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One Bump too Many: Ben Williams' Rise To The Top. A Nightmare Production

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No this isn't April Fools...



This is the story of Ben Williams, after receiving a shot to the head...


It was the day before New Year's eve and an Independant show called 'Decade of Destruction' set up by Ben Williams had reached its climax, he was taking on in the Main Event, a man known as Valentine was set to go over Ben by dropkicking him to the outside for the countout (Main Event of a New Year show, I didn't book this crap) but as 'The Bump Machine' fell he landed on his head, and as the referee reached 8 he was back in the ring, unsure as to what was happening Valentine ran at Williams expecting that he had a plan, but as he did, Ben punched him square in the face, knocking him unconsicous. Ben then pinned Valentine and a bemused Oz Lord (the referee for the night) counted the pin and Ben won the match. The crowd booed as blood gushed from the young Valentine's nose and he took a microphone. Ben held his head and shouted "Ben Williams Production, coming January 2010, Breathtaking Union of Modern Pro Wrestling, or BUMP Wrestling! Run by the new God of Wrestling... Me, Ben f***in' Williams!

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