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NYCW Mayhem in Midtown


NYCW Mayhem in Midtown

Live to DVD - The Ministry

May 15th, 2010

Attendance - 796


*Herb Statley standing in front of the Ministry:


Herb - "Yes, New York....Herb Statley coming to you in front of The Ministry all by himself. It looks like my broadcast partner decided to no show us, and if it were up to me....he'd be gone. So it looks like I will be leading you through the preview of Mayhem in Midtown....."


*Commissioner Mike Apotsos walks into the scene*


Mike - "Hey Herb, Rock is running late tonight with a flat tire so I am going to step in and give you a hand for the pre-show"


Herb - "Really? Now, I am more then thrilled to have a talent such as yourself with me, but don't you think that Rock's lateness is nothing but unprofessional and shows that he just doesn't care about this great promotion?"


Mike - "While I am upset that he did not show up on time, and I do plan to have a long talk with him after the show, I don't think it's time to make any drastic moves.....why? Do you know something that I don't?


Herb - "Oh no, not at all......lets get to the card shall we?" *Herb smirks and is shown putting a bag of large nails into his coat pocket*


Mike - "That's a great idea....well first let me welcome everyone to Mayhem in Midtown, brought to you from the beautiful Ministry here in Queens. We have some great matches in store for you tonight....first, The Second Generation Superstars have had some words with Kirk Jameson over the last month.....well tonight they have challenged Jameson to find two partners and face them in the ring in a 6 man tag match."


Herb - "Jameson has really stepped out of his league this time.....I mean, Greg Gauge, Davis Wayne Newton and Richie Riggins are legacies, they all have been raised on the business, while Jameson is just...well....not so much"


Mike - "Randall Hopkirk has laid out an open challenge to any team to come and challenge him and his Painful Procedure partner, Billy Jack Shearer. That challenge was answered by Mid-Atlantic Wrestling's, The Atlantic Connection"


Herb - "I don't know much about this Atlantic Connection, but what I do know is MAW can't match up with the talent that we have here in NYCW. These two men will learn what the big leagues are all about."


Mike - "Cameron Vessey will learn who will challenge him for the Tri-State Regional Title next month at Clash at Coney Island, as Sammy The Shark, Greg Rayne, Fumihiro Ota and Brady Prince will battle it out in a four way dance to determine who the #1 contender to Vessey's title will be."


Herb - "Honestly Mike, none of those four men deserve a shot at the title. I mean, Sammy has had at least 20 chances and lost all of them, Ota and Prince have not proven anything in the ring and Rayne....well....he doesn't have the talent to hold the gold."


Mike - "We'll see....the Tag Titles will be on the line in a ladder match, as The Ring Generals will defend against the team of Steven Parker and Lee Wright."


Herb - "Parker knows ladder matches and Wright is just a great tag team wrestler....the Generals have written a check that they just wont be able to cash....we will see new champs"


Mike - "Honest Frank and Johnny Martin have a pretty detailed past....and tonight these two men will square off to find out who will face the Empire Champion for the title at Gang Wars."


Herb - "The only drawback to winning this match is that the winner will not be able to compete in the Gang Wars....but I guess getting a shot at the Empire Title is worth it....I see the most honest man in wrestling taking this one."


Mike - "And finally, the Empire Title will be on the line as Black Hat Bailey will defend against a man who has been a thorn in his side for a while now....Whistler."


Herb - "While Whistler is riding pretty high after his showing at the Tag Wars, Bailey has shown a knack of being able to shut him down when it counts....Bailey will retain."


Mike - "And there you have it.....should be a great night of matches, so stay tuned...the action starts now!"


*Rock Downpour finally walks in:


Herb - "Hey Rock, glad to see you made it"


Rock - "Yeah, thanks....the tire is fixed, and they found this huge nail in it...not sure where it came from....."


Herb - "Yeah...that is odd......" *Herb smirks again and pats his coat pocket....


Segment Rtg = 36


Dark Match


Old School Principals vs Island Boy Apollo & Nigel Svensson


*Rick Sanders grabs the mic before the match begins and says "Tonight we begin our quest to rise back up in tag rankings. The fact that management screwed us at Tag Wars so we wouldn't be in the title picture is just plain crap. So take notes Mr Commish....." The bell rings and Sanders and The Mauler take it to Apollo and Svensson. Pretty on sided match with great action and a decent crowd. , Old School Principals defeated Island Boy Apollo and Nigel Svensson in 7:30 when The Masked Mauler defeated Nigel Svensson by submission with an Iron Claw. Winners - Old School Principals


Segment Rtg = 42


*Backstage with Cameron Vessey:


Vessey - "Sammy...oh Sammy boy....I wish you would get the message. I wish you would see what everyone else sees....and that is, you just don't have what it takes to be a champion. When I beat you for the Tri-State Regional Title back at Rush Hour, that should have been your first sign. When you failed to beat my father at Showcase 1 to earn another shot....that should have been sign number two. And when you lost to an opponent of my choice at St. Valentine's Massacre...well, that should have sparked something in your pea-brain that you just don't have it. The only time you scored a win over me, when when you had Whistler carry you. So tonight Sammy, when you lose your match....do us all a favor....give up. Walk away from the business. You will never get this belt back as long as I wear it. Now, that brings me to the other three men in that match. Fumihiro Ota and Brady Prince....I just don't know where they find these guys. Neither of you deserve to be in this match, let alone in the same building as any of the Second Generation Superstars. What we have can't be earned or found...no...it has to be gifted....some of us got it....and some of you don't. And finally Greg Rayne....you were supposed to be the next big thing a few years ago.....you had everything going for you.....and then you just disappeared....well, let me be the one to say it....you should have stayed disappeared."


Segment Rtg = 36


Mayhem in Midtown Begins


*Honest Frank comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd, before eventually getting interrupted by Johnny Martin.


Frank - "Dah Dah Da Da Dah Da.....Dah Dah Da Da Dah Da....Start spreading the news..... the soon to be champ is here.....to-night I get to beat the hell out of.....Johnny Martin. Yes, HELLO New York!! The man who never tells a lie is here and ready to entertain you with a display none of you have ever seen....tonight, Honest Frank beats the hell out of Johnny Martin.....and then its onto Gang Wars....."


*Johnny Martin's music hits.....


Martin - "Settle down there Frankie boy, I wouldn't want you to wet yourself and have to leave so you can change so you can have yet another excuse when I do what I have always done to you....beat you 1-2-3"


Frank - "You know Johnny...it's pretty rude of you to come out here and interrupt me while I am trying to entertain these wonderful folks with a song made famous by the great Frank Sinatra.:


Martin - "Stop with the BS Frank, no one is fooled by your act anymore. You have been around long enough now that we see right through this "honest" act. People don't want to listen to you say what it is you're going to do....they want to actually see you do it. So if you can beat me tonight....good for you...but if not...well, then you will finally be exposed for the piece of crap you are...."


Frank - "Ok Johnny....if that is how you really feel about me, then I am truly sorry....but I can and will HONESTly say....good luck later....you are going to need it."


Segment Rtg = 53


Match #1


Greg Gauge, Davis Wayne Newton & Richie Riggins w/Larry Vessey vs Kirk Jameson & ?


*Jameson enters the ring first, followed by his opponents accompanied by Larry Vessey. Gauge asks "I see you came alone....did everyone in the back ditch you because they knew they did not stand a chance against the genetically superior?" Jameson responded "Actually no, my partners are right behind you". Just as they turned around, the Kings of Wrestling slide into the ring and clear Riggins, Newton and Vessey from the ring leaving Jameson to attack Gauge and take the upper hand in the match. Dazzling Dave Diamond kept the offense going and came close to a couple of pins. Vessey would stop a couple of the falls by distracting Michael Bull. These distractions would eventually allow Greg Gauge, Davis Wayne Newton and Richie Riggins to defeat Kirk Jameson and Kings of Wrestling in 10:04 when Greg Gauge defeated Kirk Jameson by submission with a Proton Lock. Winners - Gauge, Newton & Riggins


Segment Rtg = 44


*Locker Room with Sammy The Shark:


Sammy - "You know something Cameron....you are right....you have beaten me when it mattered. But what you fail to ever mention is that each time you did score a win over me, you had help. You have never beaten me one on one. How can you call yourself a true champion, when every time you win...your daddy or one of your boys has to bail you out? I had you dead to rights at Rush Hour, but daddy had to interfere. And when I had your dad beaten....you had to step in. I have accepted that there are some things I need to do to get back into the title picture. Have I complained? Not once...the only issue I have is you can't face the reality that you cannot beat me by yourself. So after I take care of business tonight, I am coming for the belt....and the match will be one where your little support group can't save you in."


Segment Rtg = 42


Match #2 - Hopkirk Tag Team Invitational


Painful Procedure vs The Atlantic Connection


*Randall Hokpirk was noticeably off his game tonight. The Atlantic Connection came out to a pretty decent response. The match began with Riley McManus all over Randall Hopkirk. Painful Procedure would gain the advantage with the use of some powder that a "fan" had a ringside. Painful Procedure defeated The Atlantic Connection in 12:30 when Billy Jack Shearer defeated Riley McManus by pinfall with a Rythm and Bruise. Winners - Painful Procedure


Segment Rtg = 36


*Backstage with Greg Rayne:


Rayne - "Finally....finally I get a shot to compete for some gold....well, not quite yet. After I take care of business tonight, Cameron....I'm coming for your title. You seem to know a lot about me.....well I hate to break it to you my friend...your information could not be further from the truth. I think you have been spending too much time around your boys....get your head out of the clouds and come back to earth. Facts are, I chose to leave SWF....I chose to take the path I am on....and unfortunately for you....that path leads right to you. Enjoy your reign while you still can."


Segment Rtg = 33


Match #3 - Tri-State Regional #1 Contender


Sammy The Shark vs Fumihiro Ota vs Greg Rayne vs Brady Prince


*The crowd was split in their support for both Sammy and Greg Rayne. A very good match saw Sammy The Shark have control over all three men for over half the match, but could not score a pin because someone always made a save. About 12 minutes in, Larry Vessey ran down to the ring and slapped Sammy...enraged by this, Sammy chased Vessey toward the back, allowing Greg Rayne to defeat Sammy The Shark, Fumihiro Ota and Brady Prince in 16:16 when Greg Rayne defeated Brady Prince by submission with a Rayne Fall. Winner - Greg Rayne


Segment Rtg = 48


Locker Room with Johnny Martin:


Martin - "Honest Frank, I meant what I said earlier.....you just don't get it. The people are no longer fooled by this little act you play, they aren't the stupid, brainless morons you think they are. They know that everything you say is complete and utter BS. That is why tonight when we are in the ring together, I am going to think back to those matches you and I had...I am going to remember all those things you said about me and my friends and channel that anger into my performance tonight, just so I can prove a point to you....and that is, you are not as good as you think you are. So bring your A game....you will need it....I just don't think its going to be enough."


Segment Rtg = 55


*Backstage with Steven Parker and Lee Wright:


Parker - "Stop worrying about it Lee, I have been in a lot of ladder matches throughout my career and have won more then I have lost. I know the tricks of the trade, so relax man....that gold is as good as ours."


Wright - "I know Steve, but in my day when we wanted to settle a difference, we didn't use ladder...we used cold hard steel, our fists, out boots and even a little barbed wire. So Ring Generals...your belts will be hanging there for someone take...but watch your backs when climbing that ladder...you may get a taste of more then just the ladder"


Parker - "Dean...Marv...you fell right into our trap....I am the master at using ladders and if I recall, this is both of your first times....thank you, thank you for making our reign as tag champs begins so easily."


Segment Rtg = 39


Match #4 - Tag Team Title Ladder Match


Lee Wright & Steven Parker vs © The Ring Generals


*A great reaction from the crowd as both teams battled it out. Parker was the first one to get a ladder set up in the ring, but was pulled off by Marv Statler. Lee Wright pulled out some barbed wire and a steel chair, but both were turned against him allowing The Ring Generals defeated Steven Parker and Lee Wright in a Ladder match in 14:59 when Marv Statler retrieved the belts. Winners and STILL Tag Team Champs - The Ring Generals


Segment Rtg = 50


*Backstage with Whistler:


Whistler - "Black Hat, you always seem to find the most annoying little characters to follow you around. First you had Carl Batch, then it was Honest Frank...and now this guys that doesn't even have a real name...Streetz? Look, I understand that you have a hard time when it comes to completing full sentences....they have special schools to help you with that....but to have this little run make your threats for you is well...sad. If he can't back up his statement, regardless if you agree with them or not...then why is he here. So tonight, when I take the belt from you...Streetz....I want you to be my first defense."


Segment Rtg = 51


Match #5 - Empire Title #1 Contender Match


Honest Frank vs Johnny Martin


*A good match that had some good in ring action. Frank started with the advantage but Martin would counter and take control. Both men you land devastating moves on each other, but beat the 10 count. Each man kicked up from 2 counts, but eventually Johnny Martin defeated Honest Frank in 16:33 by pinfall with a Twist On The Rocks. Winner - Johnny Martin


Segment Rtg = 44


*Backstage with Streetz and Black Hat Bailey:


Streetz - "Whistler....I am glad you came tonight, and may I add that your beard is looking mighty fine and fluffy today. See, Black Hat does not need someone to do his talking for him. No, see...he hired me because he needs someone to help him keep his cool. If it were up to him, you never would have made it here tonight. He would have come over to you house and beat you down in front of your wife and kids....and well, we all know that isn't good for business....the fans want to see this man defend his title in the ring. So after he takes care of business tonight.....I will be happy to get in the ring with you...but on one condition....you are tied up to the ropes."


Bailey - "NO one messes with my manager...no one......"


Segment Rtg = 42


Match #6 - Empire Title Match


© Black Hat Bailey vs Whistler


*Bailey took the lead in the match, but Whistler would fire back. Streetz tried to get involved but Whistler knocked him out with a right hand. But eventually Black Hat Bailey defeated Whistler in 15:21 by submission with a Bailey Breaker. Winner and STILL Empire Champion - Black Hat Bailey


Segment Rtg - 50


*The ladder match seemed to be the fans favorite of the night. It looks like Wright and Parker will get another shot at the tag titles in the near future. People are looking forward to Bailey vs Martin for the Empire title at Gang Wars and seeing Cameron Vessey face Greg Rayne at Clash for the Tri-State Belt.


Overall Show Rtg = 45

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Creative Meeting


I walked into the office the Monday following Mayhem in Midtown and was greeted by the entire staff with a big "SURPRISE!!!". I didn't know what was going on until Stomper walked in:


Stomper - "Here is the man that made this whole thing possible! Congratulations Mike, you did it!"


Me - "Thanks...but what did I do?"


Stomper - "You didn't see the news? We have grown into a Regional Promotion! No longer are we labeled as that small promotion in the city, no...you did what I did not think was possible...we are a step closer to the goal."


Me - "Wow really? That's awesome news! And the part that will make you happy is we won't need to expand the roster just yet, we have a good number of workers right now and I think we can make things work. The only think I want to talk to you about is we need to take some of the shows outside our comfort zone...."


Stomper - "What do you mean?"


Me - "I mean we have to take Showcase to other towns, like Boston, Philly, Cleveland, Detroit etc....the next step is going to take a while and some hard work....and lets hope we don't lose any more of our top talent....I have some great ideas in mind and now I can make them work!"


Stomper - "I am ok with that, but can we take it slow? I don't know how much my ticker can handle...ha ha."


Me - "Sure thing boss...."


*I rush off to my office with only one things on my mind....there is one more wrestler I want to get....but will he come.

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<p>NYCW Wrestling Minute</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29310" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">NYCW Wrestling Minute</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Welcome NYCW Fans to another edition of the Wrestling Minute. No titles changed hands at Mayhem in Midtown, but one title match was set at Clash at Coney Island and another for Gang Wars.</p><p> </p><p> Greg Rayne defeated Sammy The Shark, Fumihiro Ota and Brady Prince to earn a shot at the Tri-State Regional Title at Clash. Rayne knows that Cameron Vessey is well protected behind his Second Generation Superstars stable, but he says that he "is prepared to counter anything Vessey and his goons can throw at him". </p><p> </p><p> Management has said that since Cameron Vessey has not defended his title in almost three months, they have told him he must defend the belt at Showcase 5 or he will be stripped of it. Vessey has agreed to face Mario Heroic for the belt at Showcase this Saturday.</p><p> </p><p> The Ring Generals defended their tag titles against the team of Lee Wright and Steven Parker in a ladder match, well Parker has insisted on a rematch. Management has decided that if he can defeat Marv Statler at Showcase 5, he and Wright will get another shot at Clash, but if he fails, then the title shot will go to the next team in the rankings....thought to be the Old School Principals. </p><p> </p><p> The Atlantic Connection came over from Mid-Atlantic Wrestling to accept Randall Hopkirk's open challenge for any tag team to face them. Even though they fell short, they have asked for a match at Showcase and received one. They hope to rebound from their loss and will face the Old School Principals. </p><p> </p><p> Mr. New York will make an appearance at Showcase and will face Randall Hopkirk after the two men bumped into each other at an autograph session this past week. Hopkirk said that he felt "insulted" by Mr. New York because he refused to look at him when speaking.....uh Randall...the man wears a mask.</p><p> </p><p> And finally, Black Hat Bailey defeated Whistler at Mayhem and as a result, Bailey's manager Streetz will get 5 minutes alone in the ring with Whistler. The catch is, Whistler is going to be tied to the ropes. But after those 5 minutes, referee Michael Bull has been instructed to untie him and whatever happens, happens.</p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">News Wire</span></em></p><p> </p><p> *NYCW Wrestling Showcase 5 will be held on Saturday, May 29th @8pm at The Weston Gymnasium. Tickets on sale now!</p><p> </p><p> *Fumihiro Ota signs a Pay Per Appearance deal with CZCW</p><p> </p><p> *NYCW has agreed to terms with Ford Gumble on a Pay Per Appearance Deal</p><p> </p><p> *NYCW star Davis Wayne Newton was voted 'Best Young Prospect in Wrestling Today' in a fan poll from world-of-wrestling.com. </p><p> </p><p> *NYCW has risen to Regional Size</p><p> </p><p> *Hollywood Brett Star has signed a Development Deal with RIPW and has officially left MAW</p><p> </p><p> *RIPW has signed The Cannonball Kid to a Pay Per Appearance Deal</p><p> </p><p> *SWF has agreed to a contract extension with Ric Young</p><p> </p><p> *CZCW has agreed to a contract extension with Masked Cougar</p><p> </p><p> *USPW has agreed to a contract extension with Commissioner Doom</p><p> </p><p> *Hannah Potter has officially left SWF due to an expired contract</p><p> </p><p> *RUMOR - TCW has approached Steven Parker.</p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;">NYCW Wrestling Showcase 5</span></p><p> </p><p> Saturday: May 29th, 2010 @ The Weston Gymnasium</p><p> Newark, New Jersey</p><p> Doors Open @7pm EST</p><p> Bell Time @8pm EST</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Card</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Old School Principals vs The Atlantic Connection</p><p> </p><p> <em>Tri-State Regional Title Match</em></p><p> © Cameron Vessey vs Mario Heroic</p><p> </p><p> Steven Parker vs Marv Statler</p><p> </p><p> Mr. New York vs Randall Hopkirk</p><p> </p><p> *Streetz gets Whistler tied to the ring ropes for 5 minutes</p><p> </p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p>
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<p><strong>Old School Principals</strong> vs The Atlantic Connection</p><p> </p><p>

Tri-State Regional Title Match</p><p>

<strong>© Cameron Vessey </strong>vs Mario Heroic</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steven Parker </strong>vs Marv Statler</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mr. New York </strong>vs Randall Hopkirk</p>

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<p><strong>Old School Principals</strong> vs The Atlantic Connection</p><p> </p><p>

Tri-State Regional Title Match</p><p>

© <strong>Cameron Vessey</strong> vs Mario Heroic</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steven Parker</strong> vs Marv Statler</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mr. New York</strong> vs Randall Hopkirk</p>

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<p>The Card</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Old School Principals</strong> vs The Atlantic Connection</p><p> </p><p>

Tri-State Regional Title Match</p><p> </p><p>

© Cameron Vessey vs <strong>Mario Heroic</strong></p><p>

<strong>Steven Parker </strong>vs Marv Statler</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mr. New York</strong> vs Randall Hopkirk</p>

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NYCW Wrestling Showcase 5


NYCW Wrestling Showcase 5

Live to DVD - The Weston Gymnasium

May 29th, 2010

Attendance - 300 (SOLD OUT)


*Rock Downpour and Herb Stately at the announce booth:


Rock - "Good evening NYCW fans, and welcome to Wrestling Showcase 5. I am Rock Downpour and joined as always by Herb Statley"


Herb - "Nice of you to be on time Rock, I mean it was great to not have to put up with you at Mayhem....but show some professionalism"


Rock - "You know perfectly well that I had a flat tire....and something tells me that you know more then you are letting on"


Herb - "Come on now Rock, I'd never do anything to your personal property....you are a tool, but I would never want to see you in a situation that would cause you grief."


Rock - "Yeah right...."


Herb - "I am serious Rock....my mother told me never to pick on those that are slower then me...."


Rock - "What? I am NOT slow!"


Herb - "Rock.....You're so stupid, you looked in the mirror and said, “Who's that?”.....You're so stupid, you asked the pharmacist how they get the little prescription bottles into the typewriters."


Rock - "Are you done yet?"


Herb - "For now...."


Rock - "Well tonight we have a great show....our first match will feature the Old School Principals taking on Mid-Atlantic Wrestling's, The Atlantic Connection:


Herb - "The Atlantic Connection answered Randall Hopkirk's challenge at Mayhem only to come up short....tonight is no different...just another step in the Principals quest to get the Tag Titles back."


Rock - "Cameron Vessey has been informed by management that he must defend his Tri-State Regional Title tonight....his opponent is one half of the Kings of Wrestling....Mario Heroic"


Herb - "This is a total crock....Vessey has to prepare for his title defense at Clash against Greg Rayne....but lucky for him, Heroic isn't in the same league as he is....Vessey retains."


Rock - "Steven Parker and Lee Wright lost to the Ring Generals at Mayhem, tonight Parker gets Marv Statler in a singles match. If he wins, they will receive another shot at the belts at Clash....if he loses....the title shot will go to someone else."


Herb - "Another example of management showing favorites....Wright and Parker earned the title shot, granted they lost the first time....but why not let them have another, I mean the men deserve it. Parker will show he is superior to Statler."


Rock - "Randall Hopkirk seems to be on a quest to fight everyone in the wrestling world....tonight his challenge will be answered by the mysterious Mr. New York."


Herb - "There is no mystery....we all know who Mr. New York is....and its sad that management allows this to happen. The man lost a match and had to leave, but he throws on a mask and all is forgiven? Hopkirk not only beats him....but he unmasks him."


Rock - "And finally, Black Hat Bailey's manager, Streetz, will get his wish....he gets Whistler in the ring for 5 minutes while Whistler is bound to the ring ropes. This can't mean anything good for the fan favorite."


Herb - "I wish Whistler would just go away....no one cares anymore about that little flag he waves when he comes to the ring....Streetz will teach him some respect tonight....can't wait!"


Rock - "So there you have it....strap in, because Wrestling Showcase 5 begins....NOW!"


Segment Rtg = 46


Dark Match


Wiley Coyote vs Jebediah & Running Wolf


*Wiley Coyote controlled this one from the start to finish....the crowd was happy to see Wiley Coyote wrestle, but the action was far from good. Wiley Coyote defeated Jebediah & Running Wolf in 7:29 when Coyote Dynamite defeated Running Wolf by pinfall with a Spinebuster.Winners - Wiley Coyote


Segment Rtg = 31



Wrestling Showcase 5 Begins


*Whistler's music hits and he comes down to the ring and works the crowd for a little bit then grabs a mic:


Whistler - "Thank you Newark! I always love coming back to the friendly confines of The Weston Gym, you always make us feel so welcome...and that means a lot to me and the rest of the guys in the back. I got the chance to meet a lot of you before the show started and the one question everyone seemed to have on their minds was, what happened at Mayhem....how could I let a little punk like Streetz get in my head and cost me the match.....So..."


Frank - "STOP with the excuses Whistler....just admit that the better man won and you deserve everything you get tonight"


Whistler - "Why am I not surprised that Bailey's little bitch had to come out here and talk smack.....wait a minute...didn't you lose your match to Johnny Martin at Mayhem"


Frank - "We aren't here to talk about me, we are here to talk about you Whistler....what does that make...two losses to Bailey for the belt in 5 months?"


Whistler - "At least I have the balls to get in the ring and face the man instead of kissing his butt and...well...just by looking at you, you are doing a little bit more then kissing"


Frank - "You're a funny guy.....I don't need to explain anything to you Whistler...in fact, I think I am going to come down to the ring when you get your ass kicked by Streetz....now that will be funny"


Whistler - "If that is what you need to do to get your kicks, then be it....but all that proves to me is that the only way you will get in the ring with me is when I am tied to the ropes or when you have the numbers on your side"


Frank - "That is so far from the truth.....being the honest man that I am, if I didn't want Streetz to have you unspoiled....I would come down there right now and show you exactly what I can do."


Whistler - "Well since you won't come to me....I will just come to you!"


*Whistler jumps from the ring and attacks Honest Frank, the two men brawl around the ring until Security can come and break it up.....I have a feeling this won't be the last time they fight.


Segment Rtg = 48


Match #1


The Atlantic Connection vs Old School Principals


*The Old School Principals have been on a role as of late as they look to get back into the Tag Title picture. They came out firing on all cylinders in this match, taking control from the beginning and only allowing The Atlantic Connection to get a little offense. The crowd was really on the Principals and The Masked Mauler came out as being the star of this match. Old School Principals defeated The Atlantic Connection in 10:28 when Rick Sanders defeated Riley McManus by submission with a Figure Four Leglock. Winners - Old School Principals


Segment Rtg = 36


*Cameron Vessey's music hits and he comes out with Davis Wayne Newton, Richie Riggins and Greg Gauge:


Vessey - "Nicely done boys...nicely done...and Mauler I have to say your mask is looking mighty shiny....what do you use on it? Tide? But seriously, the Second Generation Superstars have come out here tonight to issue a challenge....."


Gauge - "Yeah...see, we have some unfinished business with a few people in the back and its time to do something about it. Sammy....you have been whining and crying now for weeks that you keep getting shafted, that you only lost because someone interfered in your matches....what you never seem to do is watch the tapes from your matches....if you did that, you would clearly see that it is your lack of talent that is the cause of your losing woes. So what I am trying to get at is this....at Clash at Coney Island....what do you say to you and me plus a steel cage.....no more excuses....no more crying from you....just me beating your brains out."


Newton - "I don't know if he has the guts to do that Greg...last time I checked, Sharks had no backbone. Anyway....Kirk Jameson....at Mayhem you went and got yourself some friends...well Dazzling Dave Diamond....what do you say you and I get together at Clash and see who the better man is. Everyone saw us take out your butt buddies Jameson and Heroic....so lets see if you are man enough to face me."


Vessey - "And that brings me to you Greg Rayne.....you may have won the match that labeled you the #1 contender to my belt....but make no mistakes....you don't have what it takes to be a champion.....just look at your history from the SWF....couldn't cut it there, so what makes you think you can cut it here in the ring with a superior athlete, wrestler and human being.....take notes tonight while I wipe the floor with Mario Heroic....get him down here NOW!"


Segment Rtg = 33


Match #2 - Tri-State Regional Title Match


Mario Heroic vs © Cameron Vessey


*Heroic asked Michael Bull to remove the other members of SGS from ringside. Bull said if anyone interferes, the match is over and he will strip Vessey of the belt. Back and forth match, Cameron Vessey defeated Mario Heroic in 13:50 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver. Winner and STILL Tri-State Regional Champ - Cameron Vessey


Segment Rtg = 46


*Locker Room with Steven Parker and Lee Wright:


Parker - "A lot of people don't think we deserve another shot at the tag titles. Ring Generals....you beat us at Mayhem in our kind of match...but tonight I get to face Marv one on one for the chance to face you again. I have been down this path before and I know that when my back is against the wall....lets just say I am unstoppable! Lets see who the better man is after tonight...and when we get our rematch...this time, it won't be as even as you think!"


Segment Rtg = 37


*In the ring with Streetz and Black Hat Bailey:


Streetz - "Whistler! It's time for you to come on down and accept your whippin' like a man....come on big boy."


*Whistler comes down*


Streetz - "I will give you that you are indeed a man of your word.....not the brightest bulb in the lamp...but honorable indeed.....now, lets get to it."


*Michael Bull ties Whistler to the ropes and steps out of the ring....Streetz walks around a defenseless Whistler and fakes a couple of punches before grabbing his cane and cracking him over the head with it six, seven....eight times....now Whistler is busted wide open. Streetz taunts the bloody and very pissed off Whistler and continues to assault him with hits from his cane. Just as time is about to expire, Honest Frank and Black Hat Bailey slide into the ring and just pummel Whistler....Michael Bull tires to stop them but is held back by Streetz......Johnny Martin's music hits and he runs down and throws Honest Frank from the ring and gets face to face with Bailey. Just as the men are about to go at it, Frank clocks Martin from behind with a chair and they leave him beaten down in the middle of the ring.....


Frank - "How about this boys....you two get into the ring with the two of is at Clash......and it'll be a street fight!"


*Bailey, Streetz and Frank leave Whistler and Johnny Martin bloody and out in the ring....will they accept the challenge and what kind of shape will they be in?


Segment Rtg = 57


Match #3


Marv Statler w/Dean Waldorf vs Steven Parker w/Lee Wright


*The Ring Generals come out first and work the crowd a little, then comes Parker and Wright....Michael Bull tells Waldorf and Wright to stay in opposite corners and not to get involved. The match starts with Parker staying one step ahead of Statler. Parker gets a 2 count...frustrated he slides outside the ring and grabs a pipe from under the ring....just as he is about to use it, Waldorf grabs it out of hands which causes Lee Wright to run over and attack Waldorf....Michael Bull ties to separate them....The Masked Mauler runs in from the back and spits some kind of mist into the face of Steven Parker allowing Marv Statler to defeat Steven Parker in 16:20 by pinfall with a Backdrop Backbreaker. Winner - Marv Statler


Segment Rtg = 44


*Backstage with Randall Hopkirk:


Hopkirk - "Atlantic Connection....nice try at Mayhem....and tonight I might add....but all this proves is that no one from Mid-Atlantic can keep up with Painful Procedure. So I make this challenge again, anyone who wants to step in the ring with us at Clash....please come on down...we are accepting new contestants for the ass kicking show. We will keep on destroying teams until there are none left to oppose us.....but tonight....Mr. New York....you want to man up and face me in a singles match? Well, I never back down from a fight....so you had better have brought your best tonight....because I never give less then 200%!"


*Fumihiro Ota walks into the shot as Hokpirk leaves....Ota is nodding his head and pulls out a cell phone and we hear him speaking in Japanese to someone but can understand the date of June 12th....the same night as Clash.....who did he call?


Segment Rtg = 55


Match #4


Mr. New York vs Randall Hopkirk


*Fans still chanting Steve Flash's name as Mr. New York made his way to the ring. Match starts with Hopkirk taking advantage....working the crowd as he did. His slow pace kept the crowd really into the match and vocal. But his posing would be a costly mistake as Mr. New York defeated Randall Hopkirk in 17:05 by pinfall with a move that resembled a Flash Bang. Winner - Mr. New York


Segment Rtg - 47



*It was announced after the show that Showcase 6 will be held in a different location next month, but NYCW will return to Newark very soon.


Overall Show Rtg = 49

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<p>NYCW Wrestling Minute</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29310" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">NYCW Wrestling Minute</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Hello NYCW Wrestling fans and welcome to another edition of the Wrestling Minute. The card for Clash at Coney Island is set and the final renovations of the old Steeplechase Park have been completed....so the only thing left to do is let the action begin!</p><p> </p><p> The rumors were true about Steven Parker, he has signed a contract with TCW and is set to debut there in the next week. NYCW owner, The Stomper said "I am really happy for Steve. He has worked hard to get where he is and he deserves a shot in the spotlight". Parker lost his final match and a shot at the Tag Titles to Marv Statler at Showcase 5 two weeks ago. His former partner Lee Wright could not be reached for comment.</p><p> </p><p> With Parker's loss at Showcase, the new #1 contenders for the tag team titles are the former champs, Old School Principals. They have been on a role lately, winning their last four matches and will receive a shot at the belts at Clash. The Masked Mauler, who interfered in Parker's match, said "I knew the guy was talking with another promotion, so it was only a matter of time before he left. Why give a shot to a team when one of the members doesn't want to be here in the first place. It's time for Rick and I to step up our game and get the belts back....the Generals have made a mockery of the NYCW Tag Titles...let the real champs have them back!"</p><p> </p><p> The bad blood between Honest Frank and Whistler spilled over at Showcase after he, Streetz and Black Hat Bailey put a beating on Whistler and Johnny Martin. The challenge was given to Martin and Whistler to face Frank and Bailey in a street fight at Clash and we have learned that the match has been accepted by Martin and Whistler. Martin said "I normally don't hit women, but if Streetz sticks his nose in this match....I will treat him like my bitch!"</p><p> </p><p> Fumihiro Ota has answered Randall Hopkirk's challenge for any tag team to come in a face him and his partner Billy Jack Shearer. Ota reached out to former Tokyo Express partner Kazuma Narato to come in and face Painful Procedure. So the former three time TCW Cruiserweight Tag Champs will be at Clash to see if they can answer the challenge laid out by Hopkirk that they the best team in the world today.</p><p> </p><p> It will be a busy night for Cameron Vessey's Second Generation Superstars stable, as three of the members will have matches. First Davis Wayne Newton will take on Dazzling Dave Diamond, Greg Gauge will face Sammy The Shark in a steel cage match and Vessey will defend his Tri-State Regional Title against #1 contender, Greg Rayne. </p><p> </p><p> A lot of people in the origination were shocked when the company let 6 from their roster go. NYCW has released Animal Harker, Jebediah, Running Wolf, K-Squared, Brady Prince and Cheerleader Nicki, along with announcing that Steven Parker has officially left the company and joined TCW. Management has said at this time there were no plans for any of the wrestlers released, so letting them explore other options was beneficial for everyone and would not rule out working with any of them in the future.</p><p> </p><p> Rumors are flying that NYCW is thinking about starting a new Women's Division. Emma Bitch has tweeted that she "will be in the Big Apple soon looking for some gold". NYCW management has denied these rumors.</p><p> </p><p> And finally, we have learned that a new tag team will be arriving shortly in NYCW. A video addressed to NYCW wrestlers was posted on youtube of two silhouettes standing against a CZCW backdrop and all that is said is "Look out New York....we're coming...and coming soon!" </p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">News Wire</span></em></p><p> </p><p> *NYCW Clash at Coney Island will be held on Saturday, June 12th @8pm at the newly renovated Steeplechase Park. Tickets on sale now!</p><p> </p><p> *NYCW has agreed to terms with Marc Speed, Al Coleman and Kazuma Narato and released Animal Harker, Cheerleader Nicki, Brady Prince, K-Squared, Jenediah and Running Wolf.</p><p> </p><p> *Steven Parker officially signs with TCW and leaves NYCW, PSW and CZCW</p><p> </p><p> *Jay Chord and Ernest Forthdyke-Hume have agreed to extensions with MAW</p><p> </p><p> *Mickey Starr and Raven Robinson have agreed to extensions with USPW</p><p> </p><p> *Christian Faith and Vengeance have agreed to extensions with SWF</p><p> </p><p> *Jason Azaria has agreed to an extension with TCW</p><p> </p><p> *Jake Idol has agreed to an extension with CZCW</p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;">NYCW Clash at Coney Island</span></p><p> </p><p> Saturday: June 12th, 2010 @ Steeplechase Park</p><p> Brooklyn, New York</p><p> Doors Open @7pm EST</p><p> Bell Time @8pm EST</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Card</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Davis Wayne Newton</p><p> </p><p> <em>Steel Cage Match</em></p><p> Sammy The Shark vs Greg Gauge</p><p> </p><p> <em>Tag Team Title Match</em></p><p> Old School Principals vs © The Ring Generals</p><p> </p><p> <em>Tri-State Regional Title Match</em></p><p> © Cameron Vessey vs Greg Rayne</p><p> </p><p> <em>Hopkirk Tag Team Invitational</em></p><p> Painful Procedure vs The Tokyo Express</p><p> </p><p> <em>Street Fight</em></p><p> Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey vs Johnny Martin & Whistler</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p>
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<p>Dazzling Dave Diamond vs <strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Steel Cage Match</p><p>

Sammy The Shark vs <strong>Greg Gauge</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Title Match</p><p>

Old School Principals vs <strong>© The Ring Generals</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tri-State Regional Title Match</p><p>

© Cameron Vessey vs <strong>Greg Rayne</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Hopkirk Tag Team Invitational</p><p>

<strong>Painful Procedure</strong> vs The Tokyo Express</p><p> </p><p>

Street Fight</p><p>

<strong>Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey</strong> vs Johnny Martin & Whistler</p>

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<p>Dazzling Dave Diamond vs <strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Steel Cage Match</p><p>

Sammy The Shark vs <strong>Greg Gauge</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Title Match</p><p>

Old School Principals vs (<strong>c) The Ring Generals</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tri-State Regional Title Match</p><p>

(<strong>c) Cameron Vessey</strong> vs Greg Rayne</p><p> </p><p>

Hopkirk Tag Team Invitational</p><p>

<strong>Painful Procedure</strong> vs The Tokyo Express</p><p> </p><p>

Street Fight</p><p>

Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey vs <strong>Johnny Martin & Whistler</strong></p>

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<p>Dazzling Dave Diamond vs <strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Steel Cage Match</p><p>

Sammy The Shark vs <strong>Greg Gauge</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Title Match</p><p>

Old School Principals vs © <strong>The Ring Generals</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tri-State Regional Title Match</p><p>

© Cameron Vessey vs <strong>Greg Rayne</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Hopkirk Tag Team Invitational</p><p>

<strong>Painful Procedure</strong> vs The Tokyo Express</p><p> </p><p>

Street Fight</p><p>

Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey vs <strong>Johnny Martin & Whistler</strong></p>

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Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Davis Wayne Newton


Steel Cage Match

Sammy The Shark vs Greg Gauge


Tag Team Title Match

Old School Principals vs © The Ring Generals


Tri-State Regional Title Match

© Cameron Vessey vs Greg Rayne


Hopkirk Tag Team Invitational

Painful Procedure vs The Tokyo Express


Street Fight

Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey vs Johnny Martin & Whistler

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<p>NYCW Clash at Coney Island</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:24px;">NYCW Clash at Coney Island</span></span></p><p> <span style="font-size:18px;">Live to DVD - Steeplechase Park</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"> June 12th, 2010</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"> Attendance - 982 </span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> *Rock Downpour and Herb Statley welcome everyone to Clash at Coney Island:</p><p> </p><p> Rock - "Good evening NYCW fans and welcome to another action packed show brought to you from the newly refurbished Steeplechase Park at the legendary Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York. I am Rock Downpour an...."</p><p> </p><p> Herb - "....and you are joined by Herb, 'I'll make you Holla Holla for a dollar and I'll do sumthing strange for some change'...Statley!"</p><p> </p><p> Rock - "Yes fans, Herb has forgotten to take his drugs today....well tonight we have six great matches for you including two titles on the line. First, Second Generation Superstars and the Kings of Wrestling have been having some problems lately, so tonight in what we think is a preview to one of the Gang Wars coming up next month we will see Dazzling Dave Diamond take on Davis Wayne Newton."</p><p> </p><p> Herb - "Newton has come a long way since he has arrived here in NYCW and tonight he shows exactly how far he has come.....win #1 for the SGS!"</p><p> </p><p> Rock - "Our second match of the night also has a Gang Wars feel to it as another man who has had issues with the SGS ever since Cameron Vessey took his title from him back in January....Sammy The Shark will face another member of SGS....Greg Gauge"</p><p> </p><p> Herb - "I still don't understand why Sammy continues to try and fight this losing battle....Vessey told him to just stop trying to get revenge and they will leave him alone....well tonight Sammy will step into a steel cage with in my opinion the most dangerous and sadistic member of the SGS...Greg Gauge....make no mistake, Sammy will lose and probably have to miss some time to recover after this one."</p><p> </p><p> Rock - "The Ring Generals have held onto the Tag Team titles for almost a year now, and tonight they will face the men they beat for the belts....the Old School Principals."</p><p> </p><p> Herb - "Sanders and The Mauler have been on a bit of a winning streak lately and earned this match tonight by winning those matches, and a little help from another promotion signing one of the #1 contenders away from NYCW. I think it's time for the Generals to wake up from this little fairy tale and let the real men hold the belts."</p><p> </p><p> Rock - "In our other title match, Cameron Vessey will put his Tri-State Regional title on the line against #1 contender Greg Rayne. Rayne and Vessey have had some words lately, so this one should be a very physical battle."</p><p> </p><p> Herb - "Rock you are right about one thing....Rayne is the #1 contender...but that's about it. Sure, Rayne has tried to get into the champs head....but where have you been the last 5 months? Vessey is a well oiled machine...nothing will come between him and his belt. Vessey retains!"</p><p> </p><p> Rock - "Randall Hopkirk has been asking any tag team in the world to come an face him and partner Billy Jack Shearer...well tonight NYCW's Fumihiro Ota has reached back to his TCW past and brought in his former Tokyo Express partner...Kazuma Narato."</p><p> </p><p> Herb - "Natarto, Futaro...Butaro....what the hell? I don't care who comes in here to face Painful Procedure....they are on a mission...and eventually management will see that they should be facing the Generals for the belts....but until that happens, they will stay undefeated and prove why they won the Tag Wars."</p><p> </p><p> Rock - "And finally the bad blood between Empire Champ, Black Hat Bailey, Honest Frank, Whistler and Johnny Martin will explode in and out of the ring tonight as these four men will battle it out in a Street Fight."</p><p> </p><p> Herb - "Bailey and Honest Frank have been on the same page for a while now....while Martin and Whistler just started watching each others backs. Frank and Bailey have a master plan, and tonight we will witness the master mind at work....Bailey and Frank win."</p><p> </p><p> Rock - "Well it's about that time folks....sit back, strap yourself in....Clash at Coney Island begins.....NOW!!!!"</p><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Segment Rtg = 39</em></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Dark Match</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> The Atlantic Connection vs The New York Doll & Lee Wright </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29310" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>*This is the final match of the talent trade for The Atlantic Connection. I was thinking about signing them if they performed well, but I think I will let them go back to MAW and maybe revisit them at a later date. Lee Wright is also on the chopping block unless I find a tag partner for him. Match had a decent crowd but terrible wrestling. An open match saw The New York Doll and Lee Wright defeated The Atlantic Connection in 8:22 when The New York Doll defeated Riley McManus by pinfall. <strong>Winners - The New York Doll & Lee Wright</strong></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Segment Rtg = 36</em></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Clash at Coney Island Begins</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> *In the back with Honest Frank and Black Hat Bailey:</p><p> </p><p> Frank- "I'm telling you champ, it's like taking candy from a baby. The plan was to get Martin in the ring in this type of match and soften him up for Gang Wars. I was in the ring with this guy a month ago, and let me tell you...I know his weakness. We don't need to cheat, or use Streetz's cane...no, we will walk in and easily take care of our business and walk out while the other two have to be carried out on a stretcher....so relax champ...it's in the bag tonight"</p><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Segment Rtg = 50</em></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match #1</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Davis Wayne Newton vs Dazzling Dave Diamond</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29310" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>*These two men work very well together, and it helped the match. After our last show, we changed our style a little bit trying to change our image, but the high intensity of the match turned off some in the crowd. An open match where both men worked the crowd saw Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 12:30 by pinfall with a Diamond Mine. <strong>Winner - Dazzling Dave Diamond</strong></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Segment Rtg = 38</em></strong></p><p> </p><p> *Post match: Newton slides back into the ring and attacks Diamond from behind, beating him to the mat. He stands over Diamond and spits on him then raises his arm to the crowd to a chorus of boos before leaving</p><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Segment Rtg = 31</em></strong></p><p> </p><p> *Backstage with Greg Gauge:</p><p> </p><p> Gauge - "Why does it seem like someone in the SGS has to come out here every show and tell you to quit Sammy? This has been going on for almost 6 months now and yet you insist on getting one of us in the ring....well tonight I put an end to it....tonight, in a steel cage I finally put an end to YOU Sammy! When you are laying in your hospital bed tomorrow, remember what I said tonight....it's all over Sammy...it's all over...."</p><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Segment Rtg = 43</em></strong> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match #2 - Modern Steel Cage Match</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Greg Gauge vs Sammy The Shark</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29310" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>*The match can be won by pin, submission or escaping the cage. The crowd was into the match, has some great heat and good in ring action. In an open match that saw Sammy turn more violent then anyone has ever seen, Greg Gauge defeated Sammy The Shark in a Cage Modern match in 15:26 when Greg Gauge was thrown through the door by Sammy an onto the floor while in a rage. <strong>Winner - Greg Gauge</strong></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Segment Rtg = 51</em></strong></p><p> </p><p> *Locker Room with Painful Procedure:</p><p> </p><p> Hopkirk - "Well bro, it looks like we have a couple more sacrificial lambs stupid enough to step into our ring tonight."</p><p> </p><p> Shearer - "You know, I couldn't help but to think back to our days in TCW and I faintly recall a couple of ninja wanna be's back then."</p><p> </p><p> Hopkirk - "Yep, these are the same two fools that signed up to face us tonight....Ota, Narato...see, we do remember you...and yes, we do remember the attack in the parking lot. I know it was almost 6 years ago, but we never got to express how we really felt....well tonight my friends...we will show you how much we enjoyed it."</p><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Segment Rtg = 46</em></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match #3 - Tag Team Title Match</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Old School Principals vs © The Ring Generals</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29310" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>*After Steven Parker signed with TCW, the next highest rated team was the Old School Principals. These two teams usually work well together and this match was no different. An open match that had a good crowd and decent in ring action saw The Ring Generals defeated Old School Principals in 14:17 when Dean Waldorf defeated The Masked Mauler by pinfall with a Walforf Salad Toss <strong>Winners and STILL Tag Team Champs - The Ring Generals</strong> </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Segment Rtg = 37</em></strong></p><p> </p><p> *Post Match: The Ring Generals were celebrating their win when Marc Speed and Al Coleman jumped into the ring from the crowd and attacked the Generals from behind. Speed grabs one of the belts and stands over a fallen Dean Waldorf and mouths the word "mine" and drops the belt on him and leave....Shoot Club has arrived! </p><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Segment Rtg = 33</em></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match #4 - Tri-State Regional Title Match</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Greg Rayne vs © Cameron Vessey</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29310" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>*Rayne and Vessey have some decent chemistry together and it showed in the match. Both men worked the crowd, with them being behind Rayne. An open match saw Greg Rayne drew with Cameron Vessey in 15:27 following a double disqualification as both men were counted out by Michael Bull as they brawled in the crowd and to the back. We know we have not seen the end of this feud <strong>Winner and STILL Tri-State Regional Champ - Cameron Vessey</strong></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Segment Rtg = 46</em></strong></p><p> </p><p> *Backstage with a bloody Cameron Vessey:</p><p> </p><p> Vessey - "RAYNE!! This is far from over! I know I kept my title, but you may have beaten me bloody, you may have taken me to my limits...but at Gang Wars....we do this again...but this time...no DQ!!!"</p><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Segment Rtg = 35</em></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match #5 - Hopkirk Tag Team Invitational</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Painful Procedure vs The Tokyo Express</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29310" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>*The return of The Tokyo Express went over pretty well, since there were a lot of old TCW fans in attendance and it helped the fans get behind them. An open match that had a good crowd and some decent in ring action saw Painful Procedure defeated The Tokyo Express in 14:31 when Billy Jack Shearer defeated Fumihiro Ota by pinfall with a Rythm and Bruise. <strong>Winners - Painful Procedure</strong></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Segment Rtg = 44</em></strong></p><p> </p><p> *Backstage with Whistler and Johnny Martin:</p><p> </p><p> Whistler - "Johnny, I know I don't need to tell you what we need to do out there tonight. You know Honest Frank about as well as I know Black Hat Bailey. They only wanted us in this match tonight because they have some plan to injure one or both of us."</p><p> </p><p> Martin - "Yeah, I knew something was scheming in that little weasel's brain the minute they made the challenge....well Frank, you forget....I was the master at head games back in DAVE. I know every trick in the book, and yes...Whistler and I do have an ace in the hole in case you try something tonight. You will just have to wait and see....."</p><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Segment Rtg = 56</em></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match #6 - Street Fight</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Honest Frank & Black Hat Bailey w/Streetz vs Whistler & Johnny Martin</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29310" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>*Streetz and Bailey are a great pairing, they really work well together. All four men began the match in the ring and it spilled outside. In an open match that had a good crowd and some good in ring action saw Whistler and Johnny Martin defeated Black Hat Bailey and Honest Frank in 12:41 when Johnny Martin defeated Black Hat Bailey by pinfall with a Twist On The Rocks. <strong>Winners - Johnny Martin & Whistler</strong></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Segment Rtg = 46</em></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"> </span><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Post Show</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p> *After the match, Streetz got the attention of Whistler and drew both him and Martin into the ring allowing Bailey and Frank to jump them from behind with kendo sticks. They continue to beating, and take a couple of chairs into the ring and smash Martin's ankle between it. They just keep on beating and beating on the men and throw security out of the ring when they try to break it up. The lights go out and when they come back on, <strong>Ford Gumble</strong> is standing in the ring and cleans house, even fighting Honest Frank off when he tries to get back into the ring. </p><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Segment Rtg = 48</em></strong></p><p> </p><p> *The change in style turned off some people at the show, but the feeling overall was it was a good show. After the show ended, Lee Wright, Wiley Steinway and Coyote Dynamite were informed they were being let go and Riley McManus and Curtis Jenkins left after their final appearance was met.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><em><span style="font-size:12px;">Overall Show Rtg = 42</span></em></strong></p>
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NYCW Wrestling Minute


NYCW Wrestling Minute


Hello NYCW fans and welcome to another edition of the Wrestling Minute, you behind the scenes look at New York City Wrestling and the rest of the industry. A lot has changed inside the company these past few weeks, first there has been a lot of turnover on the roster and a few new hires.


Following Clash at Coney Island, Lee Wright, Wiley Steinway and Coyote Dynamite were all informed that their contracts were being terminated. The word in the locker room is that creative did not have anything in the near future planned for any of the three men and that they would be open to working with them in the future should an opportunity arise. The team of Coyote Dynamite was part of a talent trade with Mid-Atlantic Wrestling for the use of The Atlantic Connection, who's three appearance agreement was met at Clash and the duo is no longer a part of NYCW. This is the second time the veteran tag team, Coyote Dynamite was let go by the company and from the web comments by Steinway, it does not look like it was a mutual one. Steinway blogged, "When I was approached by them, they told me they had plans to bring us in and contend for the Tag Titles. I told them I would love nothing more then for us to win the titles a 5th time and then retire by vacating them or putting over a new tag team, but I guess even though they said they agreed with my sentiments....they had other plans."


Lee Wright's release comes as less a surprise to many, the 52 year old Wright had been paired with Steven Parker and were just starting a program with the current Tag Team Champions, The Ring Generals, when Parker was approached by Total Championship Wrestling and offered a contract....an offer he couldn't refuse. With Parker gone, a new team has to step in and work with the Generals, and with the arrival of Al Coleman and Marc Speed, they have found one. Wright said "I honestly don't have any hard feelings, I mean I have been in the business for a long time and know that when things don't go as planned, anything can happen. I am very happy for Steve, he deserves a chance in the big time....just sucks that I had to be a casualty. I wish NYCW the best of luck and would be very open to a return should they see a need.


The arrival of Al Coleman and Marc Speed did surprise a lot of people in the industry. The current CZCW Tag Team Champs ran in after The Ring Generals successfully defended the NYCW Tag Team Titles and left them both laying in a heap in the middle of the ring. Speed said "We came here to take that next step in our careers. We have our eyes on the prize and nothing will stop us from attaining that goal. So at Gang Wars, Generals...it's time to put it all on the line. What do you say boys? Do you have the balls? Well, the answer to that question is YES, Dean Waldorf and Marv Statler have agreed to put the NYCW Titles on the line at Gang Wars against Coleman and Speed. This should be a battle that won't be contained in the ring.


Steve Flash is making his NYCW return....well, kind of....Flash had been wrestling under the alias Mr. New York ever since he lost at Showcase 3, well management has decided to scrap that angle and bring him back under his own name. But with Flash's other duties with NOTBPW, he will mostly work at the Showcase events. Flash is on the card at Showcase 6, as he will face Honest Frank....should be interesting to see how the crowd treats him.


Ford Gumble will make his NYCW in ring debut this week, as he will step into the ring against Black Hat Bailey, in a non title match. Gumble came out and saved Whistler and Johnny Martin from a severe beating at Clash. Honest Frank has challenged Gumble and Whistler to find a third and face him and Painful Procedure at Gang Wars. More on this story as it develops.


NYCW Wrestling Showcase 6


Saturday: June 26th, 2010 @ The Ohio Jewish Center

Canton, Ohio

Doors Open @7pm EST

Bell Time @8pm EST


The Card


Kings of Wrestling vs Shoot Club


Tri-State Regional Title Match

© Cameron Vessey vs Kazauma Narato vs Kirk Jameson


Steve Flash vs Honest Frank


Non Title Match

Ford Gumble vs Black Hat Bailey


Billy Jack Shearer vs Whistler


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<p>Kings of Wrestling vs <strong>Shoot Club</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tri-State Regional Title Match</p><p>

© <strong>Cameron Vessey</strong> vs Kazauma Narato vs Kirk Jameson</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Flash </strong>vs Honest Frank</p><p> </p><p>

Non Title Match</p><p>

Ford Gumble vs <strong>Black Hat Bailey</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Billy Jack Shearer</strong> vs Whistler</p>

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<p><strong>Kings of Wrestling </strong>vs Shoot Club</p><p> </p><p>

Tri-State Regional Title Match</p><p>

© <strong>Cameron Vessey </strong>vs Kazauma Narato vs Kirk Jameson</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Flash</strong> vs Honest Frank</p><p> </p><p>

Non Title Match</p><p>

Ford Gumble vs <strong>Black Hat Bailey</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Billy Jack Shearer </strong>vs Whistler</p>

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<p><strong>Kings of Wrestling</strong> vs Shoot Club</p><p> </p><p>

Tri-State Regional Title Match</p><p>

<strong>© Cameron Vessey</strong> vs Kazauma Narato vs Kirk Jameson</p><p> </p><p>

Steve Flash vs <strong>Honest Frank</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Non Title Match</p><p>

Ford Gumble vs <strong>Black Hat Bailey</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Billy Jack Shearer</strong> vs Whistler</p>

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NYCW Wrestling Showcase 6

Live to DVD - Ohio Jewish Center

June 26th, 2010

Attendance - 282


*Rock Downpour and Herb Statley welcome everyone to Wrestling Showcase 6:


Rock - "Welcome NYCW fans to The Ohio Jewish Center in Canton, Ohio! NYCW has made its way out of the Tri-State area to bring the fans of the Great Lakes some great action with Wrestling Showcase 6! I am Rock Downpour and I am joined by He...."


Herb - "You are joined by Herb 'You can't have your pudding if you don't eat your meat' Statley. And remember Rock, speak slowly and clearly so these people can understand you"


Rock - "What is that supposed to mean?"


Herb - "Have you seen the people entering the arena? They're a little slow...."


Rock - "Come on Herb, there are some of the best wrestling fans in the world here in the Canton area....not to mention our boss is from right up the road."


Herb - "If you say so Rock.....just speak slowly and use small words...."


Rock - "Good god....anyway, tonight we have a great show in store for you...first, the Shoot Club's attack on The Ring Generals at Clash earned them a title shot at Gang Wars, but tonight they will have to get by the Kings of Wrestling"


Herb - "I don't know why everyone thinks that the Kings are a good team...this is nothing more then a warm up match for Coleman and Speed."


Rock - "Cameron Vessey is scheduled to defend his Tri-State Regional title at Gang Wars against Greg Rayne....but tonight he has to face both Kazauma Narato and Kirk Jameson in a triple threat match"


Herb - "Vessey is focused on Greg Rayne...but that doesn't mean he will look past this match tonight....another warm up match, Vessey retains easily"


Rock - "Steve Flash makes his return to NYCW tonight as he will face his old nemesis and rival, Honest Frank."


Herb - "This is just an example of management not following through on a stipulation of a match....Flash lost to Black Hat Bailey and the stipulation was he had to leave the company....what is he doing back? Let him stay in Canada and book his matches up there. Frank will teach him loyalty and respect."


Rock - "Ford Gumble saved both Johnny Martin and Whistler from a serious beating at the hands of Honest Frank, Streetz and Black Hat Bailey at Clash...tonight Gumble will face one of those men...none other then the Empire Champ....Black Hat Bailey"


Herb -"Gumble should have stayed out of Frank and Bailey's business...tonight he will find out how big a mistake that was."


Rock - "And finally we have been told that Billy Jack Shearer will be here to challenge Whistler to a match tonight....will Whistler accept? I would have to think so"


Herb - "Whistler would be wise to just stay home...but we know he isn't too bright...Shearer will get the match and end Whistler's chances to compete in Gang Wars."


Rock - "Well there you have it...the card is set, the action is ready to begin...so sit down, strap yourself in and get ready for some great wrestling action....Wrestling Showcase begins....NOW!!!"


Segment Rtg = 39


Dark Match


Old School Principals vs Nigel Svensson & Island Boy Apollo


*Trying to get the Old School Principals some momentum to get back into the Tag Title picture and trying to find something for Svensson and Apollo. The crowd did not seem to care one way of the other as they were just settling in for the night. A pretty one sided match saw Old School Principals defeated Svensson and Apollo in 7:28 when Rick Sanders defeated Island Boy Apollo by submission with a Figure Four Leglock Winners - Old School Principals


Segment Rtg = 41


Wrestling Showcase 6 Begins


*Billy Jack Shearer comes down to the ring"


Shearer - "Ever since I got here to NYCW all I heard from people was that if it wasn't for Whistler we wouldn't be here....if it wasn't for Whistler carrying the company on his back we never would have gotten out of that Bingo Hall in the Bronx.....well ladies and gentleman...the man who is going to take NYCW to a new high is right here in front of you....Billy Jack Shearer is here to show everyone that he is a force to be reckoned with...so Whistler...tonight, what do you say to you and me get it on so everyone can see what a mistake they are all making about you, because....you just aren't that good to carry a company on his back. Don't keep me waiting too long though....I wouldn't want to have to come looking for you later...."


Segment Rtg = 47


Match #1


Kings of Wrestling vs Shoot Club


*Shoot Club was pretty well received in Great Lakes area and the crowd was behind the heels in this match. The crowd was into the match and the wrestlers performed very well. A back and forth match saw the Shoot Club defeated Kings of Wrestling in 12:28 when Marc Speed defeated Mario Heroic by submission with a Cross Armbreaker. Winner - Shoot Club


Segment Rtg = 46


*Backstage with Cameron Vessey:


Vessey - "Greg Rayne....don't worry your pretty little head, I will retain my title tonight and then you and I will get back in the ring at Gang Wars for the title. See, at Clash you woke something up inside me that has not been there for a very long time. You may have taken me to my limits, but you have to remember.....I am better then you.....I am a second generation superstar, its in my blood to be better then you. And tonight I will show you and all these inbred people just what I mean."


Segment Rtg = 35


Match #2 - Tri-State Regional Title Match


Kazuma Narato vs © Cameron Vessey vs Kirk Jameson


*This match could really throw a wrench in the plans for Gang Wars. All three men worked well together and had a great crowd reaction and participation. Narato was the star of the match and had the match won but Vessey used the old fake injury trick and then threw Narato outside the ring. And open match saw Cameron Vessey defeat Kazuma Narato and Kirk Jameson in 12:32 when Cameron Vessey defeated Kirk Jameson by pinfall by using the ropes.Winner and STILL Tri-State Regional Champ - Cameron Vessey


Segment Rtg = 43


*Locker Room with Honest Frank:


Frank - "Steve Flash....now there is a name I thought I'd never hear again. When you lost to Black Hat about three months ago, everyone was thanking their lucky stars that you were gone. The feeling in the locker room is that you quit on us and the fans....so why do you think anyone wants you back here? I don't mean to be so harsh, well maybe a little bit...but as everyone knows, I only speak the truth. So tonight Steve Flash, I will give you a welcome back present you will never forget....and when we're all done..you can go back and play dress up with your "friend" Mr New York...."


Segment Rtg = 42


Match #3


Steve Flash vs Honest Frank


*Trying to get Flash involved more without having to move my shows to Friday nights. The crowd was all over Frank and very much behind Flash. The crowd was really into the match and the action did not disappoint. An open match saw Honest Frank defeated Steve Flash in 12:46 by pinfall with a handful of tights. Winner - Honest Frank


Segment Rtg = 50


*Backstage with The Ring Generals:


Waldorf - "Coleman and Speed....you come in here acting like you own the place. Last time I checked, we were the NYCW Tag Champs....we are the top tag team in the company and possibly the world. Sure, you are the CZCW Tag Champs....big deal. Come Gang Wars, you will wish you had stayed there."


Statler - "We never back down from a challenge, so we gladly put our titles on the line at Gang Wars against you. We have taken on much bigger, badder and better tag teams then you and you know what...they all have one thing in common....a notch in the 'L' column after we get done with them. So we will see you real soon boys....real soon....."


Waldorf - "And unlike you....we will come head on, not from behind."


Segment Rtg - 27


*In the ring with Whistler:


Whistler - "Hello Ohio!!! Thank you for making our first trip here such a success and for making us feel so welcome. I come out here because I heard that Billy Jack Shearer is challenging some of the things I have done for NYCW.....Billy...where were you 3 or 4 years ago when I was helping Stomper get this company back up off the ground? I didn't see you out here sweating, bleeding and pouring out your heart to make people take notice of what we have here. So you want to challenge me to a match tonight in front of all these great people? I'd be a total fool if I did not accept....so I will see you tonight my friend...may the better man win."


Segment Rtg = 55


Match #4


Ford Gumble vs Black Hat Bailey w/Streetz


*The time is coming to have Bailey drop the belt, just have to figure out who to. These two guys did work pretty well together, but Gumble needs to work off some rust. An open match where Steetz did some great work at ringside to get the crowd into the match saw Ford Gumble defeated Black Hat Bailey in 12:58 by pinfall with a Savate Kick following botched interference by Streetz. Winner - Ford Gumble


Segment Rtg = 39


*Backstage with Randall Hopkirk:


Hopkirk - "Gumble and Whistler....too bad you can't have your little friend Johnny Martin compete with you in a Gang Wars match against me, Billy Jack and Honest Frank. I was hoping to take care of business all on one night, but I guess it will have to wait. So do us all a favor boys, find a partner...anyone....and lets do this gang style at Gang Wars."


Segment Rtg = 55


Match #5


Billy Jack Shearer vs Whistler


*Both these men have the highest momentum right now inthe company and they could compete for the Empire Title soon. This was the most anticipated match of the night, the fans were really into this one and the action was pretty good. An open match saw Billy Jack Shearer defeated Whistler in 13:45 by pinfall with a Rythm and Bruise. Winner - Billy Jack Shearer


Segment Rtg = 39


*Heading into a new area to get some more fans may have been a little premature. Future shows will be held mostly in the Tri-State area with maybe one every other month in a new area. The show was pretty balanced out and really did help our popularity. Gang Wars should be a great show.


Overall Show Rtg = 40

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<p>NYCW Wrestling Minute</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29310" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">NYCW Wrestling Minute</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Hello NYCW fans and welcome to another edition of the Wrestling Minute. Gang Wars is right around the corner and we have some important news to pass along.</p><p> </p><p> NYCW Officials have announced that the Gang Wars event has been moved to Friday night, and that all events will be held on Friday's to accommodate some workers schedules. They also wanted to pass along that the event has been extended by 30 minutes to a 3 hour event!</p><p> </p><p> What are the Gang Wars? The Gang Wars are a special match held once a year. There are two teams of three wrestlers and the ring is an enclosed steel cage. The match starts out 1 on 1 and every 45 seconds, a new wrestler will join the match until all six wrestlers are inside. Once all the wrestlers are inside the ring, the only way to win the match is by pin or submission. </p><p> </p><p> Two Gang Wars rules matches have been signed for the upcoming show. The first one will pit the team of Sammy The Shark, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Mario Heroic against Davis Wayne Newton, Richie Riggins and Greg Gauge. In the other matchup Honest Frank has enlisted the Tag Wars Champions, Painful Procedure to take on Whistler, Ford Gumble and an unknown partner. The only thing we have learned is that their partner is no stranger to NYCW and is a former champion.</p><p> </p><p> Kirk Jameson's battle with the Second Generation Superstars has another chapter at Gang Wars as he is scheduled to face Larry Vessey in a Strap Match. Vessey said that Jameson needs to be taught a lesson in old school, and that is exactly what he intends to do at Gang Wars.</p><p> </p><p> All three titles will be on the line at Gang Wars. The Ring Generals were attacked by the Shoot Club after their match at Clash, so they have agreed to put the belts on the line at Gang Wars. Cameron Vessey will defend his Tri-State Regional belt against Greg Rayne. These two men had an epic battle at Clash that ended in a double count out, so we will see if they can finally settle it in the ring. And Black Hat Bailey will defend the Empire Title against #1 contender Johnny Martin.</p><p> </p><p> Make sure you don't miss Gang Wars, this Friday night!!!</p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;">NYCW Gang Wars I</span></p><p> </p><p> Friday: July 16th, 2010 @ The Ministry</p><p> Queens, New York</p><p> Doors Open @7pm EST</p><p> Bell Time @8pm EST</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Card</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>Gang Wars Rules</em></p><p> Greg Gauge, Richie Riggins & Davis Wayne Newton vs Sammy The Shark & Kings of Wrestling</p><p> </p><p> <em>Strap Match</em></p><p> Larry Vessey vs Kirk Jameson</p><p> </p><p> <em>Tri-State Regional Title Match</em></p><p> © Cameron Vessey vs Greg Rayne</p><p> </p><p> <em>Tag Team Title Match</em></p><p> © The Ring Generals vs Shoot Club</p><p> </p><p> <em>Gang Wars Rules</em></p><p> Honest Frank & Painful Procedure vs Whistler, Ford Gumble & ??</p><p> </p><p> <em>Empire Title Match</em></p><p> © Black Hat Bailey vs Johnny Martin</p><p> </p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p>
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<p>Gang Wars Rules</p><p>

Greg Gauge, Richie Riggins & Davis Wayne Newton vs <strong>Sammy The Shark &</strong> <strong>Kings of Wrestling</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Strap Match</p><p>

<strong>Larry Vessey</strong> vs Kirk Jameson</p><p> </p><p>

Tri-State Regional Title Match</p><p>

<strong>© Cameron Vessey</strong> vs Greg Rayne</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Title Match</p><p>

<strong>© The Ring Generals</strong> vs Shoot Club</p><p> </p><p>

Gang Wars Rules</p><p>

<strong>Honest Frank & Painful Procedure</strong> vs Whistler, Ford Gumble & ??</p><p> </p><p>

Empire Title Match</p><p>

<strong>© Black Hat Bailey</strong> vs Johnny Martin</p>

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<p>Greg Gauge, Richie Riggins & Davis Wayne Newton vs Sammy The Shark & Kings of Wrestling</p><p> </p><p>

Strap Match</p><p>

Larry Vessey vs <strong>Kirk Jameson</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tri-State Regional Title Match</p><p>

<strong>© Cameron Vessey</strong> vs Greg Rayne</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Title Match</p><p>

<strong>© The Ring Generals</strong> vs Shoot Club</p><p> </p><p>

Gang Wars Rules</p><p>

Honest Frank & Painful Procedure vs<strong> Whistler, Ford Gumble & ??</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Empire Title Match</p><p>

© Black Hat Bailey vs <strong>Johnny Martin</strong></p>

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<p>Gang Wars Rules</p><p>

Greg Gauge, Richie Riggins & Davis Wayne Newton vs <strong>Sammy The Shark & Kings of Wrestling</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Strap Match</p><p>

<strong>Larry Vessey</strong> vs Kirk Jameson</p><p> </p><p>

Tri-State Regional Title Match</p><p>

© <strong>Cameron Vessey </strong>vs Greg Rayne</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Title Match</p><p>

© <strong>The Ring Generals</strong> vs Shoot Club</p><p> </p><p>

Gang Wars Rules</p><p>

Honest Frank & Painful Procedure vs <strong>Whistler, Ford Gumble & ??</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Empire Title Match</p><p>

© <strong>Black Hat Bailey</strong> vs Johnny Martin</p>

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<p>Gang Wars Rules</p><p>

Greg Gauge, Richie Riggins & Davis Wayne Newton vs <strong>Sammy The Shark & Kings of Wrestling</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Strap Match</p><p>

Larry Vessey vs <strong>Kirk Jameson</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tri-State Regional Title Match</p><p>

<strong>© Cameron Vessey</strong> vs Greg Rayne</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Title Match</p><p>

<strong>© The Ring Generals</strong> vs Shoot Club</p><p> </p><p>

Gang Wars Rules</p><p>

Honest Frank & Painful Procedure vs <strong>Whistler, Ford Gumble & ??</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Empire Title Match</p><p>

<strong>© Black Hat Bailey</strong> vs Johnny Martin</p>

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NYCW Gang Wars I


NYCW Gang Wars I

Live to DVD - The Ministry

July 16th, 2010

Attendance - 768


*Rock Downpour and Herb Statley welcome everyone to Gang Wars I

(Sorry, I just can't think enough to come up with some opening banter for these two....trying to get over a cold and the medicine isn't helping me concentrate. It will return soon)


Segment Rtg = 44


Dark Match #1


Old School Principals vs Joey Poison & Island Boy Apollo


*This was Poison's debut/tryout match and he did earn more matches in the future. Crowd was just settling in but still had some decent heat and the action in ring was decent, which saw Old School Principals defeated Joey Poison and Island Boy Apollo in 7:08 when Rick Sanders defeated Island Boy Apollo by submission with a Figure Four Leglock. Winners - Old School Principals


Segment Rtg = 44


Dark Match #2


Fumihiro Ota vs The New York Doll


*Just another match to get Ota on the card at the show. These two just do not click well together, but the crowd was still into the match and it had some decent action, which saw Fumihiro Ota defeated The New York Doll in 7:03 by pinfall with a Ninja Strike. Winner - Fumihiro Ota


Segment Rtg = 45


Gang Wars I Begins


Match #1


Kazuma Narato vs Jared Johnson


*This match was a late add to the show. Jared Johnson has been around for a while now but has not had a lot of on air time. The crowd was still into this match and behind Narato. An average crowd saw a match with decent in ring action which saw Kazuma Narato defeated Jared Johnson in 8:24 by pinfall with a Narato Sunner. Winner - Kazuma Narato


Segment Rtg = 39


*Rock Downpour interrupts the end of the match:


"We have a situation backstage, lets go and see what is going on!"


*Backstage we see Johnny Martin and Black Hat Bailey scuffling but security jumped between them preventing them to go at each other. Streetz spits something in the face of Martin as security restrains him.


Segment Rtg = 52


Match #2 - Gang Wars Rules


Second Generation Superstars vs Kings of Wrestling & Sammy The Shark


*The cage was lowered to the ring and Davis Wayne Newton enters, followed by Mario Heroic. The two men battle back and forth, then after a minute Richie Riggins enters the match which allows SGS to double team Heroic. Dazzling Dave Diamond enters next and saves his partner and takes down both men. Greg Gauge enters next and regains the advantage for SGS. Finally Sammy The Shark enters and the cage top is lowered and Rock Downpour announces that the only way to win is to make your opponent submit. An average crowd saw some decent in ring action where Sammy The Shark and Kings of Wrestling defeated Davis Wayne Newton, Greg Gauge and Richie Riggins in a Cage Wars match in 19:54 when Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Davis Wayne Newton by submission. . Winners - Kings of Wrestling & Sammy The Shark


Segment Rtg = 39


*Backstage with Larry Vessey:


Vessey - "It looks like we are going old school tonight at Gang Wars. Kirk Jameson said he wanted any member of the SGS, and since all the kids were busy tonight in their own matches, you get ME tonight....The Living Legend...Larry Vessey! What do you say to an old fashion Strap Match? I have the strap right here, so lets tie it to each other and do this like we did back in the 70s? If you're man enough Kirk, I'll be waiting."


Segment Rtg = 25


Match #3 - Strap Match


Larry Vessey vs Kirk Jameson


*I am trying to get Jameson more involved in the storyline with the SGS members, and since all of them were busy, I wanted to try this match. Vessey and Jameson have great chemist together in the ring. Both men came to the ring, were tied together with the strap and the match began. Jameson had the upper hand and was close to getting the win, but Cameron Vessey came down and hit Jameson with the Tri-State Regional belt, allowing Larry to regain control. An average crowd saw some terrible wrestling in a match that saw Larry Vessey defeated Kirk Jameson in 13:45 when Larry Vessey was the first to touch all the corners. Winner - Larry Vessey


Segment Rtg = 38


*A video is shown of a man standing in the shadows, he says "Time for change is coming New York....be prepared! I am coming....and will not be alone". We are left with a logo that just says 'A New Breed is Coming. Change is Close!'


Segment Rtg = 47


*In the ring with Honest Frank:


Frank - "Ford Gumble! We have not officially met, and I think it's awful rude of you to come into my company and not introduce yourself to me in person...or is that how your mama taught you, you rude Son of a B...."


*Gumble comes out, clearly unimpressed, and is about to confront Frank. Suddenly Billy Jack Shearer appears, with a bat wrapped in barbed wire, and attacks Gumble for Honest Frank, leaving him broken and bloody in the ring.


Segment Rtg = 45


Match #4 - Tri-State Regional Title Match


Greg Rayne vs © Cameron Vessey


*Last time these two wrestled it went to a draw and I was still not sure how I wanted to end this match, so I let the AI do it's thing. The heat on this match was average but the crowd saw some decent in ring action that saw Greg Rayne defeat Cameron Vessey in 15:51 by pinfall with a Rayne Drop. Winner and NEW Tri-State Regional Champ - Greg Rayne


Segment Rtg = 41


*Backstage with Shoot Club:


Speed - "Ring Generals, we have beaten better teams then you. We have faced men badder then you. So what makes you think you can stand in the ring with us and beat us? We are the reigning CZCW Tag Champs, and after tonight....we will be taking the NYCW Tag Titles to our shows with them!"


Coleman - "We came here for one goal, and after tonight we will attain it. Prepare for the beating of a lifetime boys!"


Segment Rtg = 34


*Locker Room with Painful Procedure & Honest Frank:


Frank - "Well after that well planed attack, tonight's Gang War should be a cake walk. Whistler can't beat the three of us alone"


Hopkirk - "Regardless of who he got, Gumble won't be in any shape to wrestle...this should be interesting."


Segment Rtg = 46


Match #5 - Tag Team Title Match


© The Ring Generals vs Shoot Club


*Another match I was not sure if I should make a title change, so I let the AI handle that. The crowd has some really good heat and they saw decent action in an open match which saw The Ring Generals defeat Shoot Club in 20:57 when Dean Waldorf defeated Marc Speed by pinfall with a Walforf Salad Toss. Winner and Still Tag Team Champs - The Ring Generals


Segment Rtg = 53


*The feed goes static and it clears up to a hooded man sitting in a room:


Man - "I think back to the days of old....back in the 1990's when wrestling was king....then I watch what is going on today and it makes me sick! NYCW, you claim to be old school...but the only thing I see here is just old wrestlers. I mean when I say change is coming.....get prepared, we will be here before you know it.....and my first target is you Steve Flash!"


Segment Rtg = 49


*In the ring with Streetz:


Streets - "You people need to shut up when a man such as I decide to grace you with my presence! Tonight, you will witness a funeral for a man that you call a hero....Johnny Martin, your ass is a good as dead tonight....and who do we have here?"


*Streetz walks over to a woman sitting in the front row*


Streetz - "I believe this is your daughter....say baby, what do you say...do you want to earn some real money?"


*Streetz pulls her into the ring and is about to slap her:


*Martin's music hits and he runs down to the ring and attacks Streetz. Black Hat Bailey runs in for the save, but is fought off by Martin and tossed over the top rope. Streetz and Bailey retreat to the back as Martin grabs a mic"


Martin - "As if I needed any more motivation to kick you ass tonight Bailey! When you mess with me, that's ok...its business...but when you bring my family into it....you made it personal! Shine that belt up real nice bro, I want it looking pretty when I take it from you!"


Segment Rtg = 36


Match #6 - Gang Wars Rules


Honest Frank & Painful Procedure vs Whistler, Ford Gumble & ?


*The cage is lowered to the ring and first Whistler enters, followed by Billy Jack Shearer. Both men go back and forth, then Ford Gumble hobbles to the ring all bandaged up and immediately attacks Shearer and pummels him. Next Randall Hopkirk comes down to even the odds and help his partner. After the next minute mark, no one comes down to join Whistler and Gumble so it stays 2 on 2 until Honest Frank makes his way in and then the cage top is lowered. But just as the door is about to be locked, Steve Flash runs down and enters the cage and turns the tide in the favor of Gumble and Whistler. A good crowd saw an open match which had Whistler, Ford Gumble and Steve Flash defeated Honest Frank and Painful Procedure in 23:56 when Ford Gumble defeated Honest Frank by submission. Winners - Whistler, Gumble and Flash


Segment Rtg = 48


*Backstage with Johnny Martin:


Martin - "Bailey, I always knew you were a coward. Trying to lure me to the ring for an ambush before our match is really weak. See, when I want to beat someone....I go straight at them, no tricks...no smoke and mirrors, just me and them. Well you made it personal, and that is going to be the biggest mistake you EVER made! You are going to see a side of me that no one has seen in a long time....I hope you are prepared for the monster you awoke!"


Segment Rtg = 57


Match #7 - Empire Title Match


© Black Hat Bailey w/Streetz vs Johnny Martin w/Amy Martin


*Martin had the crowd behind him as he came to the ring with his daughter to keep Streetz in check. A good crowd saw an open match with some great action which saw Johnny Martin defeat Black Hat Bailey in 22:05 by pinfall with a Twist On The Rocks after Amy knocked Streetz out with his cane. Winner and NEW Empire Champ - Johnny Martin


Segment Rtg = 40


*After a title match, the Champion, Johnny Martin, is in the ring when Honest Frank comes down and challenges Martin to a title shot at Showcase 7. Martin accepts the challenge. Bailey looks at Honest Frank as if he just caught him in bed with his wife....this can't be good.


Segment Rtg = 52


*I felt it was time to put the Empire Title on someone that can have longer matches then Bailey. Hopefully the Martin/Frank/Bailey triangle will spawn some good matches for future shows. Very happy with the show, should have helped our popularity. The mystery man angle seemed to be a good topic, people are wondering who is coming and when.


Overall Show Rtg = 43

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