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PSW: The Evolution of GREED [Final Chapter]

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WOOP. The master of PSW returns.....one question though.


After reading the last show of the '08 dynasty, is "The Kingdom of GREED" going to be in full flow?


The Kingdom of GREED, sadly, won't make their return to PSW in 2011. With that said, I'm not entirely sure if the storyline is 100% dead for sure; given the fact that I have years ahead of me with the company.


Given the opening storyline with John Greed, there will be a differently vibe for the newfound PSW owner. :D The storyline in question is one of the things I'm most excited for going forward with this diary; to be honest.


This is good. I like what I have read so far and I will be following. Is the PSW roster going to be almost the same as your previous diary with PSW or will there be a lot of new faces?


It's going to be a combination of old faces, new faces, and re-morphed characters from the original PSW diary. I really want to give the diary a new feel, using some new characters that I have in mind, but also staying 100% true to Greed's vision for the company. As you'll see with the next post, though, there are some changes... some returning characters... and some new vibes forming within the fray!


Heck of a school quarter has started but I will flunk all of my classes for an Eisen Verse diary anyday lol. I will do my best to keep up with this one until I get a mobile internet thing a ma jig.


I hope to not hurt your academics, Critical-23! ha. :D


With that said, great to know that I have you on board!!

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Row #1

Acedia * Alastor * Brutus Roach * Chuckles McGhee * Frankie Future


Row #2

Grandmasta Phunk * Jack Griffith * Mr. Morgan * Johnny Martin * KILLER Colossus


Row #3

Lazy Joe * Little Bill Lebowski * Matthew Keith * Nelson Callum * Primal Rage


Row #4

Randall Hopkirk * Sgt. Bubba Lee West * Steven Parker * Tank Bradley * Teddy Powell


Row #5

The Punisher * The Reaper * The Wolverine * Thimbleby Langton * Wooton Fitzpaine









Deadly Alliance



Dead Rage



The Good Ole' Boys



The Misfits



The Purists









The Steel City Purists

Johnny Martin, Mr. Morgan, and Frankie Future


The Steel City Purists are a main-event-level PSW faction fixated on cementing, what they claim to be, the ‘truth’ about the company as a whole. While their collective mantra appears to carry an honorable ‘company first’ mentality, perpetuating a sense of pride for the organization they helped to build from infancy, the true undertone projects a far more dubious focus. As the months have piled up, and their actions have become much clearer, there appears to be a sense of hypocrisy within their fold. Are these three Tri-State icons as invested in the ‘PSW Franchise’ they collectively forged? – OR – Is their overall goal more in-line with maintaining their place atop the Steel City competitors; theoretically pushing everyone under their weight as they continue to grip the organization with their own, selfish, iron fist?



EVIL – “The Extremely Violent Icons of Lore”

Primal Rage, Chuckles McGhee, Acedia, and The Reaper


When you were a child, free to develop irrational fears about ‘monsters’ hiding in the shadows, what scared you most about the dark? Was it the inability to see what was before you, the mysterious creaks that appeared as if from nowhere, or was it the thought of devilish, snarling, blood-thirsty, creatures you came to perceive through passed-down folk-lore? Now, at some point, you were re-assured that said monsters were not really real; that they were just fabricated stories in which to inspire fear in the hearts of many. While it may help you sleep at night, this is nothing more than a ‘lie’…


Monsters are real. Blood-thirsty creatures are walking amongst us.


Their haven for destruction?


Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling

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This is all well and good, but where is Disco Hugh!? :eek:


I thought about bringing him in; but, I didn't want to have too many of those I just used in ELITE on the roster. Why? I didn't want this all to seem like I was just jumping from one hardcore product to the next; just changing the banner at which they wrestle under.


That said, He may make a return in 2011?

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2010 was an eventful year for Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling.


Johnathan Walter finalized his deal in which to purchase the company from it’s original creator, Mitch Naess, Doc Messing lived a child-hood dream by accepting a promotion to become the new headbooker of PSW, a ‘new star’ was given a GOD-push in which to solidify his place atop the companies babyface competitors, and a powerful, traditionalist-based, faction was formed under the guidance of the companies true ‘Cornerstone’, Johnny Martin. To say the least, despite the controversial transition of power, Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling continued to roar forward like the predator we’ve all come to love.


With this in mind, here is a general overview of what happened within PSW during the 2010 calendar year.


PSW moves out of ‘The Ministry’

In a move that shocked many PSW-purists, Johnathan Walter’s first decision as the newfound owner was to remove his latest asset from it’s home-base; gutting ‘the Ministry’ in the process. Feeling that the run-down, rat-infested, establishment was sending the wrong impression, Mr. Walter relocated operations across town; into a small college gymnasium right off of the river. While the view was much more appealing, many felt that such a move was ‘too much’; turning many traditionalists away from the PSW product entirely. In the end, while it may have been a sound business practice while attempting to re-brand the company as a whole, such a scenario did more harm than good.


The DOA’s national success helps PSW roster members

While John Greed was no longer working for PSW in 2010, his influence was still quite evident upon the Pittsburgh-based promotion as those working for both companies (DOA & PSW) found their national popularity rise. Figures like: Krissy Angelle, Matthew Keith, and the returning Teddy Powell & Steven Parker, all found their overall professional stock rise ever-so-slightly under Greed’s continued creative-direction. In the end, these joint workers found a renewed sense of grandeur within Pittsburgh as they came home from ‘Hollywood’ once a month; shockingly beloved by the rabid, anti-mainstream, fans despite working for, what they could perceive as, ‘the enemy’ (a mainstream promotion).


The ‘Cornerstones’ band together

In a shocking show of unity, three of the top ‘cornerstones’ of PSW formed as one in 2011; creating the powerhouse that is “The Steel City Purists”. Johnny Martin, Mr. Morgan, and Frankie Future pooled their collective legacy into one unstoppable force; claiming to have the best interests of PSW at heart. Sadly, while their focus seemed honorable in nature, looking to preserve the Steel Brand amongst a sense of sweeping change, the truth quickly became quite evident. Martin, Morgan, and Future were more interested in maintaining their place atop the brutal landscape of PSW; using their newfound alliance to make sure such a scenario took place. In the end, their polarizing threesome was nothing short of successful; tearing through Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling for months as they cement their collective legacy.




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... The Champions of PSW in 2010 ...

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It’s been said that a wrestling promotion is only as good as the men, and women, who wear their championship belts. With this in mind, here is a brief synopsis of what happened with each championship within the PSW-stable; painting a better picture of the overall culture the company looked to project.




The PSW Championship

”The Year of Steven Parker”


Despite being removed from the headbooker position before the start of 2010, John Greed continued to influence the PSW-landscape from his newfound loft in ‘Hollywood’; aiding in the development of one, Steven Parker. While his creation, “Tom Kornell”, had not officially started when Parker officially claimed the PSW Championship for his own, it was this anti-SWF character that helped bring Parker success even outside the walls of the DOA. The character in question was never used within PSW; however, due to the rebellious nature of PSW-as-a-whole, Parker ran with this anti-SWF sentiment full-force; verbally attacking the company that first pulled him away from PSW in the first place (See ‘PSW: Evolution of Greed’).


From there, for the next year, Steven Parker would tear through PSW as an unstoppable babyface juggernaut; standing as the sole opposition to the newfound “Steel City Purists” faction started in 2010. What would follow were months of getting beatdown, looking as if he were truly unable to ‘go on’, only to have the young Parker come back for more. This never-say-die mentality brought the young technition much fame with the die-hard PSW fans; praising him for his tireless dedication to the company’s shield.


In the end, Parker still carries the PSW Championship at the start of 2011; extending a jaw-dropping title reign to an astounding calendar year (now in February 2011). As expected; however, many question how much longer he can survive such carnage: standing as a glorified figure with a bulls-eye pained squarely upon his back.


PSW Championship History

1. Johnny Martin

2. JD Morgan

3. Bryan Holmes

4. Marat Khoklov

5. El Demonio Volador

6. Johnny Martin

7. Steven Parker


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PSW National Championship

”The Curse of the National Championship”


2010 saw the rise of a unquestionable ‘curse’ centered around the PSW National Championship. During this calendar year, we saw 5-different champions attempt to maintain their death-grip upon the coveted mid-card championship; only to have their title reigns cut-short with injuries, shocking twists, and the dreaded ‘school-boy-roll-up from nowhere’ (KILLER Colossus, Madman Boone, Nelson Callum, Mr. Morgan, and the current champion, Grandmasta Phunk).


With this in mind, here is a brief explanation of such:


KILLER Colossus lost the PSW National Championship early in 2010; losing to Madman Boone in a bloody sense of warfare. After said match, Colossus disappeared from the PSW-landscape; never to be seen, or heard from, again.


With the National Championship now in his grasp, Madman Boone was projected to have a year based upon ‘reclaiming his once beloved fame’ as a hardcore powerhouse. Sadly, for Boone and PSW as a whole, madman was injured in the summer of 2010; losing on account of a freak-injury that removed him from active-competition ever since.


From there, struggling to stay positive, PSW looked to put the ball in Nelson Callum’s court; giving him the opportunity to shine for the first time in PSW history. Again, sadly for all involved, Callum was injured while defending the National Championship against “Purist” member, Mr. Morgan. In a Suplex-gone-bad, Callum landed forcibly on his upperbody; straining his neck so badly that he was unable to continue forth.


Then, at the end of the year in December of 2010, Grandmasta Phunk shocked the Tri-State area by defeating the, then, Champion, Mr. Morgan, with a ‘school-boy-roll-up’ amongst a mass amount of confusion around the ringside area. As expected, “The Purists” didn’t take it all that well; assaulting the new champion an inch-from-his life. While seemingly staggering, Phunk was able to stay healthy enough in which to maintain his control of the PSW National Championship at the start of 2011.


PSW National Championship History

1. Steven Parker

2. Teddy Powell

3. Harry Allen

4. Malietoa

5. Harry Allen

6. KILLER Colossus

7. Madman Boone

8. Nelson Callum

9. Mr. Morgan

10. Grandmasta Phunk


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PSW Tag Team Championships

“The Misfits get their due”


2010 also saw the triumphant rise of the newfound, off-beat, pairing of Alastor (Ash Campbell) and Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell; as the ‘forgotten two’ claimed the PSW Tag Team Championships for a bulk of the calendar year. During this time frame, “The Misfits” became another force in the opposition against the newfound “Steel City Purists”; standing as an unexpected pairing, forming as one, in which to defy the rule of those ‘always on top’. In the end, their collectively edgy persona helped to win the hearts of most, all, PSW fans; celebrating their ‘anti-mainstream’ approach to everything.


Sadly, for “Misfit” fans, the surging “Steel City Purist” faction claimed the PSW Tag Team Championships at the close of 2010; defeating the polarizing “Purists” in a truly cheap manner (Frankie Future playing a part in their win). Now, at the start of 2011, “The Misfits” are roaring back against their oppressors; promising a ‘push-back’ for their wicked ways (Martin & Morgan).


PSW Tag Team Championships History

1. The Punisher & The Wolverine

2. Lead Belly & Grease Hogg

3. Johnny Martin & Frankie Future

4. Marv Slater & Dean Waldorf

5. Alastor & Teddy Powell

6. Johnny Martin & Mr. Morgan


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The "Blood, Sweat, and Tears Tournament"

"The Rise of Steven Parker - continued"


To cap off Parker's obvious rise within the PSW-landscape, the triumphant PSW Champion found a way to overcome the odds, once again, as he walked away with a career-shifting "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" tournament victory in 2010! The victim of many assaults through out the night, Parker continued to show his unrivaled 'iron-will' (or 'Steel Will' in this case) by outlasting the competition; displaying a night of true dominance as he went through the "Purists" one-by-one on his way to victory.


"Blood, Sweat, and Tears" Tournament History

1. Bryan Holmes

2. Johnny Martin

3. Steven Parker

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There is a reason to my madness; why I continue to keep my silent investor a ‘secret’ amongst the chaotic excitement that is gaining sole control of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. To relay such a scenario would only degenerate the narrative already formed for PSW; taking away from the overall narrative we’ve worked so desperately to cultivate. With this in mind, I trust that most would understand my line of reasoning. While they may not be able to suppress their inherent need to question, I find it best for PSW, as a whole, to keep said investor in the darkness; hopefully, never, to reveal his true identity.


They’ve all questioned, from Johanthan “douche-bag” Walter all the way down to my long-time confidant, Larry Wood. In Larry’s case, I can understand the inquisitive appeal; as, just a few months ago, I was literally at ‘rock bottom’ from a financial standpoint. It had become so bad, so destructive, that I was forced to bum a small loan from him; doing exactly what I said I would never do… borrow money from a friend. Without him, I would have never been able to travel ‘up nort’; a truth that would have certainly killed my career as a head-booker all together. So, in a way, out of everyone, Larry deserved to know the truth…


Would he receive that truth?


Hopefully, never.


In an industry cemented primarily in brand-development, and facilitation, I was forced to keep such a money-flow out of the peering eyes of the masses. For, if this would linger outward, it would no doubt kill Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling as we all know it…




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* This marks the 'end' of the backstory; yay! I'm sure it's been a lot to take on; so, I thank those of you who have been along for the ride thus far. With that said, the first PSW card under John Greed's ownership is on the way & will be up really soon!
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I must say that seeing Acedia brought a tear to my eye.:D Well not really but it is cool to see him back. Why is Lazy Joe back? I thought you go rid of him.


Also, I thought the Ring Generals would be here as well. I hope they do return.

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I must say that seeing Acedia brought a tear to my eye.:D Well not really but it is cool to see him back. Why is Lazy Joe back? I thought you go rid of him.


Also, I thought the Ring Generals would be here as well. I hope they do return.


I thought you may get a funny feeling in your stomach when you saw the Acedia render again. ;) I mean, you ARE his champion. ha.


As for Lazy Joe (and Wolverine, Dead Bolt, Punisher, and Powell for that matter), while they may have been let-go in my previous game, I decided to bring them back on board as it's been a whole 15 months since John last booked for PSW. In that time frame, it's easy to see these guys coming back to the company much like what happens in real-life (people often make their comeback at some point with the company they are most known for). While their skills aren't all that great (outside of Powell), I felt it was best to really put them back into the fray. Sadly, for at least Joe, I don't know if the outcome will be any different this time around but I guess we'll see?


As for the "Ring Generals", I honestly didn't have anything in mind for them at the moment. Plus, I kinda like the idea of them working for NYCW at this point; seeing how the product is more in-line with their default 'style'. Will that mean they never come back to PSW? I doubt it. I do have them in mind going forward, and do plan on bringing them back, but at this point I'm giving others the chance to 'grow' before I interject them in again. I mean, with Lead Belly & Grease Hogg up 'nort', I do really need to have some history back in the tag division (outside of what's already there).


I think, in the end, their persona's felt too close to how the 'Purists' will be portrayed. Not necessarily in the characters but more in the skill-set. While they would be a great counter-Purist team, I just can't seem them as babyfaces right this second. Maybe, down the road, after I warm up to the idea, I could see them coming back into PSW in which to defy the 'cornerstone-based' faction ("Steel City Purists" - Johnny Martin, Mr. Morgan, and Frankie Future).


So, what I guess I'm saying is, don't count the "Ring Generals" out all together; however, at this point, I'm going to wait it out before they make their return from NYCW.


Just beware of 'unnecessary quote marks'!




ha jk. I had to do it. Truthfully, though, It's something that I will pay more attention to; as I'm often a creature of developing new habits (and then not realizing when I'm doing it). Thank you for the heads up though. Good to know you're reading!

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OM - Fn - G!




I thought I accidentally clicked into the 08 board when I saw this. Awesome that youre back with the company that made you famous. Viva la Revolution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh, Chicken-boy, It's good to see you back around the world of PSW. ha. (Love the choice in an avatar, BTW. Brilliant). I wouldn't say that the first diary made me famous by any means; in reality, I think it was just unique for it's time as no one (outside of monkeypox) had ran with a PSW diary up until then. So, in a way, I was able to frame the company as my own. Honestly, that's why I was a little hesitant to go back; as I didn't want people to think I was just jumping at the 'old school' thing. I have new ideas in mind, new characters (to go with the old), and a new approach for John Greed in PSW 2011; post buy-out.


I've been going back to a lot of old ECW footage on Youtube; jogging my memory and using it as a slight influence on how PSW is to be portrayed. With that said, It's going to have it's own vibe (not just a carbon copy of DaVE or ECW for that matter) but still use influences from the stuff I've liked along the way.


Either way, I can't resist... Viva La Revolution!

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PSW Event #22

Run-Time: 90 MINUTES

Location: “The Ministry” (Tri-State)

Popularity in the Region: E+

Streaming LIVE on PSW-Wrestling.com!








"Chain Reaction" Synopsis

Every decision, every passing second, is inevitably tied to the previous; changing, redirecting, and ultimately shifting our sense of reality without our undivided attention. As we make choices in life, we are continually evolving ‘our story’, even collectively, as life continues to branch outward in various, unseen, directions. While the scenario at hand may feel unique the truth of the matter is that no one thing is without a cause or an effect. This month, Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling embraces such a reality; shining a light on the truth that is ‘collective reality’. After weeks of feuding, months of hatred, and years of undying service, the ‘gladiators’ of PSW now find themselves at a breaking point: the moment in time where everything will change… yet again. Who will succeed? What paths will be redirected? Who will stand tall when the dust has settled? Also, are the rumors true? Has the former creator of a violent ‘Kingdom’ found his way… Home? This, and so much more, as Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling returns to the haloed grounds of “The Ministry”; The 4th Saturday of February 2011.








Grandmasta Phunk © vs. Mr. Morgan

PSW National Championship Match



Doc Messing:
“Chain Reaction” is set to explode straight out of the gate as Mr. Morgan cashes in his coveted second-chance opportunity for reclaiming the title he held on 2 months ago, The PSW National Championship! This time around, can the “Steel City Purist” member reclaim what he claims was ‘stolen’ from him just before the turn of the year?

Ernie Turner:
It WAS stolen from him; did you see HOW Phunk came away with the win? A school-boy-rollup? Seriously? He cheated and he knows it!

Doc Messing:
Why is it cheating, because he used the chaos around the ringside area to pull a fast one on the former Champion? I mean, it was the “Purists” that drew his attention away from the match-at-hand! If it weren’t for Martin, and Future, getting into a brawl with “The Misfits” at ringside, then Mr. Morgan would have had the match in the bag!

Ernie Turner:
Your vision is failing you, Doc. He was cheated and at “Chain Reaction” he will reclaim what rightfully belongs to the “Steel City Purists”!




Brutus Roach vs. Little Bill Lebowski

Singles Match


Doc Messing:
In our second match of the night, Little Bill Lebowski will find himself up against immense-odds; squaring off against the violent powerhouse that is “Big Nasty” Brutus Roach! I’d like to see the little-man overcome but… I just don’t know about this one, Ernie!

Ernie Turner:
He’s a goner. I don’t care how much fight he has in him; Brutus will pummel that little runt into the canvas!




E.V.I.L vs. “The Good Ole Boys”, Tank Bradley, and Lazy Joe

4 vs. 4 - Single Pinfall Rules


Ernie Turner:
EVIL has come to Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling in the form of these four monsters!
Have you seen these guys? Who, in their right mind, would be willing to stand face-to-face with the creatures of EVIL?
[Again, laughs]
I certainly wouldn’t want to; and that’s why I am behind the desk these days… To get away from blood-thirsty freaks like this!

Doc Messing:
It’s going to take A LOT of teamwork for their rag-tag opponents to come away with a win here. Hell, it may take A LOT of teamwork just to keep themselves alive & kickin’! It pains me to say this but Ernie’s right…
[shivers; laughs a little]
EVIL is exactly that…




”Deadly Alliance” vs. “The Misfits”

2 vs. 2 - Single Pinfall Rules


Doc Messing:
In our only tag team match of the night, two former PSW Tag Team Champions square-off in a hotly contested match-up set for bragging rights! With the Tag Titles in the firm grasp of the “Steel City Purists”, both of these teams would love to walk away with a win at “Chain Reaction”; bringing them ever-closer toward a possible Title Opportunity!

Ernie Turner:
While I respect the “Deadly Alliance”, neither team has what it takes to pull the straps from Martin & Morgan; those two are PSW-Icons… unbeatable to most!

Doc Messing:
I wouldn’t go that far. PSW-Icons; yes. Unbeatable; No. They may have an argument for being the ‘cornerstones’ of this company but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be defeated. In a chaotic environment like PSW… Anything is possible… at any given moment!




Frankie Future vs. Matthew Keith

Singles Match


Doc Messing:
After butting heads with the “Purists” for months now, Matthew Keith appears to be ‘pushing back’; defying the rule of the veteran faction in the process. Will it bode well for the youngster or will the “Steel City Purists” find another way to keep themselves on top; toppling one of the hottest, up and coming, talents in PSW history?

Ernie Turner:
The second he asked for this match is the very second his career was flushed down the crapper! Honestly, does he REALLY think he has a chance?
That’s Frankie “F*cking” Future there… Some snot nosed brat doesn’t have a chance against the man who once stood on the front-lines of the East Coast Wars!

Doc Messing:
While true in the 90’s, this isn’t the same Frankie we saw then; that was over a decade ago now! I, honestly, think that Future will have his hands full with the 2nd generation wrestler!

Ernie Turner:
Meh, I’ve seen Matthew Keith wrestle and he’s no “Daddy’s Boy”. If I were him, I’d sue his father for not passing along his genes well enough.
[Laughs heartily]




Steven Parker © vs. Johnny Martin

Singles Match

PSW Championship Match



Doc Messing:
And in our Main Event, after a year of crushing each others head into the canvas, we will witness the brutal war that defined 2010 as Steven Parker defends the PSW Championship against the former 2-time Champion, “The Cornerstone” Johnny Martin! I don’t know about you, Ernie, but I can’t wait to see this one unfold again!

Ernie Turner:
You bet your a$$ I’m gearing up for this one!! Mark it down on your calendars, “Chain Reaction” will be the night of the “Steel City Purists”! They already have the tag gold in their possession but you can count on both Morgan, and Martin, walking away with the only two single belts this company has!
It will be great!

Doc Messing:
If so, will it create tension within the “Purist” ranks though? If Martin, and Morgan, both win their respective matches, That leaves Frankie Future as the ‘odd-man-out’; the only veteran in the group without a Championship belt. Could that be a wedge within the group?

Ernie Turner:
Wedge-Smedge. You’re just trying to create drama where there is none, Doc. Martin, Morgan, and Future are as strong as ever; carrying the PSW banner with pride!

[Doc is heard scoffing]

Doc Messing:
The PSW Banner?
They may seem like they are Pro-PSW but, in reality, we all know the truth… These guys are only out for themselves; plain and simple!







"Chain Reaction" Quick Picks

Grandmasta Phunk © vs. Mr. Morgan

Brutus Roach vs. Little Bill Lebowski

EVIL vs. The Good Ole Boys, Tank Bradley, and Lazy Joe

Deadly Alliance vs. The Misfits

Frankie Future vs. Matthew Keith

Steven Parker © vs. Johnny Martin
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Grandmasta Phunk © vs. Mr. Morgan

Title won't change hands on the first so... At least I don't think it will.

Brutus Roach vs. Little Bill Lebowski

I love the little guy, and I see the under dog thing happening for a bit.

EVIL vs. The Good Ole Boys, Tank Bradley, and Lazy Joe

Because its an established group against a thrown together team involving Lazy Joe.

Deadly Alliance vs. The Misfits

Teddy Powell... That is all.

Frankie Future vs. Matthew Keith

While I was going to go with Frankie just because the purists need at least one win, I think it's Keith for the W.

Steven Parker © vs. Johnny Martin

Don't see Parker losing it, just cause it's the first show.

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Grandmasta Phunk © vs. Mr. Morgan

I am going against conventional wisdom here and saying that Mr. Morgan wins the National Championship on the first show and gets a great start for the Steel City Purists. Having him cashing in a second chance opportunity definitely makes me feel like he is going to be walking away as the champion.


Brutus Roach vs. Little Bill Lebowski

Little Bill puts up about as much fight as his size allows but in the end this is total and complete domination by Brutus Roach.


EVIL vs. The Good Ole Boys, Tank Bradley, and Lazy Joe

Why? Because they are EEEEVVVVIIIILLLLL....INDEED!


Deadly Alliance vs. The Misfits

How can I vote against Papa Shango?


Frankie Future vs. Matthew Keith

The Steel City Purists continue their run of good fortune here. Matthew Keith is definitely a star for the future but could it be for the future of USPW, SWF or TCW? Unfortunately, I'm not sure how long it will be before one of the big promotions comes calling for the son of Sam.


Steven Parker © vs. Johnny Martin

The run of luck for the Steel City Purists ends here as Steven Parker will not be relinquishing the PSW Championship. The future is right now.


Looking forward to that first show, E-V! I know it will be a great one because you always put on a good show. I can remember the old PSW diary and the fun times with the Dirty White Boys and Bryan Holmes. Looking forward to seeing how you do here with a mix of the past, present and future.

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"Chain Reaction" Quick Picks

Grandmasta Phunk © vs. Mr. Morgan

The title probably won't change hands on the first show but you will definately need to find a replacement for grandmaster when he leaves because in the game I am doing with them he signed with the SWF. I am assuming it will be no different in your game so use him wisely while you have him.


Brutus Roach vs. Little Bill Lebowski


EVIL vs. The Good Ole Boys, Tank Bradley, and Lazy Joe

Deadly Alliance vs. The Misfits

Frankie Future vs. Matthew Keith

Hard to predict but I will go with Keith


Steven Parker © vs. Johnny Martin

again its the first show so I don't think any champion should loose.


Also I would just like to say that this dynasty has inspired me to do a PSW game of my own. I never did one in 2008 but always wanted to and was never able to get around to doing a PSW game in 2010 until now. Mainly because I ususally only can handle three games at a time but considering the fact that I wanted to play a game with a promotion that I have never used before made me do it.

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Looking forward to that first show, E-V! I know it will be a great one because you always put on a good show. I can remember the old PSW diary and the fun times with the Dirty White Boys and Bryan Holmes. Looking forward to seeing how you do here with a mix of the past, present and future.[/center]


Thanks, Angel!


The first go-through was a lot of fun; something I really enjoyed to write for. Now, given a second chance, I have so much more in mind of what I want to do/who I want to push. This time around, I feel that the storylines will be just as thought-provoking, the characters just as deep, and the action just as deadly (if not more). I guess, in a way, this is a 'go-for-broke' diary; in a sense. John finally has settled into a position that he can't run from & this marks, probably, the last destination of his 'career' in the Greed-Verse. With that said, as I've said lately, I didn't want to end my diary-writing until I had given Greed his final moment in the sun. This diary is exactly that.


With that in mind, I'm not coming into this one with the mindset of everything ending. I still have a lot of 'fight' in me; as a writer. A lot of stories that I still want to tell. So, I feel as if this diary could be just as fruitful as the last. Either way, it's good to know that I'll have you on board (as I've always respected your work).


Also I would just like to say that this dynasty has inspired me to do a PSW game of my own. I never did one in 2008 but always wanted to and was never able to get around to doing a PSW game in 2010 until now. Mainly because I ususally only can handle three games at a time but considering the fact that I wanted to play a game with a promotion that I have never used before made me do it.


I love getting this kind of message; honestly I do. Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling is a company that often gets undervalued due to their tie with DaVE (and that companies fall-out). In a real world comparison, I don't see PSW as XPW to DaVE as ECW; even though some have said that before. PSW, in it's own right, is a company all in it's own. Sure, a lot of the main eventers straight out of the gate are all DaVE wrestlers BUT, with time, it's become possible to add in some characters of your own.


I hope the game goes well though. Let me know how it goes!





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Thanks, Angel!


The first go-through was a lot of fun; something I really enjoyed to write for. Now, given a second chance, I have so much more in mind of what I want to do/who I want to push. This time around, I feel that the storylines will be just as thought-provoking, the characters just as deep, and the action just as deadly (if not more). I guess, in a way, this is a 'go-for-broke' diary; in a sense. John finally has settled into a position that he can't run from & this marks, probably, the last destination of his 'career' in the Greed-Verse. With that said, as I've said lately, I didn't want to end my diary-writing until I had given Greed his final moment in the sun. This diary is exactly that.


With that in mind, I'm not coming into this one with the mindset of everything ending. I still have a lot of 'fight' in me; as a writer. A lot of stories that I still want to tell. So, I feel as if this diary could be just as fruitful as the last. Either way, it's good to know that I'll have you on board (as I've always respected your work).


One of the things I've always enjoyed about your works is the character depth. Your writing is such that we can all really see the motivations and needs of the characters involved both through the backstory and through the actual cards. That is the mark of a great writer.

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Grandmasta Phunk © vs. Mr. Morgan


Mr Morgan reclaims what was "stolen" from him


Brutus Roach vs. Little Bill Lebowski


Bad luck for Lebowski


EVIL vs. The Good Ole Boys, Tank Bradley, and Lazy Joe


This one's gonna be a domination.


Deadly Alliance vs. The Misfits


They've got a lot more upside than the aging alliance.


Frankie Future vs. Matthew Keith


Keith is the future, but future is the present.


Steven Parker © vs. Johnny Martin


I can't see Parker losing this one

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One of the things I've always enjoyed about your works is the character depth. Your writing is such that we can all really see the motivations and needs of the characters involved both through the backstory and through the actual cards. That is the mark of a great writer.


I really appreciate that, Angel; truly great to hear coming from someone like you! I guess, when it comes down to it, we write these diaries (at least I do) in which to tell stories (basically). And, as any writer would say, you need to feel/trust/know/sense/perceive/love/hate the characters before you can really follow their path within the story. If you don't put in the hard work then you're bound to end with a hollow depiction; gaining no one's attention in the process.


It takes a lot to write these shows, even if I plan on trying to ease the immense weight a little bit with this project, but it's all done in which to really 'tell a story'. In this case, it's the renegade company that is PSW. To know the company, to know the overall vibe they have, you must also know who makes up that company; whose personalities make the company what it is. Does that make sense? It may not. ha.


All in all, Thanks for the 'nod' on the development part of things. I really do put a lot of time, effort, and focus into every small detail that goes into these characters. To know that there are others out there who see this, and enjoy it, is a true rush; from a writer's perspective. I mean, you can write a book but never really interact with those reading your work. The GDS boards, and this forum exclusively, gives you a real-time ability to interact with your readers; answering questions, relaying personal insights, etc. It's so addicting. ha.




<hr color="black">

-----> The "Chain Reaction" card can be found on the previous page. This marks the first show of this diary; however, the 22nd PSW event that John Greed will be part of; Can't help but smile about that one. Long way.

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I love getting this kind of message; honestly I do. Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling is a company that often gets undervalued due to their tie with DaVE (and that companies fall-out). In a real world comparison, I don't see PSW as XPW to DaVE as ECW; even though some have said that before. PSW, in it's own right, is a company all in it's own. Sure, a lot of the main eventers straight out of the gate are all DaVE wrestlers BUT, with time, it's become possible to add in some characters of your own.


I hope the game goes well though. Let me know how it goes!






I definately will let you know how it goes and thanks for wishing me luck with it. To be honest I was starting to get bored with TEW in general because I contantly play with the same companies over and over again. However after I started this game I found myself getting back into it because Its a promotion thats new and fresh for me because I have never played as them before. So thanks to you for inspiring me to start a PSW game and having some part in getting me back into the game!

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Grandmasta Phunk © vs. Mr. Morgan

-Phunk retains, as I don't see titles changing on the first show, though it is possible.

Brutus Roach vs. Little Bill Lebowski


EVIL vs. The Good Ole Boys, Tank Bradley, and Lazy Joe

-The stable beats the Jobbers

Deadly Alliance vs. The Misfits

-Hard to imagine an Alastor/'Redeem Thee' promo. Can't wait for one.

Frankie Future vs. Matthew Keith

-Either by DQ or Count-Out, as Keith is a rising star and a feud with Frankie would rock some socks

Steven Parker © vs. Johnny Martin

-Parker's "Steel-Will" will carry him to the victory, though it won't be without a bit of a mess

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"Chain Reaction" Quick Picks

Grandmasta Phunk © vs. Mr. Morgan

Brutus Roach vs. Little Bill Lebowski

EVIL vs. The Good Ole Boys, Tank Bradley, and Lazy Joe

Deadly Alliance vs. The Misfits

Frankie Future vs. Matthew Keith

Steven Parker © vs. Johnny Martin

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