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Death always due to natural causes?

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Is this the case? So far I have seen or heard of 3 yougn deaths and they have all been natural causes. Jokeingly a poster made this comment.


There should be a reason of death instead of natural causes like, Phillip Outred died after a nasty battle with herpes.


I agree with the reason thing. When a 24 year old fighter dies, natural causes doesn't cut it. There should be a number of things like...


-Motor accident

-Suspected drug overdose


-Freak accident

-Heart condition




If these things are already there I have missed them and never mind. If not though, I think they could spice things up. I'd save the natural death stuff for older people.

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Is this the case? So far I have seen or heard of 3 yougn deaths and they have all been natural causes. Jokeingly a poster made this comment.




I agree with the reason thing. When a 24 year old fighter dies, natural causes doesn't cut it. There should be a number of things like...


-Motor accident

-Suspected drug overdose


-Freak accident

-Heart condition




If these things are already there I have missed them and never mind. If not though, I think they could spice things up. I'd save the natural death stuff for older people.


Could you imagine? Such and such fighter commits suicide, some say it's due to the 5 fight losing streak... :eek:


I dunno, I'd personally want to keep things like suicide out of the game, it could be really personal to some people.

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I had a friend and there was another kid I kinda know die of freak natural causes in college but I originally suggested it for humor and enjoyment in the game since we've all established "natural causes" is vague and its a great spot for some humor entered into the game. TEW added humurous deaths, so why not? Unless of course its not possible to add it via patch.


"Osmosis Bennn died last night after a terrible accident while putting on his underwear"


that one is dumb, but you get it :)

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Are you serious?


He has a point though. I listen to a podcast that discusses these books. One character was always doing stupid stuff and eventually they committed suicide. The book is totally set in a fictional fantasy world and the podcast host were making some cracks about the suicide.


It was all in harmless fun for that character but a listener got really upset because she had personal experience with suicide. So.... they were in no way attempting to upset people but they did because it was such a touchy subject.


Greydog might get some angry e-mails by people if they don't handle the suicide thing well. I like it because I think it's kind of a realistic option. Some people do commit suicide or they engage in reckless behavior that basically is suicidal. I guess you could look at an overdose as a possible suicide.


What would be hilarious is if someone was murdered and then later an article implicated another fighter as the one who murdered them. LOL.

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Another thing that would be funny/cool is if fighters could get into trouble. Like, Folee Cafatere has just been arrested for assault. Some guys should have a "screw up" gene where they just keep getting into different types of trouble. Imagine if a star fighter had that. You would want to sign them but you would also be worried about them screwing things up.
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Are you serious?


What does adding the text "commited suicide" over "died of natural causes" actually add to the game? The answer is, it adds nothing. Except upsetting a few people who may be sensitive to such a thing.


I mean, I can see someone not buying the game because it includes suicide, or atleast getting angry. But I don't see someone going "THIS MMA SIM DOESNT INCLUDE SUICIDE? I'M NOT GONNA BUY THIS GAME, IT'S NOT REALISTIC ENOUGH!ONEONENOEONE1!!1111ON1N11OO11!!!!"


I don't have any experience with people I know commiting suicide, the only person I've known that's died is my grandfather and that was like 13 years ago when I was a wee child, and he died from natural causes.


Maybe if you've had a best friend, sibling, parent, uncle, cousin, aunt, etc. commit suicide or know someone who's had that happen to them, or atleast try and see it from their point of view, you'd understand.


While we're at it, why not add fighters going to jail because they raped someone? I mean it's not any different from a gameplay standpoint as them commiting suicide, either way they're never going to fight again.

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