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XDW: Out of the Yard...

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Three things


Unless ya boy is announcing topless that pic aint right, so lets sort that out




PLEASE put a mask on Ant-Man!!


You best keep on pushing Running Wolf & Bright Falcon :D


1: Wish I could see the pic u posted...


2: Who is Ant-Man??? Demon Malice knows no Ant-Man!!!


3: Wait until you see what I got planned for them....

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*OOC Notes…

Italicized text is action and match synopsis

{Bolded words inside brackets are the thoughts of the avatar, Tony}

Underlined words are winner announcements and ratings.

[]=OOC notes





Re-Birth by FIRE!!!


Live from The Blue Oyster Bar and Grill in Chicago Illinois

Tonight’s Attendance = 39



Davis Ditterich (Head Announcer), Lee Bambino (Play by Play Announcer), and Honey Go Lighty (Color Commentator)


DD: Welcome to XDW’s Re-Birth by Fire! I am your head announcer Davis Ditterich. Joining me in the booth is our play by play man and a XDW original…Lee Bambino.


LB: Thanks for the introduction DD. Today’s show looks to be a great one as XDW tries to once again prove it is the end all, be all of the wrestling scene.


DD: Indeed Lee…


HG: Ahem! What about me?


DD: On color commentary is the owner of Babes of Sin City and a babe herself, the one and only Honey Golightly!


LB: Welcome to XDW Honey.


HG: Thanks Lee…I hope the fans love hot women as much as they do violence because I have brought some of my girls from BSC with me.


DD: We look forward to seeing your girls in action tonight but is there any truth to the rumors that Big Scott Smack is trying to buy BSC from you?


HG: In his dreams Davis.


LB: Or the dreams of some geeky wrestling nerd writing fan fiction online.


DD: Like anyone reads online wrestling fan fiction…unless it’s about XDW that is.


LB: Couldn’t agree more.


DD: Ok, let’s get down to business shall we? First up we have a special Evening Gown challenge match between Dharma Gregg and Ms. Allen.


LB: Dharma and Ms. Allen are not just trying to tear the clothes off one another though. The winner of this match will go on to tag with Christy Higgins against the Neptune Twins in a lingerie tag match.


HG: Ms. Allen is tough but evening gown matches just happen to be the specialty of Dharma Gregg!



Dharma Gregg vs. Ms. Allen in a Evening Gown Match


Dharma and Ms. Allen roll around in various compromising positions as the men hoot and howl. It finally ends when Dharma is able to rip off the dress of Ms. Allen who forgot to wear a bra!

{This match was pure fan service and if not for the fact that Ms. Allen and Dharma were so attractive the fans would have crapped all over it. Either way, the women earned their pay checks with this one.}


Your Winner…Dharma Gregg! 38


HG: That is exactly how she won the BSC Queen of the Ring championship the second time.


DD: The fans are just happy she brought her…skills, to XDW.


LB: As am I Davis!


DD: I could sit here talking about Dharma for hours but it appears XDW owner Tony is coming down to the ring.


Tony comes to the ring with a mic in his hand as the crowd cheers and whistles.



Tony (XDW Owner)


Tony: I hope you are all having a great time! (The crowd cheers) Once again XDW is back to deliver to you all the hard hitting, extreme action you can’t get anywhere else! You are all aware that XDW has no DQs, no count outs, and no holds barred, but what none of you know is that XDW is going…no pinfall! Starting at this very show, XDW will have no controversial fast counts, no missed foot on the ropes, no hand full of tights during a pin, because in XDW the only way to win a normal match is to knock your opponent out cold! (The fans go nuts at this announcement.) Thank you and enjoy the show! 24


DD: A shocking announcement by XDW Owner Tony, and one can only wonder how much more violent the matches will become now that pin falls are no longer a factor.


LB: Not just pin falls Davis, because if I understand correctly, unless a submission move knocks out an opponent it to will no longer be a match ender.


HG: Thank goodness my girls wrestle under official Las Vegas Stripper rules.


DD: Thank goodness indeed Honey. Up next we see the first taste of the new XDW, because Mark Smart is taking on Nigel Svensson.



Mark Smart vs. Nigel Svensson in a XDW Rules Match


Mark kept Nigel off balance with a mix of high flying and quick reversals. Nigel was able to get things going but could not make Mark pass out from a Swedish Arm Lock [Jumping Arm Bar] Mark was able to hit his Smart Attack [standing Enziguri] and knock Nigel out cold.

{Mark and Nigel continue to deliver solid action and they look to be a big part of the midcard.}


Winner by Knock Out…Mark Smart! 33


DD: Not to take anything away from Mark, but do you think his Smart Attack would be half as deadly if not for that shin guard he wears on his left leg?


LB: I don’t know Davis, but if Mark didn’t wear it and missed his opponent and struck the pole or some other object he could split his shin if not for that guard.


HG: Quiet guys…my ladies are coming out!




Ms. Allen, Dharma Gregg, Christy Higgins, Kathy and Jen Neptune all walk out to the ring modeling the new logo XDW T-Shirt. The crowd hoots, obviously noticing the size of these particular shirts are just a little bit on the tiny side. 59

{The fans love tits almost as much as violence so hopefully this little trick will push the T-shirts off the racks.}


DD: I wonder, do you think I could purchase those shirts right off of the girls?


LB: Probably not Davis, but if I were you I would certainly give it a try!


DD: Maybe later Lee, but right now we got another exciting match coming up as the Indian Warriors take on the new team to XDW…Para-Lyzing!



The Indian Warriors (Bright Falcon & Running Wolf) vs. Para-Lyzing (Paradigm & Paranoia) in a XDW Rules Match


Bright Falcon and Paradigm start things out with some quick exchanges before Running Wolf is tagged in and mows down both members of Para-Lyzing with his power game. Running Wolf was looking to end it with a Wolf Tamer [Dominator] on Paradigm when Paradox came running down to the ring and hit him from behind. Paradigm rolled out of the ring and Paradox and Paranoia worked over Running Wolf until Bright Falcon took both men down with a Falcon Claw [spinning plancha] off of the top turnbuckle. Paradigm ran back into the ring but he was nailed with a Wolf Tamer.

{The fans really hate the members of Para-Lyzing and if they weren’t such good guys I would have fired them right after this match. Hopefully this mix and match tag team can win the fans over enough to get some decent heat on the guys.}


Winner by knockout…The Indian Warriors! 16


DD: Bright Falcon was sporting a new look tonight Lee. Any thoughts on the outfit he was wearing Lee?


LB: I think it suits him a lot better than his old look Davis. Although it does seem very reminiscent of Cherokee Hawk the late, great Native American wrestler who held the California Championship for several years in the late seventies.


DD: I do believe I read somewhere that Hawk was in fact a idol of Falcon’s.


HG: I think the outfit looks hot.


Hard rock music fills the air as two men, both well over six foot eight, come down to the ring.


DD: That’s Leon Brody Lee, but who is that huge Asian fellow with him?


LB: If you shut up a second I’m sure we will find out.



Sozen Ishinomori and “Big” Leon Brody


SI: Look at all the...puny wrasslers! No on here has what it takes to face Sozen Ishinomori and “Big” Leon Brody…Bad Azz Inc.!!! 28

{Who knew Sozen didn’t speak English? Looks like Bad Azz Inc. is going to need a real good mouthpiece or else stay far away from the mic. Could have been worse…Brody couls have gave the speech.}


As Bad Azz. Inc. prepare leave the ring, Super Sonic and Daredevil Aero waltz out to the ring with a pair of mics.



Super Sonic & daredevil Aero


SS: Bad Azz Inc? More like Dumb Azz Inc.!


DA: You two big, goofy, sons of bitches want a fight…well, me and Sonic here will face you in the ring later on tonight!


SS: Konichi-wa biznitches!


Sozen and Brody stand there looking at Sonic and Aero intensely as the crowd laughs. 43

{The fans still see the XDW originals as a group of yard tards but I owe them a chance to prove they belong in the upper reaches of the card.}


DD: That match is sure to be a barn burner! Up next…Roderick Remus takes on Extreme Deluxe!



Roderick Remus vs. Extreme Deluxe in a XDW Rules Match


Things were all in Extreme’s favor until Roderick went under the ring and re-emerged with a kendo stick. Extreme motioned for Roderick to come into the ring but Roderick just kept making it appear as if he would get in the ring. As Extreme continued to beg Roderick to come into the ring a second Roderick emerged from the opposite side of the ring and slide into the ring, nailing Extreme with chair across the skull. The Roderick holding the kendo stick then slid into the ring and lifted Extreme up then planted him with a kendo stick assisted R Squared. [Complete Shot]

{Roderick and his Twin have excellent timing and play well off one another, putting a stamp of approval from lady luck on this angle.}


Winner by knockout…Roderick Remus! 35


DD: Despite the no pinfall rule it seems like XDW has tasted it’s first bite of controversy.


LB: Whoever that other Roderick was…he just helped the real Roderick pull out a huge win over a XDW original.


HG: I wish I had a double who could fill in for me whenever I have to listen to your oh so “witty” banter.


DD & LB: Shut up Honey!


DD: Another debut coming up as The Amazing Firefly is set to face off against Cal Sanders.



The Amazing Firefly vs. Cal Sanders in a XDW Rules Match


The action is all over the place as Cal and Firefly fight through the crowd area. When things finally get back into the ring, Firefly is able to hit his Sky High Firefly. [450 Degree Splash]

{Cal was barely able to keep up with Firefly, but the crowd really loved the little guy. If Firefly had a better opponent this match would have been a lot better received than it was.}


Winner by Knockout…The Amazing Firefly! 35


The theme song of the Demons of Rage hits the P.A. system and the crowd is on their feet as Demon Spite and Demon Malice come to the ring.



The New Demons of Rage (Demon Spite & Demon Malice)


DS: What a ruuush!


DM: As always, we have to snack on disaster and dine on destruction!


DS: A few months ago I was put on the shelf, but today I was cleared to wrestle which means Demon Malice and myself are looking to kick some as…


Voice: What a joke! No one wants to see a washed up, pathetic, knock off of a true wrestler!


DS: Who said that? Be a man and say it to my face!


A man comes out wearing odd face paint and holding a cane.



Warlord Agony


WA: I seem to recall that I kicked your ass all over this country and was led to believe I retired your old ass for good!


DS: Agony…I thought I recognized that lisp. You and your boy toy could never put an end to the Demons of rage! Not in USPW, not in TCW, and not here in XDW!


WA: Your right Spite...I can’t put you and the boy demon out…but they can!


Two men hit the ring from out of the crowd. The New Demons of Rage are swiftly taken out with a pair of pipe shots. The two men then lift Demon Spite up and Warlord Agony gets in the ring and nails Spite with a pair of brass knuckles to the head.


WA: Take a good look at a true dominating force…The Masters of Fear!



The Masters of Fear (Grandmaster Dread & Grandmaster Terror )


The masters of Fear pose as the crowd boos. 59

{The fans still remember the big Demons of Rage/Lord of War feud and this looks like a surefire way to continue that feud with four fresh faces who can still wrestle.}


DD: The Masters of Fear…Another tag team joins the ranks of the elite here in XDW.


HG: Shh Davis. My ladies are coming out for the big tag team wet T Shirt contest!



Christy Higgins & Dharma Gregg vs. The Neptune Twins (Kathy & Jen Neptune)

Wet t-Shirt Challenge Match


Things got off to a good start with Jen placing Dharma in a head scissor as Kathy chased Christy with a pail of cold water. After several more minutes of compromising action, Jen and Kathy dumped to buckets of ice cold water on Christy and Dharma.

{Another fan service match, but it is matches like these that help to bring in the fans. Once we get big enough to run more wrestling matches I will phase these types of matches out.}


Winners by wet T-Shirt…The Neptune Twins! 42


HG: Woo! Those are my ladies! I love me some Neptune Twins! Woo!


DD: Twins…if you ask me they look more like quadruplets!


LB: Is that Demon Malice?


Demon Malice comes down to the ring again.



Demon Malice


DM: Nice work boys…you took Demon Spite out. You see, right now he is on his way to the hospital with a concussion. Me…I’m still here. And I’m still looking to kick some ass! Warlord Agony, why don’t you bring your freaks down to ring later on and we can have an old fashion two on one flaming tables match! 26

{Malice is still pretty bad on the mic so this will probably be his last promo until he is able to improve his promo abilities.}


DD: Well folks, I don’t doubt that we will see that match take place but right now we have our XDW Originals Super Sonic and Daredevil Aero taking on Bad Azz Inc.



Super Sonic and Daredevil Aero vs. Bad Azz Inc. (Sozen Ishinomori & Leon Brody) in a XDW Rules Match


Bad Azz Inc. shrugged off the offense of Sonic and Aero and came back with some high impact moves. Mercifully it ended with double two handed choke bombs in the center of the ring.

{Sozen and Brody are big guys and that is enough to keep me from firing them. Only thing is, now I need a better team to put them against to help hide their weaknesses.}[/b]


Winners by knockout…Bad Azz Inc.! 23


DD: Pure Domination by Bad Azz Inc.! We are mere moments away from the second coming of Demons of Rage vs. Lords of War.


LB: Not to knock Malice, but there is just no way he will be able to beat both of these guys by himself.


HG: Not to mention that icky Warlord Agony who is sure to be at ringside.


DD: Good point Honey…let’s get this thing started.



Demon Malice vs. The Masters of Fear (Grandmaster Dread and Grandmaster Terror) in a Flaming Tables Match


Demon Malice used all the baby face tricks to fight off the two men but nothing seemed to work. After hitting a double lariat on both Terror and Dread he tried to rebound off the ropes only to get a cane in the back, courtesy of Warlord Agony. Eventually a table was placed in the ring and set ablaze only to be snuffed out by Demon Malice crashing through the table.

{The fans were on the edge of their seats and every time Malice mounted a comeback they went nuts only to give out a “ahh” when he was shut down by the cheating Masters of Fear. This feud is going better than I had hoped and I think we can headline a few more shows with it.}[/b]


Winners by flaming table break…The Masters of Fear 39


DD: What a finish! Demon Malice is sure to be looking for revenge next month at our next XDW show…Live Wire!


LB: Be sure to go to XDW.com to catch all the highlights from the show as well as a few extra internet exclusive matches.


HG: And don’t’ forget, BSC is holding X-Rated in a few weeks, which you can catch on the BSC website or live in Las Vegas.


DD: Cheap plug Honey…Remember the XDW website links right to the BSC one so you can get your daily dose of blood and boobs! For Honey Golightly and Lee Bambino, I am Davis Ditterich and this was XDW: Re-Birth by FIRE!


*OOC…comments and feedback are appreciated and welcomed!

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*OOC...Would it be better to leave the Avatar's thoughts in the show or have them posted as a seperate post? Also edited to add Heat from the advance booking screen...





Live Wire!



The Indian Warriors vs. Paralyzing (3)

Bad Azz Inc. vs. The Mountain Men (10)

Demon Malice vs. Grandmaster Terror (11)


A whole lot more!






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maybe the owners thoughts would be better as a summary? Theres a lot of onfo to take in in that sort of writeup as it is. Nice show BTW. I like the reboot of the Demons/Warlords. I vote for Sharky George as a new Demon!


The Indian Warriors vs. Paralyzing

I cant get behind any paratroopers


Bad Azz Inc. vs. The Mountain Men

Again - no hillbillies for me. Too many bad memories of my awful USPW booking


Demon Malice vs. Grandmaster Terror

Must win the singles

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maybe the owners thoughts would be better as a summary? Theres a lot of onfo to take in in that sort of writeup as it is. Nice show BTW. I like the reboot of the Demons/Warlords. I vote for Sharky George as a new Demon!


Unforntunatly I have no idea who Sharky George is...plus the new Demon is already under contract and being groomed in the dark matches.

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News from around the U.S. wrestling scene.

March 2011



~TCW maintains there spot as the #1 Wrestling Promotion in the world.

~Art Reed continues to hold the TCW World Title he won off of Tommy Cornell in December.

~Acid hold the TCW All Action title for 4 months and counting, making 11 defences thus far.




~Head Booker Peter Micheals was relieved of his booking duties and replaced by Joe Sexy.

~Steve Frehley retained his SWF World Heavyweight Title in a 4way contest featuring Joe Sexy,Remo, and Rich Money. (79)

~Jack Giedroyc continues to carry the SWF North American Championship he won off of Brandon James.

~SWF continues to maitain the Cult Size they had fallen to last month.



~Mickey Starr left USPW

~Enygma holds the most prestigeous title in wrestling, The USPW World Title (96) for over 4 months while making 6 defences.

~USPW holds strong as the #5 company in the world.

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XDW.com Superstar Spotlight!



Demon Malice

Johnny "Ant-Man" Heizenger is a 2009 graduate of the Piledriver School of Wrestling who got his ring name due to his freakish power, which is far in excess of what a regular 220lb wrestler should have - although he looks like a lightweight, he can easily pick up and slam 400lb monsters. With the benefit of good all-round training behind him, Ant-Man can work a variety of styles and is considered a good, solid, versatile prospect. In 2010 he was signed to a pay per appearence deal by XDW. Intially he floundered as his Ant-Man persona was seen as something SWF would do and didn't appeal to the hardcore XDW fans. Now that he is one half of the Demons of Rage, as Demon Malice, the fans seem to be responding much better to him. His current feud with the Masters of War is the top draw for XDW.


Vital Statistics

Age: 21

Size: Lightweight

Style: Regular

Finisher: Demonic Spear

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I plan on popping up one of these superstar spotlights for every member of the roster...what I want to know is...


1)Should push be included?

No. Makes it too easy to predict. You should be able to tell the push by the content


2)Should Avatar thoughts on worker be included?

Why not? This can be great (see one Texas 1977 diary) or awful. Depends on the writing


3)Should skill stats and popularity be included?

Hell no! If I wanted a list if numbers Id look at my own game. I read diaries to see how people treat characters and events - not to see how good at the game they are


4)Should ??? be included?

Never refer to a tag team just by the name (unless its a really well-known one). You might know that of course Dave Johnson and Brad White are The Kings of Krakatoa but it's almost impossible to remember all the teams in all the diaries I read

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1)Should push be included?

2)Should Avatar thoughts on worker be included?

3)Should skill stats and popularity be included?

4)Should ??? be included?


1: Hmmm, maybe a 4 show update after you've auto-pushed to show who's going which way

2: Yeah, but maybe in a roundup in a seperate post after the show

3: Nah, stuff like that is best kept vague IMO, we can tell who's good at what (in theory) from the write-up of the match.

4: No idea what ya on about I'm afraid


Nice to have you predicting MJ...no thoughts on the bio?


Yeah, s'alright. I aint into Malice tho TBH ;)

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XDW.COM Exclusive

Superstar Spotlight



Grandmaster Dread (Danny Patterson)


Danny Patterson is nicknamed "The Tower Of London", in reference to his enormous size. A good brawler with a decent look, for years it was expected that he would be the next English worker to head to the USA to make a name for himself, but for some reason it never happened and his career stalled. In 2006, after coming back from a knee injury, he decided to join MOSC (where he began his career) and try to recapture the form that made him such a hot prospect. In August of 2010, Danny Patterson defeated Harley Neil to become the MOSC UK Champion for a second time. Danny would hold that belt until Men of Steel Combat went bankrupt in January of 2011. Several months later, XDW made an offer to Danny to come to America to wrestle. Danny agreed and he was paired up with Grandmaster Terror (Primal Rage) as the Masters of Fear. After several dark matches, it was decided that The Masters of Fear needed a manager, so they were paired up with Warlord Agony. The trio quickly became involved in a feud with The New Demons of Rage, Demon Spite and Demon Malice (Ant-Man), in what has become the biggest draw in XDW thus far.


{Booker's Notes: Danny Patterson has a great look, but he is aweful on the mic. On top of a lack of charisma or star presence is the fact that Danny's choice of wrestling companies has done wonders to shorten his wrestling career. Danny is five years past his prime and it appears less and less likely we will be getting a real show stopper of a match from him at all. Couple with the fact that he still hasn't gotten over very well with the U.S fans, his days may be numbered in XDW.}

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Xtreme Danger Wrestling


Live Wire!

Live from the Blue Oyster Bar and Grill in Chicago, Illinois

Attendance: 37



Davis Ditterich (Lead Announcer), Lee Bambino (Play by play), Honey Golightly (Color)


DD: Welcome to Live Wire! As you know I am the voice of XDW, Davis Ditterich. With me as always are baby faced bad ass Lee Bambino and Las Vegas’ favorite stripper turned entrepreneur Honey Golightly.


LB & HG: Thanks Davis.


DD: No problem guys. Those of you in live attendance are in for a real treat as Demon Malice takes on Grandmaster Terror in a Stun Gun on a pole match. The winner of that match will be the one to retrieve the stun gun and actually use it on their opponent.


LB: Twenty thousand volts coursing through your body is not a way you want to lose a match Davis. Neither is having your top removed and your breast exposed for the entire audience to see, but that is what will happen tonight as Dharma Gregg is set to face Christy Higgins in a Top Removal Match.


HG: That is sure to be one nice treat but you missed the main stipulation of the match Lee. Unlike other companies that would try this type of thing are match here in XDW is a no bra Top Removal Match with the added stipulation that the loser has to make two laps around the ring while holding their arms up so the entire audience can get a proper look at the goods.


DD: And that happens at the end of our show so be sure to stay put because if you leave early then you will be very pissed at yourself for missing that match. Right now however, we have an XDW original in Fearless Blue taking on Roderick Remus.


LB: With similar styles this should be one interesting match guys.



Fearless Blue vs. Roderick Remus


Fearless Blue lives up to his name as he takes the fight right to Roderick. Roderick is off balance for much of the fight until Blue misses a suicide dive and crashes into the guar rail separating the fans from the wrestlers. Roderick tossed Blue into the ring and went for a leg drop off the top only for Blue to roll out of the way. Roderick rolled out of the ring holding his leg and Blue was up and at the edge of the ring taunting Roderick to get back in. Suddenly, another Roderick appeared and came up behind Blue, turning him around and hitting a Jumping Cutter that put Blue out on his back. The second Roderick slid out of the ring and the original Roderick got back in and dove off the top rope with a Remus Leg Drop (Houston Hang Over).


Winner by Knockout: Roderick Remus!


DD: Another huge win for Roderick Remus and another bit of assistance from that look a like of his.


LB: With that look a like of his, its like taking on two men whenever you have a match with Roderick.


HG: I took two men at one time before Lee…


DD: I’m sure that is an interesting story Honey, but one better told after the show.


HG: Suit yourself Davis. Look, here come my girls the Neptune Twins!



Jen & Kathy Neptune


The two ladies come out and fire off XDW T-shirts into the crowd.


DD: It is always nice to see the Neptune Twins in XDW.


LB: I agree Davis, especially when they are wearing tiny little XDW shirts.


HG: My ladies are definitely hot!


DD: On to our next match…we have the debut of The Mountain Men, Billy “Bear” Bekowski and Larry Wood, taking on Bad Azz Inc., Sozen Ishinomori and “Big” Leon Brody.



The Mountain Men (Billy Bekowski & Larry Wood) vs. Bad Azz Inc. (Sozen Ishinomori & Leon Brody)


The match was brutal as all four men came out swinging. Sozen and Leon looked a little more together as the teamwork of Larry Wood and Billy Bekowski was erratic. The match spilled out of the ring and Billy was power bombed by Leon on the cold concrete. Inside the ring, Sozen nailed Larry with a huge two handed choke bomb.


Winners by Knock out: Bad Azz Inc!


DD: Bad Azz Inc. taking the fight to two very big, scary looking men and showing us all why they are a team to be feared in XDW.


LB: Finesse wrestlers they are not Davis, but no one can deny they posses strength like no one else in XDW.


DD: Coming up next…The Indian Warriors, Running Wolf and Bright Falcon, take on Para-Lyzing!



The Indian Warriors (Running Wolf & Bright Falcon) vs. Para-Lyzing (Paranoia &Paradigm)


The Indian Warriors dominated Para-Lyzing for damn near eight minutes until Paradox came out of the crowd and attacked Bright Falcon. Paradox grabbed a mic and demanded the match be restarted as it was The Indian Warriors vs. Para-Lyzing…which means it was a Two on Three handicap match!


LB: Oh my God! It appears Para-Lyzing isn’t a two man team Davis, but a three man stable.


DD: The Indian Warriors really should have looked at the fine print in that contract.



The Indian Warriors (Running Wolf & Bright Falcon) vs. Para-Lyzing (Paranoia, Paradigm, & Paradox)


Para-Lyzing used the numbers to their advantage but they still could not overcome the size advantage of Running Wolf. Eventually all three members of Para-Lyzing fell to a Wolf Tamer (Dominator), Falcon Claw (Diving Knee Drop) combo.


Winners b Knock Out: The Indian Warriors!


DD: The Indian Warriors once more overcoming the odds to take home a victory.


LB: Speaking of overcoming the odds, Demon Malice is basically going up against three men tonight as you know both Grandmaster Dread and Warlord Agony are sure to get involved.


DD: That is true Lee…Well, it looks like Demon Malice is coming out to address that very issue.



Demon Malice


Demon Malice walks out with a mic in hand.


DM: Last week, the return of The New Demons of Rage was cut short as Warlord Agony introduced his Masters of Fear to the world. These piss ants attacked me and Demon Spite from behind, putting Spite on the shelf once more. Then, in the main event of that evening, I was about to destroy both of those ass clowns single handedly only for Agony to hit me in the back with his cane. Well, tonight, I expect more of the same cowardly tactics, but despite this I will stomp a mud hole in Grand-Bastard Terror’s ass and walk it dry! It doesn’t matter if it is the Masters of Fear or the Lords of War, because it only takes ONE Demon of Rage to beat either of those teams!


DD: WOW! Those are some strong words from Don Malice folks.


LB: And if anyone can back them u Davis, it is him.


HG: I just love a man when he’s all pissed off…there is just something so sexy about it.


DD: We are just seconds away from the match, as Grandmaster Terror I about to make his entrance.



Demon Malice vs. Grandmaster Terror with Warlord Agony & Grandmaster Dread


Demon Malice and Grandmaster Terror traded blows in the ring until Malice was able to get the upper hand. Malice seemed in control until Dread involved himself and stopped Malice in his tracks. Even with the two on one situation Malice started to get some offense going but this time he was halted by Warlord Agony. The numbers were just too great and Terror retrieved the stun gun.


Winner by Stun Gun: Grandmaster Terror!


DD: The numbers just too great for Demon Malice here tonight.


LB: True Davis but as soon as Spite is back in action you better believe there will be hell to pay.


HG:SHH! My girls are up next!



Christy Higgins vs. Dharma Gregg


The crowd hooted and hollered as the ladies attempted to remove one another’s tops. Eventually Christy was able to take the top right off of Dharma exposing her to the live crowd.


Winner by top removal: Christy Higgins!


DD: What a treat to end our show! This is Davis Ditterich for Lee Bambino and Honey Golightly saying goodnight and always keep it…Xtreme!

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As usual, we were running a prediction contest on XDW.com and it appeared like…


Boltinho made 2 correct predictions…

TheEffect made 3 correct predictions…

MJStark made 2 correct predictons…


TheEffect had guessed correctly on all three matches we advertised while the other two participants had gotten 2 out of 3 correct. Normally I would be disappointed at not being able to “surprise” the fans but it was a solid show so I won’t complain.

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Live Wire Breakdown!


Roderick Remus vs. Fearless Blue = 38

The fans love the gimmick we gave Roderick and his chemistry with his manager, the mysterious Second Roderick, is fantastic however, the fans hate for Blue’s lack of skill dragged this match down. Not a terrible match for a company as small as ours, but something we need to avoid as we continue to grow.


The Neptune Twins come out an Shoot T-shirts = 61

The fans loved seeing the girls prance around in skimpy outfits. Not something I want to rely on but until we get our wrestlers more popular it is something we are going to need to use quite often it seems.


Bad Azz Inc. vs. The Mountain Men = 36

It was a decent debut for The Mountain Men while keeping Bad Azz Inc. looking strong. Having a vet like Larry Wood team up with Billy “Bear” Bekowski is really going to help the young Billy reach his full potential.


The Indian Warriors vs. Para-Lyzing = 20 and 20

Both matches between The Indian Warriors and Para-Lyzing flopped, but it did help to establish that Para-Lyzing is a 3 man group and as such you never know which members you would face when you are up against them. If we can get Para-Lyzing to improve a little this could be a good mid-card angle. Perhaps a better set of opponents is needed for these three…


Malice promo = 51

Demon Malice got the crowd fired up in what was the second biggest moment of the night…Losing out to the Neptune Twins’ set of twins! The Demons/Masters of Fear feud is developing quite nicely and it seems like this feud could help to catapult XDW onto the “Small” stage.


Demon Malice vs. Grandmaster Terror = 37

There were some timing issues that through this match off as well as Demon Malice’s lack of ability to play the “face in peril” role. Still, it was better than anyone really expected so I can’t complain.


Christy Higgins vs. Dharma Gregg = 42

This match was only added to try to get a few more fans to show up to the bar…Both girls did their part to keep the male, and a few female, fans happy and willing to come back for more. I’m only glad the ladies fail to realize they are the biggest reason the fans show up or else I would have to pony up quite a good amount of dough come negotiation time.


Overall = 41

We all agreed the show was a little better than last month’s offering and it was good enough to garner a little more recognition for XDW. As long as we continue to improve, however slow, I will be happy.







Anarchy Rules


Demons Malice and TBA vs. Masters of Fear (7)

The Mountain Men vs. The Indian Warriors (9)

Roderick Remus vs. Amazing Firefly (10)

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