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PSW: The Evolution of GREED [Final Chapter]

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Chain Reaction" Quick Picks


Grandmasta Phunk © vs. Mr. Morgan


Brutus Roach vs. Little Bill Lebowski


EVIL vs. The Good Ole Boys, Tank Bradley, and Lazy Joe


Deadly Alliance vs. The Misfits


Frankie Future[ vs. Matthew Keith


Steven Parker © vs. Johnny Martin



I'm predicting a full round of trouble for the Purists.

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[ Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling reclaims it's 'Heart-beat' ]


NEWS: The War has begun; choose PSW or forever lay in our wake.

2nd Week of February 2011


It’s been a full-year since Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling has stepped foot within the haloed grounds of “The Ministry”; however, that depressing truth has officially met it’s climactic demise! While under the tyrannical rule of the former regime, PSW was practically gutted; stripped down from it’s original form and forced to parade around the Steel City like a 2-dollar wh*re. With that said, ‘PSW diehards’ will, once again, find something to rave about; as Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling will be making it’s triumphant return to the crumbling walls it once proclaimed as it’s ‘haven for destruction’.

A collection of old faces, new faces, and consummate ‘Steel City’ gladiators, will all be on-hand as Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling forges forward; shaping a new battle-cry in which to inspire the masses to revolt against the mainstream approach to our beloved craft.


For too long we’ve been force fed the same ‘crap’; told that simplistic creation was ‘key’ in the new, modern, wrestling industry. To that, we proudly project a collective middle-finger to the world; daring all comers to dare defy our combustible revolution.


To those who label us as a dwindling, second-rate, DaVE, we proudly expel a collective wad of spit; laughing in the face of those who dare diminish the truth: PSW is, in it’s own right, the true face of hardcore wrestling.

Join us, this month at “The Ministry”, as a ‘New Era’ overtakes the wrestling industry as we know it; violently ravaging what we’ve come to know as the winds-of-change blow like a hurricane reaching land for the first time. When it’s all said and done, we will stand as the igniters; the one’s who inspire a cultural sense of warfare hellbent on forcing this beloved ‘sport’ into a new state of evolution.


DaVE Failed the revolution not because they didn’t the talent in the ring; pillaged by the ‘big three’ for years. The real reason DaVe crumbled is because that didn’t have him…


They didn’t have John Greed.


Now, 15 months after his departure, we have our controversial ‘King’ back upon his thrown; ready to re-ignite the war he once waged within the crumbling walls of “The Ministry”.




You’ve been warned…


Join PSW now or forever stand in our wake…




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"Chain Reaction" Quick Picks

Grandmasta Phunk © vs. Mr. Morgan

Brutus Roach vs. Little Bill Lebowski

EVIL vs. The Good Ole Boys, Tank Bradley, and Lazy Joe

Deadly Alliance vs. The Misfits

Frankie Future vs. Matthew Keith

Steven Parker © vs. Johnny Martin

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Grandmasta Phunk © vs. Mr. Morgan

Brutus Roach vs. Little Bill Lebowski

EVIL vs. The Good Ole Boys, Tank Bradley, and Lazy Joe

Deadly Alliance vs. The Misfits

Frankie Future vs. Matthew Keith

Steven Parker © vs. Johnny Martin

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Grandmasta Phunk © vs. Mr. Morgan


I would love to give JD the nod here but I doubt a title change will happen this quickly.


Brutus Roach vs. Little Bill Lebowski


LBL is a jobber, plain and simple!


EVIL vs. The Good Ole Boys, Tank Bradley, and Lazy Joe


Do you really think I would pick against evil?:D


Deadly Alliance vs. The Misfits


I thought that the transformation from Ash Campbell to Alastor in the original diary was one of the best storylines that you ever did.


Frankie Future vs. Matthew Keith


Steven Parker © vs. Johnny Martin

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Prediction Contest #1
"Be the next, great, PSW Icon"

... All it takes is Six Shows in which to change the course of PSW forever...



I was originally planning on not doing a 'prediction contest' with this diary (for no real reason outside of just being lazy) but couldn't shake the excitement that came with what I had planned for the ELITE diary. So, with that in mind, I've decided to extend the same diary contest to the wonderful world of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling as what was to take place in ELITE Pro Wrestling.


To the winner of said prediction contest, You will have the ability to develop a wrestler of your own; bringing them in from scratch to be part of the PSW roster. To be honest, I feel that this scenario is even more grand simply because I hold PSW in such high regard; so, it would be great to add a reader-based character into the mix overall. With that said, since I feel this is the best way to describe it, I've decided to copy & paste the actual contest details right here:


For the next 6 events , your predictions will be tallied up with the winner having a unique opportunity of creating a wrestler of their own to debut within the PSW-fray. Yes, that’s right… YOU, or a character that you’ve created, will have the ability to join the Steel City ranks!


This is how it will work


The winner will be given 20 points overall in which to develop their wrestler. These points will go toward these 4 pre-set skill sets (as you’ll find in the ‘quick add’ section for wrestlers):


Core Skills

Athletic Ability

Ability Level



You can use your allotted 20 points in which to manipulate these 5 scenarios. If you want your wrestler to be very entertaining then you may give him 10 points in that section (the very best possible); however, that will leave you with only 10 points to pump into the next 3 categories. So, in a way, you can either make your wrestler into a great all-around competitor or zero in on one-given area in which to make them unique in their own way.


You’ll be in charge of his/her name, persona (which we can talk at length about), Finisher(s), Size, Wrestling Style, etc.


Once the winner has declared, I will PM them with a more fleshed-out guideline. From there, we will talk details about their new character and find a good way in which to bring them into the fold. With that said; however, I’m not planning on having said wrestler be a ‘Main Eventer’ in popularity right away. To be honest, I’m thinking, no matter how great the character is, that they will reside pretty low on the overness chain in which to make it more realistic.


All in all, I will relay the first official rankings in the next day or so. This way, you know where you stand right now.


I hope this is an interesting proposal!






I know that this original idea was quite interesting to some of you who read my shortened ELITE project; so, I'm hoping the same feeling extends to this project as well. In the end, this makes your predictions that much more impactful as you, the reader, will have more opportunity to personally influence the Greed-Verse!






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"Chain Reaction" Quick Picks

Grandmasta Phunk © vs. Mr. Morgan

Brutus Roach vs. Little Bill Lebowski

EVIL vs. The Good Ole Boys, Tank Bradley, and Lazy Joe

Deadly Alliance vs. The Misfits

Frankie Future vs. Matthew Keith

Steven Parker © vs. Johnny Martin

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Time to get back in the swing of things by predicting what is bound to be a great show.


Grandmasta Phunk © vs. Mr. Morgan

Brutus Roach vs. Little Bill Lebowski

EVIL vs. The Good Ole Boys, Tank Bradley, and Lazy Joe

Deadly Alliance vs. The Misfits

Frankie Future vs. Matthew Keith

Steven Parker © vs. Johnny Martin

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Grandmasta Phunk © vs. Mr. Morgan

Brutus Roach vs. Little Bill Lebowski

EVIL vs. The Good Ole Boys, Tank Bradley, and Lazy Joe

Deadly Alliance vs. The Misfits

Frankie Future vs. Matthew Keith

Steven Parker © vs. Johnny Martin


I like the idea of "The Next Great PSW Icon".

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Time to get back in the swing of things by predicting what is bound to be a great show.


Thank you, Foolinc. So far, The show is coming along pretty well. It's always tough to write opening shows as you're trying to set the tone for storylines you have months-ahead in your mind. You have this vision of where you want to go but have to, first, put all the crap in the way in which to make it slowly progress to that point. With that said, though, I think the show stands pretty well on it's own as well. The final grade was decent for PSW (given their popularity) and there were no bad notes following the close of the show; so that's at least good!



I like the idea of "The Next Great PSW Icon".


Thank you, Hero!


I used it, as you probably already know, in my ELITE program and felt it really brought something unique, and organic, to the project as a whole. As a writer/creator, you tend to hem-and-haw over certain characters and try to do your best to create interesting personas. In this case, it will be up to the contest winner to lay the groundwork for a brand new PSW character. As before, they won't be a main eventer right away but, with time, you may seem them rise up the ranks given storylines/ability/popularity gains.


Thanks to all who have predicted thus far (or have left behind any sort of feedback. It's great to know that there are others out there interested in my work!)





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Hmmm, better get some picks in of my own. First shows are notoriously difficult, but here goes...


Grandmasta Phunk © vs. Mr. Morgan

Brutus Roach vs. Little Bill Lebowski

EVIL vs. The Good Ole Boys, Tank Bradley, and Lazy Joe

Deadly Alliance vs. The Misfits

Frankie Future vs. Matthew Keith

Steven Parker © vs. Johnny Martin

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Thank you, Foolinc. So far, The show is coming along pretty well. It's always tough to write opening shows as you're trying to set the tone for storylines you have months-ahead in your mind. You have this vision of where you want to go but have to, first, put all the crap in the way in which to make it slowly progress to that point. With that said, though, I think the show stands pretty well on it's own as well. The final grade was decent for PSW (given their popularity) and there were no bad notes following the close of the show; so that's at least good!




Thank you, Hero!


I used it, as you probably already know, in my ELITE program and felt it really brought something unique, and organic, to the project as a whole. As a writer/creator, you tend to hem-and-haw over certain characters and try to do your best to create interesting personas. In this case, it will be up to the contest winner to lay the groundwork for a brand new PSW character. As before, they won't be a main eventer right away but, with time, you may seem them rise up the ranks given storylines/ability/popularity gains.


Thanks to all who have predicted thus far (or have left behind any sort of feedback. It's great to know that there are others out there interested in my work!)






I nearly started ELITE predictions, but I didn't feel the company...that sounded weird.

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I may become the most 'hated' man on these boards in time; I am truly aware of this. With that said; however, I'm finding myself in a severely stressful place right now personally. I've lost two close friends this year (one in the earthquake in Haiti), a lost job, and a mountain worth of debt piling up in which to cover on a measly Barista's income (7.50 an hour). I've had some amazing things this year (my wife and I getting married & the process of studying for the GRE = Grad school) but I find myself slowly starting to lose focus mentally. I'll be honest with you all, I was prescribed a VERY low dosage of paroxetine this year due to the immense loss of my good friend, trying to cope with it all, and while it helps in a way... I've found myself truly unable to keep anything going mentally. I think this is why you've seen so many projects from me this year. I know it's probably annoying, and I know that it may get old, but I just want you to know where I'm coming from personally.


Some will simply write me off, or think I'm relaying too much personal information, but, to be honest, I know I wouldn't have them on board with me regardless of any of this. Realistically, people who are willing to write another off because he can't keep a 'hobby' in focus is probably not the kind of people that I really want to associate with in general. I hope that doesn't sound harsh but I've come to realize that there is life outside of TEW as of late. ha.


So what am I saying in this? I really think I need to get away from diary writing for a bit. Re-charge my batteries as I've been writing straight for almost 2 years now. I find that it's not as much fun as I thought & I think that's why I keep on jumping from idea to idea because nothing every fills the void of not wanting to really work on anything outside of simply writing.


Do I want to come back? Yes. At some point I really do. I 100% don't know how long I will be out of the writing process, as I'm a writer and this is what I do, but I do know that I need to get away for awhile. If a new project comes up by me and you still feel like you want to read my stuff, go along for the ride & enjoy a deeper story, then by all means come along with me! If not, then I will just be writing for myself; I guess. That's the risk I take.


For the time being, anyone who feels as if they would like any insight creatively can contact me. Not because I feel like I'm amazing at what I do but, more so, so I can stay included within the GDS world that I've come to love.


Honestly, I love this place. I love this game. I love to write diaries. Nothing will ever change this.


I guess, for me, the time has come to finally pay attention to my wandering thoughts, my inability to stay focused, and my fear that I was 'checking out' as a persona in real life (too focused on a diary that I was unable to really keep my mind into). Is this what a Hall of Famer should do? Maybe not. However, I'm the first person to say that I would much rather trust the human condition than trying to maintain some 'super-human ability' that I don't seem to have right now (focus). In the end, I feel taking a break will be what ultimately makes me happier & give me more ability to come back full-force with whatever project seems good at the time.


I guess, what I'm asking for is something you don't necessarily have to give me; i'm not demanding it. I just hope that I can find some compassion, empathy, and trust as I move forward with trying to regain my head, my thoughts, and my life; while also wanting to add a new 'epic' to my repertoire once that comes into my head.


Maybe I'll play some personal games, get back into the fun of it all, and then see what floats my boat.


I think I'm going to go AWOL from the boards for a few days; primarily because I'm awkwardly afraid that people may end up disliking me for needing to step away, killing a project again, while also saying that I still have the 'want' to work on something in the future (near or far; when it will come out).


Til' then...





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Honestly man do what's best for you. I've followed all of your diaries and I don't care one bit that you change your mind all the time. I do it all the time so I can blame you for a second. And like you said it seems very dumb to be upset because you want to take time off or you change your mind too much. You are the one that does all the work and diary writing is not the easiest thing and I only tried once. :D. I will follow anything you do whenever you decide to come back. And if you don't decide to come back I'll say it right now, I've enjoyed every single diary you've done whether it's been a short one of my favorite the first PSW diary. Enjoy life don't worry about diaries at this point.


Very sorry for your loss as well, I can't even imagine that happening to a friend of mine. You'll always have a reader in me with whatever you do. Focus on your life man and enjoy your life with the wife. Take care man and I hope everything works out for you in whatever you decide to do.

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I am sorry to hear that all of that is happening to you in your personal life. I for do not begrudge you for taking the time off. Look, at the end of the day this is something you are doing for fun. And if people are overly critical of you for that, well screw them.


You seem to have a lot going on in real life and one can not blame you for taking a break from here. I just hope everything gets better for you and when you come back, I know that if or when you come back, you will be back at full force.

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Like I always say and like I always will say real life is more important than these boards. I really have enjoyed your diaries sure you might jump around from one promotion to the next but that is likely to happen I for one cant believe that I have been able to stick with my CGC dynasty in 2010 and that I was able to stick with my dynasty in 2008 because there have been times that I didn't think it was working and that I needed to start another one. If anyone doesn't like you for starting too many dynasties then they have a lot to learn and hopefully your personal life clears up for you as best as it can. All the best!
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I cannot imagine someone "disliking you" for your situation and needing to take time away, E-V. Projects will come and go - its entertainment for us, but life is life. Even if you never put together another project here, you are still a Hall of Famer and a well-earned one. Don't stress about your reputation on the boards here, because its not going to take a hit over life taking priority.
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Thank you, all, for your continued support. Honestly, I really appreciate it. It's been a year of up's and down's and I feel like I need a small break to get away for a bit. To be honest, I'm not sure when I'll be back but I know that I certainly will be (as I can't imagine going without a diary right now). With this in mind, though, before I would ever post anything, I may play a show or two to make sure that my mindset is in the right place. That way, I don't repeat my mistakes that I've seen this year (given the circumstances around my personal life).


All in all, Thank you all for your thoughtful messages. I love this place, I love the GDS boards, I love TEW, and I really love being a diary writer. With that in mind, I know that I'll be back as I know there will be something that sparks my interest in time.


I'm not placing a time-frame on when I'll be back; as I don't really want to do so. When I feel up to it, feel ready & recharged ,and have put enough work into booking a few shows, then I'll post everything up again.





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