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Arcadia presents... Deadly Overloaded Action || "Wrestling Entertainment in Revolt!"

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Johnny Vicious can barely pull himself to his feet; his body is obviously war-torn as he’s been subjected to a heinous, one-sided, sense of gang-war perpetuated by the Tyler-led faction. With every fiber of his being, “The Blazing Red Demon” forcibly pulls his broken frame from the canvas below; utilizing the nearby ring ropes as his ultimate crutch. While this uncomfortable vision furthers the ‘never-say-die’ mantra that comes with this embattled challenger, the truth of his condition continues to cripple the minds of most in favor of his persona: knowing that, at this point, the triumphant, one-man-army that is Johnny Vicious, is obviously struggling to simply stay conscious.


While it’s obvious that his arch-nemesis is barely able to stand, let alone truly defend himself, “The Voice of Reason” is seen acting in a characteristically dubious manner; turning his back from the action in which to signify another 4 -on-1 attack orchestrated by his snarling minions. At this point, whether you like him or not, Mr. Tyler stands as the true authoritative figure within these proceedings; personally interjected himself into the main event under a ‘special guest referee’ title. While his stripes may dictate a sense of power; in reality, those very stripes continue to paint the portrait of extreme manipulation at the hands of the power-hungry.


Davis Ditterich:
to stop!! Honestly, where's the network at a time like this? Johnny Vicious is on the verge of a, potentially, life-threatening injury and no one seems to be 'man-enough' to stand up to the god-damn "Voice of Reason"!! This is crap; Absolute CRAP!


Within seconds, the rabid allies of Tyler quickly ascend upon their injured prey; violently ravaging his body as he continues to throw haymakers despite his dwindling consciousness. Rights, Lefts, it doesn’t really matter; as each strike simply misses one-after-the-other. Needless to say, Vicious is practically lifeless as his assault continues to overtake his pain threshold; leaving him coughing blood upon the canvas below.


With his back turned to the action, Mr. Tyler is shown smirking like the true evil incarnate that he is; showing no sign of remorse despite having knowledge of his bitter enemies, violent, demise. In his eyes, after months of sending Vicious through absolute hell, this is just another ‘notch’ on his legendary belt; another sign of his overpowering dominance over the DOA landscape.


As the assault continues to take place, setting up what everyone believes to be an inevitable loss for Vicious, a rustling begins within the crowd. Within seconds this rustling has become a full-on explosion as the rabid ‘Dead-Heads’ of the DOA have filled the “Dungeon” with a wave of historic excitement.


Davis Ditterich:
Is that…


A momentary state of shock overtakes the ‘star-struck’ announcer as the camera crew quickly captures the “Dungeon Gateway” in a guerilla kind of fashion; shaky-camera and all. There, atop the rampway, stands none other than a TRUE Wrestling Legend; the man who single-handedly revolutionized the industry as we know it through absolute force. This man, his iconic figure, is none other than…




The Arcadia-made soundstage known as “The Dungeon” is practically shaking with excitement as the network-employed camera men display this combustible response through the form of a shaky-cam view; making it appear that the response is even heftier than it really is. Regardless of this, the real story is that Nemesis has, somehow, found his way onto “Rapid Assault”; carrying a steel chair in his hand straight away as it appears he’s come with violent intent.


Davis Ditterich:


As expected, due to the deafening response, “All the Kings Men” are much aware of the Legend’s entrance; standing within the ring as they look to Mr. Tyler for direction in time of confusion. Following a forceful interjection from Mr. Tyler, demanding that his men ‘not just stand there and do something’, the three remaining faction members (as Acid is still intertwined in tonight’s main event) of: Torment, Rayne Man, and The Elder Statesman quickly rush toward the entrance ramp under their leader’s decree.


One-by-one, each attacker is violently met with a ‘deadly’-end; all receiving heavy-handed chair shots from the DaVE Icon. As one would expect, this outcome only generates more hysteria from the DOA ‘Dead-heads’; as they continue to shower Nemesis with a response fit for a Wrestling GOD. Meanwhile, Mr. Tyler continues to show his feverish distaste with the proceedings ahead; aggressively clenching his fists as it, almost, appears as if his head may explode due to intense rage.


Within seconds, Nemesis is now standing within the very same ring as the fallen Johnny Vicious, the DOA Champion Acid, and the obviously enraged “Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler; positioned at a stand-still as the DOA fanbase grows with intensity. With the crowd chanting his name in the background, Nemesis springs into action; swinging his steel chair square over his head in a baseball like fashion. Unluckily for the man who orchestrated this madness up until now, Mr. Tyler is the recipient of said steel chair swing.




The sickening thud of steel slamming into Tyler’s head sends the “Dungeon” into a climactic tone; screaming crazily as they’ve been waiting for this moment for quite some time (Tyler ‘getting his’). For a second, it almost feels like were back in the deadened halls of DaVE; witnessing the over-head chair shot from one alumni upon another. In a sense, it’s this nostalgia that turns this scenario into a truly historic moment as this is the FIRST TIME we’ve seen Nemesis since the former company’s closure.


While this may seem like the biggest moment in tonight’s Season Finale episode, the truth of the matter is that we still have a DOA Championship match taking place as we speak. With this in mind, the DOA Champion himself, Acid, is seen attempting to tangle with his former DaVE-bretherin; however, such a scenario never comes to pass. For, as Acid springs into action himself, he ultimately turns his attention away from his challenger; a decision that, while understandable given the circumstances, proves to be destructive to his Championship reign.


As Acid misses Nemesis with a running closeline, Johnny Vicious is seen lunging out of nowhere; pulling whatever he has left in which to jolt to his feet… Executing a jaw-dropping, if not separating,
“Blunt Force Trauma”
(Running, Leaping, Superkick) square upon the jaw of the sitting DOA Champion.




The strike is so deadly that Acid’s head flings backward in an extremely forceful manner; giving way to the sight that his body has gone completely limp seconds after said impact. As his lifeless body collapses in a thunderous heap, crashing violently upon the unforgivable canvas below, the overpowering roar of mass hysteria fills the walls of the Arcadia-build "Dungeon". While it could be deemed as a simple lunging strike, the force of such an impact viciously scrambles the Champion's brain within; pushing him ever-so-close to a state of being concussed.


While the ‘special guest referee’ is currently unconscious himself, Johnny Vicious is able to garner a triumphant three-count in his favor. How is this possible? Well, as Vicious physically collapses upon his fallen victim, obviously running on ‘E’ as well, the resurgent Nemesis is seen dropping to the canvas as well… Picking up, and forcing, Eric Tyler’s hand to slam against the blood-soaked canvas three times. In the end, such a decision could be called into question but don’t tell that to the DOA ‘dead-heads’ as they have already erupted with absolute bliss; witnessing three major moments in one: The debut of Nemesis, Johnny Vicious coming from the depths of the company to win the DOA championship, and the, supposed, FALL of Eric Tyler! Needless to say, with all of this in mind, the “Dungeon” stands as a collection of overwhelmed ‘Dead-Heads’; celebrating what they’ve just witnessed.


Ring Announcer:
Your winner and NEW DOA CHAMPION… “The Blazing Red Demon”… JOHNNY... VICIOUS!!!!




In the end, as confetti falls from the rafters above, the newly developed DOA Champion is presented with his championship for the first time. While his body is obviously ‘torn to shreds’, Vicious flings his right arm high into the air; showing off his gleaming championship much like a proud warrior would display his final kill. With that said, while this image is quite powerful, the newfound champion is still barely able to stay upright; gripping his full arm around a nearby ring rope as his legs threaten to give-out on him.


Davis Ditterich:


With the sight of Tyler’s faction laying motionless around the ring, and “The Voice of Reason” himself face-down and unconscious in the ring, Nemesis is shown exiting the “Dungeon” in a triumphant manner; energizing the crowd as he continually stops to clap for the new Champion in the process.


In what will certainly go down as one of the greatest moments in DOA televised history, Johnny Vicious is shown in the final seconds of the Season Finale, holding his newly won Championship high above his head while continually fighting the battle of simply staying upright. All of this made possible by the shocking hand of one, Nemesis.
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That...was awesome! I hope this means you've got your personal life sorted out. Sucks about all the stuff you were going through.


But again: That. Was. Awesome.

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This section can be used as the 'central-hub', of sorts, as it pertains to Deadly Overloaded Action programming. As you can see below, each episode will be posted in an easy-to-use link in which to save you the time of having to sort through pages to find the results in question. As time goes forward, more avenues will be created as new TV shows start, new projects unfold that call for such organization, and monumental posts are in need of such documentation. In a way, I wanted to create a page within the dynasty that really makes it easier to keep up with the DOA as a whole. I understand, especially with my extensive writing approach, that often people can feel overrun with too much information. That said, I will do my best to, at least, lessen this sense of grandeur by laying everything out in an easy-to-use format. This way, if you're interested in reading through the DOA season, you have a central hub to move through out.















TBA in the Future








This added section is a basic backlog of all "Rapid Assault" episodes from Season I. Here, everything is only one click away in which to immerse yourself further into the history of Deadly Overloaded Action! To be honest, this was one of my favorite things to do this time around; as even I forgot a lot about what happened in the first project. Now, exactly a year from when this all started (in real world time), this collection of shows makes it much easier to tell the story of how we actually came to this point. All in all, I hope you enjoy these as much as I do!



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BREAKING NEWS: John "Nemesis" Campbell signs exclusive contract with Arcadia/DOA; accepts 'Head-Writer' position.

2nd Week of August 2010


For those who witnessed the Season One Finale of “Rapid Assault” this week, It appears that the month-long rumors have finally come true as John Campbell (aka “Nemesis”) has officially signed an exclusive contract with the Arcadia Network. While the details are still quite hazy at this moment-in-time, it’s expected that Campbell will overtake the ‘head-writer’ position left in John Greed’s infamous wake.


As you all know, this has been a rumor we’ve ran with for the last couple weeks as it was expected that the former-DavE Icon would one day accept the position in question; citing an inside source we had come to converse with. With that said, no one really knew for sure as, even as close as a week ago, he continued to relay that he was “Simply not interested”.


Initial reports stated that Arcadia was weighing the option of killing the program all together; citing the disastrous fall-out that was the abrupt resignation by the former regime. This perception was furthered greatly when the network announced that they were cutting the first season much shorter than expected; bringing forth the Season One Finale months before it was thought to take place. In the end, our sources have unveiled that the breakthrough signing of John “Nemesis” Campbell is what kept the Network from folding their attempt at ‘Concept Wrestling Programming’. While it doesn’t come as a shock, that such a signing could revive the ‘dead-weight’ of a dwindling program, the extreme secrecy of their affairs is the true kicker in all of this. In a day and age of instantaneous news, and celebrity-hungry narks available to relay such news, the fact that his newfound involvement wasn’t leaked is truly amazing.


As it stands right now, the second season premiere is set to air in 2 weeks; just in-time for ‘Fall Sweeps’.


Stay tuned as more information becomes available.

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...A quick OOC post before I continue...




As you’ve noticed already, I’ve brought my hiatus to a halt with this latest project. I know there may be some who ‘challenge’ the truth behind my statements last week, seeing how this project came so soon after such an outpour, but I promise you that this wasn’t my intention all along. After a year filled with difficult scenarios, I found myself in desperate need of re-evaluation. There were some changes that needed to be made & I felt that it was best to step away for a short bit in which to tend to these issues. With this in mind, a little over a week removed, I’ve found myself in a much stronger position; able to actually indulge in some of my favorite past-times as I now have given myself the opportunity to tackle the REAL issues set before me.


I can honestly say that I’m much happier for doing so. My priorities were all out of whack, by my own perception, so I decided to really focus on the things that meant most to me: my wife, my family, and the fact that we are all healthy at this point. I know it may sound a little hefty in which to relay within something as fun as the GDS experience but I just thought it was best to really tell you where I was coming from. This way, you know why I needed to take such a break & hopefully are excited to see me back on such short notice.


All in all, I wanted to answer some questions as it pertains to this diary. This way, I can give you a better sense of insight as it pertains to the: Who, what, where, when line of questioning. So, alas, here we go:



Why the DOA? You already tried to go ‘back’ with PSW & that obviously didn’t work out.

While true, seeing how I did try to rekindle the love for PSW within, I don’t see this project as anywhere near as toxic as the last. Why? I’m in a better frame of mind; or at least, a more focused frame of mind. As it pertains to WHY the DOA that’s pretty simple. I feel that, the DOA, was my best work I’ve ever put forward here on the GDS boards. The characters were all unique, the storylines were pretty solid, and the overall feeling of the project was pretty interesting to read; even for me as the writer. I’ve spent the last few days re-reading my previous shows and, after doing so, I felt that it was an exciting opportunity to bring back the DOA in which to tell the story of “Season II” (and potentially further seasons past that one).


Unlike PSW, which I felt was more of a nostalgic thing than anything else (something that probably didn’t really carry weight in the end), this project is entirely different, again, because it’s more of an attempt in which to keep the stories alive; while adding in new ones to dive into.


Will we see the same cast in Season II as we saw in Season I?

For the most part, A lot of ‘your favorites’ will be back. I’ve edited my original database in which to reflect the overness changes (both good and bad) that took place during Season I & have brought back quite a few of the same cast in which to embark upon the next season. Overall, though, there will be some new additions, & some that have been left behind, as I really want this season to have it’s own unique tone (see Nemesis’s debut as an example).


Do you have a user character like John Greed, Remmy Skye, etc?

For the first time in awhile, I do not have a defined ‘user character’ as I want the focus to be more from a real-world perspective; as if you were following DOA as an avid watcher yourself. With this in mind, the background information will still be presented; however this time, through the form of Internet wrestling sites. Instead of fleshing out ‘user character perspectives’, I’ve decided to take a more of a face-value approach; acting as the messenger of news instead of the creator of such. In the end, this will be MUCH easier on me & will allow me to focus MORE on writing shows, creating characters, and putting the show together overall. This way, the ‘meat-and-potatoes’ writing will be focused primarily on what make these diaries actually hold weight: The actual shows .


Overall, I’ve simplified the process in which to give myself a better opportunity to succeed. For awhile now, I’ve fallen too much into the ‘novelistic’ approach to writing these things. While it makes for a unique tone, it does often bring a lot of extra stress that doesn’t really need to be there. In this manner, I can still relay what I’m trying to get across but doing so in a much more concise way. In turn, this should keep the diary going for much longer as I will get to focus on the things that intrigue me most about TEW Games: Booking.


All in all, Just thought I’d relay all of that too you before I kept on moving forward with the posts. To be honest, I’m putting the finishing touches on the Season II cast as we speak & plan on having that out sometime soon. With that said; however, I’m really trying to create a visually pleasing experience upon everything else so I may take my time all together (as I will do so with everything).




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Hopefully this can succeed as I remember being so excited about a new post in your DOA diary and reading about nine pages on a psp when my laptop broke, and it was thiat diary that made me start reading and eventually (try to) make my own.


The DOA also made me think I NEEDED with the 2010 update of TEW for the Network owned promotion as you made it so fun. Hopefully Greg Black is still on the roster too!


EDIT: I think you should bump the last one to give people a better idea as I'm about to read through it now

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Overview of "The Dungeon"

It stands as a perfect fusion between weathering grunge and mind-blowing modernity. It’s hardened, overtly destructive, tone appears to be unshaken by the glaring technological advances that it nestles within it’s crumbling frame. While it may not withhold the blatant grandeur that ‘sports entertainment’ tends to project, such a fact is not cried outward in sadness; rather, it’s celebrated.


The DOA “Dungeon” is a glorified warzone; a personal hell for some... An embattled mountain top for others.


In reality, what would you expect from a tattered space that bears the notion of a medieval dungeon?


Many will lose their careers here…


Others may even lose their lives…


That said, such grandiose dangers are not only accepted but willingly embraced…


All for the hope of becoming a LEGEND; An immortal warrior of a new era…


While it will be torturous along the way, it’s expected to be so as the DOA “Dungeon” is truly that… A war-torn space calling for the very best gladiators of our time.


"Dungeon" details

As you may witness above, The DOA “Dungeon” is not your typical pro wrestling set-up. With help from various production departments within Arcadia, Deadly Overloaded Action has been given the rare opportunity to truly craft an image for themselves; utilizing the magic of ‘hollywood’ to develop a chaotic tone through the depiction of their battlefield of sorts (The Dungeon).


While the interlocked visuals are dripping in a grunge, severely gritty, overtone, the real genius of it all stands within the usage of modern technology in which to garner a unique environment known only to the DOA. Simply put, while the DOA “Dungeon” does its best to seem as though we are trapped within a crumbling, post-Armageddon, bomb shelter of sorts, the fusion of TV projection panels, flashy scrolling text abilities, and iris-burning lights, ushers in a closer connection to the modern technology we’ve come to awe in other forms of entertainment.


Names of wrestlers are flashed across the gigantic TV panels…


Music Videos for given DOA warriors are generated before our eyes…


And elaborate light shows often appear as if from magic; adding an extra sense of excitement to the proceedings all together.


In the end, the DOA “Dungeon” is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before in Pro Wrestling. While most try to throw flashy screens at you, mindlessly using them as if to show their overall wealth as a whole, the DOA does so while furthering an overall brand; one of hellacious, embattled, warfare. The lights, the screens, the images, are all coupled with the ravaged scene projected before you; creating a unique understanding never seen by Wrestling fans in the past.


Hollywood, more specifically the Arcadia Network, has come to Professional Wrestling…


This time around they’ve done their best to develop a wrestling program, and a home-base, that actually furthers the companies narrative more than blatantly adding flash for no rhyme or reason.





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Deadly Overloaded Action

“Survival of the Fearless”





Deadly Overloaded Action is a pseudo-wrestling company developed by the American television network: Arcadia. With this in mind, The DOA is less of your run-of-the-mill Independent company and more in-line with a weekly live-action television show; one that employs writers vs. bookers by example. The storylines tend to be much more in-depth, and the angles that perpetuate these storylines tend to carry more of a produced TV-show feel, all with the hope of creating an explosive form of cinematic entertainment on the ‘small screen’.


The DOA’s home-base is a moderately sized Network soundstage dubbed as the “DOA Dungeon”; and is located on the Arcadia-lot in Los Angeles, California. This location holds 2,000 people max and has been constructed in which to incorporate the beauty of modern technology as a form of ‘flashy showmanship’ (ie: large projection screens, scrolling text, and jaw-dropping light shows are all utilized); while also carrying an underground cult-esque kind of vibe to the overall presentation.


Overall, Deadly Overloaded Action is simply a conceptual attempt by an American TV network in which to convey the wildly popular form of Pro Wrestling in a new light; utilizing a unique, cinematic, view of the art-form as a way to create a ‘Live-Action’ presentation. In a sense, think of the DOA as more of a weekly, episodic, television show versus a pure wrestling organization. While the narratives will still rely heavily on what you typically expect from a Wrestling event, the production, the characters, and the overall feel, will take on more of a produced TV show then the tired Wrestling formula we’ve come to accept as the norm.


Stepping into 'The Greed-verse'

To those new to Deadly Overloaded Action, this company exists within an alternate Cornell-verse entitled “The Greed-verse”. It’s origin dates back to TEW 2008 when John Greed was forced into retirement with a crippling knee injury; accidentally administered by a reckless Bear Bekowski while working in the SWF feeder-company, RIPW. Shortly thereafter, John overtook the headbooker position of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling and, from there, the Greed-verse began.


Now, in October of 2010, John Greed has long-left Deadly Overloaded Action (a company he was called upon to cultivate following his dismissal from PSW), currently booking in Canada with 4C; however, seeing as though he was my main character for quite some time, I still perceive this altered database as centered around John Greed (even if I’m no longer working with him as a user character).


With all of this in mind, we enter this dynasty at the open of Deadly Overloaded Action’s much anticipated second season. This time around the experience is centered around a former SWF writer cast into the free-agent pool after a highly publicized fall out with Richard Eisen (story to come really soon in the ‘backstory’). With a new creative leader, a few new faces, and all the DOA greats which made Season One memorable, we step into the Greed-verse, once again, in which to witness Deadly Overloaded Action further their rebellious call for a chaotic revolt; “Wrestling Entertainment in Revolt” to be exact.


How contracts are utilized

Just like in Season I, I have given each cast-member a ‘non-exclusive’ contract. This way, the development of the DOA does not interfere with the overall Cornell-verse landscape (ie: CZCW, PSW, MAW, NYCW, and FCW are not ‘crippled’ due to my raiding their talent exclusively). Also, the reason for doing so is because, at cult, I will only sign those exclusive to the program who are deemed as utterly important to the overall show. With this in mind, only those willing to accept such contracts will be given said exclusivity; as I don’t plan on adding anyone in as written right off the bat (outside of Nemesis; of course).


Also, it should be noted that each contract was given a length of 6 months. This decision was made in which to make it more flexible for the network as a whole; as I would expect a Network would typically act (signing people on for numbers of episodes versus a lengthy 2 year contract, etc.).


How long will Season II run for?

I have decided that Season II will run for a duration of 5-months (spanning from October 2010 - February 2011). At the end of February, Season II will come to a close and will potentially make way for Season III if all goes well. In the end, while I know this doesn't typically follow the 'real-world' TV schedule, I like the idea of having two seasons a year (spanning 5 months with one month in-between for a theoretical 'cool down period').





”Company” Information

Deadly Overloaded Action

Marketing Tag-line:
“Survival of the Fearless"

Owned By:
The Arcadia Network

Presiding Product Manager:
The Head of Programming for Arcadia, Jensen Tarver

Victor Page

Starting Capital:

Home base:
The Arcadia Production Lot; Sound Stage D (aka


Viewer Response/perception


World Ranking:



D+ across the United States; minus Puerto Rico (E+) and Hawaii (D-)

D+ in the Tri-State, D in 4 regions, D- in 4 regions, and E’s in Puerto Rico/Hawaii


The DOA Product

Key Feature(s):

Heavy Feature(s):
Cult and Risqué

Medium Feature(s):
Traditional, Mainstream, and Daredevil

Match Intensity:

Match Danger:

T & A Levels:

Face/Heel Divide:


I have revamped the DOA product slightly since Season One; entirely due to the fact that I was booking “Rapid Assault” much different than what was actually partaking within the results. The difference this year is that ‘Realism’ has been dropped from medium levels to low levels. In the end, the DOA is still more realistic than the SWF (as they are at a ‘very low’ level); however, less than TCW (who stands at a ‘medium’ level). In my mind, this seems more in-line with how the DOA evolved over the season; being able to focus more on the craziness of the action, characters, and scenarios, without being pigeon held by ‘reality’ exclusively. In ring action will still be as heavy-hitting as it was in the first season; however, now I feel the product resembles the DOA much better than what it was at a default level the first time around.


Also, now better knowing the definition of 'Traditional' from a product perspective, I have upped the overall level to that of 'medium' (versus low; where it use to be). In reality, the DOA is entirely about creating a gritty undertone centered around a 'graphic novel-esque' form of entertainment. With that in mind, such a bump seems more fitting as it adds a level of depth to the in-game mechanics as to how I book each show.


Televised Program

“Rapid Assault”




Taped on:

Airs on:

Time Slot:


Sound Stage D; aka


Real World Comparison

Deadly Overloaded Action is theoretically a fusion of Wrestling Society X (of MTV fame), TNA's X Division, and a gritty graphic novel. In a sense, it's a TV network owned wrestling program centered around fast-paced, high flying, action that is altogether encompassed by the blanketing depth that comes with most darker graphic novels.



1st Season:
April 2010 – August 2010;
676 Posts

2nd Season:
October 2010 – February 2011
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"D-O-A! D-O-A!"


The dynasty that got me into the writing business is back, baby. This is your true promotion as a writer, E-V...better than plain hardcore (PSW and ELITE) or Sports Entertainment (SWF). More like 4C, DOA is much better for you, to me. Why?


Because the conventional wisdom and booking styles of a PSW or a SWF that people have set in their minds while reading...is just not there. This is a 100% E-V personalized creation, no traditions or "the norm" to follow. Just your writing style, your characters, your storylines...all made by you.


DOA Season 1 first sparked my interest in this game from a dynasty writing point and my mark-ness for your creations. I'm glad to see it back.


Thanks again for your influence and comments in my AAFW '70s dynasty and best of luck with NEMESIS (!!!) and DOA's return.


Now I'm off to resurrect DOA: Australia. We're taking RAW down for good this time, Eisen-verse style. It's pretty fun, amazing product. And you're the inspiration, sir.



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"D-O-A! D-O-A!"


The dynasty that got me into the writing business is back, baby. This is your true promotion as a writer, E-V...better than plain hardcore (PSW and ELITE) or Sports Entertainment (SWF). More like 4C, DOA is much better for you, to me. Why?


I beg your pardon, sir? :mad: While Pitssburgh Steel Wrestling did indeed have hardcore matches under the Eisern-verse regime, it was never plain! *slap with a glove* I, sir, demand a duel!

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I beg your pardon, sir? :mad: While Pitssburgh Steel Wrestling did indeed have hardcore matches under the Eisern-verse regime, it was never plain! *slap with a glove* I, sir, demand a duel!


I meant to say a Hardcore company...I guess an E-V hardcore company was in name only, because nothing was "plain old" anything. My point was that DOA was more daredevil in nature than PSW and more like 4C.


I submit victory to you, sir. Hopefully I haven't shamed any readers or E-V himself.

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"D-O-A! D-O-A!"


The dynasty that got me into the writing business is back, baby. This is your true promotion as a writer, E-V...better than plain hardcore (PSW and ELITE) or Sports Entertainment (SWF). More like 4C, DOA is much better for you, to me. Why?


Because the conventional wisdom and booking styles of a PSW or a SWF that people have set in their minds while reading...is just not there. This is a 100% E-V personalized creation, no traditions or "the norm" to follow. Just your writing style, your characters, your storylines...all made by you.


DOA Season 1 first sparked my interest in this game from a dynasty writing point and my mark-ness for your creations. I'm glad to see it back.


Thanks again for your influence and comments in my AAFW '70s dynasty and best of luck with NEMESIS (!!!) and DOA's return.


Now I'm off to resurrect DOA: Australia. We're taking RAW down for good this time, Eisen-verse style. It's pretty fun, amazing product. And you're the inspiration, sir.




First off, that's crazy awesome that you created an Australia version of the DOA; very cool. I've said this before, but it's totally true: The single greatest thing to hear as a diary writer (at least for me) is to hear that you've inspired others to play as the company you're booking. With the DOA, I've heard this from a few different people & that seriously is an awesome thing to hear. So, with that in mind, trounce RAW for the sake of the DOA empire... ;)


As for DOA being my 'true promotion', I totally agree with you there. Maybe it's because, as you say, I created the entire landscape; so, I feel 100% invested in it all? Then again, it may be that I put in A LOT of pre-work before the first season in which to create a vibe for each character; ultimately giving them their own voice, feel, and perspective? Either way, I've never had so much fun as booking the DOA. To be honest, even as I was working with other companies and trying to do diaries, I was still booking the DOA in a personal game of mine that stretched out pretty far. While I don't plan on taking everything I did during that time, as I was more focused just on playing the game, I do plan on incorporating some of those ideas that I had in mind overall (ie: Johnny Vicious winning the DOA Championship at the close of the first season is one of those examples).


Overall, it's great to know that I, and this project exclusively, has influenced you enough to create your own DOA; and even start writing diaries in general. I've read through your AAFW project and I'm thoroughly enjoying the read (Dick is awesome! haha). Keep up the amazing work on your end & I'll do my best to make Season II and Iconic one. :D


I beg your pardon, sir? :mad: While Pitssburgh Steel Wrestling did indeed have hardcore matches under the Eisern-verse regime, it was never plain! *slap with a glove* I, sir, demand a duel!


I meant to say a Hardcore company...I guess an E-V hardcore company was in name only, because nothing was "plain old" anything. My point was that DOA was more daredevil in nature than PSW and more like 4C.


I submit victory to you, sir. Hopefully I haven't shamed any readers or E-V himself.


Good to see an old fashion duel within this thread; and so early at that. ;) ha.


I take absolutely no offense what so ever; as I know what you were getting at overall. With that said, I do really feel like the DOA product is much more in-line with my personal tastes as a wrestling fan. Sure, I was a huge ECW-mark back in the day but, at this point, I'm more of a high-paced, X-Division-like, fan overall. I would much rather watch talented, speedy, high flying, wrestlers than the likes of the overgrown, steroid pumped, traditional bodybuilder persona that has come to define the industry as a whole.


I think that's why I tend to have more fun with companies like DOA & 4C as the product is more what I like as a wrestling fan as well.

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Exactly my point. That's why, in real life, I'm a huge ROH, Chikara, and PWG fan. It's more impressive to me to see a guy hit an imploding 540 splash than a basic slam, but yet we still have the announcers treat it with the same effect of the 540. It just doesn't make sense! Used to love TNA for their X-Division. Now I have to sit and watch the WWF/WCW reunion specials with a hint of old ECW. I'd rather see a guy get built into a legend than watch a guy past his prime act like he can still perform well. Basically, give me more AJ Styles and Samoa Joe than Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff.


That makes DOA more appealing to me than the short SWF stint you had. Still read it, of course, but it didn't give me that true E-V feeling. 4C was looking strong, but things wear off eventually. But DOA is back! And Nemesis...always have wanted to write him.


As for AAFW and your continued support, your post after The Devastator unveiled his Booker to be his split personality was the single-most greatest response to any writing I've done. And I love that you're willing to read my stuff even if it isn't your C-Verse era. Trust me, I'm learning it. Wasn't even alive in 1977.


And for DOA: Australia...you should really consider playing a non-dynasty game there. The newness and the potential grips you, trust me. And we'll war with RAW until that mainstream garbage goes down! By the way, will DOA be at war with USPW in Season II?


Can't wait for your next post. DOA forever.



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The John Greed tenure ended abruptly in the middle of July 2010 (the 2nd week to be exact); leaving the DOA Empire to fear for it’s own existence amongst the turmoil within. With this in mind, Network executives quickly maneuvered the Season One Finale to one month later (the 2nd week of August 2010); pushing many outsiders to question their continued support for their conceptual attempt at Live-Action programming. Realistically, there was a strong opinion coming within the Network to do exactly that: Kill off Deadly Overloaded Action and leave it to rest in the ‘pastures’ of TV-land following the Season One Finale. However, this notion came to an abrupt ending itself as the Arcadia Network was finally able to land a more than suitable replacement in the Wrestling Legend, John “Nemesis” Campbell.


As the Season One finale aired, many ‘Dead-heads’ felt that this could be their final glimpse of the fading wrestling fad. With this in mind, you can only expect the mass hysteria that was generated by Campbell’s shocking debut in which to help the wildly popular, “Blazing Red Demon”, Johnny Vicious finally overcome a 5-month long battle with “The Voice of Reason”, Eric Tyler, and his ‘fortunate few’: “All the Kings Men”. As expected, his insurgence upon the DOA landscape brought a hefty response from fellow wrestling fans; influencing the Network to keep their ‘pet-project’ around for, at least, one more season.


Meanwhile, as this was all taking place behind the scenes, a lot had shifted in the final month of the first season. Here is a short synopsis of what we missed & how we came to this point:




The Network grows tired of “The Voice of Reason”


In one of the most shocking moments of the season, The Arcadia Network started to display a level of distrust with their employed consultant. After witnessing a blatant level of oppression for months, Network officials finally stepped in and intervened in favor of the epic hero that is Johnny Vicious. In review, the suits felt that Vicious wasn’t receiving a fair shake; citing Mr. Tyler’s personal vendetta as the reason for such a challenging path. In the end, the Network overstepped their consultants rule and offered Vicious the opportunity to, once again, via for the DOA Championship at the Season One finale; a fact that enraged “The Voice of Reason” greatly.


While the governing hand of the Network helped Vicious to garner the opportunity, Mr. Tyler was still able to, somehow, weasel his way into becoming the ‘special guest referee’ for said affair. This catch-22 mentality brought forth a lingering sense of extreme drama: Will Vicious be able to defeat Acid, Tyler’s personal choice for DOA Champion, if the referee is none other than the very man who hates him so? As we saw during the season finale, it didn’t really matter that Tyler was the referee as Vicious was able to overcome the odds; with help from Campbell. Sure, he may have been beaten within an inch of his life but, with the equalizing hand of Nemesis, Johnny Vicious ended the first DOA season with an absolute bang; opening Season II as the new DOA Champion!




”All the Kings Men” continue to overpower


While the Network started to doubt Mr. Tyler, his own band of favored competitors did not. Since their inception, the rag-tag alliance of Acid, Torment, Rayne Man, and the Elder Statesman, have been less about loyalty to each other & more about following the doctrine of the man in charge: Eric Tyler. Their alliance always seemed rather loose in nature, as they showed on many occasions not to really ‘trust’ one another outside of “The Voice of Reason”; however, their overall cohesiveness began to grow as the final month pushed forward. They may not be a well-oiled machine as one but they certainly are much stronger then they were before; especially as the Network started to impede upon Tyler’s rule. Instead of turning away, sensing his tenure may be closing, they banded together in which to follow their fearless leader with more fervor; adopting a “us against the world” mentality that actually proved to be quite unifying. Now, as Season II opens, many wonder if their budding faction will actually take another step back as it’s obvious that Nemesis is here to disrupt their rule; also seeing how they no longer hold the DOA Championship within their ranks.




The Tokyo Express become victims of a faceless force


For weeks leading up to the Season Finale, The DOA Death-Defying Duo Champions were victims of continuous backstage assaults; never quite seeing their attackers in the process. Assault after assault, the proud tandem found themselves pushed to the brink; challenging their own tranquil existence as the pressure began to mount. While their Buddhist mantra kept them grounded for the most part, there appeared to be cracks forming within their long-time alliance; as both started to question whether the other had something to do with the attacks. In the end, at the Season one finale, we finally discovered who had been behind the attacks for a month now; as the violators made their presence known through the form of an in-ring promo. The attackers were none other than
“The Moral Majority”
(Mainstream Hernandez and Citizen X); citing their differentiating views of the world around them as the reason for their assault (plus the titles as well). Now, as Season II opens, there’s no doubt that this cultural-clash will continue forward as these two Death-Defying Duo’s rage forward with a sense of bitter-hatred underneath it all.




Matty Sparrow and Greg Black have trust issues


As “All the Kings Men” continued to grow with strength, the DOA needed a few proud individuals to stand-up to their oppressive ways. This brought forth a short, but extremely volatile, alliance between Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow & Greg Black. From the start, these two men showed that they couldn’t really see ‘eye-to-eye’; constantly butting heads in, and out of, the ring despite needing to work as one against their foes. In the end, as Season I came to an end, Greg Black furthered his tweener mentality by attacking Matty Sparrow from behind during a tag-team match against the Tyler-led faction. Now, with both men coming back to the DOA “Dungeon”, there’s bound to be a hellacious battle forming between these two fan-favorites; as they both attempt to ‘bury the hatchet’ through an intensive grey-based war of good vs. good.




Steve Flash was finally forced to retire


After months of warring with himself, and Mr. Tyler, over a potential state of retirement, Steve Flash finally found himself forced into said predicament following a loss to the budding up-and-comer, “I am not a Role Model” Jay Chord. The victory instantly painted Chord as ‘the bad guy’ as many were truly invested in Flash’s veteran-based storyline; cheering for the ‘Rocky’ figure within it all. In the end, his loss was legit (even if he was forced into the match by “The Voice of Reason”), so many have come to accept that it was simply time for Flash to walk off into the sunset. Coming into Season II, however, Jay Chord is expected to be a much-heated individual; as he was the man who landed the final dagger in the career of the “King of New York”.


While these weren’t the ONLY storylines going on at the time, This is how we came to this point (ie: the month that was not documented through the first dairy). Hopefully, now, it will be much easier to follow the Second Season as the DOA finally explodes BACK onto your TV Screens (or in reality, computer screens for all of you)!



"Wrestling Entertainment in Revolt!"

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I meant to say a Hardcore company...I guess an E-V hardcore company was in name only, because nothing was "plain old" anything. My point was that DOA was more daredevil in nature than PSW and more like 4C.


I submit victory to you, sir. Hopefully I haven't shamed any readers or E-V himself.


*shakes hands*


Meh, I'm no hardcore fan myself. I was always a mark for cruiserweight, lucha libre, high-flying action, but E-V's work with PSW really touched me as a reader I guess. I did swear off of PSW after all. :p


Edit: Never mind, thanks E-V

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All right, so I just read through the original... It was pretty good. Good writing, above-average storylines were being developed, etc...


Just wasn't as good as PSW, though. You made this universe, E-V, but I'll be honest: It wasn't your best one. Maybe because I'm unfamiliar with much of the cast. Maybe because I'm a NYCW thug at heart and watching Steve Flash go 0-4 turned me off. Who knows? I'll still be reading this, because I know there's quality. But I won't be invested in it. :)

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By the way, will DOA be at war with USPW in Season II?


I've decided to leave these two at 'simmering tension', at this point, as the bulk of their 'WAR' was really started by John Greed overall. With that said, with 'Sammy Strung' making his return, I'm guessing that there will still be A LOT of animosity coming from the USPW-owner... :D


Good to have you back Eisen-Verse!


Thank you, Taker! It's much appreciated!


I am glad you decided to come back, but I will say that I like PSW slightly better than DOA. However, as long as you are back and happy everything is cool!


Understandable. PSW was, in itself, an Iconic venture when adding in the Greed scenario. In the end, the DOA offers me more playability as it can be approached more like a TV Show; adding in that this is the new season (meaning more freedom for me to do as I like). I will forever be in homage to the company that 'brought me to the dance' but I'm pretty excited to get this one rolling as well.


All right, so I just read through the original... It was pretty good. Good writing, above-average storylines were being developed, etc...


Just wasn't as good as PSW, though. You made this universe, E-V, but I'll be honest: It wasn't your best one. Maybe because I'm unfamiliar with much of the cast. Maybe because I'm a NYCW thug at heart and watching Steve Flash go 0-4 turned me off. Who knows? I'll still be reading this, because I know there's quality. But I won't be invested in it. :)


Fair enough. It's not your 'cup of tea' and I totally respect that.


For the first time, to be honest, I'm doing this diary for me; more so than anything else. Why? I really enjoyed my time with the DOA & really like this concept (TV episodes versus wrestling events) much more from a creative standpoint. As for Steve Flash going 0-4, that was done in which to further the storyline that I was trying to convey about him being 'past his prime'. He was suppose to always be inches from victory; however, unable to actually win since the other guys were just faster, stronger, and more fiery in the end. Believe me, I love Steve Flash just as much as the next guy but DOA was more about developing new, future, stars than keeping people like Flash on-top regardless of the overall vision.

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For the first time, to be honest, I'm doing this diary for me; more so than anything else. Why? I really enjoyed my time with the DOA & really like this concept (TV episodes versus wrestling events) much more from a creative standpoint.
And that's not a bad thing, that's a good thing. :p Enjoying yourself instead of burning out is something integral in wrestling. How many guys in WCW left or quit the business because they weren't having fun anymore and the pay just wasn't worth it?


As for Steve Flash going 0-4, that was done in which to further the storyline that I was trying to convey about him being 'past his prime'. He was suppose to always be inches from victory; however, unable to actually win since the other guys were just faster, stronger, and more fiery in the end.
Fair enough. I just didn't like seeing my guy lose. You mentioned Rocky up there. I am a Rocky mark as much as any other guy. Seeing the veteran make a comeback to slap the **** out of Jay Chord and his ilk is better in my opinion than seeing Jay Chord get built. Dude's a punk.


Believe me, I love Steve Flash just as much as the next guy but DOA was more about developing new, future, stars than keeping people like Flash on-top regardless of the overall vision.
Sod that. NYCW. We cultivate the older stars even worse than USPW. :D
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Fair enough. I just didn't like seeing my guy lose. You mentioned Rocky up there. I am a Rocky mark as much as any other guy. Seeing the veteran make a comeback to slap the **** out of Jay Chord and his ilk is better in my opinion than seeing Jay Chord get built. Dude's a punk.


Totally understandable. I get the same way when I see people job out, or relatively downgrade, Teddy Powell as he's become one of my favorite characters to write for. That said, Steve Flash was never really brought in to do anything more than be the catalyst of the 'aging superstar' storyline. Realistically, if I had moved on with the first season a little longer, I was planning on having him rebound slightly; showing that he could keep up despite being advanced in age versus the rest of the roster. However, in the end, I felt it was better to give Jay Chord the rub by defeating Flash & casting him retired (at least... for now...).


I agree with you on marking over the Rocky mentality; however, I tend to always deter toward realism. To me, it was more interesting, and unique, to tell the story of an aging superstar where there were no 'hollywood endings'. Sure, a rebounding veteran can make for a great story, a really great one in fact, but with Flash I felt it was more interesting to go this route. In the end, he was used to flesh out Eric Tyler's character a little more & ultimately give Jay Chord the hated persona that everyone would come to accept; seeing how he was the man who finally rid DOA of Flash all together.


In a sense, while it won't sound popular to Flash-marks (as I am one typically), he was a 'tool' from a storytelling perspective.


I tend to push the man to the moon in most personal games, and he also gets quite the rub from the diary-world, so I found it more refreshing to go another route. However, I do respect the love for the man.


But I am also wondering if Totally Supreme will be making a showing in Season 2.


I don't want to give too much away, as the 'cast listing' for season II is the next post due up, but I'll bring you a sense of calm in knowing that the whole "Totally Supreme" scenario will be back for another go-around. Dick Eyezen, Tom Kornell, and Sammy Strung will all litter "Rapid Assault" with their pinky & the brain-esque mantra of 'taking over the world [of pro wrestling]'. :D

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… Explosive …

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… Gritty …

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Deadly Overloaded Action is the optimal destination for those searching for a legacy predicated on embracing innovation versus accepting continuous mediocrity. In all reality, the pro wrestling industry has come to a moment of unbreakable upheaval. Gone are the days of your daddy’s wrestling stars, slow and overweight, as we usher in a new generation of competitors. These men listed below, while much smaller than your typical preconceived notion of what makes up a successful pro-wrestler, are the momentous wave of the future; the leaders of a new revolution.


These men are athletic, fearless, driven, brutish, and, in some cases, even suicidal, as the dawn of a new era takes hold; one that soars in the skies rather than trots on the ground.


These are the
of Deadly Overloaded Action…





  • Acid

  • American Elemental

  • Antonio Maxi Marquez

  • Cannonball Funk

  • Carl Batch

  • Citizen X

  • Davis Ditterich

  • Dick Eyezen

  • Donnie Jackson

  • Donte Dunn

  • Eric Tyler

  • Eugene Williams

  • Frankie Perez

  • Greg Black

  • Insane Machine

  • Johnny Vicious


  • LL Shuga Shark

  • Mainstream Hernandez

  • Matty Sparrow

  • Mikey James

  • Nemesis

  • OTA

  • Prudence

  • Sammy Strung

  • Sara Silver

  • Shawn Gonzalez

  • Teddy Powell

  • The Guru

  • The Prophet

  • Tom Kornell

  • Torment

  • Violet


I've decided to create a simple listing of those cast members for the second season of DOA: "Rapid Assault". My reasoning for doing so is that, as this season goes along, I plan on adding random 'DOA warrior reviews' (much like I did with my previous projects) so that each character is fleshed out over-time; instead of all at once. Those who've read my DOA projects in the past already have an idea about these characters; however, there will probably be some details unknown to even the most excited 'dead-heads' (readers).


As time goes on, I plan on adding links from this page to the character reviews so that there is a 'one-stop-shop' for understanding each cast member on their own. Again, this will be somewhat random; so, it will take some time to flesh all of these characters out. That said, I feel this is probably the best way to go about it.




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… We are… Deadly Overloaded Action …

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"Wrestling Entertainment in Revolt!"

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