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A drunk guy plays TEW and writse stories to it

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bleu is me

red is tommy

green for charlie


Pack your **** Tommy, it's time for you to move down the hallway.

What did you say?

You hear me, you british wanker, get your ass down the hall.

Where, mate?!

The hallway, bitch!

There's no offices though, mate. It's just an empty hallway.



I run this show now.

Hmm, who am I gonna fire. Who am I gonna hire? This is a nice desk you have Tommy, I think I'll set my coffee down in this corner over here.

Come on, mate!

This doesn't concern you Tommy Cornell! Get in the hallway.

Are you drunk, mate?

Maybe I am, I run this place now, what are you gonna do about it? Let me get to work

Jesus, mate!

Who will I fire?

Charlie Thatcher... you and your white shirt and black sunglasses. You don't brawl very well, but I see something in Thatcher, let's call him

*RRRRing brrring brriiiing*


This is Charlie Thatcher.


Wait- this is Tommy's phone number, why are you using Tommy's phone?

You want Tommy? Ok here, my british accent ain't so good but... ALRIGHT MATE, LISTEN HERE YA BLOODY WANK. Listen mate, I wanna give you a push.

Oh. Ok Tommy, just tell me what I need to do.

I need you, mate, to get a hold of the reddest t-shirt you can find. No more white. White is out! Red is in, mate.

Is this some kind of joke? Me and Tommy have always agreed that the white is best for the cameras.

You litsen here mate! I told you to waer red, so you will wear red!

Alright alright. Why the change?

Because you're being pushed, mate!

So this calls for a red shirt?

Red shirt, mate!


That's all I got, mate. Later.

Alright, who's next... Clark Alexander, ahhh you know what, screw it, all these guys get to keep t heir job, no firings today!

I got a show to book, let's get to work on that, none of this firing b.s. I may fire TOMMY CORNEL though if he doesn't get the hell away from my office door

Come on, mate!


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Advance booking mode




Alright, I see something in CHarlie Thatcher, let's see how far he can go. How about... main event on my first night on the job. Too much? Fu^^ it this is my sho,w I call the shots.


You gotta peak deeper into the layers that is Charlie Thatcher. Look beyond the white t-shirt and black sunglasses..


alright, he's got D in brawling. Theres room for improvement there, the man is still young. How do I know this you ask?


Chain wrestling : F+


There it is. That shows that Charlie Thatcher is capable of imrpovement. Notice, everything else in the category is F, but he has F+ in chain wrestling. That means, sometime last year the man learned how to string together some armbars. It's right there folks, the numbers don't like.



flashiness: f+ Woowww


You see, we have the same clues planted here as well. Charlie is capable of more than we think. The man knows how to pull some wicked moves. He's learning


Entertainment skills. Look at those, straight C's. yopu know, I was always a C student, and look how good I turned out? I own and run a wrestling company!


He doesnt sell that well


Hes very menacing tho and his sexiness is up there with his brawling. We could do something with this.


so the first match I will book for TCW Wdnesday show will be Charlie Thatcher vs. Tommy Cornell.



I will edit with full card


Charlie Thatcher vs. Tommy Cornell


Rocky GHolden vs. Bryan Vessey for the World Title


Joshua Taylor vs. Benny Benson for the International


Giant Tana vs. Joel Bryant


Eddie Peak vs Wolf Hawkins



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Jesus, mate. You can't be serious? It's bullocks.

Goddamnit Tommy. Alright. You go over, but I swear to christ once he's ready, hes going over your brit ass.;


What is your deal mate?


I DONT KNOW. JUST get away from me. Go clean a toilet or something. Do SOMETHING besides block my creative decisions. GYIT!


Utah Park with 12787 people



Tommy Cornell vs. Charlie Thatcher

Cornell defeated Thatcher by pinfall. ~22 min

Grade is D with good action. Thatcher stunk it up.

I had no choice but to put Tommy over. I know I promised Charlie the push of a life time, but it's gonna take longer than I thought. He still did good though as "I instructed that he be kept strong.



Bryan Vessety vs. Rocky Golden for the World title

Golden defeated Vessey by pinfall ~21 min

Grade is C with a good crowd.

We scripted this one since they don't have psycholigcal strengths. Golden dominated as well. I don't care for Vessey or his brother. I don't mind jobbing him out, hes really nothing special, but he'll stay around for a bit. Golden won it with a sick boot to the head.



Joshua Taylor vs. Benny Benson for the International Title

Taylor defeated Benson by submission ~ 17 min

Grade is D+ with good action.

Another heavy scripted match ednding in Taylor forcing Benson into submission with a choke manuever. I'm a big Taylor fan so I had him go strong in this one and just annihilate Benson. I think I'll have Taylor dominate the midcarders for a bit. Why not? Should I be in a hurry to push him? Nah.



Giant Tana vs. Joel Bryant

Tana defeated Bryant by pinfall ~ 12 min

Grade is C with good action.

Look, I respect what Bryant does and so I kept this one open (even) so no one looked too badass. I put Tana over since he's young and big, and has a brighter future. Bryant is a guy I turn to if i'm like ""hey bryant, I need so and so to be put over," Tana won it with a running splash move to crush Joel's rib cage.



Eddie Peak vs. Wolf Hawkins

Peak over Hawkins by pinfall ~ 26 min

Grade is B- with Average heat.

I don't know what I told the road agents. I think they just fought a regular match though and Eddie won with a Widows Peak or something.I'll look into this later.



Angle: Aaron Andrews asks American Buffalo on a date. I'm having Andrews open up to the world. And he decided that the first person he should open up to is the Buffalo Man. Aaron likes his men big and menacing is what we'll go with. Buffalo rejected him though because Buffalo doesnt swing from that side. Aaron bashes Buffalo for not being open minded about the situation. He say Buffalo will get whats coming to him. He better watch his back...side.

Grade is C-



Angle: Sam Keith beat down Jasmine Saunders for a bit. I don't know what els e to say about this one. I want Sam Keith to be a woman hater, and this is what he was. He beat down poor Jasmine. You gotta look at this from a different persepctive. Who is gonna help Jasmine? Who is gonna stop Sam? Lets get down to the roots of why Sam is displaying this behaviour. I will not get into the details of this beat down, but I will say it was brutal.

Grade is D



Opening Match: Aaron Andrews vs. Freddie Huggins

Andrews defeated Huggins by submission. ~ 10 min

Grade B-

He used a armbar submission to make Andrews tap. I had it be open cause I respect both workers but I want Andrews to have the edge. Thank christ Hugs and Andrews have chemistry cause Hugs and sis dont.


We got a D+ for this show.

Goddamn you Tommy you were supposed to make Charlie look like a god.


Our show it reported to have not gone down so god.


What you got to say about that Tommy?


You see what you did Tommy? This is why I cant trust you in the office, our shows aren't goign down so good!

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