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Hollyweird 2010

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As he shook hands with Gil Thomas on a deal to sell him the rights to the Hollyweird Grappling Company name, Tommy Cornell wasn't sure if he had just made the best or worst decision in his career as a promoter. While selling a name with some history would certainly help Gil's transition into the wrestling world Tommy was quite certain Gil had the fortune to do it anyway. And money was a big deal. Tommy had watched as financial struggles had allowed USPW and SWF to steal several of his top talents. Gil's offer was more than generous and would help TCW. In addition to the money, the decision to sell boiled down to this: 1. Gil had convinced him he was mainly looking to compete with SWF and would be running a more Entertainment oriented brand and 2. Gil agreed to a non-aggression pact with TCW which would guarantee that while SWF and USPW would have to compete with his wealth, he would not.


As they concluded the meeting Tommy spoke up one final time. "I know we agreed to the non-aggression pact, but there is one contract you could take off my hands if you wanted him and he was willing to go..."



Returns: 2010

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HGC is excited two announce two new business deals. They have agreed to terms with the Piledriver School of Wrestling to be the parent of the Academy.




They have also created Pro Wrestling WILD in Hawaii which will serve as a development territory




The plan going forward is for HGC to run several smaller shows starting in January 2010 with a full fledged return to Television in the middle of the year.

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HGC Announces

Madman Boone Benefit Show

Saturday Week 4, January, 2010




A Hardcore Tag Team Tribute Match


Painful Procedure vs. Nation Of Filth


All proceeds will go to help pay for Madman Boone's medical bills

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HGC Announces Biggest Signing Yet:




Texas Pete


As part of the deal to purchase the rights to HGC, Gil Thomas received permission to talk to, and agreed to terms with Texas Pete. Long considered a hot prospect, his career seemed to have plateaued in TCW and the move to HGC will give him a fresh start. He will be competing in the Co-Main Event at the Madman Boone Benefit Show with a to be named opponent.

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Madman Boone Benefit Show

Saturday Week 4, January, 2010


Card Announced...


Hardcore Tag Team Tribute Match

Painful Procedure vs. Nation of Filth


Co-Main Event

Texas Pete vs. Ronnie V. Pain


Steve Flash vs. Paul Steadyfast

Ota vs. James Prudence w/ Rita

Donnie J & Ford Gumble vs. Black House

Jack Griffith vs. Silver Shark

Cameron Vessey & Jay Chord vs. Dark Circus

Steven Parker w/Persephone vs. Matthew Keith

Greg Gauge vs. Nelson Callum

Hugh de Aske vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Darkness Warrior & The Acolyte vs. Dos Phoenix

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Hardcore Tag Team Tribute Match

Painful Procedure vs. Nation of Filth


Co-Main Event

Texas Pete vs. Ronnie V. Pain


Steve Flash vs. Paul Steadyfast

Ota vs. James Prudence w/ Rita

Donnie J & Ford Gumble vs. Black House

Jack Griffith vs. Silver Shark

Cameron Vessey & Jay Chord vs. Dark Circus

Steven Parker w/Persephone vs. Matthew Keith

Greg Gauge vs. Nelson Callum

Hugh de Aske vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Darkness Warrior & The Acolyte vs. Dos Phoenix

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Hardcore Tag Team Tribute Match

Painful Procedure vs. Nation of Filth


Co-Main Event

Texas Pete vs. Ronnie V. Pain


Steve Flash vs. Paul Steadyfast

Ota vs. James Prudence w/ Rita

Donnie J & Ford Gumble vs. Black House

Jack Griffith vs. Silver Shark

Cameron Vessey & Jay Chord vs. Dark Circus

Steven Parker w/Persephone vs. Matthew Keith

Greg Gauge vs. Nelson Callum

Hugh de Aske vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Darkness Warrior & The Acolyte vs. Dos Phoenix

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Madman Boone Benefit Show

Saturday Week 4, January, 2010




Steve Smith & Sara Silver



Match 1


Darkness Warrior & Acolyte vs. Dos Phoenix


Dos Phoenix come out first to cheers. The lights then go out and chanting music is played for the Darkness Warrior and Acolyte.


This match is short and not good at all, but Darkness Warrior picks up the win. (41)



Painful Procedure


Painful Procedure cut a promo putting over their match with the Nation of Filth later. They also talk about how they have both held the Hardcore Title that Madman Boone retired. They kiss up to the fans and lament that the "band is missing a few members." (45)


Match 2


Davis Wayne Newton vs. Hugh de Aske


Newton taunts the crowd before being interrupted by Aske's entrance as he swings on a rope about half way down the aisle. He then claps hands with the kids and gives one his pirate hat.


In another poor match Newton controls, but gets c.ocky and Aske rolls him up for the win. (34)


Match 3


Greg Gauge vs. Nelson Callum


The two youngsters have a surprisingly solid match, though Callum cheats every chance he can get including pinning gauge with his feet on the ropes. (43)


Clowning Around


Crazy Midget Clown Klan


Hustler starts off by saying what a dumb name "Clowning Around" is and drops a few swear words as he rips down the sign. Correction, he stood on Jokers back and ripped down the sign. They then welcome "a couple punks that are just as nasty as they are."



Nation of Filth


Nation of Filth rips on the audience and puts over their match with Painful Procedure. They then help the Clowns trash the makeshift set. (38)


Match 4


Matthew Keith vs. Steven Parker w/Persephone


Parker doesn't treat Persephone with any respect ordering her to hold the ring ropes then ordering her out of the ring. Keith doesn't appreciate it and lets it be known.


In another solid match Steven Parker picks up the win after cheating. (47)


Match 5


Dark Circus vs. Vessey & Chord


Chord and Vessey, being the sons of legends are cheered by the crowd. Then weird spotlights begin to circle the arena as circus music plays which suddenly turns into a dark violent tune for Kill Switch and Death Monkey's entrance.


The two teams have a good solid even match which Death Monkey wins cleanly by pinning Vessey. (49)


Match 6


Silver Shark vs. Jack Griffith


Shark plays up to the crowd while Griffith comes out looking all business if not a tad grumpy.


In one of the best matches of the night, Jack Griffith defeats Silver Shark (60)




James Prudence w/Rita Charles


Rita clings to Prudence throughout the interview. Prudence hypes the upcoming match with his "old rival Ota." (50)


Match 7


Donnie J & Ford Gumble vs. Black House


The crowd is behind all 4 men seeing half of the former Fly Boys teamed up with half of the Young Guns and taking on half of the Tokyo Express with his new partner. However Narato and Maita quickly establish themselves as the heels.


Donnie J picks up the win for his team in a solid match (56)


Match 8


Ota vs. James Prudence w/ Rita


As Prudence stands in the ring taunting the fans the lights flash out then back on and Ota is in the ring standing behind him. He then attacks him much to the crowds delight.


Rita's interference backfires allowing Ota to pick up the win in the best match of the night (63)


Match 9


Texas Pete vs. Ronnie V. Pain


Pain plays a few guitar rifts to get the crowd behind him before coming down to the ring. Pete comes out beer in hand and almost getting into a fight with a few fans.


This match was hurt by following up the Ota/Prudence match but was still a solid brawl that sees Pete come out on top. He spits beer on the fallen Pain to add insult to injury. (49)


Match 10


Paul Steadyfast vs. Steve Flash


The two veterans work the crowd and put on a good match which sees Paul Steadyfast come away with the win. (55)


Main Event

Tag Team Hardcore Match


Painful Procedure vs. Nation Of Filth


The teams each come to the ring with a trash can of weapons. They brawl in and out of the ring using whatever weapons they can find. BJ Shearer picks up the win for his team after trapping grunt in a trash can and both he and Hopkirk splashed him. Post match The Nation of Filth attack Painful Procedure until Ronnie V. Pain runs in for the save. The "Band" then cerebrate in the ring starting a "Madman Boone" chant as the event comes to a close. (43)


Overall Show: (46)






As Tommy Cornell turned off his TV, having just watched the benefit show, he smiled and laughed to himself...

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