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The Johhny Heizenger Story

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Cant beleive Eidenhoek DOESNT like him


In real life I have a significant face bias, which tends to get eroded due to the IWC.


Still, just by Architect being heel, that's a knock against him.


The fact that he messed with Jared Johnson and got in his head...I didn't feel it was believable. Possibly, granted, because Jared being a face meant I liked him. So Architect is an acting heel, which I definitely don't like.


Follow that with the fact that I'm pretty unhappy someone (CATTLEY?) hasn't walked up and punted his crotch, and...yep, guy I don't like.


Note that it's not that I dislike the way the guy's written.

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In real life I have a significant face bias, which tends to get eroded due to the IWC.


Still, just by Architect being heel, that's a knock against him.


The fact that he messed with Jared Johnson and got in his head...I didn't feel it was believable. Possibly, granted, because Jared being a face meant I liked him. So Architect is an acting heel, which I definitely don't like.


Follow that with the fact that I'm pretty unhappy someone (CATTLEY?) hasn't walked up and punted his crotch, and...yep, guy I don't like.


Note that it's not that I dislike the way the guy's written.


I like it. To me, it means that you're reading this like a fan, wanting the faces to overcome the dickish heels, and I really appreciate that.


Since I don't do any sort of prediction contests, it means I get to see who my readers really like a lot of the time, as well as who they don't like. For instance, I know BHK will always want Ota to lose a match, and he's not afraid to pick that way. You, similarly, will pick fan favorite Dread de Aske to win over the world champ because Joanna Silver's a stripper. It's just before the internet ruined my innocence, I really thought Take Michinoku had a shot at winning the world championship from Triple H.

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You, similarly, will pick fan favorite Dread de Aske to win over the world champ because he's exactly like your Paul Burchill character at one point in that one e-fed you mentioned.


Oh, and because Joanna Silver's a stripper.


Fixed for you.


There are a few other guys I'll similarly always/never pick, true, but...yeah, I think I missed...a huge part of the middle of this, but it's been nice to just watch, not think.


btw, J-Silv is never going to strip, is she? *sigh* You're ruining her and Gregg.

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Fixed for you.


There are a few other guys I'll similarly always/never pick, true, but...yeah, I think I missed...a huge part of the middle of this, but it's been nice to just watch, not think.


btw, J-Silv is never going to strip, is she? *sigh* You're ruining her and Gregg.


No stripping here.


MAW may not be PG, but we are only PG-13. At most expect a little side boob. :p

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Thanks, sebs! Super excited to have you on board. I was surprised as hell when people took the Jay situation like that. I tried to make it clear he buying drugs, but looking back putting him in a bathroom stall with another dude and having him come out all suspicious and whatnot probably wasn't the best to get that point across.


Well I got it, but perhaps that says more about me than your writing... :confused:

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Eddie Cornell vs. Roderick Remus for the Traditional Championship

The Paratroopers (!) vs. The Ring Generals for the Tag Team Championship

New York Doll vs. Casey Valentine vs. Lenny Brown

Sterling Whitlock vs. The Architect

Cameron Vessey vs. Behemoth

Dread de Aske vs. Jay Chord

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Eddie Cornell vs. Roderick Remus for the Traditional Championship

I strongly dislike hotshotting a title belt. Nevermind the fact that I've done it numerous times....


The Paratroopers (!) vs. The Ring Generals for the Tag Team Championship

Come on, they've got an exclamation point! It's time for them to break out!


New York Doll vs. Casey Valentine vs. Lenny Brown

I just really really like Casey. As can be told by the three and a half year title reign I gave him.


Sterling Whitlock vs. The Architect

Because I can never find a way to use him. I'm glad somebody is.


Cameron Vessey vs. Behemoth

I LOVE Cam. Plain and simple. He's a solid worker all through.

Dread de Aske vs. Jay Chord

Non title? Yeah Dread gets the W for momentum.

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Friday Week 1, May 2013

In front of 3,007 fans in Centerpiece Bridge







Remmington Remus - Dharma Gregg - Adrian Garcia


Good evening and welcome to MAW Showcase! I’m Dharma Gregg, bringing you tonight’s action alongside Remmington Remus and Adrian Garcia.


Thanks, Dharma, and we’re already getting right into the action tonight.


That’s right. Kicking off the evening Eddie Cornell puts his newly won Traditional Championship on the line against your brother, Roderick Remus, who’s already in the ring.









© vs. Roderick Remus for the Traditional Championship


Remus is a guy that’s been waiting in the wings for quite a long time, and he looked excellent against the new champ - for about a minute. After that, Cornell, who’s looking quite a bit less clean cut lately, went absolutely berserk on the youngster. After a particularly brutal beating in the corner, Cornell roughly dragged his opponent out, and nailed him with a Rough Ride (Slingshot Face Crusher)! The pin afterward was academic.


Cornell retains, 59


After the match, Cornell, breathing rather heavily, grabbed a mic.


They keep asking me…Why? Why’d you cheat, Eddie? It just ain’t like you, Eddie.


He paused now, took a minute to look around.


...It isn’t like Eddie. But…


He breathed in heavily here.


Eddie’s dead.


He looked almost relieved now.


Lee always told me that I needed to…loosen up a little. That I played by the rules just a bit too much… He was right.


I liked Lee, ya know? But someone...someone drove him away. Someone made him “better.” Someone took my only friend. That someone was you, Ota. You stole my friend, and now I stole something of yours. And ya know what?


Eddie forced himself to smile.


I think I like stealing.


Just then, the lights in the arena shut out. Eddie, knowing what was coming, began to shout and call for Ota to reveal to himself. When the lights turned back on, Ota was directly in front Cornell, and the two engaged a stare down for a moment. Finally, Ota reared back and spewed forth some vile black mist in Cornell’s face. Cornell, though in obvious pain, was willing himself to stand still, even forcing a smile onto his face. Ota looked at him oddly for a moment before throwing down a smoke bomb and seemingly disappearing into the thin air, leaving Cornell in the ring, laughing somewhat erratically.





What the hell?


The change in Cornell amounts to a little more than longer hair and a beard, I think…


I’ll say. How much is that mist burning him right now?


Who knows? But he certainly looks like he enjoys it…







Cameron Vessey knocked on the door to Rip Chord’s office and entered before Rip could answer.


So who’s my competition, Rip?


Rip put down the stack of papers he was rifling through.


Vessey. Ya know, you’re daddy and uncle were some of the toughest bastards I’ve ever met in this business. Does that run in the family?


Vessey smirked.


You know it.


We’ll see about that.


Rip turned to a side door in his office, apparently leading to board room.


You two can come in now.




Out of the room came first Oscar Golden, followed closely by Behemoth, who had to duck under the door frame to fit through.


These two?


Behemoth tonight. If you manage to get through him, you give Golden something to do at Old School Rules. Sound good to you?


Vessey looked the two over. Golden was smirking ****ily, and Behemoth was snarling so much that his beard was soaked and a small puddle was forming at his feet. Vessey smiled.


Sounds great to me, boss.





What a big announcement! Vessey and Golden…that should be great.


Hold on, moron. Vessey still has to get through the big retarded monster to get to Golden.


Yeah, but…


Oh, shut up. The next match is starting.









The Paratroopers vs.
for the Tag Team Championship


Tonight must be the night the guys on the lower rungs of the roster are getting title shots, because in their 33 matches with MAW, this is the Paratroopers first appearance on the main show. As such, they performed as expected: they did a lot of falling down - forcefully- as The Ring Generals absolutely dismantled them from start to finish. The match end came as Marv hit Paradox with his Backdrop backbreaker, held him there, and Dean came rushing in with a sick boot to the head.


The Ring Generals retain, 48.


Lisa Bowen clambered up into the ring after the ring, struggling to keep the title belts secure across her chest.


Ladies and gentleman, what you see before are the most dominant tag champs in MAW history!


The Ring Generals shook there heads ****ily as Bowen posed in front of them.


Every worthy challenger that’s been put before them, they’ve cut down like children. There’s not a tag team left for us to pick to fight. So, in the interest of fairness, at Old School Rules, there’s going to be a tag team elimination match to determine the next unlucky challengers. Whoever you are, we’ve only got one thing to tell you: good luck. You’re going to need it.





I wouldn’t exactly call them the most dominant in history, but they are certainly good.


Without a doubt. I can’t wait to see which team ends up challenging them.










Next up was a good little brawl between a few of the louder personalities on the roster. Brown and Valentine seem to be in love with themselves, and Doll, well, he marches to the beat of his drum. As such, the match devolved into a series of spots where Brown and Valentine continually tried to outdo the other at Doll’s expense. Doll fought back eventually, but Valentine quickly silenced him with a Valentine’s Kiss (Standing leg drop to the back of the head). Brown, having been in a few more triple threats than either of his opponents used this chance to strike Valentine from behind and get the quick pin on Doll.


Lenny Brown wins, 58.




And Brown gets the first win of his career!


But he seemingly stole it right out from underneath Valentine.


A wins a win, buddy.


Still, I doubt Valentine will be too happy about it.


Boo hoo.







In the parking lot, Sara Marie York was grabbing her bags out of the trunk of her car, when out of no where Brooke Tyler came rushing in and leveled her with a forearm to the back of the head. After delivering a few stomps, she sat down and locked SMY in the Brooke Breaker. Meanwhile, Nadia Snow had strolled casually into the scene and crouched down in front of the champ.


I’m a patient woman, Miss York, but I think you’ll understand if I’m a little tired of waiting. I want that belt, and at Old School Rules, I will take it. Brooke, leave her.


Tyler sat up off the champ, threw one more kick into her side, then left with Nadia Snow, leaving SMY lying on the cold concrete, clutching at her back.





Looks like we have one match set up for Old School Rules for sure.


A women’s match, at that. My expertise! One of these days, I might get back in the ring and show them all how it’s done.


Please don’t.










One of these men is taking lessons from Jean Cattley, and the other is modeling himself after him. Both of them looked good tonight. Whitlock, the larger competitor, was able to use his size advantage to overwhelm Architect at times hitting some bone crunching suplexes, the highlight of which was a beautiful T-Bone Suplex that nearly put Architect away. Architect’s a wonderful technician, though, and he as able to use his skills there to neutralize Whitlock’s strengths, and after countering a German suplex attempt, Architect spun around, tripped Whitlock, and locked in a grapevined ankle lock that forced the Japanese-influenced competitor to tap out.


Architect wins, 43


Mean Jean himself stepped out on the stage after the match. He never said anything, but nodded to the matches victor in a congratulatory manner. Architect grabbed a mic to address him.


What do you say, Jean? Let’s finish this, how about Old School Rules?


Cattley merely nodded to him again.





If that was Cattley accepting, that’s huge!


You act like it’s a dream match or something. They just fought last week.


Can’t you enjoy anything?


I like beaches well enough.









Ford Gumble was sitting backstage, rummaging through his back for a minute when he suddenly picked it up and threw it in anger. Immediately after, he wound back and threw a perfect QUICK DRAW KICK at his locker. The door crumpled inward and Gumble breathed heavily. El Mitico looked on, shaking his head.


Amigo, do you have a problem?


Gumble snapped his head toward Mitico.


Yeah, *******, my problem is guys like you keep taking my spots around here. You think you're better than me? You think you deserve my spot?


Mitico sighed.


No, amigo, I don't think I'm better than you.


Your problem is your anger. I was hoping you’d answer as such. The first step to solving a problem is realizing it’s there.


Gumble got up in Mitico’s face now.


You want to help fix me, then? Do it in the ring. I’ll be waiting for you at Old School Rules. I'll show you exactly what my anger lets me do.


Very well. I’ll fix you, Ford Gumble, whether you want me to or not. I WILL exorcise the demons within you.





I hope Mitico realizes just how dangerous an angry Ford Gumble can be.


I hope he breaks that traitor’s arm.








w/ Lisa Bowen


Vessey had his hands full when trying to decipher how he would tackle the size difference between himself and Behemoth, but this isn’t the first time he’s faced a real life giant. If you look back about a year and a half, Vessey toppled the titanic Atlas to capture the Mid Atlantic Championship (Later rechristened the World Championship) and went on to enjoy a year-long reign. Tonight, Behemoth and Lisa Bowen did their best to ensure that the same fate that befell Atlas wouldn’t come down on Behemoth. The big man used his plodding, violent style to stifle the offense of Vessey for the majority of the match, but the former champion rallied late, and after a flurry of punches, reared back and hit a huge lariat on Behemoth. The big man didn’t seem to feel it, though, and attempted to make Vessey eat a lariat of his own. Instead, Cam ducked under and hoisted Behemoth onto his shoulders, hitting him with a Vessey Driver to score the win!


Vessey wins, 59




I guess that Vessey/Golden match is happening after all, huh Adrian?


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Should be great and all. We’ve got more important things to talk about right now.


Like what?


Like our World Champion, darling. Jay Chord’s about to make his big entrance.







Just inside of the curtain separating the backstage area, Jay Chord was yucking it up with a couple of crew members. After a moment of them joking around, Duke Hazard rushed into the shot, out of breath.


What are ya doin’? Ya were s’posed to be in the interview room 5 minutes ago, an’ now yer match is about to star, an’…wait, what the hell’s that?


Jay, who had been amusing himself by watching Hazard’s breathless rant looked down at the hand Duke was pointing at. Lifting it up, he revealed a brown bottle of beer before shrugging.


Just a little beer, Duke. It isn’t illegal.


Illegal? Yer goin’ to the ring in less than a minute! It ain’t safe!


Jay smirked.


Safe? Duke, there isn’t a man in the world that’s safe when he steps in there with me.


Duke shook his head at Jay’s arrogance, clearly bothered that he wasn’t getting his point.


Jest get rid of the damn thing, then.




And get rid of it Jay did. Tilting his head back, he quickly drained the near full bottle. When he was done, he slung the bottle at the wall, bursting it and sending glass everywhere. Laughing, Jay strode off, leaving Duke shaking his head.


Damn moron…





That…that’s horrible!


We’ve had suspicions for the past few weeks about what Jay’s been doing, but this is the first time we’ve had proof.


I’ll admit to sending men to the ring to do some pretty damn dirty things, but I’d never have them get loaded before a match. Jay’s opponent’s aren’t the only ones in trouble, Jay is too.


Speaking of Jay’s opponents, here comes Dread de Aske!










Jay spent the beginning of the match showboating, taunting and laughing at de Aske every time he came out on top of an exchange. This lasted for a good while, with the world champ asserting his dominance over the goofy pirate. That is, until Dread found it in him to send a jaw jacking dropkick Jay’s way. With the momentum suddenly swung the other way, the pirate began to gain confidence, and showed off a surprisingly complete all around game that saw Jay on the ropes a couple. This naturally lead to a bit of pirate showboating, as de Aske led the crowd in a chorus of “Yars!” Also quite naturally, Jay Chord took immense offense to this. The dangerous young man turned the match back in his favor with a spine buster before absolutely laying into de Aske.


Now, Jay was just toying with his opponent. Several times he had the match ended only to pull Dread off the mat just before the ref’s hand hit for the third time. By now, the crowd was solidly on de Aske’s side, and when he finally began to pull himself back into the match, the crowd went crazy. After blocking a number of Chord’s punches and firing back with his own, de Aske surprised the champ with a T-Bone suplex that very well could have actually come from no where. No one was there, so no one can really say if it did or not, though. Regardless of it’s origin, the move put Jay out long enough for de Aske to struggle to the corner and slowly begin to climb up. But just as he reached the top, Jay sprang to his feet and bounced into the ropes, knocking de Aske off balance and back in the ring. With a look of fury on his face, Jay descended upon the pirate, hefted him up and drilled him with a cradle piledriver, finally putting him down.


Jay wins, 72


Still in a fury after the match, Jay Chord could not bear to let de Aske go unpunished. After a few unnecessary stomps, Jay left the ring, snatched up a steel chair and slid back in. As de Aske struggled to get to his feet, Jay lifted the chair high above his head and slammed it into back, driving him back down. Smiling now, having vented a little of his anger, he once again raised the chair, but before he could bring it down a familiar tune played out over the speakers, and none other than…




American Patriot came sprinting down the aisle! Notably absent on Patriot’s head was the imposing black and white mask he’s worn for the past two year, replaced with the red, white and blue of old!


In the ring, Jay immediately dropped the chair and beat a hasty retreat, jumping over the barrier and into the crowd just as Patriot slid into the ring. Jay looked damn near terrified as the tree trunk sized man leaned over the ropes and pointed a dangerous finger his way, jacking his jaw all the while. After a moment, Patriot turned back and checked on de Aske, who was currently being attended to by First Mate Joanna Silver.


The final image of the show was that of Americana itself; The return of the red, white and blue had the crowd in a frenzy, and they chanted his name loudly as Jay Chord shuffled out of the arena.




Total: 62

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Really appreciate the feedback, guys!


But yeah, my show grades are really being dragged down by my angles. In a private game, I tend to make every angle that I know isn't going to rate well a minor one, but I know that if I do that in my diary I'm going to completely forget to write something. I get grades from my main event stuff, but unfortunately a lot of my midcard angles get in the forties or 50s, which just can't keep up with my main event matches.

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Do you only run shows in the Mid Atlantic?


3,007 kind of hurts; if you had the money to make your own 5k venue, then you'd probably be closer to 5k people and it would cost less to rent. Probably make it back in a year-ish.




Sucks that AmPat has knee problems, because that hurts his matches ._.


Aside from featuring no-names, this show had...three turns in it? Yeah...


And yes, Joanna "attended" to de Aske. FUFUFUFUFUFU

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Yeah, right now I'm solely running in the Mid Atlantic. Once I hit the a C- (1 more point! I'm at 53 pop right now, I need 54) I'm thinking about running small shows in the South East and Great Lakes that will focus on my lower card talent to try and slowly build pop in those areas. Hopefully the jump to C- will also see an increase in attendance since it'll mean an extra $1 a ticket already.
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Taken from the TEW2010 Developers Journal:


#29: Promotion Exclusive Venues


As the name suggests, promotions can now have their own exclusive venues, much like WWE being the only promotion who can run MSG. Having an exclusive venue means that no other promotion can run there (unless the promotion that owns the venue goes bankrupt), there is a slight increase to attendance levels when that venue is selected, and the crowd will be slightly hotter than normal.


So yep it does :-)

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Wow, you have no idea how big of a compliment that is to me! James Casey's 10SR was the first diary I ever read and a HUGE influence on me.
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Predictions, get your predictions!



"Mean" Jean Cattley vs The Architect

Culture Shock vs Cam Jones & Miller Fforde vs The Primadonnas (Trent & Rob) vs The Heartbreakers; Winner gets a tag title shot

Eddie Cornell © vs The Great Ota for the Traditional Championship

Sara Marie York © vs Nadia Snow for the Women's Championship

El Mitico vs Ford Gumble

Cameron Vessey vs Oscar Golden

Jay Chord © vs American Patriot

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"Mean" Jean Cattley vs The Architect

Culture Shock vs Cam Jones & Miller Fforde vs The Primadonnas (Trent & Rob) vs The Heartbreakers; Winner gets a tag title shot

Eddie Cornell © vs The Great Ota for the Traditional Championship

Sara Marie York © vs Nadia Snow for the Women's Championship

El Mitico vs Ford Gumble

Cameron Vessey vs Oscar Golden

Jay Chord © vs American Patriot

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