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XDW: Out of the Yard...

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Despite a less than stellar main event the show went off without a hitch. After the show I sat down with Demon Spite and talked to him about staying with us long term. What follows is that conversation or… how I remember it.


Tony: Hey Demon Spite, you have a second?


Demon Spite: Sure kid…and just call me Spite.


Tony: Spite, I was wondering if you could stay on with us as our road agent. Your insight would be invaluable to me and the boys.


Spite: I was hoping you would ask me that very thing…Don’t get me wrong I loved being out in front of the crowd but I just can’t go like I used to you know? Besides, some of these boys remind me of myself when I was just starting out. Full of piss and vinegar…ready to live the dream no matter what.


Tony: Thanks Spite.


With that brief exchange I was able to secure one of the all time greats as our road agent. Things were taking shape in XDW and with what I had planned for the next show we were poised to make a huge impact on the wrestling scene. As I headed back to X’s house I was approached by a kid who was in the crowd for the show. He told me his name was MJ Stark and he loved the New Demons of Rage angle I was running. I thanked him for the support and asked who he thought they should face next. Without hesitation he said…Xavier and Cal Sanders. I told him that sounded like a good idea as I headed inside to talk to the boys. Inside I ran my plans for the next show by the boys. They really seemed to love what I came up with. Spite helped me to flesh things out a little better and for once we were looking and feeling like a real wrestling organization and not just a bunch of yard tards! What follows is the card for the first Shocktober event…


XDW presents Shocktober!

Live from Xavier’s Backyard in Fresno California



Xavier Reckless and Cal Sanders vs. The New Demons of Rage



The Indian Warriors vs. Super Sonic and Extreme Deluxe



Mark Smart vs. Nigel Svensson



Daredevil Aero vs. Fearless Blue vs. Jebediah




A Ring Ratz Halloween Costume Contest!


Alexis Little Feather vs. Ms. Allen vs. Kali Fornia


Quick Picks

Xavier Reckless and Cal Sanders vs. The New Demons of Rage

The Indian Warriors vs. Super Sonic and Extreme Deluxe

Mark Smart vs. Nigel Svensson

Daredevil Aero vs. Fearless Blue vs. Jebediah

Alexis Little Feather vs. Ms. Allen vs. Kali Fornia

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Xavier Reckless and Cal Sanders vs. The New Demons of Rage

Sanders and Xavier have both performed quite well and Spite is old so I just have to go against named team here


The Indian Warriors vs. Super Sonic and Extreme Deluxe

I still haven´t once been able to predict the right result in Indian Warrior´s matches but I keep trying. Sonic and Deluxe are higher on ladders so that´s why I go with them this time.


Mark Smart vs. Nigel Svensson

Svensson is good and all but Smart is the main event guy here so he pick the win.


Daredevil Aero vs. Fearless Blue vs. Jebediah

Blue is the main event guy and the other´s haven´t won all that much anyway.


Alexis Little Feather vs. Ms. Allen vs. Kali Fornia

Random pick

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Xavier Reckless and Cal Sanders vs. The New Demons of Rage

Spite is gonna be a monster in XDW before handing on the baton and getting back in the ring occasionally to put young guys over


The Indian Warriors vs. Super Sonic and Extreme Deluxe

Ma boyz, prob gonna keen up momentum to head into a fued with Demons of Rage


Mark Smart vs. Nigel Svensson

Dunno, want his to get a push really


Daredevil Aero vs. Fearless Blue vs. Jebediah



Alexis Little Feather vs. Ms. Allen vs. Kali Fornia

She'll strip Ms Allen, who will run off crying, then the crowd will get a free strip show with Alexis & Kali stripping each other.

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Xavier Reckless and Cal Sanders vs. The New Demons of Rage

Its Spite. SPITE!


The Indian Warriors vs. Super Sonic and Extreme Deluxe


Mark Smart vs. Nigel Svensson

use the top alt of Nigel :o


Daredevil Aero vs. Fearless Blue vs. Jebediah


Alexis Little Feather vs. Ms. Allen vs. Kali Fornia

Alexis is a hot little biscuit

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??? Where might I find that???


Somewhere in the 'c-verse re-rendered thread' I beleive. Think there was a contents page for it as well that should list the exact locations


EDIT: Here it is. Nightshadeex made it. A Nigel that actually looks Swedish!



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XDW Spotlight!


Fearless Blue


Kris Turkleton was born in Fresno California to Abraham and Sandra Turkleton. At the age of five Kris was enrolled in gymnastics classes and would continue to partake in the sport until he became fourteen. At that point Kris no longer felt gymnastics was "manly" enough and quit the sport to form his own Misfits tribute band called The Outcast. It is during this time Kris dyed his hair blue. Donald "Extreme Deluxe" Foster was the drummer for the band and it was he who introduced Kris to Xavier Reckless and the world of Backyard wrestling.


Kris wrestled as "The Blue Wonder" for several months until his girlfriend left him for another man. Kris was shattered and he felt like he no longer had anything to live for thus he no longer played it safe in the ring which soon earned him the "Fearless" moniker. Kris wrestled on every XDW show until it closed it's doors in December of 2007. Two years later he returned to the XDW reunion show and was soon signed to the revived XDW promotion.

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XDW.com exclusive interview!




Lee: Thanks for being here with me today Fearless Blue.


Fearless Blue: No problem Lee. I'm just surprised that of all the guys on our roster the fans want to hear from me.


Lee: Well, I for one am not. I mean so far you have held off Xavier and his cronies from running rough shod over XDW and the fans really appreciate that.


Fearless Blue: Just doing my job Lee.


Lee: Now Blue the fans want to now what you think about the new boss?


Fearless Blue: The new boss...He's one hell of a guy Lee! He might not be an XDW original but he loves this company every bit as much as I do. Not only that Lee, the man has a vision for XDW that we didn't even dare to dream about before he came along.


Lee: Does that mean your ok with being paid the measly $50 a month?


Fearless Blue: Ha, ha, ha. No Lee it doesn't, but as part owner of XDW I understand that certain sacrifices need to be made if we want to succeed. I mean I could get three times that but then were would that leave the company as a whole? There's no way we could bring in guys like Demon Spite if the boys and I were greedy pricks. Besides, the reality is I was making $0 a month before Tony came along to help ressurect XDW so in my eyes it's a pay raise.


Lee: Recently you won a match that meant you could pick the opponents for Xavier, Super Sonic, and Extreme Deluxe...care to let us in on who they will be facing at Shocktober?


Fearless Blue: Nice try Lee, but that little tidbit is G-13 classified. You'll find out when X and his bitches do.


Lee: Before we finish up here I have to ask...What can we expect from you in the upcoming months?


Fearless Blue: Lee, you and all the XDW fans can expect more crazy flips, high risk dives, and bat **** insane moves that only I can deliver! Not only that Lee, but I will be the first ever King of the Yard!


Lee: We look foreward to seeing that and thanks once again for doing this.

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I'd say if it's in a good readable format like the previous ines the more info the better, it would really help the characters stick out and make readers get behind their favourite wrestlers in XDW if we get to know more of their 'personalities' and their careers.


Also what life was like between old XDW and new XDW but I'm sure you could come up with your own ideas so in short, yeah sounds good :)

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XDW Spotlight!



Xtreme Danger Wrestling


Xtreme Danger Wrestling was opened in December of 2004 by Xavier Jones and a group of his friends. However, the name Xtreme Danger Wrestling was not placed on the fed until a few months later. The original roster consisted of Xavier himself under the name Xavier Reckless, Joe “The Hobo” Reed, Fred “The Phreak” Johnson, Mike Sanderson, Eric Davis, Jimmy “The Pimp” Smith, Tom Terry, and “Big Money” James Tatum.


The first event had no name and was simply referred to as Wrestling at Xavier’s. The initial show saw 12 people attend. The show had no announce team, no ring, and no referee. The Hobo fought and beat The Phreak in a bloody light tube match. Mike Sanderson was able to get the win against Tom Terry in a sloppy match after Tom was put through a table. Eric Davis and The Pimp drew after both men collapsed from blood loss. In the main event Xavier beat “Big Money” James Tatum after Xavier sent James through a sheet of glass. Everyone except Xavier end up injured and out of wrestling by the end of the night. The fans loved it!


Xavier was ready to hang up his boots too, however word of the XDW show spread among the high school and college kids in the Fresno area. Soon, Xavier was being asked by friends and friends of friends when he would hold another wrestling show. Finally giving in to the mounting pressure Xavier announced a show for March 18th called Xtreme Danger Wrestling. The fliers for the show were printed up wrong and it appeared as if Xtreme Danger Wrestling was the name of the company and not the show.


By the time the show arrived, Xavier was able to get a young journalist major by the name of Lee Bambino to be the announcer. He also secured the help of a local youth basketball coach Whitey Duvall to act as his ref. The day before the show was to go on he secured a used ring from Pierce Holt the former booker of California Pro Wrestling. Xavier still had no wrestlers however a quick call to his buddy Donald Foster would result in a gathering of several former high school football players, a local elementary school gym teacher, and several members of the band The Outcast. When the show day came one hundred kids were gathered to watch the carnage.


Xavier quickly put a card together that saw the former football stars fight it out in a series of three matches that pitted Fresno Valley High’s Falcons against their rivals the Bayside Bandits. The Blue Wonder fought and defeated Luke the local gym teacher. In the main event Xavier Reckless faced Donald Foster in a wild brawl that ended in the alley with a garbage can shot to the face of Xavier. The show was a huge success and this time no one was injured!


Xavier would continue to host shows like this, playing off the local college and high school rivalries, for several months. The shows were a huge hit and the fact that his wrestlers were unpaid, uninsured, and easily replaced meant Xavier could funnel the money into other areas such as advertising, video equipment, and weapons for the shows. Also during this time only Xavier, Blue, and Donald and Lee the announcer were on every show. Several months later David Jackson and Frank Andrews and they would stay with XDW as Daredevil Aero and Super Sonic until the end.


As 2007 rolled around XDW was getting quite a rep from internet exposure and tape trading among hardcore fans. The shows were seeing three to four hundred crazed fans at every show and soon the city of Fresno was alerted to the safety issues of XDW. Some believe it was D.A.V.E. alumni John “Nemesis” Campbell who alerted the government due to XDW cutting into the D.A.V.E. profits by giving away for free a show that was wilder than the ones they put on in D.A.V.E.


Soon Xavier was forced to shell out large sums of money to pay for insurance, security, permits, licenses, and back taxes. XDW was forced to cut back on the violence and frequency of its shows and soon saw the fans begin to dwindle. XDW was closed in December of 2007 due to mounting financial problems. Two years after XDW closed a reunion show was held to try to launch the careers of it’s loyal ex members but instead it ushered in a new era of XDW. Since then XDW has struggled to form an identity for itself however being the Anti-SWF/TCW has peaked a few people’s interest.

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XDW presents Shocktober!

Live from Xavier’s Backyard in Fresno California

Attendence: 12




Lee: Welcome to XDW Shocktober! As you know I am Lee Bambino the voice of XDW. Tonight we have a crazy show for you. In the opening contest we have Xavier Reckless and Cal Sanders taking on the New Demons of Rage in what is sure to be an instant classic.




Xavier and Cal are in the ring when Demon Malice comes walking down to the ring with a mic in his hand.




Demon Malice: Congratulations! You managed to take Demon Spite out of action.


Xavier and Cal look at each other in confusion.


Demon Malice: That was your first mistake…your second mistake was that you didn’t take me out too! So, it’s going to be you two ass clowns getting your faces smashed in by Demon Malice! Whaaaat a ruuush! (30)


Lee: Well folks, it seems like Demon Spite was taken out some time earlier by Xavier and Cal but Demon Malice is going to face them both in a handicap match! This kid truly has the heart of the legendary Demons of Rage.



Xavier Reckless and Cal Sanders vs. Demon Malice


Xavier and Cal used the numbers to their advantage however the power of Demon Malice was enough to make things difficult for the pair. As the match continued Xavier had Demon Malice in a full nelson as Cal prepared to jump on top of Malice from off the top rope but Demon Spite came limping out of the back and knocked Cal off the top rope. Demon Malice then reversed the hold and landed a huge powerslam on Xavier. Demon Malice made the pin.


Winner via pinfall: Demon Malice (29)


After the match a man in a black mask came out of the crowd and attacked the New Demons of Rage with a tire iron leaving both men laid out as Xavier and Cal fled to the back. The man takes a mic and begins to talk.




???: Did you see that? That is what happens when a bunch of punks pretend they are extreme! Now, when I gave Spite his first beating I didn’t hit him hard enough it seems…but it looks like he’s out cold now! Now then, do you want to know what extreme really is...then look no further at yours truly. I was Extreme from Birth and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let a bunch of piss ants pretend to be what I am! Now, I know the new boss is back there, so let me be very clear…If I don’t get a spot in the King of the Yard Tournament…then I will take out every member of this pathetic roster…one by ****ing one!


The man drops the mic and runs through the crowd before security can catch him. (44)


Lee: My god! It wasn’t Xavier and Cal who attacked Spite it was this man…whoever the hell he is. I just hope Tony doesn’t give in to his demands. Up next we have the Indian Warriors taking on Super Sonic and Extreme Deluxe in a tables match.



The Indian Warriors vs. Super Sonic and Extreme Deluxe


The crowd of 12 people booed the entire match and it really phased the four men involved. After a few minutes everyone except Running Wolf was put through a table.


Winners via Table Break: The Indian Warriors (22)


Lee: Well the crowd may not have liked that match but I thought it was epic. The Indian Warriors seem to be getting better and better as a team each and every time they tag up. Coming up next though, we have two of our fan favorites…Mark Smart and Nigel Svensson going at it.



Mark Smart vs. Nigel Svensson


Lee: New look for Nigel but the fans seem to hate it.


The match had some decent action with both Nigel and Mark utilizing various holds and counters. In the end Mark was able to hit the Smart Attack for the win.


Winner Via Pinfall: Mark Smart (31)


Lee: Tough one for Mark but he pulls it off. Speaking of pulling it off I am getting word that the costumes for tonight’s Ring Ratz Costume Contest are banned in 3 countries for lewdness. I can’t wait for that but first we have one more match to get through.



Daredevil Aero vs. Fearless Blue vs. Jebediah


Jebediah tried to use his size to his advantage but Blue and Aero were too fast for him. In the end it was a quick exchange by Blue that got a pin on Jebediah.


Winner via Pinfall: Fearless Blue (20)




The XDW commissioner comes down to the ring, mic in hand.


Tony: Now I know you all were hoping to see the Ring Ratz out here, but first I have to clear a few things up. Mr. Masked Man…you want a spot at King of the Yard? You got it! You see XDW doesn’t back down from no one! You however, may want to stay home because in the first round you will be taking on…Demon Malice! Now then the othersix slots are going to go to Xavier Reckless, Extreme Deluxe, Super Sonic, Daredevil Aero, Mark Smart, and Nigel Svensson! Since they are not in the tournament, Running Wolf and Bright Falcon will face off against the newly signed Irish Menace…Riley McManus and Findlay O’Farraday! One last match before we get to the goods…Cal Sanders you will face off against Fearless Blue in a warm up match prior to the main event of the Tournament. Now, if Cal wins the match he will take Blue’s spot in the finals!


Lee: My god folks what an announcement! The boss not only letting the Masked Man into the tournament but he has him facing Demon Malice in the first round! How about the signing of Findlay and Riley? If the costume contest wasn’t next I’d talk about that all day long! Here come the girls…



Alexis Little Feather vs. Ms. Allen vs. Kali Fornia


Kali Fornia comes out wearing a tight nurse outfit to many cheers. Next out is Alexis who is sporting a cowgirl costume. After a moment to let the crowd settle down, Ms. Allen walks out wearing a robe. She gets in the ring and removes the robe to reveal a costume made of clear plastic wrap!


Tony: There is no need for a vote…your winner Ms. Allen! (55)


The girls look at Ms. Allen with disgust and soon they are all pushing and shoving one another.


Tony: Ladies…if you want to fight, by all means go ahead! Three Way Strip Off…ring the bell!



Alexis Little Feather vs. Ms. Allen vs. Kali Fornia


Despite being double teamed Ms. Allen is able to strip both Alexis and Kali out of there costumes to the cheers of the crowd.


Winner via Strippage! Ms. Allen (45)


Overall Show…..39!

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Thanx for all the predictions…


Zergon got 2 correct

MJStark got 3 correct

Boltinho got 2 correct

TheEffect got 2 correct


That brings the score up to


Boltinho: 11pnts

MJStark: 10pnts

Zergon: 7pnts

Juggaloninjalee: 2pnts

TheEffect: 4pnts


One show left and it is anyone’s contest!


Quick picks for King of the Yard


The Indian Warriors vs. The Irish Menace


King of the Yard 1st round

Demon Malice vs. Masked Man

Xavier Reckless vs. Daredevil Aero

Nigel Svensson vs. Super Sonic

Extreme Deluxe vs. Mark Smart


Also…Fearless Blue vs. Cal Sanders


Bonus points for correctly predicting the match ups and winners in rounds 2, 3, and the finals! Meaning, 8 bonus points to a perfect Tournament prediction! Also, 3 bonus points will go to anyone who can guess the identity of the masked man. Good luck and happy predicting!


One last thing…comments on the show are welcomed!


Bolded matches are the tournaments first round...winners move on to face on another until 1 is left and he will face Fearless Blue for the Crown...King of the Yard! Example is...If Malice and Xavier win they would face off...

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The Indian Warriors vs. The Irish Menace


King of the Yard 1st round

Demon Malice vs. Masked Man

Xavier Reckless vs. Daredevil Aero

Nigel Svensson vs. Super Sonic

Extreme Deluxe vs. Mark Smart


King of the Yard 2nd Round

Demon vs. Xavier Reckless

Super Sonic vs. Mark Smart


King of the Yard Final

Xavier Reckless vs. Super Sonic


Fearless Blue vs. Cal Sanders

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The Indian Warriors vs. The Irish Menace


King of the Yard 1st round

Demon Malice vs. Masked Man

Xavier Reckless vs. Daredevil Aero

Nigel Svensson vs. Super Sonic

Extreme Deluxe vs. Mark Smart


King of the Yard 2nd Round

Demon vs. Xavier Reckless

Super Sonic vs. Mark Smart


King of the Yard Final

Xavier Reckless vs. Mark Smart


Fearless Blue vs. Cal Sanders


Umm...I think you meant SS vs X not Mark cuz you bolded Sonic

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