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XDW: Out of the Yard...

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I've tried several 0/0/0 games and even a couple of diaries (my old CCW ones).


I tended to get burned out fast because with only 4-6 shows a year, and those pulling in only F+ ratings, I calculated it out that it would take something like 3 years to raise from local to small and be able to put on a more consistent schedule.


Good luck, though, and try and keep your finances above water :D

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Love diaries of tiny companies.


It does take a while but then again with 6 or even 12 shows a year you can absolutely burn through time and enjoy the landscape of workers/promos changing.


My one bit of advice would be to write workers names under/next to their pics in your write-ups. For people that dont know too much C-verse or dont play in N America its pretty hard to remember whos who without names. Especially with the level of worker you have here!


Overall - nice start to this.


Nigel Svensson vs. Jebediah

Depends on your product, but Nigel is pretty much always The Man


Cal Sanders vs. Daredevil Aero

In my first ever game of TEW I hired Cal to USPW. Not a great move.


Bright Falcon & Running Wolf vs Ant Man & Super Sonic

I love Running Wolf even though Ive never signed him. Ant Man is too overused now


Extreme Deluxe vs. Mark Smart 1st Blood Match

Blood!? What kind of company is this? :eek:


Xavier Reckless vs. Fearless Blue 1st Blood Match

X-man needs his mojo back. Isnt he a bit of a twat backstage too?

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Nigel Svensson vs. Jebediah

The character of Jebediah is more fun I think.


Cal Sanders vs. Daredevil Aero

Gotta give this to the better wrestler.


Bright Falcon & Running Wolf vs Ant Man & Super Sonic

I agree than Falcon is the weakest link.


Extreme Deluxe vs. Mark Smart 1st Blood Match

E.D.! I think him vs Xavier is the way to go.


Xavier Reckless vs. Fearless Blue 1st Blood Match

Come on... this is HIS backyard!

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Our first show was in the bag, and despite a poor attendance level, we were making a little buzz over the net. Not as much for the ring work of the XDW boys as for the anti-SWF/TCW stance we had taken. We were being seen as David tossing stones at a pair of Goliaths by the wrestling world. This…was definitely something I thought we could use…and as you know; I was right on the money!


The time between our first show and our second seemed to pass in a constant blur. Things were happening so fast for our tiny company I would often think it must be some sort of dream our fantasy situation I created in my own head. I do remember Xavier allowing the guys to come by his house once a week for some practice sessions which often resulted in everyone getting drunk and doing little more than throwing up inside the ring from time to time. Despite the lack of training those sessions did serve to strengthen the bond between the boys. It’s a good thing too…because not too long from then our friendships would be tested…


Outside of out little world, big things were happening for the rest of the wrestling world. Alfredo Menendez, El Barbaro, finally decided to retire from the world of Lucha Libre. Mexico declared an honorary siesta in honor of El Barbaro. Meanwhile, in the U.S. Preston Holt also decided it was time for him to step away from the wrestling business. Fans in New Jersey and New York were saddened by the news of the former Rapid Pro Wrestling owner’s decision.


In other news, Rocky Golden was still the TCW World Champion while Eric Eisen held onto his SWF World Championship. Things were business as usual for the “Big Two” however, in Mexico SOTBW was somehow able to become the number one company down south. This was a catalyst to some big changes in the way OLLIE and MPWF started to run their companies.


Up North, Dan Stone was looking more and more tired as the days passed and it looked to be any day now when he too would announce his retirement. The only question left on people’s mind back then was just who would be the one to inherit his business…but you already know that answer don’t you?



Back in our little corner of the world, some of the XDW boys and I decided to go out a get a drink at a little place called Tom’s Tavern or T Ts as the boys referred to it. As we pounded back a few cold ones watching the “entertainment” on stage a thought began to bubble up in my head. When Alexis came out and earned more money in ten minutes than we did in an entire night I knew what I was thinking was exactly what we needed. After her set was done I got myself some private time with Alexis, during which I convinced her to return to the wrestling business. This my friends was the birth of the XDW Ring Ratz!


XDW New Hire


Alexis Little Feather XDW Ring Rat

Alexis Lee Littlefeather (Alexis Ramos) was an original Babe Of Sin City, having met the BSC owner Honey Golightly when both were showgirls and being invited onto the roster for the first show. She genuinely has some native american blood in her, hence the gimmick. Her looks and charisma have helped her become one of the more popular members on the roster.After being released by BSC, she found work at Tom's Tavern where the new XDW head booker found her and offered her a job. She went on to become the first XDW Ring Rat.

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XDW presents Out for Blood!

Live from Xavier’s Backyard.

Attendance for tonight is 8!





The XDW theme music hits over the cheap boom box in the corner and out from Xavier’s house comes the Commissioner of XDW.

“Allow me to welcome you all to XDW: Out for Blood! Tonight you will see four men compete in two separate matches where the only way to win is to bust your opponent open and reveal his blood to the XDW fans!


Now at Xtreme Innovation we definitely brought the Danger. We absolutely showcased Wrestling. What we did not do… get Xtreme. So, allow me to introduce the most Xtreme female wrestling history…the XDW Ring Rat, Alexis Little Feather!”


From out of the back comes Alexis wearing a teeny, tight, female Indian costume. She skips to the ring as the fans cheer wildly.



Alexis Little Feather


“Hello XDW! Tonight, I will provide you all with my expert opinion on the matches!”


“Lee Bambino you lucky SOB, make Alexis feel welcomed as she is your new broadcast partner. Enjoy the show folks.” (46)



Lee Bambino (Announcer) & Alexis Little Feather (Color Commentator)




Nigel Svensson vs Jebediah XDW Rules (no dqs, no countouts, weapons and tables allowed)


Jebediah used his size to toss Nigel around the ring. After slamming Nigel down hard, Jebediah began to taunt the crowd. Nigel used the opportunity to mount a comeback only to have Cal Sanders come to the ring and nail Nigel with a chair. Cal then gave the chair to Jebediah who swung and missed, which allowed Nigel to get a small package and the pin.


Winner via Pinfall: Nigel Svensson (24)




Cal Sanders vs Daredevil Aero XDW Rules (no dqs, no countouts, weapons and tables allowed)


Cal and Daredevil trade arm drags before Cal is able to get a snap suplex on Daredevil that left him holding his back in pain. Cal was about to go for a pin when Nigel came back out and go into Cal’s face. Cal flipped off Nigel before putting Daredevil in an armlock and getting the win.


Winner via Submission: Cal Sanders (24)





Tony comes back out as Cal and Nigel argue.

“You two want to come out here and get in each other’s face? Well, if that’s what you want…then let’s give you two a chance to get up close and personnel! Tonight, after the second First Blood match, it will be Nigel Svensson vs. Cal Sanders in a XDW Submission Match! (15)



Running Wolf & Bright Falcon vs. Ant Man & Super Sonic XDW Rules (no dqs, no countouts, weapons and tables allowed)


Running Wolf and Ant Man start things off with a few stiff jabs before trading body slams. Ant Man showed impressive strength for his size. Super Sonic is tagged in and he begins to run circles around Running Wolf. Bright Falcon is able to get in the ring and he is able to keep up with Super Sonic until Super begins to unleash a series of drop kicks. Outside the ring, Ant Man is distracted by Alexis and Super Sonic is unable to tag him in. Super Sonic looks around and sees Ant Man talking to Alexis and he yells for Ant Man to get back to the ring when Running Wolf comes from behind and nails Super Sonic with a Wolf Tamer. Running Wolf makes a pin and Bright Falcon cuts off Ant Man who tried to make the save.


Winners via Pinfall: Running Wolf & Bright Falcon (21)



Extreme Deluxe


Extreme Deluxe is in the ring when out comes Xavier Reckless.



Xavier Reckless


“Forgive the interruption Ex D, but I think what I have to say will make you very, very happy. We each have a match tonight that if we win will get us one step closer to a bi straight to the finals of the King of the Yard Tournament. Now, we both can beat our opponents but as we saw in the last match…some times **** happens. I don’t take risks without a promise of reward Ex D and I know neither do you. So if you watch my back…I’ll watch yours!”


Extreme Deluxe looks at Xavier and smiles. Xavier gets in the ring and shakes hands with Extreme Deluxe as the crowd boos. (32)



Extreme Deluxe vs Mark Smart 1st Blood Match


Extreme and Mark go all out hitting one another with various objects from around ringside. Mark is able to get the upper hand and prepares to hit Ex D with a chair when Xavier Reckless comes in the ring and nails Mark with a steel pipe in the back. Xavier hands Extreme the pipe and Ex D hits Mark in the head busting him wide open.


Winner via 1st blood: Extreme Deluxe (14)



Xavier Reckless vs Fearless Blue 1st Blood Match


Fearless Blue has Xavier on the ropes from the opening bell. Xavier is barely able to keep his head protected with his hands as Fearless hits him with several chair shots. Suddenly Extreme Deluxe comes out from the back with a barbwire wrapped bat. Ex D gets in the ring and swings at Fearless Blue but Fearless moves out of the way and Ex D ends up hitting Xavier in the head busting him wide open.


Winner via 1st Blood: Fearless Blue (17)




Nigel Svensson vs Cal Sanders XDW Submission Match (submission match with the addition of weapons)


Nigel and Cal trade a few headlocks before going back and forth with a series of complex submission holds. After several near falls, Nigel is able to hook on a Hyper Extension Arm Lock, his signature finisher. Cal refuses to tap for several seconds until the pain is too great and he gives in and taps out.


Winner via Submission: Nigel Svensson (40)


Overall Show Score 34!

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A few days after Out for Blood we put out the card for the next show...


XDW.com Exclusive!

It has just been announced that XDW will hold Payback on the second Saturday of June. The card has been been announcced as follows...



Running Wolf & Bright Falcon vs. Jebediah & Ant Man



Cal Sanders vs. Daredevil Aero



Super Sonic vs. Nigel Svensson



Mark Smart vs. Xavier Reckless



Fearless Blue vs. Extreme Deluxe For a King of the Yard Tournament Finals Spot





Alexis Little Feather introduces the 2nd XDW Ring Rat!

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Running Wolf & Bright Falcon vs. Jebediah & Ant Man

The Natives are on a role, long may it continue


Cal Sanders vs. Daredevil Aero

See above


Super Sonic vs. Nigel Svensson

And again


Mark Smart vs. Xavier Reckless - No Contest/Draw

It's all gonna kick off!


Fearless Blue vs. Extreme Deluxe For a King of the Yard Tournament Finals Spot

It makes sense given the heat with Smart

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Ooooooh that STOOPID Ex D!


Running Wolf & Bright Falcon vs. Jebediah & Ant Man

nice team


Cal Sanders vs. Daredevil Aero

like the leaping lumberjack


Super Sonic vs. Nigel Svensson

Nigel is NIGEL


Mark Smart vs. Xavier Reckless

X-man NEEDS a win


Fearless Blue vs. Extreme Deluxe For a King of the Yard Tournament Finals Spot

And X-Man gets some revenge

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Man did I screw last round of predictions or what:p.


Running Wolf & Bright Falcon vs. Jebediah & Ant Man

I still go with Ant man even though he lost his tag match to same opponents last time around but maybe Jebediaah is better partner than Sonic was.


Cal Sanders vs. Daredevil Aero

Sanders is putting up good matches so he should stay strong


Super Sonic vs. Nigel Svensson

Nigel is another guy who´s doing well so far so he wins as well.


Mark Smart vs. Xavier Reckless

I doubt Xavier is losing third time in a row but Smart seems like your best main eventer so far and he´s the only face so I think that he needs to stay strong.


Fearless Blue vs. Extreme Deluxe For a King of the Yard Tournament Finals Spot

Hmm considering that these two had a rating 8 match last time they met it´s hard to believe that this would be the main event so likely either some extra match happens or either guy is replaced... but still from these two I will go with Blue.

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Fearless Blue vs. Extreme Deluxe For a King of the Yard Tournament Finals Spot

Hmm considering that these two had a rating 8 match last time they met it´s hard to believe that this would be the main event so likely either some extra match happens or either guy is replaced... but still from these two I will go with Blue.


If I was playing purely for ratings then these two would be benched...alas the show and it's story must go on.

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I was feeling so good after Out for Blood that I told the boys they could take the rest of April off to recuperate. When May came around I needed to hold an emergency meeting. Seems some of the boys didn’t get the memo about protecting the business. So, on a warm May afternoon behind the house of Xavier Reckless I laid down some rules for the company that would be followed to the letter or else the violator of said rules would be fired on the spot. These are the rules I came up with that May, and they are still enforced by XDW today.


Rule 1: Faces act like faces and Heels act like heels.

Rule 2: Faces and Heels do not hang out together outside of the backstage area.

Rule 3: No wrestler is to use Kayfabe terms on camera.

Rule 4: Treat every match as if it has title implications.

Rule 5: We are a team.

Rule 6: We are only as good as the worst guy on the roster.

Rule 7: No one is bigger than the rest of the company.


Needless to say the boys hated these rules and would have lynched me if not for my silver tongue and quick wit. I explained these things would not only increase the pay offs every show but make us that much more different from SWF and TCW. They could keep their sports entertainers while we had real wrestlers! That did the trick…at least for the time being…


So far I have written about things have I have done and situations that came about from those things but I really haven’t talked too much about the people involved in those circumstances. Allow me to shed some light on the Dirty Dozen of XDW starting with…



Running Wolf and Roger “Bright Falcon” Monteiro are both members of the Sioux people. They grew up on the same reservation and both fell in love with wrestling after seeing Chief Two Eagles beat Professor Nero for the West Texas Wrestling Alliance World Championship on the Classic Sports Channel. They trained together and thought they could be a modern day version of The Shaman and Cherokee Hawk, with Running Wolf adding a little Chief Two Eagles in for good measure.

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In the days leading up to Payback, Xavier and the boys started to show a renewed commitment to wrestling. They upped their training sessions from once a week to twice and they even started to work on some basics instead of just garbage wrestling. As I watched them I couldn't help but feel like a proud father, my "Boys" were growing up and they would soon give the fans one hell of a show. Our fans were not the problem though, it was the wrestling community in general that we needed to impress and so far we were still just those crazy yard tards from California. Something needed to change...


Prediction quick picks...

Running Wolf & Bright Falcon vs. Jebediah & Ant Man

Cal Sanders vs. Daredevil Aero

Super Sonic vs. Nigel Svensson

Mark Smart vs. Xavier Reckless

Fearless Blue vs. Extreme Deluxe For a King of the Yard Tournament Finals Spot

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XDW: Payback!

Attendence: 13

Live from: Xavier’s Backyard



Alexis Little Feather & Kali Fornia


Alexis walks out in her small, tight Indian Princess outfit as the crowd of men hoot and holler. She has a mic, which she begins to talk into.


Alexis: You boys are sooo kind! Anyway…let me introduce the newest addition to the XDW Ring Rats. She is the queen of late night on Skin-A-Max channel 16, ms Kali Fonia!


From out of the back comes a woman wearing a white tank top and tight black pants. The fans cheer as she struts around the ringside area giving everyone a close look at her assets. (59)



Cal Sanders vs. Daredevil Aero XDW Submission Match


Cal wasted no time and went after the arm of Daredevil. Daredevil was able to hit a few weak punches but a quick thumb to the eye by Cal was enough to set up Daredevil for a dragon sleeper.


Winner via Submission: Cal Sanders (26)




Running Wolf and Bright Falcon come down to the ring with mics in hand as the crowd cheers a bit.


Running Wolf: Many moon ago, Bright Falcon and Running Wolf took victory over the pale faces Super Sonic and Ant Man. After battle, sky fathers give to me vision that say my red brother and I should bring back glory to Slap-a-hoe tribe. We form union called…Indian Warriors! Bring much war to the evil pale face!


Bright Falcon: If I might translate it to pale face…We are about to open up a whole case of whoop ass on XDW. Me and the Big Bad Running Wolf are no longer going at it solo…no sir. We are united as one under the name Indian Warriors.


Running Wolf: Indeed. Now, bring out our red princess…


Bright Falcon: You heard the man…Alexis get your ass up hear. That’s right folks, little Poke Her Hot Ass is our new valet!


Alexis leaves the announcing area and joins the Indian Warriors at ringside as they await their opponents. (31)



Indian Warriors vs. Jebediah & Ant Man XDW Rules


Running Wolf and Ant Man started things off and it wasn’t long before Wolf had Ant Man on the defensive. After a quick tag, Jebediah was in the ring and he forced the tag to Bright Falcon. Falcon kept Jebediah off balance and was able to tag in Running Wolf. Wolf and Falcon worked over Jebediah as Ant Man looked on in disgust. Ant Man walked away as he saw Jebediah getting hit with a double tomahawk chop, called the Tomahawk Tempest.


Winners via Pinfall: The Indian Warriors (22)



Mark Smart vs. Xavier Reckless XDW Rules


Xavier and Mark had a back and forth match until Extreme Deluxe came down to the ring and nailed Mark with a chair. Xavier then hit Mark with a Reckless DDT on top of the chair.


Winner via Pinfall: Xavier Reckless 29



Super Sonic vs. Nigel Svensson XDW Rules, 2 out of 3 Falls

Nigel tied up Super Sonic into an armbar and was going for the submission until Xavier Reckless pulled the ref out of the ring. Nigel went to confront Xavier only to get a brass knuckles shot across the face from Extreme Deluxe. Xavier told Super Sonic to make the pin which he did…twice.


Winner via pinfall: Super Sonic (34)



Fearless Blue vs. Extreme Deluxe California Death Match (No rules, win by ten count following a pin)


Fearless Blue had Extreme on the ropes only for Xavier and Super Sonic to show up. Fearless tried to fight them off but he was no match. Xavier hit a Reckless DDT on Blue and Extreme made a pin attempt. As the ref began the count Nigel and Mark ran out with kendo sticks. Mark and Nigel wee able to fend off Xavier and Super Sonic and Fearless Blue was somehow able to slam Extreme through a table. Blue made the pin and the ref then counted his ten count.


Winner via 10 count: Fearless Blue. (10)



Tony and Ms. Allen


From out of the back comes Tony with a mic in his hand and a woman in a secretary outfit by his side. The woman is holding a clipboard and wearing wire frame glasses.


Tony: This crap ends now! I said we were not going to be like the SWF and god damn it, I meant it! Just because we have no DQs doesn’t mean anyone of you can mosey on down to the ring whenever you feel like it and get involved in a match! Now granted tempers can flare around here and they should because every match in XDW has Championship implications.


With that said, in two months XDW will once again be bringing it’s unique brand of action to this venue in a little Show I like to call Countdown! The main event for the evening will be Xavier Reckless, Super Sonic, and Extreme Deluxe taking on Fearless Blue, Nigel Svensson, and Mark Smart in a three on three Xploding Ring Match! That’s right, for the first time in American there will be a match in which the ring blows up!


Now this match isn’t just for ****s and giggles…no, the winning team will be able to pick the opponents for the losers at October’s XDW show. Now if you will all excuse me I have important work to do and Ms. Allen here has to get back to taking dicktation…


Tony and Ms. Allen walk back to the back area as the six men in the ring snarl and mean mug at one another. (36)


Overall Show: 17!


Thanx to those who made predictions...the scores for this week were...

Zergon 2 out of 5

Boltinho 4 our of 5

MJ Stark 2 out of 5

:::Scores so far:::

Zergon: 3pts

Boltinho: 7pts

MJStark: 6pts

JuggaloNinjaLee: 2pts


Winner after King of the Yard gets to choose the first XDW championship Belt!

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The little company that could was going full steam ahead. Through sheer luck, I was able to sign four wrestlers who had more combined skills than my entire roster. Two of which, come from pretty impressive wrestling families. As far you know however, two of these men I am writing about did not debut for XDW until the first King of the Yard Tournament. The other two, they showed up at Countdown and shocked the world or at least the few people who came to the show. I’m sure there are highlights of it floating around the net somewhere. Not only did I get those contracts signed but we were able to pound out a final card for Countdown. I was able to convince Xavier that we should tone the show down so that the main event would be that much more exciting to watch. To my surprise he actually agreed.


After getting off that high I was brought down to a new low as Xavier shot down my idea to establish a working agreement with the Babes of Sin City promotion. I explained to X that we could get some attractive girls with loose moral values on the cheap this way and maybe even get some of their fans to attend our shows but X simply said he was unwilling to work with BSC or any other company for that matter. He felt it would make us look weak and in hindsight he may have been right. However, on that August day in 2010 I was pissed. I mean as we stood only two percent of the wrestling fans in the South West of the U.S. liked our product. We were floundering, or at least I thought we were back then. Still, he was the boss and if he didn’t want to play nice with any other companies…I had to go along with it.


The Countdown show drew closer and closer and even though I still was unable to get the permit for the explosion I was feeling good again. I had ran my latest ideas past the boys and not a single one complained about it. In fact, those guys loved the things we were doing and the fact that we were doing them on “our” terms. It was a great time to be a part of XDW. So full of hope and purity…we didn’t try to put on matches that would get us fans just for the sake of a few more dollars. Instead we told stories and delivered action the way we wanted and if the people watched, good for them.


XDW presents Countdown!

The Indian Warriors vs. Ant Man and a Mystery Partner

Jebediah vs Daredevil Aero

Cal Sanders vs. Nigel Svensson vs. Xavier Reckless To determine the order of entry in the Main Event

Xavier Reckless, Extreme Deluxe, and Super Sonic vs. Fearless Blue, Nigel Svensson, and Mark Smart in an XDW Xploding Ring Match!

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The Indian Warriors vs. Ant Man and a Mystery Partner

I have predicted against these two twice and both times they have won so lets try something different this time.


Jebediah vs Daredevil Aero

No idea really, I jsut don´t care Aero so I predict against him here.


Cal Sanders vs. Nigel Svensson vs. Xavier Reckless To determine the order of entry in the Main Event

keep Xavier happy.


Xavier Reckless, Extreme Deluxe, and Super Sonic vs. Fearless Blue, Nigel Svensson, and Mark Smart in an XDW Xploding Ring Match

I simply like these guys more.

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This is an XDW.com Exclusive look!


On the second Saturday in August XDW will host Countdown! All the matches have been announced and the internet is buzzing with anticipation over the first ever Xploding Ring Match in the U.S.A. What follows are in depth looks at the matches for Countdown and some insight on all the competitors.



The Indian Warriors with Alexis Little Feather vs. Ant Man and a Mystery Partner


This the third time the Indian Warriors will face Ant Man, although the first time he had Super Sonic as a partner and last week he was teamed up with Jebediah. The Indian Warriors were able to secure Alexis as a valet so that could play into things as it did in their first encounter. Ant Man for his part has told XDW.com that after last week he decided to look outside of XDW for a partner and he has found one that will send waves throughout the wrestling community.



Jebediah vs. Daredevil Aero


Both Jebediah and Daredevil Aero are on three match losing streaks and with this match one of them can turn things around. The biggest factor in this match is the lack of friends or enemies for either competitor. Somehow both Daredevil and Jeb have been able to stay below the radar and for once we might see a decisive win.



Cal Sanders vs. Nigel Svensson vs. Xavier Reckless


This match will determine which team will get the early advantage in the XDW Xploding Ring Match. Xavier chose to place himself in danger while Fearless Blue has sent Nigel who is very familiar with Cal’s ring work. The biggest mystery in this match is what exactly would happen if Cal Sanders was somehow able to get the win. My sources at XDW.com have hinted at a possible union between Xavier and Cal so it will be interesting to see just what happens in this one.





Xavier Reckless, Extreme Deluxe, and Super Sonic vs. Fearless Blue, Nigel Svensson, and Mark Smart


In the first ever Xploding Ring Match to take place in the U.S.A. both teams have their work cut out for them. Not only must they compete against on another but they are racing the clock which will countdown from Ten Minutes after which the ring and anyone in it will be blown up. Unlike the Japanese version of this match, the match is not over when that happens, no in XDW we still need a pinfall or submission and the explosion could just be a tide turner for one team.


So join us for all this action and more as...



XDW presents Countdown!

The Indian Warriors vs. Ant Man and a Mystery Partner

Jebediah vs Daredevil Aero

Cal Sanders vs. Nigel Svensson vs. Xavier Reckless To determine the order of entry in the Main Event

Xavier Reckless, Extreme Deluxe, and Super Sonic vs. Fearless Blue, Nigel Svensson, and Mark Smart in an XDW Xploding Ring Match!

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The Indian Warriors vs. Ant Man and a Mystery Partner

Unconvinced by the injuns


Jebediah vs Daredevil Aero

Hate Jebediah


Cal Sanders vs. Nigel Svensson vs. Xavier Reckless To determine the order of entry in the Main Event

Youre trying to hold Xavier back and Nigel is too green


Xavier Reckless, Extreme Deluxe, and Super Sonic vs. Fearless Blue, Nigel Svensson, and Mark Smart in an XDW Xploding Ring Match!

Sounds like an awesome match

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i'm getting involved!


The Indian Warriors vs. Ant Man and a Mystery Partner

Jebediah vs Daredevil Aero

Cal Sanders vs. Nigel Svensson vs. Xavier Reckless To determine the order of entry in the Main Event

Xavier Reckless, Extreme Deluxe, and Super Sonic vs. Fearless Blue, Nigel Svensson, and Mark Smart in an XDW Xploding Ring Match!

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The Indian Warriors vs. Ant Man and a Mystery Partner


Jebediah vs Daredevil Aero


Cal Sanders vs. Nigel Svensson vs. Xavier Reckless To determine the order of entry in the Main Event


Xavier Reckless, Extreme Deluxe, and Super Sonic vs. Fearless Blue, Nigel Svensson, and Mark Smart in an XDW Xploding Ring Match!

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XDW presents Countdown!

The Indian Warriors vs. Ant Man and a Mystery Partner

Jebediah vs Daredevil Aero

Cal Sanders vs. Nigel Svensson vs. Xavier Reckless To determine the order of entry in the Main Event

Xavier Reckless, Extreme Deluxe, and Super Sonic vs. Fearless Blue, Nigel Svensson, and Mark Smart in an XDW Xploding Ring Match!


Last Day for predictions...the show should be up before tommorrow night! Thanx again to all those who predicted as it helps keep me motivated.

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XDW: Countdown!!!

Live from Xavier’s Backyard

Attendance 9



The “Baby Face Bad Ass” Lee Bambino


Lee: Welcome to Countdown folks. We have a great card in store for you. All of your favorite XDW Mega Stars are here along with a few surprises. So sit back and enjoy…Hold on. It looks like Ant Man has made his way out to the ring. (NON SEGMENT)




Ant Man: It’s no secret that I have come up short twice trying to take down the Indian Warriors. Truth is…I almost had them beat twice but I dare all of you to try an swim with the anchors I had to carry in two separate matches. That ends today though…because I have the perfect partner, but not for Ant Man. No, Ant Man is dead…you shall now call me …Demon Malice. You see, my new partner is none other than Demon Spite! We are the New Demons of Rage!




Demon Spite walks out to a huge pop. (46)



The Indian Warriors with Alexis Little Feather vs. The New Demons of Rage


Demon Malice and Demon Spite controlled the action with Demon Spite looking very dominant against his two scared opponents. After a huge power slam on Running Wolf by Demon Spite, Demon Malice made the pin as Demon Spite held Bright Falcon at bay.


Winner via pinfall: The New Demons of Rage (18)


After the match was over Alexis came into the ring to check on her boys when The New Demons of Rage attacked her and stripped her down to her bra and panties. (50)




Xavier, Ex D, and Sonic make their way to the ring.


Xavier: Later tonight I will destroy Fearless Blue once and for all because he will be getting his punk ass blowed the **** up!


Ex D: Yeah, and those two bitches Nigel and Mark are going to be joining him in the intensive care unit IF I have anything to say about it.


Sonic: Booyah!


They leave as he crowd boos (24)



Jebediah vs. Daredevil Aero


Jebediah looked like he might finally change things around until Daredevil scored a pinfall out of nowhere. The crowd and Jebediah were all stunned.


Winner Via pinfall: Daredevil Aero (15)



Cal Sanders vs. Nigel Svensson vs. Xavier Reckless


We had some solid action with things going back and forth between the three men. It looked like Nigel would win with a figure four but as he applied it Xavier landed a hard chair shot to Nigel and then scored a pin.


Winner via pinfall : Xavier Reckless (38)




Fearless Blue, and Mark come down to the ring with mics as Xavier and Cal sneak out the ring and head to the back.


Blue: Well, it seems Cal has shown just what side of this little war he is on. Yeah, I said war, because it is a war! And Xavier and his cronies win then XDW will become nothing more than an Xtreme version of SWF.


Nigel: SWF, the place that is afraid to give you real wrestling like the match me and Cal had a few months back.


Mark: SWF, the place where guys like Demon Spite are tossed to the side after giving so much to this business.


Blue: Xavier get your ass out here and get it kicked like a man for once! (22)



Xavier Reckless, Extreme Deluxe, and Super Sonic vs. Fearless Blue, Nigel Svensson, and Mark Smart


The action was fierce as the two teams went all out. Chairs, canes, kendo sticks, and tables all played a role in the match. As the time drew nearer and nearer it looked like no one would get out of the ring however at the last possible moments all but Xavier and Blue were able to escape the ring. When the smoke finally cleared Blue was on top of Xavier and he got the three count from the ref.


Winners via pinfall: Fearless Blue, Nigel Svensson, and Mark Smart. (23)


Overall Show grade = 23!

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(OOPS! Fixed due to brain fart) Ok so after 4 shows we are past the half way point and 2 shows away from the end of the year. Now it looks like...Boltinho is in the lead with 9 pts.


As a special bonus BoltinHo is will be allowed to book 1 match for the next show based on the current roster and he can request 1 Spotlight on any member or team on the roster. Spotlight would be a special interview and in depth profile.


the pts. break down as thus...

Boltinho: 9

MJStark: 7

Zergon: 5

Juggaloninjalee: 2

TheEffect: 2


With 2 left for the year anyone can win the 1st year's prize package! Thnx for the participation guys.

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