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Watergate Championship Wrestling

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Richard Nixon awakens, bathed in a cold sweat. He calls for his aide and he rushes in and gives President Nixon a cool glass of water.


Aide:-"The same dream again, Mr President?"


President Nixon nods, inbetween gulps of water. His aide sighs, then places a comforting hand on his president's shoulder.


Aide:-"Mr President, once again, there was no incident at watergate. The Vietcong have been eliminated and Vietnam is our.....I mean is safe for the good people of South Vietnam. Finally your popularity is at unprecedented levels and lead to you being elected President for life, Watchmen style."


President Nixon holds his hand up, indicating he wanted silence.


President Nixon:- "I know all this but what of my secret project that I sent you to set up?"


The aide leaves the room for a moment and comes back in with an armful of files.


Aide:-"Here is all the information you could need, to set up your own wrestling company, Mr President. I still know not why......"


The aide trails off, as he sees the President staring a hole through him.


President Nixon:- "Never question me! NEVER!.....Now go and ready the PR department for my big press release later.....The birth of Watergate Championship Wrestling!"


Aide:- "Umm but Mr President there is already a WC......"


The aide runs out of the room, the thrown water glass barely missing him. With the distraction now gone, Richard Nixon readies himself to sift through the papers at hand and create a dream.....something however is puzzling him.


President Nixon:- "What the hell is watchmen anyway" :confused:




Watergate Championship Wrestling


Main Eventers H/F


Abdullah The Butcher

Jushin Thunder Liger


Stan Hansen

"The Truth" Ron Killings




Bobby Lashley

Bobo Brazil

"The Cornfed Colossus" Festus

Spike Dudley

Terry Funk



Upper Midcarders


Joel Maximo

Jose Maximo

Kid Kash

Simon Diamond

Tony Marmaluke

Tyson Tomko



Jerry Lynn

"That 70's Guy" Joey Ryan


Lash LeRoux

Robbie McAllister

Shad Gaspard





Adam Pearce

JC Ice

Johnny Kashmere

Reckless Youth

Roderick Strong

Sir David Taylor

Trent Acid

Wolfie D


Ace Steel

Consequences Creed

Daniel Puder

"The Puerto Rican Playboy" Eddie Colon

El Generico

Harry Smith

Human Tornado

Riki Choshu

Rory McAllister

Super Dragon



Lower Midcarders


Kenny King

Kevin Steen

Squire Peter Gasperino

Scoot Andrews



Christian York

Doug Williams

Jody Fleisch

S.D. Jones

TJ Wilson





Caprice Coleman

Donovan Morgan

Mike Quackenbush



Chris Chetti

Jeremy Buck

Max Buck



Enhancement Talent


Air Paris

Shiek Daivari



Jerelle Clark


Tony Jones



Womens Division


Allison Danger

Katie Lea

Lacey Von Erich

Layla El

Maryse Ouellet

Ms Brooks

Ms Chif

Nattie Neidhart




Ashley Massaro

Becky Bayless

Beulah McGillicutty

Cheerleader Melissa



Mickie James

Molly Holly

Sara Del Ray



Occasional Wrestlers


Giant Baba


Mr T



Tag Teams


Cryme Tyme-JTG & Shad Gaspard

No Gimmicks Needed-Roderick Strong & Adam Pearce

PG-13-JC Ice & Wolfie D

Royal Blood-Shiek Daivari & Sir David Taylor

The Backseat Boys-Johnny Kashmere & Trent Acid

The Highlanders-Robbie & Rory McAllister

The S.A.T.-Joel & Jose Maximo

The Stampede Bulldogs-Harry Smith & TJ Wilson

The Ultimate Underdogs-S.D. Jones & Spike Dudley

The Young Bucks-Max & Jeremy Buck

Wrestling Machines-Daniel Puder & Doug Williams





Royal Blood:

-Shiek Daivari

-Sir David Taylor

-Squire Peter Gasperino





WCW Heavyweight:-Vacant

WCW International:-Vacant

WCW Light Heavyweight:-Vacant

WCW Tag Team:-Vacant

WCW Womens:-Vacant





Announcers/Backstage Interviewers/Colour Commentators


Mauro Ranallo

Rod Trongard


Josh Matthews


Cory Macklin

Dan Coates





Wally Tsutsumi

Mike Sparks

Jerry Usher


Road Agents


Karl Gotch

Grizzly Smith

George Hackenschmidt

Peter Maivia

Eddie Sharkey


Yes the roster is bloated but all of them are on PPA contracts, so it's not like I'll be bleeding money unless I decide to hold a royal rumble each week. :p






The Begining


Pre Show:- Young Bucks vs The S.A.T.


Main Card:- WCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

1.Terry Funk vs "The Truth" Ron Killings

2.Vampiro vs Bobby Lashley

3.Stan Hansen vs Spike Dudley

4.Bobo Brazil vs Rhino


5. Winner of 1 vs Winner of 2

6. Winner of 3 vs Winner of 4


7. Winner of 5 vs Winner of 6


Post Show:- Wrestling Machines vs The Backseat Boyz



Thanks to tommytomlin for his great mod, War Of The Immortals 2, which is the inspiration for the diary.

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Nixon? How could I not be in!


Pre Show:- Young Bucks vs The S.A.T.


Main Card:- WCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

1.Terry Funk vs "The Truth" Ron Killings

2.Vampiro vs Bobby Lashley

3.Stan Hansen vs Spike Dudley

4.Bobo Brazil vs Rhino


5. Ron Killings vs Vampiro

6. Stan Hansen vs Rhino


7. Rhino



Post Show:- Wrestling Machines vs The Backseat Boyz

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Pre Show:- Young Bucks vs The S.A.T.- No matter how this thing goes, I am seeing this go in the air...alot!!!


Main Card:- WCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

1.Terry Funk vs "The Truth" Ron Killings- Depends are we talking about 1980's Bunkhouse Brawl Funk, ECW's Funk, or Chainsaw Charlie Funk? Never the less I am going to go with Funk. Funk is the only guy that DEATH cant seem to claim.

2.Vampiro vs Bobby Lashley- Death...by...DOMINATOR.

3.Stan Hansen vs Spike Dudley- Dont know much about the "Lariat", only that hes big in Japan, and that hes going to fall to the ACID DROP.

4.Bobo Brazil vs Rhino- GORE!!! GORE!!! GORE!!!!!


5. Funk vs Lashley- Youth and INSANE "John Coffee" strength on his side, I think Funk's Luck will run out on this one..

6. Spike vs Rhino- Somebody MIGHT wanna get the Paramedics for this one. Rhino's gonna GORE him to NEXT WEEK!!!


7. Rhino vs Lashley- This is going to be a tough one. Only because I met the man personally.


Post Show:- Wrestling Machines vs The Backseat Boyz- Charisma vs Technical genius....I will go with the charisma for this.


"I MIGHT be wrong, but I DOUBT it"

-The Sinister Minister, James Mitchell

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The Begining

Buy Rate .07

Attendance 9348

Show Rating 70



Pre Show:-


-The S.A.T def The Young Bucks in 15:04 via the Maximo Elimination


A fast paced, high flying affair, nearly won by the Young Bucks after "More bang for your Buck" but Jose was too close to the ropes. After the match, the S.A.T make known their intention to wear tag team gold in Watergate Championship Wrestling known.

Rating 48


-Standard hype video for the Heavyweight Title Tournament.

Rating 70



Main Card


Quarter Final Match:-Terry Funk vs "The Truth" Ron Killings


The Truth was quicker and controlled the majority of the match, looking to finally have put the veteran away after hitting the Truth conviction but made a mistake in wanting to put the exclaimation point on the match with hang time but the Funkster rolls out of the way. The tide then turns, as Funk manages to drop toe hold Killings into the ring post. Now given an opening, Funk's experience doesn't let him lose focus and he soon puts the younger Killings away with a snap ddt and a moonsault.


Winner and progressing to the Semi-Finals:-Terry Funk

Rating 60



-Stan Hansen comes out to the ring and says that he thought he was done with wrestling but nobody can say no to the best godamned president in the history of these United States! He goes on to say, that now that he's here he promises that everybody in this company will feel the power of what the Japanese refer to as the "LARIATO!"

Rating 63



Quarter Final Match:-Vampiro vs Bobby Lashley


This was a surprisingly even match. Every time the powerful Bobby Lashley built up a head of steam, Vampiro would come up with something to arrest his momentum. Vampiro got some breathing room, after a headbutt/clothesline/leg drop combination. However Lashley was younger and eventually recovered, taking Vampiro out with a spear. However just as he had Vampiro ready for the dominator, none other than Rhino came charging into the ring out of nowhere and took Lashley out with a gore! Vampiro eyes Rhino off but not being one to waste an opportunity like this, follows up with a nail in the coffin on a woozy Lashley to advance to face Funk in the semis.


Winner and progressing to the Semi-Finals:-Vampiro

Rating 68



-Spike Dudley comes out to the ring, his match being next. He talks about how he has faced off against so many men bigger and stronger than him in his career but whether he's won or lost, they have ALWAYS known they were in a fight! Stan Hansen, despite all his tough talk, will also find that he is not a dog you can put down that easily!

Rating 47



Quarter Final Match:-Spike Dudley vs Stan Hansen


Spike hit the Dudley Dog(Drug references don't fly with Tricky Dicky! :mad:) within the first 30 seconds but Stan Hansen kicks out of it and then proceeds to pretty much no-sell everything Spike throws at him and tears into him with some of the stiffest offence ever seen in professional wrestling. Spike takes the beating and hangs in there, waiting for an opening that never comes. Eventually Hansen puts an end to Spike with the famous Lariat.


Winner and progressing to the Semi-Finals:-Stan Hansen

Rating 59



-Rhino comes out and the crowd lets him know how much they 'appreciate' his interference in the Lashley v Vampiro match. Rhino says he doesn't give a f**k about Vampiro but he is not going to stand still and watch a punk like Lashley act like he is this big, tough and powerful sonofabitch when he is nothing but a cheap f**king rip-off of the man-beast Rhino! With the crowd continuing to boo heavily, Rhino goes on to say that he is now going to make an example of this nobody Bobo Brazil and win the WCW title!

Rating 69



Quarter Final Match:- Bobo Brazil vs Rhino


Bobo Brazil proves a tougher opponent than Rhino expected and the two trade blows, with neither gaining an advantage. The match spills to the outside and Rhino finally gets the advantage, when he sends Bobo crashing into the guardrail. Back inside the ring, Rhino then slaps his chest and readies himself for the gore but to the delight of the crowd, he is speared by the man he screwed earlier, in Lashley. Lashley hits the dominator on Rhino and Bobo is with it enough to make the cover and progress to the semis!


Winner and progressing to the Semi-Finals:-Bobo Brazil

Rating 50



-Terry Funk is out in the ring and he tells the cheering crowd that he has seen and experienced a lot in his career but if you think he think he's ready to hang up the boots, hell you're even crazier than people have been telling him that he is! Funk says we have seen it all so far tonight, with beatings being taken and given but by the end of it, we will just be seeing the WCW title heading back to Amarilo Texas!

Rating 87



Semi Final Match:-Terry Funk vs Vampiro


This was a fairly stiff and brutal encounter, with both men easily willing to sacrifice anything, to reach the Final and win the WCW title. Funk hits a ddt early on but that was the closest either came to winning until the match had been going on for at least 10 minutes. Just like with Brazil v Rhino, this match spills to the outside and Funk bounces Vampiro's head off the announce table a few times. Funk doesn't have the advantage for long, as Vampiro pokes Funk in the eyes and takes Funk's arm, before repeatedly wrapping his arm around the ring post. Funk is in pain now, clutching at his elbow. Vampiro then tries to swing at the arm with a steel chair but Funk blocks it with his good arm. However Vampiro will not be denied and he rams the chair into Funk's gut, before smashing him over the head with the chair! Forgoing the attempt to inflict further damage on the arm, Vampiro instead decides to connect with the nail in the coffin on to the steel chair! Vampiro then rolls into the ring, taunting the crowd, appearing to be happy with a countout victory. However, even though he is now bleeding, Terry Funk incredibly manges to get to his feet by the count of 8 and stumble back into the ring, just before the 10! Vampiro charges at Funk but gets caught in a small package and somehow "middle aged and crazy" Terry Funk has progressed to the final!


Winner and progressing to the Final:-Terry Funk

Rating 73



-The camera cuts to the backstage, as Stan Hansen has jumped Bobo Brazil from behind. Stan Hansen knocks Bobo to the ground, with a stiff right hook and kicks him a few times, before being pulled away by road agents. With a smug and self-satisfied look on his face, Stan Hansen then goes to make his entrance.

Rating 71



Semi Final Match:-Stan Hansen vs Bobo Brazil


Stan Hansen makes the referee start the 10 count but to a good pop, Bobo Brazil makes his way out to ring. However with a black eye and hastily taped up ribs, his courage may prove to work against him in a big way. Hansen shows no mercy, laying into Bobo with stiff punches to the injured rib cage. The brutal texan then connects with a scoop slam, before dropping a few knees. Hansen taunts the crowd and then allows Bobo to slowly rise to his feet. He is not on them for long though, as a lariat puts the brave Bobo on his back for the final time.


Winner and progressing to the Final:-Stan Hansen

Rating 70



-The camera cuts to the parking lot, where we see JTG and Shad Gaspard auctioning stuff they'd 'borrowed' from the S.A.T's locker. They had just sold the last item, (a lucha mask which Cryme Tyme had convinced Jerelle Clark had been handed down to the S.A.T by their grandfather the Great Muta) when the S.A.T came up to them and started yelling at them in Spanish. Cryme Tyme shrug their shoulders and move to leave but Jose grabs Shad by the shoulder and roughly spins him around. Shad then grabs Jose by the shoulders and throws him halfway across the parking lot! He then looks menacingly at Joel Maximo, who quickly takes off. JTG laughs, pats Shad on the shoulder and the two of them leave the scene.

Rating 75



WCW Heavyweight Title Grand Final Match:-Stan Hansen vs Terry Funk


Terry Funk is bandaged up and moving rather slowly and naturally Stan Hansen takes control and focuses on trying to reopen the head would suffered by Funk in his last match. It isn't long before the blood is flowing freely again and the crowd is silent, as it looks like it's only a matter of time until the hardcore icon is put down for the last time. However Terry Funk is not one to ever give up and he keeps swingly wildly, connecting with a punch that was hard that it seemed to have broken Stan Hansen's nose! With a small opening, Funk continues to hammer away at Hansen's nose, causing the big man to retreat to the relative safety of ringside. After taking a few moments to recover himself, Funk himself exits the ring and makes for Hansen. Having his nose broken, seems to have taken the fight of the big man and he tries to escape Funk but can't and proceeds to take several hard chops to his chest. Funk tries to send Hansen into the ring post but gets reversed by the desperate big man. Funk's bloodied head bounces of the ring post and he collapses to the mat. Hansen rolls Funk into the ring, follows him in and starts kicking him in the ribs. He then pulls Funk up, readying him for the lariat but Funk manages to duck the attempt and counter into a ddt! "Middle aged and crazy" then heads up to the top and attemps a moonsault but has trouble steadying himself, due to blood loss. The time taken by Funk to try the moonsault, proves to be his undoing. Funk comes off the top with the moonsault but Hansen's had enough time to recover and brings up his knees. Both men are down and pretty sore by now but eventually they both make it back to their feet. Funk, the loss of blood really slowing him down now, throws a few wild punches but Hansen connects with the lariat, which finally puts the Funker down for the count. Hansen quickly gets the 3 he needs to become the first ever heavyweight champion of the WCW!


The Winner and FIRST EVER WCW Heavyweight Champion:- Stan Hansen

Rating 83


Stan Hansen celebrates as the crowd cheer both men for giving it their all here tonight but the cheers quickly turn to boos, as the new Champ refuses a handshake from Terry Funk and instead decides to hit him with another lariat before throwing him over the top rope.

Rating 82



Post Show:-


-We see video highlights of "The Puerto Rican Playboy" Eddie Colon, "That 70's Guy" Joey Ryan and some other assorted wrestlers recently hitting a vegas strip club. Both the playboy and the 70's guy seem to be having no luck at either the gambling tables or with the ladies. They are then astonished to see El Generico walk by with a suitcase containing $50 000 he'd just won playing blackjack. That was nothing compared to the shock of seeing Super Dragon walk past them with a pretty blonde on each arm! Eddie remarks that chicks must dig lucha masks or something.

Rating 79



-Wrestling Machines vs the Backseat Boyz goes to a 15 minute time limit draw


Johnny and Trent had the clear chemistry and experience advantage but just like the machines of their name, Puder and Williams refused to give in and every time it seemed like the Boyz were getting on top, Puder or Williams would come up with a reversal out of nowhere and turn the tide back in their favour. With 30 seconds remaining, the Backseat Boyz connect with the t-gimmick on Daniel Puder. While Johnny brawls with Doug, Trent puts Daniel in the acid lock but the former tough enough winner guts out the pain until time expires.

Rating 35

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I ran an unofficial prediction contest


Codey got 2 points for predicting the winners of two matches, a bonus 4 points for correctly predicting two of the four semi-finalists and a token point for the post show draw.


GhostDogg got 2 points for predicting the winners of two matches, a bonus 2 points for predicting one of the four semi-finalists and a token point for the post show draw.


Codey wins the unofficial prediction contest 7 points to 5 and gets to make a pre-show match with any two wrestlers from the midcard down.


Card will be up as soon as Codey makes his match....and I get me my 8 hours sleep :p

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Presiden Nixon is going over the balance sheets for the ppv just past and appears to be pleased with the figures.


President Nixon:- "I told you that Stan Hansen would bring the people in! Nothing beats good ole fashioned American brute strength and some classic old school brawling!"


Nixon's aide has a hesitant look on his face.


Aide:-"Mr President, while I am a card carrying member of the Stan Hansen fan club, Stan is a veteran and long term, the best thing is to use him to help the next generation get over."


Nixon is enraged. He starts yelling at his aide.




Not content with just yelling at his aide, Nixon presses a button and two muscly secret service agents come in and drag the shocked aide away. Nixon mutters to himself.


President Nixon:- "Godamn commie."

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The Aftermath


Pre Show:- Roderick Strong vs Jerry Lynn


-Wrestling Machines vs Tony Marmaluke and Air Paris



Main Card


WCW Light Heavyweight Title Tournament Semi-Final Matches:


-Super Dragon vs Mike Quackenbush


-Reckless Youth vs Chris Chetti



WCW Tag Team Title Tournament Quarter Final Matches:


Cryme Tyme vs PG-13


Stampede Bulldogs vs The S.A.T


Backseat Boyz vs The Young Bucks



WCW International Title Tournament Quarter Final Match:


-"The Puerto Rican Playboy" Eddie Colon vs Kid Kash



WCW Womens Title Tournament Quarter Final Match:


Molly Holly vs Maryse Ouellet



Post Show:-Spike Dudley vs Vampiro


I beg Codey's forgiveness, I am an impatient rabbit :p


Oh and there will be an offiical prediction contest this time, 1 point for each match and the winner gets to pick a mystery partner for Terry Funk in an upcoming tag match against Stan Hansen.

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Strong over Lynn: I know that this is going to be a VERY solid opener. Alot of Matches with Lynn are, but I think the age is going to catch up with him,and its going to be "Death by Roderick".


Wrestling Machines over "Air Mamaluke": Dont know why. just saying


Dragon vs Quack: I dont know ..I mean thats a INDY Dream match. I am sure they have faught before, but I think the Lightning Lock and his different versions of the QD Drivers are going to prevail over the Numerous variations of the "Psycho Drivers"


Chetti vs Youth: Dont really know how to call it. I guess give it to the INDY LEGEND Youth over "Taz's Cousin"


Cryme Tyme over PG-13. If you put PG13 over CT. I WILL RIOT! Its sad enough they get crapped on IN REAL LIFE.


StamDOGS vs SAT: I am going to give it to the Dogs, due to the interference of the Buck Brothers, due to the last show (Buck Brothers. Does that sound gay? LOL )


Backseat Boyz vs Young Bucks: Going to give the Boyz this one, for the same reason up above. SAT getting revenge for the Bucks interfering in the earlier match.


Eddie Colon vs Kid Kash: If it was Carlito, its one thing...but Eddie? Two words. EASY WIN....Kash.


Holly vs Maryse: Probably give Maryse the win, and have her get some heat with the "Annoying French Gimmick" thing.


Spike vs Vampiro: I wanna say Spike,(due to revenge from Lashley, but we know it aint gonna happen). So Spike is going to get SPIKED with a Nail In the Coffin.




"I could be wrong. But I doubt it."

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  • 1 month later...


The Aftermath


Buy Rate .09

Attendance 9987

Show Rating 77




Pre Show:


-Wrestling Machines def Tony Marmaluke and Air Paris in 7:15 via chaos theory


Pretty much an extended squash match. Intended to showcase the solid teamwork and crisp wrestling skills of both men. After getting the 3, the Machines make their way to the back not caring to celebrate their victory.

Rating 38


-Shiek Daivari, Sir David Taylor and Squire Peter Gasperino are gathered together backstage and are discussing how it's a disgrace how none of them have been booked to wrestle yet. They go on to complain about discrimination, until none other than Mr T arrives on the scene! Mr T gets in their faces and says that where he comes from, you don't whine and complain you just go out and fight to get what you want! Royal Blood decide to take his advice and proceed to attack Mr T!

Rating 87


-Jerry Lynn def Roderick Strong in 10:45 via a cradle piledriver


Roderick Strong was younger and hungrier but Jerry Lynn proved that age may have slowed him but not by much, as he matched Strong move for move. Strong seemed to be focusing on Lynn's ribs, hitting numerous back and rib breakers. Strong appeared to be going for a submission but Lynn countered into a brainbuster and then got the pin after following up with a cradle piledriver.

Rating 86




Main Card


WCW Light Heavyweight Title Tournament Semi-Final Match:- Super Dragon vs Mike Quackenbush


Both men showed incredible heart and desire to win this match. Super Dragon almost had the match won early but the attempted dragon twister met naught but canvas. After wearing Dragon down some more, Quack hits the ISS 2 and follows up with chain lightning for the nearest of near falls. Quack is frustrated that somehow didn't get the job done and starts to lose focus, allowing Dragon to recover somewhat. A wild swing is dodged and Dragon follows up with headbutts, kicks and knees. Quack staggers forward, doubled over in pain. An axe kick follows and Dragon climbs to the top and flies off, connecting with the badunkadunk. Dragon is quickly back up and sets Quack up for the Barry White Driver but is reversed by Quack into a piledriver of his own. Quack readies Dragon for the Quackendriver but Dragon slips out behind and fires off a few quick elbows to Quack's unprotected back, before setting him up for and hitting the psycho driver II. Quack's piledriver has weakened Dragon though but luckily for him, he falls forward and collapses into the cover which sees him make the tournament final next week!


The winner and progressing to the Final:- Super Dragon

Rating 83



-Backstage we see "The cornfed Colossus" Festus and his handler Daffney walking around backstage, when they are confronted by Simon Diamond and his bodyguard Tyson Tomko. Simon mocks Festus's lack of intelligence and the fact that the best he can do as far as women goes, is that freak on his arm. Daffney looks at Simon, at Tomko and then back at Simon and remarks that the strong silent type appears to be his forte as well. Simon looks puzzled, Daffney just flashes a crazy grin at him and leads Festus away. Eventually Tomko leans in and whispers something in Simon's ear. Simon's eyes bug out and he storms off.

Rating 67



WCW Tag Team Title Tournament Quarter Final:- Backseat Boyz vs The Young Bucks


The crowd was into both teams and they proved worthy of their attention. The Bucks were flying all over the place, with the Boyz bumping like champions for them. The Bucks nearly had it won, when they hit stereo dropkicks, followed by stereo 450 splashes. Luckily for Kashmere, he was the legal man and managed to get a foot on the ropes. The Bucks proceed to dominate, showing incredible instinctive teamwork. After a few minutes of isolating Kashmere, Johnny finally gets a tag out to Acid. Trent ducks a clothesline attempt from Jeremy and connects with a discus elbow smash. Acid rakes the eyes of Jeremy and takes pretty much every other shortcut in the book and the more experienced team takes control. A cheap shot by Kashmere on the apron, drew Max in and what followed was a brawl and the referee struggled to maintain order. A huricanrana on Jeremy by Acid sent the youngster to the outside and alone in the ring, Max fell prey to the T gimmick which got the Boyz the win.


The winners and progressing to the Semi-Finals:- The Backseat Boyz

Rating 59



-Molly Holly is backstage facing a camera. She reminds us of her history in wrestling, why she left the business and why she came back. She says that Diva's are what is wrong with women's wrestling today and she will make an example of them, starting with Maryse tonight and remind the fans out there, how good traditional women's wrestling can be.'

Rating 60



WCW International Title Tournament Quarter Final Match:-"The Puerto Rican Playboy" Eddie Colon vs Kid Kash


Kid Kash found it difficult to get going as Eddie was flying about the place and Kash just couldn't get a hold of him. A nice springboard dropkick and legdrop could have got Eddie the win but Kash managed to roll out of the ring. Kash was taking a breather but Eddie catches him with a slingshot crossbody. Not letting up, Eddie picks him up and rolls him back into the ring. He waits for Kash to stand and attempts a stunner but Kash pushes him off, onto the ropes. However Eddie comes back off the ropes with a springboard crossbody for a nearfall. Frustrated at his inability to put the veteran away, despite dominating the match, Eddie makes a mistake and starts to brawl with Kash. This plays to the former ECW tv champion strengths and he starts to take control. Kash eventually connects with the moneymaker but makes a mistake by going for a double jump moonsault instead. He hits the moonsault but Eddie rolls through and gets the 3!


The winner and progressing to the Semi-Finals:-"The Puerto Rican Playboy" Eddie Colon

Rating 73



-Vampiro is sitting in a dark room, his face eerily lit up by a single candle. He says that it appears WCW management are afraid of him. He was not booked tonight and he doesn't expect to be booked any time in the near future. He is confident that eventually all will bow to the dark powers that he serves but until then, he will have to take matters into his own hands. Vampiro then extinguishes the candle with his bare hand and we fade into darkness.

Rating 79



WCW Tag Team Title Tournament Quarter Final:-Cryme Tyme vs PG 13


Really nothing to say, Cryme Tyme totally dominated their more experienced opponents. Shad used his size and strength advantage to wear Jc Ice and Wolfie D down to a point where JTG ran rings around them. JTG and Shad mercifully finish the match with a G9.


The winners and progressing to the Semi-Finals:-Cryme Tyme

Rating 39



-The Young Bucks are backstage, looking pretty upset. The S.A.T then come into shot and start mocking the two of them in Spanish. Jeremy happens to speak a little Spanish however and threatens to kick their asses if they don't show him and his brother a little respect. The S.A.T just wander off laughing, leaving Jeremy standing there fuming, as his brother tries to calm him down.

Rating 31



WCW Light Heavyweight Title Tournament Semi-Final Match:- Reckless Youth vs Chris Chetti


Before the match, Chris Chetti does his best to play to the crowd. Dancing around and generally having fun. Reckless Youth doesn't take kindly to the shenanigans and viciously assaults him before the bell even rings! Various ssuplexes and a northern lights bomb, leading to Youth getting a near fall. Chetti starts to work his way back into the match, after Youth comes up short on the attempted frog splash. Chetti eventually hits a blue thunder driver but just like Youth and the frog splash before, Chetti comes up short on the springboard double jump moonsault. Chetti eventually gets him into position for the Amityville Horror but Youth slips out behind him and connects with a bridging german suplex for a 3 count.


The winner and progressing to the Final:- Reckless Youth

Rating 68



-Backstage we see Ace Steel just wandering around, when Rhino suddenly comes out of nowhere and gores him. Rhino then screams "LASHLEY" at the top of his lungs, before kicking the downed Ace Steel a few times and leaving the scene, as medics come to the aid of the unconcious youngster.

Rating 72



WCW Womens Title Tournament Quarter Final Match:-Molly Holly vs Maryse Ouellet


Molly dominated the match, as expected but managed to get quite a good match out of the young french canadian. Maryse showed a level of atheleticism and almost caught Molly by surprise a few times and even got a nearfall on her more experienced opponent with a spinning side slam backbreaker. However when Maryse went for the french kiss, Molly countered into a back body drop, followed up with a bulldog and then then when Maryse got to her feet, Molly came off the top with the Molly go round and got the 3 count she needed to advance to the semis.


The winner and progressing to the Semi-Finals:- Molly Holly

Rating 62



-Stan Hansen comes out to the ring, title in hand. He says that he's not one for ceremony and long winded victory speeches. He is here for one reason only and that is, to tell Terry Funk he'd better stay the hell in hospital because if he dares try to come after HIS title again.....well he's not going to be held responsible for his actions!

Rating 81



WCW Tag Team Title Tournament Quarter Final:-Stampede Bulldogs vs The S.A.T


The Stampede Bulldogs get quite the reception and appear to be the popular choice for tonight's main event. However the Bulldogs don't have it easy, as they act as bump machines for the fast moving Maximo brothers in the early going. The SAT go close to winning when they connect with the Maximo Impact on TJ but his partner is in to break it up. Calling on that bulldog family strength, Harry goes toe to toe with both Maximo brothers and rocks them with hard fists and takes Joel down with a stiff short arm clothesline. Smith kicks Jose in the gut and sets him up for the running powerslam but Jose slips out the back and pushes Harry into the ring post. Harry staggers back and Jose dropkicks him, sending him back into the ring post. Jose tries to connect with Maximo Velocity but TJ is back in the ring and starts brawling with Jose. Their fight spills to the outside and Harry is given naught but a moment to recover, as Joel is back in the ring. An elbow to the head and Harry is set up for the beach break piledriver but Harry kicks him in the head with the heel of his foot, slips out, kicks Jose in the gut and hits him with the running powerslam! On the outside we see Joel hit TJ with a steel chair! Harry is covering Jose but the referee sees TJ down on the outside, with Joel and mr chair nowhere to be seen. While the referee is checking on TJ, with Harry leaning over the ropes with a concerned look on his face, Joel sneaks into the ring and blasts an unsuspecting Harry with the chair. Harry falls backwards and Jose covers him while Joel quickly exits the ring. The referee sees the cover and goes back in the ring to count the 3 and send the SAT to the semis!


The winners and progressing to the Semi-Finals:-The S.A.T.

Rating 91 :eek:


The S.A.T scarper before the Bulldogs can recover and taunt the crowd from the entrance ramp.




Post Show:-


We see clips of the new action thriller Unstoppable. The video fades and we see Horswoggle sitting in a chair. He then starts talking mostly gibberish, before we are able to make out the name of the film "Unstoppable" Hornswoggle then sticks both his thumbs up.

Rating 37


Vampiro def Spike Dudley after 10:49 via a nail in the coffin


Spike put up an incredible fight but Vampiro seemed to be a man possesed. He took everything that the runt of the Dudley litter threw at him and kept going. Spike went for his second Dudley Dog of the match but Vampiro countered and crotched Spike on the top rope, before popping the crowd by hitting the nail in the coffin from the top rope!

Rating 63

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Road to Revenge


Pre Show:-


-Ashley Massaro vs Ms Brooks

-Mr T vs Squire Peter Gasperino



Main Card



WCW Light Heavyweight Title Tournament Grand-Final Match:


Super Dragon vs Reckless Youth



WCW Tag Team Title Tournament Quarter Final Match:


The Highlanders vs Royal Blood



WCW International Title Tournament Quarter Final Matches:


-Tyson Tomko vs Josh Matthews

-"The Truth" Ron Killings vs Ace Steel



WCW Womens Title Tournament Quarter Final Matches:


-Nattie Neidhart vs Becky Bayless

-Victoria vs LuFisto



Main Event Tag Team Match


Terry Funk/Giant Baba vs WCW Champion Stan Hansen/Abdullah the Butcher



Post Show:-Bobby Lashley vs Vampiro



Another Nixon update coming shortly :p


Until then, feel free to predict!

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Ashley Massaro vs Ms Brooks-

Mr T vs Squire Peter Gasperino



Main Card



WCW Light Heavyweight Title Tournament Grand-Final Match:


Super Dragon vs Reckless Youth



WCW Tag Team Title Tournament Quarter Final Match:


The Highlanders vs Royal Blood



WCW International Title Tournament Quarter Final Matches:


-Tyson Tomko vs Josh Matthews

-"The Truth" Ron Killings vs Ace Steel



WCW Womens Title Tournament Quarter Final Matches:


-Nattie Neidhart vs Becky Bayless

-Victoria vs LuFisto



Main Event Tag Team Match


Terry Funk/Giant Baba vs WCW Champion Stan Hansen/Abdullah the Butcher





Post Show:-Bobby Lashley vs Vampiro

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  • 7 months later...



Road to Revenge


Buy Rate 1.01

Attendance 9871

Show Rating 81



Pre Show:


-Ashley Massaro def Ms Brooks in 4:31 via Starburst


Poor match but the crowd seemed to like watching the two ladies mix it up. Something to be said for beauty over talent I guess. Ashley eventually connects with a ddt and follows up with the starburst for the win.

Rating 27


-Royal blood members Shiek Daivari and Sir David Taylor are trying to help fellow stable member Squire Peter Gasperino get motivated for his upcoming match. They assure him that they will be in his corner and victory is assured. This seems to motivate him and he heads to the ring with a confident look on his face but behind his back, the Shiek and Sir Taylor exchange worried glances.

Rating 39



-Mr T def Squire Peter Gasperino w/Shiek Daivari and Sir David Taylor in 8:54 via a running powerslam


Surprisingly Royal Blood dominated the match, distracting the referee and cheap shotting Mr T at every opportunity. Squire Gasperino even got a few good shots in himself. However the feeling was that all Mr T had to do was land one good shot and the match was his. This proved to be true as a stiff elbow knocked the Shiek off the apron and he fell backwards into Sir Taylor and knocked him down as well. All alone, Squire Gasperino is easy prey for a running powerslam.





Main Card


WCW Light Heavyweight Title Tournament Grand-Final Match:- Super Dragon vs Reckless Youth


The crowd really get behind Super Dragon and in the early going, he doesn't disappoint. Super Dragon threw everything at Reckless Youth, trying to end things quickly. However the experienced indy legend absorbs the headbutts, kicks and everything else the masked luchadore throws at him and waits for his moment before connecting with the northen lights, for a close fall. Both men then continued to either give, or take abuse but neither could finish the other guy off. Eventually the end came, when Super Dragon tried to set up the ganso superbomb but it turns out that the cagey vet Reckless Youth had been playing possum and huricanrana's Dragon off the top rope and immediately flies off the top rope with an elbow, before covering Dragon and putting his feet on the ropes to make sure of the 3 count.


The Winner and First EVER WCW Light Heavyweight Champion:- Reckless Youth





-We see the WCW Champion Stan Hansen trying to warm up but he's clearly freaked out by his partner Abdullah, who is in the middle of his motivational ritual, which involves jabbing himself with a fork!





WCW Tag Team Title Tournament Quarter Final Match:-The Highlanders vs Royal Blood w/Squire Peter Gasperino


The Highlanders are heavy crowd favourites here but the tactics of the evil Royal Blood pay off in the early going as they proceed to isolate Rory. Royal Blood constantly tag in and out, staying fresh and managing to taunt hot headed Robbie into coming into the ring and occupying the referee's attention, while they cheap shot Rory on multiple occasions. The highlanders finally get some joy, when none other than Mr T comes out to the ring, chasing off Squire Peter and standing guard outside the ring, incase Royal Blood tried anything else. The presence of Mr T naturally un-nerved Royal Blood and The Highlanders got back into the match and not long after finished off the match, catching Sir David Taylor with the Scot Drop. Post match, Mr T kept a careful watch on Royal Blood, who dared not try and jump the victorious Scotsmen.


The winners and progressing to the Semi-Finals:-The Highlanders





-The camera cuts to the rafters, where Vampiro is currently residing. He says that, yet again, WCW management have left him off the card. He questions what does he have to do, to be recognized? Threats seem to not bother the suits, so maybe he'll just have to bring in outside help. Quote the unappreciated, very soon.





-WCW International Title Tournament Quarter Final Match:-Tyson Tomko vs Josh Matthews


Josh Matthews said before the match that he wanted to show that even though he is no longer a full time(or even part time) wrestler, he could still put on a good show. If you define putting on a good show, by bumping like you are Spike Dudley and your opponent is Mike Awesome, mission accomplished! Yeah, it was not pretty. Tomko dominated from start to finish and eventually ended the pain, with a big boot. Josh Matthews was still unconcious, as the camera cut to a breaking situation in the back.


The winner and progressing to the Semi-Finals:- Tyson Tomko





-Nattie Neidhart and Victoria are beating down on LuFisto backstage. LuFisto is actually bleeding. The two women then move to send LuFisto through a catering table but Becky Bayless comes in and starts wildly swinging a chair, sending the evil twosome fleeing, laughing at the damange they had caused as they ran.





WCW Womens Title Tournament Quarter Final Match:-Nattie Neidhart vs Becky Bayless


Becky Bayless is in quite the foul mood and matches it, with her much superior opponent. Nattie eventually takes control and decides to play around with Becky, hitting her with various power moves and making comical covers. Any offence from Becky is always short lived and ends up with Nattie quickly regaining control. Eventually the crowd cheers, as a bandaged up LuFisto storms out, making her way down to the ring. Nattie naturally freaks out and is prey to a quick school girl roll up, from the woozy Becky Bayless. Becky progresses to the semis and LuFisto breaks into a sly grin, knowing exactly how much this would humilate the proud Nattie Neidhart.


The winner and progressing to the Semi-Finals:-Becky Bayless





-"The Truth" Ron Killings makes his way out to the ring and launches into a stinging attack of WCW, its management and talent. He claims a conspiracy against him, that robbed him of what was rightfully his, the WCW title! He goes on to say, that he will not rest untill he gets his WCW title off whatever has been chump that holds it. The first step in this mission of justice? Winning the International title!





-WCW International Title Tournament Quarter Final Match:-"The Truth" Ron Killings vs Ace Steel


Ron is fired up for this one but Ace Steel aint no chump! He stays with Killings for the majority of the match and when Killings goes for an axe kick, Steel dodges it and upends Killings! Ace Steel is quick to unload on the fallen Killings, with some stiff punches. Ace Steel then picks Killings up and tries for the spinal shock but showing surprising technical skills, Killings counters into a suplex. Truth then tries to set up for the conviction but Steel counters into a jawbreaker. Steel then tries for a steel spike but Truth leaps up, countering the move into a cutter! Truth follows up with the axe kick and get the 3 count he needs to progress!


The winner and progressing to the Semi-Finals:-"The Truth" Ron Killings





-We see Terry Funk and Giant Baba warming up and they to, have their own unique method of preparation. The two men are trading punches, both begging the other to hit harder after each shot!





WCW Womens Title Tournament Quarter Final Match:-Victoria vs LuFisto


Just like the last match, this one was somewhat of a surprise. LuFisto, was heavily bandaged and clearly still suffering from her injuries sustained in the earlier backstage assault but she was also dominating Victoria! Hell hath no fury, like a woman beaten up backstage at a pro-wrestling event? LuFisto connects with an inverted death valley driver and locks Victoria in LuFisto's Law. For reasons unknown, LuFisto releases the hold and goes to the top rope. LuFisto comes off with the diving star but Victoria manages to summon up enuough strength to roll out of the way. Both women make it to their feet and start trading punches. Eventually a poke to the eye, allows Victoria to connect with a chokebomb. Feeling that wasn't enough, she roughly pulls LuFisto to her feet and connets with the widows peak, which gets the 3 count, over the brave LuFisto.


The winner and progressing to the Semi-Finals:-Victoria





-Chris Chetti, not booked but smart enough to show up and take advantage of free catering, is gored out of his boots by a crazed Rhino! Rhino then screams "LASHLEY!" over and over, while medics tend to the injured Chetti.





Main Event Tag Team Match:-Terry Funk/Giant Baba vs WCW Champion Stan Hansen/Abdullah the Butcher


Great old school brawl of a main event. Funk and Hansen traded stiff punches in the middle of the ring, while the referee had his hands full trying to keep Baba and the Butcher in their respective corners, as they were prone to wander around the ring, exchanging stiff punches, clotheslines and Baba even once bounced the Butchers head off the steel guard rail! Eventually Funk takes control of the in-ring portion of the match and puts down the champ, with a snap ddt. Abdullah then rushes the ring and starts trading punches of his own, with the Funkster. Abdullah wins the exchange, when he surprises Funk with a stiff headbut. Having had enough of the situation, Baba charges in and starts brawling with Abdullah. Eventually clotheslining him over the top rope. Funk and Baba are back to their feet by this point and Stan Hansen moves to finish Funk off with a lariat but Funk ducks, kicks the champ in the gut and connects with a texas piledriver to get his team the victory! After the match, Stan Hansen argues with Abdullah, before attempting to hit his partner with a lariat. Continuing a horrible night for the champion, Abdullah absorbs the blow! A shocked Hansen is then dropped with a stiff headbut, before Abdullah finishes him off with the butchers axe!


The winners:-Terry Funk/Giant Baba




Post Show:




Vampiro defeated Bobby Lashley in 18:38 by pinfall, via a nail in the coffin following interference from Rhino


Lashley was determined to put Vampiro away quickly and assaulted him with various power moves, like press slams and shoulder tackles. Lashley looked to finish him off with the dominator but Vampiro managed to slip out the back and use Lashley's momentum to send him crashing into the corner post. Vampiro then started to work on Lashley's knees, hoping to ground the younger, faster Lashley. This works a treat, until Lashley explodes and connects with a vicious spear! Lashley then lifts Vampiro up and looks to finally connect with the dominator but Rhino comes charging out. Lashley drops Vampiro and when Rhino comes charging into the ring and tries to gore Lashley, Lashley dodges. Rhino then hits the ring post, staggering backwards and falls prey to the dominator. Vampiro had been watching this unfold and takes his chance to catch Lashley by surprise with the nail in the coffin. This gets Vampiro the 3 and he gets out of dodge, as the post show ends with Lashley and Rhino beating the motherlovin' snot out of each other!


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Richard Nixon is a bit flustered.


"Dammit, where is the phone book....dammit!"


An aide rushes in with some water. He advises Nixon to breathe deep.


"How can I stay calm when they stole him from me? Those damn fools at WCCW! First they steal our name and think I wont notice because they snuck in an extra C, second they copy our promotional style but now they had to go that one step further and steal our Champion!"


The aide thought about correcting him but wisely decided to let the President ramble on.


"This cannot stand! I am the President of these United States and I will not be beaten by some 3rd rate businessmen who couldn't cut it, in the real world!"


The aide then sees a twinkle in Nixon's eye. Has his boss come up with a plan? Nixon then shoves the phone book in his aide's face.


"Get me Terry's number.........NOW!"

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Dawn of a New Era


Pre Show:- "That 70's Guy" Joey Ryan w/"The Puerto Rican Playboy" Eddie Colon vs Adam Pearce w/Roderick Strong


-Stampede Bulldogs/Jerelle Clark vs PG 13/Kevin Steen



Main Card


Diva Battle Royale for last spot in WCW Women's Title Tournament Semi-Finals


Allison Danger vs Katie Lea vs Lacey Von Erich vs Layla El vs Ms Brooks vs Ms Chif vs Ashley Massaro vs Beulah McGillicutty vs Cheerleader Melissa vs Daffney vs Mickie James vs Sara Del Ray



WCW Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-Final Matches:


-Cryme Tyme vs Backseat Boyz


-The Highlanders vs The S.A.T



WCW International Title Tournament Quarter Final Match:


Simon Diamond vs "The Cornfed Colossus" Festus



Non Title:- WCW Light Heavyweight Champion Reckless Youth vs Jerry Lynn



Special Event Tag Team Match:- Winning team goes on to face each other for Vacant WCW Title next show


Abdullah The Butcher/Bobby Lashley


Jushin Thunder Liger/Terry Funk


Spike Dudley/Vampiro


Rhino/Bobo Brazil



Post Show:-Ron "The Truth" Killings vs Human Tornado


Hopefully I'm starting to get back into the zone :)

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