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WCL: Saturday Night Fights

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Mack's Sports Bar

Chicago, IL

January 1998



As I was making the rounds at the bar, I heard the patrons cheering and yelling at one of the big screen TVs. Intrigued, I walked over to the sounds of the cheering. On the screen were two guys fighting in a cage, one of those so-called "ultimate fights".


"Hey Mack," Terrill called me over "what do you think of this MMA stuff?" Looking at the match on TV, I replied "I hear those kinds of fights are taking off? Where the hell is Demarcus at?"

"He's getting us some more beers," Terrill said. A minute later, Demarcus came with two Budweisers for him and Terrill, and a Brisk iced tea for me. As we were drinking and watching the fights. I said "While this MMA stuff taking off like hotcakes, how about we hold some fights of our own at this abandoned warehouse I just bought a while back."

"Are you serious, Mack?" Terrill asked.

"Of course I'm serious," I answered

"But Mack," Demarcus "where in the hell we gonna find guys willing to beat the crap outta each each other?"

"Demarcus bro, who says we gonna find guys? I said with a slight smile.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying, Mack?" Terrill wondered.

"Guys, If we tried to take on GAMMA, we'll be out of business in a heartbeat. No guys, we'll combine good matches plus a little sex appeal. By having a women's only promotion, we'll make a huge ton of money, and not worry about GAMMA signing away our fighters."


With that, a huge smile formed on all three of our faces.

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Promotion Info


Name: Women's Combat League (WCL)


Home Base: America


Home Region: Illinois


Founder and CEO: Mike 'Mike Louis' Swain


Finances: Virtually Unlimited


Date Founded: January 1998



Weight Classes


Women's Lightweight: 100 - 135 lbs.

Women's Heavyweight: 136 - 160 lbs.



Show Format


Numerically with Main Event named





  • Matches are held in a Cage
  • Regular Fights: 3 rounds 5 minutes
  • Title Fights: 5 rounds 5 minutes
  • Strikes to downed opponents allowed
  • Inactive fighters not stopped by referee
  • Closed guard allowed
  • Elbow strikes allowed

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<p><strong>WCL Roster as of January 1998</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>Women's Heavyweight Division</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Amanda Daniels </p><p>

Amy Leroy </p><p>

Beth Clayton</p><p>

Debbie Clayton</p><p>

Diva Sanchez</p><p>

Helena Griffo</p><p>

Kelly Campbell</p><p>

Marcy Mosely</p><p>

Mercedes Lopez</p><p>

Phoenix Strong</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>Women's Lightweight Division</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Anika Riley</p><p>

Charis Tang</p><p>

Crystal Brighton</p><p>

Heidi Hoffman</p><p>

Kimberly Mosely</p><p>

Loni Lee</p><p>

Mai Ishii</p><p>

Matilda Clayton</p><p>

Natasha Ivanova</p><p>

Yong Lee</p>

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<p><strong>Official Card for WCL 1: B Clayton vs. Strong</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li>Beth Clayton vs. Phoenix Strong<br /></li><li>Matilda Clayton vs. Natasha Ivanova<br /></li><li>Debbie Clayton vs. Helena Griffo<br /></li><li>Anika Riley vs. Mai Ishii<br /></li><li>Amanda Daniels vs. Amy Leroy<br /></li><li>Heidi Hoffman vs. Kimberly Mosely<br /></li><li>Diva Sanchez vs. Mercedes Lopez<br /></li><li>Yong Lee vs. Charis Tang<br /></li><li>Kelly Campbell vs. Marcy Mosely<br /></li><li>Crystal Brighton vs. Loni Lee<br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

Feel free to post comments and predictions.</p>

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WCL 1: B Clayton vs. Strong

March 1998

Chicago, IL



Crystal Brighton vs. Loni Lee


Round 1


>Next up, Crystal Brighton goes up against Loni Lee in the WCL Women's Lightweight division.

>There's the opening bell!

>Lee avoids a tight combination.

>Lee grabs a slow leg kick and goes straight for a takedown, done as a judo-style trip, down goes Brighton! She pulls guard though.

>Lee fires away with punches, and Brighton takes several shots that threaten to end the fight!

>Lee lies on top of Brighton, basically smothering her.

>Lee throws a few right hands, but is mainly trying to catch her breath.

>Brighton tries to catch Lee with a punch, but it is not on target.

>The clock runs down as Brighton is being smothered against the ground by Lee.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Lee begins trying to pass guard and get a better position.

>Brighton finds her opponent too skilled, and Lee passes guard into side control.

>Lee throws some small strikes, but is clearly just taking a moment to try and catch her breath.

>Brighton tries to transition to a guard, but can't manage it.

>Lee attempts to armbar Brighton from side control.

>An armbar is applied, Brighton is trapped!

>No! Brighton manages to get her arm free. Clearly the hold couldn't have been as tight as it looked.

>Brighton tries to transition to a guard, but can't manage it.

>We have one minute of the round remaining.

>Lee holds Brighton in position with side control and hits a knee into the ribs.

>Lee attempts to armbar Brighton from side control.

>The armbar is locked in, but Brighton survives the few seconds that remain!

>Time expires and we come to the end of round one.

>That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Lee.


Round 2


>We are back underway!

>It sounded like her corner told Brighton to stand with Lee, but to be careful not to get caught.

>Both fighters come in and throw strikes, there is no real damage done by either.

>A feint puts her off balance, but Lee is still able to slip out of the way of a body kick.

>Lee steps back to avoid a left jab.

>Lee catches a right leg kick and goes for a judo-style trip and gets it! Brighton pulls guard.

>Lee seems to be trying to loosen the guard in an attempt to create a leglock opportunity.

>Brighton blocks it by keeping her guard secure.

>Brighton tries to catch Lee with a punch, but it is not on target.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Lee is trying to pass guard.

>Lee gets past the guard with a certain degree of ease and gains side control.

>Lee tries to ensnare Brighton in a kimura.

>The kimura is fully applied, Brighton has no option but to tap out!

>The winner, by submission, is Loni Lee!

>Official Result: Loni Lee defeats Crystal Brighton (Submission (Kimura) in 3:40 of round 2). The match was rated as being Decent.



Yong Lee vs. Charis Tang


Round 1


>Another match is about to begin; Yong Lee competes against Charis Tang in the WCL Women's Lightweight division.

>We are underway!

>An errant jab sets Lee up to counter-strike with a series of quick punches.

>Lee throws a barrage of big rights but Tang is quick to move out of range.

>Tang avoids a right kick to the body and hits a left jab to the cheek.

>Tang steps back to avoid a flurry of punches.

>Lee feints rushing in, but withdraws.

>Lee tries for a left jab but Tang moves out of range.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Tang springs forward, trying to surprise Lee and grab one of her legs!

>Lee gets her leg trapped, but is able to block a kneebar from being applied.

>Unable to prevent a trip however, Lee does have to pull guard.

>Tang looks to get past the guard.

>Tang passes to side control with ease.

>Tang attempts to armbar Lee from side control.

>Tang gets an armbar and applies pressure to the arm, Lee is in huge trouble!

>Tang loses the hold! Somehow Lee got her arm free. That was incredibly close to a finish though.

>Tang blocks Lee as she tries a transition to guard.

>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.

>Tang hits a knee strike to the ribs.

>Tang tries to ensnare Lee in a kimura.

>Tang gets a kimura, she twists the arm backwards at a painful angle!

>Shockingly, Tang loses it! Lee pops her arm free, and has somehow survived!

>The time runs out on round one.

>That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Tang.


Round 2


>Round two begins!

>Lee slips past a left jab and fires back with a wild spinning back fist!

>Tang steps back...and almost stumbles over! She is on wobbly legs!

>Lee tries to capitalise with a massive right hand, but it misses.

>Tang avoids a quick jab and hits a straight left.

>Tang catches a weak right kick to the legs and uses it to go for a takedown, but Lee stuffs it.

>A weak right kick is countered by Tang with a stinging left jab.

>A weak right kick is countered by Tang with a clean jab.

>Tang throws a couple of jabs, then chooses to shoot in on Lee.

>Lee sees the takedown coming and tries to move.

>Tang can't get the takedown, Lee was too quick to back away.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Lee hops around from foot to foot, looking for an opening.

>Not letting Lee settle at all, Tang comes in closer.

>Tang is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Lee.

>Lee ends up grappling for supremacy with Tang.

>Clinched with Lee, Tang looks to try and take her down.

>Tang gets the takedown! Lee pulls guard.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>Tang begins trying to pass the guard.

>She passes to side control.

>Tang begins trying to get herself behind Lee.

>She rolls Lee over a little...and slips behind to take the back!

>Breathing very hard, Charis Tang is looking ragged.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round two.

>I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Tang.


Round 3


>We are back underway!

>An attempted teep is off-target and gives Tang the chance to counter with a crisp left hand punch.

>Lee feints to the right, trying to draw Tang into throwing a strike.

>A left jab misses and Lee counters with a huge right head kick that sends Tang into the world of unconsciousness!

>The winner, by Knock Out, is Yong Lee!

>Official Result: Yong Lee defeats Charis Tang (Knock Out (Kick) in 1:13 of round 3). The match was rated as being Great.



Diva Sanchez vs. Mercedes Lopez


Round 1


>Moving on, Diva Sanchez squares off with Mercedes Lopez in the WCL Women's Heavyweight division.

>The fight begins!

>Lopez avoids a jab and scores with a series of quick jabs.

>An exchange of strikes doesn't really lead to anything.

>Both fighters throw strikes at the same time, both miss.

>Moving forward, Lopez counters a left jab with a sharp kick to the shin.

>Lopez slips past an attempted big right hand and counters with a flurry of small strikes.

>Lopez slips out of the way of a leg kick, having been suckered in with a feint.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Sanchez bobs and weaves.

>Lopez steps in closer to force the issue.

>Sanchez slips out of the way of a leg kick, having been suckered in with a feint.

>Sanchez circles, looking for an opening.

>Not letting Sanchez settle, Lopez moves in closer.

>We have one minute of the round remaining.

>Lopez feints an attack, keeping Sanchez on her toes.

>There is an exchange of strikes, but neither fighter does any damage.

>Good head movement allows Lopez to go under a vicious right hand and immediately counter with a leg kick.

>Strikes to the leg like that will take their toll.

>The time runs out on round one.

>I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Lopez.


Round 2


>There's the bell for the start of the round!

>Sanchez doesn't get drawn in as Lopez feints a kick.

>Sanchez bobs and weaves, trying to get Lopez to commit.

>A right high kick misses and Lopez counters with a sharp body kick.

>A speculative right hand from Sanchez doesn't find a home.

>Lopez seems to be waiting for Sanchez to make a move.

>Sanchez is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Strikes from Lopez keep Sanchez from stepping in too close.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Sanchez looks like she wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Lopez.

>To counter, Lopez throws a huge right hand which doesn't miss by much.

>Sanchez slips out of the way of a flurry of punches.

>Sanchez is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Strikes from Lopez keep Sanchez from stepping in too close.

>Sanchez is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Lopez throws a vicious right uppercut first, but it just misses.

>Lopez counters an attempted big head kick with a big right kick to the outside of the thigh.

>Diva Sanchez looks to be limping slightly.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>Sanchez looks to move in and stand in the pocket.

>Sanchez can't get near enough to engage, Lopez uses strikes to keep her out of range.

>Round two is brought to an end as time runs out.

>That round goes to Lopez, 10-9 on my card.


Round 3


>Round three begins!

>There's a short stalemate as both fighters advance and throw strikes, but neither hits.

>Having ended up close together from the strikes they threw, a wild exchange of punches begins!

>Getting the better of the exchange, Sanchez hits a powerful right hand that knocks Lopez down!

>Sanchez knows that this is a golden opportunity, and quickly pounces on Lopez, looking to finish her off by raining down punches!

>Sanchez pounds away, landing several good shots in the process.

>Sanchez is only stopped by Lopez pulling her down into side control.

>Sanchez looks to roll Lopez slightly and slip behind.

>Sanchez struggles but cannot get behind Lopez.

>Lopez tries to move to guard, but Sanchez doesn't allow it.

>Sanchez throws a few right hands, but is mainly trying to catch her breath.

>Sanchez blocks an attempt to pull guard.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Sanchez keeps Lopez guessing with a few quick strikes.

>Sanchez throws a few right hands, but is mainly trying to catch her breath.

>Looking to catch her breath, Sanchez is content to just throw a couple of punches to the body.

>Sanchez looks to roll Lopez slightly and slip behind.

>Sanchez struggles but cannot get behind Lopez.

>Lopez tries to grab an arm-in guillotine.

>Sanchez fends off Lopez, and doesn't give up the choke.

>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.

>Sanchez relinquishes side control and stands up, letting Lopez stand too.

>Sanchez circles as she plans her next move.

>Lopez comes in closer to press the issue.

>We reach the time limit and this fight is over.

>I think Sanchez took that round, 10-9 on my score card.

>The official scores are being reported now.

>All three judges give a score of 29-28.

>So the winner, by unanimous decision, is Mercedes Lopez!

>Official Result: Mercedes Lopez defeats Diva Sanchez (Unanimous Decision in 5:00 of round 3). The match was rated as being Average.



Heidi Hoffman vs. Kimberly Mosely


Round 1


Moving on, Heidi Hoffman squares off with Kimberly Mosely in the WCL Women's Lightweight division.

>We are underway!

>Both fighters advance and strike, but neither hits anything.

>Both fighters fire off strikes, but neither does any significant damage.

>A low kick is checked by Mosely.

>Hoffman scores with a combination of three quick punches to the body.

>Hoffman tries a spinning back kick but Mosely shows good footwork to avoid it.

>Hoffman hits a barrage of heavy right hands, trapping Mosely against the cage!

>Mosely collapses to the ground and is still getting pounded on!

>With Mosely taking a lot of big punches, the referee has to stop the match!

>Heidi Hoffman takes the win by TKO!

>Official Result: Heidi Hoffman defeats Kimberly Mosely (TKO (Strikes) in 1:52 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good.



Amanda Daniels vs. Amy Leroy


Round 1


>Moving on to the next match, in which Amanda Daniels will battle 'Prime Time' Amy Leroy in the WCL Women's Heavyweight division.

>And here we go!

>Daniels throws a left jab but Leroy avoids it.

>Daniels looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>Leroy finds herself pulled into a grappling contest.

>Using her wrestling skills, Daniels is trying to push Leroy up against the cage.

>Leroy doesn't let herself be driven back though, and gains a dominant position in the grapple instead.

>With underhooks giving her solid control over Daniels, Leroy looks for a takedown.

>The underhooks are used to set up a trip, Daniels is left on her back and has to pull guard.

>Daniels is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Leroy off of her.

>Leroy smothers Daniels with her body by pushing forward and down.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Leroy lies on top of Daniels, basically smothering her.

>Leroy throws a few right hands, but is mainly trying to catch her breath.

>Daniels is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Leroy off of her.

>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.

>Leroy tries to pass the guard.

>She can't get free of the guard.

>Daniels uses her legs to push Leroy away, into a standing position.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round one.

>Some fans are booing after a round that didn't feature much action.

>I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Leroy.


Round 2


>There's the bell for the start of the round!

>It sounded like her corner told Leroy to attempt to get Daniels to the floor in this round.

>Daniels avoids a quick jab and hits a left.

>Leroy shoots in for a takedown.

>Daniels stuffs the takedown attempt.

>Daniels is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Leroy.

>She pulls Leroy into a grapple.

>Daniels tries to wrestle Leroy backward and up against the cage.

>Leroy out-wrestles her though.

>Leroy has worked in the underhooks and looks to take Daniels down.

>Daniels stops the takedown attempt, then uses her wrestling to take control of the grapple.

>Daniels is trying to muscle Leroy up against the cage.

>Daniels can't move Leroy at all though, and finds herself being out-wrestled.

>Leroy has worked in the underhooks and looks to take Daniels down.

>Daniels stops the takedown attempt, then uses her wrestling to take control of the grapple.

>Using her wrestling skills, Daniels is trying to push Leroy up against the cage.

>Daniels can't do it though, and Leroy gets a more dominant position in the grapple instead.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Getting underhooks, Leroy looks for a takedown.

>Leroy doesn't get the takedown, Daniels blocked it.

>Leroy loses control of Daniels, who breaks free from the grapple and backs off.

>Daniels looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>Leroy finds herself pulled into a grappling contest.

>Daniels is trying to muscle Leroy up against the cage.

>Daniels achieves it, pinning Leroy to the cage.

>Breathing very hard, Amy Leroy is looking ragged.

>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.

>Showing her ability to exert control, Daniels smothers Leroy up against the cage for about thirty seconds, wearing her down with occasional sharp punches to the ribs.

>Leroy wrestles back against Daniels, not letting her maintain control for any length of time.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round two.

>I have to give that round to Daniels, but only a 10-9.


Round 3


>Round three begins!

>An errant jab sets Daniels up to counter-strike with a solid left.

>A tired-looking Leroy approaches, looking for a takedown.

>Daniels sprawls well, and Leroy is forced down to her knees, almost turtled up.

>Daniels pounds away, the turtled up Leroy is barely able to offer any defence at all!

>The referee is forced to jump in and stop the match!

>Amanda Daniels takes the victory by way of TKO!

>Official Result: Amanda Daniels defeats 'Prime Time' Amy Leroy (TKO (Strikes) in 1:08 of round 3). The match was rated as being Poor.



Anika Riley vs. Mai Ishii


Round 1


>Next up, Anika Riley will battle Mai Ishii in the WCL Women's Lightweight division.

>There's the opening bell!

>Both fighters come toe-to-toe and strike, but none of the strikes result in significant damage being done.

>Ishii drops her shoulder, faking going for a double leg, trying to draw a response.

>There's a takedown attempt from Ishii.

>The takedown is successful, it's a single leg that leaves Riley pulling guard.

>The clock runs down as Riley is being smothered against the ground by Ishii.

>Ishii tries to pass the guard.

>Riley keeps Ishii in guard.

>Riley attempts to grab an arm of Ishii from the bottom of the guard.

>Ishii defends it.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Ishii looks to get past the guard.

>She can't find a way past the guard.

>Riley grabs an arm and raises her legs, trying to lock Ishii into a triangle choke.

>Ishii defends well against it.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>Ishii attempts to pass guard and gain a better position.

>She can't find a way past the guard.

>Riley tries to catch Ishii with a punch, but it is not on target.

>Ishii begins trying to pass the guard.

>She can't get free of the guard.

>Time expires and we come to the end of round one.

>I think Ishii took that round, 10-9 on my score card.


Round 2


>Round two begins!

>An errant jab sets Ishii up to counter-strike with a couple of nice rights.

>Ishii fakes dropping down for a double leg, but Riley was aware of the danger and backs off.

>Riley throws a couple of jabs, then chooses to shoot in on Ishii.

>The takedown is successful, it's a single leg that leaves Ishii pulling guard.

>Riley looks to get past the guard.

>Riley struggles but cannot find a way past and remains stuck in guard.

>Ishii attempts to grab an arm of Riley from the bottom of the guard.

>Ishii uses the threat of a kimura to turn Riley and get side control.

>Ishii looks to get a mount.

>Riley can't fend off her opponent and is mounted.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Ishii pounds away with punches, but doesn't do much damage, if any, Riley covers up well.

>Ishii blocks Riley as she tries a sweep.

>Ishii attempts to set up an armbar on Riley from the mount.

>Riley rolls with it, using the armbar attempt as a way of getting on top in side control.

>Riley tries to lock Ishii into an armbar.

>Ishii stops Riley from applying it.

>Ishii attempts to secure an arm.

>Ishii cannot secure the arm.

>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.

>Riley starts trying to work to use side control as a way to get behind Ishii.

>She rolls Ishii over a little...and slips behind to take the back!

>The time is up, and that's the end of round two.

>That round goes to Riley, 10-9 on my card.


Round 3


>There's the bell and round number three begins!

>Ishii counters an errant left jab with a solid left jab.

>A left hand misses, allowing Ishii to counter with a clever combination ending in a big right hook.

>Riley throws a couple of jabs, then chooses to shoot in on Ishii.

>Ishii attempts to snare Riley in a guillotine off the takedown.

>The takedown is completed, Ishii is on her back and pulls guard.

>Riley begins trying to pass the guard.

>Ishii comfortably blocks the attempt and keeps Riley in guard.

>Ishii tries to ensnare Riley in a triangle.

>Riley counters the triangle attempt superbly by twisting out of it and gaining side control.

>Riley pounds away with right hands from side control, hitting several big shots.

>Riley attempts to move to mount.

>Riley mounts Ishii.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Riley tries to pound on Ishii, but all the blows are comfortably dealt with.

>Ishii tries to shrimp her way out of mount, but Riley shuts the opportunity down.

>Riley tries to set up Ishii for an armbar.

>Ishii not only defends the armbar, but also stacks up Riley and hits several punches before gaining side control.

>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.

>Ishii is trying to move from side control to mount.

>Riley can't fend off her opponent and is mounted.

>Mai Ishii is looking really tired.

>Ishii pounds away from the mount, but Riley covers up and defends them well.

>We reach the time limit and this fight is over.

>That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Riley.

>The ring announcer is now giving the official scores.

>Judge #1 scores the contest as 29-28 to Ishii.

>Judge #2 gives a score of 29-28 in favour of Riley.

>Judge #3: 29-28 Riley.

>Anika Riley wins by split decision!

>Official Result: Anika Riley defeats Mai Ishii (Split Decision in 5:00 of round 3). The match was rated as being Average.



Debbie Clayton vs. Helena Griffo


Round 1


>Another match is about to begin; 'Queen Bee' Debbie Clayton takes on Helena 'The Mistress' Griffo in the WCL Women's Heavyweight division.

>And here we go!

>Griffo avoids a quick jab and hits a superb spinning back roundhouse kick, putting Clayton down, dazed!

>Griffo doesn't have time to capitalise though, as Clayton recovers her wits quickly.

>Clayton takes a kick to the legs.

>Clayton takes a kick to the legs.

>Clayton is hit with a sharp kick to the calf.

>Griffo is doing the smart thing by targeting the legs.

>It will impact the shot of Clayton and therefore take away a lot of her takedown threat.

>Griffo leaps in and throws a bomb, but Clayton safely pulls her into half guard.

>Griffo throws a few right hands, but is mainly trying to catch her breath.

>Clayton tries to ensnare an arm.

>Griffo gets caught in a kimura...and has no choice but to tap out!

>The winner, by submission, is 'Queen Bee' Debbie Clayton!

>Official Result: 'Queen Bee' Debbie Clayton defeats Helena 'The Mistress' Griffo (Submission (Kimura) in 2:15 of round 1). The match was rated as being Great.



Matilda Clayton vs. Natasha Ivanova


Round 1


>The co-main event is up next. Matilda Clayton will battle Natasha Ivanova in the WCL Women's Lightweight division.

>There's the opening bell!

>Ivanova avoids a wild spinning back fist after being tricked into moving forward by a clever feint.

>Ivanova steps back to avoid a flying knee strike.

>Clayton throws a combination of rights and lefts, using them as cover so that she can shoot in.

>The takedown is successful, it's a single leg that leaves Ivanova pulling guard.

>Clayton seems to be trying to loosen the guard in an attempt to create a leglock opportunity.

>Able to isolate a leg, Clayton locks in a toe hold that forces Ivanova to tap out!

>By submission, the winner is Matilda Clayton!

>Official Result: Matilda Clayton defeats Natasha Ivanova (Submission (Toe Hold) in 1:51 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good.



Beth Clayton vs. Phoenix Strong


Round 1


>It's time for the main event of the evening! Beth Clayton will battle Phoenix 'The Firebird' Strong in the WCL Women's Heavyweight division.

>And here we go!

>Both fighters fire off strikes, neither produces any significant damage.

>An exchange of strikes goes nowhere.

>Clayton steps back to avoid a leg kick.

>Strong comes in closer, looking to attack from the pocket.

>Strikes from Clayton keep Strong from stepping in too close.

>Clayton looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>Strong tries to counter Clayton with a huge right hook, but it doesn't hit the target.

>Clayton shoots in, looking for a takedown.

>The takedown is completed, Strong is on her back and pulls half guard.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Clayton reaches over and tries to lock Strong in a kimura.

>A kimura is locked in tight, Strong has her arm bent at a terrible angle!

>Clayton loses the hold! Somehow Strong got her arm free. That was incredibly close to a finish though.

>Strong tries a sweep from the bottom of half guard, but doesn't budge Clayton.

>Clayton attempts a kimura.

>Clayton gets a kimura, she twists the arm backwards at a painful angle!

>Clayton loses the hold! Somehow Strong got her arm free. That was incredibly close to a finish though.

>Strong tries to sweep Clayton but doesn't get anywhere.

>We're into the final minute of the round.

>Clayton begins trying to get her leg free of the half guard.

>She passes guard with ease, moving straight into the mount.

>Round one ends as time expires.

>That round goes to Clayton, 10-9 on my card.


Round 2


>We are back underway!

>Between rounds, her corner told Strong to be aggressive and really let her hands go.

>Both fighters go to exchange blows, but neither hits a telling strike.

>A tidy combination doesn't find a home, giving Strong the opportunity to counter with a vicious head kick, knocking Clayton down to the ground!

>Clayton recovers her wits quickly, and waits for Strong to make a move.

>Clayton deflects a right hand that comes down, and then quickly scrambles back up.

>Strong stings Clayton with a kick to the ribs.

>Strong looks like she wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Clayton.

>Strikes from Clayton keep Strong from stepping in too close.

>Moving in closer, Clayton looks like she may want to wrestle Strong.

>She pulls Strong into a grapple.

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Clayton looks to take Strong down by setting up a judo throw.

>She sweeps the leg and turns her hip, tossing Strong to the mat with a beautiful hip throw! She gets side control!

>Clayton looks to get a mount.

>She is too good for Strong, and has mount.

>Clayton tries to set up Strong for a gogoplata.

>Strong defends herself well.

>Clayton maintains control, despite Strong trying to wriggle free.

>Clayton tries to lock Strong in a triangle choke using her legs.

>The triangle is hooked, Clayton rolls over and sinks it in, Strong has to tap out!

>The winner, by submission; Beth Clayton!

>Official Result: Beth Clayton defeats Phoenix 'The Firebird' Strong (Submission (Triangle) in 4:39 of round 2). The match was rated as being Great.



Quick Recap


  1. Loni Lee beat Crystal Brighton (Submission: Kimura) 3:40 of round 2 (Decent)
  2. Marcy Mosely beat Kelly Campbell (Submission: Triangle Armbar) 2:44 of round 2 (Decent)
  3. Yong Lee beat Charis Tang (KO: Kick) 1:13 of round 3 (Great)
  4. Mercedes Lopez beat Diva Sanchez (Decision) 5:00 of round 3 (Average)
  5. Heidi Hoffman beat Kimberly Mosely (TKO: Strikes) 1:52 of round 1 (Good)
  6. Amanda Daniels beat Amy Leroy (TKO: Strikes) 1:08 of round 3 (Poor)
  7. Anika Riley beat Mai Ishii (Split Decision) 5:00 of round 3 (Average)
  8. Debbie Clayton beat Helena Griffo (Submission: Kimura) 2:15 of round 1 (Great)
  9. Matilda Clayton beat Natasha Ivanova (Submission: Toe Hold) 1:51 of round 1 (Good)
  10. Beth Clayton beat Phoenix Strong (Submission: Triangle Choke) 4:39 of round 2 (Great)


Fight of the Night: Yong Lee vs. Charis Tang

KO of the Night: Yong Lee

Submission of the Night: Matilda Clayton


Attendance: 49

Gate: $735

Critical Rating: Good

Commercial Rating: Poor




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Official Card for WCL 2: D Clayton vs. Daniels


  • Debbie Clayton (1-0) vs. Amanda Daniels (1-0)
  • Beth Clayton (1-0) vs. Mercedes Lopez (1-0)
  • Matilda Clayton (1-0) vs. Yong Lee (1-0)
  • Heidi Hoffman (1-0) vs. Anika Riley (1-0)
  • Marcy Mosely (1-0) vs. Phoenix Strong (0-1)
  • Loni Lee (1-0) vs. Natasha Ivanova (0-1)
  • Mai Ishii (0-1) vs. Charis Tang (0-1)
  • Diva Sanchez (0-1) vs. Kelly Campbell (0-1)
  • Crystal Brighton (0-1) vs. Ramona Stivic (1-0)


Feel free to post comments and predictions.

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WCL 2: D Clayton vs. Daniels

June 1998

Chicago, IL



Crystal Brighton (0-1) vs. Ramona Stivic (1-0)


Round 1


>And here we go!

>Stivic throws a right head kick but Brighton avoids it.

>Moving forward, Stivic counters a left jab with a stunning right head kick, Brighton is knocked to the ground!

>Stivic doesn't have time to capitalise though, as Brighton recovers her wits quickly.

>Stivic looks to get on top of Brighton.

>Brighton moves quickly, scrambling for position before Stivic can get a hold.

>The scramble fails to secure either fighter a dominant position, and they both end up standing.

>Brighton throws a spinning roundhouse kick but Stivic avoids it.

>Brighton steps in, feints a kick, then darts back out.

>Stivic counters a left jab by using an enormous head kick, Brighton is on rubbery legs for a moment and then falls down!

>Brighton shakes off the cobwebs quickly though, and is alert.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Brighton pulls Stivic down into half guard after she threw a wild bomb that didn't connect.

>Stivic throws some small strikes, but is clearly just taking a moment to try and catch her breath.

>Stivic blocks an attempted sweep.

>Stivic fires off a handful of punches, each easily being blocked with gloves.

>Stivic blocks an attempted sweep.

>The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.

>Stivic throws a few strikes, but they are without venom.

>Brighton looks ready to try and scramble, but Stivic is quick to move to prevent that.

>Stivic throws a few strikes, but they are without venom.

>Stivic keeps Brighton guessing with a few quick strikes.

>Round one ends as time expires.

>That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Stivic.


Round 2


>We are back underway!

>From what we could hear of her corner, it sounds like Brighton has been instructed to push the pace and try to overwhelm Stivic in this round.

>Stivic swiftly avoids a barrage of big punches, having fallen for a feint.

>Brighton counters a wayward left jab with a kick to the inside of the left leg.

>A big right hand doesn't find its intended target, allowing Stivic to fire back with a solid left.

>Brighton is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Brighton cannot get close enough to the elusive Stivic.

>Stivic throws three punches in quick succession, but Brighton was out of range.

>Brighton quickly gets in closer, looking to attack.

>Brighton leaps and hits a flying knee strike that catches Stivic on the side of the head, knocking her out cold!

>Crystal Brighton takes the win by Knock Out!

>Official Result: Crystal Brighton defeats 'Rapid Fire' Ramona Stivic (Knock Out (Knee) in 2:03 of round 2). The match was rated as being Decent.



Diva Sanchez (0-1) vs. Kelly Campbell (0-1)


Round 1


>Next up is a match in which Diva Sanchez goes head to head with Kelly Campbell in the WCL Women's Heavyweight division.

>The talk going around is that her team had some motivation issues with Sanchez leading into this fight.

>It'll be interesting to see whether it has any effect on her performance in this fight.

>The fight begins!

>Sanchez slips past a left jab and counters with a kick to the outside of the left leg.

>Campbell waits out a flurry of punches and then hits a left.

>A left jab misses and Sanchez strikes back with a left.

>Sanchez narrowly misses Campbell with a right uppercut.

>Not letting up, Campbell steps in closer to pressure Sanchez into action.

>Campbell shoots in for a takedown.

>Sanchez tries to avoid Campbell.

>She has the takedown! Sanchez pulls guard.

>Time slips away as Campbell successfully keeps Sanchez stuck against the ground.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>The clock runs down as Sanchez is being smothered against the ground by Campbell.

>Campbell smothers Sanchez with her body by pushing forward and down.

>Campbell lies on top of Sanchez, basically smothering her.

>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.

>In guard, Campbell begins working to pass to side control.

>She passes the guard well, gaining side control.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round one.

>Not a lot happened in that round and the fans are getting a bit restless as a result.

>I think Campbell took that round, 10-9 on my score card.


Round 2


>Round two begins!

>Sanchez uses a clever feint to set up a right high kick, but Campbell is able to duck under it.

>A flurry of punches fail to land, giving Campbell the opportunity to counter with a jab.

>Campbell catches an attempted body kick and goes for a judo-style trip takedown, and gets it! Sanchez has to pull guard.

>Campbell is trying to pass guard.

>She passes guard fairly easily, getting to side control.

>Sanchez takes a knee strike to the ribs from under side control.

>Campbell attempts to armbar Sanchez from side control.

>Campbell gets the armbar, sinks it in deeply, and Sanchez has to tap!

>The winner, by submission; Kelly Campbell!

>Official Result: Kelly Campbell defeats Diva Sanchez (Submission (Armbar) in 2:54 of round 2). The match was rated as being Average.



Mai Ishii (0-1) vs. Charis Tang (0-1)


Round 1


>Next up, Mai Ishii competes against Charis Tang in the WCL Women's Lightweight division.

>There's the opening bell!

>Tang avoids a jab and scores with a stinging left jab.

>Tang avoids a jab and scores with a straight left.

>Tang counters a tight combination by hitting a crisp jab.

>Ishii is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.

>Ishii is in the pocket, ready to attack Tang.

>Ishii shoots in, looking for a close range double leg.

>She has the takedown! It's a single leg, and Tang has to pull guard.

>Ishii begins trying to pass guard and get a better position.

>Tang keeps her guard secure.

>Tang grabs hold of an arm and attempts a triangle choke on Ishii from the bottom of the guard.

>Ishii pulls free of the triangle and brilliantly spins to side control.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Ishii tries to lock Tang in an americana.

>Tang doesn't allow the americana to be applied.

>Tang reaches over and tries to lock up an arm.

>Ishii defends it.

>There's under a minute left in this round.

>Ishii attempts the mount.

>She can't get the mount.

>Tang attempts to pull Ishii into an arm-in guillotine.

>Ishii fends off Tang, and doesn't give up the choke.

>Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.

>Incredibly close round, but Ishii came out just ahead on my score card.


Round 2


>We are back underway!

>An errant jab sets Ishii up to counter-strike with a clean jab.

>Ishii goes to the body and then to the head with a tidy combination to get Tang to cover up, then shoots in.

>Tang tries to avoid the takedown.

>She has the takedown! It's a single leg, and Tang has to pull guard.

>Ishii attempts to pass guard.

>Ishii passes to half guard.

>Ishii attempts an arm triangle.

>Tang defends it well.

>Tang reaches over and tries to lock Ishii in a guillotine.

>Ishii pulls her head free before the hold can be applied properly.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Ishii begins trying to get her leg free of half guard and get a better position.

>Half guard proves to be no trouble for Ishii, who passes to side control with ease.

>Ishii tries to slip behind and take the back.

>Tang rolls to the side to try and escape, but gives up her back!

>Ishii attempts a rear naked choke.

>Ishii gets rolled onto her back, and Tang spins over so that she is now in guard.

>Ishii should have gotten hooks in first before attempting a rear naked choke, and Tang has capitalised on the mistake.

>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.

>Tang tries to get out of guard and stand up, but Ishii doesn't allow it.

>Ishii tries to ensnare Tang in a triangle.

>Tang blocks the attempt.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round two.

>Great round, very exciting.

>I think Ishii took that round, 10-9 on my score card.


Round 3


>Round three begins!

>Between rounds, her corner told Ishii to watch for strikes but to be aware of takedown opportunities.

>After a one-two combination narrowly misses, Tang is able to strike back with a jab.

>Ishii comes in, looking for a quick takedown.

>Tang sees the takedown coming and tries to move.

>The takedown is completed, Tang is on her back and pulls guard.

>Ishii looks to pass guard and get side control.

>Ishii is too much for Tang, passing guard and gaining side control.

>Ishii tries to lock Tang into an armbar.

>A straight armbar is applied, Tang is in danger of having her arm hyper-extended!

>No! She pops her arm free. That was really close.

>Charis Tang is breathing very hard.

>Tang attempts to grab an arm of Ishii from the bottom of side control.

>Ishii defends it.

>Ishii starts trying to work to use side control as a way to get behind Tang.

>She rolls Tang over a little...and slips behind to take the back!

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Ishii increases her control by getting both hooks in.

>Mai Ishii doesn't look like she has much left in the tank.

>Ishii attempts to complete a rear naked choke, having both hooks fully in.

>Tang defends herself well against the choke.

>Tang attempts to pull free of the hooks, but Ishii doesn't allow it.

>With both hooks in, Ishii tries to flatten Tang out for the rear naked choke.

>Tang fights off the rear naked choke attempt.

>From the looks of things, I don't think Charis Tang has much energy left.

>We have one minute of the round remaining.

>With both hooks in, Ishii tries to flatten Tang out for the rear naked choke.

>Tang gets flattened out with the rear naked choke, she has to tap!

>The winner, by submission; Mai Ishii!

>Official Result: Mai Ishii defeats Charis Tang (Submission (Rear Naked Choke) in 4:29 of round 3). The match was rated as being Good.



Loni Lee (1-0) vs. Natasha Ivanova (0-1)


Round 1


>Next up is a match in which Loni Lee squares off with Natasha Ivanova in the WCL Women's Lightweight division.

>And here we go!

>A tight combination narrowly misses Lee and allow her to counter-strike with a clean left.

>Lee counters a wayward left jab with a stinging left jab.

>Lee counters a wayward low kick by catching it and going for a judo-style trip, getting it! Ivanova pulls guard.

>Lee begins trying to pass the guard.

>Ivanova keeps her guard secure.

>Lee blocks Ivanova as she tries a sweep from the guard.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>In guard, Lee begins working to pass to side control.

>She finds herself unable to pass guard on this attempt.

>Ivanova throws out some punches, but Lee leans back to avoid them.

>Lee pounds away with right hands, but doesn't do much damage, if any, Ivanova is comfortable holding guard.

>Lee leans back to avoid a couple of wild swings from Ivanova.

>We have one minute of the round remaining.

>Time slips away as Lee successfully keeps Ivanova stuck against the ground.

>Lee begins trying to pass the guard.

>Lee passes to half guard.

>Round one ends as time expires.

>That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Lee.


Round 2


>Round two begins!

>Lee catches an attempted body kick and goes for a judo-style trip takedown, and gets it! Ivanova pulls guard.

>Time slips away as Lee successfully keeps Ivanova stuck against the ground.

>In guard, Lee begins working to pass to side control.

>Lee is too much for Ivanova, passing guard and gaining side control.

>Lee attempts to move to mount.

>Ivanova can't fend off her opponent and is mounted.

>Lee attempts an armbar.

>Ivanova not only defends the armbar, but also stacks up Lee and hits several punches before gaining side control.

>Ivanova stands up and backs off, letting Lee stand up as well.

>Lee sneaks a glance at her corner.

>Ivanova presses in closer to attack.

>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.

>Moving forward, Ivanova counters a left jab with a superb combination of three quick punches to the body and a great right cross.

>Lee has to cover up to absorb a nice one-two combination, having been off balance after falling for a feint.

>Lee avoids a quick jab and hits a straight left.

>We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.

>Lee avoids a nice combination.

>Ivanova throws a barrage of big right hands after using a feint to trick Lee into committing to a strike, but she moves out of range just in time.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round two.

>Hopefully the next round will produce a little more in the way of action.

>I have to give that round to Lee, but only a 10-9.


Round 3


>And here we go, round three!

>Out of nowhere, Lee dives at Ivanova, trying to grab one of her legs!

>Grabbing a leg, Lee looks for a heel hook but Ivanova blocks it from being applied.

>Ivanova can't stop being tripped though, and has to pull half guard.

>Lee attempts an arm triangle.

>Lee gets the arm triangle, sinks it in deeply, but Ivanova is still trying to fight out of it!

>No! She breaks free. That was really close.

>Lee blocks an attempted sweep.

>Lee attempts an arm triangle.

>The arm triangle is locked in tight, but Ivanova refuses to tap out!

>Out of the blue, Ivanova breaks free! Lee must not have had it locked up as tight as it looked.

>Ivanova tries to sweep Lee but can't do it.

>In half guard, Lee catches her breath, content just to throw a couple of punches to the body.

>Lee attempts to arm triangle Ivanova from the top of half guard.

>Lee gets the arm triangle fully applied!

>No! She breaks free. That was really close.

>Ivanova tries to sweep Lee but can't do it.

>We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.

>Lee looks to get past the half guard.

>She does brilliantly, getting out of half guard straight into a mount.

>Lee tries to lock Ivanova in an armbar.

>Lee gets the armbar, sinks it in deeply, and Ivanova has to tap!

>Loni Lee takes the win by submission!

>Official Result: Loni Lee defeats Natasha Ivanova (Submission (Armbar) in 4:06 of round 3). The match was rated as being Average.



Marcy Mosely (1-0) vs. Phoenix Strong (0-1)


Round 1


>Next up, Marcy Mosely fights Phoenix 'The Firebird' Strong in the WCL Women's Heavyweight division.

>Round one begins!

>Mosely grabs a slow leg kick and goes straight for a takedown, done as a judo-style trip, getting it! Mosely has side control!

>Mosely attempts to arm triangle Strong from side control.

>The arm triangle is locked in tight, but Strong refuses to tap out!

>No! She breaks free. That was really close.

>Strong tries to pull guard on Mosely but doesn't get anywhere with the attempt.

>Mosely attempts to armbar Strong from side control.

>Mosely gets an armbar and applies pressure to the arm, Strong is in huge trouble!

>No! Strong manages to get her arm free. Clearly the hold couldn't have been as tight as it looked.

>Strong tries to move to guard, but Mosely doesn't allow it.

>Mosely attempts an arm triangle.

>Strong gets caught by the arm triangle, and it's deep enough that she has to tap!

>The winner, by submission; Marcy Mosely!

>Official Result: Marcy Mosely defeats Phoenix 'The Firebird' Strong (Submission (Arm Triangle) in 2:10 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good.



Heidi Hoffman (1-0) vs. Anika Riley (1-0)


Round 1


>Another match is about to begin; Heidi Hoffman fights Anika Riley in the WCL Women's Lightweight division.

>There's the opening bell!

>Hoffman throws a leg kick but Riley avoids it.

>An exchange of strikes doesn't really lead to anything.

>Riley catches a right leg kick and goes for a judo-style trip and gets it! Hoffman pulls guard.

>Riley starts trying to work to get past the guard.

>She passes guard fairly easily, getting to side control.

>Riley starts trying to work to use side control as a way to get behind Hoffman.

>Hoffman tries to escape but only succeeds in giving up her back!

>We are now at the halfway point of the round.

>Riley attempts to set up an armbar on Hoffman from the back.

>Riley gets the armbar fully applied and Hoffman has to tap out!

>The winner, by submission, is Anika Riley!

>Official Result: Anika Riley defeats Heidi Hoffman (Submission (Armbar) in 3:27 of round 1). The match was rated as being Great.



Matilda Clayton (1-0) vs. Yong Lee (1-0)


Round 1


>Another match is about to begin; Matilda Clayton takes on Yong Lee in the WCL Women's Lightweight division.

>If rumours are to be believed, Lee has been having some personal issues recently and that disrupted her preparations for this fight.

>Whether it will have any effect on how she performs tonight, we'll soon see.

>There's the opening bell!

>Both fighters come in and throw strikes, there is no real damage done by either.

>Clayton throws a combination of rights and lefts, using them as cover so that she can shoot in.

>She has the takedown! Lee pulls guard.

>Clayton begins trying to pass the guard.

>Lee can't do anything about the pass, and is left under side control.

>Clayton tries to lock Lee into an arm triangle.

>Clayton gets the arm triangle, sinks it in deeply, and Lee has to tap!

>Matilda Clayton takes the victory by way of submission!

>Official Result: Matilda Clayton defeats Yong Lee (Submission (Arm Triangle) in 1:57 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good.



Beth Clayton (1-0) vs. Mercedes Lopez (1-0)


Round 1


>The co-main event is up next. Beth Clayton takes on Mercedes Lopez in the WCL Women's Heavyweight division.

>The fight begins!

>Clayton sees a body kick coming and hits a solid left jab.

>Both fighters throw strikes at the same time, both miss.

>Clayton shoots in for a takedown.

>Lopez cannot stop the takedown, and has to pull guard.

>Clayton pounds away from the guard, and Lopez is in serious trouble!

>Clayton tries to pass the guard.

>Lopez finds her opponent too skilled, and Clayton passes guard into side control.

>Lopez takes a knee strike to the ribs from under side control.

>Clayton throws some small strikes, but is clearly just taking a moment to try and catch her breath.

>Clayton holds Lopez in position with side control and hits a knee into the ribs.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Clayton throws some small strikes, but is clearly just taking a moment to try and catch her breath.

>Clayton fires off a few punches, but they aren't thrown with any great force.

>Clayton hits a knee strike to the ribs.

>Clayton tries to ensnare Lopez in a kimura.

>A kimura is locked in tight, Lopez has her arm bent at a terrible angle!

>Shockingly, Clayton loses it! Lopez pops her arm free, and has somehow survived!

>Lopez tries to move to guard, but Clayton doesn't allow it.

>We have one minute of the round remaining.

>Clayton attempts to armbar Lopez from side control.

>Lopez gets caught by the armbar, and it's deep enough that she has to tap!

>By submission, the winner is Beth Clayton!

>Official Result: Beth Clayton defeats Mercedes Lopez (Submission (Armbar) in 4:56 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good.



Debbie Clayton (1-0) vs. Amanda Daniels (1-0)


Round 1


>It's time for the main event of the evening! 'Queen Bee' Debbie Clayton takes on Amanda Daniels in the WCL Women's Heavyweight division.

>Round one begins!

>Stepping in, Clayton is able to nail a tasty jab - right cross combination.

>There's a stalemate as both fighters throw strikes but neither hits.

>Having stepped in close to throw their strikes, they end up clinched.

>Clayton manages to wrestle her way into a dominant position in the grapple.

>Daniels tries to wriggle free, but Clayton controls her well and gets in a few close-range punches too.

>Clayton attempts to set up a judo-based throw to take Daniels to the ground.

>Clayton can't get the throw, as Daniels wrestles her way into a dominant position.

>Daniels is trying to muscle Clayton up against the cage.

>Clayton out-wrestles her though.

>Clayton looks to scoop her opponent up for a slam.

>Clayton has her! Slams her down! Daniels pulls guard.

>In guard, Clayton begins working to pass to side control.

>She passes the guard well, gaining side control.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Clayton uses side control to drive forward and hit a brutal knee strike just above the hip!

>Clayton throws some small strikes, but is clearly just taking a moment to try and catch her breath.

>Clayton tries to ensnare Daniels in an americana.

>Daniels stops Clayton from applying it.

>Daniels tries to break free and scramble for position, but Clayton keeps her trapped.

>We have one minute of the round remaining.

>Clayton tries to ensnare Daniels in a crucifix hold.

>Daniels blocks it.

>Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.

>I have to give that round to Clayton, but only a 10-9.


Round 2


>We are back underway!

>Daniels throws a left jab but Clayton avoids it.

>Daniels darts in and out of range quickly, trying to get Clayton to commit to throwing a strike.

>Clayton hits a swift leg kick on Daniels.

>Daniels keeps out of range, assessing the situation.

>Not letting up, Clayton steps in closer to pressure Daniels into action.

>A nicely executed one-two combination sets up a takedown attempt from Clayton.

>She has the takedown! Daniels pulls guard.

>Clayton fires away with elbows, and Daniels is stung by several big shots.

>That strike has opened up a small gash underneath the eye of Daniels.

>Clayton tries to loosen the guard, possibly thinking about a leglock.

>Clayton breaks the guard and swiftly applies a toe hold...Daniels has to tap out!

>The winner, by submission, is 'Queen Bee' Debbie Clayton!

>Official Result: 'Queen Bee' Debbie Clayton defeats Amanda Daniels (Submission (Toe Hold) in 2:37 of round 2). The match was rated as being Good.



Quick Recap


  1. Crystal Brighton beat Ramona Stivic (KO: Knee) 2:03 round 2 (Decent)
  2. Kelly Campbell beat Diva Sanchez (Submission: Armbar) 2:54 round 2 (Average)
  3. Mai Ishii beat Charis Tang (Submission: Rear Naked Choke) 4:29 round 3 (Good)
  4. Loni Lee beat Natasha Ivanova (Submission: Armbar) 4:06 round 3 (Average)
  5. Marcy Mosely beat Phoenix Strong (Submission: Arm Triangle) 2:10 round 1 (Good)
  6. Anika Riley beat Heidi Hoffman (Submission: Armbar) 3:27 round 1 (Great)
  7. Matilda Clayton beat Yong Lee (Submission: Arm Triangle) 1:57 round 1 (Good)
  8. Beth Clayton beat Mercedes Lopez (Submission: Armbar) 4:56 round 1 (Good)
  9. Debbie Clayton beat Amanda Daniels (Submission: Toe Hold) 2:37 round 2 (Good)


Fight of the Night: Anika Riley vs. Heidi Hoffman

KO of the Night: Crystal Brighton

Submission of the Night: Mai Ishii


Attendance: 164

Gate: $4,100

Critical Rating: Good

Commercial Rating: Good




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