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The Comeback Thread

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I usually don't like to make new threads but I was playing my dynasty and I had a sweet comeback happen that got me excited and I wanted to share it with everyone but I don't see a comeback thread on the forums yet and i'm thinking i'm not the only one who has had an exciting comeback fight they wanted to shate so I figured I'd make one.


Here is the comeback that just happened in my game between Francisco 'Frankie Boy' Jimenez and 'The Revolutionary' Cesar Granda. I also included the tale of the tape.


- Created 12 January 2011

>Another match is about to begin; Francisco 'Frankie Boy' Jimenez goes up against 'The Revolutionary' Cesar Granda in the WFA Lightweight division.

>The final of tonight's tournament awaits the winner.

>We are underway!

>Granda drops a shoulder, trying to sucker Jimenez in with a feint.

>There's a stalemate as both fighters throw strikes, but neither scores.

>Both fighters fire off strikes, neither produces any significant damage.

>Both fighters come toe-to-toe and strike, but none of the strikes result in significant damage being done.

>Having stepped near each other to throw their strikes, they both start throwing punches at close range!

>Granda gets clipped with a right hand and falls to the ground while trying to back-pedal!

>Jimenez quickly pounces, looking to rain down punches on the stunned Granda!

>Jimenez pounds away, the stunned Granda struggles to deal with them.

>Granda tries to turn away from the blows, but gets rolled and Jimenez has his back!

>Jimenez tries to get both hooks in, but can't quite manage it.

>In a quick move, Granda turtles up.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Jimenez fires away with right hands, and Granda is stung by several big shots to the side of the head.

>Granda takes a few right hands on the way, but manages to get back to standing.

>Jimenez is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Jimenez moves into the pocket.

>Jimenez throws a kick to the body but Granda dodges it.

>We have one minute of the round remaining.

>Jimenez circles away, creating some distance between them.

>Jimenez drops a shoulder, trying to sucker Granda in with a feint.

>Granda slips past a left jab and fires back with a massive right hand, knocking Jimenez down to the ground...he is out cold!

>The winner, by Knock Out, is 'The Revolutionary' Cesar Granda!

>Official Result: 'The Revolutionary' Cesar Granda defeats Francisco 'Frankie Boy' Jimenez (Knock Out (Punch) in 4:55 of round 1). The match was rated as being Great.


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  • 8 months later...

A hotly anticipated showdown between middleweight champ Buddy Garner and MMA legend Matthew Dean didn't disappoint:


- Buddy Garner vs. 'The Anarchist' Matthew Dean

- From player-controlled event 'GAMMA 64: Unstoppable' (from the save game 'GAMMA')

- Created 06 October 2011

>It's time for the main event of the evening! Buddy Garner will battle 'The Anarchist' Matthew Dean in the GAMMA Middleweight division.

>The GAMMA Middleweight Title title on the line in this match.

>The fight begins!

>A left jab misses and Garner counters with a straight left.

>Garner feints going high, but Dean doesn't buy it.

>Dean looks like he might be trying to get in close and wrestle with Garner.

>Dean grabs Garner and pulls him into a grapple.

>Using his wrestling skills, Dean is trying to push Garner up against the cage.

>Dean achieves it, pinning Garner to the cage.

>Garner is trapped up against the cage and takes repeated small punches to the body from that position. This goes on for roughly a minute.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Garner waits for Dean to throw an elbow, then uses wrestling to turn him around so that Dean now has his back to the cage.

>Garner tries to maintain control, but Dean wrestles his way out of trouble and turns it so that Garner ends up backed against the cage.

>Dean uses a vicious foot stomp.

>Smothered against the cage, Garner is stuck there, unable to do anything, for roughly sixty seconds.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>The lengthy period of stalemate results in the referee separating them.

>Garner shoots in, looking for a takedown.

>Dean stuffs the takedown attempt and then pulls Garner into a clinch.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round one.

>You can hear some boos from the audience, they weren't impressed with that round at all.

>That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Dean.

>There's the bell for the start of the round!

>Garner sees a right body kick coming, grabs it, shoots in for a takedown, and gets it! Dean has to pull guard.

>Garner starts trying to work to get past the guard.

>Garner isn't able to pass guard on this attempt.

>Using his leg strength, Dean pushes Garner away, where he stands.

>Garner snaps off a kick, but it is caught and Dean uses it to pull him into guard.

>Garner begins trying to pass guard and get a better position.

>Dean is ready for the attempt though, and keeps Garner firmly in guard.

>Dean works some separation, then tries to quickly scramble his way into a better position.

>Garner seizes the opportunity, Dean was too slow and gets caught in side control.

>Garner tries to ensnare Dean in an arm triangle.

>The arm triangle is locked in tight, but Dean refuses to tap out!

>Shockingly, Garner loses it! Dean pops his head free, and has somehow survived!

>Dean uses an underhook to work some separation, then quickly scrambles.

>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.

>As Dean goes to scramble he leaves a leg in, and Garner quickly tries to grab it.

>Dean pulls his leg free and comes out on top, with Garner pulling half guard.

>Dean tries to stand up, but can't get free of half guard.

>Garner reaches over and tries to lock Dean in a guillotine.

>The guillotine is applied, but Dean stubbornly holds on and does not tap!

>Garner must not have it totally sunk in.

>Garner finally gives it up and lets go, but may have gassed his arms in the submission attempt.

>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.

>Dean begins trying to pass the guard.

>Garner is ready for the attempt though, and keeps Dean firmly in guard.

>Time expires and we come to the end of round two.

>I have to give that round to Garner, but only a 10-9.

>We are back underway!

>Moving forward, Dean counters a left jab with a nice one-two combination.

>Dean looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>Garner seems happy to grapple with Dean.

>Using his wrestling skills, Dean is trying to push Garner up against the cage.

>Dean does it, Garner is stuck with his back to the cage.

>Matthew Dean doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.

>Garner gets caught with a knee to the inside of the thigh.

>Garner takes a sharp stomp to the foot.

>Dean attempts to throw an elbow, but Garner tightens the clinch, preventing the blow from being launched.

>Garner uses his wrestling skills to prevent Dean from throwing any elbow strikes.

>Dean catches Garner with a knee strike to the thigh.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Dean attempts to use some knee strikes but Garner pulls the clinch tighter, making it impossible to launch them.

>Matthew Dean looks like he is on the verge of exhaustion.

>Dean tries to use some elbows from the clinch, but Garner is able to stop them.

>Breathing very hard, Buddy Garner is looking ragged.

>The referee thinks there has been too little progress, and brings the two fighters back to the center.

>Dean hops around from foot to foot, looking for an opening.

>Not letting Dean settle, Garner moves in closer.

>Garner shoots in, looking for a takedown.

>Dean sprawls to stop the takedown, then pulls Garner up close into a clinch.

>Dean tries to wrestle Garner backward and up against the cage.

>Garner ends up backed against the cage.

>Matthew Dean looks like he is completely out of gas.

>We have one minute of the round remaining.

>Showing good control, Dean keeps Garner stuck against the cage and hits him with short punches to the body for the remainder of the round.

>Round three is brought to an end as time runs out.

>I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Dean.

>There's the bell for the start of the round!

>Dean moves in quickly after a wayward punch and hits a kick to the inside of the left thigh.

>Both fighters advance and strike, but neither hits anything.

>Buddy Garner looks like he is on the verge of exhaustion.

>Garner, who is visibly tired, looks like he might want to get in close and wrestle with Dean.

>Not keen on wrestling Garner, Dean uses movement to keep out of reach.

>Garner steps back to avoid a left jab.

>A couple of ragged punches are used to set up a takedown attempt from a visibly tired Garner.

>Dean sees the takedown coming and tries to move.

>Garner doesn't get the takedown, Dean avoided it.

>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.

>An exchange of strikes goes nowhere.

>Not comfortable in the pocket, Dean steps back and creates some space.

>Slowly moving in closer, a ragged-looking Garner wants to wrestle Dean.

>Garner cannot get close enough to the elusive Dean to grapple.

>Dean tries for a left jab but Garner moves out of range.

>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.

>A visibly tired Garner is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Dean.

>Dean finds himself pulled into a grappling contest.

>Garner is trying to muscle Dean up against the cage.

>Dean out-wrestles him though.

>The gas tank looks empty on Buddy Garner.

>Dean is looking to muscle Garner back against the cage.

>Dean achieves it, pinning Garner to the cage.

>Round four ends as time expires.

>I have to give that round to Dean, but only a 10-9.

>There's the bell and round number five begins!

>Garner throws a left jab but Dean avoids it.

>Dean counters a wayward left jab with a crisp left hand punch.

>Garner, who looks drained, comes forward looking for a takedown.

>A good sprawl stops the takedown, and Garner is brought down to the mat in a loose front facelock.

>Dean floats over the turtled Garner and takes his back.

>Garner cannot stop himself being rolled and secured in side control.

>Dean attempts an armbar.

>A straight armbar is applied, Garner is in danger of having his arm hyper-extended!

>Dean loses the hold! Somehow Garner got his arm free. That was incredibly close to a finish though.

>Garner looks like he is thinking about an arm-in guillotine attempt.

>Dean gets caught in a guillotine, but is not tapping!

>It looks like the choke is not perfectly applied, and that is allowing Dean to breathe.

>The hold is released, Garner realised that he was gassing his arms on an attempt that wasn't going to finish the fight.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Dean looks to pass guard and get side control.

>Garner keeps Dean in guard.

>Garner tries to lock onto an arm from the bottom of the guard.

>Garner uses the threat of a kimura to turn Dean and get side control.

>Garner attempts to armbar Dean from side control.

>Garner gets the armbar fully applied and Dean has to tap out!

>Buddy Garner takes the win by submission!

>Official Result: Buddy Garner defeats 'The Anarchist' Matthew Dean (Submission (Armbar) in 4:12 of round 5). The match was rated as being Decent.


The immediate rematch wasn't bad, either.


- Buddy Garner vs. 'The Anarchist' Matthew Dean

- From player-controlled event 'GAMMA 67: Garner vs. Dean II' (from the save game 'GAMMA')

- Created 06 October 2011

>It's time for the main event of the evening! Buddy Garner takes on 'The Anarchist' Matthew Dean in the GAMMA Middleweight division.

>This is a GAMMA Middleweight Title title fight.

>There's the opening bell!

>Dean feints left and tries to get Garner to commit to a strike, but gets no joy.

>Garner comes in, looking for a quick takedown.

>Dean tries to avoid the takedown.

>Garner doesn't get the takedown, Dean avoided it.

>Dean is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Garner.

>He pulls Garner into a grapple.

>Dean hits Garner with some short strikes to the side of the head while grappling.

>Dean is looking to muscle Garner back against the cage.

>Dean achieves it, pinning Garner to the cage.

>Garner is trapped against the cage and held there, unable to do anything, for about a minute.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Garner gets caught with a knee to the inside of the thigh.

>Dean pins Garner up against the cage and uses dirty boxing to inflict some damage.

>Dean uses a hard foot stomp.

>Dean looks for an elbow strike, but Garner out-wrestles him and switches them around so that he is in the dominant position.

>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.

>Garner tries to take Dean down.

>It looks like Dean is trying to grab a guillotine.

>The takedown is completed, Dean is on his back and pulls guard.

>Garner starts trying to work to get past the guard.

>Garner isn't able to pass guard on this attempt.

>Dean tries to push Garner away, but can't.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round one.

>I have to give that round to Dean, but only a 10-9.

>And here we go, round two!

>Garner steps back to avoid a one-two combination.

>Dean looks like he might be trying to get in close and wrestle with Garner.

>Garner sees a chance to dive for a single leg, but Dean is able to defend against it.

>Moving in closer, Dean looks like he may want to wrestle Garner.

>Garner tries to take down Dean as he steps in, but he blocks it.

>Moving in closer, Dean looks like he may want to wrestle Garner.

>Garner ends up grappling for supremacy with Dean.

>Using his wrestling skills, Dean is trying to push Garner up against the cage.

>Garner ends up backed against the cage.

>Dean looks for an elbow strike, but Garner out-wrestles him and switches them around so that he is in the dominant position.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Garner tries to maintain control, but Dean wrestles his way out of trouble and turns it so that Garner ends up backed against the cage.

>Garner is controlled up against the cage and takes a hard foot stomp.

>Garner waits for Dean to throw an elbow, then uses wrestling to turn him around so that Dean now has his back to the cage.

>Garner tries to maintain control, but Dean wrestles his way out of trouble and turns it so that Garner ends up backed against the cage.

>Matthew Dean is looking really tired.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>Dean drives a knee to the thigh area.

>The referee thinks there has been too little progress, and brings the two fighters back to the center.

>Garner throws out a couple of jabs as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.

>The takedown is unsuccessful, Dean blocked Garner.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round two.

>That round goes to Dean, 10-9 on my card.

>There's the bell for the start of the round!

>There's a stalemate as both fighters throw strikes, but neither scores.

>Buddy Garner doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.

>Garner counters a flurry of punches with a stinging left jab.

>A left hand misses, allowing Garner to counter with a jab.

>A left jab misses and Dean counters with a quick series of punches.

>Slowed down by physical tiredness, Garner still looks to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Dean now has Garner standing in the pocket.

>There's a double leg attempt from Garner, from the pocket.

>Dean sprawls to stop the takedown, then pulls Garner up close into a clinch.

>Matthew Dean seems to be fighting against exhaustion.

>Dean and Garner break the grapple and are apart again, circling.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>They both meet with strikes, but neither does any damage.

>Looking tired, Dean comes in closer, attempting to wrestle with Garner.

>Garner moves in too, and they start to grapple.

>Clinched with Dean, Garner looks to try and take him down.

>Dean blocks the takedown attempt.

>Buddy Garner looks like he is on the verge of exhaustion.

>Dean turns Garner slightly, creating enough space so that he can break free of the grapple.

>We have one minute of the round remaining.

>Garner avoids a flurry of rights and lefts.

>Dean steps in, feints a kick, then darts back out.

>Garner moves out of range of a flurry of punches.

>Round three ends as time expires.

>Good round, that's the sort of action we like to see.

>That was a close round, but I'm giving it to Dean, 10-9.

>We are back underway!

>Dean throws a feint.

>Garner counters a flurry of punches with a jab.

>A flurry of punches fail to land, giving Garner the opportunity to counter with a crisp jab.

>A straight left from Dean fails to land.

>Not letting Dean settle, Garner moves in closer.

>The gas tank looks empty on Matthew Dean.

>A visibly tired Garner is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Dean.

>Dean tries to counter by dropping down and going for a single leg, but Garner defended it well.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Garner throws a couple of jabs, a set up for a tired-looking takedown attempt on Dean.

>Garner is stopped by a good sprawl, and is pulled down to the ground in a loose front facelock until he is on his knees.

>Buddy Garner looks like he is almost out on his feet with exhaustion.

>Turtled up, Garner can do nothing about giving up his back.

>Dean attempts to flatten Garner out for a rear naked choke.

>Garner defends the submission attempt well, and is in no danger at any point.

>Garner cannot stop himself being rolled and secured in side control.

>Dean throws a few right hands as he takes a moment to plan ahead.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>Dean hits a knee strike to the ribs.

>Dean attempts an arm triangle.

>Garner doesn't allow the arm triangle to be applied.

>The time runs out on round four.

>An extremely close round, could have gone either way, but personally I'll give it to Garner 10-9.

>Round five begins!

>Garner counters a wayward left jab with a crisp left hand punch.

>Garner chooses to move forward and try to take Dean down.

>Dean first stuffs the takedown attempt, then manages to wrestle Garner the the floor! Garner has to pull guard.

>Dean lies on top of Garner, basically smothering him.

>The clock runs down as Garner is being smothered against the ground by Dean.

>Time slips away as Dean successfully keeps Garner stuck against the ground.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Dean begins trying to pass the guard.

>Dean isn't able to pass guard on this attempt.

>Garner reaches up and tries to lock up an arm.

>A straight armbar is applied, Dean has to tap out before his arm is hyper-extended!

>The winner, by submission, is Buddy Garner!

>Official Result: Buddy Garner defeats 'The Anarchist' Matthew Dean (Submission (Armbar) in 3:35 of round 5). The match was rated as being Decent.

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  • 6 months later...

>Moving on to the next match, in which Shigemori Sugita will take on Bosco 'Bad Attitude' Curbeam in the M3A2 Lightweight division.

>We are underway!

>Curbeam avoids a barrage of punches and hits a flurry of quick punches to sting Sugita.

>Sugita counters a flurry of punches with a couple of hard rights!

>Sugita slips past a straight punch and then hits some big rights, putting Curbeam down!

>Sugita quickly pounces, looking to rain down punches on the stunned Curbeam!

>Sugita pounds away on Curbeam, landing several great shots that rock Curbeam!

>With punches raining down, Curbeam can only pull Sugita down into side control to survive.

>Sugita throws a few right hands as he takes a moment to plan ahead.

>Curbeam tries to transition to a guard, but can't manage it.

>Sugita throws a few right hands to the body.

>Sugita throws a few strikes, but they are without venom.

>Sugita blocks an attempt to pull guard.

>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.

>Sugita fires off a few punches as he catches his breath.

>Curbeam tries to sweep Sugita but can't do it.

>Sugita throws some small strikes, but is clearly just taking a moment to try and catch his breath.

>Sugita fires off a handful of punches, each easily being blocked with gloves.

>Sugita blocks an attempt to pull guard.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>The lengthy period of stalemate results in the referee standing them both back up.

>Sugita looks to move in and stand in the pocket.

>Sugita gets caught with a right though, and he is momentarily wobbly!

>A couple of quick punches are used to set up a takedown attempt from Curbeam.

>Sugita sees the takedown coming and tries to move.

>Sugita avoids the takedown attempt.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round one.

>That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Sugita.

>And here we go, round two!

>Curbeam avoids a jab and scores with a crisp jab.

>Sugita moves out of range of a flurry of punches.

>Curbeam slips past a left jab and fires back with a right hand to the jaw which puts Sugita down!

>Curbeam knows that this is a golden opportunity, and quickly pounces on Sugita, looking to finish him off by raining down punches!

>Curbeam pounds away, Sugita is barely able to offer any defence at all!

>The referee pulls Curbeam away, stopping the match!

>Bosco Curbeam takes the victory by way of TKO!


>Official Result: Bosco 'Bad Attitude' Curbeam defeats Shigemori Sugita (TKO (Strikes) in 1:33 of round 2). The match was rated as being Great.

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>Moving on to the next match, in which Shigemori Sugita will take on Bosco 'Bad Attitude' Curbeam in the M3A2 Lightweight division.

>We are underway!

>Curbeam avoids a barrage of punches and hits a flurry of quick punches to sting Sugita.

>Sugita counters a flurry of punches with a couple of hard rights!

>Sugita slips past a straight punch and then hits some big rights, putting Curbeam down!

>Sugita quickly pounces, looking to rain down punches on the stunned Curbeam!

>Sugita pounds away on Curbeam, landing several great shots that rock Curbeam!

>With punches raining down, Curbeam can only pull Sugita down into side control to survive.

>Sugita throws a few right hands as he takes a moment to plan ahead.

>Curbeam tries to transition to a guard, but can't manage it.

>Sugita throws a few right hands to the body.

>Sugita throws a few strikes, but they are without venom.

>Sugita blocks an attempt to pull guard.

>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.

>Sugita fires off a few punches as he catches his breath.

>Curbeam tries to sweep Sugita but can't do it.

>Sugita throws some small strikes, but is clearly just taking a moment to try and catch his breath.

>Sugita fires off a handful of punches, each easily being blocked with gloves.

>Sugita blocks an attempt to pull guard.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>The lengthy period of stalemate results in the referee standing them both back up.

>Sugita looks to move in and stand in the pocket.

>Sugita gets caught with a right though, and he is momentarily wobbly!

>A couple of quick punches are used to set up a takedown attempt from Curbeam.

>Sugita sees the takedown coming and tries to move.

>Sugita avoids the takedown attempt.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round one.

>That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Sugita.

>And here we go, round two!

>Curbeam avoids a jab and scores with a crisp jab.

>Sugita moves out of range of a flurry of punches.

>Curbeam slips past a left jab and fires back with a right hand to the jaw which puts Sugita down!

>Curbeam knows that this is a golden opportunity, and quickly pounces on Sugita, looking to finish him off by raining down punches!

>Curbeam pounds away, Sugita is barely able to offer any defence at all!

>The referee pulls Curbeam away, stopping the match!

>Bosco Curbeam takes the victory by way of TKO!


>Official Result: Bosco 'Bad Attitude' Curbeam defeats Shigemori Sugita (TKO (Strikes) in 1:33 of round 2). The match was rated as being Great.


I guess your trying to give this thread (takes off glasses) a comeback.

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I don't have the match saved but in my ICON Welterweight title fight, Shane Primm ground and pounded his way to 4 10-9 rounds against Peter Sobotta. In the last round, it looked like more of the same untill Peter Sobotta managed to lock in a guillotine choke with 30 seconds to go. Sobotta won the title from the brink of defeat.
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