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Fight of the Night Award

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Does anyone else have a problem with Fight of the Night awards? Not KO or Submission, just Fight of the Night.


I just had a Diego Arteta and Dana Delaney fight to a UD that got a great rating. . . but FOTN went to Thomas Smith's Great rated FIRST ROUND submission of Ashley Ballard. FOTN always seems to go to a high rated but quick match. . . but thats not a "fight" to me.

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I've already said this in another thread, but I do think the rating system should give some sort of bonus to a fight that features big moments for both fighters. The most memorable and exciting fights are competitive ones where each fighter is in danger of losing. I tend to think those are undervalued by the game's rating system. A fight where both fighters repeatedly get knocked down or almost tap is likely to be remembered as exciting even if there are some slow minutes too.
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It's been brought up lots. The fotn goes to the match with the most excitement in it compared to the dullness in it which leads to usually those shorter matches unless you are getting big slams cuts injuries and the like


Perhaps more parameters should be set then? Like if Fight A has a better ratio than Fight B, but Fight B had fewer rounds then it should get a (perhaps larger) penalty before the final decision.

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