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NYCW - Is That Change in the Air?

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NYCW Empire Champion: Johnny Martin

NYCW Tri-State Regional Champion: Greg Rayne

NYCW Tag Team Champions: The Ring Generals (Marv Statler & Dean Waldorf)

NYCW Tri-State Tag Team Survivors: 2010 - Painful Procedure (Randall Hopkirk & Billy Jack Shearer)

NYCW King of New York: Vacant (Tournament 11/2010)




*Dates are from in game*

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A history lesson...how did I get here?


January 2nd, 2010 - I walked to my office going through the motions of meeting my co-workers for the first time, I could not help thinking to myself "How the heck did I get here" and "Do I really have a clue as to what I am doing?". I turn the corner and bump into my new boss:


STOMPER - "Good morning Mike, how was the holidays?"


ME - "Not too bad, just did the usual multiple family functions...you know, dinner with my family then jump in the car to make desert with Jen's family. How about yours?"


STOMPER - "Ha! Sounds a lot like mine. Come to my office in a couple of hours so we can talk about some goals I expect and what ideas you have for Rush Hour and the roster as a whole."


ME - "Sounds good, see you in a little while."


I make it to my office and close the door. Again I ask "What am I getting myself into?". I sit at my desk and look at my computer....171 emails! "Ugh, this is going to be a long day". As I pan through my emails, my phone rings....its Stomper's assistant, looks like the meeting we had this morning has to be postponed, but he has scheduled a creative meeting this afternoon. "Good", I think to myself, "I still have some ideas to work out before I present them....not to mention the 10 phone calls I am waiting callbacks from."


Before we move on, how did I get to this point.....well lets look back about a year ago.


January 8th, 2009....Cleveland, Ohio. It's another cold and snowy night in my hometown. I just got invited to attend SWF's When Hell Freezes Over event. Not sure if I want to go out in the first major snowstorm of the year, I walk out of the bedroom and ask my wife (Jen) what she had going on tonight. She say she was planning on sending out more thank you cards from our wedding. As fun as that sounded, I tell her about the invitation I received and she tells me to go ahead and go. "You deserve a night out, just be careful".


We got to the Fan Festival about 2 hours before the show began. As I made my way through the crowd, I bumped into a guy in his late 50s, wearing a NYCW T-Shirt. I apologize to him but immediately recognize him as The Stomper. We strike up a conversation about wrestling, the details of which mostly escape me, but he looks a little surprised that someone living in the Great Lakes region knew who he was. I told him I was at the event back in 2002 when he lost the Empire Title to American Buffalo. I ask him what he is doing in Cleveland. He tells me that he was in town checking out a couple of young kids for a possible tryout but it seems the meeting did not go so well...something about the product NYCW uses being a little "outdated". I tell him "These young kids don't know a gift when they see one, wrestling today doesn't hold a candle to the stuff we had 15 to 20 years ago". With the show beginning in about 15 minutes, Stomper surprises me and says he has a couple of extra tickets to the suite he is sitting in, and invites me and my friend to join him.


Throughout the show we talked wrestling and I am not sure if it was the free alcohol or just the adrenaline rush I get when I attend any live wrestling event, but I started throwing out ideas on how he can modernize his product without losing the throwback feel...."Modern Traditional" I call it. I finally admit that back in the late 1990s, I helped book a very small local wrestling promotion here in the Cleveland area. It only lasted for 3 years but it wasn't for lack of content...we just lost most of our wrestlers to real life. The show ends with like we all thought it would, Vengeance retains the Heavyweight Title and is challenged by Jack Bruce at Nothing to Lose....and if you know your history, Bruce wins the belt that night.


About three months later, I receive a phone call from a number with a 212 area code. I answer the phone and its Stomper. He tells me that he has been doing a lot of thinking ever since we spoke last and invited me and Jen to come to New York City for the weekend. Jen and I make the 8 hour drive from Cleveland and meet Stomper for dinner. It was during that meeting that he tells me that he is hoping to retire by the time he hits 63 and would love nothing more then to see his NYCW get bigger and become more popular in other regions of the country....and the thinks I am the man who can do just that. Not sure what to say, I asked him if I could think about it....he says as long as he knows by the end of the summer, he has no problem with that, but he would not want me to start until the beginning of 2010...just so they can run the current storylines out and he can weed out some "bad eggs".


And that leads us to where we are today......I look at the clock, "2 hours til my first creative meeting....ugh." Just then the phone rings, its my assistant. "I have Matthew Gauge on line 1 and Greg Rayne on line 2." Finally, two of the calls I have been waiting for. "Put Matthew through"

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Creative Meeting


"It was great talking to you and I am looking forward to working with you real soon.....ok...see you in a couple days at Rush Hour". *click*


ME - "Well that was the last call back I was expecting, and it looks like we are about to bring back a couple of old faces for the Tag Division."


STOMPER - "That's great news, I really hope they can come in and hit the ground running, they have been out of the game for a while."


ME - "There is only one way to find out for sure, and that's to get them booked in a match.....only problem is we were only able to reach an agreement with one of them, but I expect to get them both signed before the end of the month. Ok, so before we begin, what did you want to tell me."


STOMPER - "I wanted to make sure that we are on the same page when it comes to hiring new wrestlers. The rules I have are simple. I do not want any that you would classify as a Spot Monkey or Cruiserweight and they must be fairly athletic. Other then that, you can do whatever you feel will help the company."


ME - "Ok, that's not an issue. The guys I have already hired fit within your rules."


STOMPER - "Ok, lets get down to business. I heard a rumor that Roger Cage has been in talks with the SWF. Is this true?"


ME - "Unfortunately yes, he has agreed to a deal with them so it looks like his last show with us will be at Rush Hour. "


STOMPER - "Well, I knew that day would come sooner or later....well, make sure to tell him that he always has a home here if things do not work out. Ok, lets have a quick run down of who you signed and the current roster."


ME - "When I found out that Roger was leaving, my first call was the Greg Rayne. I remember seeing him at a couple of house shows and thought he has some talent. I also wanted to get a little younger, so I also was able to get Matthew Keith and Cameron Vessey signed along with Mario Heroic, Steven Parker and Coyote Dynamite. I have a call out to Wiley Steinway with the hopes to reunite Coyote Dynamite. So here is the break down of the roster right now."


Main Eventer



Steve Flash

Honest Frank

© - Black Hat Bailey - Empire Champion


Upper Midcarder


Lee Wright

Steven Parker

Greg Rayne




Matthew Keith

Rick Sanders

© - Sammy The Shark - Tri-State Champion

Coyote Dynamite

The Masked Mauler

Dazzling Dave Diamond


Lower Midcarder


© - Marv Statler - Tag Team Champion

© - Dean Waldorf - Tag Team Champion

Mario Heroic

Cameron Vessey

Land Mass




The New York Doll

Animal Harker


Occasional Wreslter


Larry Vessey

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NYCW Wrestling Minute


NYCW Wrestling Minute


Change is definitely in the air over at New York City Wrestling. Reports of Stomper relinquishing some creative control of the company to a relatively unknown writer named Mike Apotsos shocked the wrestling world last month. Stomper said that "it is time for some new blood to come in and see if we can take NYCW outside the Tri-State area and see if we can grow a little bit before I retire to the white sandy beaches".


This news helped shadow the reports that Roger Cage will be leaving NYCW following Rush Hour to join SWF. Mike has wasted no time to try and add some new talent to the roster. So far he has brought in young stars Cameron Vessey, Matthew Keith, Greg Rayne and Steven Parker. He also brought in Mario Heroic and one time NYCW Tag Team Champion Coyote Dynamite. Rumors are flying around that he is looking to bring in 6 or 7 new wrestlers over the next two to three months. One rumor is that once popular NYCW tag team Wiley Coyote will be reuniting for one last run at the titles.


Also on the tag team front, former Tri-State Regional champion Dazzling Dave Diamond will be joining newly signed Mario Heroic as one half of the Kings of Wrestling, and they will receive a title shot at Rush Hour against the Old School Principals and The Ring Generals in a triple threat match.


Also, Roger Cage will face newcomer Steven Parker in Cage's final match in NYCW. Will Cage go out with a win or will Parker get his first win over one of the companies best wrestlers. Sammy The Shark said he did not think anyone in NYCW was worthy of facing him for the Tri-State Regional title, so management brought in two new guys to challenge him for his title. Cameron Vessey and Matthew Keith will get a chance at the title in their first matches with the company. We also will name a new #1 contender for the Empire Title in a four way dance and we will also find out if Black Hat Bailey can retain the belt against Whistler.


NYCW Rush Hour 2010


Saturday: January 9th, 2010 @ The Weston Gymnasium

Newark, New Jersey

Doors Open @7pm EST

Bell Time @8pm EST


All Titles will be on the line!!!


Animal Harker vs Land Mass



Old School Principals vs Kings of Wrestling vs © The Ring Generals



Roger Cage vs Steven Parker



Cameron Vessey vs Matthew Keith vs © Sammy The Shark



Honest Frank vs Steve Flash vs Lee Wright vs Greg Rayne



Whistler vs © Black Hat Bailey

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Animal Harker vs Land Mass



Old School Principals vs Kings of Wrestling vs (c) The Ring Generals

Kings of Wrestling are too new and untried to take the belts now



Roger Cage vs Steven Parker

It's a farewell match. that guarantees Cage is jobbing



Cameron Vessey vs Matthew Keith vs © Sammy The Shark

Either one is better than Sammy. I go with Cameron as there is a better chance of actually getting to keep him



Honest Frank vs Steve Flash vs Lee Wright vs Greg Rayne

While Rayne is the wildcard here, Flash is pretty much your best wrestler period



Whistler vs © Black Hat Bailey

Bailey is almost ready to retire, and Whistler is even older than him. Although Whistler may not hang it up for years yet

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Animal Harker vs Land Mass



Old School Principals vs Kings of Wrestling vs © The Ring Generals



Roger Cage vs Steven Parker



Cameron Vessey vs Matthew Keith vs © Sammy The Shark



Honest Frank vs Steve Flash vs Lee Wright vs Greg Rayne



Whistler vs © Black Hat Bailey

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Animal Harker vs Land Mass



Old School Principals vs Kings of Wrestling vs © The Ring Generals



Roger Cage vs Steven Parker



Cameron Vessey vs Matthew Keith vs © Sammy The Shark



Honest Frank vs Steve Flash vs Lee Wright vs Greg Rayne



Whistler vs © Black Hat Bailey

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NYCW Rush Hour 2010


NYCW Rush Hour 2010

Live to DVD - The Weston Gymnasium

January 9th, 2010

Attendance - 300 (SOLD OUT)



* The DVD opens up with some brand new theme music and we go to Rock Downpour and Herb Staley sitting at the announce table.*


Rock - "Good evening NYCW fans and welcome to The Weston Gymnasium and Rush Hour, I am Rock Downpour and as always I am joined by my co-host Herb Staley"


Herb - "Thank you Rock, but I am sure that even these morons watching know greatness when they see it....and I am great."


Rock - "Ok Herb, there is no need to insult our fans."


Herb - "Whatever Rock, just get to down to business before you embarrass yourself even more."


Rock - "Anyway, we have had a lot of changes to the landscape here in NYCW. First, we have a new man in charge of things and he promises things will be shaken up around here. And second, we have a lot of new talent making their debuts tonight as well as someone making their last appearance here in NYCW."


Herb - "Right for once Rock, the new boss and I have had a nice chat about things and yes, things will be changing around here....hopefully one of them will be to my right."


Rock - "What is with you....oh never mind....tonight on the card we have ALL THREE TITLES on the line. First, The Ring Generals will be defending the Tag Titles against not one, but two teams! They will face the Old School Principals and the newly united Dazzling Dave Diamond and Mario Heroic, now known as Kings of Wrestling."


Herb - "The Generals got lucky a few months back when they won the titles from the Old School Principals, so I see that injustice finally about to be corrected....and Kings of Wrestling? Who are we kidding...more like Queens..."


Rock - "OK, well we also have the Tri-State Regional up for grabs as Sammy The Shark will defend against two of the new faces here in NYCW, Cameron Vessey and Matthew Keith."


Herb - "Finally the legend Larry Vessey got his son over here and if I were a betting man....I wouldn't put money on the Shark."


Rock - "And finally the Empire Title will be on the line as Black Hat Bailey defends against Whistler."


Herb - "Whistler is too old to be in the ring with Bailey...the champ retains his belt."


Rock - "We also will find out who the #1 contender will be to the Empire Title as Honest Frank, Steve Flash, Lee Wright and newly signed Greg Rayne square off in a Four Way Dance to determine who will get a shot in 2 months."


Herb - "Not that it matters, but there is only one man that deserves that shot..and to be HONEST, three of them don't have what it takes....HONESTly."


Rock - "Ok...and finally we will say farewell to Roger Cage as he will face Steven Parker."


Herb - "Good bye and good riddance Roger...don't let the door hit you where the sun don't shine."


Segment Rtg - 34


Cameron Vessey is in the locker room getting a quick pep talk from his father Larry when The New York Doll comes in.


NYD - "Well well well...look how cute, daddy giving a pep talk.....go get em tiger!! Ha Ha H...."


Vessey - "For a little punk you sure have a big mouth, why don't you come with me and I will show you some respect."


Larry drags NYD to the ring and calls for an official.


Segment Rtg - 30


Dark Match

Larry Veesey vs The New York Doll

*Pretty good match, The Doll found some offense but the veteran was too much. WINNER @ 6:56 - Larry Vessey.


Segment Rtg = 36


Rush Hour Begins


Match #1

Animal Harker vs Land Mass


*In a pretty poor match which both men were off their game, Land Mass defeats Harker with a Ten Ton Avalanche @ 5:03. Winner - Land Mass


Segment Rtg = 18


*Backstage we see Dazzling Dave Diamond and Mario Heroic.


DDD - "That's right NYCW fans, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Mario Heroic...the Kings of Wrestling are putting the other tag teams on notice. It won't be long til that gold finds its way around our waists."


Heroic - "I came to NYCW after receiving a phone call from my good friend Triple-D, So tonight....Ring Generals and Old School Principals....look out, because the Kings are coming for their gold!"


Segment Rtg = 32


Match #2 -Tag Team Title Match

Kings of Wrestling vs Old School Principals vs © The Ring Generals


*Pretty good match as all three teams found offense, but the Generals prevailed @11:44 when Dean Waldorf pinned Mario Heroic. Winners and still Tag Team Champs - The Ring Generals


Segment Rtg = 43


*After the match, the Generals are celebrating their win when through the crowd Coyote Dynamite runs in with a chair and lays out both Waldorf and Statler. Dynamite grabs the belts and says "These belong to us!!" Drops the belts and leaves the way he came in.


Segment Rtg = 28


*Backstage with Roger Cage


Cage - "I want to take this time to thank all the NYCW fans for their support over the years and all the well wishes I received as I take the biggest step in my career. I had a great run here, but it is time for me to test my skills with the big boys. I will always hold a special place in my heart for NYCW, and who knows....some day I may return. But tonight I get to face Steven Parker in his debut match. Let me just say one thing...I plan on going out with a bang. NYCW is still my company....and I will defend it! Believe that Mr. Parker."


Segment Rtg = 53


Match #3

Steven Parker vs Roger Cage


*Decent first match for Parker, the crowd was into this match. Cage hada couple of chances to win the match, but Parker kicked out and eventually hit a Future Shock for the win. Winner at 15:06 - Steven Parker


Segment Rtg = 37


*Rock Downpour is in the back with Whistler


Rock - "Wistler, tonight you have the chance to become the Empire Champion....what are you thoughts?"


Whistler - "Well Rock, it isn't a secret that I don't like Black Hat Bailey...never have, never will. And I am pretty sure he feels the same way about me...and that's ok. Tonight.....I plan on getting that belt back.....tonight, I plan to prove to everyone that I am the #1 wrestler in NYCW. And tonight.....I plan to win the Empire Title for all the fans out there and watching at home."


Segment Rtg = 42


*Honest Frank sitting in his dressing room


Frank - "Tonight, the most honest man in the Tri-State area finally gets the chance to become the #1 contender to the Empire Title. Flash....HONESTly, I do not know why you said those things about me being a liar and cheat in your blog. Lee Wright...you and I have walked that aisle together as a team, so you know that you can trust me to wrestle an HONEST match. And Greg Rayne....let me be the first one to welcome you to NYCW....I am looking forward to wrestling you.....HONESTly. But make no mistake, I will become the #1 contender for the title tonight.....and that's the truth!"


Segment Rtg = 52


*Video shown hyping the Tri-State Regional Title Match


Segment Rtg = 23


Match #4 - Tri-State Regional Title Match

© Sammy The Shark vs Cameron Vessey vs Matthew Keith


*Back and forth match as all three men took the upper hand, Larry Vessey comes to ringside and takes the brass knuckles from his son and tells him to get back in there and wrestle. Just as Sammy is about to finish off Keith, Larry Vessey jumps on the ring apron and hits both Sammy and Keith with the brass knuckles. Cameron Vessey then hits Sammy with the Vessey Driver for the 1-2-3 @ 17:24. Winner and NEW Tri-State Regional Champion - Cameron Vessey


Segment Rtg = 43


*Post Match - Larry and Cameron Vessey throw Matthew Keith from the ring and continue to beat down Sammy The Shark. They celebrate and leave together. Larry Vessey has turned Heel


Segment Rtg = 24


*Backstage with Greg Rayne


Rayne - "Hello NYCW! The Rayne Man, Greg Rayne has finally made his way to the Big Apple. I have come here with only one goal in mind, and that is to capture the Empire Title. When I signed I never imagined that I would have the opportunity to wrestle to become the #1 contender in my first match. Well I plan to take that bull by the horns and get my shot in 2 months. And Honest Frank....thank you for your warm welcome....but I know a rat when I smell one...and boy....you stink!"


Segment Rtg = 41


Match #5 - #1 Contender for Empire Title

Honest Frank vs Steve Flash vs Lee Wright vs Greg Rayne


*Another good match as all four men went back and forth. It looked like Flash and Rayne spoke before the match, because they did not let Wright and Frank goat them into setting up a double team. But alliances wouldn't last as Steve Flash would hit the Flash Bang on Rayne at 18:15 and get the win. Winner and #1 Contender - Steve Flash


Segment Rtg = 48


Match #6 - Empire Title Match

©Black Hat Bailey vs Whistler


*These two men showed why they are called crafty veterans. Both men would get the upper hand, only for the other one to make a come back. But in the end Black Hat Bailey would get Whistler to submit to the Bailey Breaker at 18:48. Winner and still Empire Champion - Black Hat Bailey


Segment Rtg = 40


Overall the show went off pretty well, some fans thought that Cameron Vessey was used too much. I would consider the show a success and felt that we did gain some new fans.


Overall Show Rtg = 39


On a quick side note. Since I do a podcast on a small internet radio station, I am thinking about doing a short 10 - 15 minute podcast based on the wrestling world that this diary is set in. It will mostly be on NYCW but I will hit any major stories. So if you have any questions in game, please leave them in this thread and I will address them on the show. I will let everyone know the details when I get around to do the podcast.
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Post Rush Hour


It's been a busy week following Rush Hour, the media has given us a lot of praise for the show, the wrestlers are happy with how well Rush Hour went and are really getting behind the new signings. It seems all I have been doing is making and answering calls, but it has been a real productive week.


STOMPER - "Nice job on the show Mike, I really liked the matches and the way you handled Roger's departure was classy. And turning Larry heel! Loved it!"


ME - "Thanks boss, I hope St. Valentine's Day Massacre will live up to the hype we created. There are a few things I wanted to talk with you about today."


STOMPER - "Ok, fire away."


ME - "First, I know you have been used to having only monthly shows, while that is great for keeping expenses down and allows our wrestlers pick up other shows and give them more free time. Well I have been thinking about running a very small show on the last night of each month. It would be no more then an hour and it could really help when we start to hold shows outside the Tri-State region....and also help us build some story lines and showcase some of our younger, lesser known wrestlers."


STOMPER - "Hmmm...I dunno....but I guess I hired you for a reason and you never know til you take that chance. How about we try it for 5 or 6 months and see if it draws and then revisit it. Oh, by the way, what will you call it?"


ME - "I was thinking of calling it NYCW Wrestling Showcase. It will be a 1 hour event that we put on on nights the venue is having a concert or some other event....we can piggyback on that."

STOMPER - "Ok, so are we going to hold one this month?"


ME - "Yes, I already booked The Weston Gymnasium...they have a Battle of the Bands scheduled at 9pm, so if we go on at 7:30 we can have the ring down by the time they start."


STOMPER - "Sounds great....what was the other thing you wanted to talk about?"


ME - "Well we have made a bunch of hires over the last week. I have signed 8 new wrestlers and 1 manager, there has been a lot of heat on Fern Hathaway lately...a lot of people are unhappy with her attitude and how she treats people. I am going to giver her another month, but if things do not get better then I will let her go."


STOMPER - "Yeah, she can be a handful...well I will let you get that press release out with the new hires and the upcoming card for Showcase. Keep up the good work!"

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NYCW Wrestling Minute


NYCW Wrestling Minute


The buzz is still in the air after NYCW Rush Hour. The fans leaving the event were talking about the turn of Larry Vessey, who helped his son Cameron win the Tri-State Regional Title. Rumor has it that at St. Valentine's Day Massacre, it will be Sammy The Shark and Cameron Vessey in a rematch for the title, but that is only if Sammy can defeat Larry at this month's NYCW Wrestling Showcase.


Another topic that has people buzzing is the match for the Empire Title in 2 months time between #1 Contender, Steve Flash and current champion Black Hat Bailey. Bailey was able to get by Whistler, but Flash took out three other men to get his shot at the title at the March event, Fights on Broadway.


And finally, we can confirm the rumors that Wiley Coyote is indeed returning to NYCW and will challenge The Ring Generals for the Tag Team Titles. We are still unsure of the condition of the champs after they were brutally attacked by Coyote Dynamite after they defended their titles against two tag teams, but if we know the Generals, they will not back down from this challenge.


News Wire


*NYCW Announced that NYCW Wrestling Showcase will be held on Saturday, January 30th @7:30pm at The Weston Gymnasium. Tickets are available now!


* NYCW has signed Amy "The Blonde Bombshell" Roberts, Wiley Steinway, Island Boy Apollo, Brady Prince, Greg Gauge, Nigel Svensson, Kirk Jameson, Jebediah and Running Wolf to PPA Deals


*CGC signs Jacob Jett to a PPA Deal


*SAISHO signs Samoan Machine to a PPA Deal


*CZCW signs Mainstream Hernandez to a PPA Deal


*Roger Cage has officially left NYCW for SWF


*ROF has released Nigel Svensson, Rhys Vali, Jon Michael, Martin Heath and Gob Narfi


*UEW's Sig Svensson suffered a cracked tailbone and will miss 1 month of action


NYCW Wrestling Showcase


Saturday: January 30th, 2010 @ The Weston Gymnasium

Newark, New Jersey

Doors Open @7pm EST

Bell Time @7:30pm EST

*Your ticket will get you entry to Weston High School's Battle of the Bands 2010


The Card


The New York Doll vs Steve Flash


Larry Vessey vs Sammy The Shark

*If Sammy does not win, he will not get his rematch against Cameron Vessey at St.Valentine's Day Massacre


Marv Statler vs Coyote Dynamite


Greg Rayne & Whistler vs Honest Frank & Lee Wright


*Black Hat Bailey will be on hand and has an announcement to make

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The New York Doll vs Steve Flash


Larry Vessey vs Sammy The Shark

*If Sammy does not win, he will not get his rematch against Cameron Vessey at St.Valentine's Day Massacre


I find it had to believe that Sammy will get the win even if others might get involved in this.


Marv Statler vs Coyote Dynamite


Greg Rayne & Whistler vs Honest Frank & Lee Wright

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The New York Doll vs Steve Flash


Larry Vessey vs Sammy The Shark

*If Sammy does not win, he will not get his rematch against Cameron Vessey at St.Valentine's Day Massacre


Marv Statler vs Coyote Dynamite


Greg Rayne & Whistler vs Honest Frank & Lee Wright

maybe Wright to take the fall here...

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NYCW Wrestling Showcase 1


NYCW Wrestling Showcase 1

Live to DVD - The Weston Gymnasium

January 30th, 2010

Attendance - 300 (SOLD OUT)


*The show opens with Rock Downpour and Herb Stately standing in front of Weston High School.


Rock - "Good evening and welcome NYCW fans! Tonight is the first ever Wrestling Showcase! There is a buzz in the air here in Newark, New Jersey as NYCW returns to the sight of Rush Hour for the first of many great shows."


Herb - "Seriously Rock....is all you do is stoke people's egos? Sure Rush Hour had its moments, but the fans still have to listen to your ramblings."


Rock - "I'm not even going to acknowledge you tonight....speaking of tonight, we have a great card for you. First, #1 contender to the Empire Title will be in action as Steve Flash, coming off a brutal four way dance will take on one of Herb's favorite wrestlers The New York Doll."


Herb - "Yes, Flash got lucky that his buddy Greg Rayne was in the match two weeks ago and let him pin him so he gets a shot at Bailey's Empire Title at Fights on Broadway, but without help I think the Doll gets the victory!"


Rock - "The Ring Generals survived a three team battle for the Tag Titles, only to be brutally beaten by Coyote Dynamite after the match....well tonight, Marv Statler get his chance for revenge as he will face Coyote in a singles match."


Herb - "It was great to see one half of the greatest tag team NYCW ever saw make his return at Rush Hour. From what I saw, the Generals are in pretty poor shape, so it should be a cake walk for Mr Dynamite!"


Rock - "Larry Vessey shocked a lot of people 2 weeks ago when he helped his son Cameron cheat and win the Tri-State Regional Title from Sammy The Shark, well tonight Sammy gets a chance to get revenge as he will take on Larry. But to get Larry to face him, he has said if he cannot pin him, he will forfeit his rematch at St. Valentine's Day Massacre."


Herb - "That's right, Larry made the right choice to help his son, what father would not do that? I think Sammy made a huge mistake by putting his rematch clause on the line.....Larry wipes the mat with him."


Rock - "And in our Main Event, Greg Rayne will team with Whistler to face Honest Frank, who has been nothing but critical of Rayne since his arrival here in NYCW, and his tag partner Lee Wright."


Herb - "We all know that Frank is the most honest man in the business today, so he must know something about Rayne that no one else does. And to enlist a great tag team wrestler like Lee Wright only guarantee's a win for Frank and Wright."


Rock - "And we have just been informed that Empire Champion Black Hat Bailey will be making an announcement about his upcoming title defense at Fights on Broadway against Steve Flash. Stay tuned as NYCW Wrestling Showcase begins now!!"


Segment Rtg = 28


Dark Match #1

Island Boy Apollo vs The Masked Mauler


*In his first match in NYCW, Island Boy Apollo looked pretty good out there against on half of the Old School Principals. But the masked one would be too much for the youngster as he would eventually make him submit with an Iron Claw @5:59. Winner - The Masked Mauler


Segment Rtg = 42


Dark Match #2

Steven Parker vs Nigel Svensson


*Parker was riding high after his debut win over Roger Cage, but he made a mistake by taking newcomer Svensson a little lightly and allowed Svensson to get the upper hand. But Parker would eventually correct his mistake and land a Future Shock @7:04 for the win. Winner - Steven Parker


Segment Rtg = 48


Wrestling Showcase 1 Begins


*We open the DVD with a video hyping Greg Rayne and Whistler vs Honest Frank and Lee Wright


Segment Rtg = 39


Match #1

The New York Doll vs Steve Flash


*The Doll comes out arrogant as usual and slaps Flash in the face before the bell rings. All the slap does is make the already focused Steve Flash even more focused as he eventually hits the Flash Bang to get the win @7:28. Winner - Steve Flash


Segment Rtg = 46


*Backstage: We see the new Tri-State Regional champion Cameron Vessey talking with his dad Larry as he gets ready for his match later tonight with Sammy The Shark.


Cameron - "Sammy! What you need to realize is that what happened to you at Rush Hour was nothing personal. See, I am a second generation wrestler and unlike you and any of the other "first timers", I am entitled to things around here, like this belt. See my father paved the way for me, just like any good father would do for their children...maybe you did not have a father.....maybe he was just a loser like you.....all we did was take what is rightfully mine."


Larry - "See Sammy, you should have just let what happened to you go...but no, you think you have some sort of honor to get back. Did we dishonor you? Maybe...but like Cam said, I only did what any good father would do for their child. So tonight you are foolish enough to put your rematch on the line? Well...just like any good parent....I am going to go out there and give you another beating....maybe this time you will get the hint and leave things alone....but know this...there won't be any rematch!"


Cameron - "And one more thing....Matthew Keith.....we sincerely apologize for costing you the match at Rush Hour. A second generation superstar like yourself does not deserve that treatment. Please accept this as our way of saying we meant no disrespect and want to make it up to you....just give me a call....you won't regret it."


Segment Rtg = 30


Match #2

Marv Statler vs Coyote Dynamite


*Not the best performance from either men, but still a decent crowd. Fans were happy to see Coyote back but were on him for his actions at Rush Hour. Statler had the upper hand late in the match and was about to end things but Wiley Steinway ran through the crowd and tossed Coyote an object which allowed him to hit a Spinebuster for the win @8:24. Winner - Coyote Dynamite


Segment Rtg = 34


*Post Match: Coyote Dynamite and Wiley Steinway continue their assult on Statler. Dean Waldorf runs out from the back with a chair and clears Coyote Dynamite from the ring...saving his partner from a more serious beating.


Segment Rtg = 33


*Backstage: Sammy The Shark is sitting in the locker room.


"Sammy - "Vessey boys....the way you defend your actions at Rush Hour are laughable...a father helping a son get what he thinks is his? Ha Ha...bravo...I will say this....you did have me fooled Larry. To think I actually looked up to you like so many others in the back have. Well, not any more...tonight I will correct the injustice you did to me that cost me my title. Tonight I will seal my rematch at Valentine's Day Massacre...and tonight....I will show the world that the Vessey's are nothing more then a couple of bitches!"


Segment Rtg = 28


Match #3

Larry Vessey vs Sammy The Shark


*Michael Bull makes Cameron Vessey leave ringside before the match starts. Sammy got the upper hand quickly but Larry fought back with a series of eye pokes and low blows that Michael Bull missed. Sammy threw Larry from the ring and into the crowd, a fan helped the veteran back up and it looked like he handed something to Vessey. As he got back into the ring, Larry hits Sammy with a right hook which sends him to the mat allowing Vessey to get the 1-2-3. Winner @9:45 - Larry Vessey


Segment Rtg = 35


*Black Hat Bailey's music hits but he does not come out alone....Carl Batch leads the Empire Champion to the ring and grabs a mic.


Batch - "That is right New York! Carl Batch is in the house!!! I came here tonight to talk a little about a man who won the opportunity to compete against this man at Fights on Broadway. A man who has the chance to become the Empire Champion. A man who thinks that his time has come....and that man is Steve Flash. Now Mr Flash....I watched the four way match that you won to earn the chance to face the champ, Mr. Black Hat Bailey....and I saw the same thing that everyone else saw...you had Greg Rayne take the fall for you so you could get a chance to be in the spotlight. And that is fine....you got your chance, but let me tell you this....you are over matched, in way over your head....in fact we are so sure that you will not win when you face my client at Fights on Broadway....that Black Hat Bailey would like everyone to know that if he cannot beat you, he will retire!"


Bailey - "So you see Steve Flash....if I do not walk out of Fights on Broadway with my Empire Title....I will walk out of there for good.....so as I always say....watch your back son...because you never know where I may be hiding".


Segment Rtg = 47


Match #4

Whistler & Greg Rayne vs Lee Wright & Honest Frank


A pretty good match all around. Both teams looked good together and the crowd was really into the match. After a few pin attempts broken up by Honest Frank, Greg Rayne was able to finally get Lee Wright to submit to a Rayne Fall at 13:23. Winners - Whistler & Greg Rayne


Segment Rtg = 44


*Overall a great show, the fans enjoyed the wrestling action and were pumped they were able to stay and watch the Battle of the Bands. Definitely earned some fans tonight.


Overall Show Rating = 40

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NYCW Wrestling Minute


NYCW Wrestling Minute


Good evening NYCW fans and welcome to another edition of the Wrestling Minute. Wrestling Showcase was a huge success, but it is not without its controversies.


First, we have the situation between The Ring Generals and Wiley Coyote. Marv Statler not only lost his singles match against Coyote Dynamite, but he also suffered a beating at the hands of both members of Wiley Coyote. If his partner Dean Waldorf was not at the show, there is no telling what kind of shape the Tag Team Champs would be in. However, the Generals have issues a challenge to Wiley Coyote, they have agreed to face the former 4 time Tag Champs at St. Valentine's Day Massacre with the titles on the line.


Second, everyone has been talking about the new attitude from the Vessey's, and for good reason. Larry faced Sammy The Shark at Wrestling Showcase with Sammy's rematch for the Tri-State Regional Title on the line. Things looked good for the former champ, until an unknown "fan" handed Larry a sock full of quarters which turned the tide and eventually helped Vessey get the win. Well, The Shark has gone to management and they have agreed to help him. While he did lose the match at Showcase, NYCW management has agreed to allow Cameron Vessey to choose Sammy's opponent at Valentine's Day Massacre. If Sammy wins, he will get his title shot whenever he chooses, but if he loses, then Cameron gets 10 minutes alone with a handcuffed Shark in the ring to do whatever he chooses.


The war of words between Honest Frank and Greg Rayne have gotten pretty heated and personal. Honest Frank has tweeted and posted on his web site that Rayne refuses to face him one-on-one and was even seen tailing Rayne from the gym to a local restaurant asking him why he is dodging him. Ranye has responded with a statement on his website (http://www.rayneman82.com), "I don't know where Honest Frank is getting that I am dodging him. He knows where to find me, in fact I have been in front of you all along. Have you forgotten the two losses you suffered in matches that I was a part of? Well, you want me...you got me. If you are man enough...show me what you are made of at St. Valentine's Day Massacre."


BREAKING RUMOR - NYCW Owner and Road Agent, The Stomper, has been seeing talking to SWF Owner Richard Eisen. What this means is anyone's guess!


News Wire


*NYCW St. Valentine's Day Massacre will be held on Saturday, February 13th @8pm at The Weston Gymnasium. Tickets on sale now!


*NYCW has parted ways with Fern Hathaway


*NYCW has signed Carl Batch and Richie Riggins


*GCG has signed Hell Monkey


*RIPW has signed James Prudence, Grandmaster Phunk and Ernie Turner


*MAW and Jay Chord have agreed to a contract extension


*SWF and Captain Atomic have agreed to a contract extension


*Blood Raven has suffered nerve damage and will miss 6 months


*SWF has signed a deal with CBA to bring back SWF Uprising next season


*TCW has signed a deal with America-Sports-1 to bring back TCW Saturday Night Showcase next season


NYCW St. Valentine's Day Massacre I


Saturday: February 13th, 2010 @ The Weston Gymnasium

Newark, New Jersey

Doors Open @7pm EST

Bell Time @8pm EST

*All ladies in attendance will receive a rose and chocolates, complements of the Weston PTA



The Card


Special Handicap Match

Old School Principals vs Whistler


Vessey's Choice

Sammy The Shark vs ??? (Cameron Vessey will choose opponent)


Tag Team Title Match

Wiley Coyote vs © The Ring Generals


Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

Kings of Wrestling vs Steven Parker & Lee Wright


Steve Flash vs Matthew Keith


Special Grudge Match

Greg Rayne vs Honest Frank

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The Card


Special Handicap Match

Old School Principals vs Whistler-the old man still has a little gas in the tank


Vessey's Choice

Sammy The Shark vs ??? (Cameron Vessey will choose opponent)


Tag Team Title Match

Wiley Coyote vs © The Ring Generals


Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

Kings of Wrestling vs Steven Parker & Lee Wright


Steve Flash vs Matthew Keith


Special Grudge Match

Greg Rayne vs Honest Frank-Double DQ

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First off I have to say I love the interaction between Herb and Rock.


I also loved the Cameron Vessey promo, that was great stuff right there!


Keep up the good work!


Thanks! When I write them, I remember back to the old WCW when they had Steve McMichael as the heel and Eric Bishoff as the face commentator. I used to love the back and forth banter.

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Special Handicap Match

Old School Principals vs Whistler

While I don't really think Whistler can beat OSP by himself, wrestling 101 states that a main eventer, especially a face one, will overcome two midcarders in a handicap match.


Vessey's Choice

Sammy The Shark vs ??? (Cameron Vessey will choose opponent)

Vessey's choice wont help this time


Tag Team Title Match

Wiley Coyote vs © The Ring Generals

Wiley Coyote was let go for a reason. their time is done, even in the geriatric friendly NYCW.


Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

Kings of Wrestling vs Steven Parker & Lee Wright

Wright seems to go on forever and Parker is a solid addition( albeit one likely to be snatched.)


Steve Flash vs Matthew Keith

probably best match of the night, but Flash is the companies anchor



Special Grudge Match

Greg Rayne vs Honest Frank

Although Frank is my favorite, Rayne should be good for a main event run

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Special Handicap Match

Old School Principals vs Whistler

Vessey's Choice

Sammy The Shark vs ??? (Cameron Vessey will choose opponent)

time for Sammy to build his way back up


Tag Team Title Match

Wiley Coyote vs © The Ring Generals

I agree with Dmack on this one, but nostalga is always a big draw


Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

Kings of Wrestling vs Steven Parker & Lee Wright


Steve Flash vs Matthew Keith


Special Grudge Match

Greg Rayne vs Honest Frank

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Special Handicap Match

Old School Principals vs Whistler


Vessey's Choice

Sammy The Shark vs ??? (Cameron Vessey will choose opponent)


Tag Team Title Match

Wiley Coyote vs © The Ring Generals


Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

Kings of Wrestling vs Steven Parker & Lee Wright


Steve Flash vs Matthew Keith


Special Grudge Match

Greg Rayne vs Honest Frank

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St. Valentine's Day Massacre I


St. Valentine's Day Massacre I

Live to DVD - The Weston Gymnasium

February 13th, 2010

Attendance - 300 (SOLD OUT)




Rock - "Good evening and Happy Valentine's Day to all the great NYCW fans! I'm Rock Downpour and as always I am joined by my disgruntled co-host Herb Stately."


Herb - "Seriously Rock, you do know that Valentine's Day isn't until tomorrow right? Oh who am I kidding, by the looks of you, you've never had a women let you touch them...even the ones you pay for."


Rock - "You do know that I am married right?"


Herb - "Oh, so that's who that woman was? I thought she was your sister or cousin."


Rock - "Why would you think that?"


Herb - "Have you looked in a mirror lately? Not to be too mean Rock but you're so ugly, you make onions cry."


Rock - "I don't know why I put up with you..."


Herb - "You’re so ugly, that you can turn milk into yogurt, just by looking at it......*laughing*.....You're so ugly that when you were born, your mama said, ''What a treasure!'' And your dad said, ''Yeah, let's go bury it!"


Rock - "Are you done....anyway, tonight we have some great matches for you at St. Valentine's Day Massacre! Recently Whistler was at an autograph signing in the city and the Old School Principals showed up and started making a scene, well to make a long story short....Whistler has challenged both men to a handicap match tonight."


Herb - "I think Whistler is starting to show signs of senility, kind of like your wife Rock *laughing*.....the Old School Principals will easily come away with the win in that match."


Rock - "Everyone is aware of the troubles that Sammy The Shark has been having with both Cameron and Larry Vessey.....well Sammy was given a match tonight against an opponent of Cam Vessey's choosing...if Sammy can win, he will get his title shot at Fights on Broadway...but if he loses, Cam gets a handcuffed Sammy in the ring for 10 minutes to do whatever he wants to him."


Herb - "I almost feel sorry for Sammy....but then I look at him and realize how stupid this guy is....just give up, you lost your belt to a better wrestler and the Vessey family is just that much smarter then you kid...let it go."


Rock - "The Tag Titles will be on the line as The Ring Generals will face off with the returning Wiley Coyote."


Herb - "Another case of people being stupid. Wiley Coyote are 4 time Tag Champs...and after the beatings that both Ring Generals have taken, it'll be 5 time champs tonight."


Rock - "Speaking of tag team wrestling, the Tri-State Tag Wars is looming so we get to see a preliminary seeding match tonight, as the Kings of Wrestling will face Steven Parker and Lee Wright."


Herb - "Lee Wright is a legend in tag team wrestling, look for he and Parker to get a bye in the first round."


Rock - "The #1 contender to the Empire Title will be in action as well, Steve Flash will face off against Matthew Keith."


Herb - "Flash is too old...enough already"


Rock - "And finally in our main event, the war of words finally comes to a head as Honest Frank will face off with Greg Rayne"


Herb - "Rayne can no longer run and hide from Frank, tonight we will HONESTly see the better man win"


Rock - "Hope you enjoy the show everyone...and again Happy Valentine's Day!"


Herb - "Hey Rock....You're so ugly, you couldn't get laid in a monkey whorehouse ... even if you had a bag full of bananas !!!"


Rock - "Stop it....."


Segment Rtg = 28


Dark Match #1


Jebediah & Running Wolf vs Greg Gauge & Richie Riggins


*This was all four mens debut match in NYCW. Nothing to write home about, Greg Gauge and Richie Riggins defeated Jebediah & Running Wolf in 5:32 when Greg Gauge defeated Running Wolf by submission with a Proton Lock. Winners - Greg Gauge & Richie Riggins


Segment Rtg = 38


Dark Match #2


Brady Prince vs Land Mass


*Brady Prince made his NYCW debut against the largest man in the company. Again, nothing to write home about as Brady Prince defeated Land Mass in 7:28 by submission with a Maryland Crossface. Winner - Brady Prince


Segment Rtg = 25


St. Valentine's Day Massacre I Begins


*Backstage - The Old School Principals getting ready for their match:


Sanders - "Tonight, the Mauler and I get to face one of NYCW's icons....Whistler...you thought what we did was disrespectful at your autograph signing? Well tonight I promise will be ten times worse!"


Mauler - "You see Whistler, we have been around long enough to know your every move. We knew that when we showed up at your signing, you would go off the deep end and want to fight us. Well tonight, in front of a lot more people then were at your signing....we will teach you a lesson in Old School!"


Sanders - "Oh and Kings of Wrestling....we haven't forgotten about you....pay attention tonight because this is just a preview of what's to come for you."


Segment Rtg = 29


Match #1


Whistler vs Old School Principals


*A pretty good crowd that was all over the Old School Principals and clearly in the corner of the fan favorite Whistler. The veteran took a pretty good beating but would fight back. Whistler defeated Old School Principals in 9:47 when Whistler defeated The Masked Mauler by pinfall with a Rebel Yell. Winner - Whistler


Segment Rtg = 45


*Backstage - Carl Batch interviews Honest Frank:


Batch - "The most honest manager in the business here with the most honest wrestler in the business....Honest Frank...tonight you finally got someone in NYCW management to listen and book a match for you against a man who has been ducking you for the last month, Greg Rayne."


Frank - "First off let me be welcome you Mr Carl Batch to NYCW. It is an honor and a privilege to be standing here talking to one of the best managers in our industry today. Greg Rayne....I liked how you tried to save face with your website update and twitter posts....but what you don't realize is that these fans know that I, the most honest man in professional wresting, would never lie to them. So no more running and hiding for you my friend...tonight we see who is HONESTly better!"


Segment Rtg = 51


*Outside in the Parking Lot - Cameron and Larry Vessey walking to the building


Cameron - "You know something dad, I love surprises...don't you?


Larry - "Absolutely son, and what I love even more is being the one that gives those surprises. I remember your face on Christmas morning when you came downstairs and saw all those presents that your mother and I got for you."


Cameron - "Stop it dad...you're choking me up.....but you are right, I do love being the one that gives out the surprise more then receiving them. So you can only imagine my joy tonight that I, the Tri-State Regional Champ gets to give you the surprise of your career Sammy. And I promise you, that I will go a little easy on you when I am in the ring with you for those 10 long minutes...see...you will never get a chance at this belt again."


Segment Rtg =31


Match #2 - Vessey's Choice


Sammy The Shark vs ????


*Sammy comes to the ring looking focused and a little anxious as to who he is facing. Just as it looks like he can wait no longer. 'Marvelous Me' blares over the PA system and out walks the Empire Champion Black Hat Bailey.


*Sammy put up a great fight against the Empire Champ, but eventually Bailey would get the upper hand. In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Black Hat Bailey defeated Sammy The Shark in 11:33 by submission with a Bailey Breaker. Winner - Black Hat Bailey


Segment Rtg - 42


*Post Match - The referee handcuffs Sammy The Shark and out comes Cameron and Larry Vessey. Sammy tries to fight back but Larry holds him as Cameron lands left and rights. After about 5 minutes, Cameron tells Sammy to kiss his boots....Sammy spits in his face and this enrages Cameron. He grabs a jar of gasoline from outside the ring and pours it on Sammy, but before he can light it, security runs in and saves Sammy.


Segment Rtg - 19


*Backstage - Matthew Keith in locker room


Keith - "Tonight I get Steve Flash. Steve, I have nothing but respect for you, but you see...even though you are the #1 contender to the Empire Title, you still are not in the same league as I am. I am the son of a legend! I came here to NYCW for one reason and one reason only....to prove that I am more then just a name. So tonight, consider this match a prelude of what will come should you do the unthinkable and defeat Black Hat Bailey at Fights on Broadway. Because if you do....your reign as champion will be short lived."


Segment Rtg =40


Match #3 - Tag Team Title Match


© The Ring Generals vs Wiley Coyote


*The Ring Generals wasted no time in attacking Wiley Coyote. A good back and forth match, but The Ring Generals would defeat Wiley Coyote in 13:47 when Marv Statler defeated Wiley Steinway by pinfall with a Backdrop Backbreaker. Winners and STILL Tag Team Champs - The Ring Generals


Segment Rtg = 38


*Backstage - Lee Wright and Steven Parker


Wright - "I have been in this business for almost 25 years, and for most of those years, I have been a tag team wrestler. So when Steven Parker approached me about being his partner for the upcoming Tri-State Tag Wars, I said sure....that is one of the titles I have never won."


Parker - "So you see, Lee Wright and Steven Parker are together as a tag team. Kings of Wrestling, the one and only thing you do well is talk...since I have been here, all I have heard from you guys is blah blah blah....so tonight, in a preliminary match for the Tag Wars....we know you talk the talk...but can you walk the walk as well?"


Segment Rtg = 41


*Backstage - The Ring Generals


Waldorf - "Wiley Coyote....you now see that the only way you can beat us is by attacking us from behind. Tonight we proved that we are the Tag Team Champs for a reason. You may have been 4 time NYCW Tag Champs...but that was before The Ring Generals."


Statler - "All I know is that being four time champs only makes you four time losers! Trust me, tonight was just the beginning for the war....we may have beaten you, but we are far from done with you. You messed with the wrong tag team my friends.....so at Showcase in 2 weeks, we want you in another match....beat us, and you can have another shot at the titles...lose and its back to the end of the line."


Segment Rtg = 27


Match #4 - Preliminary Tri-State Tag Wars Match


Kings of Wrestling vs Lee Wright & Steven Parker


*In a pretty good match with a good crowd, both teams would battle inside and outside of the ring. But eventually Steven Parker and Lee Wright would defeat the Kings of Wrestling in 14:08 when Steven Parker defeated Mario Heroic by pinfall with a Future Shock. Winners - Lee Wright & Steven Parker


Segment Rtg = 44


*Backstage with Steve Flash w/Amy Roberts -


Flash - "Matthew Keith, I know who your father is and I have nothing but respect for the man. You may have forgotten this, but when you and your brother Greg were little, your dad brought you to a show and you sat in the first row. One of the matches you saw that night was my first wrestling match. Well your father saw something in me back then and he pulled me aside and gave me some advise. That advise....never bite off more then you can chew....you should have followed your fathers advise.


Segment Rtg = 47


Match #5


Steve Flash vs Matthew Keith


*What is now being called the match of the night. Both men put on a great performance and the crowd loved every minute of it. Great back and forth action but eventually Steve Flash defeated Matthew Keith in 17:44 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. Winner - Steve Flash


Segment Rtg =50


*Backstage - Greg Rayne in locker room


Rayne - "Honest Frank....you have no idea what you are getting yourself into. You know perfectly well that I have never backed down from a fight. I have been standing in front of you all this time, it was you that would never go toe to toe with me. You are right about one thing...tonight there is no more running...tonight you and I go one on one...tonight...I show you how good I really am!"


Segment Rtg = 38


Match #6


Greg Rayne vs Honest Frank


*Honest Frank would keep running out of the ring whenever Rayne would try and tie him up. Eventually both men would get the upper hand until the fight spilled into the crowd and back up the aisles into the concession area. In a match where the crowd was really into and had some good action, Honest Frank drew with Greg Rayne in 19:03 following a double disqualification.


Segment Rtg = 40


*Post Show - Frank and Rayne battled back down to the ring where Frank pulled something out of his boot and hit Rayne with it, allowing him to set up a table in the ring and put Rayne through it!


Segment Rtg = 33


**Overall a very positive show, the action was great and the fans enjoyed what they saw.


Overall Show Rtg = 39

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NYCW Wrestling Minute


NYCW Wrestling Minute


Hello and welcome to another edition of the Wrestling Minute. We are just a few days away from the second Wrestling Showcase and you can feel the electricity in the air after a great St. Valentine's Day Massacre.


First, everyone wants to know the status of Sammy The Shark after his brutal beating at the hands of the Vessey's. Sammy is recovering from his injuries and thankfully none are serious. Sammy lost his match against Cameron Vessey's hand picked opponent, none other then the Empire Champ himself, Black Hat Bailey. NYCW Management has stated that after the attempt to severely injure The Shark by attempting to light him on fire, they are granting him a match at Fights on Broadway if he is cleared by doctors. The Vessey's will team up and face Sammy and a partner of his choosing. We will hopefully know more as we get closer to the March event.


The Tag Team Champs, The Ring Generals, successfully defended their titles against Wiley Coyote, but they said they are still not done with them. After being attacked on more then one occasion, the champs said they want to make both Coyote Dynamite and Wiley Steinman pay for what they did. Expect to see these two teams battle it out at least once more.


The Honest Frank/Greg Rayne feud is still heating up. Both men fought to a double DQ at Valentine's Day Massacre, but it was what happened after the show that made things heat up even further. After the match, Honest Frank put Greg Rayne through a table and that upset Rayne more then ever. He has challenged Frank to face him at Fights on Broadway in a steel cage. We will see if Frank will accept or not.


The Tri-State Tag Wars are just over a month away, and already we are hearing about teams forming for the two day tournament. We can confirm that in addition to the five regular tag teams, at least four more have formed to battle it out in the 16 team tournament. Confirmed participants are:


- The Ring Generals

- Kings of Wrestling

- Old School Principals

- Wiley Coyote

- Jebediah & Running Wolf

- Lee Wright & Steven Parker

- Cameron & Larry Vessey

- Matthew Keith & Greg Gauge


With eight spots still open, who will team up for a run at the most prestigious tag team tournament title in the world?


*Rumor* - Brady Prince has been in contact with his old Maryland Alliance partner, Buck Graham to join him in the tournament.


*Rumor* - We also heard rumblings that Painful Procedure and The Young Guns have mentioned the tournament on more the one occasion.


And finally, we can also confirm that NYCW Owner, The Stomper has agreed to a Pay-Per-Appearance with SWF. When we asked him what this meant, he said "I founded NYCW as a place for veteran wrestlers to come and have one last day in the sun but also to help young wrestlers, like Roger Cage jump start their careers and get to the "big time". There is nothing more to this, its just another outlet for me and the wrestlers in my company. I am not selling the company or leaving anytime soon".


News Wire


*NYCW Wrestling Showcase 2 will be held on Saturday, February 27th @8pm at The Weston Gymnasium. Tickets on Sale now!


*NYCW has extended the contract of Dazzling Dave Diamond


*SWF has signed Bruce The Giant, Eugene Williams, James Prudence, Remmy Skye & Grandmaster Phunk to written deals and The Stomper to a Pay-Per-Appearance deal.


*RIPW has signed NYCW Color Commentator Herb Stately along with Brains McGhee & Duke Hazzard


*RIPW has parted ways with Mayhem Midden


*Japanese wrestling great Sadaharu Jimbo announced his retirement from the wrestling business


*In tragic news, referee Karl Dexter passed away today at the age of 37 after he contacted a very rare tropical disease.


NYCW Wrestling Showcase 2


Saturday: February 27th, 2010 @ The Weston Gymnasium

Newark, New Jersey

Doors Open @7:30pm EST

Bell Time @8pm EST

*Your ticket stub from the Weston High basketball game will get you half off admission


The Card


Wiley Coyote & The New York Doll vs The Ring Generals & Kirk Jameson


*Tri-State Regional Title Match

© Cameron Vessey vs Dazzling Dave Diamond


*Empire Title Match

© Black Hat Bailey vs Brady Prince


Greg Rayne vs Matthew Keith


*Another team will be announced for the Tri-State Tag Tournament

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