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Arcadia presents... Deadly Overloaded Action || "Wrestling Entertainment in Revolt!"

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If you've got some descriptions or anything for this, I'm happy to try and whack a few custom renders together for you E-V. I feel I kinda owe for the liberty to use some of your ideas in my proposed, but yet to appear dynasty. ;)

I shot you a PM with my character and like sebsplex said, if you need any renders for this project just let me know. :)


Thank you both for throwing your services into the 'ring'. So far, I'm going to leave the character development up to those readers who are interested in putting something together. With that in mind, I wouldn't really need much in the line for any new renders myself; at least. With that said, if the turnout is somewhat low (which we're doing pretty good thus far) then I may need to create a character or two in which to compete as well. In that case, I may come a-calling. ;)


You both are amazing at developing your renders; so, to just have you on-board in some way/shape/or form is awesome to know. It's much appreciated.


Oh and I've been keenly following the return of DOA. Haven't commented yet as I thought I'd wait till you found your feet with it a bit more, but I will say that I'm enjoying the brewing conflict thus far.


Why thank you, Mr. Sebs. :D


It certainly may take a show, or two, more in which to finally feel 'comfy' again but I'm slowly starting to see where my stride could max-out soon. That said, I've focused the show primarily around that budding conflict you're talking about since it gives the more 'TV-Show-esque' feeling to it all. In the end, I believe, it will not only prove to be entertaining from a Tyer/Nemesis fashion but will also give the youngsters an ability to play a part in it all; cementing their own rise to relevancy.


Good to know you're reading though! As I've said before, commenting is great; however, if I know that people are reading then it's not always needed. Now, if there were no comments and no one was reading, that would be another thing all together. ha.

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NEWS: DOA/Arcadia looking to evolve; "...a new era is upon us."

2nd Week of September 2010


The roaring wave of evolution has recently gripped Deadly Overloaded Action; bringing forth a potentially gripping new era in the Arcadia-developed wrestling program! Our unnamed, inside, voice within the revolutionary DOA braintrust claims that the Network is on the verge of cultivating an ‘all-hands-on-deck’ mentality shortly following their celebrated Season II premiere. When asked why such a change was imminent, our insider was quick to respond; relaying this message in a confident tone.


“Network officials feel that now is the time to place an ‘all-hands-on-deck’ approach to the rest of Season II. The industry is on the rise, the economy is slowly starting to rebound, and Arcadia is looking to capitalize on such a rising undertone by developing a sound wrestling program. We feel that, despite having three major companies already in the U.S. market, the DOA: “Rapid Assault” empire has room to grow.”


When asked when this change came into effect, our unnamed insider was quoted stating:


“When John [Nemesis] came on board. Arcadia wanted him bad; they felt he was the only ‘free-agent’ out there that could completely change the program’s fortune all together. We’ve added some pieces since then, made plans to make some changes, and now we feel very confident that, going forward, ‘sky is the limit’.”


In closing, we grilled him about the upcoming season of ‘So… You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?”. With so much buzz circulating around the show’s return, we wanted further answers about their plans in general. This is what he had to say in return:


“We’re all really excited about what may happen with this show. We’ve got some great talent coming up. Honestly, any one of these guys could really make an impact on the DOA as a whole. In the end, it’ll be up to the ‘dead-heads’ to decide who they want part of the program.”


In the end, when asked about the potential ‘cuts’ coming from the Arcadia-led program, our insider had little to say; simply stating he hadn’t heard much yet on the matter. With that said, there are rumors coming from within the Network that a slight wave of talent releases may be on the verge of taking place. Either way, it appears that Arcadia is hell-bent on projecting the DOA empire to the heavens; inadvertently challenging the “Big Three” in a war based upon who can relay the best Wrestling product to the wrestling-starving masses.

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Season II:
Episode #3

Location: The "DOA Dungeon"

Run-time: 60 Minutes






THE most explosive form of live-action entertainment makes it’s return to the Arcadia network this fall as Deadly Overloaded Action: “Rapid Assault” resurfaces for a volcanic second season! All your favorite personas will return to the “DOA Dungeon” with one goal in mind, unadulterated mutiny of all-things Mainstream wrestling, as this cult-phenomenon continues to rage forward with their revolution of choice. Bodies will be broken, careers will be shortened, and minds will crumble viciously under the immense pressure that comes with the DOA Banner; however, the ultimate opportunity for unquestioned dominance will continue to stand for those strong-enough to separate from the pack.


In an industry chalked full of the aged, the uninspired, the overweight, the overtly safe, and the mind numbingly bland, Deadly Overloaded Action steps forth as the true ‘agent of innovation’; pushing the industrial, as well as the human body/mind, to the absolute extreme!


While they may not entirely stand ‘as one’, the cast of Season II will continue to push the boundaries of what’s deemed as acceptable, both in-and-out-of the ring itself, in which to ignite the dwindling flame of an underground revolution. The unknown, the unseen, the forgotten, the hell-bent, the hell-inspired, the adrenaline junkies, the suicidal, and the all-around arrogant will call the “Dungeon” home this season; overtaking your Thursdays nights with a level of action so combustible that it’s been delegated into the darkness.


This is Deadly Overloaded Action. We
Wrestling Entertainment in Revolt!










The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority
w/ Prudence

[DOA Death-Defying Duo Championships Match]


Davis Ditterich:
This week’s episode of DOA: “Rapid Assault” will practically explode off of your TV screen as the Death-Defying Duo Championships will be on the line in our opening bout! You can bet everything with this one, Batch, that both duos will be geared up for an absolute WAR! These guys really hate eachother…

Carl Batch:
They really do, Dee. The network got it right this week though and placed a No-DQ stipulation around their match-up. Honestly, if it were another regular match, I’m sure these cats would have ended up in the same exact manner as last week!

Davis Ditterich:
It’s quite possible; especially when, as you say, there is so much hatred stemming between these two duos.
All in all, I can’t wait for this one! Can the Tokyo Express continue to roll over the Death-Defying Duo Division – OR – will the utterly controversial, often polarizing, tandem of The Moral Majority finally achieve their destiny: Claiming the titles as their own?
[slight pause; growing with excitement]
Good God, this should be one hell of a battle!!




Torment © vs. Matthew Keith

[DOA Chokeout Championship Match]

[Chokeout Division Match - Submission Match]


Davis Ditterich:
For those who have been living under a rock for the last two weeks, you’ve missed the triumphant return of one, Matthew Keith, to the DOA Landscape. After being forced out of the program during Season One, it seems that Keith is fixated on gaining revenge; zeroing in on Mr. Tyler, the man who pushed him to lose his job previously, as his no. 1 target!

Carl Batch:
Can you blame the kid?
Either way, this isn’t the Matthew Keith I remember in the slightest. This whole scenario has really played a number on his psyche.
[shakes his head]
That said, this cat is well on his way to gaining some DOA Gold. Honestly, unless Tyler can force his hand once again, my money is on the young shooter.

Davis Ditterich:
We can only hope, Batch. Torment has been a dominant champion, one worthy of the crown, but this match-up means so much more to Matthew Keith. Winning the DOA Chokeout Championship would be the ultimate ‘F-U’ to the “Voice of Reason”.
[slight Pause]
A victory this week would certainly cement the young Keith as a prime-time player; no doubt!

Carl Batch:
It’s the truth, Dee. With a win this week, Matthew will finally find himself on the main-stage of the DOA. That said, he’ll also become a heavy target of Mr. Tyler in the process…

Davis Ditterich:
Realistically, isn’t he already? “The Voice of Reason” wants to shut this kid up. He wants to simply push him aside; continuing the notion that Keith is no longer a competitor here in the DOA; even though we know that to be false!

Carl Batch:
I can’t argue with you there. Ole’ Eric looks like he wants nothing to do with the youngster; but sadly for him and his champion, the network has granted Matthew a second opportunity for the Chokeout Championship. Let’s hope, this time around, it ends up as a fair fight…



”The Latin Dream“ Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. “Peerless“ Greg Black

[singles Match]


Davis Ditterich:
It was only a week ago that Greg Black found himself face down, delirious, and without a self-made victory, all due to the oppressive hand of one, Eric Tyler. Just as it looked like the "Peerless one" was on the verge of escaping the "torture chamber", "The Voice of Reason" was seen slamming the unforgiving steel door square into the unsuspecting head of Greg Black! In a second, his chance to stand atop the rest was violently ripped away from him; forced into a state of fantasy as "The Voice of Reason" showed EXACTLY why he cannot be trusted with the DOA's best intentions. Now, a week later, Greg Black looks to overcome such a diminishing scenario by squaring-off against the hottest up-and-coming performer in Deadly Overloaded Action history; "The Latin Dream" Antonio Maxi Marquez! Will Black be physically healthy enough in which to compete at a high level? If not, Marquez's blinding speed may be a tough force to match-up with...

Carl Batch:
Greg Black is a consummate competitor; there's no way he won't bring everything to the table this week! 100% or not, he's "Peerless" for a reason. 'Aint nothing going to hold him down; not this cat.

Davis Ditterich:
True but this won't be your run-of-the-mill kind of scenario. "The Latin Dream" is being billed as a 'once in a lifetime talent'! While such a lofty nature may sink others, I think this kid really has the ability to be something special. Honestly, If Black isn't 100%...
[shakes his head; sighs in the process]
I don't know... I Just don't see him coming away with a win. I mean, did you see the force of that door slamming into Greg's head? He's lucky he didn't have a career ending injury at that point. Tough, focused, or not, Greg Black has one hell of a challenge before him....

Carl Batch:
I'm not doubting that at all, Dee. I just don't see Greg Black ever giving anything less than perfection. This cat has wrestled in the spotlight, main evented major events, and now is looking to obtain the only thing that he truly cares about: The DOA Championship. With such a focus, I don't see how he would even allow a loss to spring up against Marquez. The basic fear of falling behind, of being left in the dark, unable to garner another title shot, is the very thing that will drive him to greatness. Mark my words, Dee. "Peerless" Greg Black will show us all EXACTLY why he's been given such a highly touted name.

Davis Ditterich:
That could very well be possible... Either way, it's going to be one hell of a match-up...







Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon“ Vicious © vs. Acid

[DOA Championship Match]

[Network decree: Nemesis & Eric Tyler have been named as joint, special guest, referees.]


Davis Ditterich:
The Season II premiere brings you a drop-down, drag-out, high octane kind of match-up between two of the biggest names in DOA history!! The former DOA Champion, and “All the kings Men” member, Acid looks to regain his coveted position atop Deadly Overloaded Action; however, first he must overcome the smooth-styling of one, “Peerless” Greg Black! This one is bound to be an explosive affair!!

Carl Batch:
My money’s on Acid. This monster has practically made the DOA his b*tch for the last 6 months; why would you bet against that? When push comes to shove, their ‘aint no one that can step to Acid; no one at all!

Davis Ditterich:
While he has been an unstoppable powerhouse up until now, his intense grip on the DOA-landscape may be starting to slip. A lot is changing at this point; a lot of uncertainty all together. If there was a moment for a sense of change, now would be the time!

Carl Batch:
I hear ya but I’m not feelin’ it. Change or no change, Acid is one bad-mamma-jamma, ya feel? When you take that, and factor in “All the Kings Men”, there’s a good chance that Black won’t know what hit him!











After lengthy speculation, inspiring the rabid internet pro wrestling community into a slight sense of information-hungry chaos, another former DaVE standout will grace Deadly Overloaded Action this week on "Rapid Assault". The widely celebrated recluse, "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez, will make his highly anticipated DOA Dungeon debut after coming to a contractual agreement earlier this past week. With such a hectic tone already forming between other former DaVE enemies, Eric Tyler & Nemesis, many have come to wonder where Gonzalez's allegiance may fall in the grand scheme of the scenario at hand? In the end, knowing Shawn's natural 'loner' mentality, the real question may be: how will the superstars presence ultimately be manipulated by the warring enemies already present? As this week comes to a close, it's best to expect that little will be answered; however, more questions may arise from what is bound to happen...




Also, "The Voice of Reason" has vowed to 'violently shake-up' the landscape he's built for himself within Deadly Overloaded Action. For months now, "All the Kings Men" have been projected as Mr. Tyler's 'chosen few'; receiving preferential treatment in return for their unabashed dedication to his self-absorbed cause. Now, with the stakes at an all-time high, Mr. Tyler has made it quite apparent that he will not 'accept weakness' from those he perceives as 'lucky enough' to carry his banner. Whether such an alliance should truly be seen as a profound opportunity, or simply a one-sided relationship hellbent on furthering "The Voice of Reason's" rule alone, the truth of the matter is: their grizzled leader may be on the verge of a volcanic purge; removing those he deems as 'disposable' in which to strengthen his diminishing strangle-hold of the DOA in general. Whose head, if not heads, will roll this week on "Rapid Assault"? Also, will we see new alliances form now that Mr. Tyler has coined a new direction under the name: "The Army of Reason"? Tune in this Thursday to find out!!







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Episode #3 [Quick Picks]


The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority

Torment © vs. Matthew Keith

“The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. “Peerless” Greg Black

Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon“ Vicious © vs. Acid
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The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority

Title won't change hands yet I don't think

Torment © vs. Matthew Keith

Pecker Wrecker may have something to do with this or will Tyler turn IDK!

“The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. “Peerless” Greg Black

He's not quite ready yet

Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon“ Vicious © vs. Acid

All hell breaks loose

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Glad to see you back!


The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority

Torment © vs. Matthew Keith

“The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. “Peerless” Greg Black

Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon“ Vicious © vs. Acid


I don't see a need for any of your champions to lose at this show but I could be wrong and if there is a title change I would welcome it as I am sure most poeple would.

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The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority

-I kind of feel there's more to do with the Tokyo Express chasing the belts than holding them right now.


Torment © vs. Matthew Keith

-Outside interference costs Keith yet again.


“The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. “Peerless” Greg Black

-As great as Antonio could be, I think at this moment in time, he's lower on the totem pole than Black


Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon“ Vicious © vs. Acid

- I can't see Vicious losing the title yet.

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The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority

-I kind of feel there's more to do with the Tokyo Express chasing the belts than holding them right now.


Torment © vs. Matthew Keith

-Outside interference costs Keith yet again.


“The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. “Peerless” Greg Black

-As great as Antonio could be, I think at this moment in time, he's lower on the totem pole than Black


Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon“ Vicious © vs. Acid

- I can't see Vicious losing the title yet.


Have to say I agree with Arogues picks and his reasons behind them.

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The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority


In keeping with my never pick Ota to win (okay I do pick him to win once and a while) I shall go with MM here.


Torment © vs. Matthew Keith


“The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. “Peerless” Greg Black


Black seems to be the one getting the bigger push here.


Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon“ Vicious © vs. Acid

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Just made my way back to the GDS world and was excited to see that you gave the DOA another shot EV! After your recent burnouts it's nice to see that you seem happy with the DOA. As I read somewhere in this thread before Deadly Overloaded Action is really your best work. It's your strongest point of legacy so far.




Episode #3 [Quick Picks]


The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority

MM might win but I'm thinking you may drag this one out a little longer.


Torment © vs. Matthew Keith

Eric Tyler helps Torment to get the win. That is if you don't have Torment get kicked out of Tyler's group during his fall cleaning session.


“The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. “Peerless” Greg Black

This one is easy even though I love Champagne Lover. Greg Black is the bigger superstar by far.


Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon“ Vicious © vs. Acid

He won't drop the title this soon.

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[- "PLAY" VIDEO -]


[The constant interjection of banging steel is heard in the background as a number of nameless Arcadia employees fixate upon a daunting restoration development within the network-owned sound stage; a place we’ve come to know as “The DOA Dungeon”. While this gruff, blue-collar, image is what’s focused upon at first, the investigative camera lens slowly pulls its focus away from such a scenario; now blurring the background as we witness “Peerless” Greg Black seated outside of his own lush locker room.


While the former Supreme standout is shown ‘coming down’ from the night’s proceedings, signifying that such a moment is being captured after the most recent episode of “Rapid Assault”, there appears to be something weighting upon him internally. The ‘larger-than-life’ mentality we’ve come to know for the “Peerless One” is simply stripped away. Instead, we are left with the image of a frustrated individual; reeling with an edgy-nature following such a chaotic close of the “Rapid Assault” broadcast.


With a hefty gash shown resting in a less-than-glorious fashion, given to him by the swinging steel door of the “Torture Chamber”, a strike administered by “The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler, Black is seen detached; not making eye contact with the camera lens as he begins to speak in a frustrated tone.]


”Peerless” Greg Black:
I was told that Deadly Overloaded Action would be different; that the “Dungeon” would stand for more than this. “It’s nothing like you’ve ever seen, Greg. The DOA is it’s own entity entirely.”
[He states in a mocking-like tone; chuckling to himself in a frustrated fashion afterward]
Right. You see, I’ve seen this before and I know how it ends.
[shakes his head; still looking away from the lens]
Eric Tyler, Nemesis, Acid, Powell, Batch… The names go on.
[shakes his head]
These men were given a chance to carry their own revolution and they failed. They crashed-and-burned and now they’re looking to impose the same crap on the DOA.


[The camera lens continues to come in, and out of, focus; however, the main image we see is that of Greg Black before us. It’s obvious that he’s grown frustrated, somewhat of a malcontent, as the influence of DaVE is starting to really wear upon him.]


”Peerless” Greg Black:
It doesn’t matter who it is, where their supposed allegiance lies, or whether or not they really give a damn about the DOA in general: they are here for one thing only… To further a cause that should have collapsed years ago.
[Looks into the camera lens; fiery in a way]
DaVE died for a reason… So, why are we carrying their lifeless weight? This war… This bull-sh*t between Tyler and Nemesis has nothing to do with this company… And yet, we’re forced to watch it take over OUR time; threatening OUR ability to ascend where they could not. This sh*t needs to end…


[shakes his head; looking away as he looks as if he’s truly annoyed with what’s happening.]


”Peerless” Greg Black:
And now I hear we’ve signed “The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez…
[He proclaims in a mocking-type fashion; rolling his eyes]
When will this sh*t end? Honestly? I didn’t sign with Deadly Overloaded Action in which to be pushed aside by another punk-a$$-b*tch who is years passed his prime.
[shakes his head]
Arcadia… You betta get your act straight or else you’ll leave me with no choice. If you’re going to keep the “Peerless One” in the shadows, making way for another DaVE reject, then I’ll see to it that I do the very thing that must be done. Not for you, not for the DOA, but for me…
[Looks deep into the lens; smirks and then chuckles to himself in an arrogant manner]
I’ll force “Rapid Assault” into a “Black-Out”; including your touted DaVE hasbeens.
[shakes his head; smirks]
Why? Because I’m peerless… and you b*tches have nothin’ on me…


[With that, the segment comes to a close with an obviously frustrated Greg Black forcibly rising from his former perch; exiting the scene as he arrogantly struts into the background. With time, the camera lens loses focus all together; losing Black amongst the hazed cloud brought forth by such a shooting practice as focal-point drawing.]



[- THE END -]

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Just made my way back to the GDS world and was excited to see that you gave the DOA another shot EV! After your recent burnouts it's nice to see that you seem happy with the DOA. As I read somewhere in this thread before Deadly Overloaded Action is really your best work. It's your strongest point of legacy so far.


Thank you for the kind words, CZCW. :D


The DOA has certainly been one of my strong points as a writer; however, I still need to find my stride with this project (I'll be honest). I'm doing my best to ignite this company-wide storyline, which is taking quite some time & effort, while also staying true to how the DOA felt in the first season (Giving the young workers their ability to shine). Overall, It's a great challenge to have as I really believe in the DOA as a product, company, message, outlook, etc.


As for 'legacy', that word often makes me feel uncomfortable regardless of what realm it comes within. With that said, thank you for making such a statement. Getting into the "Hall of Fame" this year was a dream come true. Honestly, I've been around these boards since 2007 (and a lurker for a year before that); so, it's great to know that my username will always live on; even long after I'm gone (as in, when I decide to end my writing projects). All in all, I'm really hoping to make Season II an insane one! :D


Thanks for reading/predicting (to all of you).





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Just wanted to give everyone a head's up that
the deadline for character/contestant creation is this wednesday morning, 12 AM CST
. I hope this doesn't look like a simple 'bump', as it's not, but I just wanted to give everyone a reminder; that way we can maybe add a few more names as it. As we stand right now, I have 9 contestants waiting in the wings. That said, I'm hoping to have around 10-12 overall by the deadline. So, if you want to take part in the second season of "So... You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?" then make sure to put your work in today on a potential character (via a PM).


In the end, the thread for "So... You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?" will be created following the deadline & the show will slowly pull out of the gate from there.




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Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell + Violet

… “There will be blood”; Violet threatens Arcadia …

[“Cyber Clash” opens in a dimly-lit, insanely haunting, space within the confines of an undisclosed location. Within this mysterious space is the shadowed image of Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell and his consistently violent manager, Violet. While their presence is menacing alone, the overall message relayed is much more fear-driving than a mere snarl. In a short statement, Violet projects the narrative that the Arcadia network continues to oppress Powell; casting him to the side as they wrongfully focus on the lesser beings of the DOA. With this in mind, this unsettling statement comes to a close with the lasting thought being: Teddy Powell, as well as Violet, will embark upon a violent overthrow; focused on up heaving the current, as they claim ‘backward’, approach to booking in the DOA. In the end, while some may simply write them off as extremists, a truly uncomfortable vibe continues to resonate from these two, resident, psychopaths. One rooted in an aggressive sense of desperation.]


Grade: D-


Sara Silver:
I know there are a lot of people who claim Teddy Powell has lost it; that he’s finally ‘snapped’ after years of being pushed aside for others. Realistically, I didn’t think it was all that bad until SHE came along.
Violet has finally given the bitter, and jaded, Powell a voice; a voice spewing from the depths of the human experience. Will these two actually make-good on their threats? No one really knows for sure. Not even them; I bet. With that said, based solely on common sense, would YOU dare cast him aside; after all of this?
[Pauses; shakes her head in disbelief]
This man may do exactly as he says… and then what? I shudder to think what may come of this…




Donnie “Action“ Jackson vs. Donte Dunn

[singles Match]

The ruckus collection of ‘dead-heads’ within the DOA Dungeon don’t appear to really care for Donte Dunn all that much. Despite being the historic, first, winner of the Arcadia-led wrestling talent search, “So… You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?”, it seems as if the overtly vocal DOA fan base isn’t all that impressed; somewhat bored of him already. With that said, as expected, Donnie “Action” Jackson continues to put his best foot forward; picking up, yet another, victory on “Cyber Clash”. As Dunn staggers upward, attempting to regain his composure following a flipping closeline from Jackson, “Action” Jackson is shown forcing his semi-conscious opponent into a match-ending Piledriver; an “Action-packed Piledriver” (Leaping, cradled, Piledriver) to be exact!


Donnie “Action” Jackson defeats Donte Dunn in 3:38 via an “Action-packed Piledriver” (Leaping, cradled, Piledriver).

Grade: E+


Sara Silver:
“Action” Jackson continues to impress; picking up another victory over a struggling up-and-comer! On a sadder note, it appears as if Donte Dunn is really having an uphill battle here in Deadly Overloaded Action. He was the ‘talk of the town’ at the end of Season One; however, he continues to struggle. Now, it looks like the ‘dead-heads’ are starting to turn on him as well; growing tired of his consistent failures. Can the youngster turn it all around or will he find himself out of the DOA far before we see the second season come to a close? I guess we’ll have to see…




The Prophet

… “I cometh“; Interjected Promo…

[shortly following our first match-up, it appears that your computer screen is having some sort of technical issue. The pictures before you begin to violently shake, everything grows rather fuzzy, and the sound of Sara Silver’s voice slowly descends into a heavy, computer-like, base tone. With your monitor now in disarray, a faded image starts to take form; tearing through the haze in which to display itself before your eyes. As time continues to climb, and the image becomes more visible, we now perceive the figure to be none other than, The Prophet. In a short promo, The Prophet proclaims that he will grace the Dungeon next week on “Cyber Clash”; making his in-ring debut official. While this sounds rather simplistic for a philosophical mastermind, he goes on to convolute the message with the notion of an Armageddon-like war on the horizon for the DOA. In the end, he claims that only the ‘lucky’ will survive & most will perish within the confines of such ‘hell’. In the end, as he’s shown peering deeply into the camera lens like the evil incarnate himself, the scenario comes to an abrupt end; going back to the “cyber clash” as if nothing ever happened. In turn, with such a form of guerilla-like presentation, we all begin to question our own sanity: did that really just happen?]


Grade: C+


Sara Silver:
It appears that we‘ve had some technical difficulties; we apologize for this. It looks like everything is squared away and ready to go now!…




Frankie Perez
w/ Mikey James
vs. Tom Kornell
w/ Dick Eyezen & Sammy Strung

[singles Match]

Last week’s webisode saw these two men entangled within a bitter tag team war; one that finally came to an end through the dubious hands (more fittingly, the beer bottle within the hand) of one, Sammy Strung. With this in mind, with so much hatred brewing between both duos, there is an air of extreme rage circulating within the squared circle. In the end, after a hotly contested match-up, Frankie Perez gains a sense of redemption for his disciplined duo; scoring a standard call of submission from his opponent, Tom Kornell, while utilizing a back-breaking camel-clutch. It should be noted that Dick Eyezen, and Sammy Strung, looked to break such a submission; however, were later detoured as Mikey James made his presence known; flooring both of them in the process.


Frankie Perez defeats Tommy Kornell in 7:11 via a camel-clutch submission hold.

Grade: D+


Sara Silver:
Sara Silver:
After last weeks debacle, Frankie Perez is able to gain a sense of revenge; overcoming the comical “Totally Supreme” duo in which to stand victorious. If anything, this week goes to show you exactly how crazed this division really is. While it was designated as a singles match, that scenario quickly came to unravel as it seemed like EVERYONE wanted a piece of one another. Despite all of this, Perez wins in convincing fashion; bringing their heated rivalry to a center point.
That‘s it for this week on “Cyber Clash“! Make sure to tune in next week as we bring you the ONLY wrestling program centered exclusively for the Internet!













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DOA: "Cyber Clash" is a web-based program uploaded to the DOA's website on Wednesday following the taping for "Rapid Assault" on tuesday (the night before said post). The footage for this webisode is taken from the 'dark matches/angles' that are booked before the official opening of "Rapid Assault" & is used as another way to relay wrestling entertainment through the usage of modern media; which is something that a Network-run wrestling promotion would look to utilize in my mind.
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When to expect Episode #3 of "Rapid Assault":

I'm currently halfway through writing Episode #3 at this point & expect the overall product to be up sometime by the end of the weekend; monday at the latest most likely. Honestly, I think I say this with every episode, but this one has really been a real labor of love. Some dramatic changes are in order, a debuting worker makes his presence known, and the Nemesis/Tyler feud powers through with new information being brought forth (hint: Mr. Tyler's contract gives him special rights in the DOA). With all of this in mind, and knowing what's left in store to write, I honestly feel that this show could go down as one of my better written shows of all-time. Not going to lie. This isn't me floating my own boat but rather me, as a writer, relaying something I'm very happy/proud with.


All in all, I just wanted to give my readers a heads up about when to expect the show.





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[Time to head back to the DOA.com website. As the link is clicked on, a video begins to play that is brought to the full screen. The logo for 'A View From A Hawk's Eye' is shown and then we are brought inside the studio where Scott Hawkes is sitting within a more comfortable chair than he had last week. He looks over to the camera and gives a confident smile.]


Scott Hawkes

"Good day ladies and gentlemen and welcome to A View From A Hawk's Eye. My name is Scott Hawkes and this week I have some very special guests. These two men just came off a double countout match against the DOA Death Defying Duo Champions. Quite frankly, everyone saw that they were the superior tag team. Please welcome Mainstream Hernandez and Citizen X along with Prudence: The Moral Majority."


[The camera draws back to show two chairs waiting for the team of the Moral Majority along with a pillow on the ground obviously for Prudence. When they all come in, Scott rises from his seat and offers handshakes to both men; a situation that they freely accept. All in all, as the controversial extremists take their seat, exuding an almost palpable sense of arrogance, it becomes rather obvious that Mr. Hawkes is a stead-fast fan of the trio; relaying a sly smirk upon his face as if he were in the presence of true greatness.]


[As Prudence sits at their side, obviously shown as a lesser-being within their zealot-based faction, Mainstream Hernandez is heard responding to Mr. Hawke's favorable introduction.]


Mainstream Hernandez

"Thank you for having us, Scott. The choirs above will certainly sing your praises in return."


[A calm, yet unsettling, smirk forms upon the duo's face; one that stretches across to Mr. Hawkes as well.]


Scott Hawkes

"Thank you, Mr. Hernandez. As I am sure that you and your partner are aware, this is the show where we ask the hard-hitting questions and we pull no punches when it comes to the wrestlers here. Obviously, you and your partner, Citizen X, are the two most moral and upright professional wrestlers in DOA and dare I say it the world of professional wrestling. So, let's begin this interview speaking about your firm moral beliefs. Fill in the unenlightened on your cause here in DOA."


[scott leans back in his chair, looking truly impressed by the presence of the Moral Majority, taking in every single word spoken by the two men though he does have a bit of an eye for Prudence as well.]


[As Mr. Hawkes watches on, obviously eager for an answer, Mainstream Hernandez is seen relaying a confident smirk; one that presents him in a truly smug manner all together.]


Mainstream Hernandez

"We are the beaming light within the shroud of darkness. The spotless mirror projecting the inner-truth behind your wicked ways. The 'chosen few', the 'eternally love', who are dedicated to the word."


[Just then, Hernandez is seen leaning forward in his chair; looking Hawkes in the eye as his smug demeanor grows stronger.]


Mainstream Hernandez

"Simply put, we are the soldiers of his Wrath; carrying out a doctrine of destruction as we continually rid this god-forsaken hell-hole from those who incessantly stain the human existence."


[As Hernandez slowly leans back into his chair, relaying an utter sense of divine arrogance, Citizen X is now heard interjecting.]


Citizen X

"We've been chosen, elevated from the wicked, in which to purify the, often, plagued world of Pro Wrestling. This industry is chalked full of addicts, psychopaths, fiends, and the everyday SINNER. As my brother states, we have been sent here to carry out his orders: To cleanse the demonic; using Deadly Overloaded Action as our divine battlefield."


[Their posture is quite calm; however, their faces speak of those detached from reality. While they project themselves as quite 'well put together', purists if you will, their true personalities tend to ring closer to that of an obsessive fan; only in this case the person they worship is a vengeful GOD. None the less, as Prudence continues to cower, seated upon her dainty pillow at their feet, "The Moral Majority" continue to relay a narrative bent on an excessive zealot-like nature.]


[Hawkes looks a little unsettled. His eyes showing that he has a few sins of his own to account for. But he looks back up to both Citizen X and Mainstream Hernandez, trying to ignore the presence of Prudence though she is very difficult for a red-blooded American male to ignore.]


Scott Hawkes

"We are lucky to have you here in DOA, gentlemen. You can lead us all on that path of righteousness, especially those boys who call themselves our Death Defying Duo tag team Champions. Please talk about your recent matchup with them and the rematch that is coming up soon."


[That definitely is an important topic, right? Tag Team gold does not come along very often and these men have a second chance at winning the belts.]


[upon hearing such a question, Citizen X is heard instantly interjecting his hardened opinion of the dominating Death-Defying Duo Champions: "The Tokyo Express". If it's not overtly evident right away, it's obvious that these two care very little for these two.]


Citizen X

"The wicked will often pull you into their trap; forcing you to turn from your morals in which to find solace in your demise. Last week, these heathens did exactly that. We were ready to obtain the legacy laid out before us when all of a sudden... We were tricked; misguided by the evil that dared to challenge our given-fate of becoming Champions."


[Almost as if they were tagging one another in, within their interview, Hernandez quickly interjects as well. Both men project an air of aggressive arrogance; one rooted in a fiery sense of unworldly justification.]


Mainstream Hernandez

"These godless demons are the true evil incarnate. They pretend as if their, so called, 'discipline' is just; however, they showed their true nature last week.
[shakes his head in anger]
This week, there will be a new story.
[Continues to shake his head in a stern fashion]
With GOD as my witness, we will exterminate these rodents; bringing a sense of honor unseen to the DOA Death-Defying Duo Championships."


[As Hernandez continues to rage-forward, Citizen X interjects again; smirking like a used-car salesman on the verge of a 'steal of a sale' in the process]


Citizen X

"There's no denying it. It's written in the heavens."


[scott sat there on the edge of his seat listening as though this were truly gospel. He seemed awed by the presence of the Moral Majority.]


Scott Hawkes

"Honor is exactly what the Moral Majority is all about. Without that honor, we would be fallen upon the wayside. In closing, I would like to thank both of you for coming on the show and, also, would like to ask if either of you have anything to say to the downtrodden, the unfortunate 'Deadheads' who are truly dead within their hearts and do not know the truth of the message of the Moral Majority."


[While Mr. Hawkes question sounds rather extreme in nature, depicting those who disagree with the “Moral Majority” as vermin in a way, Citizen X & Mainstream Hernandez are shown nodding their heads with approval; smirking slightly as Hernandez quickly interjects]


Mainstream Hernandez

“We’ve grown tired of educating the morally bankrupt. To be honest, It’s not worth our energy anymore. The ‘dead-heads’, in abundance, are much like a grease stain; no matter how hard to attempt to cleanse the stain… It simply won’t go away.
[Pauses; projecting an unsettling sense of calm]
Focusing on them, giving even a second to the ethically disabled, will only deter us from our destiny…
[Pauses; stares into the camera in an intense nature]
It is our destiny to be the greatest Death-Defying Duo in DOA history… Not The Tokyo Express, not the Cali Dragons, or even Totally Supreme, this division is ours for the taking & we plan on spreading HIS word through our successes. It’s as simple as that.”


[shortly there after, Citizen X relays one last interjection.]

Citizen X

“We know this to be true as it’s been written in the book. We ARE the chosen few and prove this to be so, this week, on “Rapid Assault”…”


[in an unsettling manner, Citizen X pauses for a second; blankly staring into the camera lens before stating his final message in a combative-like nature.]


Citizen X

“There will be no denying us of our fate…”


Scott Hawkes

"I completely agree with the two of you and look forward to watching as you take the Death Defying Duo gold. But that's all the time we have here for this episode of a View From A Hawk's Eye. Please tune in next time where our guest is yet unnamed but should be another top star from DOA!"


[scott leans back in his chair and then raises, shaking hands with the Moral Majority and then motioning for Prudence to get to her feet. He smirks and we cut to black.]







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"A view from a Hawk's eye" is a special segment developed by both angeldelayette and myself. The questions, and overall original vibe, is created by Angel & I continue to answer these Q's as the character in question (this week: Eric Tyler). I'm not sure how regular this will be, as it will depend on how much Angel is looking to accomplish, but I truly love the ability to flesh out my characters outside of shows as well. All in all, enjoy!
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I just realized that I hadn't made my predictions for this upcoming card. So, here we go.


The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority

The Tokyo Express will finally see the eternal guiding light that is The Moral Majority.


Torment © vs. Matthew Keith

Torment will prove to Matty Keith that he never should have come back.


“The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. “Peerless” Greg Black

An interesting matchup. Marquez has been building some momentum but in the end I see Black walking away with the winner's pay.


Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon“ Vicious © vs. Acid

Why? Because Eric Tyler says it is so therefore you can take it to the bank!

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angeldelayette and EV is the ultimate dream team, my current 2 favourite diaries are angel's USPW and this so I knew that website interview segment would be awesome and it was, with every post you make I get more pumped for the show. I can't wait :D


It's been a real honor to work with Angeldelayette. Honestly, his interview segment has brought a whole new avenue to the forefront; giving me the opportunity to flesh out my characters without only using show-time in that regard.


Also, it's great to know that you're looking forward to the next show! I didn't get much work on it today but I should have some more free-time tomorrow. :D





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Name of the Episode:
“The Conspiracy begins…”

Episodic number:
Season II – Episode #3

Eric Tyler, Nemesis, Johnny Vicious, Acid, and Antonio Maxi Marquez.

A short synopsis of the Episode:
Reality is often not what it seems. Just when you expect a certain outcome, or trust in a given line of thought, everything has the ability to swing upside down; leaving you with more unknown‘s than ever before. This is the truth currently gripping the DOA. Alliances we once thought as ‘iron-proof‘ are now fading fast. Also, it appears that there is a ‘higher power‘ looking to devour Nemesis where he stands; we know this because even Mr. Tyler, in all of his glory, is willing to do it‘s ‘dirty work‘. All in all, life is not entirely what it seems; we believe it to be a certain way but that‘s all perceptual. In Deadly Overloaded Action, the long road of mystery is starting to take hold. A conspiracy is born…










Eric Tyler, Acid, Torment ©, Rayne, and ???

… “A lesson is taught”; backstage attack …


[DOA: “Rapid Assault” opens with the sickening sight of an unknown person laying face down upon the cement; obviously injured as they lay motionlessly within a pool of, what’s perceived to be, their own blood. The shocking horror that comes with such a sight is only heightened by the momentary sense of silence; creating somewhat of an eerie moment as the lifeless victim appears to be drifting far from consciousness. Within seconds, this mysterious situation would slowly begin to take form…]


[The camera lens, delivered in a ‘shaky-cam’ kind of way in which to make the scenario at hand seem impromptu, slowly pans outward from the motionless victim as the shocking introduction of forceful stomps are projected soon there after. Kick after kick, stomp after stomp, the situation becomes increasingly more unsettling as it’s expected that the victim’s attackers are still present; looking to administer more pain than already brought forth.]


[As the lens continues to pan outward more, we now witness the sight of “The Voice of Reason” standing with his back to the action at hand. While the center focus, creating a hazed display behind him, Mr. Tyler is shown smoking a slim cigarette much like an cold-hearted businessman would; slowly drawing on the nicotine as he expels large plums of smoke in his wake. This image continues forth slightly longer until the attackers in the background come more into focus. Without much shock, the attackers appear to be Tyler’s ‘chosen few’; “All the Kings Men”.]


[Their rabid attack resembles that of vultures circling their prey; pecking away at the lifeless body of a fallen victim. None the less, as the attack continues forth, something seems to be missing. At first, you start to doubt what you’re seeing, but with time, it all becomes rather real. The victim, the man laying in a pool of his own blood, is none other than a, seemingly at this point, former ally. This former ‘brother in crime’ is none other than… The Elder Statesman.]




[While overtly violent in nature, the attack blatantly portrays an unquestionable narrative: The Elder Statesman is being forcibly removed from “All the Kings Men”; most likely for being pinned last week in the DOA “Torture Chamber” match. With this in mind, it looks as if the attack is not all that unsettling for the faction’s leader, his former ‘boss’, as Mr. Tyler continues to methodically puff away on the cigarette that is most likely the Statesman’s; mostly due to the fact that this was a trademark of his character while in the DOA. It appears that the assault is so not worthy of his focus that Tyler won’t even watch; instead, he ponders his thoughts internally while looking off camera in a cold-blood fashion.]


[With time, as we still witness his men violently destroying their former ally as a result of unquestioned obedience to Mr. Tyler, “The Voice of Reason” finally fills the uncomfortable silence with a statement relayed in a cold fashion; almost lazy in nature as he continues to look away from the action he orchestrated… As if it‘s beneath him to watch.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
That’s enough…


[He lazily throws his right hand upward in a flicking kind of fashion; briefly.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
Let this be an example to the rest of you. It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you lie on the pay-grade, you can, and will be, replaced if you are unable to properly carry out my demands.
I will not accept failure. I will not ‘house’ the weak.
Never forget this…


[With that, this shocking segment comes to a close as we slowly fade to black. While it’s rather violent in nature, most of the ‘dirty work’ was done well before the camera began to roll; as it seems. Either way; however, “The Voice of Reason” used this scenario to forcibly overtake the minds of his ‘chosen few’; pushing them to physically destroy a former ‘brother’ in the process. Overall, as The Elder Statesman lay motionless, the final image is that of “The Voice of Reason” effortlessly tossing the Statesman’s cigarette downward; in the fallen’s direction. In a sense, adding more insult to injury.]


Grade: D




[Keeping with the current trend of shortened opening credits, as it pertains to the modern-based TV program, we are quickly presented this combustible image. The flaming circle appears in a roaring fashion; encompassing your TV screen as it continues to project an unruly nature. Meanwhile, the DOA: “Rapid Assault” name shortly follows; standing in a suicidal display of dancing within said flames. All in all, this segment only lasts for a matter of 5 seconds altogether. Enough in which to stimulate the deepest part of your ‘blood-thirsty’ psyche; pining for the anarchistic, highly volcanic, war-like, mentality that has become synonymous with Deadly Overloaded Action.]

[We now transition within the walls of the volatile DOA “Dungeon”. The screaming ‘dead-heads’ in attendance practically explode with anticipation; throwing their bodies at the nearest TV camera in which to show their absolute love for the budding wrestling program, “Rapid Assault”. The overall presentation is that of unrivaled chaos; cameras are shaking, rumbling is heard from every which way, and drunken fans are shown acting in mindless displays of excitement. With time, following a short pyrotechnic display centered around the “Dungeon Gateway”, we are now seamlessly transitioned toward another camera angle; now staring upon the DOA’s commentating team positioned directly at ringside.]

Davis Ditterich:
Hello everybody and welcome to DOA R-R-R-R-R-RAAAAPID ASSAULT!!! I’m your host, the voice of Deadly Overloaded Action, Davis Ditterich and along side me is my partner-in-crime, the man with the smoothest insight in our industry today, Carl “the Gent” Batch!
[Pauses for a second as Batch tips his hat slightly; smirking in the process]

Davis Ditterich:
Boy do we have a show for you here tonight, we have three, count them, THREE DOA Championship matches here tonight; as all the gold will be on the line for the first time in a long time! I don’t know about you, Batch, but I’m practically exploding from within!

Carl Batch:
It’s bound to be one hell of a shindig here tonight, Dee.
[slightly nods in which to agree with his counterpart]
They’ll all be great but I’m zeroing in on the main event here tonight. I don’t care if we’ve already seen these two beat the holy hell out of each other before…. We’ve got Vicious/Acid part… whatever it is now…
[Chuckles lightly]
That sh*t is hot… Grade-A quality.

Davis Ditterich:
You’re right, Batch. We’ve seen these two practically tear each other apart since day one here in the DOA; however, up until now, we’ve never seen them compete within the confines of such craziness! For tonight only, both Nemesis & Eric Tyler will stand as special guest referees in tonight’s title match! Can you imagine the carnage that is soon to follow?
Honestly, this one may go on forever!

Carl Batch:
You bets believe it…

Davis Ditterich:
That will come later though, for now, we have a DOA Death-Defying Duo Championship match on the verge of shaking the Dungeon’s foundation. Tokyo Express… The Moral Majority… It’s right now; lets go to the ring!





The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority
w/ Prudence

[DOA Death-Defying Duo Championships Match]


The DOA Dungeon makes it quite obvious that they truly can’t stand the extremist, often polarizing, “Moral Majority” faction straight away; showering the trio with a hefty sense of disdain from the onset of tonight’s title match. Sadly enough, the innocent bystander amongst all of this is one, Prudence, who looks as if she’s more so being held against her will than anything else; often the recipient of barked orders from her misogynistic keepers. On the other side of the equation stands the overtly beloved, widely celebrated, DOA Death-Defying Duo Champions; The Tokyo Express. Their entrance relays a major sense of contrast as the ’dead-heads’ in attendance quickly overwhelm them with a feverish show of love. Again, in contrast, this Buddhist-inspired duo projects nothing but utter calm; their mannerisms are very meek as they look more like monks than professional fighters. Even with this being true, never take the top Death-Defying Duo lightly as, once the bell is rung, they are often seen administering a highly educated line of attack.


As always, coming off of what’s already been stated, as the bell is rung, the atmosphere within the Dungeon turns extremely heated. Both tandems, exploding out of the gate in a lucha-libre inspired manner, practically test the speed of light as their in-ring approach rivals the best modern-wrestling can offer; bouncing every which way as their speedy battle plan appears more calculating than purely ‘spot-based’. None the less, as the two duos rage onward, all four men appear to be entangled in a sense of warfare that is truly ‘open in nature’. From one second to the next, it’s unknown what team is really ‘in the lead’; a fact that creates a ‘never-blink’ mentality that keeps everyone fixated on the seamless action before them.


Overall, it looked like we were in for an absolute classic of an ending; one cementing the victor as the, unquestionable, champion due to the insane challenge that came with overcoming the other. While this notion is what we were hoping, if not expecting, at this point, no such scenario came to pass.




“The Voice of Reason”, followed by his privileged faction, “All the Kings Men”, is shown slowly staggering toward the ringside area as the ‘dead-heads’ in attendance shower them with the same disdain levied upon the challengers for the DOA Death-Defying Duo Championships. Before you know it, Eugene Williams has been overrun by the ‘numbers game’; having his attention pulled aside as Torment, Acid, and Rayne forcibly attempt to enter the squared circle despite being uninvited.


In the end, with Williams back turned, Mr. Tyler himself interjects into the match-up; a fact not often seen during his tenure in the DOA (as he often employs others to do such dirty work).




With a thunderous forearm shiver to the back of KAZUMA’s head, a shot he administers while standing on the apron, Mr. Tyler ultimately interferes enough in which to slow down one-half of the Death-Defying Duo Champions. While the strike in question doesn’t actually floor KAZUMA, it does open the window for Hernandez to quickly sweep into action; catching his opponent from behind with a well-executed reverse DDT.


The impact of the unforgiving canvas is enough to keep the unsuspecting KAZUMA at bay; giving Hernandez the shocking victory after Eugene Williams quickly turns back to the action (unaware of what had just happened all together). With every count, the ‘dead-heads’ are heard coming to the sad realization that the Tokyo Express had seen their last day as the Death-Defying Duo Champions; however, losing by dubious means. None the less, the controversial tandem of Mainstream Hernandez and Citizen X were now officially validated as one of the top duos in program history. Even if such an honor comes with such an obviously tainted scenario.


The Moral Majority wins the DOA Death-Defying Duo Championships when Mainstream Hernandez pinned KAZUMA in 5:49 via a reverse DDT; with help from Mr. Tyler.

Grade: C-


Davis Ditterich:
Oh, Come on!! After all of that. After such a great match. This is how it ends: with Mr. Tyler, and “All the Kings Men”, turning the tides on behalf of The Moral Majority? This makes me sick! Honestly, how can you even live with yourselves after a win like that? You STOLE the Death-Defying Duo Championships in my eyes; and in the eyes of many.
[said in a sarcastic tone]
I hope you two are ‘happy’ with yourselves…

Carl Batch:
You’d think these cats would want to do ‘the right thing’ seeing how they’re moralists…

Davis Ditterich:
That’s the thing, Batch. These guys only care about telling other people what to do; how to live their lives. When it comes to their own deal, they’re the biggest hypocrites I’ve ever seen! In the past, it was annoying but now it’s turned disgusting. In one night, the Death-Defying Duo Championships, quite possibly the most revered tag titles in all of the world, have been simply devalued by their manipulative ways…

Carl Batch:
Well, it looks like “All the Kings Men” wanted these two to hold the titles for some reason. I mean, they came out during a match they had little to do with & realistically changed the whole outcome in a flip of a coin.

Davis Ditterich:
By the looks of it, since they’re still around the ringside area, we may be witnessing the ‘new blood’ Mr. Tyler’s been touting for the last few days…




Eric Tyler, Mainstream Hernandez ©, Citizen X ©, Acid, Torment ©, and Rayne

… “’All the Kings Men’ becomes more ‘Extreme’ …


[As the polarizing outcome continues to slowly seep through the viewing public’s consciousness, the vision of Mr. Tyler storming into the squared circle is projected before their eyes. Within seconds, the entire Tyler-led faction, “All the Kings Men”, is seen overtaking the squared circle much like an arrogant militia; forcing Eugene Williams from the ring in the process. With the roaring sound of hatred brewing in the background, “The Moral Majority” are officially handed the DOA Death-Defying Duo Championships by the man himself, “The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler. Following a round of stiff handshakes, Mr. Tyler turns toward the crowd with a stern smirk running across his face.]




[Within seconds, after obtaining a black microphone from Rayne, who literally ripped said microphone from the ring announcer’s hand in a forceful fashion, “The Voice of Reason” is heard hyping his newfound allies as they stand as one with their recently obtained brethren.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
In recent weeks, I’ve been forced to re-evaluate the strength of my faction; stripping away the ‘dead-weight’ that had come to define our mediocre fade. With this, I’ve also looked to ‘new blood’ in which to re-populate the ranks; giving “All the Kings Men” a refined sense of direction.
[Pauses; looks out upon the crowd in a stern manner]
When pondering such a challenge, I continually came back to the only two men I knew were worthy of being part of ‘the chosen few’.


[The crowd roars with a bigger wave of hatred as “The Moral Majority” stand in arrogance; nodding their heads while they smirk confidently. In a sense, it looks as if they are accepting ‘life-time achievement awards’ without much ‘grace’ to speak of.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
Mainstream Hernandez, and Citizen X, are the epitome of class. They are strong in their convictions, dedicated to their cause, and, truly, dominant as it pertains to their craft. When push comes to shove, “The Moral Majority” is the ONLY Death-Defying Duo worthy of such praise.
[Crowd boo’s aggressively; Tyler pauses]
With this in mind, I would like to extend an official opportunity to the “Moral Majority” to be part of the ‘privileged few’ who are lucky enough to stand underneath my umbrella…


[“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler turns his body physically to the side, in an inviting fashion, as he slightly nods his head toward the newfound DOA Death-Defying Duo Champions. After a slow passing of the microphone from one-to-the-other, Mainstream Hernandez is shown raising the company-owned mic up to his mouth; looking out upon the booing crowd with a gigantic smirk upon his face.]


Mainstream Hernandez:
Mr. Tyler, we would be honored to join your faction.
[Looks Tyler in the face at this moment]
My partner and I will see to it that your doctrine is yelled from the mountain tops; as we work together to cleanse Deadly Overloaded Action of the evils it currently suffers from.
[Hernandez now looks back out upon the crowd; fiery in nature]
Let this be a warning to the HEATHENS who stand before us…
[The crowd boo’s as they attempt to overpower Hernandez’s voice]
Chastity, Virtue, and homage to the highest voice, are the characteristics of those who will be ‘saved’; of who will be spared. Repent your SINS today or suffer the consequences of our wrath.
[Pauses; as crowd boos]
We are, now, part of his Kingdom, the Voice’s empire here on earth, and we will see to it that no one dare defy his greatness. Repent… Repent or lose everything!


[With that, the segment comes to a polarizing close, just as it started, as the trademark theme song for the “All the Kings Men” faction begins to blare; joining them all as one officially. In the end, “The Moral Majority” is shown proudly standing aside their new brothers in war; the DOA Death-Defying Duo Championships gleaming in the Dungeon lights as they now find themselves part of the privileged few in the DOA.]


Grade: C+


Davis Ditterich:
You know, I can’t say that I’m really all that shocked; to be honest. Ever since our first episode, there always seemed to be some, unspoken, connection between these three individuals. In reality, this move really makes sense for all involved. That said, I can’t stand any of them. All this is, is the addition of a more ‘extremist’ mentality within Tyler’s, already, controversial faction.

Carl Batch:
This now places all but the DOA Championship within Tyler’s grasp. You know, now adding the DOA Death-Defying Duo Champions into the mold tonight, “The Voice of Reason” will most likely do anything in his power to see to it that the Acid wins tonight. Can you imagine? By the end of tonight’s broadcast, “All the Kings Men” could have EVERY championship in the DOA within their hands. Scary, huh?

Davis Ditterich:




Johnny Vicious © and Acid

… “Tangled in History”; Hype Video …


[A short hype video, utilizing a grainer production value in which to add a more gritty perspective, displays the long-term, entangled, history between the new DOA Champion, Johnny Vicious, and the man who once held the very same title, his arch-nemesis, Acid. The footage in question rapidly covers everything from Acid’s initial debut with the company under Mr. Tyler’s personal guidance, Johnny Vicious’s season-long-climb against the menacing duo, and the ultimate moment where Vicious finally won the DOA Championship in a chaotic fashion; as Nemesis had aggressively forced his hand on the situation arguably. In the end, as images are thrown every which way in a streamlined, yet abrasive, process, the final narrative stands that these two competitors know each other VERY well by now. With this in mind, it’s expected that tonight’s main event will be nothing short of another classic.]


Grade: C-


Davis Ditterich:
There’s really no denying it… These two [Vicious & Acid] despise one another. They’ve been force to opposite sides of the spectrum, warring like bitter enemies for months, and it doesn’t appear as if things are slowing down in the slightest. Tonight, Acid & Vicious will compete for the DOA Championship; a prize both of them know very well as they are the only two men to EVER hold the championship itself.

Carl Batch:
That’s right, Dee. These two fighters belong to a very, very, small fraternity and it’s pretty obvious that both want to be the figure-head. It’s not about fame, or fortune, with these guys; they simply want the DOA Championship. That’s it & will go through anyone, especially each other, in which to gain the gold!

Davis Ditterich:
It’s bound to be a crazy affair tonight, Acid… Johnny Vicious… DOA Championship Match; stay tuned later tonight for the outcome!





Torment © vs. Matthew Keith

[DOA Chokeout Championship Match]

[Chokeout Division Match - Submission Match]


There is an air of grandeur floating over the ringside area as the DOA Chokeout Champion slowly shuffles through the Dungeon Gateway. His mannerisms are rather cold, quite methodical, as the deep-seeded snarl upon his face tells of a hardened figure with vile intent. More or less, with “The Voice of Reason” slowly trailing behind him, projecting his own brand of cold-hearted irritability, Torment appears to be intensely focused; ready, as always, for a violent affair. In turn, the challenger, the returning Matthew Keith, looks just as focused; however, lacking the primal aggression that the Champion currently displays. Regardless of this glaring notion, Keith does appear to be more focused than ever; his proud frame permeating an overpowering sense of jaded anger.


Even though Keith knows his true enemy is at ringside, Mr. Tyler, the one who had him fired originally in Season One, it looks as if the 2nd generation superstar cares nothing about his presence in general. Surely, he knows he is there but is more focused on the violent warrior before him; a fact that proves to be a smart one for those faced with the daunting task of attempting to push Torment into submission.


The true shocking thing is, despite the fact that Mr. Tyler is present at ringside, he does very little to really interact with the match at hand. Unlike what had happened previously, with Mr. Tyler interfering on behalf of his new Death-Defying Duo Champions, “The Voice of Reason” simply stands back with his trademark irritability exuding from within. All in all, It’s almost as if he entirely trusts the DOA Champion to get the job done on his own. At least, that’s what it appears to be.


The action itself is rather ‘open’; as is most DOA match-ups. That said, despite the fact that Matthew Keith is a formidable foe, there appears to be one glaring issue with Keith’s overall ability in the match: He simply cannot keep Torment at bay for long enough to successfully lock in a submission hold. It’s almost as if he’s superhuman in a way; squirming like an incessant MMA fighter attempting to turn the tides at all costs. At one point, it looks like Keith may have a small window to capitalize on; however, shortly there after, this theoretical window is slammed shut in a swift manner.


As Matthew Keith catches Torment in a, standing, Powerslam-based position, shocking the DOA Chokeout Champion as he attempts to utilize the top ring rope as a springboard out of a running corner strike from Matthew, the challenger is shown quickly speeding across the squared circle; attempting to slam the Champ down upon the unforgiving canvas with a match-shifting maneuver. As expected, the ‘dead-heads’ begin to roar at such a sight; however, before they can truly celebrate such a scenario, Torment is seen shifting his weight dramatically; pulling Keith to the canvas in a great reversal. Now, with the momentum firmly in his corner, still holding the same position he had fallen upon, Torment is shown locking in his signature “Reaper Cometh” submission hold straight from the reversal.


Keith struggles for air…


Struggles to remove himself from the hold…






He’s close to the ropes…


His hand reaching outward…


Losing… strength… His arm now dangling… Slowly… slowly… falling… asleep…


And then it happens, Matthew Keith goes completely limp; his entire body is motionless. Eugene Williams, fearing the worse, quickly raises the challenger’s arms three times; the last one falling just as hard as the first. This fact sends the Dungeon into a quazy-fit of annoyance; not responding as heavily as most would have though they would. None the less, Torment has won the match in an epic reversal of sorts; overcoming his hell-bent challenger with no help from Mr. Tyler.


Torment retains the DOA Chokeout Championship in 6:15 via his signature submission hold; “The Reaper Cometh” (Dragon Sleeper).

Grade: D-


Davis Ditterich:
I guess you have to show some respect to Torment after this one. Unlike his stable-mates, he was able to stand victorious without the medaling hands of one, their infamous leader, Eric Tyler.

Carl Batch:
This cat is one hell of a warrior. It’s true. I mean, Matthew Keith brought everything he had with him tonight; came ‘this’ close but just didn’t have what it takes in the end. That’s the mark of a TRUE champion, one that can push it all into a higher gear. Torment may be aligned with the ‘wrong crowd’, in the eyes of most, but there is no denying his freakish abilities as a submission expert. He’s straight cold.

Davis Ditterich:
Something tells me, It’s going to take more than just a hell-bent youngster with something to prove in which to defeat this guy. At this point, looking at the roster, I don’t know WHO has what it takes to take the Chokeout Championship away from him. Realistically, we could be looking at, possibly, the most dominating champion in DOA history. In a way, it pains me to say so but it‘s the truth.




”The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez + Sara Silver

… “I’m kinda a big deal”; self-centered promo …


[shortly following Torment’s victorious title defense, forcing Matthew Keith to painfully submit within the grasp of a career-threatening “Reaper Cometh” (Dragon Sleeper) maneuver, we bare witness to the sight of the ultra-confident, Antonio Maxi Marquez standing aside the DOA’s resident investigative journalist, Sara Silver. “The Latin Dream” appears to project a healthy waft of arrogance into their shared space; smirking playfully as his tinted shades rest gently upon the middle of his nose. More or less, with the ‘straight character’ of Silver before him, Marquez’s trademark “sex-icon” persona shines through even stronger; overtly projecting the Mexican-born youngster as the physical embodiment of a hot, young, model-like, juggernaut.]


Sara Silver:
I’m here with the man who has the tall task of competing against one of the hottest, most explosive, talents in DOA History in “Peerless” Greg Black. However, something tells me, I don’t believe Antonio Maxi Marquez is losing any sleep over that fact.
[smiles; uncharacteristically]
He’s flashy, he’s dashing, and a man who knows something, or two, about giving the audience what they paid to see… He’s none other than “The Latin Dream”… Antonio Maxi Marquez!!


[A muffled pop is heard in the background as the Dungeon fans quickly respond to Silver’s statement rather favorably. Meanwhile, Marquez is shown barely moving; still forming the very-same smug look upon his face as it’s pretty obvious that he thinks the world of himself.]


Sara Silver:
Before we get to your match tonight, It seems like you’ve become somewhat of a target for a shocking foe. Insane Machine, one of the men you beat in which to become a permanent fixture within the DOA, has been appearing through the crowd; attacking you from behind with nothing short of vicious means. How can you prepare for such a scenario; especially knowing that Machine isn’t, actually, an official member of the DOA roster? Do you place your trust in our security staff or are you always looking over your shoulder for the next attack?


[After hearing the question, Marquez is shown shaking his head slightly; laughing to himself in which to show that he isn’t afraid of anything levied his way thus far. Therefore, following such an arrogant outburst, Marquez is heard relaying this very fact in a dismissive fashion. All the while, a thick Hispanic accent rolls straight off his tongue in the process.]


”The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez:
Oh, mi chica bonita…


[Marquez runs his right hand softly across Silver’s face; a scenario that she appears to be enjoying as her eyes slowly shut with passion permeating.]


”The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez:
Fear not; I’m not afraid of anything, Senorita… Especially men who hide behind campy gimmicks.


[Marquez continues to run his hand across her face, slowly gliding through her hair as well, as Silver shockingly reacts in an, arguably, unprofessional manner; something unseen by the consummate professional.]


”The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez:
If the Insane Machine wants a fight; he knows where to find me.
[smirks; pauses as he focused on Silver]
DOA contract, or not, It means nothing to Antonio Maxi Marquez. However, you… in your stunning beauty… you… mean very much to him.


[A joyous, school-girl-like, smile forms upon her face as she slowly opens her eyes in a loving fashion; looking upon the Hispanic Adonis before her in a dreamy fashion. They share a ‘moment’ for a few seconds in complete silence, that is until Sara attempts to slightly break her trance-like reality; coming back to the interview while still staring upon “The Latin Dream” in an adoring fashion. Meanwhile, Marquez is shown pulling his hand away from Silver’s face; now staring over the bridge of his glasses as he slightly dampens his lips with his tongue.]


Sara Silver:
[gazes; spaces out for a second]
it’s you and Greg Black in our pre-main event match-up tonight; a real opportunity for you to step out & prove your worth here in Deadly Overloaded Action. What have you done to prepare for the “Peerless” one? Also, how do you feel this may help you overcome his explosive offense?


[While looking over the bridge of his tinted sunglasses, smirking arrogantly in the process, Marquez slowly responds to her line of questioning; never breaking that sensual mentality in the slightest.]


”The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez:
[Chuckles to himself]
I laugh at such a notion!
[Pauses; slightly chuckles some more]
What makes him “Peerless”? His looks? His ability?
[shakes his head gently; rolling his eyes at the same time]
He possesses nothing to have such a name.
Greg Black may be explosive but he is not what you all say he is… because… well, he’s not me… I’m better. I’m faster. I’m more talented than he will ever be.
Don’t believe me? Just watch…


[With that, Antonio Maxi Marquez slowly back peddles arrogantly out of the camera shot; gradually letting go of Sara Silver’s hand in the process. In a trance-like state, Silver watches on with adoration of the “Latin Dream”; staring upon him as if he was the biggest movie-star in all the world. In the end, as Marquez exit’s the scene, Silver is shown breaking from her, traditional, ’hard-facts’ mentality; now showing a pure human-element as she appears to be smitten over Antonio Maxi Marquez.]


Grade: C-


[Davis & Carl are heard laughing to themselves in the background]

Davis Ditterich:
Well, it looks like Sara Silver may be in love… Either that, or she’s become catatonic by the sight of that strand of drool coming out of her mouth.

Carl Batch:
Straight up, Dee. This cat has the game on lockdown.
Did you see her bottom lip quiver at the end there?
Greg Black may be “Peerless” but this was simply “Priceless”…

Davis Ditterich:
He’s been impressive thus far but tonight’s match-up is something far more challenging than he’s seen before in the DOA; if not in his career. If he can come away with a win here tonight, He becomes an instant superstar; no doubt about that. Sadly, for him, I just don’t see it happening. Greg Black is just too good, and too explosive, to keep at bay.

Carl Batch:
I agree with ya there, Dee. I’ll give Marquez his due but Black is one of the most dominating competitors we have in Deadly Overloaded Action. He may have a chance against the rest of the roster but not someone of Greg’s stature; I just don’t see it happening either.




”The Latin Dream“ Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. “Peerless“ Greg Black

[singles Match]


Despite being on quite the roll since officially joining the DOA, Antonio Maxi Marquez appears to play ‘second-fiddle’ to that of the former ‘Supreme Showstopper’, “Peerless” Greg Black. Realistically, while Marquez is slowly gaining much fanfare with the ‘dead-heads’, his general newness seems to be trumped when faced off against someone of such stature. This isn’t quite a shocking scenario, really, but it does display the atmosphere circulating around their altercation. Even being a ‘home-grown’ talent, as it pertains to those who don’t know the indy circuit, especially the international circuit, it looks as if Marquez is deemed as only a budding star; expected to be an easy victory for the established “Peerless” one.


The action itself is relatively methodical at first; neither man really looking to explode straight out of the gate seeing how both are unfamiliar with the other’s typical approach. It’s almost as if they are more heavily guarded, more cautious, then normal as they do their best to telegraph each other’s movements. Sadly, this fact actually brings most of the ‘dead-heads’ to a point where they deliver somewhat of a lack-luster response; transitioning into a trance-like-zone as they often expect matches to be combustible straight out of the gate. Regardless of this, neither man really looks to speed up their onslaught; instead, using the opening minutes to really get to know one another as competitors.


With time; however, as both begin to understand the other, the cautiousness slowly starts to fade slightly. Their strikes become more stiff, their pace begins to accelerate, and their focus looks to become more based upon creativeness than the methodical style we’ve come to expect thus far. It’s almost like watching a clay pot slowly start to erode. With time, as it becomes weathered, cracks begin to take hold; showing it’s most real-form underneath it all. While it may sound weird to connect these two with such a mental display, it does well to picture how this gradual evolution begins to take form.


As the match continues to climb, chaos begins to take hold…


A rustling within the crowd is heard soon there after; one that grows louder, and more frantic in nature, as time continues. The culprit of such an upheaval is none other than the recent DOA insurgent, Insane Machine! With the Guru at his side, the unwanted ‘outsiders’ make their way toward the ringside area; forging through the bewildered crowd as they appear to be hell-bent on getting to Marquez once again.




Almost instantly, expecting such a situation may happen, a slew of DOA security guards are shown piling around the ringside area; attempting to keep the impeding Insane Machine at bay. With time, this rag-tag bunch of muscle-bound men quickly ascend into the crowd; cutting Machine off before he can even make it t other guardrail. As expected, this creates quite the commotion as it’s obvious that both competitors are deterring their focus slightly toward what is taking place within the crowd. This fact even pulls Eugene Williams’ focus away slightly as he attempts to keep an eye on the proceedings at hand.


While this chaotic scenario is taking place, another shocking situation slowly begins to form as well…




The heralded ‘East Coast Icon’, “The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez, makes his “Rapid Assault” debut by stepping through the Dungeon gateway in a lazy fashion; standing afar from the squared circle as he appears to be mentally taking notes of the action within the ring. Overall, while he never really leaves this position, standing at the base of the Dungeon Gateway, in a mysterious fashion, his presence has already taken hold; pulling Greg Black’s eyes to drift in his direction. In the end, it’s this scenario, along with the general craziness taking hold of the atmosphere around their altercation, that stands as the ultimate downfall for the expected victor…


After, what Black feels to be a back-breaking suplex upon his opponent, the “Peerless” one quickly rises to his feet; focusing his attention solely on Gonzalez who still stands on high. It’s almost as if Greg Black is sending him a message, even going as far as to vocally project: “This is MY Kingdom & you’re not welcome…”. While this statement may be true in some senses, the fact that Black is more of a proven superstar within the Dungeon than the DOA-Virgin, Shawn Gonzalez, his inability to stay focused on the match at hand shows to be a terrible decision. Honestly, he’s not one to ever make such a mistake but it seems that Gonzalez, or at least the thought of Gonzalez, is enough to break his traditional approach…


With his back turned to Marquez, expecting him to still be reeling from such a maneuver, “The Latin Dream” is shown springing back up to his feet shortly there after; secretly stalking his opponent as the ‘dead-heads’ stand in shock. With time, as Insane Machine is shown being escorted out of the ringside area, and Shawn Gonzalez continues to distract Black from afar, Antonio Maxi Marquez quickly interjects himself physically upon the unsuspecting Black. All it took was a few seconds for Marquez to lock in a side-Russian-leg-sweep; slamming Black down upon the canvas below in a forceful fashion. While the move itself would be enough to floor any great competitor, Marquez makes the brilliant decision to quickly turn such a maneuver into a pinfall combo; utilizing the initial shock of such a strike as a jumping point for a potential victory.






Black struggles…




The Dungeon roars gently, somewhat overwhelmed by all that happened, as Greg Black stays upon his back; physically able to get up but in a state of shock all together. Meanwhile, Antonio Maxi Marquez is shown leaping to his feet; celebrating in an laze-faire kind of way (almost as if he was expecting such a win). In the end, the unthinkable has happened… Antonio Maxi Marquez… “The Latin Dream”… has officially made a HUGE impact upon the DOA. While his win may be tainted in a way, given Gonzalez’s distraction, such a thought is somewhat forgiven seeing how the youngster was focused enough in which to use this scenario as a ‘game-changing’ moment for himself.


As Marquez’s arm is raised as the victor by Eugene Williams, Greg Black is finally seen rolling over onto his stomach in a lazy fashion; staring upon Shawn Gonzalez once again. You would think his focus would be pulled toward the man who just defeated him shockingly but that’s not the case. Instead, It seems that Black is already mentally blaming Gonzalez for the loss; if not showing that he’s become somewhat obsessed with Shawn’s presence in the DOA (all be it short thus far). None the less, as “The Latin Dream” celebrates in an arrogant fashion, Greg Black is shown fuming over such a loss.


Antonio Maxi Marquez defeats Greg Black in 9:52 via a side Russian-leg-sweep/pinfall combo.

Grade: D


Davis Ditterich:
Oh… my… god… What just happened?

Carl Batch:
I don’t believe it…

[silence between the two; shocked]

Davis Ditterich:
Ladies and gentlemen, “The Latin Dream” has just pulled one of the biggest upsets in Deadly Overloaded Action history! I can’t believe my eyes…

Carl Batch:
I’m sure the chaotic nature around the ring aided in Marquez’s shocking victory but damn… This cat has just made the case for being a full-fledged superstar here in the DOA!

Davis Ditterich:
I don’t think there’s a way to deny that… Marquez… wow… “The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez has JUST defeated Greg Black… I guess, this goes to show, anything can happen here in the DOA… Anything… wow…





… “Seek and destroy”; The Legend is storming backstage …


[A focused camera lens follows closely behind the Wrestling Legend, Nemesis, as he’s shown characteristically stomping his way through a deserted backstage hallway; obviously searching for someone, or something, with a healthy abundance of rage permeating from within. Realistically, this is no different than his typical demeanor, known for being quite the fiery Brutus himself; however, with the recent resurgence of an age-old battle, one has to wonder if it’s not “The Voice of Reason” he’s searching for. With this in mind, as such a mysterious scenario hangs overhead, we continue to fixate our focus upon the hardened Icon before the lens.]


[After turning a slight corner, Nemesis is shown bursting through a nearby door; one reading “Private. Keep out” across the well-kept barrier. His forceful shoulder thrust practically knocks the door off it’s hinges, creating a loud cracking noise in the process, as the embattled Legend storms his way into where he’s probably not wanted; then again, could we expect anything different from the original Renegade himself?]



”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler

… “Manipulating the system”; He enraged Nemesis …


[On the other side of the partially leveled door stands his ultimate focus of attention; the figure that would inspire such a furious entrance of another: “The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler. While it’s not all that shocking to believe that Nemesis would simply storm his way into a compromising position, often known for his hard-headed nature, the true confusing scenario is that Mr. Tyler is all alone; without any of his allies as he stands within a darkened room on his cellphone. Upon seeing his entrance, Tyler is shown slowly bringing his phone call to a close in a mysterious fashion; simply hanging up without a parting ‘goodbye’ of sorts. None the less, he had his attention entirely.]


[While such a scenario may have tipped a volcanic, prison-like, brawl in the past, that was a situation left to a decade ago; they were no longer active wrestlers and now more focused on repairing their injuries instead of adding new ones. None the less, the aggravated nature that comes with their encompassing hatred for one another still carries a violent tone; even if the idea of ‘fist-to-cuffs’ isn’t necessarily the first thing that comes to mind anymore.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
You know you can just knock, you damn Neanderthal...


[Mr. Tyler interjects in a sarcastic manner; making light of the scenario at hand as it’s obvious that he isn’t quite ‘tickled’ to see his enemy present. Regardless, Mr. Tyler slowly rolls his eyes in a lazy fashion toward the impeding Wrestling Legend; showing his deep-seeded disdain in a basic glance.]


Cut the crap, you a$$hole… It was YOU, wasn’t it?
[Pauses; angered]
This has your signature all over it. You couldn’t accept the fact that you weren’t the only ‘voice’ in the DOA anymore so you went ahead and tried to ruin my name… right?
[shakes his head; laughs as he’s annoyed overly]
Some things never change… You were a self-serving a$$hole then and you still are…


[After expelling the ‘fireball within’, Nemesis only appears to grow more intense about the scenario at hand; aggressively breathing as he takes the image of a startled predator. In contrast; however, Eric Tyler still withholds the same cunning tranquility; rooted in, what may perceive to be, absolute evil.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
You’re right… Something’s do NOT change… Are you crying foul over being screwed over again, Nemesis? Honestly? Have we resorted back to the 90’s?


[Eric Tyler laughs to himself, still quite calm in nature, as Nemesis quickly interjects ferociously]


What the HELL is that suppose to mean? If anyone has…


[Eric Tyler interrupts Nemesis, something that obviously doesn’t sit well with the Legend; however, for some reason, he grows somewhat silent; slowing his speech in which to hear Tyler’s response.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
Are you done yet?
[Rolls his eyes; looks of to the side and sighs]
I expect you’ve heard from your little ‘buddies’, haven’t you? They’ve probably told you that I’ve been spreading lies about how you’ve come to the DOA to simply float your ego? Is that what this is all about?
[shakes his head and chuckles to himself]
Jesus, you’re more pathetic than I had first thought; Age making you a little more neurotic?


[Nemesis quickly interjects; obviously deflecting Tyler’s statement.]


Stop your psycho-babble-bull-sh*t, Tyler. You know EXACTLY what this is all about!
[Deeply stares at Tyler; obviously pissed]
I don’t know what the HELL you told them, how you worked this back-room deal of yours, but I’m going to be in that ring, tonight, regardless of what anyone says…


[Mr. Tyler is seen smirking to himself, unable to hold back his laughter, as he shakes his head in a condescending manner.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
Ah yes, I take it the Network called you?
It took some convincing on my part but, when it was all said and done, they saw my vision as best…


[Tyler Chuckles to himself; dusts off his suit as if to seem like what he’s talking about is not important enough to focus 100% on]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
You see, Nemesis, you may be the new ‘prince of extreme’ around here but I’m still ‘the King’.
[smirks in a smug fashion]
In case you didn’t do your homework, it clearly states in my contract, that I would be in control of overseeing the prestige of the Deadly Overloaded Action Championship; it was the very first honor bestowed upon me. Now, I know that may be a little confusing to you; what with the stupidity and all. So, I’ll translate this into meathead…
[Tyler leans forward; speaking slowly in a simpleton kind of fashion]
Tonight’s main event is a DOA Championship match… So… I… Eric Tyler… Your hated enemy… have control over how the match takes place. Therefore, I have the power to make judgment calls on behalf of the Title itself; regardless of it’s holder.
Understand yet? You’re out of the Main Event, Nemesis. There will be no changing that as, I, have the final say in the matter… Not the Network, and certainly not you…
[Turns his attention away again; shrugging off his enemy once again]
Now run along. I’m sure you have some children to scare with that gargoyle-like mug of yours…


[“The Voice of Reason” is shown leaning against a nearby white-washed wall, within the dimly lit room they both reside, as he vows not to make eye contact with his lengthy enemy; relaying a condescending tone in the process. Such a statement, and delivery, furthers Nemesis’s combustible rage; forcing his psyche to practically explode with furthering aggression.]


F*ck off, Tyler…
[Exploding with fury; he stares upon Mr. Tyler with an intensity unseen]
‘Aint no one keeping me out of that ring, tonight.


[Nemesis slowly starts to spin around in a huff; walking toward the door he just practically destroyed. In doing so, he relays one last statement under his breathe; however, loud enough for Tyler to hear.]


I didn’t come to the DOA to sit on the sidelines…


[before he can completely leave the room, Mr. Tyler is heard quickly responding; resembling a bitter-war between bickering divorcés.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
It doesn’t matter why you came here, The sidelines is where you’ll stay…


[it’s unknown whether or not Nemesis actually heard this parting shot; however, it’s best to believe that he didn’t; seeing how, hearing such a statement, would probably start a physical altercation soon there after. Either way, as Nemesis storms his way out of the private office of one, Eric Tyler, his long-time rival, “The Voice of Reason” is seen slowly coming back to his phone. After a simple push of a button, insinuating a ‘speed dial’ call, Tyler is shown raising the phone back up to his head; staring off into the darkness with an intensely cold look upon his grizzled face. Within seconds, he begins to speak once again; breaking into the silence as an extra level of mystery takes hold.]




”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
He took the bait… Yes… Yes… I expect he will lash out tonight… I will see to it…


[With that, Mr. Tyler slowly lowers the phone away from his face; placing his finger effortlessly across the ‘end’ button in the process. With a scheming snarl forming upon his face, “The Voice of Reason” is shown staring past the camera lens, off-to-the-side; formulating a mysterious scenario deep within his head.]


Grade: B


Davis Ditterich:
Who was Eric Tyler on the phone with?

Carl Batch:
Only he knows, Dee. Who ever it is though, It looks like “The Voice of Reason” is taking orders from someone else. I never thought I’d see the day…
[Chuckles to himself]

Davis Ditterich:
I know, right? Either way, ladies and gentlemen, regardless of who is on the other line, it looks like Nemesis is out as a special guest referee here tonight! With that said, something makes me think that this won’t go down as Tyler wants… Nemesis has shown that he will not be held aside!

Carl Batch:
You heard the man, He’s going to be in the ring even if the Network has pulled him out of the match! One way or another, Nemesis will have his presence known here tonight!

Davis Ditterich:
I don’t doubt that for a second. I wonder, though, how he’ll be able to do so? Without the ability to really stand as a referee, Won’t he become just another random figure at ringside? I mean, he has no power in this match-up!

Carl Batch:
It’s never stopped him before, Dee. Trust me. This cat makes his own rules…





Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon“ Vicious © vs. Acid

[DOA Championship Match]

[Network decree: Eric Tyler have been named as the Special Guest Referee; Nemesis was removed by the Network following Tyler‘s insight into the matter.]


The Dungeon atmosphere is quite tense as tonight’s challenger, Acid, shuffles in a primal fashion toward the ringside area; followed closely behind by his fellow allies within “All the Kings Men”. More or less, it looks like this rag-tag ‘privileged’ bunch appears to be more confident than ever; looking out upon the booing crowd with an arrogant ‘shield’ deflecting their badgering. Meanwhile, as Johnny Vicious storms through the Dungeon Gateway, the DOA Dungeon quickly erupts into a feverish pitch; showering the new champion with a response fit for a budding Icon. Despite such a favorable explosion, Vicious looks no different than if they were also booing him as well. The violent rage that jostles within is impossible to keep under wraps; instead, he’s often projected as a fiery ‘animal’ of sorts.


A chant of “you screwed Nemesis” pours from within the agitated crowd, touching upon Mr. Tyler’s manipulative reach as it pertains to the DOA Championship; however, it seemingly does very little to “The Voice of Reason” himself. Overall, while they continually shower him with much disdain, Mr. Tyler continues forth as if the arena was empty; more focused on seeing his man come away with the win tonight. All in all, realistically, such a scenario could certainly be seconds away from happening as the one, now sole, special guest referee, Eric Tyler, has the most influence over who could step away as The DOA Champion.


Shortly before the bell can even be rung, Vicious and Acid are shown meeting in the center of the ring; a volcanic exchange that eventually ends in a chaotic, heavy-handed, brawl. For a good 45 seconds, both men absolutely tear into one another; violently swinging like drunken sailors as they appear to seem to be less focused about a title match and more dedicated to the notion of ‘ending’ the other’s career. Hard rights, swift lefts, it all came to pass. Overall, they look more like a ball of action, constantly intertwined as they fight, then two individuals squaring off with one another. Sadly, for Vicious, Mr. Tyler quickly brings an end to such a brawl; shockingly kicking Vicious in the back of his leg with just enough force to collapse his knee-cap for a second. While this doesn’t do much for long-term pain, it certainly does give Acid enough room to take control of the match-up none the less.


As the two men lay into each other, back-and-forth, the members of “All the Kings Men” are projected as hungry hyena’s looking for ‘the kill’. At every moment that the DOA Champion hit’s the ropes, they are seen interjecting their hands under the bottom rope; attempting to force Johnny to the canvas in a tripping like fashion. Over, and over again, this continues to happen; sometimes being successful while other times just adding more of a psychological sense of warfare underneath it all. Regardless of such chaos circulating, “The Blazing Red Demon” does his best to take on all comers; even catapulting himself outside of the squared circle, upon the members of “All the Kings Men”, in a spur-of-the-moment dive. As expected, such a thunderous springboard sends the Dungeon into an absolute tizzy; filling the sound-stage walls with a show of complete excitement. Again, sadly for Vicious, this moment of greatness is short-lived as the numbers game would eventually creep it’s way in once again.


Again, it’s not like Vicious was just a beaten puppy through out this all. He was often seen as ‘in-control’, despite being up against such odds, but the real narrative is that his heightened sense was often hindered by “All the Kings Men”. Whenever he had a string of great moments, he was quickly forced back to ‘reality’ as everything about tonight’s DOA Championship match screamed in favor of the challenger, and former DOA Champion, Acid.


That was… until… HE… made his way through the Dungeon Gateway…




The Dungeon quickly erupts in a powerful way; showering the Wrestling Legend with an extremely favorable response. Meanwhile, Mr. Tyler appears to be insanely pissed off about such a scenario; quickly barking orders for his men to ‘take care of him’. What they didn’t know is that he didn’t come alone…


As the camera man zooms in a little closer, delivering such an image in a shaky-cam kind of way, adding an extra element of chaos to the broadcast, it’s shown that Nemesis is carrying a barbed-wire laced baseball bat in his right hand.




With this in mind, as Tyler’s hyena’s go on the attack, obviously not excited about such an altercation, Nemesis is shown making little work of their advance. A strike here, a swing there, a knock-out blow in the end, the Hardcore Icon quickly floors each-and-every man sent to destroy him. In the end, as he stands around the bloody heap before him, Nemesis is shown slowly cracking his neck to the side, and then the other, as a way of relaying a sense of ease through non-verbal communication. Again, as expected, this small gesture inspires the Dungeon into a state of frenzied excitement; looking upon Nemesis as the ultimate ‘bad-ass’ in a way.


With “The Voice of Reason” shaking his head violently, calling for his men to ‘get back up’ and ‘finish the job’, there was no stopping Nemesis at this point. He was on his way into the squared circle; already wearing the same black & white referee shirt that Mr. Tyler wears currently as well.


Through out all of this, Acid and Vicious continue to wage their violent sense of warfare; uninterested in anything but destroying the other. In a way, it doesn’t matter, to them, who is the referee, or really what happens around them, just so long as they are able to wail upon one another… They are content.


As Nemesis climbs into the ring, dropping the baseball bat upon the canvas behind him, both he and Mr. Tyler exchange a collective, explicit, tirade between the two of them. It’s pretty obvious that “The Voice of Reason” wants nothing to do with Nemesis, threatening to ‘throw the match out’ as his arch-rival has now ‘crashed the party’ he helped to construct; however, in the end, these threats seem to go by the wayside. Why? Acid had scored a quick two-count following a big-time neckbreaker & Mr. Tyler was distracted briefly by such a pinfall attempt. All in all, it’s not like he gives up on the notion, or hating the fact that Nemesis is there, it’s just that his focus quickly turns back to the match at hand; knowing that the DOA Championship is something HE will not rest without.


In the end, despite the fact that Eric Tyler is pulling for his man, Acid, such a situation doesn’t come to pass for infamous “Voice of Reason”. Shortly following a stiff upper-cut from the DOA Champion, Vicious is shown lifting Acid up off his feet; gearing up for his signature “Vicious Circle” (Spinning Death-Valley Driver). Enraged by such a potential outcome, Mr. Tyler does his best to interfere on behalf of Acid; however, is quickly removed from the situation at hand by a herd-like shoulder-block from the Hardcore Icon. Upon impact, Tyler is seen crashing through the nearby ring ropes; crashing to the outside while the rest of his men lay dazed by their earlier attack.


With Acid in a compromising position, the Dungeon, again, erupts as they witness the DOA Champion slamming Acid square down to the canvas; forcing an unfavorable impact upon his cranium in the process. With his body now motionless, Acid is unable to break the standard three-count given by Nemesis. With each and every pound of his sizable hand, the ‘dead-heads’ grow louder. It had come to happen. Regardless of the odds, regardless of Nemesis being seemingly ‘removed’ from the match, Vicious and Nemesis both find their sense of revenge; coming away with an outcome where Johnny Vicious is STILL the DOA Champion.


Johnny Vicious defeats Acid in 12:30 via a “Vicious Circle” (Spinning Death-Valley Driver).

Grade: C+


Davis Ditterich:

Carl Batch:
You know, Dee, I didn’t think it was possible; seeing how “the Voice of Reason” stacked the deck against him. However, Johnny Vicious proved tonight exactly why he’s the DOA Champion! Sadly, for everyone, I’m sure Mr. Tyler won’t take this laying down. Nemesis wasn’t suppose to be in the ring tonight; he had been removed as a special guest referee. The fact that he was the one who made the final count, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Mr. Tyler call ‘foul’…

Davis Ditterich:
He may… Knowing him he probably will.. But I don’t really care. Tonight, we got exactly what we wanted… A Johnny Vicious victory! Go on… Raise that man’s hand… Show Eric Tyler that his tyrannical reign is something of the past! The DOA Championship is no longer in his camp, and even though it eats him up inside, it‘s going to stay that way!! Just so long as Vicious has the belt strapped around his waist!




Nemesis + Johnny Vicious ©

… “The Spoiling of Victory”; an uneasy outcome …


[shortly after the match has come to a close, Nemesis is shown attempting to raise Johnny Vicious’s hand as the ultimate victor of such a chaotic affair. While most would probably relish in such a fact, having your hand raised by a bonafide Legend of the ‘sport’, “The Blazing Red Demon” appears to want nothing to do with such a scenario.]


[While Nemesis grabs for his hand, Vicious forcibly rips said hand away; making absolutely no eye-contact with the man who just administered the count that drove him to victory. For a second, Nemesis looks confused; however, this confusion quickly changes to rage as the DOA Champion is seen storming out of the squared circle; carrying his championship belt with him as the Hardcore Icon fumes aggressively within the ring. Realistically, the ‘dead-heads’ struggle to decide how to act as both of these men are beloved in their eyes. In turn, a lackluster sense of confusion slowly registers from within the masses; slowly relaying a mixed-bag of emotions.]


[in the end, this is not the worst scenario that comes from this all. While warring babyfaces is tough enough to grasp, the physical dismantling of a Legend is something entirely different in nature.]



”All the Kings Men”

… “Revenge”; 6-on-1 attack …


[The members of “All the Kings Men” are collectively back upon their feet; slowly ascending into the squared circle in a predatory kind of fashion. This time around, his baseball bat has been removed by one of Tyler’s men; holding it in their hands as an extra ‘weapon’ to their arsenal all together. Slowly, but surely, these men pile into the squared circle; however, it’s not before Nemesis is shown attempting to take them all on at once. At first, he does a pretty good job of keeping them all at bay, recklessly swinging like a madman backed into a corner, but with time, the numbers game becomes far to much to overcome.]


[When it’s all said and done, “Rapid Assault” comes to an end with the unsettling sight of the DOA Champion, Johnny Vicious, walking toward the Dungeon gateway; his back turned to the action as he seems to care very little about ‘saving’ Nemesis at this point. Meanwhile, ‘saving’ is exactly what the Hardcore Icon needs as no man, no matter how super-human in nature, could overcome the glaring one-sided nature of 6-on-1.]




[Their collective, emotionally-laced, assault borders on excessive as the members of “All the Kings Men” do their very best to physically dismantle him from head-to-toe. At one point, the very same barbed-wire laced baseball bat that he had originally brought into the scenario was used against him; slamming the deadly weapon square over his back on several occasions. In the end, he’s shown laying motionless, face down, on the canvas in a pool of his own blood; just like The Elder Statesman had been left earlier in the night.]


[Maybe the most unsettling thing about it all is that no one came out to his aide. He was left to fend off Tyler’s men all alone. Even the DOA Champion, the one that Nemesis has helped to victory twice now, did very little to show he even cared for the aging Legend. All in all, it’s a lonely place for Nemesis in the DOA. Now, not only is it a lonely scenario, he now appears to be gripping to consciousness; obviously injured after such a heinous 6-on-1 attack. The final image is that of Nemesis laying face down; the camera man zooming in on his rugged mug as blood continues to spill out upon the canvas.]


Grade: D+


Davis Ditterich:
This is just sick… Someone should come out and stop this… I mean… Come on! This has been enough… ENOUGH I say!

Carl Batch:
I don’t think their going to listen to you, Dee. I guess Nemesis isn’t the ‘savior’ everyone claimed him to be; at least not in the eyes of the DOA roster…

Davis Ditterich:
here’s a man, willing to stand up against Tyler’s tyrannical rule, and yet no one wants to help him in such a struggle? I’ve seen petty arrogance before but this takes the cake…
Come on! There has to be SOMEONE willing to stand with him…

Carl Batch:
After what we’ve seen, I just don’t know if that’s going to happen…




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NEWS: TV Rating, Professor's Grade, in for Season II (Episode #3) of DOA: "Rapid Assault".

3rd Week of September 2010


Rumor has it that the Arcadia network is very pleased with the recent ratings bump for DOA: “Rapid Assault” this week. While minimal, only a slight tip upward, it’s been said that network officials were starting to fear that a ceiling was being cemented for the weekly, conceptual, wrestling program. With the new rating as is, 0.40, which stands as a 0.01 increase from last week’s episode, and the highest rating since Season II took the air, it appears that such fear may be premature at this point. In the end, many attribute the debut of Shawn Gonzalez, a Vicious/Acid main event, and the threat of Eric Tyler ‘cleansing his own faction’, as the ultimate stimulator of such an increase. While some are annoyed with DaVE’s presence on the show, labeling their usage as a cheap way of drawing interest, it’s shown to have truly catapulted the young program into a mainstay audience.


In related news, the celebrated Pro Wrestling analyst, and all-around enthusiast, ‘The Professor’ has again levied a final grade upon the most recent episode entitled “The Conspiracy Begins…”. While he reiterates that the Arcadia-run program has room to grow, citing the most recent ‘conspiracy angle’ as something that could eventually lead DOA: “Rapid Assault” into some meaningful moments, his final grade stands as somewhat lackluster. Much like last week, ‘The Professor’ has labeled this episode with a C-; citing the Marquez/Black match as somewhat of a letdown (giving that match ultimately a “D” grade). On a good note with that match; however, ‘The Professor’ praises the program’s writers for putting Marquez over such an established star. While such a move can often be seen as ‘cheap’, when coupled with no real reasoning, it appears that the writers, Nemesis included, are very high on the young AMM. In the end, he continues to carry the tone of…


“Let’s see where they go from here with it though; that will shape how I ultimately feel about the big rub’.”


Quick Notes

Final TV Rating: 0.40

Show Grade: C-

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