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Favorite Smallish Websites/Blogs


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I always enjoy checking out new sites/blogs so I thought I'd see if anyone wanted to post some links to some of their favorite places [no boobs, obviously] on the web that aren't giant, hundreds of thousands of hits a day kind of places. Worth a shot, no?


So here are a few from me to get us started....


On the List - Can't link this one because of the web address, but putthatsh*tonthelist.com ...figure it out. Has one post a day, usually of the music/politics/obscene variety. Luke, the guy who writes it, I think is pretty funny and comes up with good stuff. He interviewed a guy that works at a Mall Info Desk earlier in the week which I liked.


Wilfully Obscure - All music, mostly that you've never heard of, which is kinda the point. It's always informative and posts are frequent with rar files for you to download. I'm not a fan of a lot of the music that goes up but once a week I'm usually surprised by some new songs I like.


Overthinking It - Definitely bigger than the other two, but still small in the scope of things. There slogan is subjects popular culture to a level of scrutiny it probably doesn’t deserve, so that's a pretty good description.



So, anybody got some favorites?

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