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NYCW - Is That Change in the Air?

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I am a big fan of your promo writings. I know I said that in the last show but it needs to be said again!


Wiley Coyote & The New York Doll vs The Ring Generals & Kirk Jameson


*Tri-State Regional Title Match

© Cameron Vessey vs Dazzling Dave Diamond


*Empire Title Match

© Black Hat Bailey vs Brady Prince


Greg Rayne vs Matthew Keith

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NYCW Wrestling Showcase 2


NYCW Wrestling Showcase 2

Live to DVD - The Weston Gymnasium

February 27th, 2010

Attendance - 300 (SOLD OUT)


*The show opens with Rock Downpour standing in front of a concession stand


Rock - "Good evening NYCW fans, and welcome to Wrestling Showcase 2, from The Weston Gymnasium here in Newark, New Jersey. I am Rock Downpour and I am normally joined by my co-host and resident a-hole Herb Statley, but I am not sure where he is....."


Herb walks up with a beautiful woman on each arm


Herb - "Come on Rock, you know perfectly well that the show cannot go on without the only talent this company has on announce duty."


Rock - "You know, you are nothing but an arrogant piece of sh....."


Herb - "ROCK! Watch your language in front of these two beautiful ladies. Just because this is the closet you have ever come to a real life woman doesn't give you the right to use that kind of foul talk. What did they ever do to you?"


Ladies - "Yeah, leave Herbie alone"


Rock - "Herbie? Are you serious?"


Herb - "Come on Rock, jealous because they didn't call you Rocky? I mean, I hope you understand why....I mean, Rocky is more of a man's name and you...well...you are not so manly...in fact didn't I overhear you say "C'mon, give me one more! Harder!" while spotting Whistler in the weight room? Yep...manly all right."


Rock - "You really need some professional help....can we get to the show now?"


Herb - "No one's stopping you.....see ladies what I have to deal with...its no wonder I was approached be another promotion for a second job and not this guy to my right...." *laughs*


Rock - "Good god....anyway tonight we have four great matches in store for you...first The Ring Generals made the challenge to Wiley Coyote after their match at Valentine's Day Massacre to face them tonight...well management has decided to combine their match with one that was already planned. So it will be The Ring General teaming with newcomer Kirk Jameson facing off with Wiley Coyote and The New York Doll."


Herb - "When I ran into Kirk in the back I mistook him for one of the cleaning crew.....not sure who the Generals think they are, but Wiley Coyote and The New York Doll win this in record time."


Rock - "It's been almost 2 months since Cameron Vessey won the Tri-State Regional Title, well tonight he has to defend the belt against a man who is no stranger to it....Dazzling Dave Diamond."


Herb - "I thought Diamond was a tag team wrestler now....he needs to crawl back to his "man friend", Mario Heroic and go play Kings of something....Vessey wins no problem."


Rock - "We will also have the Empire Title on the line as Black Hat Bailey will face another newcomer in Brady Prince."


Herb - "Yet another guy that should stick to playing tag team with his partner....Bailey wins."


Rock - "And finally in our Main Event, Greg Rayne will put his feud on hold with Honest Frank and face off with Matthew Keith."


Herb - "Matthew Keith comes from a family of legends....Greg Rayne is in way over his head....Keith wins."


Rock - "We also will find out who the 9th team will be for the upcoming Tri-State Tag Wars. Stay tuned, you won't want to miss any of the action!"


Ladies - "Herbie, can we go...this guy just tried to touch my butt..."


Rock - "What?!?!?! No I didn't....."


Herb - "HERB! Aren't you married? You should be ashamed.....come on ladies."


Segment Rtg = 38


Dark Match #1


Greg Gauge vs Animal Harker


*A mostly one sided match, Greg Gauge out wrestled, out smarted and out performed Harker. Greg Gauge defeated Animal Harker in 5:43 by submission with a Proton Lock. Winner - Greg Gauge


Segment Rtg = 38


Dark Match #2


Jebediah & Running Wolf vs Lee Wright & Steven Parker


*Another Tri-State Tag Wars tune up match for Lee Wright and Steven Parker. The crowd really was into this match and it had some pretty good action. Steven Parker and Lee Wright defeated Jebediah & Running Wolf in 7:04 when Steven Parker defeated Running Wolf by pinfall with a Future Shock. Winners - Lee Wright & Steven Parker


Segment Rtg = 34


Wrestling Showcase 2 Begins


Match #1


The Ring Generals & Kirk Jameson vs Wiley Coyote & The New York Doll


*A pretty good match, decent crowd heat toward Wiley Coyote. Looked like the Generals and Jameson were going to take it but Coyote Dynamite, Wiley Steinway and The New York Doll defeated Dean Waldorf, Marv Statler and Kirk Jameson in 8:20 when Wiley Steinway defeated Dean Waldorf by pinfall by using the ropes for leverage. Winners - Coyote Dynamite & The New York Doll


Segment Rtg = 40


*Backstage with Honest Frank:


Frank - "Gregory my boy! Yes, it's me...HONESTly the best wrestler in NYCW! I know things did not work out the way you wanted them to at Valentine's Day Massacre...in fact, did you get the flowers and get well card I sent you? Tables can really hurt people...especially when one is put through them. So, you want me in a cage match at Fights on Broadway. See, I am not one for doing something that could mess up this pretty face....but when I look at a picture of you....and hear that nagging voice of yours....I just want to smash it! So my answer is yes....I would love to beat your brains in in a steel cage match. But tonight I see you have a match with Matthew Keith....please be careful...I HONESTly wouldn't want anything bad to happen tonight that would prevent you from making our date at Fights on Broadway...and that's the HONEST truth!"


Segment Rtg = 49


*In the locker room with Sammy The Shark:


Sammy - "Vessey's....what you tried to do to me at Valentine's Day Massacre was absolutely despicable. You tried to end my career by dousing me with gasoline and light me on fire! See, I am a man....and I can take a it when someone beats me. I can take the fact that I lost my belt. But what I can't stand for is when scum like you get away with HOW you did things. NYCW management has assured me that at Fight on Broadway I can have a match with either one of you....well I had a thought...how about BOTH of you get your little shorty shorts on and your boots and we make it a tag team match. Oh, and don't you worry boys....I already have a partner....see you at Fights on Broadway....oh and Cameron...good luck tonight against Dazzling Dave Diamond."


Segment Rtg = 35


Match #2 - Tri-State Regional Title Match


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs © Cameron Vessey


*A very good back and forth match. Dazzling Dave Diamond had the upper hand for a while and was about to finish off Vessey. But Greg Gauge would run in and hit Diamond with the title belt. Cameron Vessey defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 9:50 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver following interference from Greg Gauge. Winner and STILL Tri-State Regional champ - Cameron Vessey


Segment Rtg = 44


*Backstage with Matthew Keith:


Keith - "Greg Rayne....tonight you and I square off one on one in the ring. You know, my dad taught me that when facing an opponent in the ring for the first time, do you homework....and that's exactly what I did....my homework. I watched your matches since you joined NYCW, and I even dug up your matches from when you were in SWF....and you know what? I found your weakness.....you lack skill. Tonight my friend, Matthew Keith will have his arm raised in victory....but just remember...it's nothing personal...it's just genetics.....I am just better then you are."


Segment Rtg = 45


Match #3 - Empire Title Match


Brady Prince vs © Black Hat Bailey w/Carl Batch


*The crowd really loved seeing the Empire Champ in the ring, and they loved the work by Carl Batch at ringside even better. A very good match saw Prince have some chances for the upset, but Bailey would once again show why he is the champ. Black Hat Bailey defeated Brady Prince in 9:51 by submission with a Bailey Breaker. Winner and STILL Empire Champ - Black Hat Bailey


Segment Rtg = 52


*Backstage with Steve Flash w/Amy Roberts & Greg Rayne:


Flash - "In two weeks I get a chance to win the Empire Title at Fights on Broadway. In two weeks I get to go one on one with you, Black Hat Bailey. And in two weeks....I plan to become the Empire Champion. But after that, NYCW is having the most prestigious Tag Team Tournament, the Tri-State Tag Wars.....something I have never been a part of. Well, all that is changing....at Tag Wars, it will be Steve Flash and Greg Rayne teaming up to go for all the glory."


Rayne - "That's right Steve, in just over a month and a half you and I will walk that aisle together and compete for three days to earn the right to be called Tri-State Tag Wars winners....but I can't look past tonight.....Matthew Keith....you say you are a legacy, you say you are that damn good...well in my book, talk is cheap. If you can beat me....then you will have my respect. But until that happens....you are nothing but a spoiled little punk....oh...and Honest Frank...I have not forgotten about you....at Fights on Broadway...there will be no where to run...no where to hide...it's just me, you and four steel cage walls....you want to speak honestly....well, lets just say people will not be able to recognize you when I'm through with you!"


Segment Rtg = 38


Match #4


Greg Rayne vs Matthew Keith


*The crowd was all over Keith after hearing the promo from Rayne just before the match. Both men went back and forth inside and outside the ring. Carl Batch made his way down to the ring during the match and with Michael Bull distracted by Keith, Batch sprays something in the face of Rayne, allowing Keith to defeat Greg Rayne in 12:03 by submission with a Proton Lock. Winner - Matthew Keith


Segment Rtg = 49


*Post Match - Greg Rayne staggers to his feet and sees Carl Batch working the crowd in the ring. Rayne gets back into the ring and lays into Batch. Honest Frank runs down to the ring and begins to pummel Rayne for a couple minutes before Rayne gets back into the fight and the two brawl to the back.


Segment Rtg = 39



**Overall another very positive show, the action was great and the fans enjoyed what they saw and they were buzzing about what is to come at Fights on Broadway.


Overall Show Rtg = 45

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NYCW Wrestling Minute


NYCW Wrestling Minute


Good evening NYCW Wrestling fans and welcome to another Wrestling Minute. We have a lot to talk about from the aftermath of Wrestling Showcase 2 to the upcoming Fights on Broadway.


Well it looks like we have our 9th team to enter the Tri-State Tag Wars in just over a month. At Wrestling Showcase 2, Steve Flash and Greg Rayne announced they are throwing their hats in the ring as a tag team. This immediately makes them one of the favorites to win the prestigious title. We will have more on the Tag Wars next time.


Sammy The Shark was on hand at Wrestling Showcase 2 and he was looking to be in pretty good health after the what the Vessey's have done to him. The Shark challenged both Cameron and Larry to a tag team match at Fights on Broadway, but would not tell who his partner would be. Well the Vessey's have accepted his challenge, this should be a war come March 13th.


Speaking of the Vessey's, it looks like they have been hard at work recruiting wrestlers to join their cause. At Showcase 2, we saw Greg Gauge, son of legend Sam Keith interfere with Cameron's match with Dazzling Dave Diamond. Well in an interview we can now confirm that Gauge has joined Vessey's stable Second Generation Superstars. Gauge said "After our talk, I realized that being the son of a great has its privileges, but instead of earning them....we should be entitled to them. So NYCW, when we come around, you better pay us the respect we deserve!"


The Greg Rayne, Honest Frank saga took yet another turn this past week as Frank accepted Rayne's challenge for Fights on Broadway. The two men will meet in a steel cage to hopefully settle their feud. In my opinion, it is going to take much more then this match to settle the differences between these two men.


NYCW Management has announced a special $25,000 10 Man Battle Royal for Fights on Broadway. The winner of the match not only receives the cash, but the chance to have a shot at ANY title at ANY time. The list of participants have been released and are as follows; The New York Doll, Kirk Jameson, Island Boy Apollo, Animal Harker, Nigel Svensson, Running Wolf, Richie Riggins, newly signed Davis Wayne Newton, Lee Wright and Steven Parker.


And finally, we have learned that Steve Flash will be unable to participate in his upcoming Empire Title match at Fights on Broadway. Management would not comment, but said that Black Hat Bailey will still defend the title against another challenger...but would not say who. All we know is that Flash will not be on hand because of a conflict in scheduling.


News Wire


*NYCW Fights on Broadway will be held on Saturday, March 13th @8pm at The Ministry in Queens. Tickets on Sale now!


*NYCW has signed Davis Wayne Newton to a Pay-Per-Appearance deal and signed Buck Graham to a Short Term deal.


*NYCW has parted ways with Land Mass


*CZCW has signed Steven Parker to a Pay-Per-Appearance deal


*NOTBPW has named Steve Flash their new Head Booker


NYCW Fights on Broadway


Saturday: March 13th, 2010 @ The Ministry

Queens, New York

Doors Open @7:30pm EST

Bell Time @8pm EST


The Card


*Special $25,000 Ten-Man Battle Royal

-The New York Doll, Lee Wright, Steven Parker, Davis Wayne Newton, Richie Riggins, Kirk Jameson, Island Boy Apollo, Animal Harker, Nigel Svensson & Running Wolf


*Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

Matthew Keith & Greg Gauge vs The Maryland Alliance


*Special Eight Man Tag Showcase

The Ring Generals & Kings of Wrestling vs Old School Principals & Wiley Coyote


*Grudge Match

Cameron & Larry Vessey vs Sammy The Shark & ???


*Empire Title Match

© Black Hat Bailey vs TBA (replaces Steve Flash)


*Steel Cage Match

Greg Rayne vs Honest Frank


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Creative Meeting


Stomper - "What do you mean he took the booking job at NOTBPW?!?! Doesn't he realize that their show conflicts with his title match?"


Me - "It took me by surprise just as much as it did you....I mean, I knew that Steve wanted to eventually make the move to the creative side of the business, but I didn't think it would have been this fast."


Stomper - "Have you spoken with him?"


Me - "Yes, he called me the day they made him the offer and told me wanted him to start immediately. Honestly its a great opportunity for him, I just wish he could have waited until April 1st to start."


Stomper - "Well, there goes our double main event......"


Me - "Don't jump to conclusions just yet....We still have the Rayne/Frank cage match and Bailey game me some names of people he has worked with in the past that could be here on short notice to face him for the belt. All this means is we have to tweek our plans a bit."


Stomper - "I really don't want to add another top tier worker, just because Flash wanted to run off and play booker....North of the Boarder...what kind of outfit are they running there? They knew perfectly well we had a show the same night and that he was working the main event."


Me - "I know boss, but what's done is done. We should have Bailey's substitute opponent in a day or two, and of the three guys I called, I know the fans will be happy....and so will you."


Stomper - "Alright...oh, one more thing...I got a message from Land Mass...he said you released him?"


Me - "Yeah, he is a good guy to have backstage and all...but I need guys that can go out there and perform. He just was way too limited to what he can do and I hate to keep him on the roster just taking up space. I have a couple others that are on the bubble, but want to give them one more match and see how they perform. Like I said before, I have a list of people wanting to come in and work here."


Stomper - "Well, I did put you in charge....but next time, at least send me an email so I have a little warning...he wasn't too happy with me. But I like this Newton kid....are we going to use him right away?"


Me - "Yeah, I have him booked in the Battle Royal on the 13th. I am sorry about not emailing you....I planned on it but had to deal with this Steve Flash issue.....and by the way, I am going to give Flash his title shot at the next Showcase."


Stomper - "If it were me, he'd be jobbing out for at least the next 3 months..."


Me - "I know, but we have to think about the fans....and the fans want to see him wrestle the big names."


Stomper - "I guess you're right....but the next time he comes to the office, you let him know I want to see him...right away."


Me - "Will do boss......."

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Ouch, that happened to me also. Fortunately they hadnt gone National yet so I had several months of Flash on a ppa with them and us, but I did have to move my show around so the main start would be available.



*Special $25,000 Ten-Man Battle Royal

-The New York Doll, Lee Wright, Steven Parker, Davis Wayne Newton, Richie Riggins, Kirk Jameson, Island Boy Apollo, Animal Harker, Nigel Svensson & Running Wolf

Parker and Newton have the greatest potential, Parker should be a little more over, although I could see Wright being the winner if you leave this to the game.


*Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

Matthew Keith & Greg Gauge vs The Maryland Alliance

Good luck keeping the Gauges for very long, but the talent difference between them and the Alliance is as wide as Maryland.


*Special Eight Man Tag Showcase

The Ring Generals & Kings of Wrestling vs Old School Principals & Wiley Coyote

Coyote are just jobbers at this point.


*Grudge Match


Cameron & Larry Vessey vs Sammy The Shark & ???


*Empire Title Match

© Black Hat Bailey vs TBA (replaces Steve Flash)

I'm guessing on of the painful procedure guys. Since they are available and have good overness, they are usually the first go to in order to fill a spot.


*Steel Cage Match

Greg Rayne vs Honest Frank

Rayne seems to be on a roll

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*Special $25,000 Ten-Man Battle Royal

-The New York Doll, Lee Wright, Steven Parker, Davis Wayne Newton, Richie Riggins, Kirk Jameson, Island Boy Apollo, Animal Harker, Nigel Svensson & Running Wolf


*Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

Matthew Keith & Greg Gauge vs The Maryland Alliance


*Special Eight Man Tag Showcase

The Ring Generals & Kings of Wrestling vs Old School Principals & Wiley Coyote


*Grudge Match

Cameron & Larry Vessey vs Sammy The Shark & ???


*Empire Title Match

© Black Hat Bailey vs TBA (replaces Steve Flash)


*Steel Cage Match

Greg Rayne vs Honest Frank

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*Special $25,000 Ten-Man Battle Royal

-The New York Doll, Lee Wright, Steven Parker, Davis Wayne Newton, Richie Riggins, Kirk Jameson, Island Boy Apollo, Animal Harker, Nigel Svensson & Running Wolf


*Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

Matthew Keith & Greg Gauge vs The Maryland Alliance


*Special Eight Man Tag Showcase

The Ring Generals & Kings of Wrestling vs Old School Principals & Wiley Coyote


*Grudge Match

Cameron & Larry Vessey vs Sammy The Shark & ???


*Empire Title Match

© Black Hat Bailey vs TBA (replaces Steve Flash)


*Steel Cage Match

Greg Rayne vs Honest Frank

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NYCW Fights on Broadway


Fights on Broadway

Live to DVD - The Ministry

March 13th, 2010

Attendance - 758




*Rock Downpour and Herb Statley sitting in at the announce table:


Rock - "Hello NYCW Wrestling fans and welcome to Fights on Broadway from The Ministry here in Queens. I am Rock Downpour and unfortunately as always, I am joined by the ****iest man in the Tri-State area...Herb Stately."


Herb - "Thanks for those kind words Rock....and let me say for once your hair piece actually looks real."


Rock - "I don't wear a hair piece!"


Herb - "Ok Rock...wink wink nudge nudge...."


Rock - "You're unbelievable...I don't know why I put up with your crap..."


Herb - "Rock...will you calm down, you embarrassing yourself...and even worse, me. Now, can we just get to the card....geeze...amateurs!"


Rock - *sighs - "Ok, well tonight on the card we have some great action in store....first up, management has thrown together a special $25,000 Ten Man over the top rope Battle Royal....now not only will the winner receive the money but will have a title shot for any title, whenever they choose."


Herb - "So does that mean that if The Ring Generals just had a match and somehow won, the team of oh...say...Lee Wright and Steven Parker can just come down and invoke that clause and have their match?"


Rock - "Exactly."


Herb - "Hmmmm...interesting...ok go on, who is in the match?"


Rock - "The ten men chosen to compete in the Battle Royal are The New York Doll, Lee Wright, Steven Parker, Davis Wayne Newton, Richie Riggins, Kirk Jameson, Island Boy Apollo, Animal Harker, Nigel Svensson and my favorite to win Running Wolf."


Herb - *sniffs Rock's cup* - "What the heck did you put in here? Seriously! Running Wolf? No way, Steven Parker or Lee Wright will come out on top...and then its off to collect the Tag Titles."


Rock - "What is your deal with Parker and Wright? You have been pretty generous with their praises lately."


Herb - "Oh its nothing....I just...never mind...continue please."


Rock - "Ok...well, we also have another Tri-State Tag War preliminary match tonight, as the newly reunited Maryland Alliance will take on the team of Matthew Keith and Greg Gauge."


Herb - "The Keith brothers..err Gauge brothers...whatever you all them...they will have no problem dispatching a couple of has beens like Brady and Buck...what kind of name is Buck anyway...."


Rock - "Speaking of the Tag Wars...we have a special Eight Man Tag match, as four of the teams in the tournament will be in the ring together, as the Old School Principals and Wiley Coyote will team up to face The Ring Generals and Kings of Wrestling."


Herb - "I see nothing but disaster here...all four teams want to win the tourney...and even though the Kings lost their first round match....they are still in the hunt....but no doubts here...either Rick Sanders or The Masked Mauler will come away with a pin."


Rock - "The grudge between the Vessey's and Sammy The Shark takes another twist, as Sammy challenged both Cameron and Larry Vessey to a tag match. We still do not know who Sammy's partner is but he promises it will be a huge equalizer."


Herb - "I wish that Sammy would just stop....he needs to realize that the Vessey's and the entire Second Generation stable are better then he will ever be....it won't matter who his partner is, the Vessey's come away with the win."


Rock - "Steve Flash could not be here tonight, but management has informed Empire Champ Black Hat Bailey that he will indeed defend his title against another opponent. We still have not gotten any word on who that opponent is yet, but knowing the champ, he will be ready."


Herb - "That's the first intelligent thing you have said in the 3 years we have worked together...maybe my brilliance is rubbing off on you afterall...it doesn't matter who comes in to face Bailey, he will retain. And I think I know who the challenger is....and no I won't tell."


Rock - "You're a pompous ass....you know that right?"


Herb - "Yes...yes I do."


Rock 'Grrr...and finally in our Main Event, the last couple months have fueled the fire that is between Greg Rayne and Honest Frank...well tonight the two of them will square off in a Steel Cage."


Herb - "Fueled the fire between them?!?! What the hell Rock, are you writing a romance novel? Man you need to get out more.....but tonight Honest Frank will show Greg Rayne who the real man is."


Rock - "Man I hate you...."


Herb - "Thanks Rock....Love you too sweetheart."


Segment Rtg = 33


Dark Match


Jebediah vs Randall Hopkirk


*The fans were excited to see Hopkirk in NYCW. This was a mostly one sided match, as Hopkirk took it to the big 6'11" Jebediah. Randall Hopkirk would defeat Jebediah in 7:19 by pinfall with a Randallism.. Winner - Randall Hopkirk


Segment Rtg = 33


Fights on Broadway Begins


*Backstage with Matthew Keith and Greg Gauge:


Gauge - "I just got off the phone with dad, and Matt...he is so proud of us. The fact that both his boys are teaming together has made him happier then he has been in a while. So Maryland Alliance....the one thing I was brought up knowing never to do was to disappoint my father...and a loss tonight would do exactly that."


Keith - "See Brady Prince, I know you have been around here for a little while...but how the hell did you earn a shot at the Empire Title before I did? See the one thing you need to remember is that around here there are two classes of people....Legacy's and everybody else...and you fall into the latter. So Maryland Alliance....put on those stupid little red robes and matching pants and boots with your matching initials on them and get ready to step in the ring with a real wrestling family....two Second Generation Superstars!"


Segment Rtg = 39


Match #1 - $25,000 Ten Man Battle Royal


Featuring: Animal Harker, Davis Wayne Newton, Island Boy Apollo, Lee Wright, Steven Parker, Running Wolf, Nigel Svensson, The New York Doll, Kirk Jameson and Richie Riggins


*Nothing out of the ordinary, your typical Battle Royal. Steven Parker won a battle royal in 15:24. The final four competitors also included Richie Riggins, Lee Wright and Running Wolf, with Richie Riggins being the final elimination. Winner - Steven Parker


Order of Elimination

1 - Nigel Svensson was eliminated by Animal Harker

2 - Island Boy Apollo was eliminated by Lee Wright

3 - Kirk Jameson was eliminated by Davis Wayne Newton

4 - Animal Harker was eliminated by Lee Wright & Steven Parker

5 - The New York Doll was eliminated by Davis Wayne Newton

6 - Davis Wayne Newton was eliminated by Running Wolf

7 - Running Wolf was eliminated by Steven Parker & Lee Wright

8 - Lee Wright was eliminated by Steven Parker

9 - Richie Riggins was eliminated by Steven Parker


*After match, Lee Wright looked a little pissed at being eliminated by his tag team partner.


Segment Rtg = 44


*Backstage with Carl Batch & Black Hat Bailey:


Batch - "Steve Flash...oh boy, where to start. I don't blame you for running away from the man to my left. Everyone knows that he is the superior wrestler, athlete and man....so when you tucked your tail and ran to Canada...I couldn't blame you. But tonight, my man Black Hat Bailey is going to defend his Empire Title against an unknown opponent. All y'all need to know is that it doesn't matter who you put in front of him....Mr. Bailey will toss them aside just as quickly as Steve Flash ran to Canada to avoid a beating."


Bailey - "Flash...you disappointed me when I found you what a coward you are...but that's ok, I would be afraid of me too. Watch this match tonight Steve and take notice of what I do to whoever comes out to face me...because I will find you...and when I do...tonight will seem like nothing when I get done with you."


Sediment Rtg = 57


Match #2 - Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match


Matthew Keith & Greg Gauge vs The Maryland Alliance


*Pretty good match, as both teams worked well together. It looked like The Maryland Alliance had never took a break from teaming. But Matthew Keith and Greg Gauge would defeat The Maryland Alliance in 11:37 when Matthew Keith defeated Brady Prince by submission with a Proton Lock. Winners - Matthew Keith & Greg Gauge


Segment Rtg = 44


*Backstage with Honest Frank"


Frank - "First, the most HONEST man in wrestling wants to say how disappointed he is with Steve Flash for not showing up to face Bailey for the Empire Title tonight. I wanted nothing more then to see Bailey wipe the floor with your untalented behind. Speaking of untalented behinds....Greg Rayne....hello again Greggory....it's just me." *smiles at the camera* "I am so glad you came up with the idea to face me in a steel cage tonight....I cannot wait to smash your face into every side of the cage and then walk out through the door the winner. See, I know this is far from over....but tonight....you will wish it were."


Segment Rtg =58


*Locker Room with Kings of Wrestling:


Diamond - "Mario, tonight we get to team with the Tag Champs in an eight man tag match against the Old School Principals and Wiley Coyote. Now, while I am not thrilled with teaming with the Generals....I know that there is a bigger menace out there called the Old School Principals. See, Mario and I know that we are in the losers bracket at Tag Wars. That's ok, see...we like it when our backs are against the wall....we like it when the deck is stacked against us. All that does is motivate us to be that much better...and tonight, we will show that to the world."


Heroic - "You are right Dave...tonight we will give the rest of the field a preview of how focused we are....and Generals...pay attention...see, we have not forgotten about that gold around your waists....we want it...and when the Kings want something...they will do anything it takes to get it."


Segment Rtg = 35


Match #3 - Eight Man Elimination Match


Kings of Wrestling & The Ring Generals vs Wiley Coyote & Old School Principals


*The Principals and Wiley Coyote were able to work together very well, but the Kings and Generals would have little arguments between them throughout the match, it did not matter though, because the Kings of Wrestling and The Ring Generals defeated Wiley Coyote and Old School Principals in 13:05; Wiley Steinway was eliminated first, then Marv Statler, then Dean Waldorf, then Mario Heroic, then The Masked Mauler, then Rick Sanders, and finally Coyote Dynamite. Winners - Kings of Wrestling & The Ring Generals


Segment Rtg = 42


*Backstage with Cameron and Larry Vessey:


Cameron - "Sammy....how many times are we going to do this? How many times do we need to beat the heck out of you. And how many times are you going to cry to management that you deserve a match with us?"


Larry - "See Sammy its like this.....in this business there are some people that will stab you in the back to get ahead. You have to remember that everything we did to you was just business....nothing more. But tonight, you found yourself a partner....good...that gives us another victim."


Cameron - "That's right dad...you can bring whoever you want with you Sammy, it won't matter....we are just better then you. But I will go ahead and say that if you and your mystery partner can beat us....you will have your title shot at Mayhem in Midtown. But if we beat you......well....you will wish you never were born."


Segment Rtg = 35


Match #4 - Grudge Match


Cameron & Larry Vessey vs Sammy The Shark & ???


*The Vessey's come out first and work the crowd a little on the mic, just trashing Sammy and the fans. Sammy makes his way out of the tunnel and waits at the top until 'Stars & Stripes Forever' blares and out comes his partner Whistler. The Vessey's go crazy in the ring while the fans go nuts.


*A very good crowd say some decent action in the ring. Both teams went back and forth, but eventually Sammy The Shark and Whistler defeated Cameron Vessey and Larry Vessey in 11:48 when Sammy The Shark defeated Larry Vessey by pinfall with an Ace In The Hole. Winners - Sammy The Shark & Whistler


*After the match, Sammy and Whistler announce they have entered Tag Wars as a team.


Segment Rtg = 46


*Backstage with Painful Procedure:


Hopkirk - "Well well well...hello New York....Randall Hopkirk and Billy Jack Shearer have arrived."


Shearer - "You see, Painful Procedure has not teamed together in quite a while. So one night we ran into each other and got to talking and said, why don't we get together and enter the Tri-State Tag Wars.....well here we are."


Hopkirk - "So we are putting all the rest of these wanna be tag teams on notice....get in our way in the tourney....and we can't be held responsible for the consequences."


Segment Rtg = 50


Match #5 - Empire Title Match


© Black Hat Bailey w/Carl Batch vs ???


*Bailey comes to the ring with his manager Batch, just as Batch is about to say something into the mic....the lights go out and out comes Fumihiro Ota.


*A very good match, had half the crowd chanting "Flash's a sellout" and the other chanting "We want Steve!". Ota misses on a high risk move which allows Black Hat Bailey to defeat Fumihiro Ota in 13:50 by submission with a Bailey Breaker. Winner and STILL Empire Champ - Black Hat Bailey


Segment Rtg = 53


*Locker Room with Greg Rayne:


Rayne - "I should be back here right now with my partner at Tag Wars celebrating his Empire title win....but no....Steve Flash....I get wanting to take your career to the next level.....I get wanting to better yourself for the future....but to not show up on the biggest night of your career? That's unimaginable to me. Flash, you and I will talk soon....but first Honest Frank....tonight your mouth has written a check that you butt can't cash. I have been waiting for this night for a long time....and just remember...those steel cage walls are going to be more forgiving then I will be once that bell rings. Good luck tonight Frank....not on beating me...no....good luck on surviving."


Segment Rtg = 35


Match #6 - Steel Cage Match


Honest Frank vs Greg Rayne


*The match that everyone was waiting for did not live up to the hype. The crowd was in it but the wrestling was not up to par. Both men were tired and bloody as Greg Rayne defeated Honest Frank in a Cage Classic match in 17:30 by submission with a Rayne Fall. Winner - Greg Rayne


Segment Rtg = 28


*Overall very pleased with the event. Had a couple of rough patches but went off fairly well, even after having to replace Black Hat Bailey's opponent at the last minute.


Overall Show Rtg = 37

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*Special $25,000 Ten-Man Battle Royal

-The New York Doll, Lee Wright, Steven Parker, Davis Wayne Newton, Richie Riggins, Kirk Jameson, Island Boy Apollo, Animal Harker, Nigel Svensson & Running Wolf


*Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

Matthew Keith & Greg Gauge vs The Maryland Alliance


*Special Eight Man Tag Showcase

The Ring Generals & Kings of Wrestling vs Old School Principals & Wiley Coyote


*Grudge Match

Cameron & Larry Vessey vs Sammy The Shark & ???


*Empire Title Match

© Black Hat Bailey vs TBA (replaces Steve Flash)


*Steel Cage Match

Greg Rayne vs Honest Frank

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NYCW Wrestling Minute


NYCW Wrestling Minute


Hello and welcome to a special edition of the Wrestling Minute. We are just one month away from the Tri-State Tag Wars, and things are heating up.


Q - What are the Tag Wars?


A - The Tri-State Tag Wars are a three day, double elimination Tag Team Tournament. There will be 8 matches held on Friday and Saturday, and then 7 or 8 on Sunday. Each of the 16 teams have been seeded by management, with the Tag Champs given the automatic #1 seed. The only way you can be eliminated is by losing two matches over the weekend. The winners will be crowned Tri-State Tag Wars Survivors and awarded a trophy and $150,000.


With all 16 teams now signed for the Tag Wars, we can finally reveal the participants:


- The Ring Generals

- Kings of Wrestling

- Old School Principals

- Lee Wright & Steven Parker

- Jebediah & Running Wolf

- The Maryland Alliance

- Matthew Keith & Greg Gauge

- Kirk Jameson & Fumihiro Ota

- Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey

- Island Boy Apollo & Animal Harker

- Painful Procedure

- Cameron & Larry Vessey

- The New York Doll & K-Squared

- Sammy The Shark & Whistler

- Wiley Coyote

- Steve Flash & Greg Rayne


The Maryland Alliance (def. by Keith & Gauge) and Kings of Wrestling (def. by Wright & Parker) already have lost their Preliminary matches


Apparently there is some friction between Steve Flash and Greg Rayne, following Gauge's comments at Fights on Broadway. There is some talk that Rayne may be looking for a new partner.


Also, there are rumors that Matthew Keith and Carl Batch have been in talks with TCW about joining their organization. When asked about this, Keith's brother Greg Gauge said "If it happens, it happens...but mark my words, I do have something up my sleeve if he does intend to leave." We will keep you posted on any breaking news.


News Wire


*NYCW Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminaries will be held on Sunday, March 21st @8pm at The Weston Gymnasium. Tickets on sale now!


*NYCW has signed Fumihiro Ota, K-Squared & Johnny Martin and has agreed to a contact extension with Lee Wright


*TCW has signed Mighty Mo


*CZCW has signed The Cannonball Kid, Steven Parker and Greg Gauge


*GCG has agreed to terms with Insane Machine, Snap Dragon, Cameron Vessey and Blood Raven to go on tour with them


*Bruce The Giant has left USPW to join SWF


*Robert Oxford has left TCW


*Jackpot Jordan leaves CZCW


*Preston Holt has announced his retirement from the wrestling business


NYCW Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminaries


Sunday: March 21st, 2010 @ The Weston Gymnasium

Newark, New Jersey

Doors Open @7:30pm EST

Bell Time @8pm EST

*Your ticket get you admission to Bingo, sponsored by the Weston PTA


The Card


Old School Principals vs Sammy The Shark & Whistler


Cameron & Larry Vessey vs The New York Doll & K-Squared


Wiley Coyote vs Steve Flash & Greg Rayne


Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey vs Kirk Jameson & Fumihiro Ota


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NYCW Tag-Wars Preliminaries


Tag-Wars Preliminaries

Live to DVD - The Weston Gymnasium,

March 21st, 2010

Attendance - 300 (SELL OUT)




*Rock Downpour and a new face are seen standing backstage:


Rock - "Good evening NYCW fans and are you ready for the Tri-State Tag Wars? That's right, in about 3 weeks, 16 teams will battle it out for the chance to be crowned the Tri-State Tag Wars Survivors. But first we need to set the field and that is why we are having this special preliminary event. Before we go on, however, let me introduce you to the man in charge around here...our boss...this is the infamous Mike Apotsos."


Mike - "Thanks Rock, first let me start off by saying that I think you and Herb are doing a great job."


Rock - "Yeah....um...I've been meaning to talk with you about him."


Mike - "Why Rock? I think the banter between you two is great and wouldn't change anything."


Rock - "But don't you see how he treats me?"


Mike - "I am not sure what you are talking about.....but enough of that, people came here to see some wrestling and we have a great show tonight."


Rock - "Um ok....yeah....well tonight, we have some Tag Wars preliminary matches for you...first we will see former Tag Team champs, the Old School Principals taking on Sammy The Shark and Whistler."


Mike - "I think its great that Whistler came to the aid of Sammy, he has had a rough go of it as of late. But the Old School Principals are former champs...should be a good match."


Rock - "Second we you will see Cameron and Larry Vessey take on The New York Doll and recently signed K-Squared."


Mike - "The New York Doll was supposed to be teaming with Richie Riggins, but he came up with a conflict and had to back out at the last minute. So when we signed K-Squared, we couldn't think of a better partner for the Doll."


Rock - "And then it will be former 4 time NYCW Tag Champs, Wiley Coyote taking on the team of Steve Flash and Greg Rayne."


Mike - "Its no secret that Flash and Rayne have had some disagreements as of late, with Flash missing Fights on Broadway and a shot at the Empire Title, Rayne was pretty critical of his partner. We will see how it effects them in this match."


Rock - "And finally Empire Champ, Black Hat Bailey will team with Honest Frank to take on the newly formed alliance of Fumihiro Ota and Kirk Jameson."


Mike - "Bailey and Frank have one common thing, and that has been Carl Batch. It was Carl that brought these two men together and under his guidance, this team looks like one of the early favorites."


Rock - "Well, there you have it....should be a great card tonight and I am really looking forward to the Tag Wars weekend....three days of great action all for the common goal to win a very prestigious title. Thanks for joining me for the pre-show Mike, look forward to seeing what you have in store for the future."


Mike - "Thanks Rock....and make sure to say hello to Herb when you see him later tonight."


Rock - "Oh...you mean he is coming back?"


Mike - "Yeah, why wouldn't he? He asked if he could be a little late tonight...something about picking up a friend from the Newark Airport at 6."


Rock - "Wait, What? 6pm at Newark? That's the time my sister was supposed to arrive....no...."


Segment Rtg = 40


Dark Match


Richie Riggins vs Brady Prince


*Not a great match, both men seemed off their game tonight. Brady Prince defeated Richie Riggins in 7:08 by submission with a Maryland Crossface. Winner - Brady Prince


Segment Rtg = 30


Tag-Wars Preliminaries Begins


*In locker room with Steve Flash & Greg Rayne


Rayne - "Steve, there you are....why haven't you returned any of my calls?"


Flash - "You know Greg, I heard the comments you made at Fights, and I am not all that happy about them. You knew what my goals were, you knew I had this brewing for a couple of months now, and now that I get the offer? You act like its news to you?"


Rayne - "You know something, ever since I broke into this business....I was taught that IF you ever had the chance to challenge for some gold...you showed up because you never know when that chance would come around again. I understand what your goals are....I just have to doubt your commitment now...."


Flash - "I will show you how committed I am tonight when we face Wiley Coyote....but just an F.Y.I....I have my shot for the Empire Title next week at Showcase....but if I lose....I am done here in NYCW.....so you had better hope I win."


*Rayne looks completely baffled as Flash leaves the room.


Segment Rtg = 44


Match #1


Cameron & Larry Vessey vs The New York Doll & K-Squared


*In a decent match where the Vessey's controlled most of it, Cameron Vessey and Larry Vessey defeated The New York Doll and K-Squared in 7:48 when Cameron Vessey defeated K-Squared by pinfall with a Vessey Driver. Winners - Cameron & Larry Vessey


Segment Rtg = 35


*Backstage with Matthew Keith and Greg Gauge:


Gauge - "So it's true then.....they offered you a contract and it looks like you are leaving before Tag Wars."


Keith - "Come on bro, you know this is only step one in our master plan. Dad has been over this with you more then once."


Gauge - "No, I know that part....it's the I am losing my tag partner at Tag Wars that is what I have the problem with...we could have won this...easily."


Keith - "I know, and I am sorry....but lets take things one step at a time....things may not go the way you are thinking....and if they do....I got you covered....trust me."


Gauge - "That's the part I am unsure of....last time you said that my hair was blue for a month."


Keith - "Relax bro....it'll all work out."


Segment Rtg = 42


Match #2


Old School Principals vs Sammy The Shark & Whistler


*A very good match, Sammy and Whistler work very well together as a tag team....but then again so do the Principals. An open match with good action and very live crowd. But the veteran Whistler was too much again for the Principals. Whister and Sammy The Shark defeated Old School Principals in 10:24 when Whistler defeated Rick Sanders by pinfall with a Rebel Yell. Winners - Whister & Sammy The Shark


Segment Rtg = 47


*Backstage with Honest Frank and Black Hat Bailey:


Frank - "People don't seem to think that Black Hat Bailey and I can co-exist at Tag Wars. Those people think that all I am after is the Empire Title that he wears around his waist. Those people also think that I am going to set Black Hat up for injury so I can get an advantage and get a title shot. Well, those people could not be more wrong. Honest Frank is the most HONEST man in wrestling, and when I say something....it's always the truth. I joined forces with this man so I had the best chance to win....and what bigger a winner is there then the current Empire champion? For those that doubt me, just watch us tonight as we destroy Kirk Jameson and that walking bed sheet, Fumihiro Ota....then talk to me about agendas."


Bailey - "You see, Black Hat Bailey is a smart man....and if I thought that Honest Frank was scheming behind my back, there is no way I would have agreed to partner with him in the Tag Wars. But lets get one thing straight....if you are....it will be the biggest mistake of your life."


Frank - "Relax champ....I am on your side 100 percent....and that's the truth!"


Segment Rtg = 56


Match #3


Wiley Coyote vs Steve Flash & Greg Rayne


*Flash and Rayne came out separately and gave each other a stare down when they entered the ring.


*A very good match, Wiley Coyote looked like the veteran tag team they are by cutting the ring in half and isolating Ranye. But he would break away and go to Flash for the tag, but Flash jumped down from the apron and walked away from the ring allowing Wiley Coyote to defeat Steve Flash and Greg Rayne in 11:31 when Wiley Steinway defeated Greg Rayne by pinfall with a Steinway Highway. Winners - Wiley Coyote


Segment Rtg = 41


*Backstage with Johnny Martin:


Martin - "Hello NYCW! Johnny Martin has arrived and is ready to bring a little hardcore to New York. The first thing I have to say is this....Steve Flash....you and I go way back....but what you did out there, leaving you partner is classless....so Greg Rayne....should you need me....all you have to do is ask. Oh, and Honest Frank.....keep an eye behind you....old feuds never die."


Segment Rtg = 56


Match #4


Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey w/Carl Batch vs Kirk Jameson & Fumihiro Ota


*A very good match, some are calling it the match of the night. Ota did some great work with Honest Frank and carried over his performance from Fights on Broadway with Bailey. Back and forth battle, but the champ would eventually get the upper hand. Black Hat Bailey and Honest Frank defeated Fumihiro Ota and Kirk Jameson in 12:34 when Black Hat Bailey defeated Kirk Jameson by submission with a Bailey Breaker. Winners - Black Hat Bailey & Honest Frank


Segment Rtg = 44


*Overall very pleased with the event. Fans really liked the arrival of Johnny Martin and a lot of buzz going on over the Steve Flash situation. People want to know if he is really leaving NYCW.


Overall Show Rtg = 44

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NYCW Wrestling Minute


NYCW Wrestling Minute


Hello NYCW Wrestling fans and welcome to another edition of the Wrestling Minute. We are just 2 weeks from the start of the Tri-State Tag Wars and there is a major buzz around the industry.


We only have two preliminary matches left until the field is set for what we are dubbing as Tag Wars Weekend. Wrestling Showcase 3 will play host to these two matches. The Ring Generals will face the team of Running Wolf and Jebediah in one match, while Painful Procedure will face the team of Island Boy Apollo and Animal Harker.


Wrestling Showcase will also be the site of a match that was supposed to have taken place at Fights on Broadway. Steve Flash was unable to attend Fights due to a conflict in his schedule, but management has agreed to allow him to get his title shot this coming Saturday. Flash was very upset by a lot of comments that came from the other wrestlers, but mostly his partner in the Tag Wars, Greg Rayne. Flash was so upset that he has put his NYCW career on the line. Will this be the end of Steve Flash in NYCW? If so, who does Greg Rayne turn to as his new partner at Tag Wars?


We can also confirm that both Carl Batch and Matthew Keith have signed with TCW and will be leaving NYCW after Wrestling Showcase 3. Batch has been managing current Empire Champion, Black Hat Bailey. Batch said that he has "given all he could to Bailey, he is ready for the next step." and will be "sending him a new man very soon". Who is the "new man" and when will he arrive?


Matthew Keith is a member of the Second Generation Superstars stable and was scheduled to team with his brother, Greg Gauge in the Tag Wars. "Greg knew this was a possibility, but like I told him....things are taken care of. I have arranged to have Davis Wayne Newton take my spot as Greg's partner in the Tag Wars, how they will work as a team is up to them." Keith's departure from NYCW is expected to be one day after Showcase.


News Wire


*NYCW Wrestling Showcase 3 will be held on Saturday, March 27th @8pm at The Weston Gymnasium. Tickets on sale now!


*NYCW has signed Jared Johnson and Billy Jack Shearer and agreed to an extension with Marv Statler


*Dan Stone Jr has become the new owner of NOTBPW after his father retires


*TCW has agreed to terms with Matthew Keith, Carl Batch, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Fabulous Frank, Wilson Carlisle, Mikey James, Kashmir Singh and Fox Mask and agreed to a contract extension with Genghis Rahn


*GCG and Dick The Devastator have parted ways



NYCW Wrestling Showcase 3

Saturday: March 27th, 2010 @ The Weston Gymnasium

Newark, New Jersey

Doors Open @7:30pm EST

Bell Time @8pm EST


The Card


*Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

The Ring Generals vs Jebediah & Running Wolf


*Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

Island Boy Apollo & Aminal Harker vs Painful Procedure


Davis Wayne Newton vs Greg Rayne


*Title vs Career

© Black Hat Bailey vs Steve Flash


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sorry i got the predictions in late there a couple up....


*Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

The Ring Generals vs Jebediah & Running Wolf


*Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

Island Boy Apollo & Aminal Harker vs Painful Procedure


Davis Wayne Newton vs Greg Rayne


*Title vs Career

© Black Hat Bailey vs Steve Flash

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Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

The Ring Generals vs Jebediah & Running Wolf


*Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

Island Boy Apollo & Aminal Harker vs Painful Procedure


Davis Wayne Newton vs Greg Rayne


*Title vs Career

(c) Black Hat Bailey vs Steve Flash

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*Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

The Ring Generals vs Jebediah & Running Wolf


*Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

Island Boy Apollo & Aminal Harker vs Painful Procedure


Davis Wayne Newton vs Greg Rayne


*Title vs Career

© Black Hat Bailey vs Steve Flash

I was originally assuming this is Flash's swan song as he heads north, but then I realize, if he had signed a written with NOTBPW, then he'd already be gone, so instead Flash wins the title, and you get to have longer than 10 minute main events.

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*Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

The Ring Generals vs Jebediah & Running Wolf


*Tri-State Tag Wars Preliminary Match

Island Boy Apollo & Aminal Harker vs Painful Procedure


Davis Wayne Newton vs Greg Rayne


*Title vs Career

© Black Hat Bailey vs Steve Flash

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NYCW Wrestling Showcase 3


Wrestling Showcase 3

Live to DVD - The Weston Gymnasium,

March 27th, 2010

Attendance - 300 (SELL OUT)




*Rock Downpour and Herb Statley sitting at the announce table:


Rock - "Good evening and welcome to Wrestling Showcase 3, coming to you from The Weston Gymnasium here in Newark. As always I am Rock Downpour and I am joined by my co-host Herb Stately."


Herb - "Once again Rock, you look like an idiot....somehow the people know who you are and of course they know who I am."


Rock - "I liked it so much better when you weren't here last show."


Herb - "I did too....I didn't have to smell you...."


Rock - "You are such a jerk...I do not smell!"


Herb - "Ok...you're right Rock....I just didn't want people to think that we are friends or something....I mean, I slum it from time to time...but if I was your friend...that would be taking things to an all new low."


Rock - "You know....nevermind...tonight we have four great matches for you. First in Tag Wars preliminary action the Tag Team Champs, The Ring Generals will take on Running Wolf and Jebediah."


Herb - "It's ok Rock, don't cry. For once this match is one that I could care less about. If there were a way to have both teams lose, that's the way I would go."


Rock - "Well too bad Herb, one of these teams has to win....and I think it will be the Ring Generals. In our second match, we have another Tag Wars preliminary match as Painful Procedure will face the team of Animal Harker and Island Boy Apollo."


Herb - "I thought we released Animal Harker....."


Rock - "Where have you been? He has wrestled in a couple of shows you called!"


Herb - "And you see how memorable it was....honestly, Painful Procedure will win just be stepping into the building."


Rock - Greg Rayne has been in a war of words with Steve Flash as of late, but tonight Rayne will step into the ring with the newest member of the Vessey's stable, Second Generation Superstars, Davis Wayne Newton."


Herb - "Newton is a rising superstar in our industry....Rayne should just stick the verbal spats with his boo and let the real men wrestle...Newton comes away with the win."


Rock - "And finally our Main Event will feature a match that was originally scheduled for Fights on Broadway. The Empire champ, Black Hat Bailey will put his title on the line against Steve Flash. Now, Flash has been the subject of a lot of ridicule as of late, so in order to try and silence his critics....he has said if he cannot win tonight, he will leave NYCW for good."


Herb - "I've got the campaign on ice in the back....I can't wait to say goodbye to Steve Flash....don't let the door hit you on your way out."


Rock - "It should be a great show, so stay tuned...Showcase 3 is next!"


Segment Rtg = 37


Dark Match


Matthew Keith vs Sammy The Shark


*This is Keith's final match in NYCW and the fans really gave him a warm welcome, despite some of the things he has said. A pretty good match, both guys would go back and forth but eventually Sammy The Shark defeated Matthew Keith in 8:06 by pinfall with an Ace In The Hole. Winner - Sammy The Shark


Segment Rtg = 52


Wrestling Showcase 3 Begins


*Backstage Steve Flash enters the building and runs into Greg Rayne:


Rayne - "Wow, I am surprised you actually showed up....don't you have a flight to Canada to catch?"


Flash - "You really need to watch your mouth......"


Rayne - "Or what?!"


*Rayne stands up and the two men get nose to nose until Flash hits Rayne and the two start to brawl until security comes in to separate the two former friends.


Segment Rtg = 34


Match #1 - Tag Wars Preliminary Match


The Ring Generals vs Running Wolf & Jebediah


*A match that had some good crowd reaction but the action really lacked. The Generals commanded the match throughout, The Ring Generals defeated Jebediah & Running Wolf in 6:34 when Dean Waldorf defeated Running Wolf by pinfall with a Waldorf Salad Toss. Winners - The Ring Generals


Segment Rtg = 27


*Parking Lot with Painful Procedure:


Hopkirk - "Tonight, Painful Procedure will reunite for the first time in five years. You see, the big man and myself have not wrestled together in a long time but that doesn't mean that we don't remember how to do it."


Shearer - "Apollo and Harker....you drew the short straws tonight my friends...Randall and I have been looking forward to finally get back in the ring together and compete....we just wish the competition was better."


Hopkirk - "I'd say good luck, but that would mean that I actually care....."


Segment Rtg = 53


Match #2 - Tag Wars Preliminary Match


Painful Procedure vs Island Boy Apollo & Animal Harker


*Painful Procedure looked a little rusty working together, but eventually would get things back on track. Painful Procedure defeated Animal Harker and Island Boy Apollo in 9:11 when Billy Jack Shearer defeated Island Boy Apollo by pinfall with a Rythm and Bruise. Winners - Painful Procedure


Segment Rtg = 35


*Backstage with Greg Gauge and Davis Wayne Newton:


Gauge - "Davis...let me welcome you to NYCW, but what I really want to know is, what are your thoughts on the upcoming Tri-State Tag Wars."


Newton - "Greg...like your brother said, stop worrying....I am committed 100% to this team and giving it my all in the tournament. Now I know, we have a pretty tall order in the first round when we get in there against Honest Frank and Black Hat Bailey."


Gauge - "I am not too worried about our opponents just yet, I know I have the talent to hang with but I am not sure about you.....tonight though, you can prove it me that you got it when you face Greg Rayne. I don't care if you win, just look good out there and I will feel better about the Tag Wars."


Newton - "The only one that should be worrying around here is Greg Rayne....you had better be focused on me my friend...otherwise you'll get yourself hurt!"


Segment Rtg = 31


Match #3


Greg Rayne vs Davis Wayne Newton


*A very good match but it lacked involvement from the crowd. They kept looking toward the back looking for Honest Frank or Steve Flash to interfere. They would not make an appearance, both men would take control but eventuall Greg Rayne defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 12:05 by pinfall with a Rayne Drop. Winner - Greg Rayne


Segment Rtg = 47


*Post Match - Greg Rayne grabs a mic:


Rayne - Steve Flash....what happened backstage between you and I should never have happened. You have a huge match tonight and you did not need me getting in your head. So that being said, I don't want you to worry about anything but your match tonight....when you win, we will add the icing on the cake and win the Tag Wars! Good luck my friend....I will watch your back!"


Segment Rtg = 37


Match #4 - Career vs Title


Steve Flash vs © Black Hat Bailey


*The crowd was really waiting for this match, they were really into this match and it helped the action in the ring. Flash has Bailey on the ropes more then one time and finally hit the Flash Bang and went for the cover. Carl Batch distracted Michael Bull and Honest Frank ran out and knocked Steve Flash out with a chair and woke Bailey up. Black Hat Bailey defeated Steve Flash in 13:41 by submission with a Bailey Breaker after interference from Honest Frank. Winner and STILL Empire Champ - Black Hat Bailey


Segment Rtg = 47



*Overall a good show, the fans were shocked that Steve Flash lost and will have to leave NYCW.


Overall Show Rtg = 44

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NYCW Wrestling Minute


NYCW Wrestling Minute


Welcome to another edition of the Wrestling Minute. Things are finally set for this month's Tri-State Tag Wars. All the preliminary matches have been completed and we can now release the bracket. (see attached .pdf).


A couple of changes have been made to the teams for the Tag Wars. First, Matthew Keith's departure has allowed Davis Wayne Newton to step in as Greg Gauge's partner. The two men have been seen working out together regularly preparing for their first round opponents, Honest Frank and Empire Champion Black Hat Bailey.


Steve Flash's loss at Wrestling Showcase 3 means that he has to leave the company. Greg Rayne did not waste any time in selecting Johnny Martin to be his partner against their elimination round opponents the Old School Principals. Rayne said "Johnny and I know that it's all or nothing for us. One loss and we pack our bags. Steve Flash put us in this situation when we walked away from my during our preliminary match, but that's ok...he and I have cleared the air. All this means is we have to be perfect...something we are very capable of doing."


Black Hat Bailey has been seen talking to an unknown man as of late. Carl Batch said he was leaving, but would be sending someone to help Bailey go to the next level....not sure what this means, but Bailey has said "All will be revealed at Tag Wars. You will see who my new driving force is."


So, all 16 teams are set to do battle....some with no room for error...but we will take a stab and give our prediction. We think that the 2010 Tag Wars winner will be.......Sammy The Shark & Whistler. A great young talent in The Shark teaming with a former Empire Champion and veteran wrestling in Whistler can only mean greatness for this duo. It was a tough choice, but we think the other three teams to join Shark & Whistler in the final four will be The Ring Generals, Greg Rayne & Johnny Martin and Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey....with Painful Procedure a real wild card here.


So strap yourselves in, and get ready for a great weekend filled with great tag team action!


News Wire


*NYCW has signed Streetz


*MAW has signed Syd Collier and High de Aske


*PSW has signed Curt O'Malley


*CZCW has signed Akima Brave and reached a contract extension with Air Attack Weasel


*Matthew Keith has officially left NYCW and PSW


*Bulldozer Brandon Smith has officially left MAW


*Fabulous Frank has officially left PSW


*Carl Batch has officially left NYCW and FCW


*Fox Mask and Mikey James have left CZCW


*Pistol Pete Hall has suffered an ankle injury and will be out of action for about a month.


*Dan Stone Sr has officially retired from the wrestling business


NYCW Tri-State Tag Wars - Day 1


Friday: April 9th, 2010 @ The Ministry

Queens, New York

Doors Open @7:30pm EST

Bell Time @8pm EST


The Card


*Kings of Wrestling vs Jebediah & Running Wolf


*The Maryland Alliance vs Kirk Jameson & Fumihiro Ota


*Island Boy Apollo & Animal Harker vs The New York Doll & K-Squared


*Old School Principals vs Greg Rayne & Johnny Martin


The Ring Generals vs Lee Wright & Steven Parker


Davis Wayne Newton & Greg Gauge vs Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey


Painful Procedure vs Cameron & Larry Vessey


Sammy The Shark & Whistler vs Wiley Coyote


* - denotes elimination match

Tag Wars 2010.pdf

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*Kings of Wrestling vs Jebediah & Running Wolf


*The Maryland Alliance vs Kirk Jameson & Fumihiro Ota


*Island Boy Apollo & Animal Harker vs The New York Doll & K-Squared


*Old School Principals vs Greg Rayne & Johnny Martin


The Ring Generals vs Lee Wright & Steven Parker


Davis Wayne Newton & Greg Gauge vs Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey


Painful Procedure vs Cameron & Larry Vessey


Sammy The Shark & Whistler vs Wiley Coyote

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*Kings of Wrestling vs Jebediah & Running Wolf


*The Maryland Alliance vs Kirk Jameson & Fumihiro Ota


*Island Boy Apollo & Animal Harker vs The New York Doll & K-Squared


*Old School Principals vs Greg Rayne & Johnny Martin


The Ring Generals vs Lee Wright & Steven Parker


Davis Wayne Newton & Greg Gauge vs Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey


Painful Procedure vs Cameron & Larry Vessey


Sammy The Shark & Whistler vs Wiley Coyote

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Kings of Wrestling vs Jebediah & Running Wolf


*The Maryland Alliance vs Kirk Jameson & Fumihiro Ota


*Island Boy Apollo & Animal Harker vs The New York Doll & K-Squared


*Old School Principals vs Greg Rayne & Johnny Martin


The Ring Generals vs Lee Wright & Steven Parker


Davis Wayne Newton & Greg Gauge vs Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey


Painful Procedure vs Cameron & Larry Vessey


Sammy The Shark & Whistler vs Wiley Coyote

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