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An Interview with...


'The Impact Playa'

Nate Fischer


Kalvin McIntyre - Great to have you here Nate. We've got some questions from fans of the wonderful sport or Professional Wrestling, and some questions from myself. Hope you can stay awhile!


Nate Fischer - Glad to be here man! It's been a wild ride with IMPACT. I made myself a household name after I brought it up to the level it's at now.


McIntyre - So how did it all start? I mean, you had to have some idea of what you wanted to mold the promotion into, right?


Fischer - Absolutely. The place had all kinds of wrestlers. I mean at the start, we had guys with the youth of Davis Wayne Newton, the wild style of Nero.


McIntyre - Sorry to interrupt, but tell us about this 'Nero'? I never was able to catch on to who it was until I checked it out on the site!


Fischer - No problem. Nero is the alter ego we created for the man formerly known as Air Attack Weasel. He was one of our pet projects that we wanted to boost into the mainstream. The guy was crazy. Always took risks, always sent the fans home happy. As I was saying though, the Technical, and excellent performing ability of JD Morgan, and the persona of Mimic. The experience of Spanish Superfly, and the flying abilities of the California Love Machine. The beauty of what we did with the promotion was that we gave everybody their own individuality, their own persona, their own character. There was probably 4 guys on the whole roster who actually kept their original ring name.


McIntyre - And that's what the fans enjoyed about it. The whole promotion had it's own 'feel', you know what I mean? No one person was the same, except if they were part of a team. And that was another unique part of the promotion, tell us about the 'Team' concept?


Fischer - Sure. Well, with IMPACT, there was no 'Tag Team Championship'. There were tournaments, with a 'Lethal Lottery' concept, but other then that, teams were rarely valued. It was very much a one on one promotion. We used a lot of tournaments, and we only had three titles. The IMPACT East Coast Championship, which was only defended on IMPACT New York shows, and the IMPACT West Coast Championship, only defended on IMPACT Las Vegas shows. Finally, we had the World Championship. Everybody who had won one of the previous two titles was eligible for this, only after they had lost the title and bounced back with a victory. It was a very 'Realistic' but 'Entertaining' Promotion.


McIntyre - That it was. That it was. Personally, my favourite part was the fact that every match was different. There was the Cruiserweight action, there was the big guy action, there was TLC, Ladder matches, Table matches, Hardcore matches, everything a fan of innovative violence could want. It was simply brilliant! Now we're going to get into some fan questions though. First one is - Nate, when did you start your journey to become a professional wrestler/promoter?


Fischer - Well, I'd always wanted to become a wrestler. I remember in the 70's. I used to watch Micky Starr, Ares Aegalus, Hagar Erikson, Tyson Lang, among others. I remember watching Powerhouse Patterson win the King of the Squared Circle, I remember watching the Supreme Challenge, anxiously tapping my fingers to my teeth, sitting right next to the TV, grinning every time Micky Starr kicked out of a pin. Then came the 90's. I'd competed in about 10-15 professional wrestling matches, but then I decided to hang the boots up. And I loved my finisher too, it was this sweet Torture Rack-Neckbreaker. But, I wasn't cut out to stay in the ring for too long. It was the backstage work, and the promo work that was really what I took a shine too. Then, after booking a couple independant shows, ten years later, I open IMPACT Wrestling.


McIntyre - Next one, - Hey Nate, What was the first thing you wanted to do after opening IMPACT?


Fischer - Well, I know it sounds cliche but... I wanted to make an Impact.



Nate Fischer & SeanMcFly Present...



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The IMPACT Players


Main Event





Deathrite, Doug Peak, Ford Gumble, Frankie Dragon, Jack Griffith, Mark Speed, Mikey Dragon, Remmy Skye, Steve Heartbreak


Upper Midcard





Ash Black, California Blood, Dave Diamond, Frankie Harriet, Jeff Daniels, Matty Hawk, Mr Future, Nero, Rocky Peverell, Sayeed Ali, Tank Bradley, Teddy Powell, Tony Wilde







Chico Suave, Chris Flynn, Eric Blackley, Hardcore Killah, Johnny Redd, Mimic, Rico Apollo, Slade


Lower Card




Davie Wayne, JVP, Ryan Krush, Slim V


Inside Look - By Nate Fischer


Best Look

Main Event - Doug Peak

Upper Midcard - Nero

Midcard - Mimic

Lower Card - Ryan Krush


Best Skills

Main Event - Frankie Dragon

Upper Midcard - Matty Hawk

Midcard - Chris Flynn

Lower Card - Davie Wayne


Most Popular

Main Event - Remmy Skye

Upper Midcard - Frankie Harriet

Midcard - Chico Suave

Lower Card - Davie Wayne

Open Mic Night

Main Event - Jack Griffith

Upper Midcard - Ash Black

Midcard - Johnny Redd

Lower Card - Slim V

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Booking IMPACT Las Vegas | AKA The First Show


Nate Fischer - The first show is always the hardest. It shows everybody watching what the whole promotion will be based on. What kind of matches to expect, how the competitors wrestle, how entertaining it is. All those variables will be what cause fans to either come back, or to slander us to their friends. The first show for me, was the one that I was most excited about. I really wanted to show everybody that the promotion is about Fast Paced, Blood Pumping, Heart Palpitating action and the interesting characters being the reason fans want to come back. The first show would give us the first West Coast Champion, and the first IMPACT New York would give us our East Coast Champion. These titles are so fans can regularly see their champions defend on seperate shows. Kind of like an interpromotional split.


IMPACT Las Vegas


Main Event

Four Way Ladder Match for the IMPACT West Coast Championship




Doug Peak vs Remmy Skye vs Nero vs Mark Speed





Steve Heartbreak vs Jeff Daniels vs Ford Gumble





Sayeed Ali vs Chris Flynn





Deathrite vs Slim V





Teddy Powell vs Ryan Krush





Rocky Peverell vs JVP





Eric Blackley vs Johnny Redd





Mimic vs Slade


Quick Picks

Doug Peak vs Remmy Skye vs Nero vs Mark Speed

Steve Heartbreak vs Ford Gumble vs Jeff Daniels

Sayeed Ali vs Chris Flynn

Deathrite vs Slim V

Ryan Krush vs Teddy Powell

JVP vs Rocky Peverell

Eric Blackley vs Johnny Redd

Mimic vs Slade

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Technically, shouldn't it be an intrapromotional split?




Quick Picks

Doug Peak vs Remmy Skye vs Nero vs Mark Speed


SOMEONE'S USING DOUG PEAK? Doug Peak has a beard???


Steve Heartbreak vs Ford Gumble vs Jeff Daniels


I mark for him.


Sayeed Ali vs Chris Flynn


Don't really care either way.


Deathrite vs Slim V




Ryan Krush vs Teddy Powell


He looks familiar...


JVP vs Rocky Peverell


I like Pev well enough.


Eric Blackley vs Johnny Redd


F YOU ANTMAN! Or guy who looks like him...


Mimic vs Slade



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Doug Peak vs Remmy Skye vs Nero vs Mark Speed

Champion in my diary has to win

Steve Heartbreak vs Ford Gumble vs Jeff Daniels

He's the most current to me

Sayeed Ali vs Chris Flynn

He's a really tough black guy, Chris Flynn's a pussay

Deathrite vs Slim V

Slim V is a tough guy, but Deathright a f'n monster

Ryan Krush vs Teddy Powell

Pretty sure he's the bigger name plus I really like him

JVP vs Rocky Peverell

Love the name change for Peverell

Eric Blackley vs Johnny Redd


Mimic vs Slade

Since it's christmas

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