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For the Back story and roster rundown of Rising Phoenix Wrestling here is the link:












Live Saturday January 15th, 2011

RITC Center

Phoenix Arizona


The road to crowing our very first champion starts this Saturday night! Four action packed bouts and the winners get one step closer to being crowned RPW Champion!





Frankie Kazarian





Paul London





Chuck Taylor





Brian Kendrick





Jay Lethal





Sean O'Haire





Davey Richards





Chris Hero

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[We see a video play as the Rising Phoenix Wrestling theme plays in the background.]


Kyle O'Relly: I traveled over 1500 miles for this one shot. For this golden opportunity to achieve my dream.


[Kyle O'Reilly hits a bicycle kick to Adam Cole.]


Shelton Benjamin: It is about proving that I can excel at any level.


[We see shots of Shelton Benjamin wrestling in college then transforming to a shot in the squared circle with him hitting a top rope belly to belly on Puma.]


Bryan Danielson: It is about proving that I am the best in the world today.


[bryan Danielson has Brian Kendrick trapped drilling him with MMA elbows.]


Paul Burchill: That success can transcend continents.


[Paul Burchill hits the C4 on Pinkie Sanchez.]


Matt Sydal: That I can soar higher...


[Matt Sydal hits the shooting star press.]


Jack Evans: Than a rising phoenix.


[Jack Evans lands the 630 splash.]


Jay Lethal: It's about knowing that it all...started here...


[Jay Lethal hits the Lethal Combination as the screen fades into the Rising Phoenix Wrestling logo.]





Rise From The Ashes


1090 fans




Josh Matthews: Hello everyone and welcome to the first edition of Rise From The Ashes of Rising Phoenix Wrestling! I am Josh Matthews along with Larry Sweeney and boy do we have a night of action for you!


Larry Sweeney: Absolutely Josh tonight starts the race for the Rising Phoenix Wrestling Championship!




Jeremy Borash: Hello wrestling fans I am your interviewer Jeremy Borash and tonight is the start of something special. We here at Rising Phoenix Wrestling searched the country and in some cases continents to bring to you the best crop of athletes we could find. Tonight is the dawn of a new age where the sport of professional wrestling rises up once again! Enough talk, let's get to the action right now!


Josh Matthews: It is going to be a close battle between London and Kazarian in the first match of the first round of the RPW Championship tournament.


Larry Sweeney: It won't even be close, Kazarian has this one in the bag!



Frankie Kazarian Vs. Paul London


The night started off with a bang mixing in some aerial technique mixed in with some mat wrestling to boot. In a bout that featured great action and average heat Paul London defeated Frankie Kazarian in 8:25 by pinfall with a London calling.




Josh Matthews: Paul London picks up the impressive win!


Larry Sweeney: Oh please, he got lucky.


Josh Matthews: Whatever you say Larry. London will now take on the winner of our next match Chuck Taylor Vs. Brian Kendrick. Before we get to it let's get to JB in the back with Chuck Taylor.





JB: Ladies and gentleman I present to you Chuck Taylor. Now Chuck you have a match coming up against Brian Kendrick your thoughts?


CT: You know something Kendrick. If there is one thing I hate is pretty boys. People that think they can be giving the world because of their suave hair and charming smile. I'm faster than you, I'm stronger than you and smarter than you. Let's see what your adoring fans think of you when you have a shiner on your left eye, a broken nose and busted up teeth. In Murray Kentucky we had to make our own fun. So in just a few minutes I will have so much fun beating the tar out of you!


[Chuck Taylor storms off as Jeremy Borash has a surprised look on his face.]


JB: Well there you have it Josh, Larry back to you.


LS: Now that is what I'm talking about! That is the true heart of a champion.



Chuck Taylor Vs. Brian Kendrick


A match which saw Taylor and Kendrick both of similar statue really tear the house down in Phoenix! Neither man was holding back as both had something to prove to the other. In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Brian Kendrick defeated Chuck Taylor in 12:17 by pin fall with the Sliced Bread #2!




LS: Oh come on! He pulled the tights everyone saw it in this arena. Such a disgrace. Here comes my broadcasting partner in the ring now sucking up to Brian Kendrick.




JM: Brian Kendrick with the hard fought victory tonight how does it feel?


BK: It feels great Josh. Contrary to popular belief pretty boys can wrestle too!


[brian Kendrick smirks at the defeated Chuck Taylor. Chuck Taylor shakes his head as he goes to the floor smacking the ring apron as he angrily walks to the back.]


JM: Now in two weeks you have Paul London a man you have some history with.


BK: You bet I do. For those unaware London and I trained together so we traded a lot of good times together. But friendship only goes so far when it comes to the Rising Phoenix Championship. I want a great match but I am going all out to take the win and be one step closer to being champion.



JM: Brian Kendrick everyone!


[Josh Matthews returns to the broadcast position with Larry Sweeney as the next match gets underway.]



Jay Lethal Vs. Sean O'Haire


Despite the 60 pound weight advantage O'Haire had, Jay Lethal was not going down without a fight! O'Haire nearly had the match won with a Gogoplata before Lethal reached the ropes. In a match that had some good action and average heat Jay Lethal defeated Sean O'haire in 16:12 with a Lethal Combination.




JM: And Lethal with the win!


LS: Sean O'Haire should have made him tap!


JM: So as it stands we have London verses Kendrick and Jay Lethal taking on the winner of tonight's main event!


LS: Speaking of, we have the man that could go all the way in this tournament Chris Hero!




JB: Jeremy Borash with one half of our main event Chris Hero taking on Davey Richards the winner goes on to take on Jay Lethal in two weeks time. What are you thoughts going into battle against a man of the caliber of Davey Richards?


CH: JB, I'll keep this short and to the point. I've seen what you are capable of and I know that even if I am just a little bit off my game you can snap my arm in two. But how far are you will to go Davey? How much are you willing to sacrifice all in the name of being RPW champion? I will give up everything for that 15 pounds of gold. You were once a paramedic Richards a man that saved lives. After this young knockout kid takes you out with the roaring elbow, who Davey is going to save YOU?!


JB: There you have it. I understand we have Davey Richards standing by.




[The camera pans in the locker room of Davey Richards as he is mentally preparing himself for the fight. With a towel around his neck he does some leg stretches before throwing the towel on the bench beside him. Without saying a word he walks out of the locker room and towards the guerrilla position.]


JM: A very intense message sent by Chris Hero. Davey Richards on the other hand is sending his own message. Letting his actions speak for him in the ring. It is main event time!



Davey Richards Vs. Chris Hero


This main event saw brutality brought up a notch! For every hard kick, Hero responded with a stiff forearm. The crowd was on their feet for this one! Both Hero and Richards were in a bout that saw Chris Hero defeat Davey Richards with the Roaring Elbow in 25:14.




LS: Bravo Chris BRAVO! I knew he could do it haha!


JM: After you accused Brian Kendrick of pulling the tights now you are praising Chris Hero for knocking Davey Richards out with a loaded elbow pad?


LS: That is all muscle baby.


JM: Yeah sure there Sweeney. So the four men advancing into the quarterfinals are: Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Jay Lethal and now Chris Hero. Next week we will have the other half of the tournament brackets and figure out who become the elite eight to be one step closer to glory. We hope you have all enjoyed this first edition of Rise From the Ashes for Larry Sweeney this is Josh Matthews wishing you all a good night...


[static can be heard on the screen as it suddenly appears on the screen like white snow on a TV. Not even a second later, the screen comes back into focus as we lay eyes on this man...]




[Elijah Burke stares into the camera with a serious look into his eyes.]


Elijah Burke: Love and hate, joy and pain. One cannot exist without the other. Suffering is the only way through salvation. The wrestling world will soon see through a new set of eyes. Next week, the healing begins...


[With those parting words as his eyes burn a hole into the camera we then fade to black.]





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RPW management could not have been more thrilled with the debut show for Rising Phoenix Wrestling. The crowd was electric all night and the feedback was excellent. The show went down really well from whom we have spoken with. The wrestlers worked exceptionally hard to leave a good first impression with the audience and they surely fed off the energy from the sold out crowd in Phoenix. Morale is up in the locker room and that can only mean good things moving forward in the coming weeks and months.


Brian Kendrick was ecstatic after his win against Chuck Taylor. Chuck Taylor on the other hand was clearly upset over the loss and was said to be ranting in the back to all that would listen. On lookers could hear the Kentucky native screaming "I will not go down quietly!"


Jay Lethal despite the hard fought victory did not leave Phoenix unscathed. A stiff neck and a slightly bruised shoulder was the result of his bout with Sean O'Haire. He is not expected to miss any ring time.


The aftermath of the main event from Rise From The Ashes looked like a war-zone. Davey Richards nose had to be checked on after getting bashed in with Chris Hero's roaring elbow. Chris Hero on the other hand, needed a few stitches right above his eye after a few stiff kicks from Davey Richards. Both men will be ready to go in no time.


With the money made off the last event, Rising Phoenix Wrestling was looking for a similarly sized venue with a little more updated facilities. RPW found it in the Castle Sports Club in Phoenix Arizona. Management is hoping this is the place RPW can call home.


Here is what we have coming up for our next lineup!







The other half of the first round bouts will be contested to make our elite eight for the Rising Phoenix Wrestling Championship!


Brian Kendrick, Paul London, Jay Lethal and Chris Hero advance to the quarter finals. Who will join them?



Matt Sydal Vs. Jimmy Jacobs



Elijah Burke Vs. Jack Evans



"Mr Wrestling" Kevin Steen Vs. Bryan Danielson





Shelton Benjamin Vs. Paul Burchill


May the predictions begin!

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Rise From The Ashes 2

Castle Sports Center

Phoenix, Arizona

954 fans




Josh Matthews: Hello everyone and welcome to Rise From The Ashes 2! I am Josh Matthews along with Larry Sweeney and tonight continues the road to glory!


Larry Sweeney: tonight will be the night when Bryan Danielson shows why he is the best in the world today!


JM: That is in our semi main event for the evening. Tonight's main event puts legitimate athlete Shelton Benjamin against the English breed Paul Burchill and that will be a fight!


LS: No doubt about it Matthews! Burchill is a ruthless killer and if Benjamin is not careful his professional wrestling career will be over before it starts!


JM: Before we get to that let's get to the back with JB as he is interviewing our first competitor of the night against Jimmy Jacobs, here is Matt Sydal!





JB: RPW fans I have with me Matt Sydal and Matt you have a challenge up against you as you take on Jimmy Jacobs in the first round of this tournament. What do you say going into battle with this man?


MS: I won't lie Borash, I've been called an underdog my whole life. Granted I get I am not the biggest dog in the pack but I am the most resiliant. What I lack in size, I accommodate with speed and tenacity. Jimmy Jacobs, I'm not naive, I know you see me as a threat and you should. We are all one loss away from being out of the running for the Rising Phoenix Wrestling Championship! I'll be damned if you take that opportunity away from me Jimmy. I will soar the highest on my way to becoming your RPW Champion!


JB: A very determined young man here in Matt Sydal. Thank you sir. We have Jimmy Jacobs standing by!




[Jimmy Jacobs stands in the hallway shaking his head in disgust. He let's out a sigh as he strokes his beard.]


Jimmy Jacobs: Matthew, Matthew, Matthew, a threat? I am sorry but you are sadly mistaken. You can have all the speed and tenacity you want Sydal but you see, I have street smarts. You have to in order to make it in this cruel world that we find ourselves in. How do you keep a bird grounded, you clip its wings. Yeah aim high there Sydal because the higher you fly, the harder you fall. And I will smile as you plummet to your end. Just like every song doesn't have a happy ending, your Cinderella story ends in tragedy tonight!


[The camera pans back to the announcing position with Josh Matthews and Larry Sweeney.]


LS: That is telling it like it is Jimmy!


JM: I don't know about that Larry. Sydal is no pushover, he is a true scrapper.


LS: You heard Jimmy, he is taking him down hard!



Matt Sydal Vs. Jimmy Jacobs


This match got the crowd hot and ready for the night's action! In a match that saw great heat and great back and forth action, Matt sydal picked up the victory in 10:03 by pinfall with a cyclorama.




JM: And Matt Sydal with the 1, 2, 3. What a back and forth contest between these two men.


LS: Jimmy Jacobs had it in the bag. I can't believe he didn't take the victory!


JM: While street smarts can take one far in life so can fighting until your last breath! Let's take it to ringside as Elijah Burke takes on Jack Evans!



Elijah Burke Vs. Jack Evans


In a bout that saw Jack Evans counter Elijah Burke's boxing background with aerial finesse, Jack Evans had several near falls that had the crowd on their feet. In the end, Elijah Burke defeated Jack Evans in 13:56 by pinfall with the Elijah Experience.






JM: You just defeated Jack Evans and now next week will take on Matt Sydal in the next round. Your thoughts?


EB: I told the whole world Jeremy that the healing would begin. There are a lot of men in that locker room and here in this arena that need a lot of help. Many people with blood on their hands and sins in their hearts. It is my calling to make them see the errors of their ways.


[The crowd boos loudly as Josh Matthews rolls his eyes at Burke's accusations.]


EB: Just like Jack Evans before him, Matt Sydal will see next week that he is just an Elijah Experience away from being saved. Rising Phoenix Wrestling is my congregation and when I become RPW Champion it will be a glorious night!


[The jeers continue as Josh Matthews looks into the camera with an annoyed look on his face.]


JM: Elijah Burke with some bold proclamations here tonight. Larry back to you.


[Josh Matthews heads back to the announcers desk as Larry Sweeney begins talking.]


LS: There is hope!


JM: What in the world was that about?


LS: Don't you get it Josh, Elijah Burke is a God send to this promotion!


JM: Oh come on, don't you start!


LS: What?! I only speak the truth!


JM: Let's just go to the back please. Take it away JB!




JB: Kevin Steen, you have quite the opponent ahead of you in Bryan Danielson. He considers himself the best in the world. He wants to make an example out of you. What do you say to that?


KS: What do I say to that Borash? If I may be bold, I think its BS! You may have had some amazing training I give you that. But I've excelled in every sport I set foot in. It is with that spark and competitive edge that kept me one notch above all the other pansies that was on the field. Yeah maybe that makes me a little arrogant but the truth remains I'm not some scrawny kid you are competing against. I'm 238 pounds of strength and doesn't back down when it gets tough. I don't shy away from bending the rules a little to get that momentum in my favor Bryan. If you are going to take me down, you are going to have to keep me from breathing Danielson!


JB: Kevin Steen a man of intense words and intense action..



Kevin Steen Vs. Bryan Danielson


If the opening battle between Sydal and Jacobs brought fast paced action, this bout saw both men with their wrestling boots on! After a great display of mat wrestling and counter wrestling, Bryan Danielson defeated Kevin Steen in 18:36 by submission with the Cattle Mutilation.






[Josh Matthews climbs into the ring to speak with Bryan Danielson but Danielson snatches the mic away to a round of boos from the Castle Sports Club. He stares at Steen then the crowd in attendance.]


Bryan Danielson: I told you Kevin Steen! I told you Rising Phoenix Wrestling. I am the best. Not the best in the united states. Not the best in North America. I AM THE BEST IN THE WORLD!


[bryan Danielson shoos Josh Matthews back to his announcers desk chair as he climbs the middle turnbuckle staring right into the camera's lens.]


Bryan Danielson: Give me Matt Sydal. Bring it on Elijah Burke! Show me some competition Benjamin and Burchill. RPW's brightest will fade away into oblivion after being unable to take the pain. RPW get a good look at this face, go back and watch that match because you are looking at the next Rising Phoenix Wrestling Champion! Nothing but the best in the world!


[bryan Danielson drops the microphone down as a thud echos throughout the center as the crowd gives their disapproval.]


JM: Where do we find these guys? Talk about a man with a high opinion of himself! That was a highly physical match up. It took quite some upper body strength to trap Kevin Steen with the bridge into the Cattle Mutilation. It took every ounce of energy with Kevin Steen not to tap out. In the end the pain was just too much for Mr. Wrestling.


LS: Bryan Danielson just showed Rising Phoenix Wrestling why he is the best in the world. Is there anyone that can stop this man?


JM: Only time will tell that tale Larry. Coming up next we have Jeremy Borash getting ready to talk with a man that has a lot to prove in Shelton Benjamin.




JB: Shelton this is a new venture for you as you excelled in High School and collegiate wrestling, what is going through your mind tonight as you take on Paul burchill in the first round of the RPW Championship tournament?


Shelton Benjamin: I can remember wrestling for Minnesota and afterward telling my fellow team mates and coaches that I wanted to be a professional wrestler. They laughed in my face. That I was throwing my career away by entering professional wrestling. I had to train just as long and just as hard for high school and college as I have for the squared circle. I am out to prove to those guys back home just as RPW is trying to prove that we are the real deal. That we fight our hearts out until we can't fight any more. Burchill I know you fight a tough style and want to pound my face in. But you have to realize something Paul, I've battled men quicker and stronger that were out for my blood. While I am thinking about those back home. In the end I am out to prove to myself that I belong in this ring, that I belong in this sport. In the end there ain't no stopping me now!




[Paul Burchill sits in his locker room geared up and ready to go. He smirks as he applauds to the camera in mockery.]


PB: Well don Shelton well done! The front page headline story: Collegiate athlete turning pro. Men that really aspire for this want that more than anything. That would give their left arm for such a golden opportunity. Let me tell you something Shelton, I have some experience under my belt when it comes to this profession. I left opponents with bruised egos, with broken bones and shattered egos. It was to prove a point. To show who belonged here and who didn't. Before entering this sport, I was a school teacher. Enlightening young minds and steering them in the right path. Now I get to teach you a very valuable life lesson Benjamin: You're biting far more than you can chew.


[We pan back to Josh Matthews and Larry Sweeney at ringside.]


JM: Strong words on both sides of the coin.


LS: Burchill has the experience it's a no brainer!


JM: While he may have the experience Benjamin has the edge in stanima and athletic prowess. Let's get to the ring fans it's main event time!



Shelton Vs. Paul Burchill


The crowd was hot and on their feet for tonight's main event! The evenly matched competitors in size and strength duked it out for just past 20 minutes. After a mix of power based offense and wrestling skill Shelton Benjamin defeated Paul Burchill in 20:48 by pinfall with the Paydirt.




JM: There you have it! The elite eight have been decided! Bryan Kendrick will take on Paul London. Jay Lethal will take on Chris Hero. Matt Sydal will face Elijah Burke and Bryan Danielson will take on Shelton Benjamin!


LS: That is going to be a night to see for sure!


JM: And listen to these fans go crazy for Shelton Benjamin. We will see next week if he moves on and becomes RPW Champion. For Larry Sweeney, this is Josh Matthews saying good night everyone!





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Castle Sports Club

Phoenix, Arizona


The Quarter Finals of the Rising Phoenix Wrestling Championship Tournament!





Paul London Vs. Brian Kendrick



Jay Lethal Vs. Chris Hero



Matt Sydal Vs. Elijah Burke




Bryan DanielsonVs. Shelton Benjamin

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BK'll probably win but London is amazing!


Paul London Vs. Brian Kendrick


Kendrick seems to be getting more creative love so far.


Jay Lethal Vs. Chris Hero


I hear Hero's supposed to be pretty good but I'll take the guy I've actually seen.


Matt Sydal Vs. Elijah Burke


It's the Elijah Experience. Nuff said.


Bryan Danielson Vs. Shelton Benjamin


Tough call. Could go either way. I'll use my dad's old theory and take Benjamin just to run counter to the other predictor.

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Castle Sports Club

Phoenix, Arizona

820 fans




Josh Matthews: Hello everyone and welcome to RPW Rise From The Ashes 3! Tonight we present to you the quarter finals to slim it down to the final 4 competitors!


Larry Sweeney: It is going to be an incredible night of action and I have no doubt in my mind Bryan Danielson will move onto the semi finals!


JM: It is a possibility although I think Shelton has it in him to take Danielson down. Coming up first though we havre Brian Kendrick taking on Paul London. Let's take it to Jeremy Borash!




JB: Paul London you have had quite a journey so far here in RPW. You defeated Frankie Kazarian to make it here and now you take on one Brian Kendrick. A man you have a history with. What are you feeling right now?


PL: You know a lot of emotions go through your head when you are about set to get in the ring with someone you have had a lot of past with. We trained together down in Texas. We had our share of fun times after we trained sharing some laughs. But tonight Brian, I am all business. At the end of the day it is all about becoming the Rising Phoenix Wrestling champion. We may get banged up, have some battle scars but we respect each other and both know in our hearts we want to be the best at what we do.


[Jeremy Borash looks over his shoulder.]


JB: Well it looks as if we have some company...




Brian Kendrick: Paul, you and I go back a ways. You know how hard I work and fight for what I want in life. So if you think for a second I am going to stand by and watch you advance to the semis you are sadly mistaken! After that bell rings we will still be close, but you are on the opposite side of the ring from me tonight. I wish you the best of luck in our match but I will be the one standing tall!


JB: Good luck to you both. Back to you Josh and Larry.


[The camera pans back to the announce table.]




LS: What a bunch of saps. I hope they tear each other limb from limb!


JM: They are friends they respect each other! That is commendable. Let's get to the ring!



Paul London Vs. Brian Kendrick


We start off the night with some quick paced and athletic wrestling. Brian Kendrick beat Paul London in 12:48 by pinfall. London went for the London Calling but Kendrick got the knees up trapping Paul London with a tiger suplex hold for the one, two, three.




JM: What a great match to start off the night Larry!


LS: And here we go with the lovefest already! This makes me sick!


JM: You are going to be quite a catch for a lady someday Larry...


[both men were given a round of applause from the fans in attendance. Kendrick shook the hand of London and departed. As Paul London was soaking up the admiration from the crowd, a fan hopped the guardrail with semi-long hair, a RPW hat and shades.]

JM: What is going on here? Get security out here!


[He grabbed London springing off the turnbuckle with a shiranui. The man dropped the shades and threw the cap off revealing this man...]




LS: Yes it's Jimmy Jacobs! Great job Jimmy!


[Jimmy Jacobs motions for the microphone and Larry Sweeney gives him one off the announcers table.]


Jimmy Jacobs: Everywhere I go ever since I had come into Rising Phoenix Wrestling is look where Paul London came from. Look at Paul London he is amazing! I don't give a damn where you trained Lodnon. I didn't get things handed to me due to my roots. I came from Grand Rapids Michigan scratching and clawing my way to get into wrestling at the ripe age of 15. I wasn't the biggest dog in the yard but I made it known real fast that I would be the most dangerous. That I would be the one to bite your head off if given the chance. right about now I think the RPW locker room needs a little demonstration!


[Jimmy Jacobs whips out a chain and flings it so it lassos around his fist. A smirk etches across the face of Jimmy.]

JM: No don't do this!


LS: Do it Jimmy, awaken the monster within you!


[He grabs a prone Paul London by the hair and does the cut throat sign with his thumb. Without a moments thought, he begins pounding away at London. Blood starts gushing out of London's forehead as officials rush to the ring! One by one Jacobs takes them down with shots to the head! Jacobs smiles looking around at the carnage around him. The crowd cheers wildly as Brian Kendrick runs out for the save. Like a snake, Jacobs slithers under the ring ropes and into the crowd where Kendrick can't get him. Jacobs laughs as he is quite a distance away. Kendrick stares at Jacobs before attending to his comrade.]

LS: Oh what's the matter Paul get a little bang on your head?


JM: Stop it Larry! It was a vicious attack! What was going through Jacobs mind?


LS: He was looking to show RPW a thing or two about what a man can do when he puts his mind to it!


JM: He is a disgrace to this company! We are heading to the backstage area where Jeremy Borash is with Jay Lethal!



JB: Jay Lethal tonight in the quarter-finals you take on a determined individual in Chris Hero. You know he is looking to do anything necessary to move on and win the Championship.


JL: There is no denying Chris Hero will go above and beyond to take home the victory and be even closer to winning the RPW Championship. Only thing is, so am I Borash. I come from humble beginnings in Elizabeth New Jersey. I did everything I could to be a good student in the classroom and in the squared circle. It was through hard work and my desire to succeed that granted me respect from my trainers, from my peers and from the fans all over. I don't take the easy way out, I fight until I can fight no more. It with that blue collar worker mindset that I am where I am today and why I will make it to the semi finals for the RPW Championship. Chris Hero, you have just met your match!


JB: Very good Jay good look tonight. Back to you guys.



JM: Jay Lethal is one of the hardest workers here in RPW. Chris Hero could be in for a long night.


LS: Chris Hero is a student of the game. He studies the opponents inside and out. There is no doubt he has an ace up his sleeve against Jay Lethal tonight!



Jay Lethal Vs. Chris Hero


[Chris Hero is announced first as he enters the ring with a mic in his hand. The jeers start before he even opens his mouth.]


CH: Your opinion means nothing to me! What a wonderful story Jay. I mean who can not love a Rocky story. You traveled all this way leaving your family to become a Champion. Unfortunately for you Lethal, this isn't the silver screen and you are no Rocky Balboa. The man standing before you will be your biggest obstacle to date, the Young Knockout Kid Chris Hero! Just like you were giving such a grand opportunity to train in Jersey for free, I am giving you a grand opportunity. To find out that despite how hard you try in this life you will never be good enough. So you can go home to your mama and show that you were nothing but a big disappointment...


[The crowd goes crazy as Jay Lethal sneaks from behind nailing Chris Hero with a missile dropkick to the back of the head as the bell sounds.].


The crowd stayed hot as Lethal battled with Hero. Hero went on the attack early weakening the back of Lethal. Lethal was able to come back with a barrage of forearms and a few aerial attacks that sent Hero reeling. At one point, Lethal hit the Lethal Combination but Hero's foot was under the rope before he could score the three count. Chris Hero beat Jay Lethal in 15:23 with the roaring elbow.




LS: Look at that Josh! Chris Hero said what he was going to do and he did it. What a great example to set for the youth of America!


JM: He had a loaded elbow pad. What is admirable about that?!


LS: You are just making false accusations Josh! Don't get mad just because Jay Lethal lost. My what shame he will bring back to his family!


JM: I don't hear you anymore. Jeremy Borash is out back with Elijah Burke.




JB: Elijah Burke, you sir certainly have a high opinion of yourself. Stating all these claims about saving people and exposing them for who they are.


EB: Stop right there Jeremy. Such ignorance from a little man. I don't have a high opinion of myself Borash I am just doing what I have been called to do. Tonight I face Matt Sydal. A man quite ignorant of his very sin. The sin of gluttony. Night in and night out, you go out there drunk. Drunk on a substance far worse than alcohol. Far worse than whiskey. You Matthew are drunk on the praise of the fans. You feed off it and it keeps you going. For a man with the name of a saint, inside you are a sinner. Tonight I will provide another miracle among the lost congregation here in RPW. After an Elijah Experience you're eyes will be open and I will be one step closer to glory.


JM: Thank you Elijah Burke. We have Matt Sydal standing by!




[Matt Sydal sits on a wooden bench as he is straightening out his knee pads. He looks into the camera with an annoyed look on his face.]


MS: Gluttony are you serious?! The reason I care so much about their cheers is because I know what it's like when faced with a tough obstacle. Inside it can be frightening to press forward and face it head on. But I don't back down when things get tough. I may win some I may lose some but I give it all I have. It's about time you get taught a lesson in humility Burke. This congregation you call our fans that you say are broken aren't you are. I will be the man to shut you up for good and shatter your dreams of becoming RPW Champion!


[The camera pans back as we return to Josh Matthews and Larry Sweeney at ringside.]




LS: Preach on Burke preach on brother!


JM: He is unbelievable. Matt Sydal is right and I agree with everything he said. I hope he shuts up Burke's mouth once and for all.


LS: Such hostility Josh. Maybe you too need an Elijah Experience.


JM: I don't think so I am fine right here.



Matt Sydal Vs. Elijah Burke


In a match that saw a fast and furious exchange of kicks from Bourne and punches from Burke neither man could get a clear advantage over the other. Bourne nearly got the three count with a top rope reverse hurancanrana. Bourne unfortunately went to the well one too many times. As he sprung up to go for the shooting star press, Burke was able to drill him in the back knocking him to the mat with the Elijah Experience gaining the pinfall victory into the semi finals., Elijah Burke beat Matt Sydal in 17:18 with the Elijah Express.




JM: NO! Burke wins and makes it to the semi finals!


LS: Like there was any doubt?


JM: Sydal was so close to putting Burke away, but Burke had the presence of mind and hit the Elijah Experience just in time. So next week we will see Brian Kendrick take on Elijah Burke. Chris Hero will then take on the winner of our main event between Shelton Benjamin and Bryan Danielson! We have Jeremy Borash standing by!




JB: I am here with Shelton Benjamin. Tonight you face off with the self proclaimed best in the world Bryan Danielson. What is your mindset going into tonight's main event?


SB: My mindset is the same mindset I have going into a match. I go into it as if it were my last. It makes you fight 10 times harder especially with so much on the line. Bryan has been trained by some of the best in this sport and is in tip top physical shape. We both want this win for the same reason to show that we are the best. To show that we deserve to fight for the RPW Championship. I was born to do this Danielson and that in itself is why I will defeat you. I've pushed harder for this fight because it's proving this is my career and RPW is MY home!


JB: A very intensely focused Benjamin. Thank you Shelton. We have Bryan Danielson coming up!




[The camera pans to see Bryan Danielson walking towards the guerrilla position. He stares into the camera with an intense look in his eyes.]

BD: You have pushed harder than ever for this match huh Shelton? I have heard that before from opponent after opponent. They trained harder than every before. They want to prove they are the best. They want to become champion. Then they step in the ring with me and choke. They choke on their words, their nerves get the best of them. They fail in front of the wrestling world. Why, because they are facing the placeholder of RPW. That is why I will advance to the semis and why I will become the RPW Champion. Because I am what I say I am and that is the best in the world.


[Danielson marches through the guerrilla postilion as we go back to Josh and Larry.]




LS: Here we go! My money is on Danielson.


JM: How did I guess that? I think Benjamin has the slight edge and will defeat Danielson tonight.




Bryan Danielson Vs. Shelton Benjamin


In a match that has been considered a dream match between two technically savvy competitors. Bryan Danielson and Shelton Benjamin held nothing back in the name of moving on into the tournament. An amazing sequence saw Danielson go for a chicken wing but Benjamin slipped under nailing him with a flatliner. Holding on he trapped Danielson with a front guillotine choke. With his last bit of energy Danielson broke it with a powerbomb. In the end, Shelton Benjamin nailed Bryan Danielson in the mouth with a superkick for the pinfall victory in 23.30!




JM: Shelton wins Shelton wins! He is going to the semis!


LS: He used an illegal choke hold before. He should have been disqualified!


JM: A front guillotine is perfectly legal Larry.


LS: Not how I see it!


JM: Yeah you see a lot of things the rest of us don't! So next week we will see Brian Kendrick take on Elijah Burke and Chris Hero battle Shelton Benjamin. The winner of those two bouts fight in the main event to crown our very first RPW Champion! For Larry Sweeney this is Josh Matthews saying good night everyone!





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Castle Sports Club

Phoenix, Arizona



Kyle O'Reilly Vs. Puma


The Semi Finals and finals of the Rising Phoenix Wrestling Championship Tournament!





Brian Kendrick Vs. Elijah Buke



Chris Hero Vs. Shelton Benjamin



Finals of the RPW CHampionship Tournament...

Winner takes home the gold!

?? Vs. ??

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Kyle O'Reilly Vs. Puma


Hard for me to say as I'm not really familiar with either guy. Your roster breakdown has O'Reilly a bit higher so I will go with him.


Brian Kendrick Vs. Elijah Burke


Both should be key players but I lean toward Burke.



Chris Hero Vs. Shelton Benjamin


I know Benjamin's work better so I'll go there.



Finals of the RPW CHampionship Tournament...

Winner takes home the gold!

?? Vs. ??


So I have Burke vs Benjamin as a final. Either one would be a worthy champion. But I think it's better for your faces to have someone to chase. That means the RPW Championship learns what it is to have The Elijah Experience.

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