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NYCW - Is That Change in the Air?

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*Kings of Wrestling vs Jebediah & Running Wolf


Jeb and Running Wolf are jobbers.


*The Maryland Alliance vs Kirk Jameson & Fumihiro Ota


I made a promise to myself to not pick Ota in any matches that involve him. So even if I am wrong I am sticking to it.:D


*Island Boy Apollo & Animal Harker vs The New York Doll & K-Squared


Oh boy this is a jobbers paradise right here. However, someone has to win so NYD is probably the best in the match so I shall side with his team.



*Old School Principals vs Greg Rayne & Johnny Martin


I like OSP but Martin and Rayne is the better team.

The Ring Generals vs Lee Wright & Steven Parker


Davis Wayne Newton & Greg Gauge vs Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey


Painful Procedure vs Cameron & Larry Vessey


Sammy The Shark & Whistler vs Wiley Coyote

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NYCW Tri-State Tag Wars: Day 1


Tri-State Tag Wars: Day 1

Live to DVD - The Ministry,

April 9th, 2010

Attendance - 711


*A Video is shown for each tag team in the tournament, documenting their strengths and weaknesses.


*We also find out that three wrestlers missed their connecting flights to New York City and will not be able to compete tonight. Replacements have been found for them for tonight only, should their teams still be alive and they cannot compete tomorrow or Sunday, the match will become a handicap match.


Tri-State Tag Wars: Day 1 Begins


*Rock Downpour and Herb Statley sitting at the announce table:


Rock - "Hello everyone and welcome to day one of the biggest and best tag team tournament in world. I am Rock Downpour and unfortunately I am joined by my broadcast partner, Herb Statley."


Herb - "Wow Rock, that really was uncalled for....I was just going to say how nice it is to be here working the entire weekend with you, but after that rude comment, I don't know if I want to sit here and take this."


Rock - "You have got to be kidding me! You have been nothing but rude and mean to me ever since we started working together."


Herb - "That's what they call tough love Rock, I only do it because I see something in you....."


Rock - "Really? You do?"


Herb - "Yes....I see a future butt kissing fool that is content with staying where he is because mommy and daddy didn't give him enough attention...what's the matter Rock...didn't you get that BB Gun back when you were 7?"


Rock - "Why did I even think that for a minute you were human after all....anyway...tonight we bring you round one of the Tag Wars. We have eight great matches in store for you tonight, with four teams being eliminated tonight. In our first match, we will see the team of Island Boy Aollo and Animal Harker taking on The New York Doll and K-Squared, with the loser being the first team eliminated."


Herb - "This one will be a yawner....who the hell made this matchup?"


Rock - "Well both teams lost in the preliminaries and it just fell this way"


Herb - "Stop brown nosing.....in a match where I doubt the people will even show up for....The Doll and K-Squared win"


Rock - "In our second match, we will see the Kings of Wrestling taking on Jebediah and Running Wolf."


Herb - "Yet another yawner....not even worth my time to predict"


Rock - "The Maryland Alliance has reunited for this tournament and they got some good news. One of the men that missed their flights was Kirk Jameson, so that means that Fumihiro Ota had to be assigned a new partner for this match. Well, we have learned that Nigel Svensson has been named his partner for tonight."


Herb - "Again not a big fan of either team, but the Maryland Alliance caught a break....Svensson is awful, even you could beat him Rock. Brady and Buck move on....so Kirk....cash in your ticket and keep the money."


Rock - "The final elimination match for tonight will put the Old School Principals again a team that most are surprised to see in this part of the bracket, Greg Rayne and Johnny Martin."


Herb - "Rayne screwed himself over when he turned his back on Steve Flash for no good reason. The Old School Principals have been teaming together for a long time...look for them to send Rayne and Martin home."


Rock - "In the other side of the bracket we will see the tag team champs, The Ring Generals, taking on the team of Steven Parker and Lee Wright."


Herb - "Parker won the battle royal at Fights on Broadway, so to me this is just a preview of who the Generals will lose their tag titles to in a couple of weeks....mark my words...Wright and Parker will win."


Rock - "The team of the Empire Champion, Black Hat Bailey and Honest Frank will take on another of the teams with bad luck. Greg Gauge missed his flight so Davis Wayne Newton was assigned someone that no one has ever heard of....Mr New York."


Herb - "As much as I wanted to see this match take place, its unfortunate that we could not have postponed this match til tomorrow, but in the interest of time....Newton gets to team with Mr New York.....something awfully familiar about him.....I still think Bailey and Frank are too much and will win."


Rock - "Painful Procedure is looking forward to competing in this tournament and they also got a break. Cameron Vessey was the third person to miss his flight from Detroit, so Larry Vessey will be assigned Richie Riggins for the match tonight."


Herb - "Another match I really wanted to see....the Vessey's have been working well together as a team lately and they could have given Painful Procedure a run....but since Larry gets a youngin like Riggins, I don't think they have what it takes.....Hopkirk and Shearer move on."


Rock - "And finally, Sammy The Shark and Whistler have been really making waves as of late. They will team up to face the former 4 time NYCW Tag Champs and the team who knocked Rayne and Martin to the elimination rounds....Wiley Coyote"


Herb - "I love Wiley Coyote....these two guys never seem to age....no brainier...Shark isn't talented enough and Whistler is too old....Wiley Coyote moves on."


Rock - "Well there you have it folks....the time has come to finally start the Tag Wars.....lets go to the ring!"


Segment Rtg = 39



Match #1 - Elimination Round


The New York Doll & K-Squared vs Animal Harker & Island Boy Apollo


*Fans were glad to see this match was the first one on the card tonight. Not a great match, The New York Doll and K-Squared defeated Animal Harker and Island Boy Apollo in 11:49 when The New York Doll defeated Island Boy Apollo by pinfall. Winners - The New York Doll & K-Squared


Segment Rtg = 31


*Backstage with Greg Rayne and Johnny Martin:


Rayne - "The more I think about it Johnny, the happier I am that Steve Flash is not my partner. You and I seem to work better together and I can honestly say, I trust you to have my back and give 110% in that ring"


Martin - "Greg, I have known Steve Flash a long time....and I never expected him to ever back out of a fight....but you are right....you and I do work well together and we do trust on another....so Old School Principals....what do you really know about Old School? Pay attention...because tonight you will be packing your bags at a cost of learning to be...old school"


Segment Rtg = 45


Match #2 - Elimination Round


Kings of Wrestling vs Jebediah & Running Wolf


*Another match that the fans were glad was at the beginning of the card. Not a very good match in terms of in ring action. Kings of Wrestling defeated Jebediah & Running Wolf in 13:52 when Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Running Wolf by pinfall with a Diamond Mine. Winners - Kings of Wrestling


Segment Rtg = 34


*Backstage with Larry Vessey


Larry - "So tonight I get to team with Richie Riggins all because of an airline's mix up. Randall and Billy...you and I go way back....we have walked that aisle together as friends and enemies...so we know one another really well, but lets just remember that tonight is business...nothing more. After the match, drinks are on me. See you in the ring."


Segment Rtg = 34


*Locker Room with Whistler and Sammy The Shark:


Sammy - "Tonight Whistler, we get Wiley Coyote....four time former NYCW tag team champs....are we supposed to be intimidated? Are we supposed to roll over and let them walk on by is into the next round? NO! Tonight, we will show everyone what hard work and training does for you...."


Whitler - "Easy Sammy....don't peak too soon...what you need to remember is that Wiley Coyote WERE four time tag champs....key word there is WERE. If we were facing the current champs, I'd be a little more worried. We have been training and working hard for the Tag Wars, and mark my words...we may be a new team...but I promise whoever we face that we will be a tough out."


Sammy - "Oh and Vesseys......too bad that travel issues had to be an issue....hope you get here soon Cameron...I would love nothing more then to get you two in the ring and prove that I deserve that rematch for the Tri-State Regional Title....."


Segment Rtg = 52


Match #3 - Elimination Round


The Maryland Alliance vs Fumihiro Ota & Nigel Svensson


*A pretty good match, the crowd was into this one and got behind Ota and Svensson. Both teams would gain the advantage, but eventually The Maryland Alliance defeated Fumihiro Ota and Nigel Svensson in 14:38 when Brady Prince defeated Fumihiro Ota by submission with a Maryland Crossface.

Winners - The Maryland Alliance


Segment Rtg = 49


*Backstage with Honest Frank and Black Hat Bailey:


Frank - "Davis Wayne Newton! I truly am sorry about your luck tonight....not only did your partner not make it, but you and this mysterious Mr New York. Why all the secrets? Who is the Mr New York. I mean, where did you come from and why of all people did you pick to face, did you choose to face the Empire Champ and the most honest man in wrestling? Well, we will show you why we are the hands down favorites to win this tournament... so lace them up and get ready for the most HONEST education of your lives."


Bailey - "Mr New York....I saw you backstage and you remind me of someone....I just can't put my finger on it just yet....see you in the ring...and when we beat you.....I plan to take that mask off to find out who the heck you really are."


Segment Rtg = 53


Match #4 - Winners Round


Whistler & Sammy The Shark vs Wiley Coyote


*A very good match from all four men. The back and forth action really got the crowd going. But eventually Whistler and Sammy The Shark defeated Wiley Coyote in 15:59 when Whistler defeated Coyote Dynamite by pinfall with a Rebel Yell. Winners - Sammy The Shark & Whistler


Segment Rtg = 36


*Backstage with The Ring Generals:


Marv - "Lee Wright and Steven Parker....a lot of rumors have been flying around that you plan to cash in your title shot after one of our matches...well boys, if that is what it takes for you to beat us, then be all means...bring it."


Dean - "See, Marv and I have never backed down from a fight....we have and will continue to defend these Tag Titles against anyone that wants a shot. So if you want a shot, all you need to do is ask....just don't be cowards and wait til after we have just wrestled a match."


Marv - "Regardless of when you decide to do it....all that matters is that tonight you get us on even ground....so beat us if you can, but the odds are stacked against you...we aren't the champs for nothing."


Segment Rtg = 22


Match #5 - Winners Round


Painful Procedure vs Larry Vessey & Richie Riggins


*A very good match that had a great crowd. Most of the crowd was all over Larry Vessey about Cameron not being there. Young Riggins really showed a lot of promise standing toe to toe with both Hopkirk and Shearer. But in the end, Painful Procedure defeated Larry Vessey and Richie Riggins in 13:39 when Randall Hopkirk defeated Larry Vessey by pinfall with a Randallism. Winners - Painful Procedure


Segment Rtg = 40


*Locker Room with Old School Principals"


Sanders - "Lesson in old school huh? Well let me tell you something Johnny Martin....The Mauler and I have been around long enough to know when an old timer such as yourself is trying to talk big so he can make up for his short comings. We have been NYCW Tag Champs....we know what we are doing in the ring. So we'll see who is giving the lesson tonight."


Mauler - "It sure is a shame that your original partner bailed on you Greg...I was looking forward seeing your great teamwork. Both Rick and I know how to work together, but you and Johnny Martin....well, good luck keeping up with us...and yes, Old School will reign supreme!"


Segment Rtg = 28


Match #6 - Elimination Round


Old School Principals vs Greg Rayne & Johnny Martin


*A good match with good crowd. Old School Principals started off looking sharp and worked very well together, but Rayne would turn the tides and eventually Johnny Martin and Greg Rayne would defeat the Old School Principals in 12:54 when Johnny Martin defeated The Masked Mauler by pinfall with a Twist On The Rocks. Winners - Johnny Matin & Greg Rayne


Segment Rtg = 44


Match #7 - Winners Round


Black Hat Bailey & Honest Frank vs Davis Wayne Newton & Mr New York


*A very good match with great in ring action. The crowd really tried to figure out who the masked Mr New York was. On more then one occasion Honest Frank would try and remove the mask but would be stopped. Eventually Black Hat Bailey and Honest Frank defeated Davis Wayne Newton and Mr New York in 13:44 when Black Hat Bailey defeated Davis Wayne Newton by submission with a Bailey Breaker. Winners = Black Hat Bailey & Honest Frank


Segment Rtg = 46


Match #8 - Winners Round


The Ring Generals vs Lee Wright & Steven Parker


*Being called the match of the night. Great action and a great crowd. Both teams would go back and forth, getting a lot of 2 counts...but eventually The Ring Generals defeated Lee Wright and Steven Parker in 15:01 when Marv Statler defeated Lee Wright by pinfall with a Backdrop Backbreaker. Winners - The Ring Generals


Segment Rtg = 48



*Overall a good show but the fans were not happy that three of the scheduled wrestlers were not on hand.


Overall Show Rtg = 28

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If you aren't aware there is a calendar option in the scheduling area where you create the shows. It's a good tool to see if you have any conflicts among your wrestlers. Also, even if you advance book someone, and they aren't available, you can go and substitute someone to replace them in the advanced booking. You will take a hit on the heat of the match, but less than you get for advertising a match and not delivering, as you saw.
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I think I knew it was there but when I was coming up the Tag Wars, I realized that it would need to be a 3 day event and in my excitement to get it together, I forgot to check it. Luckily I looked and the plans I have for the rest of the tournament, no one key will be missing.


I will definitely be checking that in the future so I don't run into this again, missing 1 is ok, but not 3...especially when I used my entire roster for day 1.

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NYCW Wrestling Minute


NYCW Wrestling Minute


Day one of the Tag Wars is in the books. Despite three competitors missing their flights, the show went off pretty well. Other then the fans a little upset that Cameron Vessey and Greg Gauge were absent, the buzz was that the match ups were all very good and has some good action.


We can confirm that both Cameron Vessey and Greg Gauge have arrived in New York and will compete in their respective matches. Vessey was noticeably upset that he wasn't able to help his father in their match, and even more angry that Sammy The Shark moved on in the winners bracket.


No real major upsets took place, unless you felt that the current tag team champs, The Ring Generals, should have lost to Lee Wright and Steven Parker. We felt it was a good match that could have gone either way and with Parker holding the right to invoke a title match if his choosing, we are pretty sure this battle will be fought again....but with gold on the line.


A lot of people are still trying to figure out who Mr New York is. He was the last minute replacement for Greg Gauge, as he teamed with Davis Wayne Newton to take on Black Hat Bailey and Honest Frank. People were saying that his style reminded them of former NYCW star, Steve Flash....and at one point he even hit a move that resembled a Flash Bang. More on this story as we find anything to report.


Day 2 of the Tag Wars is tomorrow night, and here is a look at the card.



NYCW Tri-State Tag Wars - Day 2


Saturday: April 10th, 2010 @ The Ministry

Queens, New York

Doors Open @7:30pm EST

Bell Time @8pm EST


The Card


*Kings of Wrestling vs Wiley Coyote


*The Maryland Alliance vs Cameron & Larry Vessey


*Wiley Coyote/Kings of Wrestling WINNER vs The Vessey's/Maryland Alliance WINNER


*Davis Wayne Newton & Greg Gauge vs The New York Doll & K-Squared


*Lee Wright & Steven Parker vs Greg Rayne & Johnny Martin


*Newton & Gauge/NY Doll & K-Squared WINNER vs Wright & Parker/Rayne & Martin WINNER


The Ring Generals vs Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey


Painful Procedure vs Sammy The Shark & Whistler


* - denotes elimination match

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*Kings of Wrestling vs Wiley Coyote


*The Maryland Alliance vs Cameron & Larry Vessey


*Wiley Coyote/Kings of Wrestling WINNER vs The Vessey's/Maryland Alliance WINNER


*Davis Wayne Newton & Greg Gauge vs The New York Doll & K-Squared


*Lee Wright & Steven Parker vs Greg Rayne & Johnny Martin


*Newton & Gauge/NY Doll & K-Squared WINNER vs Wright & Parker/Rayne & Martin WINNER


The Ring Generals vs Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey


Painful Procedure vs Sammy The Shark & Whistler

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*Kings of Wrestling vs Wiley Coyote


*The Maryland Alliance vs Cameron & Larry Vessey


*Wiley Coyote/Kings of Wrestling WINNER vs The Vessey's/Maryland Alliance WINNER


*Davis Wayne Newton & Greg Gauge vs The New York Doll & K-Squared


*Lee Wright & Steven Parker vs Greg Rayne & Johnny Martin


*Newton & Gauge/NY Doll & K-Squared WINNER vs Wright & Parker/Rayne & Martin WINNER


The Ring Generals vs Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey


Painful Procedure vs Sammy The Shark & Whistler

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Kings of Wrestling vs Wiley Coyote


*The Maryland Alliance vs Cameron & Larry Vessey


*Wiley Coyote/Kings of Wrestling WINNER vs The Vessey's/Maryland Alliance WINNER


*Davis Wayne Newton & Greg Gauge vs The New York Doll & K-Squared


*Lee Wright & Steven Parker vs Greg Rayne & Johnny Martin


*Newton & Gauge/NY Doll & K-Squared WINNER vs Wright & Parker/Rayne & Martin WINNER


The Ring Generals vs Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey


Painful Procedure vs Sammy The Shark & Whistler

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*Kings of Wrestling vs Wiley Coyote


*The Maryland Alliance vs Cameron & Larry Vessey


*Wiley Coyote/Kings of Wrestling WINNER vs The Vessey's/Maryland Alliance WINNER


*Davis Wayne Newton & Greg Gauge vs The New York Doll & K-Squared


*Lee Wright & Steven Parker vs Greg Rayne & Johnny Martin


*Newton & Gauge/NY Doll & K-Squared WINNER vs Wright & Parker/Rayne & Martin WINNER


The Ring Generals vs Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey


Painful Procedure vs Sammy The Shark & Whistler

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NYCW Tri-State Tag Wars: Day 2


Tri-State Tag Wars: Day 2

Live to DVD - The Ministry

April 10th, 2010

Attendance - 770


*Rock Downpour and Herb Stately sitting at the announce booth:


Rock - "Hello NYCW Wrestling fans and welcome to day two of the Tri-State Tag Wars! I am Rock Downpour and as always I am joined by my co-host....and the self proclaimed tri-state chick magnet....Herb Statley."


Herb - "Thank you for that wonder introduction Rock, but I have one thing to ask you...why do you say NYCW Wrestling, doesn't the 'W' in NYCW mean wrestling?"


Rock - "I know it does Herb, I just always thought it sounded better. Our fans know what I am talking about, and that is all that matters."


Herb - "I think we need to have a little talk with management about sending you back to broadcasting school...and here is your perfect replacement while you go get your learn on." *reaches down and pulls up an actual rock dressed like Rock Downpour*


Rock - "I happened to graduate top of my class at Northwestern thank you very much."


Herb - "Community College does not count Rock....Northwestern....ha!"


Rock - "I'm not even going to argue with you....everyone knows that Northwestern is one of the best schools in the country....besides, you did not even go to college."


Herb - "Some people are just born with natural gifts Rock....who's got two thumbs and has those mad skills?" *points to himself*, "This guy!"


Rock - "Amazing...simply amazing.....anyway...tonight we have a great set of matches in store for you. Its do or die time for eight teams, first we will see the team of The New York Doll and K-Squared take on Davis Wayne Newton and the now arrived Greg Gauge."


Herb - "Not sure of I like how the luck of the draw put these two great teams together in a match, this match is too close to call....but if I had to choose, I will stick with my guy, The Doll and K-Squared."


Rock - "Cameron Vessey also has finally made it here and he and his father, Larry get to take on the veteran team of The Maryland Alliance."


Herb - "The Maryland Alliance used to be an above average team...why they were allowed to compete in this tournament is beyond me. The Vesseys will make short work of them."


Rock - "The Kings of Wrestling moved on by beating Running Wolf and Jebediah, tonight they will face another veteran team and one they are pretty familiar with, Wiley Coyote."


Herb - "Wiley Steinway told me tonight that he feels the best he has in ten years, so that can only mean one thing....a loss for the Kings."


Rock - "And finally in our last elimination match scheduled, Lee Wright and Steven Parker will face the tough luck team of Johnny Martin and Greg Rayne."


Herb - "Only one team can move on and honestly, Wright and Parker are the better team."


Rock - "Of course the winners of each of those four matches will face each other later on with a date with the losers of our winners bracket matches tomorrow night."


Herb - "I don't think it matters, the team to beat is Honest Frank and Black Hat Bailey."


Rock - "You may be right for once Herb....speaking of Frank and Bailey, they will face the current tag team champions, The Ring Generals."


Herb - "The only thing that could make this night better is if the Generals would put their titles on the line....Bailey and Frank move on....easily."


Rock - "And finally in our last winners bracket match, Sammy The Shark and Whistler will face Painful Procedure."


Herb - "If the team of Frank and Bailey weren't here, I would say that Painful Procedure is the team to beat....looking forward to Painful Procedure's victory and match with Frank and Bailey tomorrow."


Rock - "Well there you have it, the card is set for you and now its time to get to the action!"


Segment Rtg - 39


Dark Match


Jared Johnson vs Fumihiro Ota


*A match that had some good ring action and a fairly interested crowd as they filtered in. Pretty much a one sided match, Fumihiro Ota defeated Jared Johnson in 7:14 by pinfall with a Ninja Strike. Winner - Fumihiro Ota


Segment Rtg = 42


Tri-State Tag Wars: Day 2 Begins


*Backstage, Sammy The Shark and Whistler enter the building when they run into Cameron and Larry Vessey. Cameron makes some comment toward Sammy which sparks a brawl between the two teams, which is eventually broken up by security.


Segment Rtg = 28


Match #1 - Elimination Round


The New York Doll & K-Squared vs Davis Wayne Newton & Greg Gauge


*The crowd was all over Gauge for missing the show last night, some people went as far as to throw watches into the ring at him. The match has some good in ring action as both teams would have control. Wayne Newton and Greg Gauge defeated K-Squared and The New York Doll in 10:29 when Davis Wayne Newton defeated K-Squared by submission with a STF. Winners - Davis Wayne Newton & Greg Gauge


Segment Rtg = 37


*Locker Room with Honest Frank and Black Hat Bailey:


Frank - "Ring Generals.....I want to apologize for your luck, because even though you are the tag team champions....you drew probably the best team hands down in this tournament. Both of us are multiple time champions, so that means we know how to win. You may have the belts, but there is only one that matters....and that is the one around my partners waist."


Bailey - "You see Ring Generals.....what we do to you tonight is not personal....well, maybe a little bit...but that's ok, being the Empire champ has its privileged...see you in the ring boys."


Segment Rtg = 57


Match #2 - Elimination Round


The Maryland Alliance vs Cameron & Larry Vessey


*The Vessey's controlled this match from the beginning, but when Brady Prince finally got the tag, he turned the tide. The crowd was into the match but the action lacked a little. Eventually Cameron Vessey and Larry Vessey defeated The Maryland Alliance in 11:54 when Cameron Vessey defeated Brady Prince by pinfall with a Vessey Driver. Winners - Cameron & Larry Vessey


Segment Rtg = 36


*Backstage with the Kings of Wrestling


Diamond - "Wiley Coyote....you talk a big game, but as of yet you have not done anything to back it up. Each time we have faced you guys, we got the better of you...so tell us again why are are supposed to be worried?"


Heroic - "You say your backs are against the wall....well what do you think ours is? We are in the same boat you are, except we have a win in this tournament. So bring your A game, because you will need it. And Vesseys...make sure you take notes...because when we are done with Wiley Coyote....you're next....."


Segment Rtg = 29


Match #3 - Elimination Round


Wiley Coyote vs Kings of Wrestling


*Coyote Dynamite came out of the gate and took control of Mario Heroic. Both members of Wiley Coyote took turns softening up Heroic until he was able to get to his corner and make the tag. Diamond had the upper hand for a few minutes, but a low blow stopped all that. A very good match, and eventually the Kings of Wrestling would fight back and defeat Wiley Coyote in 12:01 when Mario Heroic defeated Wiley Steinway by pinfall with a Hero Attack. Winners - Kings of Wrestling


Segment Rtg = 47


*A graphic is shown announcing that later on Cameron & Larry Vessey will face the Kings of Wrestling.


Rock - "So there you have it, later on tonight the Kings of Wrestling will face Cameron and Larry Vessey....winner moves on, loser goes home."


Herb - "Only one set of losers in this match....and they are Mario Heroic and Dazzling Dave Diamond."


Rock - "We will see if you are right later on Herb.....to the back we go with Greg Rayne and Johnny Martin."


Segment Rtg = 29


*Locker Room with Johnny Martin and Greg Rayne:


Martin - "Ahhh yes....Lee Wright and Steven Parker.....tonight you two step into the ring with myself and Greg Rayne. Both teams know its lose and you go home.....well if you know me, and Steve....you know me very well.....I am at my best when my back is against the wall. I don't plan on going home just yet....I plan on being here tomorrow."


Rayne - "So beat us if you can, but if history repeats itself.....it'll be Johnny Martin and Greg Rayne standing in the middle of the ring victorious. And when we do win....Newton and Gauge....be ready for the beating of your lives."


Segment Rtg = 48


Match #4 - Elimination Round


Lee Wright & Steven Parker vs Johnny Martin & Greg Rayne


*Best match of the night so far, the crowd really was into this match. Martin and Parker really worked well together. Both teams hit signature moves on each other, only to be saved by their partner. Eventually Johnny Martin and Greg Rayne defeated Lee Wright and Steven Parker in 14:45 when Greg Rayne defeated Steven Parker by submission with a Rayne Fall. Winners - Johnny Martin & Greg Rayne


Segment Rtg = 47


*A graphic is shown hyping that Greg Rayne & Johnny Martin will fave Greg Gauge & Davis Wayne Newton later tonight.


Rock - "And our last elimination match is set, Greg Rayne and Johnny Martin will move on to face Davis Wayne Newton and Greg Gauge later on."


Herb - "I just want to point out that Rayne cheated....Lee Wright was hit with an illegal blow and that caused him not to be able to save his partner....and I am still not sure that Rayne was the legal man....I am filing a protest!"


Rock - "You do that Herb.....but the match is set....lets go to the back with Painful Procedure."


Segment Rtg = 29


*Backstage with Painful Procedure:


Shearer - "When Randall called me and asked me if I wanted to reunite the band and come win this thing, I said sure...sounds like fun. When I looked at the field and saw that we could meet Whistler and Sammy The Shark down the road, I knew this was a no brainer."


Hopkirk - "See, both Billy and I have a lot of history with Whistler....and when we saw that we had a chance to face him, we set a goal not only to win this thing, but to take him out along the way."


Shearer - "So Sammy, whatever happens tonight is between us and Whistler...you should just stay in the back and let the big boys play....but I promise....if you do get involved....you will get hurt."


Hopkirk - "I couldn't have said it better myself....see you later boys."


Segment Rtg = 50


Match #5 - Winners Round


The Ring Generals vs Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey


*A great matchup, all four men worked well together and it made for a great match. The crowd really let Honest Frank have it when he poked Dean Waldorf in the eye and then used it to his advantage. The Generals had the momentum at the end, but Honest Frank and Black Hat Bailey defeated The Ring Generals in 13:41 when Honest Frank defeated Dean Waldorf by pinfall with a handful of tights. Winners - Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey


Segment Rtg = 46


*Locker Room with Sammy The Shark & Whistler:


Sammy - "Cameron Vessey....god I hate your guts, I can't wait til I can get my hands on you in the ring. You think you are in my head? You think what you did when we got here will effect my match tonight? Think again....I know I have business to take care of tonight....but I just hope....hope that you and daddy find a way to make it so we can kick you asses all over The Ministry. Have you found god yet Cameron? Well if not, I will be glad to help you do just that....with my fist!"


Whister - "Relax Sammy....just stay focused on our match at hand. Randall and Billy Jack....so glad you could join me here tonight. Yes, we do have history together...a lot of history....and any good student of history should remember that the last time I faced either of you, it was my arm that was raised in victory. So tonight I hope you are at your best, because I don't want any excuses after we win tonight."


Segment Rtg = 48


Match #6 - Elimination Round


Cameron & Larry Vessey vs Kings of Wrestling


*A good match that was helped by both teams strong showings in their earlier matches. The Vessey's looked a little better out there as Cameron Vessey and Larry Vessey defeated Kings of Wrestling in 13:15 when Cameron Vessey defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond by pinfall with a Vessey Driver. Winners - Cameron & Larry Vessey


Segment Rtg = 38


*Back Hallway with Painful Procedure:


Hopkirk - "Did you hear Whistler? He honestly thinks that he and that little puke Sammy have a chance against us."


Shearer - "Don't worry bro, I got it taken care of....take a look at this....."


*Shows him something in a bag, then sees the camera*


Shearer - "This isn't for prying eyes...not get out of here!"


*Shoves the camera and they walk away.


Segment Rtg = 40


Match #7 - Elimination Round


Davis Wayne Newton & Greg Gauge vs Greg Rayne & Johnny Martin


*A solid match that showed that Gauge and Newton can compete with the big boys. Back and forth it went until Greg Rayne and Johnny Martin defeated Davis Wayne Newton and Greg Gauge in 15:14 when Johnny Martin defeated Davis Wayne Newton by pinfall with a Twist On The Rocks. Winners - Greg Rayne & Johnny Martin


Segment Rtg = 40


*Locker Room with Black Hat Bailey & Honest Frank:


Frank - "Nicely done out there tonight champ, the so called tag champs really didn't impress me."


Bailey - "Well when you have as much talent as we have, it's hard to come beat that."


Frank - "Painful Procedure and Whistler/Shark....we are watching you gentlemen....not because we are scared....no, honest we aren't....we just want to know how much sleep we need to get tonight once we know our opponent for tomorrow."


Bailey - "I am betting we will be able to party as late as we want....neither of you scare us...so have a good match and we will see one of you tomorrow night!"


Segment Rtg = 53


Match #8 - Winners Round


Sammy The Shark & Whistler vs Painful Procedure


*A great match, the crowd really loved seeing Whistler face off with both members of Painful Procedure. Sammy held his own, getting some offense but for the most part when he was in the ring, he was taking a beating. Finally Sammy The Shark and Whistler defeated Painful Procedure in 17:59 when Whistler defeated Randall Hopkirk by pinfall with a Rebel Yell. Winners - Sammy The Shark & Whistler


Segment Rating = 40


*Overall a much better night then the previous one. Fans were happy that all the wrestlers were there and in their matches. People were really talking about the final day and could not wait to see who will be crowned 2010 Tri-State Tag Wars Survivors.


Overall Show Rtg = 40

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NYCW Wrestling Minute


NYCW Wrestling Minute


Welcome to another edition of the Wrestling Minute. Day two of the Tag Wars is in the books and we are left with only six teams:


Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey will face off against Whistler & Sammy The Shark. The winner of that match will advance to the Tag Wars Finals, while the loser of the match will drop into the Losers Bracket and await the winner of the four teams already battling to stay alive.


The four teams fighting to stay alive are, The Ring Generals, Cameron & Larry Vessey, Painful Procedure and Johnny Martin & Greg Rayne. The Ring Generals will face Cameron and Larry Vessey in one match while Painful Procedure will take on the team of Johnny Martin and Greg Rayne. The winners of these matches will face off to see who gets into the final three of the tournament.


Only one team can be crowned Tri-State Tag Wars Survivors, and if we had to put money on it....we would take Honest Frank and Black Hat Bailey since they seem to be the team that is on the best role right now.



NYCW Tri-State Tag Wars - Finals


Sunday: April 11th, 2010 @ The Ministry

Queens, New York

Doors Open @7:30pm EST

Bell Time @8pm EST


The Card


*The Ring Generals vs Cameron & Larry Vessey


*Painful Procedure vs Johnny Martin & Greg Rayne


*Generals/Vessey's WINNER vs Painful Procedure/Martin & Rayne WINNER


Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey vs Whistler & Sammy The Shark


* - denotes elimination match

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NYCW Tri-State Tag Wars: Finals


Tri-State Tag Wars: Finals

Live to DVD - The Ministry

April 11th, 2010

Attendance - 797


*Rock Downpour and Herb Statley standing in front of The Ministry as fans in line behind them waiting to enter the building.


Rock - "Good evening and welcome to the FINALS of the Tri-State Tag Wars. The grueling, three day, 16 team tournament has finally entered its final day and tonight one team will walk out of The Ministry the first ever Tri-State Tag Team Survivors!"


Herb - "Rock, for once I actually have nothing bad to say about what you said...you are absolutely right, this weekend has been hell for the remaining 6 teams and it is quite possible that one of these teams could be forced to wrestle FOUR matches to win this thing."


Rock - "Are you feeling ok Herb? Not that I am complaining, I just am not used to you agreeing with me."


Herb - "Yes Rock, I am fine....just really excited to see the end of the tournament so we can finally get some normalcy back around here."


Rock - "Ok, fair enough....but yes, you are right...one of these teams may have to win four matches to win this thing...but on the other hand, all either Whistler & Sammy or Frank & Bailey have to do is win twice and its all over."


Herb - "Right, and I think that is all its going to take tonight....who's on the card?"


Rock - "Well first we will see the tag team champions, The Ring Generals take on a team that to me is a surprise they are still around....Cameron and Larry Vessey."


Herb - "Even though they have the belts, I still don't think they can move on past this round. They have been lucky in my opinion thus far, and the father/son combo is too good....The Vessey's move on."


Rock - "In the other elimination match, the team of Johnny Martin and Greg Rayne will take on a team that was thought by many to be one of the favorites, Painful Procedure."


Herb - "Hopkirk and Shearer have been working together for a while now....the same cannot be said for Rayne and Martin. I don't see any way that Painful Procedure loses this match."


Rock - "And in our only Winners Bracket match, the team of Honest Frank and Black Hat Bailey will take on Sammy The Shark and Whistler."


Herb - "Sammy is in way over his head....if you put him up against any of the men left in a singles match, he would lose badly. Whistler can't carry this team past the Empire Champion and Honest Frank...."


Rock - "Well there you have it folks....the only part of the card that is known...remember that the winners of the elimination matches will move on and face each other and the loser of the winners bracket will face the winner of that match...setting up our final. So strap in, it's going to be a wild ride!"


Segment Rtg = 43


Dark Match


The Masked Mauler vs Buck Graham


*These two men were bounced from the tourney yesterday but had some words at the hotel and agreed to meet in a match. Both men seemed off their game and it resulted in some poor in ring action despite a good crowd. The Masked Mauler defeated Buck Graham in 7:23 by submission with an Iron Claw. Winner - The Masked Mauler


Segment Rtg = 29


Tri-State Tag Wars: Finals Begins


Bailey - "Only two more wins is all I need to add the Tri-State Tag Wars Survival trophy to my collection. Whistler....you and I go a ways back, and that is a good thing....for me...see, I know your weaknesses and how to beat you. Think back to January when you challenged me for my Empire Title....who's arm was raised? Mine! Who is listed as the "man" in NYCW? Me! And who is going to be labeled a survivor later tonight? That's right....Me!"


Frank - "What the champ is trying to say is simple.....if you want an HONEST chance at winning....always bet on black....."


Bailey - "Oh, and Mr New York....I got your message....and if you think you are man enough to face me at Wrestling Showcase.....I would be happy to dispatch another unworthy competitor."


Frank - "Whoa...what? I though you said I would get a chance at your belt when this was all over! What's that all about?"


Bailey - "Wait in line Frankie......" *Walks off camera*


Frank - "We'll see.....HONESTly...we'll see....."


Segment Rtg = 52


Match #1 - Elimination Round


The Ring Generals vs Cameron & Larry Vessey


*The Vessey's came out with Richie Riggins, Greg Gauge and Davis Wayne Newton and grabbed a mic.


Cam Vessey - "Before the Generals come out, let me begin by introducing to everyone the elite faction here in NYCW. The only way into this exclusive group is to have the blood of a wrestling great running through your veins...let me introduce...Second Generation Superstars! Now...." *Cut off by The Ring Generals Music*


*Match begins with the Generals clearing out all five members of SGS and as soon as Larry got back into the ring, the bell sounded. A back and forth match which saw the SGS guys interfere a couple times, but The Ring Generals defeated Larry Vessey and Cameron Vessey in 13:44 when Marv Statler defeated Cameron Vessey by pinfall with a Backdrop Backbreaker. Winners - The Ring Generals


Segment Rtg = 36


*Steven Parker's music hits and he comes down to the ring with Lee Wright:


Parker - "Congrats boys on your victory tonight....bravo.....oh, and we never got a chance to congratulate you on your fluke win over us two nights ago...but that is not why we came out here...no....remember at Fights on Broadway when a certain someone won a battle royal that not only made me $25,000 richer...it gave me a shot at ANY title I wanted in NYCW.....well I made up my mind boys....how about the two of you put those belts on the line at Mayhem next month and see if you can beat us again....."


Wright - "Before you answer though....the contract stipluates that Steve can also pick the type of match it is.....so think on it long and hard boys.....and let us know by Showcase..."


Parker - "But if you don't.....lets just say I won't be as generous about timing"


Segment Rtg = 32


*Locker Room with Painful Procedure:


Shearer - "Last night's loss was a fluke....there is no way that Whistler and The Shark will ever do that again to us...."


Hopkirk - "Relax big guy....we will get our chance later tonight to face them....and beat them....TWICE! Whistler, I still cannot figure out how the heck you managed to get the win.....no matter, we just are that much more motivated to get back to the finals and kick you asses."


Shearer - "So Johnny Martin and Greg Rayne....that just put you two losers in the wrong place at the wrong time......"


Segment Rtg = 42


Match #2 - Elimination Round


Greg Rayne & Johnny Martin vs Painful Procedure


*The promo by Painful Procedure just before the match really go the crowd fired up and they were really into this match. Martin and Rayne took the advantage but Rayne lost focus when he saw Mr New York in the stands wearing a Steve Flash t-shirt, allowing Painful Procedure defeated Johnny Martin and Greg Rayne in 20:10 when Randall Hopkirk defeated Greg Rayne by pinfall with a Randallism. Winners - Painful Procedure


Segment Rtg = 39


*A Graphic is shown hyping the match between The Ring Generals and Painful Procedure later on tonight


Segment Rtg = 38


*Backstage, Greg Gauge is approached by Kirk Jameson:


Jameson - "Hey Greg....I saw your promo out there and was wondering where I can apply to join your group"


Gauge - "Were you not paying attention....we only take the best, you know...the top notch athletes....not some wanna be loser like yourself."


Jameson - "You know, I have been called a lot worse things by men much better then you.....you say you only let in the best....well then explain to me why your brother bailed on you and left you behind....I think that makes him the best, and you just some wanna be...."


*Gauge hits Jameson and the two end up brawling until security breaks them up.


Segment Rtg = 27


Match #3 - Winners Round


Whistler & Sammy The Shark vs Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey


*A good match from the start, all four men battled until the Michael Bull restored order and the match began. Back and forth they went, Frank tried to score a pin by using the ropes but was caught by Michael Bull. Whister took over after a tag by Sammy and Whistler and Sammy The Shark defeated Honest Frank and Black Hat Bailey in 19:41 when Whistler defeated Black Hat Bailey by pinfall with a Rebel Yell. Winners - Sammy The Shark & Whistler


Segment Rtg = 48


*Backstage, Johnny Martin is walking toward the exit when he runs into Steven Parker:


Parker - "Tough luck out there slick...looks like your luck here is just as bad as in PSW."


Martin - "You know Steven....for a guy who hasn't amounted to much in either promotion, you sure have a big mouth."


Parker - "Do you want to be the one that closes it for me?"


Martin - "I wouldn't want you beat you senseless and then you use it as an excuse when The Ring Generals beat you and Lee Wright next month...."


Parker - "I don't need excuses, in fact how about you and I see who is better at Showcase in two weeks?"


Martin - "If you want an ass kicking...then its on...."


*The two men begin to scuffle and the fight spills out into the parking lot where it is eventually broken up by Road Agents and security.


Segment Rtg = 43


Match #4 - Elimination Round


The Ring Generals vs Painful Procedure


*The Generals tried to use their quickness and youth to their advantage and it worked for a while. The crowd loved the action and were a little upset when Painful Procedure defeated The Ring Generals in 16:33 when Billy Jack Shearer defeated Marv Statler by pinfall with a Rythm and Bruise. Winners - Painful Procedure


Segment Rtg = 41


*A graphic is shown hyping Painful Procedure taking on Honest Frank and Black Hat Bailey in a few minutes.


Segment Rtg = 42


Match #5 - Elimination Round


Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey vs Painful Procedure


*Hopkirk and Shearer talked strategy in the ring as Honest Frank and Black Hat Bailey came out. All four men got nose to nose, some words were exchanged and then the bell rang and they all started on each other. Back and forth match. Greg Rayne came through the crowd and hit Honest Frank with something allowing Painful Procedure defeated Black Hat Bailey and Honest Frank in 15:16 when Randall Hopkirk defeated Honest Frank by pinfall with a Randallism. Winners - Painful Procedure


Segment Rtg = 41


*Graphic is shown that the finals will be Whistler & Sammy The Shark taking on Painful Procedure.


Rock - "The finals are set, it will be Painful Procedure taking on Whistler and Sammy The Shark."


Herb - "And in order to win the tournament, Painful Procedure will have to beat Sammy and Whistler not once, but twice....a very daunting task."


Segment Rtg = 43


*Backstage with Whistler and Sammy The Shark


Sammy - "No one would have ever thought that I would be in the finals of the Tag Wars. A lot of people are saying that Whistler has carried this team on his back. Well, we are about to prove all your nay sayers wrong.....Whistler and I will take care of business!:


Whistler - "Painful Procedure....you are right about one thing....we do go way back. But you need to check you version of history, because the last time I faced either of you in a match.....I was victorious. See, its not about the past...its about the now, and Sammy and I have never been more focused then we are at this moment. So, all that's left for us to do is take care of business tonight....and then Black Hat Bailey....I am coming for the Empire Title."


Segment Rtg = 56


Match #6 - Finals


Sammy The Shark & Whistler vs Painful Procedure


*The crowd was ready for this match, they sat through a lot of wrestling and the rivalry between Whistler and both members of Painful Procedure. Whistler and Sammy really took control and looked like they were going to take it, but just as Sammy went for a pin, Cameron Vessey ran in and distracted the ref and then sprayed something in Sammy's face when he noticed Vessey. In the end, Painful Procedure defeated Whistler and Sammy The Shark in 13:44 when Billy Jack Shearer defeated Whistler by pinfall with a handful of tights forcing another match. Winners - Painful Procedure


Segment Rtg = 38


Match #7 - Tri-State Tag Wars Survivor Final


Sammy The Shark & Whistler vs Painful Procedure


*After the pin on Sammy, another match was needed to crown the winners of the tourney. Whoever scores the pin or submission will be named the winner. Before the match began, Michael Bull said that if anyone interfered in the match, he would call a DQ and name the other team the winner. The crowd was really into this match after the fast paced ending of the last one. Sammy took control early but then fell victim to a couple double team moves. Sammy finally made the tag to Whistler, and he took back control. Going for the Rebel Yell, Whistler ran into a big boot from Shearer allowing Painful Procedure defeated Whistler and Sammy The Shark in 9:23 when Randall Hopkirk defeated Whistler by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. Winners and Tri-State Tag Wars Survivors - Painful Procedure


Segment Rtg = 39


*This show was the best of all three nights, some of the action in the ring was a little worse, but overall the crowd was really into the event.


Overall Show Rtg = 39

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NYCW Wrestling Minute


NYCW Wrestling Minute


Hello New York City Wrestling fans and welcome to another edition of the Wrestling Minute. Tag Wars has come to a conclusion with Painful Procedure being named the winners. As a result of their win, both Randall Hopkirk and Billy Jack Shearer have been offered longer contracts when the ones they signed to compete in the Tag Wars. We have been told that both men have agreed to sign those contracts and will compete mostly as singles wrestlers. Hopkirk said that he will watch Shearer's back, but has some unfinished business with Whistler. Hopkirk has asked management for a match with Whistler to settle this business. Management has not yet decided whether to grant his request.


Sammy The Shark and Whistler came in second in the Tag Wars and were not happy with how things ended. A lot of controversy has surrounded both matches in the finals, but management has said they will stand behind senior referee Michael Bull's decision to award Painful Procedure the winners.


Speaking of Sammy, he has asked management for a shot at the Tri-State Regional Title at Mayhem, but management is reluctant to award him another shot at the title. Instead they have announced that Sammy will compete in a four way match at Mayhem to crown the #1 contender to Cameron Vessey's title. The other 3 combatants have not been named, but some names flying around are The New York Doll, Kirk Jameson, Richie Riggins, Brady Prince and Fumihiro Ota.


The Ring Generals are going to announce at Showcase 4 if they will accept the challenge laid out by Lee Wright and Steven Parker for the Tag Titles. We have heard rumblings that they are planning on accepting the match and will put the titles on the line.


We will also see a new #1 contender to the Empire Title named at Mayhem. Whistler will get another shot at the Empire Title at Mayhem, but there will be another match to determine who will face the champ at Gang Wars for the belt. The men rumored to be involved in the #1 contender match are Honest Frank, Randall Hopkirk, Greg Rayne, Johnny Martin and Billy Jack Shearer. Nothing has been announced yet but we have heard that Johnny Martin will face Honest Frank in that match.


And finally, who is Mr New York? The masked man is scheduled to face the Empire Champion, Black Hat Bailey at Showcase for the title. We have learned that Mr New York is indeed a former NYCW star who will only reveal his true identity if he wins the title. Bailey has said he plans to unmask this man and if it is who he thinks it is, he will get him banned for life from NYCW.


News Wire


*NYCW Wrestling Showcase will be held on Saturday, April 24th @7:30pm at The Weston Gymnasium. Tickets on sale now!


*NYCW has agreed to a new contract with Randall Hopkirk and will allow the contract of Buck Graham to expire after one more appearance


*CZCW has signed Ash Campbell


*SWF has reached contract extensions with Rich Money and Pat Deacon


*TCW has reached a contract extension with Benny Benson


*Dark Angel has left NOTBPW


*Demon Anger has left USPW


*Akima Brave has officially left SWF


*Beetle Kimura will miss 13 months after he suffered a broken neck in a match


*Seiko Nanami and Jean-Pierre Baptiste have announced their retirement from the wrestling business



NYCW Wrestling Showcase 4


Saturday: April 24th, 2010 @ The Weston Gymnasium

Newark, New Jersey

Doors Open @7pm EST

Bell Time @7:30pm EST

*Your ticket stub gets you admission to Weston High School's Battle of the Bands 2


The Card


Greg Gauge vs Kirk Jameson


Johnny Martin vs Steven Parker


Billy Jack Shearer vs Fumihiro Ota


Empire Title Match

© Black Hat Bailey vs Mr. New York


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NYCW Wrestling Showcase 4


NYCW Wrestling Showcase 4

Live to DVD - The Weston Gymnasium

April 24th, 2010

Attendance - 300 (SELL OUT!)


*Rock Downpour and Herb Statley standing in front of the river with the NYC skyline in the background:


Rock - "Hello NYCW Wrestling fans and welcome to the fourth installment of Wrestling Showcase. I am Rock Downpour and I am joined by my broadcast colleague Her...."


Herb - "Woah woah woah...watch it with the colleague statement there Rock....there is no way in hell you and I are on the same level here....you just show up and I make you look better then you are."


Rock - "What!? You were very easy to work with on the final day of the Tag Wars, and now the old Herb comes back? What is the matter with you?"


Herb - "Nothing is the matter with me Rock, I just didn't feel like making you look like a fool after that long weekend of wrestling....."


Rock - "You really need some mental help....do you know that?"


Herb - "Yeah, I probably do....I have been spending a lot of time with your mother and sister lately....if you know what I mean."


Rock - "No, what do you mean!"


Herb - "Well....I didn't want to be the one to break this to you but....you mom's a freak......"


Rock - "Stop it....just stop it....you know what....I'm done.....you can do this by yourself....."


*Rock walks off camera*


Herb - "Finally the real talent can shine....well, tonight we have four matches for you....first Greg Gauge has had some trouble with Kirk Jameson over his SGS stable....so these two men to square off in the ring to see if they can settle their differences....personally, Jameson doesn't even belong in the same building as the Second Gen Superstars, but who am I to say that....I just work here....second the feud between Johnny Martin and Steven Parker has finally carried over from another promotion these men work for....words were exchanged at Tag Wars and they have agreed to battle it out tonight against one another. Fumihiro Ota felt that he did not get a fair chance in the Tag Wars....and for once I agree with the man.....so he has asked to face one half of the winners in a singles match tonight and was awarded Billy Jack Shearer. And we will finally get to see who Mr New York really is....Black Hat Bailey has promised that after he successfully defends his Empire Title against Mr New York, he said he is going to unmask him and prove to the world that he knows that its none other then Steve Flash going back on his promise to retire after he lost to Bailey last month. Well, since Rock walked off the job, it's time for me to head inside and call the action.....its showtime New York!!!"


Segment Rtg = 45



Dark Match #1


Old School Principals vs The Maryland Alliance


*Before the match started, Buck Graham announced that if they cannot beat the Old School Principals, he would leave NYCW for good. The bell rings and the match begins with Prince taking it to Sanders. After some time, Mauler gets in and starts to work on Graham and eventually the Old School Principals defeated The Maryland Alliance in 5:39 when Rick Sanders defeated Buck Graham by submission with a Figure Four Leglock. Winners - Old School Principals


Segment Rtg = 36


Dark Match #2


Randall Hopkirk vs Island Boy Apollo


*Hopkirk came out and asked for one of the "youngsters" to come out so they can have a chat. Apollo comes out and asks what he wanted and Hopkirk just asked for the bell and clocks Apollo and says into the mic that "he is here to send a message to everyone in the back". Mostly a one sided match, Randall Hopkirk defeated Island Boy Apollo in 6:37 by pinfall with a Randallism. Winner - Randall Hokpirk


Segment Rtg = 30


Wrestling Showcase 4 Begins


Match #1


Greg Gauge w/Richie Riggins vs Kirk Jameson


*The two men got nose to nose and started throwing insults at each other, until Gauge hit Jameson with a low blow. Gauge controlled the match for most of the way through, and threw Jameson to the outside and let Riggins pound on him a bit. Jameson would mount some offense, but it would be too little too late as Greg Gauge defeated Kirk Jameson in 8:54 by submission with a Proton Lock. Winner - Greg Gauge


Segment Rtg = 48


*Backstage with Billy Jack Shearer:


Shearer - "Mr Ota....oh man, where to start.....well let me first state the obvious...what is it with you and the black bed sheets? No my friend...those are not robes, they are bed sheets and just how do you expect to beat a survivor such as myself? Ok, so I will give you that you were stuck with a bad tag partner, but that still doesn't make up for the fact that you just don't have the talent to beat me. So like Randall said earlier....we are putting NYCW on notice....no one is safe....don't believe me? Just watch what I do to the walking laundry pile."


Segment Rtg = 43


Match #2


Steven Parker vs Johnny Martin


*A lot of fans were chanting PSW when this match began. A very good back and forth match with action inside and outside the ring. Martin had the advantage near the end and Johnny Martin defeated Steven Parker in 10:05 when Steven Parker was disqualified when Lee Wright ran in and attacked Johnny Martin. Winner by DQ - Johnny Martin


Segment Rtg = 44


*After the match, Lee Wright and Steven Parker continued their assault on Martin. No matter what he did to fight back, Wright and Parker would take back control. Martin was about to be put through a table when The Ring Generals ran down and cleared out both Parker and Wright.


Segment Rtg = 31


*Dean Waldorf grabs the mic:


Waldorf - "Hey guys....we have been thinking about your challenge for Mayhem....and well...we accept!"


Statler - "But why do we have to wait? Let go now!"


*The Generals run up the ramp and chase Wright and Parker to the back.


Segment Rtg = 30


Match #3


Billy Jack Shearer vs Fumihiro Ota


*Ota jumped from the ring onto Shearer as he walked down and tossed him into the ring and the bell rang. Ota kept hammering on Shearer until Michael Bull tried to separate them from the corner and that was the opening that Shearer needed to gain the advantage. Billy Jack Shearer defeated Fumihiro Ota in 12:03 by pinfall with a Rythm and Bruise. Winner - Billy Jack Shearer


Segment Rtg = 44


*Locker Room with Honest Frank


Frank - "Now that the Tag Wars are over, does that mean that my friendship with Black Hat Bailey has ended? Well, the HONEST answer is.....NO, I made a promise to the champ that I had his back both during and after the Tag Wars. So tonight, Mr New York.....we will find out who the heck you really are after the champ has his way with you. Oh and Gregory....I haven't forgotten about you....your time is coming....just watch yourself."


Segment Rtg = 51


Match #4 - Empire Title Match


© Black Hat Bailey w/Streetz vs Mr New York


*The crowd was chanting Steve Flash's name as Mr New York came out. Bailey came out with his new manager, Streetz who grabbed the mic:


Streetz - "Carl Batch's replacement has arrived bitches! The most pimptastic man in the world has come to New York City to help guide the Empire Champ down the righteous path...so Steve Flash....I mean, Mr New York....heh heh heh....you might as well get it over with and take that ugly yellow thing off so we can see that ugly mug of yours again..."


*Mr New York punches Streetz and then lays into Bailey as the bell rings. A good match, back and forth with Mr New York having the upper hand and was just about to hit a DDT when Streetz cracks him over the head with his cane allowing Black Hat Bailey tp defeat Mr. New York in 12:18 by submission with a Bailey Breaker. Winner and STILL Empire Champ - Black Hat Bailey


Segment Rtg = 50


*After the match, Honest Frank runs down and helps Streetz and Bailey beat on Mr New York. They are just about to unmask him when Greg Rayne runs in and cleans house.


Segment Rtg = 38


*Rayne and Mr New York get into a stare down in the middle of the ring, Greg Rayne extends his hand and Mr New York takes it and the two shake hands. Rayne raises Mr NY's hand as the crowd cheers.


Segment Rtg = 32


*It was nice to get back to some of the regular story lines after nothing but Tag Team matches. Fans enjoyed the show and the buzz is that people think that Bailey is going to drop the belt soon, but to who?


Overall Show Rtg = 44

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NYCW Wrestling Minute


NYCW Wrestling Minute


Welcome NYCW fans to another edition of the Wrestling Minute. Mayhem in Midtown is a week away and things are heating up.


First the war of words between Kirk Jameson and the Second Generation Superstars has led to another match. Greg Gauge has challenged Jameson to find two partners to face him and fellow SGS members Davis Wayne Newton and Richie Riggins in a six man tag match. Gauge is calling this match a warm-up for Gang Wars later this year.


Kirk Jameson was asked if he had any idea who he would be able to get to team with him at Mayhem and he said "It's already worked out, the men I got were more then willing to step in and help me shut these prima-donna's mouths." When we asked if he would tell us the names, he refused stating he wanted Gauge to sweat about it for a week, but would say there is a former NYCW title holder in the group.....hmmm.


Cameron Vessey has been given the night off, but he will certainly be paying attention to Mayhem as Sammy The Shark, Greg Rayne, Fumihiro Ota and Brady Prince will face off to name the new #1 contender to the Tri-State Regional Title. Vessey has said that he hopes its anyone but Sammy because he wants some competition for his belt at Clash at Coney Island in June.


Randall Hopkirk has come out and said that since he was unable to get his match against Whistler at Mayhem, he has decided that he and Billy Jack Shearer will throw an open challenge to ANY tag team in the world to prove that Painful Procedure is indeed the best team out there today. Well, NYCW management has made a deal with fellow East Coast promotion, Mid-Atlantic Wrestling to bring in The Atlantic Connection to face Hopkirk and Shearer at Mayhem. Riley McManus of the Atlantic Connection said "I have heard that Hopkirk likes to run his mouth a lot, well Curtis Jenkins and I are looking forward to stepping in the ring with them and shut them up".


The Tag Team titles will be on the line in a Ladder Match, as Lee Wright and Steven Parker challenge The Ring Generals at Mayhem. Parker won the right to challenge for the title of his choosing, and laid out the challenge to the champs at Tag Wars. The Generals accepted their challenge at Showcase 4, after coming to the aid of Johnny Martin as Wright and Parker attacked him following a match.


Speaking of Martin, he will face Honest Frank at Mayhem to see who will challenge for the Empire Title at Gang Wars in July. Martin and Frank have a history in PSW and DAVE. There could be some interesting events to unfold if Frank was to win and Black Hat Bailey were to retain the title since both men have been aligned as of late.


The Empire Title will be on the line at Mayhem, as Whistler has won another shot at the belt from his performance at Tag Wars. Black Hat Bailey successfully defended the belt two weeks ago against Mr. New York at Showcase 4. Bailey was not too thrilled about facing Whistler again for the belt but as his manager Streetz said, "Black Hat never backs down from a challenge....so Whistler, bring your flag and your little beard to the ring so the champ can slap it off your face!"


Make sure you do not miss Mayhem in Midtown, this coming Saturday beginning at 7pm! A lot is on the line!


News Wire


*NYCW Mayhem in Midtown will be held on Saturday, May 15th @7pm at The Ministry. Tickets on sale now!


*NYCW Wrestling Showcase 1-4 are now available in a special DVD collection. Check local retailers for availability.


*NYCW has agreed to contract extensions with Steve Flash and The New York Doll and decided not to renew the contract of Buck Graham.


*USPW has agreed to a contract extension with Tyson Baine and have signed Mainstream Hernandez to a Pay-Per-Appearance deal.


*RIPW has agreed to terms with Dazzling Dave Diamond on a Pay-Per-Appearance Deal.


*TCW has agreed to contract extensions with Bryan Vessey and Guide


*PSW has agreed to contract extensions with Ash Campbell and Nicole Kiss


*CZCW has agreed to a contract extension with Jeremiah Moose


*Snap Dragon has left CZCW


*Jackson Andrews has announced his retirement from the wrestling business



NYCW Mayhem in Midtown


Saturday: May 15th, 2010 @ The Ministry

Queens, New York

Doors Open @6:30pm EST

Bell Time @7pm EST


The Card


Kirk Jameson, ? & ? vs Greg Gauge, Davis Wayne Newton & Richie Riggins


Hopkirk Tag Team Invitational

Painful Procedure vs The Atlantic Connection (MAW)


Tri-State Regional #1 Contender Match

Sammy The Shark vs Greg Rayne vs Fumihiro Ota vs Brady Prince


Tag Team Title Match

© The Ring Generals vs Lee Wright & Steven Parker


Empire Title #1 Contender Match

Honest Frank vs Johnny Martin


Empire Title Match

© Black Hat Bailey vs Whistler

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Kirk Jameson, ? & ? vs Greg Gauge, Davis Wayne Newton & Richie Riggins


Hopkirk Tag Team Invitational

Painful Procedure vs The Atlantic Connection (MAW)


Tri-State Regional #1 Contender Match

Sammy The Shark vs Greg Rayne vs Fumihiro Ota vs Brady Prince


Tag Team Title Match

© The Ring Generals vs Lee Wright & Steven Parker


Empire Title #1 Contender Match

Honest Frank vs Johnny Martin


Empire Title Match

© Black Hat Bailey vs Whistler

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Kirk Jameson, ? & ? vs Greg Gauge, Davis Wayne Newton & Richie Riggins


Hopkirk Tag Team Invitational

Painful Procedure vs The Atlantic Connection (MAW)


Tri-State Regional #1 Contender Match

Sammy The Shark vs Greg Rayne vs Fumihiro Ota vs Brady Prince


Tag Team Title Match

© The Ring Generals vs Lee Wright & Steven Parker


Empire Title #1 Contender Match

Honest Frank vs Johnny Martin


Empire Title Match

(c) Black Hat Bailey vs Whistler

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Kirk Jameson, ? & ? vs Greg Gauge, Davis Wayne Newton & Richie Riggins

Hopkirk Tag Team Invitational

Painful Procedure vs The Atlantic Connection (MAW)


Tri-State Regional #1 Contender Match

Sammy The Shark vs Greg Rayne vs Fumihiro Ota vs Brady Prince


Tag Team Title Match

© The Ring Generals vs Lee Wright & Steven Parker


Empire Title #1 Contender Match

Honest Frank vs Johnny Martin


Empire Title Match

© Black Hat Bailey vs Whistler

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Kirk Jameson, ? & ? vs Greg Gauge, Davis Wayne Newton & Richie Riggins


Hopkirk Tag Team Invitational

Painful Procedure vs The Atlantic Connection (MAW)


Tri-State Regional #1 Contender Match

Sammy The Shark vs Greg Rayne vs Fumihiro Ota vs Brady Prince


Tag Team Title Match

© The Ring Generals vs Lee Wright & Steven Parker


Empire Title #1 Contender Match

Honest Frank vs Johnny Martin


Empire Title Match

© Black Hat Bailey vs Whistler

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