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The DOA presents: “So… You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?” [An Arcadia Production]

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The space in which we reside is dark, desolate, and cracking at it’s foundation; an un-named warehouse cloaked in a menacing sense of mystery within the shrouded location of nowhere. The torturous projection of continual water droplets descending from on high, slamming violently into, what vaguely resembles, ocean-sized puddles, continues such an unsettling tone as it’s obvious we are nowhere near the comforts of society; entrenched in a forgotten world drenched in a lack of true safety. As, what seems like, an army of rodents scurry religiously before the camera lens, obviously in a heightened sense of fear due to the blinding light from atop the foreign, at least to this environment, TV camera, we slowly pan across the gigantic warehouse in which to fixate upon a rag-tag bunch of individuals standing in a jagged row. Their interaction with one another is null; instead, they all appear to be awaiting some sense of direction. With this notion in mind, it’s quickly expected that these shady figures have been forced to stand-as-one; their distrust for one another glowing from within their mysterious frames.






While they stand at attention, much like an enigmatic battalion, the menacing nature of this scene grows much more palpable. The slowly driving, overtly methodical, sound of one walking is cast outward through the shadows; bringing forth the understanding that someone, if not something, was on the verge of joining the menacing bunch in waiting.




Glimmers of light, much like wayward lightning bolts, stretch through the clouded windows on high; occasionally bringing pockets of light into the darkened, hell-like, environment that currently resides. Said anarchistic interjections of light dance upon the mysterious figure before the war-torn crowd, giving us all the faint idea of who this may be; however, ultimately leaving most with a sense of desperation: obsessively questioning who it may be while wrestling with the fear of the unknown.


With time, after what feels like a century of blind guessing, the figure finally takes form; stepping into a light-filled pocket of the dingy, undisclosed, warehouse.




While there is little recognition from the faces of the rugged individuals before him, Batch is seen staring arrogantly upon the mysterious grouping; toying around with a toothpick within his mouth as he projects a face-twisting smirk upon his face. For a few seconds of time, the former DaVE manager, and now DOA Color Commentator, stands in complete silence, surveying the wide-range of recruits before him, as he furthers the long-standing, ultra-smooth, gent-like, demeanor that has become synonymous with his public persona.


As this moment of silence, and review, comes to a close, Carl is heard interjecting his voice into the silence; taking hold of the scenario at hand with a calm, overtly cool, sense of delivery.


Carl Batch:
Hello, Gentlemen.


The camera lens intensely pans across the motely-crew before Carl Batch; giving no competitor more focus than the other; however, leaving a lasting image of each and every man in the process. As the final contestant is shown, Batch’s voice is heard, again, peering over the unsettling silence.


Carl Batch:
You have all expressed interest in, one-day, competing under the umbrella of Deadly Overloaded Action; an opportunity that most would ‘kill’ for. You may be the bravest, most vicious, most vile, and most talented of your peers; however, such traits alone won’t garner you success in the DOA. Some of you, if not all of you, may wonder why I have the ability to say such a thing; challenging the very reason I stand before you. Yes, I am not an active competitor within the DOA fold but, to you all, I serve a greater purpose…
[smirks; pauses]
For the next few weeks, you will all embark upon a rigorous challenge. Most of you will falter during this intense time period. However, for one of you, this show will stand as you’re ‘launching pad’; the cannon from which you explode from within. During this time period, throughout the trials and tribulations of ‘war’, I will be the only consistent voice you’ll hear.
[smirks again; pauses]
So gents, let me officially introduce myself… Some of you may know me from my work in DaVE. Others may recognize me from behind the DOA commentating desk. However, as it pertains to you cats, I am the host of this show; the man you will ultimately come to despise.
[smirks; pauses]
I am going to push you. I am going to degrade you. I am going to break you. All with the hopes of finding our next great competitor.
This will be no walk in the park gentlemen. You WILL be tested on every level. In the end, though, what awaits you on the other side is an opportunity. An opportunity for greatness.


Another pause takes place as Batch arrogantly fixates upon the motley-crew before him; internally formulating his first perceptions of those who could potentially call the DOA their home. In the end, as the camera lens positions itself behind the jagged line-up of contestants, focusing more on Batch’s face than anything else, the official host of Season II lands one final statement of grandeur; kicking off the season with a title-focused message.


Carl Batch:
So… You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?


A slight pause as Batch continues to fixate on those who stand within a few feet of him; withholding a smug look upon his face in the process.


Carl Batch:
Prove to us WHY you belong here…
[smirks; pauses]
That will be all, gents. You are excused.


With that the segment comes to a close; however, the overall ‘war’ has only yet begun. As the heart-pounding projection of a classical ‘death-march’ is played in the background, the camera lens rapidly focuses tightly on various men within the fold; finally coming to the last image of Carl Batch in the process. From there, the faded camera lens slowly starts to pan upward; leaving the scene all together as we transition toward the next phase of the Season Premiere…


The introductions of those contestants competing for the right to call Deadly Overloaded Action their sadistic playground.



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This section will serve as a quick key for those reading this project; as it pertains to refreshing your memory about specific contestants. With that said, you may use the links below in which to better come to know each & every character within the fold. This way, as you continue to vote through out the 'season', there is a general place where everything is compiled into one.


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OOC Statement:

I just wanted to relay a quick OOC post before everything kicks off too far in. With that said, I plan on putting up the first character review later tonight (as I work today; like every day); so, keep an eye out for that. My plan is to give each character their own post; that way you can get to know them well before the challenges start. It may take a week or so for every character to get their spotlight in the sun; however, that seems doable for me (time wise as well).


I'm also writing "Rapid Assault" right now, so, I'm going to try to balance everything so one project isn't getting more focus than the other. Overall, I plan on adding information to the 'rule section' sometime soon. This way, You all know how this will pan out from a framework perspective.


All in all, just thought i'd relay that to you all before I head off to work.





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[GDS Handler: BoSox]


Character Synopsis –
TJT is a delusional nut who believes that he has never lost a match, won every title possible, and thinks of himself to be the single greatest wrestler alive. In his promos he lies (telling everyone that he is the DOA Champion and has set the record for longest title reign) and never admits to losing or not winning a belt, and when asked about it he'll just change the subject. He walks around with a cardboard version of the DOA and Chokeout title belts, and wears a Burger King crown and bathrobe. Should belong in a mental institution. He’s the DOA version of Matt Hardy Version 1 just a little more insane.

Disposition –

Wrestling Style –
Surprisingly good brawler, despite seeming to be out of his mind.

Age, Size, and Nationality –
25, Lightweight, American.





“Terrific” Jeff Thomas believes that he is the greatest wrestler in DOA and wrestling history. He often states that he has won the SWF, TCW, NOTBPW, CGC, USPW, and DOA titles on multiple occasions, yet he also tells everyone that he never lost a match before in his career, going a record 3,139-0. People hate him because he is crazy and lying about his stats and accomplishments, and he is not afraid to cheat to win. Yet he is so out of his mind that maybe the fans believe kind of bad for the guy. Maybe. Maybe someone will should him out of pity or choose him to be their punching bag or to throw in front of their challengers.





This cat is a fast-talkin' loon; a delirious, dastardly, dare-devil with a detachment from reality. Then again, show me someone who isn't a psychopath in the DOA? It's impossible.
[Chuckles to himself]
While his insanity will eventually ignite a blazing inferno with some, this cat's delirious arrogance will truly make for a unique scenario. How will Johnny Vicious take him claiming to be the DOA Champion? Will Eric Tyler 'cut him down to size' after claiming to be the real "Voice of Reason"? We don't know for sure. However, with that said, this antagonist will push them all to the brink of their own sanity.
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[GDS Handler: Tigerkinney]


Character Synopsis –
'The Glitterball King' Vitaly Kopalenko is a former professional ball-room dancing prodigy who came to America from his native Ukraine. After winning celebrity ball-room dancing competition 'Dancing Into Stars' he decided to quit ball-room dancing feeling that he had achieved all he can and has turned to making it as a professional wrestler.


Kopalenko's aim is to prove that the art of wrestling is just like dancing. During his three year stint on 'Dancing Into Stars' he also had a reputation as being something of a 'ladies man' and the 'bad boy' of the dance floor often arguing with judges and getting penalized for breaking the rules.


A natural athlete due to having both dance and circus training, Kopalenko is a flashy and exciting wrestler in the ring but in order to be a more complete wrestler needs to improve on his base performance skills. He has natural charisma but at this stage is not a great 'talker' on the mic, still speaking with a relatively thick Ukrainian accent.

Disposition –

Wrestling Style –
Spot Monkey

Move-Set –
Kiev Jive (Springboard Roundhouse Kick), The Last Waltz (Legsweep DDT), Perfect Ten (450 Splash)

Age, Size, and Nationality –
25, Lightweight, Ukrainian

Additional Notes –
Though from the Ukraine, Vitaly is fluent in English having lived in America since the age of 15.





Already a minor celebrity Kopalenko could bring some cross-over mainstream popularity to the DOA (though would the DOA really want someone who used to prance about in sequins?). To Kopalenko's credit however he was a rule breaker on the dance floor and he'll be bringing that 'attitude' to the DOA. He's not interested in getting involved in anyone's war, he's his own man, he 'dances' to the beat of his own drum...Kopalenko does not care if you love him or hate him, just never forget him.





I don’t know what to make of this cat. Honestly, sequins? I’ve seen some crazy sh*t in my day but this takes the cake & then some. Can you imagine the kind of response Vitaly would find in “The Dungeon”? This is a man’s-man kind of program; some of the most ruthless, most vile, figures in our sport wouldn’t have the cahones to get the job done. So, what makes this frolicking fairy think he could survive the hell of Deadly Overloaded Action?
[Chuckles to himself; shakes his head in disbelief]
I’ve seen some crazy sh*t…
[stops himself, as he’s already said this; however, seems floored by Vitaly]
Let’s just say, this cat has a lot to prove in the next few weeks… That be the truth.
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The suspense between each character going up is killing me


Sadly, the suspense may continue to build as I'm not really sure how consistent these reviews will be over the next few days/week. I've given myself a notion of putting up 2 new characters each day (placing the whole thing at around 6 days or so). This is partly due to the fact that I don't have as much time as I would like to get them up; however, the main factor is because I really want to give each character their due. I feel, if I bring too many up in one time, that each character will get watered down slightly & there won't be as much time to learn the characters before the 'season' starts. Plus, to be honest, I'm toying around with the framework of how I want to write this project a little too; so, I'm not in a hurry to get things out as much.


It is tough though... My natural, put it all out there, mentality makes me want to post a new profile like every 5 seconds. ha. :D Not going to lie.


I also want to give myself some time to work on "Rapid Assault" as I've already booked the show & am a few segments into the writing process. While this is fun for me, "So... You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?", I want to make sure that the actual DOA project takes presenance. In the end, what is a show like this without the DOA actually being around? haha. That said, I'm going to balance the work as much as possible. When it comes to the actual thread, I really want to get the first few posts worked on as well (ie: logo for the contestant page, relaying the official rules of the contest, how things will work, etc.). So, I guess it will be a hodge-podge of stuff going forward.


It's great to see so much excitement so far though! :D





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[GDS Handler: The Celt]


Character Synopsis –
'If asked by an ignorant person/foe what his name means, KZA replys it means "Killer", just as RZA and GZA of the Wu Tang Clan are referred to as Razor and the Genius respectively. However, if asked by a sincere person, KZA will revealed the name's true meaning: Knowledge Zig-Zag-Zig Allah, a name reflecting his 5 percenter adherence (See below).


Character-wise, KZA's character is a reflection of his actual self. On screen, KZA refers to himself as a modern warrior, an American Samurai from the streets of Brooklyn who follows the strict code of Bushido:

* Rectitude (義, gi)

* Courage (勇, yū)

* Benevolence (仁, jin)

* Respect (礼, rei)

* Honesty (誠, makoto)

* Honor (名誉, meiyo)

* Loyalty (忠義, chūgi)

In other words, he's a highly disciplined man with deep roots values, which nicely segues into:


The other aspect to the character is that he is an adherent to the Nation of Gods and Earths. Character-wise, this translates into a character keenly interested in actively expanding his mind as well as person always looking to develop a greater understand of his own self. Also, it means he has a very upright view of how people should act and behave.


(If you any questions about the Nations of Gods and Earths just ask me. Most people are unaware they even exist and even amongst those who are aware of them there's a lot misconceptions.)


Finally, KZA is very much a produce of Brooklyn, NYC. That means he's tough as hell, both psychically and mentally. If needs to be aggressive, he will be (provided it's the right thing to do). It's a dog eat dog world in Brooklyn, so some times you got to be rugged and raw.

Disposition –

Wrestling Style –
Technician/Brawler a la Taz

Age, Size, and Nationality –
25, 26, Middleweight, American (Brooklyn, New York City and proud of it)





If we're being honest: Because young black people need a role model. A thing that kinda bothered me slightly is that back in the 2008 Alternative Pictures thread every black character in the C-Verse had an Wave of Violence alt. Really, you guys think that every black character could be a gangsta thug?


KZA is an anti-stereotype. He's black, urban, gritty, hip-hop inspired; but is not some ignorant thug who sprouts off random slang. He would never refer to his woman as his b*tch nor is his money on mind and mind on his money.


KZA is a rejection of a stereotype placed on black people by the media, and sadly sometimes certain rap artists. KZA believes in the message of Public Enemy, he believes black people still need to push forward in society. He's believes in the value of education, and that young people need to dream about going to college instead of being mysteriously rich overnight, just so they can put spinning rims on their SUV wheels.


You'll find KZA in the lyrics of Public Enemy and the Wu Tang Clan, you'll find him in the message behind the Boondocks, you find him in a gym in Brooklyn and hopefully you'll find him on DOA: Rapid Assault.





Now here's a brotha I wouldn't want to mess with. Straight up, possibly the baddest cat I've ever seen since my days in DaVE; hands down. He reminds me a lot of [Johnny Vicious] in his ferocity; however, with the mental strength of one OTA. That said, this kid possess a real rawness to his persona; the kind of man whose seen it all and has still lived to tell about it. The streets of Brooklyn are much like Deadly Overloaded Action; there's violence, greed, vengeance, and vindictive vermin from left to right. In the end, I think this will stand as his best precursor to the DOA; as if Brooklyn has taught him anything, it's that you must always be on your toes... ready for something to potentially explode in ya face. Hands down, I feel this cat. Regardless of whether he wins or not, he'll do some major damage in this competition; that's for sure.
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[GDS Handler: BigPapa42]


Character Synopsis –
Los Nino Loco is a long-time part-time wrestler out of Las Vegas who has been attempting to catch on with a Mexican lucha promotion for a long time. Oddly, none are interested.


It could be his skills... or lack thereof... although self-described as a "high level lucha warrior", LNL is fairly limited in the ring. He displays decent enough athleticism at times, but most attempted rope maneuvers end with him tangled up. He does sell pretty well, though not always within the context of the match.


It could be his look. Although he is roughly the same size as a typical luchadore, LNL is rather... pudgy. His mask is generally considered rather ugly... but its said that his real face is far uglier.


It could be his demeanor. Describing himself as a "cutting edge personality", LNL is rather... caustic. He smokes, often even in the ring during the match. He is verbally abusive - toward opponents, officials, announcers... pretty much anyone. His profanity is certainly creative and "cutting edge". His overall approach might best be described as surly. Even when he's unleashing screaming profane tirades at everyone, he's still not particularly appealing to most audiences especially as most of his matches are interrupted by smoker's cough fits.

Disposition –
nominally a babyface, but realistically a heel.

Wrestling Style –
does crappy count as a style? I would "limited high flier".

Age, Size, and Nationality –
Unknown. Claims to be youthful but appears to be in his late 30s. 5'9" + 215 lbs. American.





Well, they probably wouldn't. A worker who isn't very talented but who is offensive in all the wrong ways isn't exactly a valuable resource to most promotions. But for a promotion trying to push some boundaries, he could make an interesting addition.





My momma, god rest her soul, said there were some weirdos out there but jesus...
[Chuckles to himself]
This cat 'aint nothin' but a straight jacket away from the looney-bin! He's loud, he's brash, a bit ornery, and a raging alcoholic; so, most likely, he'll fit in just fine with the rest of the 'dead-head's' in attendance.
[slight chuckle]
In all seriousness, though, I don't really know if this Loco Pollo, or whatever his name is, is ready for the fast-paced product of the DOA. We're a program based upon shock-and-awe, high-speed, high risk-high reward, kind of action (both in and out of the ring). In the end, I'm not entirely sure if he'd posses enough stamina to keep anything going. I guess we'll find out as the season goes forward...
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[GDS Handler: MichiganHero]


Character Synopsis –
Jack Glowson is about an all night paarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-taaaaaaaaay. Focused more on dancing, picking up chicks and being the center of attention than winning.

Disposition –
Depends on the circumstances. Basically can be anything.

Wrestling Style –
An entertaining flying guy.

Age, Size, and Nationality –
19, Middleweight, American





People should pick my character so the "Seven Laws of Party" can be unleashed. And what better medium than on TV, especially on DOA. Those boys at the Moral Majority need to lighten up a lot, Eric Tyler and his crew could afford to loosen up a whole load and Teddy Boy needs to chillax. I can show these people the way. The Seven Laws of Party can help these people.


Oh and if I go to the Dungeon, drinks are on me!





Party-animal, huh?
[Tilts his head to the side slightly; smirking as he holds a cigar loosely in his mouth]
I respect the need for a 'good-time' but don't really know if it will bode well for the youngster; when faced with the insanity of Deadly Overloaded Action. Chicks, brauds, and skirts, will come-and-go but what a man does between the ropes is his true test of greatness. Do you think you'd see Vicious chasing tail in the club? How about Acid buying a round of drinks for a crowd of unknowns?
[slowly shakes his head; continues to puff away on his cigar]
Don't get me wrong, I 'aint harpin' on the kid or whatever. I just don't know if his heart is where it needs to be. I guess we'll see. If it 'aint then he'll be droppin' like a 2-dollar wh*re on Christmas day.
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[GDS Handler: LoNdOn]


Character Synopsis –
Ryan Styles has forever been considered an outcast. A man who lives and dies by his own rules. Oftentimes called the Natural Born Outcast, Styles has remained unpredictable in his actions both inside the ring and out. Some claim that NBO is misunderstood whilst others describe him as being a one man cult. Call him what you like, but one thing is for certain; Ryan Daniels will be remembered!

Disposition –

Wrestling Style –

Age, Size, and Nationality –
24, Middleweight, American.





Because when you see someone like NBO, you know you have seen the future of professional wrestling. Heels, babyfaces, there all the same, stuck in a mould that condemns them to a uniform behaviour. Daniels isn't bound by such labels.


On a peronal note to Mr Eric Tyler. You think that getting rid of Nemisis will solve your problems? You think that will clense the DOA? You should be smarter then that Eric. You can't see the bigger picture can you? Unable to see the forrest for all the trees. Soon you will see the light.......soon you will see!





Every organization I've been part of has one, or two, really: Someone who believes they are on 'the outside looking in'; almost as if they've been forgotten about amongst the masses. Funny enough, The DOA is chalked full of these kind of people.
[Chuckles to himself; exhales a small plum of cigar smoke]
You see, Deadly Overloaded Action has become the playground for misfits, hellhounds, and raging psychopaths with an 'Axe to grind'. With this in mind, Daniels fits in perfectly with such a vibe. The real question is; though, will he resonate with the 'dead-heads' like others before him have? When it's all said and done, can this cat separate himself from the pack? If not, He'll end up as yet another aging emo-punk; crying about the world that has forgotten him along the way.
[Raises his small tumbler glass of scotch]
Best of luck to you, my friend. The DOA is an absolute hell to most... Let's see if you have what it takes to join the tortured ranks.
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