lot, perfecting the kick flip on his skateboard when he was interrupted by a shouting American Patriot, causing him to lose concentration and land on his back.

“Mainstream!” Patriot yelled.


Groaning, Mainstream began to stand up. “Yeah dude?”


“Mainstream, tonight’s big. Real big!”


Mainstream was dusting his ass off before he looked up at Patriot. “How big?”


“Real big!”


Mainstream grinned. “Riiiggghhhtttt. That all you wanted to say, brother man?”

“I came out to tell you this: you’ve earned a title shot. But I ain’t gonna give it to you."


Mainstream pulled his glasses down and stared Patriot in the eye-holes. “What do you mean, I’m not getting my title shot?”

“I mean you don’t get your shot until I’m done with Cattley.”


Mainstream breathed a sigh of relief. “Hey man, don’t worry me like that. It’s not good for my chi and stuff.” Mainstream hopped back on his board.

“Mainstream, tonight, you gotta beat the Mean Machine, Mean Jean. Next month, it’s me and him, mano-e-mano, and I’m not gonna be at 100%. Not after he beat on my knee, dude. I’m not gonna ask you to even the playing field, but I want you to bring the fight to him.”


Mainstream jumped up and nailed his kick flip. “Oh yeah, bro, I get you. I can totally do that.”





Ant-Man w/ Dharma Gregg vs. Raphael




Ant-Man was looking to punish Raphael for the tings he said earlier tonight, and boy did he. He looked better than he had in the past two months, and displayed some nice offense and formidable strength against the Heartbreaker. Raphael had had enough, and following some dirty tricks he learned from his mentor Professor Nero, landed a Heartbreaker (Double Knee Gutbuster) on Ant-Man to get the win.

Raphael wins, 33


After the match, Raphael bumped and grinded his way to the back, ecstatic over his win. In the ring, Dharma Gregg consoled Ant-Man, who had just lost his third straight.






American Patriot vs. Ford Gumble




Gumble, who’s taken on a much angrier persona since leaving TCW, opened the match with a series of strikes, finishing the flurry with a Quick Draw Kick (Savate Kick) that Patriot ducked out of the way of. When Gumble spun aroud he was met with mutliple elbows from Patriot, who finished off with a spinning elbow that leveled Gumble and demonstrated his oddly Japanese influences. From here, Patriot began to use his power to toss Gumble around the ring. Delayed vertical suplex. Powerslam. Bulldog.


When Patriot sent Gumble into the ropes, though, Gumble fought back with a leaping forearm. He attempted a kip up, but his recently-increased weight seemed to keep him grounded. Instead, he just stood up like normal and started to lay some viscous stomps into the gut of Patriot. Lifting him up, he hit a nice snap neck breaker before attacking him with a number of ground attacks. Thinking him suitably beaten, Gumble went to the corner and ascended the ropes. He leapt off in a not-so-graceful splash.


Nobody home! Patriot had rolled out of the way and began to pull himself up. Gumble recovered at about the same time, and approached Patriot, throwing a right hand. Blocked. Patriot hits an elbow. Repeat about 5 times. Patriot runs the ropes, but Gumble throws a Quick Draw Kick…Patriot ducks! He counters it into an American Suplex! With his right hand over his heart and his left over Gumble’s, Patriot pins him for the 1, 2, 3.

Patriot wins, 50.





Mainstream Hernandez vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley





As Mainstream made his way to the ring, Ford Gumble was just recovering and heading backstage. As the passed, Mainstream offered a high five to the grumbling cowboy, but, upon being ignored, shrugged and continued on. Gumble, who clearly has anger issues turned around and struck Hernandez from behind with a Quick Draw Kick! With his opponent knocked out cold, Cattley rushed to the ring, but not before exchanging a nod with Gumble.


Dragging Mainstream into the ring took a little longer than Cattley expected, and when he covered him, Mainstream was able to kick out at 2. The crowd went crazy seeing Hernandez was still in the match. Cattley went for two more covers, both of which Mainstream kicked out of before complaining to the ref. Feeding off the crowds energy, Mainstream made his way to his feet and threw a couple of right hands Cattley’s way. With Cattley stunned, Mainstream did a little dance before turning and running the ropes. He hadn’t seen Cattley take off after him, though, and when he turned around he was met with a knee to the midsection that sent him flying.


With Mainstream on the ground, Cattley locked up his arm and began to twist it in a variety of submissions that left the Wild One crying out in pain. When Mainstream wouldn’t tap out, Cattley went back to basics and dished out several stomps to his arm, leaving Mainstream writhing about on the ground. Cattley began to taunt Mainstream now, doing his best to imitate one of the myriad dances Hernandez likes to perform. Recovering, Mainstream threw a couple of strikes from his knees, all of which missed. Cattley palmed his face and pushed him down before playin to the crowd once more.


When he went to lift Mainstream, he was met with a surprise. Mainstream pushed him back, and executed a swift Superkick that left both men on the ground. He slowly crawled toward Cattley, lifting his good arm up and draping it across the chest of Cattley. 1...the crowd was on their feet! 2...they were cheering wildly…3...no, Cattley kicked out!


Both men were wobbly standing up, but it was Cattley who had his wits about him, because when Mainstream threw a wild, looping punch Cattley caught it and took him down, locking and a cross armbar. Mainstream held on as long as he could, but he was forced to tap eventually.


As the medics came in and checked on Mainstream’s arm, Cattley celebrated, raising his hands to the crowd that showered him in their disapproval. One can only wonder if this match might have turned out differently had Mainstream not been attacked prior to it beginning.


Mean Jean wins, 56.


Next: The post-show. As a side note, am I the only one that says MAW like a word as opposed to M-A-W?


I'd also like to take this time to thank the rendering community. You guys breathe a lot of new life into these characters, and without you, I seriously doubt this diary would be as visually appealing. Thanks a lot, guys!


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I honestly felt like a little kid at this point. Here I was, a big wrestling star (well, maybe not ‘big,’ or even a ‘star’ yet) and I had butterflies in my stomach. If Mac were here, he’d tell me I was as nervous as a virgin on prom night. Actually, that’s an oddly fitting comparison to this situation…except for the virgin part. You believe me, right? Right?


Ehh, continuing. I had finally mastered my confidence level in the ring, performing in front of a sold out crowd tonight, in my best match yet. But standing backstage, all that confidence I had earlier had taken a nosedive into the pit of my stomach, leaving me almost queasy feeling.


Lisa was talking to Roderick, probably about nothing important. How her day went, or they were comparing hair products or something or another. But here I was, sitting off to the side and opting to simply watch my dream gal (she was, at least for now). I breathed in. I breathed out. I rolled my neck around, loosening it. I limbered up a little bit. Did some calisthenics. One more deep breath in. One more out. This was it, time to man up. I took one step forward, finally approaching her, but I was cut off as I bumped right into Jay Chord himself.


“Look, you may have made it past your first couple of matches, but don’t think that means you’re here to stay,” he said, poking me in the chest. I didn't like being poked in the chest.

“Uhh, right, Jay. Look man, I’m kind of busy right now, so if we could talk about this later…”


“No, we don’t talk later. This is my dad’s company, and he decides who gets hired and fired. But me and the old man think a lot alike, see. And I think you’re a worthless piece of ****. Understood?”

“Yeah, is that all?” I said, sounding a little irritated.


He didn't pick it up. “Not even close. Next month is a big match for me. I don’t want it ****ed up. I picked you because it’s fun to me, beating the hell out your midget ass. Do. Not. ****. Up. If you do, then that’s it. You’re out of this company, and it’s gonna be my boot kicking your ass out the door.”

“Yeah, Jay, I got it. No messing up, you fire me, my ass kicked.” I did my best to look around him, but he was doing his best in turn to occupy all of my attention. “I’ve got places to be, Jay.”


“You better train hard this month, midget boy,” he said. “You’re on my radar, and my missiles-” he ****ed his arm like a gun “-my missiles are locked in. On you.”


I stared at him, perplexed (did he really just do that?), but he shoulder checked me and pushed by before I could figure him out.


As soon as he left I turned back to find Lisa gone. Frantically, I scanned the room hoping to find her, but she was gone. This was horrible! Because of that prick, Jay, I had missed my chance with Lisa. I know it sounds juvenile, and that’s because it is, but this really meant a lot to me! Roderick approached me, shrugging his shoulders.

“Sorry, Johnny. I tried to stall her as long as possible,” he said.


I sighed. “It’s not your fault, Roddy. All the blame falls squarely at feet of Jay Chord himself.”


“That guy definitely needs a friend.”

“Right? Without Brett around to reign him in, he just goes haywire on people for the littlest things. I hate to say it, but I’m actually going to miss getting my boot strings cut if a confrontation with Jay every month is the alternative.”

“The world’s a crazy place when people actually mean it when they say stuff like that.”


I nodded my head in agreement.

“C’mon man, let’s go out,” Roddy said, punching me in the arm and jerking his head toward the door. “Get your mind off of Lisa for a while. You’ll get her next time.”


I groaned. Next time was an entire month away, at Americana. I was going to do just like Jay told me and train my ass off in the next month. Not on my in-ring skills, but on my pick up lines. I was going to need them.







Dark Matches

The Aces of Mayhem vs. Jared Johnson and El Rudo

Citizen X and Findlay vs. Mark Smart and Roderick Remus


Main Card

Steve Flash and Remmy Skye vs. C-V-2

Riley McManus vs. Raphael

Ant-Man vs. Jay Chord with a special unveiling

Team America vs. The Awesomeness © in a ladder match for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Ford Gumble

American Patriot © vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Championship

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I got about halfway through the show tonight. Had to stop because I'm too raged that Alex Barron is actually starting on Dallas' O-line. Should be up soon, though.
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/MAWAmericana.png</span><p><strong>

Friday Week 4, April 2010</strong></p><p><strong>

In front of a raucous crowd of 300 screaming fans</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The new team of Bad Company, consisting of the masked El Rudo and Jared Johnson kicked off the show by defeating The Aces of Mayhem in an entertaining bout. Following them in another tag team match, Findlay and Citizen X worked over Mark Smart and Roderick Remus to pick up the win. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong>***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Steve Flash and Remmy Skye vs. C-V-2</strong></p><p> </p><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Vessey started the match off mic in hand. <span style="color:#FF0000;">“Last month, The Succession put down these pretenders. We came out here, and we proved to them what everyone in the world already knows: The Succession is the future of the business. We beat these old Steve Flash, we beat the loser Remmy Skye,and we destroyed that washed-up Citizen X. There’s nothing that can stop us, but as you can see, we’re fighters in The Succession, and we welcome the so-called challenge that these jokers bring.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Skye started off fast, taking Casey Valentine down with some slick ranas and arm drags. With Valentine crawling into the corner, Skye charged and leapt, but found no one home. Valentine quickly tagged in Vessey, who threwe some right hands at Skye before sending him to the ropes. Steve Flash tagged himself in when Skye came by. Vessey was unaware, and when Skye leap frogged him, he found himself being rolled up from behind. Flash gets the pin, and ends the match quickly! Skye and Flash quickly exited the ring, leaving Vessey and Valentine throwing a tantrum in the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Skye and Flash win, 58.</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong>***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/DukeHazzard.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/MainstreamHernandez.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/BulldozerBrandon_alt2.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#556B2F;">“Howdy ya’ll, this is Duke Hazard backstage, and I’ve got your champion American Patriot and Mainstream Hernandez standing by. First of all, ‘Ernandez. You got the outlaw Ford Gumble tonight, and boy did he do a number on you last month.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“Wait, what? I thought we were here to talk about my new hair cut?” </span>Mainstream said, running his hand through his silky soft hair. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#556B2F;">“Erm, no, partner, we ain’t.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“Oh, well I guess I can talk about Gumble anyway. Last month, he totally threw off my chi. I totally coulda won that match, but it’s whatever, ya know? I did a lot of meditating this past month, ate a lot veggies and stuff like that, and I think I got my chi re-aligned. Truth is, I’m pretty sure that kick shook it loose a little bit, but I’m pretty sure I found it now, so I’m pretty stoked about that, copy copy?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Hazard had a confused look on his face. <span style="color:#556B2F;">“Well, I ain’t too sure what you said, but I think you mighta got yer point across. Patriot, ye’ve been fighting ol’ Cattley for quite a while now. Do ya think tonight’s gonna end it all between you two?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#4169E1;">“Well, dude, it ain’t no secret that Jean’s a mean dude, and we’ve been scrapping and brawling up and down Stanley Hall for about a year now. But you know what, dude? I used to respect that guy. H was a champ, a role model. He never cheated. He was a pretty quiet dude, overall. Just mean. But lately, he’s taken it to a new level. Attacking people, putting out hits. That just ain’t right. It ain’t American!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#556B2F;">“Well, there ain’t no arguin that.”</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong>***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong> Riley McManus w/ Curtis Jenkins vs. Raphael</strong> </p><p> </p><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The Heartbreaker came out bumping and grinding to his trademark house music, hitting on any and all ladies he saw at ringside. They all rejected him, but at least he tried, right? Riley McManus was a little more serious, clearly focused on the match at hand. He wasn’t able to translate that focus into success, though, as Raphael used some offbeat offense to beat down the technician, finishing him off with a painful looking Heartbreaker (Double Knee Gutbuster). Following the match, he gyrated his hips towards McManus’s partner, Curtis Jenkins, before flipping him off. Curtis Jenkins mouthed off in the ring, promising revenge. </p><p>


Raphael wins, 35.</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong>***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p> </p><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Ant-Man was sitting backstage, his head hanging low. His new manager Dharma Gregg was trying to cheer him up. His losing streak was obviously getting to him.</p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#800080;">

“Hey, pick your head up,”</span> she said. “I picked you because I see something in you. You have the ability to be a star, and I want to be the one to take you to that level.”</p><p> </p><p>

Ant-Man looked up at her, still silent. You could see the sadness in his feelers as they hung low about his head. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;">“Look, I know Jay Chord’s beaten you before, but tonight’s different. Not only do you have me, but I happen to know that there’s a little added incentive for you to win…”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Ant-Man’s feelers picked up, his interest piqued. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> ***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong> Team America vs. The Awesomeness © w/ Lisa Bowen for the Mid Atlantic Tag titles in a ladder match</strong> </p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/RegularJoe.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/MattHocking.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/vs.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/JeffersonStardust.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/HueyCannonball_alt1.jpg</span><strong>w/</strong><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/LisaBowen.jpg</span><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The ladder came into play early in this one, when Joe Cool leaned itup against the ropes from the outside, allowing Matt Hocking to sprint up and leap, taking both Cannonball and Stardust out. Team America would control them with some traditional moves from here, until Cannonball fought back with some head butts to the midsection of Hocking. He pulled the ladder into the ring and situated it on his head so that he could do the ever entertaining helicopter move. Hocking saw it and ducked, but Cool and Stardust were sent reeling, and Cool rolled his way out of the ring. </p><p> </p><p>

With Cannonball still trapped in the ladder, Hocking Kicked in the gut to execute a DDT, leaving Cannonball rocked and the ladder draped across his chest. Stardust saw this, and after gathering his wits, leapt up to bruise Hocking’s ribs with a standing splash. Stardust hurt himself as well, and rolled about the ring in pain. Seeing all three other competitors down, Cool slid into the ring and wrestled the ladder out from under Cannonball. Setting it up, he began his ascent to the top, eying his prize hanging high above the ring. It wasn’t to be his, though, as Stardust ran at the ladder and knocked it over, sending Cool over the ropes and down to ringside once more! Hocking, meanwhile, slid out of the ring as well, but he came in shortly after, wielding a steel chair. As Stardust ascended the ladder, he was met with a viscous shot to the back, dropping him down.</p><p> </p><p>

Taking his chance, Hocking decided it was his turn to climb the ladder, but was soon joined by Cannonball, who was dripping blood from a small cut on his forehead. The two men reached the top, where they began to throw some slow, but powerful looking punches. Hocking decided to increase the pain by throwing a couple of elbows toward Cannonball, but it wasn’t long before Stardust interrupted him. Coming from underneath, Stardust gripped Hockings legs, and tried to power him over in a power bomb. Cannonball, recognizing his partner’s struggle, decided to take a page from his opponents book, and threw a couple forearms of his own, and Hocking was soon taken down. </p><p> </p><p>

Cannonball took a moment to rest before Stardust began urging him on to continue. Cannonball was was struggling with the belts, trying to release them from the chain, but he couldn’t get them when Joe Cool rushed the ring and pushed Stardust into the ladder, knocking it over…but Cannonball held on to the belts. With one hand holding the belts and the other operating the release lever, Cannonball finally got them free and fell 15 feet, titles in hand. </p><p> </p><p>

The Awesomeness went crazy following the win, and even Lisa Bowen got in on the action. Like a giddy schoolgirl, she jumped up and down with her clients, ecstatic that they pulled off the win. Team America, however, limped backstage, dejected and defeated. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Awesomeness retain, 39</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong>***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/SteveFlash_alt1.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/RemmySkye.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/CitizenX.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Remmy Skye and Steve Flash were celebrating their win backstage when they were approached by Citizen X. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“Steve Flash, a word,”</span> he said. </p><p> </p><p>

Flash set his water down, and addressed the Anarchist. <span style="color:#4169E1;">“Go on.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“It’s not often that I can say this, and it pains me to do so. The chaos I bring with me to the ring isn’t enough to beat the Succession. Your-your structure and planning was able to. I detest order, and you know that the two of us have not, nor will we ever be on the exact same page, but I have a request.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Steve sat silently. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“I want to learn from you, Steve Flash. To team with you is to see your structure first-hand, and knowing my enemy is the best start on the path to beating my enemy.”</span></p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#4169E1;">

“Why would I want to team with my enemy?”</span> Flash asked.</p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

“You personally are not my enemy, Steve Flash. You should know that anyone with structure in their lives is my enemy. It’s nothing personal.”</span></p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#4169E1;">

“I’ll be honest, I don’t trust you. But you seem to be genuine, and I would be honored to show you how I tackle a problem. If the lessons I teach you could set you on a championship path, then my purpose here in MAW would be complete. So to answer your question, yes, I’ll teach you.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“I’m going to be honest with you, Steve Flash. I appreciate this, but </span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><em>do not</em></span> be mistaken in thinking that this means our paths may not cross in singles competition one day.”</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#4169E1;">“I don’t believe that, believe me, and I relish the chance to meet you in the ring.”</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong>***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p>


</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/JayChord.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Jay Chord’s music hit, and the second generation star sauntered to the ring, a black briefcase in hand. </p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

“MAW is a company built on tradition. That’s why The Succession exists: we’re here to carry on the traditions of our father’s our uncles, our grandfather’s. Tonight, I’m out here to carry on a tradition that my family holds dear: a Chord holding championship gold. I was robbed of the Rip Chord Invitational this year, but I’m bouncing back now. And it starts-”</span> Jay bent down to unbuckle the briefcase, lifting out large item covered in a black cloth <span style="color:#FF0000;">“-with this!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Jay ripped away the cloth to reveal a brand new championship belt.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“This,” </span>he said, beaming, <span style="color:#FF0000;">“Is the MAW Traditional title, and after tonight, it will be mine.”</span></p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Ant-Man w/ Dharma Gregg vs. Jay Chord to determine the first MAW Traditional champion</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/Ant-Man_alt6.jpg</span><strong>w/</strong><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/DharmaGregg.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/vs.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/JayChord.jpg</span><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Ant-Man came out on fire. Gregg had obviously changed his mood by mentioning what was up for grabs, and Chord was left off balance following his initial assault. Ant-Man slammed down Chord throughout the match, but the second-generation star proved resilient and weathered all of the big slams from the little man. Ant-Man lifted Chord up into a press, but Chord sensed the danger and reached down to rake at the mask of Ant-Man. Protecting his identity, Ant-Man dropped Chord to secure his mask. Chord took advantage of the situation and booted Ant-Man in the gut before lifting him in the cradle piledriver to score the 1, 2, 3. </p><p> </p><p>

With Ant-Man down and out, Chord celebrated with his bright new title belt, beaming from ear to ear as Rip Chord shook his head at ringside. Meanwhile, Dharma tried to console the fiery fighter, who's losing streak continues.</p><p>


Jay Chord becomes your first Traditional champ, 48.</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong>***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/DukeHazzard.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/MeanJeanCattley.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/FordGumble_alt1.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Duke Hazard was wandering around backstage looking a little lost before he ran in to Ford Gumble and Jean Cattley.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#556B2F;">“Hey, partner’s I got a few questions fer ya.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Gumble grunted before Cattley, acting much more cordial, agreed to the interview. “Ask away.”</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#556B2F;">“Ford, I wanna talk to you first. You’ve been ornerier than ever since coming to MAW, ending with that crazy kick to ‘Ernandez last month. Now, you done found yourself in a match with ol’ boy. What’s your plan for tonight?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Ford spit some tobacco on the floor. <span style="color:#FF0000;">“I’m gonna kick him in his damn head.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#556B2F;">“Care to elaborate?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“I’m gonna take my boot, and put it upside his face.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#556B2F;">“Err, alright then. Mean Jean, tonight you’ve found yourself in your second Mid Atlantic Championship match this year. Any clues about what yer gonna be doin’ out there?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Jean coughed, then straightened up. <span style="color:#8B0000;">“First off, I’d like to apologize for Ford. Ever since getting fired from TCW-” </span>Ford glared at Mean Jean <span style="color:#8B0000;">“-he’s been on one hell of a heater. As for Patriot, I’m going to break that big son of a bitch. He talks about me being a role model and a mentor to kids, and that’s all bull ****. I’ve always been Mean Jean, and I’ve always done whatever it takes to win. I’m a fighter, and that’s how I was raised. I don’t give anyone any less and I don’t expect them to keep up with me. When I’m on, there’s no one in the world that can beat me, and that’s a fact.”</span> Mean Jean shoved the microphone back into Duke Hazard’s chest before motioning to the side with his head. <span style="color:#8B0000;">“Come on, Ford, we’ve got things to take care of.”</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mainstream Hernandez vs. Ford Gumble</strong> </p><p> </p><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Ford came out swinging, throwing some violent kicks to the midsection of Mainstream that left the surprised star staggering backwards. Ford wound up…Quick Draw Kick (Savate Kick)! Mainstream matrixes under, avoiding an early upset. Mainstream fires back wit some forearms to Ford’s face, then runs the ropes to hit a wheel kick. Mainstream lifts Ford up and sends him right back down with a spinning neck breaker. Mainstream eyes up Ford, does a little dance move to the crowds delight, flashes a smile, and drops a relatively weak forearm to Ford’s face. </p><p> </p><p>

Mainstream climbs the turnbuckles, but Ford wasn’t sufficiently beaten and quickly goes after the Wild One. He attempts to superplex Mainstream, but is pushed off for his efforts. Mainstream screams to the crowd before leaping off, going for a senton splash. Gumble raises his knees, and Mainstream crashes down on to them. Gumble did a ton of damage to Mainstream, but didn’t escape unscathed, as he struggled to make his way to his feet while Mainstream writhed in pain. Ford lines up a soccer kick, and the sound of the hit echoes throughout Stanley Hall. He hits another one, and Mainstreams back is now visibly bruising. Gumble lifts Mainstream up, and drops him with a backbreaker. He covers him for a two count, and locks on a bow and arrow lock after the pin attempt.</p><p> </p><p>

He’s really wrenching down on Mainstream’s neck, pulling his back into an unnatural angle, but Mainstream’s throwing wild elbows below him, trying to break Ford’s hold. Eventually, he catches him in the face, and the Texan breaks the hold. Gumble attempts to slap another hold on Mainstream, but it’s broken up by some right hands to the stomach. Mainstream regains his feet, but he quickly leaves them, leaping up to hit a crisp dropkick to the face of Gumble. Mainstream used the ropes to pull himself up, and when Ford came charging in at him, pulled down on the top rope with all his might, sending Gumble flying to the outside! Mainstream is doing his best to pretend his back is injured, celebrating with a little jig in the center of the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

Meanwhile, Gumble’s incensed on the outside. He’s kicking the barricade and announce table, and eventually picks up a chair, closing with INTENSITY~! He slides into the ring and swings wildly at Mainstream, but the Wild One saw this coming, and easily ducks the shot. Gumble spins around for another attack, but he’s met with a boot to the gut, causing him to drop the chair. Mainstream grips his head, runs toward the turnbuckle and drops Gumble with the Apparition #14 (Sliced Bread #2) for the 1, 2, 3! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mainstream comes out with the win, 46.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

***********************************************************************************</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong>American Patriot © vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Championship</strong></p><p> </p><p>



</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

With Mean Jean waiting patiently in the ring, Patriot made his entrance to a chorus of cheers, his championship belt buckled securely around his waist. He pointed directly at Cattley, and said, <span style="color:#0000FF;">“You’re mine, dude!”</span> The threat left Cattley unaffected, as he continued to stand stoically in the ring. His temperament changed, however, the moment Patriot entered the ring and began to remove his belt. Cattley pounced on the unprepared champ and began the match with a number of right hands until the ref pulled him off of him. </p><p> </p><p>

Cattley immediately went back on the assault, stomping on Patriot’s previously injured knee, causing the champ to scream out in pain. When he attempted to slap the leg in a lock, Patriot pushed him off, and made his way to his feet. The two traded shots in the middle of the ring, but Patriot is the better brawler and gained the upper hand. With Cattley staggered, Patriot muscled him up and dropped him with a back body drop to the delight of the crowd. As Cattley got to his feet, he was put right back down with a heavy shoulder block. A scoop slam followed, and a vertical suplex after that. Patriot avoided stalling on the suplex, as his knee was already wobbling from the lift. </p><p> </p><p>

Patriot took some time to play to the fans now, as he was clearly in control. But when he went to power Mean Jean up, the technician grabbed onto his leg and pulled him down, locking in a leg lock. Patriot dragged Cattley with him all the way to the ropes, but Mean Jean used the entire 5-count before breaking the hold. When Patriot got to his feet, Cattley put him right back down with kick to the back of the knee. For the next few minutes, Cattley slapped on a variety of holds, twisting and pulling on the knee of Patriot. Patriot held on though, and never once gave up. During this time, Ford Gumble stalked out to ring to watch at ringside</p><p> </p><p>

With Jean growing frustrated, he stretched out Patriot’s leg and ascended the turnbuckle. He leaped off, attempting to stomp down on Patriots leg, but he found nothing as Patriot rolled away, and his own leg crumpled underneath him. Both men hobbled up, and began trading once again. Patriot was much slower this time, though, and Cattley was able to block some of his shots and take control. He attempted a lariat, though, but Patriot ducked and came around with his own, leaving both men down! Patriot crawled slowly toward his opponent, and made the cover. 1...2...kick out! Patriot muscled Cattley up and lifted him into a fireman’s carry, but his leg gave out, and Cattley found himself behind the champ. Waistlocking Patriot, he drove him the ropes, where Ford Gumble was waiting. Gumble threw a Quick Draw Kick, but Patriot ducked, and Cattley was left laying on the ground, down and out! Patriot quickly grabbed Gumble, and hit the American Suplex (Backdrop Driver), pulling the Texan into the ring and knocking him out. </p><p> </p><p>

Patriot contemplated pinning Cattley, but shook his head no, opting to let the challenger recover from the outside interference instead! As Cattley recovered, he eyed Patriot, and the two tore into each other once more. Cattley shot in on Patriot, but the takedown attempt was stuffed, and Patriot muscled Cattley up to hit the Inverted Piledriver and secure the win! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>American Patriot remains your MAW champion!, 58.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

As the red, white, and blue confetti rained down from the rafters, Patriot grabbed a mic. Cattley was making his way to the back, head down when Patriot stopped him.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“Mean Jean!”</span> he said, causing Cattley to turn around. <span style="color:#0000FF;">“I’m not satisfied with this win. This is MAW, dude! In MAW, we don’t win by interference! Fights are fair around here. You may have been satisfied having Gumble win the match for you, but I sure as hell aren’t!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

The crowd cheered.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“Next month, Mean Jean. Me and you, one more time. But this time, there’s no interference, for either of us. This time, we’re in a steel cage!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

As the crowd erupted, Jean just smirked before heading to the back.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Total: <strong>50</strong></p>

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Codey I have read the last few shows and I have to say this dynasty is amazing. WAY better than the TCW project <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />, you have found something that clicks. I need to go back and read this thing from the start but I didn't to say this is a great dynasty. Keep it up.
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Yep. I definitely think starting small, with a more focused project helps out a lot. Hopefully someday Johnny will find himself wandering up to the big times, though!
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<p>The locker room was always a busy place before shows. It was a little undersized for all of the guys on the roster to get ready in, and it ended up being overcrowded quite often. Most guys would sit in their for a while, discussing their matches, the finishes, the spots, what they could do better, what they could downplay. That sort of thing. I tended to stay out after I got changed. I wasn’t claustrophobic, but the cramped spaces always made me feel pretty uncomfortable. The air was too warm and all of the people to close. As a result, I usually discussed my matches in the tunnels of Stanley Hall, away from everyone. Besides, why should the rest of the locker room know what to expect from my matches? I wanted them to be surprised, too.</p><p> </p><p>

Before Old School Rules, Roderick and I were going over our bout in this manner. The two of us had become pretty good friends by now, and regularly traveled together, so we both had a good understanding of the other. Working with a good friend is always a good experience. Both of you don’t want to make the other look bad, and you work better with someone that you understand psychologically, ya know? The result is a more competitive match, and in MAW, this was very important. Even if you lost, you got over if you put up a good fight, and I was slowly but surely making my way up the ladder by doing so. I hadn’t won a match yet, but I only had a handful under my belt. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008080;">“So,” </span>Roderick said, <span style="color:#008080;">“You’re going to deadlift me up, kinda…” </span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Hold up, man,”</span> I interrupted, sliding past him. Lisa walked by, and I had my eye set on my prize. With no one else around save Roddy, I knew it was mine for the taking. I had been doing confidence drills, you know, talking to the mirror and stuff like that to make sure I was ready. Positive energy was absolutely radiating off of me, and according to the book I was reading, chicks dig that. </p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

“Umm, hey Lisa,”</span> I said as I walked up beside her. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;">“Hey John,” </span>she replied. That was it. No other response. I had to continue the conversation. Damn it!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Uhh, hey, do you wanna, like, do something after the show tonight?” </span>There it was! I did it!</p><p> </p><p>

Lisa stopped and a look of feigned (I could tell!) disappointment spread across her face. <span style="color:#800080;">“Oh, sorry, but I’m already doing something with Jeff and Huey after the show.” </span></p><p> </p><p>

That was it. After all that hard (and, admittedly, creepy) preparation, I got turned down. Bye, self-esteem, I’ll see you when I climb down from this mountain!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Oh, ok. I was just wondering. I’ll see you later,” </span>I said, and turned back to Roddy.</p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#800080;">

“Hold up,”</span> Lisa said. I spun around, trying to meet her eyes. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;">“I’m not doing anything tomorrow, if you don’t mind staying in town for an extra day.” </span></p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

“Oh. Yeah! That’d be cool! I can totally do that!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;">“Great! Hey, I gotta go now, but I’ll talk to you before I leave, alright?”</span></p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

“Sounds like a plan.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

We both parted ways, and I went back to my conversation with Roddy. We both exchanged a high five, but I knew that secretly he wanted to jump and scream just as much as I did.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong>*******************************************************************************</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Mac wanted me to relay a message to Rip, so I wandered through Stanley Hall a bit before the show until I wound up at the familiar office. As I approached, I noticed the lights were out, which was a little different, but I could hear a little rummaging coming from inside. I knocked on the door, and the sounds from within got a little louder, and sounded hurried until they finally stopped. I waited a minute, until the door swung open and Jay Chord rushed out. </p><p> </p><p>

His hair was a mess, and he was sweating pretty badly, which was odd for how cool it was in the building. Our eyes met, and I was amazed at how bloodshot his were. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;">“What the hell are you doing here?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“I came to give a message to Rip. If he’s not here…”</span></p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#000080;">

“Yeah, dad’s not here,”</span> Jay snapped. He looked me up and down. <span style="color:#000080;">“As if he’d want to talk to you anyway…”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Jay then rushed away, leaving me absolutely confused as to what I just saw.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/MAWOldSchoolRules.png</span><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Dark Matches</strong></span></p><p>

Aces of Mayhem vs. Bad Company (Jared Johnson and El Rudo)</p><p>

Rayne Man vs. Casey Valentine</p><p>

</p><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>

Main Card</strong></span></p><p>

Ant-Man vs. Roderick Remus</p><p>

Joe Cool vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title</p><p>

Citizen X and Steve Flash vs. The Awesomeness</p><p>

Curtis Jenkins vs. Raphael</p><p>

Remmy Skye vs. Cameron Vessey</p><p>

American Patriot © vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley in a steel cage match for the Mid Atlantic Championship</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>This is an exciting diary.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dark Matches</strong></p><p>

<strong>Aces of Mayhem</strong> vs. Bad Company (Jared Johnson and El Rudo)</p><p>

Rayne Man vs. <strong>Casey Valentine</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Main Card</p><p>

Ant-Man vs. <strong>Roderick Remus</strong></p><p>

Joe Cool vs. <strong>Jay Chord</strong> © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title</p><p>

<strong>Citizen X and Steve Flash</strong> vs. The Awesomeness</p><p>

Curtis Jenkins vs. <strong>Raphael</strong></p><p>

<strong>Remmy Skye</strong> vs. Cameron Vessey</p><p>

<strong>American Patriot ©</strong> vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley in a steel cage match for the Mid Atlantic Championship</p>

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<p><strong>Aces of Mayhem</strong> vs. Bad Company (Jared Johnson and El Rudo)</p><p>

Rayne Man vs. <strong>Casey Valentine</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Main Card</p><p>

Ant-Man vs. <strong>Roderick Remus</strong> <em>User character = Never unhappy about losing</em></p><p>

Joe Cool vs. <strong>Jay Chord ©</strong> for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title <em>He may be into something dodgy, but he's going to roll over the other JC</em></p><p>

<strong>Citizen X and Steve Flash</strong> vs. The Awesomeness <em>Non-title?</em></p><p>

Curtis Jenkins vs. <strong>Raphael</strong> <em>Raphael rules - a perfect MAW worker</em></p><p>

Remmy Skye vs. <strong>Cameron Vessey</strong> <em>Remmy Skye is </em><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">not</span></em><em> a perfect MAW worker, and Vessey can do with the popularity boost from going over him</em></p><p>

American Patriot © vs. <strong>“Mean” Jean Cattley</strong> in a steel cage match for the Mid Atlantic Championship <em>Always going to pull for JC</em></p>

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<p><strong>Dark Matches</strong></p><p>

<strong>Aces of Mayhem</strong> vs. Bad Company (Jared Johnson and El Rudo)</p><p>

Rayne Man vs. <strong>Casey Valentine</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Main Card</p><p>

Ant-Man vs. <strong>Roderick Remus</strong></p><p>

Joe Cool vs. <strong>Jay Chord</strong> © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title</p><p>

Citizen X and Steve Flash vs. <strong>The Awesomeness</strong></p><p>

Curtis Jenkins vs. <strong>Raphael</strong></p><p>

<strong>Remmy Skye</strong> vs. Cameron Vessey</p><p>

American Patriot © vs.<strong> “Mean” Jean Cattl</strong>ey in a steel cage match for the Mid Atlantic Championship</p>

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Aces of Mayhem vs. Bad Company (Jared Johnson and El Rudo)

Rayne Man vs. Casey Valentine


Main Card

Ant-Man vs. Roderick Remus

Joe Cool vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title

Citizen X and Steve Flash vs. The Awesomeness

Curtis Jenkins vs. Raphael

Remmy Skye vs. Cameron Vessey

American Patriot © vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley in a steel cage match for the Mid Atlantic Championship


I keep on thinking that Mean Jean will be getting the big win. And you keep on denying me so...

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Friday Week 4, May 2010

In front of a wild, sold -out crowd in Stanley Hall



Bad Company, consisting of Jared Johnson and El Rudo, opened up tonight’s show with a second over The Aces of Mayhem. The duo utilized their superior technical skills to ground the odd couple and come out with a victory. Also competing on the undercard, in a match that would have easily been at home on the main show, Casey Valentine came out on top in an entertaining bout with Rayne Man. Rayne Man looked like he was going to extend his win-streak by one, but Valentine hit a Deep Impact from the second rope, ending Rayne’s hopes of a win tonight.







Ant-Man w/ Dharma Gregg vs. Roderick Remus




Dharma Gregg came out with a noticeable pep in her step, telling the fans to get on their feet for this match. Ant-Man, however, was decidedly less excited. His MAW record was now 0-4 following his title loss to Jay Chord last month, and his attitude showed it. Though Ant-Man came out on fire last month, that looked to be extinguished now. Remus, an aggressive competitor, took advantage of this immediately. He leveled Ant-Man with a variety of strikes and took him down multiple times with head scissor variations, Using his speed to avoid the power of Ant-Man. This strategy worked, and after throwing Ant off balance with a cartwheel dropkick, he slapped on the Remus Clutch (Crossface Chicken Wing), forcing a tapout.

Roderick Remus wins, 33.


Dharma tried to cheer a dejected Ant-Man up after the match, but he jerked away from her touch, and exited the ring alone. Dharma, looking worried, rushed after her client.







Jay Chord sauntered to the ring, his new belt secured firmly around his waist. Upon entering the ring, he grabbed a microphone.


“I want you all to look at this,” he said, pointing with one hand at the Traditional title. “This, ladies and gentleman, is destiny. This is what The Succession is all about. We’re here in MAW to prove that we are the next wave of great wrestlers. By holding this title, I’ve shown everyone that our purpose here is real, that we are legitimate.”


“A lot of people say this is an empty championship, though.” Jay sighed. “This is true. This is a new belt, with no legacy. My job is to change that. I’m going to be a fighting champion, people! I’m going to take on the best competition MAW has to offer! With that said-” Jay sneered “-my opponent tonight is one of the best wrestlers in MAW today. Bring him out!”


Joe Cool vs. Jay Chord for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title





Joe Cool made his entrance to a mixed reaction. The fans were glad to see him, but were confused as to what exactly he was doing out here. His purpose was made clear soon, though, as Chord lit into him with some right hands. Cool never really got into this fight, letting Jay walk all over him. Jay sent him over head with a back body drop, intending to send him sailing overhead to the arena floor, But Cool flipped out and landed on the ring apron. When he attempted to drive his shoulder into Jay’s gut through the middle and top rope, Jay dodged to the side and struck him with a viscous boot. Jay pulled him out, draped over the rope, and dropped him with a huge DDT to score the win. Jay celebrated with his belt in each corner as the crowd booed him.


Jay Chord retains, 48.







Duke Hazard was backstage, knocking on the door of The Succession’s locker room. He waited a moment before it opened, but it was no member of The Succession that emerged.




Ford Gumble left the locker room with a scowl on his face, pushing past Hazard and walking away down the hall. Vessey and Valentine soon followed. They were both smiling.




“Now what in tarnation was he doin’ with you boys? I thought Gumble was Cattley’s man,” Hazard said.


“Just a friendly chat,” Vessey answered.

“Oh, yeah, we’ve got a lot in common,” Valentine agreed. “Turns out we go to the same tanning salon.”

“As much as this doesn’t seem right, I got other things to talk to you about. Mainly yer match match with Remmy Skye, Cameron.”


“There’s nothing to talk about, really,” Vessey said. “Skye can do some fancy flips and crap like that, but he doesn’t have what it takes to really be great: genes. What I have is superior genetic engineering on my side, and I’m going to exploit that to the fullest tonight.”


“You see, The Succession isn’t just satisfied with the Traditional title,” Valentine said. “We want it all. And after Cameron beats the snot out of Skye tonight, it should put him in line for a shot against whoever wins between Jean and Patriot. Either way, they’re both going to be easy pickings.”


“That’s right. Either I fight an old man that could never make it big, or I fight some idiot in a mask with more honor than is good for him. Bottom line is, I come out with a championship.”


“After Skye’s out of the way, it’s a straight sprint to the top.”

“And believe us, Skye will be out of the way.”






Flash X vs. The Awesomeness w/Lisa Bowen




The Awesomeness came out looking as smug as possible, but Lisa Bowen somehow topped them. Her clients carried her out on their shoulders, and she blew kisses to the crowd as they approached the ring. Clearly, she had convinced them that she was the key to their success. Flash and X were both more low key, but they did exude an air of confidence. Both were veterans of the sport, and were not to be taken lightly.


Citizen X and Cannonball started off, both going move-for-move in a quick chain wrestling sequence, and both looked equal until X hit a drop toe hold followed by a quick basement dropkick. He tagged out to Flash, who began to work Cannonball over with suplexes and slams, eventually slapping on a bow and arrow lock. Stardust came in and booted Flash in the face, breaking the hold, and allowing Cannonball enough of a reprieve to tag out. Stardust layed into flash with stomps, before hitting a knee drop to his face. He his a vertical suplex, and when Flash pulled himself into the corner, ran in to hit a leaping splash. Flash quickly moved, and Stardust just missed, allowing Flash to tag in X. Stardust saw this happen, and quickly ran over to tag in Cannonball.


Cannonball and X once again went move for move, each man trying to one-up the other. The stakes eventually became to high for Cannonball, though, and X was able to slam him with the Anarchy X (Crucifix Powerbomb) for the win. After the match, Lisa Bowen berated her clients in the ring, having just lost to two men teaming for the first time.


Flash X come up with the win, 52.








Duke Hazard was standing by with Remmy Skye, interviewing him before his match.

“Remmy, you done had problems with The Succession ever Vessey beat you in the RCI. Tonight, you got one more one-on-one match with him. What’re ya gonna do to try and beat him this time?”

“I’ll tell ya, I ain’t gonna try an’ fix what ain’t broke. I’m gonna do what I do best, and that’s fly. I’m gonna take to the sky, and I’m gonna-”




Skye was cut short as a cowboy boot came out of nowhere and hit him squarely on the jaw. Ford Gumble scowled before bowing up to Duke Hazard, and the announcer ran off scared to get help. Ford walked off, his job clearly done. A moment passed, and Jay Chord made his way down the hall, chatting away on the phone.

“Yeah, I did just what you said. Uh-huh. Yeah, I looked good.” He reached Skye, unconscious on the ground. “Hold on a minute.”


Jay hit several soccer kicks to the limp Skye’s ribs before stepping over him and continuing down the hall. “Yeah, Cam’s gonna win, too. We made sure of that.”




Curtis Jenkins w/Riley McManus vs. Raphael




Raphael came out on top against McManus last month in a clean match, but Jenkins took exception to the disrespect Raphael showed after the match. The Brit came out looking to tie Raphael up in knots, but Raph proved to be just as good, if not better, than him in that area, reversing and countering everything Jenkins attempted to do. Most of Raphael’s moves had a focus on the spine of CJ, and he adjusted his finisher accordingly. When he attempted the Heartbreaker, he inverted CJ, sending him over head to land a backbreaker in place of a gut buster. This netted Raph the win, but the Heartbreaker wasn’t done. He attempted to lock CJ in a Boston crab after the match, but McManus was quick to come to his partner’s aid, chasing Raphael off. As Raphael backed his way down the ramp, McManus talked trash to him, and Raph blew him a kiss in return, followed by an obscene gesture.


Raphael wins, 43.







Duke Hazard was still running from the unseen threat of Ford Gumble when he ran into Mainstream Hernandez in the parking lot. Mainstream had worked up quite a sweat doing crunches, and had stood up and started doing jumping jacks. Hazard stopped and watched Mainstream for a moment before speaking up.

“’Scuse me, James? What’re ya doin?”


Mainstream stopped and spun around, jumping into a kung-fu stance. “Whoa, man, you can’t just sneak up on people in the middle of their warm-ups!”

“Warm up? But you ain’t even got a match tonight.”


“Dude, I don’t just warm-up for matches. I’m hitting the clubs tonight! I have to get my pump on before I go out.” Mainstream lifted his shirt up to reveal his chiseled two-pack abs. “Chicks dig the abs, bro. Haven’t you seen Jersey Shore?”


Hazard shook his head no. Mainstream sighed.


“Eh, it is what it is, savvy? Besides, Ford Gumble’s running around backstage kicking dude’s in the head, and I need to be ready for him if he comes my way.”


“Tell me about it…But, while I have ya here, can I get yer thought’s on tonight’s main event?”


Mainstream laughed. “Everyone knows it’s not a main event without the Mainstream Hit, dude. It’s gonna be a good fight though.”


“Do ya got a pick for who’s gonna win?”


Mainstream pondered the question a moment. “Well, Pat’s a strong dude, ya know. I saw him open up a Mongo-sized pickle jar one time. I mean, I loosened it up, but still, he’s got that big advantage. But the Mean Machine’s pissed. I mean like uber-mad. Tonight, I’m gonna say he takes it.”





Remmy Skye vs. Cameron Vessey




Vessey smirked while warming up in the ring as he watched Skye stumble down to the ring. He had a big welt formed where Gumble’s boot connected with his jaw, and he rubbed it constantly. Vessey, like the viper he is, was on him immediately. After a flurry of right hands, he spun and dropped Skye with his trademark discus right. Vessey mounted Skye and began dropping bombs on his face before going for the cover, but he only got a two count. He was quick to go back on the attack, and lifted Skye up before sending him to the ground with a backdrop suplex, but once again only got a two count when he went for the cover. Frustrated, Vessey climbed to the second rope, where he leaped off and came down with a leg drop across the face of Skye, but once again only got a two count.


Aggravated, Vessey began to complain to the referee to count faster, but was shocked when Skye rolled him up and came dangerously close to getting the three count. Vessey immediately went back on the offensive, hitting Skye with punches and kicks that left him down. Vessey dragged him to the corner and exited the ring. Once at ringside, he positioned Skye’s head alongside the steel post and backed up, taking aim. Vessey came charging in and lifted his boot, intending to scramble Skye’s brains with a viscous kick. Skye rolled out of the way, though, and Vessey’s foot kicked the unforgiving steel post, leaving him writhing around at ringside, clutching his ankle. This allowed Skye a chance to rest and recover somewhat, and when Vessey came back into the ring, Skye sent him down with a basement dropkick, followed by a leg drop t othe back of his head.


Skye stood on Vessey’s back now, and jumped up to hit a standing senton bomb. He went for the cover but Vessey kicked out at two. Feeding off of the crowd’s energy, Skye went to wait on the apron, and when Vessey made his way to his feet, Skye spring boarded across the ring to drop him with a missile dropkick that folded him in half. Skye went for the cover, 1...2...kick out! Vessey was somehow still going after that. Skye attempted to lift him up, but he was disrupted by Vessey’s head connecting with his midsection. The second-generation star was head butting Skye in the gut! With Skye stunned, Vessey charged and pushed him back into the corner, where he lifted him on the top turnbuckle. Vessey went up after him, but was soon engaged in a battle with Skye atop the turnbuckles. Skye looked to have won by pushing Vessey off, but Cam was quick on his feet and rushed the turnbuckle, cracking Skye in the jaw with an uppercut. He once again climbed the ropes and secured both of Skye’s arms accordingly before flipping him over in a Vessey Plex from the top rope! Vessey went for the cover, and scored the 1, 2, 3 to pick up the win.

Cameron Vessey wins, 57.


Vessey grabbed a microphone after the match, and was clearly exhausted, as he didn’t have near as much to say as he usually did.

“Next month,” he breathed heavily, “Next month, The Succession begins it’s ascent. We want the championship!” He paused to catch his breath. “Whoever wins tonight, it doesn’t matter, because we have your number!”






American Patriot © vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley in a steel cage match for the Mid Atlantic Championship





Cattley was already waiting in the ring as the steel structure was erected. When Patriot made his entrance, the two men’s eyes met and they shared a cold stare down. Patriot walked the perimeter of the cage, testing the give of each wall as he made his way around. When his trek was complete, he opened the cage door and stepped inside. As the two men circled, it was evident what was going to happen. One man was going to have to beat the other so badly that he would be able to have enough time to exit the cage. Finally, they locked up.


Cattley got the first strike in as he twisted Patriot’s arm and came across with a right hand to the shoulder. Patriot shook off the blow, however, and came across with a deafening chop to Cattley’s chest. He hit two more before turning and running the ropes. As he charged in for a shoulder block, Cattley dropped to his stomach and tripped Patriot with a drop toe hold that sent his face smacking into the cage. Cattley, the veteran that he is, didn’t waste any time gloating, and was on Patriot immediately, throwing crossface strikes from his back. As Patriot powered his way to his feet, Cattley knew he was in trouble of losing the offensive position, and leveled Patriot with a knee to the side of his head.


With Patriot down, Cattley lifted his arm and slammed it down on the mat multiple times before bringing him to his feet. After hammer locking his arm, Cattley threw Patriot into the cage wall, leaving Patriot down with his ability to ascend the cage severely hampered. As Mean Jean lifted Patriot once more, he began to fight back with some chops, but Cattley quickly shut him down with another knee, and set him up for a suplex. He couldn’t power Patriot up, though, and the masked warrior battled his way out, countering by lifting Jean into his own suplex. He followed up with a scoop slam before cornering Cattley.


From here, he lit Mean Jean’s chest up with machine gun chops, leaving blood trickling down his chest, and followed up with a powerful looking spinning back chop. Leading Cattley across the ring, Patriot used his good arm to toss him into the cage wall, and repeated it again, and again, and again, until Cattley was too wobbly to stand. It was at this point that, much like last month, Ford Gumble moseyed on down to ringside, where he watched the match intently.




Ignoring the distraction, Patriot continued his assault on Cattley, pulling him into a sleeper hold that looked like it was causing the challenger to fade. Cattley fought back, though, and was able to counter it into a big back drop that left both men down. As they both slowly made their way to their feet again, they began to brawl once more. Cattley was surprisingly gaining the upper hand when he went for a looping right hand that Patriot ducked under and countered into an American Suplex! Patriot was calling for the ref to open the cage door, and he began to slowly crawl over. He was going to end the match here! He began pushing his head through the ropes, he was- No! Ford Gumble ended his hopes of winning now with a huge chair shot to the head! He pushed Patriot back in the ring and told the ref to lock the door again.


The white in Patriot’s mask was slowly beginning to turn into a shade of pink, as the chair shot had busted him open. Cattley, like a shark, smelled the blood and stuck accordingly. He began grinding Patriot’s face into the cage, tearing at his mask. Cattley drug Patriot to his feet, and hit the mood swing! Patriot was down!




While this was going on in the ring, Mainstream Hernandez had sprinted down to ringside. Gumble saw him, and aimed to tear his head off with a Quick Draw Kick, but Mainstream ducked! He grabbed Gumble’s head and ran up the cage wall to drop him with the Apparition #14! As Cattley staggered to the cage door, he saw Gumble sprawled on the floor and Mainstream standing like a sentry at the door, shaking his head and mouthing “No way” to Cattley. Annoyed, Cattley turned around and began a slow ascent up the cage wall, seeing it as his only way out. When he reached about halfway up, Patriot began to stir and follow his foe up the wall.


Favoring his right arm, Patriot willed his way up after Cattley. As Cattley began to flip over to the other side of the wall, Patriot reached up and grabbed a hold of him, keeping him in place as he brought himself up to even footing with his foe. With both men sitting atop the the cage, they began to brawl in the precarious position. Patriot was throwing viscous chops that widened the open wounds on Cattley’s chest, while Mean Jean was throwing right hands in an attempt to throw off the champ’s equilibrium. When it looked like they were both coming out even, Patriot reared back and threw a thunderous back hand that caught Mean Jean on the jaw, leaving him teetering. Seeing this, Patriot grabbed a hold of him and sent him flying back down into the center of the ring. With no one to keep him in any longer, Patriot struggled over the wall, and finally dropped down to the ring floor, and the ref declared him the winner, and still Mid Atlantic Champion!


The show closed with red, white, and blue streamers erupting from the crowd. Patriot, bruised and bloodied, his mask tattered, held on tight to his title belt as Mainstream Hernandez raised the hand of his friend.


American Patriot retains the Mid Atlantic Championship, 61



Total: 54

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The date was going great. Lisa and went to a mom and pop Italian place, which was an odd find here in the Mid Atlantic, but, being from New York, I couldn’t pass it up. The food was great, and the conversation was even better. It turns out, we both grew up relatively close to each other, and had a good deal in common. I was from Brooklyn, and she grew up in Manhattan. Her dad was rich, after all.


I pride myself on being a good listener, and did my best to let her do most of the talking. That’s how I had always done it, and it was working here. It turns out her dad never wanted her to get involved in the wrestling business at all. She graduated high school as the salutatorian of her class, and he had her all set to go to MIT to become some sort of engineer. She dropped out during her first semester, though, having fallen in love with the business as a child. Apparently Train hadn’t thought ahead when he decided to drag her along to SWF events throughout her teens. Even though he was disappointed, he made a few calls to Rip Chord, and the rest was history.


After dinner, we decided to burn some calories with a walk through a park bordering the Potomac. Even though we were one day away from June, the air coming off of the water was cool. Seeing her shivering in her sleeveless top, I let her wear my jacket and we walked along in silence for a few moments.


“So what about you?” she finally asked, turning to me. “We’ve talked about me all night, but I want to know about what. What got you in to all this crazy stuff we do?”


“There’s not much to say,” I said, chuckling. “My life’s been pretty boring, actually. Pretty cliché, too.”


She tugged on my arm. “I don’t care, tell me. Please?”


I feigned a sigh. “Alright…But don’t think I’m trying to get sympathy! I’m a tough, manly guy, and that’s what I want you to like me for.”


“Oh, I won’t. How could I think that of a man with such big, strong muscles?” she giggled.

“Alright, alright, I’ll tell you,” I laughed. “You remember how I told you I grew up in Brooklyn?” She nodded her head. “Well, I didn’t tell you that I grew up in an orphanage.”


She gasped. “Oh my God, I had no idea!”

“That’s because I didn’t tell you,” I said, smiling. “The only person I’ve ever told is Mac, and I think he may have told Rip to get me a little bit of sympathy. It’s not a big deal, really. My mom gave me up when I was born. I think she was too poor to support us, but she wasn’t for the whole abortion thing. Either way, I’m happy. The people at the orphanage took good care of me until I left.”


“How long were you there?”


“18 years. That’s when I packed my bags and showed up on Mac’s door. I think that’s why he took me in, really.”


“You mean you were there your entire life, almost? No one ever took you in?”


“Nope. Orphanages are kinda messed up like that.” I paused for a minute, thinking. “You know how when people go to dog pounds, they look for the prettiest or the strongest dog? The really healthy ones? It’s just like that at orphanages, and I was none of the above. I was really little, as you can see. I was a little kid, short and scrawny as hell. No one wants that. That’s why I became so obsessed with fitness. But by the time that happened, I was a teenager, and no adopts old dogs, ya know? They want the puppies that they can teach and make their own. I was already set in my ways, and people could tell.”

“That’s horrible.”


“Not really. All the caretakers at the orphanage had become my family, and I was fine with that. These were the people I became attached to, and I didn’t really want to leave them anyway. I still talk to a lot of them. I call ‘em on the phone a lot and send them birthday cards, stuff like that.”


“I watched wrestling a lot when I was there, and I got hooked on it. There was a place for everyone in wrestling, and I think that’s why I got so attached to the idea that that’s what I wanted to do. SO when I got close to 18, I started to research training and stuff like that. Eventually, I found Mac’s school, and that’s how I ended up here.”


“Wow,” she said. “That’s amazing.”


I laughed. “Yeah, I know. I’m pretty great.”


She grabbed my hand and leaned on my shoulder, and we continued our long walk along the river, chatting all the way back to her apartment. I didn’t get lucky (she’s a classy lady!), but I did get a quick kiss and a promise for another date, which was just as good for me!









Dark Matches

Team America vs. Bad Company

Findlay vs. Rayne Man vs. Mimic


Main Card

Steve Flash vs. Stardust

Ace Youngblood vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title

Ant-Man vs. Ford Gumble

The Atlantic Connection vs. Raphael and Roderick Remus

Remmy Skye vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley

American Patriot and Mainstream Henandez vs. C-V-2


Well, I hope that wasn’t too cliché for ya’ll. It was the backstory I’ve had envisioned from the start. I honestly couldn’t think of anything better. Sorry :o

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Dark Matches

Team America vs. Bad Company

Findlay vs. Rayne Man vs. Mimic


Main Card

Steve Flash vs. Stardust

Ace Youngblood vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title

Ant-Man vs. Ford Gumble

The Atlantic Connection vs. Raphael and Roderick Remus

Remmy Skye vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley

American Patriot and Mainstream Henandez vs. C-V-2

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Dark Matches

Team America vs. Bad Company

Findlay vs. Rayne Man vs. Mimic


Main Card

Steve Flash vs. Stardust

Ace Youngblood vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title

Ant-Man vs. Ford Gumble

The Atlantic Connection vs. Raphael and Roderick Remus

Remmy Skye vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley

American Patriot and Mainstream Henandez vs. C-V-2

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Friday Week 4, June 2010

In the prestigious, sold out Stanley Hall



The show kicked off with tag team action, as Bad Company took on Team America. Bad Company have looked strong since their debut, but the former title contenders Team America proved to be a little too much, and Hocking pinned El Rudo following a Hock Shock. Next up, in a triple threat match, we had Findlay, Rayne Man, and newcomer Mimic all going at it. Mimic and Rayne Man teamed up to try and take out the big man Findlay, but his strength proved too much for them, and after taking Rayne Man out with a head butt, he finished Mimic with an awesome Atomic Spinebuster.






Steve Flash vs. Stardust w/ Lisa Bowen





The main card kicked off with Steve Flash taking on tag champ Stardust. Flash and Citizen X defeated the champs in tag action last month, and that earned them a title shot at next month’s Summer Heatwave. Stardust did surprisingly well in singles competition here with a veteran competitor like Flash, hanging with him throughout the match. The two spent the first few minutes exchanging some low-key moves like arm drags and scoop slams, but Stardust soon took control. Stardust continued to lay a slow but steady beating down on Flash, but he made the mistake of charging Flash in the turnbuckle. When he did, Flash countered with a Flash Bang (Standing Hotshot) and grabbed the stunned Stardust in an inverted DDT to pick up the win. Lisa Bowen scolded her client after the match, getting right up in his face. Stardust just took the verbal smack down, looking disappointed in himself.


Steve Flash wins, 55







Jay sauntered down to the ring, a smug mile spread across his face.


“Last month, I proved to everyone that I’m a fighting champ. I’m taking on the best this company has to offer, and I’m coming out on top. I’m establishing a tradition here: That Jay Chord is a winner! Tonight, I continue to build on that, as I take on a man full of pride, full of ability. He’s a tough competitor, and he growing up in the face of adversity and coming out on top! Now, he’s made his way to this point. Bring him out!”


Ace Youngblood vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title







Youngblood does indeed have a lot of pride, and he showed that to Chord, opening up with a number of right hands that took the champ by surprise. He called for his trademark Tomahawk Chop but Jay avoided that by exiting the ring. Youngblood gave chase until Chord reentered the ring at which point the began to dismantle Youngblood with a variety of strikes and slams. Eventually, he finally lifted him up and dropped him head first with the Cradle Piledriver to retain his title in a relatively short match.

Jay Chord retains, 37.







Dharma Gregg was doing her make-up backstage when Ford Gumble approached her from behind.


“Hey there, Miss,” he said, tapping her on the shoulder.


Dharma spun around and gasped. “Oh, it’s just you, Ford! You scared me.”


“Well I’m sorry about that miss, but I came by to ask you something.”


“Go on,” Dharma said uneasily.


“Ya see, I was wonderin’ if ya’d wanna come shack up in the back seat of my truck tonight. Jest the two of us,” Ford said, leering at her.


Dharma looked appalled. “Look, I don’t know who you think you are, but I'm not that kinda girl.”


“Ya cain’t fool me, Miss. You run around looking like a whore with yer makeup and clothes, yer asking for it.” Ford went to grab for her arm, but he was stopped when a red glove wrapped around his.




Ant-Man stood like a statue as Ford struggled to free himself from the smaller man’s grasp. Dharma smiled at Ant-Man, having come to her rescue.


Eventually, Ford broke free of Ant-Man’s grip. “I’ll be seeing you in the ring, boy. And you,” he said, pointing to Dharma, “I’ll see you later tonight.”





Ant-Man w/ Dharma Gregg vs. Ford Gumble





Ford came out pissed off, throwing some hard kicks to the side of Ant-Man. He looking to set up his trademark Quick Draw Kick early. After eating several of Gumble’s strikes, Ant-Man began to fight back with some typical power moves, the crowd firmly behind his back. Hearing their acceptance, he began to play to them, celebrating after each devastating slam. This unusual show of character came back to bite him when he attempted to lift Gumble, only for Ford to push him back and hit the QUICK DRAW KICK!


Ant-Man was down and out, but the force of the kick sent him tumbling through the ropes to the ring floor. Dharma was checking on him, but quickly scurried off when Gumble went out after his opponent. Rolling him back into the ring, it looked like Ford had the match won, but Remmy Skye appeared out of the crowd and jumped up on the apron.




Quick Draw Kick! Remmy dropped to the floor, the kick having landed squarely on his jaw, but he had allowed Ant-Man enough recovery time to rollup Gumble. 1...2...3! Ant-Man rolled out of the ring quickly, raising his hands in victory, ecstatic over his first win. In the ring, Gumble fumed as Remmy lay lifeless at ringside.


Ant-Man wins, 37





“Duke Hazard here, with Jean Cattley. Jean, Ford Gumble just decked one of your opponents again. Whaddaya think about him makin’ all yer matches so dang easy for you?”


Cattley scowled. “First off, I was going to win that match no matter what. All Ford did was give that freak an excuse for when the inevitable happens. Second, I don’t give a damn about this match. I want Patriot again.”


“It don’t look like that’s gonna happen, Jean, what with him beating you last month.”


“Do you think I care? I’m the prototypical MAW wrestler. I will get that title back. I’m a damn wrestling machine, and I will not stop running until I get the recognition I deserve. The fans cheer for him because he’s an idiot that plays to what they like. I could care less about that. But I’ve spent years honing my craft, becoming MAW personified. There’s no way I’m going to stop until I hold that title again. Unfortunately, I lost my turn, and now those bastard’s with a sense of entitlement get to try their hand. If they do somehow manage to beat Patriot, it just means that I get an easier match to win the title back.”






The Atlantic Connection vs. Raphael and Roderick Remus





Though Raphael beat both CJ and McManus in singles competition, their chemistry as a team had him overwhelmed as they utilized slick tag team wrestling to do battle. Remus is no stranger to tag team competition, though, and he proved to be the equalizer. When CJ went to tag in McManus, he found no one in his corner, as Remus had him locked in the Remus Clutch at ringside. With CJ not sure what to do, Raphael snuck in and hit the Heartbreaker (Double Knee Gutbuster) on CJ to score the win.


Raphael and Remus win, 44







“This is horrible!” Casey Valentine cried, bursting through the door of The Succession’s locker room.


Jay Chord stirred from his nap on the couch, his Traditional title secure in his death-cuddle, while Cameron Vessey put down the notes he was looking over.


“What happened?” Vessey asked.


“My tanner! She went out of business!”


Jay laughed and sat back to enjoy the show, while Vessey grew visibly angry.


“What the hell are you talking about?”


“I went to the store, and it was shut down. Closed. Nothing inside, dammit!”


Vessey stood up and got in Valentine’s face.


“We’ve got a match in the main event tonight, and you’re worried about that ****?” he shouted. “How can I expect you to have my back when you’ve got UV rays on your mind?”


Valentine didn’t say anything, instead looking meekly down at the floor.


“That’s what I thought. Now get changed, and get your mind right. If you have any thoughts about tanning beds between now and the match, you won’t have to worry about Patriot knocking you out, because I’ll do it for him.”







Remmy Skye vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley





Even with his equilibrium knocked for a loop earlier in the night, Skye came out flying, hitting a variety of head scissors and ranas to keep the self-proclaimed wrestling machine off balance. When he missed a cross body block, though, Cattley was quick to strike. He applied a variety of neck cranks and holds, doing his best to apply enough pressure to make Skye tap out. Skye held on, though, and fought back. The two carried on much the same as this for the rest of this back-and-forth affair, until Cattley finally hit the Mood Swing (Reverse STO) to score the win over Skye.


“Mean” Jean wins, 56







American Patriot & Mainstream Hernandez vs. C-V-2





C-V-2 came out on fire early, controlling Hernandez and keeping him from tagging the champion in. Valentine took to taunting the champ, which he didn’t take kindly to, as he came in illegally and dropped the youngster with a lariat. With both Valentine and Mainstream crawling to their corners, it was inevitable that both Patriot and Vessey would be tagged in at once. The two rushed each other and began brawling, with Vessey surprisingly gaining the edge. The two went at it a while longer until Patriot finally staggered Vessey, allowing him the chance to tag in Mainstream. Mainstream was already beaten, though, and it wasn’t long before Vessey caught him with a Vessey Plex. Valentine, knowing his partner very well, rushed into the ring and knocked Patriot off the apron, allowing his partner to score the win.


C-V-2 win, 61



Total: 54




Next: a 6 month report on Johnny and the wrestling world!

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I tore in to the manila folder immediately. Rip had given one to each member on the roster. Inside, the contents revealed a complex a scoring system Rip used to rate how good he thought we were in a multitude of areas. Obviously, this interested me a ton.




43...44...16(:()…61...I was looking pretty average, overall. But an 81 for camera skills? Clearly, Rip saw something in me that I wasn’t seeing myself. Surely this was a sign of great things to come!


Digging in the folder again, I pulled out the progression sheet. Rip doesn’t just rate us every now and then; he does it every month. With these grades, he’s able to keep track of our development as wrestlers, which is really genius. I should actually ask him to share his criteria with me, should I ever go anywhere else…




Scanning over his overness sheet, I foud that I was a 16 now, which put me at…lower midcarder. That sounded about right. I only gained about 2 points a month with all those losses according to this, but beating Ford this month shot me up 8 points, surprisingly. Not that I’m complaining or anything.


Some strange stuff has happened in the business this past year. Dan Stone Jr. inherited NOTBPW and promptly retired. Not only that, but he passed up his brother Jeremy and gave the head booker spot to Japanese legend Mito Miwa, who’s never even been to Canada! I guess NOTBPW run a show similar enough to those Japanese ones, though. He must be doing something right, because they just rose to national.


In order to combat their rival, CGC have developed a working agreement with 4C. The number 2 and 3 promotions in Canada have left ACPW out of their alliance, though. Who even lives in the Maritimes? Overall, it looks like Canada is the only region in the world that’s undergone some major changes since I’ve started wrestling.


SWF rose to global, unsurprisingly. Really, who never saw this coming? They’re the biggest company in the world. There’s no way they’d ever, ever, fall below national. And cult? Zero chance. TCW will never pass them, sad as that is to say. Never. What is surprising, though, is that they did this in the midst of a big steroid scandal. A media storm erupted when Big Smack Scott got caught with massive amounts of steroids in his system. I don’t know why he takes them, really. I’m tiny, and I’m stronger and have a better physique than him. By the way, I’m not conceited. At all.


Broken necks appear to have developed into something of a fad in professional wrestling. Insane Machine, Davis Wayne Newton, and Jacob Jett have all done it. Word is young wrestlers all over the place have been taking head drops at an accelerated rate in order to fit in with their much more talented peers. Personally, I don’t think it’s a good idea, but to each their own.


I stuffed the contents back in the folder and scanned the locker room. When I finally spotted Lisa, my face lit up. With an air of confidence, I strode over to my 78 rated sex appeal girlfriend. Yeah, it’s gone up since we started dating. I wonder why?







Dark Match

Amazing Firefly vs. Cam Jones vs. Running Wolf vs. Raphael vs. Mark Smart


Main Card

Rayne Man vs. Jay Chord © for Mid Atlantic Traditional title

Ant-Man vs. Jared Johnson

Flash X vs. The Awesomeness for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles

Findlay vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley

Remmy Skye vs. Ford Gumble

American Patriot © vs. Casey Valentine for the Mid Atlantic Championship

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Friday, Week 4, July 2010

In front of a rowdy crowd of 300 in Stanley Hall



Tonight’s dark match marked the debut of Mid Atlantic Dojo graduate Cam Jones, as he participated in a scramble match with Amazing Fire Fly, Running Wolf, Mark Smart, and Raphael. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to amass enough finishes in the action packed match, and had to watch as Raphael got his hand raised in victory.






Rayne Man vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional Title





Rayne Man presents himself as Chord’s biggest challenge yet, his past two opponents being (what he would consider) lowly tag team wrestlers. He would never admit it himself, though, instead insisting that they’re world-class competitors. Rayne Man, though, has actually competed in the biggest promotion in the world, until leaving to find some more varied competition for himself. He found this in Chord, and the two put on a spirited brawl that saw Chord reeling at multiple points. Like it or not, though, Chord’s the champ for a reason, and he was able to finish Rayne off with a painful looking cradle piledriver.


Chord retains, 52.







Ant-Man came out hyped up this week, jumping about on his way to the ring. He slid in the ring ahead of Dharma Gregg and widened the ropes for her entrance. She grabbed a mic and addressed the fans.

“Last month, we saw the birth of a star,” she began. “I picked Ant-Man to manage because I saw untapped potential in him, potential that I think I can bring out of him.” She directed a smile toward her client. “Last month was the beginning. Tonight, we continue to establish his star. Soon enough, people are going to be aware that when his music hit’s the speakers, it means trouble.”


Ant-Man w/ Dharma Gregg vs. Jared Johnson




Johnson’s a young technical wrestler that’s fairly new to MAW, and he’s usually seen in the tag team ranks with his partner, El Rudo. Tonight, though, he’s taking on the young up-and-comer Ant-Man in singles competition, and he’s ooking to establish himself as a threat here in MAW. Doing his best to twist the powerhouse up like a pretzel, Johnson locked in all sorts of leg locks and arm bars to dish out his pain. He made the mistake of not having a focused offense, though, and Ant-Man was able to rally back, hitting some high impact slams on Johnson before lifting him up and charging across the ring to defeat him with the Ant-Slam (Running Powerslam). Dharma clambered into the ring immediately after the match and leapt into her clients arms as they celebrated his win, bringing his record to 2-5.


Ant-Man wins again!, 49.







Jared Johnson was rubbing his back as he complained to his partner.


“Can you believe this, man? My first match on the main show, and the lights are too bright! Every time I looked up, it was like I got blinded. You know that freak’s eye-holes have sunglass lenses in ‘em, right?”


El Rudo just nodded his head.




Ford Gumble pushed his way past the two, bumping Johnson as he did so. He ignored them as he made his way to wherever he was going.


“Hey, man, watch where you’re walking,” Johnson shouted after him. He turned back to continue his conversation when a size-11 cowboy boot came flying out of nowhere. Quick Draw Kick! Johnson collapsed to the ground as Gumble stood over him. With a scowl on his face, he began a slow, tough sounding laughter before bowing up to El Rudo, causing the luchadore to jerk back and fall on his behind.


His laughter ceased and silent once more, the Texas Hit Man turned and left to go about his business.







While Steve Flash and Citizen X awaited their opponents in the ring, X grabbed a mic to pass the time.


“Believe it or not, I respect our opponents tonight. They’re two individuals without rules. They do what they want, how they want, and when they want. But, like everyone else, they do it in this cold, clinical structure. They’re so-called spontaneous, sometimes irrational actions are all supported by the corporation that secretly keeps them in line, that protects them.”


Steve Flash watched his partner in confusion.


“My mission is simple: I’m going to bring down the corporation. To do this, I’m going to go against everything I stand for and fight by their rules. I’m going to take their matches and take all their titles, and destroy them from the inside.”


By the time he was done, Flash was shaking his head in an odd mix of confusion and embarrassment.


Flash X vs. The Awesomeness © w/ Lisa Bowen for the Mid Atlantic Tag titles





X and Cannonball started the match, going counter for counter in a fast paced chain wrestling sequence. When it becomes apparent that both men are even, Cannonball resorts to punches to gain the upper hand. He dishes out some punishment before tagging Stardust in, and the two hit a nice neck breaker/elbow drop combo. After a couple of near falls and tags, X finally begins fighting back, eventually dropping Cannonball with a flying forearm that leaves both men down. They both slowly crawl to their corners and tag in their respective partners, both of whom come in on fire. Stardust and Flash brawl for a bit, before Flash hit’s a thrust kick that staggers ‘Dust. Flash charges in, Stardust trips him with a drop toe hold and The Awesomeness go back on the offensive. They throw everything they have at Flash, but the veteran won’t go down. When Stardust locks him in a sleeper hold, though, Flash rallies back, and powers out of it to hit a Flash Bang and drop ‘Dust. Painfully slowly, he reaches over and covers Stardust, but only get’s a two count.


X tags in, and Cannonball rushes in when it becomes apparent that his partner’s in trouble. X boots him and hits him with the Anarchy X (Crucifix Powerbomb). Turning his attention back to Stardust, he’s met with a a low blow that the ref missed and a roll up that his partner’s too exhausted to make the save from. With pain shooting through his body, X is held down for the three count, and Stardust rolls out of the ring quickly, grabbing his and Cannonball’s title belts. Steve Flash does his best to comfort Citizen X, but the Anarchist is having none of it, angrily pulling away.


The Awesomeness retain, 54







American Patriot was in his locker room doing squat thrusts when Mainstream Hernandez wandered in.


“Hey, dude,” he said, plopping down on Patriot’s plush leather couch.


“It’s good to see you, James. I’ve been wanting to talk to you.”


Mainstream raised his eyebrows. “About what?”


“About last month. As your partner, I take full responsibility for us losing. If I’d been better, you wouldn’t have lost, and you wouldn’t have gotten that black eye.”


Mainstream smiled. “This thing?” He pointed to his eye. “It's no problem, man. I just threw on my shades, and BOOM! Chicks couldn’t even tell.”

“You can’t let that stuff weigh down on you, though,” he said, taking a more serious tone than usually comes from his mouth. “My shaman buddy was telling me that worrying creates a ton of negative energy, and my swami pal says that negative energy is really bad for your chi. And with a a big championship match coming up tonight, you’re definitely gonna need some really powerful chi to pull off a win.”


“Uhh, well, sure. I guess,” Patriot stammered.

“You’re too tense, big dude,” Mainstream said, leaping up off the couch. He positioned himself behind Patriot. “I have a masseuse friend that showed me a bunch of relaxing pressure points. I just gotta rub ’em out, and you’ll be golden, dude…”


Patriot’s yelps could be heard throughout the arena.






Findlay vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley




The giant Findlay lumbered down to the ring where “Mean” Jean was already waiting for him. The Mean Machine lived up to his name, systematically chopping the giant down to size with a variety of creative and painful-looking submissions as he twisted and pulled his legs into knots. Never count out the giant, though, as he came back with thunderous shots, sending Cattley reeling. The wily Cattley never lost his composure, though, ducking a huge clubbing blow and dropping Findlay with a chop block before slapping on a figure four leg lock to force the tap out victory. Clearly, “Mean” Jean’s looking to set himself up for another title shot, and tonight’s performance is going to a go a long way in getting him that match.


“Mean” Jean wins, 59.






Earlier today, in The Succession’s lair…




The Succession were getting ready for tonight’s event. Jay Chord was lazily napping the afternoon away, cuddled right up to his title belt. Casey Valentine stood in just his trunks as a middle-aged lady sprayed him down with self-tanner, and Cameron Vessey, as usual, was all business as he chatted away on the phone.


“Yeah, I mean, yes ma’am…Right…Uh-huh…Casey!?”


Vessey held the phone away from his ear, looking appalled. Valentine, his interest piqued, turned around so that he could get his backside sprayed down and watch the conversation unfold all at once.


“Did you even see last month’s match? This is supposed to be my time! Uh-huh…But…Ugh. Yes ma’am.”


Vessey angrily slammed his phone down.

“What was that about?” Valentine asked.


Vessey sighed.


“You get the title shot tonight.”


Valentine lit up, looking even orange-er than he already did.

“Yes! I knew I splurged on the best tanner for a reason! Did she say why?” he asked, his voice level rising.


“No,” Vessey said angrily, before storming out of the room.


“What’s gotten into him…?” Valentine pondered aloud. “Hey! My pecs are uneven!”






Remmy Skye vs. Ford Gumble




Skye’s had problems with Gumble since Old School Rules, ever since Cameron Vessey paid the Texas Hitman to knock out Skye with his trademark Quick Draw Kick. Gumble himself doesn’t really have a problem with Skye, instead just finding Skye to be a particularly nice target to take his anger out on. The two men didn’t waste any time with any fancy mat wrestling, instead opting to tear into each other from the get-go. Skye’s not a very experienced brawler, though, and Gumble quickly gained the upper hand. He pounded on Skye for the majority of the match, though Skye remained a constant threat with his quick, high-risk moves.


Gumble eventually set Skye up in the corner, where he unleashed a number of rapid fire, stiff kicks to the mid section. As Remmy stumbled out of the corner, Gumble took aim…Quick Draw Kick! No, Remmy, ducked under, and countered it into a DDT! Gumble rolled to the outside to recover. As he stood, Skye charged across the ring and leapt over the ropes in a graceful plancha…Quick Draw Kick! Gumble caught him as he flew to the floor. Ford slides into the ring and allows the referee to count out the unconscious Skye.


Ford Gumble wins, 52.






American Patriot © vs. Casey Valentine for the Mid Atlantic Championship





Valentine came out and performed surprisingly well in his first championship fight. The young brawler kept the champ off balance with some oddly off-kilter offense. His attacks didn’t do much damage to AmPat, but he was able to hit them so often and so quickly that he was able to keep right up with damage Patriot’s hard-hitting shots doled out. When he hit the Valentine’s Kiss (Leg drop to the back of the head) with Patriot draped over the apron, it actually looked like we would be seeing a new champion tonight, but Patriot was just able to get his shoulder up before the three count. The better Valentine did, though, the more overconfident he became, and that came back to bite him when he stood up on the second rope to celebrate his success. He hadn’t done near enough damage to put Patriot down for the time needed to go about taunting, and Patriot grabbed him from behind and pulled him off of the second rope right into an American Suplex (Backdrop Suplex) to score the win and retain his belt.


Patriot retains, 63.


After the match, Patriot grabbed a mic.


“I’m tired,” he said, “And I may not be able to talk real good right now, but dang it, I got something to say! There ain’t no way in hell I’m gonna let anyone from The Succession take my belt!”


The crowd roared their approval.

“Those spoiled punks don’t deserve this! America’s a place where the hard workin’ and beat up rise up! It’s a place where they get glory! That’s exactly what this title represents! The glory that a hard workin’, normal guy can get, and I’ll die before I let any of them boys take it from me!”





Total: 55







Dark Match

Culture Shock(Amazing Fire Fly and Island Boy Apollo) vs. Bad Company

Cam Jones vs. Mark Smart vs. Roderick Remus


Main Card

Remmy Skye vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley

Ant-Man vs. Raphael

Findlay vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title

Flash X vs. The Ring Generals

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Casey Valentine

American Patriot © vs. Cameron Vessey for the Mid Atlantic Championship

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OOC thoughts:


-I set Johnny's potential to 'Excellent.' With one show a month right now, it'll take a while to build him to be a great, but that's the whole point of this diary anyway!


-With my roster getting way too big, I've let go of a couple of guys. With Riley McManus, CJ, Island Boy Apollo, Cam Jones, Ace Youngblood, Max Mayhem, and Running Wolf all having sub-55 performance skills, I had to pick the guys that I liked more to keep around. Apollo's a great project with his star quality, Cam Jones is a dojo student so he's staying for a while longer, and Riley and CJ make more sense as a tag team than Mayhem and Youngblood. I suppose I could have made a team out of Yougnblood and Running Wolf, but I wasn't too into the Native American team idea. So Mayhem, Wolf, and Youngblood are gone now.


-Before I hire some of the more average workers, I check their skills. If they've improved by even 1 point in a bunch of categories without having worked regularly aside from the indies, I'll pick 'em up. Apollo had just a couple of indy matches and he showed real positive improvement over that course, so I decided to take him.


-"She," as The Succession refers to her, will be debuting soon. Even though she's not appearing, I'm still paying her a $600 downside, and I figure now that I'm turning a couple thousand in profit I can afford to actually put her on the show.


-Jay Chord vs Rayne Man was Rayne's last match with the company. He's a boring character that showed no improvement at all, and he wanted $1500 an appearance for what was mostly just dark matches to improve my poorer workers.


-I'm sure some of you are wondering where Ricky Douglas has been. Honestly, he's been sitting on the roster. I completely forget he's there most of the time. He's a decent enough wrestler, but his poor entertainment skills make me never want to put him on the show.


-I'm really into the idea of masks in MAW. Hence Ant-Man, Fire Fly, El Rudo, and AmPat being booked so strong. We're an old-school promotion, and a mask just screams old school to me.


-As far as the product goes, the fans want clean finishes, so that's what I book. However, as sad as it makes me, that's not what I always write. Old school promotions had heels using underhanded tactics like the ol' loaded right hand and what not. I'm actually toying with the idea of having the ref check Ford Gumble's boot to make sure it's not loaded for when he goes for the QUICK DRAW KICK! In short, write that the fans want to see it, but don't always get it from the heels. Hence, AmPat trying to please the fans with his speech to Jean saying cheating's not what MAW's about, and the cheating generally not working on him. He's kind of my embodiment of MAW.


In closing, I'd like to hear your thoughts! What characters are working, which aren't? Who do you want to see more of, and do you have any suggestions? I've been toying with my write-ups for matches, which do your prefer. The short summary-type like AmPat vs Valentine or the longer ones like AmPat vs "Mean" Jean? Help me entertain you!

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I always like short match write-ups but that is just me. If I see a long match write-up I am more apt to skip it and just read who won the match.


Culture Shock(Amazing Fire Fly and Island Boy Apollo) vs. Bad Company

Cam Jones vs. Mark Smart vs. Roderick Remus


Main Card

Remmy Skye vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley

Ant-Man vs. Raphael

Findlay vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title

Flash X vs. The Ring Generals

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Casey Valentine

American Patriot © vs. Cameron Vessey for the Mid Atlantic Championship

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