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Ultimate Wrestling League 2.0: It Lives!

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Great first show! Not sure how I feel about the ending in the ME, though. I mean, I'm happy it scored me a point in the predictions, but in the spirit of competition....


Speaking of predictions! Me marginally leading! Holla! Seriously though, Vlad should have torn Low-Ki apart.

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Great first show! Not sure how I feel about the ending in the ME, though. I mean, I'm happy it scored me a point in the predictions, but in the spirit of competition....


All apart of the games my friend. Glad you liked the show.


Speaking of predictions! Me marginally leading! Holla! Seriously though, Vlad should have torn Low-Ki apart.


Congrats on that so far. As for Vlad and Low-Ki. Even the smallest pebble can carry the greatest force...if thrown really fast at an ant...or something. I'm not good with metaphors.

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Personally I think your write-ups are just fine. Not too lengthy or exhaustive. If, for your own sake, you'd like to go smaller I'd be okay with that too. It really just comes down to your preferance. Its you that is writing it. I'll be reading either way. :)
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Sorry about the show taking awhile to get around here. Down here in Texas we just got hit with snow...again. The real reason is because I've been making snow angels for hours because the power went out. It is back on, but I don't know how long it will last. So...yeah. Expect the show soonish.
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Sorry about the show taking awhile to get around here. Down here in Texas we just got hit with snow...again. The real reason is because I've been making snow angels for hours because the power went out. It is back on, but I don't know how long it will last. So...yeah. Expect the show soonish.

We got a ton of snow and ice out here earlier in the week. Enough to close down work for two days, though we've never lost power, thankfully.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Relating to this diary, I'm terribly sorry about this falling once again. I made the awful decision of starting this during school as well as other things that came up. I'd love to get this going once more in the summer, but I just can't do it at the moment sadly. I hate having to end this, since this is my favorite project I've ever done on GDS, and I have the most fun doing it. With everything going on, it is just near impossible to write something. I hope you guys follow through with my 3rd reincarnation starting in late May or early June.
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Relating to this diary, I'm terribly sorry about this falling once again. I made the awful decision of starting this during school as well as other things that came up. I'd love to get this going once more in the summer, but I just can't do it at the moment sadly. I hate having to end this, since this is my favorite project I've ever done on GDS, and I have the most fun doing it. With everything going on, it is just near impossible to write something. I hope you guys follow through with my 3rd reincarnation starting in late May or early June.


I will still follow. Its a good concept.


Can I secure a spot for the Men Of Honor now? :p

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Sorry about the show taking awhile to get around here. Down here in Texas we just got hit with snow...again. The real reason is because I've been making snow angels for hours because the power went out. It is back on, but I don't know how long it will last. So...yeah. Expect the show soonish.


A fellow Texan on GDS?!?!

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A fellow Texan on GDS?!?!


Yes sir.


And The Missionaries have a safe, secure spot.


One thing about reserving spots. Go ahead and shoot me a PM if you want to change them, if not. Shoot me a PM with your team, as other people may pick them. So Jag, send me a PM with a list of the Missionaries.

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Yes sir.


And The Missionaries have a safe, secure spot.


One thing about reserving spots. Go ahead and shoot me a PM if you want to change them, if not. Shoot me a PM with your team, as other people may pick them. So Jag, send me a PM with a list of the Missionaries.


What part? Go to any indy shows?


Ill send you a list momentarily for midcard madness

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  • 1 month later...

Feedback time! I've been meaning to do this for a while AKA last month, but I never got around to it until...now. Anyways, as the first word insists, this is going to be a post regarding feedback of the shows from UWL 1 and UWL 2 as well as ideas.


Basically, what I want from you guys is to tell me what you liked, what you didn't like, what you'd like to see, and any other idea.

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-Match write ups. For me the perfect length. Enough detail without becoming too bogged down in writing every move.

-You choosing winners. Much better then toss of the coin decisions, adds more to the stories of each team.



-...This closing after my teams winning start...can't think of anything I actually disliked, but I do have some change ideas.



-2 sets of matches between each team. Would make story lines more viable between teams. For example take the main event of the show you did here, Corino vs McGuinness(iirc) where Ares interfered. Now my team want revenge for that, but couldn't happen unless both teams met next season (if there was one) or if we got involved in each others other matches.

-Team leader participation. I would like to see users having some more control over their team. Maybe offer users a chance to write team promos to air on the companies website pre/post show. Could also let users influence match choices somehow so it's not always leader vs leader, #2 vs #2, #3 vs #3, etc.

-1 league rather then divisions. Have all 10 teams in 1 division and have the top 4 teams qualify for the finals.


All those are just thoughts, not saying you should do them all, as a 10 team division with 2 meetings between each team would take a long time to do.

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-Match write ups. For me the perfect length. Enough detail without becoming too bogged down in writing every move.

-You choosing winners. Much better then toss of the coin decisions, adds more to the stories of each team.


Glad you like the match lengths. I'm always feeling a bit wonky about posting them, not sure if they are good enough or if they are just meh.



-...This closing after my teams winning start...can't think of anything I actually disliked, but I do have some change ideas.


:o heh...heh. Uh..next.



-2 sets of matches between each team. Would make story lines more viable between teams. For example take the main event of the show you did here, Corino vs McGuinness(iirc) where Ares interfered. Now my team want revenge for that, but couldn't happen unless both teams met next season (if there was one) or if we got involved in each others other matches.


That no doubt could work. Along with your idea of making it one league, it would for sure work with A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J.


-Team leader participation. I would like to see users having some more control over their team. Maybe offer users a chance to write team promos to air on the companies website pre/post show.


This I did try to do, but only you and someone else (I believe) sent me something. It still could work since I'm not one for writing promos, cause I'm pretty bad. If I were to do that, it may be like the Video Wire I did in my recent Ring of Fire Diary.


Could also let users influence match choices somehow so it's not always leader vs leader, #2 vs #2, #3 vs #3, etc.


Well, I put everything in a randomizer, but for CM Punk and Colt Cabana. I did put those two together because the history of the two. But I did always prefer having Leader Vs. Leader because I like to believe it shows just how strong the team is by having their best...beat the opponent's best.


-1 league rather then divisions. Have all 10 teams in 1 division and have the top 4 teams qualify for the finals.


This as well is very likely to happen. Then it will be down to Team A Vs. Team B for the final round.


All those are just thoughts, not saying you should do them all, as a 10 team division with 2 meetings between each team would take a long time to do.


Thank you very much for the input.

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I liked:

Match length, right length to get me to read it all



How winners are chosen...seems oddly impartial for fan picked teams...



Winners picked by some kind of randomizer...dice roll...TEW sim the match but with identical pushes ect.


Mix and match the cards...Like Team A #2 vs Team B #3, then we get Team C #4 vs Team D #3 instead of all team A vs Team B...this could help push stories as one team looking for payback would have next card to get it...

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I liked:

Match length, right length to get me to read it all


That of course it good to hear.



How winners are chosen...seems oddly impartial for fan picked teams...


Whenever I picked, I picked on solely who I'd think would win and/or what tactics would they bring into a match. Such as a the case of Steve Corino having to use one of his minions help him beat the Englishman. Or Chuck Taylor using a chair behind the ref's back to beat Kane.



Winners picked by some kind of randomizer...dice roll...TEW sim the match but with identical pushes ect.


That's what I did at first, but people didn't like it, but. I didn't put everyone in the same push. That may be something to look into.


Mix and match the cards...Like Team A #2 vs Team B #3, then we get Team C #4 vs Team D #3 instead of all team A vs Team B...this could help push stories as one team looking for payback would have next card to get it...


This I also did. Except I had Leader Vs. Leader. Like, in the first show I had Ziggler/Richards. Ziggler was Der Bruderschaft's #3 and Richards was Men of Honor's #2.


Thanks for the input as well.

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