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The New Era of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling

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Hello everyone Mystic here. After reading the results to BFG, this past week. I am just annoyed so I have finally decided to try a Real World diary. For this diary I am using Mr. Canada's mod starting in August 2010.


I do have other diaries on this board using C-verse


The New Era of Danger and Violence Extreme (dead)



Here We Go Again (still alive)



hopefully you and I enjoy this.


*For those unfamiliar with my diary writing style, I write out things day by day and it comes from my point of view. That means I pull back the curtain on backstage items and the diary has many posts between shows* If people totally hate that Idea I can keep the curtain in place and you won't see behind it, as much. (I'll still write it for my purposes, but it won't be posted as a day to day thing. Think of it as an outside source like pwinsider giving spoilers and other backstage news at radom.) If you have thoughts either way feel free to PM me about it.

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Week 1 Monday August 2010


I was standing outside of the office where Dixie Carter was sitting with Al Snow, Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Total Nonstop Action Knockout champion Madison Rayne, and Total Nonstop Action World Heavyweight champion Rob Van Dam in an empty office at the Impact Zone the morning after Victory Road.


“Congratulations, in retaining your title Rob”, Dixie told Rob.


“Thank you, Dixie” Rob responded.


“Now I do have a reason for calling this meaning” Dixie told the group. “Mr. Zulas, please come in”.


At this point I walked into the room and took my seat at the other end of the table across from Dixie.


“Who is he?” Eric asked aloud.


“My name is Charles Zulas”, I told the group, before Dixie spoke up.


“Mr. Zulas is here because as of today, Eric you are out as Head Booker”.


“What! Why!”, Eric immediately shouted at Dixie.


“We brought you and Hogan in to help turn Total Nonstop Action around and make us a creditable threat to the WWE. You have failed to do this so I am removing you from your position”. Dixie told Eric.


“What do you think, this guy can do that I can’t”. Eric questioned not looking in my direction.


“I am able to come at this job from a different angle. As a fan I am able to tell what the fans want”. I told the group.


“What about being able to run a group of wrestlers backstage and creating long-term stories, Eric asked me.


“Well, Eric I have experience in creating storylines for wrestling companies. I have been running simulations using the computer game, Total Extreme Wrestling”, I told Eric.


“A computer game? You are taking my job because of a computer game!” Eric yelled at me.


“Calm down Eric”, Al said trying to get Eric to relax.


“Ok guys, lets get back to business. Now Eric, Charles is the new Head Booker and if you want to stay, you will help him get on track”, Dixie told the group. “Now why don’t you tell us your first plan”. Dixie said as she motioned my way. At this point I quietly pulled out some paperwork and began to layout my plans.


“Last night was a fun show, and yes Rob, congrats on your win. Sadly Rob that will be your last win as champion”, I told the room.


“What do you mean, my last win as champion,” Rob quickly questioned.


“We have Hard Justice, and No Surrender between now and Bound For Glory, Total Nonstop Action wrestlings biggest pay per view of the year. With that in mind I am going to hold up all titles in T.N.A.,” I told the group.


“Your serious?, He’s serious!,” Madison yelled looking around the room but mostly at Dixie. Even with her screaming I continued on.


“Not only that, I am going to throw out the Knockouts Tag Team titles as they are a waste considering the number of women we have in the company”.


“What do you plan to do about tonight,” Al asked me.


“He’s probably going to sell the company to the WWE,” Madison huffed.


“Relax, Madison” Hogan told Madison Rayne as he slammed a fist on the table. “So what do you plan on doing, Charles?” Hogan continued.


“As I was originally saying, I am going to be holding up the titles and have eight wrestler tournaments. We can have the first round tournaments at Hard Justice, the semi-finals at No Surrender and the finals at Bound for Glory.


“What about tonight, Charles”, Eric asked me.


“Well for tonight, Eric we can let you stay as a head authority heel. You come out at the start and strip the champions of their belts and then you can make a night of win and you’re in matches.


“So, I can stay on screen, I can deal with that”, Eric told the room.


“Ok, everyone lets let Charles write up his first show for tonight”, Dixie told the room as they stood up and left the room.


Early preview for Week 1 August 2010 TNA Impact


At Victory Road Rob Van Dam successfully turned back the challenge of Abyss, Mr. Anderson and Jeff Hardy. In turning back three of TNA’s toughest wrestlers, who’s next for the champion. They have been chasing the gold, and now they have it. Last night at Victory road The Motor City Machine Guns stopped Beer Money and finally won the TNA Tag Team titles. What’s next for the Total Nonstop Action wrestling as we head to Hard Justice, tune into Spike TV this Thursday Night.

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Hours later I had come up with my first show. The rest of the staff along with the performers started filing in to start the taping. At this point I left the small office at the Impact Zone and filed into the “Arena” where Dixie had called the roster to a meeting. Sitting inside the ring, were Eric, Hulk, Madison, Rob and Dixie herself. When she noticed me walk in, Dixie smiled.


“Everyone, I would like to introduce you to Total Nonstop Action wrestling’s new Head of Creative”, Dixie told the group.


The roster looked confused while Eric just stared at me.


“Charles the floor is yours”, Dixie told me.


I looked at the roster in front of me and began to speak


“First of all I would like to thank Dixie Carter for giving me this opportunity to work with all of you” I told the crowd before turning to Eric. “Now Eric I know this seems like a slap in the face to you, but I respect you and all that you have done for the wrestling business, I really do”. Turning back to the roster I continued, “Now I know change is a scary thing in this business, wrestlers want to deal with what is familiar to them, that is why the four horsemen, D.X., N.W.O, Nation story has been done to death. Now I am not saying that I am going to completely do away with the ideas of the past, as some have been really well done”, I told the group of wrestlers in front of me. At this point Alex Shelley’s hand went up in the crowd. Seeing this Dixie passed a microphone to him.


“Now that is all well and good, sir but what does that have to do with us, our titles in particular”, Alex asked me.


“Well Alex”, I started “Great win by the way. As the new sheriff in town so to speak, I am going to treat this as a time to start fresh. As of tonight, I am vacating all of the titles”, I told the group.


“We worked way too hard to get these titles, and now because your new we are going to lose them again”, Alex yelled through the mic.


“I told you they would not like that idea”, Eric chimed in on his microphone as he sat there smiling.


“Sir with all due respect”, Kurt Angle started to speak. “With all due respect, wining my goal medal in a tournament, I can honestly tell you that in a tournament, nobody cares about the matches that lead to the final. The last match is all that matters. I mean can you tell me the first and second round matches for the Wrestlemania four tournament”


And to be honest I could not, as I stood there thinking of his answer. In a small fit of anger at being shown up on my first day, I immediately blurted out, “Just like your race through the top ten is a waste of time”. Their was a quiet calm in the room as no one wanted to be the next to say anything. After some tense moments, Dixie finally spoke,


“Charles, I think one thing Mr. Angle is trying to say is that because people usually do not care about the lead up to the finals, we may have great matches I have no doubt but story wise nothing is really there for the fans to grab on to”.


“And this is why I am better at my job then you”, Eric quipped. At this point I was becoming frustrated with the brick wall I seem to have run into.


“Listen, everyone I know change is tough but if everyone would just let me show you what I can do with this first show, I know I can get you to believe it me”, I told the group. “The tournament idea is not even mentioned in the first show, so lets see how the show goes and we will revisit it tomorrow”, I asked the room.


At this point Dixie looked at her watch and noticed that it was only three hours until the show with the fans entering in two hours.


“Ok all we need to end the discussion here and get ready for the show. We are really behind schedule for tonight. Charles I will meet with you tomorrow to continue discussions, but for now everyone get to your places”, Dixie told the roster. Mike and Taz went to the announce table as the production crew was setting up the table, as Dixie, Eric, Hulk and myself went up the ramp just behind the curtain to wait for the show.

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Tuesday Week 1 August 2010


Spoiler for Week 1 August TNA Impact

Credit: pwinsider.com


Last night at the Impact Zone Total Nonstop Action started the march towards Hard Justice. For those who can’t wait until Thursday feel free to read the results below.


Eric strips champions of their titles to start the show

• Bischoff finds Ric and Reid Flair backstage, then tells Reid that if he does not win tonight’s match he is gone from TNA

• Homicide defeats Tomko

• TNA Security attacks Homicide until Hernadez makes the save

• Bischoff forces D’Lo Brown, Jerry Lynn, and Al Snow to wrestle

• Desmond Wolfe defeats Al Snow

• Abyss defeats Reid Flair

• Ric Flair vows vengeance on Abyss

• Matt Morgan defeats D'Lo Brown

• Rob Van Dam demands to know what Eric is doing

• Kazarian defeats Jerry Lynn

• Dixie Carter confronts Eric Bischoff saying a new sheriff is coming

• D'Angelo Dinero defeats Samoa Joe in the main event

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Hello everyone Mystic here. After reading the results to BFG, this past week. I am just annoyed so I have finally decided to try a Real World diary..


LOL! At least you had the brains to just read the results, I unfortunately ordered the PPV and had to watch in utter disbelief and disgust at who "They" ended up being.


Looking forward to your diary!

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The next morning, I went to the Impact Zone, to meet with Dixie Carter and Eric Bischoff. When I walked into the office Dixie Carter was sitting at the head of the table while Eric was sitting to the left. As I sat down, Dixie asked me how I felt about the show.


“I thought we did ok, to show Eric as a strong heel. It will be important to carry that momentum as we introduce me as a new alternative to Eric”, I told Dixie.


“Now Charles I asked you to come in because I wanted to discuss your position as our Head of Creative, while I will give you plenty of freedom to come up with storylines for TNA, I will override ideas too extreme”, Dixie told me.


“When I came into the building last night I noticed a very long line of people, so after the show I asked the production staff to give me a rough estimate of the numbers we had and they told me that we had a sellout of 1,800 but then we also turned away another 5,000”, I mentioned to the Dixie and Eric who looked stunned.


“5,000? We turned away 5,000”, Eric repeated.


“This is why I believe we should go on the road for Impact, we are losing money just keeping the show at the park. Along with that what about the idea of going live on Thursday? I ask this because lets face it there are too many wrestling sites around that send out spoilers of shows. Going live Thursday will keep the spoilers from showing up.”, I asked the two.


“Those are some things we will have to think about”, Dixie said to me. “Another thing I would like to tell you is that at least based on some of the responses back from the in house crowd, some were a little worried about the show and it’s direction. Another wrote I did not drive all this way to see wrestlers no one cares about, where’s Kurt Angle? Where’s Sting?”, Dixie informed me.


“Well I hope to work that out starting on the next show as we really start out build towards Hard Justice,” I told Dixie.


“I hope he knows what he is doing Dixie,” Eric told Dixie “Early reports are that Raw did extremely well with a John Cena versus Edge main event last night”.


Eric stood up from the table, “Well, I am going to meet up with Hogan so have a good day fixing this mess we are in.” Eric told us as he left the room.

“Do you think he is going to be able to handle being taken out of his on air role?”, I asked Dixie with Eric now out of the room.


“He is going to have to be”, Dixie informed me. “Let me think about your ideas tonight, and maybe Thursday we can talk to the park’s people about letting us out of here for the time being”, Dixie said to me as she stood up to leave.


Wednesday Week 1 August 2010


Updated Preview for this week's TNA Impact on Spike TV

Credit tnawrestling.com


After Victory Road, what is next for the champion? Rob Van Dam defeated Abyss, Mr. Anderson, and Jeff Hardy to keep his TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Will we hear from Anderson, Hardy or Abyss on losing their shot a TNA Gold? What does Eric Bischoff have up his sleeve? Rumor has it that Eric as something planned that will change TNA.Tune in to Spike TV and TNA Impact this Thursday night as we make our way to Hard Justice!


Non spoiler match listing for TNA Impact August Week 1

Credit: pwinsider.com


Homicide vs. Tomko

Al Snow vs. Desmond Wolfe

Abyss vs. Reid Flair

D'Lo Brown vs. Matt Morgan

Jerry Lynn vs. Kazarian

D'Angelo Dinero vs. Samoa Joe in the main event

I walked into the offices at the Impact Zone, where Dixie was sitting at the table looking over some notes. She briefly looked up to acknowledge my presence before going back to reading. As she was reading I just sat down at the table at waited. Once Dixie was done reading she slowly put her papers down and looked up at me before speaking.


“I have decided that since you are the Head of Creative, and I think you know who would be best in the company. I am going to allow you to have some power over who is hired into TNA. I will still have final say but if you feel there is someone that would work well for TNA, send them a message. Firings on the other hand, I will still have control over that”, Dixie told me.


“Thank you”, was my only response.


As we sat there quiet the phone in the room rang. Dixie immediately answered it.


“Hello…I see….Yes he is,…let me put you on speaker” Dixie said as she put the caller on speaker. “You’re on Ric”.


“Charles Zulas you there!”, Ric Flair sternly asked.


“Yes, Ric I am here”, I told him.


“What in the hell where you thinking putting my son Reid, in a match with Abyss! Abyss almost killed him!” Ric shouted in the phone.


“Ric I am truly sorry that you seem to feel the need to yell at me, but lets be honest TNA needs Abyss to be a monster, and the best way to do that is to put him in against someone who has zero shot at wining. It’s even better because we were able to have Eric, book the match in front of you. Something no parent would want. Along with that, I need to be honest with you, your son Reid is a waste of space for the company, if I could I would fire him,” I told Ric Flair.


“Don’t worry Ric, I won’t let him fire Reid as he is under a written contract”, Dixie told Ric.


“You better make this right, Dixie!” Ric shouted as he hung up the phone.


Dixie remained quiet for a while she looked at me.


“And I’m sure you want me to do something now”, I asked Dixie as she just nodded her head.


“Speaking of contracts, I was looking at them before you walked in and noticed that the Motor City Machine Guns and Ink Inc are under appearance contracts. I was thinking of signing them to written contracts.” Dixie told me. I paused before speaking to Dixie.


“That gives me an idea, Dixie. Let me take care of it”, I told her.


“Yesterday I gave you information from the fans, have you come up with any ideas about it?” Dixie asked me.


“If you mean the comments of where are Sting and Kurt Angle, no I have not decided on what to do with them.”, I told Dixie.


“Tomorrow we have our meeting with the park officials about leaving the area, and then I am going to go on a scouting trip with Jeff, Friday”, Dixie told me.


“Going to any shows in particular”, I asked


“No”, Dixie responded.


“Well, I am going to head out for the night, so I will see you tomorrow”, I told Dixie as I left.


Thursday Week 1 August 2010


I went to the Impact Zone offices where Dixie was sitting with park officials. “Charles this is Mr. Douglas and Mr. Anderson, our main contacts for the park”, Dixie told me as I sat at the table.


“Now we have been told that you would like to be released from your contract here at the park”, Mr. Douglas mentioned.


“Yes sir when I came in for my first so this week, I was told that we had to turn away 5,000 fans. We can not afford to run the company this way”, I told the two gentlemen in the room.


“Having you in the park brings us more people in to the park and helps our bottom line”, Mr. Anderson said.


“While I know that is true, if we can’t get out of the park, will not have the ability to come back to the park in the future for special shows”, I told Anderson and Douglas. After a few quiet seconds Mr. Anderson spoke


“Will you give us a moment to discuss this outside”


“Take all the time you need, gentlemen”, I said as they stood up from the table and left the room. “I am going to watch the show from here , if you would like to stay and watch it with me after the meeting, Dixie” I told her.


“If they let us out of the contract, I will tell the production crew that we are doing the shows live”, Dixie told me as we waited for the two men outside.


“I think it’s for the best, Dixie”, I responded as Anderson and Douglas came back into the room.


“Well Dixie and Charles, we have talked about it and we will let you take the show on the road under one condition.” Anderson told us.


“And that would be?”, I asked.


“You come back here for Impact or a pay per view once a month”, Douglas responded.

Dixie and I looked at each other and nodded in agreement.


“Gentlemen, you have a deal”, I told them “We will get back to you on when we are showing up next month”.


“Have a good night and we hope all works out for you”, Anderson said to us as the two left the room.


As Dixie and I sat in the room trying to decide what to do next the phone rang in the room. I picked it up and heard Eric’s voice on the other end.


“Here Eric let me put you, on speaker, as Dixie is here with me”.


I put Eric on speaker and then continued.


“So what’s up Eric? I guess you can be the first to know, we have reworked our deal with the park, and can begin doing live Impacts on the road”, I told him.


“I think that’s the first thing you have done right since you have been here”, Eric said with a laugh. “Well anyway, I found your “games” and must say you are a joke based your experience with this crap. I mean just look at the lack of interest. Three months into a simulation called “Here We Go Again” and the only response was “Good to see you joining us in the 2010 area mystic.” from some poster named Dragonmack. I mean we don’t even have a first show on Spike under you and somehow the fact that “YOU” had me strip the titles has received multiple responses, on the message boards”, Eric mentioned with a laugh.


“It’s just a game, Eric” I respond feeling a little embarrassed at that realization.


“Just a game? Don’t you dare tell me that wrestling is just a game. I live, sleep, and breath wrestling that is how I became the number one guy in this profession”, Don’t tell me it’s just a game.”, Eric yelled into the phone. “Oh and by the way all of the responses from those who found out about the title stripping state that it’s a bad idea”. Eric stated as he hung up the phone, while Dixie and I just sat there stunned at his remarks. After a few moments to collect our thoughts, I reached for the remote.


“Well, tonight’s Impact is ready to begin:, I said turning it on.

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Week 1 August 2010 </span></strong></p><p> TNA Impact from the Impact Zone </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29292" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The show begins with Eric Bischoff in the ring, surrounded by members the roster and referees. Not shown in the group are Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter. Eric is getting a nice reception from the sold out Impact Zone as the camera focuses on him.<p> </p><p> Bischoff: “I love you too” </p><p> </p><p> The crowd begins to chant T.N.A. as Bischoff waits before speaking again. </p><p> </p><p> Bischoff: “Last Sunday we had Victory Road, where our TNA champion. Rob Van Dam</p><p> </p><p> The camera shows Rob Van Dam</p><p> </p><p> Bischoff: successfully defended the title against Jeff Hardy </p><p> </p><p> Camera shows Jeff Hardy</p><p> </p><p> Bischoff: Mr. Anderson</p><p> </p><p> Camera shows Mr. Anderson</p><p> </p><p> Bischoff: And Abyss</p><p> </p><p> The crowd boos at the mention of his name as he is shown standing backstage </p><p> </p><p> Bischoff: While it was a great win, by R.V.D. it will be his last</p><p> </p><p> Mike: What?</p><p> </p><p> Taz: You heard the man.</p><p> </p><p> The crowd boos at that statement, as a the camera shows R.V.D. with a confused look on his face </p><p> </p><p> Bischoff: It will be his last, because as of right now I am stripping not just R.V.D. but all champions of their titles.</p><p> </p><p> The crowd continues to boo at that statement</p><p> </p><p> Mike: He can’t be serious! </p><p> </p><p> Taz: As a heart attack, Mike.</p><p> </p><p> Bischoff waits for the crowd to stop booing before he continues to speak.</p><p> Bischoff: Not only that, the TNA Knockouts Tag Team titles are officially being wiped from the record books. If you think that’s impressive, tonight is a night you will never forget.</p><p> </p><p> Bischoff’s music plays as he leaves the ring</p><p> </p><p> Mike: I sure hope, Dixie is listening to this.</p><p> </p><p> The camera follows Bischoff backstage where he spots Ric Flair and his son, Reid. Bischoff immediately get a smile on his face as he walks up to the two.</p><p> </p><p> Bischoff: Hello guys?</p><p> </p><p> Ric: What do you want Eric?</p><p> </p><p> Bischoff: I hope you were listening out there, because tonight is a night that you will never forget.</p><p> </p><p> Ric: Get on with it.</p><p> </p><p> Bischoff: You see Ric I was going through the books and I noticed that we need to cut some dead weight around here.</p><p> </p><p> Bischoff looks at Reid</p><p> </p><p> Bischoff: I don’t know what you see in him but let me be perfectly honest. I see nothing more then a waste of talent that only knows how to waste my money.</p><p> </p><p> Ric: Cut to the chase Eric.</p><p> </p><p> Bischoff: Your son Reid can remain a member of the TNA roster if…</p><p> </p><p> Bischoff begins to laugh</p><p> </p><p> Bischoff: He can beat the monster, Abyss tonight.</p><p> </p><p> Ric Flair’s face is white as a ghost as he begins to plead.</p><p> </p><p> Ric: Eric, Please let me take his place. He has no business being in the ring with a man such as Abyss. He is going to kill him…Please Eric.</p><p> </p><p> Bischoff just stands there and laughs </p><p> </p><p> Bischoff: Good luck</p><p> </p><p> Bischoff walks away as Ric Flair is shocked. The camera goes to Mike and Taz at the announce table.</p><p> </p><p> Mike: Reid Flair versus Abyss tonight, and if Reid does not win he is gone from TNA.</p><p> </p><p> Taz: Forget the match, Mike. Eric Bischoff has just stripped the champions of their titles.</p><p> </p><p> Mike: I hope Dixie is watching this, and does something quick to get to the bottom of this.</p><p> </p><p> The camera goes to a shot of the ring where you can hear Jeremy Borash.</p><p> </p><p> Borash: The opening match on TNA Impact is scheduled for one fall with a ten minute time limit. About to make his way to the ring Tomko!</p><p> </p><p> Tomko makes his way to the ring and waits for his opponent</p><p> </p><p> Borash: And his opponent coming to the ring at this time Homicide!</p><p> </p><p> Homicide makes his way to the ring. Earl Hebner checks both men and then calls for the bell.</p><p> </p><p> Both men lock up in the center of the ring, as Tomko uses his strength to throw Homicide into the corner. Tomko laughs at Homicide as Homicide decides on what course of attack to take against the big man. Tomko goes to grab Homicide but this time Homicide ducks behind Tomko and begins to unload a series of kicks to the legs before running to the ropes, bouncing off of them and hitting Tomko with a flying shoulder block knocking him back to the ropes. Homicide gets back to his feet and starts unloading with rights to the head of Tomko, Homicide irish whips Tomko into the corner but Tomko explodes out of the corner and hits a nice clothesline almost taking Homicide’s head off, as the crowd boos. Tomko smiles as he goes to pull Homicide to his feet, when out of no where Homicide rolls up Tomko for the quick 1, 2, 3 victory!</p><p> </p><p> Borash: Here is your winer, Homicide!</p><p> </p><p> Tomko immediately gets up and starts attacking Homicide with stiff kicks, but Homicide starts to fight back as the two have a post match brawl in the ring. After a few minutes, TNA security lead by Gunner and Murphy make their way to the ring to break them up. Security successfully manages to pull the two men apart where Tomko decides to leave peacefully being push back up the ramp by Security leaving Homicide, Gunner and Murphy in the ring. As Homicide goes to leave the ring Gunner and Murphy jump Homicide and begin beating him down to boos from the crowd.</p><p> Mike: Will somebody stop this!</p><p> </p><p> The crowd boos turn to cheers as in the screen comes Homicide’s former tag team partner in L.A.X. Hernandez comes in and starts attacking Gunner and Murphy who bail out of the ring as Hernandez goes to check on Homicide as the two teams get into a stare down.</p><p> </p><p> Mike: Thankfully for Homicide, Hernandez was there.</p><p> </p><p> Taz: L.A.X. is back, baby!</p><p> </p><p> The screen shifts backstage where Eric Bischoff is sitting with TNA staff members Jerry Lynn, D’Lo Brown and Al Snow.</p><p> </p><p> Bischoff: Gentlemen, we have a problem. Here in TNA we are in the middle of exciting times. That means a lot of changes are coming for the company and part of those changes involve deciding who comes and who goes. Looking at the budget, we do not have enough room for you to be wasting our money sitting backstage and not doing anything. If you want to stay here in TNA, you will get back into the ring as active wrestlers.</p><p> </p><p> Mike: These guys have not been in the ring, for years! Eric is going to love this.</p><p> </p><p> Bischoff: Al Snow you better get ready, you’re up right now!</p><p> </p><p> Al Snow slowly gets up and walks out of the room as the camera follows him to the ring.</p><p> </p><p> Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, Impact continues with your next match. Coming to the ring now, Al Snow!</p><p> </p><p> Al Snow slowly comes to the ring in his slacks and light blue dress shirt as he gets a small but respectful reaction from the Impact Zone crowd. Al talks with Earl Hebner as his opponent for the night walks to the ring.</p><p> </p><p> Borash: And his opponent tonight, Desmond Wolfe.</p><p> </p><p> Desmond Wolfe walks to the ring, and laughs at Al Snow. Wolfe climbs in and walks up to Al Snow, as Earl Hebner calls for the bell.</p><p> </p><p> Desmond Wolfe slaps Al Snow who responds with a slap of his own. The two lock up as Wolfe goes behind Snow. Wolfe attempts to lift Snow but is met with a back elbow to the head allowing Snow to break free of the grip of Wolfe. Al Snow hits the ropes and bounces off connecting with a shoulder block knocking Wolfe to the mat. Snow reaches down to grab Wolfe but Wolfe trips Snow sweeping his feet out from under him. Wolfe quickly locks in an arm bar while driving a knee into the side of Snow’s face. Snow works his way to his feet but Wolfe pushes him back into the corner. Snow with a thumb to the eye of Wolfe to break free as Snow switches out quickly and tosses Wolfe into the corner. Snow drives a knee into Wolfe’s gut and then drives Wolfe down with a ddt. Snow attempts a cover but Wolfe gets his shoulder up a two. Snow pulls Wolfe to his feet and lifts Wolfe up for the Snowplow, but Wolfe digs a thumb to the eye allowing Wolfe to float out the other side before connecting with a sick European uppercut rocking Snow back. Wolfe quickly lifts Snow to the top turnbuckle and hits the Tower of London. Wolfe makes the cover and picks up the victory as the crowd boos. </p><p> </p><p> Borash: And here is your winner, Desmond Wolfe!</p><p> </p><p> Mike: Al Snow tried, but Desmond Wolfe was just too much tonight.</p><p> </p><p> Taz: He can try all he wants but he still failed Mike.</p><p> </p><p> Mike: How would you like to be in there with Wolfe?</p><p> </p><p> Taz: No thank you Mike.</p><p> </p><p> Borash: Impact continues with your next match coming to the ring now…Reid Flair!</p><p> </p><p> Reid Flair walks to the ring very slowly with the look of fear across his face.</p><p> </p><p> Taz: Would you like to read Reid is last rights?</p><p> </p><p> Reid Flair climbs into the ring and goes to a far corner </p><p> </p><p> Boarsh: And his opponent the monster, Abyss!</p><p> </p><p> Abyss slowly walks to the ring and waits for the bell to ring. </p><p> </p><p> The bell sounds as Reid Flair immediately turns and attempts to run out of the ring but Abyss grabs him and throws him into the corner. Abyss starts raining down punches as Reid is just attempting to cover up in the corner. Abyss pulls Reid out of the corner and presses him over head holding him there for ten seconds before slaming him hard to the mat. Abyss picks up Reid and irish whips him into the ropes, setting up for the black hole slam but Reid is able to duck out of the reach of Abyss and hit a clothesline. Abyss just stands there as Reid goes for a second clothesline getting the same result. Abyss grabs Reid by the neck and just tosses Reid to the ropes before kicking him in the face and out of the ring.</p><p> </p><p> Mike: The referee needs to stop this!</p><p> </p><p> Abyss climbs out of the ring and grabs Reid for the Shock Treatment, Abyss holds Reid on to his shoulders when from the back Ric Flair runs out and attempts to hit Abyss with a chair but Abyss just kicks Ric away and delivers the Shock Treatment outside of the ring. Abyss grabs a lifeless Reid Flair and throws him into the ring, for the cover and the win.</p><p> </p><p> Borash: And here is your winner, the Monster Abyss!</p><p> </p><p> Abyss walks to up the ramp and to the back as Ric Flair is slowly getting back to his feet and crawls back into the ring, immediately checking on his son. Ric calls for a microphone.</p><p> </p><p> Ric: Abyss! Abyss, you get back here you son of a bitch! You attempted to kill my son, and now you have to deal with me. I am coming after you, where ever you may be I will be there. You attempted to kill my son and now I am going to kill you!</p><p> </p><p> Taz: I hope Reid is ok.</p><p> </p><p> Borash: Impact continues with the next match, first coming to the ring…The Blueprint, Matt Morgan. </p><p> </p><p> Matt Morgan waits in the ring for his opponent.</p><p> </p><p> Borash: And his opponent, D-Lo Brown! </p><p> </p><p> D-Lo Brown appears pumped and ready for his match</p><p> </p><p> D-Lo Brown enters the ring and the bell rings as Matt Morgan attempts to grab D-Lo but D-Lo counters with a couple of quick rights to the jaw causing Morgan to stumble back. Morgan regains his composure and charges at D-Lo who drops down allowing Morgan to stumble through the ropes to the delight of the crowd. D-Lo drops to the arena floor and pulls Morgan to his feet. D-Lo goes to irish whip Morgan into the guardrail but it’s reversed by Morgan sending D-Lo into the rail. Morgan taunts the fans before grabbing D-Lo and rolling him into the ring. Morgan climbs back into the ring and slams him hard to the mat with a hard bodyslam. Morgan goes to the corner and taunts the fans again and before walking over to a down D-Lo and casually attempting a jumping elbow drop, missing as D-Lo rolls out of the way. D-Lo gets to his feet and drops a quick leg to before heading to the top rope. D-Lo leaps and misses the splash, as Morgan rolls out of the way at the last second! Morgan slaps his right leg as D-Lo staggers to his feet and gets his head taken off with the Carbon Footprint. Morgan makes the cover and gets the victory </p><p> </p><p> Borash: And here is your winner, The Blueprint, Matt Morgan!</p><p> </p><p> Mike: D-Lo gave it all he had but the Blueprint was just too strong tonight</p><p> </p><p> The scene went backstage to Dixie’s office where Rob Van Dam walked into the office and placed his hands on her desk.</p><p> </p><p> Dixie: Yes?</p><p> </p><p> Rob: What’s going on?</p><p> </p><p> Dixie: What do you mean?</p><p> </p><p> Rob: You know exactly what I mean. Why is Bischoff taking my title?</p><p> </p><p> Dixie: Your guess is as good as mine, Rob.</p><p> </p><p> Rob: What? You’re telling me you have no idea what he is doing.</p><p> </p><p> Dixie: Honestly, he is acting on his own.</p><p> </p><p> Rob: What are you going to do about it?</p><p> </p><p> Dixie takes a deep breath and folds her hands on the table</p><p> </p><p> Dixie: Let me deal with him.</p><p> </p><p> Rob: You better.</p><p> </p><p> The camera goes to Mike and Taz</p><p> </p><p> Mike: As the former World champion, Rob Van Dam wants to know what is going on tonight.</p><p> </p><p> Taz: Dixie told Rob that she knows what she is going to do about Eric. She better not disappoint. </p><p> </p><p> The camera goes to a wide shot of the ring and ramp as Jeremy Borash announces the next match.</p><p> </p><p> Borash: The next match on TNA Impact is scheduled for one fall with a ten minute time limit. First making his way to the ring, Kazarian.</p><p> </p><p> The camera shows a close up of Kazarian as he makes his way to the ring, with a smirk on his face. Kazarian waits in the ring for his opponent.</p><p> </p><p> Borash: His opponent, Jerry Lynn!</p><p> </p><p> Jerry Lynn comes down in wrestling gear getting a decent reaction from the Impact Zone crowd. Lynn climbs into the ring and stands there waiting for the bell. Slick Johnson rings the bell and we are underway. Both men circle each other before Lynn attempts to lock up, Karzarian ducks back and slides out of the ring, laughing at the fans.</p><p> </p><p> Mike: Watch for Lynn!</p><p> </p><p> Lynn dives through the top and middle rope on to Kazarian, knocking Kazarian against the guardrail as the crowd approves. Lynn pulls Kazarian up and delivers a couple of forearm shots to the back before tossing him back into the ring. Lynn climbs onto the apron and climbs in pulling Kazarian to his feet. Kazarian responds with a thumb to the eye drawing boos from the crowd. Kazarian sends Lynn into the ropes with an irish whip and connects on a nice dropkick, before playing to the crowd. Kazarian pulls Lynn to his feet and pushes Lynn into the corner and starts raining down right hands, until Lynn fires back with a right hand of his own regaining control. Lynn continues with the rights, knocking Kazarian to the center of the ring, as Lynn quickly sends him with an irish whip to ropes and sends Kazarian high into the air with a nice backbody drop, as Kazarian screams in pain from the landing. Lynn drops an elbow before pulling Kazarian to a knee, calling for his cradle piledriver, as Kazarian tries to fight out of it. Kazarian drops to a knee and sneaks in a low blow, causing Lynn to double over allowing Kazarian to roll up Jerry Lynn to get the 1, 2, 3.</p><p> </p><p> Borash: And your winner, Kazarian!</p><p> </p><p> Mike: Kazarian cheated!</p><p> </p><p> Taz: He got the win, that’s all that matters.</p><p> </p><p> The ring is now clear as Eric Bischoff comes to the ring to boos from the crowd. Eric gets into the ring, with microphone in hand. Eric and smiling and laughing with a smug look on his face.</p><p> </p><p> Bischoff: Tonight has been a great night, don’t you think?</p><p> </p><p> The crowd boos</p><p> </p><p> Bischoff: Come on, you know you have enjoyed it. Three washed up has beens and a brat have learned what it means to be a wrestler for…</p><p> </p><p> Before Eric can finish, Dixie Carter’s music hits as she comes out to the stage</p><p> </p><p> Dixie: Eric, when I hired you. I thought you would change this company for the better. Not only have you not done that, you have honestly made the guys in the back worse.</p><p> </p><p> Eric becomes serious</p><p> </p><p> Eric: You really think I give a damn about the guys in the back!</p><p> </p><p> Dixie: Eric, tonight you have overstepped your bounds, you force, Lynn, Brown and Snow to wrestle</p><p> </p><p> Eric: They put on good matches</p><p> </p><p> Dixie: Shut up, Eric! You force Reid Flair into a match with Abyss, a match you know Reid has no business being in and on top of that you vacate the tiles. I will not have this in my company.</p><p> </p><p> Eric: You hired me to change TNA.</p><p> </p><p> Dixie: Eric, tonight you said that “tonight is a night you will never forget”. You’re right you will never forget this night, because as of right now I am relieving you of your duties.</p><p> </p><p> Eric: What?</p><p> </p><p> Dixie: You fired!</p><p> </p><p> The crowd erupts at that announcement</p><p> </p><p> Mike: Dixie just fired Eric Bischoff!</p><p> </p><p> Taz: Eric Bischoff is gone from TNA!</p><p> </p><p> Dixie: Next week your replacement will be arriving to TNA to make a real difference in TNA. Now get out of my ring.</p><p> </p><p> Eric Bischoff looks stunned as security leads him out of the ring. As he shouts at Dixie</p><p> </p><p> Eric: You have not seen the last of me!</p><p> </p><p> The camera goes to a shot of Dixie and then to Mike and Taz</p><p> </p><p> Mike: After all of that we still have a great main event scheduled </p><p> </p><p> Graphic of Samoa Joe and D'Angelo Dinero is shown as the camera shot pans the ring</p><p> </p><p> Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Impact main event of the evening, coming to the ring first D'Angelo Dinero!</p><p> </p><p> D'Angelo Dinero comes to the ring getting cheers from the fans </p><p> </p><p> Borash: And from the isle of Samoa, the Samoan submission machine, Samoa Joe!</p><p> </p><p> Samoa Joe comes down the ramp and climbs into the ring. Before waiting for the bell he just starts attacking Dinero with rapid fire punches into the corner. Dinero attempts to cover up in the corner, but is just met with a facewash from Joe as Joe poses for the fans. Joe goes back to Dinero and pulls him up and irish whips him into the ropes, Dinero ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a flying forearm which only knocks Joe back a few steps. Dinero starts unloading with punches of his own trying to get control of the match. Dinero with a quick scoop slam gets a mixed reaction from the crowd. Dinero called for Joe to get up.</p><p> </p><p> Taz: Stay on him Kid!</p><p> </p><p> Joe made it to his feet, as Dinero went back to work with punches to the head. Joe seemed to be growing stronger as each punch had less of an effect on him. Dinero slowly backed away as Joe yelled. Joe hit a sick knife edge chop knocking Dinero down. Joe pulled Dinero down and nailed a few headbutts in before throwing Dinero in the corner and connecting with a nice kick to the head.</p><p> </p><p> Taz: Dinero is in trouble now!</p><p> </p><p> Mike: What do they want!</p><p> </p><p> As Joe kicked Dinero in the head, Kazarian came down to the ring causing Joe to turn his attention away from Dinero. Earl Hebner started yelling at Kazarian to get out of here, when out of nowhere, A.J. Styles ran into the ring and hit Joe with a steel chair, while Dinero looked stunned. Styles slide out of the ring and joined Kazarian as Joe was laying against the corner.</p><p> </p><p> Taz: DDE! DDE, from Dinero!</p><p> </p><p> Joe just fell to the mat as Dinero covered Joe for the 1, 2, 3. </p><p> </p><p> Borash: And your winner, D'Angelo Dinero!</p><p> </p><p> Mike: Dammit, Styles and Kazarian ruin another match and get one over on Joe again.</p><p> </p><p> The camera shows a shot of Dinero with his hand raised as the show goes off the air.</p></div></blockquote>
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Friday Week 1 August 2010


I came into the Impact Zone offices, the next morning on the phone with Dixie. Dixie was in her car with Jeff Jarrett.


“What time did you guys leave last night?” I asked.


“After the show, I went to Jeff’s hotel room and we immediately left for the show”, Dixie told me.


“You still have yet to tell me where you are going” I told her.


“And I am not going to”, Dixie responded. “Any numbers on how the show, went over with the television audience”, Dixie asked.


I immediately began going through paperwork until I found the numbers she wanted. I looked at them and frowned before telling her the news.


“We only managed a 0.43 with Spike while we didn’t even register with BravoUK or Fox8”. I mentioned.


“Not good, Charles”, Dixie reminded me. “While we are gone can you do a couple of things”, Dixie asked.


“What do you need”, I asked.


“Could you write up a review, of the show for the site and could you post an announcement about our new move to Thursday live shows and the fact that we are going on the road with Impact”, Dixie said.


“Sure no problem”, I told here.


“Great, see you in a couple of days”, Dixie said before hanging up.


After we hung up, I immediately got to work on the posts for the site


TNA Week 1 August 2010 Recap

Eric Bischoff is out but who is in?


Last night on TNA Impact Eric Bischoff was shown the door by TNA President Dixie Carter. Carter had enough of Bischoff’s antics as he started off the show by stripping all champions of their titles and throughout the night he forced TNA agents Al Snow, Jerry Lynn and D-Lo Brown in singles matches as well as the son of legend Ric Flair, Reid to compete against the Monster, Abyss. Carter told the crowd that next week a new sheriff would be in town, but would not reveal who that person is. Is this person a member of the TNA family already? Is it someone from Total Nonstop Action’s past or is this someone brand new to TNA and what will they do about the title situation here in TNA? Tune into Spike TV next week to find out!


Quick Results from Week 1 August 2010


• Eric strips champions of their titles to start the show

• Bischoff finds Ric and Reid Flair backstage, then tells Reid that if he does not win tonight’s match he is gone from TNA

• Homicide defeats Tomko

• TNA Security attacks Homicide until Hernadez makes the save

• Bischoff forces D’Lo Brown, Jerry Lynn, and Al Snow to wrestle

• Desmond Wolfe defeats Al Snow

• Abyss defeats Reid Flair

• Ric Flair vows vengeance on Abyss

• Matt Morgan defeats D'Lo Brown

• Rob Van Dam demands to know what Eric is doing

• Kazarian defeats Jerry Lynn

• Dixie Carter fires Eric Bischoff saying a new sheriff is coming

• D'Angelo Dinero defeats Samoa Joe in the main event with the help of Kazarian and A.J. Styles.


TNA Impact is getting out of the park

In a deal with Universal Studios, TNA has broken free of the park and will be taking Impact live on the road. Starting next Thursday you can catch your favorite TNA superstars live and in person when they come to your town for TNA Impact!


Not having anything to do, and with Dixie gone on her scouting trip, I went home for the day to catch up on personal items.


Saturday Week 1 August 2010


I went to the Impact Zone offices, even though Dixie was not scheduled to be back until tomorrow. As I began setting up the room to work on the next show, Eric Bischoff walked into the room.


“Hello Eric” I said to him.


“Hello kid”, Eric said to me. “I must give you credit, the response from the fans over my firing went the way we wanted it”.


“I knew it would, your character is easy to hate,” I told Eric.


“So, what’s next?” Eric asked.


“Last week’s show was really just to get you out of your position. This week we start our way to Hard Justice focusing more on the in ring action and storylines”, I said as I was looking through paper work. “We have too many wrestlers here. How did you deal with not having enough time to use everyone”, I asked Eric.


Eric laughed before speaking, “I just stuck to my plans, and if a member of the roster didn’t like it I just told them to deal with it”, Eric told me.


“Eric, tell me honestly. Do you think we should have the tournaments”, I asked him.


“It’s up to you kid, but if you want my advice I would forget the tournaments and just reverse my decisions. If you want to get off to a good start, at least”, Eric told me.


“Ok, I’ll think about it”, I told Eric.


“Hope things go well for you this week. I just wanted to come by and see how you were doing”, Eric said heading towards the door. “And congratulations on getting Impact to get out of the park”, Eric said leaving the office. After Eric left, I called Dixie’s cell where after three rings she picked up.


“Hello”, Dixie asked.


“Hello Dixie, It’s Charles” I said.


“Hey Charles, what do I owe this call to”, Dixie asked.


“I was looking over the roster and I think it would serve us well to run house shows so we can get people time in the ring, I told her. Their was a pause on the other end before Dixie spoke.


“Lets get our feet under us with the new transition and we can come back to it later”, Dixie responded.


“Ok”, I said.


“Any plans for the next Impact”, Dixie asked.


“I have a few, my biggest concern is of course what to do about the titles”, I told Dixie.


“Are you still wanting to do the tournaments”, Dixie asked.


“I am starting to have second thoughts”, I honestly told her.


“Well we can talk about it, tomorrow when I get back. Any thing else”, Dixie asked.


“I was looking through the books and noticed that we have a training facility on the books”, I asked.


“M1W Wrestling 101 is ours, while Team 3D has their own school”, Dixie informed me.


“Who runs it”, I asked


“I set Jeff Jarrett up as the Head Trainer”, Dixie said.


“That is all I have for now Dixie, see you tomorrow when you get back”, I told Dixie.


“Hello Charles”, Jarrett said in the background as I hung up the phone. After the call, I packed up my things and left for home.


Sunday Week 1 August 2010


I walked into the Impact Zone offices and sat at the table. Moments later Dixie Carter walked into the office.


“Hello Dixie”, I said.


“Hello Charles”, She responded.


“How was your trip” I asked.


“Good, we talked to some good prospects. We also sent out a letter to Spike about getting a second show”, Dixie told me.


“A second show, really”, I said concerned.


“We have the people to do it so, we might as well”, Dixie said. Dixie paused, before speaking again. “So you are having trouble deciding what to do about the titles” Dixie said speaking again.


“When I came in I thought I knew what I wanted, but getting the feedback from wrestlers and fans I don’t know anymore”, I told Dixie.


“One issue with a tournament is that it really makes Hard Justice boring as the show is based on the first rounds of the tournaments, and once the show is over we are still in the tournament”, Dixie said.


“So we should not have them”, I asked.


“It’s not that we should not have them, it’s just that it’s just a bad time to do it, considering that Bound For Glory is coming up in October”, Dixie said.


“What do we do then”, I asked.


“I am sure you will come up with something”, Dixie said.


“Eric came into the office yesterday while you were out”, I told Dixie.


“What did he want”, Dixie asked.


“He just wanted to say that he thought the firing angle came off well”, I told her.


“I just wanted to come in and see how things were going. I have some things to take care of at home so I am going to fly home for a couple days. I will be back Wednesday night”, Dixie told me before heading out of the office. With Dixie leaving the office I decided to head home as well.

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Monday Week 2 August 2010


New Japan Pro Wrestling brings two new names to the company

Credit: Pwinsider.com


Details are still coming in at this time, but people closely associated with New Japan Pro Wrestling have stated that both John Bradshaw Layfield and Ted Dibiase Sr. have signed with the company. Many are said to be confused as to why New Japan would bring these two into the company.


Preview for TNA Impact August week 2 2010

Eric Bischoff is out but who is in?


Last week on TNA Impact, Eric Bischoff was shown the door by TNA President Dixie Carter. Carter had enough of Bischoff’s antics as he started off the show by stripping all champions of their titles and throughout the night he forced TNA agents Al Snow, Jerry Lynn and D-Lo Brown in singles matches as well as the son of legend Ric Flair, Reid to compete against the Monster, Abyss. Carter told the crowd that next week a new sheriff would be in town, but would not reveal who that person is. Is this person a member of the TNA family already? Is it someone from Total Nonstop Action’s past or is this someone brand new to TNA and what will they do about the title situation here in TNA? Tune into Spike TV as Total Nonstop Action comes to you live from the Wilson Convention Center in Macon, Georgia!


Also scheduled for the show

In the Main Event


Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson


Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne


Douglas Williams vs. Suicide


Alex Shelley vs. Jesse Neal


Amazing Red vs. Jay Lethal


As I finished up the preview for the show, my cell phone went off. Looking at the number I did not recognize it, but I answered it anyway.


“Hello”, I said cautiously into the phone.


“Hello, is this Mr. Zulas?”, the voice on the other end of the line asked.


“Yes, this is, Mr. Zulas”


“Sir, this is Brain Kendrick”


“How are you, Mr. Kendrick, and how did you get my number?” I asked


“I’ve been better and Mr. Bischoff gave it to me”, Kendrick responded. While I was a little annoyed that Bischoff gave my personal number out, I continued with the call.


“So what can I do for you, day Mr. Kendrick”, I asked.


“Sir, when I came into TNA, I was promised the title shots”, Kendrick said.


“And you got them”, I responded.


“I was promised, to be featured as a top performer in TNA” Kendrick said.


“And you were in a title feud with Douglas Williams”, I responded.


“You come in and lower my profile with the company”, Kendrick accused.


“If you mean your proposed push, you lost your title shot with Williams, so of course you are going to be pushed down the card”, I told Kendrick.


“I don’t like it”, Kendrick stated.


“Well there are a lot of things people don’t like but have to deal with every day. So my suggestion is to get back in the gym and get to work”, I told Kendrick, a little bit put off by the direction of the conversation.


“Well, well”, is all I heard before Brain Kendrick hung up the phone on me. With the phone call over, I sat back in my chair and looked over the card I advertised on the website. Feeling ok with it, I took a deep breath and headed out for the night.

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Tuesday Week 2 August 2010


I walked into the Impact Zone offices to finalize paper work as tomorrow I would be heading off to Macon Georgia for the first live Impact under our new deal. As I sat at the desk, I received a call on my cell phone. Looking at the number I did not recognize it, “who is calling now” I thought to myself as I answered the phone.


“Hello is this Mr. Zulas”, the voice said on the other end.


“Shantelle is that you on the other end”, I asked.


“Yes, Mr. Zulas Eric gave me your number I hope you don’t mind”, Taylor asked.


“No, not at all. How are you”, I asked.


“Good, wondering what you are going to do with the knockouts division since the tag titles are gone”, she said.


“We really don’t have enough knockouts to have a strong singles and tag divison so, that is the reason they are gone. You will just be thrown into the knockouts title mix like everyone else”, I told Taylor.


“I tried to reach Dixie, but I wanted to tell you that I have signed an appearance deal with Wrestling Fan Xperience out of Canada. TNA still takes priority but I just wanted to let you know that”, Taylor stated.


“Thank you for letting me know”, I told her.


“See you in Macon, Thursday” Shantelle said before hanging up.

After my phone call with, the former TNA Knockouts tag team champion ended, I looked at my phone and noticed that I missed a call. I went to my voicemail and heard a voice I could not identify.


“Just wanted to say, thanks and I will see you Thursday”. After hanging up my phone I left the office feeling good about the show.


Wednesday Week 2 August 2010


I made it to the Impact Zone where the park officials were standing outside with Dixie.


“Hello Dixie, everything taken care of at home” I asked.


“I had a good couple of days, but I am really excited for the show”, Dixie told me.


“Before you guys leave I just wanted to say good luck on the show”, Mr. Douglas told us.


“Thank you”, was Dixie’s response. “Do you have what you need”, Dixie asked


“I do…Where is Jeff” I asked looking around.


“He said he would meet us there at the hotel tonight”, Dixie answered. “By the way I noticed the preview for the card”, Dixie told me as we left the park and headed to the airport for our quick flight. We made it to the airport and had no trouble with our flight, which was a good thing because I was nervous about the show. We landed and went straight to the hotel room, where Jeff met us just as Dixie said he would.


“How was the flight”, Jeff asked.


“Fine”, I replied “By the way Dixie, I meant to ask you. Yesterday, I received a message saying that someone will see me at the show. Any idea who that could be”, I asked. Dixie and Jeff just looked at each other and kept on walking as we got to our rooms.


“How’s the training center going”, I asked Jeff trying to make conversation.


“It’s ok, but no real hopefuls yet”, he responded. “So do you have the plans for the show finished yet”, Jeff continued.


“Yes I do”, I responded as I went into my briefcase and pulled out a copy of the show to hand to Jeff.


“This will be a tough sell”, was Jeff’s only response as he read the script for the show.


“I’m going to take a shower, and then head off to bed”, Dixie mentioned to Jeff and I as she unlocked the door to her and Jeff’s room.


“It will be interesting to see how the audience reaction to me as Eric’s replacement”, I said to Jeff.


“Any plans on him coming back”, Jeff asked.


“Way too soon to think about that”, I said. “Well today has been a long day and I have to be ready for my first appearance, so I am going to turn in”, I told Jeff as I unlocked my door and went inside to go to bed.


Thursday Week 2 August 2010


I woke up the next morning and gathered my things as I waited for Jeff and Dixie in the lobby so we could get to the building for the show. After waiting for an hour Jeff and Dixie walked towards me.


“Ready to head out”, I asked.


“Lets go”, Dixie said as we climbed into the rental car, Jeff driving with Dixie up front and myself in back.


“How do you think the fans will react to me”, I asked


“I really depends on what the fans are expecting”, if they don’t expect much you will be fine. If they are expecting Paul Heyman, your dead”, Jeff responded.


“Thanks”, I muddered under my breath.


“You’ll do fine”, Dixie laughed as we pulled into the parking lot for the show.

The three of us climbed out of the car and were met back Hulk Hogan at the entrance.


“Welcome brother”, Hogan said to me as I walked up. I gave a short smile before I spoke.


“It’s been a dream of mine to work with you”, I told Hogan. “Listen Hulk I have written the show for today with you being the main guy in charge tonight. I will just be introduced as Eric’s replacement, but you make all the announcements and dealings with talent.


“Sounds good”, Hogan responded as we walked into the building. As we entered the building we could hear yelling from the “locker room”. We all looked at each other and ran to the room where the Sandman was spouting off. Instead of listening to him as if they were following his words many of the wrestlers seemed annoyed with the outburst.


“Listen they don’t care about you”: Sandman was saying. “They only care about they pockets”. At this point I walked into the room.


“I walk into the building and this is the reception I receive. We can hear you clear down on the other side of the building”, I told the Sandman. “We only care about our pockets? Listen Sandy this business as given you more then you deserve so chill out or I will have to throw you out”, I told him.


The Sandman looked around hoping to get backup to his words, but all he could find, was a few annoyed wrestlers, along with Hogan, Bischoff, Jarrett and Carter standing behind me silent.


“Ok, sir” The Sandman stated before going to sit down.


“Mr. Zulas, right”, I heard as Kurt Angle walked up to me.


“Yes, what can I do for you today, Mr. Angle”, I asked.


“I know when you met with us last week, you were not really in favor of letting my storyline continue, and I heard that I am not in the show this week. So I ask what plans do you have for me”, Kurt wanted to know.


“Well let me be honest, no you are not in this week’s show, and yes I am not really in favor of you continuing on this top ten storyline. Though next week I can put you in a match for the show and we can go from there”, I told Kurt.


Kurt gave me a confused look, but went and sat down without saying a word. I looked around at the room and then at the group behind me. Jeff rolled his eyes and nudged me towards the front of the room, so I went with apprehension and began to speak.


“Hello to everyone, and thank you for making it to the show on time. I trust you have all had an opportunity to speak with Eric about your roles tonight. Now all I ask is that you trust me, things will take time as we really get going. Some of you will be in situations that you are not use to but you have to trust me that they are for the best”, I told the room as they all finished getting ready for the show. As I walked from the front of the room, Dixie Carter walked up to me.


“Charles, I would like you to meet our newest signing, Tyler Black.

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Week 2 August 2010

TNA Impact from the Wilson Convention Center in Macon, GA


The camera pans around the Wilson Convention Center as Mike Tenay voice can be heard


Mike: Hello Total Nonstop Action fans, tonight we start a new chapter in TNA as we bring you TNA Impact live from the Wilson Convention Center in Macon, GA!


Taz: That’s not all Mike, Eric Bischoff was relieved of his duties and our President Dixie Carter has promised his replacement to be named tonight!


Mike: Whoever the new replacement is, they need to decide what to do about the titles here in Total Nonstop Action.


At this point the camera zooms in on the stage as Dixie Carter comes out with Eric Bischoff. Bischoff has his hands in his pockets while Dixie has a microphone in hand.


Dixie: Hello Macon, Georgia!


A small pop from the crowd as Dixie turns to Eric


Dixie: Now Eric, I know I fired you last week and that decision still stands but I wanted you here tonight to meet your replacement in person.


Dixie pauses before speaking


Dixie: Eric, as the Head of Creative you fell back on what worked in World Championship Wrestling. While that may have worked there for a little while, these are new days. With that I bring you are new Total Nonstop Action, Head of Creative, Charles Zulas!


At this point I walked out on stage with little reaction from the crowd as they had no idea what to think of me. I smiled and shook Dixie’s hand as she handed me a microphone.


Charles: Thank you Dixie. Fans today is a new day for Total Nonstop Action wrestling. I promise a true alternative to the company up north. We will bring you the best in ring action available today. To help me in this goal is the man who revolutionized professional wrestling…the Immortal Hulk Hogan!


Hulk Hogan’s music hits as the crowd cheers for his arrival, Eric Bischoff is pissed while Dixie Carter is smiling. Hogan comes out and shakes hands with me and Dixie, before speaking.


Hogan: Welcome TNA maniacs! Today is a great day for TNA as Mr. Zulas said we will bring you the best wrestling in the world.

Hogan paused and looked at Eric before speaking


Hogan: Now to do this we need to decide what to do about the title situation here in Total Nonstop Action.


Charles: Now last week, Eric decided to strip the champions of their titles here in TNA.


The crowd boos


Charles: Throughout the coming weeks, new champions will be decided here in TNA. Now who will be fighting for these titles? Because of the injustice that Bischoff created the former title holders will be in these matches and their challengers will be decided in the coming weeks as we make our way to Hard Justice.


Hogan: The first championship to be decided will happen tonight as the former Knockouts title holder Madison Rayne.


Madison Rayne’s music hits and she comes out to the ramp getting boos from the crowd.


Hogan: And Madison Rayne’s opponent tonight will be…Angelina Love!


At this point Madison is screaming at Hogan as Love’s music hits. Love comes out to the ramp and delivers a forearm to the back of the neck to Rayne causing Rayne to tumble down the ramp with Love following behind. Rayne crawls away from Love but towards the ring as Love kicks Madison in the gut before grabbing her by the hair and throwing her in the ring as the Earl Hebner calls for the bell. Love immediately goes for a pin, but Rayne kicks out at two. Love then pulls Rayne up by her hair only to get poked in the eyes. Rayne sends Love into the turnbuckle and screams before charging in and connecting with a hard corner clothesline.


Mike: What is Velvet Sky doing coming to the ring?


Rayne sees Sky and screams at her to grab a chair. As Sky grabs a chair at ringside Love takes advantage of the brief distraction and pushes Rayne into Sky.


Mike: Love has shoved Rayne into the chair Sky is holding.


Taz: Holy backfire!


Rayne stumbles backwards and into a roll up from Angelina Love as Earl Hebner counts three, making Angelina Love the new Knockouts champion.


Borash: And your winner and new Knockouts champion, Angelina Love!


Mike: Madison is not going to be happy about this one.


Angelina Love slides out of the ring and back up the ramp, as the crowd cheers.


The crowd settles down as the area clears.


Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, TNA Impact continues with your next match. Coming to the ring first Douglas Williams!


The camera zooms in on Williams coming gown the ramp as the crowd boos


Taz: Williams looks a little naked without his title


Mike: As you heard from our new Head of Creative, Mr. Zulas, he will have a shot to win back the title as we head towards Hard Justice.


Borash: And his opponent, Suicide!


The lights go out as Suicide’s music hits…moments later the lights come back on with Suicide in the ring. Williams looks a little spooked as Suicide appears, and Mark Johnson calls for the bell.


Williams and Suicide lock up as Williams knees the masked man in the gut. Williams scoops Suicide with a bodyslam and follows it up with an elbow drop before taunting the crowd. Williams goes for a second elbow but Suicide rolls out of the way causing Williams to connect with the canvas. Williams gets back to his feet quickly but is hit with a couple of rights by Suicide until Williams sneaks in a thumb to the eye. Williams kicks Suicide in the gut…


Mike: Mean streak from Williams as he throws Suicide shoulder first into the steel post


Taz: Mean streak? I call that smart.


Suicide grabs his shoulder and stumbles back


Mike: Bridging German suplex from Williams!...And he gets the three!


Douglas Williams seems out of breath as Mark Johnson raises his hand. Williams looks towards the ramp and immediately bolts from the ring


Mike: Williams is spooked.


Taz: That’s why!


Stevie Richards is shown running around the ring towards Williams. Williams is shown looking at Richards on the other side of the guardrail before continuing threw the crowd.


Mike: Richards in high pursuit


The camera then switches to the parking lot backstage where we see Douglas Williams getting into a waiting car and driving away just as Richards gets to the parking lot. Richards is shown staring at the car as Williams speeds away.


Mike: What could Richards want with the former X-division champ?


The camera goes from the parking lot to the Head of Creative’s office where Hulk Hogan is sitting in the office as Madison Rayne is hot.


Madison: I was not ready…Love cheated!


Hulk: Madison, you the one who had Velvet Sky attack Angelina Love.


Madison: So, I want a rematch!


Hulk: Today is a new day in TNA, so get in line and get ready to prove yourself, before you get a knockouts title shot again. Now get out of the office.


Madison yells and storms off as we see Velvet Sky outside of the office waiting for Madison.


Velvet: So


Madison just stares at Velvet


Velvet: Ok…


Madison and Velvet walk away from the office. As they are walking they see Angelina Love standing backstage and attack her. Madison and Velvet end the attack throwing Love back first into the wall.


Taz: Remind me never to piss her off!


The camera focuses on a downed Knockout champion before going to the ring where, L.A.X. is standing in the ring. Herandez as a microphone in hand as the crowd cheers.


Crowd: L.A.X….L.A.X….L.A.X.


Herandez: Gunner, Murphy you attack my brother and you expect to get away with it! You want to attack a man when his back is turned, come and attack now when he has backup. At Hard Justice we are going to take you out.


Taz: This can’t be good…


As L.A.X. looks towards the ramp they do not see Team 3D hoping the guardrail behind them sliding in the ring.


Mike: Team 3D from behind, L.A.X. were focused on the ramp waiting for TNA Security and never saw Brother Ray or Brother Devon coming.


As Team 3D beats down L.A.X., the camera switches from the ring to the ramp as Gunner with a microphone and Murphy come walking to the stage getting boos from the crowd. Seeing the L.A.X. is in no condition to fight back Team 3D leaves the ring.


Gunner: You want to fight us at Hard Justice? We accept you challenge…


Gunner smirks at Murphy and then looks back to the ring


Gunner: We will see you at Hard Justice.


The camera goes back to the ring focusing on Homicide and Hernadez who are just now trying to get back to their feet. The camera goes back to Taz and Mike at the announce table.


Mike: The dirty cheap shot from Team 3D.


Taz: I know one thing I would not want to be TNA Security or Team 3D.


Mike: TNA Security versus L.A.X. at Hard Justice, I hope Gunner and Murphy know what they have gotten themselves into.


At this point Hulk Hogan’s music hits as he comes out to the ramp with a microphone in hand


Crowd: Hogan…Hogan…Hogan!


Hogan waits for the crowd to subside before speaking


Hogan: What a night, tonight! A new Knockout champion in Angelina Love,


The crowd cheers


Hogan: a new Head of Creative, in Mr. Zulas and now we have TNA Security versus L.A.X. TNA Security I hope your ready for a fight!


The crowd cheers and begins to chant


Crowd: TNA…TNA… TNA!


Hogan: I just got out of a meeting with the Head of Creative and we have decided on another blockbuster involving the TNA Tag Team titles. At Hard Justice it will be Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin of the Motor City Machine Guns versus Jesse Neal and Shannon Moore, Ink Inc!


The crowd cheers at that announcement as Hogan’s music hits and he leaves back through the entrance. After a few moments Borash can be heard.


Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, TNA Impact continues with your next contest. About to make he way down to the ring, Alex Shelley.


The camera zooms in on Shelley coming down the ramp. Shelley gets in the ring and waits for his opponent.


Borash: And his opponent, Jesse Neal


The camera switches to Jesse coming down and then back to Alex as the Mark Johnson rings the bell.


Shelley and Neal lock up in the center, with Neal using his strength advantage over Shelley to push him back into the corner. Neal with a couple of knees to the gut of Shelley before hip tossing Shelley out of the corner who is able to land on his feet and answer with a stiff kick to the gut and then a couple of kicks to the knees dropping Neal to his knees and blasting him with a kick to the face as the crowd cheers. Shelley pulls Neal to his feet and sends him into the ropes but bounces off and answers with a clothesline getting boos from the crowd. Neal picks up Shelley and whips him into the corner and begins punching him. Mark Johnson attempts to get in between the two and for Jesse to back up witch gives Shelley enough room to sneak in a forearm shot to the face as he runs to the ropes and bounces off. Shelley with a crossbody attempt but Neal catches him and turns it into a nice powerslam for the 1, 2, 3.


Borash: And your winner, Jesse Neal


Mike: Alex Shelley looked as if he had things going his way.


Taz: Wait Mike look…


Shannon Moore comes sliding into the ring with Shelley down as both members of Ink Inc. begin to attack Alex Shelley with stomps and kicks. Moore picks Shelley up and sends him into a clothesline from Neal.


Taz: Where’s Shannon going?


Shannon Moore climbs out of the ring and is looking under it until he pulls out a ladder


Taz: Here we go!


Moore slides the ladder into the ring and sets it up while Neal is still punching away on Shelley.


Mike: We need some help out here for Alex Shelley!...What’s he doing?


Shannon Moore climbs the ladder as Neal picks up Shelley and bodyslams him in front of `the ladder.


Mike: Moore off the ladder


A mix of boos and TNA chants can be heard through the crowd


Taz: Shannon with an elbow on the Shelley.


Ink Inc look down on Shelley who is lifeless in the ring before leaving the ring.


Mike: Guys can we get some help for Alex Shelley.


As TNA officials are helping Shelley up the ramp A.J. Styles music hits. Styles and Kazarian are coming to the ring. As they come to the ring they laugh at Shelley before climbing into the ring and calling for a microphone. Styles has the mic and begins to speak.


Styles: Joe…Joe…Joe. You big dummy, TNA wants to believe in you as the future of this company, but they forgot that I’m still here! You will never be on top while I am around.


Kazarian walks to Styles and mouths that it’s ok, obviously trying to get him to settle down.


Styles: I mean to be the face of a company you need, speed which it’s obvious you don’t have, you need the willingness to live and die in this ring…and no body can hold a candle to me in that department, but most of all Joe you need brains…


Kazarian laughs


Styles: Which by your recent actions you have proven that you have none. I mean Rob Terry...You wanted to challenge us and you picked Rob Terry as your partner. I mean even you can run circles around that guy.


At this point Samoa Joe’s music can be heard as the camera switches from the ring to the ramp and back to the ring as Joe climbs in and gets face to face with Styles.


Joe: Brains, you want to talk about brains. Your running around with a guy who dreamed he was spider man. How smart is that A.J. You talk about what it takes to be the future of this company…Well you don’t get to decide that, these fans do.


Crowd: Joe!...Joe…Joe!...


Joe: I’ll tell you what, you want to prove that you’re the best, face me at Hard Justice.


Joe waits for a response, with that Styles slaps Joe.


Taz: I don’t think that’s the response Joe wanted!


Styles notices Joe’s face as he looks like he is going to explode. Styles backs up and shoves Kazarian into Joe who proceeds to pummel him as Styles quickly slides out of the ring and back up the ramp. The camera goes to Taz and Mike as they talk.


Taz: Styles fed Kazarian to Joe so he could get out of harms way.


Mike: I’m sure this is not the last we have seen between Joe and Styles.


As they talk Hogan’s music hits yet again as he comes back out to the ramp.


Hogan: Hello again, my TNAmaniacs, I told you earlier that the Mr. Zulas and I had something else for you tonight. With the TNA World title being the number one title in this business today, we need strong competitors to fight for it, and they will at Hard Justice.




Hogan: Now R.V.D. being the champion before Eric lost his mind and striped you of it, you will be in the match at Hard Justice. What we need is to find you an opponent, and that will be decided between Jeff Hardy and Mr. Anderson when they go one on one in our main event!


The crowd cheers at that announcement


Hogan: Enjoy the rest of the night!


Hogan leaves the ramp and heads to the back as the camera goes back to Taz and Mike.


Mike: Jeff Hardy versus Mr. Anderson to decide R.V.D.’s opponent at Hard Justice. And that match happens tonight.


Taz: That’s huge!


The camera goes backstage where R.V.D. and Jeff Hardy are talking


Jeff: You and me for the World title at Hard Justice.


R.V.D. That would be great, just remember I won’t pull any punches.


Jeff: I would not expect anything less.


R.V.D: Good luck tonight


R.V.D. leaves Jeff to get ready as the camera goes back to the ring


Borash: TNA Impact continues with your next match. Making his way to the ring Jay Lethal!


Jay comes to the ring getting cheers and waits for his opponent tonight


Borash: And his opponent Amazing Red!


Amazing Red makes his way to the ring. Both men shake hands as the bell sounds. Lethal attempts to lock up with Red but Red uses his quickness and ducks under before unloading a series of stiff kicks to the legs and gut of Lethal. Red runs to the ropes and bounces off connecting with a running forearm, knocking Lethal to the mat. Red attempts a quick elbow and hits it before bringing Lethal back to his feet. Red whips Lethal into the corner and runs at him mounting him and attempting a monkey flip but Lethal is able to land on his feet and runs towards the opposite ropes and connects with a flying forearm as Red turns around knocking him threw the ropes. As Red slowly gets to his feet….


Mike: Lethal’s going to fly!


Lethal hits a suicide dive on to Red as the crowd chants


Crowd: This is awesome…TNA…This is awesome…TNA.


Lethal picks up Red and rolls him back into the ring, as Lethal attempts to pick Red up, Red grabs Lethal and rolls him up for a small package…1, 2…


Mike: And Lethal gets the shoulder up at 2.


Red scoop slams Lethal


Taz: Red’s heading to the top


Mike: The splash misses as Lethal rolls out of the way.


Red is a little dazed as he gets up. Lethal grabs Red and hits the Lethal Combination


Taz: Now it’s Lethal’s turn to go up top


Mike: And he hits the flying elbow


Lethal covers Red for the 1, 2, 3 and the victory.


As Lethal gets his hand raised the camera goes backstage where R.V.D. is standing. Mr. Anderson walks up to him.


Anderson: Hello I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Mr. Anderson


R.V.D. looks at Mr. Anderson with a confused look.


R.V.D: I know who you are


Anderson: No, I don’t think you do because after Hard Justice I will be known as TNA World champion!....champion.


Anderson walks away as the camera goes back to the ring


Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen this is your Impact main event of the evening. This match is scheduled for one fall with the winner getting a shot at R.V.D.s TNA World title at Hard Justice. First to the ring…Mr. Anderson!


Mr. Anderson comes straight to the ring without doing his trademark entrance


Taz: He must be focused tonight.


Borash: And his opponent, Jeff Hardy


Jeff Hardy comes to the ring and gets right in Anderson’s face as the two stand there talking. Earl Hebner rings the bell as Mr. Anderson just backs away and throws a right hand that Hardy ducks before connecting with one of his own. Hardy whips Anderson into the ropes and hits a clothesline that causes Anderson to roll out to the floor to regroup as Hardy just stands in the ring. Anderson climbs on to the ring apron and into the ring as the two lock up with Anderson getting the advantage with an arm wringer to the right arm. Hardy attempts to push Anderson away as he is getting bent down from the pressure to the arm and shoulder.


Mike: Ouch! Mr. Anderson just took a cheap shot and put a boot in Hardy teeth.


Taz: That’s not cheap, that’s smart.


Hardy holds his jaw as Mr. Anderson grabs him.


Mike: Mic check…Mic check!


Taz: Anderson wants to get this one over early


Mike: Not enough only a two count as Hardy had more then enough to kick out.


Anderson grabs Hardy and attempts to send him into the ropes but the irish whip is reversed as Hardy connects on a nice drop kick Anderson again rolls outside to get away from Hardy.


Taz: Hardy is going to the top


Mike: Flip dive onto Anderson from Hardy!


Crowd: TNA!...TNA!


Hardy plays to the fans as he pulls Anderson up but gets poked in the right eye. Anderson grabs Hardy by the head and rams it into a steel post, before rolling Hardy back into the ring.


Taz: Anderson showing a mean streak


Mike: Wait, cover by Anderson…only a two.


Anderson grabs Hardy again


Mike: Looks like he is going for a second Mic check


Taz: Blocked by Hardy….Twist of Fate!


Mike: Hardy with the cover….and gets the win.


Boarsh: Your winner of the match, Jeff Hardy.


Hardy is smiling to the camera as TNA Impact goes off the air.

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Friday August week 2 2010


After waking up the next morning in my hotel room Dixie, Jeff and I left the hotel. We walked outside of the hotel as Jeff spoke.


“Hey guys, hop in”, Jeff said as we left the hotel and headed back to Nashville.


“Any ratings news”, Dixie asked as we headed to the TNA offices.


“According to early reports, we fell to 0.37 on Spike, down from 0.43”, I told Dixie.


“The Hardy versus Anderson main event was stronger then Dinero versus Joe”, Jeff stated.


“I agree”, I told him as we continued to head onto Nashville. As we finally made it to the offices in Nashville and walked in Dixie turned to me.


“So have you found a place to live yet”, Dixie asked me. As I had my old place in Indiana, I answered.


“I have my current apartment in South Bend, Indiana but I have not rented a place closer to Nashville or Orlando”, I told her.


“After a long night I am going to head home for the day, If you want to join me, feel free”, Dixie asked me.


“Sure, thank you”, I told her as we climbed into her car and went to her house. About twenty minutes later we made it to her house. Dixie unlocked the door to her house and we stepped in.


“I am going to take a nap, feel free to make yourself at home”, Dixie told me as she went to her room, so I went to take a shower. After I stepped out of the shower and put on some clean clothes out of my bag. After my shower I went to the couch and fell asleep.


Saturday August week 2 2010


The next morning I left Dixie's and called for a cab to the TNA offices. I walked into the office where Dixie came in about an hour later.


“Hello, Charles. Sleep well last night”, she asked me.


“Follow me”, Dixie said as she motioned me to follow her. I followed her to an empty office as she turned to me. “Charles, when you’re here, this can be used as your office”, she continued.


“Thanks”, I said.


“I can have a spare computer and desk into the office for you to use”, she told me. As she had a couple of interns move things to my new office. As my office was setup I went in and turned on the computer to check news.


ROH Presents Driven 3 tonight.

Courtesy of pwinsider.com


Ring of Honor’s Driven 3 is tonight from The Arena at Harbor Yard. Scheduled for tonight pay per view


Super Smash Bros. & Lance Bravado vs. Tyson Dux, Harlem Bravado & Mr. Osiris

Alex Payne vs. Rasche Brown

Andy Ridge vs. Eddie Edwards for Edwards Television Title

Brent Albright & Erick Stevens vs. Kings of Wrestling for K.o.W’s Tag Team Titles

Delirious vs. Tyler Black

Jerry Lynn & Shawn Daivari vs. The Briscoe’s

Roderick Strong & Austin Aries vs. Steve Corino & Kevin Steen



After looking at the news, I powered down my computer and headed to Dixie’s office.


“Looking at the staff we have, I think we need to make some budget cuts. We have the needed announce team with Mike and Taz. We have multiple people available for backstage interviews with Jeremy and Christy and then we have a stack of backstage people who we don’t need.


“What do you have in mind”, Dixie asked.


“I know, that Don West still has some supporters from his days as the color guy, so why don’t we give him a spot on the website; He can answer fans questions”, I told Dixie.


“I actually like that idea”, Dixie said to me.



“Thanks, I am going to head back to my office”, I told Dixie as I left her and went back to my computer. Getting back on pwinsider.com I noticed the site was updated with news about TNA.


Workers unhappy with new direction of Total Nonstop Action?

Courtesy of pwinsider.com


Reports from friends and family of TNA star Brother Ray states that he is unhappy with the way he has been used since the arrival of the new “Head of Creative”, Charles Zulas. Brother Ray is believed to be angered by his apparent slide down the ladder in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. Sources within TNA could not be reached for comment.


I'll deal with this later on thought, I powered down my computer again, as I stood up from my desk and went to Dixie.


“I am going to head out for the day. Tomorrow I will have the plans for Impact finished”, I informed Dixie before leaving.


Sunday Week 2 August 2010


I walked into my new office in Nashville and went right to my computer and found the results of the Driven 3 from Ring of Honor, along with a preview of World Wrestling Entertainment ‘s Summerslam.


Ring of Honor presents Driven 3

Courtesy of pwinsider.com


Tyson Dux, Harlem Bravado & Mr. Osiris defeat Super Smash Bros. & Lance Bravado

Rasche Brown defeats Alex Payne

Eddie Edwards defeats Andy Ridge for Edwards Television Title

Kings of Wrestling defeats Brent Albright & Erick Stevens to retain the Tag Team Titles

Delirious defeats Tyler Black

Jerry Lynn & Shawn Daivari defeats The Briscoe’s

Roderick Strong & Austin Aries defeats Steve Corino & Kevin Steen


World Wrestling Entertainment presents SummerSlam previewCourtesy of pwinsider.com


Alica Fox vs. Melina for Fox’s Diva title

Curt Hawkins vs. Kofi Kingston for Kingston Intercontinental title

R-Thurth vs. The Miz for Miz’s United States title

Chris Matthews vs. Wade Barrett

Ted Dibiase vs. Tyson Kidd

David Otunga vs. Skip Sheffield

Goldust vs. Jey Uso

Santino Marella vs. Sheamus

John Morrison vs. Matt Hardy

Kelly Kelly vs. Layla for Layla’s Women’s title

Big Show vs. Edge

Jake Swagger vs. Kane for Kane’s World HeavyWeight title


After reading the news I typed up the preview for this week’s Impact from the Alico Arena.


Preview for TNA Impact August Week 3 2010

Courtesy of tnawrestling.com


Last week we found out the answer to the question, who is Eric Bischoff’s replacement. The new Head of Creative, Charles Zulas got right to work leaving his mark on the TNA landscape as we now have a New Knockouts champion in Angelina Love. This did not sit well with Madison Rayne attacked the new champion vowing to get revenge. How will the new champion react when she faces, Rayne’s partner in crime Velvet Sky?

Who will come out on top at Hard Justice when Rob Van Dam faces Jeff Hardy for the TNA World Heavyweight Title?


scheduled for TNA Impact


L.A.X. vs. Team 3D

Beer Money vs. Eric Young & Orlando Jordon

Chris Sabin vs. Shannon Moore

Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky

Kazarian vs. Samoa Joe

The TNA debut of Tyler Black


After posting the latest Impact preview, I e-mailed Don West


TO: Don West

RE: Position with Total Nonstop Action


Hello Mr. West

This is Mr. Zulas, and I am writing you because I have decided that we have too many people in TNA, hanging around backstage without anything to do. This e-mail is to inform you that I would like you to become the new online reporter for TNA. In this position, you would be writing recaps and previews of our shows, answering questions from fans and writing articles on TNA to put on the site. Please write me when you get this e-mail and give me your thoughts.


Charles Zulas

TNA Head of Creative


After writing the e-mail I left my office and talked with, Dixie.


“I am going to take tomorrow off, and look for a place in the area”, I told Dixie.


“As long as the preview is up, have a good time”, she responded.


“I just posted it”, I told Dixie as I left the office for the day.

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Monday Week 3 August 2010


I woke up the next morning and spent the day looking for a new apartment


Tuesday Week 3 August 2010


I paid the cab and went inside the TNA Headquarters to my office where Dixie was busy on her computer.


“Good Morning. Charles. How did the apartment search go”, she asked.


“Good, Dixie, I found a place just a few miles from here”, I told her as I went into my office and checked my messages. As I checked my messages I found an e-mail from Don West


TO: Mr. Zulas

RE: Online Reporter


Hello, Mr. Zulas

This is Don West, I received your e-mail. If you would like me to be the Online Reporter for the company, I would be more then happy to do it.


Don West

TNA Online Reporter


After I read Don’s response I paged Dixie into the office.


“Charles, you wanted to talk”, she asked.


“Looking at the schedules, I noticed that all of the TNA pay per views are the last sunday of every month, and I was wondering why that is”, I asked.


“It’s really just a way to keep them organized”, Dixie answered.


“Looking at the roster, we need to make some cuts”, I said


“I know, but lets get through Hard Justice first”, Dixie asked.


“We just have too many people I think and not enough time to use them”, I said.


“Give it time, you will learn how to balance the roster”, Dixie said to me.


“I am hoping that the older stars will just retire”, I said. “Well I am going to head out and get ready for Thursday’s Impact at the Frankfort Convention Center”. I continued before leaving.


Wednesday Week 3 August 2010


I made it to the office where Dixie was waiting for me.


“Charles, I thought it would be best if we left for the show today, so we can fix any last minute changes and maybe go to dinner”, Dixie told me.


“Ok, sounds good”, I told Dixie as we left the building and got into her car. Later that night we made it to the building and scoped out the layout. After we left the Frankfort Convention Center, we went out to a local restaurant and had dinner. After dinner we went and got a room for the night.


Thursday Week 3 August 2010


I woke up the next morning and made coffee as Dixie was taking a shower. As Dixie put on her makeup I was busy drinking coffee and reading the script for the show.


“Dixie, have you heard anything from Eric lately?” I asked.


“No, not lately”, she responded from the bathroom. I finished reading the script as Dixie came out of the bathroom.


“Lets get breakfast before we head over to the building”, Dixie requested.


“”Fine with me”, I told her.So we grabbed our bags for show and headed out the door, to have breakfast. After breakfast we went over to the Frankfort Convention Center and once we arrived we could hear Mick Foley telling the story of his time in the WWE when he did the “This is Your Life” segment with the Rock. Any wrestling fan remembers the story and the younger wrestlers in the locker room they seemed to enjoy it. As we stood there watching Mick retell the story, Eric walked up to me.


“So how is everything going”, he asked with a smirk.


“Ok I guess…The transition is a little harder then I thought”, I told Eric. Eric laughed before speaking.


“I told you, you could not do my job, but in all seriousness you have two major problems I see, one compared to me you are nothing while I am god”, Eric said as Dixie rolled her eyes behind me. “Second, even though there are a couple of matches building off of Victory Road, the last couple of shows have me scratching my head and saying, where is this coming from? It’s as if you it the reset button on the company and have failed to tell anyone as to what your doing, I don’t even know if you know yet”, Eric said to me. I looked at Eric and sighed, as I headed to the front of the room to talk to the roster.


“Hello everyone, thank you for making it to the Frankfort Convention Center. Now I know we have not mentioned it yet but for the time being we have change the dates for the pay per views for the rest of the year, they are the last Sunday of the month until further notice”, I heard some confusion from the crowd but continued on “Now this week I believe we have some strong matches, and we are looking to continue the build for the matches we have booked for Hard Justice. Kurt, you have the Main Event spot tonight, so be on your game”, I said to the room, as Kurt just nodded his head towards me. “Remember everyone this is a time of change and rebuilding for the company so help me help you by just trusting what we have planned and have a good night”.

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<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Out of Character post/warning/update</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Thank you to all that have been reading but in writing this diary I have decided to make changes, I know it's only 3 weeks in but getting through the show writeups is a drag. I've had the game done to the current show for a while now and now writing the show seems like a giant brick wall.</p><p> </p><p>

Plus on top of this I have downloaded the october mod and truely believe that this is a better jump off point for the diary (even if 1000s of TNA october diaries seem to be poping up, now)</p><p> </p><p>

In summary this is the plan for "the new era of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling take 2" (I don't plan for that to be the name).</p><p> </p><p>

between show write ups will be not be daily (I'm thinking show preview, day of show, the show and show recap posts per week with random pwinsider spoilers, also I will bring in don west to answer questions from "viewers" (that's you). Less behind the curtain idea.</p><p> </p><p>

As far as "show write ups" these I plan to be tighter, writen more as online reports. (full interviews along with Taz, Mike and Borash speech will be cut/trimed).</p><p> </p><p>

Hopefully all of this will make for a more fluid, more updated diary. I will post the link to the new "TNA" diary once it's started. I am going to start the new one at the end of BFG.</p><p> </p><p>


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