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Impact Wrestling...just got Sweet!

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So, there I was, being asked if I had any booking experience. Sweat formed on my brow. My left hand began to shake slightly. My future would be determined by my answer. In the instant it took for me to answer my whole life seemed to flash before my eyes. I saw myself watching SWF on TV with my father. One, of only a handful of memories, of a man too busy working to toss a baseball around with his only son or to check the closet for boogey men at night. I saw myself ditching school to buy tickets to see TCW’s Excessive Force 2005. I remember the thrill I got seeing Tommy Cornell beat Liberty for the TCW World Championship that night. I saw myself being told that I would either go to college or join my father’s business. I then saw myself getting on a bus for Chicago, deciding to chase my dream rather than have one forced on me. I even saw myself walking around with empty pockets for the first time in my life. So, there I was, face to face with Remmington Remus being asked if I had any booking experience. Not wanting to go back home with my tail tucked between my legs I did what any red blooded American would have done in my situation...I looked Remmington right in the face and I lied. I lied big. I told stories about booking shows up and down the California coast. I told Remmington that I booked six shows a year in Texas. I’m not quite sure of it now, but I think I even claimed to have booked a RPW reunion show in New York. I’m not sure if Remmington was more impressed with my phony resume or my testicular fortitude to lie to his face like I did. Either way, he gave me the job as the head booker for his newly created company, Impact Wrestling!


After a brief discussion about my salary Remmington went over what he expected out of me and Impact Wrestling. He wanted Impact to at least remain in the position we were at, which being at the bottom meant we had no were to go but up. Now, besides myself, we had no other wrestlers on a contract of any kind so Remmington made it our first priority to get at least eleven more bodies to put in the ring. He didn’t want his company to get bad press right out of the gate so he requested I didn’t try to sign anyone who had known issues with the police. He also didn’t want anyone who would be sucking wind after a few minutes in the ring. Finally, he required that anyone I hired be at least competent in their ability to work a match properly. These were some pretty big restrictions for a company with no name value but I was in no position to argue with him. After I found suitable workers for Impact Wrestling I needed to find a referee. Remmington didn’t have any special qualifications for that position but he did ask I try to go as cheap as possible. I asked if we needed a road agent of announcer and he informed me that he would be handling both jobs for now, so I should just concentrate on in ring talent.


Speaking of in ring talent, I came up with a clever little ring name for myself. Instead of coming to the ring as boring Jose Torres, I would wrestle as the outrageously flamboyant…JT Sweet! Now if I can only convince some decent talents to work for me…







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The next few weeks were a real wake up call for me, as my dream was quickly turning into a nightmare. Some of the worse wrestlers to ever lace up a pair of boots were trying to get upwards of $700 a show to work for us. These were guys who had no jobs in any company currently, yet they thought their two minutes on TV getting whipped by some real talent meant they were worth the money. I may have been new to the booking game, but I wasn’t born yesterday. After a few more pointless negotiations I was almost ready to call it quits when I was able to secure Stretch the Chicken Boy for a cool $100 a show. People can say what they want about his in ring talent, or lack there of, but to me Stretch will always be the guy who kept me in the business simply by being the only person who truly knew what he was worth.


After the first signing I seemed to be on fire as I was able to secure ten more wrestlers before the end of December. Not only did I get the eleven other wrestlers I needed, but I was able to sign them all for a year long deal. The way things were looking, we would be ready to debut in the first week of January 2010. The old year would go out like a lamb, but the New Year would come in with an Impact!



2010 Roster



Roderick Remus

Some people are already tapping him to be the first Impact champion, not only because he is the brother of Impact owner Remmington Remus, but because he is a highly talented wrestler in his own right.



Cal Sanders

As good in the ring as he is bad on the mic! Despite having the charisma of a slug, he looks amazing in the ring. If he were to ever get a decent manager to cover his vocal short comings he would sky rocket to the top of this business.



El Diablo

The only Canadian I know whose name sounds more Hispanic than my own. Despite being a former ACPW Junior Heavyweight Champion he is not well known in the states.




A decent talent whose ability to deliver a decent performance regularly will be a huge asset to Impact. If he can improve any he might just go from body bag to punching bag.



Lobo Blanco

The White Wolf is a unique breed of technical based luchadore. He has a firm grasp of the basics and decent mat skills that should see him do well in Impact.



Nathaniel Ca$ino

The best talker of the current roster, he is our go to guy for promo work. He always ends his promos with his trademark catch phrase “Betting on Nathaniel is anything but a gamble.”




Mark “The Double Threat” Smart

Being able to both fly through the air and work the mat with the best of them, Mark lives up to his moniker “the Double Threat.” If he continues to improve his mic work he will soon be called “the Triple Threat!”



Thomas Morgan

Despite just being 35, Thomas is the oldest member of our roster. Years of plying his craft on the Indy scene has given him valuable insight that he is more than happy to share with the rest of the boys. However, once inside the ring, all he wants to share is his patented STF™.



Tempest Appleby

Time has not been a friend to Tempest, and what would have been seen as a bright prospect a few years ago is now looked at like jobber material Hopefully I can get Tempest motivated enough to show signs of his former self.




Nigel Svensson

A tough as nails Wigan grappler who is looking to prove mat based wrestling wins over high risk any day. Nigel may seem like a nice guy, but tell that to all the wrestlers he put out of action with his Swedish Armbar.



Stretch the Chicken Boy

A weirdo among weirdos, not much good can be said about Stretch. His optimistic attitude and never say quit motto has gotten him a few fans, but his huge pile of losses has gotten him even more haters. All in all he is a perfect fit among the misfits of the debuting Impact roster.



JT Sweet

He is the only guy alive who is able to make Stretch seem like Tommy Cornell by comparison. Some say he has unlimited potential, but one look at him in the ring and you would never believe that.





Remmington Remus

Owner, announcer, and road agent for Impact, Remmington’s love of the sport is what brought all of us together. Despite a lack of talent, funds, and recognition he is disturbingly optimistic about his chances to succed in the cutthroat world of professional wrestling.



Royce Greig

He can count to three, other than that he is one of the worst referees to wear a striped shirt. A nice guy if there ever was one, it will be a shame to let him go if he doesn’t get better fast.



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Impact Wrestling Dividing Lines


The Babyfaces




The Heels



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Full Impact!

Live from the Ohio Jewish Center the 1st saturday of every month!

This Month Card...

Stretch the Chicken Boy vs JT Sweet

Thomas Morgan vs. Mark Smart

Nigel Svensson vs. Cal Sanders

Tempest Aplleby vs. El Diablo

Lobo Blanco vs. K-Squared

Nathaniel Ca$ino vs. Roderick Remus

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Stretch the Chicken Boy vs JT Sweet

-Stretch is a good jobber, and little more.


Thomas Morgan vs. Mark Smart

-Good matchup, but I like Morgan in this one. "The Trademark" is one of my ususal suspects


Nigel Svensson vs. Cal Sanders

-Great matchup. Like both of these guys, but, Sanders is my boy.


Tempest Aplleby vs. El Diablo

-The Van City mover is solid, but Diablo is a star.


Lobo Blanco vs. K-Squared

-I like Squared.


Nathaniel Ca$ino vs. Roderick Remus

-Rod gets the nod. Solid talent, anddd there is likely an owner goal pertaining to his overness/momentum.

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Full Impact #1 Live from the Ohio Jewish Center

Attendance = 13


JT Sweet defeated Stretch the Chicken Boy by pinfall after using the ropes for leverage. (18/E)


Roderick cut a promo on Nathaniel Ca$ino and told the crowd that he guaranteed a win tonight. (34/E+)


Thomas Morgan defeated Mark “The Double Threat” Smart by submission with his STF™. (38/D-)


Cal Sanders defeated Nigel Svensson by pinfall after a low blow. (43/D)


Lobo Blanco and K-squared brawled to the ring after K-Squared attacked Lobo on the entrance ramp. (0/F-)


Lobo Blanco defeated K-Squared by submission after locking in a Lobo-Lock. (36/D-)


Tempest Appleby defeated El Diablo by pinfall. (38/D-)


Nathaniel Ca$ino cut a quick promo on his match with Roderick Remus, saying that the Vegas odds were in Ca$ino’s favor. (34/E+)


Roderick Remus defeated Nathaniel Ca$ino by pinfall after grabbing a fist full of tights. (39/D-)


Overall show (36/D-)


*OOC the shows will grow with the company, so right now at the Local level it's a no frills recap.

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Prediction results…

MaxxHexx scored 3 out of 6 (50%)

Huntman scored 3 out of 6 (50%)

Phreak scored 4 out of 6 (66%)

MJStark scored 4 out of 6 (66%)


So as it stands both Phreak and MJStark are tied as are MaxxHexx and Huntman. After 5 shows we will announce a winner who will then be allowed to pick 1 person, on roster, who gets an automatic by to the IWC Championship Tournament Finals. Second Place winner will choose 1 person, on roster and not picked by the winner, to be denied entrance in said tournament. Good luck to all and happy predicting. Next card will be up shortly.


*OOC Anyone who jumps in the prediction contest now or at a later date will be given 1 point less than the lowest scorer so far.

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Full Impact!

Live from the Ohio Jewish Center the 1st Saturday of every month!

This Months Card...

Lobo Blanco vs. JT Sweet

Thomas Morgan vs. Mark Smart

Stretch the Chicken Boy vs. Cal Sanders

Nathaniel Ca$ino vs. K-Squared

Tempest Appleby vs. El Diablo

Nigel Svensson vs. Roderick Remus

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Honestly...I didn't think finishers use were that important. I mean finishers are cool and all but they really don't need to be used to win every match. It seems to me you should only use your finisher when you can't win by normal means because if all you are is a guy with a real good finisher, then after it's countered your just a bum. Either way finishers will be used when neccesarry...
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Honestly...I didn't think finishers use were that important. I mean finishers are cool and all but they really don't need to be used to win every match. It seems to me you should only use your finisher when you can't win by normal means because if all you are is a guy with a real good finisher, then after it's countered your just a bum. Either way finishers will be used when neccesarry...


Not that important eh? :rolleyes:

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