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Have never reached International before, so any advice on this (especially for TV shows and PPV carriers) would be much appreciated! :)


What kind of TV deal do you have? What helped me out alot was getting on a bigger network, despite it being in a worse time slot. I went from 1M viewers total to 1.4M easily. Then I was able to get a graveyard timeslot for some networks in other countries. Focus on puttin on good television and advance booking if you are up for it.


This helped raise my popularity up pretty steadily, plus my stars got over in nations they had never wrestled in. Then I was able to get a better time slot on the biggest network. I now get about 2.4M to SWF's 1.3M viewers


Japan is a little different but try getting a TV deal in a different country and see if you can grow some popularity without leaving Japan

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Got a 1hr show on Japanese Sports Vision at 9pm, and another on a regional network that I'm going to let expire so I can try and get a show in the US. What's the deal for PPVs? Can I have two PPV deals at the same time, and if so will they both be for the same PPV?
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Got a 1hr show on Japanese Sports Vision at 9pm, and another on a regional network that I'm going to let expire so I can try and get a show in the US. What's the deal for PPVs? Can I have two PPV deals at the same time, and if so will they both be for the same PPV?


you going to try to get another show or get a new timeslot for your current show on another network?

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TCW Rising


With the World Title held by a face, I had the idea to make the entire purpose of the TCW lockeroom to get a shot at that title. The Law was a fighting champion. But the open challenge drew too many comers.


I created a #1 Contendership to keep it straight. So I might have Rick Law cutting a promo to have him interrupted by James Brandon aka Big Cat and Puerto Rican Power. Sam Strong would then set up a PPV match between them. If the match wasnt that popular, we would put Rick Law as the special referee. Law could still have his own separate title feud, possibly against a midcarder. One of my favorite examples was Rick Law taking on the newly formed Metroflex, Franklin Huggins and Human Arsenal in a triangle match.


Tommy Cornell kept insisting that he was the defacto #1 contender, which meant he also had a bunch of people trying to knock him off to get into the front of the line. Giant Tana, Ronnie V Pain, Chance Fortune, and Troy Tornado to name some people all tried to measure up to the self professed "Real Champion of TCW." Really, this was a great excuse to see how good and long a match I could have Tommy put on. He won the Wrestler of the Year that year.


Then came the big foundation shifting event. BJ Shearer and Ronnie V Pain were both not young, not great in ring, not great workers, and not terribly over. Genghis Rahn was really over, but couldnt seem to pull out great matches, despite his promo skills looking good. So I came up with an idea to bring in new talent, get talent over that hadn't got over yet, and get rid of the dead weight.


Madman Boone and Genghis Rahn were set for a #1 contendership match series. They had just had a falls count anywhere match that actually got a pretty solid rating. Boone absorbed an incredible amount punishment but could not be denied. Genghis Rahn attacked Boone before the match, threw him through tables, and used an arsenal of weapons. Boone won the first match. Genghis Rahn said he couldnt beat Boon straight up. It was odd. The confident, snarling Rahn lost his nerve. Their 2nd match was set for the next PPV. But the weeks leading up to the PPV, Madman Boone was no where to be seen. In reality, he had shown up late repeatedly, so I was using his suspension in real life for storyline purposes.


So at the PPV, Genghis Rahn asks for the #1 contendership to be given to him. Sam Strong disagreed, and introduced his opponent in a new series, Ricky Dale Johnson and the score would be reset to 0-0, best of 3 series. Genghis Rahn went nuclear and threw a temper tantrum of epic proportion.


The 1st match of the series went on after the World Title Match. Almost every PPV ended with the Law celebrating with the title. Time for something different. Rahn and RDJ had a very good match that was back and forth. RDJ got the upper hand and was closing in on victory. From the crowd, Samoan Destruction Inc (with Shane Sheer), Metroflex, and the newly debuting Nevada Nuclear (up from developmental) all ran in and beat RDJ with weapons. After a beating that lasted several minutes, Genghis Rahn walked up to the clearly knocked out RDJ and pinned him. Horrified, we all realized, this was a No DQ match.


1-2-3. Genghis Rahn was apparently #1 contender, he had unleased The Horde on TCW, and had revealed why Madman Boone disappeared. The playing field had just shifted drastically.

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I just hit a major snag. Silver Shark, one of my top faces who I was grooming for at least a solid midcard run, including a potential hot feud against Snap Dragon for the IC Title, has just rejected negotiations, and believes he can make more money elsewhere.


And I just got more bad news: Flex just got the call from NOTBPW. I knew I would only get him for so long before something like this happened, but now I have to probably start another show this month just to get the title off of him, and rush right into a Champagne Lover face turn (he's going to be the one to take the belt) before I was ready for it.


Worst part is, Flex is the only one with the star power to keep a string of C cards to increase my popularity and push me towards Regional. Without a big name like that, I'll be stuck at C- for a while and won't be improving as much as I should.

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Playing a DAVE game, and am in 2008 right now (started with default settings in the default database) and my three top stars right now are Enygma, Mike Watson and Doug Peak. That's right, you read right. Not Eddie Peak, but Doug Peak. Had a push for Eddie going early on but clearly got poached by SWF, so I decided to give it to Doug instead :p I had Doug rise to A popularity in all regions of the US as well as Quebec and Ontario and B- in the rest of Canada by putting the Unified championship on him while running on a 87 match winning streak! Anybody else pushed Dougie that far before? Haha.

As to how I got Mike Watson, I managed to somehow bring DAVE from cult to international with just one show (I rose to national and dropped back a few times before) and poached him and Silver Shark from BHOTWG on written contracts. He's now my Brass Knuckles champion.

Enygma got released from SWF with A* popularity in USA and quickly got him a written deal once I touched international. He has just won the Unified title from Doug in the first show of the year (DAVE Back in Black) and I have a strong feeling that the card will win show of the year and probably match of the year candidates in there too ;)

However, at the end of the show, Mike Watson shows up and absolutely destroys Enygma for 10 minutes and now in mid January, Enygma is still injured, Doug Peak has been moping around every show and Mike Watson seems to be the top dog of the company.

Other champions:

Flemmy Lemming as TV Champion (but damn pop cap is making me want to kill him >_>)

Frankie Perez as Extreme Champ

Acid & JD Morgan as Tag champs

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The Valhalla Wrestling Federation is officially at Regional now. Thanks to an aggressive and expensive bi-weekly show, I was able to squeeze every useful drop out of Flex before he left for NOTBPW, culminating with him dropping the World Title to Champagne Lover and losing the return series against Fox Mask.


Also, as of 2014, Raul Hughes has retired at only 49.

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I just hit a major snag. Silver Shark, one of my top faces who I was grooming for at least a solid midcard run, including a potential hot feud against Snap Dragon for the IC Title, has just rejected negotiations, and believes he can make more money elsewhere.


And I just got more bad news: Flex just got the call from NOTBPW. I knew I would only get him for so long before something like this happened, but now I have to probably start another show this month just to get the title off of him, and rush right into a Champagne Lover face turn (he's going to be the one to take the belt) before I was ready for it.


Worst part is, Flex is the only one with the star power to keep a string of C cards to increase my popularity and push me towards Regional. Without a big name like that, I'll be stuck at C- for a while and won't be improving as much as I should.


Losing a worker to another promotion sucks but the "Can get more money else where" thing royally sucks.


Its been almost 2 years since Jack Giedroc thought he could make money elsewhere after I raised his popularity in every region possible. He hasnt worked a match or even taking an offer from anyone.


Could you bring in guys to try to take the lead? Maybe a Human Arsenal, Danny Bling, or a Darryl Devine?

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TCW: A Bizarre Turn of Events


My lead face announcer Jason Azaria had his contract come up. I went to negotiate with him but the very next day SWF had stolen him. I am kind of in shock. They dont try to take my in ring talent, my women, my road agents. They steal my announcer? I will destroy them for this.


So we left off with the Horde taking over (Genghis Rahn, Nevada Nuclear, Samoan Destruction Inc, Human Arsenal, Franklin Huggins, and Darryl Devine). A stable declaring that they were taking over TCW drew the attention of the dominant stable/band Painful Procedure. This was instant and total war. Weekly attacks, spray paintings, table attacks, stealing each others' property, etc. The end of this conflict was supposed to be a 4 on 4 Wargames, but the Horde kidnapped Ronnie V Pain. Painful Procedure tried for weeks to get him back to no avail. Troy Tornado finally found him as Genghis Rahn was doing some kind of dark magic ritual to RVP. TT apparently stopped whatever Rahn was attempting but RVP had disappeared.


At the big 4v4, which had become a 4v3 match, the Horde dominated for the most part. Troy Tornado made a tremendous comeback and was looking like he could have pulled off the win. Out staggers a haggard looking RVP, who staggered into the ring, chair in hand. Straight out of the faction warfare days of the 90s, RVP cracked Troy Tornado over the head. The next night RVP explained that he had defected.


This immediately shifted the power in TCW to The Horde. Troy Tornado looked to his 2 remaining soldiers BJ and Randall and admitted "We need backup." No one would side with Painful Procedure at first. The now 8 man stable was taking whatever they wanted. Rahn was the top contender, Devine was the All Action Champ, and Samoan Destruction Inc (beating Beast Mode after a series of awesome matches: Jungle Jack and American Buffalo) were the Tag Champs. Ricky Dale Johnson wanted a piece of this faction after the beat down he received at the hands of The Horde. But when offered membership, he declined. No one knows why, but Puerto Rican Power sided with Painful Procedure and eventually joined (I envision a power struggle between PRP and Troy Tornado). Eventually trial membership was extended to newly debuting Remmy Skye and Frankie Perez.


With proper backup, Painful Procedure went to war with the Horde and held their ground. Troy Tornado scored back to back PPV wins over RVP and Rahn which shot him into the main event scene to feud for the #1 contendership with Tommy Cornell. Rahn took his frustration out on his own stable mates. Nevada Nuclear was Rahn's whipping boy, and Nevada Nuclear became a sycophantic yes man. Rahn's rage spilled onto Darryl Devine who had just dropped the AA title to Frankie Perez (due to Rahn and Nuclear's botched interference). When DD and RVP failed to regain the title, Rahn beat the tar out of the both of them. RVP took it, Darryl Devine did not take it too well. Liberty asked him why he stood for that and DD didnt have a response. The following week DD stood up to Rahn's abuse which lead to a 3 on one beating. Liberty came out for the save and challenged RVP, Rahn, and Nuclear to a 3v2 match against Liberty and the stunned Devine.


Obviously this was a face turn for Devine. Liberty and DD pulled off the upset win. This split the storyline in 2 with Liberty challenging Devine to see what he was made out out, and Rahn pitting Nuclear and RVP to determine who was the weak link. (in truth RVP's contract was up and I didnt care to bring him back). Rahn and Nuclear both got some wins and their heat back.


I was using older less talented people to get my younger stars over. It worked and now I kind of wonder whats next for my undercard.

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I just signed Enforcer Roberts (Mick Muscles just signed with SWF to fill the void) as my new top heel. I have replaced the star power I lost with Flex, at least temporarily. I have also just signed a working agreement with GCG. My first instinct is to run a promotional war angle, but nobody in GCG is particularly over in America except for Jack Marlowe (Jungle Jack), and I don't want to have an SWF-sized roster when I'm still trying to manage getting everybody on my existing roster on the card so they don't quit.


In surprise news, upstart Royal Highland Wrestling has risen to Cult, making it the largest and most popular promotion in the UK.

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Been booking TCW since December 2005 to March 2006. Got them up to International while dropping a few guys and picking up a few. I'm thinking about dropping myself back down to National (getting rid of all my pop from outside the USA) and making DAVE National to give them more of a push.


Current Champs:


TCW World: Rick Law

TCW International: Joey Minnesota

TCW Tag Team: Demons of Rage



Paul Steadfast

Ronnie V Pain

Floyd Goldworthy

Blonde Bombshell

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A few developments in my game.


Managed to pick up Bryan Vessey after he was released, and PRIDE Koiso after he left to film movies, and his contract ran out. He's not back yet from filming, but once he is he'll go straight into the main event to challenge Eisaku Hoshino who was Wrestler of the Year for the second year in a row.


Wolf Hawkins has been bumped up to Upper Midcarder after impressing lower down. Emerald Angel is down to Midcard. Koji Kojima is now a Main Eventer, might give him a short run with the title as he has epic matches with Hoshino.


Starting to build a tag division, might have to bring the titles back. Samoan Machine and Toshi Hyobanshi are Monsters Inc., Roku Sotomura and Champagne Lover are The Specialists, and Hito Suzuki and Ben Lukic (generated wrestler) are Chrono Trigger.


In bigger news, managed to get a TV show on National Pride AND one on Los Deporte Hoy, both of these will be used to work everyone outside the main events. The main event workers are the focus of my main show on Japanese Sports Vision which pulls in around 900,000 viewers, second highest viewing figures in the game. Whole world is in a slump right now though, am hoping once business kicks up a gear I'll be cashing in!

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Easy come easy go: Enforcer Roberts lasts only 2 months and 3 shows before NOTBPW snatched him up. He gave Champagne Lover a bit of a rub (last match was B-), but still my roster isn't deep enough for me to make as big of strides as I need to.


Sympathies. I left TCW to try working on a small-time fed owned by Fumihiro Ota (NLPW). Made into a cruiserweight/Canadian heaven. C-s and Cs all around. I just dropped it after the 7th weekly show, and I'm waiting for the next company to show up so I can mold it as well.




I've made my edits to the mod to create a lot of companies. Add to that a complete lack of new workers, and I should probably have most people in some company or another by the time I give up the game.

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Started using the August 2011 mod, using WWE, raided ROH and TNA a little bit to beef up my tag division. Also started a stable war between Team Austin, Team McMahon, Team Cena, and Team Punk which will head all the way to Summerslam.



Team Austin:

Steve Austin

John Morrison

Alex Riley

Santino Marella

Vladimir Kozlov



Team Cena:

John Cena

Evan Bourne

Kofi Kingston

Heath Slater

Justin Gabriel



Team McMahon:

Vince McMahon

The Miz

Jack Swagger

Dolph Ziggler

Drew McIntyre



Team Punk

CM Punk

Bryan Danielson

Chris Hero

Claudio C.

Colt Cabana

Beth Phoenix



I will probably be getting TEW 2010 in a week or two so I'm just trying different things right now with TEW 2005 to prep for 2010.

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I feel kinda bad for DAVE in my TCW game. TCW & SWF are both global and raiding DAVE after I postponed that for a short while by signing unemployed workers, and now a huge raid of their main-event and upper-card has taken place. Liberty, Ronnie V, & Vin Tanner are their current main-eventers.


Still, they've still got Acid, Bryan Holmes, Chris Caulfield, Jungle Jack & JD Morgan upper-carding...

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Just discovered a new formula: Champagne Lover and Snap Dragon tore the house down in my main event at Confronting the Jotunheimr 2014. I probably won't put the World Title on Snap Dragon just yet, since he's currently the IC and co-Tag Champion, and I'm looking to go forward with my big plans for Billy Russell after shorting his push several times this past year, but this will be a good transitional feud in the meantime.


Also, I may have caught another big break: Tadiyuki Kikkawa has left BHOTWG for about a year, and can now work in the US. Cost permitting, I can snatch him up, and he'll probably get over really quick here. Might be another great name for both Russell and Lover to feud with.

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Watching Summerslam last night inspired me to start a new WWE story and book up to Summerslam as it happened, and then go my own way after. But a couple things that will happen are Michael McGillicutty (Joe Henning) will turn on David Otunga for him not carrying his share of the matches, ultimately losing the tag titles to Kane and Big Show at SummerSlam with Michael turning then. On the following Raw he'll come out and announce that his name is not Michael McGillcutty but Joe Henning, son of "Mr. Perfect" Curt Henning, and become an ultimate face in the process by wanting to make his dad proud.


I have hired a quite a few people (Jericho, Batista, Colt Cabana, Kings of Wrestling, a few cruiserweights) to continue storylines after SummerSlam.

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It's contract season in the VWF again. I'm so far able to re-sign almost everyone, but Champagne Lover demanded an almost $500 pay increase to stay on. He's my top face (though he just dropped the title to Billy Russell at Asgard Stampede), so I can't let him go. He's not someone I can just drop and pick up later at a lower price since he's also under contract to SOTBPW, MAW, and DAVE, and may not want to sign with a fourth promotion.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MolotovMocktail" data-cite="MolotovMocktail" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="30468" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It's contract season in the VWF again. I'm so far able to re-sign almost everyone, but Champagne Lover demanded an almost $500 pay increase to stay on. He's my top face (though he just dropped the title to Billy Russell at Asgard Stampede), so I can't let him go. He's not someone I can just drop and pick up later at a lower price since he's also under contract to SOTBPW, MAW, and DAVE, and may not want to sign with a fourth promotion.</div></blockquote><p> Consider signing Joss Thompson as a replacement. He's very good and is predominantly used in the UK, so I don't think there'll be that many promotions trying to steal him.</p>
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Is he main event material outside the UK? CL gets over fast, which is something I like about him. I just might do that, as I need more Brits for my World Cup. I want UK Dragon, but he's already signed with too many other promotions (I put him and Canadian Dragon together as the Commonwealth Dragons, and Snap Dragon joins them for the Dragon's Lair stable).


Vin Tanner has left TCW again, so I might grab him as well.

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<p>started another new game lol. But this time in 1998 and made Ultimate Fighting Championship with Dana White as Owner. For the first 5 Months ran PPV's a month but starting in December got me a TV Deal. So I will be able to hype up the shows.My Biggest Event will be UFC 6:Christmas Special in December and will have a 6-Man Hell in a Cell for the UFC World Heavyweight Title </p><p>

Jericho© vs Paul Wright vs Ric Flair vs Kurt Angle vs Scoot Andrews(Angle is mentoring him) vs Jonny(Homicide and same as Scoot) and Plan on having Angle win the title Finally.</p><p> </p><p>

X-Division Champ is AJ Styles who won it at UFC 1</p><p> </p><p>

Haas Brothers are UFC Tag Team,same as AJ</p><p> </p><p>

Telvison is Steve Corino who beat Tanaka at UFC 4</p><p> </p><p>

First Womens Champion, is about to be crowned between Afa Kong and Amy Dumas</p><p> </p><p>

My Main Eventers</p><p>

Chris Jericho</p><p>

Kurt Angle</p><p>

Paul Wright</p><p>

Ric Flair </p><p> </p><p>

So im About to book UFC 5, will give any update on that</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MolotovMocktail" data-cite="MolotovMocktail" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="30468" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Is he main event material outside the UK? CL gets over fast, which is something I like about him. I just might do that, as I need more Brits for my World Cup. I want UK Dragon, but he's already signed with too many other promotions (I put him and Canadian Dragon together as the Commonwealth Dragons, and Snap Dragon joins them for the Dragon's Lair stable).<p> </p><p> Vin Tanner has left TCW again, so I might grab him as well.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> He's actually American who moves to the UK to work. He's remarkably good, and I usually use him in a tag-team with Frankie Perez or William Hayes (also great choices to use) to get them rising to the top before a split.</p>
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William Hayes is under written contract to PGHW, but him and Perez might be a good package, especially since Perez is really over in the South West due to being current CZCW champion. But he's also in high demand, and may be stretched too thin (also working for DAVE and NYCW right now). I'm about to let Captain USA go, as I mainly got him to give a rub to my lower card guys, so I'll either pick up Thompson, or try to re-sign Silver Shark.
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