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The Johhny Heizenger Story

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Dark Match

Culture Shock(Amazing Fire Fly and Island Boy Apollo) vs. Bad Company

Cam Jones vs. Mark Smart vs. Roderick Remus


Main Card

Remmy Skye vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley

Ant-Man vs. Raphael

Findlay vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title

Flash X vs. The Ring Generals

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Casey Valentine

American Patriot © vs. Cameron Vessey for the Mid Atlantic Championship



Great diary, definitely a fun read.

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Culture Shock(Amazing Fire Fly and Island Boy Apollo) vs. Bad Company

Cam Jones vs. Mark Smart vs. Roderick Remus


Main Card

Remmy Skye vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley

Ant-Man vs. Raphael

Findlay vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title

Flash X vs. The Ring Generals

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Casey Valentine

American Patriot © vs. Cameron Vessey for the Mid Atlantic Championship

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Friday, Week 4, August 2010

Setting: Stanley Hall, Sold Out and Loud as ****



Tonight’s show kicked off in an entertaining fashion when Bad Company took on the new teaming of Island Boy Apollo and Amazing Fire Fly, Culture Shock. The Technicians won a hard fought victory when Double J Jared Johnson forced Apollo to tap out from a Texas Cloverleaf. Next up, Roderick Remus won a hard-fought victory over Mark Smart and MAW student Cam Jones in triple threat action.






Remmy Skye vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley




Remmy’s coming off of a devastating loss to Ford Gumble last month, and he’s looking to gain some much-needed momentum with a victory over veteran MAW wrestelr and former champ Jean Cattley. Unfortunately, his high risk/high reward offense was the perfect match up for Jean, as the savvy veteran took advantage of every mistake the high flyer made the perfect match for the ring savvy veteran, and Cattley came away with the win after rolling through a cross body block from Skye and hitting him with a Mood Swing (Reverse STO).


“Mean” Jean wins, 63.




Following the match, Ford Gumble slowly moseyed his way down to the ring as Cattley lifted a barely conscious Skye up. Quick Draw Kick! Skye crumpled to the mat, having fallen victim to that devastating boot of Gumble’s once more. Grabbing a mic, Cattley addressed the fans.


“You see this?” he asked, pointing down at Skye. “This is what happens when you get in our way. Ford and I are the strongest, smartest, and all-around best wrestlers in this company, and I’ll be damned if we continue to be stuck opening the show! We’re main event players, dammit, and you’re all going to be reminded of that very soon.”






“Ok, that’s two wins now. Let’s keep this up,” Dharma Gregg said, doing her best to encourage Ant-Man. He silently nodded.


“Now, I know for a fact that you’re stronger than your opponent tonight, and you’re -- Yeowch!” Dharma yelped as a hand pinched her on the butt.




“Pardon me, ma’am, but is this seat taken?” Raphael asked with a **** eating grin. Ant-Man stood to defend his manager’s honor.


“Whoa, whoa, whoa, little man, I ain’t here to fight you. Yet. I’m just here to make a proposition to this tall glass of milk, this picture of perfection, this-”


“You can leave. Now,” Dharma interrupted.

“That’s all you had to say in this first place, baby doll.” Raphael turned around and left the room, but not before turning around and addressing Dharma once more. “My hotel room’s 402, I’ll see you tonight,” he said, winking before leaving.


Dharma turned and addressed her client, fuming. “The only place I’ll see him is the ring,” she said. “Please, please, please break his nose. Or something.”






Ant-Man w/ Dharma Gregg vs. Raphael




Raphael already holds a win over Ant-Man, and he held that psychological advantage over Ant-Man’s head throughout the match. The Heartbreaker displayed superior technical wrestling that helped neutralize the power advantage of Ant-Man, locking his legs up in submissions all match long. His flirtatious nature ended up being his downfall, as his advances toward Gregg only served to hype Ant-Man up, and the powerful youngster was able to hit a running power slam to come up with his third win since debuting with MAW. While celebrating with her client, Dharma Gregg blew up a kiss toward Raphael before bursting into laughter.


Ant-Man wins, 46






Earlier today, in the lair of The Succession…




“I think Jared Johnson may be on to something,” Casey Valentine said. “The lights are really bright out there. I was practically blinded last month, that’s the only reason Patriot could beat me.”


Jay laughed at him. “You were gonna lose that match if you could see or not. Besides, gold just wouldn’t compliment all that orange on you.”

“Oh, a tan joke, I get it. That’s real funny. I’ll have you know the chicks really dig tan guys in the club.”


“You mean the dudes really dig it, right?”


“And now a gay joke. Real mature, man.”


Jay’s tone turned suddenly serious. “I’ll show you mature when my fist grows up in your face,” he threatened.


“Will you two shut up!?” Cameron Vessey interrupted.


“He started it…” Casey mumbled, as Jay scoffed and plopped down on the couch.


“I don’t care who started it. I need quiet tonight. She got me my title shot, and unlike you-” he pointed to Casey, who looked down at the ground - “I’m not gonna choke and lose it after dominating the entire time. I’m championship material, and it’s about time everyone realizes it.”

“I already said I was sorry for that. Besides, the lights…” Casey suddenly looked up. “Hey, speaking of “her,” when are we ever gonna meet her? She’s been leading us around ever since we ditched Bret-” Jay frowned at the mention of his friend- “but we haven’t even met her yet. What gives?”


“How the hell should I know? All I know is that she’s been helping us win except for your little misstep last month, and that’s all that matters.”






Findlay vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title





Findlay’s a monster of a man, and presents Jay’s biggest challenge yet, literally. The young Chord did his best to beat up on Findlay, but found himself at the wrong end of some thunderous strikes more times than he would like. He was able to get in enough offense to weaken the giant, though, and following a kick to the knee cap, finished him off with a DDT, planting him right down on his oversized head to take the win.


Chord retains, 56






Flash X vs. The Ring Generals




The Ring Generals are visiting MAW from New York City, but they didn’t display the trademark swagger that traditionally comes from that city. Instead, they proved to be a cold, calculating team that made little to no mistakes, as the controlled Flash X throughout the match with precise attacks and devastating double teams. Steve Flash looked like he would lose the match for his team, but once Citizen X was able to tag in he cleaned house, defeating Dean Waldorf with a big Anarchy X (Crucifix Powerbomb). After the match, Flash celebrates, while X looks disappointed despite the win.


Flash X win, 37.







Duke Hazard was backstage interviewing Lisa Bowen and her clients, The Awesomeness.


“Lisa, your boys won last month, but the guys the fought just got a win over a dang-tough team out there. Are they gonna get another shot?”


Bowen scoffed. “First of all, it’s Miss Bowen to you, you country bumpkin. And to answer your awful question, no, they don’t. We beat them soundly last month, and you’re asking if beating some wet blankets that don’t even work in this company earns them a title shot? Get real.”


“In that case, Miss, who are ya’ll gonna be mixin’ it up with next?”


“Who knows? There’s not any other teams around left for us to beat. We are that good.”


“One more ques-”


“No, there’s not gonna be another question. Come on boys, this interview’s over.” She snapped her fingers and The Awesomeness trailed behind her as she walked away. Hazard was looking disappointed, his interview done, when Mainstream Hernandez walked up, drinking out of his RCI trophy cup.


“Umm, ‘Ernandez, you know that’s a trophy, right?”


Mainstream stopped gulping down his drink long enough to answer. “Yeah dude, and it’s an awesome cup!”


Hazard shook his head. “Hey, do ya mind if I get a interview from ya? My last one done ran off.”


Mainstream thought about it for a moment, then shook his head up and down, drinking all the while. “Sure dude, I’m always down.”


“Before we start, I gotta ask, what in the hell are you drinking outta that trophy?”


“Protein shakes, man. Like, six of them. I watched Valentine fight last month, and he put a hurting on my buddy AmPat (That‘s what they call him on the internet, ya know, dude?), and he’s, like, the toughest dude around here. So I figured the best way to beat him, besides some heavy-duty meditation, was to run a train on some protein. I’m gonna get super-jacked up before the match, and there’s no way he can beat me then!”


Duke Hazard just shook his head.

“Any other questions, bro?”


Hazard opened his mouth to ask one, then stopped himself. “No,” he said. “No, that’s it.”


“Alright, man, cool talking to you and stuff,” Mainstream said, bringing the monstrous chalice back to his lips and continuing down the hall.


Hazard mumbled something under his breath as he walked in the opposite direction, head sagging.






Mainstream Hernandez vs. Casey Valentine




Mainstream came to the ring sipping down the last of his protein, setting the trophy down outside the ring. Valentine looked at the dirty cup with contempt, before opening the match with a punch to the now full Hernandez. Though Valentine began on the offensive, his strange offense, his main advantage over Patriot last month, was voided out by Mainstream and his equally odd attacks. The two traded blows, and momentum switched multiple times before Hernandez hit a sick super kick to come up with the big win.


Mainstream wins, 55






American Patriot © vs. Cameron Vessey for the Mid Atlantic Championship






The crowd erupted when Skynrd’s “Red, White, and Blue” blasted through the speakers and American Patriot made his entrance. The same couldn’t be said for Cameron Vessey, though, as the self-proclaimed future of the sport was showered with a chorus of boos. The match started off hot, as the two brawlers did their best to inflict pain on the other with some hard strikes. Vessey’s chest came away from the exchange reddened, while Patriot was left re adjusting his mask from the punches Vessey threw his way. Vessey, like Valentine last month, was quick to punce when he did so, and took control. Vessey, the smaller man, used his speed advantage to try and topple the champ and claim MAW’s ultimate prize, while Patriot used his bread and butter, his hard-hitting Japanese influenced style to continually fight back. Eventually, as the two reached the point of exhaustion, Patriot pulled Vessey in and threw him over with an American Suplex, bridging it to score the pin.


American Patriot Retains, 62.


Long after Patriot had left, Vessey finally came to. After coming to the realization that he had lost the match, he flipped out, kicking the ropes and turnbuckles, scattering the red, white, and blue streamers that hung all over the ring.


Total: 55




Next: Ant-Man. In the gym. Working out. Getting’ strong!

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The gym was like my safe haven. Any problems I’ve ever had in my life, I could forget as soon I walked through those doors. Listen to some Jack Johnson, some nice acoustic tracks, and I was good for a couple of hours. All that loud “get pumped” music’s over rated I think. I like calming stuff, because that’s why I go to the gym. As Mainstream would tell you, it was the place I got my chi right at.


Anyway, I had finally moved down to Maryland since I was getting regularly work, as had most of the roster since MAW was getting a lot bigger lately. So it wasn’t odd for me to go to the gym and run in to a lot of the guys I worked with. I saw Cameron, Casey, and Roderick there a lot, and Brandon was always there. More than me, even. That dude was a true workout machine.


On this particular day, I walked in, and a crowd had formed around the squat rack. A few were other wrestlers, but most were just the usual gym patrons. I sidled up to Roderick and saw that Findlay was squatting a massive amount of weight. The gym here was ran by a European guy, and used a metric system that I had yet to grasp, so I had no idea how much he was actually doing. It looked to me like there were three hundred pound plates on each side, so I guessed that he was repping around six hundred and fifty pounds, and he was doing it easily.


“How long’s he been here, man?” I asked Roderick.


“This is like, his fifth set. Dude’s a beast.”

“He’s meant to be a wrestler, too,” I said, laughing. “He draws more at the gym than I do at the Hall.”


Roderick laughed with me. “That’s only cause you can’t draw, period. It doesn’t matter where you are!”

“That’s not cool, man,” I said as we watched Findlay rack the weight.


He high fived a couple of guys as he stepped out of the cage. “What’s that, Johnny?” a familiar voice called out from behind me. “You said you can do that easy?”


Spinning around, I saw Jay standing behind me, smirking.

“Dude, there’s no way Johnny can do that.” It was Casey this time.


That’s not what he said. He said he could make Findlay look weak,” Jay continued.


“What? Johnny, we gotta see this!” Casey said as my jaw loosened a bit.

“I didn’t say that,” I tried to explain, but everyone was already pushing me ahead of the group. “Look, it’s not even my leg day, and I don’t have a belt or anything…”

“Here,” Jay said, “You can take mine.” He unhooked the lifting belt from his waist and handed it to me. I begrudgingly took it as he sneered at me.


“I’ll spot you, kid,” Findlay told me as I hooked the belt around my waist and stepped under the bar.


“Thanks…” I muttered. I took a few deep breaths before pushing upward and letting the bar sit down on my shoulders. Stepping backward, I took a few more, before inhaling and squatting down. When I thought I got low enough, I pushed all the air out and shot my legs up, painfully slow. I did it!


“Not low enough,” Findlay said. “Go parallel. You got this.”


God, not again. I began to slowly squat down.


“Keep going.”


I kept going.




I went lower.

“A little bit more.”


I went down a little bit more.


“That’s it, push it out!”


Straining, I began to push up. God, this hurt. Slowly, painfully, I made my way up as the people began to clap. I had pushed all of the air out of my breath, and my eyes felt like they were about to explode. I’m lucky I wear a mask, because I burst a ton of blood vessels in my eye. Finally, after what seemed like forever, I finally stood tall, and Findlay helped me ease forward and rack the bar. Stepping out, I immediately put my ass on the floor and assumed the resting position as people congratulated.


I looked around at the small crowd and locked eyes with Jay. A look of rage had encompassed his face, and it looked like his eyes were about to burst. After an rather intense stare down, he spun on his heel and stormed off. I had forgotten all about my FEAT OF STRENGTH!, and was now focused solely on trying to figure out just what in the hell Jay’s problem with me was.






Dark Matches

Culture Shock vs. Kid Leone and Mimic

Cam Jones vs. Roderick Remus


Main Card

Remmy Skye vs. Ford Gumble

Matt Hocking vs. Mark Smart

The Atlantic Connection vs. Bad Company

Findlay vs. Raphael

The Awesomeness put their tag titles up in an open challenge

American Patriot and Mainstream Hernandez vs. C-V-2

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Culture Shock vs. Kid Leone and Mimic

Cam Jones vs. Roderick Remus


Main Card

Remmy Skye vs. Ford Gumble

Matt Hocking vs. Mark Smart

The Atlantic Connection vs. Bad Company

Findlay vs. Raphael

The Awesomeness put their tag titles up in an open challenge

American Patriot and Mainstream Hernandez vs. C-V-2

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Dark Matches

Culture Shock vs. Kid Leone and Mimic

Cam Jones vs. Roderick Remus


Main Card

Remmy Skye vs. Ford Gumble

Matt Hocking vs. Mark Smart

The Atlantic Connection vs. Bad Company

Findlay vs. Raphael

The Awesomeness put their tag titles up in an open challenge

American Patriot and Mainstream Hernandez vs. C-V-2

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Dark Matches

Culture Shock vs. Kid Leone and Mimic

You seem quite sold on Apollo, and Fire Fly's a pretty solid hand anyway. Plus, I can't remember who Leone is


Cam Jones vs. Roderick Remus

Me and Remus go way back to TEW 2007, so I'm always gonna go for him


Main Card

Remmy Skye vs. Ford Gumble

You've got to like a man who's whole gimmick is that he kicks people in the head


Matt Hocking vs. Mark Smart

Smart's okay, but Hocking's the stronger worker


The Atlantic Connection vs. Bad Company

Assuming El Rudo is Syd Collier (which is probably reasonable), they're both infinitely better than the Atlantic Connection


Findlay vs. Raphael

I like Raphael, more or less, but FInday needs to be kept strong, and Raphael's got the talent to come back from this


The Awesomeness put their tag titles up in an open challenge

I'm hoping Ant-Man brings company...specifically, green and sort of khaki-ish company.


American Patriot and Mainstream Hernandez vs. C-V-2


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Dark Matches


Culture Shock vs. Kid Leone and Mimic

Cam Jones vs. Roderick Remus


Main Card


Remmy Skye vs. Ford Gumble

Matt Hocking vs. Mark Smart

The Atlantic Connection vs. Bad Company

Findlay vs. Raphael

The Awesomeness put their tag titles up in an open challenge

American Patriot and Mainstream Hernandez vs. C-V-2




Also, you should "take care" of Jay.

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Dark Matches

Culture Shock vs. Kid Leone and Mimic

Cam Jones vs. Roderick Remus


Main Card

Remmy Skye vs. Ford Gumble

Matt Hocking vs. Mark Smart

The Atlantic Connection vs. Bad Company

Findlay vs. Raphael

The Awesomeness put their tag titles up in an open challenge

American Patriot and Mainstream Hernandez vs. C-V-2

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Friday, Week 4, September 2010

In front of a sold out crowd in Maryland’s Stanley Hall



The show opened up hot with tag team action when Culture Shock defeated Mimic and his new partner, the masked Kid Leone. Fire Fly and Apollo came out looking strong as they absolutely dominated with superior team work. Next up, Roderick Remus and Cam Jones did battle in a tough match up. The two went hard, firing on all cylinders, but it was Remus who came out victorious, forcing Jones to tap following a Remus Clutch.








Casey Valentine and Jay Chord were lunging about The Succession’s locker room, eying Cameron Vessey with smug looks on their faces. Eventually, Vessey couldn’t take it anymore.


“What?” he demanded.


Valentine shrugged. “Oh, nothing.”


“Only if ‘nothing’ is code for you not living up to what you said you were gonna do,” Jay said.

“And what the hell is that supposed to mean?” Vessey asked.


Valentine stood up now.

“You basically called me a failure last month, but then a couple of hours later, you were laying flat on your back. I’d go so far as to say that you didn’t even do near as good as I did, either.”


Vessey got right up in Valentine’s face.


“Oh, is that so?” he asked.


“Yeah, it is,” Valentine replied, not backing down.

“Hey, settle down,” Jay said as he pushed himself between the two. “You two have to team up later tonight, remember?”


Vessey reluctantly backed off. “Yeah…whatever, man.”


RING. Vessey’s phone was going off, and he flipped it open quickly. “Hello? Oh, hi ma’am. Yes ma’am. Wait, what? Are you serious? Hello? Hello?”


He hung up the phone as he tried to pick his jaw up from the floor.


“Well?” Valentine asked. “What did she want?”


“She said…she said she’s gonna be here next month.”







Remmy Skye vs. Ford Gumble





The last time these two met in the ring, Skye was left unconscious on the outside as he was counted out and Gumble was awarded the match. Since then, Skye’s fallen victim to Ford’s riding mate Jean Cattley and was dropped by that viscous Quick Draw Kick, so it’s easy to understand why the usually jovial southerner Skye came out with an all-business attitude tonight. His high risk/high reward offense was much more focused, and he caught Gumble off guard throughout the match. Gumble, for his part, was throwing kicks to the mid section of Skye throughout the match, and he left the side of Skye black and blue. So hard were the kicks that Skye began to instinctively guard his tenderized side, which in turn left Gumble the opening he needed. QUICK DRAW KICK!


Gumble put all his weight behind that one, and dropped Skye to the mat immediately. Not even bothering to cover him, Gumble instead let the referee reach a ten count as a he determined Skye unfit to continue with the match.


Gumble wins, 51







Matt Hocking w/ Joe Cool vs. Mark Smart





Not much has been seen of Hocking since Team America lost a ladder match to The Awesomeness, but he showed in this match that he and Joe Cool deserve to be back in the tag title hunt as he absolutely dismantled Smart. The beating was so severe that I’d be surprised if we see any more of Smart here in MAW.


Matt Hocking wins, 36








Dharma Gregg and Ant-Man were standing by with Duke Hazard


“Miss Gregg, yer client has seen some big time improvements over the past couple a months. Not only does he got some wins under his belt, but he beat some pretty dang good wrestler’s in Ford Gumble and Raphael.”


“That’s right, he did,” Dharma said. “And it’s just going to continue. To show that this isn’t some fluke, that he really earned those wins, I’ve handpicked an opponent for him next month that’s really going to put him to the test.”

“Do ya mind if I ask who he is?”

“Not at all, Duke. I had to go out of my way to find this man. You see, he’s not on the MAW roster. No, he hails from the land of hardcore, Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. Next month, Ant-Man faces Nelson Callum!”






The Atlantic Connection vs. Bad Company





This was a battle of four technicians, and, as you can expect, it was a slow, methodically paced match. Both teams went hold-for-hold and counter-for-counter on their way to try and earn the win. A mental error from McManus ended up costing his team the match, however, as he made a blind tag, forcing the referee to leave partner CJ in the ring, at the mercy of the masked El Rudo, who pinned the Brit with a German suplex.


Bad Company win, 44







Raphael was talking to Culture Shock’s manager, Katherine Goodlooks backstage, who was eying the King of Sleaze with a look of disgust.


“Like I was saying, baby, after I topple that big boy tonight, you and me should get together for a little bit of the old pull and peel, if ya catch my drift. I’m staying at Len’s Inn, right off the highway, by the way,” he said, winking at the blonde. “Room number four oh --”




Findlay cut him short, wrapping his massive paw around the back of Raph’s neck. A smile spread across Katherine’s face as the giant dragged the grease ball to the ring.


Findlay vs. Raphael





Findlay dragged Raphael all the way from the back to the ring, where he lifted him high above his head to toss him through the ropes and into the ring. Findlay’s slow, but he’s incredibly strong, and he utilized this advantage to beat on Raphael. Raphael fought back at one point, and (foolishly) attempted to lift Findlay up to hit the Heartbreaker(double knee gut buster), but it only served to strain his back and allow Findlay to go back on the offensive. When Findlay charged in to hit a huge splash in the corner, though, Raph was able to roll quickly out the way and roll up Findlay to score the win. It wasn’t noticed until afterwards, though, that Raphael had his feet stack up on the ropes adding leverage to the pin.


Raphael wins, 42








Hernandez and Patriot were having a heated discussion backstage

“It’s just a litte, I don’t know, wierd,” Patriot said.


Mainstream looked offended. “What are you talking about, bro? Weird? You can’t honestly think that.”


“Well, what was wrong with blonde? Or even brown?”


Mainstream sighed. You know what, man, you’re too old fashioned. This,” he said, pointing to the colorful mass on his head, "Is the evolution of the Mainstream. At least that’s what that chick told me last week. She was in to it at least.”


Patriot just shook his head as Duke Hazard walked toward them.




“Hey, guys. If ya got time, I got a few questions for ya.”


“Go on ahead, Duke,” Patriot replied.


"Well, tonight, the two of you’re taking on Valentine and Vessey. Now, you beat ‘em both mano-a-mano, but they took you to town in the last tag match you had. Mind sharin’ yer thoughts?”


Mainstream took the mic before Patriot could answer.


“That was then, this is now dude. The dude I’m teaming with is the best there is at what we do, ya know? With him on my side, and my sweet dance moves, there’s no way we lose to these guys again.”


“Err, is that about it?”


Patriot chuckled. “Yeah, dude, I think that’s about it.”








Lisa Bowen led The Awesomeness down to the ring, where she grabbed a mic.


“The Awesomeness have beaten every team that matters in MAW, and, I’m going to be honest, it’s a little too hard to pick an opponent for them,” she began. “So, I’m going to go against my better judgement, and I’m going to issue an open challenge tonight. Any team back there that wants a shot at these belts, you can go ahead and come on out. I’ll warn you ahead of time, though, be ready to be disappointed, because there’s no way you win these belts tonight.”


They waited in the ring for a few moments before Flash X’s music hit the speakers and the fans erupted. The duo began to make their way to the ring.


“No, no, no! Not you two! You’ve lost your chance, you don’t get another. Go away! Now!”


The two stopped at ringside for a moment.

“Now you just hold on a minute.”




It was Rip Chord, standing up form his announce position.

“In case you forgot, this is my company, and I have the final say around here. Now, for the most part, I let things go as they happen. But not this. You issued an open challenge, and this is the match the fans want to see, so this is the match that’s gonna happen! Ring the bell!”


Flash X vs. The Awesomeness w/ Lisa Bowen for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles






Flash X slid into the ring and immediately tore in to the champs. As in their last meetings, Cannonball and Stardust had their hands full with the veterans, and did their best to exercise every advantage they had. Lisa Bowen, seeing the threat posed here, played her part by trying to interject herself into the match every chance she could, distracting Flash and X. Flash was able to easily control the Awesomeness on the mat, though, and X displayed his speed advantage to try and out maneuver the champs.


Like has been said before, though, The Awesomeness is greater than the sum of it’s parts, and the young duo were able to get their offense in through superior teamwork. When the match broke down and all four men entered the ring, Cannonball had enough sense to not try and brawl with Steve Flash, instead charging in to assist Stardust in dispatching of Citizen X with a double super kick. With X out, they were able to focus all of their offense on Flash now, and after a short time, they hit a chop block/lariat combo to finish off the veteran.


The Awesomeness retain, 46







American Patriot and Mainstream Hernandez vs. C-V-2





The champ and Mainstream came down high fiving, but there were no pre-match celebrations from C-V-2. Maybe they were really worried about ‘Her’ showing up next month, or maybe they were just really focused on the match. Regardless of their reasons, they tackled this match with a cold, ruthless approach as they did their best to end the team of Patriot and Mainstream. The match devolved in to a wild brawl at multiple points, as both teams did all they could to put the other out of commission. Though Patriot’s stiff shots and Mainstream’s high flying are usually hard for opponents to grasp, C-V-2 were able to stifle them for most of the match.


The match end came after Mainstream dropped Vessey with a super kick. Instead of going for the pin, he broke into a funky dance. Seeing an opportunity, Valentine charged in with a clothesline, but missed as Mainstream dropped down in the splits, and Valentine ran right into a Patriot lariat. Grabbing his own now-red hair, Mainstream lifted himself out of the splits before rearing back and executing an AMAZING standing shooting star presson Vessey! We’ve never even seen one of those off of the tunbuckles here in MAW, and Mainstream picks up the win after popping a standing one off on Cameron Vessey!


Patriot and Mainstream win, 62




As Patriot and Mainstream celebrated, they didn’t notice “Mean” Jean Cattley and The Texas Hitman Ford Gumble slide into the ring. Cattley had a steel chair in hand that he used to level Patriot, while Gumble nearly knocked Mainstream’s head off with a Quick Draw Kick! They weren’t done, though, as they lifted up Vessey and Valentine and dished out the same punishment to C-V-2. Cattley grabbed a mic after the viscous attack they had just committed.

“Can you believe this?” he asked. “After Patriot shows that he’s clearly better than both of these idiots tonight, MAW management has just gone and booked him to defend his title against Cameron Vessey next month. That’s bull ****! Your turns up, head to the back of the line, boy!”


Cattley paced about a bit, breathing heavily. “I don’t care what you have to do, but you’re putting me in this match next month.”




“Is that what you want, Jean?” Rip asked, making his presence known for the second time tonight.

“You’re damn right,” Jean said.


“You got it, then. I’m warning you right now, you just got yourself into a mess you might not be able to handle. You just pissed off two tough sons of bitches that you have to climb in to the ring with next month. I hope you’re ready for what you got comin.”


“Oh, I do,” Cattley said, smiling. “Believe me, I do.”



Total: 52

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The Delaware Auditorium? Yes, please!


That was the general consensus when Rip came to the locker room with the idea after the show. We had been turning people away from the door for months here at Stanley Hall, and it was time to move on up. We might not sell out up in Delaware, but we were definitely gonna generate some more revenue there. And more revenue meant Rip could start paying us a bit more, which made this a pretty easy decision for us to make.


So that was it. We were about to be exposed to be a bigger audience, and the locker room was absolutely buzzing. The old guys like Jean and Ford were already popular everywhere, but a lot of us, like me, the new guys Kevin and Syd (who also got some masks slapped on em), and, hell, even Roderick were really desperate to get seen by a bigger audience.


After the meeting, I put in my face time with the guys like I always did. We were all really tight, and, for a lot of us, the locker room was family. Some of us even had a father figure around. Obviously Jay had Rip, but Casey also counted Rip as his mentor. Mac stopped by sometimes to teach some old school tricks to the guys and enjoy some free wrestling, and Steve Flash had taken Raphael and that creepy mustache of his under his wing. All in all, it was a really enjoyable place to be. We all knew MAW was created to help build new talent, and we all helped to further that idea at least a little.


After making my rounds and shaking all the guys hands, I found my way back into the arms of Lisa. We had a date planned for after the show, and now that I was showered up I took her hand and began leading her to the building exit.


We hadn’t gotten very far when we were stopped again. Rounding a corner, I was plowed into by an erratically moving character and nearly knocked off of my feet.


“Hey, man, watch where you’re going,” I said, dusting myself off.


“Watch where I’m going? What the **** is that supposed to mean?”


Oh, God, I recognized that voice. I spun around to see a furious Jay Chord staring me down. His eyes were bloodshot and he was absolutely livid.


“Just be careful, man,” I said. “You could hurt someone like that.”

“You want me to hurt you, bitch? Cause I will,” he retorted.


Seriously? I had had just about enough of this. Some words I would later regret were resting precariously on my tongue, and I was about to let them free fall right onto Jay when I felt Lisa pull me back.

“Hey, Jay, we’re sorry. We’ll be more careful next time,” she said.


Jay’s eyes darted over to Lisa and he immediately changed temperaments. The smoke ceased billowing from his ears and he quickly backed off. “Oh, umm, hey, Lisa. Look, it’s, uhh, no problem. Just forget about it…” he stammered before quickly turning around and rushing off.


With Jay safely away, Lisa turned to me. “John, what’s wrong with you? Are you trying to ruin your career?”


I raised my eyebrows, confused. “Wait, what? I was defending myself!”


“Against Jay, though! I’ve worked here a lot longer than you, and I’ve seen plenty of guys disappear because they didn’t get along with him. You need to remember that he’s Rip’s son, and, as stupid as they are, Rip really listens to his opinions.”


“Okay, I’m sorry.”


“Just promise you won’t bother Jay.”


“I promise. I’ll steer clear of him as much as I can.”


Lisa sighed before smiling up at me. “Thanks, John. You know I’m only worried about you right? I don’t want you to go anywhere.”


I chuckled. “I know, babe, and I promise, I’m not going anywhere except to this restaurant you like so much!”







Dark Matches

Remmy Skye vs. Raphael

The Atlantic Connection vs. Bad Company

Main Card

Ant-Man vs. Nelson Callum

The Awesomeness issue and open challenge for their tag belts

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Casey Valentine vs. Ford Gumble

Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title

American Patriot © vs. Cameron Vessey vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Championship

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Well, well. Jay's got a little crush on Lisa... I see a nice little love triangle starting up, along with a feud between Ant-Man and Jay Chord for the Mid-Atlantic Traditional Championship that either gets Ant-Man his come-uppance or his walking papers.


Dark Matches

Remmy Skye vs. Raphael

The Atlantic Connection vs. Bad Company


Main Card

Ant-Man vs. Nelson Callum

The Awesomeness issue and open challenge for their tag belts

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Casey Valentine vs. Ford Gumble

Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title

American Patriot © vs. Cameron Vessey vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Championship

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Friday, Week 4, October 2010

In front of 785 brand new MAW fans in Delaware Hall



The evening kicked off in an entertaining fashion as Raphael and Remmy Skye did battle. The match was a fairly evening back-and-forth affair, but Raphael pulled ahead in the end and hit the Heartbreaker to score the upset win over Skye, who was by and large the crowd’s favorite. Next up, Bad Company and The Atlantic Connection waged war in a rematch from last month. The result was much the same, though, as El Rudo locked CJ in a Texas Cloverleaf to pick up the win.







Ant-Man w/ Dharma Gregg vs. Nelson Callum




Callum, who’s visiting from the Tri-State’s PSW, was hated by the Deleware fans, and he reveled in it from start to finish. The fans were solidly behind the puny powerhouse Ant-Man. Despite his technical prowess, Callum decided to spend the match using dirty, underhanded tactics to try and control Ant-Man. Every time Ant-Man would being to use his strength to overpower Callum, he was shut down by some sort of cheap tactic, be it an eye poke or even a low blow. Callum looked on the verge of winning when he took his focus of Ant-Man to exchange some words with fans at ringside. When he turned around, he was met with a fired up Ant-Man, who hit him with some energetic right hands, and lifted Callum high into the air with a military press. Dropping him and catching him on his shoulder, Ant-Man rocked him with an Ant Slam (Powerslam) to pick up the win.


Ant-Man wins, 45


After the match, Dharma Gregg climbed into the ring, microphone.


“When my client first arrived in MAW, he was met with some adversity, we’ll admit that. He had trouble overcoming some obstacles, and fell short more than a few times. But make no mistake, he is the complete package. Since getting his act together, he’s gone from win to win, success to success. He’s beaten the Texas Hitman and avenged an early loss to that creep Raphael. But there’s one test left for him. There’s one match that he needs to win to solidify himself as a presence in this company. He’s got to fight the man who defeated him in his debut, the man who demoralized him a title match.”


“Jay Chord, it’s time that you met the real Ant-Man, and since you’re a fighting champion, I think you should put that title of yours on the line!”






Lisa Bowen came down to the ring, flanked by the tag team champs, The Awesomeness.


“Last month we issued an open challenge, and, as the fighting champions we are, defended our tag team titles against Steve Flash and Citizen X, two men that don’t even deserve a shot at us. But we believe in giving people opportunities, so we’re here, once again, issuing an open challenge to anyone in the back that thinks they can take on The Awesomeness!”


Bowen and The Awesomeness struck a choreographed pose, and held it for several moments until Team America’s music hit the speakers and Hocking and Cool made their way to the ring.


Team America vs. The Awesomeness © w/Lisa Bowen for the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles





Team America are a dangerous team, as The Awesomeness are well aware. Stardust and Cannonball were hesitant to engage with the young Americans, and for good reason. The challengers struck fast and they struck hard, and the champs spent the majority of the match on the ropes. The champs looked to be in danger of losing their titles until Stardust was able to sneak a low blow in on Hocking, allowing Cannonball to leap off of the top and hit a huge Cannonball Splash to score the win. As the champs limped to the back to nurse their wounds, Team America remained in the ring, angrily pointing at their retreating enemies.


The Awesomeness retain, 47







“This is Duke Hazard, standin’ by with the champ, American Patriot and Mainstream ‘Ernandez. First off, Patriot, what do you think about yer match tonight?”


“Well, dude, everyone knows I’m a fighting champion. I’ll defend this belt anywhere, at anytime, against anyone. Those are the facts, dude. Here’s another fact, I don’t care that I’m fighting the Mean Machine, Mean Jean again. He’s a tough dude, brother, but I’m that much better. Here’s the thing, though, Mean Jean. You know I have no problem fighting young out in that ring in front of all these Americans, but all you had to was ask. You just pissed off the best wrestler in the world, brother. I hope you you said your prayers last night, dude, cause I’m coming for you!”


“That’s right, bro,” Mainstream chipped in. “I’ve been teaching him some most excellent breathing techniques during our yoga sessions that have definitely been helping him build an even stronger aura.”

“Come on, dude! You said you wouldn’t mention the yoga stuff…”


“Oh! Riiiigggghhhttttt. That’s my bad, man.”


“Errrr, moving on…. ‘Ernandez, you earned yerself a title shot back in January when you won the Invitational. With all these boys mixin’ it up in the title picture, why ain’t you there?”

“Dude, if I thought I even had a chance of beating Patriot, I’d totally be there. But as strong as my chi is, there’s no amount of meditation and preparation that can help me beat him. Dude is the best, and that’s the truth. As long as he‘s the champ, there‘s no way you‘ll see me beat him, so you can forget about me even wrestling him.”






Mainstream Hernandez vs. Ford Gumble vs. Casey Valentine





In a preview of tonight’s main event, the partner’s of the three headliners locked horns in a frenetically paced match. Gumble and Valentine formed a loose alliance early on, but that quickly dissolved as Valentine looked to pay Ford back for the assault last month. While the two of them brawled, they gave Mainstream time to recovery, and the Wild One came flying in with a springboard dropkick to knock over both opponents. From this point, the pace only quickened as Mainstream flew all over the ring, and Valentine did his best to slow him down. Both men kept Gumble at a distance throughout the match, wary of the deadly Quick Draw Kick that’s destroyed so many opponents in MAW. The match end came as Mainstream leveled Valentine with an Apparition #14. When he sprang up to cover his rival, he came face to face with Ford Gumble. QUICK DRAW KICK! Mainstream’s out cold!


With Mainstream down, Gumble quickly covers Valentine, taking the win. Before leaving, he stares coldly down at both men. Could this be an accurate depiction of what’s going to happen in the main event, with “Mean” Jean Cattley standing triumphant?


Ford Gumble wins, 53







Cameron Vessey, Casey Valentine, and Jay Chord were standing shoulder to shoulder, heads down, being chastised by an unseen figure. The disembodied voice harassing them had a distinctly familiar, feminine quality.


“I give you my best guidance, and this is how you idiots repay me? You two--” Casey and Cameron perked their heads up “--lose mutliple title matches. And you--” this time Jay’s attention piqued “--You’ve got some masked moron riding up your coattails demanding a title shot because you’ve become complacent enough to allow him to think he actually deserves it!”

“Umm, ma’am?” Cameron asked.


“What?” the voice snapped.

“Umm, why exactly did you come here tonight?”


“Why did I come here?“ There was a pause. “I came here because I’ve got a contract here that you three idiots aren’t living up to. I wonder sometimes, ’What are these guys doing that makes them mess up so horribly all of the time?’ So I showed up here tonight to see for myself what exactly is wrong, and from that last match, it’s become apparent to me that you three are some of the most inept clients I’ve ever had.”


“But, Miss --” Cameron began.


“No! No buts! You go out there tonight, and you come back with a championship. I’m going to have every bit of gold in MAW, and you three are the ones that are going to get it all for me. Before long, MAW will belong…”




“….to Miss Emily.”






Steve Flash w/Citizen X vs. Jay Chord © w/ Miss Emily for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title





Citizen X accompanied his partner out to the ring, still hoping to learn from the great Steve Flash. Jay Chord was accompanied by a different breed of partner in the freshly revealed Miss Emily, who’s made it clear that she wants to own all the titles in MAW. If Chord happens to lose this match, her plans would surely be set back significantly, which would spell trouble for Chord. For a while, it looked like that would be exactly what would happen, as the veteran Flash controlled Chord from the onset. However, when he set up to nail the Flash Bang (Hot Shot) on Chord, Miss Emily pulled his foot out from under him, allowing Chord to go on the attack. Eventually, Chord was able to drill Flash with a Cradle Piledriver, gaining him the win. After the match, Citizen X helped his partner up, shaking his head as a smug looking Miss Emily escorted a beaten and bruised Jay Chord to the back.


Jay Chord retains, 60







“Mean” Jean was the first to make his way to the ring, and he grabbed a mic prior to the match beginning.


“Tonight’s going to be a war. This, I can promise you. What I can’t promise you is that your hero’s going to walk out of here in one piece. I don’t care if I have to separate his shoulder, snap his knee, or break his damn neck, I’m walking out of here with my title.”


With that said, Cattley threw the mic away and waited for his opponents.


American Patriot © vs. Cameron Vessey w/ Miss Emily vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley






Vessey was out next, accompanied by one Miss Emily. Patriot made his entrance next as the crowd erupted aroud him, welcoming their champion. With all three men in the ring, MAW’s greatest match ever kicked off. There were no fragile alliances formed here, as all three men tore into each other from the onset. While Cattley only really had an issue with Patriot, he was more than open to duke it out with a viscously attacking Cameron Vessey. Multiple near falls and submissions occurred throughout the match, and Miss Emily made her presence known at ringside multiple times.


Toward the end of the match, Vessey and Patriot foud themselves alone in the ring, duking it out. Vessey, like Cattley on the outside, had a bright red chest with welps forming from the chops of Patriot, and Patriot’s mask had begun to become pink from the stiff shots Vessey had thrown at him. With both men near the point of exhaustion, Vessey surprised everyone when he grabbed the champ and flipped him over with a Vessey Plex. The move left him drained, however, and he was unable to make the cover. Upon recovering, he realized Patriot was still down, and slowly but surely began to twist his legs together. Sharpshooter! Vessey had the Sharpshooter locked in!


Patriot held on as long as possible, but his will to hang was fading. The proud American wouldn’t tap, though. Cattley, now recovered, had slid into the ring, forcing Vessey to break the hold to take care of his opponent. The two brawled for a little bit, exchanging some hard hitting moves, but Vessey came out on top after hitting a huge Vessey Driver. With Cattley down, it looked like just a matter of time until Vessey won…American Suplex!


Patriot had forced himself up while Vessey and Cattley were brawling. With his attention turned, Patriot was able to drive Vessey back with a bridging American Suplex to score the win and retain his championship. The crowd went crazy as Patriot, laying flat on his back in the middle of the ring was showered in his traditional red, white, and blue streamers. On the outside, Cattley shook his head in disappointment as Miss Emily screamed at Vessey in her trademark shrill voice.


Patriot retains, 72 (!)




Total: 62




Next up: The post show, this time with a meaningful addition to MAW!


OOC: I'm honestly completely surprised I was able to pull a match that highly rated this early on. I'm only running hour and a half shows right now, so I haven't been able to slow build much. But I decided to go ahead with it for this one, and hot damn, did it work out!


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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="codey" data-cite="codey" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29024" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thanks for the feedback, guys! I usually don't expect any unless I post the next card.</div></blockquote><p> I personally like the back-stage segments more than the actual cards. Fleshes out Ant-man much better and I like the segments for what they do for the company.</p>
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<p>Rip held another vote after the show that night. The Delaware fans had been so welcoming, he came to us with the idea immediately. </p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#000080;">

“Everyone in favor, just raise your hands.” </span></p><p> </p><p>

The result was a locker room full of wrestlers and staff alike with their hands in the air. The idea had been approved by us 100%. </p><p> </p><p>

A smile creeped across Rip’s face. <span style="color:#000080;">“That’s what I thought. Now, this isn’t gonna be starting up next month; we’re gonna wait until after Proving Point. And, depending on how we do, it might not even be an every month thing just yet. But we will be doing it. In December, we’re gonna debut MAW Showcase, right here in Deleware Hall!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

The locker room was absolutely buzzing. Casey and Cameron were chatting away excitedly, and Brandon Smith had half the roster aroudn him as he talked about the benefits they had now. Roderick, myself, Lisa, and Steve had formed a loose circle as we discussed the advantages of this would provide us. Steve, being the old hand that he was, provided the best analysis for what this meant to us. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">“You kids are lucky,”</span> he said. <span style="color:#008000;">“This extra show is not only gonna give you a break, but it’s gonna help you establish your characters a lot easier than before.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008080;">“How’s that?”</span> Roddy asked. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">“Just look at what’s going on now. Only the big storylines are making it onto the show every month, and the result is people working short programs because we have to throw a big match on every show. Roderick, you’ve been off the show a lot lately, just stuck working dark matches.” </span></p><p> </p><p>

Roderick nodded. He had gotten a lot better over th past year, but he was stuck working programs with Cam Jones on dark matches. He deserved better.</p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#008000;">

“With this show, you’re gonna get to show what you can do against bigger opponents, because we get to build our stars up by mixing the midcard into the main event now. It’s not just main event vs. main event all of the time anymore."</span></p><p> </p><p>

Roderick smiled, but that quickly soured as I punched him in the arm. I laughed. <span style="color:#FF0000;">“Yeah, man, now people get to see Findlay smash Roderick Remus into the groud a little.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#4B0082;">“John!”</span> Lisa exclaimed, pushing me. </p><p> </p><p>

This time is was my look that soured as I pouted. <span style="color:#FF0000;">“Sorry…he knows I’m just joking…”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Roderick laughed, because he did know. Unlike some people around here, I was a nice guy. I didn’t have any sort of ego or anything(Though I did have the sweetest costume in MAW, if I say so myself). Speaking of “those” people, I did a quick scan of the locker room. Jay was gone, as usual. Rip had called the entire locker room for this meeting, and no one had left yet. Where the hell was he all of the time?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/MAWTheProvingGround.png</span><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Dark Matches</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Team America vs. Kid Leone & Mimic</p><p>

Culture Shock vs. Roderick Remus and Ricky Douglas</p><p>

</p><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>

Main Card</strong></span></p><p>

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Ford Gumble</p><p>

Jared Johnson vs. Stardust</p><p>

Ant-Man vs. Raphael</p><p>

Citizen X vs. Cannonball</p><p>

Steve Flash vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley</p><p>

Remmy Skye vs. Cameron Vessey</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Dark Matches</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong> Team America</strong> vs. Kid Leone & Mimic</p><p>

Culture Shock vs. <strong>Roderick Remus and Ricky Douglas</strong></p><p>

</p><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>

Main Card</strong></span></p><p>

<strong>Mainstream Hernandez </strong>vs. Ford Gumble</p><p>

<strong>Jared Johnson </strong>vs. Stardust</p><p>

<strong>Ant-Man </strong>vs. Raphael</p><p>

<strong>Citizen X</strong> vs. Cannonball</p><p>

<strong>Steve Flash</strong> vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley</p><p>

Remmy Skye vs. <strong>Cameron Vessey</strong></p>

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<p>Sweet, sorry I didn't have time to predict, was away all weekend.</p><p> </p><p>

EDIT: as I write, the next post is up.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Dark Matches</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Team America</strong> vs. Kid Leone & Mimic</p><p>

<strong>Culture Shock</strong> vs. Roderick Remus and Ricky Douglas</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Main Card</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Mainstream Hernandez</strong> vs. Ford Gumble</p><p>

Jared Johnson vs. <strong>Stardust</strong></p><p>

<strong>Ant-Man</strong> vs. Raphael</p><p>

<strong>Citizen X</strong> vs. Cannonball</p><p>

Steve Flash vs. <strong>“Mean” Jean Cattley</strong></p><p>

<strong>Remmy Skye</strong> vs. Cameron Vessey</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/MAWTheProvingGround.png</span><p><strong>

Friday Week 4, November 2010</strong></p><p>

<strong>In front of 878 screaming fans in the Delaware Auditorium</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Team America kicked off this Thanksgiving’s show with a very strong showing, defeating Mimic and the masked newcomer Kid Leone in a short but entertaining match. Following them, Culture shock was able to best Roderick Remus and Ricky Douglas in a highly competitive match when Apollo dropped Douglas with a Puerto Rican Plunge.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/MattHocking.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/RegularJoe.jpg</span><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">,</span></strong><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/AmazingFireFly.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/IslandBoyApollo.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

“Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!”</span> Patriot said, standing in the middle of the ring. <span style="color:#0000FF;">“It’s a true American holiday, and ya’ll got yourselves a true American as champion right now!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“Now, last month, I fought two men that were hungry. They fought, they bit, and they clawed all they could, just to get a hold of this title. But when it came down to it, they didn’t have the strength, the honor, or the virtues to do what it takes to beat me for this belt. It’s the will of good ol’ Uncle Sam that I’m still holding this championship, and that’s the truth.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Jean Cattley’s music hit, and the veteran made his way to the ring. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/MeanJeanCattley.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“You think you just get off? That you get to just move on from me? No, that’s not how this is gonna work. You didn’t beat me last month. All you did was pin that self-entitles punk Cameron Vessey, and what sort of accomplishment is that?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“Well,”</span> Patriot said, <span style="color:#0000FF;">“He is the kid that dropped you on your head just a few seconds beforehand.”</span></p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

“That’s besides the point!”</span> Cattley shouted. <span style="color:#FF0000;">“The truth remains this: you never beat me, and I demand a rematch!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

The Succession’s music hit, and the trio stood out on the ramp, flanking Miss Emily.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/CameronVessey.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/QueenEmily.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/JayChord.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/CaseyValentine_alt1.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“What the hell are you three doing out here?”</span> Cattley questioned.</p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#4B0082;">

“I can’t believe you boys just thought you could leave us out of this conversation,”</span> Miss Emily began. <span style="color:#4B0082;">“Truly, I’m hurt. It’s ok, though, because I know something that neither of you can seem to grasp. I’ve seen a lot of champions come and go in this business, and they all had something, some X-factor. You two? You lack anything resembling it. You’re gonna be forgotten before long.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“Oh, is that so?”</span> Patriot asked.</p><p> </p><p>

Miss Emily smirked. <span style="color:#4B0082;">“Yeah, that’s so. But these boys here--”</span> she motioned toward The Succession <span style="color:#4B0082;">“--These boys have it. Each one of them has what it takes to be a champion. MAW is their’s for the taking, and that’s exactly what they’re going to do.”</span></p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

“Let me just stop you right now,”</span> Jean said. <span style="color:#FF0000;">“You LOST last month. Two of you, actually, and the third didn’t even fight. I don’t care how pretty you all think you are, I’ll slap the taste out of any one of your mouths if you come near me. None of you have what it takes to be the champ.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Miss Emily had turned furiously red , and was about to retort when Patriot interrupted her.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“Hey, dudes, none of you deserve title shots. I beat you both last month, and you haven’t done anything to deserve another match yet. I tell you what, though, dudes. If you two can win your matches tonight, you’ll earn yourselves title shots. I’m feeling a little generous tonight, brothers.”</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mainstream Hernandez vs. Ford Gumble</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The first match of the night was another entertaining affair from the Ford Gumble/Mainstream Hernandez series. Gumble began by attacking with his usual intensity, while Mainstream went into defensive mode, dipping and dodging. Gumble began swinging for the fences early, though, striking out with Quick Draw Kick after Quick Draw Kick, and Mainstream was forced to pick up his tempo to keep up. The two went back and forth, and Mainstream looked to have the match won after landing a sick Super Kick. He was slow to cover Gumble, though, and the Hit Man kicked out just before the ref’s hand slapped the canvas for the three count. Mainstream got up calling for the Apparition #14, and he dragged Gumble up, forcing the Texan up onto his two feet. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>QUICK DRAW KICK!</strong> Gumble dropped Mainstream with the viscous kick and fell on top of him to get the three count. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>For Gumble wins, 53.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

As Gumble recovered, it was clear that he wasn’t done yet. He dragged the stirring Mainstream to his feet and pushed him into the ropes. As he rebounded, Gumble threw a a Quick Draw kick that left Mainstream unconscious once again. Still, though, he wasn’t done. Lifting the limp Mainstream up, Gmble wrapped his arms up in the ring ropes before rearing back and launching yet another Quick Draw Kick, that left the young star's head lolling sickly. </p><p> </p><p>

Seeing enough, American Patriot came sprinting down to the ring, leading a charging group of security. Calmly, Gumble rolled out of the ring, avoiding any confrontation with the champ. As a medical team rushed to the ring, Gumble coldly walked by them, completely ignoring the situation around him. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jared Johnson vs. Stardust w/ Lisa Bowen</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Johnson, a part of the Bad Company tag team, aimed to put his team into the hunt for the tag titles with this match. He and Stardust threw everything they had at each other, and the result was neither coming out looking superior to the other. Johnson turned a Lisa Bowen distraction around on Stardust, though, and was able to lock in the Texas Cloverleaf to secure the win. The youngster jumped about excitedly to celebrate as Bowen chastised her client.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><strong>Jared Johnson wins, 44.</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

We go now to the evil lair of The Succession…</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/CameronVessey.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/QueenEmily.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/JayChord.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/CaseyValentine_alt1.jpg</span><p>


</p><p><span style="color:#4B0082;">

“You three are a bunch of failures!”</span> Miss Emily screamed in her shrill voice at the three men lined up. <span style="color:#4B0082;">“I’ve given you every chance to succeed, and you all manage to screw it up somehow!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“But, Miss Emily, I’m the Traditional champion,”</span> Jay Chord piped in.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#4B0082;">“What!?”</span> Miss Emily snapped.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“I said--”</span></p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#4B0082;">

“I heard you!”</span> she interrupted. <span style="color:#4B0082;">“Who have you beaten, exactly? The best guy you’ve pinned is some old guy who’s arthritis probably kicked in halfway through the match. So why don’t you keep your mouth shut, and let me do the talking.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Yes ma’am,”</span> Jay said, dropping his head. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#4B0082;">“I swear, you’re all lucky that you’ve got a contract. I do nothing but provide you with opportunities to succeed, and all you do is flush them down the toilet! You-”</span> she pointed to Cameron Vessey, and his head perked up <span style="color:#4B0082;">“-If you don’t win you’re match tonight, then that’s it for a while. You’ve already had two title shots that you’ve squandered away. If you can’t even beat Remmy Skye, then you’re not getting another for a while.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

She smiled. “You’re a group. I don’t care if you fight in singles matches, you always have a partner. Make sure you win your matches.”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ant-Man w/ Dharma Gregg vs. Raphael</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Prior to the match, it’s announced that Patriot has left the arena to head to the hospital with Mainstream Hernandez. Early prognosis is that Mainstream’s got a serious concussion. If so, it might be a while before he can wrestle again.</p><p> </p><p>

Ant-Man came out jumping around, slapping hands with the fans at ringside. Raphael interacted with the was fans as well, but in his own way. As he made his way to the ring, he blew kisses to the women in attendance, used bad pick up lines and harassed the guys in the audience. When he got in the ring, it was all business though, as he immediately snapped into technician-mode, and attacked Ant-Man with gusto. Ant-Man fought back with power moves, slamming Raphael over and over again. After a competitive match up, Ant Man came out on top after hitting a Raid-line (Lariat) to set up the Ant Slam (Flapjack power slam).</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ant-Man wins, 52</strong></p><p> </p><p>

As Ant-Man and Dharma celebrated after the match, Jay Chord came sprinting down to the ring, steel chair in hand. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/JayChord.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Swinging, he decked Ant-Man right in the head. With Ant-Man down, he spun the chair around and drove it right into the masked man’s gut. Dharma tried to pull him off, but when he feigned a swing at her she shrieked and retreated. Laughing, Chord grabbed a mic. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Last month, you challenged me to a match, and honestly, you don’t deserve one. I’ve beaten you twice before. But you know what? I’m feeling a little generous. Next month, at Night of Champions, I’ll give you a match. But here’s the catch: you have to earn it. At Showcase, in two weeks, you’ve gotta pass one more test, and then you get your match.”</span> Chord laughed again. <span style="color:#FF0000;">“I wouldn’t get too excited if you manage to win, though. Tonight’s just a preview of what I’ll do at Night at Champions, IF you can make it that far.”</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Citizen X w/ Steve Flash vs. Cannonball w/ Lisa Bowen</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

These two continued the long standing rivalry The Awesomeness and Flash X have had this year tonight. The two took to the air on more the one occasion, and, as usual, came out looking very even as far as skill goes. Cannonball grew ****y as the match wore on, though, and hit Steve Flash, standing at ringside, with a baseball slide with no provocation. When he went to taunt to the fans, though, X was there to hit him with an Anarchy X (Crucifix Powerbomb). </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Citizen X wins, 49.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Immediately following the match, Rip stood up to address the Awesomeness. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/RipChord_ager.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“Ya know, that does it. Both of the tag champs lost tonight, to two different teams. So at Night of Champions, you’re going to defend the titles against both teams! And, ya know what? Team America did pretty damn good earlier tonight, and since you had to cheat to beat them last month, I’m going to throw them into the match, too.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Lisa Bowen shrieked in rage as Rip laughed. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“That’s right, it’s gonna be The Awesomeness, Flash X, Team America, and Bad Company in a scramble match!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Flash vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The two veterans of MAW waged war here. The two went hold-for-hold in an impressive technical match that began with Cattley surprisingly shaking the hand of Flash. The match was so even that it came down to raw desire deciding the winner, and that was Mean Jean. Flash had already secured his title match, and was obviously looking forward to that already, but this was a must win situation for Mean Jean, who pinned Flash following a Mood Swing (Reverse STO).</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cattley wins, 58</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Remmy Skye vs. Cameron Vessey w/ Miss Emily</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The final match of the card featured Vessey trying to topple long standing rival Skye in another of their excellent matches. Skye spent the match flying about the ring like a pinball, setting an excruciating pace for Vessey to match. The second generation star did catch him at points, though, and used that chance to lay a beating on Skye. The beatings were taking a toll on Skye, as he had taken quite a few of Vessey’s discus right hands right to the chin, and he was slowed down considerably. When Vessey placed him up on the turnbuckle to try and launch him off with a superplex, though, Skye was able to push him off, and he called for a Skye Diver. But Casey Valentine rushed through the crowd and leapt the barrier at that moment, pushing Skye off the turnbuckle and down to the canvas. Vessey, aware of what had just happened, lifted Skye up and drilled him with a Vessey Driver to score the win, securing himself a spot in the title match at Night of Champions, now confirmed to be a triple match.</p><p>


Vessey wins, 62.</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Total: <strong>55</strong></p><p>


Next: Post-show notes, along with a farewell… </em></p>

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<p>Post show notes:</p><p> </p><p>

-I’m really glad I picked Miss Emily as the brain behind The Succession. She’s a decent manager, but she has great chemistry managing Casey Valentine and pretty good chemistry with Jay. Maybe I should have brought her out sooner, seeing as I let her just sit on the bench collecting a fat downside payment for a couple of months. </p><p> </p><p>

-Speaking of good chemistry, I think it may have saved the Jared Johnson/Stardust match. Both are heels, and even though I’ve got my divide set to medium, I can’t help but believe the match just wouldn’t have been good had they not been able to work well with each other.</p><p> </p><p>

-If you haven’t noticed, I shortened The Awesomeness’ names to simply Cannonball and Stardust. Jefferson Stardust I could kind of handle, but Huey as a first name for a wrestler just doesn’t work for me. Stardust and Cannonball are short, sweet, and fit them very well.</p><p> </p><p>

-I know it’s easy to push Jay as The Succession’s leader because of his talent, but Vessey is the real leader of that organization(until now). The bio says so, and by pushing Jay as a midcard champ with victories over only a few really good people, I keep him happy without developing too much of an ego. In fact, I haven’t had a single incident with Jay, even though he’s considered a very negative influence.</p><p> </p><p>

-Remmy Skye may not have started off as a prototypical MAW wrestler, but he’s coming along quite nicely. His performance skills have shot up quite nicely, and he’s now sitting at a very respectable 67 average, as opposed to the 58 he begins with. He’s also got great chemistry with Cameron Vessey, which means that that’s a rivalry I can keep going back to produce great results. Plus, he’s a crusierweight wrestler, and not a spot monkey, so I can actually justify pushing him. You won’t see any spot monkeys in MAW as long as I’m here.</p><p> </p><p>

-In case you haven’t noticed, I’m using the dark matches to try and build up my undercard. Most of them have poor-average skills, but I’m throwing in good wrestlers like Remus, Mimic, and newcomer Kid Leone(who you’ll see more of soon) to help beef up their stats. So far, Island Boy Apollo and Amazing Fire Fly are the top two undercard guys as far as improvements go, which is good because I hope to push them toward the titles some day. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>************************************************************************</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

There was a bittersweet smell in the air following the show. Everyone was gearing up for our first foray into a monthly tune up show, but deep inside we all knew that something would be lacking. </p><p> </p><p>

Mainstream Hernandez, one of the nicest, best performers on the roster was leaving us. Looking back I should have been happy for him, but I couldn’t feeling a little bit jaded. I know if I had been offered a job with the SWF, I would have jumped at the opportunity, but the fact that he did so during a time that we were really building toward something for him just rubbed me the wrong way. The way Rip put it did, at least. </p><p> </p><p>

We all knew that MAW was started so Rip could give life to young kid’s careers, and that all he really wanted was for us to move on and become big successes wherever we went. But looking at him, you could see that it really hurt him to watch guys move on. Even if it was guys that just couldn’t cut it, like Ace Youngblood or Max Mayhem, Rip thought of us as his kids. I could always tell that deep inside, he never really wanted to let us go. Someday, though, MAW was going to be big, and guys wouldn’t want to leave. That was evident from the growth we’d seen in the past year. We’d gone from putting on show for 90 people to selling out Stanley Hall to packing people in the Delaware Auditorium. A lost of guys from MAW became stars, but elsewhere. Someday, they were going to become stars here, and really put us on the map.</p><p> </p><p>

I wanted that to be me. I wanted to make Rip and Mac and Lisa proud, and I wanted to be known as MAW’s superstar. It wasn’t very realistic, but it was my goal. Plus, I had this sweet costume, and that meant that I had a head start on anyone that wanted that spot, too. </p><p> </p><p>

Even though we could all tell he was hurt, Rip put his game face on, and he was out with the rest of us in the cold, passing out flyers for Showcase. It was in two weeks, and we had to get the word out. We were small, and didn’t have any tv to advertise, so it was important that we were all out doing all that we could to sell tickets to this show. Everyone, that is, except Jay.</p><p> </p><p>

No matter what it was, Jay managed to cut himself out and completely disappear. I had talked to Casey and Cameron, the closest guys to Jay, and they had no idea where Jay was always going to, or what he was getting into. They told me that he was always turning up in all manner of places, strung out and confused. Apparently, when Brett was still around, things were better. Brett was an ass, but he was able to keep Jay in touch with the rest of the locker room. With him gone, Jay had cut himself off completely, and if he said anything to you, it was just him being an ass for the sake of being an ass. </p><p> </p><p>

I had my own theories about Jay, as I’m sure everyone did, but I kept them to myself. I was taking Lisa’s advise. It was better not to confront him. I had to be smart, and I had to protect myself.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/MAW-1.jpg</span><p>

Steve Flash vs. Matt Hocking vs. Jared Johnson vs. Stardust</p><p>

Amazing Fire Fly vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley</p><p>

Ant-Man vs. Kid Leone</p><p>

Findlay vs. Raphael</p><p>

American Patriot vs. Mimic</p><p>

Cameron Vessey vs. Remmy Skye</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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