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question about fight ratings

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I'm a little confused on exactly how they are scored by excitement or greatness of the fight or whatever. I just had a fight where Vitor Belfort had 2 knockdowns in the 1st and finished the guy in the 2nd. I thought it would get at least a good rating but it got a poor. I'm wondering why that is exactly.
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I think it's been said that it's primarily an average excitement level over the course of the fight. So, if there are a few big moments but a lot of stalling, the fight will get a poor rating. In the old games, a reversal of fortunes by a fighter who was well behind tended to boost it a lot, I'm not sure if that's still the case.


This seems like a hard thing to model well in a game. That said, I tend to think in WMMA3 that big moments like knockdowns and back-and-forth fights may be undervalued. I see fights get low ratings that do have slow moments but that also feature both fighters getting knocked down and the fight being finished, which to me subjectively felt like memorable high-quality fights.

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I think it's been said that it's primarily an average excitement level over the course of the fight. So, if there are a few big moments but a lot of stalling, the fight will get a poor rating. In the old games, a reversal of fortunes by a fighter who was well behind tended to boost it a lot, I'm not sure if that's still the case.


This seems like a hard thing to model well in a game. That said, I tend to think in WMMA3 that big moments like knockdowns and back-and-forth fights may be undervalued. I see fights get low ratings that do have slow moments but that also feature both fighters getting knocked down and the fight being finished, which to me subjectively felt like memorable high-quality fights.


Unless they did absolutely nothing for the rest of the fight...


I've also seen matches where nothing "big" happens but it still pulls off a 'Good' or 'Great' rating.


It's not JUST about the big moments

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Hyping the match is also going to affect your rating. If you have a fight with a knockdown or two, couple of exciting striking exchanges, or even a major table-turn before the finish that you have given Large hype as an exciting fight, its going to drag down what might have been a good rating to Average/Poor territory.
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