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Arthur T.Turtle

Gimmick: Underdog

Finisher: Shell Shock


Christian Starr

Gimmick: Straight Edge

Finisher: Drugless Driver

Genocide Agent

Gimmick: Power & Paint

Finisher: Hanging Powerslam


Darnell Appleseed (Otherwise known as Daniel Black Francis)

Gimmick: Fan Favourite

Finisher: Dreadlock Drop & Rasta Lock


Heartbreak King (otherwise known as Byron)

Gimmick: Royalty

Finisher: Upper Class


Ian Davies (otherwise known as Red Dragon)

Gimmick: Bitter Veteran

Finisher: Moonsault


Mr Ward (otherwise known as Glen Ward)

Gimmick: Man on A Mission

Finisher: Judo Choke Sleeper


Mr X (otherwise known as Petey Barnes)

Gimmick: Show Stealer

Finisher: X-Press


Patrick Martin (otherwise known as Merle O'Curle)

Gimmick: Machine

Finisher: Celtic Wreath


Ripper LeStat

Gimmick: Vampiric

Finisher: Chokeslam


Suicide Agent

Gimmick: Power & Paint

Finisher: Full Nelson Slam


The Bantom Beast (otherwise known as Beast Bantom)

Gimmick: Monster

Finisher: Beast Bear Hug, Savage Pounce



Gimmick: Clubber

Finisher: Trance Effect


UK Dragon

Gimmick: Patriot

Finisher: Dragon Drop


Walker (otherwise known as Rave)

Gimmick: Clubber

Finisher: Gate Crasher


Other Employees


Melanie Florence (Colour)

Roy Worrall (Referee)

Salty Larry (Announcer)

Nick Adams (Road Agent)

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Card for BWE Tuesday Night Warzone 1


Ian Davies vs Christian Starr

Patrick Martin vs Arthur T.Turtle vs Heartbreak King

The Elimination Agents vs OutRageous (Trance & Walker) vs The Men (Mr X & Mr Ward) for the BWE Tag Team Championships

Ripper LeStat vs UK Dragon for the BWE All Action Championship

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Ian Davies vs Christian Starr

Patrick Martin vs Arthur T.Turtle vs Heartbreak King

The Elimination Agents vs OutRageous (Trance & Walker) vs The Men (Mr X & Mr Ward) for the BWE Tag Team Championships

Ripper LeStat vs UK Dragon for the BWE All Action Championship

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Im such a sucker for UK diaries. good luck with this Chris


Ian Davies vs Christian Starr


Cant vote for the user character right off the bat


Patrick Martin vs Arthur T.Turtle vs Heartbreak King


Turtle has the mic skills so give him a boost


The Elimination Agents vs OutRageous (Trance & Walker) vs The Men (Mr X & Mr Ward) for the BWE Tag Team Championships


I actually love Petey Barnes. And the agents have stunk my ring up bad


Ripper LeStat vs UK Dragon for the BWE All Action Championship


Dream feud alert! As much as I love Ripper, UK Dragon is one of my top 3 C-verse workers

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Bwe 26/1/10




Christian Starr defeated Ian Davies at 7:43 with the Drugless Driver Starr and Davies fought strike for strike, hold for hold in this encounter, Starr took the advantage with his high risk offence after hitting a diving cross body which was shortly followed up by the Drugless Driver.


The match had only just finished and out came The Bantom Beast beating down both Davies and Starr with heavy clotheslines; Bantom didn’t hit Davies much apart from the massive choke slam to the arena floor.


Patrick Martin defeated Arthur T. Turtle and Heartbreak King at 11:31 with Celtic Wreath on Heartbreak Martin used his technical ability to dismantle T.Turtle who was practically squashed, King put up more of a fight taking the advantage at several occasions but King’s arrogance would be his downfall as King was gloating, Martin sneaked up from behind and locked in the Celtic Wreath.


OutRageous defeated The Men and The Elimination Agents at 10:08 when Walker got a quick roll up on Mr Ward, OutRageous win the BWE Tag Team Championships The Elimination Agents were the favourites going into this match as they had a weight advantage over all their opponents, Walker and Trance sat outside the ring while the action took place, Mr X slugged with Genocide Agent, then Suicide Agent came and Mr X was hit with The Elimination Drop, Ward threw Genocide over the ropes to Walker’s feet, Ward turned Suicide Agent round into a Super Kick which sent Suicide tumbling over the ropes, Walker like a viper slithered into the ring and secured a quick roll-up on Ward.


UK Dragon defeated Ripper LeStat at 9:22 with the Dragon Drop; UK Dragon wins the BWE All Action Championship These two talented individuals squared off for the BWE All Action Championship, After the introductions where finished Ripper used his size advantage to slam Dragon down hard to the mat, Ripper beat down Dragon, Dragon was simply too small to deal with this onslaught, the crowd then started cheering for Dragon who fed from this energy hitting LeStat with a kick to the face followed up by a hurricanrana, as Ripper was getting back up to his feet he was met with a hard kick to the skull which resulted in a 2 count, Ripper got back up and caught a running UK Dragon with a big boot, LeStat signalled for his patterned Chokeslam, he got a grip on Dragon’s throat and lifted him up, Dragon countered out with a DDT dropping LeStat onto his skull, Dragon shouted “Dragon Drop”, LeStat got up, Dragon lifted up LeStat with Super Human Strength and hit the Dragon Drop for the win and the championship.


A video was played saying next week here in The Paddington Club it will be UK Dragon versus Ripper LeStat versus Patrick Martin for the BWE All Action Championship.

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MJStark 2/4

Boltinho 1/4


Prediction Card


The Bantom Beast & Ian Davies vs Arthur T.Turtle & Christian Starr


The Men vs The Elimiation Agents to become N01 Contenders for the BWE Tag Team Championships


UK Dragon © vs Patrick Martin vs Ripper LeStat for the BWE All Action Championship

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Bwe 2/2/10




The show opens with a video of OutRageous winning the BWE Tag Team Championships and how the N01 contenders will be decided tonight it will be The Elimination Agents versus The Men.


There is another video being played of Christian Starr psyching up Arthur T.Turtle for their match against The Bantom Beast & Ian Davies, T.Turtle looks worried about going up against The Bantom Beast.


The Bantom Beast & Ian Davies defeated Christian Starr & Arthur T.Turtle at 5:20 with a Beast Bear Hug on T.Turtle The Bantom Beast started off with Starr, Bantom dominated not even being moved by any of Starr’s kicks or punches, instead he swatted them away, Beast hit Starr with a running lariat which seemed to knock him out cold, Beast picked up Starr for the Bear Hug but was raked in the eyes, Starr used this opportunity to tag in Turtle who climbed to the top rope and came off with a crossbody only to be caught by Bantom and locked into the Beast Bear Hug.


The Elimination Agents defeated The Men at 8:11 with The Elimination Drop on Mr X OutRageous sat at the announcer’s desk to watch this match, the two teams were evenly matched, there was high risk manoeuvres from the Men and hard slam’s from The Elimination Agents, Mr X went to the top rope for a moonsault and when he came off Genocide caught him on his shoulders and Suicide went up to the tope rope jumping off with a neckbreaker on the lifted up X, Elimination Drop, 3 seconds later, The Elimination Agents are the N01 Contenders for the BWE Tag Team Championships.


OutRageous came out from the back of the announcer’s desk and out of view slide into the ring throwing Suicide Agent over the top ropes and hitting the Too Young Part Attack on Genocide Agent, they both stand above Genocide holding there Tag Team Championships in the air.


UK Dragon defeated Ripper LeStat and Patrick Martin at 13:56 with the Dragon Drop on Ripper LeStat after and interference by Darnell Appleseed, UK Dragon makes his first defence of the BWE All Action Championship The three men squared off, the two heels immediately went after the champion teaming up with strikes to the body and throwing him out of the ring, Ripper and Martin then both stare at each other then both look at the BWE All Action Championship before locking up, Martin’s technical background favoured him in the lock up and he took control with an arm bar, UK Dragon rolled back in to break it up, only to be thrown out to the arena floor by Martin, Ripper grabbed Martin and turned him round into a Chokeslam, Martin was out cold, a commotion came from the crowd and a man wearing a beanie hat jumped the guardrail and distracted LeStat, Dragon rolled back into the ring and hit the Dragon Drop on LeStat to retain his championship.


The man came into the ring and lifted UK Dragon’s arm, the man introduces himself as Darnell Appleseed but he is cut off by LeStat and Martin taking both men out, LeStat makes the challenge for next week being LeStat & Martin versus Dragon & Appleseed, Dragon accepts this.

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As the show opens there is a video hyping the main event of Appleseed and Dragon versus Patrick Martin and Ripper LeStat.


Heartbreak King defeated Mr X at 9:01 with Upper Class Heartbreak King taunted Mr X on his status in society, he says how he is insulted to be facing a commoner, X snaps with a punch to the face of Heartbreak who in turns clotheslines X.

Heartbreak uses his size advantage grounding the high flying X, Heartbreak stops his assault to taunt the fans, X climbs to the top rope and goes for the X-Press but King ducks and when he gets up he is met with Upper Class


The Bantom Beast defeated Arthur T.Turtle and Christian Starr at 6:40 with Savage Pounce on Starr the Bantom Beast dominated this match against these two young men, Bantom took out T.Turtle at the very beginning of the match with a hard clothesline followed up with a throw out to the arena floor, Starr then came in and tried to cut the big man down to size by first dropkicking his legs then hitting a hard enziguri to the skull, Bantom was dazed but this only made him angry as Starr was running to possibly going to hit a running enziguri Bantom rose to his feet and hit Starr with The Savage Pounce for the win.


After the match Ian Davies came into the ring and hit his patented moonsault, Davies then laid in the stomps to the chest of Starr, Davies celebrated as if he won the match, and Bantom didn’t like this and turned round the arrogant Welshman into a headbutt, Bantom then picked up Davies and showed why they call him “The Master of the Powerbomb” hitting him with a Powerbomb onto the prone body of Starr, Bantom stood over both men with a stern look on his face.


OutRageous defeated The Elimination Agents at 6:57 with a Low Blow on Genocide Agent, OutRageous makes their first defence of BWE Tag Team Championships Walker and Suicide started off, Walker went for high risk moves while Suicide went for his brawling skills, Suicide took control with somebody blows that rattled Walker, Suicide was in control for a few minutes, Genocide was brought in who continued this assault on Walker until the rulebook went out the window and Walker sneaked in a low blow while Trance distracted referee Roy Worrall.

Trance took Suicide off the apron while Walker got the pin on Genocide.


Ripper LeStat and Patrick Martin defeated Darnell Appleseed and UK Dragon at 15:35 with a Chokeslam on Darnell Appleseed Martin and UK Dragon started off, Dragon had the crowd behind him and fed off of this hitting a hurricanrana into a DDT on Martin, Dragon went to the top rope and looked to go for a rolling senton but Martin moved and Martin tagged in LeStat as Dragon did with Appleseed, LeStat charged into Appleseed with a spear but Appleseed leapfrogged this and LeStat’s shoulder went into the ring post, Appleseed then ran up and hit a corner enziguri taking down LeStat, blood ran down the vampire’s face but this fired him up, LeStat ran up to Appleseed and hit the spear he went for just a minute ago.

LeStat wiped the blood from his face and rolled Appleseed over to Dragon and signalled for Dragon to come in so he did, Dragon ran in and ducked the clothesline attempt by LeStat and dropkicked Martin off the apron, LeStat grabbed the mask of Dragon and tried to remove it but Dragon got a well aimed knee to the skull on LeStat creating more blood, Martin was tagged in and immediately got to work on Dragon attempting to go for the Celtic Wreath but Dragon rolled out and tagged in Appleseed who went for a running forearm on Martin who ducked under and hit a German Suplex, Martin was pushed away by Appleseed, LeStat tagged himself back in and grabbed the throat of Appleseed and drove him into the mat with a Chokeslam for the win.

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Prediction Results


Boltinho 3/4




Ian Davies vs Arthur T.Turtle


The Men vs High Risk Brawling (Ultra Fly/The Fly and The Landlord/The Brawler)


Darnell Appleseed vs Ripper LeStat


UK Dragon © vs Patrick Martin for the BWE All Action Championship

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I love a little UK promo. KUTGW


Ian Davies vs Arthur T.Turtle

Red Dragon is getting a bit of fame these days. I might even push him in my HIW game


The Men vs High Risk Brawling (Ultra Fly/The Fly and The Landlord/The Brawler)

I just love the landlord. He should have a submission move called The Lock-in


Darnell Appleseed vs Ripper LeStat

I know youve pushed Ripper, but he's always let me down and I cant get over the weird haircut on the default pic.


UK Dragon © vs Patrick Martin for the BWE All Action Championship

I love UK Dragon. Thats it.

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