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Hooper Claxon & Total Sports Network present Tri State Lucha

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It was an awesome show, and the after party want bad either. We tried to get Alex to stay but she said she'd accompany Chess Maniac to the hospital after his stinger in the interests of the company. Probably for the best really, Joker, Hustler & Tempest ended up forcing Wilson to do a beer bong, that didn't end well, I'm pretty sure little miss prim & proper wouldn't have approved. Crazy thing was when some of the guys left for their late night flights there were still kids outside trying to get autographs! Guys had to grab their masks out of their bags and hood up just to get to their cabs! I got a call off Dragon from the plane, his and Capitao Brasil had to stay hooded up all the way to the plane cos a local press photographer was waiting at the airport to get pics of TSL's 'Luchador Superstars' heading back home to Mexico. Seems bringing in true Mexican talent is going down a storm! Crowds are obviously sick of seeing obviously American guys in masks pretending to be true luchadors. Except me of course, I'm the anti-luchador ;)


Tuesday and Wednesday passed in a bit of a blur, many many call-backs. I'll admit, not even me, the awesome Hooper Claxon, could get all the guys I wanted for my final roster, Acid, Hell Monkey, American Elemental & UK Dragon all declined, they're all about working in Japan right now but everyone else is down for it man! I called Carl, gave him the good news


Me: Yo Carl, its Hooper


CO'M: Hey, hows it going kid? I was just gonna call you, got some news.


Me: Me first man, I got loads of guys signed:



Teddy Powell: He's a damn hard worker and people still remember his from his work in DAVE



Remmy Skye: His skills say it all man.



Silver Shark: The guy is a minor legend in my eyes even though he's gettin older. Be good to have some more prestigious masks about.



Insane Machine: Always loved this guys work too and his new mask design is just plain awesome!



Joey Beauchamp: I worked for this guy over in Europe, I figure I should return the favour. The guy could be massive in the US if we handle him right.



Steve Flash: This is the guy we needed the most. While he's getting on, retirement can't be more than a few years away, the guy can still go. Plus everyone looks up to Steve Flash, we need that in the lockeroom right now.


CO'M: Those are all good choises kid. Now, you want the bad news?


Me: Wha?


CO'M: You know Chess Maniac got hurt?


Me: Yeah? (I've got horrible images of Maniac having a brain hemoreage or something)


CO'M: They did some standard tests. Turns out he's got Skyclad's Bicep Disorder!


Me: Aww man...


CO'M: Don't worry, all the other guys from the rumble have gone and got tested, they're all clean. Your good, you didn't enter till after he was gone. Maniac is on the medication and will be good to go in a couple of months or so. He can work non-contact angles, but obviously no matches.


Me: The guy aint great on the stick, I'll just give him a two month vacation, let him heal up. Man, means I need another guy on the roster for a while, ah well, back on the phone.


CO'M: Don't worry about it kid, I've already sorted it, got a pretty decent guy willing to work a 2 month contract to fill the gap:



Brendan Idol: SWF passed on this guy after investing 3 years in the him. I think they made a mistake personally, he could be a good hand for us. If he works out you can keep him on.


Me: Yeah man, sounds good to me. Bring him down to the venue in the next couple of days, we'll sort out contracts and shizzle.


CO'M: Good call kid. See you soon.


Me: Laters.


So I've got another six guys to get on the show next week, man this is getting trickier by the week. Not that I'm worried, I can handle it man, after all, I'm... hey, you know the rest ;)

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Man, Friday and I've finally sorted out the card for Monday. I met Brendan on Thursday & its a done deal, the kid works for me for 2 months to cover the gap that Maniac has left. Yeah, I know, the guy's no Chess Maniac but if ma boy Carl has faith in the kid I'll give it a shot. He can't work this show though, its his mamma's birthday or something. S'all good, the card is looking tight. I leave Wilson taking ticket bookings and head out for lunch.



When I get back there's an sheet of paper on my desk. I pick it up and Wilson looks over


WC: Er, yeah. I hope you don't mind boss, the local paper rang and asked us to send them a press release for the show, they wanna do a double page feature for the 'Enterertainment in the Tri State' suppliment. I figured I'd knock something together an see what you reckoned but they rang back because they needed it to press tonight for tomorrow's paper. I hope its OK.

(the kid looks like he might wet his pants any moment)


Me: 'Entertainment in the Tri State'? Damn man, even my mom gets that!


I sit down and give the kid's work a read.

Tri State Lucha in association with the Total Sport Network




Tri State Lucha bring you the cream of Mexican luchadors, add a sprinkling of the highest flying men in the US scene, mix in a whole mess of excitement and top it all off with some of the best production values around, all of which combines to give you the best Monday night out, or even night in, money can buy!


This coming week will see a whole host of new ring warriors join TSL including:


The high flying surfer dude, REMMY SKYE

The masked manipulator, INSANE MACHINE

Straight from Japan, SILVER SHARK

British Lathario, JOEY BEAUCHAMP

The flamboyant egomaniac, TEDDY POWELL


Canadian wrestling mainstay, STEVE FLASH


Matches scheduled for this Mondays show are:



I something of a respect match, Steve Flash has requested to face popular young luchador Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr for his first match in TSL



Fast becoming a tradition, the winner of the rumble is allowed to choose their opponent of the following week's show. However this week whoever wins will be declared the new NUMBER ONE CONTENDER to the TSL Transcontinental Title. Last week the hated Hooper Claxon won the Rumble but now the pressure is on and the almost whole roster will be in the ring gunning for a shot at the title, who will win it this week?



Two newcomers take on TSL's Mexican patriots




The 'Dude from Extreme County, Georgia' faces off against the self proclaimed lathario Joey Beauchamp. Although both men are new to TSL they have been short-listed for a shot at the new TSL Transcontinental Title and both men have vowed to stop at nothing to get that shot!


FOX MASK & SILVER SHARK vs TEAM CZCW(Matt Sparrow & Masked Cougar)

Newcomer Silver Shark and Fox Mask, both of the superhero fraternity, have taken offence at Team CZCW's bashing of their new home and feel the hot-heads need teaching a lesson.



Last week Ota cost Claxon his main event match against Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. But as Claxon did win the TSL Weekly Rumble last week he has chosen to face Ota and 'teach him a little lesson on who you should and shouldn't mess with!'


This show will be our best yet, guarranteed!! Make sure you don't miss it, the only place you can see TSL is LIVE at our venue in Downtown New York or LIVE on the TOTAL SPORT NETWORK.




Me: You know what kid, I think you just got yaself another job ;)





Steve Flash vs Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr

TSL Weekly Rumble (only Skye and Beauchamp not involved)

Insane Machine & Teddy Powell vs Viva Mexico

Remmy Skye vs Joey Beauchamp

Fox Mask & Silver Shark vs Team CZCW

Hooper Claxon vs Fumihiro Ota

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Steve Flash vs Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr

Jr. is good but I see Flash gettting the push to rub others later


TSL Weekly Rumble (only Skye and Beauchamp not involved)

Teddy Powell?


Insane Machine & Teddy Powell vs Viva Mexico

Sticking with my Raza...it is a Lucha show right?


Remmy Skye vs Joey Beauchamp

Who doesn't love Jeff...Err Remmy.


Fox Mask & Silver Shark vs Team CZCW

They are on fiyah!


Hooper Claxon vs Fumihiro Ota

It is his show...

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Steve Flash vs Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr

TSL Weekly Rumble (only Skye and Beauchamp not involved) Hooper Claxon is as good a guess as any!

Insane Machine & Teddy Powell vs Viva Mexico

Remmy Skye vs Joey Beauchamp

Fox Mask & Silver Shark vs Team CZCW

Hooper Claxon vs Fumihiro Ota

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I'm brickin it an I got no idea why man! I've been on live TV for years, but I've always had my character to fall back on. Now its just the real me, gotta make this count! Could be worse though, Alex looks like she's gonna puke! Damn, 5, 4, 3, 2, and we're live




Hustler D: Heeeeeey ninjas, welcome back! Up next, we'z got a treat for y'all.


Joker the Pimp: Hellz yeah! If youz tuned into the TOTAL SPORTS NETWORK last Monday at 9pm EST y'all mighta seen a coupla goood looking clowns workin hard at the talkie-desk on Tri State Lucha's Total Lucha Libre wrestlin show.


HD: Yeah boiii, we had a blast! Not only dat, we'z got tha green light man, we'z doin that EVERY Monday night. And now we wanna introduce tha two that made it all happen, the main man y'all love to hate, Hooper Claxon,


Me: Hey guys, happy to be here! Hows it going?


JtP: And Chief Network Exec Alexandria Thorne,


AT: Hi, thanks for having us on the show.


HD: Hunni, itz a total pleasure! Hooper, we'll get t youz in a minute.


JtP: Yeah, Hustler gonna take some time rollin his toungue in. Folks, youz can't see it at home but Ms Thorne is seriously... SERIOUSLY hot. And this babe iz our boss yo!


HD: Wow Joker, wez gotta be the luckiest SOBs on the face of the planet!


AT: Well, thanks for the compliments guys. I know you usually like to sleeze over women, so thank you for being so restrained.


HD: Hunni, you'z business, not pleasure. Oh, how I wish youz waz pleasure!


AT: Never going to happen Mr D, move on.


Me: Yeah, lay off the bab...boss guys. She signs your paychecks. And us both coming on here is my idea, so your messin with mine too.


JtP: I aint messin with ya Hooper, you da man to me right now! Youz makin my dreams come tru boi! Always wanted to work in wrestlin, you akin it happen!


Me: Glad to do it man. I've listened to ya show a tonne over the years (got to stroke the ego) and you were my absolute first choise for working on the TSL 'talkie-desk', as you call it.


HD: That'z so awesomez man. We'z bin your fanz for yearz, you've been ourz. So much man love in tha air!


JtP: OK, we'z actually got a show to do! We'z bin takin questionz on our website all day and there iz one main thang folks wanna know so, I gotz to ask, how'd a retirin lucha legend in the makin end up runnin a promotion in his own home town with tha backin of an entire TV network?


Me: Well, it was like this...

*the air goes all fuzzy, flashback style *

* http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1202687&postcount=1 *

Me: ... and the rest is becoming history as we speak. I'm part of it, she's a part of it, you're a part of it, the TSL fans, both live and watching at home, are a part of it! Even your listeners are a part of it!


JtP: Man, that'z some story Hooper. Alex, your daddy sounds like one cool ninja!


AT: Joker, firstly....


Me: Were'nt you listening to my story man? Girl's name's Alexandria.

(I give her a wink. She looks pissed.)


AT: As I was saying. Joker, my father is a great man and, for some reason, he sees a future in professional wrestling. I'll admit, I quite like the theatrical side of the business, but big sweaty men rolling around in the ring... I always found it a bit homoerotic for my tastes.

(my jaw hits the floor. I've never seen or heard Hustler & Joker at a loss for words before, but damn if it aint happenin now!)

AT: HAHAHA, Nothing to say boys? Then I shall continue. Being in charge of a wrestling company isn't the bed of roses my father promised me it would be. But I do feel he hired the right man for the job in Hooper.

(Nah, I aint blushin :o)

AT: I'm actually starting to enjoy things now. I can see why people love this sport, and it is a sport folks, no matter what the critics say. Just because we know who wins does not detract from what the stars of TSL do in the ring for the enjoyment of the fans.


HD: Plus we getz to see youz on TV too Ms Thorne, dont forget that.


JtP: Damn man, we're outta time! The dude in the box iz wavin a clock at me, we gotta go to tha news!


HD: Remember folks, tha TOTAL SPORTS NETWORK, MONDAY NIGHT, 9PM EST, tha third ever TOTAL LUCHA LIBRE with all four of uz in ya tele-box! Or get ya asses down to the show and watch it IN YA FACE!! For tickets call tha hotline! After the newz we'z got 2 tics to give away for tha show on Monday, so getz dialling!!




Me: That was a good bit guys, thanks for having us on.


HD: No worriez bro, any time!


JtP: We'z cool boss lady?


AT: Yes Mr Pimp. I think that went very well indeed. Now I must go, I have other business to attend to.



And she was gone. I hung around the station for a bit, the competition for the tickets was real popular. In the end a couple of teenagers won the comp and, after Hustler & Joker called me into the studio and worked on me a bit, would even get backstage access to the show!


That's all good though, loads more people know about TSL now. And who'd a thought Alex had fangs? All in a day's work though, only two days to go. Pretty sure I've got this down. Hooper Claxon, signin off till show day :cool:

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Your Commentators


Davis Detterich and The Wikid Clowns Hustler D & Joker the Pimp


Your Referee


Wilson Carlisle



(The show titles run on the big screen, then we go to Davis Ditterich, Hustler D & Joker the Pimp at the announce table.)


DD: Welcome once again, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, to TOTAL LUCHA LIBRE! Joining me at the desk are those crazy clown shock-jocks Hustler D & Joker the Pimp


HD: S'up y'all!


JtP: Word!


DD: We've got an awesome show lined up for you tonight folks, including two matches which will determine the two contenders to the brand new prestigious Tri State Luche Transcontinental Title:


One of which will be a match between two newcomers to TSL, but two men tipped for the top: 'The Dude from Extreme County, Georgia' Remmy Skye and 'The English Lothario' Joey Beauchamp.


HD: I'z seen Remmy, that boi don care if it hurtz, yo, as long as it hurtz hiz opponent more!


JtP: I seen tapez of Joey tho man, he's pretty damn good yo!


DD: It sure is a tough call. The other contendership match is this week's TSL Weekly Rumble. Normally the winner gets to choose their match for the following week but not this week. Tonight's winner will face the winner of the other contendership bout in next week's Main Event for the TSL Transcontinental Championship!


JtP: Scuttlebutt sayz every guy in tha back cept Skye & Beauchamp haz put umselves forward fo dis one.


HD: Yeah, I gotz no clue man, could be anyone winnin dis one!


DD: Another tough call. Tonight's show is going to be a barn-stormer folks. But that's for later, lets go to our first match: the debuting Canadian legend Steve Flash vs TSL fan favorite, Mexican luchador Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. Lets go to the ring




Both men were cheered as they made their entrances. As the bell rang Flash and Dragon shook hands before tying up for the first time. The match was pretty even throughout, both men trying to 'one-up' the other before flash caught Dragon, who was trying to hit a Crossbody from the top rope, and hit the Flash Bang from nowhere for the suprise win.



Rating: D+



After the match Flash helped Dragon to his feet and raised Dragon's hand to raptuous appluse from the crowd. The men then shook hands and hugged before leaving the ring together.


Rating: D-


DD: What a match! There go two men who have earnt each other's respect, as well as the respect of tonight's crowd. What a match! But enough of that, next up we have the Weekly Rumble and don't forget, the winner will face either Remmy Skye or Joey Beuachamp in next week's Main Event for the TSL Transcontinental Title! As there are so many entrants for tonight's rumble four men will begin in the ring, with the next man coming out a minute later and so on. The first four are in the ring so lets RUUUUUMMMMBBLLLLEEEEEEE!!





Sanders, Medico, Aero and Appleby started things off in the ring and the beef between Medico and Aero & Appleby reared it's head again, with Aero & Appleby ignoring Sanders and going after Medico, eliminating him just as the buzzer goes. Fumihiro Ota appears at ringside in a cloud of smoke and dives into the ring. Sanders and Ota joined forces and fended off the combined efforts of Aero & Appleby until La Sombra Jr entered and things settled down into a more rumble-like rhythm. Ota eliminated Aero. Capitao Brasil Jr entered. Sanders eliminated La Sombra Jr. Appleby eliminated Sanders. Angel De Mexico entered. Velocidad entered. Velocidad is eliminated by Ota. Matt Sparrow entered. Ota eliminated by Sparrow. Masked Cougar entered. Cougar & Sparrow eliminated Angel De Mexico. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr entered. Fox Mask entered. Silver Shark entered. Fox Mask eliminated Capitao Brasil Jr. Insane Machine entered. Teddy Powell entered. Steve Flash entered. Hooper Claxon entered. Masked Cougar, Matt Sparrow, Fox Mask & Silver Shark all went over the top rope brawling together, eliminating all four of them. Steve Flash eliminated Teddy Powell, leaving Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr, Insane Machine, Steve Flash & Hooper Claxon as the final four. Dragon was knocked off the top turnbuckle to the floor and eliminated by Claxon. Insane Machine rushed Flash but Flash ducked, pulled down the top rope and Machine tumbled to the floor. While Flash was distracted looking at Machine Claxon tried to capitalise and almost got tipped over himself for his efforts. However Claxon held on and while Flash had his back turned rushed him and threw him over the top for the victory.



Rating: D+


DD: What an upset, ladies and gentlemen! For the second week in a row Hooper Claxon has decieved his way to winning the Weekly Rumble!


HD: Naw Double D, youz got that all wrong. Hoop outsmarted his way to winnin tha rumble two weekz in a row!


JtP: Yeah boiiii, don't be dissin our boi Hooper, we'll mess ya up!


DD: Looks like I may have a bit of a situation here folks. We'll be right back after these messages and hopefully the clowns will have calmed down a bit!





DD: Welcome back! Next up folks, we have the second of our contendership matches which will determine who will face Hooper Claxon in next weeks Main Event: Remmy Skye vs Joey Beauchamp.




A close match all the way, neither man could seem to gain the advantage until Remmy got hit with a dropkick while going for a top rope move. Beauchamp tried to keep Skye grounded from that point but missed a spear into the corner, allowing Skye to climb to the top and deliver the Skye Diver for the 1, 2, 3!



Rating: D+


DD: Well there you have it folks, your Main Event for next week's show will be Hooper Claxon vs Remmy Skye for the TSL Transcontinental Title.


HD: Sure iz a flashy belt Double D.

DD: Indeed it is. And one man who can almost taste it is Hooper Claxon, who's with Alexandria Thorne right now.



AT: That's right Davis, I'm here with Hooper Claxon. Firstly Mr Claxon, I need to inform you that I have a court order ready to go if you try and attack me again.


HC: Hey, sorry about that babe, you just get me soooo hot and bothered its easy to lose my cool.


AT: I surpose that will have to do for an apology. So, Hooper, what are your thoughts on your opponent for next week, Remmy Skye?


HC: Well Alexandria, I just watched his match on a monitor in the back and yeah, the boy can fly. But so can I. He's fast, I'm faster. He takes uncalculated risks. I'll just use that and he'll be putty in the medic's hands.


AT: Many would say you've just been lucky to win the last two rumbles, how would you respond to that?


HC: Luck? LUCK! I'm the smartest player in the game. And I'll prove it to you later tonight when I beat that little ninja boy Fumihiro Ota.


(Fumihiro's gong hits and Hooper looks around before rushing off. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr walks into shot holding a gong and Alexandia & Dragon laugh)


Rating: D+



DD: OOOOOO! Hooper's not going to be happy when he finds out about what Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr just did.


JtP: Dat Dragon kid'z lookin for a bruisin man.

HD: Yeah, Hooper'z gonna rip him a new one!


DD: We'll just have to see. Next up we have established TSL tag team Viva Mexico facing off against the unlikely pairing of new-comers Insane Machine and 'The Millionaire Playboy' Teddy Powell.





While Powell and Machine were able to dominate the action early on the cohesive team of Viva Mexico managed to turn the tide. Then Machine accidentally knocked Powell off the apron running the ropes. Powell hit the roof and tried to get in the ring. Ref Wilson stopped him from getting in, so he stormed off, leaving Machine to face Angel De Mexico & La Sombra Jr alone. Unable to beat the odds, Insane Machine eventually got caught in the Lucha Libre Loppo and pinned by Angel De Mexico.



Rating: D+






(We come back to a hype video for Steve Flash, showing some clips of his matches over the years)


Rating: D+



DD: Welcome back folks. Next up we have something of a grudge match. Last week Matt Sparrow & Masked Cougar showed their true colours and dumped all over Tri State Lucha and predged allegiance to their 'true home' CZCW. Fox Mask and Silver Shark have taken offence to this as, even though we're all relative newcomers here, they feel that no man, or men, are greater than the promotion they work for.



TEAM CZCW (Matt Sparrow & Masked Cougar) vs FOX MASK & SILVER SHARK

The match began once again with Sparrow & Cougar ripping TSL tshirts off to reveal CZCW ones underneath. At this Fox Mask & Silver Shark rushed Sparrow & Cougar and dragged them into the ring. The match was pretty even, but Fox Mask managed to roll Cougar up for a surprise victory off a hot tag while Cougar complained to the ref about a slow count.



Rating: C-




(We cut straight to a hype video for next weeks Main Event: Hooper Claxon vs Remmy Skye for the TSL Transcontinental Championship)


Rating: D+


DD: And that was just the preview video folks, next week you get to see those men face off for the first time ever LIVE, right here on TOTAL LUCHA LIBRE! But now, the main event for this evening, Fumihiro Ota vs Hooper Claxon. This was the match Claxon requested following winning the rumble last week after Ota cost him his match against Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr later in the night.


HD: Hoop'z on a roll and he owes tha Stupa Ninja an ass whoopin.


JtP: Our boy Hooper iz gonna kick tha littl ninja'z ass yo!


DD: So elequent gentlemen. Lets go to the ring




Hooper Claxon went at Ota like a man possessed and dominated the majority of the match. While both Ota and the ref were down Claxon stood and showboated to the crowd, who bizarrely cheered him. Confused, Hooper turned to see Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr launch himeslf from the top turnbuckle onto Claxon. Dragon then helped Ota up and held Claxon while Ota delivered a SuperNinja Kick and covered Claxon for the win.



Rating: C+


DD: Oh my god! Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr has come to the aid of Ota and gained him a victory when all was lost, just like Ota did for Dragon last week. This could be the start of a beautifull friendship.


HD: Whutevz man, Hooper's gonna be gunnin fo both o them now.


JtP: But our boi needs to keep his head in tha game if he wantz to win tha gold next week!


DD: Thats right Joker. Don't forget folks, next Monday, 9PM EST, right here on the Total Sport Network, we'll crown the first ever Tri State Lugha Transcontinental Champion in either Remmy Skye or Hooper Claxon. Muke sure you join us to find out LIVE! Goodnight everybody!




Attendance: 1305


Overall Rating: C-


Once again the crowd felt that some angles weren't as good as the matches. The general feeling seemed to be that the show was very good, but not quite as good as previous shows.


TV Rating: 0.02

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Prediction Results


London 4 of 6 - awesome showing for a first prediction bud ;)

Wrestling Century 2 of 6 - Seems I threw you a bit there

LordJaguar 3 of 6 - Half right, half wrong but more than last week :)

TheEffect 4 of 6 - Some good calls

Jingo 6 of 6 - What can I say, my booking is obviously transparent to you :eek:



So the monthly league looks like this:

1st - TheEffect - 9 points

2nd= - LordJaguar - 8 points

2nd= - Jingo - 8 points

4th - Wrestling Century - 5 points

5th - London - 4 points

6th - funkyzafara - 3.5 points


With one show of the month left it's still all to play for with a 'prize' still TBA :p


However, for getting this shows results spot on Jingo has earned a non-kayfabe shoot interview with any wrestler (except Hooper obviously) on the subject of their TSL career and TSL in general. You can pose five questions. Enjoy!

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I figured I'd do tha press stuff early this week as it's gonna be our biggest show so far!


Tri State Lucha in association with the Total Sport Network




Confirmed Matches




TEAM CZCW (Matt Sparrow & Masked Cougar) vs THE SUPERHEROES (Silver Shark & Inky the Squid Boy)

Last week the team of Fox Mask & Silver Shark defeated Sparrow & Cougar with a quick roll-up. Needless to say, Team CZCW were not happy and have demanded a rematch. However leader of the Superheroes Fox Mask has other plans for the evening and so Silver Shark will be teaming with the team's boy wonder, Inky the Squid Boy!





Last week Teddy Powell walked out on his partner for the night, Insane Machine, and left him to fend for himself against Viva Mexico. Insane Machine demanded retribution, and the Playboy was more than willing to accept the challenge



Once again the winner will get the match of their choosing on next week's show. Names already confirmed include El Medico, Tempest Appleby, Fox Mask, Steve Flash & Cal Sanders with many more still to be confirmed.





These two amazing Mexican lucha libre stars intend to show what true lucha is all about in a match conducted under lucha libre rules. That's best of three falls, a fall can be won by pinfall, submission, throwing from the ring or by hitting a finisher on your opponent! This should prove to be EPIC!





After last week's show Staeve Flash and Cal Sanders got into a bit of an arguement: Who is the best Canadian wrestler in TSL? After a lot of arguing the two men deciided the best way to settle things would be in the ring.




FUMIHIRO OTA vs VIVA MEXICO(Angel De Mexico & La Sombra Jr)

It looks like Hooper Claxon has been pulling some strings at TSL head office, because this match has his fingerprints all over it! Ota has proved himself an intense competitor so far, but can he best two men at once?





Last week both these men won their matches to win a shot at the prestigious TSL Transcontinental Title. This week they face each other for the FIRST TIME EVER for that very same title, in TSL's very first LADDER MATCH!!


Make sure you catch it all LIVE, MONDAY on TOTAL SPORTS NETWORK at 9PM EST!


Prediction Key


TEAM CZCW (Matt Sparrow & Masked Cougar) vs THE SUPERHEROES (Silver Shark & Inky the Squid Boy)





FUMIHIRO OTA vs VIVA MEXICO (Angel De Mexico & La Sombra Jr)


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<p><strong>TEAM CZCW (Matt Sparrow & Masked Cougar)</strong> vs THE SUPERHEROES (Silver Shark & Inky the Squid Boy)</p><p>


TSL WEEKLY RUMBLE <strong>Hooper Claxon</strong></p><p>

<strong>DRAGON DEL ARCO IRIS JR</strong> vs CAPITAO BRASIL JR</p><p>

<strong>STEVE FLASH</strong> vs CAL SANDERS</p><p>

<strong>FUMIHIRO OTA</strong> vs VIVA MEXICO (Angel De Mexico & La Sombra Jr)</p><p>

HOOPER CLAXON vs <strong>REMMY SKYE</strong></p>

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<p><strong>TEAM CZCW (Matt Sparrow & Masked Cougar)</strong> vs THE SUPERHEROES (Silver Shark & Inky the Squid Boy)</p><p>


TSL WEEKLY RUMBLE <strong>Hooper Claxon</strong></p><p>

<strong>DRAGON DEL ARCO IRIS JR</strong> vs CAPITAO BRASIL JR</p><p>

<strong>STEVE FLASH</strong> vs CAL SANDERS</p><p>

<strong>FUMIHIRO OTA</strong> vs VIVA MEXICO (Angel De Mexico & La Sombra Jr)</p><p>

HOOPER CLAXON vs <strong>REMMY SKYE</strong></p>

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<p>TEAM CZCW (Matt Sparrow & Masked Cougar) vs <strong>THE SUPERHEROES (Silver Shark & Inky the Squid Boy)</strong></p><p><strong>


TSL WEEKLY RUMBLE: <strong>El Medico</strong></p><p><strong>


<strong>STEVE FLASH</strong> vs CAL SANDERS</p><p>

<strong>FUMIHIRO OTA</strong> vs VIVA MEXICO (Angel De Mexico & La Sombra Jr)</p><p>

HOOPER CLAXON vs <strong>REMMY SKYE</strong></p>

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Man it's been a LOOOOOONG week. No-one calling, no-one coming over. I got it all sorted on Tuesday, we're all over the adds on the network (well, we are the highest rated wrestling TV show in the TriState & New England areas and Puerto Rico & Hawiiai) an me an Wilson have been out on the streets, puttin up posters, droppin flyers in mailboxes and generally hyping the hell out of Monday's show. All week we've been out there man, my feet HURT! So its Sunday, I am OFF DUTY (read drinking hard!) an my cell starts ringin


Me: Yooooooo!

La Sombra: Hey boss, its Sombra. Angel just called me, says you're expecting me in New York tomorrow.

Me: Yeah, course man, wouldn't be a show without ya

LS: Man, I'm real sorry boss, I figured you knew. I'm working an OLLIE show tomorrow night. I can't mess them about, their contract's a big deal to me and my family. Once again, real sorry for any mis-understanding.

Me: Oh man, you good for the week after or am I screwed?

LS: Sure thing, it's just the forth Monday of the month that they have a show that conflicts with the TSL schedule

Me: OK man, I'll think of something, hope ya don't get whooped too bad tomorrow. Laters.


Oh awesome, 10pm, drunk. Now I gotta work out who's gonna team with Angel De Mexico!



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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MJStark" data-cite="MJStark" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29334" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Man it's been a LOOOOOONG week. No-one calling, no-one coming over. I got it all sorted on Tuesday, we're all over the adds on the network (well, we are the highest rated wrestling TV show in the TriState & New England areas <em>and</em> Puerto Rico & Hawiiai) an me an Wilson have been out on the streets, puttin up posters, droppin flyers in mailboxes and generally hyping the hell out of Monday's show. All week we've been out there man, my feet HURT! So its Sunday, I am OFF DUTY (read drinking hard!) an my cell starts ringin<p> </p><p> Me: <span style="color:#006400;">Yooooooo!</span></p><p> La Sombra: <span style="color:#48D1CC;">Hey boss, its Sombra. Angel just called me, says you're expecting me in New York tomorrow.</span></p><p> Me: <span style="color:#006400;">Yeah, course man, wouldn't be a show without ya</span></p><p> LS: <span style="color:#48D1CC;">Man, I'm real sorry boss, I figured you knew. I'm working an OLLIE show tomorrow night. I can't mess them about, their contract's a big deal to me and my family. Once again, real sorry for any mis-understanding.</span></p><p> Me: <span style="color:#006400;">Oh man, you good for the week after or am I screwed?</span></p><p> LS: <span style="color:#48D1CC;">Sure thing, it's just the forth Monday of the month that they have a show that conflicts with the TSL schedule</span></p><p> Me: <span style="color:#006400;">OK man, I'll think of something, hope ya don't get whooped too bad tomorrow. Laters.</span></p><p> </p><p> Oh awesome, 10pm, drunk. Now I gotta work out who's gonna team with Angel De Mexico!</p><p> </p><p> *BONUS POINT FOR CORECTLY GUESSING LA SOMBRA'S REPLACEMENT IN THE MATCH*</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Will it be someone on the roster?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheEffect" data-cite="TheEffect" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29334" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Will it be someone on the roster?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah, too late at 10pm to hire someone new for the next day <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>TSL TOTAL LUCHA LIBRE!</strong></span></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">HELD AT THE TSL ARENA IN DOWNTOWN NEW YORK</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"> LIVE ON TOTAL SPORTS NETWORK</span></strong></p><p><strong> 9PM, MONDAY WEEK 4 MARCH 2010</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Your Commentator</strong></p><p> <span>http://mjstark.herobo.com/Davis%20Ditterich.jpg</span></p><p> Davis Detterich</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Your Referee</strong></p><p> <span>http://mjstark.herobo.com/Wilson%20Carlisle.jpg</span></p><p> Wilson Carlisle</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> (The show titles run on the big screen, then we go to Davis Ditterich at the announce table.)</p><p> </p><p> DD: <span style="color:#8B0000;">Welcome, one and all, to TSL's TOTAL LUCHA LIBRE! We've got an excellent show for you tonight and in our Main Event we'll see the 'Future Lucha Legend' Hooper Claxon face off against the 'Dude from Extreme Country, Georgia' Remmy Skye for the brand new TSL Transcontinental Championship! But our first matchup tonight is Team CZCW, Matt Sparrow & Masked Cougar vs the superhero team of Silver Shark & Inky the Squid Boy, lets go to the ring.</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29334" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://mjstark.herobo.com/Matt%20Sparrow.jpg</span><span>http://mjstark.herobo.com/Masked%20Cougar.jpg</span>VS<span>http://mjstark.herobo.com/Silver%20Shark.jpg</span><span>http://mjstark.herobo.com/Inky%20The%20Squid.jpg</span><p> <strong>TEAM CZCW (Matt Sparrow & Masked Cougar) vs THE SUPERHEROES (Silver Shark & Inky the Squid Boy)</strong></p><p> While both teams put up a good fight in the end Sparrow and Cougar cut the ring in half and isolated Inky from his more experienced tag partner. The end came when Team CZCW began double-teaming Inky behind the ref's back. While Ref Wilson tried to stop Shark helping his partner Sparrow and Cougar double-teamed Inky some more then hit their double top rope powerbomb finisher and Sparrow covered Inky while Cougar knocked Shark off the apron. 1,2,3 and its over!</p><p> </p><p> Winners: <strong>Team CZCW</strong></p><p> Rating: <strong>D+</strong></p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>DD: <span style="color:#8B0000;">What an amazing way to start a show. And that's just the beginning folks... What the? What's going on?</span></p><p> (DD holds his earpiece)</p><p> DD: <span style="color:#8B0000;">Erm...</span></p><p> </p><p> (The cameras cut to a sweeping shot of the building. There are guys in flak jackets all around the building and on the entrance ramp)</p><p> </p><p> DD: <span style="color:#8B0000;">Folks, I've just got word. We're going to be going off the air for a few minutes so why don't you enjoy repeats of a past match or two and we'll be back soon.</span></p><p> </p><p> (Picture fades into the start of Fumihiro Ota vs Hooper Claxon from the debut show. Then we get to re-watch Hooper vs Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. Then Fumihiro vs Claxon 2 from last week.)</p><p> </p><p> <em><strong><span style="font-size:36px;">TOTAL SPORTS NETWORK</span></strong></em></p><p><em><strong> </strong></em><em><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">WE ARE CURRENTLY EXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES</span></strong></em></p><p><em><strong> </strong></em><em><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">PLEASE STAND BY</span></strong></em></p></div><p></p><p></p>
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<p>So, I'm guessin y'all wanna know what happened. Well I'll tell ya.</p><p> </p><p>

Half way through that first match I was in the back going through our match with Remmy when a load of Immigration Officials stormed in and arrested anyone that looked vaguely Hispanic!</p><p> </p><p>

One officer (the dick in charge) wanted to know who was in charge here. I told him I was and he handed me a court order demanding we stop opperations immediately. I had no choise man, I got the message through to Davis to do the deed and we gave everyone who attended their money back.</p><p> </p><p>

Turns out that you DO have to get a work permit, even for one night a month <img alt=":o" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/redface.png.900245280682ef18c5d82399a93c5827.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

That was the end of Tri State Lucha. I got fired the same night. Alex & her daddy tried to run a show the next week but they had about 100 people show up and, with most of the roster no longer allowed to even enter the US, well I've been to better indy shows that had 10 family members and me in the audience! Poppa Thorne filled our timeslot with his new-found brainchild, Professional Little-League Baseball <img alt=":rolleyes:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/rolleyes.png.4b097f4fbbe99ce5bcd5efbc1b773ed6.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

So, that was my crazy month as a booker of a promotion I'm sure no-one will remember in a years time. I drive a cab now. Occasionally I get asked, 'Hey, you aint Hooper Claxon the wrestler are ya?'. I just reply, 'Not any more kid, not any more' <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Peace out y'all</p>

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Just wanted to say thanks to the folks who've been following this diary. Its ended up that between work and life and working on the Board Effort & 70's mods I just don't have the time to write a full diary as well.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Many thanks to those who voted for this in the DOTM Rookie Poll, it was an honour to come a distant third.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>


MJS</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

EDIT: There is a 'closure' show (of sorts) on the previous page if you missed it</em></p>

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Just wanted to say thanks to the folks who've been following this diary. Its ended up that between work and life and working on the Board Effort & 70's mods I just don't have the time to write a full diary as well.


Many thanks to those who voted for this in the DOTM Rookie Poll, it was an honour to come a distant third.





EDIT: There is a 'closure' show (of sorts) on the previous page if you missed it


Thanks for the awesome dynasty! I know how hard it is to write a dynasty. I've tried several times but real life or other projects on the boards have always gotten in the way after 1 show write up or before I could even write a write up. I hope that perhaps sometime you can write another awesome dynasty! Best of luck to you with the Board Effort and the 70's mod! :)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MJStark" data-cite="MJStark" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29334" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p><em> Just wanted to say thanks to the folks who've been following this diary. Its ended up that between work and life and working on the Board Effort & 70's mods I just don't have the time to write a full diary as well.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Many thanks to those who voted for this in the DOTM Rookie Poll, it was an honour to come a distant third.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Cheers</em></p><p><em> MJS</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> EDIT: There is a 'closure' show (of sorts) on the previous page if you missed it</em></p></div></blockquote><p> I will say, though, the Feds intervening was one of the best closings to a dynasty I've ever seen...</p>
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Cheers guys. I really enjoyed writing shows again, but doing it this way is actually almost as time consuming as doing it for real (all be it a damn site cheaper!). If I'd have started doing it when I didn't have a job it would have been fine, but then I couldn't afford the full copy of 2010 before I got a job. Catch 22 really <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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